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ACC MRs AP6034147 SMCE CODEs UR/0424/66/0)0/005/01 30/0138 ,AV=Rt Memirovskiy, Yuo V. (Novosibirsk) 'ORG. none TITIZ: On the limiting state of layered and structurally orthotropic cylindrical ;shells I ,SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnalo Kekhanika tvardogo telat noo 5, 1966, 1'.-0-130 ,TO-PIC TAGS: shell theory, cylindric shell structure, orthotropic shell, sandwich istructure, plastic deformation, pl.asticity I ABSTPACT: This article deals with some aspects of analyzing inotropio, and structurally ~orthotropic cylindrical shells with layered models, and also with the formlatioj-. of limiting relationships between gemeralized stresses for these models. Relationships for two-, three-. and four-layered shells are obtained as special cases, and various models of structurally orthotropic shells are considered. The material of all elements. making up the shell is assumed to be ideal stiff-plastic, giving rise to the piecewise 11inear conditions of plasticity which are graphically portrayed in Figures I and 2; L ithe first figure represents "sheathing" elements# and the second "stiffener" elements. Limiting relationships of the form -I.. I I a, + n,0 - hitall (2t, + r,,~) - (2t, - B,,~) (h,tall - qq) r,s / aW + 7 "1" (2h + ]P,4') - (24 - Bggl) (h,%? - h,%e) rd / on, Card 113 - 28AW - 2 (to -.1206) (4161~ - N%,,) r,0 I am" ACC NRs AP6034147- Mij - M 034- Alto,$ (2t, Bill) 2 (ts - 1201 (hilgil BgI IW& + fflT44 - moll -- h,%,s (21, + r., Bill) - (2t, - Bill) (1h%j~ - A,la,l) rVB,? Mill' - A,%,' (2t, - B111) - 2 (is - t,$-) (h,4a,# rga kl%ls (211 - Bill) - 2 (t, B" MI + n,~ - -,44 hI%Iv (2t, + rill - Bill) (212 - Bud) (hi%ll =01,0 Alla., (21, - B,,') - 2 (1, - to.) maa) rill t*B., -I 2ths%,' - 2 (in - tM-) (h.%,, - h,%,g) rill / B,,- M, + nVal - A,%,' (2s, + r,,,) - (2t, - B,14)(hl%ll - hla,,) r.? BsIg kl%ll (2t, + rill) - (2t. - B,g4) (hj%? - k,a,4) r., 4 - t;0, (21;., - B,4) 2(8, - 0,1l) - ~ 6) = 0 0 y are stated for the get Of limiting conditions satisfying the asatimptions of the problem, where T, ' - ' ' MI = M. oil= agill a. hit - h"' 7T -ff* S, I V1 Card 2/3 ACC NR, AP6034147 A, Fig. 1. Fig. 2. !Por some special cases there are other "boundary" conditions which occur simul- Itaneously with the given limiting conditions. Separate discussions are devoted to the! Ifour-, three-, two-, and general multi-layered shell. For example, limiting condi- itions for a nonsymmetrical two-layered shell might be NJ + Mall, - 2A (12 T 1"), -t - 2h,ij + 2h (ig T- is*)0 to - t It'. ts - It - � Is* Ang + 2hAej - � Ps8sh, 2hts Ak = hj+ ht. 98'= (01& + OA)I; 'where Wt ht, Z0. ON, =wig i "t, - hi - - The model is also extended to cases Involving stiffeners, reinforcetient, and other cond.itions of plasticity. Orig. art. has: 49 equations and 8 figunts. ~ Card 3/3 SUB CUDEs 661 ORIG RU 1 0031 M REP 1 003 PK_/,B ~O SUBM DATE ACC NR, AP6034777 AUTHOR: Nemirovskiy, Yu. V. (Novosibirsk) OhG: nono SOURCE' CODk:s MI-2: On the stability beyond the elasticity limit of layered shells of nonsymmetrical construction SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal. Mekhanika tverdogo telap no- 4P 1956, 97-103 TOPIC TAGS; shell, shell stracture, sandwich structure, elasticity, elastic limit ;,BSTLR2XT-. An analysis is made of the stability of three-layered sloping shells of nonsymmetrical construction. Of particular interest is the beha,rior of such a shell beyond the elastic limit. The shell (see Fig. 1) consists of two bearing layers of 717TI it Fig. 1. thicknesses and 82, Young's modulus E and E and flow limits and a 1 2 '70v 02' Cor 1/2 03 ACC NRs AP6034777 light filler of thickness 2h and shear modulus G 3' The Kirchoff.-Lyav hypothesis applies to the structure, and it is assumed that Poisson's coeff--cient in the same forl the bearing layers and that I . . 46 E . I ES 603 ks C2 ==~ where and are the tangential and secant moduli, respecti-ely. Amalysis is rma made of loading conditions which initiate plastic defo tions. Formulae are derived for computing the variations of forces and momenta in each layer. A system of eauations is found for defining the critical loadings for the loEs of stability of the &lls. The symmetrical case ( 8 1 n 8 2, 0' - 1) is first analyzed, and some generalizations are discussed for a sloping bimetal shell. The 6pecial case wherein the materials of the bearing layers are not the same is analyzed, and the limits of elasticity are found for E 2)' Ble The author notes that certain approximations for computing the bearing capacity of the structure deserve additional study. Orig. art. has; 21 equations and 2 figures.' SUB 'CODE, 5M-13L SM D=s 05-Tul"/ ORIG MWs 00'7/ OW RV- 001 Card 2/2 ACC NR3 AP7006924 SOURCE CODE: !AUTHOR: VokhmyanJLn,, I, T. (Novosibirsk); j[GM1ravsk1_y._,1U_._V, ,!(Novosibirsk) .!ORG: Novosibirsk State University universitet) i !TITLE: Load capacity of plain and (Novosibirokly go3udaratvennyy stiffened cylindrical shells SOURCE: Prikladnaya mekhanika, v. 3, no, 1, 196T, 18-23 '.'l It. TOPIC TAGS: cylJ ndrical shel 1 ice i ed -teft Mol 041 shel+--Tuad aPac ABSTRACT:The statte load-carrying capacity of nonstiffened anA ring-stiffened cylindrical shells clamped along their face adges and subjected to inner uniform constant pressure is investigated. -An exact solution of this prob- lem is obtained foe a shell made of a rigid, perfectly plastic material obeying the Tresca plasticity condition and associated liar of flow. Equilibrium equations of a plain cylindrical shell, expremsions foe the low of plastic flow, and boundary conditions of continuity of deformation and of 3 try are used in deriving axpressloas for determining the exact ;Card ACC NR-AP7oo6924 value of the limit pr;a:ure.pp for a plain shell as a function of a geometric parameter o he hell, the statically allowable field of stresses, and the associated, kinematically possible field of the rates of strain. A simplified approximate expression for determining P (about only 22 lower than the exact value) is also given. An expressfon for the limit pressure P. of a cylindrical shell stiffened by closely spaced rings and clamped along the face edges Is derived from the expression for Pp by means of an affine transformation. The procedures to be used calculating the limit pressure In a case when the stiffening rings are not close enough, as well as In determining the optimum number (spacing) of rings are out- lined, Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 11 formulas, (VKI SUB CODE: 20/ SM DATE: none/ ATD PREW: 5117 I ~. .1 - I II," v ~ ~ V'I ~ , 1-. /V SHLYAKol-l-, E.M.. Inrhanar, ARI-'!'-"'I --i-vIng- tKe .408i--r sr,~! ', - F ~~t n.qs~. . 37 r~ . ~: '-' ., I . 2 , ..'~ ~.,jvjxiy, Z.N. ~ - 7 ar~ --hain vroa,~-' . 3. (KLRA 10: ?) 1, .. I law N g, -a -------- ---- i: ma-6 y em IMmid Arlen Anawli MAZ M ttE 'Pil ~.-- oft of M f -4i IT-1 Al 21 -kt Nil, till j.' ;M71 rl MA, QW1, Ctli L 081~1-67 ENT ( 1. 1.jP(.-) AT ACC NR-' AP603352z'l SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/010/1078/1 8 AUTHOR: liddzhak, Ya. S ; Tgvstyuk. K. D.; Nemish. 1. Yu. ORG: Chernev State Univirs ity (Chernivets' derzhuniversytet) S TITLE: kEff- e'ct of nonparabolicity of energy bands on the kinetic properties of semiconductors, SOURCE: Ukrayinslkyy ftzychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 10, 1966, 1078-1088 TOPIC TAG!'): Fermi gas, 'current carrier, relaxation process, integral equation, energy band, kinetic property, nonparabolicity, semiconductor ABSTRACT: The concentration of current carriers of some kinetic coefficients are calculated for the cases of undegenerated and greatly degenerated Fermi gasesi with nonparabolic isotropic laws of dispersion. The scattering processes are I described by the relaxation time 'pz; -2. (-L- ) , where r depends on the dp scattering rnechanism only. All kinetic integrals are integrated in general form for any r and expressed through known special tabulated functions. An analysis is given for the equations obtained for cases of weak and strong spec,-:rum nonparabolicity., Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 42 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] SUE, CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 24Dec65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 008/ I/, nez ACC NR; AP602i(' )12 SOURCE CODE: uR/GO2l/66,/ooo/oo6/G748/J753 AUTHOR: 111~2 ~Sh Yu. M. ORG: ]~~rs-ti-tu"te-,)-f-"m-t-,c--h"a-,n,ics k11 URSR (Instytut mekhaniky AN UTR3R) TITLE: Plane problem in the moment theory of elasticity for a region with a round hole assuming given boundary translations SOURCE: AN UkrR3R. Dopovidi, no. 6, 1966, 748-753 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity theory, vector, boundary value problem, ela.3tic plate FABSTRACT: The author studies a plane problem in the linear theory of elasticity which .considers stress moments in an isotropic elastic material. In setting up this problem,' Iformulas are given for the stress moments and translation in terms -)f complex poten- Itials and the solution of the Helmholz equation. Expressions are given for the prin- ;cipal vec-~or and the principaL moment, and also for boundary conditions in fundamental !problems of this ty-pe. These formulas are derived on the basis of -:-epresentations for !the components of the stressed state in terms of the stress functian using the Muskhe- 'lishvili method. The stressed state of an infinite plate with an a~6solutely rigid :washer sealed in a circular hole is calculated. The entire system is assumed to be :uniaxial-ly stretched to infin-fty. The plate is located in a rure bending field located :in the plane of the plate. The article was presented for publication by H. M. Savin. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 20Jun65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 /,3/ Card 1/1 , L 29802-66 EWT(mjj~M~E(,~) IjP(c) EM ACC NRt AP6011219 (N) SOURCE C019t OR/0-198/66A02/004/0085/0096 ALI THOR: ha Yu. ff. (Kiev) ORG: Instituto of Mechanics, AN UkrSSR (Institut makhaniki AN UkrSSR) TIM: Str*na concentration around curvilinear holes in the asymetric theory of elasticii7y- 7- ~ SOURCE: Pri]dadnaya makhanika, v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 85-96 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity theory, stress concentration, "Mb", approxims- tion method,, complex function ABSTRACTi The plane problem for an Isotropic medium in elasticity theory is con- sidered, An approximate perturbation technique is used to calculate the stress concentration around curvilinear holes in the plans, which is assumed to be infinite in extent. 'rho term curvilinear is used in the Bons* that the function s = W can be mappal on the ~ plane as a R + Here, E takes on the values Card L 29803-66 ACC Ilds AP60W19 4-b a +b 2 6=�T; k-2. :hl; k-3 9 for an elliFee, a triangle,, and a square, respictively. 1n the absence of voli=et- ric forces,, the governing equation for the static problem is give-a by Vw - 0; VI VI - 0. The stress functions a" calculated from the series 1 Card 2/3 L 29803-66 ACC NRs Aftolaig as W U1 (JR-CO E (er)-+" "(A + 1) a br in mr) - ar, sin (Rr)-'A+l bT' cos (s a; R - I bv" in F, (r,%) (Rr)-'R-l 0: sin(, + -1) M + a2) Cos + R 4"' sin T cT'ccs n' Several numerical examples are given for stress concentration around elliptic, triargular, and square holes under conditions of umiforn tension. Orig. art, has: 27 equations and 4 figwes. SUB COIZ: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04Feb66/ ORIG REF.- 005 NVIISOVA, V. V.,(Engr.) NEk!ISOVA, V. V.,(Erngr.) -- "Particle Structure of' Sols of Vamulium Pentoxide and Their Properties." Sub 22 Apr 52, Military AcadM, (if Chemical Defense imerii K. Ye. Iforoshilov. (Dissertation for the Degree of' Candidate in Chemical Sciences). Vecternaya Moskva January-Deceriber 1952 I V'~ : r, 1., I - " ) . I.,- , nucioar bower- economic Issues and .,oAcy fcrma,,--,' by iteviiwo, by M. Nemiteattu. F-(-b,'m ~Z:)Il - , " ? 0. 5. 1 W~-.l 56 1, Y 'b4. ji -11~ T 'lil. 1; -1i L Mg M g I -v TZ w4i M-__ V1 ~ T S r\ ~ Y, V V SUBJECT USSR/BLAI~ICS/Differentia; equation6l CARI 1/ -14 ?G - 110 AUTHOR 11MzYjJ 11.1. TITLE Some problems of the qualita,,ive theory of differential eq-iations (Survey on the modern litera-,uxe). PERIODICAL Uspechi mat. Nauk.L. 3, 39-56 (1954) revievred 6/1956 Me author remarks that the qualitative -theory of differentit.1 equaticns in the last years has become one of the most popular methematic domains of in- veatigat:,on, and that itE fundamental notions and the theory of method are transfer::ed io moiiern physics and techmioB. At the same time it must be re- marked that the mathematical progress was insufficient for these purposes, because -the mathematics was mainly employed with the solution of -the problems of local character, while for the application mainly the beh1AViOr of the integral 3urves is of great interest. The problem of the qualitative theory in the pla:-ie. The system A - 11(xy), -CIZ - q'x,y) --'-s -,on.sidered. Local inviastigatioas - which dt d+ were made ti-11 '940 - fall back, and the mathematicians inVe3tigate in the large. Poinaar6 and Bendixson described the powsibil$.*Oehavi,)r of the integral curves in regions wth a finite number :)f tiingula3' points. Tieir results are essentiilly enlarged by the papers of Solnzev (Izvestija Akal. Neuk 2L 3 (1945)) and Vinograd "YJ~en~je Yapiski MOU 135, mathematic.3 Vol.V. "?c2)). Therewith the Uspechi mat. Nauk ) L 3, 39-56 (1954) CAJU 2114 PG - 110 preblea of the Cl.aSlliri'_~LtiOP Of tho Integral cur-en which ca-.1 ex-L3t in the plane is entirely solved. The theorem of Ben-i-Lmson on the exister-ce, c~f a clozed integral. cu:rve in a ring domain is joined by the investLgatlons of Filippcr fMat.Sborn-k .952)), Dragilev (Priklad.IUA.Mech. !6. 1 (-.952)) qmd de Castra (Boll..Unione mat.i.tal. Ser. 3, -8.L 1 (195/3)) who si-coessfu2ly Lnvastigate -,he equatiou *X6+f(Xf;)-i+9~X'J-0. The metAod of' Dr-,o! uf Fllippc7 and Dragil,av permits an estimation, .~f the situatir)n of the limit oyc'.eq. I-L. *: r- C- I r~ -- ~! .3tigat_',.-;ns of Gomor., wid Riohmcrd ((Juart. appl. Math. ~L,. 2 (-95-;)) the comparinon method is succensfully applied which joins the wei. known daplyg-;~-'-) 1-immn and whi,th firstly was formulated b.f Drag.'.levz Let he g~vert 'rwo systems an .1. If' 1 ) f (z.,r) and ~Lre contin:,LLus and satisfy the Lipsch.l.-".z .-ondlltion in every bounded region outside of the x-axis, 2) C~l V)< 0 1.1 thfl nelghborhood of the zero Point, 3) xg(m) >0 for 1% 1 >0, then from 4 ) f(x,v~ > the existence of a paxiodjc solution r;f (B), there follows the-*,e2!.sfen,:e of a periodic soluTiort of (A), whch lies inside of vph;-~- is '3ounded by the periodic solution of (B). IXiff, Levinson, Eckweiler and Diliberto investigate the conditions which must be satisfied by f(x,.V) and g(x) J.P order that there appears a prescribed nLimber cf limit cycles. In the applications, besJde of the system with plane phase space also systems with cylindric space act a great part. 1,17hese systems may have periodi,,. solutions 3 - 39-56 1) CARD 31' 4 P, - 1110 Uspechi -mat. Naiik 3 V without singulary p~)int-3. In -(,nn-tio- w,th these questions -~he author mentions the invest:'.gation3 of (Ana.1i senola, normale Super. di Piza, Ser 3, (1950)) and '.he papera of 0-:rrwrig.a; (Erincetan 1950) and Reneter. (Journ. London math.soc. 2Z~L '. No., ~05 ('952)). To the problem of stability -n the la-ga there belong two clw3sical questions. 1) The question for the center for the existence of a neighborhood are sought, inside if which all solutions are perindtcl 2) tho question of the estimation of the region of attra,,tlon of a sinp-lary pUnt. The fIrSt queation .,L was treated lese, the se--ond was t-reated inteneiirel.j in Russia. Barbagin and Krasso-ski (Doklady Akad. Nqu.x (1952) NO-3) Lmproved Liapunov's 8 LIL Stabil.Jty cr:iterion and remarkeli 'If alditiona-y to the Liapinov conditions for evory A a niunber N can be deterinined such that from N there follows i (v - Liapunov function), then -lie zero point of the system is V(x, x, stable in the large. This theorem ani some conclusions admit to establish several stability criteria in the large in cannrf!:.e Ca34aO. Most difficult is the establishment of the corresponding LiapuiLotr function. Erugin, Malkin and Ergov (Priklad.Mat.Mech 14,, _15. 16~ IL, (~950-*:953)',', uri-estigated in detail the system -;LJL- ax Iy ~ f f.,(x', - 2():) - 'f2(y) at i~ppearing in the tl-e.,ry of ajtcma~i.,, -,)r- rc-1. Stt-J,akc9- (Doklcdy Akad.Nauk 82 UspecbJ_ mat. Na.v-k .~L 3,. 39-5C (1954) caz -, / 14 13G - 110 (1952) No.') g2ve .3. me 'h1-1- J ft.) r tlo& -f txD b-ci~-_e : I ,nes i bet wee ri T thom here ~ E) a r. sgi:-~-il _r -I e 0ii J- h - ~ -gt a g- ven pc!.nt ,:.f rhe iregral '~Lr :P~ L J b I, -ti w! i are con" a ine," The dependert In thp r4ght part:j - f the equa.~Inn 'A -,,i i r.--rc if *LU.&tQd by DF3 B,igg' , (Dynami cal systems w! th stable II, ~ -91~,'-'; W- T~ 9. IaT rre'b,~d Bautin (Mat . SborrLik, n. Sei . 10. ( ;95~_ /' Nc. ) b,~ , - -,- .3 g,:4t,~d the quest ior ofthe existence of 3iu-it cycles zl&aa the 7.eT,-, p- -in' i-r Y-,x qt.r,y) ai-e pc,Lyncmials of secone. degrse. It ir pz-o-tred that the 'im: : oyrlet; i- .9 16 3 and an example wl,-"-.h ej.,a,,t)y thi ee !Jm: t (7: 1 ~f 6*. cer.. Le:-!r1tcri-!r 'Dolclady Akad. Nauk 19',,',' N).4) inves-"g5tei C-f fve limit yoles from the sepa,fLtri%. ai:~f (Anr,. Math. Ir,. %-.or Cder-Ad. the .3pecial system r a! aMa J rj r- (re a! P and Q-1.axe perlodi.; in t)i with -1he pe-jod 21t , where F(X, Y, at +,-K,~, - -P(;L, Y, ly, , I r3,,+IT) - -q(y-,j, and the system pmisesses only isoiarerl -3i.ngulary points. Then Duff investigated the cftanging of the limJt cycles ir ~iep3aden,~e of al~ and the vanishing and appearence of ',im:.t cycles from the sin,3%ilary poin-,9. Three-dimensional problems in t'iF quall,~ative theory. The question on the behavior of tile irta,grral curves near a singulary point is not yet entirely i3olred. Apart from thr, "critieal"case where aL arbitrarily Uspechi mat. Nauk2.L 3, 39-56 (1954)' CARD 5/14 PG - 110 small change of the coefficients invoLves a discontinuous change of the topological image of the integral cur-7es, the results of Grotmann (Mat. (1953) I-o-1) must Sbornik, a. Ser. JLOL (1952) No.11 1~oklady Akad. Nauk 86 1 be mentionedt 1) if among the roots of the characteristic equation there exist at least two roots, the real parts of which have different signs, then all. solutions (except such which fill up a manifold of lower dimension) leave a sufficiently small neighborhood of the zero point for * Pm as well az for t -oD 2) If all real parts are different from zero and have the samie s4n, then for t -"%,+ oc all integral curves pass zero. 3) The tot7ality of the integral curves decomposes tato a finite number of classes according to its asymptotic behavior. Warzevski (Ann.:3oc.Pol.Uath. 21L Vol.II (1949)) remarked that if the real parts of the roots of the characteristic equation satisfy the condition 0(1 '60(24.... :g. 0(- k-1r'G(k< Mk+1 -4 0( k+2'*'* 4CO(k+p 4~"41:+p+11< then the set of integral curves which tangent the coordinate plane (xk"'xk+p)' ha-ve the dimenston k+p. A complete description of the behavior of the integral curveS in the neighbor- hocd of a singulary point is possible only with additional assumptions on the inhomogeneous terms VPi (t I x1 ... xn) . Gxobmann (Doklady Akad. Hauk 86--, (1953) 1) Us:?eohi mat. N&A IL 3, 39-56 (1954) CARD 6/14 PO - 110 considered the systems dx , AX and AY . wbere x .. (xi...x t dt n) Y, .... rn) T ani found the eAditional conditions for whi(:h are necessary in orler that the form of the integral curves of' both systems is asymptotically equivalent. These conditions consist In the fact that for I he function g(X) whare g(t) -1 ly 1P (t,y) (t-,Ar) a ,ertain w3ymptotic behavior is demanded. If' the system ha.s negative characteristic exponents, then the integral curves are asyn~ptotically equi- vaLent if f (*,!r) (t,T) I i6 P (r) - 17 - 7 (r k Iln rl2-m+'+f- where k and e are certain positive numbers ELnd m+1 is the maximal order of su.-.h submatrices which correspond to the roots with negati-je rea.1 parts, 11 'a .. flyl , IT I I . if the charactoristic equation has roots being equal zero, then the behavior of the solutions is scarcely known. There remain to be mentionec*L the p9 8 of J.Haag (BulJ..Sci.Ms,th..j4 (1946) No.1) and analogous results of e 3 takov (DDklady Akad.11auk 62. (19481 No.21 ibid. 62 -5)' Desisting from a ,j_ (1948) 110 P complete qualitative investigation of the neigborhood of a singulary point Gapechi mat. Nauk IL 3, 39-56 (1954) CLRD 7/ 7 4 P Ir., - I 10 and only putting the question of stability, then the classicaL direct method of investigation is proved to be the beat for the application3, e.g. Lurje and Eisermann, on the, automatic control (Gootechizdat 1951 and 1952). From the theoretical standpoint the results of Massera (,Lnn. of Natb. '1945)So-1) and Baxbagin (Mat.Sbornik, n. Ser. (1951) No.2) are interoatii:,g, vrho independent from another forpulated the inversion of Liapwiov's theorem oi-t thet asymptotic stabtlity. Barbaijin remarks: If a compa-zt, corviaoting, invari~Lnt fiet F devides its sufficiently small niogborhood into not more than a finit,s number of parts and if at the saine time it is an asymptotic sett then in a ce--tain neighborhood of F there exists a continuous function v haviag a continuous derivative relative to the time in the region U, which satisfies the conditions v >0 and vtl< 0 and vanishes on F. The same conditions for v are sufficient for t1le stability. The qualitative investigations of the more- dimensional systema in the large are still in the initial state, Barbaglin and. Krasovskij (Boklady akad.. Nauk 86 (191j2) 11o.3) give sufficient conditions for the stability in !;he large. The conlitions are expressed by Liapunov functiodEi. For special e.-stems theme funn.tions are really constructed (Bax'baC", PrIklad. Mat-Mech. -1(-)L (1952) NO-56 Kra!3ovskij, Priklad. Mat-Mech- J.L (1953) NO-3)- In the question on the existence of periodic nolutions the aw;hor refers to the book of Malkin "The methods of Liapuniv and Poincarfi in the theory of none linear oscillations" (Goatechizdat). Uspechi mat. Fauk 2A 3, 39-56 (1954) CARD S/ 14 PJ, - 110 Linear systems wi-t~, variable coefficients. For the treatment of linear systems wl-th variable COeffiCitnt3 the ~ompariscn wLth other su-table systems is the moat popular method. The beat results in this d:)main are cbtained by comparison with cons-,ant coefficients. A very good aqy-,np- tDtic formula is given by Grobmann (D-Alaay A-kad. Hauk 86 (1)13) le)-22~. Let ~~e dX n F, a (t):X the given systein dt 3.1 ij j n (2) Z b..Yj (1-1 ~he comY)ari30n 3.fSteM, It j-1 IJ m -+1 be th order of the greatest submarrix of the matrix 1) in Jordan's k f I J.) form and this order shall correspond ~o the eigenva-lue of the matrix with the real part Wk. Then from the cond-itton coo f t2mk g(t)d-t