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AW. Mask I-Inkr.
im 'ego Mao W*
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�CoTflcobservations~ TIUMPhotographsare 91
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1954 ~cence. Unttercedainconditfong,,tiptcfalty*ititbfgftelec-
Goneral and PhyBiCal Chemistry -
e conen
s are o
., surpr
ng resu
arcesurr co, fuluate
formation depends ~~.
catton, in the order of increasing effectivemss: . U% Na4,, I -
; or Lf+~ Cxl"". Cc++'. Tentative &ssumptfanst
K+, Ci+.
are made (o, explain "droplet" formation.. 1. Hem:owitL---,.
GAMY. X.T. -.11~--1.1--.-
gloctron-microscopic study of vanadium peatoxide sole. Zhur. riz. Xhim.
27. 379-88 '53. (HLRA 6:5)
(CA 47 no.190717 153)
-.W0&60"- - -,.. -.1 ~
Repairing deforzed. detachable propeller bWas. Kor.flot 15 no-3:
29-30 mr 0550 (MM 8:5)
Reviews and bibliography. Tekst. prom. 25 no-082-W Ap 165.
(MIRA 18:5)
1. Rukovoditell gruppy fiziko-mekhanicheskikh Ispytaniy laboratorii
tekstillnykh ispytaniy Vsesoyuzno~ a nauchno-issledovateliskogo
instituta iskusstvennogo volakna for Demina). 2. Rukovoditell
gruppy takatillnoy tekhnologicheskoy laboratoril Vassoyuznogo
nauchno-isoledovatellskogo institute iskusstvennogo volokna
(for Makhova). 3. Starshiye inzhenery tsentrallnoy nauchno-
issledovatellskoy laboratorii fabriki "Krasnoye znarvall (for
Pilankova, Moiseyeva). 4. Glavnyy inzh. Tashkentskogo takatill-
nogo kombinata (for Kostin). 5. Zaveduyushchiy nauchnc-
tekhnlche:koy bibliotekoy Tashkentskogo tekstillnogo kombinata
(for Nemt ovich).
Rulklaskaya gabbroic intrusion in the upper h7l (Western Sayans).
UWb=osb6r* 159. (MMA 14:22)
(Amyl Va-Uey-Gabbro)
Devoulan basic intrusions of Tuy&, and their factes analysis.
TrudyV=31 58949-59 161. (HM 23t5)
(Tuva A.S.S.R.-Goology)
Basic characteristics of the titanium metallogeny in the Tuva Auton-
omous Republic. Trudy VSECEI 60:107-120 061. (MIRA 15:3)
(Tuva A.S.S.R.-Titanium)
NEMT50IIIGH*_-,V, Lt._ ~,,, ~'- , I
--- o " ~t2r
Cambrian basic intrusions in Tuva and their origin. Dokl.
91 SSSR 166 no.11182-185 Ja f66.
(Ml RA 19: 1)
y nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiv
1. Vsesoyuzrq-
ins-titut. Submitted March 24, 1965.
*24nROVp A.
2. USSR (600)
4. Coal Idnes and.Mining
7. 24-hour work schedule in the longwall an the bed of a steep drop.
Nast. ugl. I no. 7. 1952
~9. Konthly List of Russlan~ALccessioqs,ILibrary of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified]
ReguUtIng tbe operation of gas mains with gas engine
cougmusor stations. Trua HIMMGP no-45:139-Ug 163o
(MM .16M
(Gait pipes) (compressors)
Further development or scientiric and technical cooperation
between the U.S.S.R. and Rumania. Tnesh.torg. 28 no.12:27-28
156. (ML 12:1)
(Itusels-Ralations (General) with Rumania)
(Rumauta,--aelatlons (Geasral) with Hassle)
NMKMUN V.P. kandIdat tekhalchsakM nauk; 71=OV. T.T.. Inzhener.
- PoWiew"
90ark extinguishing devices for narrow &augm steam locomotives.
Torf.prom. 31 no-5:5-9 154. (KM 7:8)
1. TaMI IMS (for Memukhin) 2. Shaturskore tran portnoys upravlonlys
(for Irsdorov)
(Locomotive sparks)
NEKIJMIN,V.P.. kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk
Increasing the effectiveness of locomotives and cars in narrow-
gage transportation systems. Torf.prom.32 no.5:4-6 '55.
(MLRA 8: 10)
1. TSentrallayy usuchno-Lesledovatellskly Institut Minleterstva
puter soobsTachenlys,
(Railroads, Narrow-gage) (Peat--Transportation)
NEVMN V,V.- PUTONDY, Te.T,; MUM, ru.N.; GOLOTABOT, A,L..~InztLrs&.;
Nstato of tr n ia'hifAf e`Ijjijii;Iqg testslcogut~-~
WA locomatlie] u-Sultimity t'i a.&vow--. -
toplottidutichook1kh Ispytazdt -uxk*kvUIIW&'-tspIovcx&-vM, Nooks@
Gas. transpe shol-dore lxd-va, 1958e 83 pe (Moscow. Tossoluxuri
nauchno-Issledovatel'skIl Institut zhelesnodoroxhao'go, transports
Trudy, no. 153) (KERA ilt-7)
(Diesel locomotives-Testivc)
.. MWUMIN takhn,nauk; KOZYM, ru,ff, lash.
Mi,diesel locomotive for use on a narrow-gaugs railroads. Test.TMI 18
n0.1:19-23 F 1,59. (MIR& 1293)
.(Diesel locomotives)
SOROKII, T.Is. insh.; OSIPOT, SoL, insh,,-,. gz-L._P
RUDIMT, T.M., bmh. imnd. takhn.nauk,
Replies to readers'. queetions. Jftek:.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.2:43-44 I
16o. (Railroad engineering) (MM 13:6)
PLATOINU!, Yci.'J. kn-na. tcli~!,-,n. nauk.; !Ij ~,HIIJ k,
GORBATYUKY V.A., irizh.; NIKUSH'IN, A.!., irzh.
Arialyais of ti~~ characteri.,3tllcs rC in---ila-lr.~n r,,;'
traction rnotorc, for diesel. 2cc-mwui-jrs. Trudy TS'411 !PI) no..~'/21:
5-49 164. Omllu i",.C))
iNEMUKHIN, VQP,, kand. tekhn. naiik; LAPUSHKIN, S.A., inzh.
Results of the testing of the TE3L diesel loacmoti-,e elec*--ic
: driving. Trudy TSNIJ IMPS no.272:165-174 164. (M-11RA 17:9)
IMMURA, A. A. Cand Tech So!. -- (diss) "Study of Sim Photoelectron
Amplifier During its Performance With a Vibratory Oscillograph."
Kaunas, 195T. 16 pp 22 em. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Kaunas
Polytechnic Inst), 100 copies (KL, 25-5T, 114)
AUTHORS: Lashas, A. V., Engineer, Nemura, A. A., Candidate of
Technical Sciences
TITLE: Enlarging the Operational Range of the Frequencies of Photo-
multipliers (FEU ) (Rashireniye rabochego diapazona chastot
fotoelektronnjkh uailiteley (FM
PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye~ 1950, 1Tr log PP 11-15 'USSR)
ABSTRACT: The main disadvantage of the multiplier M consists in its
great inertia. Moreover its operation range covers only from
091 to *10 cycles.
The transmission function of the whole multiplier is theoreti-,
cally derived. To make this calculation easier the whole
multiplier is divided into typical circuits, and then the
functions are determined for the latter. By a superposition
of these results the total transmission function is obtained.
By improving the individual terms of the function in an
empirical way the authors achieved:
1) The use of a gradual correction rith an increase of the
Card 1/2 amplitude - frequency characteristics; by using a positive
Enlarging the Operational Range of the Frequencies of P-hotomultipliers (MI )
feedback the instability of the W-11 can be removed and its
operation range can at the sane time be extended by the
2) Furthermore the self-.excitation can be eliminated. The
proceeses of the extension of the operation range mentioned,
the use of the gradual correction, and the elimination of
self--excitation may also be employed with other photoelectric
and galvanometriz a.c. amplifiers. There axe 7 figures and
11 references, 7 Of which are Soviet, 3 EngUsh and 1 GerWXL.
Card 2/2
MIURA,, A.A.,O kand. tekhn. nauk; NENO11TA, A.K., nauchnyy sotrudnikl in,-,h.
Continuous wastwement of thO weight and moisture content of a
moving textile sliver by means of a capacitor transducer and
computer system. Tekst. prom. 24 no,2:~7-81 F 164.
OURA 170)
1. Zaveduyushchiy laboratorlyey Kaunasskogo instituta energFtiki
i elektrotqkhniki (for Nemura). 2. Laboratoriya Kaunasskogo
instituta energetiki i elaktrotekhniki (for Nenorta).
Transmission functions 9M structural patterns of the autmatic-
triming systems of a length unit of extile band and rove. Pt.l.
Liet ak darbal, B no-3:189-199 '60. (EZAI 10:3)
1. Institut energetiki, i elektrotekhniki Akademii nauk Utovskoy
c a 1; -:a
zation of the %ass a lln-L o r rz x t IL I e ba,,i---' -d r --ve Part 2
Trudy AN Lit. SSR. Ser. B nc,.2:209-2,21 162 .
1. histit-at cnezge~iki .; c. A". Litavskoy
AA*# kand,tekhn.nsukv nauchM sotimufnik
Autmatic regu2aticu of the =as per unit length of a
textile a2iver. Tek3t.prcm. 22 no.20:26-31 0 162,
(MM 15:21)
1. Inatitut enargetiki, L elsktrotekhniki, AN Lita"koy
(Spinning mwhinery) (Autmatia control)
NEMURA, A.A., kand.takhn.nauk
Antmatie control of the length unLt of was of the textile lap
(contimm-1). Takat.proat. 22 no.11:2&-32 N 162. OaRA 15: U)
1. ZaveduyushchLy laboratoriyey avtomattki i telemkhaniki
Instituta enargatiki i alektrotakhniki Akadwdi nauk Litavakoy
(Spinning mchinery) - (Automatic control)
AUTHORS: Nemyatov., V.No., a~-:d L,A. Poplavskiy, Engineers
TITLE: Winch for Lifting a Detachable Core Barrel(L-ebedka
d1ya pod*yema s'yemoy gruntonooki)
PERIODICAL: Neftyandk., 1959, Nr 3,, P 19.(USSR)
ABSTRACT: In 1958 the Kxngar MA-1hine Building Plant turned out
a few experimentla' samples of the LGK winch used for lifting
detachable core barrels. Before this new type win ch was pro-
duced, core sampling was performed with the aid of the
LPG2-3000 winch, which had numerous defects as pointed out
by Yu, M. Sheveheanko in Neftyanik, 195T, Nr 10. The rec~ently
developed LGK winch, the design and mechanical specifications
of which are shown by the author in a diagram, proved to be
far better than the previous type. With the aid of this winr~h
it is possible to lift a core barrel from a well 3,000 m deep
in 26 minutes. Due to its limited size, It is easy to trans-
port the new win-.1a by truck. It weighs 3,,100 kg instead of
5,000 kg as did the LPG2-300O type. The smaller amclj-nt of
metal needed for its construction, efficient couplings and
Card 1/2
Winch for Lifting (Cont.) SOV/92-59-3-22/44
parts as well as inexpensive mechanism make it possible
to sell the new winch at a low price. The newly developed
winch has been successfully tested, and will soon be de-
livered to drilling offices for testing under field conditions.
ASSOCIATION.: Kungurskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod(The Kungur
Machine Building Plant)
Card 2/2
Neviykin, Nikolay Petrovich, and Aleksandr Y%kovlevIch Gembera,
Otlivka kruMkh izlozhaits iz chuguna, pervoy plavki (Casting of Large Ingot Molds
fran Not Blast- Au-nace Metal), Khar-kov, Hetal1urgizdat, IL959- 88 P.
3,100 copies printed.
Resp. Ed.: B.A. lookov; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye.K. Sinyavskaya;
Tech. Ed.: S.P. Andreyev.
PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for technical personnel at foundries Wt2o
exe engaged in the casting of ingot molds.
COVERAGE: The book describes the methods employed by the "Krivorozhsta1st.Kjf&-j_
largical Plant (in KrIvOy Rog) for the sand-mold casting of large ingot molds
frcu hot blaat-furnace metal. The authors also discuss the methods used r
oth6r Soviet plants. Attention is focussed on the prepwation of molds al
-tores, use of hot metal as an ingot-mold material., shake-out of molds and cores
and chipping and cleaning of ingot molds. In addition, ingot-mold defects and
their causes are discussed, and meebures for K oving them are reco= nded. There
are 31 references- 30 Soviet, 1 Fnglish.
Card 1/5
Casting of Large Ingot Molds (Coat.) SOV13209
Introduction 3
Ch. I. Choice in the Method of Mold Production 5
Ch. II. Construction of Flask Equipment and Ingot-Mold Patterns 10
Over-all dimensions of flasks 10
dopes 11
Chwks 11
Drags 13
Lanterns 14
Bottom plates 15
Patterns 17
Ch. III. Mold and Core Materials and Compounds 20
Preparation of clay suspension 22
Screening and transporting of sawdust 25
Ch. IV. Methods of Producing Sand MdIds
Card 2/5
Casting of Large Ingot Molds (Cont.) SOV/3209
Selecting the position of the mold for its production and
filling 26
Molding of ingot molds 26
Sandu,plinger molding 33
Preparation of mold coatimis 34
Coating of molds and core3 36
Drying of molds and cores 37
Assembly of molds 39
Gating system 41
Ch. V. Application of Hot Blast-Furaace Metal for Casting
Ingot Molds 45
Pontrol of kish 45
Equipment for receiving and processing hot metal 49
Adjusting the chemical composition of hat metal 51
Ch. VI. Mictostructure of Blast-Furnace Metal 60
Card 3/5
Casting of Large Ingot Holds (Cont.) SOV/3209
Ch. VII. Teeming 64
Ch. VIII. Shake-out of Molds and cores 67
Cooling conditions for castings 67
Shake-out molds 68
shake'-out of cores 69
Reclaiming of burnt sand 71
Ch. IX. Chipping and Cleaning of Ingot Molds 77
Ch. X. Flaws in Ingots Cast from Hot Metal,Their Causes and
Removal 79
Accanulation of large kish inclusions 79
Shrinkage cavities 79
0" cavities 80
Sand inclusions 80
Local bulges al
Differences in wall thickness 81
Seams and folds al
Plash and leakage of iron from the mold 82
Cracks 82
Card 4/5
* Casting of Large Ingot Molds (Cont.) SOV/3209
Cinder patch
Ch. XI. Life of Ingot Molds
i AVAILABLE: Library of Congreas (TS236.N4)
Card 5/5
3 26-6o
z -M-. A th visa
"Wil 3010
fumil logo uelcia,uca j 0 '1.. N~W) 3" Ajvunaj ja plom (1)
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vue 0311414d so Wazuee asusin V wom ucal 4110 rallu
01 tmumis.1143 o"j3aOJ Ws ul o9uwUD WMI AQ PouloTdxo al
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ja 311,cDj v vV uelilmodwoo yvalwoUv JO o9u9J 0010
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pumm .0 DOC-t Din2viadmoz 29 Uoil 3NWO UDISJOACCO
ddw4 W"Wjuls 3V noil
t(a) rum :,
v A
rpunOT !t0j; (1) 1japia Sulmoijej On Ul DUOV VIA
ulinod -OTPUZ Ul YUIXIW J0230Q 40AbjQDV UZ 'UK XZ'T
a wwi.,Ww PUV IG fq*O mnwlulw ultWOO py"Oug *jO3rlw
aml ~NTcw joftj Yuj!javD aoj 'poo0d*Jd Von UOJj JVV*
uOI*JGAuO* Pug fjpunoj jo ;Taw 3"li 04% j0 sJ114XI'm V szovulm
(VeSn) S6-C6 dd t J9 10961 I.X929 27vaaorma
%IVA %9,119 30 cul~n '4080 U*%W-1*AUOO
ru, A.Ipumoj jo gainixild W"d Irplow :30pul jo sul,4610 1 wymn.
-V '-Vawmao -(.30OUISUS) -Y --I 131luablas
'SOM&ZOV TVIOIUL13OZ JO *j12PjT)UV.1) -W *7 'AOg1XJOMD j 91101=v
&m L I. 00ot-el
NEMMINg P.I.j, agronom
ftar beets in the Chestnut Solonetz soils of Zaporozhlye Province.
Zhivotnovodstvo 23 no.249-20 F 161. (KM 15:11)
1. Kolkhom w40 let Oktyabrya". Priazovskogo rayona,, Zaporozhakoy
(Zaporozhlye Province-Sugar beets) (Solonetz soils)
NMKIN P 1 0, &gronom
I e .
Growing strong wheat in Chestnut Sclonetz-ty-pe soils.
Zemledelis 26 no.2175-77 F t64. (KIRA 17W
1. Kolkhos 040 let Oktyabrya" Friazovskogo proizvodatvennogo
upravleniyaq Zaporoahokoy oblasti.
Ne T.Te.; ABARB=EUX, F.I., red.lzd-va; QBITOV. A.,
1-, 7-, "Q red.
Elrow =chinos and squipmat for the mahsalgatlon of iron and
manganese mineel Novye mashiny L obormdovanie d1la makhanizatmil
sholosormdnykh I margantsevykh shaicht. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.
Lzd-,wo lit-ry po gornoun dolu, 1960. 79 p. (KIRA 13:10)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Duepropetrovskly ekonamichookly
adednistrativayy rayon, Sovot neroduago khoxyaystva,
(Kiaing machinery)
Periodicals PAUVA. Vol. 38, no. 11, Nov. 1958
NEMAR, B. Scientific-technical cooperation with the UM. P. 369.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC,, Vol. 8. no. 3
March 1959 Unclass.
Main problems in the development of coal industry. p. 293.
UHLI. (Ministerstvo, paliv) Prahap Czechoslovakia. Vol. 1p no. 9,
September 1959-
Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (=I) LC, Vol. 8, No. l1,,
November 1959.
Filminating shortcomings in management, planning, and fimnaing. P. 387.
MUZ (Ministerstvo paliv) Praha, Czechoslovakia* Vol. 1. no. 3.1. Ndw* 1939
Monthly list of East Europ&m Accessions (EW). Vol. 9. no. 1. Jan. 1960
KMYM, Rlahomi.1 . dr.
I*roving the sconclmio manaV=nt of tie
Mwnoa4c research, a way for
J` N 162.
Uhli 4 no.4061-362,-T?
MiniBtsfstvO Pal-tv enerlptiky.
MWIM, PTO ---dro -
Looking forward to the 12th Congress of the Cormmaist Party
of Czechoslovakia. Pe-Uva 42 no-4:97 Ap 962.
MUM. QW4, dr.
We shall contribute witL, all our force to the performace, of
dOOLNIGng of-the 12th Congress of the Commnist Party of
Czechoslovakia. Paliva 43 no.ltl-2 A 162.
1. Ifinisterstvo paliv a onargetiky.
Studying progressive practice In oncological services for the
population. Sov.sdrav. 16 no.11:24-27 M 157. (NEU 11:1)
1. Iz Oakologicheskogo Institute imeni P.A.Gerteena (dir. - prof.
cancer clinic progran In Russia (Rma))
NEUYRYA, A. N. Cand Ned Sci -- (diss) " State of -6b& oncologioal 4 ~J-
atients I MA gastrio oanoe in the light of remote results*
I - --
Aocording to data of GOI LI%ate Onoological Inag im F. A. Gertsen."
Gortkiy. 1959. 16 pp with diagrams (Gor'kiy Mad Inst im S. M. Kirov), 200
oopies (KL, 45-59, 150)
NEMYA., A.N. (Hoskva)
Pressixt status of oncological care of patients with cancer of the
stom*aoh. SovOl zdrav. 19 no.9:37-40 160 (MIRA 13: U)
1. Is Gasudarstvennago onkologicheakaga instituta imea P.A.Gertsena
(dir. - prof. A.N.Rovikov, nauchary rdkovoditelt --chlen-korrespondent
AMU SSSR prof. A.I.Savitskiy).
Nqwrience In the treatment of cancer of the breast frcm data of
the Urtsen Oncological rhatitutee Edrurgils, 36 no.Ocn-M Ag
160, (MM 13til)
1. rz Gamdarstvennogo onkologicheakogo instituta lzeni P*A* Gertawa
(dir. - profe A~N* Novikov; nauabnyy rukovoditell - daystwitoltigy
ablen AMU SSSR tvauzhe=y dayntell nauki prof. A-J. gavitakiy).
.--- MUM=P Lem*
Late results of the treatment of gaatria cancer and methods for
their calculation. 7 ao'.1:844 f6le (MM 14-- 2)
-- - -NIKERU A. N,, starghty nauabnyy sotrudnik (Maskva)
Results of radical treatment in cancero KUn. iasd* nop111*119-124
161.0 - (KIRA 14:12)
1. Is Gosudarstvannogo nauabno-issladovatel'skago onkologicheakogo
instituta imeni P. A. Gertsena (dir. - prof. A. N. govikov)
--,-NEWRYAO Alakeandra N*pjpX2v=-_KUDRYAVTSSV, M.A.., red.; !IAMYEVA,
[Organization of oncological service for patients with stomach
cancerjOrganizatsiia onkologicheakoi pomoshchi bollnym rakam
zheludka. Moskva, Kedgizs, 1962. 107 p. (KEU 15:9)
Chemical and surgical treatment of gastric c-ancer.
no.8:8-17 Ag 104. OUHJ', 18:3)
I. 3-ye khirurgicheskoye otdelen-iye (zav. - doktor med. nauk A.P.
Bazhenova) patologoanatomicheskogo otdelenlya (zav. - kand. mel.
nauk Z.V. Gollbert) Onkolof,,icheskogo instituta iiileni Gartgena
(dir. - prof. A.N. llovikov., Moslwa.
Results of the treatment of breast cancer. Kbirurgiia 41 no-4:
32-36 AP 165. (ICRA 18:5)
1. Onkologichaskiy institut imeni Gertsens, (dir. - prof. A.N.
Novikov) . t6skva.
- NCR Ia. kand. vGyenuykh nauk polkovnik.
- I. -at-
- MPv==M==m=mwPw
Tralning of command personnel in military schools. roen. V&St- 37
no.U66-69 Ja 158. (MM 2182)
(Military education)
UNITOT. Petr Abskteyovich; LONSHKIYA, U.I., rsdWer; DZHATIYIF. S.G.,
Cqqllect 'ton of,geometry problems for proof in grades 6-7; a
annual for teachers] 9~*-rnik- zadach aa. dak"~itellstvo'po gesestrii
&Iia. 6-7 klassov.- posobleAlla uAiislol. Noukra, Gos.uchebno-
psdagog*1zd-v* X-va vrosv.RVSR. 1956. 111 ~. (NLRA 10:4)
(Geoffetry-Problems. Exercises, ate)
0 nakotorykh klas3akh mnozhestv v svyazI a abaolyutnoy akho4lmostlyu trigono-
metricheakikh ryadov, Natem. ab., 33 (1926),, 5-32.
Solutions des equations elliptiques pour lasxpetits:m~omanies. Matem. 9b., I (43)p
(1936), 485-502.
SO: Mathematics in the US-3R# 1917-1947
edited by Kurosh, A.G.p
Harkushavich, A-Lf
Rashevskiyj P.K.
Moscow.-LeningreA, 1948
Nnnmy- VS. Continued
Theoremes d'existenca at d1unicite des solutions integrales non - Linealres. Yetem. sb.,
41 (1930, 42-1-452.
Ob odnom obahchem klasse nelinemkh integrallpykh uramenly. Hatem. ab., 41 (1934 655-
1. MelineyWe Integral'We uravnenlys,, sravnimyye a UneM mi Cbshcheye nalineynoye
integmllnoye uravueniye, DAN, 15 (1937), 17-22.
Rezulltaty pervoy is atikh rabot VTmoreny Medera),&--70shli v Isvestayy kursanallza V.V.
Nenvstkogo, M.I. Sludskoy, AN. Cherkasova (T. 11, str. 265).
SO: Hathewtics in the USSR, 1917-1947
edited by Kuroah,, A.G.,
Markushevich, A.I.,
Rashevskiyo P.K.
Moscow-Leningmd,, 1948
NWMXIY~ IS, , Continued
Uber volls-bandig unstabile dywamische Systeme. Ann. di Math., 34 (1936), 275-296.
0 seme..,stvakh krivykh, zapolnyayushchikh metricheskoye prostranstvo. DAH, 21 (1938),
Semsystva krivykh tipa Bandiksona. DAN, 21 (1938), 103-105.
Sur lea systemes de courbes remplissent un espace metrique. Hatem. sb., 6 (48), (1939),
Priblithennoye kachestvennoye Integrirovaniye s1stemy twavneniy (X,Y),. p (X,Y).
tiffis, 38 (19/+3)p 71-75. sistemy (X Y d7 = P (X'T) V pervom
Zachestvennoye integrlroveniya dt
priblizhenii. DAN, 38. (19/+3)9 211-214.
Dinamicheskiye sistemy na predellnem. integrallnam mnogobrazii. DAN, 47 (1945), 555-558.
Obahchiye dinmicheskiye sistemy, DAN, 53 (1946) 5 cis.
. :y4'1' - '
Kachestwennoye integrirovaniya sistemy Q (Z ) . = P (X..Y) a pomoshchlyu universaV
nykh setey Loman~h. H.,, Uchen. zap. -ta, 100 (190), 34-52.
SO., Mathematics in the USSR, 1c;V-1947
edited Jr( Kurooh, A.G.,
Harimshavich, A-Ip
Rashavokiy, P.K.
Moscow-Leningrad, 1949
NIMMKIY, V. V. PA 17/49T5T
Dyawlacordoorotldgl 50P/Odt
MathomtIcs Mechanics, TYMoratical
*The Theory of Orbits of Dynamic Systems,* V. V.
Irdowtoldy, 26 PIP
*Mtemt Sbor" Vol XXXII., No 2
Elaborates on G. D. Urtchof-J"a theory of dynamic
isyst6aw (Amor Math SoG., Mr, 1927). Discusses the
analytic functions describing the action of particles
In a closed systen.
RT-1462.(TGpologiq4j:problemq of,~he..theory,,ofdyqaz4ical systems) Topologichaskie
vaprosy tearii dinamichaskikh sistem.
SO: ugg2flkhl 4(6): 91-153. 1949.
PA 163T23
o~wc.rtai. Problems of Vae Structure of the Spectrum
.df-Vonlinear Completely Continuous Operatorso" V. V.
Voiytakiy, Sci Res In&t of Math and Mech, Koscav
StAte U imeni Lomnosov
-!FMik Ak Nauk SSSIV Vol fro 2~ pp 161-163
the operator eq LF = AM, where A(F) i s
Iaoperator operating in a Banach space and whose
Vaiu~r, also belong to tme same Banach space; more-
avor, assunes A(Q)= 0. Denonstrates a number of
orems regarding, this operstor.A(F). Submitted by,
okcad A. N. Kolmogorov 4 jul 51.
I. Mwffafy' T. T.
2. tissa (6oo)
4, Differential Xquations
7. Problems In the qualitative theory of differential equations. Vest.koakun.,, 7,
nos 8, 1952.
9. Honjb1 &W gf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Karch 1953, Unclassified.
USM/10thenstics Nonlinear integmIs 11- SeP 53
.''gibe Structure.of a certain OperatorO K. K_ rayn-
b" BSSH,, Vol 92, No 2, pp 213-216
Considers the problem of whether a given operator
ilk generated by a real runction~f(u,x) depends upon
th* structural- Properties of f(u,x), where f(ux)
1-Wdefined for all real a and for all.x In the
o"sumble set B of Zaclidean space s of dimensions
br~the equalitj ha-f(u(x),x). Notes that h was
_i6tudled earlier by V. V. Nemytskly (Matem Sbor. 41,
-1438 (1%34))',, by the author in 1949, and by K. A.
Krosnosellskly (Ukrain Hatem Zhurn. 2, No 3., 19511-
~Completes the Investigation of the continuity of h
,_:ror an extensive ciane or function al spacest and
&Wwa that the necessary- -and sufficient.. criteriow*
of" -C-0, ini'lW_ 2*64ftted by Acad.ff. 961ioley
13 ~Jul. 53A.,
USSRI Mathematics -,4jualitatiye theory
Card 1/1 Pub.: UB-2/30
Author WeNytakLyi V. V.
Title I=-Vpro(ble In the qualitative theory of differential equations
Periodical : Usp. mat. cauk, 9, Ito 3(62), 39-560 jui-sep 1954
Abstract : The author surveys the contemporary literature in an expanded version
of his report delivered previously to the Moscow Kathematical Society
in NoXch 1953. Ke treats the problems of qualitative theory In the plane
the system dr/dt-P(x, y), dy/dt-Q(x, y)) and the spatisl problems
of q~mlitative theory, and also linear systems with variable coefficients.
In particular he discusses: vortices., nodes., singdlar points, limit cycle
nonlinear oscillations, stability, isoclines, separatriz, rotated vector
field, characteristic Indices, asymptotic solution, boundedness, periodic
solution. The survey covers approximately a five year period (194T-1953).
Fifth-three referencis, including 3T USSR (e.g. 1. B. Khaimov, G. Ye.
Shilov, R. E. Vinograd, A. F. Filippov, A. V. Dragllev,, K. L Yel'shin,
Ye. A. Barbashin, N. N. Krasovskiy, 1. G. Malkin, B. A. Yershov, S. A.
Stebakov., X. N. Bautin, Ye. A Leontovich,, D. K. Grobman,, A. A. Sbestakov"
A. 1. lurlye, H. A. Ayzerman, 1. H. Rapoport, B. P. Deaidovich, N. I.
Gavrilov, A. D. Gorbumov).
Prese-Ated- by. Academician, 1. Go Petrovs4o APril 1954
Card 1/2 Pub. 129-23/25
Author KevWtakly., V. V... Professor
-De-fewe of Doctoral Dissertation. In the MRch"ical-WtheMstical
Periodical : Vest. Mosk un-# Ser. fisikovist. I yest. nauk, Vol. 10t 188-1-901,
Feb 1955
.Ab,stract : rh the doctoral dlesertation of M. N. Vaynberg,, "Potential Operators
and the Variational. Theory of Nonlinear Operator Bquatiras", the fol-
lowing nonlinear operator equatim Is studied: mxsTx,, where T is a
certain Snerally nonlinear operator acting in a certain Banach space
sal a is a real parameter. In analoa with linear operators the author
of the dissertation calls the element x0 an element with fixed direc-
tion m. if wq:~--Txo; If moreover Wz% then the element with the fixed
direction Is coaled an eigen-element of the operator. M. M. Vaynberg
undertakes three problem: 1) the conditions for the existence of
solutions of the equation =.Tx; 2) the conditions for the existence
of.elements with fixed direction; 3) the structure of the set of ele-
ments with fixed direction; 3) tho structure of the set of elements
with fixed direction. Finally, be applies his results to the theory
of system of notaines integral equations. In recent years in the
LUSR four doctoral dissertations on nonlinear analysis hawe been de-
fended, including N. N. Vaynberg's; these other dissertations were by
Card 2/2
A. I. Guagepavo M. A. Krasnoseltskly and E. S. Tsitlanadze. In these
dissertations were developed Ida" suggested by the works or L. A.
lquaternik and V. V. KfizWtskiyj professors at Moscow Unlyeralty. These
four,dissertations determine a new stage in the development of non-
linear functional analysis which Is leading to the creation of the gen-
eral theory of nonlinear functional equations.
ZOIXOGORGY. A.U., akad.; 4~~7591T V'.*V., profs, otveredo
Ipy g hill
[Frogran in the theory of probability; for the Nechanics-Nothamtics
Fa=1ty. Major: mathenatics) Frogramma po teorit werotataosti
dlia nekhaaiko-matematichesicogo fakul'tata. Spetsiallaosti - vote-
matiks- 1956. 1 p. (KIRA 11:3)
1. Moscow. Universitet.
JNAIDRM, Pavel S*rgoy*Tlck- IMMSKIT Tiktor x4infrovLaft; YOFCMMO.
GODS. prefeseer, rx~46:r~.- 27~ rodaktor; KOFM(R, R,A.,
rodaktor; XMIff. T~oV., takhalchoskly rodakt*r.
iflia4saLk TiaWeviek.8topizew. universim,
tdta- --1956;,-5a V. I, (IMU 9: 5)
(Stepazow, Vlachoslay Tagil"ovich, 1889-19510)
P ?'_ I'll IV -r- 5 A- / Y
r__ 'r 1/1 1 Call Nr: AF 1108825
Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress, Moscow, Jun-Jul '56,
Trudy '56, V. 1, Seat. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 PP.
Remytakiy, V. V. (Moscow). On the Nature of
-M_b_iI_i_z_eT_Uo_Onions in Multidimensional Dynamic SyWtems. 208
Certain methods of qualitative study *I& the largew of mdtivarlate
autonomous systems. Tr~ Nookmat.0-va 3:453-482 156.(MUU 9;9;
(Differential squatioas) (Oscillations)
BUMLI, A.A.; red.;
red.,-,GYOZDZTSKff, M.A.,.red.;
GMMOV, L,I.. red.; MZIKIN, X.I., red.; LRTAVRT, A.A., red.;
BAKYT -,T., red.; ROTOPAYEV, P.S.. red.; SIXONOT, Ye.D., red.;
TUSHIMSM, G.K.. red.; YUKRIM, I.T.,red.; DOBRONRAVOVA, K.O., red.;
GIMIKH, D.A.,; KALICHMM, G.N., red. kart.
LConquared peaks of 1954; a yearbook of Soviet mountaineering]
Poboohdannye vershiny god 1954; szhagodnik sovetakogo allpinizma.
LRoskval geogr.lit-ry, 1957. 431 (KIRA 11:1)
S o q %~~-i\A, vri, \-~?- u -) - ~- V, -
]En~A~ ~tor V2adlmdrovich, Professor; Sludskaya,, Maria Ivanovna;
and Cherkosovv Andrey Nikolayevich
Kure matematicheakogo analiza, t. I (Course In Mathematical Analysis#
Vo 1) 3d ad.,, enl. Moscow# Gostekbizzdat# 1957. 486 p.
25#000 copies printed.
Gen. Ed.: Namytakly., V11ctor Vladimirovichs, Professor; Ed.:
Lapkog A,.F,; Tech, Bd,: Gavrilov, S. S.
PURPOSE: The book Is Intended for university studentsp although the
content of the book exceeds the requirements of the teaching
COVERAGE: The basic concepts of mathematical analysisj, such as
sequence, limit of a sequenwv funotionj, limit of a function and
continuity of a function, are Introduced, and the theory of
Course In Mathematical (Cont,)
differential calculus developed. The application of different;Lal
calculus to the study of functions Is presented and some mechanical
problems are given, The general theory of serlosp the expansion of
funationli In power serles,, and the calculation of values of certain
transceWental functions are preeontedj The basic theory of intergral
calculus in developed and Its applications to geometry and to
mechanics are given, There are no references*
Preface to the Third Wition 11
Cho I. EFunctional Dependence 13
Ch. II. Real Numbers and the 14mit of a Sequence of Numbers 32
1, Sequences of numbers 32
2. Limit Pf a sequence of numbers 34
3. Real mahbers 39
4o CrIteria.for ex4stenee of a limit of a sequence 56
Card 2/8
Call N-r*. OA 303- N43428
AUTKORS; aLVftkWp IL v Q*;k"6Vr A.
TMZ: A OM-99 In Mkthmmtidil Analysis. V01. 1r. ()Owe mateastichaskos*
ca. T~m n
FW- DAU: Gosudarstvenmaye lzdatellstvo tekh"I -U*mticb9akqy literatury,
Noscowo 195T, 496 pp., 25#000 Copies-
EDMR#. EdItorimL Supervision: Nemytakly, V., Professor; ZdItor-.
, A.F.; Tisch. Witor, Termakomm, Me. A.
PURPOSIC., Me book was written as a textbook for the co=ve of mathamtical
analysis at state universitthe andL was appro*d an amh by tim
Ministry of Higber Ziffmation of the USM
COVERAGE: The present vol=e covers the eitpression of functions by Infinite
Beqmnces and series of functions, difftrential calculm of
Lotions vith maw variables, and Integral caIculno of functions
0111 ffr: - QA 305- 543426
A Course In Nstbazatical Anx3juis. (Cont. ) I
with several variables. gwre am no persanKlitles and no references.
section One: Expression of Fanations by Tatinite Seqwnces and
Series of Functions U-219
Ch I Ckawral Meory of the Series of ftactions; U-65
Section am: gaqmnw of ftmations
1. Canae-pt of the sequence of ftmations
2. Convergence of a sequence of functions
3- Convergence test of a seqwace of functions (0sueby test)12
4. Limit function 12
5. Valform amvex-aence 14
6e Cancby test for wdform converepace 16
Se uw- ilon. Sro: Series functions. Uniform con-vargance 19
Card 2/32
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 5 (USSR)
AUTHOR-., Nemylskiy, V_V_
TITLE: On Steady-state Conditions in Three-dimensional Autonomous
Dynamic Systems (0b ustanovivshikhsya rezhimakh v trekh-
mernykh avtonomnykh dinamicheskikh sistemakh)
PERIODICAL: Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. matem. mekhan. astron., fiz.,
khimii, 1957, Nr 1, pp 3-7
ABSTRACT~. The concept of a steady-state condition is examined. The
author proposes to compare with the steady state that limiting
minimum multiplicity of quasi-periodic trajectories which
ought to possess the property of asymptotic stability. He dem-
onstrates that, in a three-dimensional space corresponding to
the steady state, there is either a topological two-dimensional
tore filled with nearly periodic trajectories or a single periodic
solution. In the first case, the frequency base of the trajec-
tories filling the tore has only two independent frequencies.
Ye.A. Barbashin
1. D, dcs--Theory 2. Topology
Ca-d 1/1
- .,: ~,Q- 11 ,
~ -,
Seminar on the qualitative theorf of differential equations at the
Moscow Univeraity. Usp.mat.naullc 12 no.4:235-239 JI-Ag '57.
(min 10: 10)
(Moscow University-Differential equations)
16(a) tPA= I W" WL01TATIM SOV/31TT
3WA SA scrok let. 1917
ft -1957.zcm Is Mosurnpe atit,l
Sa t
en in the
" for YOM Years, 1917-195T).Vol it
wles Articles) Pomace, Yjawgis, 14~59. 1002 9. 5."Q top*
seat A. 0. xw"h, (cuter 54. ), T. i. a' V, 0. m7anakw
0. To. SbLIOVS, and A. 1=194vigh) 34. (Inelds,
Sapot Tecb. 94.% S. A. Akulssav.
RURIM9 Mix, back to Wended far mat42MciCISOO and historians
OV mathematics Interested In Soviet contributions to the field.
COMM=& Th18 bogic It Tolvas I CC & major 2-1toluno sort on the
M atery of Sovlet aa&bmattca. Volume I suMYR tilt Chief can-
M butlons made Or Soviet mathematicians during the perIo4 194T-
2M A Yalu" 11 %111 contain a bIbIlograpur or major star" %into
"a bloSreptile sketches or mass at the leading mathens-
tl ossam. Thu wQrJF follows tin tradition met by two earlier
NOT I X&t~Mtlk& V'AWA r4 PY&tn&dt&&t' let (PAUSSRUGS In
the WSK for X.5-XLULL-AQ",V#mAtlka T =t to tridtgat"Alt
(MathematIca In the UWA for 30 Years). The boalt Is divided
late the major 41v1slens Or the fleld. I.m, alipbra. tqpozw.
tbecry or probabIlltiono ftnational anslysi; . ate., and Can-
XrSbutlow and outatsWigg problems In each discussed. A list-
Ift or same 1400 Say"t mathematicians is Included alth rotor-
saces to tZeIr contritatleas In the field.
ralka., "r. L. I. fuss- surface* 4T2
zatrafactlan 4T2
1. Classifloatlan or ftemann surfaces 4?4
S. #gmetrIa thsorjr of entire And
3. la-mad quasianairtle runatione and differentials
an Raessen surraoss
4. WMIGUM 'roblems. ?"blegatics 4
ftepst. A. T. generalization and Analogleg of the Theory
Vr-AMEry-fle-runut long 4a1
ruka, B. A. ftndtlono Of Many Complex Variables 494
-fiRKft2z-JP-.JL, and a, T Xhi Wxe- boundary-value Problems
'It rung and, of a complex variable 490
r I
OF the
Th"r7 1
Ordinary Dirrarential ZQuatl-G
i schecig in the vzon In %rA ritio or oroi-
fferentlal sq"tlonO
Mary 41
2. Agalgia representation or solutions (Prcbl**s Of
al thaic alvablllt7) 514
3. A4,nttes J the solutions at fiffe-AtI&I *qustlgng 519
uaum extension (methad Of small
4. lft
Pat%" r ~26
5. ft%bgd of small parameter tar finding periodic Ann
a3sgat periodic solutions and other Skaundso solutions 529
6 ft
% ssnargto systems or differential sevations 5
-q stabilit
g %pVW
alotgnoe Snaorlse, ane general qualltatlv* ttwor7 5417
Tb "17 or dynmg,12 g"tgm%wd other sentralizat Lane
or the theory or Ordinary attrarential eq"tIona 5
AUTHOR: Nemytskiy,T.Y. SOV/42-14-2-1--V19
TITLE: Ordinary Differential Equations at the International Congress
in Edinburgh
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk,1959,Vol 14,Nr 2,pp 251-252 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Thi s is a short report on the Edinburgh lectures on ordinary
differential equations and some informations obtained by word
of mouth. The following Soviet scientists are mentioned: Ye.F.
Mishohenko, L.S.Pontryagin, YeJu'.Landis, I.G.Petrovskiy, O.A.
Oleynik, Yu.A.Mitropollskiy, Andronov, Volosov, Ye.A.Barbashin.
The lectures of I.O.Petrovskiy and Ye.M.Lardis are said to be
the most profound ones. The author regrets that no synoptic
addresses were given in the considered domain.
Card 1/1
+12 'all
j V~ Z.
Hs 6
v jqj , 11 11I.J. rsvI :---
U 1.4 del ri.
EN 1;J
C1 1 IYC222
AUTHORi Nemytzkiy, V.V.
TITLEs Some General Theorems on the Position of Integral Curves
in the Plane
PERIODICALs Vestnik Moskovskogo universitets. Seriya 1. Hatematika,
mekhanika, 1960, No. 6, PP- 3 - 10
TEXT- The paper deals with a family of characteristics occupying the
whole plane; some theorems supplementing the Beadixon's theory are stated.
Let &I be a simple are or a simple closed curve C. If -at is an open ar,
then it is completed to a closed curve 0. Let be the region inside C
4nd F2 be the region outside C. The arc ab is ca2led "one-sided con-
ducting" if :
1. For every point p E ab there exists a T so that the arcs of the
) 1P
characteristic f(p;- T 0) and f(p;OT is in differentF(i - 1,2).
.6. P P i
p G &b is called inlet point if f(pj - Tp0) c F2and it is called
Card 1/ 3
S/05 60/000/006/001/008
Some General Theorems on the Position of Integral Curves in the Plane
outlet point if f(p; - T 0) C I-
2 P
Ail inner points of a are either inlet points or outlet points.
The author considers systems of characteristics having only one singular
point (in 0) in the given region. Then the following classification of
characteristics is valid t
A. Elliptic characteristics oc and o ; their boundary sets consist of
singular points.
B. Parabolic characteristics v- (reap* W ); the boundary set is empty,
while to (reap. at) is a boundary set consisting ofone singular point.
C. Hyperbolic charaoteristioe d, and 0 ; the boundary sets ar empty.
D. Positive (rasp. negative) asympt6tic characteristics aZ (re:p. 0 )1
the boundary set consists of more than of one point and does not belong
to the characteristic.
E. Periodic characteristics ot and 63 r the boundary sets are identical
with the characteristic which io a simple closed curve.
P. Singular points.
Theorem I i Zvery simple aro or simple closed curve going through no
singular point can have common points only with a finite number of
Card 2/ 3
Some General Theorems on the Position of Integral Curves in the Plane
wvnepolozhnyye" elliptic or hyperbolic regions.
Theorem 2 s Given an angle space bounded by two curves starting from 0
and running to infinity. Lot the curves be one-sided conducting in the
generalized sense, i.e. the characteristics can entor the angle space only
through these curves. Then: Either the angle space contains parabolic
characteristics or one of the boundaries of the regfin itself is a para-
bolic curve or both boundaries are parabolic curves with an opposite
Theorem : The whole plane cannot be filled up only by elliptic and para-
bolic curves,
There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet references.
[Abstraoterts not* r The word "vnepolozhnyye" in theorem 1 could not
be translated.]
ASSOCIATIONt Kafedr& differentsi&llnyy urevneniy (CH&ir of Differential
SUMITTED: August 28, 1959
16 ,q6o 0
AUTHORt -Hemytakiy, V.V.
TITLE: r-Me-t-ho-d for Finding All of the Solutions to Non-linear Operator
Equation 110
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-131, No-4, PP-746-747-
TEXT: The author considers the operator equation y = F(y), where F(y) is
a completely continuous operator of the Banach space B into B. The uniqueness
of*the solution is not assumed. The author proposes a constructive approximate
method with the aid of which all solutions of the considered equation can
be obtained in finitely many steps. The method is similar to the separation
of the,roots of an algebraic equation and it consists in the construction
of certain sequences of nets. The question on the least wamber of necessary
operations and on optimal construction methods shall be discussed in a next
PRESENTED: December 1, 1959, by SA.Sobolev, Academician
SUBMITTEDs November 23, 1959
Card 1/1
"Les regimes osci1lateurs des systemes autonomes dans Ilespace a
Paper presented at the Intl. Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations, Yiev, USSR,
O~-19 Sep 61
Moscow State University, Moscow
i /64/61 .1001/000/016/019
ADTHORs Nemytakry. V~ V. (uSSR)
TITIZa On steady-stati conditions in automatic control systems
SOURCEs International Federation of Automatic Control. let
Congr-?ss, Uoseav, 1960,, Tjoriy& n-)prery~vnykh sistem.
Spetaiallnyya matematicheskiye problemy. Moscow,
lzd-.Yo AN SSSR9 L961. Trudy~, f. 19 597-602
TEXTt The solutions are an%lyze-i of systems of differential equations
which describe anlti-dimensioaal control a-vatems; these, solutions are
related to steady-state eonditions. A simplifie4 system in described by
the rector equation
- - f I(z) + (2)
whera a is a constant veotor the external disturbance is time
Card 1/5
On steady-state conditions.,,.
independent)o This system Is considered in phase spacep and it in aasused
that the region of phase stat4a is boundv~-& First a linear system in con-
sidered, viz.
---, - &C +
where A is a constant matrix~ The gener%l solution of this system in
A t -~ t
I + + + Ca -111"d+
Th4 case is noted when pair of ths coots is' purely imaginary and the
uthers are negative. In this case., the general solution to
A *. X t
x A a in + + t- + C '6 -3 + ..0 + C A ID 0
o 1 3 A
For t--* all the solutions tend to the periodic solutions
Card 2/5
On steady-#tat* conditions... B214 W04
zo - Amin (pt+(?)+*, .
However, the smallest change in the initial conditions changes this
periodic state andp thereforep no steady-state prucess will be observed
in practice. Hencel it follows that for steady-state conditions of
xO(t) it is necessary that an open not of solutions exist, so that the
phase-trajectories should tend to x w zo(t) for any initial condition
which belongs to the domain of the periodic solutions. Such & criterion
has bece also found for nonlinear systems. In the case of multi-
dimensional nonlinear systomap various authors have established criteria
for the existence of periodic solutional for exampleg for system of a
very general typos
dt f11(Xd + f21(X2) + f3i(x3)
The periodic solutions for systems
Card 3/5
On steady-state conditions.**
- . A(xi) + f (xk)
(I - 1029...,On) (1/,k4n)
can also he foundt bmt the question whether these solutions correaliond to
steadyt-state conditions remains open. Further, the existence of non-
periodic steady-state conditions Is discussed. In this connection, the
definition of internal stabilityt as given by P* Franklin, is stated. It
is noted that systems with internal stability.yield information an all
their phase states, provided they are sufficiently long observed. Inter-
nally-stable conditions can be described analytically by means of almost -
periodic Bohr functions, Hencep the study of almoat-periodic states in
useful for determining StOddy-state conditions, though not all the almost-
periodic states of a given nonlinear mystes correspond to steady-state
conditions. For a three-dimensional phaae-spacev the necessary requirements
for the existence of steady-xtato conditions are known. These requirements
have yet to be formlated for the g5neral case. In this connection# stv,-
tionary and periodic stateaq an tho one handp and almost-periodiol an the
Card 4/5
On steady6-state conditions...
other# differ (the former containing only on* trajectory of xteady-state
conditions and the letter-an Infinite number of trajectories)@ It Is
noted that the foregoing analysis Involved autonomous systems only. A
discussion followed* There are 17 rieferoncess 14 SoTiot-bloo and 3 non-
Soviet-bloc. The references to the Znglish-languago publications read
an fonowst oo rridrichav On nonlinear vibration& of third ordery Studios
in nonlinear vibrations theory, N.Y.t IM;- Lo L. Rauch# Oscillation of
third order nonlinear autonomous systong Contributions to the theory of
cillationav Annals of mathen. studiesp no. 20, 1950; P. lFranklin, Almost
periodic recurrent motion, Math. tottachrep B. 309 1929o
Card 5/5