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(;.,SR/'Kir rob I olog -5 ,.y - hUc.- ),.gal_, 3ms Pathogenic to Hilm is and F An imal s - ALs J~)ar : Ref Zhur - Biol-, No 3, 1g,)8, 9957 tovard the end cf culttvation. The authors consider that for a larger accumulation of antigens the time of Flexner -ulture cultivatioii should be longer that for typhoid CUJLLLres. Card 2/2 PONOMARVA, Natallya Afanaalyevnaj NECHAYEVA, Aleksandra Serf,.:,omA; ChMTKOVA, F.A., red. (Gam, globulin' Gama-glotrulin. Xosk-va, Keditsina, 1961~ 1. 177 p. (YIP-A IP13), PONOMAREV A, N. A,; DUP-4~'()VA, M.N. (d cc efisr-d 1 ; N'Y' ': !!~ . . . " , LORAN, DIJBOVA. V.A. Significanro and pi-ndii-tion :f Indviallb, rrAr~."r.!~ 1* 9 .- -! '- , .' 11 munized aniffolo. Naucl- con, pr(,.zv. b&kt. prfq. lCl.. '. y 1. Moskovsk.y InBtltut va~tsln 1. iyv~rrtok !-m. Kechn~~. %- , ,IVGHARENKO, V.Ye., inzh.; NFCHAYEVA, A.V., inzh. Evaluating the quality of the crishing of oilseeds or their kernels. Haal.-zhir. prom. 29 no.10%8-10 0 163. (MIRA 16s12) 1. 11krainakiy nPlichno-isaledovatelljokly Institut maslozhirovoy promyahlennosti~j, KIRINA. Iqudatla lvaaovne, kandLdst soil skokhosymystvannifth nauk; MOCH413TA B G redaktor; PATUTA. N.M., tekhnicheekty redaktor ~ , t ". - 1 ~-,07.4 [Animal husbandry] ZhIvotnowodstwo. Moskva. Gos. izd-wo sellichoz. lit-ry, 1956. 579 p. (RLIkA 10:4) (Stock and stockbreediag) HIMYIIVA, D., f itopato, 00% Control of p-mauttire housine deteriorution. Zhil.-kcri.khoz. 7r,,!.) no.9:15 S '53. (MA 6-9) 1. Varone%hnku.,,a laboratoriya po bor'be a do-noryLo gribom. (Wollint,,s-KaintenAince and rtr.air USSR/Frm .',nL.clr. Crttlo t-s Jcur I Ruf Zhur - Bi-,l., rl, 8, 11~5&, !1, ~562C .'iuth:r I Y,:A-hcrskiy F., N~chry,,v,~ D. Inat : I~Qt ^Tivon Title t Tho Rcsults (-f th,. rrcss~,ru(.).I'inF -,f tho Elrc"--Ep,.ttf ' '-t- tlu vith the Rod Grrc)-t)v Broo! ')ri,-.- fu~ir. !:h. Sitiri, 1957, 14- ,,, 49.54 Ftrert i In r. rosult -f the cr-t;:Ir.,- f ~Irck-Cj-ttv,-' r ws with th( tulli cf t~,c Ro~ Gcr~)rt,v the vrlv,,- f the firrt -r.! cocond 7criorction hrd r liv,- wuiFht f 2.2-1.7 1--g. I(wjr thr.n the vrlvcjt, cf the Blrck-Sp(-ttc,i crttl.j. The 7ilk pr.- ductirm f cowl rf tho firut ronor-tion v--!, 1,~,cr (5,,'05 k,-.) hut with r hij-hor Crt c ntunt (5.91%) thrn in Pleck-ST(tte-I -1 r la-iF (~,9'1 Icg. -nd 5.57%). The siroz3 ~~f tho firot Fftnor- tirn Frorluce quitc --tisf-ct-ry rni:-!,J-. rf the !-ocnl r,.rurr- ti,,n rnd :iry ~fj u--.~ fcr cr-qr,:.rco~inp, purp,cas. C-rI 1 1/1 UMIR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes, V3getables, ki3low. 14-4 AbB Jour : Ref Zhur - 2i~logiTb, No ij, 1958, 30- 5861Y Author : Nechayeva, E. I* Inat r Par FAstern Agricultural Institute Title : Cucumber Soving With a Coulisse of Corn Or1g Pub ; Byulo Nauchno-tekhn. inform. Dallnevoota n.-I. In-ta a.-kh-, 1957, No 4, 19-21 Abstract : Cucumbers with coulJoisea of corn were etovn in 1955 wA 1956. Cucumbers ofero Eiovn acccrding to the aidus method at distances of 140 x 70 cmi The following average cucumber yield in cvt/ha was obtained over a period of 2 ynars: without counsses 161.5; with coullasea and with ore row of corn - 23".4, with tvo rows - 238& Fruit bearing started at the saw time. The frequency of plant disease due to parasite fungus ins lower by I - 2 points In coulisse plantings. -- E. A. Okorokova Card 1/1 'MC'!A~ cl r.- A. f-rl t17 fr,r rrain on Ti-rivated Land ~n thc, I'oo~~Als of Alrz-At;- ' N- !a ~-, t . 11 Cind Arr All-T',-i on n Acade c &Frr4lciiltural Frir~nc-- irienl Al.-ia-Ata, (Y.1., 'In P, Vir SP- Sum. cer o.' fic "'I at SUMA1, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich, kand. eel 'skokhozyaystv%nnykh nauk; ~NXCH~~wA4,, Imnd. eel Iskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, red.; TA, T,Ys., red.; rOZLOV, S.T.. takhn. red. [Grow1w need corn] Somenovodstvo kukuruzy. Pod red. 7.A. Nechaevol. Alma-Ata. razakhokoe goo. izd-vo, 1956. 30 P. (KIRA llt7) (Kazakhstan--Corn (Maize)) Ce n I L- 'JISSI? / C,iltivated Plant.9 Abs J,ur i Ref Zhur - Biol. No C, Marr~n No 22'1'9,, Author t Nech4 va, F.A. Inst i Not civen Title I BioloCical 'hararteri3ti,~s and the Aj,,rotact.nij ie : ~nrr~ Cultivation in Kazaichatan (AccordinF, to Data c~ fic Experimnntal Institutionn) . Orig Pub Opit raboti peredov. -jovkhnzn. orniz-va. 9,rul. 1.1-va sov- khozov KazSSR, Jo 1, --2 , Abstract i Considering -.he inequali~.y ~r, tlin nutritive val-je ):' ir,- divilual plant ;),Arts i t is recommerided that atten'-~- n : e .)aid to obtaininir, n', riei is or r~orn ears vri 'U, a s i: * i- ciently hi ~rh cron of' -reen mass. ~ t i s nc,, -,,ed ---.a-. r- r. belom-,s to the short day plants, an,i t'or pollen tion ELn,'. .1"uIl ri.Penlm- ~orr. a *~em:~era-ire Card 1/4 JSSR /Cul-Avated Plants "-2 Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Biol., No F,, LIFLrri. J.i~)7, ':-~ 220F) Abstract (for Alm-AtinsKaya variet-I 236 n.;;ier tran 2j for a period of 42-48 days after flowerinrj. :~,,e vo;-nta- tive pmriod ,f corn its Ian.,tfinriod indnr -ond;%iona r in- vifficlont Y;ar-mth d,irinj-, its cimvelopmont. In tiff' agrarian measures, detailed attention be I "o the iMDortance of shallo-a piowin,- after rarvestin- ~,rains before the main Call plnwirii-, and in %he 3te-.;-e re- i7ions, where blowin, awa- )f snovis is observed, 'r., a doe:- unterraced ~~Iowin~ b,.r the Maltzev meti~nd ~aithoj- a srai- low plow-ini- ~n fall (ir, ~)rtnr to conserve mois-,tre). there is a shallow h-=~is laver -all plowir,.- sho-i_'I Pe cond,icted doe:, in the sni 1. As a presowinf- cul'..,,,i'_~n. harrovrini- the r)lowed snil is su-j-P.3ted, and a sjbseq nn~ double -h'~ f i r s t c i1 '~ i vu tion may x i-,s tu to d by h a r rowin i.- i n lwr) % r,i i I i n - 3 ) n i y n, n Is rLn (i ,ard 1 2/4 ',SKI / Cl.Lltivated Plants. I I I Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Bial., No Llar,~i. lj..~ Abstract i lown so 11 a, Find al5o ',t,o re: on3 o!' '-ew-ral On chestnut s,~ 41 1 s of 'I, f) Alma-htinsi- re,,i -,n, ELC",)T- data of the experimental 'Daze )f' the 4azaxhstan tLf". iia~e of VAMML, corn primary ly needs !i, less of ?, sin-, most no K . Tn tes ti n.- anorn me%ho~i of addin,- noral fertilizers in small doses by the arric i1 * iral 1,-,.3- ti t7ite of tl.e same afri I , A*le )n IJ)e Alma-Ains~. se- loctive f;*-atin ,n 4n rea to s t ~. -ir rease 1 rn r,rai n y-i e I I re s ,j I ted ~'rom a ; resowi al, add i ti ~ n i tivation of 2 tons of humus mixed with 1460P40 K2~. A Con- siderable crop increase ~ s obtained b-i aldin~ wmoni -Lr, nitrate alone at the t-~ne of' shal low Alrj of- !'ective ~s !~he method ~!' arAdinr 'ert,. zer Yr, ti. --e seedz, a1di ng 50 ki, o: a 17.- rpho s pna ',o rind Sj kr, n =u_c to rows 7rhi I e seedl n -, %he i nc re ase -)," -,rai c ~ ro j,, i ,i, sted ard 3 /4 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Abs J,ur : Ref Zhur - Biol., No ., Larrz. 19.57, 110 22,,9C. Abstract 1 2 centnersAectare. On -,hestnut soiis an., -re:,, r~oils azo- tobacter play an important role in soil enrich en,~ bv n;- trogen; on chernozem snil3 ~-oo~ results Fire broi,.,.*, abc by phosphobqcter. t -aas astab~iahed that 4n 1,)werir-- t ne percenta.-e of seed -erninati n from 95 to -30, *~.I.e -born crops are diminished b,j 7 centziers,'hectare. A r r! 6 r,! I n.-. *,o 4-year old data of the experimental base of the rif - filiate of VASKhITIL, the IELr.-est corn crop was obta.:ined, when it was sovai -)n April 22 -- 82.9 cantriers/Inectare, whi I e when i t was soyrn n n ~ inn 11) -- 46. 2 c entners/~.n- *,a- re. Vrordin~- to data o" tl.e ?Aartuk Mac:.ine -'rar-.or S*.a- tion of the Aktiubinsk oblast, in 19b5 the roan TAss co rn c ro'r) when sown on May I rnnsti%uted 64.10 cnn'~r-nr--. hectare and when sown on june I --- 4.'j cnntn-r3A-,ctarn. By experiments of the Kazakii affiliate of VASKI,,',",L inder Card 1 3/4 USSR / Culti7a*,-d Plants. ,kba Jour %Ref Zhur -- Biol., No 6, ldarr~r. 19~~)7, !:n 22r96 Abstract ic -ndi tions of' i rri :a ted a,;rir i1 t~Are it was establ . sned the Alma-Atinskuyu 236 variety in three irrij-,ati-,ns yields the lar,-est crop when planted 40.8 thousand plan,.s per hec- tare (with interrows 70 x 70 em, 2 'nlants to a 'in- der conditions of the Yu3tanai oblFtst in 1955, it develo- ped that the optimum densi,j of plan%s durin, a sevPre drought is 30 thousand plants per i.ert-ire. in ti,is way, a crop was obtained larder by 29 centnern than w t ~, 4.) *,I.c i- sand plants per Lectare. The best deptn J seed plan*,ini- is B-10 cm, and in drour;bt years, down to 12 rm. In step- pe drought rmr,-ions fx lar -e increase in crops (somptiries I- to 50 percent) is w-,tained from artif"icial corn ~~,:)Ilinat,.on. Card 4/4 KVfSMO. N.A.; VICHAYIVA. G.A. V:r?V,~7 ~,- -1 --.1--- Iffect of various disturbances of a muscle's Innervation upon Its content of adenosine triphogphoric acid. phosphocreatine, glycogen and lactic acid. Fistol.shur. 39 no.6:719-728 N-D '53. (NLRA 6;12) 1. Laboratorlya blokhisit nerynoy sistemy I laboratorlya nervnoy trofiki Instituta fistologil im. I.P.Pavlova Akadeall nauk SSSR. Leningrad. (Mascle) r ti' r'rw .,r in n., ,ir,,j 4,,f jr c-mt~t ni-iv jA s ri" liry, n:- 7 t r; j j 1 :1 v, k3 p n i u ndH -- #3 x r -t ro- n !-,.r wn ACF1, I c I J~ R. In-it '.' Pi. 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 ,oar.4e I "lintl icilit f H 1, 1 "1- i.n zh:rx 5ec.2 Vol.10/10 57 G- 1) 4179. G.A. Lab. of Bioc hem. of the Nerv. Sybtem, Ins t. of Ph,.sio- Acad. of Scis of USSR, Leningrad. 0 Dele rminal Ion of bpec activity of sulfur In small amounts of orgaric SLJtstar- ces (Russian text) BIOKIII.NIIJA 1956, 21/6(723-728)Graphs I Tables 2 Illus. I Organic substances are combusted in an air bath by a mixture of nitric and Per- chloric acid (3:1) to which copper nitrate Is added. Towards the end of Combustion a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids with HCI Is added. Under these conditions cystelne sulphur is completely oxidized, and methionine sulphur by 98%. Sulpha,.e Is precipitated with an alcoholic solution of benzidine. The yield of ben?idine sulphate corresponds to 95% of the total sulphur. It is thus possible to determine 10 jAg.(or more) of sulphur in organic substances. NECHAYEVA G SAMkV, N., SKVORTSOV, V. "Restoration of the Amino-Acid Composition of Cerebral Alb=InB in Various Functional States". Paper submitted at 2nd Conference on BlochemIstry of the Nervous System, AS USSR7 12-16 Feb 1957, Kiev. Translation 1122802 USSF/Himn.i and Aninai Physicle-:y (Normal and Nthclot;i-ai) NervoLs syste7z. Meta'-~Clisn. At s Jo,ur Pef 7-hur Biol., No Author Nechayeva, G.A. Inst Title "Ine Co%irse (-)f Restoratio,-. of S -f Proteins, C,!~~tathlrne aad Suifatides of Brain cf Rats under ,f Plar- coti~- 3leer, aad in Stimulation of C11S. Or'.-, Pib Biokhiz-Aya, 1957, 22, NC 3, 546-553 Abstract I hcl~r 49 m-'r. %fter i;.trod ctio, tl~ rats 6f meti.ionllne- S-)5, the greatest Ere-:ific a,:tivity (&A In thQ traii, . lutathione (I smaller i;-. -,roteias was discovered i, - (.I!) and the least - in s lf=ldcs (III). L ,exc 1 tcze.i t id,:ccd ty qtim,~lation of the paw of th 7,al With eLCC- tric ~ rrent ai-,d I..-, a.:,,ytal aarccs.s, tll~e of S i,-. I, II, and 111 d.J ;.ct c:.an6o. The inte.-isity ~f incl sior, of ~?c i.. the f1rat case Into aii fra,-tlo:-.,3 was Card 1/2 J_,~ "-4 CX 4~1-. 103 V5511/flumiii and A-iiFial Physioloa a.1d Pathological-) T Nervous 3yatem. Metabolism. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 26993 cL :Af1caj1LiY A t0:- t.-a,i I:. t.'..' Rc~- d. L, ment SA i,~ 1, 11, aj,d III was respectivuLY, ')".3, and 237 and in narc(Aic sleep - 431, 369 aad 127 Imp/ min per I(X famma S. In comparison with relative rest, the iiitcnsity rf inciisio,i nf s35 Into I aiid II exci~te- z,ie:A was also co,,qid,~rably Licreased. The SA ef I fc-iel ,'efiect t:.u act al L-(~-tcrati-~.i of protein mold !L-3 , si-ce, I.. the procc-~eiiig of I by alkali and acii, whic.i remve adqorbed ajd .,on-enzymally bui~id ami,ic- acids, SA of I ;ractically did aot -- M.S. M01-08Cva Card 21'-' KECHAYEVA, G.A. Effect of deep hypothormia on the ceLrbohydrate-phosphorus metabolUm 6f the brain tissue. flauch. soob. Inst. fiziol. AW 33SR no.1:130- 131 '59. (141"1 1j,: 10) 1. Labf--xatarlya biokhJmii nervnoy sistemy (zav. - G.Ye.Vladimirov) Instituta fiziologii imeni Pavlova All SSSR. (CARBOHYMUTIL WETABOLISM) (PHOSPHORUS IZTADOLIS'l, (BODY T~IIPZRATUBB) 0~14YEVA_, G.A. Effect of deep hypothermia on the carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism of brain tissue. Biul. eksp. biol. I med. 49 no.3:5 57 Mr 160. &IRA 14' 5) 1. Iz laboratorii biokhimii nervnoy sistemy (sav. - prof. G.Ye. Vladimirov) Instituta fiziologii imeni. I.P'.Pavlova (dir. - akademik K.H:Bykov [deceased)) AN SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlona akademikom K.M Bykovym [deqwwed). (HYPOTHERMIA) (CARBOHYDRATE WTABLILISM) (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) (BRAIN) IC-CHA)EVA, G.A. (Rechaieva, H.A.] Some characteristics of the ribonuclease activity in tte corebrai hemisphere tissue. Ukr. biokhLm. zhur. 36 no. 4: 607-61? 164. 'Kiu~ 18:14' " 1. In.-titut fiziclogii ~m~nl :.i,. Pavlova Al,' S.Zh, Len'ngrai'.. Suinitted July 28, 1963- NE I CRAYFEVA, G.A. 3om, rX r!'nx-nucleage a ct'vlty 'IT tne -,~to- (') I rl),Ir I fi I fkl~- I T~ I I I' I ar rr-io t i )it , cir l.he cor v, Ili-% I o. - r- tnx t. ! . Binkhtmllia Y cl. 3tol.4-6511 '!v-Je 165 (:, T - it 1q:1) I . La Ix, rn tor 1 ya f, x. k to I ir al '-. c y 1) 1 nk h. in ~ I Y --mr, o,, f; Ir. *,,emy Irs"Itw.n ~',zlnlnj, 1! imeri Pnvinva 0' SSSR, la ir -rad. NWHAYEVA, G.A. Ribonucleave activity in different functional zones of the cerebral cortex. Dakl. AN 550 152 no.1:225-227 3 163. (MIRA 1619) 1. Institut fiziologil Im. I.F.Favlova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (RIBONUCLEAM) (4MBRAL CCRTFX) 24160-66 1~fk~j)jj JK_ ACE M7,-1P66i5l67 SOURCE CODE1 UR10218/63-1630/003106/id#/061 'jr tin I MORS G&.A.-4echaev&,, G, A, ORG: Laboratory of Functional Biochemistry of the Nervous System, TnStAtj1fA af phV01016a "&-I& P. Paylax, AN SVAR - Tgni ngg&L (IAboratorlys f1miftsional. Inoy biokhlU norvnoy siateiqy Instituta fisiologii AN SSSjj) YTTIZ, : So-'no characteristics of ribonucloase activity in the mitochondrial and nuclei 'Practions of cerebrocortical tis SOURCE: Biokhimlya, ve 30, no., 3, 1965, 644-651 TOPIC TAGS: RNA enzym, rat, cerebral cortax .ABSTRACT: A comparison of RN4" activity in homogenates of nuclear and mitochondria fractions of rat cerebrocortical tissue shoved it to be highest in the fraction con- sisting chiefly of large mitochondriae It was several times higher (per mg of protel in the total witoahordrial fraction than in that of the total brain homagenate or nuclear fraction* RMass activity in the mitoebondrial fraction was particularly pronounced in the &aid pH region. with an optimm at pH 6oOo It was about the same in the nuclear fraction in tim acid aid alkaline pH regions. Most of the RHAase pro. sent in particles of the mitochandrial and ntuaear fractions proved to be inactivee However, parach2armarcury bensoate increased its aativW twofold In the aeld pH region of these two ftactlaw. but In the t*Ul hi= rAte. 'it did so In the alkali= yK region* TMs wits dos, to Its isapseltr to Inactivate the 1n1db1tor of Masse. CW4 1/2 UM S77.155.2 L. a4t6a-66 OGILIVIP A.A.; WHAYEVA, G.I. Resistivity observations as a means of stud~-ing *.ne dyta:_-ic zonality of fracture-karat underground waterq. Razved.i prom. geofiz. no.43:102-113 162. (AIRA 15:8) (Water, Underground) NECRAYE'VA CI.P. rlependen ce cf n -e a f e c t r' c cu r re 7 t a s a cf-ft -71 --er3c a -"n. uri. Ser. .: C,-ol . 2C, ric I. KLftidra j,t-olf,"ziki p6. o ZOT U, K K I IK T hT If LV'* n PASHCHINSKATA. G.N., redaktor:CHICHERIII. A.N, takhnicheakiy reAdito'r'.7 [color and the theory of the three-color process] T3vmtovmdmnim i teorita trakhtevetnoi reproduktolt. Moskva. Gos.Izd-vo "Iskusotvo.* 1956, 189 p, 012A 10:5) (Color photographv--Three-color proceen) (Golor) ,-Fr,"A',79VA, id Kum='#' Z: V:; Diagnosis Cancerous extinguisher as a diagnostic method., Novosti mod., No. 21, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1951. Unclassified. 2 NBCHAYNIA, I Radiation-extinguishing factor in the blood In :)recaacer of the breast. Trudr ANN SSSR 21 no.4:31-40 '52. (MI.RA 10: 9) 1. Is otdelaniya predrakovykh zaboleveniy ksay. - prof. V.I.TSymbal [deceased)) Institute onicologit AAM SSSR (asuchn.rakov. prof. M.N. Petrov, dir. - prof . A.I.Serebrov) I laborstorii uitogeneticheekogo Islachenlys (say. prof. B.3-Posochanskly Cdocaased]) (BMUST. neoplasms, precancer. presence of mitogenetic radiation extinguishing factor in I ood in) (CALL DIVISION. mitogenatic radiation extinguishing factor In blood In precancer of breast) (BL-OaD. witogenetic radiation extinguishing factor in blood in precancer of breast) UW.TtAZjyfA Td&&.,6ksndIdat maditainskikh nauk (TAningrod 2. ul.Lomonoeove. d. 29;-W73) Treatment of primary tumors of the ovaries. Top.oak. 1 no.';:??-136 '55- (MLRA 10-1) 1. ts ginakologichashrogo otdeleniya Lnstitate onkologit AMB SSSR (rukovod - chlen-korr. AM SSSR prof. A.I.Berebrov) (OVARINS, neoplasms, ther.) NWRLYN f kandidAt seditsinsk-1kh nauk (Leningrad) Prevention of cancer of the cerviz uteri. Ned.sestra no.2:12-16 F '55. (NLRA 8:5) (CET11. UVIRM, meoplasals. prev. & control) 'IECI~AYFVA, I .'.. (Ler ! r.,,ra i ; , " 'the ~ o , . ri r-/ .,- . ~." :;~ ' ~ - '- r; - -. - ~- - '. - ' - , . ~ f- . rk . 4. - ., , .. nat.'-)nal ~. , nj- I." NSCHLYNVA. I.D.. ksndidat neditsinskikh nauk. Problems in the diagnosis of primary ovarlas tumor*. Akuah. I gin. no-5:36-40 3-0 155. (KIRA 9:1) I.Is Inetituta onkologli (dir.-prof. A.I. Serobrov) Akadenii seditsinakikh r-u SSM. (OVARINS, neoplasms diag.) UCHAYNTAO L.D.. kandidat meditslaskikh asuk (laningred. 2. ul.Losononovs, 63 RKportmental ovarian tumors In nice induced by X rays Cwitk s r7 in Inglish]. Yop.onk. 2 no.2:185-193 156. (MLRA 10: 1 1. Is laborstoril ekspertmetitallatV onlrologit (say. - chlon-korrespon- dent ANN SSSR prof. L.N.Shabod) I ginekologichookorc otdolonlya Insti- tuts onlrologii ANN SUR (say. - chlon-korrespOodeat ANN SUR prof. A. I.Serebroy) (OVARMS. neoplasms exper.. x-ray induced In nice) (NEOPIASKS. exper. mouse ovaries. induced by x-ray) (R0, NTGXN RATS. off. induction of ovArtan cancer in sic@) lie effect 41 syrietitfal and of Alb-lovLrix-n twmora rats erpArisn*aisily produced v!Lh o x-ray Irradiation I V,~P"Yt~ 000.1jItl 2, - - ~-- ~),' ) 4 qsams C.HA iui~ CCp wxxt uwd. Wl,de atill in (he alag# of ;Patwj iiwoa4- y all irike wtit subjectcd to one %-ruy lrradimli.)n witb a of 297 r. After Irradi4tion mt~-e were divided Into 3 47-W da"_ olis, rw-4vtd dally *ubcu!anrcms in 1.211 mg. of teslottermt proplonate (1) it-. 0.06 fl~ =dPealo'! Wtial oil, to sou-,13, InstArmn doPA of I wits Inctwim tip to- 88.75-W.7 mg., depending upon the skgt of the atilmal. At' fnicrvals varyl.,g between 8 Mouths 22 daya atad 19-4 Months Mice were sacrificed for linalytiml study, Mice which died inturaH7 within that time were similarly studlied; 2) 11 mice of strairi CplIA and 10 of CCjT. 3"3 days old, w"e iinjccted it first with 10 mg. of Gyncst.-ol (U) in 0.05 mi. of peach-kcrpel oil, but this, dose had to be reduced to 0.25' Mr.; CvrU with St:Ch arludidoics Of 11 at tile conclusion of the exrjt. oaly 10 ink-e virvived; (3) 24. fm,xle mite of sztrain CJ1A and 13 of CC~l, 31-55 days old at t1;-- thrie of irnadia- tion, wure itsed Eli crintrolit aud received subcutiwevus injcL- tion o! P.-_'Xrh-jU-rnel nil only.,Nil Mift Ivere kept uFACE idn- fical jivLqg Conditiolls arld apart ficnit mak mice. Animals. of a.11 3 groups developed dyshornionA Cumor3 of the ovarie3,. moWy of it mixed characttr In the gtou-,m of Mice w1dch w4trt iaject(~l with I ard. 11 wincri developed in 04 and &%, mp., and in the coutral gmup F 8470. The rate (it the tilmcT dcv631)ment ht Voup I wai Iniver than to the attler 2 Zroups zind be" rnore of the characteii3tirs of benign powth. 1L-S_UX4M_- =QgAaVA- I-E~ - DYADIKOVA. A.M.; GORTUKHIIJA. T.A., TSELI. Te.A. (Adres avtordv-4 Inniagrad, 129, 2-ya Berezova7a alle7a. do=, 3. Institut Onkologii Akademil seditsinakikh nauk SSSR. Tenth session of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Yopoonke 2 noo4:493-502 156. (K= 9-12) lo Institut Onkologil Akademit meditsinaVl;ch nauk SSSR. (cAucia) 1WHiTAVA. 1.D. (Janingred. 2, ul. Lomonosovs. d.28, kv.68) Syshorsonal ovarian tumors and their clinical manifestation Evith summar7 in Bnglishl. TOP*Onk. 3 no-33324-331 157. (KUU 10:6) 1. Is ginakologiohookogo otdolonlys Institute onkologil ANN SSSR (sav. otd. t dir. institute - dayetwitellayy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.IoSerebrov) (OVARMS. neoplasms dishorsional, clin. manifest. 01~ua)) WACIIATXVA, I.D..imndidat maditainakikh nauk. 4 You should know! Zdoroy'a 3 no.4:20-21 Ap '57 (KLRA 10:5) (GANARATIVE OWANS. FALIA-DISWAS) NECHAYIVA. 1.D.. k9ad.mt9d.nauk The pro'hlem of mlignancy of thece-cell tumors [with summry in English). Aicush. I gin. 34 no.4t67-72 JI-Ag IS8 (KfRA 11:9) 1. Is ginakologicheskogo otialenipt Insfituta onkologii AKW SS92 (dir. - dayetvitelltwy eblen ARM SSSR pr9f. A.I. Sermbrov). (THICA CELL TUMORS. case roootte (Rus ) ) :: 11,11'. : . ) . i - I . I . - - ) - . " . . I ( , r ~ ~ I.- I , 'i - s , , 1 , . . . ~ n. I " 1 , - " , . .. I !i'i' ~ . , r a , . cl : , s r . . I . ~ I . I I " . . " V I , NICRATEVA, I.D. (Leningrad, ul. Lomonooovrt, d. 2, , ~-,. 6)) 07arian arrhanoblaolomas. Top.onk. 5 -)n.'i:V,6-471 '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz ginekologlcheekoeo otdolonlya Inq- 1: -,,1i AMN SSSR (dlr. I zav. otd. - doyetvitellny-y --noon li-i, A ~r)f. A.I. Serebrov), Loninprad. (AMUMOBLASTOMA, r~aas) roports, (Rua)) HCHAMA, I.D.-. kand. mod. nank Report on gynecological papers at the Second All-Union Conference on Oncology. held in Leningrad. January, 27- February 1. 1958. Akush. i On. 35 no.2:108-117 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRK 12-5) (GINYMATIVE ORWS, F3M&LZ--DISYASIS) MUM, 1. D., doktor med.nauk Wuation of the role of Weg==& therapy in complex treatmeat of,mallgnant tumors of the ovariese Vbperentai otk. 6sl39-146 161. NERA l6s2) (GAMMA RAffS,-nWUMTIC USS) (OVARIES-WCSR) BABeffrx, I.S., prof.; BABANOVA, A.G., doktor med. mauk; &OKIIIN, N.N., prof., BONDARCHUX, AJ., prof.; GALIPERIN, M.D., prof.; OCLIDSHTEYN, L.M., prof.fdoceased); DYMARSKIY, L.Tu., kand. ned. nauk; KARPOV, N.A., prof.; KOYRO, M.A., nauchn. sotr.; LARIONOV, L.F., prof.; LITVINOVA, Ye.V., kand. med. nauk; MELIRIKCV, R.A., kand. med. nauk; NEC~H&YEVA,_I.D., doktor mod. sauk; PETRGV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, prof.; FETROV, Yu.V,, kand. sed.nauk; RAKOV, A.I., prof.; ROGOVENKO, S.S., kand. mod. nauk; SENDULISKIT, I.Ys., prof.; SEREBROV, A.I., prof.; SMIRNOVA, I.N., kand. sed. naukj TALIMAN, I.M., prof.; TOBILEVICH, V.P., prof.; TRUKHALEV, A.I., kand. mod. nsuk; UOLDIN, Semen Abramovich, prof.; CHEKHARINA, Ye.k., kand. med. nauk; CHECHULIN, A.S., kand. mod. nauk; SHAAK~ V.A., prof.[deceased]; SHKNIN, A.P., prof.; SHAPIRO, I.N., prof.[deceased]; SHEMYAKINA, T.V., kand. med. nauk; SHEFMN, S.I., prof.; ABRAKOV, L.V., red.; LEBEDEVA, Z.V., tekhn. red. [Malignant tumora]Zlokachest-vennye opukholi; klinicheakoe ruko- vodatvo. Leningrad, Medgis. Vol.3. Pts.1-2. 1962. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akedemii meditsinskikb nauk SSSR (for Blokhin, Petrov, Serebrov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii me- ditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Kholdin). (CANCER) -NECHAYEVA, I.D. Materials on the problem of the bilateral lesion of the ovaries by a tumorous process. Trudy Inst.onk.AMN SSSF no.4:83-89 162. (MIRA 15ig) (OVARIFS-TUMDRS) MCHAYEVA, I.D. (laninf-rid, F--2, u-1. L;--tonosova 28, Uac of tn~,)-TTZP, of the o-reries, 15111) 1. 1z gi-nekolo;~icheskccc ks- I-r rned.rauk, prnf. '1.P. Tobilo-7ich) Institutr- c)-.: nlogii IV'T SSSR (dir. - d(-;-ot-,r. chleri AW SSSR, prof. A,I. Serebrov). (OVARIM-CAMER) ( TI F1 O-TEPA PECHAYEVA, I.D. Causes of neglect in m&lignant tL=ors of the ova--lea; data of the Institute of Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. from 1926 to 1960. Vop.onk. 9 no.D84-~90 163. (KIM 16: 5) 1. Iz ginekolo icbeskogo otdaleniya (zav. doktor med. nauk prof. V.P.TobileviM Instituta onkologll AMN SSSR (direktor -deystvi- tellnyy chlen Ale," SSSR prof. A.I.Serebrov). (OVAR.TES-CPJ,CER) NECHAYEVA, T.D. (Leningrad, F-2, ulitna Lomonosova, dm M, kynrtira 103) Crnparative evaluation of methods of treating patients with far advanced malignant ovarian tumors. Vop. onk. 9 no.8t23-30 163 (MIRA 17t4) 1. Iz gi-nekologicheskogo ordeleniya ( zav. - doktor med. nauk prof. V.P. Tobilev-1ch) Instituta onkologill AMN SSSR (direktor - deystvitelIny-y chlen AMV SSSR prof. A.1. Sarebrov). NECHAYEVA I.D. Mer.Lngrad, F-2, ulitBe Lomonosova, dm *, kvart!ra le3) Comparative evaluation of methods of treati-ng patients with far advanced malignant ovarian tumors. Vop. onk. 9 no.8:23-30 163 (MIRA 1,714) 1. Iz ginpkologicheskogo ordeleniya ( zav. - doktor med. nauk prof. V.P. Tobilevich) Instituta ankologli AHN SSSR Wirektor - deyetv-itellnyy chlen AMW SSSR prof. A.I. Serebrov). NE Cl! AYEV A , 1 . D. ( Le n 1, nf, rad , F-, , u I . I k,mcn o s ov a , 4 2, i(V . ~ ~ DaLa or. tne s~e cf A l1r, com-pound treatment rf mallimarit ovarlan Lumors. Vop. rr.?. 9 1 f, 1-1 . (11411,1, 17:12 1. Iz ginekologicheskogo otdeleniyu Izav. - prof. VJ. levich) Instituta onkologit AIMN (direktor - devstvlLeP- nyy chlon A?-ffl -;SSR prGf. A.1. Serf-brov', Lenllngrad. KHOLD111, S.A., prof., otv. red.; RAKOV, A.I., prof., red.; LAZA,iEv, 11.V., zaal. deyatell nauki prof., red.; TOBILEVICH. V.P.- -f.. red.; NECHAYEVA I D. doktor - =J__ I -A med. nauk red., KAUFXAN, B.D., kand. med. nauk, red.; SHABASHOVA, N.Ya., kand. med. nauk, red.; PMOV, A.N., red. [Current problems of oncology; feBtschrift for the 70th birthday and the 45th anniversary of the scientific and civic activity of Member of the Academy of Medical Sci- ences of the U.S.S.R. Professor Aleksandr Ivanovich Serebrov, and consisting of papers 'iy his students and coworkers, as well as distinguished scientists In the field of cancer controll Sovremennye probleiry onkolog-ii; sbornik posviashchen 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdenila 1 45- letiiu nauchnoi I obshchestvennoi deiatellnosti delstv. chl. AMV SSSR professors Aleksandra Ivanovich Serebrova I sostoit iz rabot ego uchenikov i sotrudnikov, a takzhe vidnykh uchenykb - Boratnikov po protivorakovoi borlbe. Leningrad, Feditsina, 1965. 245 p. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Akaderiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Institut onko- logii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Kholdin, hakov). ATIBINDIR, N.M.; M 1 w1th malltTnarl, * Im %nd prognosls, V-~p. 1. 1z girinko i -ig .. 1, I tal to logl,-h~ i K. y P-r,oxhov ~ In ~ *t *q ohlen AMN SSSR 1,- -As in ;*tienie 1,TpoaA of alaRrioala 'MIRA 18:11) .!,Ik V.P.Tubilevich, ~b mt~d.n[JUK M.P. r ~ A r deye tv I te ny-f 1, .. "' - ~ AYNBIIMER, N.M. V.M. NMEATEVA, .- ." . ; -, I ~ ~ 1, Zhams Experience with the antibir,tir- 273 In s'x patlent.,; a:,.i. epithelioma of the i;ter-us. Vol. onk. IC no.5-.lC3-l-" 1. 1z Instituta onlkolcq%. A'.'.11 f . A.. T A,dres avtorov: LeningTfIr', -I-yn Berezr-vaya ImUtut onkologil A14N .1 KASATKUI, U.I.; HIRZOTANTS. U.5.; KHOKEITVA, A.P.; NACHATZV&, I.F.j KHOD&KO- VA. 1. 1. Conditioned orientation reflexes in infunts during the first yeLLr of life. Zhur.vys.nerv.deiat- 3 no.2:192-202 14r-Ap '53. (MLHA 6-6) 1. laboratoriya vysshey nervuoy dayutellnosti rebeaka Instituta pediatrii Alcademil meditainskikh nauk SSSIL (Conditioned response) NNCILAYNVA, I.P. %------ ?unctional charantpristics of thm atidttor7 analreor in infants. Zhur.v7~.n,qr,v.d~lat. 4 nc.'~-610-615 S-0 '54. (MIPA A.-7) 1. Laboratortya vyeshey narynoy inyatowllnosti relh-inka Ins*lluta pedtatrtl AMN SSSR. (PtTCH DISCRIMINATION, in inf.) U, FNA, 1 "The functional charac~,o-.riptics of of tho &11A -fi,rinf- the fir5t mcjnVii ,-nbor ~',ed Lkinner Inst of ~ediatrlct3, 191V, iGf~ 7:11 101~~EE C TE tz E t~p auditcr rim,-`,-sor of llfo~." -T-rj o! rf Acwl 1--ed :c I Vic s n ow LF I GL Lmtcris', ~-,. I P 1 156 NECHAYMVA, I.P. Prevention of poliomWelitte. #auk& i xhisn' 23 ao.2:63 Y '56. (KLRA 9:5) (FOLIOURLITIS-MVINTION) !MqHAYEVA,_j.P., inah. A blocking device for rural autmatic telephone exchanges. Vest. oviasi 22 no.120-10 D 162. (KRA 16:1) (Telephone-Equipment and supplies) SHEIKO, V.P. [Sheiko, V.P.1; NECHAYEVA, I.-Ya. (NechELieva, 1.1A.1 Investigating the calculation of one of the 10 cm. vave-tand frequency divider designs. Urk. fiz. zhir. 5 no. 5:656-bb5 5-0 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Khartkovskiy osudar tv nnyy universitet. (Triodeal (Fr:qu:ncy changers) NECIIAYEVA~~. I. YEI, VASKO, A. T., I%Y;,TS, A. I., z-OSIMOVICH, D. P., F1073EVICH- z,~LUDWV~Ufl, f. F., and BOGATOVA, I. R. "Electrochemical Production of Pure ilIcy3,- of Nickel, Nickel end NiLi,,- bdenum, and Tungsten" lecture given at the International ML'to!.IUrgiz3tq' Conference, Nlosc,--v 26-3c June 56 Source CS-3,302,240, 11 Jon 5",. CHMMASSKIT, G., mWlya voesoyusnoy kstegnrti. glEivnyy mud'ya ufim~L-Ikb sorevnovanty; INHATIVA, L. Lessons In skill. Zs rul. IS nn.8:12-13 Av '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zaveduyumbehaya otdolon sporta gazety 'Lentuets,* Bashkirsknya ASSR (for Rechayeva). (Korotcycle racing) IIECHAYETA , L. Young drivers are recognized. Z& rul. 19 nc.10:18 C 16~. (.'qRA 14: :1 ) 1. Neshtatnvy korres,,ondent zhurna-la OZa rulem". (Motorcycle racing) PARABONOV , T% ; LIECHAYFVA . L. 1; 111 KOWERV , A. ; UBEDEV, A. , master sporta, trener Competitors met again. Za rul. 19 no.11:14-15 11 161. (14IRA 14:12' 1. flachallnik uc-hebnoy chasti Maykopskogo avtomotokluba' neshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Za rulem" (for Paramonov). 2. fleshtatnyy korrespondent zhumala "Za rulem" (for Nechayeva). 3. Nachallnik Rovenakogo, av-tomotokluba Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya araii, aviatsii i flotu, 4. Llvavskiy avtomotoklub,, neshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Za rulem" (for Lebedev). (Motorcycle racing) TURXIMITAUB, N.M.; SFUWTATEMOVA, T.T. -, FAZAMARCHU, NeA.; IWHAYNA, L.A. Accuracy In determining the composition of a nixture tw the various methods of interpretation of chromatogramm. Zav.lab 26 no.10:1075- 1080 1601, (NIRA 13:10) (Chromatograybic analysis) TURKELIUUBP N-M-1 PAWARCHUK, N.A.; SHMIATENKOVA, V.T .; SYAVTSILLO, S.V.; Pirinipm1i uchastiyes NECUTEVA, L.A. t'KHVOSHCHEVSKAYA, A.A.; BAIAWOVA, Yd:N. - Chromatographic analysis of organosilioon compounds. Plast.rway no.4s5l-56 161. (MRA 14:4) (Silicon organic compounds) (Chromatographic analyais) MvVi1~1Y. 'n.p. - Lndividual tnOrODY in dyseutery; a;Athors' a~,stract . -oiur mtirrrbiol ojid - I I -mun. 28 n0.7: 143 J,l 1 ~,7. jai (A 1~) I)j ( j Y- & N-. I; ILT ) v,f GM.')K I Y , - .: , ; IN, SHAY! '!"~ , L -1, - P-,-. '. --r- - I . - 13 . I - 7- . - . I . . ,.-). . i ,r,-,7 , , ; r , ! V : -- j, ;2 ~ ~ 2 -1 -~ . t , -, -~ 4 - , - f , 15 . wwarm4a jam ------------------ -- L 12W-66 ACM2140 Olt, APSM392 UK/0286/65/000/01$/0073/0073 .61S.372.062*2 AUMR1 A*Mpov, V. V-1 r1loww, Vu, A-9 Khrushchav, V, a. reminovo T,.A.; Mmmyraw,, No So; Zolozow, 1. So; Delynow, A* So; Nosdredwvq A* I.; Yevg1e"k1yq A. A* TITW A metbod ftr manufacturing tuberculin. Clue 30, No. 173361 SOU=t 'IyuUdtml Imobt temly I towamykh smakow, no. IS, 126S, 72 TOPIC TAMI th -- Ism"010", allerm AUTUM t II& Autborl a Cwt1ficate Late m 6A Pa astbod ftr manufacturing tWWw- mUm. Un wthad swasists of grout" a tube ular culture an a nutrient medium, remowl of the bmtwhd matter mad filtration. An active and specifli &LIerges to produced md .0 HOW we &%dw-ed by exposing the cultwe to ~Zml U6111i" NMI do Sim CMI'AA No W WWI am omitt WO i/A Cdrd MMM"M ~71 77-7177-: ~777777'7' M SOV/51-4-o-15 24 AUTFORS: Veyngerov, M.L., Nochayeva, L.M., Panitratov, NA., and SX7. A.A. 7ITLE A 11ow Method of Investigation of Hisission Spectra of Bodies at R--m Temperature (Novyy metod iseledovaniya spoictrov Ispuaiainlys, tal, nakhodyashchikhays pri komnatnoy temperature, P&RIOUICAL i Optilca i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 6, pp 797-799 (USSR, ABSTRLCTs A now differential method of investigation of emission spe-tra of ,&1aA at room temperature Is reported. This method Is based on the Aso cf two refrigerators, in the same any as in the analysis of ~,aeois by M6&rq of the negative optico-scoustic effect described In Kof ~' PriLiciplas of the method can be aeon from Fig I. In front of a monochrceat.-, slit I there is a plane mirror 2, a concave mirror 3 and a ac.:, optico-scoustic receiver (see Ref 4). Yhe signal produc&2 bi tk.& receiver 4 is amplilled by the amplifier 5 and after synchroacus rectification by a detector 6 is measured by a mirror galvanometer In front of the other monochromator slit a mirror modulator 8 and two vessels 9 and 10 filled with liquid air are placed. A ja%oratcr for the synchronous detector is on the &xie of a motor 11. Directly above each vessel filled with liquid air there is a call which h&9 Gard 1/3 sylvite windows. Plane mirrors are placed at an angle of 450 to the SOV151 =J/Z4 A6 liew Met-hod of investi6ation of Emission Spoitra of Bodies at Room iamperature horizontal above each of these calls. The arrangement is snown in Fig I on the right-19Lnd side. According to the position of the mirror modulator 8, radiational exchange between the receiver 4 and one or other of the liquid-Sir refrigerators will occur. rho resalttng sipA produced by the receiver in ecpal to zero unless one of the calls is filled with the gas to be studied. In the latter case the resultlIng signal is proportional to emission of gas in the spectral region selected by the position of the monochromator prism. Using the apparatus described the authors obtained emission spectrum of methane at room temperature In the region near 8 - 'rho resulte obtained are shown in Fig 2. -rho monochromator slft widths used were 2 mm which correspond to a spectral interval of 0.73 p.. rho method described can be applied to liquids and solids , as well as to gases The authors point out that Stepanov and &hvashchavsimya kRof 7~ described an apparatus consisting of a refrigefator. a monoenromator the substance studied and a receiver wnich was used to obrain Mrve; Card 2/3 from which by the usual wathods the absorption or emission a pectrum S OV/ .51 -4 -,~ - 15/2 4 A Now Method of li,-fositigation of Oxifslon SPectr& Of bOdisf at Room Tomperat. r') could be obtained . There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet referarif-9j, ASSOCIATIOVt Gosudarstvannyy Opticheakiy Institut W. S.I. ftviiova ,Stato. Optical Institute imeni S.I. Vav-11OV) SUBMITTED: November 27, 1957 7,ard 6/3 MHAYVA. L.S. (Nookwa) Using *ducational filus in chouletry classes. Ehla.v sbkole 12 no*6:20-23 X-D 157. (MINA 10:12) (Ohmistry-Stuo and tesohl4g) (Notion-ploturse In edwatlon) IIECHAYEVA, L.R. (Moscow) Study of the theme D.I. Mendeleev Operiodic law and periodic s7stem of elements". Khim. v shkolo 13 no.4:35-48 JI-Ag '5R. (KIU 11:6) (Periodic law) SHCHUKAREV , S.A.; AVDREMV, S.N. ; BALICIEVA, T.G. ; ?MCMn-VA, L.11. Infrared absorption spectra of aqueous solutions of so--e perchlorates in the region of the fundamental frequency of O-B valence oscillations. Vest ILU 16 no.16:120-124 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Perchlorates--Spectra) NAUMM, V.I.; 'E,-,HAYFVA, L.N. Study of the manganese 7on%ent in 'he -,,iturs, wa-,ers of '-e Udmurt A.S.S.R. Trudy 21,1&-81 164. (AURA 19tl) 1. Ka-fedrR neorg&nlcheskriy I anallllchenkoy khImll (znv. - dotsent V.I.Naumov) lzhevskogo menitainskolzo Inst''.uta. FECHATEVA, LoPo (Trimbov) Kartin Vasilleyna Koleenikove. Ked.sestrFk 17 no.8:45 Ag'58 (MIRA ll:R) (KOIY,SVIKOVI. KARIIA VASIL' MVA, 1Q00--) L '27 ENVO) IJPW kc-clqls APW17653 SWRCE CODE: W6-6-59T6575197665/0442/0442 AUTHORt hey,, T. A-$ Kat1jurov L. X.; Kumetsovo A. N#; Noras, %. M.i "a _A TITIEs Construction of a 300 kev sector cyclotrodtith external injection (Entire article) SOURCHt Atowwya energiya, vo 19,, no. 5. 1965t 442 TOPIC TAM cyclotron, particle accelerator target9 deuteronp diffusion P=Po cyclotron mpetp vacuum ch&Wmrlff-5T diffusion S.. jf~ , 4BSTRACT.- WIth thin ta*A aierated'jaWiles cm be used more thar we teffectijeli if aMitional acceleration is applied to them after ha sed throuah the target (- L. No Kate k Trudy Fin ps surov and V. G. lttzh SSSR rProceedinge of the Physics In d" of SCAWGUS "Vol 33s, p 235 (1965)). A small -3 kew deuteron sector cyclotron construct ad at the Pbysias Institute to test the ~ f"sibility of applying i -ddi ional acceleration. Plans have beam wade to carry out a mimbor of investiSatims with this cyclotron sirice It Is equipped to 'Inject, Uns - into the xedan pUna (T. A- WW TrAv kheve at A Konferattali po UsItorits' of the later- inational Oontawne an Accelerator@, Dubna, ?9626~.. VNwgoosws Atmijklats 1964v !pW ommIMU of three Individual C Lp not Cw4 1/3 unci 621.19L.611L L 27967-66- ACC N&Ap6017683 doelp provides for A vQV7 desp "ImAhal, variation of the betwess the sectfte "I'. fi The dl=Aer of the mad"it is 70 emW the daikire %a pole places are a idth straight edges and 66 dog. angles. The SUpAy current to Vw magnsts in stabilized to 3 x 20'6, Turthermorep the A abilized, by an Independent proton stabilization field of each magnat Is at circult* The pole pieces of the magnet servo partly as the covering of the vacuua 1~chawbers and the chamber itself consists of several parts. its main P&A. : has three triangular chambers made of breass each bolted to the sides of the t aeoetr pole pieces of two adjacent mWets. Vacuum sealing is provided by 1.1ead mire iddah Is laid an the joints between the various parts and Is squeezed tight by spagial, - fittings. An V-5T type oil diffusion pump provides a vacuum of o-2 x 1000 win HS during operation with a besm. Movable probes are available for observation of the beam. These probes can be positioned In wW point of the vacuum chamber at the desired ogle to Ave of a toflon sealed bell Joint and a wwable cross-bar 'the beam by vi that ~hae Wilsan-4pe tef2ou seals. The scums tbpUwr with the sooderstor tube, * am be wred In the Ime of the mgw6i making It Ossible to vaq the bown injection madien p 1A withda the Wwdnr. 4'V Cd 2/3 L 27967-66' ACC NR, AP6017683 The accelerating voltage is produced on the does b7 a generator that foods energy to a quarter-wave spiral line made of copper pipe wmwd on a 91"G; cylinder* Up to 20 kv sro used on the does for acceleration, In addition to the structural design features (split salpotp diassezblo- ron a equ or able. vacu= chamber,, spiral quarter-wave lino)j the cyclat i ip~ed f external ion Injectionp which J*omiisss now wqw of. using polarized part~44., .,I sources as well as other complex sources, [JMI SUB CODZI 20o 13 SURN UTR t 091POO ORIG M7 1 002 L 27968-66 Moil 1*4)~ C C NKs'AM?6&. SWRM CM: MV00891651019100510"31"a FA A~ AgMt' A L. N. Kasustaw, A. ff. Wrom. TA. S4 ILI wiC~ La Pi none field or &.~3010 Inv motor otron with external injection (entire SOURCES -Atommays, wwrgiya, v. 1%, no 5. 196% W TOPIC.TAGS:' cyclotron, cyclotron magwt,, deuteron, galvanowter, betatront nuclear :resonaricep magnetic fieldp notion equationg computer calculation ~ABSTRACT: "Is paper presente data on the wA41netie field of a sector ron idth a split mapot designed to accelerate deaterons to 300 kew- The =srq of the qvl4rcn an displaced radially from the center of the 46,0 and_the cylindrical coro Is mounted In the center. The rewaired fi*24 is obtained by empirical selection of magmt parsmstors., Field measurements wwo aMe with the aid of a WrAlng *i& lug ad Ito a banistle or aid am be shMed step-idsee The idndlIngs through the control points :in the saftorip was shifted by 2 dmg In'" I om radially-o The field we meavired in the poutwl polnU by the rMPAGI ,.rasoosnee mou" The field facessing -properties at an 1"wouis qVI4T= depowle an ~Vw_ospkk of asimathol. variation ad to 4M UDCI 62ii3m.6u L 27961 'ACC 00 AM017684 r --4d * he d.Wtb frequea, we or the asimat V> ~Gn If Gbw~~ bir wautterdi. 161ch *Aafusd -4~ r Wm the redimi In the given cyclotron Is increamd frout 10 to 30 cm~ 13Ater Increases moothlY from Oe2 to 0-45- The wiplitudes Of the first ad second hanionice of the field" ohamoterising the 447matry of the 'A magmakle field,. are approadmately one order =mLUer than the mipLitudes that Camse radial. Instddlity" In wMations of motion were integrated on a computer, with the filed of the cyclotron givem In the form of tsUss- ?kL* PMTI" Complete data -an the behavior of partioles and orbital parometers In a real field. Darift the lark# equIlibrimm orMts war oonstructed for various =*rose* 'wA the am mWoUe field along the eqdMrl%n orbIts was calculated. 'Thero. Is an UMPMamat dftwem bAwm the fL93A obtained and an Lee- I chrooic fleldj and the phase shift during --- frm 40 to 300 k4v 1d 6 dog am ths emera Inaressee by 10 kow per revolution. rw orbital propem"!! A" OSPOSIMUr evidant om the so-*&Usd *ams empseek -which sloes after 5 - 1""lutiftel x Is related. to the betArom, hequadw Or ~Med 08 by the de ad WS smst" ad for dariftVA b4tep .1~. i tram moutud" it we possible to *st&UU* Uwk. tM wxj~ pwmi#Ab4 t~ i aimpUtWe 694MMA 4041USUNWO **dab Is fw 30 k4we IMVGS" ~4m Ile s~6 qWw UPC bri, ''T" botasm - cam ACC NMI AP6017684 frotpencies calculated on. the computer from the phase OMPOOG Indicate that, foiressing is adequate over the antirs raW of wwrilies, Machine bomputed bstatrm frwpwwies %are compared with frequencies calculated for assumed circklar obits, This nia= rwulAd that ~qwncfqw calcidated by "amooth approximation" forsulass by forodas us hanania field sw2yelsq wA fonulas derired for an assumed steVA~e differ from the acqater results by 5 to of the mapstle field Indioates the 47"ma 4010 tab0 sapdai easily - pwftoss -an Isodwale MIA wAh 11W 11~ lidtho fewmft for AU "AGUM, POAMM Pod Orig, art* Mat I formula. [JPRSj ..SUB COM .20,/._SMIDATEs 2Wq65 L-C" 3b 15-1957-7-8954 Tranglation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 10 (VSSII) AUTHOR: Nechayeva, M. A., Karpov, 1). A., Natimkina, V. S. TITLE: New Data on the Stratigraphy and Lithology of the Devonian Deposits of the Stalinguad Oblast (Novyye dannyye po stratigrafii i litologii devonskikh ot- lozheniy Stalingradskoy oblasti) PE'RIODICAL: Novosti neft. tekhniki. Geologiya, 1956, Nr 2, pp 3-6 ABSTRACT: This is a report of the results of stratigraphic and lithologic studies on the Middle and Upper Devonian rocks which have been uncovered in drill holes within the Don-Medvedit8a arch and on the eastern slope of the Voronezh massif. The subdivision of these deposits is based on their similarity to rocks of the same age in the central region and on the study of brachiopods and ostracodes. The Middle Devonian is divLded into Card 1/3 Morsovskiy beds of argillite, siltstone, and anhydrite; 15-1957-7-895.1 New Data on the Stratigraphy had Lithology of the Devonian Deposits of the Stalingrad Oblast (Cont.) ,Mosolovskiy beds of brownish-gray limestone with layers of argillite and marl; and Starooskolskiy beds subdivided (from the base) into lower carbonate-clay, middle clay-siltstone, and upper carbonate-clay groups. Two different sections have been identified in the Upper Devonian: carbonate proper, in the northern part of the Donets-.Medveditsa arch, and carbonaW- clay-sand, in the southern part. The Frasnian rocks are di- vided as follows: Lower Shchigrovskiy beds, which are sub- divided into a lower sand-silt-clay and an upper carbonate- clay group; Upper Shchigrovskiy beds, composed of limestone with interlayered argillite at the base; Semilukskiy-Penin- skiy beds, subdivided into clastic-carbonate, clay-sand, and clay-carbonate groups; Voronezh beds, composed of limestone wtth layers of argtilitp (sandstone and argilitte predominate in the southern part);Yevianovskiy-Livenskty beds, composed (toward the south) of clastic beds at the base and clay- carbonate layers above and toward the north of dolomitized limestone. The Famennian rocks include Zadonskiy-Yeletskiy Card 2/3 15-1957-7-8954 New Data on the Stratigra hy and Litholo.4y of the Devonian Deposits of the Stalingrad Oblast Pont.) beds, carbonate-clastic on the south and carbonate on the north; Dankovskiy-Lebedyanskiy beds, composed (on the south) of limestone and on the north of doloinite with argillite layers; and Ozerskiy-Khvalynskly beds, consistinK of lime- stone. Lists of characteristic fossils are presented for the above-enumerated stratigraphic subdivisions. Card 3/3 1. F. Nikitin '~ 8 -1 6 7 1 1 I ranslalion from Re fe ra I,,, nyy zhu rna IMet-ri 11 irg i ya4T, 1~ AUTHORS Gub( hevsk ', P V . Ne( hayeva, M.A. TI T L E Rt-dLik 111P, DC% .111 0111 in he Dimen,ion, ol tht- the Mold o a, !o ( a ~jsv the Ingot Weiplit More k-ci% Ap proximate ht- Dt--..rt-(i Level (UFTICTI sheniye olkloricn," r,i/ii i rokh rabok ~ivy po'o,tj izi(zhnitsy , to( hki z.rcriiya pr.ld.zh. vesa ~~!tka 1, 7,,clinnoniki) PERIODiCAL S b Na i, h ri 1 r1v1agr,:,ogorskiy gortiotnt-f,tlilirs~ 1: Nr I Ipp i i i - 1 15 A BS'1 RA CT A s a re,al, of d mathemalic ~tl investiga* ion ? -ka - 'utind 0-1 in order to redut e deviations in the climension~ ol the in,mr ( roSs Set. tion of a r-nold below specificat,ons. it ~s net vs,ar~, lo provide a nega*ive allOw'drice of from + I to - i mrTi Dala j re prt sented on the ac,ual tolerances of molds mdde 'run) r,e%,, rnodel- with negative allowances. It is observed that even Ahen tht- di - mensions of the inside cross section of the mold ire held more rigid. the effect of deviations in the size upon change,, ri the weight of the ingot is of significance. and it be(ornes ne,e-arv Ca rd I Z to determine the height of the fill. Analysis o1 da,a on the Ore 137-58 4-6-i~ Reclut ing Deviations iri he Ic ont i quen( y ( urves ;ho- 1h,,l :itelliod, of anidytj( is) ( at, jjjjjt)or) ind of jl.braf oft a r v v q I ja I I y I r I I I - ' ' : r , -1 ~;V 111"PrT7-mition of the he;~~hl w 'tit- of a fliold Su lo oh, . T~ , t"tict iiii.kj t '(, !hv rvqu~.rvd lq-,, #-I i- c ~. I r f u a I I y idt' T It i k I i or bu I h i tit- po~ ibi lll~' Of UtlilZinp d IPC~ ~d I rd :7. s I IT) P I I fy is nd pe ed U I;) t](IT), 11 rvriiar~vd upon. Cd rd 2 3 ( c) ) A U THO iij s K a r: P. A A T 3 h o, v c he rkr , VI TITLt;: Britchiopods of 'he Ural r3, je i De vrr. i az-, De It:3 r f Stali%jrrad 'blustl P61(1c,101~AL: Dokladj Akadomii nauk V, 9, (Us'a, ABSTRACT: The Mildle nd Upj,er Frrisnian dc,~, I 1*..g tt,t, ,,~rvp incl,jlinl~ the Zhirnov8kaja -trva coritai, ~-L , a c tr I t i c of tno r , r re a) n,l i n r, loposi ts of t 1, 0'Cn t1- a It - I a S t .1 !:, W f,- V- r , a brachiol.od fauna very simi IfAr t ; r)" ft.e -Zim~,unovs~!Y . Askynoki.i uzd Barminakiy I.orizons Df " r a 1, v7- r - f -in -. the Linevskoye elevation (15 km efLotwarls) In tzir, uppor half o f the Fra an ion a t~,jzf~. Fur thermore , foram in i fers n 1 -9 t r%cn43 were foind in the brcjwn1uh-proj, bituninoua finc-~rrrlinc I 11mr- stones of oorehole Nr 50 (betwopn 2~~7 ill, 1 2 ~41' M) 4111 N r 52 ( .127f, - d28 I - '2 a 6- m ) - Tht, fauna wan c I a.~ i if I (It A. I. Lyashenko and G. P. Batanova (,4(-f 1 ". Ac, : )r lin,,7 t,, 14arkovBkij , it be Ion go tc, tile Men (41, rir~-a-yra str-it.-i 'The lc,~t--r card 1/ 3 are,however, of the same age a3 'tie ~;am`aonovskij- atrhta ac- s" C- "13-1- - 38."r"9 brachio,Dia of th,~, Ural T,F.- in Devonian De,~oijits olf a cording lo tl,,: unif'ied sche.-ie. A-corJin~, t-. Ly-inhenko the lat- ter are Oian th#~ Mend.,mskiy, ~,nes. Almost all 1,,d.,; f und occur I.-. the Siumsonova&-iye inj in the lower cart of the Askynskiye strata of the Ural (Ae"s 5,7). A similiarity of the fauna of the upper half of the Frasnian in Linevo and in the Ural proves a far-reaching connection of the waters of the Prikaspiyakaya (CaBpian) depression and the Ural. It is assumed that conditions prevailed here and there that favored the ex- istence of similar fauna comilexes. kn abrupt change of facies apparently occurred in the zone of the foundation fracture, in the section between Linevo and Zhirnovsk. A normal fauna char- acteristic of the central part of the &j,-sian Flatform developed at that time. The change ot sedimentation conaitions was accom- panied by a considerable increase of the thickness of the cor- reoponding deposits in the region of Linevo. There are 10 Soviet references. ASSOMMON: Teentral'naya nauchnu-isBledovatel'skaja labjrat,~rija Uj,ravleniya neftjano~ i razovoy pror%j-rlern,)n*i _-talin~-raciskoi-'l Card 2, Soveta narodnogo khoz,ay8tva (Central Scientifi- ite3earc I,, 3~- V, -- , . 11 - - - I t.,.1 Brachigpods of the Ural Type 1% Dc-vonian De~ositu of : t a . i r,,,, ri du t I a s t ' Labor a tnry of tne A dmi r, I-?' rat i or, of thf~ i e- fin ! Na t-,iru I Gas Indus try o; the '; tal i::j7ra . ~.aun~: -, I' N!i t i ral Ec r, :.-.y \ FRE36NT ED : May 9 , 1 -) 'i,) , b; DVNa 1, 1 .,k in , Acad- m i - lan SUBMITTED: Ida .Y 5 ,' Card 3/3 RDBICON.To.A;GRISHINA, O.N.; MUKHAX&MIA. L.A.: URMARCHETEV, F.A.; IZKATLOV, R.I.; DOICHER. L.Ta.: KASRATZV, S.-U.G.; AMIRKHANDVA. N.G.. W)NIK, V.1r,,- HATBUROVA, 9.Kh.; NOCHAT"A. M.A. Patroleums of the Tatar A.S.S.R. lsw.Kazan.fij.AN SSSR.Ser.khtm. naulc no.4:91-111 157. (MIRA 12:5) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Patrojeum) ----------- U-19 v'T - ... K.W. w cuoulnw 'Aj