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MIRUCHN, S.G. Conditions of the accumulation of coal-bearing Plienabach deposits In the central part of the northern slope of the Gaacasus and Ciscaucasia. Dokl.AN SSSa 134 no.1:157-159 6 160. (KERA 1318) 1. Stavropollskir filial Groxnenskogo neftyanogo nauchno-Isele- dovatel'skago Institata. Predstavleno akad. D.T. HaUftinym. (Cau"Sus. Northern--Coal jeology) Cartaft regular patterns in the d1stributim of petrals= bitmens in maitmentarr Strata. DOkl. AN SSSR 135 zw.59=6-IM D 160, OaPA 13 c 12) Is Stavropol'skir MW Groninskogo neftyanogo nauchno-Issiedantell- ekago Wtituta. Predstaylono akademikm 11,M, Strakhovp. (Camans, fforthem-Bitumsn-4e*147) MMtrCHEVo S.G. ftoohftdcal characteristics of oils in fields of the Ktma Valley zone of Ciscaucasia. Gteol. tafti i gam 5 no.12:42-46 D f6j, (MR& 24:11) 1. Stavropollskly flUal Groznewkogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo, neftyanogo inatituta, (Kum& Valley-Fetroleum geology) HERUMO S,G. . _VnE~S~ Composition of the bitmuens which migmied frou the ganic &xfttr-=-.s OfImatrieesj, emd processes of their acal"tion in traps. Anale1r. goal geogr .14'no-4:47-50 o-D 162. NERUCHEV S.G. Composition of bitumens migrating $i-om the organic matter of mother rocks and their accumdation in traps. Doklo AN SSM 143 no.1:191-193 Mr 162. (MM .15:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Trofimukom. (Bitumen-Geology) FESHTICH, le.L.; PREOERAZHENSKAYk, G.S.; IVANOVA, K.P.; SEGAL', Z.G., vedusbehiy red.; NMRUCHEV,,___,qq.,,,. red.; DMIMNKO, V.I., (Study of the conditions of the formation of the oil pools of the southeastern Volga-Ural region] Issladovaniia uslovii fordirovaniia zalezh6i nefti iugo-vostoka Volgo-Urallskol oblasti. Leningrad. Gostoptakhizdat, 1963. 137 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi neftLanoi nauchno-issladovateltakii geologorawedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.216). I (KM 16:12) VASSOYEVICH, N. B.; NMUCHEEV, S. G. - -- ---- 1- - "Origin, evolution and Primary migration of micrcoLl." report submitted for 22nd Sess, Intl Geological Cong~ New Delhi, 14-22 Dee 64. USPROXI-Ey V.A.; RADCHENKO., O.A.; GLEBOVSMA, Ye,A.; GOESKAU, A.I.; SHISHKOYA, A.P.; PARPAROVA, G.H.1 KOLOTOVA, L.F.; HELITSUSKITA, . T.Hol bMWCIfZV S.G.. red. (Principles of the genetic classification of bitupienal. (hmovy genetichoskoi klassifikataii bitumov. Leningrad, Nedra, 1964. 266 p. (Leningrad, Vsesoiumyi neftianoi naychne-issladovatel0- skli geologorazvedocbnyi institut. Trudy, no.230) !HIM 17:7) NERTCH-Ev" rA, Conviltions g~--Vk- .:,r4ng ,of _*hC Oil P00113 in thS Upper Cret,a,--e,)u3 3c 1 (Fig- 3~ and also by the reduction of the kinetic eneigy behind the jump. Irrespective of the fact that the total supply of kinetic energy of the flow further increases with M > 1, the part of kinetic energy acting upon the sample decreases owing to its considerable losses on the compres- sion jump. On further acceleration of the flow (K > 2) this part of kinet- ic energy will increase again and may thus compensate the continuous reduc- tion of weight consumption. Hence the destruction rate may be somewhat increased by the total effect of these factors, which is the case if M > 2. In this range destruction is less affected by the flow rate than in the near-sonic range. The destruction is retarded by prolonging the time of the experiment for all values of the 14-number. This indicates the corro- sion-like character of the process. The tinder becomes thicker with pro- longed oxidation, and, accordingly, the diffusion of reagents through the tinder takes more time. Since such a diffusion constitutes the slowest stage of the process, the entire oxidation process is thus inhibited. Card 3/7 24045 S/020 61/138/003/017/017 Destruction due to corrosion B103 B208 There are 3 figures and 8 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to English-language publication reads as follows: Ref. 3: D,gMurphy, W. Wood, W. Jominy. Trans. Am. Soc. Steel Treat., 19, 193 ( 31). , PRESENTED: January 4, 1961, by A. A. Bochvar, Academician SUBMITTED: January 3, 1961 Card 4/7 NESGOVOROV,. L.Ta.t PROSVIM,, V.I. 4--- -, Dialutegration of heated metals and anoys in a swersonic air f1m. Insh.-fis.zhur. 6 no.2t44-51 F 163. (KMA 26ti) ~_-k 1. Imstitut iztzhenerov fmxhdauskogo vosduBbnogo flot~ SM, Riga. (Aero4nazicd.' Supersonlo) (All*&--Testirig) ACC NRo AP7001427 JINVENTO.R: Neagovorov, L. Ya. ORG,: ' none TITLE: A method for investigating,the failure'of structural materials at ~.,Lgh temperatures.- Class 42, No. 188104 (announced by the Riga "Red Banner" Higher Engineering-Command School im. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. S. Biryuzov (Rizhskoye vypsheye komandno-i*nzhenernoye Krao.noznamennoye uchilishche Im. Marshal Sovetakogo Soyuza S. S. Biryuzova)) SOURCE: I;obreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, toVarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 144-1451~ TOPIC TAGS: structural materialg structural material.fallure, high temperature structural material failure, material failure Investigation , rs ~Ww ABSTRACT: This Authoi: Certificate introduces'a method for Investigating the failure ol of.structural materials at high temperatures, based on subjecting a hot specimen Co a gas'flow. In order to bring test conditions as close as possible to working condi- tiotis, the material to heated to about 300C by passing electric current and simul- taneously exposed to A gas flow of supersonic velocity (up to H-4) at incidence angles changing from 0 to 90*. To produce a uniform temperature field in the specimen, the ends and transition parts of the specimen are placed in an envelope made of copper foil.* [WW] SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: l9jul65/ ATD PRESS:5110 .5, NMOVM07L -LI. (Kookft) Gcm4mt status of liver function testse Klin.medo 38 no.8r.36- 43 19 160. (KM 13M) I To Is otdoleniya pogranicbnykh fozm (zave - daystwitellWy ablen 90 WSR prof* Ye'Ne Tareyev) Institats, rewatism (dir. - dept-- vitellmy Chlen 19 SWR prof* 1.1, Nesteroy). (LIVO) le Is otdoleniya pogromlohafth form (nauohnr/ rukovaditell - deystvitelinyy chlen AM SSSR prof. Te.M.Tarpyav) Inatituta Revmatisma (dir. - doystvitelinyy chlen AMR SSSR prof. A.I.Nesterov). (LUPUS ERYTHMTOSUS) MGOVIRaVAp_L*le Articul" syndrome in optemia lupw erythmatowis. Terapoftvtkh. 34 no*3t9l-93 162. (HIRA 15:3) 1. Iz otdeleniya pograniobnyich form (naucbmn rukovoditall - deyatvitaltrqy ablen AMN SSSR prof, Ye,H. Tu"wr) Gosudarst- ve=og6 nauchno-isoledovp-tellskogo instituta revwtizma (dir., deystviteltW chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.I. Nestercm) AMN SSSR. (LUPUS ERYTHWATOSUS) (JOINTS--DISMSES) -MGOVOMVAs, L.I. ~' Cbrtxde optmic lupas orythmatoms. Soy* made 26 fio.4~: 26-" , Atp ~63. WRA 170 L Is otde]Auiya pogranichnykh f=m (muchmy rukawaditall - deystvital Ifyy chlan AMN SSSR prof, U.N. Taroyev) Instituta ro4mti-ma (dir. - daystitellM chUn AMN SSSR prof. LL Wastorov) AMN SSSR* YATSYSHINA, T.A.; NESGOVOROVA, L.I. -Primary cancer of the liver associated with cirrhosis. T.rudv 7\ 0 I-MMI 16-75-87 162. (WRA 17i4) 1. !z kafedry obshchey terapii i professionallny'icfi zabolevarly sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakulltata (zav. - deystviteltnyy chlen AKI SSSR prof. Ye.M.Tareyev) I Moskovskogo ordens. Le-nina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. Ye. L. The fcl2owinz- is avor~, dissertati-crs cf the Leninr.-rad Pr2ytechnic Institute iperir Kalinin: "5elf-ExcitatArn of cciwpitptor ~,achine,;." 23 February ~ 194?. Pyarr-Inatinn wLs ra,1P. of the conditions of the occurrence of the self-ey-,citation fr--cess in circuits Cf sirgle-phase and multi-rhase corawtator machines, vith variation in the electrical parameters of the eircuit. Fiindamertal conditions -nd basic rela".1cnsMps are obtal- *ed, using as an example the self-excitation Pf a two-rhase sw-les comtrutator mnehine. hle ivork citcs the basic relationshit,s b-tw,-~Pn the F,arameters of the self-pycitation prc- cess and P1sc the most Important characteristics for sinalle-,hase and iTultiphase zachines of basic Fe-if-excitation systaris and certain cascade assemblies. 0C: - -- 28 56. /L/7 ~- C-)* V C ",%, ("V f-1 y1-: [) j SHMOV- T-S--, USOV, S-V-; XOS19MO, K.P-; SMIR, t.R.; ZATTSIV. 1.A.; SEUMT. rO.G... MWOTOROTA. Ys,.D.sPAL'IIR. Te.A. Professor L.K. Plotrovksii; on his 70th birthday and 45th a ' ZdT*rsarjr of scientific and pedagogical activities. BlelctrilstTe n0-2:93 Ir 157, (NLRA 100) (Piotrovskil, Liudvik Karlianovich. 1886-) SOV/144-59-7-Ir/17 AUTHORS: Nesgovorova. Ye.D. Cand Tech. Sci Docent; and Aaasixg F.Yfi_9_)_Ga_n . Tech*. Sci., As~lrant TITLE: Calculation of the Mechanical Characteristics of Miniature Induction Motors PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Elektromekhanika 1959, Nr 7, pp 31-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Induction-type miniature motors or fractional horsepower lf.h.p.) induction motors are widely used in automatic control systems and elsewhere. Such characteristics of these motors as their inductance and resistance are different from those of normal induction motors and so the usual formulae may not always be suitable for calculating their mechanical and other characteristics. This article is concerned with the formulae for calculation'of electro- magnetic torque of f.h.p. motors. Most Soviet designers use the L-network equivalent circuit for an induction motor, proposed by Acad. M.P. Kostenkol which is shown in Fig 1. Variants of this circuit used in particular cases are briefly discussed, For f.h.p. induction motors of 100-500 W, or for an induction motor supplied through a Card 1/3 line of high resistance and inductance and in some other SOV/144-59-7-4/17 Calculation of the Mechanical Characteristics of Miniatuxe Induction MoOrs circumstances, it is advisable to use the accurate L-network equivalent circuit in calculating the torque, which gives an expression somewhat different from formula (1). It is pointed out that the use of a simple correction factor for Eq (1), as advanced by Stolov, is not acceptable. The use of quadripole theory as recom- mended by V.V. Meshcheryakov is also deprecated. An expression is then derived for the torque using the accurate L-network equivalent circuit, and various calculations of the mechanical characteristics of the motor are compared with experimental values. ExpressiGns (7) and (8) are derived for the secondary eurrent and torque respectively, ]rat as the torque expression is cumbersome the more convenient expressions (9) and (10) are derived after some simplification. The maximum torque is determined by inserting the value of the critical slip from Eq (11) into Eq (10). Formulae (1) and (10) for the torque were compared by calculating the mechanical characteristics (torque as a function of slip) for a Card 2/3 three-phase fractional horsepower Induction motor. The main characteristics of the machine are given and it is SOV/144-~9-7-V17 Calculation of the Mechanical Characteristics of Miniature Induction Motors the same as that described by Stolov. The results are plotted graphically in Fig 1, where curve 1 corresponds to Eq (1), and curve 2 to Eq (10) (which coincides wifa the curve calculated by Stolov). Curve 3 gives the experimental results and curve 4 corresponds to the usual formulae (1) but embodies the inaccurate correction factors of Stolov. It will be seen that formulae (1) and (10) and Stolov's method give sufficiently accurate results but that curve 4 is very inaccurate. There are 2 figures and L~ Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektri.pheskikh mashin$ Leningradskiy politekhni.-heskiy institat (Chair of Electrical Card 3/3 Machines, Leningrad Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTEDt May 30, 1959 &ovo OVA, ~C- I -D' FEMSE I BOOK EXPLOMMON SOV/491T Plotrovskly,, Lyudvig Karianovich [Deceased), ftystoslav Borisovich VasytttivMyand ~Eleaa Badtriyevaa ~eagovorova Ispytanlye elektrichesklkh mashin. Cbost' 2: Transformatory i asinkhronayye mashiny (Testing Electric Kachinery. Pto 2: Transformers and Induction Kachines) Hoscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 290 p. Errata slip inserted. Ed.: A.S. Usser; Tech. Ed.: O.S. Zhitnikove. PURPOSE: is a teaching aid for students vorking in electrical labor@,- tories in power-engineering and electricail-engineerIng schools of higher edu- cation. It can allo be of use to electrical'engineers concerned with the test- Ing of electrical machines. COVERAGE: The book covers the testing of transformers and "collectorless" ia- duction machines of various types for diverse operating,conditions. Related general problems are presented. The manilral also includes a description of the industrial testing of these machines carried out in accordance with the All- Union State Standexds (GWT) now in force. The first section of the book was festing Electric Kachlner7 (Cont.) SOV/491T written by LA, Flotrovskly and &B. Vasymtlasidy; the second by LA. Plotrovskly and Ye.D. Nesgovorowg. The authors thank A.I. Vazhnov' Kaaziklr and M-1. Fedorishin. There are 44 references: 38 Soviet, 3 German, and 3 English. TABTZ C7* C SECTION I* TESTING Of TRANSFORWS Ch- I- General Problem Related to the Testing of Transfomej-s 11 1. Educational testing of transformers 11 2. Industrial testing of transformers 12 3. Name plate of a transformer 13 4. Basic definitions 13 5. SYmbols 14 6. Methods of'testing transformers 15 7- Methods of experimenting and processing of the results 16 S. Basic equations of two-winding transformers is Ch. It.- D-C Measurement of Winding Resistances in Transformers 19 1. Methods and conditions of d-c measureaents~ of resistances 19 2. Reduction of resistances to rated temperaturC- 22 Carq-ftM 5/196/61/000/010/020/037 E194/EI55 AUTHORt Neagavorova, Ye.D. TITLEs Selection of squirrel-cage parameters for a two-phase speed control induction motor PERIODICAL3 Referativnyy zhurn&I, Elektrotekhnika i energetika,, ig6i, 28-29, abstract 101 185. (Nauchno-tekhn, I O.nforw. byul. Leningr. politakhn. in-t, na.8, 196o, 3-10) TEXTs The small starting signal, and the absence of self- starting in the absence of signal in the control winding, complicate selection of the squirrel-cage parameters and the number of stator and rotor slats in two-phase squirrel-case induction motors. The following table of recommended number of slots is based on theoretical considerations of relationships between the parameters of the squirrel-cage and the requirements for a symmetrical two-phase winding. The numbersof slots tabulated in round brackets indicate the possibility of developing additional synchronous torque during rotation, whilst those in square brackets indicate the presence of vibration torques. Card 1/0 IWZGOVOROVA$ Ye.D., kazd.tekhn.nauk; &WIK, P.Yu., kand-tekhn-nauk; .V-- h -PAM,-Y. .. inz .; BORISGVp A.?., i=ho Basic principles for deoWng regulatad asynabronous motora. Vest. alektroprom. 32 no-4:68-71 Ap 161. (MM 15: 5) (Slectric motors, rnduetion) NESGOVOROVA,-Yelena Dmitriyevna,,-kand.tekhn.nauks,.dotsent Circle diagrams of the equivalent resistances of asynchronatte motors. rzv,vya.ucheb.zav.; elektrozekh. 5 no.9#1002-2008 062. (KEPA 16 i1) (Electric motors, Synchronma) USGOVOROVA. Ts, kind. tekbn. naukp doteent Uperlowntal determInatlon of the parameters of small asyn- abrowus nitars. Txr. vp. ucheb. xav.g slaktrmekha 5 n0.21: 225~-2264 162. (KM 1.6:1) 1. rafedre elektricheakikh mashin laniWadskogo politakh- nloheskogo Instituta,, (Zlectric motors# Induction) MMVOROVA, relena Dmitriyevna,, kandetekhnna - _,_, I - ~ Choice of a capacitance for the Oxci At . asynchronoua motoro Izv,vys,ucheb.zav.;