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i,2 1, 11 3/747/62/000/000/002/025 D2 68/D3 J7 _uzhain, i. and '11jechayev, 1. A. iT L Z; Comparative of radioeensitivity in diffe- rent lines :.-..i::e ii, reiation to genetics. "he role of r,ereaitary in animal radiosensitivity Hadiazsionnuya soornik rabot. Otd. b.Joi. nauk ,,;i S.55R. ~,oscow, izci-vo ;,,N SSSR, 1962, 24-38 X'-' iadioaensit.4v;._.y -ias 6t_died in ca. 2 112 month-old -ia-e and fe::,a__e mice in 4 lin~,,6 irradiated w;.tri single x ray dof,e6 a-, 350, 425, -~06, D7D an,~ 056 r. Interlinear ai:ferences ir, I ra~;iose:ioitivity were o~,~,erved. .-or males "'D 50/30 fluctuated in the fanc,e j56 - 413 r a:.-; in the range of 559-465 r. A close 6i;zl'arity in irradiati.,.-I ruactiDn --r, intralinear mallea and females -ndicated oy t..e )j6itive correlation coefficient for LD 50 vu.L~es for males ana fe:,a-es 3f a oLn,-:,,,Ie line determined in inter- -4 __4.near mortality com,,arisona. Tne d;Ata showed that females were ~;ard 112 V747 -,, OU/O0J/JO2/J25 C) 4 1) 07 .-Lce ci,arac~ fejl~j*- fir IN A a Ljjv e fDr ife li-le Incl-(lit -ca nt t,-- in #-~ar ,;lf.*,,.:.,U..CeL, in ~rjnounccci dt 5,)o 4~-) r, t:v en o j c) a, t2w.,.,A eff ects -,.,ere approacnecl. on r . s t t Q Ma .1v 6 1 ttle inter lln ear a -'.,'f erenc es e -i-rat.3n. --:'c! :-ration ~L,,. z,,-tles ar,,i ferxiles s h o ae d e r i n t .,. e .'or me r t ~Aan i n -at-~C;r a-~ 550 a,.-~ ;,0d in fe:-..a-es at 575 and 650 e C3 - -,.IiatJon de~itr -n anima's of -ina. ~ifferin6 ;.n --,.v- -.y seemed to be uniform. There are irl-res U La D "L'2 1 Q, j t t 1n:j ti tute of Genetics AS ,-1JR 1-1.1 . . - -- t-, z, jlogicheskoy f iziki AN J56R, Mos- l(va in-t, ji.).ogical Phyuics AS U65R, Moocow Card 212 S/87 62/000/030/005/006 B144YB186 AUTHORS: Nuzhdin, N. I., Nechayev, I. A. TITLEt Effect of radiation blockers on survival and changes in the internal organs of x-ray irradiated mice of different radio- sensitivity (Diethyl stilbestrol. effect) SOURCE: Deystviye ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na organizm. Inst. genetiki kN SSSR. Ed. by N. 1. Nuzhdin. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 173 - 197 TEXTj Three inbred strains of mice, CC 57- brown (I), C 3H (11) and BALB/c (III), were subjected to a single whole-body irradiation of 600 r in order to study the effect of one prophylactic sc injection of 0.2 mg d 'iethyl otilbeatrol propionate (D) administered 10 days before irradiation. The LD 50/30 for these mice were 558, 490 and 442 r, respectively. kdministra- tion of D reduced the total mortalit by 50 ~2 in I and Il and by 66.7 % in III, the first peak (up to 5 days~ being significantly reduced and the second peak (10-12 days) disappearing almost completely. The weights of Card 1/5 S/872/62/000/000/005/006 Effect of radiation blockers on ... B140166 thymus, liver, spleen, suprarenal glands and testes were ietermined.2, 4, 7t 149 219 30 and 60 days after irradiation. Groups 11 and !I: differed originally only in the weight of the testes, but group I had distinctly higher liver and spleen weights than the two others. in non-irrRdiated mice, D adminintration did not affect the total bodyweight. The radio:- tion-induced weight variatIons of the thymus were similar in the 3 groups and not affected by D. The hiChest weight of liver with the least fluc- tuations was found in the most radioresistant strain I. The effect of D on this organ became evident 2 weeks after the irradiation. The weight curves of the spleen whose radio3en3itivity is reflected in the second peak of the mortality curve (failure of the hematopoietic system) showed the highest absolute values and an earlier period of overcompensation in group I. D accelerated regeneration, inhibited overcompensation and equalized the otherwise difrering spleen reactions of the 3 strikino. The weight increases of the suprarenal glands produced by separate and com- bined irradiation 'and D administration were similar in the 3 groups. The difference in natural 'radiosen3itivity was not reflected in the weight curves of the testes whose regeneration was not improved by D. The diver- gent radioresistance of the 3 strains is attributed to the different radioresistance of their spleen and liver, which is evident from the Card 213 S/8 7 216?100,V000,10n, 5/006 Effect of radiation blocA-~r3 on ... B144/B166 weight curves as well as the diethyl stilbestrol effect. there are 10 figures and 20 tables. I I f k jk Card 3/3 AUTHCR: TITLi;: 30URCE: "O;_1 3/87 62/000/oCO/006/006 BI 83YB1 44 Nechayev, 1. A. Prot(-ctive action of diethyl atilboestrol in golden hamaters irradiated *ith X-rays Deyotviyo loniziruyushchikh izlucheniy na organizm. Inst. genetiki, lal SSSH. Ed. by N, 1. Nuzhdin. Moscow, Izd-vo mi Sssii, 1962, 198-2c5 TEXT: To obtain further dlita on the protective effect of diettlyl stilboectrol (D), malp Colden hamsters weighing 120-125 g were subjected to a single, whole-body X-ray treatment of 400 r or 600 r (50 r/min). 9-10 days before irradiation the teat animals but not the controls were injected 1.2 mg D subcutaneously. Test and control animals were neighed every 4 days during the first month after irradiation, then on the 4rth and 60th day, and afterwards every 30 days. The protective effect of D Ras found to be leco than that'of mercaptu ethylamine (M), but tho staphyloma- like eye damages which occurred in the surviving animals after M upplica- tion could not be observed after D. The death rate for golden hamsters Card 1/2 A /b72 162/c, Protective action of i*I-,tI.J! 118 1) /-B 14 4 di.ff,-red from that f,jr rot-9 tin; -ice. 1' h ree [.-,a xi ma w#- r" .)bu,? rvpi .t h e first (4th - 7th (Jai '-tt'tvr 1 rradil,tivn) :crrt,.qponIu to a lethal effect of the Castrointe3tinal sinir-.i-~ which ,rwvious experiments had shown to occur only after raliution dcs~s from 1C" r up-var,1s. The second (6th - 12th-IEV) is due to a darr;a6e of trio. hF-natopoietic system. This maximum may be reduced (at 6CO r) or elimiroited (at r) by applying D, contrarj tr, the third maxinur-, (17th - /~,th d;ij), ,s hardl;, changed. The tii~e a" survivine fror, tho 6~th riAy %fter irra,iiation on~war~s was not affected by D. Gn covipirir,C the if t-.p hamsterg on the 2oth lf~, aftr.-r irradiatio.r. th.- n,~t"rul in -Nvi,,~.t )f the surviving ai,imals after 6,-k- r ov,1,3 fo irradiati~,n 4C, r un,A to be ocnewhat jesi thKn aithout irrwii,tlon. treftt,-Rent with D results in an additional iel;q of but thio -."cr-,ases in the course 0"' time and is no IonGer obscrv,,! n tYp aftr?r irrodiation. Aft(!r that tir-0) the initial weicjit cf ncr.-Irra,J',,kted animals ovas increased to 10 '", tnat of animals irr~,diitt* r to about 135", Pd w'th a and that of animals irradiated with 600 r to ca. 12&,,~. There are 2 figures and I table. Card 2/2 3/02 62/145/004/027/027 )'0 B144YI3138 AUTHORS: Nushdin, 11. 1., Corresponding Member AS USSR, fiechayev, I. A., Grayevskaya, B. 11., and Shchedrina, R. N. - TITLE: Some physiological and biochemical peculiarities of mice with different congenital radiosensitivity PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 333R. Doklady, v. 143, no. 4, 1962, 997-1000 TEXT: The radiosensitivity of the following three strains was studied: cc 57- brown and BALB/c from the breeding station in Stolbovaya, CH 3 with 2 sublines from Stolbovaya near Moscow (m) and Rappolovo near Leningrad (1); and of a mixed population (bT) of mice from the breeding station at Kryukovo. The body weight, the weights of liver, spleen, suprarenal glands, thyroid, and testes, the catecholamine (CA) content in the suprarenal glands and the glycogen content in the liver were determined after whole-body irradiation with 550 - 650 r. The LD 50/30 was much higher for MP and CC 57 than for CH 3 and BALB/c. This was consistent with Card 1/2 Some physiological and ... the significant weight increase of liver two groups, whose thyroids were equally could be established between the weight and radiosensitivity. Histochemical and that MP had the lowest CA 3/020/62/143/004/027/027 B144 B158 and spleen found in the former heavierl whereas no relation of Buprarenal glands or testes quantitative studies revealed and I had different CA oublines m content. CH 5 levels. Radiosen3itiVity changed in the same order. Although this parallelism is no proof of a direct interrelation between CA metabolism and radiosenbitivity, it may be assumed that adrenalin is an important mediator between radiation perception and reaction. The glycogen level in the liver showed the reverse order and is probably dependent on the CA level in the suprarenal glands. There are 2 figures and I table. SUBMlTTED: January 5, 1962 Ix Card 2/2 I'ECHATEP71 I.A. p -.~ r.,, , - -7 , , . . - , . .,- 158 r r.. I :, i 1'.-. .7 --' I ~- -1. I . Ir s t I I,i , , - ~ . 4. -'L T.D. .. 1, , - - I - . I . -- ~ - ~ - p ~ .. , 7 i.:. ":0) . : , i- -,I/. - 1. " 1 ~-7 ~ P. -1 L 0201-66 ENT(m) AtC--NRI ATS0242SO SOURCE CODES UR/2670/6S/000/032/0177/0191 AUTHORS Necheyevo I., A. ORGt Institute of Genetics, Academy_of Sciences-SSS"Institut gene- tiklo And ISLYA Uauk SSSR) TITLEt Ago and radiosensitivLtyJa various strains of mice t 17 SOURCES AN SSSR, InstLtut gonetikL, Trudy, no. 32, 1965. Deystviya tooLsirayusheliLkh izlucbeniy a& rastLtellnyy I xhLvotnyy organizay (Effect of ionizing radiation on plant and anLual organisms), 177-191 TOPICTAOSs radiation biologic effect, z coy ircadistion, souse, digestive, system ASSTRACTs Experiments were conducted to examine the relationship between this age of animals and their radLosenaLtivity. Hice of throe strains with different natural radiosensitivity were subjected to single x-ray irradiation to dosas of 300, 4009 5009 and 600 red with does power of 47,2 red/stn* Animals were irradiated whom newborn, and whom 15, 30g 43, and 60 days old. Experimental results showed that the radLosensitivity of nice Increases until they are 30 days olds dfaer which the LOS@ index drops. Differences to radiosensitivLty in the @train led to differences In the radLosensItIve level of mice of the L 820M6 ACC Mks ATS024250 0 ease age group. Thusq the LOSO of radLoresL8t42t strains CCS79r &Rd CS721 LQ-41~- Mai *Age groups studied was higher than the LOS@ of the re4tossualti4e @train BALA/c (see Fig* lYe 41A j, -A#- - Ago., days Fig, RadlosensitivLty of stee of the DALD/c CCSjBr, and C.781 steatua at various ages. Dispersion analysis showed that both the strain of the animal and its age are'significant factors in its radLosessitivity, although it has been established that they operate independently. It was determined that age effects can be related to species characteristics, and geno- type effects to Characteristica,made complex as a result of the selec- C.d 2/4 L 8203-M ACC Nits AT5024ZSG tion and stabilization of #train*. During Irradiation with small doses' (300 and 400 red) both of these factors ore significant, However, with a dose of 500 red, only the genotype factor is significant, while during Irradiation with 600 red both age and genotype factors are eliminated. Death of animals from radiation sickness can be associated with different syndromes$ depending on genotype, age, and dose. Exper- ,Amental results shoved that its 30- and 60-day old mice, the gestroLn- tescloal system Is significantly more sensitive than In newborn and 15-day old aLce, BALB/c nice irradiated with 600 red had an 80-90Z mortality from injury to the gastrointestinal system. The CC57Br and CS731 strata* were much more resistant to "gastrointenstLual death." it was shown that the lethal effect of irradiation of newborn nice to not limited to the period of radiation sickness (30 days). For 90 days fter1rcadLation with the doses usedq the only dome which did not have ay serious aftereffects was 300 red. Doses of 400. 500, and 600 red : eliminated a significant number of the specimens which had survived radt&tLon sickness. Higher doses caused a greater radiation effect, CS751 nice were such more resistant to this test than BAL3/c and CCS75r aLcoo The Injurious radiation effect an newborn mice (with a dose of 300 red) is a definite lag to the growth rate during the period of radiation sickness, This lose is not completely coupeneated by sub -1 ACC MRs ATS024250 0 sequent acceleration of the growth rate. A dose of 400 ra'd retards growth even mace, apparently because of deeper destructive chanjes* The Srowth retardation affect is move strongly expressed for radio- sensitive BALA/c nice than for radioresistant CC5?Br mice, Orige art* hass 7 figures and 5 tables, 051 SOSMCODZj LS1 SUNK DAT19t nano/ ORIC RZ?j 018/ OTH RZFj 027 nw card 4 / 4 ATS024253 SOURCE COD91 UR/2670/65/000/032/020&;022i AUTHOR# NuskdIso No 10 (Corresponding. member All SSSR) ; YSS!!~ev ~t OR(4 tastitute of Cenaticet Academy of Sciences SSSR (Inatitut gene- t1kLq Akademlya nauk MR) TITLEs The affect f protective pubstancesq a survival and chang as to Internal organs :f nice of various radlosensitivitles after x-ray Irradiations 2ffect of carbon monoxide SOURCEs AN SSSR, Institut gonetikt, Trudy, so* 320 1965. Veystviye LouLstrayeakchikk Isluchenly me restLtellayy I xhLvotnyy organizal (9ffect of LeaLsLas radiation on plant and animal organisms), 206-222 VOPIC TAGSi radiation biologic affect, animal physiology, x ray LrradtatLess mouse, liver, thymus gland@ spleen, carbon monoxide, diethyletilb4strol ABSTRACTs Differences between the effects of carbon monoxide on two different strains of mice Irradiated with the saue does of x-rays were deteruLnede Hate mice of CCS78r (radtor4sLat&nt) and C3H (radio- sensitive) strains were used. These strains are also characterLsdd by differences in body weight and In the weight of certain organs-thysus. liver, spleen, and tootes--whLeh were used as indicators of the r&dL4- 113 UDCs $77.391 ACC HIs AT5024253 IC ties effect. Kate@ 2.5 nonthe old were irradiated with x-ray@ In a does of 600 red with dome power of 74-75 gad/mins gxperinentat sals4ts were Irradiated in an stoosphere of 0.3Z carbon mosoxidel can- trots were irradiated to a normal atmosphere@ Results showed dLf- forences to the mortality rate when nice of these different &train* wore Irradiated with CO as a protector, Irradiation with 600 red caused death Is only 392 of nice of the radiaresistant strain (CC515r) protected with C09 as coupared with a 74X nortalLty In the controls. Sixty-alse percent of the radiosessitive site (CjN) protected with CO died* of against 901 of the controls. It was noted that with the use of carbon maoxide as a radLoprotectore unlike diethylett lbes trot the characteristics of the strain Influenced the results of LrradLa- ties. The coefficient of protection of the organism with this dose to Oe47 for CC975r nice and 0o23 for C3K nice, With CCS73r nice, CO protected the gastrointestinal and houstopoistic systans squatty; however,p for the other strain the protective effect of CO was note evident an the gastrointestinal systan. Both with and without the protection of carbon sonoxidet CCS75r nice recovered lost body weight acre rapidly after Irradiation than CjH miLes, SIaLlor date were ob- taided in previous experiments with distbyletilbastrol, For C3H nice regeserstion of the thymus gland took longer than for CCS75r nice* Carbes sonexide had so positive affect on thymus recove'rye Once again, these results agree with results of other experiments by the autbares ACC NRi ATS024253 In which the lack of a specific protective effect on the thymus gland Was noted when nice were Irradiated with the use of dLethylotLIbestrol a a protector@ ZxporLmental results also showed that carbon uonoxLde dues@ overcompensation of the weight of the liver after LrrsdistLon with 600 red (by the 21st-30th day after irradistLon). ?be reaction of the splees to Irradiation In a carbon monoxide atuosphace was Lden- tical for both arain~ of mice, IS CCS73r nice protected with CO, a sharp Increase In the weight of the adrenal& was observed on the Yth day after Irradiation, Whom diethylsttlbostrol was used as the pro- tector, this pbenemenom was observed on the 2ad-4th day after Lrradi- ation, 'It was noted that with 600 red of a-rayeg CO does not affect the chauge In welibt of the tosteso Ibis lack of protection was also observed during Irradlatles of mice w1tb the one of diethyletilbestrole OrIge art* bass 12 figures and 9 tables. [is) SUN COD5j LS/ SVSH DATgs none/ ORIC RZFs OZO/ OTM RXF: 014 NECHAYEV, I.D., inzh. Organization of the construction of a mou taln road. Av-t.dor. 25 no.12slS D 162. (KIRA 16t2) Nountain roads) j, ., t` ". , , ., . I . .1 - . . p 11 - __:_jL& I. . A. - 11 ~~ I ..~*, . . :. ~ " . . I - : ~ . .~ 0 '... . r .. . . - 1 11 1 - I . !~ ~ I.11 - - 1. 1 1 1 . . 11 I . . -ttlejc;w. "tEvv-m -. , % I I I 4 i and Svart:l,(!V%Kfl N, N Motallicherkla konstruk(nd dlia tvitanoylif J - - baPpy nA wMeananikhol0kh Stant),AiAls. jj 1", 14 ' !T-12 7F 7 7 . 11 1052, 4 figs, 4 DIX I tic It." it I.( !Af~. ~~!Illlrtlllm ilia It ffixoit-d aff"I %,Arjow vqw,fitiv 111.11 tf:.i 01"ItIon section 44 the finrt,iptl it 'May IjjrJ,,j,4v . it .......... I:ai" for tI,p tmyrltr,,,movr, -If tn-tjm;:, w, isot 1~ .... .I 4~ittrujntm dwitera, bairt; for tlj,: rain k,ip- awl for ;Ittiliolmulc flw rt ~tlh m of tesolon the "w of the5c metallic qfoilllrem ond,:r il;II(trvot dimmi,7 cmidiiii-ins are umAit--if Iffatfinty, 2. IUF;tntMcnt Sheltem - I~L V- J=HAM, I.Mv. nsuchnyy sotrudaik; 1AZARZY, M.P.. otvats tvannyy redaktor; 151WINSKATA. I.V., redaktor; BRATNINA, M.I., tekhnicheshy redaktor [Instructions for hydrousteorological stations ead postal Isetavlents gidronsteoralogichaskim stantsitas i postas. laningrad, Gidrometeor. isd-vo. to.10. [Inspection of hydroweloorological stations sad osts) Inspairtails gidrometeorologichookikh at at Li I postov. IFt.l. ocking of meteorological observations at st:tions) Inspektatia M stoorologichookikh nabliudenti me stantsitakh. 1957. 195 p. (KIJU 10:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleale gidrowtoorolo- gichookoy sluxhby. 2. Matodicheskiy otdol Glsvnoy Geofisicheekoy observatorit (for Necheyev) 3. lachmllnik otdala sett Sev*ro- Zap&4nogo upravlentys gidrometsluzhby (for Issarov) (Noteorology-Observations) DASHKEVICH, L.L.; SUAMSKlY, D.Ya.; UsOLIISEV, V.A.; A:,'~-Ll, 1.',.Ye.; BOMEVIKOV, S.N.; VORZIENEVISM, N.S.; EANUYLOV, KJJ.; GIAZOVA, Ye.F.; UrtFUSHA, V.Ye.; F --OTOPOPOV, F.G. ; SHADIJ~A,,- IGRUNCV, V.P.; NECHAYEV I P.; LWFAILV F NA, Ye.F.;' IIIA!ilOllCVY V' U& KAU V.I., GLEIM., . , GOIaSH121, V.I.; GAV?.ILOV, V.A.; lly.OFEM, m.P., reteenzent; YETRWYCHEV, V.I., reteenzent; Y%~ASSOVSKIY, V.b., retsenzent; VIYUNPIK, A.P., reteenzent; SIBIRMAT, M.S., otv. red.; RUSNq N.P., otv. red.; YAS14UGORODSKAYA, H.M., red.; VOLKOV, N.V., tekhn. red. [Instructions to hydrometeorological stations and posts] 1~astavle- nie gidrometeorologicheskim stantsiiam i postari. Leningrad, Gidrorieteoroizdat. Do.3. Pt.3. (Yeteorological instruments and observation metbods used on a hydrometeorological network] Me- teorologlebaskie pribory i metody nabliudenii, prineniaenyo na gidrometeorologicheskoi seti. 1962. 295 P. (NIKA 15:5) (Continued on next card) DASHKEVICH, L.L.- (continued) Card 2. 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.;i.) GlaN-noye upravleniye gldrometeoro- logicheskoy sluzhby. 2. Glavnava geofizicheskVa observatoriya I-lauchno-isoledovatellokogo instituta gidrometeorologicheskikh priborov I Gosudarstv~!nnogo gidi-ologicheskogo inntituts, (for DaBhkevicl., Surazhekly, Uvolltsev, Azbell, Bozhevikov, Vorzhenevskiy, Maniqlov, Glazova, Karpusha, Protopopov, Shadrina, Igrunov, Vechsyev, Bespalov, Illarionov, Glebov, Glazovs., Kaulim, Goryanin, Gavrilov). 3. Komissiya Glavnogo upr;,vlenlya i7idrore- teorologicheskoy Bluzhby pri Sovete FiniBtrov SSSR (for Necha~-ev, Usolltsev, Tlmofeyev, Yefremychev, Krasovskiy, Vlyunnik) (Meteorology) NECHAYEV, I.N. I- Improving the vimial method of determining visual range Trudy OW no.129&13/+.-145 162. WU 16 s2) (Visibility) DRC,iDovp O.A.; "LIBEN"K, Errore in culQulating atmoapl*r!-- precipitationo 7.--,dy ~,^r;^; nool75t24-30 4,5o (Y:PA 1818) 1. Glav-UiYa 'leoflz!checka7a obrervut-^rly-a im. A.I.Vo,,-rykova, LanIngrad, ur-c"YE-1, T'li. .. --, 1-1 1 -.- 4 Pre-olpitaticn loaseS LlUe t0 Wetting cf the Preecipitaticr, (;auges and the metbodology of corr-:.,ting the precipitation totaas. Trudy GGO no,175:76,86 1,J5. (MIRA 19:8) 1. -Glamays, geof'lzl-hq!jkayii ob!)ervatorllyu Im. A.I.Voyeykuva, Lon-'r-grad. 3 TP U7, ~ 14, L - P - ,KF-ri .~ - , - - 7,;l ' - - -;%~ '14..V ,. j... !~ ,7 y 13 tPM * ' 1 0-1 r r ?- S : r. ' ' I- IF ~ h H , !- "7,1! - ~ - ~ ~, ' - Mpteor. i Fl,,ir- . . n,;. - : ' - 4. r ti r. . ~ I I . '1' 1 ft v r'. ay a , - r- -.PI z ~ - 1. ~ ~ , ",v - : , , I -., . ..., . STPUZER, L.P., kand. Nz.-qrntem. nauk; I.N.; BnG1,ANINA, E.G.; I FTD(-JR(-'IAF ye.A. Mo thodol ogy or c or roc t I rjjr tho proc t r I tA L I( ri norm. r ( f a period of several yearp. Meteor. I gidro'. nc).1' -43-5( N 165, (M TI'A I P: I I " 1. Glnvrmir geofizichaskaya observatorip. AT6004189 IV.) SOURCE CODE: UR/2531/65/000/174/0050/0056 AUTMK*. Macharm. 1. V. 3 -/' OW: awe let/ TITLE: Comparl~ of metbodo for reducing atmospheric pressure to the sea level SOURCE: L"dograd. Glanwwa fialchaskaya observotgayss Trudy, no. 174, 1965, Hatoatka ustooroloelebeekM ludenly I obrabotki (Mthods of meteorological observation and processing observation data), W56 TOPIC TAGS: hydromatoorelogys atmospheric pressure, pressure effect, pressure a measurement -ABSTRAM The author SlOme a comparative *valuation of the accuracy of mathads for reducing atmospheric- pressure to the "a level mod by the Nydvowtoorolozlc&l Selyl SSSK and I COMMINGAWA by thdWorld'Hatoorologleal. Organisation 00). It to @bows the Fni 00 ~tbe above mtbod.-leaft to Inegote ~id'that It -is suitable only fir t rological. 'staticas located on-alkliudle sot blebw tbm 100 u'above the sea level. The 'nothods of A.'r., Mil tanwr a", Ke, 9"Wevaly 0 &&qtod by the Sydromtoorological Sorivee,-UM9 aris suitable, foi%aleltiAm frm 150 to 500 mg and are convakiest for calculatift4' Offte -at-4,W1' 4 firmalme abd 2 tables. Named on outher's Astract). -10 ams, MAI NMI" ,ma .00" mrv~ 0031 am. Wt 0011 ACC RRO dixm Owk a AN-4 00 Z1 L - _.,.u manful" of owes A -A 4b - -A- 4LIM mum -' - * 048tt- a f the principal reisulte of 4 daten "t4tWo daftlan of the principal syst~tic offore to waswevent . . timi. Imph"is is ON the following Oftecos of erworl Procivits -due to-vatting at t f collocied Imes@ of pFecipitation he reietvai . , llectid precipitation due -to evaporation frou the roceit"r &W lmes~ itatiou: die to diet rtime of the VIVA field ever the receiver f precip quantitative rolat hips are derived, between the systematic 4errors and the factolie'red I a for their occurcesces - 'The'deffoutstiod: eyotm . ~ fjpcorosow: Mrs i Ofts tiLossible t6 d4termi" thd'afftce,f6v &art . . felfft,6'. M.0 0 W6 Ou . Developed by Kharkov efficiency promoters. Mekh. oil 11 no.7:17-18 J1 160. (Kharkoy Proviace-Farm equipment) . hoop. (MIRA 13110) - NECHAYEVI K,A.j NOVOSLOSKAYA, O.Ya,; FROLOV, KY,j KHANINS011, la.u.; VULAUVA, K.V , red.; VOROTILINA, L.I., tekhn. red. (Novosibirsk; not4ble places and sights] Navossibirak; Fa- miatrVe meats, i deatoprimechateilnosti. Iovosibirsk, Novo- sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo '. 1961~ 174 p, (MIRA 15:8) (Novosibirsk---Guidebooks) a tot W AL If a so Oct 0*4 06", 00A -00 00A .00 o Pf"avil rust hiellowity its alkito table state I , 2n."j, *00 ~ u 00 a, . td X - 1 dtsw too 7.4.1 1.0-selliv 1.- 6., .00 Tv&~t &fit$ Ila Idling,01 tlk I-tk, 1 00 4 k-1 *0 ultifiliCal %,kit IC IlW n-Ii-rtlely of se1w. to l 1 "antis"".I.. 111MR11 -w I.. () .4 It. at. M is. -I I f "I 1 1 t " f "All f111 I 4 ill I., ls-t. '11. .1.,t6 I.v 1.-I .. I-I.Vlusfum at '01 g.-Iots .... Sess 1.411r. ~fr CIA, Io th. A 4) 1., moo l r M l. uwtlvob fix givirvs-Istind 1,-.. '.0.01fir -I so* .H,Ir(A mirsisaxia (lawd an ibe mirr-'-pit &1. .4 th, I"t-WgkV III YrAM ift Wille kfpf In lhe Ilwti w&I af go* 004 dars at. .1ita wil"l. see oew 000 coo see lose moo GOIALLV%4C&L 1,1191114110110 CLAkUPICATOO II"as 'roe stiletto "at Mv dad -- A I Rd 4 9 1 IS 0 9 to oil$ 0 ~tw 0 III) Ij ~ I.. -, 00 00 00, 009 006 of fill off 000 00 :06 gel a S a 9 a a a a 0 8 a IF a a a a 4 a 0 Go* too -49 fte""M 4d Imbot, in trim" by Awl" as taft 4d hydomoAls edMft is sabsomm 0 OW WAR, 30.81 A, .00 10 ammil. 0RUf&emWd by IRIOII + MAI in wines -00 w"domm", twbW ton standard Is often Waker thime in m6m Skirbo rim to wdumuts; this I&M points -00 -00 -00 000 goo 4-11P u a W do a 01:00000 0000000000004 '60 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 see 0 4 0 3 IF 0 9 a a 3 6 9 oioo go 0 6064000900096 40, TOO 0 0 0 0*0040*00000000 00, so 004 06 0: 000 so* 040 0 "er 4 64 W 0 0 9 0 g, Reset LLUJIV 110 DdmepbWo d 401ft ft someed. L. X. Nabov. frimm"& i V dw S.SJA 1. .9 kimparts" ohm filly, am ammew is 404. an mavw. clow, am bOWift 41=4d AA VIM. TINS "Wilad is billed as the eAkWa wkb an ak-4ibw tubm optheelle ouwju aft a6MAwd Am w1ow. ak.. mid otbar am twomme in 4dow Tbm wownkmo aw C"ft f(w dwkmut 1% opqimqm pgepwdm b killed by takif wkb 00 NW tq"bw I ad. MW ~MT wo 4ellow, from' 6ow wa tuba. The tabu an VAPPIM4. dMAAM. affid 411WV4 t0 11110,04 090 The raw of Wa1w nod app1mrsalm ed the wthavet an Immeed. The m"famat AmM be aam4. a ------- 1010, 1141 *1 arlujo. Tbr fvmfts dro U*W"- C7.zr4a1fq tkta# of polaceduel an givim 0 ile 104 ar *&*a Odeon* so 664-SLA OtTALL~&L LIVIINATI01114 CLAUNICA1410 no 111,0001-11'. I %old" (010 GOT 4ff too COO see see 1 9 11110 $A A 9 do 6 2 0 so so oo::::Oee 0000*4*00*00000000000 POUPOKO, Ta.l.; LUKITANOT, A.D.; LAZARKTSKIT, N.A.: DTU2HXV. P.K.; ZAKHAROTA, Te.I.; KOVALKY, A.A.; RUZAT3T, K.S.; M4AIJM. 1-I.; HASANIKO. A.A.; KASHINSLATA, L.P.; ALITET. A.M.; KANOKM. P.A.; LITTOOT, P.I.: KOROTKOVA, P.I.; ZATTSITA, Tu.Y.; GRANOTFIIKO. P.N.; TAIROVA, T.H., red.; PROKOFITEVA. L.E.. CTi t icul ture JTinograda ~-stvo. koskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz,lit-ry, 1960. 612 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Tit laul ture ) HICHATV, -L. q. Roleof 'oxyren to b iocheadcal processes taking place in grapes and grape juice. Blokhtm. Yin. no.9:235-252 160. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Hauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vinogradaretya I vinodeltya RS7SR. (Oxygen) (Grapes-Storage) (Grape juice--Preservation) NECHM-V9 L.N. Yale of the intensity of sugar &ccunxdation and of the composition of grapes In the formati,n of the orgdnr!ej,,1c j,a-A-:-j of vine and Juices. Biokhim. vin. no.7.25-42 163. 1, ;4)' 1. Hauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut yinogradarstva I vinodellya MinLaterstva. sel'skogo khozyaystva RSFSR. (Wine and vine making) (Plan to-Cheml cal anaiysis) MARTYTIPV, O.V.; USTY'TZFiANIN, ?TMliA)FV, L.-3.; GORLOV, S.M. Smeltinj7 Find continuous -,ouring of steel 20 In in4c'.3 wi*r a crosn sectionof 290X320 mm. Metallurg 8 nc.12-11-1~ D 't,i. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Novotullskly metallurgichaskiy zavod. NECHAYEV, L.V. Operation of the fluid cooling Bystem of an engine under wnrated conditiona. Avt. prom. 30 no.5%12-15 My 164. (MIRA 1719) 1. Altayekiy politekhnicheakiy institut. NECHAYEV, L.V., stanihiy prepodnvatoll Hea ting c~.hra-ter.3 t I ~ j , f ven 1, r: , - 9 rig! neg -.i' '.n ,l -' . _( , 1 19 a Y.-item. I 7_'. V-Y5. I) -flu b. UiV. ; * n(Iq I r. , , . r' : d- ' I ~ NICCHATRV, M., inshenar. Spoilage of fats through oxidation. Kias.ind.ASSa 27 ne.3:46-49 156* (XIRA 9: 9) l.kookovskiy takhnslogicheakiy inatitut myasnoy i molechnsy promyshlonnosti. (Oils and fats) (Oxidation) N., ;H .1 I . - AT-V, V. , in-m' enmr. 3hanre in animal fat ?~ no.4.?,~-29 '57. the nrocesslnp veriod .I lip . I %c . ~: -, ~ ' 71 : iy t P-)-h n ' i;- -.~ , oak ly I no t I tut my%n nn', '. - r!:-1.1 r, . 1 e-Inost i . .. -. 'Y . one f-tp--AnAlys is I I NECHATNV,N.A., inthener Chemical method of controlling carbon formation in lococotive boilers. Takh.shel.dor.7 no.7:26-27 J1148. (KIRA 8:11) (Locomotive boilers) nmHAYE-V, I.I. A. Steam Boilers Remark on the article "Cheadcal cleining of the outer xarfacea, of t3teAm boilers." Rab. energ. 2 no. 4, 1952. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -194, U'ci. -1-1 1., . 1. ,a ., ' ':, . A. ":~ f- - ~ ~ - ~l - - .~ . i -- ~ -. I -~ -- - I . I _n;A- . Z -'- , . - , - I , : - . , , I I . . " I -".. . I .- - I '. I I , . . o Is a o o a 0 0 o o o00 0 & o o off e 6 0 000004 000 90 0 0 so 0 a a v *--, - 6 0 0 0 4 0 a 4 a : 0 a : 0 0 ' D 6 4 : . . v a 1 4W . A, a SCO . . L-1 It A A L A IN '--ro o .00 so 0 0 lo 0 00 Gotepreducor XLA hao ~js, - , do o 40 00. coo a -00 :o, ll so* .00 to* At. A V'T, dm I a a w 0 1 as a 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 *1 L S 0 Col. a I it INA4.88111 193114411.46. 1 111 00 go i-21 -0 Igo 00 go C, go go 0o 06 06- 00 00. 00 ODD to 61.19A valomool 10080 sel A019j"Bal 100 r go rDo 00 F - 4 ; 9 '00 .0 a a a A IN a0 0 A a w a of W 9 w 0 a 1? 9 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 00 0 Is *-0,-# 0-4 -f -6-too 0 0*000000000004000 III a A IL 16 0 f 6 00 00 4 'A 0 'L 0 phosolls 111110111 ff0m gas produds4 .alto .1 woo". eomiatir M. A N-- 12 M Of J'I~!a (.I". 7'.If Mob. 1. I-MMI-1110s age '11-mit-rd low U.'"s .11-hArg. -4 'tI, at, "lode I.w the -M.t*t, t1v- -41". "$.A. 1-141 1-1. 't. smi III, 111 IfW .00 .040 .00 .00 g-tsil'. w:th the alut A" 'It... '00 .00 00 .00 .00 -00 ce allo- T I fts a 4 0 1 9 so I of 0 1 As to 104 - - ' ~16-99- - - Is 09 &,18 00 ISO 04 014 04 00 0 e 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A" i in &"A I LIJ 10 f 0 . April Gas prodow. M. A N-h4c'P I,kt% Joan- jr .00 00 -40 0 0: .00 .00 00 1 ele 00 *0 .00 .00 460 .46 e 00 doe it 40 LI, falls 0901~ 'I I'. 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 OV, 0 0 * 0 0 0 4140iiiisee :10 o 04 See 00 0 so 0 o 0 * * 0 0 & * o IL - 96 p wave 111I l ON111141111 to fill adee I o A A a d 1K JM JrLYA 0 6L4A f t a I A 1 11, A - - - _ - I* p 00 A r - -06 see -00 QIGA .00 1111181 The purNkmalms and adMeades of wow" mrsome ftsmuftog .01111 006 firlroo the 44814cal" of Noted thips to vow fle 67116 =6 1 " I '00 00 .1 -- "w ?- J'N" 1 73~ealqv N&I 4W 11 I Th - . er quatiloov W a.-t, *.I,. , . _11110 004 ...... W .111misid-f I.W ffk~f vortIt.1 I he taudi-alkitri Is Immmaed by an addri uf a .00 N Iml, arm%i wairt I,, the arfwmlcw rbe barinful mmvitiou e woo 99 III I- ..' s 0111.0'r, Ifful"I We .1tinivibbed by abumboi4 the 1 11.4 111 401.1 " I.Mdlv the goa befitirv to leal h'. '3 . 611". it., de%tesw the t4# .4, 4 the *..I. - 00 qp a pill"I"s -I .&.I. woo" I, -,IV I.. 00 ; 0 11, F'W befthel pikrllovul~ 1'"4 ..1 he .&let gethet with houveh.Ad -wag, I. t-m-wirki-I of 00 I I h ...I pullik'sol.'" AmIll be precrij-) hv 1, **.IF W.1- $. by 16'rin 1.. -4 ..... - 00 00 0 0.0p arlover, ato "milwo. von ur 1" he., -00 III heat too the h'it flww at, of 1411111 1411411 .00 - goo : j 1.00 0 4 ast ativeSK&t it 1111411#11111 (LASIVIC1111100 9 9 -4 to., 40 I i s 6 0 of 0 9, 124 1A a 1 9 Rd a 0 1 0 I 1 4 a- I 8 a 6 do a 1 4 9 dt* i 0 - ; 0 a so 0 400 0 00 00000 Soso 0 ~ 0 0 00491 2 00 00 0 00 00 0 9 0 0000 0001 0 AL-00 A op A 0 60CISW 0-60*60fol dot I ****wow ap 9 v is a to v aa a 0 d a Zo . 00 -so 00 .00 so -00 00 MIU WASM FM GM ~194 #UTZ= INNOGVM doll seal A. (JO DIAMMOWS a" seam# 1941, w, go. so, "Go g Us OWn. SbI., 190, & $0. O"beft for tmdk so oll watere trm WWMTI" ploaU ore dowribed in deftile .00 04" I" roWmI trM tM ado WaWn Of VA$V~BW 801ifto PbMISA Gas **a AII&W Wd %Mir bs~JOCWG# fttty "Wdo QI=MdGo V 000 Softi me meiwwo "I"Mm" Le do* 00 see 004 see ! see too goo I see we 'o 0 . IC- Z-, lf Q.1.f CtIIUVK 0000, . . U _ 7 of am As --v W- 1- -1-7- V, r ' 1o 0,0 L 0 0 410 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 049 00 0 0 * l 1 os* 00*0000000*00 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000000 *dbo s 0 0 0 40 1. NECHAYEV, M., Eng. 2. USS (600) 4. Gas - Heating and Cooking 71 Guarantee of safe and rational use of household gas. Zhil. -khom. khoz. 2 no. 9, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar_v -1953. Unclassified. NACHAYBV N A I [city gas supply] Gazoonabshenle gorodskogo khosiatetva. Moskva, lid-vo NInIsterstva kommunallnogo khocialetva RSIrSR, 1953. 186 p. (KLRA 7:6) (Gas m-nufacture and works) IMCHATIT. N.A.@ redaktor; KOLMMOV. S.?.. rodaktor; LIBIER. 1.S., redoMor. [Problem of amlolpal Ve supply; Isoturee at conference-cotwoes on smatolpal pe supply] Toprovy gasoonabahenlia gorodov; tra4y Konferea.- tell4caraov po, gavosuabsbontlu gorodov. [Redaktirovante osushchestvill N.A.Ssohaev I I.B.Mborl Zeningrad. Goo. amohno-takhn. Isd-vo nefti&aot I gorno-toplivnot lIt-ry, Leningradskoe otd-nis, 1953. 207 P. (KLRA 7:1) 1. ViessynsmWe namcbm"s Inshenorno-tekhnicheshp obshchoutwo energet Iki. (Gas applisaces) (Gas samftature and works) STASKITICH, H.L.: IMCHMV,,-". redaktor; KODKOVA. Ts.L. rodAirtor: SOKOUWA. Ye.l.. takhnichoskiy rodakt*r (Municipal gas supply] Usoonabzhenis gorodov. Leningrad. Goo. nanchno-tekhnichaskoe isd-vo neftianot i gerno-toplivnoi lit-rr. Pt.4. (Operating gas-distribution] Nksplustatsita sistem rampre- delentia gas&. 1953. 312 p. (HLRA 80) (Gas distribution) MHATIVI K 4. - CHIMOV, S.K.. Inshener. nauchayy redaktor-, KiLPIAN,K.Ta.. %*Cv*,rII3qv4 tw &&for; FULIKINA, Te.A.. tokhnicheskiy redsktor. (To the architect and brmilder on supplying dwellings with gas) Ar- khltektorm 1 stroltelin o gasommabshoull sbilogo, dons. Lonlograd, Goo. Isd-vo lit-ry po strattelletyu I arkbitekture. 1954. 67 p. (KLU 8:1 ) (Architecture, Domestic) (Gas--Hsating and cooking) -.r7- .." " ROMNOVSKIY. G., Inzhener; IMMAYXY. M.. inghoner. , Dowstic gas appliances. ZhIl. -iron. khos. 4 no.5:12 154.(YJRA 7:9) (Gas appliances) NWHATU A IrILIMMOT, A.A., redaktor; AKATOWA. Y.G., redaktor; A., tekdratchook1y rodaktor. [Manual of employees of city gas works) Spravsahnlk rabotnika geredskogo gasevoge khostaistva. Moskva. Izd-vo Hinisterstva kommunallnego khostaistys RSM. 1955. 349 p. (KLVA qj4) (Gas manufacture and works) LLM. I.S.; FJWOROV, N.K.; JWGBA T. N.A.. inzhener, mauchny7 redaktor, KAMY. V.V.. redaictor izda-t-elTs-t-va; PULIKINA, Te.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Concrete sanitary engineering blocks and heating Installations] Betonnye sanitarno-tekhnicheskie bloki I nagravatelloye pribory. lAningrad. Gos. izd-vo po stroit. I arkhitakturs. 1956. 65 p. (Concrete blocks) (KIRA 9:10) (Heating) NY-CHATY-V In the Scientific ftnd Technic-stl Power Ingineerine, Socis-t7. Gns.prom. no-3:38 Mr 156. (KLRA 10:1) ((ke as fuel) (Oombuetlan) NBOHAYNV, $.A. Improving hygiente conditions in kitchens eqiiioped with rRs rnnges. My '56. (KLRA 10:1) (StovAs, Gas) (Hygiene. Public) mc Mikhail A10 - S?OIP9n. Te.B. tashener. re"ktor; JIKADITIU. 1.M.. takhrodaktor . *0 v ushe daktor; 02 Lssfety engineering for gas pipeline* and gas apperstuej TekrhnikA besepasnoott am gasoprovodakh t gesowykh ustenovkskh. loningred, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.isd-wo neft. i gorno~topjivnoi lit-ry, Leningrr. otd-nie. 1957. 200 p. (KIRA 10:7) (Gas pipes) (Gas nanixfooturs and works) HICHAYRV, M. 41~ .. ZOAIO~- In the Scientific and Technical Society of tho Power Zodustry. Gas. 10-0 no.2:37-IP 7 157. (~UA prom. (Power enpi near i np) (Fuel) C- 14 1) xv, M. ,'A Sev KIW of Liquefied (knous Fuel," by M. Nechayev, Gazovaya Promyshlemost', Nc 3, mar 57, p 3r - -- - . According to a report by M. Garms in Grundlagen der Brenn~asver- vendungI (Fundamentals of the Application of Combustible Gases), Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 1956, page 160, a new kind of liquefied gaseous fuel, namely, dimethyl ether, is being used In East Germany. This fuel is produced by the Walter Ulbricht Leuna Plant. The Leuna plant supplies this new gas under the name of "fuel other." It consists of approximately 95% 3f d-Lmethyl ether, the remaining 5% being carbon dioxide and light hydrocarbons. As far as its physicochemical properties are concerned, fuel other resembles liquefied propane-batane gas. It has the same com- bUstion characteristics as the latter, but is soluble In water. In Ue combustion of dimethyl ether less oxygen is used, because this substance already contains oxygen la its molecule. NEC HP The principal physteochemical characteristics of dimethyl ether are as follows: specific gravity, 2.1 kg per cubic meter; vapor pres- sure at 200 C, 5 atmospheres gauge; boiling point at 7W mm Hg, 24.80, limits of detonation when mixed with air, lower limit, 2%, and upper limit, 20%; and heat produced in combustion, 6,700 kilozalories per kg. Fuel ether is used for household and Industrial ap-plications. The adaptation of burners designed for city gas is much easier in the case of dimethyl ether than that of propane. Dimetbyl ethcr is also used as a refrigeration ae-at. (U) UGHATBV, K. In the Scientific and Technical Society of the Power Industry. Gaz. prom. no.3:38 Kr '57. (MIRA 12:3) (Gas as fuel) W ectv*"n of odorWat ot shAI4 PC -o From. 193T, N . t shak Cm pwified with activated C "Cre. amde i Z. the feasibUity of &ub:rtitutLjlj a &We ps beartne. d:' - OA, mul. wt. 2w, b. 054-146" V11th its wons Cbiuacuriatic odor, tot the u,-mW tthyl wtscaptavi. To the Pit of Corn COi 1B.S. Wit. 4.8. CO 11-0. 0 0.9, 1124.5, CJft,.,., Ire: 14."S.7%, 4M 114 4r;ioe, dild, with Or to & CO coutent 4 0.04 w fuldod the beazine In anits, of $. JO, M m. 111silb Olin,, hjif"cir, rAtind It gni- to tctive for IMPArting a W"Pllbl* and vtr- marte"t (Jur to the (IM. Cm. 'ne list of COlyl mercuputu. thtrtfam retmilru the bwt. intons of warving off texplosiree or toxic vmmA. of tbe rm In the mia. " - - - V .l." - I . "J. in ivtp sxygrn hone ". r I I,' r I --it I -n i~f bottled !lip in an-Artiento . 'W ;Fi- .,,r(.- . rc . ~: ?0-27 A' ',-' . '. R) I, - 9 ) ~ n, rr-- ~ ' 11 11 ances ) A'~'-THOR. Nechayev, L.A. TITLE: GP,3 Turbin~-S-as a Direct S-;rce )f Bli-st f~,r Bla,-t tuazovyy turLiiV kak ne-losre-dstvea;.y.7 istzcl-riik Joi:ennoLo e aut, ya) PERIODICAL: Ste 1 141 ,a -~ t,; rt ;e e% C -nd A-~STRACT-. TI.e use Df icEIv-.,q a 3% CO 2 - t e m r!, t, A j- c, ~' 4C00C) as, a 3-. .,C'. blast for blp.,,,.t f~lrisjcp.. i!3 roposed. A le-cri: 1 1 1 ,,roposed scleme j-ive,.,. It I's- T- -)-it 'i.,- editorial note ti.e 11 e:.d on the f,,irnace :,7 er!!"-' tl. 07*,'L~n conta-nint, '~-4/'U' f CO- ,(.+ ations. T'T. e ~ o AS60CIATION: Scieatific-,ec"-,nc~iL SOCI- t-1 cf Power AVAIiALLE: I b r, ~, r (.'a r al 1 / I POWID/Chemical Tc6uiology - Processing of Solid Put.-Is H. (Naturally D--Iy)sltcd) Abs Jour % Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 16, 1958, 55110 Author : Nechaev) M.A. Inst Title Manufacture of City Gas from Shale Oil. Orig Pub i Chz. woda, teclui. sanit., 1957, 31, No 12, 472-1, 73 Abstract A report on Soviet work concerning the mnufa,-turc ~f city gas from shale on Kokl.tla-Yarv and SiaLcts combi- nats. Card 1/1 UGHAYMV. 014V All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on the Use of Mat-aral Nts in Industrial 1~~ces. a&z. pron. no.ls52-55 A '58. (Gas, Matural-Congressee) (KIRA llz2) HXGAATICV. II.A. Laying r~as -ApellriP3 ',r, irA-iatrlal ur-as. )3- 35 jF3 '59. (Oivi. Hat,on'.. -Pl-,,~il Inep ) Ira z . pr om.4 no. t : (MIRA 12: 8) ITECRA-EV, ~~. Work el the rasification section of the Central Committee of thOJ S,.-Ientific and Technical Society for %tviral Fuel. Gat. pro-. ~ no.12:SO-51 D '59. (111RA 11:3) (Gas industry) HZCHAYAV-, Mikhail A19kap-Adrovich. Prininal uchostiye MITROFiiNOV, I.A., Inzh.. STOLPUKR, Ye.B., naucharl red.; DICSHALW, M.G., vedushchiy red.; YASHCHURZHIHSLATA, A.B., tekhn.-,gd. (Safety measures in the transportation, diBtritmtion and uses of 4as fuel I Tekhnika bazopasnosti pri transportirovkeo raspredelenii i ispollzovanii gazovogo topliva. Izd.2.. perer. i dop. Leningrad. Gos.nnuchno-tekhnAzd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnot lit-ry. Leningr. otd-nia. 1960. 259 p. (MIRA IJ:9) (Gas as fuel--Safety measures) NZCWP-o-Hikh&U-A,I,&ksandrovich; SHATSILM, 0.1.9 inzh.t red.1 FREGM, D.P.t I red. isd-va; GVIRTS, V.L.9 tekhn. red. (Safety in handling gas-opor*W equipment of industrial furnaces and boilers] Bezopamiaia skspluatataiia gazovogo oborudovaniia proxwshlex~- zWkh pechei i kotlov. lAningred, 1961. 18 p. (LeningrodsIdi Dom wmchno- takhaicheakoi propagandy, Obmen peredovyx opytom. Serliai lorgstiM# no.5) (KIRA 140) (Boilers) ("COs) NECHAYEV, M.A., inzh. (Leningrad) Inspection tubes are both necessar7 and usef'Ll. Stroi. truboprm. 6 no. 2:22-23 F 161. (MIRA 14;5) (Gas pipes) -4ECHA' MV, M.A. In the HAD AdministrAion of the ' .--e ., . 1. Gazoprome 6 n0,4:56161, " (Gas industry) NECII&EV I . Alele-adravi nh. Prinimal uchastiye MITROFANOV 0 I.A. - inmb.; ZUBAREV, S.A., retsenzent; LEVIN, A.M., retsenzent; SIGAL, I.Ya., retsenzeng; KOIZADA, I.A., roUenzent; STOLPM , Ye.B.,, naucbnyy red.; FjMMGVA, Y.I., ved. red.; SAFRONOVA, I.M., tekhn. red. (Safety measures in the transportation, distribution, and use of gas fuel] Tekbnika bezopannosti pri transportirovke, ras- predelenii i ispollzovanii gazovogo topliva. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Leningrad, Gootoptokhizdat, 1962. 299 p WRA 1594) (Gas as fuel-Safety measures) AXWEVo H.A.; ISSER1,11i, A.S.; I-IODUK, b.I.i TIVIFMNA, A.L.; S .1OLFUMi, Ye.D., nnuc~~ .,&l AMI , V.(j., vrtf . r~~J.; YASHCHUIMRSKAYA, A.b., tek-hr,. red. (Poclat guide for the gar, )i.-,!.ribution workers'j!.Pm~arlmi P,-n- vochnik rn,~otnlkti gazovo -o 1A-rinj-,r d, Oostuj,tekh- izdat, 1~,62. 526 p. (1-1hA 1', 1~) (Gas dintrilnition) ('ras a~, liances) NECHAYEV, KlIrki 41 A]pWmnArpVjCh LAPERIYE I.R., nauchnyy red.; -WHALYT, M.G., To YASHCAURZHIM-MAYA, A.B., tekhn. red. (Equipment and devices used for safety control in the gas industryllaventarl i pribory gazovoi takhniki besopasnosti. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 69 p. OCRA 16:7) (Gas industry--Safety measures) ANDREYEV, German Sergeyevich; UOR'KOV, A.I., red.; BAFNIN, S.F., nauchn. red.; LZBEDEV-TO'VETKOV, Yu.Yu., red.; MIOUCFANOV, I.A., red.; NECHATE-V, M.A., red.; RUSAKOVA, L.Ya., ved. red.; YASHCHIRZHIMMATA, A.B., [Firing-line method on main gas pipes] Vedenie ognevykh ra- bot na magistrallnom gazoprovode. Leningrad, Gostoptekhiz- dat, 1963. 110 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Gas, Natural--Pipelines) SKRYABIV, Viktor Georgiyevich; NECHAYLrV, M.A., nauchn. red.; RUSAKOVA, L.Ya., ved. red. (Scavenging and testing gas pipelines] Produvka i ispy- tanie magistralInykh gazoprovodov. Leningrad, Gostoptekh- izdat, 1963. 106 p. (MIRA 170) NECHAYEV, M.A. (Leningrad); SKAFTYAMOV, N.A. (Rostov-na-Donu) Is it necessary ~.o -,est gas pipelines for prov. 9 no.2133-34 F '64. 011R.A 17:3) af o.; II 11KHMIROV, Yovger-ly li k,, ay,!vlrh, Klioi,'k,O~, A I , rotd.; iik'Ylli, ,3.F.p :.A., ".A., re(:. A'VOVSY.TY T E~-. L 1 S- '.,-! I , *,' 7 red. ac,.'u-t.r.en',, an(l i-poratt n of riciv!cer, fo r- e-lectrica-I ,rutectllf,n ~I' i ip-liness' (,ksf,luatat.-'.i% P.oxtrozart.-rilt.y truboprovodov. Len,.ris~rti;, Nouril, FETitOV , V iad I r ir Yet rovich; HA"I'Vy F. A., rjiuclu~. re(4. ; ", , . 7- -,. , ve'l . re'l . (Gas f.o! ',n ~rizr,voe I. I ' z I a Is I-V, LeninwrF~ ~, ;,)05. 1, 6 ~. (. ; - A . ~ : ") #qA94; ISSERIJN, Aleksandr Semenovich; XZCWj~~O. 14ikjki!q.ggXgap MWDOK, Boris Iosifovi~h; PLOTIIKOVA, Anfusa Nikolayevna; NECHAYEV, M.A.# nauchn. red.; RUSAKOVA, L.Ya., ved. red. (Handbook for workers in the gas industry] Spravochnik ra- botnika gazovogo khoziaistva. Imd.2., perer. i dop. lonin- grad, Nedra, 1965. 430 p. (MIRA 18:7) NECHAn-V j M.A. 10 A. 600ond 81hauSt 6uct always needed for bathroome having gas-fired water heaters? Gas, prom, 10 no.7i15-16 165, (141RA 1818) j ~ Y', V , )-! . ~ . ;KI. P '1' i-'f N ,N.A . f mf) f *o mit r K, ~ci (-.nIi.e rc., r-O,ui rv-i. P n, P: 3 of ".rql q k :ri 17, !, 7 1 fI nc, r t I c nf-i k rw Tr J- 3-T J, r rl ii(;,,] n I j? I nr Or "ov k I nc r- r,t r r y SKAFTYMOV, N.A.; NEI-11AYEIV, M.A. If I UrA u.-, r I'. e ;7. c f '-,I =-n- -a tpa I I noo Strui. truboprov. I ric 1 N ~ rahonerno-c trai te I I nyy I rw t, tijt Rns!.-;v-rvi-Dcjnu (for "KlAftYMOV ). 2. ")uk1,.qlyR gazlfiKftTi'i ttikhni r ties Kogo ,zit,va Jiatirtit, ri: I for Ne-. ria yelf 'i iIDNIXOT, B.G., Inshener-podpolicovalk; XOCHAM, N.M.. inzhaner-polkovnik, SHIZAKHTUROV. V.I., Inshener-podpolkovaik. Prinimall achastiye: FILIMT, T.T., inshoner-polkovaik. PANOT. N.N.. iashe&w-WPO1kDndk Tronsport planes prepare for flight. Tent.Tosd.Yl. no.1:60-69 J& ,61. (KIU 13:12) (Transport planes) eat S r.: CY Waves r ri Im1 1. 0!1 q t q t f. to t"'. :,il T rat It a ruTA 0, t I A w b~. vri A 11 v 4 c A,~ct,r, t:.f, , J i rt: a t h 1 h , r, -u a ~i !,o-r~ v Q r t h c~ I - tr wav- A s *,- r v a t i --a t"n u I tt t-n': rear x i f3 t s ec I r-a t L- 2 t Aft;- i r Li u L ut%r 1 1 v e n t so v r!i ry