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3/1 ' 1/61/0O0/CO1/O04,'C04 B021/BO58 AUTHORSs Neki-aeov, K.-D. and Salmanov, IV. D. TITLEs Coordination Conference cn Heat-resstant Concretes PERIODICALi Ogneupory, 1961v No. 1, ~p. 44-46 TEXTi By resolution of the Goestroy SSSR (State Committee on Ccnatruction of the Council of Ministers USSR) a Conference on kroblems of design, con- struction, and operation of thermal units made from heat-resistant- and reinforced concrete was held at the Nauchno-is6ledovatellskiy institut betona " zhelezobetona kkademii stroitelletva i arkhitektury (AS i A) SSSR (Scientific Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete for Construction and Archi-ecture USSR) in October 1960. The Conference was attended by delegates from scientific research and design organizations, plants and schools. K. N. Kartashov, Director of the Institute, opened tne Conference. The follow4-ng reports were Jelivereds L. D. Solodennikov (Office of State Construction USSR) on problems of the technology and introduction of heat-resistant concretes; A. V. Zotov (Department for Special Work and Assembly of the Gosstroy USSR) on the aspects of the Card 1/5 Coordination Conference on Beat-resistant S/131/61/00G/001/004/0C4 Concretes B021/B058 wider application of heat-resistant concretes; K. D. Nekrasov /(NII betona i zhelezobetona) (Scientific Research Institute of Concrete and Reinfcrced Concrete)) on results of scientific research work in the field of heat- resistant concretesl A. F. Milovanov, from the same Institute, on desigms of thermal units from heat-resistant concrete. The rigidity theory of re- inforced concrete by V. 1. Murashov is mentioned next. The following reports were also delivereds S. S. Serebrennikov ((treat -Soyuzteplostroyll) ("Soyuzteplostroy" Trust)) and A. Ye. lasers ((treat "Teplomontazh',) ("Teploinontazh" Trust)) or. the use of heat-resistant concretes for the construction of industrial furnaces and other thermal units; Ya. V. Klyucharov ((Leningradskiy tekhnoloE-icheskiy institut im. Lensoveta', (Leningrad TecEnological Institute imeni Lensovet)) on composition and properties Of Tefractory magnesite concrete on the basis of water glarcs; L. A. T.9eytlin (UNII0) (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of RefractDry Products) on heat-resisti_-nt concretes from pozzuolanic Portland cementi G. G. Felldgandler (GisogneLpor) on the use of heat-resistant concret-as in a number of branches of industry; B. 1. Oborin ((Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneulorov) (All-Union Institute of Refractory Products)) on the prospects of production and use of teat-resistant concrete in the refrac- Card 2/5 Cooruinati,~n Conference on Heat-resistant S/1 31/61/00C/001/004/0,-~,! B021/BO58 'State Insti-.ute fo-.7 .ory-produ-,ts industry; N. V. Il'ina. (Giproteement) ' the Design and Planning of Establishments of the Cement Industry and Scientific and Experimental Work in the Field of Cement Production~ on the advantages of concretes for lining rotary furnaces of the cement industry, compared with refractory brickal Ye. N. Leve (Ukrainiar. Scientific Research Institute of Refractories) on the experiment of using highly-refractory magnesia concrete for the lining of rotary furntcps fcr cement-clirker firing; I. Ya. Zalkind (ORGRES) on boiler immuralions by ~()n-rete; S. A. Epshteyn ((Yuzhnyy nauchno-isaledovatelltkiy institut Fromyshlennogo stroitel'stva AS i A USSR) (Southern Scivitific Resf~ikrch 1'16,itute of Industrial Conntruction of the Academy of Construction and Architecture UkrSSR)) on heat-recistant concretes on Port land- cem.3-nt bas- a,-id their introducton in the Ukraine; Ya. M. Gamarnik ((Angarsko.le uprnvleniye Soytizteplostroya) (Angara Administration of the Soyuz-,P~lo- strcy)) on the possibility of mechanizing construction work by c'.)ncrete blocks; N. D. Kirichenko (Gilromez) (Statq Ail-Union Insi.1tute f~,r the and Planning of Metallurgical Plants) on the desigr of a b'last-furnnve itir heater from corcrete blocks; S. S. Posternak (Gilrokoke) (State All-tnion Inatitutp for tYe Design and Planning of Establishments Card 3/5 C:)ordinat ion Conferonce on Rea tares i stant S/ 1 7.1/6 11, ooo,/Oo I, or,: Concrete B021/BO'~8 of -~he By-product Coke Industry) on the use of heat-roBistant rqi-,forc~l concretes for the design of coking-plant foundationB; G. 1. Zavelev (Siproneftemash) on the protection of apparatus by heat-resiBtant concrete linings. The necessity of further studies in the field of herit-resistarit concretes for temperatures above 14000C was underlined in thi- discussion. Dep,irtments for the mpnufacture of large-size blocks from heat-resistant concrete are to be established in refractory-product plants, first of a,1 a* the Nikitovka Combine and at the Spmiluki and Domodedovo Plants . The design of e. pilot plant for the manufacture of heat-resiBtant concrete ~Iocks witf, an annual output of about 50,000 m5 is to be worked cut. Department.,; for heat-resistant concretes are to be established within t~e instruction prcgrams of respective irstituteq and technical schocls. TI.e Conforence np,,rovei or the divioor, rf heat-res,.stant concretes irt- three clast;est ?) hit7I,.Iy refractor.; ,,ibove I-01"'; .~ refractor) ,Jce.o to I-00c, I ; 1) heat-r-sistant .'below 15bOIC) and recommendcd t~~at resefirch institutes df~al raore with the problem (if he;tt-re.-stant c-n- c: rp te E3. :*nrd 4/5 Coordinittion Conference of Hf-at-resistant 5/131/61/OOC/001/004,'004 Concrete B021/B058 ASSOCIATIONs Nauctino-issledc,vatellskiy institut betona i zhelezobetone. Akademii stroitell stva i arkhitektury SSSR (Scientific Research Instittate of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete of' the Academy of Construction and Architecture USSR~ -M rd 5/ C ,VTvk3OvI K.D. I SAIXANOV, G.D. Prospects for the wide utilizatic- cf re-"r ct,-r-- c-rc.-Ete.,: 'r. the construction of thermal aggreg&tes. PCncupory :6 n-.I':4 480 f6l, 1. Nauchnn-isaltdovttollakly lnetlti,t bot-na Akadondi atruitel'stva I arkhitaktury SSSR. (Refractory . concrete) FAENKEV, I.H. t kand. tekhn. nauk; 14LtONOV, S.A., doktor tcHm. imuk prof.; BXW40V, A.%, kanti. tokhz . nnuk; :-l.'j'ZIF4'lClf, (,.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; 14IMAYIDV, K.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; MULIN, N.M., kan,j. tekhn. nauk; ULW-UKOV, G.K., ka-nc. te~hr. nauk; KORNEV, N.A., kand. tokhn.nauk; TESLEh, F.A., k:md. tekhn. nauk; &-a~ICMIMSKIY, G.I., k.-,nci. tekhr. nnukj VASILfYEV,l A.P., kand. tekhi. nnuk; UNDKOV.1rY, 1.6., knivi. takhn. nauk; ,N,ETOV, A.A., ktmd. takhn. nauk; 'I': KOV 1uJ., kand. tokhn. ntruk, jElL13aOVYY, K., inzh., V.A., Inzho; DOH,(0jj3jbV, ?,.S., arkh.; DESOV, Mo., ocktor takhn. nauk, prof.; LIMR, S.L., kanc. tekhn. nauk; PI31IGHIK, M.Aot Inzh.; IILYAR, J L., inzh.; KPM, A.P.P kand. takhn. naukl-LNEK'-ASOV K D ooktor tekhn. nauk, p:-of*.; ' - MILOVANOV, A.F., kand. teij~L ft a-i~k; rAL-, K.E., kan(.. tEIjv. nauk; WATURCV, 6.A., kanc. tekhn. nauk; KXiTASHOV, K.I;. red.; KAUICM, V.V.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; A.A., in2h., nauchMy red.; IJEGA, B.A., red. izd-vi; IIAMITI'A, G.D.0 teklm. red. [Reir-forced concrete products; present state an~ for r-evelopment'Zhelowbetonnye konstruktsii; rov*.aDrde i perapektivy razvitlin. Pod obshchei red. K.N.KnrtarYcva J V.V.Mak&rlchev,-. Mosl-vs, Gosatroilzdat, 19&1. 270 1- (MIRA 15:0 (Continued on nex-t ca;-d) FRFIIKEL',IJl.-(continued) Card 2. 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektu.-y SSSR. Institut uetorvi i zhelezobetona, Parovo. 2. Chlen-korrespondent M:aderii rt,-oi-- tallstva i arkhitekt-ury S-SSR (for Kartashov). 3. Chlen-korme- pondent Akademii !3troitellstva I arkhitektury SSSEL (for Xironov). 4. Gosudarstvennyy institut tipovogo proyektirovardya i te(hni- cheskikh issladovaniy (for Berdichevokiy, Vasillyev, Lywikovsk4, Svetovp Chinenkov, belobrovyy, Klovtsav, [,ob:-orly!-jov). i.. I :Ie~wc- YUZnYy goMidarstvann:ri p-oye~tno-koristruktorskl.:! institut "for Desov, Litver, T'Ishchik). (Precast concrote) NEK;cASOV , X.D., coktor tokhn. nauk, prof.. red.; AL'TSWLEA, B.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; VELTIKOI , F.I., kand. tekhn. ntiW, red. ;MIWVAIICV, A.F., kaa~. tekhr.. nauk, red.; MILDI-OV, VJ kand. tokhn. nauk, red.; SAU-~ANOV, G.D., kand. tekhn. nea-~-, red.; SASSA, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; TAKASOVA, A.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; HOGINSKAYA, V.M., kand. tekhn. nitul., red.; TESLF24KO, M.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KUZNETSOVA, M.N.0 red. izd-va; ~,OCHALINA, Z.S., tekhn. red. [Fireproof concrete and reinforced concrete in corr?tructionj Zharoupornye 'n,, ton i zhelezobeton v rtroitellstve; trudy. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit. i-,aterialam, 1962. 301 p. Wl-tA 15:5) 1. Vsesayuznoye soveshchaniye po voprosam issledovaniya, pro- yektiroveniya, stroitellstva i ekspluatatsil teplovykh ag-retra- tov iz zharoupornykh betona i zhelezobetona, 1960. 2. flauc'ano- iseledovatellskiy institut betona i zbelezobetona Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitaktury SSSR (for Nekrasov, Alltshular, Mellnikov, Milawswv, Milonov, Salmanov,, Sassa Tarasova). (Furnaces) (Concrete constructions NEIRASOV, K.D., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; HASIZIMEM, M.G., Lnzh. 4, Heat-resiotant parlite comMete. Bet. i shel.-bet. 8 no.8:339-342 Ag 162. (MIRA 15,9) (Perlite) .11% (Lightveight concrete) NEKRASOV, K.D., inzh. Warping of parts dm-LM heat treatwnt. Met&lloved. i term. obr. wt. no.10:57-60 0 162. (MM 15:10) (Steel-Beat treatment) (Deforsationi (Mechjulics)) IIEKWOV, K.D. New developments in t.4e study &M use of fire~xoof concretes In thermal units. Ogneupory 27 nc.11:524~53C I (.I- . (KIRA 1"'. 111 InstitLt I)etona i ziielfizobetona Akademii arkhitekwry SSSR. (K-Llns) f Concrete-Testiz4:1, 3/1~ 63/000/001/002/004 B1 17YI3101 A ""Th 0 R S i 'Nekr~u(,v, i.. Yal'ayev, 1. V., Yamioffe, R. ~L, Zolutitrev;i. R,# f rar! ~~ ry r t im i i:,t i i i,t t i on i ur i, , 'v i~. 1 u I CA L i Otnvu po ry, n Zr-x-,I For tne iinin,;, -)f ir-,- -Li,r. :~is u!jf,o tu r+~move zi-i,- fr,,P. ;11 um i num ~&. i,,ys a r-ifr.t,7t..-y r - 1-:,t! ~ o I I , & i r-,, - om;, or . t i r, , , ~ 7-c - 1; Q j I -wit t ti r # 1 ~i a s ~j '. ~ u ~ - ; n i v r -, , j P~ r ounG mitk nvi i t - - T 1 9 m , xed 0, 1 '. t. u )d I um f I j l-:~ I ,. , ~, ~ t; ~ ~Flr at -trrii i naia c r.,tmo 1. ~ ;I~i f i I , o r Cha rac teri s i r , r f t t,tj I r , - ..'11C rt.- t k, I compre 3,; 1. or, s t r- r., 1 1. KVI'CM 2 !-:~)G(JC; dtifurmation tempei,.*Lurev ft% 2 XK/cm -Z,%d 1 9 (, f t ri, n, i r t sr,r . n,~cnfre at 520".., s t ~, i - tion iit li*,')OOC. Triirtj cripizoo~s !lire redure tt.ft ,,r,;rPqLII n !t tr-#-,n6tn of tiw ~oncretf- ty ~p t,kint--d u~ to Nlo.r 1. . l'i t " 1 tj 1200')C and cooled it, wFAt,-r tr,, -.ref- auffurs 25% dentrijcti,,,n aftt.r five temperature ct,anweLi. Wi,tr, j,- to 11000C the compress,--- strungth Card 1/3 RpfrFkctory 9 C.- r. . rh t neov IN. tkirl. I i! r. e ?i w u v e f. m e I, F, t 1, n f e r r , ~ it ,i rq V It rl t At -:i I T rw ! t o r i K j t J K A, A, v,tcuum (1 1 1 nt~ :jrr. t r -,:uct ir) r, c, A e r m'-, n t r-s r i. e T. t (-' CG.t! :i-,ftK('I (, f 2 - 4 - m:L r' I 11~'q 1 0 r I c u r, J om e t v ly u u u K -- Q r mc. r t i,s or. A f t - rr, on t t-,stne compregs i o ri it i o m,- t o A e d ~: rc e, s o f U j~ t ~ ) . -, - mm diaptr. f 111 i a c:i:;%,idvanU, e ts t~i ~h s t re rq-1 r~,. c ;,u s t~s i ~D'. " r. tfie T.r r (j u s c n. ,;, o t t e w i t r, i, tj t (,,oA,t prevents m r-; n,. of trt! con(--retv by met;t! t" i r t u c t i~ d a r, s t r. v t tfi! 'm,-1 t intu dueper 1,,yf-r~j :,J j, ! iii fo r ~. i t i ons u ~~ ua 1~ i K. B- t r~e I i ni nv, or VaCUU, .1 1 "1 , I . ti r. tic i s t ri t r4e new 7 u -i ro I L t . i! F'0,,1 I-) I ' 3 KPiant for i ~i ijavine, of 1 rul,o- it Tr,l, re ar o 4 f i kru r e s Csira 21 /5 S/131/63/000/OC,1/002/004 Refractory concrete for ... Bl'7/BIOI AS5J',IATIOVj N I f bu- ton pi i -,t,ti t", * 'I. A-'- 11. 53SR ~Iiekraaov, Saatja, (Scientific Res~jhr,-;i. ii. : '. , tut e of Con--rete and Heinforred Concrete )f ti-e " Co-ii;truction and Architertare USSR)l Podol'skiy za-~o(l t3ve'.r,pl. ihotaliwi (Yafayev, lhamioffe, Zolotareva) (PC