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NAZAROVA, T. N. Invectigating, meteoric particles on the third Srmlet artificial narth satollite. Isk.sput.Zem. no. Is: 165-170 160. (KMA 13:S) (Artificial natellitea) (Meteors) AZAROVA, T.N,-- RARUltH Of In7flDtigating meteoric natter wlt~ in0rurip-2tFi mo,.ntwi in cosmic rockets. Isk.sput.Zem. -lo.5:18-40 ' ,(, . 01M, ~1:5) (14eteors) (Lunar probes) S/560/62/000/012/012/014 1063/1263 AUTHOR. Navarova, T.N. TITLEt Investigation of the meteoric duat on rocketa and artificial earth satellites SOURCE& Akademiyi- nauk SSSR. Iskuastvannyye sputniki Zemh. nu 12. Mus(v-V , 1962, 141-145 TEXTz Measuremont3 of the meteoric dust density, carried out on 6 Soviet rockets and one satellite (Na-arova, T.N., Akade- miya nauk SSSR, !s k&A.,3stvennyye sputniki Zemli no.4, 1960, 165 and no-5,0'1950, 38) within the height range of 100 km and 47,000 km are worked out and compared with similar American measurements. The number of meteoric particles striking the rockets were registered by piazo crystals and their mass calculated on the aseumption of Gard 1/3 o S/560/62/000/012/012/014 1063/1263 Inveotigntion of the meteoric dust ... a pArticle-rooket collision velocity of 15 )an/sec. All results are reduced to the arime sPr"itivitY 01 m"Osmin = 10-8g. The w9nsure- ments 3ho%v th,it the den~-,iLy o.' the meteoric particles depond!-, on the height. In thr r~in-n Of 100-300 km a hiGh collision fre-,uency of the order of 10-1 M_~ sec-l wis observed and only small time- dependent fluctu-tions were re.;istered. In the range of 4(10-2000 kmq the collision fre,,uency'is much lower - 10-3 m-2 sec-1. Here spora- dic changes were ob~..erved in both Soviet and American exi)eriments the freuency value v in,,, from 4-11 m-2 sec-l down to 5-10-4 m-~ sec-1. At heights of T4 -10 1; km., the decrease in meteoric dust density is much smaller, but.lacking sufficient experimental data, it is Impossible to decide whether this decrease is real or due to fluctuations of the meteoric material. There are 1 figure and I Card 2/3 3/560/6:./000/012/012/014 1063/1263 Investigation of thq meteoric dust... table. The most important English language.references are& H.E. La Gow, I.Y.M. Alexander, -.pace Research, V.I. North-Hall, -It Publ. Co., Amsterdam 1960, P-1033, If. Dubin, Space Research, V.I. North-Hall, Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 1960, p.1042 SUBMITTEDt August 10, 1961 Card 3/3 I, 18188_s-~ EPA(b) /E'dr (I) /FCC (w) /BDS/ EEG -2/&5 (v AFF"rC/AFMDC/ESD-- 31 TP-0c _Fft, Pe-4/Pi-4/Po-4/Pq-4 TT',,'(,W ACCESSION NRt AP3007347 S/0293/63/001/001/0169/0171 A'J'T H 0 RNn.z_arovA_.1_._ X. ; Bektabegov, A. K. ; Komissarov, Q. TITLE: Preliminary results of the investigation of meteoric nat- ter along the trajectory of the Mi_rs-I interplanetary station' \,k SOURCE: Kosmicheakiye issledovaniya, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 169-171 TOPIC rA(,,s: interplanetary station, Mars 1, meteoric matter, ter- restrinl orbit, piezoelectric transmitter, meteoric impacts, particle mass, accumulation, spatial density, Taurid straam ABqTRACT: The fliRlit of the Mars-1 interplanetnry stationtmde possible the inv,stipation of meteoric matter beyond the terrestrial orbit. ,rhc mr-!eor particleg were recorded by a piezoelectric transmitter with I meteor-impact sensitive area. On 1 November 1962 mrirs-l pariscd the Taurid stream at a distance of 6600 to 4200 km from the carth. During a 109-minute period 60 meteor impacts 7 were recorded. The particle masses were x 10- g. The particles Card 1 /2 L 18188-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007347 moved in space as individual accumulations separated from each other by distances of 4000 to 45,000 km. The variable spatial density of the particles can be visualized as a system of cuben 60 to 140 non a side each contAiningnmetnorpnrticle. At a dis- tance of 23 to 25 nillion km from the earth the Nnrs-l met another meteor stream like the Taurid stream, consisting of individual accumulations at distances of 8000 to 190,000 km from each other. "The authors thank A., A,,--j._y*kova, N,__V. Leonova, and Y'l " i k 0v for their help with the project, and Platonov for his help in nrocesging the results. Orip. art. has: 3 f-i-gures. ASSOCIATION: none SU3MITTED: lMay63 DATE ACQ: 210ct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 000 OTTIER: 000 Card-2/2 1 EWr ACCESSION NR: AR5009056 S/031Jji5/"0OO/6O3A629/oo2?- SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye koomicheakogo prostranstva. Otd, vyp, Abs. 3.62.205 AVTHOR: Nazarava, T TrM: Study of meteor matter CTT8D SOURCE; -Geof. byule Mezhduved. geofix. kom-t pri Prezidiume AN S$Sk,, 19649 Vo, 14p 89-91 -TOnC TAGS: meteor matter#- artificial'earth satellite,,.apace rocket, dust cloud, 11 interplanstaiy -space, interplanetary dust TRANSIATIONt This article reports ifie brief rasulte of t)~p recording of meteor i particles using justUMnts-carried aboard space rocket* \1 %ad artificial earth satellites. It follow# from all the collected Uta that the earth to surrounded by a dense dust cloud at a height of 100-300 km above its surface. P, B. Sn COM OV, AA 3=1 00 QQ Card L 3232-66 FSS-2/&4T(l)/a,T(in)/F3(v)---, r/j AGMSION MRs AT5023640 UR/0000/65/000/000/0572/0576 :AUTHORi jazarovag T. N. TITM Investiption-of meteoritic material SOURC3s Vassoyusnays. konferentalya po fialke kosmichaskogo Prostranstva. ledovanlya koemicheakogo prostrans----(3- 1965. ion tva pace research)l trudy ~k~onr antelis Koscowl, Isd-vo Haukaj 1965t 572-576 TOPIC TAGSo wAtwx# interplanetary dust ABSTRACTs An investigation of meteoritic naterial near the earth by rocket and satellite measurements is discussed. The existence of three clouds of meteoritic particles, with linear dimensions of 3-9 4114 n was established by the satellite *Elektron-2l," the early part of 196 e One cloud was sufficiently dense to diEermine thd direction of its motion. The remats of collision frequency wasurwwats are giTeng and the obtained mass distribution in compared with the average cunu-'Ative curve for the mateoritic particle mass distribution in the vicinity of the earth obtained from observations by a number of other American and Soviet rockets and satellites. It is pointed out that such extended Ccird 3-/2 L 3232-M Acassiom mRs AT502364o and dense interplanetary clouds ard stream of asteoritio particles (unobserved from the earth) represent a danger to cosmic rockets* Mich further study is required to be able to predict their locationso Orige art. hass 2 fiprmulas: and 2 -figuresi, (041 ASSOCIATION& none SUMWTEDs 023op65 EMCM 00 NO REF SOV 1 W5 OTMe 005 SEIB CQDXt AA, SV A PROS ~kl,96 Card 212 2 2 FSS-2/E'WT(I/EWG(Y)/CiA(d)/EEC-4/EW(tI Pa-4/Pd-l/Pq-5/Pq_4/ 6, 21pi -4 W/CM-2 a 10 t; F ACCESSION VM AT5009076 fjR/3010/65/000/014/0069/C49L AmMOR.- Mazaroval T. N. TrMs Tht study of meteoric matter AN.883RO' RoAduvedomstvannyy geofiticheskiy komitet. Geofiricheskiy ~byulletsnf, b0. 14, 1965,19-9,~ TOPIC TAGS: meteoric mstt~rl ICY mateor-study- meteor--sensing device,, interplano- 1 75urid meteor current .,tary meteor., a 7 -ABSTPACr: During the International Geophysical Year (IGJY j studies of meteoric .matter were carried out by direct methods using instrumentation mounted on rockets and satellites. Thia instrumentation consisted of ballistic piezo-sensing elements of varying construction developed by L. Z. Rusakov and A. K. Bektabegov from a ~proposal by M. A. rsakovich and K. A. Ro . The amplifier-converters were built by saarov and L. N. Neugodov. The sensing elements recorded the number of 0. Ds Kdzi ~_paftule impacts and detector pu a, which are proportional (according to the Itheoretical calculations of K. P. Stanyukovich) to the energy of the incident I :particle. M. A. LavreaL!Xav proposed anotber approach in which the pulse is =do proportioni-I -tof (w The results of these studies are abovn in Table I of the: EnclosuTe, The -article -contains -other -data concerning the size and sensitivity of Card L 52772_6~ jA=SIM WR: AT5000976 Itbe equipment, discuss*& various possible theoretical ' interpretation$ of the date# and ftotipiw the study of interplanetary meteoric matter carried out by station I.IfThe piezoelectric sensing elements were located on the back side of the Isolar batteries; the device registered impacts of meteoric particles with Moses :above 1o-7 g. The sensitive surface was about 1.5 m2. During its flight, the ;scation encountered the Taurid meteor current. At distances between 6,600 and '42,000 km from the Earth, the device registered 60 encounters corresponding to an average impact frequency of 7. LO-3' 2, sec;l (of ter corrections for the angle of in- M ~cidence with the sensitiv#) surface). Although the processing of the experimental jdata is not yat complete, the density of meteoric objects within the Taurid current Iseems to be some 700 times higher than the density of sporadic meteoric objects of i icomparal--le meae within the rest of interplanetary space. No impacts were regis- Itered during the contacts with the station in December of 1962. Orig. art has: I stable. ASSOCTATWO.-. None SUNCrOD 1 00 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE i AA, OV NO RE7 SOV: 000 OMRi 000 Card L 022-j75_67 FS S- 2/E-,VT ( ITT/ (30V ACC NR, AP6032858 SGURCE CODE: UP/0020/66/170/003/0578/0579 AUTHOB: Nazarova T, N RybaXov, A. K. ; Komi ijwLr,)v, G. D. _444 rPG: Incti tute of Geochemiatry an,] Arin;jt I,- hvr M. %'. T .Ve rraids k Aca iti,:neskoy ?.him' i Akademii d -of --Sciences qP (IriGtitut ISS, n~-uk SSSR) TAITIZ: Preliminary irsults of Fin investigation r)f q,,lid interplanetary matter in the vicinity of the moon K SO UPC 7, -. PJ1 SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 3, 1)t56, 57P-579 ,nil! : 7 AGS: meteor stream, lunar sate-te , to-ov4ov CvvtjeoAj&iev-r 2 ABSTRACT: Piezoelectric sensors _ov-r.nw, m ;.una-10's surface were used to register in the v-icinity of tiie moon the implicts ,jC meteor partic~es'with velocities of 15 km/sec and mass in excess of " x 10-8 Pr. D,iring one orbit (altitude, 35~-1050 tm), the sensors registered a total. of 1'j8 impaots, i.e., 4 x 10-3 impacts/m2*sec. The maximum incidence was observed at the apogee and perigee, and the minimum, at 800 kin. The data support the hypothesis that the high impact incidence in the immediate vicinity or the moon is caused by the secondary emission of particles from the moon as a result of the impact of primary meteor particles. The maximum velocity of secondai-y particles is 1-3 kM/Bec. The authors I L 02975-67 ACC NRi AP6032858 are indebted to Academician A. T,. 7,.,,,,jvradr)v r,,)r hiti -irilurit,ie ouggetitiring In preparing the experiment and Interpretati;-ig tric- results, as well as to M. L. Lidov, E. I.-Andriankin, and 7. V. Vas~~ova. -trig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: 2i`1,Tun,;F ,A-,-. 5099 I/ , Card 2J, ACC NRi AP7000547 SOUI(%-;r,' G'OD;~,: Lr.4/0295/66/ A~~)6/090,)/0909 AUTIHO~: ;;azarovaq T. N. ORGj none TITILLEt InvestiGation of meteoritic duat by rockets and satellites Koamicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 900-909 TCPI~ TAGO: , meteor detection, geoph.Yeic rocket, artif icial earth 3ate. te, space probe A3STRA,;": '.he results of meteor dust invo-,t.Gration by means of the ~Ipacc Probes and satellites durini, the period 1957 to 1)66 are discussed. Measurcr~. ma-de art1fIC by piezoelectric counters mounted on -,eop~,,ysical rockets-, la, f3ate.',ites, and several deep space probes (Luna-'~, and Venera-2). The ;:~O-N *, 1-n general, the spatial dstribution of metoo- dus, decrea3es as the d.,;, from the earth increases. A log-loe plot of mumber of meteor Impacts per s~ 'Jar per second versus meteor mass shows the ex-wk:t~~d linear dependence. Th(~ ;1130 indicate both a spatial as well as A time variation in meteor dust dio,---.bution n the earth's vicinity. Ass an example, a d,~tai.(-,i distribution of a meteor ' :.~)wer- is snown around the earth durinj the per:o,i 5'-51 January, 1964. Data :-P,.,ved from the deep space probe Mars-1) are analyzed in ~;ome detail. ~'wo plots are depictinj 0 number of' meteor impacts as a function of (iiatanre away from the sun ~.i, m;IL'iGna of Cqr4__1/2 UD,~: r-j. 155. '; 523.5 ACC NR. A-P7000547 kilometers) as well a6 towards the sun. two results are obviD'IL3-y =-Zk2tric. T'he avera,-,P- number of col'isions in eacr, case is found to be 5.7 x 13- "d 7.6 x jo-5 impacts/m2sec, respectively. In conclusion, tne author expresses her 7.-,,'.Itude to a large number of colleaGues for taking part in desi&-iing and build--nt; t:-.. requ-'red equipment, reducing the data, and analyzing the results of the measurem~-nt. Drig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 03, 22/ SUBM DATE: 01AuG66/ OAIG :~EF; 009/ 01-d RET: 3i' Card ACC NR,--- CODE': U.7 3') AUTHORS: Nazirova, T. 2,ybukov, A. ?.; Kcaissarov, 5. L. nonc ':T LE: PrLslim_~nax-i results fr~j:z tl~e invusti,-ation of solid in~r'rDinz-,, the vicinity of the moon SOM? Kozz.-zheski-ye iszledovaniya, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 910-9.2 a-atter in TOP7C TAGS: Loon, lunar fliGht, !un-,r envi7o=ent, lunar orbit, lunar satellitc, meteor detection, meteorite, --nterplanetary spa,~'~, o.paceor__ aLx~!Iary equipment, spacecraft data analyz;is ABSTF_A~~: P-4,zoelectric e-,au(~es caarri.._~d by tn.e =oon'a artificial sat.... e .Luna- 10" ret;istored, w--thin 11 hr 50 min betwocn 5 April and 12 Yzy 1966, a ~'f 1)B moteoritic izpactu. Total area of the (,-auruo was 1.2 m2' and they we;-. (n.iitive to the impacto of paxticles of masses 7 and up, moving with a v~_,. Of 15 ~M/sec. ~~hiu number of impacts axceedi by two orders the mean numb-.: planotaz-j apace. The number of particles i_- tabulated for the elevz-t- 'Co-i353 'em (in ')0 "'=. intervals) above the liuvx ~-iurfiico. Tho author!j propoot. 1-:_t t~("Mt- particloi were of lunar orit;in and were thro%,ni out by the explouions U;' -ocks hit by meteoritic bodies. A part of the particles then assumed orbital ',atha around Card 1/2 UDC: 629.'95-3:523-531 ACC NRi kP7300548 the moon at a velocity of 1--.1 ~=/sec. At this velocity the least r,6~-%~:red mass of the particle vould be about 10 -6 g, and the denoity of particloo ne,~.r tL- moon would exceed the mean for interplanetary space by over four orders. The aath~:3 thank, A. P. :Vinogradov for his guidance in preparing the experiment and interprell-ni; "he results, Y- L. Li-ov and E. I. Andriankin for their participation in data evaiuation, and Z. V. Vasyukova for help with data processing. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 1 chzLrt. ,SUB CODE: 03,Z~SMM DANE, none WAR lad ~-"Alyu Ulmfjofwstlft~ Of -ZINO. -ATj4. N4*4 SIS-A, Uldil. Kbon Nav J:w, 04-loo-M6111 and :yLk1-ruwnc rav, C~. ontApol, tim-retted to thn 61t4ide whpJ4 lricl- hcza g"', ~f), !~ d4o 03"~ cfh~clfcllcl w ( 1.11 atagn-iatA 6V4-N uwve -~- " 1. ,>, W. 1.4415, ON-A43, t,vil ropyk-yelo 'entalic (U), bw lrieal-craru cOnd,-flAL6;,U f hexall-al z4ve over Pt-C W L" 104,5-51% 1 462.) Wl~-Z:,~7~ ~it za)" in nit ii Mill. Vic'u'-j"t, va,il, Cl. xykiles, Etjclkleo, it ~,V,e Prph, diullitiluled f's, (,4,omco), 1ACNI'. Lltj, lonac i.~W)ruct.4, qiid ill gave 11marenc, mi%rd Nle C.lf4ft i~'MCT$, JAII 5-V,-,', V~1,. Cs. N1. l'o-luval- KLYUCCRAMN, A.P. [Kliuchariev, O.P.); MIKOIAYCHUK, A,.D.; NAZARDVAV T.S. Production of h*Cniua and garmanium foil for nuclear research. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 7 no.9.-1027 S 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Fisiko-tekhaicheakiy institut AN UkrSSR, Kbwlkove (Hafnium) (Germani=) t 18248-63 EWT(d)/E*6P(k)/-.W;I(q)/-r.WT(m)/BDS 'AFFTC/ASD Pf-4 JD,/M/Y- AP300213,6 3 01-83/63-/008/-00-6-/0-6-2-8/06- ACCEMION MR 32 AUTHORi Karev, V. M.1 Klyucharev, A. P.; Nazarova, T. S.; Ny*kolaychuk. A. D.-, . . -W".1 1-1 ~ I.- - .. --~ I I Reshetovs, L. M. Tinrut Invostication of foils btained by thermal dissooiatioV, wthod SOURCSo Ukrainalkyy ficychM; rimmal, ve S. no* 6s 1963# 62"32 TOPIC TAOS: p3-rolytio deposition. ther;ial dissociation, T?Z"t. Zr target. Hf target, nuclear target, beam target, (Ho impurity, Tf7oil. Zr foil. Hr foil. foil target, Iodide dissociation, target preparation. -1.11 ABSTRACTo Results am given of investigations directed toward the reduction of molybdenum impurities in foils (targets for nuclear measurements) of Ti, Zr and Hf, which were obtained by the thermal dissociation method (pyrolytio deposition). The effect of Iodide dissociation temperature on the quantity of Ho Impurities was sbAied. For this purpose, Intermediate layers of carbon were used, resulting In a decrease in Ho oonte t by about one-half. The dissociation temperatures more varied between 850 C 2; 1200 C. Composition of the foils studied is given In Table 1, the effect of carbon lwjers on Mo content -- In Table 2, and the results Of chemical and X-ray "otrum analysis am givun in Table 3. Card 1/2 rL 18248-63 ~CCESSIOM 11R s AP3W2l16 ,rho latter method of analysis Is the more suitable since it does not require destr,oying the expensive isotope targets. The X-ray speatram method allows not only the determination of the percent content but also the foil thickness at any point. Tho results are represented graphically. Orig. art. hasi 2 formulas, 2 f igu"q and ) tables. ASSOCIATION: F!Lziko-Tekhnichny*y Insty0tut AN URSR,, Morkov (E!Lys1cs -Technical Institute of the UkrSSR Acad. So.) sumurrm t 12 Deo 6 2 DATE Acq, 12 jul 63 ENCLs 00 SUB CODEt HS, PH NO REF SOV: 007 011M 00 Card L EWG(jr(m a -4 DIAAP/LJP(c) JD1Wo11HW1JD Pr I?, 4y uR16185163/olo/oo6pir,/0693 AMR614., Ur7ey, V. M. 1 XLyucharyev, 0. P. ; Lishenko , L. H. NazarovaI To 84" A ''I- . -- r 66" TITLE: Prep"ation of Aso ODIC follql~om ytterbium-oxide 50 SOURCE: Ukrayinalkyy fizy*chrqT zhurnaL, v. 10, no. 6, 1965, 692-693 TOPIC TAGS: ytterbita, -ytter'bium oxidel, ~tterbfuz oxide reductions isotopic ytter-- bium foLill ytterbium foil preparation, foil vacuum deposition .ABSTRACT.- Experimentskliave Peen made to develop an of ficient'. method for obtaining v' pure isotopic ytterbium'.Pil J'by reduction of ytterbium oxide (Yb203) bY L Ca, Be, Ti, and Zr in vacuum. A mixture of ground Yb203 and La (the latter tjLken vith a 100% excessAvver the theoretical amount) vas placed in a rnojybAmujzj~ci~ucible vith &.Alan 4-10-6 mm Hg. -j~~16ining and degassed in a vacuum varied from 1*10 to 2 The reduction of Yb203 proceeded at 1000-1200C; the foile deposited on stainless- steel, inolybdenum, or tantalum substrates contained 1-2%'L&. Reduction vith Ca, L 53745-65 ACCESSION. NRt AP5015449, and Be was/unnatisfactory,because of the higher reductiop temperatures required and because o"ontamination, whicb made the foils brittle.) Reduction of Yb203 by 99.90-nurb Ti or Zr give the best results, The reduction proc"eeded at lover tem- d 1000C) then the reduction vith La-, and the obtained foils con- peraturee7850 an tained only an insIgnificant, amount of Ti and no Zr. The ratio of the components in the charge bad a great bearing on the yi1eld of metallic ib. In reduction of Yb203 Vith Zr, a- mwlmum yield of Yb vas obtained vith the 1:2 ratio. Isotopic Yb foils, 3-4 V thick, vhich dfd~ not deteriorate vith storing in air, vere readily obtained by the reduction of 100 mg of Yb203 with zirconium povder.,,. Orig. art. h 2 figures. ASSOCIATrOlt Yisyka-takhaichnyy invtrt~t AN VRS1t,:Kh&r'kiv_ (Physicotachnical Institute AN UASR)~ ISUBMITTED.- .2omar65 ENCM. 00 SUB CODE: MM# GC NO PZF SOVt 005 OTHERf - 002 ATD PRWS i Wig SKMIENMOVA. S.V.; NAZAROVA, V.A.; ROSTOVTSKVA. L.P.; MALIVKIB. D.V., akademik. 7he NrnelRk and lower part of Vizeisk strata of the Orel river region in the Dnieper-Donets denression. Dokl.AH SSSR 92 no.1:114?-150 S 153. (MLHA b:9) 1. Akademiya nmik SSSR (for Nalivkin). 2. Tsesoyuzny7 nuuc-Ihno-Is9Iedovatel'- skly inatitut T)rirodrivkh gazov (for Semikhatova, Hazarova and Rostovtneva). (Orel valley--Geolop_v. Stratigraphic) (Geology. Stratipranlic--Orel valley) MAZAROVA. VA. Stratigraphy of the boundary layers of the Devonian and Carbcnl- ferous in the southern part of the Don-Xedveditsa upheaval. Doicl. AN SSSR 94 no.):541-544 Ja '54. (KLP.A 7-1) I.Predstavlano akadenikom D.V.MallAinym. (Don Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology. Stratigraphic-- Don Valley) (Wedveditsa Wley--Geology. Stratigraphic) (Geology, Stratigraphic--Kedveditea Valley) KOLESNIKOVA. T.I.1 NAZAROVA, V.D.; BADALOV, S.A.; RADIONOV, K.G.; OSTAPENKO, Ye.G.; L9DNTvYEV,--Tii.N. Using modified starch in case of drilling in aalt-bear-ing sediments in eastern Turlmenistan. Burenle no.7!20-22 164. (MIRA 1815) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skly inatitut burovoy tekhniki i kontora razvedochnogo bureniya NO.5 treata "Turkrenneftegazrazvedka". KIS7FR, E.G.; ZLOTNIK, D-ye.; POPKOVA, L.M.; NAZAROVA, V.L.; SHASKOL'- SKAYAP T.P. Combination chromate reagents fir fluida. Burenle no.9tl7-18 '65. (MIRA IS&IC) 1. Vaesoyuzny-y nauchno-IssledovFi tkql'5kiy Inatitut burovoy tekhniki. NMROVAI V.F. Nerw model of a calibro-metric attac~=ent for aul-lztrwnd's laxve nonreflexogarLic ophth&Imoscope. Vest. oft. 74 no.2157-60 161. (MIRA 14:4) (OPHTHLLMOSCOPE) ~kZAROVA, V.F. - Effect of the irregular movement of a spinning mac%ine on yarn brealtage. Izv.vya.ucheb.zav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.2155-W 163. (MDA l6s6) 1. lAningradskiy tekatillnyy institut imeni S.M.Kirove. (Spinning machinery) NAZAROVA, V.F. Studying the performance olf spinninw mechines dur:rw *.,i, 3!,hr-t'ng period. Izv. vys. uchvh. zav.; ~exh. 'pkst. prrm. , 6'. . f M:F(A , P: I 1. Leningradskiy inst!tut tpkstll'no,, I lo-ekoy prnmysf-.~--~riosti iznpni Kirova. NAZAROVA, V. G. Cand Biol Sat - (disB) "On the problom of the effect of the nervous Bystdm upon the OstalaSe of peripherol blood (&"rirncntFil ntudy)." Snratov, 1959. 19 pp (Yin of Educntion RSF~)P. Snrnto,;, ~tai.e J,ed In-t), 150 cories (KL, 4.3-59, 122) -'7- KURAV'TIV. I.A.; MAMOVA. V.G. feasibility of requirinp and P0991bility of obtaining tranapp-rent aqueous solutions of a thick extract of Altopa belladonna. Apt. delo 8 no.1:74-78 ja-ir 159. (MrR.A 12: 2) 1. Is kafedry tokhnologit lekaretv i galenovykh preparAtov Pynti- gorskogo farmataev-ticheakogo institute. (BELLADONNA) il 3,117-65 EWF(e)/EWT(x)/WP(W)/0WA ((V1-/WPW/W(0/EWP'1d' Ff - I u'U. ACC&9BZON NRt AP5003378 S/0136/65/000/001/0090/0094 A U11101t: GarmAta, V. A. ; Krnmnik, V. Yu. ; A z-uWu v, E. A. ; Nazarova, V. 1. Influer" of humidifying tz~n ._jj_ ~~mi i3ponge on ingot ha SOURCE: Tsvetnr ). 1, 196 97 90-94 .m meta.Hy, 51 TOPIC TAGS: t1tanlum spoup, titaniujm hardening, Ingot hardness, moisture content, (,.ast tjtardlun 11, ABSTRACT- Titanimm sponge prepared by the tliermal magnesium method has a large surfaco area of pores and readily attractF3 moisturp from the air. Ilie moisture bound Lo chloride react-q with multen litanium, iulds Vilueous Inpuridea and increases Ti ~t~i relm-.1-3 ~1`%To~tts qhow-T(I ftit trq~otil ,IIQ f I -)III 111i I 1;j I;I 1()fjj1t' 11 P111 jj ~j roat1-71 n v r, a r I! t s n i j . n (no mdustria] tt-sLq werf, mad,~~. I! humtdif~t,l q fI qV 4, i!T_If~! its hitrile-ning decreases by to - .11 11B (depending on the iniual h.jrdnvsq Lh- i4ponge waterLtb. The authors coneltRie that the recOving ftepartments of titanium mantifteturing plaota 3"hould determine the ingot hardnesfi of sponge delivered to them only after having Card ~,-W*4u W I I- -- -- - -- --- - L 33*317-65 ACCESSION NR: A135003378 0 desiccated the sponge prior to test melting. It seems that the chlorine content does not affect the moisture absorption capacity of titmifiirn sponge. A different hardness of flip !Ipper and lower surfacov of an ingot is an Indication that Lbe sponge contained moisture (partial evaporaUon during inciting). Original art. has. 5 tables. ABSOCIATION; none SUBM17TED. 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MIA .4 OTHFL: 0110 '40 REF 8GV- 010 2/2 Card MWOVA, V.I.; ItTRAKOVA. T,i.S. 3=-llnlng the stnirt,ire of a praline-type r-and,7 rv--99. I zv. vys.,icheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.?:134-135 l5q. (MMA 12-P) 1. floakovokiy takhnologicheekly inFititut pishchevoy nramynhlen- nosti. (Confoctionory) (Photonicrography) GAMUTA, V.A.; DIMIN, T. yu.1 ARUTYUNOV, R.A.1 NAZAROVA. V.le Zffaot of wetti-Ig spong* titanium on the hardneC of the ingot. TSwet. mat. 38 nool&90-94 Ja 065 (WRA 1W) 2 (A 2G 9~, f SO B1 04/B201 AUTHORt gazarova, V.P. TITLEs Cathodoluminescence of strontium phosphates activated with europium PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizi-heggaya, v. 25, no. 3, 1961, 332 - 335 TEXTr Thic is a reproduction of a lqcture delivered at the 9th Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Phosphorg), whish took place in Kiyev from :unA 20 to 25, ig6o. The author wanted to find new cathod:lluminr~phores p.-.a,3essV_ ing a blue luminescence and a 3hort extinction time. It ha~ ilreqdy been shown in a previous paper by the author that -Ca Pl,~'.),,_Eu 1,3 a ~tr-ngly violet-blue luminpacent cathodoluminophore with a brief daTTIng !IMe (< 10-4 sec). Europium-activated strontium phosphqteq wer, examinel with the aid of a decomposable cathode device under a constant electron b~~am, accelerated with 15 - 1.7 kv and q current density of about a -M'. The emission spectr,im was examins;ad with the aid cf q mcn:ch!-omat-,r :~A i Card 1~1 1.7 5/048/61 Cathodolur,ine31--once 3f B1041B201 photomulti;l'(-r. The main parameterg of the luminoph-rog lnv;~qtllgal-i are listed in able 1. Table 2 gives the spectra as fun,:~iin5 of th-~ ties. A,-. in typical of 'uminophoreq activated with trivalent rar'? e'Irth,3, no line spectrum could bo found. It is finally stated that the Sr (PO ) - Eu I-aminophore offers the best prospects f~r isp in tho 3 4 2 1- ItF violet-blue luminescence with a band with 42~~ A and an ex 4 max tinction time of 10 seconds has an intensity that is 25 Df tnat of the ZnS-Ag luminophore. This result was obtained by me%9u7em-r.'3 wlth a Sb-C9 photomultiplier having a maximum senpitivity at 4300 A. _Eur.~P*_U= in the luminophore is in 'he bivalent state, which fact ez;_'a'n3 the mar- ked change of ' max on a chang,~ of the chemical composition r -f Ite lattice structure as well as the qbPence of a line np,~-tr,m. It firtht-r followB from the experimenti !hat rare-earth impurities rela - th~ CFJ'I' , - doluminescence of europium-act1v4tPd phosphatas. The rarf, earlh!; _zh,,i:1, 4 -, not oxceed 10- /0 in these phosphates. S.Ya. ~;utner bind Yo-.F. ?~is;'_~Ina are thanked for thpir study of cathodoluminpocpnce xnd Yu.7. Card 2/5 Cathodoluminescence of ... 20820 3/048/61/025/003/OC)8/047 B1,04/32C)l having prepared the specimen. There a 're 1 figure, 2 tables and 5 referen- cest 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English language publication reads as follows: Ranby P.'.,'., Mesh D.N., Hendersen, S.R., Brit.C.Appl.Phys. SuPP1., No-4, 18, (1955) 1 6.1 if it D NN n P -I n - om U -n a A A . " % Sr(PO,), - Eli A 1PHO.-leT')IItlfi 3._9r,P,O' - Ell (NIO.It-TO1901~r1l tin fi 2-1,r,P,01 - Fu (PIIO.'IeTODlJfI 4150 A30 5. 0- S. 0 f 4 Sr,(I'O,), - Eu j) ('111110 11250 0(~ 25 ~:O. Ls Legend to Table 11 1) luminophore, 2) luminous color during excitation, 3) A max of the emission band in A, 4) half-width of emission band in A, 5) relative intensity in %. A) violet, B) blue-violet, C) violet,D)blue Card 3/5 8 S/04 IN025/003/008/047 0 Cathodolumineacence of ... B104%! 1 Legend to Table 2: 1) rare-earth impurities in %, 2) luminescence spectrum in A, 3) rela- tive intensity in %. Damping time up to 1% of original intensity in seconds. Card 4/5 cr) C) cli cli C Is,-- C-) C\J%.D C\l c~ t 'IT 00 C) Q r: .1 qj, 9 0/ !r gy po) I 171 17 - go/ qj 01 f 0 POj q j v V -o, r - - ---- ws. LT ws,& 0i > Oj I I Z/ ha a~ s & - ho-r, f - a 01 r fia of z ^706 M7Y CON CON 000f AWt OnAfDrAWN NflAFJA.1p.7 eWJf.O LrIl Lr\ SADOVINIGHIT, B.Te., uchitoll khimil; ?L-%ZAR0V,%, V.S., uchitol' kbtmii Davie; for deannstrating thn explosion of Intgnating 6,&n. Khim.v ahkolo 14 no.5:80 S-0 '59. 041RA 12: 12 ) 1. OrchiknvHlutya srodnyuyu shkola Khur'knvnkny nblAx at I. (Explosions) (Chemical apparntua) SADOYNICRIY. B.Ye., uchitol' khimil? UZAROU. V.5., uctiltol'riltnit lhimit Kovable exhaust ho-A. Khim.v otikole 15 no.1:71-72 Ja-F 16G. ( V12A I J- : r, ) 1. Orchikovskaya arodnyaya shkolit Kharlkovui--)y rbbisti. (Bxhamst systems) ',A r iir z-3rs ~n ev,,~ 1-:- 3--4 1 1! k:,u L 1.1 ve o:, c, r, r) L, i to 2 ::a I th ri id J1 th Joui. A, rc- a liq~Al I pliuspri.-'roca ttr I ~i,) prol a a 1ji ifr,il i, '3L'. _:i v-,rl,,n*.s of ylo.:A witnin the cttt.1nPA with tn4 stpip-I.Lastion :,,, e: ci--l jr Low-! azct,,)baclerLz. 27 r1AZjkf?OVJ~. V.V.. kand.biol.nauir (Poltava) Mchurin's theory refutes the f tiblen of r sil igl on. 111111kh i zhyttia 6 no.9:27-29 S '56. Orpi. (Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich. 19~~-19-11;) (Atheism) 39072 3/08 62Z 035/006/004/013 AJ2 j4NO7 UI i.1EQR6 KhamsKly, Ye. V. and Nazarova, Ye._G, e in-.r,i,ctor, of ir~jn ions into crystals of ammo- nitrate Z,,IL i U Ad A-. Pri,4.adnoy Knimii, v. 5~, no. b, ,i62, 2,jo- 1 clu ) -X 2 The in~roduc4. . 11 4 5 -4or, o" 'e into tne 14'h LNO lattice was studied since jucn additions may imp.-ove -..,.e aygroscopic and