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S/1 70,/60,/00 3/07 /05,'C' /00 B01 2/B054 22 31 AUTHORS: Nakrashtvich, I. G., Bakuto, I. A. TITLE: Determination of loan Pressures in the Zone of Ela~trl- Pulse Discharge 11 PERIODICAL: Inzhonerno-fizichookly zhurnal, 1960. Vol. 5 No pp. 60 - 66 TEXT: First the authors point out that the pressure measurements in the discharge zone in the papers (Refs. 1,2) were carried out by methods with considerable shortcomings Here, they describe their method of the ballistic torsion pendulum for determining the mean pressures in the zone of a single pulse discharge. The method is based on measuring the mechanical pulse (received by the electrode during a discharged by mes, suring the pendulum owing. The pendulum is a metallic crosspiece floatine in mercury and suspended from a thin steel thread One elortrodA 1B fastened to one arm of the crosspiece. The second electrode is slowly approached to the former until the discharge begins. In the diachirge, the pendulum receives a pulse and then turns by a certain angle This Card 1/5 L"Y Determination of Mean Pressuresin the Zone of S/17o/6o/oo3/07/05/C" Electric Pulse Discharge B012/BO54 92231 angle characterizes the pulse intensity. The rotation is read off by the deviation of the light beam reflected by the mirror on the upper part of the crosspiece. Such a pendulum permits measurements at dis- charges in any liquid and gaseous dielectric nedium, and in the vacuum, In order that this method should not only shov the presence of pres- sure@ but also determine their order of magnitude, the causes of the mechanical pulse must be studied. For this purpose, It is necessary to determine - at least approximately - the Intensity of the pulse of the expanding gas bubble in the time until leavinA the electrode area. This problem was set up and solved. Formula (13) in derived. It expresses the dependence of the mechanical pulse on the radius and the grinding angle of the conical electrode. If the radius Ro In assumed as the radius of the final erosion trace on the electrode, one obtain* the de pendence of the mechanical pulse on all those variables on which the extension of the erosion trace depends, i.e. the charging energy, the pulse duration, as well as the physical properties of the electrode material and the dielectric medium, *to. Figs. 2 and 3 compare the curves calculated from this formula (13) with the curves measured in the experiment. They show that formula (13) reproduces with sufficient Card 2/3 14~ Determination of Mean Pressures In the Zone of S/17 60/003/07/05/0" Electric Pulse Discharge B012YB054 92231 correctness the principal relation between the physical quantities characteristic of the phenomenon under reviewl therefore, it may be used for evaluating the mean pressures In the discharge zone. There are 3 figures and 3 references: I Soviet, I British, and I Japanese kSBOCIATIOH: Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut 0 BSSR, g Minsk (Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS BSSR, Minsk) Card 3/3 88M6 9, 1:25-0 1 / V3j115-4) 1331) AUTHORS: Nekrashevich, 1. ve. .-r, 1. Kr- V. M~ or TITLE: Galvanic Lffi-,~;ts .'n Seeri--am Rect,-~:er Elemer.'.3 PaI 'DI CA-': Inzhenerno-fizicheakly znurnal, pp. 1'4-~,e TEXT: The authors investigated the effect produced b~ mclst-.irp- -~,n selenium rectif iers. In several experiment a. ser:-es, 'ne ~ ehav ~ r - f h. eiement5 in mcist and ir~ ai r was investigated. Tht rts-~' ts --a* -- that bi the air moist,~re in the a galvar,ic MF *s f:~rr,edl, mt,: is prodvz;ed by the fcrming :,f galvanic couples betweez, tl,t --)w-r ur-i upper j:ectrode and b~-,tweei, 8e:enium and the upper uluctr,7,1, . T".. couplea ac'. within a c I,sel c I rclo of a rectifi or eller-o-rit Iri aj, :I'. t u directicn. Tnese t5alvani,- effects and their chant es w. *~. a -~.ang- mo~sture penetrating into the element fror. outsice ar~ c- --n s . J-, r - causes 3f 'r,e f'uotuations :,f tn~-- return current an - (I I -f selenium re.:tifier elements. There are ' figures ari., Car4 88M6 Gallvar.1 Lf f t:! c t r, Se 1 L- r.; i:: R t c t I f I c.- r 9 1 t. In -~ 1, 16 ~; ASSOC! A r;JN . b r,~ s sx.j 3 u d arg I v L r,.,ij jn i v e r ~3 g n 34 b e r".3.1 i ar. 3 ~u! i v ~- rn 0 SUBMITTEZ: J;in,, a rj Card 2,',' HIMSMICH, I.G.; URNO. I.A. Nechanlom of the forration of erosion tracks on ele,~troiep in pidee dj~cuL-,reg. DoklAll B&M 4 rz.j:'l-JO ja (K IRA 1-11 ~, ) 1. Pradstavlone Wuidemikom AN BSSR 'I. I. Stepanov7m. (Aloctrodoa) I NIMUSIMICH, I.G.; BAKUTO. I.A. Polar effect of the erosion of wtals during an impulsive dis- chnrge. Doir-l.All BSSR 4 no.6-241-243 A 160. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Predstavleno almd. All BSSR B.I. Step&novjrm. Mectrodes ) MIDWSONICII, I.G.; BAUTO. I.A. Multiplicity of chaanele in a single electric discharge. Dokl.AM Bb," 4 no-8:328-)31 Ag '60- (XI" 13:8) 1. Yi s iko-toichnic hook 1y institut " BS.U. Prodstavleno ukademikom " 35SR %.N.Sevchenico. (Electric discharge@) -HIMUSHVICH, I.G.; BAXUTO, I.A. Vatic, between the diameter aad lepth of an arrosion crater for2ei In a pulse discharge. Doicl.AN BSS.'i 4 no.101413-416 160. (mM 13 -9) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheakly Institut AN BSSR. Prodstavleno akadmkom AN BSSR V.P.Severdanko. (Electrodes ) s/196/6i/ooo/oil/036/042 E194/EI55 AUTHORSi Nekrashevich, I.G., and Bakuto, I.A TITIZ; An oscillographic study of current distribution during electrical discharge on a composite electrode PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.11. 1961, 29-30, abstract 11K 189. (Dokl, AN BSSR vA, no.12, 196o, 501-504) TEXTt The article considers the distribution current within the volume of an electrode directly adjacent to the place of contact of the channel of an impulse discharge. The investigations were made on equipment consisting of it composite electrode (two plates separated by a thin layer of mica) and a conical electrode A long artificial line is used to form a square wave-shape current with amplitude of 900 A and duration of 240 m.sec. Both halves of the composite electrode were connected to the line through identical resistances. The recording instrument was an oncillo- graph type VIO-4 (10-4). The deflecting plates of this cathode- ray oscillograph were connected to the screening wire in each half of the composite electrode. Transfer of the discharge channel Card l/ 2 An 08cillographic study of current ... S/196/61/ooo/oll/036/042 E194/EI55 from one half of the electrode to the other causes deflection of the beam on the screen in a direction opposite to the zero line The discharge took place in a bath of industrial kerosine and in air with the electrode wetted with kerosine The oscillogram showed the existence of two types of irregular oscillation --hannels on the electrode surface oscillations of high frequency V/ and low amplitude. and vice versa. The currents in the parallel branches of the discharge surfa:e were always unequal. Oscillations occur at the starter discharge, when almost all the current passes through one of the parallel branches It was ..ot possible from the oscillograms to determine the frequency of transition from one half of the electrode to the other it in nevertheless sugge ted that these transfers take place at very high frequency (109 109 sec. 1). Here the discharge -urTen' passes preferentially through that half of the el-trode on which the total residence time of the migrating dischargp channel is the greater. 2 literature references. ~Abstractor 9 note: Complete tranglaticn.] Card 212 ; VIKULIN# P.I. -awishmont for three-phase iwtallAhtime. I=. tekh. no. 3:44 Mr '61. (MMA 14:2) (Zlectric avitchgear) . N~ARA,Tl~ ICII A I . . , '~ , " A. .-lTf'l-lr!r-.f ~f tr)e elp--.rir spark mac; ining i . - : i - , 1 1. *mu4. - ,.'ng*. Al B-SR , I ~ . . I . Elactr,'c motal cutlingl n'/571/61/00()/-)~ 7/'(-),-jr,/oin ID48/124P W;", Nokrashovich,I.G., nril ',1ItskevIch,?4.K. -he alectr 1c er,i3 lon of steel electrodes A A,(adomlyn ri,tu,( '-31cir!iskay SSR. FIzIko-teKhn!,7nf33,(I'~ InstItut. SbornIK nauchny~ch trudov. no.7. lq6l. FXT 2teel electrodes In the aroslan (f7-,'i (RP-3) apparnt,is hnvlng a relAxAtIon PC circuit were unstnble In performance with frequent breakdowns naused b- I y the rormation of a protective layer on thm alectrodesj while brR23 electrodes gpve sati3fnctory results, .-iow- ever, stee. electrodes performed satisfactorily when the er~)slon 1,-ocess was carried out In kerosene, with mechanical vibrntions (fronuency 28-30 Hertz. amplitueio 0.08-0#15 mm.) being appliod to one of the electrodes. I'he relittlonBhlp between anodic and cathodic .oroslon Is represented by A curve having a nearly hyperbolic shape. the exonrImentnl drkt1i the main factor affectIng tha eroslon behavior of steels Is the total of the heating and phase transform- atIons, while the electri3 resistivity, heat capacity, density, ,ard 1/2 S/57 61/000/007/006,'01() I048YI248 r,nd tt,"rmnl (-,()efficient of rnalst'vity arc of much lo!33 Imi)ortnnco. ~he oros,lon re3istnnee of stool X112 (Mil2) will be much hIphor thnn ,hnt of other steels used Rs electrode mterial, due tn Its higher enrbide content and the corrospondlngly highoAr heat of diasoclation. There is I figure. Card 2/2 NEKRASHFVICH, I.G.; LOYKO, V.I.; TISHKFVICH, M.I. Use of semiconductor voLlve elements to anaBure the IntenRlty of X-ray radiation. Sbor. nauch. trud. Fiz.-tekh.inst. AN BSSR no.71107-113 161. (MIRA Ili7) (3emiconductors) (X rays) NEF.ASHEVICII, 1,C,., V.fe. Invf,9tl,-oitlnp tre -.-Iectrlc chfiracti-riBtIcr, -l' ir. ~mp--F!V- '- ckiargv wl th Ilmitl ng (-~f the mtflil nn ! p1pisinA c-)r.*ar - zor,- . Sbor. wi,irt.,. trild. Mz.-takh.inst. AN EGSR no.':11,-,,, ', 1. ( M. fA " ~ lisch~irgp thr.,ugn ;aso-s, NUJUSHEVICH. I.G.; BAKUTO, I.A. Current status of theoretical concepts of the mture of the electric erosion of metals by pulse currents. Dok.I.AN BSSR 5 no.5&208-211 Ply 761. OUM 14 -.5) 1. Fiziko-telchnicheskiy institut AN ESSR, Kafedra eksperimLtal'noy fizikl Belorueskogo gosudarstvennogc, universiteta imni V.I.Lenina. (Mete-1 cutting, Electric) I-, r Ie 1~ Z/U37/'u2/000/005-b/0l0/GIt9 EOVE139 %~"r Ih- P'i N-Ii I .,A 11'. %'1( 11 a n (t fia k u t. o , I - A - 1- IA- 1 1-1. 1 r 'I I I y ti pit Ime(I d:ischarge in gasvs at r i c t ,j to, 1, 1, V I' I Y r r) I y s 1 k 11 , no. 3-b, 1962 I..' t r 1, vr- 1"rI r -, 11) '111 t '~J'vm ol d Iti c h a r W, v 4 t, s, L w f. f I I :I% i a I - c r i i i (it whether the dielectric v o- it t 1p- I - c L ro .1 111r, I I,IU I d or -4(1 1 Id. 1, r- U..' I n F ~i I I s 4, 1 1 t tic - i r v- i n .1 11 ec t contact. I n a 1 1 c a -s t- s L ~jt- r p I -i ;j jn.irl~t-d rni,t z-,. i r, tne current lines at the spot ,~h--re in#- ctjvj---nt ;.t,- - t I'r ''li iii~ electr-cit, s,-irface , wti i c n i t-s T (, -, n i i i, r , i ~, ., i t,. iti,, t~ at t tie c,,ritact area. Altnou:"n r I c I. f- 1 ti 01 a I'- I I (- r'i I I Y c o ti - I (I e r po t o h t W, r".a 1 % ~ ~ A tl-- r '. r "I r- C'tAjS-'-S : rr. e c tia ri i c a I , t tie ri,.(j - rT; cr i t r i c a i r i e - c tz j : , ,, - r c e r ta i n c o n d 1 t I ~) n s it Is j ,, s it, v I %- v - -, i-s, t it :1 pa r t 1 c I e s as a direct r---~tj I t o I t ,. s, I c t r i c ii ji.,i co s \uj,icrrus m xperimentb by j A I U tI ors havo. I't ,Vt.,) 1. 1 "Stt tl(- crus ior process is (Ii8cret e r v I -)r, h,j s e d r) I i t It 1 1 I t ne t I IIt,, 111 t h't tt .11 1 r o ~ I o TI WA r t Cl It! i hI c u r r e n t I- s I t t 'i itr~ ace t wit "i a '4 LkC tw I ri Cti I v t n (111 CtIV It y J,U 11 C t u r e I I k t I k I s r I :it i. i t r,, . e ~ijrf ac v (lu r I it tif#- 11 r v tit i-! i t ti, r-,,ii t:li su c h a puncture was I (j u r, d t t fit- S I ze r) I' a pu nc I' P LL'~ I '. N C 4' t. i Lk~ I civer-ii--a t Ing , LIt #-I i -, i - ; ( r x t ,s i i i v I it i,jI::. v td I , accompan if- I I)y :1 .' I ,: ,,,I I . ! a -- -i .t t a tani, th e r pa r t o I th e 1.1 T- I I. , I p*.. a ted and thils tIt e e r I ti t r.i c i ii4~ v. i, I I I o ri of the conilue t inX i,jv ta I o n L a C t I t 11 it-, I -1 11,% h't Itf.t. I I v1 vu entitry ertis Loll 14 4 s is t I c i s, t I t It v t lip rma 1 1)1-(,C e9ses can I), I st, r it t e ~,r -.i r leiaeritiary act of erosion by t lie 3 k n if~ - t % I ~s t, ,, #i ; ii , , , I . . . ./,, ' 7/()2/(;(j6/GU5-6/(, li F, 3 9 I [I s I in I I I -I e m o v v r a w i (I e r it it I t I--- t I t t ll~ i%va k I At) I e theor it- -i ti ht u c; I i ,I I (~ I t o , I vt it t.1 F. I (I TIS 1 1. s n 4- c p 5 mary t , v 4' k r m o 4L c r r i ti fl i rs, c t I v a t t fle 'I I nt i c t ind thA- I lasina, C i 1( A V t, ~i P , ix a t -, - I r a *2 x r i i.. i i - t r, i u n 1 6 v rs. i t y V. I L o it i n n t L L)v pa r tme it t r I F1 :, #- H v I o r ij s s 1 a it ,.) t a t e it 3 v r-t s t v i I I'L it I n 8 5/196/62/000/01V016/046 E194/EI55 AU 1*:fuRS; Nckrashevicli--l-fa. atid f3akuto, I.A. TITLE: 011 the electrical breakdown of dielectricb PERIODICAL: Peferativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no-14, l')()2, 5, abstract 14 8 24, (Dokl. AIN BSSR, v.6, no.1, 1962, 20-30) TEAT: The effect of electrical breakdown of iny dielectric is described on the b,isis of a general energy relationship which allours for the energy expended in forming a new phase. Po,41tlve and negative charge-carriers released by ionisation play th- part of new phases. With this method it is possible to .'rom consideration the concrete mechanism uf micro-efftctm that occur during breakdown. The breakdown conditions that are obtained 40 coincide in form with the Townsend conditions but are of a more general nature. The breakdown strength of a dielectric increases as it passes from the gaseous to the liquid and solid phases. For various solid dielectrics the breakdow-n strength is the greater,'the higher the specific heats of melting and of Card 1/2 Oil the electrical breakdown of ... s/iq6/62/0G0/0l4/0i6/O46 E194/EI55 vaporisation and tile higher the melting and boiling points of the dielectric. 3 references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekchnich. in-t AN 3SSR; (Physicotechnical Institute, AS BSSR). Belorusskiy gos. un-t im. V.I. Lenina (Byelorussian State University imeni V.I. Lenin) [Abatractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 IZURASHEVIGH, I.G.; I-MUTO, I.A. Dependence of the efficiency of an electric erosion tn~t cn the frequency of Buccessive discharge Frulses and on the average current intensity. Dokl. AN BSSR 6 no.5:30?-31P M: "2- C'IK;~ 15:6) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheakiy inBtItut All iCSh. PredMAvleno akademixom Al, BSSR V.P. Severdenkc. (Electric disci,arges) (i;lectrodev) .S/ 250/6 2,/OC,,S/C, 1()/004/(-,(A- A06;)JA AUTHOTIL: flekrashevl-h, I . G., Bakuto, I . A. TITLF ..)n the pos., ibility of Applying a common method "or iis-s(r1,b!rj the phei,omena - .n Plectrir! br(,,LK-down and of a plastic (iPfor7nation ~( a F,~)iid MUODY'AL: A/,,vl~miya nau,,. R,:;H. v. ), no. 1(,. TFaT: T(, aI-ulat- fwI',jnnati,)ns of a thc, a1jtn,,r;; to u3(? the ram(- ~,eneri' !'ormula tney hivi v-.od previously (artirle IT, idN 1). no. 1, ~nr cair-ill tinj~ an electrif- break-~-Iown throuoi a cause,~ In an wil,irT)t jnal,,;!~ ontwn-,T) tile two kinds of phPn(.mona. Th- -,en- ral C,,rr-ruLa vadn to a sj:-~tf!m ), equations whilh ('ully describes the phenomer,on aw glve5 ta,p relation betveen tne applied force, M arl(i tile valup (1j) of the 'Inw of" the 3ubst-in,e tnat participates In the stream of the plastic. 'JR- formation. The solution oi the system In its reneral aspect i)r,s,-nt:, c-nniler- able diff'I cul ties. The u.scussion is there-ore limite,', to a geroral 3-nalysis arld a complete solution Is given only for a particular case. Card 112 Wi, - /A Or, I.-H (Physi I Air Byeloru. on 14. 1C."Al ';UW4lTnT) car'l WKWHEVICH, I.G.; LABUDA, A.A.j PLASHCHINSKAYA, R.V.; YERMAKOVA, N.Te. Study of the effect of third components by the method of temporal scanning of the asiosioft spectrum. 2hur.ansl.khim. V? no.5t 551-555 Ag 162. (MIRA 16-3) 1. V.I.IAnin ByelorusAjan State University, Minsk. 0i (Spectrum analysis) NEKRA,SHF,VICI., I.G.; LABUDA, A.A.; PLASHCYINSKAYA, R,V.; YERWOVA, N.Ye. Effect of "third' components by the metfod of scanning tqp luminescence spectrum with time. Izv. AN SSSR. 3er. fiz. 26 no.7t892-895 J1 '62. '91RA 15-q) (Spectrum analysis) 37272 3/057/62/052/005/020/C22 B104/B102 A',THORS: ?Iekrashevich, 1. G., and Bakuto, 1. A. 11"LLE: The dependence of electroerosion on the length of the -lischarge tract in instruments with RC circuit 10D I ~; A L Zhurnal tekhnicneakoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 9, 1962, e,,11 - 641 -r,AT: With the help of the "migration theory" of electrical erosion (I. G. ;44 "ek 1% rushevich, 1. A. Bakuto, lFZh, 2, no. 8, 1959) an expression to derived for the mass m knocked out from the metal in one discharge of the capacitor in RC circuit: m - (v A/S 2)'1 2dt. From the equations describing the 0 0 capacitor discharge the number of discharges per second is obtained in the usual manner.- The mass knocked out per second is thenz V A ( MV . 0 ~i 2 dt/RC-In(9 U )). This yields after a abort oalculation 2 ; 0 0 1 3D 0 2 2 2 2 the final formul&:M - Gi /1n(1 0/(I0- 1)), where G - Dk Ik20 D . V 0A/S 0RC, V0 Card 112 5/057/62/032/L,05/02G,'022 The dependenco of eleotroerosion ... B104/B102 and 3 0 are volume and surface of the erosion cavity, A is a constant of the electrode material, ki and k2 ftre constants, 10is the breakdown lietance for the potential U 0. The formula gives a good description of the experimental results. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-teknnicheskiy institut AN BSSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS K~10; Kafedra eksperimentallnoy fiziki Belorusskogo gos. universiteta im. V. 1. Lenina,Minsic (Department of Experimental Physics of the Belorussian State University imeni V. I. Lenin, Minsk) SUBMITTED: February 6, 1961.(initially) April 26, 1961 (after revision) Card 2/2 Jim' P1 A-M1,65 1k(i)/fir(M)/EPA_ -2/f Ec(tjAwpW~6P(q)/F. -i,/Nb;~A oj4 AP40445". - :8/0201/64/0,)0/00' 047/00W_ pACCESS1. IKRt~ 210 /7- 0. j BakUtat 1~ A* 16! Wtz-~aid_-momentum -,triansferred- to. Ahe Jalectrodea in an R- Zzvestiya. Seriya:, f iziko-tdkbfii6he*skikh. naAk no' .2 1964, 47-50,' q TOPIC Theit ~electric ara,*electric dischargee arc jet, alectroero-.. -a Loa, e ie'~tron mQmentum, e1ectr6de,_,.biphaze':alloY I "ABSTRACT'i" An: experimental study of the electrogrosion effect on compogiie,~bimetallic electrodes has-shown that this effcct is'due to the physical, properties of all.the metals participating in the erosion 4ct.-'--The..areas ofthe erosion craters have been measured, an well. US theb ~allistic-penduium deflection proportionA to the _- ~ ~: -;I -, . liauid. momentumlacquired by the electron during-a-dischme in~a -I 7 7 L 677 65 Acczsszoff AW445" YRt "Oture 6 f the The r; osi~jjts obtainied -Ar6 'explained -in- torms. Of -t~q. a rtl diacbMIs channalwithin the framework of the miqration~tboory pro- viously-;proposed by-the -authors (6b. tr. PTI AN BSBR# 19o. 1, 19541 IFZh, Fb. 7, 1960), Orig art.-hass 3 ficjureso,* ASSOCIArrolh: lu SUBMlTIZDs zScLs 00 .. 00 1. SUB ODVEs UR ABP SOVS ftMR: . 000 ' If-7 Z.T . ........... L 25317-65 Erit (L D 4-WM 4 7 61/64 AP5003324 44~ L `ff4ld - - 94- A OW *80 d-' fro Of "SMCZ- All 7 Beriya `flziko-,~i ilklh tiauko,no. Ap 19&v BSSR, dr Wm C -IFINW5 -e an -arilei Mer (DAk The qut~rk' 4 .UbLt - . id= -& so.Ud AwAer 'a iii the,,. ductility; 6f lical Ile, th~ mechm lx~nd rad tr Mormr is. thift:, era. Thoy~'Ui i:.t Cal Wei; t andL oth lude, sUkting tr= the, energy. balAnoi equjtion~ ~thtt the presence or jx~de om-an.-eAraneous. =ce a r absorbed in ths 'goiU. fr t L04 --of the substance. The analysis is ~mde for the-case when the extr=eouz. Y7 A t he flux qu t s~,c a meth at stregi,at, Vhich infinite 0t th e~exis a ertai" ~ fiate: anie er e The" lkrgir'~tha -.absorbedi -power thc','large;:~the uedtanical' :wouch.the ylolkb4ao~eg This.. rimulV.can~bdi relAted with the iLt , Wort .datiot ~, foiC4- a,; lact that, indr.eeje~ jjjl~%6. ~Piadtjc and also on - ' , when met&U exe e*igcmd to bard radia- d the - yield liiit ~4 dbAiLine id results are incond;ic~!ives, sinceunder,some:conditicca theory leads to UOU4. The . ~Ovig.-akt.;~has formulas. Waite cone-umiox6 t'.- one MB CODE: IM r I I i'-'" ilj.~ HEV lcfl , 1, G. ; ht" K, if ' , : .." . F ' I .. . :' astic rlr~w rf ,3r--4 :2.. ~'C"~ - . A N K .,:. P2 r-(, . .:. -. ': -1 1, 11' 1, : ,P: , , 1 . Fiziko-tekhn' chn skly i nil t I tLt A PI R I.;!, . ; ~---dstav :~ tic at.Li, I "a. 1 P~cm AN RSSR V.P.-~~everdenku. NEKRASHEVICH, I.G. (Nekraaherich, 1.H.]; BAKUTO, I.A. (Bakuta, I.A.] Ionization of a gas by PIF-ctrons. Vests-.' AN B:;-'R. Ser.fiz.-Mat. nav. no.2:11~-118 16'. (~(I.~-A joil) -L-2U446- -EWr(I)APA(s)-2 --IJP(c) GG ACMZM M: ArJOIT177 I I' D3/00wom ALM=$ Bohm&% 1. E--YYt ON 1. Yv 21=1 Comeandffs eleatrome bredwhm at Im Wo progence or a wwW MOLIMs IM nsu4 w. 3. v0, 53-" lam ~ I dielectric braddono ft" bassoot Ion bommram" AnUMs An am&Vsls of Ww mumW baleme equotift In sumal ffts 12 wwd bY as auums to calculate aw smatisms WAW Idda broubl~ 1AW electron tab" puse Im a Manor" 010 romvw somw ast cow the the electric field but alioe ths ansum scump sub am a wom at lowlsift sedistlaso on beat To- 14004 ft OW 410144311W If a"804 t0 be M aMtIVS qWAUtW# a" tM bftt PIV- at diaosd IW ow Isms Is mostestedo 2be braddom com"Um Is Gft%MM as an flow IMIUdto awm4. An amWis at the bs]A~ eqmum am its mummum- d~ tift dlfftrm* varfamts at braddom wIteria ~ be dbtalm*4 dopmadla m the roxsu~ I t i 0 the pwmstws at the oqfttl~. we is a renection or tbw-- Iq domerved Variety in the tm of asetris wftmm smawrift Is OW emawles sommoft so addlifir at an thearous" Cwd L 2714-" -AOC~~ refflate vin as"" m mousis at as "twi men da". orls. wt mat AN~( wtitute izwtltvte one Go t ~A cwd L 2006-66 DiT(d)/EWT(M)/giP(W)/EWP(k)/IWP(t)/EWP(b)/EWA (c) F141JDIHW Acassion xRo Ap5oi7696 tM/0250/65/009/006/03T6/0378 AUT11ORs Nekrashevich 1. 0.; Bakuto, 1. A. .24- TITLE: tribe Influence of eupp:~ementary energy on the plastic flow of solidee) ROURC93 AN 9813R* MIMI# ve 9# no* 6s 1965t 37 376 TOPIC TA00i plastic flow, estle deformationt, deformation rate ABSTRACTs The additional energy in question is introduced in the form of ultra- sound, shock waves, or heating with electric current connected with partial dis- placement of matters and by other meanse Analysis of the heat balance equation yields an expression for the etress component due to the supplementary energy, and yields a differential equation for the mess flow. The solution of the latter goes over into the standard Pkandtl formula in the absence of supplementary energy. The presence of supplementary energy increases the rate of plastic deformation in pro- portion to the added energy. 'This report was presented by V. Po Soverdenkos ,Origo wt. hast 10 formulas, ASSOCIATION, riziko-tiekbuicheskly institut AN BBSR (Philsicata BSSR); Belorusekly gosudaretvemy universitet, In. Vo I,, lanino M-1versity) 'Card 112 L 2006-66 1 AMMIM Ms AMIM6 1 1 summms O%Rva ; m M We 001 j AW ; card #9 ivr A . - NOW 00 " 0=1 0 ~l 001 0 :J A'~ i ACC NR, AR60051B3 3MVCE CODE: Woo58/65/ooo/ooq/ro.L6/Go16 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. qG130 ATMORS: Nekrashevich I. Q Tkachenko, V. M. Urenev, V. I. TITIZ: Time scanning of the process of condensation of matter from a plasma -acrud ini a condensed discharge RIT GOURCEs Tr. ~ktros~kIL. Aff_SSfk~? vYP- 1, 544-550 TOPIC TAGS: electric discharge, discharge plasma, vapor condensation, electrode TMNSIATION: The scanning method is used to study the process of emission of Patter from electrodes in a condensed discharge, and particularly the change of the composi- tion of the emitting *%rapor with time. Important experimental data are obtained on the kinetics of formation of the vapor cloud of the electrode material. StTJ3 CODE: 20 L&Wd 2/1 sat moms 00058 V"l96A5,1M100T1V..JMA0" AVird0flo Mwo, LAI N.Y.1 cgr,~ Qr4 k1gova V.76. I INIMmovaD X.16. 0R01 none TITISs NeasurIng the te"ersture.1n a pulse d1scharge SOURCSt Ref. sh. 21ektrotekhnIka I energet1kao Abe. 7220 REP SOURCM Tr. Komls. po spektrookopil. AN 33SR9 vyp. it 19649 434-441 TOPIC TAOSs temperature 1notrumento optle method., eA&&. a- TRANSLATIONs The optIcal asthod for determInIng hIgh temperatures In stationary sources w1th sx1al symmetry (by the Rarman-Urens method) in extended to cover cases or pule* d1se 6---' A devIce was prepared or. whtch experlmental researeb was cond on the space and t1me d1str1butlon of temperature,, takIng Into account the fact that the process was nonstatlonary. An earlIer deductlon regardIng the zonal 'I ;Ihftl,of 1dentIfy1mg varloum spectral l1nes us$ 64ARAII.of WWI SUB CM -20/ IRS SUM DAM$ none Cmd I I - -.4"" 1, L 23W~_&.) . EWM(m) /ETC (f)/ U~r (x)/Mq"'% 'P A=74~-A-V`6000634 SO URVIVISTrADV U'JY4j0DiA5 /000/001/0016/0019 AUTHOR: Nckrashevich, 1. G. (hfinsk); Bakuto, 1. A. (Minsk) ORG: none TITLE: Effect of the initial discharge position upon bimetallic -electrode erosion SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabatka materialov, no. 1, 1965, 16-19 TOPIC TAGS:electric discharge, bimetal, electrode, erosion, tin, bialffuth, lead, kerosene ABSTRACT: The results of an experimental study of electric erosion of bimetal electrodeal immersed in commercial kerosine are reportedd.40, bismuth, and lead were used in various combinations for bimStal electrode sA Tre'Bi or Fe cathode was cone-shap,ed with a 380 angle. The cathode-cone point cou!ld be moved over the ground enO surface of the bimetal anode. Unipolar square 900-amp 200-v pulses were iiand. Experimental curve,; show the effect of the cathode-point anude-interfaceI distance upon the (weighed) amot;nt of erosion for Fe and Bi cathodes and Gn-T31 and Pb-Bi anodes, rempectively. rormulan batted on a "partial migratioll theory" are derived. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I I formulas. SUB CODE: 09,11,13/ SUBM DATE: none ORIG REY: 002 cmd I - (A- -COLE.-- UR;0407165100010031062-4-160-~6-, ACC INP, APU'62t'~18 1) AU-NOR: '14ekra5riovicn, 1. G. (,K~_nsk')j Bakuto, I. A. (Minsk) 01-i : rjono T17L---: Ii;vost'~gation of elecLro-erosion phenomena on the surface of a two-layer electrodo 1-:IeKtrornaya obrabotka matorialov, no. 3, 1966, 24-26 TOPIC erosion, electric erosion, spark erosion , "Oa~ ;~BSTRA07, ~x;,erijient5 were conducted: Sma-'.' copper plates 0.02, 0.17, 0.5, and ""11cA kro5i_n/ 5oldered with a layer of tin, thus forming binetal plates. pol-.."*he~ bLA...'aco constituted ono electrode; an 8-mm diameter cone-shapod- r0a 5f."Vf',d as t~o other electrode. A square 900-amp, 240-tA sec, 200-v 77. .~s3cd Lietween tna ;-"kec*,rocr,,j iffmorsod in commercial kerosine. Thus, -'DV~St~s 1~_zst co-)pur ara tnen tin was subjected to erosion. It was found that the erosion of both electrodes decreased as the copper thickness increased (curves shown). The results are qualitatively expalined by the migration theory of electro-erosion. GrIg. art. has; 2 figures and 4 fomulas. 5163 CODE; 13, 09 / 5U-RM DAT9i none / ORIG Wgi 003 Card 1/1 67 11) 1 rokhn ;Ou,?.EU8~10vic~. Ye. 'r,,, 1. i t e Z I a c t rod e f,)r Me as ~;r n 6t~.L- Redox i'otential "!'I L Kh 1::, i annoo t l)' 7 "3 SR t t! c nhols for T R1, ~T The fintil "!e(-hIcrination" of the anol I r the merc-,iry electrolysis of aqlienuB rom-.~or f3: It nolutiona is ,carried out In an alkaline raedium by means of a Ujium aulfile ~3c,!,;'.'on. .' .0-nual control does not guarantee ri.. exact losing ,)f tLe 3c]4u,,.; fide solution. For reason t.,:o automation ~;f %h 1 8 -nrt 9 mercury electrolyn. o is Fart i- I rtrlv im, ortnnt- The a ora used the chanFe in the redox o'ential of the ssyitem as t ... inlicator in controllin.- the "lecilorina- tion". 'In 7,eaeurint; clitaii-e it is especially difflcz~lt *.o find a i -itable i%licator olectrode, which has to kive - t,)-et'ner with the auxil lary electrole - re; roducible v;j'.ues of the electrornotive force iinder vari,,us cunlltionn. Further- rigre, the electrode has to be resintar;t to the action of noxious im,,jrities, and sufficlentli sensitive to ctanges of the redox -~rl 1/2 potential of tne system. -xiorience hus shown that platinum 67793 T's e . /064/~) 'CC0/07,'C2,, of a Gra,,hita Eleotrode for Measuring t.~ r. 1~ I Redox rotentifil -11005/9012 is not suited for use an electrode material. As the result of a thorough study of relevant publications the autwrz of the Fresent paper selected graphite as the electrode material. -om- mon grahite yields correct reciults, hut on account of its ;.orosity the potential ed.'untLj itself very n1owly and only ;,fter the electrode has been washed ulj'. carefL.11.1. In order to rc. luce p,)roeity, gre.phitel~wna impreFrat-d with !,nkelite lacquer which at 1300. same time "i,;-r4 %P.1 r,as subse ueiiTly polymerized . I I - ATM-1 electrodes were tested. sa*.rael calomel e1ectrode cerved as the auxiliary electrodu. The electrodes of all three :-aterials investigated yielded ver;, similar %-,ilues of the tromotive force,the rotential al" ted itself almost instantly. Ry laboratory experiments as well f.s exter,sive use it, *he .9 cps the above indicator electrodes '.have been s)-own to have a very long life. The use of tie graphite electrode -uarantees a re- liable dosing of the sodium sulfile solution. A figure show-~ the excess of sodium sulfide in t!.e anolyte hy way of a liafram recorded by nn autogral,hic EPD-~.' ~-)tontiometor. "here is Card 212 1 figure. I - I I I . .. ) f - . I . I . I . .. . I I. USMI/Microbiology - Microbes Sathoacnic -n Man and Aninals. F. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 673o6 Author Yancbenko, T.F., Sm,1rnc,,,a, M.F., Nekrashevich, 11-1., Rogovs,kiy, V.Ya. InBt Title Research Into the EtioloCy o~ Scarlet Fever. Or'-g Put) Mikrobiol. zh-, 1957, 19, 11c 2, 49-56. Abstract Various laboratory animals werc Infected with patholobl~cal material from patients sick with scarlet fever (the mn-~e- rial was first filterud throurt a No 2 rublev filted. In no case did an animal'. become discascd. In some za.~us Lhu animal's blood gave a positive RSK with serum from pationto convalcocing rom scarlet favor. Mhen the mate- rial was passed on chicken embryos (an average of 7-8 passages), no changes were observed in the embryo mcmbra- nee. When the allantois or the amnion membrane was usQd as an antigene, after one two passages tha ROK wur Card 112 USSR/Virology. General Probleme E Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1959, No 14623 Autbor Yancheako T.F., Nekrashevich N.I. 1.'nst Title A Study of the Possibility of Production of Antiiafluenza Antibodies in Rabbits by the Method of Conditioned Reflexes Orig Pub V ab.: Gripp, N., Medgiz, 1958, 110-117 Abstract In some rabbits it is possible to achieve conditioned reflex formation of antiinfluenzn antibodies under conditions of application as a conditioned atimulant of a buzzer for a period of 30 minutes. It was impossible to obtnin, in rab- bits, a conditioned reflex immunological reaction with short-timed application of a buzzer (for a period of 10 se- conds). It is also possible to produce In rabbits, a con- dUtioned reflex from the exteroreceptors of the akin and mucous membrane of the nose for the elaboration of antlinflu- Card 1/2 - 12 BMIRNOVA9 M.F.; SEMDA, V.N.; UNKRASHEVICIIj N.I. Eflekrashevych, N.I.1; YANCIIENKO, T.F. Regularities observable in detecing glotallm bodies in the mterial from scarlet fever patients. Mikrobiol. shur. 22 no.3:58-62 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. 1z KiyevBkogo inDtituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii. (SCARLET FEVER) S/185/60/005/003/002/020 MOT D274/0303 XITHORS: Lyubars'kyy, G.Ya., Nekrashevych, O.M. and Aozents- veyg, L.N. I'TTLE: A semi-empirical method of calculating the acceler- ating, system of a staruling-wave linear proton-accel- erator Pi:RIODICAL: Ukrayins'lcyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 3, 1960, 308-316 i'i-~XT: This investigation was conducted in connection with the design of the linear proton-accelerator at the Physico-technical [-.tstitute of the AS UkrSSR- .~ semi -empirical method was chosen .)ecause necither a purely theoretical, nor a "trial-and-crcor" method would satisfactorily solve the problem. 'I'hc macroscopic properties 0 f7 the field in the n-th section of the accelerator are cLaracter- ized by the mean intensity of the eLectric field: i - 1 ~ E,dz Card 1/5 Ln 16587 S/18 60/005/00 ')/'),,2/020 semi-empirical method ... D274YO303 the integration being carried out over the segment 1-n Of the reson- ator-axis which lies in the n-th section. In the follw-.-ing, L. will be calLed the period of the accelerating system; .1%, increases '..; -1. t h n .It is assumed that Z = const. This can be achieved in practice if the increase in Ln with n is compensated by a corres- ponding changc, in other geometrical parameters of the drift tubes; the position of the adjustment discs %.ias chosen as such a parameter. i-he method Lnvolves the following assumptions: a) By dividing the resonator (by means of metal plates normal to the axis) into isola- ted sections, so that every section contains only one drift tube, and if the position of the adjustment discs is chosc-n so that the natural frequency f of each section is the same, then it is possible (in the ideal case) to obtain R = const. along the entire resonator, f being its natural frequency; b) the fulfilment of condition T! a const. can be checked by measuring the magnetic field strength near the peripheral surface of the resonator; homogeneity of magnetic field at the periphery is an indication of the "macroscopic" homo- 4eneity of electric field at the axis; c) due to the very small ard 2/ 5 26587 S/18 60/005/003/002/020 A semi-em?irical method ... D274X303 ratio betveen the radius of the drift tube and resonator radius, the elect-ric field in the accelerating gaps does practically not differ fr:)m the electrostatic field which would arise between the drift tubes as a result of a potential difference EL; the electro- static fioild can be simulated by an electrolytic bath. The motion of the ion be = in the accelerator involves the coefficients: L L E (z)sin 2 z 1 Ez(z)cos -2ZS dz. (2) L z d z , B = f: L L L 2 2 T --'a the perLod of the accelerating, f ield. It is aisumed t iat the proton traverses the path L during 'i. Lquations are set up for det- ernining A and B; these equations iiivolve an experimentally deter- mined function (by an electrolytic bath) and two in':egrals which were graphically calculated by means of the insler pLanimctor. The Card 5/5 26587 ~i/la 60/005/00 3/(,02/020 j~ semi-eapirical method ... D274 X303 length of the drift tubes was calcul~ited by: dLn e 9X2 m ____ JrAj? + B~2 Cos 0.489-10-4-E 1- Gn cos.,,, (10) dn c,2 1 cm where X is the wave length, the ion phase on its passage through the middle of the gap, - the synchronot..s ion-phase. The choice of ~ s is not only limited from below: ~ a > 0, (the condition for phase stability), but also from abovc: T. 4*- ~s crit. (which is the condition for radial stability); an equation is given for determining as well as a graph with the dependence of (P a crit. a crit. on L. The value of was taken as equal to T S 3 i's crit. the graph shows that i asmallest at the i irst tubes. A 11 Ta crit. concrete eximnple is given illustrating the method. First is found and then L. The dependence of Ln on n was found to be nearly linear. There are 12 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 4/5 S11 85/60/005/0 031/0-) 21020 ,,L semi-empirical method!6.5P7 D274/D303 ASJOC I ATION: Fizyko-tektinichnilry instytut Ali USSR (Physico-tech- nical Institute AS UkrSSR) 3 U 31-1 I'l-f ED :August 12, 1959 ~; arc' 5 / 5 I I " I I -) . 'i ~,) USSR/Solid State Physics - Diffusion, Sintering, F-6 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34768 Authcr: Lesnik, A. G., Nekrashevich, P. I., Sirik, V. lnstituti,~.n iNone TItle: Diffusic,n of Nitrogen in Steels Alloyed with Chromium and Manganese ",riginal Periodicali Nauk. zap. Klivalk. un-tu, 1955, 14, No 8, 125-126 Abstract: Evaporation in vacuum was used to investigate diffusion of nitrogen In iron-chromium alloys (4-71% chromium) and iron-manganese (2.21% man anese). FLateg 100-800 mu thick vere made of the alloys. The nitriding of the plates of the ally was carried cut in a stream ammonia in 2 stages: at 6500 for 30 hours, and at 75(~- until a concentration of nitrogen of 10-11% by volume vad obtained in the plate. With this, the activation energy of the diffusiou of nitrogen in the iron-chromium- nitrogen alloy was found to be 9. 2 70 kcal/mol, and in the iron-manganese-nitrc-gen it was found to be % = 15 kcal/mal. For the diffusicu of nitrogen In pure Ircr, Es is 23 kcai/mol. This difference in the activation energies is used by the auth-Yrs tc explain the high strength of the nitrided layer of steel alloyed vith chroml-,= and m9mganese. 0#0 'ACC NR, ~N.16027312 SOURCE CODE: UR/0428/66/DOO/002/0091/0098 AUTHOR: HraS~ykhin, L. 1. ; Nekrashevich, Ya. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Measuring coefiicients of argon absorption in a shock tube S ~)URC ~-': AN BSSR. Vegts'4. Seryya fizika-Marematyrtinycki. navuk, no. 2, '1966, 91-98 TOPIC TAGS: absrption coefficient, plasma wave absorption, monochromatic radiation, gas chromatography, argon, shock tube i ABSTRACT: It i.; important to know the light-emissive and absorptive capacltirg; of a hot g*v; at liigh temperature. ._.-Therefore, methodF; must hs experiment.Wy dev,loped to measure Llie coefficients of plasma absorption t different temperatures and pressures. This work sets forth two methods of finding the monorhromatic roeffl- cient8 of aosorpLion in reference to Lhe ghock tube. The first method is haspd on uae of the self-illumination of the emitting volinne by means of a single mirror; the second, on finding the relative light -emissive in ensity of a heated gan of various densities. Measurements were made in a steel shock tube with chromAum- plated interior permitting the greatest possible use of a low-pressure glass chamber. Argon wafl the gas employed. This paper proposes a simple and comparatively accurate (15%) method of measuring the absorption roeffictents of hot gases In a shock tube. Measurements of thin coefficient for argon at '-10.700 K tit the apertrRI ranija of 1/2 i Card ACC NR, AP6027312 4000-6000 A are in good agreement with the renults of 1_ M. Biberman and G. 9. Norman (J. Quant. Spectrooc. Transfer, 3, 221, 1963). Simultaneous regiatration of different wavelength regions (using quantometer-like equipment) with direct temperature measurements in each experiment gives more accurate results than Biberman and Norman. It is found that under certain experimental conditions up to M8%8 a sample of the hot gas with the reflected shock wave along the tube axis is a homogeneous plasm . The authors thank M. A. El'yashevich for interest in the work and useful advice. Orig. art. has: 9 formulae , 2 tables, and 3 figures. SUB COM 07/ SUBM DAM 040et6S/ ORIC RM 002/ OTH UY: 008 Card L/037/62/000/005-6/022/049 E140/E562 A L Fi i U i (z) Nekrzishevich, Ye. G. and Bakuto, Ye. A. t,n tho electric breakdown of dielectrics PL Ii I L) 1) 1 A 1,; ~-(-Skoslovvllsky camopis pro fysiku, no.5-6, 1962, -) 6 3 - r) d () T i,. x'r i-Aectric breakdown in an arbitrary dielectric is di~sctjsserl from the viiergy point of' view. starts from the getiortil Fourier viluatioti in which, in addition to the term charactvrizing the action of the spatial thermal source, he introducem another terin, characterizing the creation of particle@ of the niat(!rjal, which have a corLain critical energy value. An analy.-4is of the e(piation and its integration for two limiting ca.-;e.-I lead to results whi(h characterize the electric breakdo%,rn of dielectrics. winctijre criterion iFt derived. The most genoral dependence or the puncttire strength on the state And on the I)hvslcnl properties of' tho dielectric is determined. The general method used for analysing puncture effects can be successfully Applied aiso to other aiialogous processes such as the plastic creep of solids etc. Card 1/2 Un the electric hrenkdo%,-n of' dielectrics Z/037/62/C;(,(J/UU5-6/oz,~,/citg L 14 O/E 562 j k, i I-t I nt t ectin L ckv us tav .%V jj~~31? , Ka tedra aj ni f ,,Pjiky :jOlorusko statni university, ,.I risk kilhymicotaclinical Inatituto, kS IISSR, Department of xpor i inon ta I vhyAi c m , Belorussian State Univermi ty i n n k Card 2/2 KU LASILJ"; STEPONAVICIUS, A. ; BULKA, Br. , red. ; LIJKOSEVICIUS, St. , tekhn. red. [Collective farm As a school of communism for peasamts) Kolukis - komunism mokykla valatletijml. Vilnius, Valstybine politines Ir mokslines literaturos leidyk1a, 1962. 50 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Lithumnin-Collective farms) Q . Monthl List -f Russiqn Acressions, Llbrliry -)f Congr,-ss, 14,)~, 'Inell. XZKRASOV I,.. A.,...kandidat takhnicheakikh naiik. Bconomical prefabricated fo,indations. Sel'.9trol. 11 no.5:11-13 my '56. (KLRA 9:9) (Foundations) (Precast cnncrete construction) IISVWOV, A., kan4. tekhn. nauk. Aquipment for making nreawit reinrorce~ coicrete In !orLgtr,.i,.ti-,r, yardm. Sell. 5troi. 14 no.11:26-27 IJ 159 (MIRA 13;3) (Prectiat concrete) NEKRASOV, A.. kand.tekhn.nauk Principles of the efficient planning and using of precnat rein- forced concrete in rural construction. Soor. nauch. soob. Nllsel's~roia no.2:38-67 loo. (MIRA 1~:5) (Reinforced concrete constructicn) (Farm buildings) hT.KRASOV,__A., kand. tekha.azuk Hollow precast reinforced concrete olemients for f&m buildings. Na stroieRos. do*ls26-28 j& 161, (KERA 14#6) (ftecast concrete construction) (Pam buildings) A.,, kand. tekhn. nauk Construction at waltipurpo" frame farm buildings. Sell. stroi. 19 no.5:7-9 MY '63. (Knu 16:6) (Farm buildings-Defign and construction) (Precast concrete construction) K '~'Z I M , N : . ; N' K-, ~, -,', 1 ',' ,, . Y PFir- r,- und -)T- --- r Fi I '. -,r. )' ! , - , *. . :. , , . . . * -1 , : . .1 . I I . k.,, .1 I . I r.' k Kh it t,i, , k, , ~-- t--) w,., ~ -. , I!,: P -, '.- :. . r . Na chit, 'rllk KOMMPr-~ I' i- I Fk ~ ~ t I ~1- -,1 9, , - . I . ), , po7-1,a ( f r~r Nekrasqv ' . HE GV, A~A- - Organization of temprorary inspeotion offices in rural regions of the Latvian S.S.R. 1zm.tekh. no.8s6O-61 Ag '62. (KCRA 16 W (Latvia-Heasuring Instruments-Testing) NMMASOV.A.A. Water chestnut. Prtrodn 44 no.10:126-128 0155. (KI&A 9:12) 1. Sotrudnik Glavnogo botnriiehookogo sadn Akademii unuk SSSH. (Aquatic plants) Umsov, A.A. 141~- ~ Floating, salvinis. Ivriroda 46 no.3:114-115 Mr '57. (XIAA 10:3) 1. Glavnyy bot&nicheskiy sad Akademil nank SSSR.(Moskva). (Aquatic plants) VOROSIULDV, V..',. ; DAY9VA, Q.V.; YMTYUKIICVA, H.A.; YEGOROVA, YeXl.; KXWEISCV, V.1 KUL'TIASCV, : V.- 11EKKASOV SU,,,C.VA, V. P. L. Prinimall u.M.4.--"-AfA, Tu.14. KHR'YCInA, -IS11.;r , F.V., mkaderik, oty. red.1 ASTROV, A.V., rod. izd-va; LAUT, V.G., [Native plant.,; of the U.0'.S.R.; brief m=.ary of Introduction work in the 1,,ain Botanical Garden of the Acadery of ScieDcas of the U.S.S.R.J tasteniia prirodnot flory SSSR; krntkie itogi introdiktsii v ',lnvnom botanicheskom sadu Akaderrii nauk SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 359 p. (M1RA .15:3) 1. Moscow. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. (Plant introduction) (Moscow-Botanical gardens) %'Kpi~qov, A.A. Prop &g a , ', )r -,-' ; - ,!- , , r.-, ! , . f . . -. . . ~--. ~ - . I . . . . Sad it nr, . 1. '1- - ~- ~A I - '. . I 1~ I-, - - . r i ftj r -j t, * ,, , I . '. K , 1 , x , I , ~ , - , I -" 1, ,j , . . . " NE-iASOV, A.D. "A HIstory Of The Microscope A.-d Microscopic tesearch In 18th -c-nt ry -aissia" %p. '20) by A.D. hekrasov and S.L. johol SO: Journal of General Biology (Zhurnal Obthchet Riolovil) Vol. YI, '1050, No. 4 NURAWV, A. D. --W. First embr7ological work of I.I.Mochnikoy and Nlko2ai Vagnor's dlecurem/ of pedogenesis in cecidoeqUds. Trudy 4:315-324 '52. (MLIA 6:7) (Pledogeass to ) 1. IMIRAS2Z. A. D~ and DIRMADINYM, 0. Ps 2. ussR (6oo) 4. 2azks 7. Construction of an anderground sedi-mentation tank. Inge. Biul.strot.teirh. 9 no. 22, 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, PabruArx .1953. Unclassified. NZKRASOV. A.D. A forgotten priorit7 of I.I.Kochnikov and I.S.Raevskii. Tr,.idy Inet. let. est. 5:275-280 '53- 6:7) (Lw-vas) NJIMMOT. A.D.. profossor. Curious azasple of eexwLI selection. Pr1rods, 42 no.11:103-105 5 '53. (MLAA 6: 11 (Ratural selection) NEKILASOV, AlekseZ Dmitriyovich; PARAKOHOV. A.A., otvetstvennyy red.; , . r*', r _ --- ed:'--1CT9%IJ9VA, A.A., [Charles Darwin] Charls Darwin. Mook-VA. 12d-vo AkAd.nnuk SSSR Igo. 469 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Darwin, Charles Robert, IPOQ-1992) i ." V ,". .j . WO/011 -supply am l9bT *The Moscow Oil SUPPly," A.G.Nekrasov, 5 pp "Neftyanoye Khozy&yqtvO" Vol XXV, No I Ristorlml and statistical acco=t with bibliograjOy. k" If. ~ , ". A. ; iv. A,.;* Us Lng B tYrrno-a --: y I res In in repf, I ~ . - ,. . v,,. .. T. , - .~ i ..~ : i no.4:12 Ap'64 Ik':~~A "'PI, III E , ji. ! . ; , V . !". ; ": K! . " % , 1. . ; . - ,; " , 4 7-~ .. : 1, -, .1 -9 . '. !-,.j I . ~!. ~-, . ., . X . 4, .* , .- .. -- . . I . , , - - s.; . . . - I ; - "rumvarT,(,-Lro, evj., jr.- , . 1.1, , , .. r. . .;, ! - ~11 ; * . , ;, . W.MLASOV, 4.14.s irat.l SEPJi'N(Ar~-K Y, G.V., ~nzb. Prinal pal tr~rnda Ir tbe dOT-j' rpv).-nt of *.-a trit, - - ' , " -- bution r*tworks. Izv. v3m. ucheb. m1r.; onerg. F n(,..' I - : 7--' -, N 165. (KRA 1P. II '. 1. V 'As 11 e -91-- lrri fik a 1.3 J i G cx-, planti SSSR . TIRWOV, V.S.; SPIRO. 3.A.; CHMOV. D.G.; UGORM, I. I.; L&TFAUMMO. K.D.; SNIVOT, O.Y.; GHUPRAKOV, N.M.; MITAWAK, S.G.; ASMOLOV, G.L.; IrOT118MIT. A.M.; N01"OT, B.I.; STSWATNIZOV. 1.A.; YATMRW. S.?s.; SOKOZOV. B.M.; KOMWSAROT. Tu.P.; NAIM13. I.?.; FOBWATW. 9.N.; NORYAKOT, A.V.; XZAJW. N.Y.; KUMIASI(VILI. P.G.; G&KATATA, L.A.; LTVSHITS. 3.M.; IZMASOV A.M., Molsel Vullfovich Safro; obituary. 119k.sta. 24 no.11:60 N '53. (KIA& 6:11) (Safro, Moinst VnIlfovich. ?-1953) isiouby. V.S.; KWCHKOV. I.K.; CWIZROV. D.G.; KOGIV. G.I.: IAVIAIMB- Ko. K.D.; 3PIRIN. S.A.; VZIWV. N.D.: KDTILXVIKIT. D.G.; ANUMV. G.V.; WARMOT, A.X.: NAMMOV, A.A.; ITAODY, K.I.; MEW, A.?.; CRUPRAKOV. X.N.: AVIONMY. D.V.: STROMMKOW. I.A.: INWUMV. S.I.: FAWMAX, 3.73.; GORSMV. A.S.: GOLID~, P.S.; SCIMWV. N.M.: PA- KUSM11, Ta.G.; XMIURTAN. 5.G.; RASNAMEDT, GWDIMIY. P.0.; YONICH". G.1.; 3RCMBININ. B.V.; ZATTW, V.I.; K0901M. S.T.; KLTU- WIN. N.P.; FZSCRAMWIT, V.I.; SAFRAZIMAN, G.S.; I dLr... lUril PmMwrovich Koniss&rav; obltuary. Zlek.sta. 25 so-5:60 NY '54. (loulamrov, lUril ProWwrovich. 1910-1954) (MIRA 7:6) 77 :"'TEIr'SITIKOV, N. S. . inzhener, r adaktor; SOV~ZV^, L.V. , IAlPvinIrcTlemkiy re4aktor. [Lavint; out nir lucts! lqzmet~ra v-)zl -)p rovod ov. Gra. nau~hno-tAkhn. lz('.-vo nushInostrott. 'it-r*)-, -~ ))-. , ; . ~ I.-, L. 1: 1) (Air pipes) AID P - 2018 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 5/33 Author Nekrasov, A. M., Eng. Title Basic technical problems In development of electr1c power stations and power systems Periodical Elektrichestvo, 7, 21-24, J1 1955 Abstract The author enumerates the problems which have to be solved in order to increase the rate of electrification. These include: the further development of automation, Increase of pressure and temperature of steam boilers, increase of unit capacity of turbo- and water-wheel- generators, further development of power systems, and better organization of construction work, etr. Institution Technical Administration of the Ministry of Electric Power Stations, USSR. Submitted My 25, 1955 Subject C a rd 1 /2 Authors Title Periodical Abstrart. TJ'J~, R/H 1,, r t r t r I t y Pub. 26 - B/32 Nekrasov, A. M. and M R. Sonin, Engs Experiment in high voltage d-c power transmission Elek.sta, 7, 26--2, JI 1955 The advanraFps of trannmItttng ei-rfrir en-rK7 Ir direct r'urrent 1.9 d1sc-iased The auth,)r hoviever, the resulting Increaned -ost In powpr 3-.1 equipment. The eculpm~-nt iri"ri and It- ip-r~,"! !, of an -xperlmental d-c trinamission lInF, niipplivInv, Industrial Installations Is presented In detail This line Includes transformer, rertIrler and Invortor substatInns and ;) double ."OCI kv lln,~ The result3 of th13 experImpnt are hriefly d13 cussed, and some recommendations are macle. P-pr photos and diagrams Klek.ata, 7, 26-32, Jl 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 26 - 8/32 Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 2911 PAVLOIKO.A.S. -, TERNAM(N V.S. , UGORETS, 1. 1. ; SMIRAN.M.S.,CHIZHOV D.G. ; KOGTXV,G.I.; BAUSIli,A.F.. VINTER.A.V.; ll-,:KRASOV,A.M.; LAVRENENKO. 9.D.; KRYLOV,N.A.; KIOTSELLI,L.I. -- Sergai TSalikovich Fnerman; obituary. A-S.Pnvlenko and otbers.,~.?f no.10:62 C '95. (MLRA 8:12) (Faerman, Sergei TSRlikovich, d.1955) E;( 'A' 11-ronriq *,.n c,2 - '-n er. p .n er" -i a m -P-v~-r or of or f A.j* Productior, I o e r : ' A,~- t onn t i k a I t.-I kn, f?0 -.7 - I "I //.., CHIZHOV,D.G.; KOMW.G.I.; LAVRMFMIKO,K.D.; SPIRIN, S.A.. OW N - IVANOV, M.I.; UFATBT,M.Ta.; ORISHM, I.K.; IrOSTIN,N.Y., Pammmw.v. .; (YDNriov. P.I., FIMMOV, P.I.; KAZ'KrN, A.V.: FCKICHEV, G.I.: TXRSH(W,P.I.; KESHCHERTAKOV,Y.I.; TEYRW(W,S.G.; Mo. r.s.; lffUCHXT,L.I.; rMa". S.T. flikolni Aleksoovich Andreov. Snorg*tik 4 mo.9:40 s 56. (KLRA 9:1o) (Andreov, Nikelni Aleksoovich, 1896-1956)