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IZCHITAY W . N., mayor. Sow advice on methods in the tactical training of a tank platoon. Vaen.vest. 36 no.2:29-32 F '56. (KLRA 9-8) (Tank warfare) NECHITAYLOV, M., podpolkovnik Rocket which does not burn out. Starsh.-serzh. no.2:)2-33 f '61. (MIRA 14-7) (Electronic apparatus and appliances) (Targets (Military science)) Irr.CHITAYlDVtV.A. Necrotic changee in the bone narrow tn acute laucoses. Probl. gemat. iperel. krovi 4 no. 10:32-40 0 159. (MBIA 13:8) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (Nachallnik - prof. A.H. Chistovich) Voyenno-moditainBkoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni.S.M. Kirova. (?OJiRC)W-IW,CRWIS) (:~ELTYEMIA) NNHITAYLW V.A., otarshly inzhoner-loytenant Important task of an -vtomobile repair control station. Vast. protivovozd. obor. nt.6:iO-52 Je '61. (MIRA 11,:8) ~,'U,dar, i- ilitary) NEGHXTAIWVI- T.A, -- HYPOrPlastic processes in the bow marrow in acute leukemias. Arkh.pat 21 no. 11 r73-78 159, (KIRA 13 & 12) ?LBUKMIA) (KARROW) DROZDOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyovich, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; HECHIUYLOV. -Viktor Vlad ., assistent; KOPYLOV, Vladimir -Tv~virh, 6-ta;-SHU laborant, inzh. NonlInear netvorks containing steel used for the relay protection of a.c. locomotives. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; elektromekb. 5 no.1; 55-61 162 - Cdi--A 15-~) 1. Dekan elektrwwkhanichesko 0 fakullteta Novocherkasakogo politekhnicheskogo inBti tuta ~for Drozdov). 2. Kafedru elaktricheskikh stantoiy, setey i siatem Novocherkassirogo pol-itek-hnicheskogo Instituta (for Nechitaylov, Lopylov). (Electric locomotives) NECHITAYLOV, V.V.; KOPYLOV, V.I.; TSOKANOV, V.V. Study of the protection system of the power nf~twork -,! *,r.e N-if" a.c. locomotive. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekn. I rr,.,: 205-210 162. (:,GRA ",:-1) (Electric locomotives) NE)CHITAYLOT, Viktar Vladimirovich, assistent Study of the porformance of a nhort-cirvult protection system of an a.c. locomotive. Izv.vys.uchob.zav.; alektroackh. 5 no.10:1160-- .1167 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kafedra elektricheakikh stantaiy, setey i sistem Novocherkaaskogo politakhnicheakogo inotituta. (Electric locomotiveo) (Electric protection) MIKHAYLOV, Vladimir Vladimirorich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; NECHITAYLOV, Viktor Vladfairovich, inzh. Blocking induction relay for increasing the eenritivIty of the start components of dietance-t7pe protection systems. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromakh. 6 no.12:1373-1379 '63. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra elektricheskikh stantsiy, setey I sistem Novo- cherknoskogo politekhnicheskopo instituta. MIKHAYLOV, V.V. , krmd. tmkhn. nauk, dotsent; NECHITAYIDV, V.V., inzh. Analyals of methods for increasing the sensitivity of the starting devices of distance-type protection systems. lZv. Yys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.7:1-6 JI 165. (MIRA 18t9) 1. NovocherkaBskly politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. ProdsA-vlena kafedroy alektricheakikh stantsly. .1. . :.- I . . . I : . I .. . I . .. . .1 1 1 : . .W, 'I ~ ., :, . . . . : I . . . . . 1!1-1 1 ( ,. : 1 ~ , I[ -- ., - * .7, , . - . , - . Xlflri * : I . . ... . . . . NMITCHI G.P. WHOMMUMOMMA" Technic of obtaining naftral. condensed. and combinod with placental tissue placental fluid; therapeutic results. Bull.Acad.serbe sc., cl&sse mod, 11 no.2:3-8 1954. (TISSUN THWUN. placental extracts) (nAMMA, extract@, ther. use) brECHITI. G.? ing.; MUMUIX, Gh.; TOPEC1, Gh. from the experience of the maLgament organization of the Gherla District, Cluj region. Rev Foodezie 7 no.2-33-45 163. 1. O.R.P.O.T. Cluj. AUTHOR; ~xechkhayev,-w-.1, Engineer SOV/122-58 6 8/29 TITLE: Machining of bpherical burfaces by Yeans of ra,-e-mij..iing Vutters (Obrabotka sharovcy poverkhnosti. metLlcm tortscvogo frezerovaniya) PERIODICAL-. Vestnik mashinostrcyon-1ya, 1958, ar 8, p r13 ~USSR) ABSTRACT: The normal practi.:e in machliAng of spherical surfaces kboth concave and convex) is to employ the depth gauges or some copying assemblies. These, horever are liable to result in distortion of the geometry of the surface ,m new method, employing fa:e-mililng cutters, Las been developed by Yuzhne-Ural'skly mashinostroite.'nyy zavcd (South Ural Machine Plar-t) and this a.16ws achieving a greater accura,,-,y of the machining and at the -zame time gives geometri:aliy-true~ spherisa~ surfaces. TLhe method is based on the fact that the interse~:ti:;n c~f an~7 plane with the sphere gives a ( as the 'brace, as shown in iigure 1, where a and b are the p-ints of intersection of two suzh circles Wlth the netation of tY.e fiizure the radius of the sphere is- R = Id sin OL Cardl/2 2 2 6CV/i2? 58-8 16/29 Machining of k;pherlcal burfa-,es by Means of Yace-mil_inrF ~'ut'ers Suppose now that the circle of diameter d 16 the trace of the mill'.ng cutter and the 71r,^Ie of diameter 1) the trace of the point of Interse-tion a or t cbtaliied as the result of the rotation of the workpiece spindle (see Fig-are 2), then after a fuli revclution cf Ule work spindle kwith the -.utter rotating all the time) a spherical surface is obtained, where AA Is the axim of the work spindle, BO Is the axis of rotation of the cutter's head and 0 Is the angle of inclination of the cutter to the axis of work spindle. vepending up3n the angle 0 either a 8pherisal belt or a spherical 6ector is produced. Figure 3 shows an example of such machining and represents the main body of a crusher Tests with polishing of spher- ical surfaces employing a cup-shaped wheel gave good results as well. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 - - W ta !'orT;t_nc- WAN, B.P.; OIKS, G.N. [Oyka, G.N.]; KUDRIN, V.A.1 RECIRIN, I.M. [Nechkin, LNO) . Influence of hydrogen concentration in the final Martin slag on the variation of hydrogen content in the metal during the discharge and temmlng. Analelo metalurgle 16 no.2131-)5 Ap-Je 62. i ,IIi EgMED, D.I., inzhener; MICMN, N.G., manter. Sulfmr removal during are boiling. Stall 15 no.1:37-41 Ja 155. (Seel ting) (Iro*--Nst&llurd7)(9UlI'ur) (KIRA 8 15) S/ 1 -"0/6( )/("/" A006/A001 AUTHORS Deyneko, D, I , Nechkin, M. G , Nazarov, K S 'Il"LE: Pattling of N#:w Bottoms on Largp-Capa-,"y Op,~n Hpar~.h F~'mar--5 PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1960, No. I!, pp. 20-23 TEX"-: In the repair of oper, hearth flirriaces high-spe,-~d fettlIng has been developed by inerimasIrg the thickness of the fettled layers from 20 - 25 to ur tr. IW mm. On the basis of experimental investigations, high-speed fettling of nAw bottoms of large-capacity furnaces A and B was cay-ied out by shop Sfrior Masqt-r M 0 Np,,hkln of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. "Ekstra" magn,~stte powder, roasted dolomite, mill scale and open-hearthfurnace slag were thsa materials used. The heat load of furnace B was by 3 million kcal/hour h1gh,-?r than that of furnace A, and the bottom of furnace A was fe-.tlgd Ir five lay'Rrs whereas that of furnace B was fettled in six layers. On the basis of tm,? :~xp~rl- ment performed the following recommendations are given: The Initia.1 and ftn&l layer should be fettled with pure magnesite powder and the Interreediatt layers with a mixture of magnesitt^ powder, scale and open he&-th furnace slag. The latter may be substituted by roasted dolomite which -equir-s a higher amount of Card 1/3 3/130/60/000,/') 1 1/1J05,110 11 A006/AO01 PettlIng of New Bottoms on Large-Capacity Open 11f*arth Furnaces scale. ScorificatIon of the bottom masonry must te made with vale which penetrates, due to Its grPater fluidity, Into the profound layers of thr. masonry and fIlls In all the pores and seams prevent-Ing the penetrat-'or of cas-t Irnn ~r metal. Only after the masonry has been completely saturated with liquid scale. scorifliation of Its surface with open hearth slag may be started. The fInal thick layer of magnesite powder (LOO mm) Is gradually penetrated du-ing thd4 first melts after fettling. To preserve this layer, it is zrecessary to fettla on It a thin layer of roasted dolomite which when connected to th~* uppc!- cortion of the magn,-isits layer produces a strong external crust which prctects the thIA layer from rupture and floattng-up. The fettled layer should be- scorl."Ied only with scale sinee the upper layer becomes porous when scorified with slag. Th--a heat load during the fettling process should not be too high. The ln,ir!iase Ir, the thickness of the layer attained (100 mm) Is not an extromal value. The investigation of a further Increase In thickness of fettled laygre is Imp.~,-atlve as well as the reduction cf the total amount of layers. The experiments performed showpol that the use of thp high-speed fettling mathod reduoed the duration of Card 2/3 S/ I 3Q/60/0w/(, I A006/AOOI FAttling of New Bottoms on Large-Capacity Oper. klear-.h Purmaces fettling by 3 to 4 times producirg high durability. There are 2 figures. ASSOCTATTONi Magnltogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Maginitogorsk Metallurgl-. c&1 Combine) Card 3/3 KOZHANOV, M.G.; NECHKIN, M.G.; ANTIPIN, V.G.; PGNOMARF.V, Yu.fu. Rapid fritting of new bottoms In large-capecity oper, n &,r-n furnaces. Metallurg 7 no.9:13-15 3 '62. 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kambinat. (Open-hearth furnace s-Mal n ter Fv- -e ar~ r-psill- I;fk , -,. , " - '. ; b . . .. I . .. KUj)RIjj, V.A.. kand.tokhn.nailk, dotsent; TMIN, Te.I., lnzh.: UVrUVTU Tu.H., inzh.; ARROSIMOV, Te.Y., kftnd.tekhn. milk Snelting of bull-bearing steel in acid open-hearth furnaces. Izv.vys.ucheb.sav.; chern.met. no.6:35-46 Je '58. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Moskovskly institnt stall. Rokomendovano kafedroy metallurgit stall Moskovskogo instituta stall. (Open-hearth process) (Bearine metals) 41 A C Ti-): d r 1~ i , 'I. A. r 'ITIE: An Efficient Dejxi F1,1111,9CCG( R11 LS i ) r1hIIf-,'LL, 1151- nikovuy stali v i%islj,~!. ERICDlUAL: 1 C. A3STR-V'! T 1, i 8 1, a C i r! t r.'L. i t I j C v SL eltirl, A- Stal, , 195'( t a t. eir ex erience Lai,,,,ed . --jble:; by the VIS (Moscov; 17 t t e c1 :cr -1 t ic nith the Uetall il It- was found ti.L~ t!.e 6erved Eftp.- i' i ..a.- a substaritial e r,~- flaished metal (F- ;i-e I T~ c C.,IC4U,~: 4:. I._ f.,~ "Drd SC V/ 1 77 An Efficient Dcoyidl: A C t imui.. r e s i i 1,c - e I - ~ ~ 1 - --(--/, Mco-calciu:-, (F'- -irc- C i' ncr e Lt t; e d a-: " d t c ):A.amina t io r, j m '7 f i,~ I r e-, ~i.eie are 11 ASSOCIATICII: Llloskovskij I, ~tee 1--De( xi ili* i- ii C-ir " ?/2 AUTHORS- TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/ 13C/60/,~,4y 6/ 1 Kudrin, V. A., Nechkin, Yu. M., Tyurin, Ye. j., Abrosimov, Ye. Experiments on Compressed-Air Blow of Metal in Acid -pen `ieart:-~ Furnaces d Metallurg, 196G, No. 6, pp. 17-18 TEXT- Blowing of the metal pool In open-hearth process may be succe3st',j_y performed by replacing oxygen by compressed air. To revea' the special feature3 in the technology of steel melting In an acid furnace with blowing of tne Too-', a number of melts using compressed air, were performed at one of the 'Jral ;~Ian-_-- The experiments we 5e made on 85-ton acid open-hearth furnaces with a hearth surface of 27-28 m and 860-mm deep metal pool; blast furnace ga.s/11n,i mazu*t were used an fuels; the tests were carried out on 0-15 (3LIn~l )Atee. with limited silicon reduction, The bubbling time was 2-3 hours, Iron tubes Dif 1 inch in diameter and 4-6m length were employed for the blast. The preis"Ire of compressed air was 4-6 atm. and Its consumption was about Changes in the composition of the metal and the slag of one experimental sme'.' are given in n graph, It wna ontablimhed thnt n1r b1n.9t employed for, an tlcl~j open hearth pool increased the burning-out rate of carbon up to Card 112 3/130/60/OuQ/G06/0(jt,/(_ i i F-xperiments on Compressed-Air Blow of Metal in Acid Open-flearth Furmaces caused a sharp Increase In the metal temperature during the blast and reduced the time of bubbling without impairing the metal quality. Blowing of the poc' eliminates the use of scarce pure iron ore with respect to P and 3 content and the contamination of the steel by alumina. The described method reduces the period of the passive pool state prior to active bubbling. There are I grapn and 1 table, ASSOCIATIONt Monkovskiy institut stall (Moscow Steel Institute) Card 2/2 KbDRII,P V.A.; OYKS, G.R.; SUROKIN, S.P.; GLUSHTSCV, M.V.; NAM, B.P.; LAPSFOVI, M.P.; YUDSGI-,'-r.-r.,-P-EThENK0, G.D.; ADRIAMOVA, V. P. Smelting high-grade steel in open-hearth f'Lrnaces fired with natural gas. Stall 20 no. 7:599-602 Jl 6o. (MIRA 14:5) (Opon--~earth furnaceo-Equipment and supplies) KUMIN. V.A.: RECHKIN-.--- Tu.H.; TYURIN. Te.I.; AMOSIHOV, Te.T. Dete-m"ning the contamination of the ShKh15 steel W noumetalll~ oxide inclusioas. Zav.lab. 26 no.6:732-733 160. (NEU 13:7) 1. Koakovskiy Institut stali. (Steel-Metallography) (Oxides) AMORS: Kijdrin, V. A.. Nernkin, Y,,.M Tjurln, Yp, I ;~r,r ~z'm v. YP T ITLI Technology of arld open-hearth smelt inv, PERIODICAL: R e f e r av n y y z h u rn a I . M r! t a I ~ u r K I y it , n o . I I , 1. 1~;,. a f, F t r ~i I I V 2 29 V s b . : " N r, v r, y P -j t e r) r I I i p r a k t I K e p 7- z - v: imar! Pn,~,/Sr, stal I Mosrow, Metal lur-g! Zdat , V#') I , ?'),I - _J~ ~ D! z -~ 41., TM: Under normal ,~peratlnn f ar. avicl ,pen-hearO, !'~Irna, P 0111~1 charge, the slag composit !(-,n Is regulated by I he fet' ' Ing - f th- r!-. a, f, dently of the type of the pro,:esi, an(.' ho 'harve , rmposl t 1, -)r. I ar,* the s' ag I s det em, I ned 1,y ! hp qua i I ty f ~ he fpt tl 1 nF, FLrMMs r, -nargp and deperids malmy upr)r, the Mn , f trie the charge Increases, br)th wrien ,per-at Ing with rpverzit t,- ~In! without It, the quantity ,f slag Increases sharply. Thins, ih-r. stir- Mr. 1,r., e~.' the charge In 0 .3 - 0. 41, t he quant I t y -)f s! ag aft4~r I ne me: ng -,,-jn3l for 1.2 - 1.4% Kn content the quantity if slag ln~-rr-ases ip 1, - - . from the fettling is expended in the s1agging )f ~he MnO, an-j t.-,s 'r, -~pe7-atirx without reversible slag, up t. the moment -,f rneltAng tnp -I ir Card 11/ 2 Technology )f acid open-hearth smoltirig, A(_#,, /Al- 1 of 40 - 50%, of the mat.erial f the furnaoc neart.n ~Lnd walls I -) ~ ~ ~P , -i i r) q -04 11 reversible slag this figure Is redu,ed *.-, I(_, - 101'. Trie exper,,1,j-,r- )f na r,7 ! - j: materials is also reduced , orrPsF,,)n(IInp,1,j. The presen,,e -f , .-~ - , , 4 1 r~ *n- charge promotes the prodii-t 1()r, :)f Wal wIlh i (-)WeT si rq, , ,Trpurl ' i -n~ Pn' and a higher Mn content Is Inexped!ent qln,.e P leads I-, ,n In.- :r,, *np q,j%, Ity of slag and oorrespondingly vo an Increas,- in the expendi',,ro " r!l,l r materials and the burn-off of Mn and Fe. A Pirl.ner Ir,-rease ,.r .7l') .~.r'ew 1r. the slag during the process of ebu- 'I'llo,i ocews as rpsli' .-f th- ri'-d i I )n from the heart.h and Its oxidal i,)n a, ~.he metal -s,' aj~ I:-), Prf-a,e as ~ i [.~, ~- E-1 r)y the experimental data as 1~o 1-nu pre5en-e of a gr~td, en, In ne 7 1, -r.1 r al a-z a function of the vat depth. An I,v:rpase In ron,eril. 'he F:aF ,cads a reduction in the flaldity -,f tne an,i ~r.p ra- -A 'T. rp -)P the furnace ttirougn the .9,j7 Irl- 'r,~ m-, Dy ~Ivity of the slag and tne r~xila* !,~r. rate -If !ne mg j rate from the hear+h. The !yp(- --f -ie pr,,,~ess has a considerable effe-t jpcr. ~.Iip f P upc-n the proress of *heir e1.m1na*. r.. ~Abstrar-er's e' r -ins Y Ca rd d ~ NMp B.P.1 OUS, G.N.; KUMIII, V.A.1 NI)CHKINS YU.M. ftetare determining hydrogen content in finished steel. Izv. vys. ucheb, sav#; cbern. met. 4 no*7s55-61 161. (HIM 14:8) 1. Koskovakiy inatitut sts.1i. (Steel-Hydrogen content) KAMP B.P.; OYKS, G.R.; KUDIRIN, V.A.; NECHKIN, Yu.M. Effect of hydroj~en concentration in final open-hearth furnace Glag on changes in hydrogen content of the metal during Its tapping and pouring. 1zv.vya.ucheb.zav.; chern.met. 4 no.9: 54-58 961. (MIRA 14slO) 1. 1~bskovskiyinatitut stali. (Steel-Hydrogen content) (Slag-AnalyBis) KIJDRIN, V.A.; NAM, B.P. Acowlerating open-hearth furnace operatio". Metallurg 8 no.5' " W 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Open-hearth furnaces) NECHKINg Yu.M.; KUDRIN, V.A.1 YAVOYSKIY, V.I. Effect of the basicity of open-hearth furnace slags an the ir tendency to foam. Isv. vyw. ucheb. say.; chern. met. 7 no.3t 53-56 164. (MIRA l7t4) 1. Moskovskiy Institut stall i splav4q. KUTDRIN, V.A,, A FGN! KCA, ,'~ M.,NECHKIN, Yu.M.,, SOROKIN, S.P., 7UPIN~ Ye.l., :-A~C-!IOVA, M. P. Ye.S. F,f~rfurman,e -~' ~, ~,) +or open-heartli ftrnace w~,!n a ro-,f tas and oxygen irg 1 6 nc. ' : U J~ ja '6). (M:F,A -8:4, NZIL-Al E ~ 1*1 0 - Y . The 1;.w of' hy-Iraulii similtude nf water turbirier. P.33. Casopis. Brati.-!Icva. Vol 3, nc,. , IM) SO: Month ly I 1!:t of EaFt ---UrL)pe an Ac,ee.- J Drf, (EKAI ), LC, Vo I. L, .17, . 0c0 'Tune 1955, Uncl. HECHLZ-1%0 M. NSupplamentary Calculations on Visnegradkil's Diagran an.; Its Application to the FtegLlation of Water Turbines.* p. -F-7 (S7ROjIHNSTVI, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1953) Praha Czechoslova~ia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1954. Unclassified. 11--'ClaEBA, M. Kaplan turbinrs of Czecho-nlovak make for 56-meter pron-mrr, hPAHS. p. EP6. STROJIMISTVI, Prague, Vol. 4. no. 12, Dec. 1954. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (7yAL) . LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. E . .~E;HLEBA 0 fiDavalopment of High-Presaure KapLan Turbines." 1). 3, Vol. 5, No. 1, 19~d., Bratislriv~, ;zechoalowar ;&, SU: Monthly LiBt of Fast European Accessions, (i:.,L), ~C, Vol. 4 No. 5. May 1955, Uncl. "EC-11U,tAj1- 11- Effect of the cutoff time on stability of rcgulatinn of water tur Ines. p.l. iiCZ?FuIV-Y, RALA TECIINICKO-VEDECKA. 11raha. vol. 66, no. 4, 1956. .Sr,_,,RCEL-: LEAL b. Val. r No. 10 (--t- 1956 -'A Ne-~tiieba, Kl-i-av, Dnv~r,-, Erwllne,~r, Fr,,- A,.:iiqmy r-f Lau--ea to! -,f -.ries S -,a F- I -11~ I~no Higher Tf---.hnt-.,ai In Teor'p lndlrektn~ --v -1. - - - nr,-y of Indirect Regu- at,lon of 3pooo) i - 1 -4,-, ~ J, Vri 3 T) Pska' matl.~~,, a 1 ') 3,-, L 3' ~ Erral;;i -111r. R(-v',PwL-r: I Ghlpbovmk~; Englne,~ - a n ,i c.- T r 1,, 1 Managing FA. for IA%pr,a:;,ire or Mf, -,Alenr!k Hl~vka, PURP()SE: W t, 7,klri =,r r., C' 0 W,R A ri, h water turhinr.4. Lb,' I 1-1 Carr] 1//',, Thenry (Conr.. '14 4'~ K.nvprnr)r arr- 1 rr-aentpd, a K. 1~a,i ~;tudy Ih4- of thp varlatlnn nf a 4j; n F r %.ur. tr per rn-Lnizl;- tin .-.' r,~-aft eff-c~ of Water Irpr%.ILa in w-,,';~.,r I !~he effect; rf steam expar- -~,Ino-,A arp inn.:;I-larfd. Bion behind "tie ~r,r';r-I u, - Thm grarh-t,~ w,~t 'ho i rn r-f ntrablltt.y and of variable apini-..j ~ ; li'i 'i lip ~. 1,-!m#- r t PI by fin artlc!,~ ~sarrlnv '.I.w t-.. 'j C, Ii; U tanks in wa tr-~ - %u--~,Ir. -t,i '-r control of I 7ind TABLE OF ~'ONTEX'-S: Preface List of Mo3t Intrndw~tlrn C ard 21 , Theory (Cont.) C, ZF,~' , H/',- 4'j) I . General Desr-,rlptlon of Il. Assumptions and Fundamen*;--C- A. Main aasumptionii B. Time constants C. F~Ind,3.,r-ntal Pq'I'ItInn 117. Appliratt-r 1;no- F~-,,I IV. Dlr-~~t V. The Indirpil; R^gulator Wl~hrjtj'. ~~omnensating V1. Th,~ In,11'r--t ff,~giilatnr W'-,."'~ V11. The lnfluo-r-o~ of n)3,4f.~.4 7'--n3 anl Genera! Device ;Jron Regulatlon VTII. Tho~ Influpnis% of T4-m- Card 3/7 Theory (Cont.) Z R3 H IX. The Influen(,,~ nf Inpen ~-3 -If the Governor tTnrn Rpqril.-.tion, X. The Rmgulatnr With X-1 The! jnf lliprr! e (-)f Fn 1 !,)q- u,, S tabi 11 ty XII. Ths~, Aptrlrd!,~ Reguiatt,~r KIII. Self -reguIatt -)n XIV. The Re~pjlatinn of 'da%- r XV. RegulatLrn With '-hz A-J(1 (-,I F- )f Inertia XVI . Regulatir-n Damptng ~y XVI I . Damping a r-1 Cr,rrpi r-. q vly Diagrrtm Card 4/,T ""imory ~Cont. C ZECH/2 4 ~4,~4 MIJ. Meanures for Meeting Permanently Aggravated Conditions for Water Turbine Regulation 1)-3 XIX. The Regulation of Steam Turbines 200 XX. The Step-by-Rtep Vector Representation of Regulator Equations. Determination of Stability by Nyquist's Method 211 XXI. The Infl4enie of r1lot Valves Upon Stability X)U 1. The Total V,-ctor Reprei3entation of Regulation K)UII. The Transfrrmation of the Stability Region in the Gauss PlanR :-)41 XXIV. Fundamprl.a.'LB of the Application of Frequency Response CurvPS 2V 1- A. The frequenc.-y characteristic 247 B. The frequency characteristic and the transient function 252 C. Stability --,riteria 25Y Card 5/7 Theory (cont. CZECH, '14 XXV. The Frequency Characteristic of Water Turbine Supply Pipings XXVI. The Regulation Stability of Water Turbinos Taking Into Acenunt the Elasticity of Water and Piping XXVII. Influence of the Closing Time Upon Water Turbine Stability XXVIII. Solutions of Nonlinear Events XXIX. Speed Regulation From the Point of View of Electric Alterna- tors Working in Parallel XXX. The Stability of Surge Tanks XM. The Autopow-1c Steam Turbine Regulation Acted Upon by a Number of Parameters 3 _j Card 6/7 ,rheory (Cont. ) Bibliography List of the Most Important Formulae 1. Subject index C ZEC H/2 4 9,) -J-.i f7, ' 3-114 381 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (T4 -C42) r.K/.J t Card 7/7 11 - 1 ,,, - - , 1, Li AU -1,110"Li Czech !'I TLE: The Tur) i ne o f K - i I ~i n Nauka i zhi:-.n' N r "'i -~7:? -.CT: Phe , icle de:~crite6 v ri -tde-bl~.~ le-, i Ch ;c ;.,I: I r, ar* al ter turbine!;. It tl.c!n j- iv,~3 -~urvr--r ')n th,. c,-ivit-~tiun problem in po*aer-~,-en-~r tin.- Uni".1*1 Czech-made K-jpl-in %riter t-urrbint~s a opo::~te -it tl-r~ k'-11 ipy) -1-" ~59,'100 h,-jd surpas, er'. m, tl, -i ci,,,'-ci* f ':v -I he-id rf 71 1,-1 t,-, !,C- i n . ~Ll leti at t, e - r1 i k.-,k-.~ ~ , -' ' k t~,e con7~t--~ction of which is under --may. 1'he article also iaentions 1'rofeosor (Ijoviet scieitist), LaLor-itor~.- in Blarisko~ -,Lt. 2here irc. 4 ~.s :n,. 1 -c emy ~-'rd 1/1 .WZHLEBA, Miroslay The water flow in spiral casings of nydroturbines. Acta techn Cz no.2:111-123 '60. (EUI 9:8) (Hydraulic turbines) q4 0,6- , - x- i - ~: 6 'P4, (0 V'OrRT-L'RA Miroalav 11fachleba. K.J. prof. --:i~ High-pressure hydraulic turbines. Nauka I zhyttia 10 no.5:60-62 vq 6o. (KIRA U-7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Chekhoslovakii. (Cshechoglovakia-Hydraulic turbines) a W--M -- M - Im!ch 0 M. 1 7 j. Deterodnation of the forces of an accentric whirl acting on a draft tube. Eniergomashinostroenia 9 no.4:22-26 Ap 163. (MA 16:5) )I 1. Chlen4rrespondent Akadamii jw0k Chakhoolovatakoy Sotsialisti- cheskoy Respubliki. (Hydraulic turbines) NECHLEBA --KIrolsav SYMPOSIUM of the United Nations Organization on the carrying of peak loads In pover generating systems. Vest CSAV 72 no. 4:514-117 163. 1. Corresponding me-ber of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. NXCHXIRXTA, Ye.M., otvetotvonayy za vypusk; KAOTKIN. A.Te.. takhnicheekiv [Manual for students entering railroad transportation Institutes] Spravochnik dlia postupaiushchikh v tekhnikunW sheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Moskva. Goo. transp. zhol-dor. Izd-vo, 1956. 51 p. (KLHA 91l0) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoys upravlontye uohobnyal sovedentyant. (Rai lroads--XW loyses-Aducat ion and training) iTtl aw __Acc Nits- ATS033949 V4100000S100010001035110336 AUTHORs' . . . . . . . . . . OROS Now TITLE: Determination of yeacly 800 (allouts in the Polar region$ (ran its content In seasonal layers of ice and firm on the glaciers of Franc Jocef Land mid Sever- naya Zemlya. SOURCB: Nauchnays konferentsiya po yadernoy meteocologii. Oboinsk, 1964. Itadioak- tivn"e isotopy v stmostere I Uk Lopollsovaniye v meteocololiL (Radioactive Lsoto. pes In the atmosphere and their utilization in meteorology); doklady konferentail. Moscow, Atomlzdat, 1965, 351-356. TOPIC TAGSt roMoactive fallout, radioactivity measurement, strontium, snow, precipitation If, ~- 90 ABSTRACTs Yearly flilout naumitudes of Sr in the Arctic were studied as a cont- ribution to the global picture of Sr' distribution.-We-problen posed by direct 11 -by determinations of radioac- measurements In frequent polar b1izgg~" tivity concentration, C, (wisromicrocuries r liter) In the retained layers of ow and ficn. The product of Sr"pqj concentration, C, by3the amount of precipitation, H, in millimeters* yields the the fallout as C.N. lo- millicuties/ko. The zone of fLrn in Frans-Joseph [AM and In Severaya Zemlya is found at an altitude of 400 meters. Card 14 UDC.- None L 14o5i.66 ACC NRs ATS023949 Above this attitude the layer of (Rilen snow does not fully thaw out and all the St 90 deposited with the precipitation or in a dry way remains In the layer. The yearly layers of firs have Ice layer demarkaftons allowing Identification and evaluation. The sampling was done at the bits of the glacier cupolnby sawing out and melting the yearly layers between two parallel trenclhes dug 30 on. apart. The melted samples had a volume of about 20 liters. The latitude range of geographical sample coordina- tes was 790400 - 810451 K. Latitude, The longitudes ranged between 580001 and 60036 for Franz-Joseph Land and 960301 and 960421 for Severnaya Zemlya (Hast)e The years covered were 1936-1963 with some gaps for some places of sampling. From the results obtained it can be men that the fallout data are quite consistent when expressed as the amount of radioactivity per aquareghilonetex, per millimeter of precipitation. It to concluded that the content of Sr In the yearly fire layers on glacier cupo- las in the Arctic can adequately characterize fallouts in the surrounding regiogg. The results obtained fit satisfactorily certain U.S. fallout measurements (19 SOU in 1960 soile, Kasl-117,, 1961. U,K, Doeum, AAC 82 G/L 856). The relatively low fallout found in the Arctic does not mapport the hypothesis of preferred fallout exit from the stratosphere in the polar region (the hypothesis is band upon the fact of par- tial absence of the ttopopause during the polar night),orig. art.hass 2 fig, I table. SM OWN% 04, It MM VATEs 26AWS CRIG RM 004 UM ARP: 002 V t7- OCORAUT, B.K., laureat Stallaskoy proull; UTIN. A.A.. lazhoner. redaktor: *ft'b: I.To., redaktar; 1013R. A.M.. takhmichookir rodaktor. (IV work practice in carpenter shape] Not spyt raboty w stellarojith tookhakh no. streital'stys. lsd.2-oo, parer. I dep. Moskva, Gee. Isd- vt lit-ry pe strait. i arkhttekhturs. 1956. 154 p (MIRA 9-6) (Carpentry) N=MMA-ZI_3-X.; KANZHOS. P.M., prof., dok-tor tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.; KRYUGER, Tu.V., red.isd-va; STIPANOVA, B.S.. [Manual for carDenters operating machine tools; work on circular saws] Pamiatka'atoliary-stanochniku; rabota na kruglovilInykh stnnkakh. Izd.2-oo. MosIrva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry Do stroit.i arkhit., 1957. 54 p. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstyennyy institut no rnedreniyu neredovykh metodov rabot i truda v strottellstve. 2. Starshiy Instruktor paredovykh metodov truda po stolyarno-,Dlotnichnym rabotsm Instituta Orgetroy Kinisterstva strottelletva predDriyatly metn1lurgicheakoy i khtnicheskoy promyshlennoett (for Nechunayev). (saws) _gp[T~AYEV, G.I.; ROZHKOV, N.G., red.; ZLOBIN, M., tekhn. red. (A man dedicated to work and creation] Chelovek truda i tvorchestva. Alma-Ata, Kazakbakoe goo. Izd-vo, 1962. 27 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Lakhtinin, Aleksandr Fedorovich) .1101 (Alma-Ata--Agricultural machinery industry-Technolo f1cal innovations) USSR/Iimnan and Animi - N,rml at-2. Pntl-.,l ., lcai. Circulat,ry Systen. DI -1 Vessels. Vs J.)ur Ref Mur BiA., Nj 23, 1958, 105946 Author Nechunayev, L.M. Inst Title The T-)pography )f Intra:iepatic Vessels a1A Bile Ducts af the Ht=n Liver OrIC PUb Kazansk. med. zh., 1958, ND 3, 44-51 Abstract In one hundred specimens of the humn liver (L), it was demnstrated by meaas of diesection, roentGen-)~,Taphy and corrosion, that the pvrtal vein usually divides in the porta af the L under an jbtuse anGle, Intj the rijit and the left branches, which branch )ut accarding to Lnin )r dieperoad type UiriAnC; tvo layere of vessels. The 1,Wer layer supplies the basal aecti.)n )f the L and tl-.o appor its diaphrnC;ntic section. The arteries and the bile ducts (BD) of the lower layer acc-mpanyin6 the veins if Card 1/2 - 12 4, r Bubstantlatiom T o p(,7 humnn liver. NaLoh. mud' i ~31' rusi.(,r NWMSHXIM, A,, nmucbWy sot7rudnik FIrst aid ln mine Injwl". Xast.ugl. 9 no.4:30-31 AP 060. (mm 13: 11) 1. Stallunkly nauchno-imeledovateliskiy institut travostologli. wtopedil I protemiroyanlyn. (Mine accidents) I ,MMMSHKIR. Aa. Designing pipelines. (pipe, Steel) 5troi.mekh.i rasch.soor. 2 no.4:44 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Strength of materials) N-ECHUSHIN, A-1. OaesskoY obl. u1. ~5 A-O~UiL,i, d. 183) Mrcj caae of arti-li,ar .hondromatoijin. 0rtoj,.,Irftvm. ! protoiz. 25 n-,.;. 72 F 164. (MIRA ~Bil, 1. Iz ortupbdichasko o otdeleniya (-av. - A.Ye.Sinfinok) Nikolayevskoy obla3Lnoy boll-iltsy fglavnyy vrach r B.N.Tagcodin). NYCHUSHKIN, 1:' , W . ~ J4 r I ' )'~ . . r' . ,~ R. I - - % , A . :' . lmmlnr~nolijr tx,r pr-atiuro pn guo I r wii mix, irsom . Tzv. r7n. ucheb. viv. r - ',, r . , e : " n, , . . 99 '): ';,4 . (t4-?,A I j2' . . I . Mop k rv 9 ~ I v , r. 5 -,, r, u t no f '-e k ~ 1, m,. - ~,o s o y ~ v s z r-vc- v n romys r~ , , - no m Ll I m, a Ka r, pm i x ft 1, , M, C, Wr)k, r & . (m)/xPY(c)jzW?(j)/T Vc-0'r-4/ft-10 RX t 335 EPAW-2/3*7 ACCES$10N NR: AT5006931 8/2982/64/000/05i/0048/0053 f AUTHOR: gelAlk, F. M. Paushkin, Ya. (Professor); M., Belovt V. F.; Via ako T. P..; Nechusiddn, A.M.; Sokolins a, T. A.; Machus, F. F. T! TLE. The magnetio properties of ferrocene-conMIE!M 221VMers so 51URCM- Moscow.: Institut neftekb1michoskaY I gazovoy promyablennouti. Trudy, no. 61- 1, - 1964 - - Neftekbimiyaq ueftekhimlcheoldye protsessy i neftepererabotka (Petroleum i trochemical, processes and oil refining), 48-53 cbemistry, pa oftne polymer m r 74ec~on "ce TOPICTAGS: ferT agnetic RroRpj paramagnetic resor brommaphthalone polymer, dichio en one polymer, acety1farrocene, hydroxylamine ABSTRACT: 'Me electron paramagnetic resonance, magnetto susceptibility and magnet- Ization of forrocene-containing polymers was determined. The stady covered previously descilbed polymers (DAL Akad. - Nauk V.- 149 no. 4, - 1963) obtained by the tert. -butyl pero)dde'initiated reaction of ferrocene'with -A -bromonaphtbalene In 2:1 (4 and 1:1 (11) molar ratios or of 1:1 molar amounts of ferrocene and p-dichlorobenzene (IM; and poly morB obtained by polycondensation of ferrocene, acetylferrocene and bydroxylamine Card L -33539-65 N&F AT5006931 bLydrochloride or of acety1ferrocene- and bydrovlamineL hydrochloride (V) in the - - presence Of Zinc chloride. The EPR spectra (see Fig.- 1 of the Enclosure) show high Intensity and width, a H, Indicating the presence of strong internal fields. The magnetic susceptibility was measured by a published technique and values for specific magnetic susceptibility and g factor are tabulated. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of 11 Indicated onset of decomposition at 400C. The g factor values, 1. fir,04.0004 Indicate that the forromagnetic properties of the studind polymers are based on the organlo struciure, but the presence of stabilized iron oxides Is not ruled out. OrIg. art, has: 6 figures, 1 table and 2 formulas. ASBOCIATIONI '1wtitut neftekhImicheskoy I gazovoy promysblennosti, Mostow (Petro- chemIcal aM ps Industry Institute) SUBMITT SUB CODE: OC, EM ED: 00 EAXCL: 01 NO REIP SM. 005 OTHER% 002 2/A L U7"-" ENT (1)/ENT (S)/r/EWP(t)/EED-2/0VP(b)/EWA (C) JD ACMSSUN Ws A75013411 UR/M2/64/OW/OD2/Ot33/0l35# %N 165'> AUMMs Be ev, Vq Fes 1kchushkin, A. A __ -- 71-1-11-1.. CM c, resonancO and Faraday effect In certain forritos(24- TMEs Thie bavbv a spinel or garnet strietwe SOUNCEs Mescowo InstItut neftekhImichookoy I gazeway prommysiblemost. Trudy. nee 529 105* Avtomtlka I tolemokmaniks v neftymmy I gazovoy promyshlonnosti (Autsmatic control In the petroleum and gas Industry)# 133-435 TOM TAGSs ferrite,, Faraday offset# ganwtg forromegnotic resonances reems- once, line AMSTR=s Do autbors studied the f*xrommignotic r*a--A and of the Faraday effect In ferrito-oplnel NW forrito-gamot jm!!=talS\-1t am NC* The motbod me described earlier by osio of the authers (To Fo Belov~ Kristallo- graflyap we r# n0& 6V 19W#p, 912). The dismical Composition of the various SPIMIS and garnets mad is given together with the Measured data concerning the saturation mapsetization,, 9-factorg, magnetic anisstropy c4nstant# width of the forromognotic resonance line (as a function of crystal orlentatlen)# and specific polarlzetlem plans rotation angle (as a fenctim of the 4pplIod CardOW tic field)* Ortge art. bees 2 figures arW 3 tables. L 09799-" AOCIESSIOII Ms ATM3411 ASSOCIATIOls Institut mft4kMaldwskoy I gazovey - ardmt, lbeem F&VMY (hwtltuu of the fttml~ owe"try MW Gas Iwostries) 4(k 4,~) C:.. SOMITTEDs 00 ENCLoOO So cams Rug 66 NOW SW s OOL OTHER 002 c,rd 2/2 NF,CIRJYATIOV, P. Ya. Nechuyatov. P. Ya. - *Beneath the syrbol of the struggle for the priorlty of the Fatherland science and techno lo ' (Results of the 1948-49 academic year of the Kirov Forest Technical Institutel, Trudy Lesotekhn. akad. Im. Kirova, No. 65. 1949, P. 13-23 SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 5~, (IAtopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey. No. 25. 1949 1. NECHUYATOV, P. YA. 2. u3sR (6oo) 4. Yatch Industry 7. History of the develorxrent of the 1:us3ian mall.&. industry, P. YA. ';ectuiatov, 7)er. i lesokhim.prom- 2 no. 5, 1953. 9. Monthl List nf Russian Accessi-,,ns, Lltr,iry ,~f Congr--ss, A M Il VEHUYATOV, P-Ya., kandidat ekonoulcheskikh nauk. History of the developisent of the ImseUn match Industry. Der.i lesokhia. prom. 2 no.11:16-18 N 151. (MLRA 6:11) 1. lAningradakays, ordena lanina lesotekhnicheekaya Wmdemlya iment S.K.Kirova. (Natch industry) NBCRUTATOT. P.Ta., kaadidat skonoutchaskikh nauk. from the history of the developsent of a domestic match industry. Der. I losokbim. pron. 3 no.12:19-20 D 154. (WRA 8:1) 11 lealagradgkow ordeas loalas lesotakhnichasimya aimdemiya, im. SA. Kj"va. (YALteA Ladustry) FROMORCRUK, I.S., j,rof.; WN.UU), G.M., dots.; XYTSOV, K.P., ciotf3.; NECIMATOVA.-N.-F., dots.; POPOV, N.I., dots.; SITMINA, D.Ye., MT111, A.G., dots.; SUCHILIFIKOV, N.G., red.; GOSPODL-iSKAYA. T.!:., red. izd-va; a.ECHISECHENA, V.I., tekhn. red. [Econor-ics of the woodworking industry] Donorikn 1(!,.oobrabat3,- va.iushchoi pror!yqhlf-nno:-,i.l. '.o!-I-V,., Goslari-LAmiml,~t, 1961. 3M p. (Mh-A 15:3) 1 o Leningrad skaya ctotoklu.iche,~lknya ukaueriya im. ;.I Kirova (for Frokhorc~u~,, V, Nechuyatova, Popov, Sitkhina, l'itin). 2. Vseso-yLzrK,- zao,hrry: lesotckhnicl:eski~ inotitut (for Strikliulo). (Woodworki. g L-ais'-riezq) NECIMATOVA, Nina-Favlovna; PETROV, B.S., red.; FAKSAKOVA, A.M., red.izd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., (Geographical distribution of the woodworking industry of the U.S.S.R.) Geograficheskoe razmeshchenie derevo- obrabatyvaiushchei promyshlonnosti SSSH. Moskva,, Gos- lesbumizdat, 1963. 286 p. (MIRA 17:2) KOLMIK, A.A.; YWHVALI. I.T. Faftatirg cattle at intercoUeotive farm fattening stations. Yeterinarila 37 noo7tl8-21 JI 160* (KIRA 1612) 1,, lachallnik veterinarnogo Otdela Poltavskogo oblastnogo upraw- lenlya sellskogo khozyaystva (for Kolem2jk). 1. Direktor Poltav- skoy obIastnoy voterinamo-baktoriologichaskoy labc&atorli (for leahval'). (Poltava Proyince-bef cattle-lbeding and foods) KOVA I IV, A.,,., ,,a nd. ve ter! T o~ rp a rip, r (,,mon ifi~3 ir. '.3 rx rll-. 3F 3. - 3 F 1, i. -A - r V y vru KaVa It c r r. a r"a lp : , 1. UkrairSK iy nWiCt.'-C-1 --;SledOv,, te 1 'skiy ns*, : I n, y vet.- r iziar" i f `~,r Y-vit ev . , . ' irem tor c,, ~l tnoy ve ter - - riarno-tviktor.1c lop!cl,e~ Yu 4'abortitorl, 1. ~fur 1.'ortc-rli, 3 . ", iavny-l veterinarr,~:rll, vrar.,. Tlurm-i-vsvo#yo rayona, -'Uin~.l'avseul 'pi b 1A.9 for Brutro'.rs~i-, v~tti rinarn,v- vra rayona :;t.,tnls-',A'is,,oy for Shni t.9f TAB--ONSKTT. T.S., KORNILOT. G.G.. FROLOV. K.D., NZCHVALI , N.V. Iffect of the profile of pipeline routes and specific gra- vity differences of petroleum pro4licts or, their mixing in conRecutive pumping. 36ft. khor. 38 no.6155-61 Je 160. (Petroleum--Trnnsportation) YABI,CNSKIY, V.S.; KWILOV, G.G.; FROLOV, K.D.; NZCHVAL', M.V. Octors influencing the mixing of petroleum &M petroleum products in consecutive pumping. Trudy NIITrananaft' no.ljll8-132 '61. (KCRA 16:5) (Petroleum p4polines-Fluid dynsaics) YABLONSKIY, V.S.; KORNILOV, G.G.; FROLOV, K.D.; NECHVAL', M.V. XLxing of flukda during stoppages in consecutive pumping. Trudy NIITranoneft' no.lsl33-145 '61. (MIRA 160) (Petroleum pipelines-Fluid dynamics) NFfAfVA L ' , M V. ; YABIX14SK ' Y , V .3 . fderea me d j r-,an mixing ;n caniecLtve T,umpnw. :zv.vys.,,cneb.7a7.; n,-,.[ I gaz ~-, no. 12:-,-PC '63. %.MIRA 1':' I. t'fimsk'y neftymaicy Ins'.1tut. I W' ' , M. V. ; '10111 , V , ~ . Do t.f. rmi n I rie tr,(2 v - M*- -,, ti In ~ x '. i:-- -'-I ~, ~'~ -~ ., ~ ., i -, 41 ."- ~- - - '. , - - . 9 p-isfin. Izv. vq. irheb. ; nr,' ' 1 1, 4 -), 1, , . !12:'~) 1. 'll'Imskiy npftyproy Lristitat. 'll - - " I :.-. I "., ..r ., - - ;. *-,. j I I I I I , 1 . 1, .. . 1 1 ~ v - I I . . ~~ , ~, " , I NFC117ATAL, J. Installation for purif~iig wa,;tu water in the food Industry. p. 2M Vol- 59 no- 6, June 1955 VODNI HOSPODARSTVI Praha Sol Monthly List of East Europpan. Acc saions (EEAL), LC, 01. 5, no. 3 Karch 1956 NECHVATAL, J.; STUDYNKA, B. NECHVATALg J.1 SMYNKA, B. Sanitary water-supply projects of engineering in Egypt. p. 235 Temporary instructions for the design of sludge blanket units at water treatment plants according to the VN 11 GS system. (Conclusion) p. 239 Vol. 35, no. 8, Aug. 1956 VCDA TEM'NCLCGT Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession Vol. 6, no. 2, 1957 Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Produ-ts and Their Applicatt-)n Water treatment. S,~,wigo water. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - ',;'htmiya, ?1~ 1, 1959, 1768 Author : Nechvatal J., Stadyrkn 5. Title : Sewage Tre3tment DIants In Swlt7r~rland OrIg Pub: Voda, 1)57, -)rp 1,1,) 1 , Ic -I-) A bstrac t: No abstract. Card 1/1 NECHVATAL, J. TECHNOILOY Periodicalt VODA. V01. 37, no. 11, Nov. 1)51. NECHVATAL, J. Design and construction of modern 3ewerage-treatment pl&its. P. 332. Monthly List of East European Accessiona (91HAI) LG, Voi. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. "TWHVATA L, J. The importance and exporience of test plantp fo- the treatment of sevage and indiist-lal waste wat-rp. 7. 5 CZECHO-SWVAK ffEAWPIDUSTRY. (Ceekoelovcns~a obchodni kcrmora) Pravue, Czechoslovakia. No. 5, 1959 Monthly List of host Mropean AcceEsions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 Uncl. 'MCFVATIAL, J. Sludge d1sposal in wnter-treatment plants. r. 34~'. WON I HOSPODA ~,, 'I V I .D'inister3tvo enervetillcy a vodr",o hosprxiar-1tvi a "Oder~'-a technicka spoleenost pro vodni hosT--dar3tVl' Praha, Czechoslovakia. No. R, August 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) W, Vol. ;I, 1.1o. 11, Uoverber 1959. Uncl. NECHVATAL, JIrI, inz. Fertilizers from digested Blurry and city garbage. Vodni hosp 13 no.7t264-266 163- 1, liydroArojekto Praha. C /-/ V/) 7-1-12 e V/"g POLAWYA. Z.; POPSLEA. S.; TRUHLAR. P.; RMOVA. I.; jMCff&Uj&UJ6.+ PAMWA. V.: ZAXOSM. N.; KRALIX. T.; LZIOCHO P.; NAJKUWA, Z.: MMVWSFT. 0.; KADWAMA, L. Physical therapy In Bechterew's disease. 11. passive exercises. F~rslate west. Praha 32 no.3:72-86 Apr 54. 1. 2 11. kliniky pro ortopedil a detskou chirurgil Karlovy university v Pr"e. pr"nosts, prof. Mr. O.Hnovkovsky. Z vyslrunneho ustavu chorob reumatickych v Praze, reditel prof. KJDr Irr.lanoch. Z fysiatrickeho a Wnsologiskeho ustavu Karlovy university v Praze. prednosta prof. XUDr rr.Lenoch. (SPOMMITIS. ANCTLOSM. therapy exercise ther.) (IMCin THOULPY ancylosing spondylitim) JANBC, J.; 'TJCHVATAIA)IIA, L 7requency of Involvement of various miacle rroizr.9 in nnd its procticel nigni-ficnnce. ActR chir. orthop. trRUM. cech. 25 no.4:112-319 July 58. 1. L. V., Karlovo nnm. 1, Prpha 2. (POL101MLITIS. nhysiology. involvement of vnrioits musr. grouns, -)rpctical tispects 00) NFCI-IT-1-Y , J. "Z. Tueek's Kalpndar sdelovael techni" (Telecormnication Calfndar); a ho6. ruvie,.- p. 120. " S-FLOVACI TFCMIKA. Prt'La, CzechoBlovakia. 7o1. 7, no. 3, Month:y list of F;,st EuroTear, Access~cns (TEA1), :09 VcI. ', No. 6, -!un ~Q, Ticlar, WMVILEj J. WMVILE, J. More on wire potentiometers. p. 2h5 Vol. h no. R Aug. 1956 SDEWWCI 'rWAMM TBCHNOL~)GY Praha, Czec'-oslova)da So: East huropean Accession Vol. (f no. 2. 1957 NECHT LE a J. "Experiences from the repairs of the AVO-M voltmeter." fl. 129. SEDLOVACI TECIINIKA, (14inisterstvo strojiren5tvi). Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, No. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFA.1), LC, Vol. E, No. ~-, August 1959. Uncla. NECHVILE, JiT,_ RNDr. "Radictachnologjr; questionp and answers" by K.Spicak. moview-I by Jlri Nechvile. Sdel toeb 10 no.6&240 Je 16.~.