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NZKRASH, I. L. , Insh. New plane for automtic signaling at railway crossingn witm automatically controlled crossing pates. Avtom., tmlen.1 sylas 2 no.4:10-15 Ap '58. (MIRA 12: 12 ) (Railroads-Signaling) (Railroads-Crossings) APANASIYWA, S.I., inzh.; DOLGINA, H.S., insh.; ~SH, I.L.. inzh. Now circuits of automatic warning sigmlization. Avton., teles. i svias' 2 no.6:1-7 Js 958. VRA 11W (lailroads-SignalintO NM:RAIW. I.L., lnzh.; DCLOIYA9 I.S., Insh. Signaling at the coresings of railroad areas. Avton.telem. I @via" 3 no.12:6-lo D 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Ila il road a-Bignal ing) (Railroads-Croesinp) NXGLASH --LnT,, professor. ...A fteorlso of statistics and probabilities. rest. Lon. us. 2 so.2: 61-" 7 0". (WWM 9:6) (Kathematical statistics) (Probabilities) PUCHKOVSXIY. N.V.. kand. tekh. nauk; XXKRASIJ, H.L., kand. ekon. nank; % PUBLIMAR, L.I., lnzh.; BALI-F~,-f.-K. Parment only for the finished building is a progregalve form of settlement in the construction induntry. Bln~. tekh. inform. po atrol. 5 no.4:13-15 AP '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Construction Indimtry-Accountlng) MISR,' General Pro~)~ems or Putho-or.:1 - Immunity. 3-1 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Bioiow~iya. IN,-) Author Gordienkc), A.1i., KLsleva. V.1., Saakov, B.A., :jondarev, I.M., Nekrashas, E.I. Inst - Ti tle Method of Is )ia*. i.)n --f ,he Car Sir;-i-; tin,' F Proof for the ReflEx A-t.. )n )f kntibxlies. Or , Pub Hiu-i. eksperi.m. t,lo_ med;Lsinj. .).)t). 4, N- , i , Abstract The vascular-nerve t,undle )f th,-~ wa., _,-i ; ar-, on the ~riner side of %he -ar.,1_1 s.r,,As the riervt was prepared. The arter'es were tied top-,ether with the adjoining tissues. The s'nus nerve remained :nta-. above the tied vesseis. Into the arotid sin,is of a do,.~_C.2 ml of rad'Loactive tvnho'd v&-cine was !ntr.Au(-ed, -ontain'n" .oo-4oo . rur~e one mi. anri 4 ,Ii.,)n m.,r,)t a. bodies. The act vity of r,irxxJ and the a,-,g~utinat.,,n ' - ter wA9 determined t-efore Lhe va,`~nati_r, and after - - - Card i/2 - 5 - I@ Is kafedry patofisiologil (say. - prof. A.A.Gardiyeako) Rostov- _____~kq&*wedItsLusk9go Institute. (dir.G.A.1vakhaeuko) ------------------------------ USSR 'Gen#-ra L Pr -i , envi f* PFlth,)I!,,Z( - L=Illi~ Lj 3 Ai.s Vur Referat Zbur - .: - , -."a. "I att nUte'l , af tk!l' j '~tjP 1 The .'n I t I a . a.:j-,j_uL na' ion *, I ter wfts I If;- i80; aft-v IELyq I,IbO-1:25uC. VA,, natic)n tt'ter e.-t-ran sInus nerve fihowed it f,,1 ljiLiy re(ju( ed n -eai~f, :n u. ,_i j- L~Lmtlon Liter (1: Card 2,',? N' 1~. I., band .~ I (d I so) - - "rhe pcmacabl 1 1'-:. c: , ~,,- - - , - - , MiAEHASP larl ea in pe lytunl , and t ru,mrit ~ - aho -, f. LLnL! t ra xu'L I f. : LIrlp I . 'ate I :)y ;-,I- u lat lun I I acLse , . lloo. I~ PI) (1-Un H'.j;,hei- an~ Inter- Jjy_~ -L-jc -),;c 3tuto 1; ir,. V. Kitpouiuko), 2~') (KL, Ni ',, y, A , , ~ ) USSR iil'ny j LALTSEVICHUS, L.Z. [laucevivius, E.], dotsent; I-EKRASHAS, '.1. [?:ekrasas.E], ; 140=.AYTE, Ye.S. [~btejt~te' E.] Effect of ethyl blockade on the pemeability of the histoheriati~: barrier; accordini-, to JRta rf a radioactive phosphoruB study. Vrach. delr, r:(,.r)- S'6 1. (MIRA 16:10) (zav. - dotsent L.Z. lautsevichus) Kafedra goepita-11noy terFjp;i Villnyusskogo (ETH'I'L C' I'-k)RJDE-- -.~-MAPEUTIC USE) (PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPES) A 7~: -PETU:EABILIT'Y) MIKHA KO, P.S. , inzhener; K:-.YKLYRI!, K. V. , Inzhener. Flame torch TKZ for burning ASh dust. Rab.snerg. ) ao.5:4-5 My 153. (MI-RA 6:5 ) (Furnaces -Cons t ru ct ion) A 1. 1'-" ~' li ~ , /~'A 6 V " BOLISL~06, V.A., inxhe/n'~e'r; KZTKLICR, 14-v., Inzhener; MRASIMKO, P.N., inz~iener. Torch lrirnera for pialverized coal. 11sk.sta. 25 no.11:55-56 5 '54. (Ttarners ) (Furnaces ) (KIRA 7: 11 ) MURASHEVICH. A.A. , sontokhnik Prushany HAtOnry. Ptitmpvndstvo q nn.R:36-~R Ag '5~. (KIRA 11:10) (PruzhnrW-- I nrithnt Ion) FULSK I lb-P ft--U- a- ~f 9 p rakr= Mus -L~-.:? -murt. -f 21-1 "A-. a bPA L.2 P-p--.-A Ll- PM :.rLu", r A L M .A I - AMIJ,-, _d S.A 16 A 9 N,V.- P..,!- x-.. jb A i I- 9-l-1 T~,~ wita P-L., IL f Z,f~ ft4- f L--:, a-tt-1-4 -1 U- -4 K I P--i. I.,- ft-b-b. I-IP T P O.Z C.r 3-.. -4 .19 T- f 5-1- S-tt.-A t, A- 1-1~1 I'S t ftm IC12 a- %~ C~* ti A-" --I-, b7 U-t., *,Al- l3- f 9-f- Pb.-- rh~, %-11- 1- L r, I F .-1 -- 11 ,.- I " I T j j- K r I SINELNIKOV, K. D., ZEY-DLIK, P. 14., FAYNBERG, Ya. G., ff SHEVICH, A. M., ZAVOaRODNOV, 0. G., SAFRONOV, B. G. , DUBCV(YY, L. V. and UMSENKOTI. "Experimental Research of Hikh Frequency Properties of Plasma and 14agnetohydrodnynamic Shock Waves." paper to be presented at 2nd UN Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. ADO 1A(k TTanslation from; Referatlvnyy zhurnal, Fiztka, 1960, No. 6~ AUTHORS! Sinel'nikov, K,K, Zeydll t6, P,M...,_ Nekrashev Ich. A.M., b I., Shutakeyer- Ya-S.. Akshanov. B.S., Kovpak.~, e., Le,n*-vi-r. K.A., Akhlyezer I A.I. Llfsh1ts I.M. Faynberg, Ya.B., R-zen*s- veyg, L.N., Lyubarskly, G.Ya , Kaganol, F T,,~-71 TITLE- A 20.5-Mev Linear Proton Accelerator PERIODICAL- Tr. Sessil AN Ukr33R, po mirn. Ispol'zovanlyu alorm en-,;i . K,v AN UkrSSR, 1958, PP. 5-15 TE(T; The physical substantiation of the parameter cr:-itv is pre~--r--i and the design of a linear proton accelerator with a drift tube Me/ ~n-rw-,VA is iescribed; the accelerator was constructed in the *uf AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physical Engineering of the AS UkrSST- 7r,- putational data of the accelerator are the roliowing the rrerai )r.a, wa.,A i i ~ - 215 cm; the injection energy 'a 11.7 Mev~ tne lengl-h --.f 'I el$;-i- 1,446,8 OM, the synchronous phase is 20o, the leng'Q-, of *-~.a flrii-. ria.f ? r- 4 P75 cm; that of the last one is 16 725 cm, the length of *.n#- 'Ir-s' giip i., Card 112 S/058/61--)A~F,- A 20.5-Mev Linear Proton Accelerator AC)05/AX : 3,380 cm~ that of the last one is 11.15C cm, the leng*,h cf *h- 13 C, .145 cmi that of the last one Is ~2-955 cm, A, I ghet)er r~, r, r., t-.ites Is 50, that of the half tubes Is 2. !he ac -el,,ra' qyE , e-T. r-g, mi,,~n the latter. At the entrance of every drlf*~ tibe 'fc-using g:- ~-.IQ 17 ,:,n! of parallel tungsten wires of 0,07 mm thickness, the:r g, -r,~- - ,-a . -nsmittance amounts to 30% The drift ubes are Installed w"n,- r,, -i- ny means of a suspension system;the res-nat.3r s made as a 1,44-~,.8- prism. The resonator is fed from 20 )-..f 4generators. T " -, ~*~ * a res-~nal:r in the loaded, state 15 equal - 6.5.1,) In conseqj,?r-- -' a- ;.:wer needed for accelerating particles tc. tte rated energy am-.-nl- I- e- , rc static generator cperating by pil ses w1*h se j"ra, r. at accut I ma 2,jrren* Intensity and 1 7 nv v` 'aire serves a- r r- ~ r -,nr ipa. cir,?ult and the design r f the indi-/idiial ac e,x,7a* r ASSOCIATION- Piz.-tekhn. in-t AN UkrSSR (Physi~j-Englneerlng 'nz-, Ukrainian Academy cf 3(-Iences) A.F. Fa*,-y~-i T-r an s i a tor' 3 n,~ te! This I? 'he ful'. * 1--r. Df R F~ard 2/2 IL ti let tip dt jzi 11-4 lu i ill 3 4 39 jo~ 10 Ull S Ll Z.elt,' A r ItA FATNBERG, Ta.B.; XHIZHNTAX. N.A. (Khyshniak, M.A.); SlIenok, G.A. [Sylanok, Ho.0j; HERMIN, A.K.; NIM-SHFVICII, A.M. [Nekrfiehevych. O.M.) Spiral wave guAde with an artificiall7 anistrople ilelectric. Part 1. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 4 no.4:451 JJ-Ag '50. (PIRA 11:16 1. Khiir'kovsk'y rosudarstvennyy universitet im.Gorilcopo. (Wave "do@) (Dislectrirs) BIMIN, A.K.1 NIMASREVICH, A.M. [10krasheyYch. 0.M.1; SILVI,'OK, G.A. [Sylenok, H.O.J; nnmm., Ta.B.; KHIZHVTAK, N.A. CXVzhnisk. M.A.] Spiral wave guide with an ~-rtifioially anisotropIc dielectric. Part 2. Ukr.fiz.thur. 4 no.4:460-464 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Khar'lrovskly goaudaretyennyy univarettat im. Gor'koro. (Wave guides) (Dielectrics) FAYNBFM, Ya.B.; IIMUSHEVICH, A,14. (Nekrushevych, U.A.1 Modulation of linear accelerators of heavy pLLrticies by means of slow electrons. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 4 no.6:803-804 1~-D 159. M-L4 1.4 - 10) 1. Fiziko-tekr1rAcheskiy Inatitut Ali USSR. (Pa.rticle accelerators) LTUBARSKIT, G.Ta. LMubarelkyl. H.IA.); JISMUSHXVICH. A.M.; ROZKMTSVXYG. L.M. Ldecoas*dJ Semlempirical metnod for calculating the accolordtod system of a linear proton accelerator with d standing wave. Ukr.fiz.zhtLr. 5 no.J:30F~-318 Vj-Je '60. (MIRA 131) 1. Jrizillo-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR. (Protons) (Particle accelerators) !,L. ~ 7L 5/86 62/000/000/004/022 8125YB102 AUTHORSs Lyubarskiy, G. Ya., Nokrashoviah, A. I., Rosentovtyg, L. 1. (Deceased) TITLE;o A semi-empirical method of calaulating the acceleration system in a standing-wave linear accelerator SOURCEI Tooriya i raschet lineynykh uskoritelayl abornik statey. Fiz.- tokhn. inst. AN USSR. Ed. by I. V. Kukolsvo. Moscow, Goestomisdat, 1962, 81 - 93 TEM The present semi-empirical calculation of a proton linear accelerstoil (volume resonator exciting standing E 01 waves) avoid@ the extremely diffi- cult calculation of the field d-.stribution In resonators that have. axially distributed shielding tubes. These tubes shield the protons from the in- fluance of the decelerating electric field. This accelerator was designed and constructed between 1947 and 1950 in the Fisiko-t*khnicheskiy inatitut AN USSR (Phvoicotoohnical Institute AS UkrSSR). Its na In problem is to combine radial with longitudiml stability. Radial stability to attained by note at the front end of the shieldingtubes. The resonator I@ subdivided into Card 1/4 S/861/62/000/000/004/022 A semi-empirical method of ... 9125/B102 sections with one shielding tube each. According to A. M. Nekrashevich, the frequencies of these sections can be varied in a manifold manner by attach- ing metal discs on the shielding tubes. The eigenfr*quenoy of the section with the shortest tube and discs at the end in equal to the sigonfrequer%cy of the longest tube with discs at its center. The coefficients A and B It the equations of motion of the ion beam are transformed to A L F, ('?) SillLdi; 1.12 (2a) B E, (z),-0-, ?.It dz. L where L is the period of the accelerating system. The field In the accAler- ating gaps Is practically equal to the electrostatic field between the shielding tubes. It is, therefore, simulated with the aid of the voluse variant of the electrostatic bathtubs. Measurements for L o 12, 16.... 56 as give Card 2/4 5/86IJ62/000/000/004/022 A semi-ompirical method of ... B125/BI02 A Sill xft 2x (p Sin ;to Q co~ no A, --f- _ L (4), L p M sin dt, L Q (I) COS 2-1 dt. (4a), ~O% lie - 211 (P COS r1a - Q sin AQ), (5). -T- where (I/L )'& dz. The experimental results for L in the interval n ! a I L a 12 - 56 are described well by P - 0.691 + 0.592-10- ,LI 4 - -0.272 + 0.118L - 0.248-10- 3.1, 2. The maximum permissIble phal; 0 #111-max can be derived froa Flo_ n (Arp + cm) p .1 (12) 2nGn + ax (orp -1- OX) Card 3/4 A semi-empirical method of ... B125YB102 with the aid of __A* L For 200, LI a 16 am and 1.2-104 v/on, the total length of the shielding tubes is foundo L 1447.5 ca. The dependence of L of the perioda on their nuaber n is nearly linear. This paper was written in 1948. There are 14 figures. 3/86 62/000/000/004/022 Card 4/4 8/861/62/000/000/005/022 B125/B102 AUrHOR51 Sinellnikov, K. D., Zeydlits, P. M., X -*krashevich, A. M., Shutskever, Ya. S. (Deceased), Akhiyeter, A. I., Faynberg. Y&. B., Lyubarskiy, G. Ya. TITLbs The physical bases of the injeotor of the 10-Bev proton synchrotron SOURCEs Teoriya I raschet lineynykh uskoriteliy, abornik statey. Fiz.- tekhn. inst. AN USSR. Ed. by T. V. Kukolova. Moscow, Goostomisdat, 1962, 94 - 108 Ti;XT& The linear accelerator diecuseed here is the injector of the proto1% synchrotron of the OIfal. It furnishes a strong flux of accelerated particles in short pulses. The pulses are separated by relatively long intervals of ties. The resonator, containing screening tubes, excites standing waves. It needs only a relatively small r-f power and it allows of synchronizing several generators feeding the accelerator. Siaultan*ous phase stability and radial stability of the accelerated bunch is achieved with the screening tubes and nets. The Injection energy to 600 kov al2d the ey nohronous phase 200. The generator ways length to 215 on, the periods of Card 1/5 3/86 62/000/000/005/022 The physical bases of the ... B 125YB 102 the accelerator have the length Lk - cpj, where T - A/c, and the mean effective field Btrengtn in all the gaps of the resonator is 19.9 kv/cm. The phase focusing effect is accompanied by radial defocusing. The critical phase ps max lies between 540 and 7 10 1 i n the present case , pa max > 2;8 .The. utilization factor of the current injected should be increased by inserting a clystron-type buncher between injector and injecting accelerator. During one period of the r-f oscillations, the energies aboorbpd by a par*icle of phase p and by the synchronous particle are different. The first term of the f inal particle energy at the accelerator output is the energy calculated, and the second term is the deviation from it. The relative energy spread '. 2 is 0.3-10 in the case considered here. Supplementary investigations are necessary to determine the spread in energy due to radial o8cillational in particular, the way the accelerating field k;Z d*pende on the radius must be studied. The capture angle calculated for 9. 0 200 has G minimum at 300. Currents of less than 10 ma have but little effect on capture during acceleration. Furthermore, the effect of the space charge on the radial stability of the accelerator discussed here is Insignificant. The angle of Card 2/5 S/86 62/000/000/005/022 The physical bases of the ... B125YBiO2 divergencis of the emitted bunch is about 0.150, while its radius is 3 am at the most. This paper was written in 1952. Thors, in i figure. .4 Card 3/3 KHARCHENKO, I.F.; GRISHAYEV I.A. [Hryshaiev, 1.0.); NEKRASHEVICH, A.M. [Nekrashovych, O.M.1 Energy and *ase characteristics of a linear electron accelerator with a wave propagation phase velocity equal to the v-Locity of light. Ukr. fiz. shur. 'I no.10:1051-1061 0 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. KharIkovskiy gosud&rstvenriyy universitet. (P&rticle nccelerators) NEKRASHEVICH, G. A., inzh. Electrostatic sepa-ration of feldspars. Trudy N115troikeramiki no. 19:92-107 162. (MIRA 17:5) REDASHETICH, G.A. , insh. Electric separation of pegmatites. Stek.i ker. 19 no.1103-27 x 062. (KMA 15#12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut stroltelinoy keraulid. 'PegmatIUS) NEKRASHFVIqK,L~-A. Electric separation of garnet and biotite. TSyst. wt. 76-t8 )V 162. (Electrostatic separators) 35 no.5 i (KIRA 16 1 5) NURMHEVICH, G.A., Inzh. 3tudying the electrical roisal:'Icn-lon properties r.." a (irona- discharge chnmber mepmrmtor. Truly NIIStroik~ramiki nr,.21:114- 125 163. (KIRA 1711-1) MFKRASHFVICH, G.A. - Electric separat'on of 7hupa pegmatll~es. Gbog. rud. 8 nc,.2: 10-12 163. (MIRA 17:2) . I:- - I . I.. , .% . E! , ., i- - rA , 't . i - j .." - .. . . SOROKIN. V.A.; MMASHSVICK, I.A. . - -, __ , -I&- Attachmnts used for cutting worm with variable pitch. Kashinostrottel' no.3:29-31 Mr '57. (KLRA 10:5) (Screw-cutting machines--Attachments) POW 1417 ok,: ~M/Physlcz - Rectification, Xlectriml Now 49 Yrtquency Dependency of Uuipolar Conductivity of 16Contactb," I G. Nekrashevich, 1. Z. Fisher, FAys1co- tech last, Acad Sci Beiorussian SSR, Chair of GWm Phys, Be-,o-russisn SLate U, Minsk, 9 pp "Zhur Tekh F1z" Vol XIX, No 11 Studied a cry5tal-lic rectifierx a metal polAt (steel) and lead sulfide, in a wide frequency range. Obtaizwd a family of curves expressing dependency of rfttM~d current upor amplitude of alternating voltage Wd upon frequency for contact points vith electron and hole conductivity. Curves shov that Inversion of 1507ft USSR/Physic5 - Rectification, Electrical Nov 49 1,Contd) rectification occurs for definite relations botvmm frequency and amplitude of alternating voltage applIed. Gave a qualitative explanation of these pMnomeaa or- the basis of existing theories. Can- structed a tube model, reproducing t1minversion phenomena and its frequency dependency for the given crystallic rectirier, and analyzed th.Is model. Submitted 21, May 48. 150f64 ---wnSVICH. I.G.; SHAPIRO. 1.P. Wact of mercury vapor on the properties of this 001snium rectifier. Zhur.Tekh.Fiz. 20, 1175-9 150. (MUA 3:10) (CA 47 no.15:7345 '53) KMASHIVI&R.-I.G.. kandidat f lalks-matematychnykh rAruk. reUktor. FIDARAD, F. I - , kRndydat f 12 Ilm-matematychnykh navik , redb)ctc,,- AUNNANDROV ICH . Kb. , t Ok h!- a lak I %i . (Rad.i, and Its 1c, t~,-i la~ t it ~ f cul tu.7e qnj toc ~--rj, ~- ~i ! progress I Radyio i taho r oll la i -aiv it 0 a I ku,' I vary i tekhr. 1:1,7-oAha pragr9su. Minsk. Vyd-lre, AS B=B. 1953. 30 p. (KLRA 9-?) (Radi o ) MMASIINV ICH, I.G, 1. . Threst, measurement 'In the channel of A low-voltage cap-trlt-itoy din- .111-llq "'A'. chstr1re. Sbor.nAi%rh.tnid.Yiz.- t#)kh.inat.PJI RSSR no.l. (KLRA 10:1) (Electric din(,hargos) (1:1-ictric sTArk) NUMSHVICH. I.G.; HAKWO. I.A.; MITSKF-VICH, K.K. Affect of suspended wistal particles an the spark-over of liquid d1electrics At low voltage*. bbor.natich.trlld.lit.-Jejui.1not. AN NSSR no.1:119-130 154. (MIRA 10:1) (Dielectrics) (Bloctric spark) AIM VAPUNKM, YE'. llntl~orl of Spect rum Somnninr for fhe .1tudy of Nonstatlowry Pr(req,~Pq A mef,~,ori for studying of nonstatiomr~v k-leotric- and optic prr)(,- esqns at contAct or int-miption of Im tennion currents was dev'serl. As examplP results of scanning of a spect.nirn of 775 mF r!onKlenser dis- charge at a voltare drop of 500 V is ~,tven. (RZhFjz, No. P, I(J5) Uch_ Zip- PpInru-q- un-+;,, No. jr), lor)4, 108-115. y Survey of Soviet 5(71 -n' i fc SO: Sum. No. 7114. 8 Der, SupplPr,nt;,r- A~-strncts (17) UMSE3VICH. I.G. % -- Iffect Of the electrode material on the size of mochanIT&I Impulse txWtOd to the lectrodos by a low-voltace discharge In a liquid wdium. Sber.sauch.trud. lPi?.-takh.inst. AN BSSR no.2:158-166 '55. (MIRA 10: 1) (Electrodes) (Blectric discharges) 30V/11'_-57-5-1-,487 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika. 1957. Nr 5. p 1 36 (USSR) AUTHOR: Nekrashevich, 1. G. , Bakuta, I. A. TITLE: On the Problem of the Mechanism of Electric Erosion of Metals (1voprosu o mekhanizme elektricheskoy erozii metallov) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr. fiz.-tekhn in-ta AS BeISSR, 1955, Nr 2, pp 167-176 ABSTRACT: The authors present a discharge mechanism that attempts to eMplain erosion caused by impulse low-voltage discharge According to the theory set forth in the article, after the formation of a channel, its current density changes only slightly during the greater part of the discharge period - The erosion is considered to be a result of multiple explosions due to shifting of the channel within the discharge area and due to overheating of the metal by high- density currents. Investigations of the sweeps of discharge spectrum have disclosed the existence of nonperiodical pulsations of spectral -line brightness and have corroborated, according to the authors, the veracity of the mechanism suggested by them. A. 1. K. Card I I I NEUIASHSVICH, I.G.; MITSUVICH, H.K.; BAKUTO, I.A. Characteristic patterns in electric erosion phenomena.5bor.much. trude fit.-tskh.inst. AN ASSN no.2:177-189 '55. (KIAA 10:1) (Blectrodes) 123-1-782 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Hashinostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 1, p. 118 (USSR) AUTHORS: Nekrashevich, 1. 0 ., Mitkevich, S. P. TITLE: Statistical Correlation of Impulse Discharge as a Factor In Shop-practice of Electric-erosion Processing of Metals (Rol statiaticheakikh zakonomernostey impullonogo razryada v praktike elektroerozionnoy obrabotki metallov) PERIODICAL: Sbornik nauch. tr. Piz.-tekh. In-ta, AN BSSR, 1955, Nr 2, pp. 209-220 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 So~* j J-- 57- T ra r.s ;or. f rory Rf-1- 7-,1* z :~ .--.a N14-ta AUTHORS Nv~ rasht C~~ Halk~itu. I ANlltskv%:(!l. N1 Yv TITLE A s pe( I s o f E i V L td: E: -os i kw of Porous E i v L I r ude s I O~) oso co s I vdkr vie~t- !,vseo~ t-ozil por~slvk~~ clektrodw, PERIOD!CAI. Sb F It-ki-ti iri-I AN' 13SSR. N.- ABSTRACT Ar: in, vbl:gat;o:) ;4 rtiade o1 elet I:ik a: cros:w~ IEE, ot po-o b E) .,t das too's in vie( I ri( - spare ma~ hi;,;ng T:~t porwj-i E are niade bV extrusior, of Cu-Pb arid Cu-Fv thip mixt,,rvs T -I c particles are riot (lassified by size. arid %arious ITIP'tures arc ~lstld To obtain E of approxinidteiv identical porositv vqua' iritia: %() .,rllt,s of , hip are taken and thev are reduced to ideTltl( a, %0;U1llC ~)', t!.C press Be fo re te sti rig. I he ext r tided E a re he I d fc) r se% v rail -.our s i:-, kerosene hi( ;i is iised as the working nlVdlUTT) li~,. vstij4atioi~ of the beha% ior of the E on the spark discharge is performed or, a ~d, - listi( range MUdSUrement is made riot only of tt)f- met harij( al m- pulse cornniuni( ated to the E uporl a single dis( hdrge, but of IIIC Illag- C a r d I nitude of the anod(- arid ( athode EE of extruded E a!id of the opposir.,v A spects of E I ect ri( a I Er(.)Biori of Porous F,](-( I rodes SO V I !i-, - 10- "()i steel E The measurements are made for clirv(t and re,,ersed poiarit% fluctuating and ap(-r)odi(- types of disi, narge , the contour parinivivrs bv;T~j! 11oser- so that the amplitude values of the ckki-rents in oscillating dtid ap(-ric)di( dis, ,ark!v remain identical It is found that the magnitude of EE of a siet-1 E Acirkiiii,~ ;it korijunction with a porous one is %irtually independent of the tomposition ol tht. porous E However the rnai,~nitudv of the EE of the porous E dvi lii~vs as Iiie C~, ( ontents of the E rises and bei. umes negati%v meaning that ti-,(- ()I t!!v E inc reases Study ande r the birim ula r nii(- rosc ope of E SLIrfa( vs sti!,jet tf-,,' to EE shows the pores of the E to be( ome f: I 'ed Nxitri fit -ed metai bot). f rorri 1~.v opposiriL E and from the porcius E - se:i As i h is o( ( u r s , i r r e g u I a r it i v s d r v s in oo I i) ed o . e :- somewhat . and a c rust ( orisisting of ,, mixture of material s f rom bot h E is forr-ned It is shown that a rise in the number of dis( harges results lit III.-tnt'r ( 11drILIV iT~ E surface consisting in a reduLtLori in pore size and formation of a prott-( t:,.t- layer which is sporigy in stria ture ( ompr,.sin~! a mixture of materiais from fjoti. E The mechani(al imptilse tra.,ismitted to trie porous E is greater thar. t!,al of the solid The different v in the resii1ts for its( k1latitig aT1d dipf'rIOdi, dts( flarges is only quantitati,,e It is noted that as the porositv of E det h!;vs ttivir EE te-tids to approxir-riate the EE of solid E I. Gj Card IaM:RASHNVIGH. I.G.; BAKIPM, I.A. --W A method of accuratis weighing. Sbor. aaach. trud. Fit.-tekh. last. AN BSSR ao.3:234-237 156. (KIaA 10:6) (Veighing machines) MCKRASHETICH, I.G. ?hermomechanical phenomena In thin layers of semiconductors. I Zv.A SSSR.Ser.fis.20 no.12:1533-1540 D '56. (MLRA 10: 31 1. Kafedra eirsperimentallnoy fiziki Belorussicogo gosudarstvennoge univeratteta im. I.I.Lenina. (semiconductors) L7 ~9:0'W''RFJ'_AT NiSHI" OF P A M A ILIV. DW_ Iva ELEMRICAL ]iR()MON OF U ~ tekh. Fix., Vol. 26, 'No. 17;-Vu~b OV56) In Rasslan. ,The oroalm of the olectrodes in a Lv. capacitor discharge in tanandormer oU was Investigated. The weIgbtfil 09 atod" electrode mabiriAl were determJoed for Vb~ Zn, - 04 Ctr~ N1, Fe. Al,Cr and Welectmdes In various combinations. An )T rodmato qjantitative relationship forthie malon In -in electrodes of the same materials wu founL, charges betwe A qualitative Laterpretation of the observed relatiombigo of emsloa between electrodes of different materials ti presented. glectrical R"earch Association dd USSR/Electronics Semiconductor Devices and Photoelements H-8 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 12393 Author Nekrashevich, I.G. Inst %~-_ -_ -_ - - Title Operation of Selenium Rectifiers at Audlofrequencies. Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. firiki, 1956, 26, No 3, 560-567 Abstract An investigation vas made of the fr y of the recti- tluenc fied voltage for a selenium elemen on an aluminum or steel base) in the frequency range from 50 to 20,000 cy- cles. Card 1/1 I YLPDARAU. Y.1.; SUPRUNKNKA. D.A.- NzKRASHEVICH, I.G. 4.;;;;"ftmwQU History of develoment of physicomathemAtical sciences in White Russia. Ventsi AN BSSR Ser. fit.-tekh. nav. no.1:17-20 157. (KIRA 11:1) (White Russia--Physics) (White Rueetm--Kathemntics) 'i. "'; , . . !'. " ~ In , i I' ~I I . . I. . . . I" I r ' ii I A .. - WAKRASiMICH. I.(!.; RAMu. I.A. Mechanism of a low-voltaee -ondensed discharge. Fiz.abor. no.4:158-160 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Fiziko-tokhnicheal-ly institut AN BSSR. (Electric dischwrgoa) BAKMO. I.A.; NITSMICH, N.I.; Spark erosion effect on electrodes of various shapes. Sbor.nauch. trud.Fis.-tekh.inst. AN BSSR no.4:196-212 '58. (NIRA 11i11) (Electrodes) (Electric metal cutting) IABUDA, A.A.; MRASHIVICOH, 1.0. TrariSDarency Of TaDors prod-irsid ~)y electric lla&nrpqp nf wi--!s. lnzh.-ftz. thur. no. 6:40-44 Je 15". (MIRA 11:7) 1. Belorueskiy go9ulnrstv,)nnyy tinivereltat im. V.1.1,enins, Minsk. (i,le-trlc iiHcharj~An) (V,jpnr9--S~),,clrs) NZOASHIVICH, I.G.; TAUXIN. D.A.; SHIBATIVA. A.T. Effect of the pressure on the.romistance and capacitance of rectifying cells. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.7:102-106 Jl 15S. (MIRA 11:8) I.Bolorusakiy gosudaretvennyy universitst Im. V.I. LaniL-9. Mi nsk. (Saleenium calls) (Sloctronic wasurements) NARASOVICH. I.O.:LAIJUDA. A.A. hature of cur-Pont Interruption caused by electric bursts of wires twith mimmory in EnglishJ. Insh.-fis. shur. no. 9:94-101 S 156. (MIRA 11;10) 1. Belorueskiv gosudoretvannyy univereitat imeni V.I.Lonina. g. Minsk. (Ilectric discharges) AUTHORS: Labuda. A A . Mart,-nko, Ye. G. so V/ Ih t 2 Nnkmsh,vrict. I G TITLE: OC M-3&9,,Ting the Tomperatur-9 of ~i C-load of Lumi!--~c-r- Va-,o- i Electr'-,; Plulsp D-3chargis '0-t -zme--n!: teurperar--Y ct a-Ka Piv,qtyds,ir-h-khsya. pa-c- pr. tmp.~. -mykn raz ryad Lkh) PVRTODICAL.- lz-taiya AAM-imii n---.ix SSSR. S!,rya -9,~ vc- 2 N r 6 pp. - )0- "-).,+ (USSR) ABSTRAM In vv.-Ir lr.,rod-ct--:r tie a.,Jxr-s d~-scr-r- -ii m- -.od J- for tria p-Arpasi by C)mbh-,mn aA bi~;auii t i. %,r)j-~ to As a:)or a-; thes,4 e :-ju li;lj-j wet--) nx-.~t s-itiaf-.eJ 3~.ffe--sct -esults wiqr- obt&Ined for one and thq to w-,at pa- of w&% -,revtiga (Rpf -.-ut was conf'-rmed &lao by L Hull t. ' t '-)j liowe,e: , posij~b-i ',o ob~a.~r an approx'maclor o tnesi wril: -., or.A for pirputjea of rae" ~tmpera%re tte sp~e:;--ram -,,% A ed vn tt' n an in o? , I..mA wtijoh is au! ted w. ,% --esp - t:,& smatler 7-011jue if' t-I'l kMine3"T.; 3~o-.d In tqi co.rae of tr,.s Card 113 Papi: the w~t%ol by Orrahteyr w-,x!v te,5-~ei for n- On Measuring ttvi Teuij-,!r-it,;ri uf a Cl j-d r," Vapors in Eie,--:r-.: Pu,b- D.scr-arw,--~ t b-o~ ja 4"Ci. I)v e yr *1 0 OC w r) I f rg -! ~ a ~ '. ~ -'-, f r9 '.'-A .3 r. m .lxr c -3u r, r- e D - :;a-i rp - ~a-r 0. - an,) rj - - c- mu pr f- r rts.9 r, w'.- .7 Z r).~ r-: r g, a k T, -v m-~a tj~ of a :-a . T vri S yr -x - i - J -o- 1- 04 :-,c r --e 9 pond,~ 3 -m -,,I: f R tf S - :,o, y t,.g e~mA T n 3 ~~ - - - -i - r ~-nt i r c ri~ sp - r .3 1 P or. t h,~ d --4 .a- - f rc. a &i s " r i pu-j J . cha rg- t, -D g -. r abo ~ c t. y i~ , . f F- AA' Il ~rij Al IIT I C. -Perjtn'~-) of, tr"I '.ra uf tri-m- Ji3,;riargm .rro-.gfi cl-.p trur. vrif- and --dr Card f--m d-scr-arg~- ar~ % 5 ~ I!- t On Measuring the Temperature of a Cloud of Luminescent SOV/48-22-6-21/28 Vapon in Electric Pulse Discharges j j j to time: Ba 11 4934 Ba 11 4934 and Ba I ' 60~L j 45 21+ J4899 15519 Experiments showed that Ormshteyn's method of using thin wires is possible, but only if zonal distribution and the excitation of spectral lines with respect to time are taken into account. The method oannot be employed for the purpose of determining temper- ature according to the relative intensity of two spectral lines with corisiderably differing upper levels. as e.g. according to spark- and are lines, because excitation does not take place simltan,3ously with respect to different zones of the discharge. There are 3 figures and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Belorusakiy gos. universitet im. V. I. Lenin& (Belorussian State University imeni V. I. Lenin) 1. Electric discharges--Spectra 2. Electric dishca-rges--Temperature 3. Temperature--Measuremnt 4. Spectroscopy Card 3/3 LABUDA. A.A.; HAECLIKOV, ye. G.; kMASIILNICH, I.G. Temperature w9asurewnts of rlcwing vapor clouds in pulsating eloctric diacnarges. Izv. AN S.S.S.R. Ser. fit. 22. no. 6:720-- 724 Je 158. (KIRA 11:7) 1. Belorusokiy goo. universitat im. V.1.1,enina. (Ilectric discharcr"s through gases) Translated from! Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, .959, Nr d, p 19' M,35fi AUTHORS: Labuda, A.A., MartInkov, Ye.G., Nekrashevich, 1,G., Taumin, D.A. T I TLE An Apparatus for flitudying the Temporal Course of tnp Electrical Parwneter,; )f a 3park Discharge PFF I r),' I _- AL lich. zap. B#--I:)russk, un-t, 11)58, Nr 41, pp 41-141, A.&I-MW7 An apparatus Is described for studying in time the opll-a' -Ind parameters of a spark d1scharge The time-base swPf-j ef I.h- carried out w1th the aid of a rotating mirror Thf, mir-r(.r 1,, ~t prism with an oblique mlrror-surface, fastened to anotrier, in order to balance the rotating system. The time reso'.otion is _j; 5.3 - 10-7 sec, The apparatus has a synchronlzatior, sy!-,1Pm whi,t. to collocate 1i 'Dime the spe-tral and e~ectrl-il I j-r* ein., v, .' L~ic. characteristic.3 of the discharge, and also for ind., :ng *!~- 11- r the required moment of time. N M Ya."hir Card 1/1 WV/58-59-6-1~31,k Translated fromi Referatlynyy Zhurnal Flzlka, 1~69, Ur 8, P 197 M-33B, AUTHORS~ Labuda, A.A.,_Nekrashevich, I.G. TITLE The Spatial Distribution and Temporal Course of a Glow Spe,trum During Electrical Explovion of Wires PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Beloruask. un-t, 1958, Nr 41, PP 51-62 ABSTRACT~ The spectral and electrical (current, voltage) characteristIcs nf Pi- plosions of Cu and Al wires under atmospheric pressure were Investigatad In the apparatus described above (abstract 18395). Time-base sweeps -,f the glow spectrLun, oscillograss of the current and voltage, and a spectrum of the spatial distribution of the glow were obtained. By tn- instant of the first maximum of current more heated 5ections are fcjrm~.i along the entire length of the wire, g*nerating in some cases a ron- tinuous spectrum, and in other cases a continuous as well as a line spectrum (arc and spark lines am present). The second stage of tho explosion (after a break In tlie current) has much in common with an Card 112 ordinary spark discharge, and the non-uniform heating of the wir- L, 30V/5b-5'~-8- '~ ~9~, The Spatial Distribution and Temporal Course of a Glow Spectrum During Eectri-a. Explosion of Wires maintained. The temperature of the exploded wire varies In time and liffer~~ f), various sections of the explosion zone. N.M Yashin Card 212 ...a As sj"-%c :.S-d, %J .44- ~.T-r-w -,Vg P- at-m -V-u *%I j:'Wr~p-q q-S OMI jo A-4 ASvnOjjWt.-Wmq, V. V.., x.Tq-w--Vl -,V7N P- -.tOqq# q, j-- p -t-m-da. 1- -~-TA-A 'I'd P- --'qt5 'U'1 i:.~d :d PT:%& 'rrV -T"nYV% 14 ATMWTV R.T.I.O.4 J. r-- 4avolmll; ~v-a P- 'S IL us ...1; J!,.J.d -V--T us Idll I j --r,T.7"rn g's r- "Tww"m -w-A -l4 .... 11-V q&. p- qjj -jd .1 --T~-*Jmft gin ::S:.q, A TV 14 ":- -41 in ",..d M4. - 'TO I- -W-1 -*-i.4 ---4f L"." T%Jlt .-d-"M 'A -(t~f d Tam"s, WS twi-o A%, -alwymmun ~W-w 'Avj.~.Iva 1.19 ..... w f- -q9TV J,- qj *as;a-.g-.W .4. Aq .%& (Vern) 94CI - GCO " -9 't T-A '6SPIT 't-tz. p-, q, W."m p- -A-.j "".Tdt -.-A."i -Avv.~.ft , Isar,&" J IADS est W109 ~7 A ,_7 j. pit'? *q% J*A I eqj JO ASIATI"P.- o4 4,13% P-II .--D p-.3 AT".0 j. -94 ---J-I -d-A r- -IF I.. ; - -;=- - -8.0 _I -T- I I :~, .11 S. 4--1 IT- 1 -919 .1 -s.. .41 a. J. m-.7qw1-n _7AD .1 It ..I J.jXjL~ Aaz."-A "11I.I.Mv If.I a) .4% J. -S.T.M III 2 ::.j . ...... vjtw--y r-T.-t -T-v I.- 011;n-Wival P- %ITS T-.r -us sj J&rj It a V. tv"Tve awwww:j% 6"1 d (T~r Idf P.U%" "My .FT-Id -T. 2. T.-Tan IT-r P_ _3"M= -V. ::T,u %a .,,.n p- lum) 96CIT INS I-A '161661 11"2001WW V,.dw 'g-LA14 P~ -A-1 'Zo,ld, 'A as I W)bt tcw" -.IIW T--l -11 JI VVI A-b..3 P". A I- --imn "--I I---- a- ^wx-WNT-"Tqr -N Aq Aj. ,-t,w AS Tv lPtt-l -1 1-4 -.92 s P.- -W-T64aw 'Irv .1 Z,.qag;a Aq - P7:1-," a 30 t_Iq*jd 'MI qsl:d&;:op Call_ $"TV% -1-t-Ts "M-P rl~oltlt mi" a- Ubov~n Twvax"A ow."" -W3 a- -.-211 .-otRA qvvM." Ml~ll .1 1-1 AS-S ._.yg -ql we=*I U% Aq a- .%a JO T-A 'bibl --3-ITT "J'A =ou=v 0 AOV ruse of 'a ..Id- Poo I.Sq-43-- .1.11- -owe 94 sooT-sq- "" jo *: ft T-v ql J. T% : : - s ... ... ; 8 T"-sa J. .01." . .qj..R-d -1-4. *,Sam Wiym~g I O/C visa P.!..Jkv" In.. Von &%a Poo 10.40 .1 .%.."to 'o P.-T- -ZTwVXVTWwr--T-r .4-1 T-sood.) .10-Reelp &,.as 04 Ra rno~-- 4P.Q.1 f - rm es"Som" V-JTm QT..WosQ v -d-Tv -P"smm z !qpl A --- WMXL~ .7 x X= INWTgvwfra" -0 q% -moos -UM ...-Joe J. smorwr '---tod .I .a rom am ev Wool larrom '-Voov..os .8 .9 '.10" =304z' ) :I",- Ta " o-l" - --I- ft.=.tes =I-Iv; ow pm ...... "i -T.Mu So S.Svion) Imsvoms" I VM&& 0-als"n 0: - sal.4 W. -e-% (RUA) Go 'fifiAl VON Ado-meabooft So told vos in so V-st's seammommTes ST &gvlods" 6a. 5 R R 4 t.T . I T '8 T I 1,x, AO 5,8/A , 0 7 iC R3 Nekra.-;hevich, I. G., Sh--herbakava, V. I. 77:7.E: 7he pt.utoelectric a(Alon of X-rays on semiconductor rectifying theft e s) abstra-,t Referntivnn zhurnal, Flzfka, n.). 4, 1962, 01, (V sb. "Fotc-elektr. I optich. yavleniya v poluprovodnikakt,". Kev, AN USS11, 11959, 396-~,)-) The autnors Investigated the effect of 2C)-16(,-kv x-rays or, T -Ox -rmaniim recti,'yInj; cells. hey studied the dependence ~)f ~XOUS 14e and gE rect and reverse curren-, on X-rity I r tens'l ty and hardness as we, : az; jr-, tro- votage app:led to the ce... -hey Investigated the X-ray intensity-an(li- ;-.aruness dependence Df the short-circult!ng current and of the photo-emf tnat appears In the cell during Irradiation. They found that these dependenreu rP.3e,-,b:e those known for valve phototuoes Intended for the visible region of '_ne :;pec tru.-.,. They establ.'she-4, that the relative sensitivity of the cells to X-rays ,decreases with increz.sing X-ray Lntenslty. but increases with Increasing X-ray nardness. They studied the effect on valve layers of pressures of (0-5,000k&/cnj- Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 0639, 9(6) ; 28(5) SOV/17ri-59-2-11/2-,4 AUTHORSi Nekrashevich, I.G., Petrovskly, I.I. TITLE% On the Temperature DependenTe of Resistance of a Point Contact Betwet-n a Semiconductor and a Metad PERIODICAL: Inzhenemo-fizicheskly zhurnal, i959, Mr 2, pp 86-89 (ussR) ABSTRACT: The authors s-.udleo ths- resistance of a point contact between a met-a' steel, and semiconductors, :iuch as pyrite, galenite and silicon crysll~als. A steel negdl(? with a point whose rounding radius amounted to about 2 microns was pressed to the surfftCe of the crystal. Volt-ampere characterl3- tics of the nco-rectifying poln". contact were obtained for various semi- conductors with a measuring dev!ce, whose circuit Is shown In Figure I One static characteristii obtair.ed on a pyrite crysta-1 is shown in Figure 2. It has a sharply defined pa&~k at a currqknt intensity of =4-- ma and a falling section for the higher Irtensitles. As Figure 3 shows, wriere severa.1 cha-ractoristIcai ~,ur-es for different temperatures of the surrounding medium are plot4ed, the height and position of the peak depends on the temperatu,e of this medium, The family of straight ILnes In Figure 4 shows the --nange in the'. resistance depending or, Card 112 the "equillbri.Lm" temprra-ure of the sample at dlfferenl~ current Intenst- On the Temperature Depf-ndence- :f -,f it Point Conta~,t Bo-veen a 3Pm1cond,.i--*. - and a Metal ties In the A~s z,-? ~s~riaiior of *1-,e samples considered is analoanus to that of the v)ijm-,. 'Jh--ma~ r,?slstances, whiah are sensitive to bc*.Ah outer tqmpara*ur,~ ef"&-,F -ind ,: ~-ianges in the current passing througf'- them, the p,-,Int or,*a-s I fn,--i:s with semicanduotors can bp used a1sc. for generatlon of anj in :-1-,ier cas,-~s In whl~h th'~rmtstc',5 are u5ual',y employed. There are; 3 gritph~- . 'r ilagram and 2 references, I of whict i- Soviet and I English. ASSOCIATION,, Belorusskly g,7,sjJa-* --rrjvv jnl-rsitit 1m V I Lenina 'belor-us3lan 3,1a,e UnIver-s1ty Imen! I :. :,.-r 'n, M'-nsR Card 2-12 05296 28(5) -qM/170-59-8-7/18 AUTHORS: Nekrashevich, I.G., FLakuto, I.A. TME: On the Mechanism of Emission of Substance From Electrodes During Electric Pulse Discharges PERIODICAL: Inzhonerno-fizichesciy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 8, PP 59 - 65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Phenomena of emission of substance from electrodes during electric pulse discharges are cons-'dertd on the basin of the notion of spontaneously sh fting current conducting channel with current density of at least 10i a/cm2. A limiting case is considered when the rate of heat conductivity is sufficiently slow and consequently does not affect phenomena arising due to high values of specific power; therefore It is neglected. The mechanism of emission of substance from electrodes Is considered &a a proce3s con- slating of a number of consecutive "mloro-explosions' of small volumes of metal in the surface layer of the electrode. Formula 4 is derived which expresses the dependence of the full amount of substance removed from the electrode during one discharge on the energy parameter of discharge and physical constants of the electrode material. The theoretical values ob- talned are compared with experimental data taken from Reference 12. and It Card 112 is concluded that thore is a qualitative agreement between the trends of 05296 SOV/170-59-8-7/18 On the Mechanism of Emission of Sub3tance Prom Electrodes During Electric Pulse Dis- charges two columns of Table I (with exception of ferromagnet1c metals and carbon). The analysis of Formula 4 shows that the magnitude of electric erosion can be different for cathode and anode, and also for different media. Some other regularities observed in the erosion of electrodes are also explained. There are: 1 graph, 1. table and 13 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 4 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakly Institut AN B33R (Physico-Engineering Institute of the AS Belorussian SSR), Minsk. Card 2_12 NNKRASUVICH, I.G. Photoelectric proper-ties of semiconductors rectifiers exposed to X raym. Fiz. tver. tela 1 no.4:589-596 '59. (KIRA 12:6) l.Belorusakiy gosudArstvennyy univeraltat. Kafedra eksperimentall- noy fiziki. Minsk. (Semiconductors ) (X ruys) KARTZHKOV,,-I-.0. Teaperature of an impmlsiv* electric I-scharge In the electrode zone ae a function of electrode ma'aritil. Doicl. AN 3SSR 3 nc.4- 143-145 Ap '59. OGRA 12:10) I.Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR B.I. stepanev". (Electric dischargee) "P ra t ~ vnjy z rina z no. v va rFtA,,ter.,Iin. I ,ir,ya r,)zn(l. A. :,. Y )p,va" MIn:;k. AN T 7: (, po -; .; ; b. P ,!; P.,; -) f :- P iT J r jnr i u f, t c) r.; 1; Y,i re!~rr: bed . :r, ~.-~ch rAup.;, V~,t,.- ra v nt.-) P: entr. c se5; r, Ft rrj it j!; rig !e, r the p I rkup becor en a nource c), f. , t- r, ~f ;)art e :1r flux. '11he action prIlm-ilp f- )f ty-,(7 t!, Ftna, )gt)us tr that )f gas-d.srharge (',eiger coi.ntpr~i. .a"tPr ty;.#- fire valvi~ Plements. 7)e rP.I~,',:-(.-o,.*, ~'t7Kups ~ih,)uid meet are i5ted a;s !'ollowi: ' ' ) Ttie cr),we., :,y t,2nr. ~n the pickup should be revert;Jble. (2) The equ,'~-.brium ~,tF~te ,I* tr,e nI -on and switch-off of radiatiDn s-iould h-? en-tab'Ishod w~t,: , ckiip after switch I, it, t~, r' f-c t r, r4 A, t, A ori ~u, .,r'. -1 no : menr,. t' f- x te rna. n k;o: v W r ~Ln e , ec tr I c e , A-~ s I A ar depenfien(,e ~ I)-twver, '.!ip vatP .)f mqasur- rad .7. ;f~.n.,,it.1vity parameters is desiran:f,. r. r-.,,tT,j 114.- rif- p.6",; st. .,(I i.e ~ u I .-.e3 tte n v i a )r ~. n.-, . Aiw,ng t,-,e ,-,a te r' a - ~s Tl,at m--)ro-- r "y :~Qr -mcluctorn rru.,~. I'! r~;T_ b.)tn ~n th" f'-)r-, f 'i n ~i pe ~ 1, me n Th, !; e 0 mv. ~ Ilf-f! rvist Fire C I o'). I , e , and r~tnj,. f: rst ;in t,, ~.ens I t ; v t,y'. ~i,wpv- r. t,- P,- j r t,!,. u) ri "Jf.r tp[-,. t s ed f () r rp -) r~ ra, I ~ a )n P.,; P : nr,'I. sykitems with an n-f-) junct,,)-i In the (-,-)nt)1.ct 2 n., va,vo f nucr, P-ements In recor(.Ing part, i r- pn a the Iengthy ,r everi IrreversibIr, ch;jig,~ r, P n-p ;r,per-,les, due to ooarsn attice darnage. These dnmi~ge-3 nv- L;P rn5p )f particles with the energy hv "I Mov, Anotner ::saivftLt,iWe ,!,!ment3 ~n the X and t ranges is their low efficiency. relit~ad to Litt- t~iV, arl ,omlconductor olectronIcs ... :-/(, r,,.t.ra*.,!v ),)wer of ray:-_ 117r~c ef f 1,~ i ency (- In b-~ ra I by i t., c. e -.r -it. Ann be am thr )ug.,~ a c, "umn -)f thlr- I iypr ser'--.q v, f! er- P n t iomp charartpr'.st'cs ,f such v a I ve-e I ement hattev:,-: a r-P r,. I --tra-tc,"'s ri~Ae: Comp"Pte translatlonj CA r-I NZOWILVICH. I.G. Dekrashevich, I.H.J; HAKIM). 1.A. [Bakuta, I.A.] Xectric erosion of bimetallic elect-odes. Vestji Au 3SSR. Ser.fiz. -tekh.nav. no.3169-75 160. (MrU 13-9) (Roctrodes) NSKRASHEVICH9 I.G. [Nakra3havich, I.H.1; BAKMO, I.A. (Bakuta, I.A.) Dependence of the erosion effect on the duration of the pulse discharge. Vestsi AN MISR. Ser. Piz.-tekh. nay. no. 1*:lM-112 160* (MBU 14: 1) (Electric discharges) A ~i. L mo .21311 C073/F)35 AL 17HUR,~ Niekt-nithei ILII - I-G. and Bakuto , J A TITI E kfethini*in of' eromion ()I metals during electric i anpu I - .. d t % - laii vit o- s P F 11 1 OD I C AL Nkiodemiyarievult iplaru-ikay SSR Fiziko-tokhnicheskiv Inatittil ,cj~,oaik nau(hnvkh trudov, no 6 Minsk. 1460 19)-2]q There nte two iii-tin kiyoothi-es P%plaining the phenomonA Ir,-ding to electritit) e r o.% i or,E M imill)im- (Ref I El Ent ~l 2S7 195ZI holds the view th.t ntjmvrou~ su( Le-%qinnm of pie, P%jsP04 of disintegration of" thp c-le(frode material occtir (fitting a single d 1 9 c his rge This is al%o the view hold by the authors of' thiR Paper Other authorm base their expinnation of tne livi-oth-1, of emii,%ion of material from the electrode.% sintiltitneoii4ly VA/, throughout the entire sui I'ace of the vii-cirnfle on whirh a di-i- charoge occurs. Ther~hv 11 )It utiually nAstimed th.t the disch'.1ge (urr--nt tlowi, each t i m * through a mingle i ti.,nnpl which %,itl,n~ during the process of the fit-- f itio is- t,otindarie- i,l Ihi-& chauniFl at the surface 31 IhP -lectif-de -ite --je-d - tori3cilAnot swith the toundei 1-4 nl~ it)-- ti-st 4 1 ;1 1 t/ a 3.91C) It, n, P40 of Pro,4i-" of meln,ot 11/0011, -1- lot I- () 7'~ / ~ -,'~ -1 nilinki v r 1 1 uub I i shed vo per a on I h # %u b I P( I d va I - 1 1 h I h #. i ti r in i I t It, tory -it' vlec tric vrort ion Ith I C h 1 9 hit ir (I on ( h4 t h ro I v I - Ihernia I - onduc t i v i t v Mits n y f) f t h e r e -R u f 41 ob i it i i d h v ri !~ o thi-- theorv are not in agroersont 1,i t It P,%per j a#-n 6 Th v it u r h,, % thi - pnvwr exprvas (it f f erent vi 4p%tnt which take- in,(, - -- -df, - it w, it ,xvpFimuntal data on the kinetic-, of the t h a t - k I)# I it t he a ind on t he e1 ~c t rodeo diii i tig pu I it t- 411 9t h.- r ~ b , it 1 114., d#,vq-1vvvn#-nt of this hvT)othesin enabled ril"ridAt ing most o t 114. oky vi v( d phenomena of electric erosion frori it uiov lc i-er-int i %, i s Ili., quantitative relations obtained on the basis ! thim n- livvothesis are in good agreement with expeiimental r,-%iiiis IT1 LJ t h o 9 ra r, - i the basic conceato of ths -t hvpothe-iA at-, dent T it,vrl _it., the' rplai tons between various quant i t ies cnarac I v? i / trig ih#- 1 tivir-kt tgated phenomena of destruc I ion of' t tie e1 P, 1 t to# fitii o rit it t tic hat gvet are calcu I at ed and the r v-eu I t - ar e 4Lovnp~. - -A , t it Xpur twell I al data , lo explain a I I t hv ext)vf i men ( it I I N j)j) f-a i u ren o f oros j on dti r i rilt I he- d i sc li-i i we i t i a nf-k. , "- r,ry vI I from the experitne-rital. [;,, t their LhP in, 1,11 iq I v"I, ~#,j "on -1vf'J'# ol the clectiode in %wall ;,nitiotis t h e -i -wo 4, h i h ,4 2 , 8 11,1111MM of erosion or metalm S/571/60/000/006/010/011 E073/E535 cf.rrespondn to the full erosion offect of the single electric di schar-gp Such a sech&nL*(* to only possible if the discharge current doet; not flow simult.sneously throughout the entire surface of' contact of the e octrode and the inter-clectrode sodium which participates in the discharge but only through indivi,dual small sections of the surface. There are two possibilities: either the contact surface of the current conducting discharge channel and the electrodes consist of a number of individual simultaneouRly acting areas or the contact surface consists of a single a-aall area, the position of which on the electrode surface changes at a great snood during the discharge. The first variant is based on the c on c e p tif a spatially discrete discharge channel on the electrode surface, the second on a discharge channel which in discrete with time. The latter in the most likely. The size of the contact area in this case may depend on the physical properties of the electrode materials and the dielectric medium and also on the electrical conditions pertaining during the discharge. If both electrodes are of the same material, the following variants Are possible: the contact area uf the plAsma Card 3/8 Met 11.1111 sm 4# 1 e1 4) P I (In o I me t a I a 1 0 7 1,, v - 'i with the elet trodes j x Lai gri on the cathode than (in the anode. it is larger on the anode thin on the cathode. they are equ-sl rheme differences in the area of the current condticting conta(.t ma" be due to phystcal phenomena (Plectrodynamic forces diffusion of charge carriers. electron optical effect etc ) In the case that the electrodes are made of di flerent materials it is necessarv to take into consideration the influence of the physical propertie-4 of the material on the magnitlide of the contact area The dimplace nient ot the contact area may be dae to non-mLeadv state movemerit-t in the form of shOLk-waves inside the discharge i: loud and also processes of explosive transformation of the material of the electrodes into the vapour state. as a restalt. of which the sisterial becomes non-conducting The size of the contact area determines the ilensity of the electric current on the electrodes The (urrent density will determine the energy release and. on the other hand, the A17P Of t110 Contact area will be determined to some extent bv the heat exchange between the channel and the electrode mateilal fhtis. the released energy will be determiniA by both effect-4 L,6 en extreme cases are possible when the energy release is governed card 4/8 Y)94~ I. I 1 0 ! In V 1 4 Y, I I t PI I L, t(I. iv ri I J ,ii I P# I I e