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NELIDOV, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Techr-cal questions and answers. TSErert 30 no-3:21 I -Te 1, /ly ~ t,4. 17: i., ULIDOV. V.K., dots. Design high production boring machines for the repair industry. Ktkhe oil'. hoop. 9 no. 13:26-27 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Drilliv4g and boring machinery) (Autonobilas.--lagine-j--Cylinders) L 137-58-1-1384 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 184 (USSR) AUTHORS: Preys, G. A,, Nelidov, V.. N~ TITLE: An Investigation of the Wear Resistance of Electrically Plated ChromiLM Coati--igs (Issiedolaniye iznosoustovchivosti elek- troliticheskikh khromovykh pakrytiy) PERIODICAL: "cr. 1-y nauchno--tekhn, konferentsii. Kiyevsk. in-t grazhd. vozdLshn. floi.a. Moscow, .1956, pp 330-347 ABSTRACT: The wear of Cr coatings was studied relative to rate of slip M, (0. 2- 12 m/sec) and specific pressure (15-150 kg/cm2). The experimental data are used to prcvide an explanation of the mechanism of the wear occurring in Cr coatings. The laws that govern the wear of Cr coatings relative to change in velocity and the mechanism of the wear of Cr coatings are the same in principle as for 1he wear of steeL The effect of lubrication on the rate of wear was also investigated. N. K. 1, Chromium-plating 2~ Chromium-Durability Card 1/1 INAU I W" UPWITATIOX 301/5053 Ts" ,;ptnaya konferentelya po trenlyu I Isnosu v sashinakh. 3d. lafton I Ituosoateykast'. Amt1fr1irtsionny" saterialY (Wear and Near Resistance. AntIrrIctIon Materials) Moscow, ltd-vO AN SSW '!'0i'!'1 P. Xrrata slip Inserted. 3,500 copies printed. (ser,.. . ?ruay. T. I) ~ SpOnforing Ag*ncy% Almdemiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut mashlnovodeniya. Romp. 3d.: X. M. Shrushchov, Professor; Rds. of Publishing ft=o,. M. U. laeb&rov, and S. L. Orpik; Tach. FA.s T. V. Polyakowa. PURPM1 This collection or articles Is Intended for practicing engla"re and research scientists. COVIRAO: The collactIoN published by the InStItut SaShIno"d*nlym, u 3= (institute or Science of Rachinew. Academy of Sciences 03R) contain$ papers preseuted at the III V asoyuznaya Kon- retentalla DO trenlyu 1 12nosu I NA*hL"kb (Mrd All-Union Conference an PrIctloo and Wear In Machines) Which was hold Atril 9-15, 1958. Problems discussed were In 5 main areas: Rydrodynasic irAcry or Lubrication and Friction Bearings a M~n I Y*. 11. Out Iyar. Doctor of Technical Sciences, and t A. C. 0-yachkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences); 2) Lubrication and Lubricant Materials (Chairmant 0. V. Vinogradov, Doctor or chemical Science&). 3) Dry and Boundary Friction (ChAirCent S. V. Deryagin, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences 0M. and 1. 1. tragelletly, Doctor of Technical Sciences); 4) wear an* Wear Resistance ichalmant H. A. Krushchov, Doctor or Technical 3ciencesi; and 5) Frictlon and Antifric- tIOn Materials (Chairsens 1. V. Kragal Isicly, Doctor of T,*cA- al"I Soleness, and M. M. trushchow, Doctor or Technical Sciences). Chairman of Me general assembly (an the first and last dal of the conference) was Academician A. A. Blagonravov. L. Tu. Frushanskly, Candidate of Technical Sciences, was a.21- entifte secretary. The transactions of the conference ears PublUbad in 3 volumes. or which the present volume to the f1rat. ThIs val=e contains article& concerning the wear and Near resistance of antifrictlon materials. Among the topics 0010red Aret W40M developments Ir. the theory and experl- 0W1nt&I 0CL0ftC4 Of Wear resistance of matarLa!a, specific data on the wear resistance of various combinations or materials. methods for increasing the Near resistance of certain materials. the effects or rriction and Near an the structure of materials, t1he isechaniam if the Seizing of metals, ths effect of various types of lubricating hwt*riala on malsing, abrasive wear of a side wariety of smiterWe and componesita under many different sonditions, modern developments in antirriction materials, and the effects of finish machining an wear resistance. Many per- 4Ofia_lItl&s arm mentioned In the taxt. References accompany aost VUR MW V&Aj jZSI3TAXC% 1. General Probjeas of the Theory of Wear. Effect Of Various Pactorm on Wear. Increasing Wear Resistance. Shrushchov, M. M. Modern Trends in the Development of the Science of Wear Resistance of KsterlalB 8 CoststakLy, a. 1., 1. 0. Mosavakly, Y._L. Golq&2. and ,::Ification of X&Ulsand Alloys Accord- L-K. To C Is fns~lr Wear latance is I'skil _1,_L Near as a Result of RepeatAo DefOrm&- 3_ t Iff-b' ur act Layers an 27 J.,ge,.1gation of tne Friction of Chroalua Absence of Lubrication 33 3/123/62/000/003/C 15/0', 8 A004/A101 AUTHOR: Nelidov, V. N. TITLE: Invetitigating the resistance to wear of chrome coatings in rolling friction PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1962, 58, abstract 3B327 ("Nauchn. tr. Kiyevsk. avtomob.-dor. in-t", 1960, no. 6, 69-77) TEXT: The author presen-,.s the results of investigating the resistance to wear of chrome coatings In rolling friction (pock-marked wear), both in dry and lubricated friction. For comparing the resistance to wear of electrolytic chrome and steel under the same conditions, tests were carried out with specimens of the heat-treated steel grades IMIH4 (12Kh2N4A) and 12XH3 (1210W3). The specimens were chrome-plated according to conditions which,based on data of the practice, ensured the highest resistance to wear. It was found that electrolytic bright chrome (deposited under technological conditions of Dc - 55 amp/dm2 and 60 + 163C) in rolling friction and 2at compressive stresses in the deformation &r a center of %ompr - 300 kg/mM wears off 4.5 times more than 12Kh2N4A grade Card 1/3 3/123/62/OGC/X3/C"5'/G18 Investigating the resistance to wear ... A004/A101 steel. The process of pock-r:;arked wear takes place under conditions of plastic deformation of the metal durIng alternating compressive loads and its oxidation by the air oxygen, which promotes the development of wear. Pock-marked wear is characterized by a breaking off of the chrome coat owing to fatigue phenomena * 2 A lowering of the microhardness of chrome coating by 20% at 6' Rr - 300 kg/mm on the races surface in comparison with the non-operating specRoem surface can be explained by the tendency of bright chrome to a recrystallization of the meta- stable phase (hexagonal lattice) into the stable one (cubic face-centered). The mentioned process takes place in the most intensive way during heating, occurring during dry rolling friction and compressive stresses. Under conditions of pock-marked wear of chrome coatings with lubrication at a compressive stress Fcompr ' 450 kg/mm2, the resistance to wear of coatings produced at a cathode current density D. - 55 amp//dm2 and an electrolyte temperature of 600C, was by 4.5 times lower than that of" 12YaiN3 grade steel, The highest resistance to wear of chrome coatings operating under lubricated friction were shown by those produced at a cathode density D. - 55 amp/dm2 and 60 0C (I. e. having a mean microhardness value HM100 - 1,060 kg/mm2 and a mean net density of 20 sections/ 2 mm . The critical com ressive stress for this coating with lubrication amounts to 13compr - 350 kg/Z, while the limit stress admissible is 16~ompr ' 300 kg/4L Card 2/3 3/123/62/000/003/01D/018 investigating the resistance to wear ... A004/AjOj If the hardness of chrome coatings is reduced and the net density increased, their resistance to pock-marked wear is reduced, In rolling friction with lubrication on the races the microhardness of chrome coatings did not change, while It was reduced by 20% under dry friction conditions. N, Savina fAbstracter*s notez Complete translation] Card 3/3 MUSIN, A.Ch.; N~LIKAITV ~LM.A. Using vertical holes in bremking ore in chambers. 7'rWy Inat. gort del& AD' Kazakh. SSR 1]L%16-Z3 163, (MM l6s8) (Boring) (Blasting) KUUNOVO I.M., gorrqy inzh.; TITOMMOV, S.A., gornyy inzh.-;__?ELIN, G.-T. Hoof contrel by means of complete caving with mechanized knock- ing out of supports. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.1:30-31 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Donetakiy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy ugolinyy institut. (Mine timbering) MI11, N. (Grozny7). Is rain alone responsible for the fire? Pozh.delo 6 no.l: 14 Ja '60. (MIRA 13:5) Or1re prevention--Inspection) . Lzv-~ ( -sury); POLYMOVP I.; SHIRYAYEV ' V. (Perm'); PIYAIMIKOV, M. (Balmy, Chitinskays. obl.) Bleeders' letters. Posh. dole 8 no.10:32 0 162. (KMA 15: 10) 1. koballulk poselkewago otdolenlya xilitsft,, Shiringushig Mordowskay. LM (for Polyakov). (Fire prevention) GALITSKITp L; MELIN P :z:z&_:-4- Pracedurs for issuing bonuses to workers. Sots. trud 8 no.?s 139-U3 Jl 163. (MMA 16 110) - NELIN, P. (g.Khartsyzsk) Gluing of organic glass. Radio no.9:47 S 162. (MIRA !-~,:9) (Plexiglas) Nelin, V. PA 23T89 V Lin vp ., N4 Vol IX9 So6 %10n ot -ImiWar. I%dl md I", Too 0, spun". POTLAYCHUK, V.I., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; S)LaIAK11"NA, V.M., kand.hiolov.nauk; SEMAKOV, V.V., nauchnyy sotrudnik; NELEN, Ye.S., nauchnT~ sotrudnik; MOROZOVA, A.T., assistent; MAL11FLN, Y.M.; KORCLI, A.P.; BROVA, Ye.F., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; CHKElJ`.1kN-lSHvl LI, TS.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotriadnik; ASKAROVA, S.A., kand.biolog.nauk; IOFFE, R.Ya., kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk Brief information. Zashch.rast. ot. vred. i bol. 9 no.11:51-53 164- (KRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashc~ity rasteniy i~for Potlaychuk, Bykova). 2. Kiyevskiy universitet (for Soloraakhina). 3. Kamchatskaya sell- skokhozyaystvennaya opy-tnaya 5tantsiya (for Semakov). 4. Bialogo- pochvennyy institut Dallnevostochnogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Nolen). 5. Lugangkiy -e.1'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Morozova). 6. Zaveduyushchiy Izbaskentsklm entomo-fitopatolo- gicheskim uchastkom (for Malinin). 7. Zaveduyushchaya Tashkent- skoy tekhnologicheskoy laboratoriyey (for Koroll). 8. Gruzinskiy institut zashchity rasteniy (for Ghkhubianisnvili). 9. Institut botaniki AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Askarova, Iof'e). A"~,/ 2- /f//~ 1AI, F~ 1,11THOR I" '". 56-7-LL/66 TITLE --M-~H-Ifferential Cross Section of the Photoproduction of Piona by Nucleons in Consideration of the d-state. (Differentsiallnoye secheniyefotoobrazov&niya n-mezonov na nuklonakh +chatom d-sostoyaniya.- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim i Teoret. Viziki 1957, Vol 33, Nr 7, pp 271-273 (USSR~ ABSTRACT First, reference is made to several previous papers dealing with this subject. The author here gives a complete expression for the differential cross section of the photoproduction of mesons on nucleons. By means of thi7pression the author calculated the oross rection for such oases in which the mesons are in a-, and d-states. The formulation obtained here contains &11 previously found expressions for a (r~-) (without taking the d-state Into scoount) as spetial oases. With the help of this expression for di (,~) It Is possible to determine the relative oontrib tion of the production of mesons in the d-state at various photon energies. In this way It is possible to find out at what energies of the r- quanta it will become neoessary to take this CARD 1/2 process into &*count. The Differential Cross Section of the Photoproduation of Ficns by Nucleons in Consideration of the d-state. 56-7-44/66 The author then investigates the production of mesons in s-,p- and d-states by photons. All transitions possible in this case are given in a table. Also a rather voluminous expression for the angular distribution of the photomesone in the center of mass system (in oonsidoration of all transitions motioned here and the interferanos among them) is written down. There follows a short report on the results obtained by K.Watson Phys.lev., Vol 95, p 228 (1954). (With I table) ASSOCIATION: Physical Institute "P.N. LEBEDEVII of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Pizichaskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk 3331.- Russian) PRESENTED BT: - SUBMITTED: 16.2. 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CAJID 212 YBVMDOTIVA, X.Te.;NXLIU. T.G. Result of tissue therapy of onilepsy in chII&On, Topr. pedi&t. 20 no. 1:12-13 Jon-lob 1952. (CUL 22:1) 1. Candidate Medical Sciences for Tevtod0yeva. 2,Of the Clinic for Children's Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty. Rostov State Medical Institute (Head -- Docent T. S. Shneyderova). NELIP. 1. P. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Historical Scienc-s in the Institute of History "The Assistance of the Working Class to Kolkhoz Peasantry in Developing the Nateial-Technical Base of Agriculture During the Period of its Sharp Rise, 1953- 1959 (from Materials of the Ukrainian SSR)." 'Vestnik Akad, Nauk, No. 4, 1963, Pp 119-145 DIFLIPP K. V. "Study of the Mechanism of the Oxidation Rea.-.tion of Sodium Sulfite in the Preserce of Mohr's Salt." Thesis for degree of Cand. Chemical Science Sub. 17 Oct. 49, Moscow State Pedagogical Tnst. imeni V. I. Le-An. "-ees in 7cience and Siumnary 1", 19- Dec. 52, DissertatiaU Fresent~)d Lor De v Jan - Dec. 1949 ,ngineerina in Moscow in 1r)49 From VpchernY 1-';oskv Y BALEZIN, S.A.; NXLIPA,-A--V-l Inidbitore of cheaic&l reactions. MUM. v shkole 18 n0.1:17-23 J&-F 163. (MERA 16-4) 1. Pedagogicheskiy irstitut imaid V.I.Lenina,, MDokva. (Inhibition (Chemistry)) _lU I"A antum in-- in a Lebed,~-v, Acao 3ci U, if--s-rt-'Aor for tl:r Phys icomathen, atical 1-~cii nces) Welhwt, N. F. The quantum theory d a "Iradiating" elw tron. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 85, 12S9-1262 (1952). (Russian) Covers the saw point as tworew t Papers [Judd. Lepcce. Ruderman, and Wollf, Phy" Rev. (2) so, 123 (1952); Otpen and Wergelabd ~ ibid. ft 123-124 (052)]. The atm. *n of Parm- [ibid. $k 23S-239 (1951)] that quantipft 'i"anical i to the dam" formula for the radis- twn of an accelerated point charge are sufficient to affect the design of synchrotron, etc. is sitown to be based on an hworrect appiom*mation. The cLusical formula is chown to U weff grounded theoretically, in agreement with the recent expainzent8 of D. R. Corson [ibid. $6, 1052-1053 (1952'0]. A. J. Cokmax (Toronto, Ont.). (unclaLsified) scs 15539 pp 341-6313 L: (VELWA, N,F. A.A. On N.Y.Nelipa's article I%mtum theory of luminescent electrons.* A.A.Sokolov. Sbur.sksp. I toor.fis. 24 no.4:4ffl-"3 Ap '53.(NUA 7:10) (Quantum theory) (ILectrons) =113A, N.Y. A.A.Sokolov's article on N.F.Rolipa's work *Qaantus theory of luminescent electrons. 0 Reviewed by N.F.Selips. Shur. skep. i toor.fis. 24 no.6:730-739 Je 153, (MLIA 7:10) Obantum theory) (Electrons) (Sokolov, A.A.) --N~Z~~ftdarQYJQ14. kand.fiz.-Mtem.nauk; FAUBOYN, I.B., red.; LESHKOVTSNT, V.A., (Atomic energy and nuclear reactors; explanatory text to a set of posters) Atounista energiis i isdernye reaktory; poiasnenle k serli plakstov. Moskva. Isd-vo Olmnie.0 1957. 36 p. (KIM 14:1) (Atomic energy) (Nuclear reactors) NILIPA. N.Y. DIfferential arose section of the photoprodugUon'eff 11--mesons on nucleons accounting for d-states. Zhur. skep. I ~Aor. fix. 33 no,1:271-273 JI 157. (KIBA 10t9) 1. FIsIcheakly Inatitut im. P.I. Iabodays, Aim4saii mmak SSSR. (Xoaoun) (Nucleoup) Nt N F. AUTHOR: Nelipa, N.F. 56-5-33./46 TITLZ: On the Problem of the States of Nucleons (K voprosu o, vazbuzhdennyk1, sodtoywftyakh nuklonDv) PMIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 5, pp. 1277-1281 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Markov (ref. 1) proposed a nonlocal equation for the description of excited states. It in now shown theoretically that this equation oontains the statement that two strictly separate classes of excited states exist for the nucleons, i.e. short-lived ones (of the order of Mgaitude 10 20 s) and comparatively long-lived Meg ( - 10-10 s). These states osLn be identified by the hyperens. Their occurrenoe in the intermediate states leads to reso effects. An an example (in proof of the methodical Justification) the reaction -K - + p --~ % - + p in omputed. It was found that the oamputed maxima of the total soatterIng ames section are Yer7 close to those found experimentally. For the process Tt+ + p + p card 1/2 A7, TUCH: Nelipa, N F , Feoktistov. V A 7C -.1 T On the Problem of the P-)Iari zation of Rf, -,i i N!, Photopro,luction of 11--lesons fV voprosu o nolYnr:za-~i nuklonov otdachi. pri fotcobrazovrinii N-m,~zonovl PERIODICAL: Zhurnal .~kqperirqentFiL'no:j j t,~orettz-h(ssko.v f IzAl Vol . 35, i~f 1 , .)I) A 9STRA ~h e t h eore t I Ca I lrlvf?3 t It,. on o'-n e r)rc ~ i ems :.r)nnec,,? 1 the determination of the polarization of' recoil nn_,F,,-n:-7 .3, in principle, carried out accor-4ing to two methods: ?y tn(, apnilcation of the iensity matrix (Ref 1~ Rnl by rnE pheno- menoicgical scatterinz theory with application ~f tile 7 71-j~ (Ref 2) In the T)resent DaLer th,~ endeavor is male to Ier,.e ,9 general for-nulation. for P '141ri7-ization of recoit n_,--I--~~ns.. by the ai,! of the S-matrix. Iii iontrast to referen~.e ', tn~ represer.tation ~f is eVen more general-, The laws -,f servat-.,-)q of parit.7. ani of momentum serve as a hasis o' deriva~ior~a As an example tne case of the poar,.zation the prcluction. of pions in S-, p-, an! -;-states 13 !Cq~* W_~r_ if the d-state is not taken into account, the ' bard 111~ P usej nere goes over into the expression by Fell ~'Fr~ -'. On thi, Problem of the olarizatior. of ae~:oil '~Ov 'Iucieon.3 in the Photopro,!-i,~tion of 11-:1,~,soroi (Rel' -1). The reactionr is irivestigit-m-' an.! is set :., pi G' a n 16' ar t h E? d i f f e r e n t in I - ro 5 sir. of the ohotoproluct! ~n of mesons For 'the 2aso of transitions a -'-DMP-. a '2 5 7,5 formuia ("j", wnich extenls over 7 lines, is neriv~~c f,- i-I wrii cri e s over into F-e-1-1 's formula for Therp ai -2 rib a n d r fpren---~s, '5 of whi-cn ar AS3GCIATICI;: Fiz-, cchc.2,3kiy institut im P N L e b ed e v a A k a i e mn q -i!~ Physi Ins ' i tute imen-- :1 Lebedev,A-3 U33R ,MMITTED i February 24, In58 Car-i 1',15 21(0), 24(5) T AUT111A Nel i pa TI~LE: EJE-s-tjc 3c-~t 1er4 -'h-tons on E--cited of rasseyanive f -,t -)r,,)v na v-)zbuzhde!~nykh nu':-l-,n-1kh,1 ?ERI OD C,'..L: Zhurn-.1 eksperi. e:.A-l noy i teoretic.,,eskoy f 19 )d, Vol 55, Nr 3, i~t; i ,2 1 (*(:S--?,) A2STRACT: The occurrence of' m~!ximL i!- the c,,-)urse of meas!-;re. .,:-.ts carried out ol tfl., cr,):,s section-. of ,,~,rlous L)rocef-ses (scat t picm ph-Ao- rod ction, etc. ) is well-kno-.-.-n. of thez~e 7,. xima Tb:nm In order to ex the fir~~t worked out a semiphe!-.omerolot, ical th;~~.ry, a(,c-r,,in,, to vihicn, the snrittir.r,; of pions (Ref 1) and Of Y-4LPMt-l Ref .2 as well is t%c- pi:jri pr-)duction or. niicie(jr-q ef 5~were de: lt with. Anot~-,cr expli,;ation of the R occur-e.,-ce of c-rr-,ss section 7n7txim-a, whic*- w is su,~ ested by Mamrkov (Ref 4), i,- b:-,sed on the asz-u7ilt~on t,.-,t t?~e nucleons in exc'~tr-d t,-;'1,)s. In -;n earii--r Re~' the author dezilt with- the V-r-)blem of the scitterin,~ Df pions on nucleono by usjnt- the ?&trkov molel; in t.he Card 1//, present p:iper the ex,,f~ci*-rices gathered on t-iat occusion El ~-st ic Scat terine of r~hot Dr:s or, Ex- i ted Nucleons SCY are ul. ilized f Dr t'-.2 pur:))~:e of cu'. cu---,tin.-, t.-~e differential elastic scatt.--ring crops sections o f y-quanta on excited nuc'. r--:,rs. The processes IVO re b (tlle a 'V a:-e c-lcul-tel -in 'i.-:-t a~;,r)x:--:.+iDn by t.. - re~)resen-,-cior; ,r t;-.e m.,:trix -'emer,tc 3 afirl, S, su,-,Osted hY AkhiZ.27cr --.,,d B,2restetsViy (Ref 6)(l~ -t-,ry sys-~e7l). T,e v~..-`,.c-S t - i ~~ e -r t --i c secti~,.- satisf--ctorily %,;it, t-.p ex--ri.~e.- ,t~ d : t a a v a i i r. of ti. ~r~ (c'.f.E~ures t t 0 cf crt.-Iss oc-ticnc o:. t'-O e' e :- LIT (4 of t'-i i- t r z: f r 0 C 0 i n t h borz. o i 0 -u- - r I i r i `~, -It 4~ j t:. c: t t t? j d h t - f ~~ i :) ILL 3 t2: L* -4 e9 ( c0, I r, , 200 i,.,,v) t'- Peri V. 1;i: n v e I r 1) 11 r i~ ~; -, o ; ' - -, I n C on - 1 o r, , t'.; - r f . r. V !--'i out advice rd I.A.Y., , r~. c o --I. p;i t;-i t o - TI-I i. u, r ;, 0 12 Card 2/3 9 A' vihi;-'--, -..-v ','ov-* t . Elastic of -h-,,*,,- f: c- --::rcii-d Nuclc.,)ns se%lf1, ~ ;,- 2 r- 7- , " !, A SSOC I P-'.TION: Fiziche~Aiy in3tit,,t im.P.N.Lebedeva Aka:;e7i~-: - :":c E-'SR (ilh,rs~cs i-.r..-i P.N.Le-Iev I ,I, SUB"llT'ED: F,:~ ru -.' 1, ~j 17" C t I ,, .71, 3 ASE OOK EXF ';elipa, ~~I,ryazl fetoobrazoiraniya 71-mez,;ncv s rasseyarilypm; s pr-,I z-.en*ye.T. koeffitsiyentov Klebsha-Gcrdana, Rakha , Z Relatil nsi._~p *.)etweer. t!e Photoproduction and Scattering of lr-Yes,,ris; 'Ait'r. Supptemen',qr,/ Tatles -)f -Gordan, Racah and Z Co4mfficlent-s "-sc w, ;,~. mzdo:,', 87 p. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 ccpies pr;nted. Ed.: V.G. Fat'yanjv; Tech. Ed.: N.A. Vlas vn. PURPOSE: This monograph is intended for sc~enl'fic w,-rkers in t-e f~pld f higher-energy nuclear reactions and fcIr students in advanced :_,Lrses ~n nuclear physics. COVERAGE: This booklet gives a systemat'-c rev'-ew --,f researcl~ 5~-.Id'es phctoproduction of 7r-mesons on nucle,-Ins witn scatter`.ng, and -r application of the results obtained t,:~ the analys-,s -f exner'mer.*a-.- ja'~. According to the authcr there -is no systemat-4c th.e-ry f_r anal,,-ZInp ':~P Card 113 Relationship Between the Photoprodtictic,n (-'~;nt.: -:;O'V/3~ 3 ~ experimental data appearing in recent yearE 'n ~ne- sons take part. rhe method of analysis disccussr-d Is appi.CaL'.r. * -f-quanta of any energy. The methDd bec---mei as *-:-.e er,:rgy increases due to 2orrespondinu increases ir t,-e number I part' all waves that must be taken into account. If the tren~,ment Is 11m-,-d !- '~.e ~-,se where mesons are formed mostly in the s- and p-states, ~tnal~~31s -ar t'-F- < 400 viev. The authc r 1 I'm! ts mse I f made up to energies of 46300 Mev energy regi ~0. Experimental dada are g1ven, an~i t~~,? express' r fr,r the differential cross section of meson r)~:A-or-ducti::~ 'S dr7!r.ved. The relationship between the processes studied an~ the f t~-_e results obtained to the analysis of eXper4mental data :n mes n ph t.-Dr-- duction is established. No personalities are merM--ned. T~- e r thirty references: 14 English, and 16, 5,-vl~at- TAH-E OF CONTENTS: 1 n t.r~- duc tion Exper'-mental data Differential cross section -)f IT-meson ph,:t pr d'~CT.l n n ns Card 1~13 Relationship Between the Photoproductic-A ~-c;r.t.j 3. Relationship between scattering pr-.-:~esses arr, D-~ '. -.,r 4. Analysis of experimental data Appendix I. Clebsch-Gordan Coeffic:-ent and ",.e'l,- Tables 3 7 Appendix 2. Racah and Z C(.efficierkts and "Keir Tables Appendix 3. Analysis of a Plane Wave Appendix 4. Dtrivation of Expres 54 on f-r ? lar~zat-~ r. f 83 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Jlard 313 s b FHASSE I BOOK UPDOITOICK 507/5717 Moscow. Inat=erno-flaicheakly institut. Pribory I metody analiza isluehaaiy; abomik nauchnykli rabot, vyp. 2. (Appal ratum and Methods for the Analysis of Radiation; Collection of Scientific Papers, to. 2) Moscow, Atomizdat, 1960. 166 p. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring 4gsicys RW&terstvo vyushego i arednego spotsWtnogo obrasovaniYa RSM. Hoskovskiy Inzhenerno-fisichaskiy inatitut. F.d. (Titlo page)t Ye. L. Stolyarova, Cam4ldst* of Phrmice and ilithematice; Tech. Ed.& S. M. Popova. PWOS&s Thia collection of articles is intended for specialists In nuclear physics, dcaimatry of nuclear radiation* and shielding. COVERAUs The articles were prepared by sciontists of IUFI (Moscow Pbraics and Engin"ring Institute) and presented at the 1957 conferems of the Institute. Brief ammotations to the articles have boon included in the Table of Contents. No personalities an mentioned. Reforms" follow each article. card US Apparatus and Yethodsibr the Analysis (Cont.) SOV/5717 Stolyarova, Ye. L., and G. G. Doroshenko. Delayed Coincidence Unit for Meas- uring Time.interwis of 10-10 -10-7sec 1" This unit has greater possibilities than other known units. Use of pentodes with secondary emission under special conditions permits blocking of the limiter with one photoelectron from the photocathode. The characteristic impedance of the delay line (150 instead of the usual 92 ohm) enhances the amplitude of the pulse for the incidence selection. At resolving time 2T7= 2.5 nsec the recording efficiency is 60%. Nelipa, N. F. and V. A. Feoktistov. Determination of Small-Phase P~i-kes&n_~~J_tering by Nucleons 155 A general equation is given for the polarization of recoil nucleons emerging during the formation of pi-mesons by photons. Irodov, 1. Ye. Resolving Power of Analyzers With a Radially -symmetric Magnetic Field 157 Problems relating to the resolving power of analyzers are discuBsed. Card 7/8 -IIE61PAp N.F.; FEOKTISTOV, V.A. Determining small scattering phase's of Il"sons ok nu oloons. Sbor,, nauch. rab. MM fido-2'0*155-156 160. (M321A 14-3) (Nesons-Zoattering) NELIPA, N.F.; TSAREV, V.A. Inve*se dispersion relations for the photoproduction of T-mesons on nucleons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:2y)-260 Jan '60. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Fizicheakiy inatitut im. P.N.Lebedeva zW SSSR. (Photonuclear reactions) (Mesons) (Nucleons) NELIPA, N.F. Double dispersion relations and photoDr,.)duction of 7r-mesons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 ni.4:1085..1092 Ap '61. (KMA 2 4. 7) 1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni P.N. Le-betieva AN SSSR. (Photonualear reactions) (14esons) NELIPA N F - V.A. Double dispersion relations and tbr - --- Zhur. Amp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.6.-171u-17U JO 161* (MIRA W ff,141111111111116 14: 8) 1. Fizieheskiy institut Im. P.N. lebedeva AN SSSR. (Photonuclear reactions) Nesons) XMIPA, 11. F., FMIDV, L. V. "DisperGion Relations for Compton-Effect on a Proton" 11 - report presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4 -11 July 1962 .~ I e, ~-' NELIPA, ff. F.; T&M,, V. A. '~Vhe Dispersion Relations for K41bson Photoproduction on Nucleon and % -*son on wperon" 1~ repoxl~ presented at the Intl. Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, 4-11 July 1962 3/02 63/14a/ooi/012/032 B125%102 AUTHORs Nelipa, N. TITLEt Theory of radiative production of electron-positron pairs on a nucleus tPERIODICAL& kkademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 1, 1963, 6a - 70 ,TBXTs A general expression is obtained for the differential cross-section r: r+ nucleus - recoil nucleus + * + s- + P in first son- of the proc:s + vanishing P urbation-theoretical approximation. It reads zlillplllpgllbgldf),,,dg,,dQ*,daides 1(1), do r: -Sp F. 2 tzar W1q, tO where Sp F - ~-P'-' + ~P-22 ++ _'POA + 711 In 744 M- +jp2l p34 + + ~pO + + 2 ["P13 + :. +'.. + lit In 734 Urd 1/2 5102 65/148/001/012/052 Theory of radiative production... B125YB102 The order of magnitude of this cross-section amounts to j1/13T of the pair-production cross-section. k k -P)9 P1(t19'1)?P2(k-2'f2) 1 2 (u'2 0 L and q(C,' +' 424. P1 P2 are the energy-momentum vectors of the incident photon, the emitted photon, the positron, the electron, and the recoil nucleus, respectively. The six graphs contributing to the maltrix element are obtained by all possible permutations of the photon lines. Meanwhile$ the electron lines and the positron lines remain unaltered. The only important tracks among the 21 present are tracice 11, 12, 14, 1!i, 22, 25 and 24. The others can be obtained from these by permutation. There is I table. LSSOCIATIONt Fizicheakiy institut im. P. K. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni F. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTEDs July 10, 1962, by Ya. B. Zolldovich, Academician SUBMITTEDs June 15, 1962 Card 2/2 S/020/63/148/002/01 8/037 B108/Bi a6 AUTHOR: 17. F. TITLE: On the theory of the double Compton effect on the electron PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 2, 1963, 311-313 TEXT: A general expression for the differential cross section of the double Compton effect is calculated in first nonvanishing approximation of perturbation theory: do = r: ctw2h)adDj,, d0k. dcos Sp F. (2A)'16w,es[1-u,cos(p%k,)j W Card 1/5 S/02 63/148/002/1018/037 On the theory of the double ... B108YB186 ro = Ot is V, = I P21 7, F2 'c" (g. + 1) T, (1, + T, T,, Sp F Sp J[ &I- + 1) T, (It + 1) T, p2ks-ptki - pakil - p, ks + 0, -.,- 1) T~ 7, (~, + J. + 1) 7, p2ka-piki piki - pi k3 + 79 (93 + 1) 1, (f3 4- V) 7, 03 TI& piki, pik: + + x X 1) Ti (9- + T, (A + 1) T, (go 4- 1) T, P%k2-pjkj - Plk,.Plk3 + L (11 + 1) ', (92 Tj r, (7, - 1) T, (93 + 1) T~ p2k3-ptkt P%kt*Plka + T, (b 1) Tj (i~ 4- t) + T~L d- + 1) T, (i~ + 0 T pjkj-pjk2 P2k. - P114. 9 p k pl-k3,.f5 90 p 2 +Ic2 , 92 P2 3 = 2 P 1 +k 1 f 2 pl-~cV Card 2/3 On the theory of thf, liouble ... 3/020/63/148/002/018/037 B108/3186 !a I!bI ab - a0b0 a-b cos(ab)j - ki (Iji i) and pj(t 19pl) are t:ie energy- 0 0 momentum vectors of the incident and of the two emitted photons, and of the initial and final electron (i = 1,2,3; 1 - 1,2). The complicated factor SpF is calculated. There is 1 table. ASSOC IAT' .0N Pizicheskiy institut im. P.-N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: July 10, 1962, by Ya. B. Zelldovich~ Academician SUB,N,.'ITTED: June 15, 1)62 Card 3/3 MILIPA, M.R., folidsher (solo Konovalovk& Poltavskor oblanti) '--~ I '- w ~ ~ - - ';~ - ". ftchangs of wTerisnos in child care at nurser7 so (in a collective farm. Felld. I almaho no.9:38-39 S 154. (MM 7:11) (CHILD VEIVARS in Russia, nurseries in collective farm &,cring spring & sumer) MMEPA. H.B., felOdsher (selo Xonovalovka Poltavskoy oblasti) Water supply for rural areas. collective farms. state machine-tractor stations. Fel'd.i akush. no.5:42-43 Rr (WATER SUPPLY, in rural areas In Russia) MUL CONDITIMO water supnly in Russia) farms. 155. (NLRA and 8!7) VALIPA. I.R.,(Folldsher (solo Konovalovka Poltavsko7 oblasti) My participation in dispensary service for leading groups of workers on a collective farm. Felld i akush. no.9:39-40 S 155. (PUBLIC RZOLLTH, (NUM 8: 11) in Russia. in collective farm) NC- ~ ~ F ), fl~-1~ USLIPA, N.R., felldsher (a. Konovalovka Poltavokoy oblesti) gqpl,wo - "Wia"mg1mv1pationt services. felld. t ak-ush. 23 no.2:40-41 Y '5q. (NOICILM, RURAL) (MIRA 11:3) *~: --- :MIPA, N.R.. felld;Rer (selo Konovalovka Poltavskoy oblasti) Organizing a public health group and its employnent at the feldsher- midwife at tin. Ireltdo i nkruah 21 no*9:48-49 3'5P (MIRI 11:10) rMIC HEALTH) NELIPA, II.R., folldsher (selo Konovalovka Poltavokoy oblasti) Stiui.v of accident@ at the foldsher-midwife center. Felld. I aloish. 24 no-5:45-46 MY '59. (KIRA 12:8) (KONOVALOVIA (POLTAVA PROVINCN)--AGRICUIRM--ACCIDMP-~S) KOZYRI, I.P., NELIPOVICH, A.A. Ydlling attachment for lathes. Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. no.1'.53 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy truboprokatnyy zavod. (Lathes--Attachments) ACC NR: AR7000828 SOURCE CODE: UR/0272/66/000/010/0078/0078 AUTHOR: Nelipovich, N. B. TITLE: Pressure and velocity sensors using photodiodes and photoresistors SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metrologiya i izmeritellnaya tekhnika, Abs. 10. 32. 553 REF SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. vodn. kh-va Belorussii. Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1965, 206-209 TOPIC TAGS: pressure `zz=mr~, velocitysens;w, photodiode, photoresistor ABSTRACT: A description is given of the designs of sensors with various elast:.c (ferrite, spring) elements using photodiodes and photoresistors as light-sensing elements. These sensors were developed at the L~iboratory of Water Management Equipment of the Institute of Water Problems of the State Planning Commission BSSR. The principle of their operation is that during the deformation of the elastic element caused by the force being measured, the light ray striking the surface of the photodiode or photoresistor is partly obscured. The circuit current also varies with the variation in photoresistor illumination, and its value is registered i with a recorder. Tests carried out under operatirg conditions have shown that the r 112 JMC! 531- 7117- 083- R ACC NR- AR700082.8 sensors can be used in investigating the dynamic interaction of fluxes with the elements of structures both under laboratory and field conditions. [Translation of abstract] [DVI) SUB CODE: Oyl Card 2/2 CHEPOVETSKIYt I.Kh., inzh.; NFLIPOVI Gil,-!, V. , in,,,h.; GIISIICIIIN, !.A., Irzh. Dja=nd horling of parts made of harer-ned stee'l. Massh'-.oBtroente no.5;27--30 S-O 165. (1.1 MRA 1p:9) NILIPOVICH, S. Ih7ing lupine seeds. Mak.-elev. proms 25 no.11:14-15 N '59 (KIIIA 13:3) 1. Machallnik somennogo otdala ZhItomirskogo upravlantya lchleboproduktov. (Lapine--Drying) 1.1 1 _Mll 191111101 w, -I NO -INA ak_ 91", XM ax 'IF 1-1 t Nl=-C KEIN U11/1 , $' -I JIM - ~ 3, 1 ~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/lxlg Akedentys rAuk SGSR. BasWdrokiy filial Rhinlya sera-orgsnicheskil& soyedinf!niy, soderzhashchikh ya v neftyakh i nefteproduktaft.- naterialy II nwichnoy sessil (Chemi:try of galfur- Organic Caspounds Contained in Petroleum Products; Papers of tbe 2nd' ScIentiric Session) Y. 1. Ufa, Izd. Bashkirskogo riliala AN w'SrZ., 1958. 2W p. 1,5W copies printed. W.: SudarkIna, K.I.; Editorial Bourd: Ayvazov, B.R., Mashkina, A-V-, Obolentsew, RqD, (Rasp. Ed.), Rozhdestvenakiy, V.P., and Shanin, L,L.; Tack, Nd... PA"dmov, R. 8h. PUNW81. ?Me took Is Intended fc)r petroleum specialists of scientific research 8stablIMMOtS, educational institutions, and petroleim refining plants. COMAM We coUection Is the first of a multivolume publiciation on the results or sclentIfte research vork cas-ried mt in the Soviet Union on the diewistry and t*cbAQ1qW or sulrW- and nltrxigen-organic ccapounds during the period 1954-1955; and aceaMag to a coordinated research project outlined in 1956 by the sponcering Card 1/3# 1 1-t Chadstry of SGUAW-Orflude 064ounds (Cont.) SOV/1319 agency (SaaWdr Branch of the A.cademy of Sciences USSR). klong with the 22 re- ports jubliphed hemin, abridged versions of questions, ansvers and discussions am given vbarever the editors deem it expedient. TABLE OF CaNTIM: Froa the Witore 3 OpenIM Address by the Head of the Chemistry Departnept of the Bashkir Branch of the AoadmW of Sciences,, USSR, Professor R.D. Ubolew;sey 5 The anthor states that tbree-g~mrters of the petrolem dr:Mima in the USSR Is concentrated In eaat*xu ("Yneksykazskiel - outside the Cameasma)oil fields; that these deposits w-e sulfurous; and that ressarda on the exploitation of these deposits is Insufficient. Obolentseys R.]D9 84f%r-Organic GoWunds of Petroleun Origin 8 This artIcIA points out the noted for a nev process of directly distilling sWlUroms petrolemavhIch pro-ma, it is stated, nay be batied on tAe thervaostabIlIty of sulfur-organic compow&- Obolentsev# R*O*,sad M. Ayvazov, Cyclic SuVides in the Kemsene Distillate of Petroleum ftm the C*Aor4ferous Deposits of TuWmazy Oilfiselds L9 Card ftemldtr7 of Sulfujp6ftganic Ccupounds (Cant.) SOV/1319 Sulfur-organic compounds vere sepoixted from kerosene fractions of petroleum and physical constants (inc:Luding zoiecuiar rormulas, refractive indices, etc.) vere determined corresponding to aamo-, bi- and tricyclic sulfides. Niqpristental data on the fractional distUlation of these compounds (mbich YaWrized at 209-2100 C) ccopared. w1th kmm data Identified them as ~~-butyltthlophanes (tetrahydro 3--butylthiopheass]. A.D. BMasheva and B.S., lqubo"tova carried cut the spectrogral*ic amalyses. Ivanova, NA., Ch. Kh. KirkbAqdarova, sad Ya. I. Nallkenbaut (IshimbWskly nerteperersbatywayughchly zavod--lablabsy Oil ReftniAl Plant) InstaLlation for Chromatogral*dc Separation or Sulfur-ContaLning Compounde From Petroleum Wistillates 29 I.Ilustrations, schematic dlegrems of a9pamtux and a table of data are given for the chramatogra#dc amlysis of the sulfur content of Ishi sy petri3lew after ]Mrrolysis. Gorskan, N.G. (Novo-Mmakty nefteperersbatyvaMhChLy TA&vod -- Now Oil Refining Plant &t Ufa) On the Problein of ~Ionstructing Larger Cbromittographic Installations for Sepiarating Concentrate& of Sulfur-Orgenic Campoundo Frin Petroleum Products 38 Card 31" q Chemistry of Sulf)jx-Organic Campounds (Cont.) SOV/1319 C-71 C'~~ ; nyaaskaya, A.G., Junior Scientific Worker, Vesof%=nyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut neftyanoy pramyshlennosti (All-Union Scientific Research Inistitute for the Petrolem Industry 216 Patrikeyev, V.V., Senior Scientific Worker, Candidate cf Chemical Sciences, Iastitut orgimicheskay khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry AS U1.3SR 217 Moguchaya, Z.N., Junior Scientific Worker, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut neftyanoy prcmyshlennostJ- (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Petroleum Indmatry) 218 Sorkin, Ya.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Director of Scientific Research., Bashkirskiy naxxchno-issledaratellskly institat neftyanoy prcmyshlennosti (Bashkir Scientific Research Institute for the Petroleum Industry 218 Ratovskaya, A.A., Junior Scientific Worker, Otdel kh1mii Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR (Depiu-tment of Chemistry, Bashkir Branch AS USSR) 220 Ayvazov, B.V., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Scientific Worker., utdel khimii Bashkirskogo filiala AN SSSR (Department of Chemistry Bashkir Branch AS USSR) 221 Nglllwhbama EngLneer, Ishimbayskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod ashimbay Oil Refining Plant) 223 Gol ' dshteyn L L_ , Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Senior Scientific Worker, Vsesarjznyy nauchno-issledova-,,el1Bkiy inBtitul. neftyanoy prcmyahlennosti, (All-Uulon Scientific Research Institute for the 1'et-TC,Ii~IZ31 Ind;_,.stry) 225 MATSKEVICHO V.V.; NFA,'XIYBAUM, Ya 1. . Continuous alkylation of phanyl with diisobutylene in the preaeme of SDYS cation, exchanger. flefteper. i nertekhim. no.704,-36 I~u- (ICRA 1.7:1-1) 1. Uflnwkiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavt)d. im, XXII s"yezda KomnunisticheLikoy partii 3ovetskogo Soyum. AUTHOR: flel'kenbaum, Ya.I. 32-3`4/512 T ITLE: The Determination of Petroleum Products In Waste Water by th- Pyonometi-ic Method (O~redelaniye nci teprodu.wi v 'atoutuloy vud~ piknometrichvskim metodom) PERIODICA,L: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 3, pp. 289-291 (USSR) ABSTRACT., D-~termlnatiom etre carris; oat by an extractioa aith carbon tetra- chlori3e or a mixture benzene (specific waight 1-3-1-0 ani a -f'ollo-? measuring of the specific weight by meams of a py-jvomet,~:% From the difference of thp. specifl~- -,r-ighti, tKe so.- ~rt-r.t, ar.,] the extract it -;s then possible, according to a given f orwala, to aalculate the content of mineral oil (the specif ic -meight ol' which is known) of the %~r:Lste vrater. If mixtures of sol- .*ent-. artl wel. the e)taDt del~eimination of -3peCif4C aeight of ear1 inlivid-~al component is of the greate2t Importance. All Tea,3).; MMents must be carried out at a certain ;emperature fixed at + 0.00,10 C. A S-iggeitio.1 relat4ng to a iuitable thermostat is ;nad~ and the manner of determination La given. The py.-nometer lard 1/2 Ce~-omwen~ed by Levin i5 descrfzed az uns-aitab'e. The accuracy of The Deteminat.'on o' Petnoleum Products in West,- Water 3 2- 3- by the Pyonoui-~ trio k,.viou determiration depends upcri the quantity of mineral oi-. contair-d in the waste w;ater (concentratior) an-i varie& between a n,:1 a maxinwm Z)f I(YIL. Up to i~ analyses car I-r- :arriec~ o~t in thig way .n the c,),Aruc of one dby by orie labon,tcry viorker- the poisonui-i ctu:Lracter of the, extraxticr. ini-dium trust be oaken .1rto account. Tnere Is I table, 9-rd 1, refereri~:--, 0 of wMch is g2avic. ASSOCIATION Tshimbay Oil Refining Plant Ishimbayevsk-43- r,et*t(=P~-L~.rabatyvaLyusi,,,~.ii.~ zavod) AVAILABLE: Litnary ~.,f Congress Waqt,~ water--Petrole-um-Dete rminatio:i 2. Pyenameter-Applicat'Jons Card 2/2 SORKINt T*.I.j KAMINA, F.A. Vat residues of fatty acids as rav materials for the production of non-ion-farming demilsifiers, Miia,i tekh, topl,i masel 6 no,2: 28-32 F 16L. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Chernikovskiy neftepererabatyvayushatly sayod. (Acids, Fatty) (Imuladons) It SORKIN, Ya.G.; NELI,~-~'~NHAUM, Ya.l.; MAMINA, F.A. New iionionogenic dermlsiflers for eae.,.ern cflr. TriGy Basr rc,.Ir: 322-332 162., (PIRA --7.:3,, 1. Chi4rnikcrv.3kiy neftepererabatyvayutzr, nly zavod. . SORKIN, Ya G.; KENBAUM, Ya.I.; GABDRAKHANOV, F.Kh.; MKIMOV, F.Gj _YEJ~'- SATFUMIDUV, 14. Z. Industrial -testing of the OKO nonionogenic demulsifying compound on Romashk:L2o oils. Khirri.i tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.9:24-27 s 62. (141RA 15:8/' 1. Ghernikoirski7 neftepererabatyvayushchly zavod. (Chernilcovsk--Iletroleum-Refining) (Emulsions) T F,77' i1, -il, IF ~7 I=~~ NELKC,V, P.; MACHEV, S. MIxt.,d co(.king of conifumus and brt-;ad-leaved ,ic)od imlp by the sulfate method. p.31. TEZHKA NUMISHLENO T. (Minis tv I's tvo -in tezhkata nro,~Ishlencst) Sofiia. Vol. 5, no. 1, 1956 SCUqC-'-: East Europe,.,n Access.ons Li-t, (EP.;J-), Libr~ry of Congress, Vol. A, no. 12, De(;emb,---r 1~t54 NELICIUDOVI 3. M. NELKYUMV, B. M.: "Some procedures in the agricultural engineer- ing of peas in Gor'kiy Oblast". Gorlk.,y, 1955. Kin Higher Edu- cation USSR. Gorlkiy Agricultural Ins'~- (Dissertations for the Degree of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 52, 2L December, 1Y55- Moscow. RINKIS, G.; NELLANDE, A., red. [Determining macroelem3nts and microelements; how to de- termine, by fast colorimetric methods, macroelements and iricroelements in plants, soils, %ater, and animals] Mak- roelemontu un mikroelementu noteiksana; ka noteikt ar atram kolorimetriskam metodem YnA oelementus un mikroele- mentus augos, augsnes, udeni un dzivniekos. Riga, Lat- ,iijas Valsts izd-ba, 1964. 136 p. [In Latvian] (141 RA 17 -.6) V. F, A ftki.r- .na u I h yt, .) po ra t J on of ti;e~ I) or, t, rc VH 1":(! 51 NELLIN, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; 'M'KTAYEV, I.I., kand. tekl--~-- nauk; -"WGP.TYFEV, 11.Ya., inzh. Concerning the article "Vl~bration of '--he brush assemb.y". Elektrotekhnika 35 no.10:35-36 0 164. ( M IHA " - - I " ) NELLN V.I. kand, tekhn. nauk; 1TKTAYEV, kand. iekhn. nauk; t P L_V, , inish. Effect of external vlbratton8 on the sparking of low power collector.-type ma--hines. Flektrotekhnika. 36 no.9-49-53 S 165. (MIRA 18:9) NELLING11.1t A.N..; LABADIN, S.I. Necessary book. 11-1petall-urg P, i.c.8:40 Ag '~,- " , 7". - - . 1. Gosildarstvennyy so.Viiznyy institut po pro- ektirovaniyli Y metall-irgicties.,ikh zav,)dov. I- I - - 1-1 ill ;~ , ~ ~=Mxw L 450E4-66 ACC NP, LP6023605 SOURCE CODE U R/0308/66/000/007/002.5/0023 AUTHORS: -4uprun, L. (Candidate of -technical sciences, Chief);_Nellis, A. (&gineer,,q Deputy chief) ORG; Corrosion Laboratory of ToNIIIEF /headed by Candidate of technical aoiencen L. Suprun /(Laboratoriya korro!&ii TsNI.1MF)j Engineering Diviuion of the Baltic Steamship Line /leputy chief engineer A. Nellxs /(Teknicheskiy otdel Baltiyokogo parokhodetva) TITLE: A protective shield for ballast tanks on dry cargo ships SOURCE: Morskay flot, no. 'r, 1966, 23 TOPICTAGS: water tank, cargo shipp ship component, corrosion protection, protective shield, aluminua allay, paint, sea water corrosion/ ANTs-15-10 aluminm alloY, N-1 protective shield, EXZh -40 ethynol paint 10 ABSTRAOT: In June 1964 Vpe N-1 sea water corrosion protection shields made of the aluminum alloy AMTs-15-10 10% Zn) were mounted on the dry cargo ship "Stanislavakiy" in the Ywionerskiy iihipyard. Thirty-two of the shields measuring 60 x 150 x 500 mm were connected by steel brackets to the bottom of the ballsAt tanks, one in each section. Each shield protected a 30-m2 surface. -,To distribu%~.mniformly the current generated by tho shieldB, six layers of MUM-40 -" ethYnol paint"'Were appliel to the bottom face of the shields and to the tank bottom in a 500 x 700 mm area at the point of the shield attachment. When underway the air outlet is open to Card 1 /2 UDCi 629.123t620.197-1 L 45084-66 ACC NR. ANO:~3665 vent the hydrogen generated from -the tanks. An inspection in May 1965 showed no rusting and a uniform 15-20% ohliald erosion. The only maintenance required called for cleaning of the aluminum alloy decomposition products from the shields. The teat showed that these plates together with ot~e means provide a reliable and inexpensive method of salt water corrosion preventionVin ballast tanks. The shields ahould last a minI of 2-3 years. Orig. art. hasi I figure. M C( SM DAM none )DR, 131%((/.. b1S - - NEWVKIN, F.D. Results of tag ng Cyprinus carplo L, Ja the lower course of the Volga River anfin its delta. Vop.ikht. 3 no.lsl63-170 163. (KM 16:2) 1. Kasplyekiy nauchno-issledovatelliskly in~titut rybnogo kho"aystva i o~eanografii (KaspNIRO)O Astrakhan'. (Volgf River-carp) (Fish tagging) -- NELOVKIYI N.M. NoMmIMA autmatle screv aschins. Maahinostroitell no.6s19 Je 062* WRA 16: 5) (Phosphate coating-Equipment and supplies) NE'L "'T ~, T v ,"'. ". 9 in zb. Automation of electroplating processes. Mekh. ! a-vtom. prnizv 17 no.12:3-5 W63. (MIRA 1'7~2) AA NELOVKIYs_js~: 1. ~-! -Id~' Semiautomatic worm chromium-plating machine. Mash-Inostroltelf no.6:20 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Chromium plating-&Iulpment and supplies) BEWV, K.F.; IMONOVA, V.I.; ZAYTSEVik, M.A.; KADONTSKVA, A.M.; KATS- NELOSON, A.A.; YATSKULIYAK, K. ?tWmtlc and structural propertiIs, of lanthanum orthaferrite with partial substitution of Fe4 ions by other trivalent ions. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.1:101-10'7 J& 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitat imeni Lomononova. Y-.1? v. . 1,1--~-! NELISON, I.A.; KAKHINKO, V.V. Study of the physicomechanical properties of the rocks in the Kizel Basin ooal bearing series. Nauch. trudy Peru Nl'Ul no.3t 54-65 163. (MIRA 170) ffE,L'-QON,--I.A.; STOLYAROV, '-,I. Parammters of the atwsphere of' Inhalatorl=s wlth elactr->- aarosol equipment. lailch. trudy Perm NINI no, 4:~1'79-135 162~ (MIRA 17; f~ 1 NELISON,.I-A., insh. Practice of developing, equipping, and studying electric aerosol apparatus for preventing and treating occupational pneummonUsis. Sbor. rub. po silike no-3:163-170 161. (ERA, 15:10) 1. Fermakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ugoltzL77 insititut. VA. (IJ*Z-BUST DISMSES' (AEPDSOL THEWY) AV IMLISON, I.A.; STOLYAROV, L.I. Apparatua for group electroaarosol therapy and preventiv-3 action. Med. prom. 16 no-1:52-57 Ja 162. (MIRA -15:3) 1. Permakiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy ugolsnyy institut. (MOLUATION TWMFY--EQUIPWNT AND SUPPLUZ) NELISON, I.A.; KAGANOU, E.Ya.; SAVINA, E.A. Introduction of the ultrasonic method of controlling the quality oforeinforced conarete products. Nauch. trudy PernNIUI no.5t 81.% 163. (MIRA 18t3) NELISON I.A.; PROKHOROVI G.A.; KAGANOVA, E.Ya. 4 "~NC4 Method and device for controlling the thickness of the protective layer of concrete. Nauch. trudy PermNI*UI no.503-80 '63. (MIRA 18:3) NELIS(N, I.A.; NOVOTHI,'.oV, Yu.L.; KO'iK()VSrAYA, E.D. Prelim nary treatment of water with ultrasonic and Me..prietic fields as a means for increasirg the strength of cement so- .- I lutions and concrete. Nauch. tn,,dy PermIll"I no.6:261-179 I ('41 RI 18: 2) 8/734J61/000,1000/001/003 1060/1260 ATJT110R: PoddubnyV a . j I.Ya., I.V,_,, and Zdolotarova, R.V. TITLE: Spectrophotometric method of detorminstion oi impurities o~ divin7lucetylone In vinylacetylene SOURCE: Leningrad. Vseso7uznv7 nauchno-issledovatq1tskly institut aintetichaskofto lcauchl.ika. FizVco-khImIche.91cIy~ mntody analizot I Issledovantyrt produktov proizvodstva sintati- cheskogo Itauchuka. Loninrrad, 1061. TEXT: The p,irposm of this woric was to develop a nevi, more son3itive method of detection of impurities of vinTlacetylene, because the presence of even 0.05% of divinylacetylene affects the nuality of s,ynthatic rubber. The method used was that of spectrophotometri 'e anal7sts in the ultraviolet region of the spectrums Spectrophoto- meter Cep -4 (SF-4) was used with q1jartz optical elements designid for work in the 220-1100m,# region. Both divinvlacetylone and vinyl- acetylene were anal7zod as sollitions In alcohol. The selected maxi- ,,a. it has been proved that other impurities present* mum was 265.6m card 1/2 S/734/61/001)/000/'001/003 Z060/126') Spectropbotometric mothod ... In Industrial vinylacetylene, such as acetylene, acataldeh,.Ao, vinyl chloride and xylone do not Interfere w1th the analysis, so that a binnry mixture vin7lacOt.7lon,,-divinTI-neetylono enn bo iised for re- search work. Thickness of'the cuvettas used was such that the optic- al density of the solution vRried between 0.3 and 0.7. These re- sults follow strictly the Bouguer- Lamb or t- Beer law. The above de- scribed method ban been checked In Industrial conditions on a large number of samples with'satisfactory results, There are 4 figures and 1 table. Card 2/2 Fl~ -7~nre