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67403 On the Problem Concerning the Nature of the Surface BOT/181.1-9-27/31 Recombination Centers on Germanium conductivity on the transversal electric field In the dark, the interval between the two curves illustrates the value of the steady photoconductivity. Measurements were mads on p-type germanium easples with a resistivity o120-25 the maxtaus pr*h*mt1aS_1*mpsraAur* we 475 g. Measurements were oads in vacuum (10 torr) at 300 9. figure 2 above on a asai- logarithmic scale the dependence of the maximum surface re- c0ablastioa rate on the reciprocal sample temperature. The activation energy of the centers, evaluate# from the 120112- ation of the linear *a"* portion yields# - 0.2 *v,,thsir maximum concentration In the saturation region v10 /as When assuming that a concentration Increase of the recom- bination centers is due to desorption of water molinules, the adsorption host can be calculated as being 4.5 kcal/mols. In the *ample* under isivestifation the ratio of the capture cross sections for holes and electrons was ranging from 2 to 100, the recombination levels ranged between 3 - 6 kT. The results obtained are utilised by the authors In order to discuss their surface model of germaniu2 and in order to Card 2/3 explain further details of the adsorption-d*sorption L~~ 67403 On the Problem Concerning the Nature of the Surface SOV/181-1-9-27/31 Recombination Centers on Germanium mechanism. The authors thank S. V. Pokrovskaya and T.I.Gal- kipa for their assistance. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONo Fizicheskiy institut is. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR Moskva (Institute of Physios imeni P. N. Lebedev of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBXITTIDj April 6, 1959 Card 3/3 RZHANOV, A.V.; NOV(YrOTSKIY-VLASOV, Yu.F.; HEIZVF.STNYY, I.G.; FOKROVSKAYA, S.V.1 GALIWIA, Tolo Nature of surface recombination centers in germanium. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no. 3:922-831 Mr 161. 1 (MMA 14-- 5) 1. FillebeakLy institut imeni P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR, Moskva. (Crystal lattices) (Germanium) C/C AUTHORSs Rzhanov, 1. V., ane Neizvestny,-, T. S, TITLEs The influftnoo of molecule adq~ germanium upon ti-,e parameters of the surface recomL.~ centers PnIODICALs Fizika tvgrdogo tela, v. 3, no. -, -., 317-X323 3 TEXTj The authors have already published severa papers cn adsorption effects. They have shown that the density f rpr)mblnation centers depend. In a compensative and reversible manner on the p,Ilarlty of the adsorbed molecules. The fact that the surface recombinatl~n senters are neutralizei by adsorbed molecules could be explained on the a~t3Lmptlon of chemical or electrostatic processes taking place between adL;~)rbent and re-ombination center. In order to find out which possibillty reily holds, the authors used a field effect method to study how thf, rp, )at nation parameters when adsorbed water molecules are substitutel -~, ether or benzene. The surface recombination rate, and the charge trapp,~-l by fast surface states were recorded as functions of the surface potentiai. F,,r this purpose t,.e germanium samples were placed in a mica holier wl!, tranqpar-nt Card 1/ /-e> S/. The influence of molecule adsorption ... providing a transverse field independent nf tt,! -11,,Id .,.ves~.'.a,el. -fe whole arrangement was placed in a special thvra,-ilati, ve4sel. .-he --f,i recombination rates an functions of the slirfar4t ent 1 al vw,, th it without heat treatment of the specimens fir.3 ;. F I gs , L, . : , trapped negative charge was found to lncr~at3ft wi~f, c_~reas',z., Y 1r. F, weakly non-linear mannerl after heat treat;-.- IcC' the i;.'re.bp xas more rapidly. The maximum surface recomti:-*_ ted were four.-. ~ _e between B20 cm/sec (3-4 kT/q, c. f. Fig. 1, - , ~mil%e_ ~3.0 K'~'I, : .1. benzene and between 460 cm/sec (5-1. kT q) urA 21, -m/ser. f.2 K~lq, ly, ether. From the experiments made with ben;,- was fuur-A it. 'he nonpolar benzene the surface recombiniti,~r, t~r-! uct,-atel ir, tne same manner as in vacuo and that the char% the rel.mbir_t.,~. centers are in no way affected by benzene. wh,.2% _: vieE,'; polar, the surface recombination centers ai. ..~ei *...e sar#~ it.&., as in benzene or in vacuo. Adsorptiori of -:Ll,f: , u~j L, ki Ft.lf? the maxima of Sk~Y ) (Fig. 1) from +3kT/q -, ai e f ~ t t, r. :.- - a vacuum) to + 6kT/q. The results indicate -al, aAb.-rp-,1_: -,. ~-!- germanium is a phyijical process. Th~ Ptwc-en ether ani Card 2Y I ",,,lbl/61/003/011/010/056 The influence of molecule adsorption ... 3!02/B138 germanium in yurel.V electrostatic. There are 4 figures, I table, and 6 references$ 5 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The latter reads as followso V. Lax. Phys. R*7-1 =, no- 5. 1502, 1960. ASSOCIATIONt F141chookiy in2titut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR Moskva (fhysloo Institute iseni P. N. Lebedev AS UESR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs gay 22, 1961 Fig. 1. Surface recombination rate an a function of the tiurfaoo yotential befairo heating (1) and after heating at ~5001 (2), 400OR (3), 4501'OX (4) and 5000K (5) In other. Fig. 2. Thi ease for benzene. Card 296-09 ViL /Woooll'ooVoi9/034 V, IR rf IS, -q9 E036/E335 AUTHORS Novotskly-Vlasov Yu F nri(l Noizvestnyy I G 7 --' TITLE- Apparatus for invest igat ing t he sill J ac e stat eS 0, germanium PERIODICAL Pribory i t ekhnikix ekspor iment a ii(j. 4 1)61 pp 127 - 131 TEXT, This article describes tlie cietho(I. --rid appazatus used for studying "fast" surface states by a ;.umt)iriation of the large signal field effect and the stat 2onary phor 8conduc t ivi t y metaods The method of heating the sample up to 750 & by a current is also described A qualitative account is first given of the field effect method of varying the surface potential of the sample by means of a capacitatively applied field This results in moving the Perml level at the surface with respect to the surface recombination centres By measuring the surface recombination velocity S as a function of the surface potential. information about the trap parameters is obtained. For applying the field a metal electrode is used with a mica spacer (8 - 10 between the metal and the sample surface. Using a sinu5c,idal Card 1/6 296,19 S/120/~1/000/004/019/034 Apparatus for investigating E0315/F335 voltage of 100 - 200 V it is possible to cover the --iurface 7 2 with a charge of 10 coulomb/cm Tile range ot surfeice potentials covered Is 12 15 kT/q lk as the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature and q tile electronic charge). If the frequency Is in the range 20 - 100 cycles the fast states are in equihbr lum at any instant whi Ist the slow states do not screen the field. The large amplitude of the pplied field makes it possible to observe a minimum in the : ample conductance Using Brown a method of calculation (Ref. I - Phya. Rev. 1955 100 590) the 5urface potential (PSis calculetted, together with the charge captured by the fast states. By illuminating the spocimen with an alternating light source, at a frequency which is riot a harmonic of tile varying field, two field effect curves are obtained dark and illuminated. The light intensity is selected so that the electrostatic potential on the illuminated field effect curve coincides with the dark curve. The photoconductivity 1.9 simply related to the difference between the two curves at any given Card 2/6 29609 S/120/61/ooo,,004/019/034 Apparatus for investigating E036/11335 potential and this in turn in proportional to the effective lifetime. Assuming that the diffusion length is greater than several times the sample thickness (h) . the surface recom- bination rates on both illuminated and dark surfaces are identical and making various simplifying assumptions, then the effective lifetime rt eff is simply related to the bulk lifetime To and the surface recombination velocity - I I G K-t off K Or 0,2S/h) (4) Here, K e(IAn+ p)R where p n IAp are the electron and hole mobilities and R in the carrier generation rate at the surface. To obtain the same recombination rates on both sides of the thin sample, the field is applied to both surfaces, using a transparent metal electrode to facilitate the illumination. The sample holder of quartz is polished to a precision of 0.1 p and a layer of tin oxide deposited by sublimation of the chloride in air t 380 OC. This layer is 904/a transparent with a Card 3A 29bll,; S/12o/6l/(joo/oo4/o.l9/o34 Apparatus for investigating E036/2335 r existane e of 150 - 200 A-1 . The light source is varied a t 140 c.p.s. By using an intense source values or S up to 1.10 - 2.10 4 cm/sec can be determined, For calibration the lifetime is measured by the photo-conductive decay mothod with the applied field switched off. A block circuit diagram is given for the iieasuring equipment. In addition to a generator for applying the field to the sample, measured with a vaLve voltmeter, the range of v. may be extended by using batteries The dis- placement currents across the field effect capacitance are balanced out by a simple bridge circuit. For thiazeason neither and of the @ample could be grounded and it was necessary to employ an amplifier with a balanced input The two ends were connected through cathode followers to the grid and cathode respectively, of the intput tube. From the anode the signal was fed with negative feedback to an amplifier with a passband of 2 cycles to 2 megacycles and a gain of about 100. From tiers It was fed to the vertical plates of an oscilloscope The sinusoidal voltage from the field effect generator was fed to the Card 4/6 226P9 5/120/61/ ~30/004/019/034 Apparatus for investigating E036/E335 horizontal plates through a phase-shifter The signal was calibrated using a pulse of known amplitude An additional feature of tho apparatus is that the sample is heated by passing 15 current through it and by this means the recombination-level properties cart be measured as * function of temperature. An advantage in that contamination from the hotter pnrts of the apparatus in the usual method is avoided and lower temperature contacts can be used. The nample temperature can be found from the known variation of resintivity with temperature as the samples are in the intrinsic range (28 - 32 a cm). Using a bridge circuit to supgly the current the temperature is maintained within I , 2 K uniformly over the sample length up to 750 0K. he 0ethod in particularly useful for measuring fast surface recombination rates, as on silicon, and has been successfully used in the laboratory for several years An acknowledgment in made to L.V. Rzhanov. There are 4 figures and 4 non-Soviet- block references (all English-language)- Ref I - quoted in textj Ref. 2 - C.G.B, Garret, W.H. Brattain - Phys Rev., 1955. 99, 376; Ref. 3 - J.R. Schrieffer - Phys. Rev 1955, 97, Card 5/6 29609 Apparatus for investigatiag .... S/120/6.1/#,,:)/oo4/oj9/034 9036/2335 641, Ref. 4 - F.J. Morin. J.P. Maits, - Phys, Rev. 1954. 94, 1525. ASSOCIATIONi SUBMIrrED: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics rnstitute of the AS USSR) August 3 1960 V Card 6/6 KAI U WOO- (000100/007 .0, 'tm Or cvw ~wf fteld -at kit vkp ix, per Ys;. one, PotentUa low -WA 7771~n 'P".G P, 7.4 V" 'TI 16b "t autwf An, -.1 1 1 6 onto rs of dId VIV beta to VA ~T oil -, ~jl M FM TT 7-4- 0j 00" Kr.V "14 PX CUT., Yr V oc W.1 14 Cl'. I JP I K 11T N~'-'DL, . . "New * r%v''I i i I a rhture * - r --.. ' zy 'A s' 3. " ; . .') ~~,vet r.. I 1~ . - IL -, , I ~,, . "~ .., F I hha ) LC-: Monthl-v Lis - of ~a at (sn ,, c q -Ons, ~-' L, ry D. -~ n,,-j - 3!~, Vc A. -3 , I- . ~, ~ 11-,4 , rc i. "I.; r, 7 r 'I 4r NEJ~:DLA, H.; KHI.ZQVA, M. IlInitiative of Agricultural LAborers and itationalizers in the U.J~ii", ~. 74G, (Z.A 30CIALLTICKE Z--YZ-DEL3:VI, Val. 4, No. 7,18, July Auji. 1954, i~ratA, Czechoslovakia) 3k): Monthly Wat of tAst European Accessions, (EFA-,, LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. /I/, I , AWANT. S.; -XBJB=. Z.; TONDRAZOVA, 1. *44 Orpolsation, of weads f or newborn; ewe of premature. Pedlat. listy 6 nojilft-184. NW-June 1951, (CIM1 20: 11) 1. Of the Institute of Care for Mother a3A Child In Prague- Podole (Director - Prof. J. Trapl), Read of the Pediatric Division Docent K. Kubat, N.D. NLMDU, =!Inkis - MMMMMM~ Calmottization of prazature infants. Lek. obsor 3 no.1l1672-673 1954. 1. 2 Ustavu pro pool o matku a d1te, Praha-Podolt. (DCG TACCIWIOU premature inf.) !,LQAL?TA MMICA Soc.? Vol.10/4 Fe-cUatrics APrU56 884. NEJEDL.A Zd. and ZEMAN L. Z. Ust. pro pt'& o matku a dltg, Praha. 11 Ino- --Wi-jTa-c-e-HCL---Wrnene ph injckc'ni 166b6 penicilinem. Inocul tion of BCG vaccine during penicillin injection therapy eSL.PEDIAT. 1955, 10/5 (380- 384) Graphs I Illus. 2 Following Lm. injection into the thigh of an unknown quantity of BCG vaccine, mixed with, or in place of, therapeutic penicillin, a 14-day-old newborn infant developed an illness. the course of which resembled extravisceral tuberculous primary infect- ion. The course of the illness was benign, and characterized by early and marked calcification at the injection site and in- ingi4inal and mesenteric lymph nodes. Nejedll - Prague (VII, 15*) NWEDLA, Z. grperiences with the calmettisatinn of children with N-vaccine. Rev. Csech. M. 2 n0-3:220-227 1956. 1. Institute for the Care nf Mother an4 Child. Prague. Directort Prof. J. Trapll Head of Pandiatric Research: Doc. K. Kubat. (TUBMZUT,OSIS, In Inf. & child prey., M. tuberc. surinus vacc.. comparison with BCG vacc.) (WCOBACTMUM TUB]IRCUT&OSIS, wartmas vacc. in prey. of tuberc., cosiparison with BCG Y'ac C *in child.) (BCG VACCINATION. in inf. & child co"rionn with K. tuberc. wArinus v&cc.) (VACCINES AND VACCINATIONS M. tuberc. awinus vacc. in prey. of tuberc.. comparison with BCG vacc.) Irv - ZJK~I, L. -, UMIA, Z.; LODINOU. R. Use of AMR & cort isone f or infants. Cask. pediat. 12 no. 12 1108"1089 5 Doe 5 7. 1, Ustav pro peci o w&tkm a dite v Praze. redital prof. J. Trapl vedoucl pedlatrickeho saktorn prof. K. Jhbat. (AMR. ther. we pediatric die. (Oz)) (OORTUOU, tbar. use pediatric Ale. (09)) (PADIATM DWWU, %bar. AM & cortisaw (Gs)) ,'91JJRIA , Z. ; FUMDEDVA, 1, Osmotic resistance of the loiftcytes in staplWlococcal infections. Cook. pedlot. 14 no.8:715-720 Aug 59. 1. Ustav nro Poct o mtku a dite v Prase-Podoli, reditel prof. MUDr. J. ?nT)I. ved T)edtatr. usaku prim. NW. K. Polacok. (STAPRYLOCOCCAL DMWTIONI. blood) (ZALMDCTTM) _WPXA"~~AMIOWA, J. A comment on the technic of vaccination against tuberculosis. Cesk.pedlat.16 no.1:54-57 Ja 161. 1. Ustaw pro peel o mtku a dito v Praso-Podolt. redItel doe. dr. N. Vojta; Tyskown umtav tuborkulosy v Prase 12. reditel doe. dr. R. Krivinks. (BCO TACCIZATION) AINOVA, R.; MECIR, M.; WEDLA, Influence of the repeated atiminiatration of lipopolyv~qcbarides of Salimella typ!Li nurimm on saw indicators of lmw=J ty dzi infants In their first year. Rev. exech. med. 9 no.lslO-17 163. 1. Institute tfr the Care of Mother and QUld, Frague-Podoli. Director: Doc. M. Vojta, M.D. Head of the Paodialric Depmrtmentt Doc. K. Polacek, M.D. (LIPOPOLYSACCRARlDES) (SALMONELL& TYPHIMMUM) (ENDOTOXINS) IMMUNITY) (COMPLE14EM) (LEUKOCTTE cown) (PROARDlN) ~ZSCHERICHJJA COLI) (ANTIODDIES) (DOlUNIZATION) (BODY TFMF.RA7URE) (FECES) NIMLA. Z HROMOKOVA, L. Antibody, level against endegenaus strains of 9. coll from b1 rth to 1 of age. 76sk. pe-llat~ '8 no,?,61J-6iq X1 '63. y"mr 1. Ustav pro peel 0 mfitku a dite v Praze, reditel doe. dr. Ho Vojta, vedoucl pedlatricksho liasku doe. dr. K. Polacok, C.So. (HSCHERICHIA COU ANTIBODY FORMATION) MATTERNAL,FETAL EXCHANGE) HEKAGGLUTINATION) ~ KLTWIA, Z. Gamma globulins. Cook. podiat. 18 no.8:728-733 Ag 163. 1. Ustav pro peal o matku a dite v Pmze, reditel doe. dr. M. Vojta, vedouci pediatrickoho usoku doe. dr. K. Polacok, c3c. (GAMKA GWBULIN) (AGAMMAGLOBULINEXA) LODINOIIA,R.; RECIR,M.; NF.JEDLA,Z.; JOUJA,V. Effect of repeated admirlstratlar of lipopolysaccharides r-n various factors of immunity in infants. Cas.lek.cesk. 103 no.10:24n-255 6 Mr'6L. 1. Ustav pro peci o natku a d!- v Praze-Pod,-I', -,.,! l.- pedlatrickeho vyzkumu doc.dr. K.Polacek, CS1. w -c t' ,r i r new bn-n A nf ~lntf -of-, Ar _,jj & ar 5 f O~4. -,tzf, (rf-riltp! 1 -)(7 . i r ,3tAV I rn pkqe- Ir At t~u R M. Voltm; vF-rl-)ucJ ,)c. 1r. K. NWEDU, Z.; IMMADY'A'A, L. Dove I opment -f itn' ' bod:s~e, a F",,* ',99.-,' - * R. col I after -o pea ted acln:r. ifA I rFit' ;r of 7n-,7i~n is . -*-~,Rred from the SaMFI WteT-Ial . Ces~. pfxiino . 20 nc.', ,3r'-16, :ri 'k q 1. Ustav pro F-ic:l n m, a Ita v Ersxe (zatlzTl -afl 'o. - doe. dr. J. Hr,-3ky a verl~uc ' pt--d . ~i~-r. :,(~e~hr vTzkimi; - ~( - . :_- . K. Polneek. GS-:. ',. L ~hQh~-66 L CODEt CZ/003716 - -h- 0/0062, Ad Nw- UW25482 SONIC, 6Tbooldo 1006 AUTHOR: -1.cj2d3,y, Monek MG: A*,-S, Popov Itosearah Irotitute for Comwdoationt a Prape (Vyzk=W, ustay pro-weil-ouc- tedifflm- X, S. roja~va TITUt Condition of a lossfM Wdium it SOURCE: Ceskoolovens)W casopis pro fyviku, no. 1, 1966, 60-62 TOPIC TAGSt ardsotropio medium. electromagnetism, coordinate system ABSTIUCTs Tho article presents a derivation of the relation between individual con.. pononts of the tensor pL in a norworthogonal system of coordbiates which follovo from the conditi that the adium under consideration be loss-free* Orig. art. hast 9 forma&3 a ?A i 35.38U SUB CODBI 20, 12 1 suBm DATKs 13jui64 / sov Rut ooi mH REF. om cmd L 371-,`~-66 I K - ACC NR- AP60-2787-0 - --- ---- 30MCE CODE: (,Z/00311/66/(,,A)/003/OC)99/OC)99 F AU`T1HOR: Nejedly, Zdenek--Neyedly, Z.; Filip, jiri--Filip, Y.; i.K1, Jirldricn--Ekl, Y. ORG: Institute for Investigation, Production and Use of Radioisotopes, Prague (Ustav P-r--o-v-3-rz-i=-, vyrobu a vyuziti radioizotopuj TITIZ: Investigation of the tagging of organic compounds with radioisotopes. Preparation of adenine, guanine, uracil and cytosine tagged with C-14 (U) SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no. 3, 1966, 99 TOPIC TAGS: radioisotope, radiation chemistry, chemical synthesis ABSTRACT: UVVVR Report No. 42/1964. named cumppunds were prepared by the acid hydrolysis of ribO5ide-5'-monophosph& r ribosideY tagged with C-14, under such conditions that ribose-C-14(U) also d be obtained. The radiochemical purity of the obtained compounds was 98%. Thf. ducts are or importance as intermediates for the synthesis of C-14 desoxyriboE-.F. -ti -ch wi-- be prepared. (JPfL 36,8451 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM UTE: r c. Card 1/1/, UDC: 547.02 404V77 - W.MW, V. v 92 9 A. Fine tornift of smU holes by sintared carbides. P. 147. STROJIFOSKA VTROBA, Praha, Csochoslovskia# Vol, 7. no. 3. 1959 Monthly list of k~wt European Accessions (MU)p LCj Vole 8, no. 7, July 1959 uncla. AUTHOR: Nejedlo, V. 21389 Z/031/61/(>09/006/001/DC2 DOO?/D1O2 TITLE: Machining of high-temperature and heat-resistant allo7s and highly alloyed steels PERIODICAL: Strojirensk6 v~roba. v. 9, no. 6, 1961, 288-291 TEXT: The article lists some results obtained in the USSR with the use of high-temperature and heat-resistant alloys and highly alloyed steels, especially in regard to their machinability, suitability as cutting 'tool materials, and angular configuration. The chemical composition of Czech and Soviet high-temperature and heat-resistant steels iS shown in the following table; Poldi AKRN El 612 Poldi AKND C 0.4.2 0.12 0.08 Cr 15.0 15.0 20.0 Ni 36.0 35.0 58.0 Mo - - - C0 - 16.0 Card 1/4 21389 'L Z/031/61/009/006/001/002 Machining of high-temperature..- DOO?./DlO2 Poidi iMN El 612 Poldi AKND Mn 1-5 Si 0.3 - W 3.0 3.0 - Ti 1.5 1.3 2.3 Cd - - - Al - 1.3 The criteria for the division of the metals into individual machina- bility groups are stated in the instructions MTS-N-A 43 and MTS-N-RP 4, issued by the MTS (1955, 1956). According to these criteria, highly alloyed austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo-(Co) steels fall within machine- bility groups 6b thru 8b; high-temperature Ni alloys fall within groups 4b thru 7b, depending on their chemical composition and heat treatment; Co alloys fall within groups 3 thru 6b, primarily depend- ing on whether parts are formed or cast. Regarding the material for cutting tools, sintered carbides of the S-series are suitable for machining high-temperature and heat resistant steels. Under normal conditions, S 1 or S 2 sintered carbide is suitable for finishing, Card 2/4 21389 Z/031/61/009/006/001/002 Machining of high-temperature ... DOO'?/DI02 and S 3 or S 4 sintered carbide for roughing. The H I sintered carbide type was found to be most suitable for machining Ni and Co alloys with very low Fe content. Where sintered carbide canliot be used, Poldi Maximum Special 30 (CSN 19 854) and Poldi Maximum Spe- cial 55 (CSN 19 855) high-speed Co-steels should be used. Tools for machining highly-alloyed, high-temperature and beat-resistant steels and Ni alloys should have face angles I = 10 - 15 when made of high-speed steel, and 5 - 10 when made of_siq ered carbide; for machining cast parts, lace angles should be 6 10 for high-speed- steel tools, and 2 5 for Bintered carbide tools. Recommended back angl8s are: at 7 - 10 for high-speed-steel tools and Ot = 6 - 8 for sintered carbide tools. For cutting Co alloys, tools must have stronger cutting edges ai;d, therefore, smaller face and back angles ( f - 0 - 6 ;0L- 5 - 6'). A cutting speed of 12 - 40 m/min is recommended for Ni-alloys, e. g., the US Nimonic 80, the Czech Poldi AKNC, and the Soviet El 437. To achieve economical machining results, the following conditions must be maintained: Maximum rigidity of the machine- tool - viorkpiece system, contin,,ious tool infeed; and not more than half of the conventional permis-sible Card 3/4 Z/031/61 09-3e9 / 1021 /006 '001/0C2 Machining of high-temperature ... DOOVD102 value of cutting-edge blunting, which should not exceed 0.25 - 0.40 mm. There is one table. ASSOCIATION: V~zkumn.S U'stav obrAb6cich stroj6 a obr6b6nf, Praha (Research Institute of Machine Tools and Machining, Prague). Card 4/4 COW. Brvia. NUDrj WTIL. Svat.. NUDr-. Ila=. T.. NUDr: Y=OTA, I.. WjDr Rearing gains following atticeantrotomy. Cook. otol&r. 3 no.3:128- 137 Avg 54. 1. Zotal&ryMolWcko kliniky TU v Rradet Kmlove (MUNING Duamm. surgery attikomtrotoW, eve,luation of results) HZ"DIO. Veroulav NUDr. Treatment of &cut@ inflamnation of sinuses by hot baths applied to the arms. Gesk. otolar. 7 no.1:46-51 Peb 58. 1. Otolaryywoloeicka klinika VIA JNvP v riradci Kralove. (SIMM ITIS, ther. hot baths of arms (cz)) (HTDROTFUMPT, in var. die. sinusitis, hot baths of arms (Cz)) liz~,10.Jer~_t4lav*, NDVAK, Jan; MDRHON, Miloolav Results of surgical therapy of laryngeal carcimom and the influencing factors. Cook. otolar. 7 no.6s368-376 Dec 58. 1. M kliniks ZU . Hradec Xralove. prodoosta prof. NUDr. Jan HybRoo. Pntologicko-ankstomicky ustav KYJ. Hradec Kralove. Drednosta prof. WDr. Antonin Tingerland. V.V.. OIL klinika th, Hradec Kralove. (LAVIM. nooDlaomo. gurg., voston. results & influencing factors (Cs)) NSJXDI,O. V. -----P-0-G-8*lblllty of a conservative repair of mesotympanic perforation of the drum. Cask. otolar. 8 ao.4:222-228 itug 59. 1. KlInika nemooi usnich. nosalch a krcnich lek. fnk. KU v Hradcl Krnlove, pre-inouto prof. WMr. Jan lWbusek (A", KIMU, die.) NZ=LGj Veroslav Long-term functional and anatonical results of andomatal myringoplasty. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 4 no.1:61-68 161. 1. Katedre. otorinolaryngologie; prednosta prof. Dr. Sc. 14UDr. J. Hybasek. TD(PANIC MDMRANE surgery) SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) DUFNWS surgery) ~ - INMDLO, Veroslav Gonservative therapy of memotympanic perforations of the eardn=. Sbom. ved. prac. lek. tak. Karlov. univ. (Hmd Kral) (Suppl) 4 no.5t435-468 161. 1. Otarinolaryngologicka klinika; prodnosta prof. DrSc. l,.LJDr. J. Hybasek. (FAR MIDME) (WOMIDS AND INJURIZS) NEMLO, Veroslav Simple endomeatal uTringoplasty. Cesk. otolaryng. 11 no.3:166-173 162. 1. Otolaryngologicke, klinika lekarske fakulty University Karlovy v Hradci Kralove, prednoota. prof. dr. J. Hybasek, DrSc. (TYMPANIC MEMRANE surgery) NEJEDIA), Veroalav Myringoplasty with cooled skin autotransplants. Sborn.ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 6 no.3:SupPle- ments385-389 963. 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika; prednosts doe. MUDr. L.Faltynek, CSO. VE.TZDID,V. Fresh twd preserved skin grafl* for myrlngoplast7. Cesk. otolar7ng. 12 no.6t379-381 D'63. 1. Otolaryngologicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradcl Kralovo; prednosta: doc.dr.L.Faltynek, GSc. 41 f,'EJ ED141 L.-~ Our experip-rce3 wlt~, I !astir E21T surgery. Cesy. I - ~ arT. 9. 14 no.2198-103 Apl~.5. I. Otnl FtTyrlf-rrllCjffI(-.ka k.1 ii, '~ . I - ~ftroke fakul ty Kit; I VJ. ':7 1- vorsity v IlraAr' Krnlove (I roji~o: tat doc. dr. L. Faltp.nk, ':Sc.). ZIEJEDLO, V. klaatic 7- ji~ecl I in )f teal na-la, vq,'-Ill~m and fMf,tIC-r;F-ll7 03th6tUl Ilasal ope'raticiie. Cesk. otoleu-yrij,. 14 tic.-ctI08-112 APIO. i. ~.Ili Ae fak-ulty Karlc)vj Unlv-.+rsl4-y -i R-Rde i Kralci~ :;,a, dr. L. Faltynek, cs.~. ) . MJMELY, A. Effect of flow on the natural purification of strnams. ., .02. (V-rirl Hosro,~a-stvi. ~raha. No. L, Aprl. 10c'7.) Sc~: Ponthly List of k-ast Ll~ropean Atcessions (~:EAL) LC, Vol. ~, n-. 7, Jul,,, 101-7. Incl. N&JEEDLY, A' . De ~.e m in I n g t h e rut gn i t ude o f wa ti- r i n f 11 t r2 t i -~~ n a nd I p a k a gm I n t'., -, P -.a- r.,; . -'. ~0' . (7oda. Vol. 36, No. . Feb IQ57, Praha, Czectoslryvakla) Month'-y Ll t of East Eur~D-pan AcC~53'-'I,n,4 (ELAL~ Vol. 6. - . -' , , - i,- I .' . ' nc - . SO: I tj,~- -TtF- -17 -/ 017 TIEMADLY. A. [NeJedly, AL.J. Insh.; PILITS, 1. [Pelc, 1.1 of cu"ent on the kinetics of Pself-purificntion. 31p. I inn. 23 no.11:59-67 N '58 (MIRA 12:8 ) 1. Iz VodakhozyFtyatvenncwo nauchno-issladovntellallcogo instituta (Prne,n-Podbabn. ChekhoslovakVn) (WATIR-PURUICATION) NEJEDLY , A. , Inz. Production of detergents removable by biological treatment in the German Federal Republic. Vodni beep 14 no. 1:14 164. Y&MLT, Bedrlch; IOUSTAL, Antonin; PADVNT, Kiroalav New urine test. Cas. lak. cook. 97 no.22:6R9-691 30 way 56. 1. Ustredni laborator OUNZ v Kladne, nrednosta Mr. Redrich Mejedly. R. N. . Iladno, OMM. (URDM urinalyaiq, new technic (Cm)) N&JOLY, GOITArII-. J. "Plasticizers for poljrvinyl chloride; properties of linear tetraestpr3." p. 438 (Chemicky PrurVsl) Vol. 7, no. ~. Aug. 1957 Prague, ~;zechoslovakia SO: Montrily Index of ~-ast &uropean Accessions (EUI) 1--. Vol. 7. no. 4, A: ru 19~8 CZECHOSLOVAKIA,'Challcal Technology - Synthetic Polymers. H-29 Plaotics. Abe Jour Ref Mur - Khimiya, Nr- 24, 1958, 63485 Author Major, J.,_~ecU~y, E. Inst Title The Viscous-Elwtic ProperLics of Polyvinyl Chliride Which has been Plastic'.zed With Dibutylphthalatc, Dioctyl- r~ithaiate and Dioctyladaptnatc. Orig Pub Cham. Pmu:Wsl, 1958, 8, iio 1, 41-44. Abstract Results are cited f-)r a study cn the therm-mechanical properties of polyvinyl 61l:xide plasticizers by the rip- plication of the creep curve acccrcling to Tobol'sky (R.Zh. Khim., 1956, 5465o). Card 1/1 51 - Aj G, c.;,> amp, low an .MEW$ .qF- M 63BU Z/oog/Wooo/olO/002/003 -~-2j 0 9112/2353 AUTHOR: NeJed1j, tmil TITLE: ii-r9i ~0~~opoand Plasticisers on Properties of Polyvinylcliloride ~~, PERIODICAL.- Chemicki prfimy9l, 1960, No. 10. PP. 545 - 549 TF.XT: The work reported herein is an investigation of the problem as to whether it is possible to predict the properties of plasticised polyvinyl chloride from the properties of the individual plastisizer used simultaneously or whether it is possible to choose a mixture of plasticizers in order to produce specified properties of the polymer. The problem was studied in detail by Wartman (Modern Plastics, 32. 139, 1955). who has shown that the properties of mixed plasticiser compounds are related in a simple manner to the concentration of the individual plasticisers and to the value of each of these same properties in compounds containing the individual plasticisers His method for predicting the properties was shown experimentally to be applicable to brittle temperature, SPI-volatility, plasticiser rub-off and nitrocellulose marring. Wartman used a graphical representation of compound properties and it is the Card 1/5 83843 z/ooq/6o/ooo/olO/002/003 9112/9353 Zffect of Compound Plasticisers on Properties of Polyvinyl- chloride object of the present paper to extend Wartman's work to the prediction of the effects of compound plasticisers on 1; solvating effect; 11; tensile strength and extensibility, III: resistance to low temperatures: IV; volatility and V: water absorption and weight-loss by water extraction Methods for determiring above physical data are described. solvating effect of the compound plasticizers was established by measuring the temperature RT of solution of polymer in the plasticizer. A 10%, suspension of the polymer in the plasticizer is heated with constant stirring until the suspension becomes clear. The value of RTis a measure of the stability of the system. plasticizer-.polymer. Tensile strength and extensibility werp determined by means of the tensile testing machine of VEB- Werkstoffprflfmaschinen, Leipzig. Resistance at low temperatures was tested according to ASTM D 746-44 T. Vollatility was deter mined by the activated charcoal procedure. (Draft Proposal ISO/TC.61/W.G. 6/104. The greater part of the present paper is Card 2/5 83843 Z/009/60/000/010/002/003 E112/E353 Effect of Compound Plasticisers on Properties of Poly-vinyl chloride devoted to the study of solution temperatures of compound plasticizers. It is shown to be an additive property of the individual plasticisers and to show linearity when plotted against plasticiser content. This relationship can be also expressed by equation: RT = a RTA + b RT 0) where RT temperature of solution of plasticiser mixture. RT A' RTB temperature of solution of plasticisers A and B . a, b - fractional parts of plasticisers A and B in mixture. The above equation can be also used to compute temperatures of solution of multicomponent systems. However. the author suggests using a graphical representation. Thus, for a three- component plasticiser system the use of a triangular coordinate Card 3/5 8380 z/ooq/6o/ooo/olO/002/003 E112/E353 Effect of Compound PlaBticiBers on Properties of Polyvinyl- chloride graph is reconimended. Similarly to the method adopted by Wartman a linear relationship was also confirmed for plasticiser-composition and tensile strength and resistance to low temperatures, respectively. Volatility and water- absorpt ion have also been shown to be additive properties. The author has computed the composition of a three-component plasticiser mixture for a polymer which was to have certai2 specified properties- 1) minimum tensile strength 200 kg/cm . 2) resistance to low temperatures in a temperature range below -270C. 3) volatility not to exceed 0%, 4) water-absorption approx. 10%, 5) temperature of solution RT. not to exceed 105 OC. Computed and practically measured values are tabulated showing very good agreement. Card 4/5 838"13 Z/009/60/ooo/olO/002/003 9112/E353 Effect of Compound Plasticisers on Properties Of Polyvinyl- chloride There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 6 references; 5 English and I Soviet. ASSOCIATIW Vyjzkumni x;stav makromolekul&rni chemie. Brno (Research Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno) SUBMITTED: February 16, ig6o Card 5/5 20957 G/004/61/008/003/003/006 5'1~ 2ZO 22o3 B120/B206 AUTHORSs Nojedly, E., and Gottweis, J. TITLEt Plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride. Properties of linear tetraestors PERIODICALs Plasto und Kautachuk, v. 8, no. 3, 1961, 125 - 127 TEXTs Linear saturated tetraosters were studied with a view to their suitability an plasticizers for PVC. The totraosters were prepared accor- ding to Eq. (5), 0 2 R0dCR2Cl + NSOWON& ---ORJCR 2OhICH 2ICOR - 2 N&C" at 100 to 1200C In the presence of tri(n-butyl) amino as catalyst. The reaction mixture was rinsed with water after the eaterification reaction, and the totraostors were distilled at a pressure of from 1 to 2 mm Hg. The following investigations were made concerning the suitability as pla- sticizers (as* Tables 1 and 2)1 for evaluating the compatibility of the plasticizer with the polymers, the temperature, at which some granules of PVC dissolve clearly in the specific tetraester (column 1), was deter- Card 1/6 20957 r./OO 61/008/003/003/006 Plasticizers for polyvinyl B120YI206 mined under the microscope by means of Kofler's heating block. Polls with a content of 33% by weight of plasticizer were observed for a year to find out whether an exudation of the plasticizer took place (column 2). The volatility was evaluated by determining the boiling point at 4 ma Hg (co- lumn 3). The plas~Jcizing effect was evaluated by determining the tensile force in kg per on of initial section, which was necessary for a 100% elongation of the specimen (0.5x2ft125 mm). This was done on a strength tester of the VED Werkstoffpriifaaschinen, Leipzig (State-owned Plant for Test Machines, Leipzig) (column 4). Resistance to cold was determined according to ASTK D 746-44? (column 5). Tests were conducted with 0.5 mm thick foils from two parts by weight of PCU-Q and one part by weight 'g plasticizer, which were produced on a two-roller calander at 150 - 155 C and a rolling time of 10 min. From the tables it may bq seen that the plasticizing properties of the tetraesters I-III and VJC~IX, respectively, improve with increasing length of R and RI (see Eq. (5)). However, after reaching optimum values, they deteriorate again with increasing chain lengthe V, 1. Cyclic R and RI did not produce good properti*sj V-1, XI. With its properties, IT steps out of the homologous series of tetraesters, since amyl alcohol of fermentation was used for its synthesis and the Card 2/6 G/004/67008/003/003/006 Plasticizers for polyvinyl ... B120/B206 branched amyl groups had a detrimental effect on the properties. The-low solution temperature of VII is explained by the low thermal stability of this tetraester which decomposes when the solution temperature is deter- mined. The following tetraeater shows therefore the best plasticizing effect for PM 9 CH3(CH 2)3 OC(CH 2)4J(CH 2)4 L(CH 2)4 L(CH 2)3 CH 3' The four eater groups cause good affinity to the polar PVC, the active centers of which are blocked in this way. The interposed paraffin chains warrant good mobility of the molecule. The original article was published 0 in the periodical Chemickf prumysl (Prague), V. 7 (32) (1957), no. 8p 438-442. There are 2 tables and 9 referencest I Soviet-bloc and 8,non- Soviet-bloc. The 2 references to English language publications read as follovai Reed, M.C., and Hardin, J., Ind. Engng. Chem. v. 41 (1949) 6751 Lawrence, R.R.9 and McIntyre, E.B., Ind. Engng. Chem. v. 41 (1949) 689. ASSOCIATIONt Research Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno, Czechoslovakia Card 3/6 0/004J6!/008/003/003/006 Plasticizere for polyv.lnyl ... B120/B206 ow .4 LAWA"~ 4G."eft4w I 'cl A we 66e we 1 .. = I I I -cl % I " [lel-l om 11c) to 0 0 0 0 ), zit. Ocir.11J. " at, 0 0 0 .1 clj cII 10 cll z O t 41 -( '- 0 c ci 'h- 1.k- , 0 ' 0 0 0 q ;1 c-clIv1O-c'1'(cll'6i-Wcll'-c 0 Iclij, -al. lot I" I- 0 0 1 I ? ~ al ll a Its 234 t3l 64 - jc j I" SAD --j6 oft 0 97 4 to Card 4/6 20957 0/004/61/008/003/003/006 Plantioizorn for polyvinyl B120/B206 o ble .4 L4~'.. A.26k. &. 1"% mh ...4 krm-11 16h. 1c) 0 00 0 It _h 14 It 1117- 1" 26 Us 0 0 0 0 11 11 r.11riclij. 0-c-c"10 4r', jcII 6), mb Mil lit-III To 31 W 0 0 0 0 4 ] I .4-k.4 1111-1311 lid -C" 4"11 ~ o-jc#[ 0 CH C ~ - _ ,).- -I , , A 0 0 0 it, (CII.J.-o- Icil, a ~ (cillao-cif" 0 0 0 0 Card 5/6 20957 G/004JO/ooe/003/003/006 Plasticizers for polyvinyl ... B120/B206 Legend to Tables# 1) Solution temperature, 2) exudation of plasticizer, 3) boiling point at 4 mm Hg, 4) load factor with 100% elongation, 5) resistance to cold, 6) molecular weight, 7) after 79 24, and 48 hr, respectively, 8) does not exude. Card 6/6 ,~, t;, -1 - 0~.- 17 1 J. Servicing the MA-'-~O tLre3hIng imcidnq. ).2,1 0-linisterstvo zemedelst-,I~, Pral.a. ~-Publlcvtion on Qec),,niz, i,,)r, -,,' issued by the Ministr-I of AgrLcult~ire. 3o-ini-montl.l:~// 7o1. ~ , n,:.. U, July 1055 Sa-RCE: East European Acc553i.ins Lint( Library ~jf ~:undress 701- 5, No. 1, Jbnuary 11)56 downphian d ;;w 7. 1 so p1me. Gisswav, An kunrif lot;:r Mm 42, IV:,,. hAve 11irtallso-d a faymd mdbW kv sivig H in .1"I An wokkimposts at hut limme mwfwv .4 thor -AHIIIIC 1. ttgopwd fut a defiloir 1111n :. thr arlinn -4 IICI The ~wjvsus #~- Are PA--,I into A Woo, cwmta ;,dij --viw -in 4 fkNw4hvI-j#-pbrnyIrr~16- 4m#m kkw Alt" ~Maul a filtbr FrO, thr -km mWev"I M 11wit"Ki Was, 11.1 41"1 numor Is". 0.6. 1.- qiwwl I'm thr m4misms of If,% 111811 04. .141.1 M th-wid "tel ImIx-i tbe eva6tism if 11.9 1. vety ittv-SuLa tf . ..i I he amm lwwm 6 rmwhrd that 1h, 1A.1uWbrunwim 11.11m.i -od G nd I tAk" M-Wr 118W OU" It" loot, &~ r-(*"r,. ZA"401.40"AwIfewo 2973/6"1F AMORS j Mandl P1. , onltk_~~~41jjL_ ~J TITLE t investigation of the conditions for manufacturing steel of the highest purity (concluding report) PERIODICALS Hutnicki,liety, no.1, 1963. 74 TEXTS Followin earlier investigations of "complos" deoxidation of steel in laboratory teats% the authors verified under full-scale-conditions the correctness of the optisiSsm chemical composition found for the complex deoxident alloys containing Cat Mn, Sit Al i.nd Mgt by determining the best method of final deoxidation of the steel 6SW 15230 to ensure a high degree at purity of the steel. The results of the full scale toots were used to evolve a recommended production sethod for steel ESP 15230 by * the duplex process. The report also contains results of full-scale tentm carried out to doterulne the influence at complex d*oxldatiom with alloys of FeCa5i and FeCaMSSI on the purity of the special steel T 0.8. (Abstractorts notes Complete translation-] Card 1/1 I , . , . . ~ . I '. . - ~ I.. I . . " - I . -1 :,~ . . I I . I . I I j - ". fl 1? - 7 2-7 /Y 7, /' !~~WSTRAUB, Robert Spontaneous spindle call sarcom in guinest pigs. Seoplasms, Bratisi. 4 no.4:402-404 1957. 1. Staatliches Institut fur Heilmittelkontrolle. Praha. (SAR -ON-J, nnthaj. spindle cell, spontanswas of connective tissue in guinea pig) (GOKMTIU TMU72. neoplasm spindle call sarcoma. spontaneous in guinea pig. pathol. NEJEDLY, K.; KOZJAK, V. Biological evaluation of stilmilants by meazw of the leukocyte tect. 003k. farm. 11 no.6:315-320 JI 162. (LEUKOCYTE COIRIT pharmacol) (DRUG TIMWY) :11-1 C'. V) ca! a:-. E, :3 W- N=LY 9 L. TaWcs of the nwhinery industry In the development of the production of buildIng naterials. p. 147. STATITO. (Mlidsterstvo stavebrdctvi) Praha, Csochoolovakia, Vol. 37, no. 5. ftw 1959 Monthly 11st of F4wt European Accessions (EEAI),, Ws Vol* 8. no, 7. July 1959 uncla. ". The use of rect If I ers, in operat! -ig exct t-rs ~f "I ari:r, r-chr -,~* )rr. r. 22T (e.;Iektrotech-iik) Vol. 12, -io. 7, July 1-~- , lra~a, Czr~choslov 1-ij SO: '-'r~4711LI 1'~D X " --':,3-. ;,," A" S' -1 - .' '.-.Al)-C, *!'I.'-,"'. 88254 z/oO/0/09/002/001/001 ,9,25zlo (/,0;-0/ /a 9073/9535 AUTHORS% Nejedl/, Milos Engineer and Kuba't, Milan. Engineer I y Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLICt Large Power Rectifiers Manufactured by CKD Prague PERIODICAL: tiektrotechnick' obzor, 1960, Vol.49, No.2 pp 74-82 y TEM The article is intended as an overall report of the present state of development in the fields of mercury arc rectifiers and semiconductor rectifiers. In 1959 &D began the manufacture of a now typo of single anode, air cooled, mercury arc rectifier with continuous evacuation. The rectifier is of the excitron type, UI-303. Its design was governed b5 the following considera- tions: a) the rectifiers should have such parameters that it should be possible to utilise then universally and economically within wide ranges of power and voltages between 660 and 3300 V, b) it should be easy to disassemble the tank and to repair the rectifier on the spot; c) it should have a small floor space, simple auxiliary circuits and it should be possible to operate it automatically or by remote control; d) high reliability and efficiency. The rectifier consists of six single anode tanks, arranged in a circle on a stand with a central axial fan and a simple circuit for di;4ribution of the cooling air, The rectifier in fitted with Card I 88254 Z/017/60/049/002/001$/001 Large Power Rectifiers 9073/Z535 a continuously operating air cooled mercury vacuum pump, an automatic mercury seal in the high vacuum suztion piping and a large pro-vacuum vessel This vessel is evacuated by means of a rotary oil pump at intervals of several weeks, thus simplifying maintenance considerably. This rectifier corresponds to the following ratings according to 6SN 351510: 66o v 2000 A 1320 W over-load capacity "A" 825 V 2000 A 1650 kW to it IIAII 1650 V 1250 A 2060 W of to #test 3300 V 1000 A 3300 kW of to 11BOO The design of the vessel has several now features, a croon-sectiaml sketch is reproduced in Fig.3 The main anode is not placed in the tank but in a separate anode vessel, As a result of this, the considerable thermal losses of the anode do not heat the condensa- tion surfaces, which control the pressure of the mercury vapours in the vessel and thus influence the operation of the rectifier. Consequently, the anode vessel can reach temperatures up to 2000C and, as a result of the high thermal gradient, the cooling intensity will be increased and therefore the dimensions of the rectifier Card 2/8 88254 Z/017/60/049/002/001/001 Large Power Rectifiers 9073/9535 can be reduced. This new anode design has simplified also the manufacture and assembly of the control and deionization grids as well as of the screens. All these are mounted an a single assembly in the only part of the cathode which can be taken apart. The mercury of the cathode is very efficiently cooled since flat steel cathodes are used which are fitted with large cooling ribs The cathode insulation is an enamel layer covering the cathode ring which in welded onto the bottom of the vessel, For intensive cooling of the vessel itself, tubes are used which pass through the vacuum space of the tank; this enables reducing considerably the tank dimensions. Prototypes of this rectifier have proved satisfactory In operation over several years. The development of sealed mercury arc rectifiers in proceeding in close cooperation with the All Union Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I Lenin in Moscow. Two types have been developedt 1) an air cooled single anode type,designed primarily for stationary and mobile traction rectifier stations with ratings of up to 4000 kW at 3 3 kV operating with six anodes; 2) single anode water cooled type, designed primarily for operation on single-phase 50 cps locomotives and in heavy electrolytic plants. Both these rectifiers are of the Card 3/8 88254 VoO/6o/09/002/001/001 Large Power Rectifiers E073,,E535 ignitron type. The tank can be made without insulating the cathode which simplifies the design considerably, see sketch Fig.4. CKD, Prague to now faced with the took of compbting the development and introduction of series manufacture of sealed ignitrons for the highest ratings. Basic work on the development of germanium and silicon rectifiers was begun at the 4eakoslovenskA akademie Y4;d, Ustav tochnicke' fyziky (OTF) (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Technical Physics) in 1949. &D, Prague utilised those results and from 1958 onwards they started their own, development of silicon rectifier cells and rectifiers SVUSE, Bechovice participated in some of the tasks involved in developing semiconductor rectifiers, There are a number of Czech patents relating to germanium and silicon rectifiers and the standard achieved in Czechoslovakia compares favourably with that achieved in other major industrial countries. The inverse voltage of Czech produced large germanium cells reaches 300 to 400 V, which ensures a two to threefold voltage reserve in the case of operating voltages between 100 and 150 V per cell. Cells are being produced for ratings of 100 and 200 A, in the field of rectifiers, units Card 4/8 88254 Z/017/60/049/002/001/001 Large Power Rectifiers 9073/9535 are being built with ratings between 25 and 300 kV. Silicon cells are being produced on a pilot plant scale and inverse voltages of 1000 to 1600 V were achieved for currents of 105A/cell. In 1960 the first rectifier unit of 450 V d.c., 5000 A, was put into operation for the electrolysis of chlorine. This will be adopted as a typical unit for lorgor rectifying equipment, 25 kA, 325 to 650 V for electrolysis of chlorine or aLuminium. Silicon rectifying units are being developed for ratings up to 3000 be used in &.c. railway traction, a prototype of which is to be built in 1961 UVIL Locomotive). A particular feature is tht t chnology of preparing the single crystals, which are manufactured b 6KO, Prague (25 to 30 am dia. for germanium and 18 to 20 mm dia. ; for siliconk Due to the fact that Czechoslovakia does not have available the high purity silicon required for rectifiers, zonal suspension melting is applied, not only for purifying the material but also for growing the single crystal. IFor the time being preliminary chemical purification is entirely dispensed with, The repeated zonal refining has been automated. During this process * H 0 atmosphere) boron in also removed (by zonal fusion in an H 2 2 High frequency heating in applied. Repeated zonal refining (about Card 5/8 88254 Large Power Rectifiers Z/017/60/049/002/001/001 E073/2535 30 times) produces the desired purity and following that zonal fusion apparatus is again used for drawing silicon crystals of 18 to 22 mm dia. During l9bl to 1965 &D. Prague is-to increase its annual production of semiconductor cells from 14000 to 50000 approx,, corresponding to an increase from a total capacity of 140 MW to about 500-700 MW rectified capacity in 1965. The cello will be used primarily in the chemical and metallurgical industrieg. mines electric locomotives, tramways etc. There are 13 figures, 2 tables and 23 references; 13 Czech and 10 non-Czech, ASSOCIATION,, 4D Praha n.p. (CKD. Prague) SUBMITTM November 14, 1959 Card 6/8 N?;.7,F:'L.Y, M.1108, Inz roslftv :t* a I . e - h o t z .- ~ - I T%4~ - , ' . - . - - ~- -. - . IRMLY, Hiroolav, drol SIMON, Fractiaek, dr, . ..... NaLlrAmmmo-M, - -a Dsaiding of 1ALbor disputes in enterprioeso Prace msda 11 no*6&291--294 J* 163. IIEJULY, MIroslav, dr.; RIAKOVA, Hed&, promoVana praynicka Pqr~icipation of' the Council of the Trade Union Movement in civil procedure. Prhce mzIa 12 no.9:477-431 3 '64. .N-Z~DLY, R. -!!Wpr~ .,-npriences ,dth li,i ~i !-m,~ . re --q,.;I-re-)t p. z~24 (1-lechanisace Zp-meJplstvi) 'lo-.. -, -in 1' , 3eyt. !, - Cz-ch-.7'. SC: Monthly Index of Fast i~urojean Accesnions ~ -. Al) LC, V-)l . -, no 1, Ja~,. I P JEJULT, VUdimir, dr. PIAWAW building material transportation, Doprava no.4:300- 303 63. WIDLY, Zdenek; BOHM, F. EMNARIMMMINOMMAD'ah" Telegram of the Ctechoslovak AcedemV of Sciences expressing condolences on the death of Generalissimo loolf Vismarionovich Stalin, President of the Council of Ninieters. Chakh.biol. 2 no.10 AP 15). (NIAA 7:2) 1. President Chelchoslovatskoy Airadesdi nauk (for lojedly). 2. Glavnyy sekretar' Chakhoolovatakoy Akademii nauk (for Borm). (Stalin, losif. 1879-1953) yXiMBLY, Z.; sow. F. Telegram of condolence men% by the Czechoslovak AcsAmW of Sciences on the occasion of the death of Oonerallsolm 1.1.8talls, Chalriman of the Council of Ninistere (in Russian and ftlishl. Owkb.fis.sbmr. 3 ao.I: 1.7 Kr 15). MU 7:6) 1. President of the Czechoslovak Acadogy of Sciences (for Nej*dly). 2. general Secretary of the Csochoslovak Akademy of Sciences (for Sore). (Stalin, toelf, 1879-1953) NEJOLY, Zdensk, akademik Statement at the 16th Plenary N*etizLf of the :sochoslowak Academy of Agricultural Sciences. V*stnik CSAZV 7 no.6/7:310-311 060. (Kul 9:10) 1. Pftnistr, president Ceskosl7wenake akademie ved. (Czechoslovakia--Agriculture) Accz=ov im: A?01658o Z/0039/64/023/002/0085/OC88 AUTHORs Sojedlyg Zdansk (Engineer. candidate of sciences) TITIEs A starw-type circulator SOUMi SLd)oprow~y obsor. Y. 23. no. 2. 1964, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: star-type circulator, plane-wave scattering, waveguido ABSTRACT: This article presents the appraximativo theory of the function of a star-typs circulator. This theory is based on the solution of the diffraction problem for a corresponding arrangement of the rjromagnotl.c obstacle. The theory is applied to a four-amad star-type circulator, The restlts are compared with the experiment. Orige art. hass 2 figures and 11 formulav. ASSOCIATION# VyskwaW ustav pro sdelovaci techniku A. S. Porova, Prague (Con- municatiew RmsemTh 1wtituts) SURKITT01 194MU3 DATE ACQ& 267eb,64 ENCLj 00 SUB COESS GE NO REP SOV 1 000 OTHER& 007 Card 1/1 if NEJEPINSKr. Milos, Ins. Propulsion of rML amd 370L aircraftse "tvodaj VZLU ne.1:41-43 162a NFbjIFjjGKj,--)g4q-m~ ins. Drives of aircrafw with shart or vertical take-off and 1"ing. Letooky obsor 7 no.2:50-51 F 163. PHASE I BOOK Z"WITMCP C2M,7B/566o A., Engineer, and Kiliwl&v V1k, Engineer, Reap. IMA. V 0 !'Jj!WAL~ & kovW v CSSR a SSHR; souganny stay a perspektivy rozvoje (S-.amping and Forging in th" ChSSR anti USSR; the Present State and Pro-jpe-ts for Development) Prague, SNTL, 1961. 337 P. U50 copies V-Lated. The ImLrt "UsOVI~d Q, IEOV&d v SSSR" trwwlated by A. WeJejea. N *wAging Ed. for Literature on Keehan1cal InginoerIng and. Chief Ed.: Ote, Kr" ; Tech. Ed.: Jiff Appl. P,~FJIWX: This collection of articles is intended for those interested In advanced pressworking methods. 'c7iMAM: The present state of the stmalpine and forging technologies in ,he ChBOR and UWM Is discussed. The first part, vr1tten by Csecho- ;IcrrLk authors, in concerned with the development of metal pressworking technIques in the ChSSR and discusses the production of large forgings, 'ari *r Stemplag and Forging (Cont.) CZWK/5660 e:rt-%-.Alon of metalso stamping of automobIle bodies, and irachanlzation of 4~11 ;1&--te. The second part Is written by Sariet specialists, and die- cuss*e die forging in presses, upsetting, forge rolling, stowng, ax- tr,jAica, crossrolling, and forging on hydraulic pressesP crank presses, an4 drop hammers. No personalities are mentioned. Reftzknces accompany var-touA chapters. There an 47 references (mostly Czechoslovak.) in the ftxnit p%it; the second part ca2tsins 91 references (&U Sawiet.) i'ORTENTS: STAMPING AND FORGING IN INX ChSSR q- ~,v.#T.t of the Metal Presswor)zing Technology In the ChSSF (Frenti;ek Professox, Engimeer, Doctor) 9 W,sirg Large Forgings (Va"cl&v Kr&uA, Engineer] 18 Vims&iumi.-Steal Forgings of Turbogenerator Rotors (Jiff Navik, Engineer, P 17 J.4x 1 42 C FL-74 2117 NEJEPSA, ROBERT Mejop.9a, Robert PrIklady z prumosti. (Vyd. 2.) Praha, Statni pedago icko nakI., 1952. 103 p. (UeebnI texty vy9okych skol) Examples of elasticity. Diagrs.l SO- Konthly List of East European Accessions, L C., Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1954, Uncl. -obe t Zmerty nApr-nvcrich tlak~ lokomotiv it zC+orov:.,&. voz,~ ~-~ :--c,. ( 1. V-.~' . , :1 ri, hij , k3 . Ceskoslovenske akndeude 7-~d, 195?. 1,)l p. ( -es k c~~ I ov, n5 ki. ki, lprie ver'.. ickcn t.13chrAckn) ('-'Kwires of nxle loi,.'B n lor.--otivIln, ne 0,01of ver.1clo'.9 of' t.r,e 1:~c, T-c -Ype. 1st e?. nFlish, ~re-vti, nnd -lu!~sljn - I t,1 . , iij,if-rs. ) SL: Winthly list of 'iist Furopean .,ccesslc)!is, (1--EAA--, LC, I:u,. , ( . , 711ne lf)5t t Lncl.