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S/169/61/000-/O!O/1007/05-i D228/b3O4 AUTHORS-z Hersesov, I. L.9 and Khalturin, V. I. TITLE: The Karatega earthquake of January 7, 1956 PERIODICALs Referativrqy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 10, 1961, 109 abstract 10A.118 (Tre-In-ta seysmostoyk. str-va i seysmol. AN TadzhSSR, 7,j 196o, 87-96) TEXT: Instrumental and macroseismic data are stated concerning the six-mark earthquake which occurred in the Garmo district of the Tadzbik z3R. Z-Abstracter's notes Complete tranalation.2 Card 1/1 3/519/60/000/008/003/031 D051/DI13 AUTHORS3 Riznichenko, Yu.V.; Nersesov I,.L1 TITLE-. Contribution to the development of the principles of a quanti- tative method of seismic zoning SOURCE. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po saysmologii. Byallaten', no. 8, Moscow, 1960. Voprosy seysmicheskogo rayonirovaniy& ? 36-59 TEXT: The authors discuss the basic features of a quantitative method of close saismio zoning, which was developed by the Tadzhikskaya komplekenays seysmologicheskaya ekspedit-siya (Tadzhik Large-Scale Seismological Expddi- tion) (TKSE) of the Inatitut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of the Earth of the AS USSR) and the Institut sayamologii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR (Institute of Seismology of the AS Tadzhikokays SSR). On the basis of data obtained by observations from 1955 t.-) 1957 in the Garmskiy and Stalinabadakiy rayons,a-map of seismic activity of these territories was plotted, which per- mits calculating the mean times of recurrence of earthquakes of different in- tensity *n individual arsaa. The quantitative method of close seism4c zonijl& whose development is still in the initial stages, is intended to fAl a gap rard 1/4 S15191601000100810031031 Contribution to the development ... D051/Dll3 in presint Soviet saiemic reaearc.h, in which the methods of genezal zoring kon a ~45-000,000 scale) and microzoning (is100,000) are mainly used. Quan- titAtive c1cise seismic zoning, which ia carried out on a 1.500,000 scaleg is an attempt to combine nomprehensive seismic and geophyeical reaemrcch~ so as 'Dr. entirely satisfy the needs of earthquake engineering. Basic features of the new method are the quantitative characterization of earthquake intensity by frequenoy speztxa and large-scale consideration of microearthquakes,in order to extrapolate strong ones. Discussing the method in details the authors first present some basic results obtained through the study of frequency speeatra and the fading of vibrations with increasing distance from the earth- quake center, i.e. dyr-amic chara:.;teristics of earthquakes, propagation of Beismic waves depending on geological structure. They cozsider that the best quant4&tative method of representing seismicity is using earthquake tracury-Orice N and seismic activity A as charaoterizing quantities. N 16 the ueual ordi.- 4 nate of earthquake reourrence graphs (in regard to the surfaoo of a region cr the volume of a space it is called "normalizad") and A designates the "level" of seismicity in these graphs. A graph, for instancep showing, de- pending on earthquake intensity, differe-A earthquake recarrence cuzves for Card 2/ 4 3/519/60/000/008/003/031 Contribution to the development... D051/DI13 various areas will, consequently, for a given earthquake intensity present different earthquake recurrence levels of these areas. The unit Of A (A Gan be indexed Alf A29 etcog according to the seismic intensity E w 10192j..o joules) corresponds to the annual recurrence of one earthquake on an area of 100 kno Rendering of the activity In A umits proved useful to the TKSE, 7 viluioh,-vith a dense network of stations, worked on limited territories of high seismicity. Another important characterizing quantity is 4 log N 4 6 log E E - earthquake intensity), which is constant for r-ec"Alinear recurrence ourves, for curves depending on seismic intensities up to 1016 or 1017 Joules, The knowledge of the law of earthquake recurrence ff- N(E) for a given district,permits calculating the mean densi&y of the energy flow of all earthquake centers in this region. In this connection, the authors dqrived some formulae for W (energy flow) and f.-(tootonic move- ment)9 which, however, due to the insufficient knowledge of X(E) regulaxi- ties are only relatively important. Turning to the mapping of seismic acti-- Card 3/4 S/519/60/000/008/003/031 Contribution to the development... D05l/D113 ityg the authors give a detailed account of how to determine the density of epicenters of a region in units of seismic activity and how to establish the seismic activity of the area according to the epicenters of earthquakes of various Intensity. The concluding part of the article contains informa- tion on plotting and on an analysis of the initially aentioned map of seismic activity in two Tadzhik rayons. The folloviag Soviet scientists are mention- ed in connection with seismic resoarcht A.G. 11azarov, S.V. Madvedsvp VJ. Buns# Te.Fe Savarenskiy,, G.A. Gamburtsev, and S.A. Dzhibladae. There-gre 8 figures and 36 referosoess 18 Soviet and 18 non-Soviet-bloo references. The four nost recent references to English-language publications read as followas B. Gutenberg, C.F. Richter, Magnitude and energy of earthquakes, Nature, IT6, no- 4486v 1955; P.S. Axandq Two proposed measures of seismicity, Bull. Saian. Soco Amep 469 no* 1p 19561 C* Tsuboi# Energy account of earthquakes in and near Jspan. Journe Physe Earth.9 5o no- lo 1957; J.V. Riznioheako, On quan- titativo.deteraination and mapping of seismic activity, Annali di Geofisica, Roma, v. XII, no. 2, 1959- ASSOCIATION; Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of the Card 4/4 Earth of the AS USSR) or S/51 60/000/008/019/031 D051YD113 AUTHORS: Bune, V. I.; TITLE: Some results of a study of the seismicity of the Stalinabadskiy rayon SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet polseysmologii. Byulleten', no. 8, Mosccw, 1960. Voprosy seysmicheskogo rayonirovaniya, 157-165 TEXT: A report on an investigation of the seismicity of the Stalinabadskiy rayon is given. The investigation was carried out from 1955 to 1957 by the Stalinabad section of the Tadzhikskaya kompleksnaya seysmologicheskaya ekspeditsiya (Tadzhik Comprehensive Seismological Expedition) (TKSE). This expedition was organized in 1954 under the guidance of G.A. Gamburtsev. Using a network of seigmic slations, the section recorded about 300 micro- earthquakes (energy 100 - 107 joules) without taking into account the recur- rent shocks of the Hurek earthquake of September 22, 1956; for comparison, the authors state that only about 150 earthquakes were recorded in the years 1907-54. The results of the observations are shown on maps of epicenters and seismicity, both included in the article. The latter was compiled by Card 1/3 S/5ly6o/000/008/019/031 Some results of a study D051 D113 the authors together with Yu.V. Rizaichenko, who proposed and described the method of compiling maps of this type in two publications. The maps permit two basic epicentral areas in the Stalinabadskiy rayon to be distinguished: W The Gissar (northern) zone which lies along the southern slopes of the Giis'sar Mountains and (2) the southern zone which lies along the southern slope of the Gissar Valley. Both areas are distinctly confined to the faulte which bound the Gissar Valley from the south and north. The focus depths of these zones vary from 5 to 30 km. The central part of the valley has only a limitea number of epicenters and divides the epicentral zones; on the basis of geological and strong earthquake data, these zones were also distinguish- ed by I.Ye. Gubin and L.B. Vasillyeva. The distribution of earthquake cen- ters determined according to instrumental observations over the past 27 years basically confirms the existence of two seismic zones. Their activity is characterized by local variations so that they constitute unusual mosaieN of seismically active sections. Another feature is the occurrence of strong- er earthquakes in regions of reduced seismicity or of microearthquake epicen- ter accumulationt this phenomenon, however, still needs further study so that a regular correlation between micro- and strong earthquakes can be es- Card 2/3 S/519/60/000/008/019/031 Some results of a study D051/D113 tablished. The rest of the article is devoted to problems of earthquak-e recurrence in the Stalinabadskiy rayon. As can be seen from two graphs, the recurrence curve plotted according to strong and microearthquake data of different observation periods of various duration, essentially coinoides in linearity and direction with the curve representing earthquake recurrence, exclusively on the basis of data obtained from 1955 to 1956. This shows that data on microearthquakes can be used for judging the seismic activity V/ of a given territory. The earthquake recurrence for the northern and south------ ern zones is also graphically illustrated. The problem of the -ossible maximum earthquake intensity for a given seismic zone could not yet be re- solved. Seismologists S.A. Zakharov and V.A. Nechayev are mentioned in the article. There are 6 figures and 12 Soviet rcferences. ASSOCIATION: Institut seyamologii AN Tadzh. SSR (Institute of Seismology of the AS Tadzhikakaya SSR), Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR (Institute o- -Physics of the -7arth of the AS TMSR) Card 3/3 / V,! S/169J61/000/010/009/053 D228/D304 AUTMRS I Bune# V. I., GaoTakiy, K. V., Zapolfakiy, K. K., Keylis-Borok, V. I., Irestnikov, V. It., Vhlinovoka7a, L. N.V- Versesov, 1. L., P rlova-9-47-r.-, Rautian, T. C., Hey3ner, 6-.7-.-,-Xrr-,nI-cRenko, TU. Y., and Khalturin, V. 1. TITLEs Uathods of the detailed study of seismicity PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Goofizika, no' 10, 1961g 12-139 abstract IOL144 (Tr. In-ta fix. ze~li AN sm, no. 91 19600 327 TEXT* The Tadzhik complex seismologic expedition was organized with the at= of studying the nature of earthquakes and the condi4ona of their genesis. The most soismically-aotive zones of the USSR (Garmo an& Stalina- bad) were chosen an the work areas. The specific conditions of working and proosdaing the data demaadedL the development of:special systems of ob- servo,tion and methodip of interpretation. The large amount of recorded Card 1/6 S/l6y6l/O',,O/ 010/009/053 Mithodn of the detailed... D22a D304" seismic p Ihonomena permitted the use of atatiztioal methods for studying IJ their distribution in space and time; thano methodn, in their turn, pr~- vided the basis for introducing the quantitative indicas of 'he sciamicity characteris Lien of the soit;mIcally-aotive areas. The actun) noicmic ob- aervations were closely coordinated rith Caoloz;ic --iona, and thia mic pro,.rided the posuibility of exposina the tectonic b.-tqia of the spin phenomena. A eenoxal review of the rorl: aroa ir. ~,,Ivon in Oli:apter 1, and concise data an major earthquakes are cited to-et'-Ier with thi General po:;i- tion of the expedition stritiona. A dencription of the starrl:--rd r-ain and auxiliary apparatus =od at the otatiowt and also trio layout and dc..-crip- tion of n(~wly developad equipmant-inrluding an r-ato=atic se-isr-lic otation -.Tith a ma,-notic memory-is cited In Chapter 2. Oi,~ methods developed and utilized in the expedition for atud,,ing the crustin structure in the area under investigation from the record* of nearby oarthquakes are described in Chapter 3. Horizontal and vertical hodographs were constructed. The resulting mterial enabled the crust to be represented-an a one-layer,mass Card 2/6 ~~1116V-511000,101010091053 Methods of the detailed-.. D228/Dr-~ with a loncitudinal-wave. velocity of 6,.O.e. 6*1 km/"o. At the 1:ohorovicio boundary, the velocity suddenly changed Co.6.0 km/scc. an4 then aorowhat decreases. but at a depth of 300 Im lt.subsequently increases to 9.2 ko/soo. These data underlay the construction of.isochrone charts used to localize the epicenters and to determine the focal depths. "the isochrons charts were constructed with an account if the hoteroCencity or the vrork areals geoloGio structure and thojecultaritj of the scismic stations' location. This enabled the preoioion of hypooenter localization to be substantially Increased, reducing It to I - 2 k= at the center of the work area's topographic map., In Chapter 4. the definition of the concept of seirmia energy at the focus Is givep,?nd the basic forcalas are de- rived for its calculation. On the basis of experimentally obtained laws for the dying out of energy with distance, nomograpbA were constructed to deteraIns practically the anargr at the focus from the records of nearby earthquakes. Appraisal of the precision of calculation of the energy In relatioa to different factors shows that It W be determined accurately to thd order of its magnitude. Ta thisconnection, the value K a Ig E Card 316 511691611CO3101010r,91053 Xethods of the detailed... D228/D30.4 Is introduced for characterizing the enera class of earthquakes. The value of K is compared with th6 earthquake magnitude M. The study of the too-energy I;no3 shown that the different dagroca of the dying out of seia~io energy aiong and across the strike of geologic structures exort a decisive influence on the form of the Isoneisms. In Chapter 59 the frequencies of seismic vibrations arc studied--in relation to the earth- quake energy, the distance from the source, the Coologic corAitions at the point of observation and at the hypocenter, ete-from recordines at both the customary stations and a special 4ACC (ChISS) seismic-atation intended for frequency analysis of seismic waves directly at their place of registration. A detailed description is given for the frequency- selective seismic-station 4ACC- M4 (CU4S-1954) and for the results of the investigation of its recordings. Cerimin opiconiral zones with an anomalous frequency are thereby revealed. The procedure for theoretically calaulating the focal -charsoteria tics, and also for appraising these latter from ampir'oa'Ld&t*t is given in Chapter 6. Several formulas are Card 416 s/169/61/000/010/009/053 Uathode of the detaile4*.. D22BID304 cited for detarnining the Site of a focus ln*rolation,to its onorgf on t1te basis of different physical propositions. The dynamic parameters of the fool are determined; there appear to be definite predominant directions for both the strike and dip of the fracture planes. The chiractoriatic3 of the seismic conditions of the Go=* =4 Stalinabad aoinstically-Motive reGiona--both a3 a whole and in individual arees--are quoted torother with the variations in the parameters of the conditions In time. The quantita- tive Mrsesion of the saiamiaity 4uring con3tmat seismic canditiona is datermirad by the seismic aotivity. The possibility to shown of oonatr4at- ing graphs of the recurrenco-of earthquakes from short observations of weak shocks, and methods are given for determining the period required to obtain the parameters of the aelonia oanditions with a pro-sot precision In relation to the energy of the records& earthquakes. The Statistical constancy of the seigato conditions is determined by the So-called waaure of dispersion of the frequency of earthquakes. A brief,description of the area's stratigraphy and the history of its geologic development is given in Chapter S. The structuraLl'achauxes aal descriptions of tha zoat importdat. Card 5/6 s/16qj61/C0jO/010/009/053 Uothods of the detailed... D226/D304 deep faults are cited. The contemporary structure of the Game area Is dopioted%3 two main regions# the alpino goosynalinal zone in tho south r.nd the notivatod opi-Iteroynian platform in the north. In section, it is drawn as several stops of Paloozoic, baserant adjoinlnC ench other mlong deep faults. A comparison of the seismicity with the tectonica of the study areas is made in Chapter 9. The construction of maps of isolines of seismic activity and aradionts of the rate of tectonic movements is recoozended for appraising the 00tWootion the seismicity and the tectonic*. Vothode are cited:for constructing such'map3. 'Ahe con,-;monco between these casnitudes is established for the regions under investiGa- tion, and aroaa.with th2 maximun gradient values corres pond to those with the hienest values of seismic activity. 272 references. fAbstracter's notes Complete trazolaiion-1 Card 616 BUTOVSWAq Ye.M,; KONIKOV,, A.T.;,IML IF-401r-TvLw; PAK# V.A.; TROSTYARSKIX,, G.D.; ULOM07,, V,I,; SOKOrMA,, A,A*., red.; GCRIKOVAYA,, Z.I.,, ESelsmism of Uzbekistan] Seismichnost' Uzbekistam. Tashkoxxt, lad-vo Aked.nauk Uzbekskoi SSR. Vol.l. [The Fergana Vauey] Zerganskaia dolina. 1961& 97 P. (KERA 15:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskay SSR. Institut matematiki. (Fergana-Seismology) BAGDASAROVA, A.M.; ISLAMOV, X.Sh.: KORIDALIN, Ye.A.; KUZNETSOV, V.P.; KUZIMINA, N.V.: NEUILINA, V.S.; NERSEWV, I.L.; SULTANOVAt Z.Z.; KHARIN, D.A. Seismicity of the eastern part of the southern spurs of the Greater Caucasus and some problems of methodology in studying the seismicity of individual regions. Report No-3. Tzv.AN Azerb.SSR. Ser.geol, geog.nauk i nefti. no.4:13-24 161. . (MIRA 15:1) (Caucasus--Seismology) 3161V 1/000/017/001/002 D239 302 AUTHORS: yedvedev, 3,V&l Bune, V,I.t Yvedenskaya, N.A., Gayskqy, V.N. Kirillova, I.Y., Nersesov-1.L., Rizaichenko,- Yd-.-V.. Savarenskiy, L.F. a Sorsk-ly, A.A. TIT12t Instructions for reGional seismoloiJcal au-=aries SOURCE: Akadezalya nauk 533R. Inatitut fiziki Z_-Mll. Trudy no. 17 (184) uoaaow 1961. Voprosy inzheaernoy seyamologii no. 5, 128-145 TBXTI These instructions were confirnedby the director of the Institute of Geophysics All SSSR, M.A. Sadovskiy, on February 27, 1961.. Their objective is clearly to secure a unifora system of recording all soismoloGical data pertinent to building construc- tion, obtained in future in the USSR. The instructions are divi- ded into six parts, containing 64 numbered articles I the follow- ing being an indication of the scope of each part: 1) General Card 0 Inutruotions for robional ... BA 19A 1/000/017/001/032 Oection. This definen the purpose and ucept, of th~) -mork. The seismoloGical map of the USSR cstablish~La in j957 is beint, kept up to date by nontinuing observations. Its scale is 1 1 5 000,000. The mau is to be uned to raake scis.aoloLical forccauto both for the epinentral 7one and for the viiiole earth'a surface. 2) Inatru- mi~ntal data on earthquakes. Thiu to defined a.4 dutd obtainad now from both fixed and expeditionary stations no opposed to the study of past earthquakes. Uethods of classification by magnitude, precision of e3icqntral location and frequency of recurrence are definl)d, 3 En4gineering seismology, Under this heaOing ia defined *he format of an atlas of strong eurthquake with isonels- mala. This should be or, a scale of It 1,000,000. It is also hoped, to include data on the energy density distribution of the frequency spectra. 4) Seismcgeolo6ical d.~ta. Since some regulari- ty is discernible in the distribution of shocks, a "seismotek- tonic" map should be a possibility. Thin would be particularly hnlpful In rek;ions where seismological data up to this time are Card. 2/~ lr.qtxu~tlons fVX E,pa1:sP,. ljrn;.vitational data could alao be uueful here. 5) Prc-~e- dlirps fcr manng seisaolo6ical sum;a~try mups and their dccum4~v~ -1:ation. are to be of two types, correoponding to i and 7 atove, i.e. acislacloGical mapa and xads of iocseis;aala shcvirzE; ertergy and attunvation. nhara~,teristLcs of the rej~,ion. The -vay In which these should be prepared is described in considerable detail, oL~,thqr wit-h CoMe #Suldance about what is envisaged for the a,ismotekl~onic~ mapn. 6) Arranvement, duration of and 1)3xti- -,-,pan-!a ill the fulfilmant of the project. The names and addres- sea of the participating Inatitutions for each re6loll are z1,venithe end of the-, first term will be at "he ~nd of 1962. The wap In oxpeotod from the AIL SSSR (AS USSR) in 063. There are 60 So,riet-bloa references Card 3/3. V 31920 B/619/W000/017/002/002 -s,9300 D239/D302 AUTHORSs Nerseso I.L., Rautian, T.G., Khalturin, V.I. and Riznichenka, Yu.Y. TI ME a Instructions for dynamic measurements on seismograms SOURCE-. Akademiya nauk- SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Trudy no. 17 ('184). Moscow, 1961. Voprosy inzhenernoy seysmologii no. 5, 146--167 TEXT; The term It dynamic" signifies measurements of amplitude and period of oscillations, directions of first motion and du- ration of the trace, as opposed to kinematic measurements of I.-imes of arrival of phases. The objective is to obtain informa- tion of the strength and type of movement at the focus. Data frcm. a long chain of stations are necessary and these data must be strictly -omparable~ on a uniform basis. It is assumed that Card- 1A 31920 3/619/8,/000/017/002/002 Instructions for dynamic ... D239/D302 all such stations are fitted with typecry(,SGK) --~-Ctl< (SVK) se-48mcgraphs cr others of similarly wide bandwidth. The ir-struc- tions are based, on-exoerience of near earthquakes Cup tc 700 km) i_-- Central Asia,' but recomaendations are also given for dealing with earthquakes outto 100 epicentral distance, where diffrac- ti.-:)n begins tc affect matters. The instructions are divided ir-- ti -!ight sections as followas 1) Dynaaic quantities determi.- rable. from seisacgrams. These are 'Lj~k Tj; the amplitude and period of first arrivals of each phases Amax, Tmax the maximum amplitude and correspon.ding periods of each phases Am; TM; the the mear. dit*to,*T the duration of each viave-group. A distinction is made between relative durection whioh is measured between points of amplitude one third the maximum, and the absolute du-- ration. which is measured between poir-ts of fixed amplitude. The latter clearly depends on the energy. 2) measurement of Carl 2A 31920 3/619/61/000/017/002/002 Instructions for dynamic ... D239/D302- amplitude and period of first arrivals details). 31 Separa- tion of basic wave-groups on the trace Rllustrated by examples). 41 Measurement of maximum am9litudes and the corresponding pe- riods (details). 5) Measurement of mean amplitudes and mean periods (details). 61 Determination of total duration of seis- mic oscillation (definitions). 7) Calculation of seismic energy ed density. The formula evolv 12 Al A2 0.085 + :.'L - . ....... T22 2 I 2 2n .'rn erg/cm.2, where the sy,-.jbols are: v = velocity of T n given wave-group, Vs.= velocity of 3-waveal A = ground amplitude Oard 3A 319 0 5/619 61/000/017/002/UO2 Instructions for dynamic ... D239rD)1302 in mm, T = period in seconds of first arrivals of phases ... n. a.-nd*r = duration of phases 1,2 . ..... n. This section is also illustrated by examples and a nomogram for rapid calcula- u tion is given. 6) Galculation of 'he seismic nerty at the fo- cus. This simply involves evaluation of 4'K IL). Another nomogram is given for this. A third nomogram ca-n be used for estimating magnitude. All these data should be reported on a special lorm designed for the purpose and a completed example is given, There are 13 figures. C,.Lrd 4/4 sA69/62/000/011/006/077 D2213/D307 AUTHOR: Koridalin, Ye.A., Masarskly, S.I., Nersesov, I.L. and Kharin, D.A. ---------------- TITLE: Trial study of weak local eanfthquahes by means of temporary seismic stations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 11, 1962, 18-19, abstract 1IM2 13tudil qi cercetari astron. qi seis- mol.1 6, no. 2, 1961, 101-172 (summary in Rum.)) TIMT: The seismicity of various districts of the Soviet Union is being studied by means of the investigation of weak local earthquakes. Investigations are being conducted in two directions: seismico-geologic and engineering-seismic. In the first the aim of ~he research is to obtain the general regular relations of the dis- tribution of weak and strong local earthquake epicenters to the tec- tonics. The chief plan of the second is the problem of seismic loc- al and micro-zoning. Work of this. type was begun. in 1927 in connec- tion with the study of the seismicity of the Turksib Route. Next it was carried out in the Crimea, where the outline of the epicentral zone of local shocks was obtained;.in T-arkmeniya, where distribution Card 1/2 Tr 3/169/62/000/011/006/077 ial study of weak local earthquakes ... D226/D307 patterns of the multiple shocks of the iishkhabad earthquake of 1948 and problems of the seismic microzoning of the city of Ashkhabad were studied; in West Turkmeniya, with the aim of the detailed seis- mic zoning of the territory; and in other regiona. The method of using mobile seismic stations, which was first applied in the Shemak- hinskaya zone in 1953 and in the wridest volume in the Tadzhik comp- lex seismologic expedition, was specially practised. Here the ques- tions of'quantitatively studying the parameters of the seismic re- gime and the energy of. weak earthquakes are being investigated par- ticulwly carefully. 'Electromagnetic B3rVIK (VEGIK) acismogrzaphs are being used in the work, as are methods unrelated to the supposition that the crust is homogeneous, for determining the position of an epicenter; the ad-curacy of such determinations thereby reaches 1-2.Icm. The method of mobile stations with their locational profile As,also being emploed to study the depth structure of the crust. 9 references. Z7Abstracter's note: Complete tranalation_.7 Card 2/2 KEYLIS-BGROK', Vladimir Inaakovich; NERSESOV I LeonowichL-YAGIDH. u" Akiva Kaboyevich; SADOVSM,3~.Apc U. red.; MEDER,, V.Kp' red. ixd-,m; ITPIrAWTA# Lvp~ tokb*4 [Ket" of Symauatirti. thw scononid - offset of earthquakeproof ou]Katodika otsenki okonoidchookogo offekta asisno- stolkogo stmitoP'stw. Moskva: Isd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 45 P. (MIRk 16:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadenii nauk SWR (for Sadovskly). (Earthquakes and building) IWTIVIOT, V.N.; Ovr I.L, Tectonic pattern of the Pax' and Tien Shan and its relation to the mwface relief of Mahorovicie. Sov.geol. 5 no* 11:36-69 N 162. (KM 15:12) 1, Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR imeni Ojul Shmidta. (Tien Sban-Geology-Struotural) Usufrs-Geologyj, Struaf#ra4) NEMSCV,, I.L.; NIKOLAYEV, A.V. Relation between the dominant frequencies in blasting and the size of the charge. -Trudy Inst. fiz. Zem. n0.25:95-100 162. (HIRA 15:11) (Blasting) (Seiszolog7) KONDRATENK09 A.M.; PA95DY4-1~.~ Some results of a study of a cbange in the velocity of longitudinal waves and the relation of the velocities of longitudinal and trans- verse waves in the focal xone. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zem. no.25:130-150 162o (KM 15:11) (Seismic waves) IrEFSESOVI I.L.; TCIQ-'IJLIN, M.Kh. Graphic method for the selection olf frequency-Pumplitude and phase characteristics of a seismic channel. Trudy Inst.ftz. Zem. no.32:20-33 164. (MIRA 18:2) NMESOV, I.L.; RAUTIAIT, T.G. Kinematics and dynamIcs of seismic waves at distp-n,-es -f ul; t.0 3..500 km from tbg epicentre. Trudy Irst.fiz.Zem. no.3.. :0-31 164, C111RA 18:2) off-kX1 1uff ACC NR: AF6O262% Sou-I"'e Couz: U!C/Ujo-t/oofuuij/uu.:~luu.),~lu-, AUVIM: SavarensLdZ. Ye. F. (Doctor of physicomathematical sciencesh Nersesov.-I. L.; AL- R. M.; im-A -L. 1k., I ORG: Institute of R~Vsics of th) Earth, All SSM (Institut Miki Zomli All SSSR) V~ TIM: Long-period waves of the Aleutian earthquake of 4 February 1965 recorded by quartz extensometers SOURCEs All SSSR. Izvostiyao Fizika zomli, no. 5, 1966. 33-42 TOPIC TAGS: earthquake, Rvyloieh wave, internal friction ABSTiU=: 'Ehis paper*giires an' 'analysis of long-period oscillations from the earthquake of 4 February 1965 'which occurred in the Aleutian Islands. The tremor (H - 8.5) was recorded by extensometers at Talgar (Kazakh SSR) and Dzherino (Tadzhik SSR). It was possible to detect groups of Love :wav~es from the 2d to 9th order with periods from 70 to 720 see and groups Of RaYleigh waves.fran the 2d to 13th order with periods of 120-330 sec. The dispersion curves of the group velocities of these waves were obtained. The authors determined the amplitudes of the displacements in the R and L 'wavesp the coefficients of decrease of the amplitudes Y and the parameter Q, characterizing internal friction in the earth* The value Q agrees with the data obtained by other authors. The values Q, determined fr= love., 'waves, vary from 60 to 120 %ften T - 300-500; the values Q for Rayleiah, 'wa,~ea vary ~n.the range 150-200 when T = 200. Orig -art* has: 7 figures. 7 formulas. a* - S: 36,5~2- and 3 table Lk% 50 C~~E 1 0% SMI DM: 03AU65 / OM W-F: fo cm .----A ACC NRA AMIN33 SOURCE COD41 UR/0425/66/009/012/0020/0023 Amu Katoic, Ai-'i;g Gaxkfy, V. N-; Mors= Hirsayevo K. M. ORGt btatitute of Satanic Resistant Canstru~.tlon and Seismology* AN TsdshSSR OnStitut X075100071090 str0ItGI9stVM, I sirlsoologil AN TadshSSR) i121,91 Analysis Of fluctuations Of the seismic to In* SOUMs AN U&bSSR. bakladyo v- go he- 12o 1966o 26-23 TOPIC TAM 641"Ologre earthquake SM CODES 08 ABSTRACTS The accuracy and reliability of determining the mean long-term frequency of earthquakes Is dependent on the value and character of variations; of the seismic regine at the tirie of observationse The available approach Is Inadequate and t%,* authors therafore have developed a method for defining the charactiRristics of temporal variations of the seismic regine which makes it possible to estimate the accuracy of determination of tim long-tom frequency of earthquakes of different energy classes and detect the pertods of systmatic changes In the course of the process. Data accumulated id recent years Indicates a sore complex depeadence between R (the measure of *dispersioa of the frequer4y of 'earthquakes) and the gWeylies of the selanto pcooses -than believed to exist earlier, contrary to I - - - .. - - . ACC INts AP?013733 L 38523-66 ACC Nits AUTHORi Alekseyevj, A. So; Mersenr.-A&IL. ORG: Computer Center, Siberian Department, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Vychialiteltnyy tsentr'3161-r-aVogo otd. AN W5K); Institute or Ueophysics, AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut Fiziki Zemli AN SSSR) TI779: Travel tims and amplitudes of waves in Central Asia - theory and experiments 6- SOURCE: Studia geophysics et geodaetica, v. 10, no. 2" 1966, 172-176 70PIC TAGSt seismic wave.)0/shock wave analysis ABSTRACT: The article presents a new interpretation of the results of observations of body wavesp obtained In-deep seismic sounding and In observations of earthquakes Central Asia* Origo art. has: 4 figures. (Orig. art. in Eng.] (JMS9 36o8441 SUB CODEt 08 / SUBM DATE: 28Aug65 / SOV REF: 005 S()URCE CODE: card IAUZ=GVO S. K., and NEnSESOV, L. G. ('Technological Diagrams of Contemporary Processes in the Working (Processing) of Petroleum.," Moscowv 1950 xxx FIDMV. V.6.; ELYABCHIKDT, T.R.; FOLTAKOT, I.S.; SMKIN, U.I.; RTABYKH, P.M.; NOVIK, R.G.; SWUM, ?.Jr.; MASHOVSKIT, K.H.; IAL&IMMY, S.K.; AMWIYZT. A.?.; YSTSTAFOYZV. V.V.; ZVJM. A..P.; ERMSOT, L.G.; GROSSNAN, Z.11.; HIRM, A.0. Fetr Alakaandrovich Smirnov, 1902-1958; obituary. Kkim. i takh. topl. 1, masel. 3 no.12:68 D 158. (MIRA 11: 12) (Smirnov, Petr Aleksandrovich, 1902-1958) MOMOV, P.V. Designimg~stael rods for the joint action of flexure and axial coWession. Trudy GPI (Gras-] n0-5:81-89 '62. ODA 15;12) (Stealt Structural) (SlAstic rods and wires) EATONGHKOVSXIY. P.A.. professor. radaktor; RIMISOVAr N.A., kandtda-t- IstorichaskM aaak, redaktor; SIK0d7TI.P.'W.M%"aMt pedagogiche- skikh naylk. reda Kor; TIRXKE[OTA, D.Y., takhatcheskly redalctor [Dissertations for doctoral and candidate degrees defended at Koscow State University from 1934 to 1954; a bibliography] Doktorskie i kmadidatekle dessertatsti xashchishchannyo v Moskov- skoa gosudarstvannom univeraLtate a 1934 po 1954 g.: bibliagrafi, cheskil, ukazatelf. Pod red. P.A.ZaLonchkovskogo, I.A.Keressovot, 1L.R.Simana. CI(oskva] Mo.l. [Departments: Kschanics and mathematics, physics, chemistry] IFakulftety.- Makhanilco-aatematichookit..Ifiziche- skit, Ihimichesicit. 1956. 254 p. (MM 9:8) 1, Moscow. Universitst. Nauchnsys, bibliotaka iment A.M.Gorlkogo. (Bibliograpby-Science) ~J 7-AYOUGMTSKIr, ?.A., prof,, red,; red.; LT *K SIMON, X.R.. kaud.ped.nauk, V..-ft AKOT. H.S.,, [Doctoral and candidate dissertations accepted at Moscow University from 1934 to 1954; bibliographical listj Doktorskis i Twadidatskis diseartataii zashchishchannyo v Koskovskom goaudaretvennom universt- tote a 1934 po 1954 g.; biblicgrafichaskii ukazatelf. Pod red. ?.A. Zaionchkovok6go i dr.. Koskva. Pt.2. [Yaculties: Geology, Geograpby, Biology-soll,scleu~*] Fakulltety: Geologicheekli, Geogrefichaskii, Biologo-!pochvem7i, 1057. 217 p. (MMA 11:3) 1. Hsocow. Univerattat. Biblioteka. (Bibliogrepby-Geology) (Bibliograpby--Geography) (Bibliography-Biology) PATEMUNg A. (Baku); MMMOVAp H. (Baku) Formation of production funds on coUective farms. TOP. ekon. no.12:142-V44, D 161. (CoUective farms) I (KM 24: 12) IWMESOVAj, Z. L. uTemperature Variation of Ground Iciness," Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 75, No 6., u .p 845, 846, Dee 1950. Inste of Permafrost im, Ve A. Obruchev, AS USSR U- 1528j, 10 Oct 51 IlefisESIOW,J3, !:Mll- L fic~ ~ 4 -, Nrrac*,,v4. e'.A. (II.A. I$$,, ,, J,W Ill.ill,le 4,1 14t*frlg, 1 AJI.Iss, U.S.S.R. ACAdClIly "I 51tellk CO, 46v- ,iiii0lorAt tho jJ1,1410 Ott 1.4 6,% 0"(:. sol-d AkA40alls Muk S.S.S.R.,p rook'AAdy Voi, ~q N,, j 11 1 -r, - HER SOTA, Z.A. --- -Qi~ Phase states of water in ground freezing and thawing. Hat.po labAsel.meml.grunt.107-51 '53. (KLRA 7:2) (Frozen ground) Ofater) e A. z "cniorlinetric Method of Determination uf the iciriess o. Sb. po -,-erzlyx.- ..;run 0-C~p 1900 A2 a result, of' the. como.-xi.~,-,ri or tho ci~)ta :roin dilr;to,-.q,-Ar`c ani calori- metric methuds -)f Investii,,Alori LLe !~ut,or recu,ruien~i,, as -iiuc-t rell- able the vilorimetric irietiod ior trie, Irv-,resti:;-,it,'.on of froven -,rounds. He r-conmends also th-,-, c~~iorlme,ric raetaod for L-e deter Alri,~tloici o: lee. (RZhGeol, lio 6, 19541) SO: Sum. 4J2, 12 55 112MOVA.Z.A.. starshly nauchW notradnik Directions for determining the quantity of unfrozen water and ice in frozen ground. Nstpo labAsel.nersl.grunt. no.2:55-57 '54. (KMA 8: 8) 1. fSentrallWa, laboratorlya Instituta rierslotovedenin Akadesli nwlk SSSR. (rrozen ground) HEMSOVA,Z.A.. starshfy nauchay sotrillalk - - Wstea4: Direct-Lone for determining the heat capacity of frozen ground. ffat.po lab.lssl.merzl.grunt. no.2:100-110 '54. (MM 6:8) 1. TGentrallmWe laboratorlya Institute, serslotovedenlya Aka- demli nauk SSSR. (Yrozen ground) r u..'j",kandidat geologo-mineralogichaskikh nauk, otvatetvanayy r ,.- - radartop (Basic concepts and terms in gookryalogy (the science of frozen:cround).] Osnovnys P'onlatils, I termirq gookriologil (acrslotovedealla). Moskwa. 1956. 15 p. (MM 10:5) 1. Akadenlya nauk SS4R. Institut marzlotovedeqlya. (Prozen ground-Torminologr) IN L TSMVIGH, N.A It TA, S.A.; BOZMKOVA, A.P.; IfATTUNOT. I.A.; DOMMOT, B.11,; ;b~l r-Y~X--,--BAMIN, F.G.; SATUOUT : B.A.; ZHMOV. V.I.; WMNOT. G.A.; VTA1OV, S.S.; ITA, Ye.P. Physical phenousna and processes In freezing, frozen, and thawl1w sol.Elal general coments. gat. po 100 isel. maxxl. grunt. no-W- 114, 157. (MM lot1l) (7-rozen ground) /Y,F, A6 E'S j /// 1, / /. =ff= A . XOOA.Ijj*, , M&W ~n the active surfe i of soils at temperatures below and above freezing point. vat, * lab. isal. mercl. grunt. no.3.-163- 167 157. (min 10:11) Mom ground) (Cations) N ~- (2, S ~- 5 o IV' A- -k- MOWMTA* S.A. Iffeat of exchavgeable cations on water phase composition in frozen soils. Ikt, po lab, Isal. mrzl. grunt. no.3:i6&176 157~ (Prozen ground) (Cations) (Soil moisture) (KIU lOrll) 6 NERSESOVA Effelof exchange heaviptg of ground grun.~ no.4-22-52 1 cations on the migration of water and the during freezing. Issl.po fiz. i mekh. merzl. 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Frozen ground) MT(SESOVA., Zinaida Aleksandrovna, TYSTOVICH, flikolay Aleksandrovich "Concerning unfrown water in frozen 6oilso report to be submitted for the Intl. Conference on Permafrost, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Indiana, 11-15 Hav 63 TYUTTU , Ivan kleksayevich, doktor geol.-miner. aauk; KERMWVA, STOLYAROV, A.G. . red Zinc RTLIVAp Tu.V., takhn. red. (The nature of the movement of vater in soils during freez- ing, and the bases of,physical and chemical methods of controlling heave, Priroda migratsil vody v gruntakh pri promerzanii I oanovy fiaiko-khimichookikh priemov bor'by a puchenism. Moskyag Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 157 p. (KIRA 16:10) (Frozen ground) PIMOVSKIT. B. T.; A.A.; RYBKIN, I.N. (Noskva) Bilateral ligation of the internal mmary artery In stanocardia; preliminary report. 37 no.11:52-55 IF 159. (MM 1-3:3) 1. Is gospitaltnoy khtrurgicheakoy kliniki (direktor - deystvitell- nyy chlen AM SSSR prof. 3.T. Petrovskiy) 1. propedavtichaskoy terapev- ticheskoy kliniki (direktor - deystvitelivy chlen AMU SSSR prof. V.Kh. Tasileako) I Noskovskogo ordena Lentua maditsinskogo instituta iment Sachenova. (ANGINA PICTORIS surgery) (THMM blood supply) ._, HMM,~q A.A ,:----, nL==-, lUrgical treatment of chronic coronary insufficiency by blUtijea ligation of the interwl mmmary arterypurvey of foreign litiMime. Ehlrurgila 36 no.3t225-IZ Mr, f6O. (MMA 1342) (WRONART HVM DISMIC) (BPJWT-BLOOD SUPPLY) MSESM A A - R=IN,, I.N. (Mbakval rnmediate and late results of bilateral ligation of the Internal thoracic artery in stenocardias Klinomed* no.lt44--~48 t62. (KMA 15:1) 1. Iz goopitaltnoy khirurgicheekoy kliniki (dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen AM SWR prof. B.T. Petrovskiy) i propedevticheskoy terapev- ticheskoy kliniki (dir. - daystvitelln7y eblen AMN SSSR prof. V.Kh. Tesilenko) Y Nookovokogo ordena lenizin meditainskogo insiftuta Imeni T.H. Sechenova, (ANGINA PEGTORIS) (THORACIC ARTERY) 16(1) AUTHORSt Dzhrbashyan, 31.M. and Yersesyan, A.B. S07/22-1---j5-71/9 TITLEs Criteria for the Possibility of Expanding Functions into Dirichlet Series (Kriterii razlozhimosti funktsiy v ryady Dirikhle) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademij nauk Arqra4i~-Irmy SSH, SerkW, maticheskikh nwi k;p 1958.0 Vol 11, ITr 51 PP 65 - 106 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let F(6) be defined and continuous on (6',+ 00), a,-.> 0 Then let 0 d-,CF a (e e-u) e"uF(u) du d e r (41) (e Lot the sequence satisfy the conditiont /U0 ~ 0, 0 , 1 (Pk) d845 f I. The function L F( 6~) is called continuous on ( 670,+06) if 1) it iZ c3ntinuous on (i~`o,+ r~ kj and 2) there exists the limit (IV value L F(+0o 1i% L F( G'). Let F( 115) e L( rn; (Plc) if on ( 60 +003there exist all functions L F( 67 ) end a continuous and If on ( 616+00) the functions e6 d L QkW are continuous and absolutely integrable, where 61 >G'0 is arbitrary. Theoramt If F( 6')6 L( then for every n.)P-0 and 6C.( Go there holds the formula Card 2/3 On the Application of Some Integro-Differential Operators SOV/20-121-2-4/53 n L Qk-) F(+oo ) -& G' +00 fn+1_1 u (N+1) Z r(l+;%k) o + r f (e- Gle-u e- L F(u) du. k-o 6 Two further theorems contain conditions for the developability in the Dirichlet series if the function belongs to certain subclasses of LQAn; 60). Further results are combined with the introduction of certain generalized differential operators and with the use of Weylls integral of the ordert)(. There is I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION:Inatitut matematiki i mekhaniki Akademii nauk Arm.SSR (Institute for Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR) SUBMITTEDs April 21, 1958 Card 3/3 S/022/59/012/05/02/009 AUTHORSt -Dzhrbashyan# N.M., A.B. Tome, \\O TITLE% On the Construction of Some Special. Biorthogonal Systems PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Seriya fiziko- mate- maticheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol.12, No. 5, PP. 17-42 TEXTt Let y(xok) and z(x, ~.) be entire functions in A which belong to the class L (0,1) together with their derivatives with respect to for every fixed with respect to x. Furthermore let all functions I z(x, A411 (r,s = 0,112.... ) X*8 belong to L1(0,1), where A Ai~ are arbitrarily fixed. Furthermore let -U(N ) be an entire function and (1.2) Y(X, Z(X, A e)dx (AA A - A k. for all Let the function a A0 possess denumerably many zeros Card 1/3 On the Construction of Some Special S/022/59/012/05/02/009 Biorthogonal Systems ~i $ 0 '4 1 ~ 11 '., k.o r(A4.+k,3- It is stated that the expansione in terms of these functions converge -.simultaneously with the ordinary Fourier series. On a finite interval the authors formul4te conjugated boundary value problems for differential equations of fractional order-S ,,i), the adjoined and eigenfunctions of which for special parameter values agree with the considered biorthogonal Card 1/2 86820 5/020/60/135/005[005/043 C111/C222 AUTHOR-. TITLE: Expansion in Eigenfunctions of Some Non-Selfadjoint Boundary Value Problems PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-135, No-5, PP-1050-1053 TEXT: Let a(x), b(x) be complex-valued functions of bounded variation on Ox let K(z,t)E-E-0). Lot (18) 4A 0 ~ 0. In this case all oigenvalues of (A) and (A*) lie in the strip Card 619 86820 3/020/60/135/005/005/043 0111/C222 Expansion ja Sigenfunctions of Sons Son-Selfadjoint Boundary Value Problems - Re X'r - . Let 6 1 T2 (6 1< log I'Lo 1/1 OW'.-e- erd a(x) - al(z)+a2(X)+a3(x), (19) b(x) - bl(x)+b 2(x)+b 3(x), where Yx), b,(z) are absolutely continuous; a,(x), b 2(x) are jump functions; a 3(X)P Yz) are singular functions. Let 1 1 (20) A - V(a2+a ), B - V(b +b 0 3 a 2 3 Theorem 1: Let (21) jPjA+jwjB+AB