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?r-MASO'll , M. A. The Pharmscologlenl Chnrsrteriatice of Cnrbochollne. Far. i. Toks., v. 4, No 2, 1941, p. 72. Chair of PhRrmacology and Toxicology of the UnIngrad Veterinnry InstItute. ~/j"OvIaIIW I JIMA 49 Tramadmalan Lima Zlectric Payez 87stams ftploltatim of M-KIlavalt Mass BWppod,'.. E- Vltb Separate Pbms Control and OAPT ESeparate ON < Automatic Repeated Mtch1mg).,O L. T9. Nstratj T- I. TOMMUrro-, Uglasers., 3 YP 922ek ftantag so 6 ft= up the work of a power systm umlag'.& -agm~. ler of 115-kv trm-Issiam lines equipped vI-W salm,rate pb"o cantral and WT 80 - 100-k3a Ims - In 5 Tows of mploitation, there vare abmt 30 assam of autcmtic switablag mt or - Im !53A9= ~Ixqctrlcitr (Coutd) Jun separate phases during frosts, breaks In can. dastwo, d 0 to supYcrts,, OU - In all c"m amept tbres., power supply to coasimers vas mlatalued cc two phames. 53A9T32 N-MAT, L. YE. USSR/Engineering - Power Plants, Electric Electrical cquifoont NCV 49 "Some Design Vequirements for Siberian Rayon Electric Power Statlons,m L. Ye. Nebrat, V. h. Yasnikov,, ~-ngineers, Stalin Prize Laureates, 3 pp "Elek Stants" No U -Siberian electric power stations are designed as a rule, on same principles as those in other parts of USSR. Practice shows, however, that special attention must be paid to severe cll=tic conditions. Lists 19 points In connection with fuel supply, water supply, powerhouse, electrical equipment, and oil supplyl PA 156T24 r NIDRAT, L. Ye. Electric Trpnafomiers Inspection of b"g transformers althout. removing Lhe ccre. Ra~- energ. 2 no. 4 '52 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jlly_',r)~i' 'J"1. ~'.' - 7 "I I : . . , ' -11 . 71-octric - - Answer t,( F:nl,. Kopp I vv Is rpmnr,!:; )n ',,. I . I;t;',r-,t'3 fA-t" 1-11 " 1:..'r -'C* lr,,' '. tranifomers WitlInUt rf-,.,-,rini~ the -ore." ' I . 1711-!- *. . ~ . 'I ~ " .,. -nv~ , I it retry , f '~,ngr-ss , D-- " ~ , - - 1'4'~ 1 , , ~ . Mqnt h I List nr Kssiin Acrr,,ssi I KAPW. S-Yu..- MRAT. L.Ts. [authors]; SINITSA. A.L. inshener (reviewer). --------- Remarks on S.W.Uplan's article OInspecting transformers without removing the core.0 and L.Z.Vabratals article 'Inspecting transformers of great capacity without removing the core." Snergetik 3 no-5:4-5 0 '53. (KIRA 6:10) (Zlectric transformers) (Kaplan, S. M.) (Yebrat. L.S.) Subject USSR/ElectriciLY Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 9/29 i D F c, 6 -.7 Authors Nebrat, L. Ye., 3nd oShefkIn6, Mi. U., Lng". Title Raising the power factor of' the auxillary ir-istallat.lons of power stations Periodical: Llek. sta., 4, 33-34, Aj) 195, Abstract The authors dl.,icuss the necessity of' lmprt,ving the power factor of auxiliary circuits which usually varies between 0.72 and 0.75. The authors mention that the power factor in the industrial networks sometimes reaches a value of 0.882. The economic and technical factors are also discussed. Institution: None Submitted No date AU(; M. RMUMU14 SOURCE CUDE; M/010516 /GW/UU4/UUIV0UI'7__ 1 AUTHOR: Dmokhovska-va, L. F (Candidate of techni!*1 sciences);Dzhunkovskiy, 0. N., ~Engineerl_;Liskov. Yu. It (Engineer); Nebrat#.L.)%. (Engineer); Spuv. G. S. Engineer); Shur, Yu. - (Engineer); Ya ;~, q- ORG: none 3 TITLE: Development and introduction of ispark connection and forcing of reactors in long distance electrical transaission_1 SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 4, 1965, 14-19 TOPIC TAGSt electric power transmission, electric distribution equipment, high voltage line ABSTRACT: 'The introduction of hiFh voltare, hieh power electric power trans- mission waa greatly aided by the switch from limiting power to suit the capa- city of insulation and transmission structures under all possible conditions !to the limitation of loads to suit the capacities under normal conditions and tha installation of reactors and circuit breakers to prevent sudden overloads. 'One -ranaining probless was the slow action of mechanical m4tching devices. 11his has been defeated by the installation of spark gaps. The reactors are constantli connected to the line through spark gaps, across iftich a spark area almost-Anstantaneously In case of overload. A 500 kv transmission line was Card 1/2 UDCt 621-311-1 L 16459-66 !--ACC KR: AP6009074 0 set up betwo.on the Bratsk power station and Irkutsk and tests and analysis of Ahe operation of the equipuent, described were run. It was discovered that ,overloads occurred mostly in.the second or third half-oyolo of operation. It was also discovered that it is profitable to install spark-operated reactors ,at substations# even at terminal stations in many cases. Diagrams and photoft graphs of the equipment, as well as a table ahowing the resulti of investigations ihte~nal 6-WAoadsi-ai4 the influence' on them of various means of .,connection of the 300 kv reactors, are presented* Analysis showed that the 'devices worked reliably and safely, and that the internal resistance of the spiiik-in-Ifie-gap could be'-1jfi6red-' Orig. art. has: 4'figures and 'i table. IJFRS'~ SUB CODEs 09 SUM DATE: none ORIG REF: 0()7 / OTH REF1 ()ol Card 2/2 V))C_, NEBUTENKO, vracti Is stuttering curable? Zdoravle 7 no.12:12-13 D 161. MRA 14: 12) (STAM-!ERING) MEBRATENKO, L. G. Influence of rheumatic fever and chronic tonsillitis on the nervous system of children as revealed by a psychoneurological clinic. Pediatriia no.8:32-36 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Iz Menta-Lllnoy polikliniki Ministerstva putey soobobcheniya. (R)MATIC FEVER) (TONSILLITIS) (1;ERVCUS SYSM) LOKAJIULK, M.; JAKOUMOVA, J.; jTASLK, V., tecluiicka 3polupracoi !L;BjIAIbKAj A. Gonadal dosage in the treatment of non-tumorous discascs with x-Irradiation (Dosimetric study). Cosk. rentgonol. 16 no.l: 30-35 F 162. 1. Vyzkumny zavod Tesia-Promy-sleni Radiologicka klinika a onkologicks. laborato, FVL KU. IGOIWL' radiation eMets) (I.ADIOVI_jWy) I I . . . . . I 11 : , I . 1 1. 1. . . I I I . . i r~ red r r -'1601oftz *L,&W&-bv nitk il-ju znd 94 1., -A r--, rl A -11, 111 1 %d, r v a i IA v t, v I i r Y ZY Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 9, 1957, 31509 Author Koclk Jirt, ~~en~s JIrI Title Current-Conducting Glass Orig Pub; Sklar a keramik, 1956, 6, No 11, 273-278 Abstract: A review of the technology of production of elec- trIc current conducting glass (RO) and of the patents relating thereto. E0 is manuf ac tured by two concerns In the United States and by one in Belgium. Production of EG Is based on 3 methods: a) reduction of the surface film (having a thickness of 50-100 A) of heavy lead C ard 1/4 Czechoslovakia /themical Technolo&j. Chemical Products 12 and Their APplic-ation Slllcat"- Dindc-ro. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - glasses, contaInIng more than 60% PbO, by means of H at ?90-550 ; b) deposition of a film of metal salts on the aurf~jce of the glass, followed by their reduction to the metal; c) deposition upon the glass of a conducting film Of oxides or other metal compounds. The 1-st method yield an opaquem5lass of low con- is of about 11 ductivity (resistance of 1 C ohms); 2-nd method Is very complex and yields a glass of low trans arency but high conduct- IvLty (25-150 ohms/my). The most practical is the 3-rd method which Is used in the United States. The conducting surface layer consists Card 2/4 Czechoslovakia /themLcal Technology. Chem1ral Products I and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - KhLmlya, No -), D57, ~1509 mostly of SnO, , which Is f,)rmeJ from SnCl, by treatment with H,O, and has characteristics that are typical of semi-conductors. EG pro- duced by this method Is practically transparent, can be made of any r9sistance (from '20 t,3 3ev- eral thousand ohms/m-). The principal fields of utilization of EG are: electric heating of rooms by means of windiws, walls and ceilings made of EG, kitchen utensils, windshields Of aircraft, cars and railroad engines, and high-frequency engIneer-Ing, where EG can be utilized to dissipate electric charges that buIld-up on cathode-tube shields and bulbs. Mfrd -'/"I Czechoslovakia /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Applicatior, Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. BLiders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - KhLmIya, No 9, 1?57, ~1509 A drawback of EG is the high consumption of elec- tric power, for which reason the authors do not consider It necessary, as yet, to undertake ex- tensive manufacture of EG In Czechoslovakia. C ard 4/4 NEMIm, N,S, Operation of centralived traftic control devices In an aso, railroad district. Avt4A., tolm. I sviasi 7 no.10i 37-39 0 163- (KMA 16111) le NachaVaik Znamenskoy diatanteli aignalizateli I avyazi Odeasko-Kishinevskoy dorogi. KOPEUMAN, VA, khnd.te1&x..nauk; ABI)BLYLVA, L.G., inzh. Hygroscopic characteristics of the fruit and goods of castor oil plants. Hael.-zhir.prom. 30 no.2t7-9 F 164. (MIRA 17i,9) 1. Krasnodarskly politekhnicheskly institut. iXCERPTA MICA See 8 Vol 12/7 Neurology July 59 3131. A CASE OF FAMILLAL INCIDENCE OF NARCOLEPSY - Pfi~pad rodinnkho vfskytu ngrkolepsir - NrU.fmal 0 and Hath B. Neurol. Klin. KU, q! b Praha - SL.NEUROL. 1958. 1 ~54-58) - TT Description of a family in which 8 members were afferted by narcoiepsy within I generstiom The authors examined 4 of those affected. All of them suffered from narcoleptic attacks and had signs of sleep dissociation (?ileep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations. automatic behaviour). 2 showed cataplexy, while the 3rd had attacks of narcolepsy caused by emotion. In 2 cases signs of sleep drunkenness were found. One patient showed bilateral chronic progressive nuclear lesions of the oculomotor nerve and in addition bilateral lesions of the acoustic nerve. The re- lation of essential narcolepay to independent sleep drunkenness as well as the existence of transitory forms between both diseases i4 stressed. The possible association of narcolepsy with bilateral lesions of n. U, n. 111. and n. VM is pointed out. These lesions have been described only in familial forms of narcolepsy. (VIU, 1) _111I.RX U&J=AWIP Wam" T&I !Z Aft X-PMAM"IM, IF19MWVKM It-, - Ii! IUCHALP P. V. I DOVA_, J. Oh the problem of uveomeningitis. Cesk. ofth. 17 no.4/5:299-301 J1 161. 1. Ocni addeleni nemocnice na Buloves, klinicks zakladna Ustavu pro daskolovanI Iskaru,, prednosta doe. dr. F. V. ftchal Neurologicka kliniks. bygienicke a apidemiologicke fakulty, PraM 10-Vinohrody, prednosta doe. dr. Z. Macok. (UVEA diseases) (MMNGITIS case reports) BIZHOVA, B.; HEYROVSKY, A.; NEBUDOVAP J.; VOTAVA, Z. Treatment of WtIson's disease with penicil-lamine and guaiacuran. Ce~k - neurol. 26 no.1:45-49 Ja 163. 1. Detska klikika hygienicke fakulty KU v Praz- Kardiovaskularni laborator KU v Fraze Neurologicka klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KU v PJMze, Famakologicky ustav hygionicko fakulty KU v Praze. (UPATOLENTIOULAR D;-4GE1IZRAT1ON) (GUAIACOL GLTG-wRYL ETHER) (CIMLATBIG AGENTS) Rn-current ceek. neurol. 2p n('.11 7/,-77 Ja 165 V "-;:7P 15396-60 kck-N*,-- - A06066710' SWRCk, CODE: AUTHOR: C'Z./0082/65/0()0/004/Qi6~/01041 ORGt Neurological Glinicp Md1cal Faculty of Hygienfi, Charles Universityp Prague (Neurologicka klinika lekarske fakulty hygicnick-i KU) TITLE: An unusual course of epidural hemorrhage U, SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska neurologjno- 4, 1965, 302-304 TOPIC TAGS: injury, braing blood circulation ABSTRACT: A case of a large epidural hematoma with a latency of 32 days is describedo The patient was a 10 year old girl who was run over by an automobile. Reasons for the unusual course are discussed. The patient was treated surgically and cured, (JPRS1 SUB CODEt 06 / SUBM DATEt 29Jan64 NEDUNINO I., mayor meditsina~py aluxbby Simulator devle-ee. 'loon. znan. 39 no.11:25-~t N (l.fIFI_A 17:2) 1; -,. '.. ~ C F ~ ': , : . , ,1 .11 - - .1 11 , ~-~ T 5 - c " " . , ~ I . - * r. - , " * :, r; -1. . " . I ~ ~ I . i -, I , 0 . . r . . o , 1. . - NEBUKIN, I.A., mayor mod.oluzhby Training medical corpsmen with the aid of dur:my equipment. Voen.- mod. zhur. no. 2s19-20 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (MEDICINEo MILITARY-STUDY AND TEACHING) (FIRST AID IN ILIXESS AM INJURY) NEBUX111) I.A., mayor med.sluzhby Wdical practice of the military physician at an urban first aid station. Von.--med.zhur. no.10-8142 0 161. (MMA 150) (MEDICINE, MILITARY) (FIRST AID IV ILIJWS AND INJURY) PISKIJNOVA. V.G.. nauchnyy sotrudnik; AXATOVSXATA, V.S.. nauchny7 sotrudnik; KOROTKOVA. G.D.. nauch:Vy sotrudni1c; A--zL- . aauchn7y sotrudnik; DAHILOV, V.I.. nauchW ectrudnik;IRKAR, K.I.. aaunhny7 sotradnik; TERMIU. Z.I.. nauchn~7 ootrudoili Industrial hygiene in the oroduction and use of benzanthron. Gig. I 3an.. 21 no.7:22-26 JI 1~6. (KIBA 9-9) 1. Iz Ulcrainakogo toentrallnogo professional'afth zabolevanly (ANTHRACINI. rel, cpda. benzanthracene-7-one. (INDUSTRIAL ffTG IANE benzanthLracer.e-7-one Instituta gigiyany truda i Inj. eff. In Indust.) pois.) RIHTKOV, I-, RMIMV. V.. (Rostovskaya oblast') When a building committee stands aside. Sov. profsoiuzr 6 no.15: 31-33 N '58. ( KI U 11: 12 ) 1.3rigadiry atroitalletya Volgodonskogo kombinata sintotichaskikh zhirozamenitele7. (Volgodonak-Construction induBtr7) N-:BYKOV.9 P. A. "On the Action of the Cortex of the Hemispheres and the Diencophalon upon the k~ardiovascular SystcFn in Iats aml Rabbi'.n." Saratov State U Lmeni 11. .;. Ch,,-rny hevskiy, Kuybysh-v, 195~. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological SCienCe3) so. P,-q,'5,, 16 Fob ~6 TANANAi'~O, M.M.;--NE~YLITSKVA, -S. L. Extracti n pnotom,3tric determination of titanium in bite form of a disintiptriLT.F-,thane-rhodani,ie complex. Zav.lab. 28 r., o . 3 : 26 3- 265 162. NIRA I r :4) 1. Fiyevnki., .,o-iidarstvonn,j universitet imeni T.G.Shevrt.e0o. (TI (Complex compo,indn) I . ?&2,Yl!TSXTT -4. 2. TT",-p (6()rl) 4. Tairlyansk- lieservoir-Aetprolopical Orbs-rvi,tries 7. Taland in the 'Sirrlmnsk Sea. , Vokrng oveta ri.1, 1053. 9. Monthly Fist 2f Pusst-n Acr-sslons , Lt~,r-try f , Arril !, . . KBBTH=4.Bu reshisser-operator. laureat Stalinakoy premij. OAwakening of the stappe.0 Kinomekhanik w.2147-46 T155. (Notion-pictwes, Doementary) (WLRA 8-3) WITLITIAIT. W-M~ M Amateur C1--e-AtO.-X&Ther. T.-,.-*re r4jr *Kin feet'-Tad' -Ov.ooto 17 .10 1 1-. I.TSentrallnaya ctudiya dn-ivnentallnvkh fil'cx,v. (Clnenat-raphy) HIBTLITSKIT, Boris Radollfavich; KAIIKOVA. G.B., oteatetvennyy red.; PCDOROLOSKIT, N.A., otyetstvanW red.; KUPRIUROV, A.S., tekhn. red. rnmm the Volga to the Don; a cameram- Is notebook] Ot Tolgi k Dona; zaptaki kinooperatora. Kookya. Goo. izd-vo detskoi lit-ry, 1958. 157 p. (MIRA 11:7) (Volga,Don Canal) VOTLITSKIT, F.1.1 KOROZIMKO. 8J-. Inshener, rotganzent. [SImplyfyIng laborious work processes; experience of Innovator lathe operator V.A. Tkaohenko] Ratsionalizatelis, tradoemkikh protsessov; opyt tokarla-novatora N.A. Tkachanko. Kiev, goo. nauchno-tokhn. Isd-vo mashInostrolt. I sudostrolt. lit-ry [Ukr. otd-niel 1953. 18 p. NLRA 7:7) (Turning) / L- i 'I LAPITSKIY'. A.T.; IMBTLITSYNI-A.D. Metantobate and metatantalate of iron (II). Vest.Yosk.un.Ser. mat.,mekh., astron., fiz.,khim. 12 no.2:199-207 157. (KMI 10:12) I.Kafedra neorganichaskor khimil Moskovskogo universitsta. (Iron niobate) (Iron tantalate) LAPITSKIY, A.V.; NEBYLITSM, B.D. C4usss of geochemical pecullarltlea of alobium and -antalum. Vest. Mook. un. Ser. 4s Geol. 16 no.2s7O-74 Mr-Ap 161. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra radioiEhimii Moskovokogo universiteta. (Columbium) (Tantalum) Rf)GnVINA, ,.A. DiSIDOVICH, N.I.: MMYLITSYN, D.P.: MIKITIN, V.V.; KARGIN, V.A. St"dyiw, tho bAhnvior of tire cords subjected to impacts. Pnrt 1. Pendulum impact machine for testing cord fibers. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 26 no.12:2&94-2689 D 156. (XLRA 10:2) 1. Nauchno-tselmdrvvatellakiy institut shinnoy pror7sh1mawsti. MOqkvFL. (Tires, Rubbar-Testing) NUTLITSIN. T.D. Individual differences In the visual and hearing analysore according to the strength sensitivity relationship. Top. poi- khol. 3 no.4:53-69 Jl-Ag '57. (KIRA 100) 1. Institut palkhologil Akadamil pedagogicheskiich nauk RSM. Moskva. (HJURING) (SIGHT) HERTLITSTV, V.D. Present status of factorial antilysis. VoP. Psi~-hol. 6 no.4- 45-6o ji-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Inatitut peikholoeii Almdemil, pedagogicheakikh nauk RSFSR, Moskva. (Yactor analysis) FAOZHDZSTVJNSUTA. V.I.; VIBMTSYN. V.D.; BORISOVA, M.N.; YZRMDZATVA- TMDU. L.B. Comparative study of various indexes of the strength of the nor-rous ayvtem In man. Vop. paikhol. 6 no.5:41-56 S-0 160. (MIRA 13ill) 1. Inatitut polkhologii AFN RSFSR, Moskva. (Nervous system) NEDYLITS711, V.Do Factorial structure of the intellect; survey of American vorka. Vop. paikhol. 7 no.2:169-175 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA !4#) 1. Institut paikhologii kkadexii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, Hosirva. (Mental tests) c21 1,510 AUTHORj N ebAi t a yn, V. D. TITLEt On the examination of operators in automatic 39917 S/044/62/000/007/097/100 C11I/C333 the reliability of the work of human systems PF-RIODICAL: Iteforativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 7, 1962, 61, abstract 7V398. ("Vopr. paikhologii", 1961,7no. 6, 9-18) TEXTs DisousBed are the general problems concernin6 the reliabi- lity of a control tystem having a human operator as the principal link. The author says that the variety of factors which guarentee the reliabi- lity of the human link can be divided into three mair. groups: a) the perfection of the apptiratus from the onjineeriag-psycho logical staLd- point, and the qualifications of the operating porsonal; 2) training, in particular the ability for training; 3) factors of ba3ic indiviaual character, in most cases the individual differences between operators relative to reliability depend on just such factors. To these groups belong anatomic-physiological faotor3 (blood pressure, cont"ition of the inner organs, vegatative sensitivity); psycho-physiological factors (the properties of the higher nerve activities of the indivi- dual; the strength of the nervous system in relation to the sTimula- Card 1A S/044/ 62/0cC/00 7/0Y1 / 1 C ~ln tr,.: Of th-i uf faiA'u:-Vj In a civer, ti'mi, interval; thU fUlfllleG ta5K3; 4) the ca.c-u.ation c," f ~, , - n t 1 ;,A k! IT, t Q I'v ~iAtLzlactor), orroriess vjorkin4~ curing LL cortal -".Z)ztract.jr,s Ilote: COMP14to tr6LnS~LL'~!O~'Al~ Card NEBYLITSYN, V.D. ~Math~s and systems of the automatic analysis of brain biopotentials. Vop. psikhol. 8 no.4:58-73 Jl-Ag 162. (WRA 161l) 1. Institut paikhologil Akademil pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR, Moskva. (F.lectrooncephalography) NEBYL111',Y11, V.D. Structure of the fundamental prop--r'~Iea of ttp ncr-,rlifi f!y3',,fm. Vop. palkhol. no.021-34 Jl-Ag ",-l. 0/1 PA I" I I ) 1. Institut palkhologii Akademli pedagogiclieskikh naak RSF~,R, Moskva. TEPWV, B.M.; NEHYLITSYN, V -D. Study of the basic properties of the nervous system and %heir Importance for the psychology of individual differences. Vop. palkhol. 9 no.508-47 S-0163. (MIRA 1-1:2) 1. Institut ps1khologii Axademit podapogichnskikh nauk RSFbR, Moskva. TEPLOV,13.M.j NEBYLMYNgY.D. I I Uperimental:study of the properties of the human nervair system* Zhwe v~ys, ner7, deiat. 13 no.5. 'W.9' MMM"?6811) LI,aboratory of Psychophysiology, Institute of Psychology, R.S.F.S.R. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscov. ACCESSION Iffl: AP4031816 AUTHOR: Noby*litsy*n, V. D. 3/0247/64/014/002/0195/0203 TITLE: Individual d if foronco factors in bionlectric bra in pot a-.,' reactions to rhythmic light stimuli S(3'\TW',Z- -. Zhurna'l nGrvn--f -i-.rat,731 I noFI. 1, v. 11~, il 195-2(33 r,"OPIC TAGS: rocruitmont, rccr~:'- Index, %--EG, brain activity, light stimuli, indiv~ rocruitmont differo~,( rt1p:'.;- freqLzoncy band, bota frequoncy theta froquoncy ,), conditioned reflox, nervous system activity, intorcorr(;-.,..,r;. recruitment indices ABSTRACT: Rocruitmont reactions to light stimuli flloqi~oncloG wo.-D investigated In 15 mon and 10 women, agos 20-32 -1-r3. 7,io sub'ects wore placed in a dark soundproof chambor and EE-G wero recordod wnile they wore in a reclining position with eyes open. EEG wore recorded bipolarly, and special frequency band filters made possible the simultaneous recording of their components: theta rhythm (5-7 cps), Card 1/3 ACCESSION Nit: AP4031816 alpha rhythm (9-1.2 cps), and beta rhythm (14-25 cps). Light stimuli wore produced by an EFS-01 photostimulator with varied frequencies and intensities. With an integrator switched into the system, electrical activity could be measured quantitatively in terms of energy. To find accurate recruitment indices, the oscillation enorgy value of a frequency bond was measured during continuous light stimulus and then during flashing light stimulus for the same longth of timo klfj see) and the same intonsit7- The recruitment index was based on the difference between Vao tAo vaiNits. Rotrultmqnt Indices were found for six intensities ranging from 2_5 to 1000 lux. Conditioned reflexes to sound stimuli wore also Investl6ated. Recruitment is fauna for theta, alpha, and beta rhythms and its affect, Is highest at 12 cps and lowest at 5 cps. The electrical reactions formed In the cortex during different frequencies of 3tLnulatlon apparently depend on different factors of the nervous system. The relation among low frequoncy recruitment (theta rhythm band), electrogenesis, and the cessation rate of activated conditioned reflexes indicates a certain dependence of all these Indicoc on nervous system activity, Individuals with a weak nervous aystor. display a tondeno*y for rocruitmont within a wider froquoncy ran,- Card 2/3 -1U W.) ACCESSION N`R: AP4031616 ospocially the bota band, booau3o of highor sensitivity. Or'Z. art. has: 3 tabloo. ASSOCIATION: Institut paikhologii AFN RSFSR (Faychology Inatituto ATNI RSFSR) SUBMITTED: 09j*ul63 DATE ACQ: 07~lay64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REP SOV: 033 .. .--. OTHER: 006 Card 3/3 %J 7 I . r. ~ . - f 14 1 , I . 11 , . .- I,,- . I 1'. :Yli D. ar e rp '3 kho OF 4, J kadeM4 i pedaFov i rhe:~k' kh t i t t ; I I DAN I LOV, V. , inzh. ; NEHYLOV, G. , I nzti. , T Al. I YAN( V, V. , ' m!h. Ths~ "Kazakhetan* and "Kaza kns " radf a rs~ct- ' 9. rial, , r, no. 4! 31 Ap 16~. (m_'F~A 181 L) 1'. , Y eviforliv V ik~ Inv 10." 1 c I i A I pksan(,rr,v' r7?%; '-', ~,?. :'-' , '.A., ,an: nali chn , red NEBY "i 7 . " , / i nc,, . * f, ~ :~ . ret cer"ert ; Z`( ! I A, Ye Ye . red''. " I br I,, t ono~.~o I,, I I I -I ty !.,T,i t ~)r 7o n sr. I tfu I I'l I rij,, I Kit !it im) iou,'no ;-do it,, 11, 1., wl i -I ino, me- tn 3Y Lj . 1 MTUX, Vl#Ai%Ir Katvqevich; BILICHUK, G.A.. kandidat tokhatchookikh Sauk, redaktor. OSYMMAYA, A.A., redaktor; DTORAUNSIATA, A.A., tokhal- chookly rodaktor. (Strength of welded @same of ships' bull@] Prechnost' ovamkb ahvov korpuna fudna. Pod Oahchel rod.kand.takho.nauk G.A.Bol'chuka. Leningrad, Goo.solususe Isd-vo sudestrolt.prowyahl., 1955. 151 P. (Hulls (Naval architecture)--Welding) (KLBA 9:5) BM'GOVA, N.A.; BOYTSOV, G.V.; KANFOR. S.S.; KOROTKII;, Ta.l.; KUZOVUfKOV. B.?.; MAKSIMAD22fl, A.I.; IIZBYU)V, Y.M.; SBOROVSKIT. 1.K.; TAIJBIN. G.0.: YILIFF30. M.V.; CHIP111COTSKIT. G.S.; SHIMANSKIT, Yu.A., ekademik. red.; LUCHDIINOV, S.T..; OSUIISKAYA. A.A.. red.; KOITTOROVICH, A.I., (Handbook on stnictural mechanics of shipaj Spravoc4nlk po troitellnoi makhnnike korablia. Leningrad. Goe.soiuznoo izd-vo : udoatroit.promyW . Vol.3. 1960. 799 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Shipbuilding) BCYTSOV, Gennadiy Vladimirovichj NMLOV, Vladimir Hatveyovich; TAUBIN,Georgiy Osipovich. ; HAYKOV, D.I., kand. tekhn.nauk,, reteenzent; KOROTKIII, Ya.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SHAIMIOVA, V.M., red.; TSAL, R.K., tekhn. red. [Strength of ship structures from aluminum alloys; design and calculations) Prochnost' ffudovykh konstruktaii Iz aliumineievykh splavov; proektirovante i raDchet. Pod obahchei red. G.O.Taubina. lAningrad, %dpromgiz, 1962. 211 (MIRA 15:7) Ofulls (Naval architectuW; (Alumimm alloys) el * * 0 0 oleo o~ 1 A 00 A no no 00*004-00000 4IF" - - a, 41*00000*00000 V to a a 1 11 5-9-W-61 AV ar,90" log for uw-- z I Y r , a 11 : A V A-A"R , A A 61 A! !9116 - z ~4 11,14- 4636, ISOMIZATION Of UMCM&IS. W1. *T kR(jDJCTS MED IN IM9 ISAUNU4ATION Of WAXES AND POTANSS WWM TM IRLGMCZ of AIAA%LglqN MUDIS AND INS IUMMISH OF ISUR PORMATION. holdevskile a.# 500714TOO X,od Sloovk1m, T. 0. Geo. (ban. 19", ]A, 3434S %as. Abstr. 1945, 39,.3783). CMOI was passed to wepow ovjr AIGI at 140 1 pentafte was ipdlarli treated at 60 and 40 and Q2(':H"U' was isomarlsod at 25 , using AM). Who r motion -Iroducts contAin hydrocarbons boiling both bel4w =4 above the etartift materials. Tbe formation of much products is expUlned by sethylatlon and 4amothylstion In6wed by Al halidoo. k4eme ware, abom to yield propeno ad pentane, leomws,, whU* pentanos gave Isoaarto butanos ad bammmo, the Utter contg. a large iroportion of M,*3~Ggt. Small ads. of high boiling paraffin hydroo rbons were also obtained. met 200 COO WOO coo go* goo Igo too U IN SS' IS IF 1 11 NO9 9, 1 0 0 0 01; 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a, o a, o 0 0 0 0 16 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 40 r : 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 Is 0 41 00 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 TSTSXDVSKIT. V.I.; SHCHNGLOVA, TS.N.-, UBTLOVA, Te.M. Normal-struc+ure liqiiid paraffins an raw material for th,~ synthesis of highnr fatty acids. KhlmA Js 156.(KLRA 9:9) I.Laningradakiy nauchno-isalmdovatoillskiy institut. (Acids, Fatt7) (Paraffins) tot the 0 0 4& Y-K,T And I h.-Tyj ft m4f S!w-q U(A of hydrOCW that (atty atils with m2jr. wts, 9"m U)rmcd ctr&., eitc. Ing thtfnitWS"C-*O( the rrartim. Theconfioumjs,rApid remov~al of tbp adds from the iphem of cxl(tulwi rjji!c it L?2!~t- obtain fatty acida (mm jhuffxq hydf(K-ar4oNs laving Ox ccanvu. C,rc. whi6l Wele whalosous to 0., rura :uj, .acWs formed frQm the prvkRjgrd oxidation of so6d M, - I j ~, /., P, ~'I- C11 1A Aj , TSTSKOVSKIT, V.K., kand.takhn.nauk; NEBTLOVA, Te.M. Joint manufacture of higher fatty alcohols and acids from the continuous oxidation of liquid n-paraffins. Hael.-zhir. prom. 21 no.9:30-33 157. (MIRA 10:12) I.Leninpradakiy nauchno-isoledovatellakiy Institut. (Paraffins) (Fatty acids) (Alcohols) I . . TSTSK0V4XIT, Y.K.; Xlff~WTA. Te.M.; SHCILWLOVA. TS.N. dWNAMN Kinetic rules of the oxidation reactions of liquid paraffin hydrocarbout. Zhur.prikl.khtm. 30 no.3:491-49? Mr '57. (KLRA 10-5) (Oxidation) (Paraffins) TSYSKOVSKIY, V.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; IMTWVA, Ye.Y., inzh.; ILAZAROVA, S.S. Latest levelopment in the preparation of primary alcohols and their derivstives by the direct oxidation of short-chain n-paraffins. ManI.-zhir.prom. 25 no.12:16-20 '5(). (MIRA 1):4) 1. Va"aor=nyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut neftyanoy khinii. (Alcohols) (Paraffins) (Oxidation) MYTOYA-UJK'UNCHIKOVA. M.N. (diet for children in hospitals) Organizatelia lechebnogo pitantle detai v statsionarakh. Moskva, Wedgiz. 1956. 56 p. (KLRA 10; 1) (DIST IN DISMASB) NXBYTOVA-WX�TANq#jKOVA, M.N.. professor; FUSHINKOTA. N.A.. Imndidat -'-' ---" I iiWditsinsk Ila Pathogenic therapy In exudative diathesis. Top.oich.unt. I (let. 1 no.3:46-53 Ky-Je '56. (HLRA 9-9) 1. Is Pediatrichookogo nauchno-tooledovatellskogo instituta (dir. - prof. A.L.Libov) Leningrad. k1sum-Dism'sas) (DIATHESIS) MO-TOVA -LUK I YANCHIKOVA Mkolp v ve rie p - - #417.)", ". ".. ~ - ..; ..... I'll" ICComplete, natural feedini: oi infiints] vokarmlivanto robenks. Loninered, 19~?. A D. (MFA 11:4*) ( I11FANTS-IRM IT ION) qBnjDTA.jM'TAI(OHIZOVA, &R., prof.; GRot%ovSKAU, A.A., land.ned.nauk (Kookva) Inf&at fegding. Ked.sestra 19 no.3t2O-25 Mr 160. (KIRA 13:5) (INTANS-BUT ITION) GOLIDFELID I A.Ya * Idoktor med. nauk; GINZBURGO Ye.~a.; IY, S.O., Prof. [deceased]; IZATOV, S.I., I,rof-, KhAVETS, E.M., doktor med. nauk; LEFSKIY, Ye.14., prof. [deceawdlj; JUBITaVA-WKIYANCHIKOVA, M.E., prof.; SPEFW;SKIY, G.14.; Tuft-, A.F.; DG,BROVSKAYA, Yu.F., otv. red.; BUBPOVA, M.M., prof.; red.; VIASGV, V.A., prof., red.; GRECHISMINOVA i~ L.V;;dred.; IIMEDEV, D.D., prof., red.; MASLOV, M.S., red, ecca I ; IIOGINAp O.P.j kftnd. med.naukp red.; 110SOV, S.D., prof., red.; SOKOLOVA-PCI GMAdIEVA , O.D. . red. ; TEM~OVSKIY , S.D. . red. (deceased]; KEOKHOL, Ye.N. red.; ZII1JYGVSKIY, M.A., star-sht, nauclu-qy sotr., red.; MAZ9IN, A.V., kand. med. nauk, red.; ZAKHARCIVA, A.I., tekhr.. rod. (Multivolume manual on pediatrics] Mnogotomnoc *-ukovod.9tvo ~o pediatrii. I..oss)-va, Fedglz. Vol.2. 1961. 566 p. (MULA 15:8) 1. Chlon-korrosponderit Akadomii nauk SSSF 6oyatvito1'r*-y chlen Akaderii moditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Speranskiy). 2. Deystvi- tolInyy chlen AkadoiTil madit-cinskikh nr-uk ->SSR (for Tur, Dombrovskaya, Maslov, Sokolova-Ponorrareva). 3. Chien-korrespon- dent Akademli neditcinskikh nLLuk S50 (for Ternovskiy, Khokhol). (PEDIAIRICS) 1M1T(WJ6-U1K'TANCF.jW7-4 Marlya wrolayevna, prof.,, MLMA. SuLamff" --Krr-a-Fle)~vna, dotsont; PUSHINKOVA, nua Alsksayma. kAad.zod.QaM':., LURIYX, N.A.. red.; CMATWA, Z.V., [atildren's diet In a family] Pitanis detei v semle. Lenin- prad. Modpiz. 1962. 2)l P. (MIRA 15:2) (CHILDRIN--"-RITION) NEBYTOVA-LUX'YANCHIKOVAR M.N., prof. (Leningrad) Nutrition of babies in the home. Ked. sestra 21 no.4:7-16 Ap 162. (?,'J RA 15 - 4) (DIFANTS-NUTRITION) Jj.' 12IL53-63 E7-?(1)1'r CC (w)/'F5(v)-2tdD5/F5 (a) /FZ(j )/ES(c)/F.5(k)/Fj(t)-2/ -"Eo-i/ v- Y tFFTCAn)AFK)C/ESD-3 T'b-4/Pi-4/Po-h/Pq-4/Pe-h TT/A/RD/DD ACCESSION NR: AP3007352 S/0293/63/001/001/0186/0191 AUTHOR: Khvo-stova V. ; Goa tLms-kLy,- S-. A. ; Hozhayava, V. S. NebzgodLna..L.vV. TITLE: Further st'udy of the influence -' of conditions of _space flight on chromosomes of primary roots of pas and wheat sprouts- SOURCE: Kosmicheskiya issledovaniya, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 186-191 TOPIC TAGS: space flight ef fact, chromosome reconstruction, 660 Mev proton, cobalt 60 Gamma ray. Vostok-1 Vostok 2, Vostok 3, Vostok 4 ABSTRACT: Dry seeds of winter wheat (PPG-186) and peasMapLcal" variety) were exposed to effects of space flight on the four Vostok spaceships. A cytological analysis of the sprout roots of seeds in- dicated that exposure to space flight resulted in a small but sta-- t~scically significant increase in chromosome reconstructions. The percentage of reconstructions does not depend on the duration of flight. Hare reconstructions were found in seeds flown in Vostok-2 than in seeds flown in Vostok-3, in which there was a distinct, Card 1*/2 L 19453-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007352 but not statistically significant increase. There was no increase in the number of,reconstructions in seeds flown in Vost ok-4.' -' Con- crol seeds were subjected to radiation and vibration in an attempt to identify which aspects of space flight were responsible for the increase. Exposure to vibration (70 cps; amplitude. 0.4 mm) for 4 hr did not increas--a the number of reconstructions. Exposure of seeds to 660-Mev protons (dose 1940 rad; rate. 43/min) was no more effective as far as the number of reconstructions is concerned than exposure to Co6o y-rays (dose. 1940 rad; rate, 289/min). Orig. art. has: 4 tables. A3SOCIATION: none SUBXITTED: 24Apr63 DATE ACQ: 210ct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REP SOV: 007 OTHER: 001 cor-i 2 / 2 NEC, Rudolf Dehydration of solvenLa by aro,,i'.!c leocyanatea. Chem prum 13 no. 12; 63P-L40 D 163, 1. Vychodoceske chemIrkf% zwic~jy Synthesin, n.j., Y&rdubjr- Semtin. ~FC, Rudolf Sympositus on tn Hungmry. Chem pru3 n,- . i. : I- I I Ap '64. 1. Vychodoceske ~hemickp zsivr)(J./ `,.yrthesIq Na~.Ional Enterprtse, Pardubice - Semttr. Ni.i , fiu,lolph ~-Y-.Ib of .r, V-,I)niretrlanes In rrairue. ~,'flflm iz-~ - -,. 40 my 16, Vy,'hC',IOC63K" --- ~jr.. :&" zavudly 3yntr.oih, :mrd'-il- 7-. - . I ;- ~ l.. '4P - CL" :!,(~''C)ST J-cal Pr 'ucts Th ir .ppl ic t i-ns F D ' Trl"UStrV. R,f Zhur-ITI,Ay., ll',~, 21285 Al,uth~- r H 7mus , J rusl iv vs1-y c lrjv,., --------------- S ritt ti-),,i in i3r,2 13 ](tci 0-1 A', I-ril i,fsl p,)tr -vi.-., 1~56, ,.bstr ct ~b s t -,- c t C ~r NWAS, Emanuel. WMr. Uperiences with the fulfillment of the plan of construction of regional hospitals in Hoskovica. Cesk. zdravot. 4 no-9: 552-554 Sept 56. 1. Reditel o1creeniho ustaru narodniho zdravi. (TIOSPI TALS, cnnetructinn in Czech. (C2)) NKCAS, Ivop inze Manufacturing of foam polystyrere containers in machinery plants. Jamm mach opt 6 no.10:298-301 0 fft. 1. Matra Blazwko. cew- - -7-----7 L W474546 Me-2 -AW-TAMMU19421- Z50=3 -CODEU CZ/0078/66/000/005/0026/002,6 INVENTORo Macao, Augustin ORGe none TITLE1 [FAEj2Z_pin for a firearm CZ Pat. No. PV 26977-65, Class 72 SOLTZE# Vynalezy, no. 5, 1966, 26 TOPIC TAGSs ordnance? weapon ABSTRACTe A firing pin for a firearm for center and edge firing swinging through 1800 is described. The distinguishing feature of the device is that on the frame is rounted an insert with an excentric opening to receive the firing pin cushioned by a spring. At the same timspby means of a recess the inaert*and the firing piece are fecured in the operating position by a bolt across the frame of the firearm. SUD GOD9s 19/ SUBM DAT&s 26APr65 ACC NR. AP6028180 (A) -- - - - -SOURCE Com. CZ/O078/66/o0o/oo6/oo28/0o2s DlVaITORt Necas, Augustin (Prague) ORGi none TITLE: [Cartridge ejector for an automatic piat< CZ Pat. No. PV Z794-65 SOUICFi Vynalozy, no. 6, 1966, e8 TOPIC TAGSt woupDn" z~r ABSfRj',GTj A cartridge ejector fittod with a cog in described which is designed for an automatic pistol and has the distinguishing foaturo that it is obliquely mounted on the pin and positioned in the slot of the button which is hingo-mounted irk the slottod hole of the lock. At the same time the ejector with its lug rests on the bottom of the buttom alot which In suspended by a spring and positioned between the bottom of the slottod.holo and the bottom of the button slot. SUB C0DFj 19/ SWM DATEt 29Apr65 HiCAS, J. Ivo Babuska, harel Rektorys and Frantisek Vycichlo's tgtewtjgka 1,1'e"rig rovinne Pruznoati (The Nathematical The2ry of P ane Elasticity); a book review. P. 105, (Casopla Pro Pestovani Mntew t1ky) Vol. 82, no. 1, Mar. 167 Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of Eant European Acessione (~JAJ) Vol. 6, No. 13 November 191,7 113216. Neese J. Solution of the bihormanical problem for an In. limit* w; ch) Casopti Pelf. 4,11. Fys. 83, 257-280 an.1 3 99A i'l, 1958- Author Prove* the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the bihatnwnical problem (plane problem of the theory of elasticity) for an infinite wedAe. Biharmonical problem for a plane polygon is also solved. Mellin's usesform is used and discussed in detail. Practical calculation Is performed by introducing the lowtGreta functions Obtained through thi f4Df1U) Ufe Of 1110 CGOV0199ift 1hCO- rem Difficulties involved in Ote numerical calculation ast coo- Plorely studied. P. P. Teodorescu. Routesais, NECAS, J. Solution of the bibarmonic problem for the infinite wedge. II. P. 399 CASOPIS PRO PESTOVANI KATFNATIKY. (Ceskoslovenska akademle ved. Matematicky ustay) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol. 83, no. 4, Nov. 1959 Monthly 119t of East Eurorean Acoessions (EEAI) LC. VOL. 9, no. 1 January 1960 Uncl. 21374 0 AUTHOR: TITLE: Z/026/60/005/"003/002/005 D221/D302 Neeas, Jindfich I---------------- On boundary values of the function which have a finite Dirichlet integral PERIODICAL: Aplikace matematiky, v. 5, no. 3, 1960, 202-208 TEXT: This article describes the conditions for a function (which is defined at the boundary of a region) that permit its continua- tion over the whole region; this continuation has a finite Dirichlet integral. The author first refers to the main works in this field of S.M. Nikol'skiy (Ref. 4s K zadache Dirikhle dlya kru,ga i poluprostranstva 4"Tirichlet's problem for a circle and a half-spac,e7, Matematicheskiy sbort1k, tom 35, 1954, 247-265), T.I. Amanov, E. Gagliardo, G. Prodi, L.N. SlobodLyckij and V.M. Babi~( ZXbstractor's notet No references given for the latter five indi- vidukls7, L. de Vita (Ref. 5: Sulle funzioni ad integrale di Card 1/13 213 -',1 1'1O2r,16O1,')0c100' '002 'OC- On boundary values of tne D~7' 1"DAN is defined at the bo,,indary f2 and has therp a limited Diri-~,", , + intppral , is that it can be r;~jadrat 4 cal I.; .r.,PFrat~l al t 2 ~n- - - )rPms bv S, L. S-br, I-V Re f Jary, as f,-)llows from the *Io t D ryye p r i menen 4 ya f ~nk T.-,.' )na I I n.)go ,-ina I , -a -, 7-~a- n-,q f i z i k e ( Some App I i ra t , o f F-,irr t 1 A-na I y s s 1 r, ".'a t he 7,1! t Fi I Phyqics), Leningrqd, 1 1 YC , T *, 1 S q * v. P d h P r e ?~ ~,. + f + J- r, f which is defined over R -a.- a f:ni+e D, -r4cnlet in-eeral 'te first derivatives of functi-,n )ver 12 can be q ialra* nte- J grated. Symbolically P x -~ r f- fc 77 D.r-.--I-* :n'.~- .,io, :;iean the torm rpf~2. ii f 7 ~X, Ty lies in W(Q~' only then when :~ li-s in W'K, )17 s K denotes a circle"/. A short basic prorf of the*~ -,f tne statement can be proved in +h(, same manner. T he c) r,~m .' 3 *~ Al S Card 3/13 21M Z/02 60/00:.~/007/002/oo5 On boundary values of the D221YD302 "f lies in W(R) only then when it lies in W(k c)." LTbstract-)r's note: I'lere kcis thp exterior of *.he -init c,.rcle7. The pro-)f -.,f this theorem is obtained dirr,ctly by applying the -nverse Map;'Ing. Theorem 4 which follows from Theorem 3 states: I'f lies in rt (.rj) only then when it lies in 71(n,,: " ZA-bstractor's note: Ii-re 11, is the complement of 1*1 ws Tne~)rerr. 2 s+aIes '~~e a'itnor limit r)n,-~,qelf + r- that one can Thee~-em s~ji' s: The necessary and s'-i."!i-ient ~nd~ t Ir'n W77- is * hat 2 2 k(a I, + bk)