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IDKSHINq TA.Yu.; NAZAROVA, A.I.; KOSTROVAq Ys.I.; KMGINAp L.H. Use of rectangular tin cans of large holding capacity. KQw.i ov.,V, . 16 no-4:25-31 Ap 161. (MIM 14:3) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy inatitut konservnoy i ovoshcheaushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Tin cans) NAZAROVA, A.I. ------ New sterilization methods in the mar.ufacture of "Stewed Leef.' Kons. i ov.prom. 17 no.4:9-13 AF '62. (MIFL-t 1-; 3) 1. TSentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushil'noy pronrlshlennosti. (Beef, Canned) (Sterilisation) NAZAROVA, A.I. Experience In the industrial preparation of canned meat soups. Kons. I cri. prom. 17 no.8s22-25 Ag 1b2. (?a RA 17. 1 ) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isatedovatellsk-iy inatitut koa#ervnoy I ovoshchesushil'noy protVahlennosti. j . . . , 'L V ,.k ,.. A . I .- - i " , , . , I , - 'KOF I . . ,;~- 'd tj-pes C,f , . . ...- 1. 1 I . . - I , * * "i . . . ; . . . . , . " , ;, , . . . ; , % I I . . . , I . . , I , . , . . I . . I . . . -.. . I . . . ACC NRi AP6012240 LA) SOURCE CODE: UR/0330/6S/000/012/000'L/0006-- ALT,-HOR: Nazarova, A. I. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: The industrial testing of new sterilization modes for canned vegetable hors d ' oeuvres SOURCE: Konservnaya i ovoshchesusliil'naya promy-hlennost, no. 12, 1965, 1-6 TOPIC TAGS: food sterilization. food technolory, canning method ABSTRACT: The new sterilizetion modes at a temperature of 1250C for canned pumpkin paste and cabbage stuffed with chopped vegetables in tomato sauce developed at the All Union Scientific Research Institute of Canning and Vef,,ntable rn-ying Industry have been evaluated at the Belgorodsk Canning Combine. The rteriiization modes were developed taking into account data on the survival of thermally stable strains of microorgan;*.GMS Brac. Sporogerws and Bac. Botulinus in these canned products durin7 heating. Tne work performed at the Laboratory of Microbioloj, ,y of VNIIKOP has shown that the lethal time for Bac. Sporogcrws in the pumpkin paste during heating is 2-4 min at 1200C and 0-2 min at 1250C; for cabbage stuffed with chopped vegetables in tomato sauce it is 4-6 min at .1200C and 2-3 min at 1250C. Bac. Botulinus is not developed in these canned products and toxin is not formed; therefore, the sterilization mode was developed tak- Cord 1/2 UDC: 664.8 ACC NR, AP6012240 ing into account the lethal time of only Bac. S~)oragera_,s. Thermograms for scme of the cooking processes are presented and discussed. 7he optical and chemical proper- ties of the canned vegetables during various sterilization modes are also presented and discussed. The results of the tests have shown that the new sterilization modes do not produce a deterioration in the quality and food value of pumpkin paste and of cabbage stuffed with chopped vegetables (in some cases there is an improvement in the properties) and their sterilization effect is at least as good as that of modes spe- ,cified in technological instructions. The adoption of the new sterilization modes will increase the output of a canning plant by 5 to 6 percent in the case of cabbage stuffed with chopped vegetables in tomatio sauce and by 10 percent in the case of pump-' kin paste. Grig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REri 001 Card 2/2 APAKHOV, I.A.; KALYAZINA, V.S.; PARYLIS, E.Ya.; KLYUKINA, F-P.; PO'7,TN1Kr,!A, A.V.; Prinimall uchestlye: BASHKIPOVA, Ye.M.; NAZAPOVA, A.r.; KOSTIOUSOVA, A.S. Improving the quality of contact sulfuric acid. Khim. prom. 41 no.10045-746 0 165. (M:I"A IR:11" GUbTbVA, A.A., kand.tekhn-nauk; ffAWOVA. A.M., inzh. Jacquard interlock machlae. Tekst.pron. 20 no.9:35-40 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) (InItting mchinery) N a ARCI V A ) A . N . ; M I A,'i A 1, 1 ~ '41 , t i , .! " Pc C,' - Zt'u:'- 31- N--substttul.,;~d - ' ',C,' ) no.12~4-123-41;1,'. b (m : -I ~: -- ) SOBOLEV, N.D.; LKBEDEV-ZINOV'TEV, A.A.S-4p2 ..S. VILYLPNOVA, L.P.; BATALOV, Sh.S., BRTLINA, O.H.; S.7.; royd.lzd-ra; OVA1107A, A.I., [Reogene intrusives and tno pre-Mesozol rep-ion of Caucasian mineral waters] NeogenOV70 1ntruz1v-j , jov,z.. :-A- fundament ralona Kavkazakikh min,~rql1vkh vorl. Mn~z-A, 'too. nali(~,, nn-til7hn. izd-vl lit-ry po gaol. I okhrane nodr, 1q59. 20f, p. (Moscow. Vao5oluzinyl nauchno- tool isdovit tij I 'oki I Inotittit rn1rmr,A1nt)?,o ayrilit. Trijily, no.1). (MIIIA I.-III) (Caucasus, North-irn--Ro ',Ii. 1~-ouq) NAZAROTA. A.6. Characteristics of the replacement of enclosing rockE at the lazer stages of the formation of pegmatites. Geol. meet. red. oleo* ao.7: 75-89 '60. (MIRA 13:12) (pegmatites) GINZBURG, A.I.; NAZAROVA, A.S.- 9ALOMAZOVA, I..L. Nigerite from Siberian ppmatites. Al-~7 ','I . (Siberia-Pegmatites) (Siberia-Iligerite) -o.'Y: (XlRA 14: 9) IiAZARCVA, A,S, -1wo ger,craticirw of i3podumene from pogm-titen. 1.1n, cbor n(,~'l 4 182 .198 W"lu, 1, ~ 1. Voot;oyuznyy nauckalo--isaledovatellskiy InDtitut miricrall nop- syrlya, Moskva. (Siberia-,--Spodunierie, Three generations of spodumene and their role in the formation of pegmstitee in Siberia. Mln.a7r'e no.4sI09-125 162. (141RA 16t4) (Siberl"podumente) (Siberia-Pogmatites) NAZAROVAI A.S. Lithiophillte from the pegnatites Of the Z"tem Sayan Kouri- tains. Zap. Tses. min. ob-va 93 no.4:476-4BO '64 (MIRA 18:2) 1. T9esoyuzny7 institut mineral Inogo syTlyx (VIMS), Moskva. SWVCKHOTOVA, T.A.*. BALAUDIN, A.A.; NAZAROVA. D.V. Catalytic conTersiona Of Ot" ro-ontpa.,ticipaticr cf wintar va;,cr. Part 1: Effect of water concentration In the reactine mIxture on conversions of ethane. Characteristics of carbon form;0.ion. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. mat., mekh., astron., fiz. khim., 12 no.':lql-lgp IS?. (MIRA 11:9) I.FAfedra organichoskogo kntaliza M-skovskogo r(-p)iderqt-,-onnogo iin i vers i te to (Z~hane) (Chemical reaction, FLqte of) I.." .61"IVOILD %%..I ST am I Imcs W- It..Fvv .9.'j V/S "a, ""I! It ..I) . ----I 13 V_ qll. TVIS^d v sq TV. I-T-11 ', -%q-1 - :_4 tt P. 1:m% -jj::'Tv.JJ. an% -;O.Aviv .%% IV O.r V.S- r" we" III A%I.e Ills -a, ..'.Va.. tq 117 - I".-Tv ".1,ft 'a- Iq. ~ . -ml WSIM :WT- 'V 'OT"-VT Tfri. a-9 (ad P W.ST. ST&V..T.? ftTA ta- 0-4 1.1... &add. S.-40a. a.- Me I' IT WT. W, tr.." "VI T-:Tl ....... 11-191tts.. IV- ITT.%- . ..... I P"z .-PA ;'_=944-9 . .......... -.171 661-ft, do (wn 'Lrfii f"I'kjl '7T3TGojww4 I", Wj.oT_ -IMLI& -,km .. I AUTHORS: N a z a rov, I A c-,demi,.- I a.,., Ila k in , S . M2n-1144,29/54 Mocha I i it , V. B. , Ila zurova, D. 1., 7 ~ n- 7. ". , Kruptoov, B. K.,, Nazarava I. I. and 0. A. TITLE: The Synthesis of Methylheptenone a7.. s-none Analogues (Sintez analogov ..eti:weitadlyenona) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 195" 1, Vol. Nr 6, :24,--:249 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This synthesis, is of interest for tz,e i~rod,,jrtjon r,f a number of corresponding at:-iloiiies of rntiiral isoprenold compounds. The Initial acetylene-ulr-)nuls for thia purpose were produced accordinC to tt;e authorn' (ro-ferenre 0. By a selective hydrogenation in the presence of palladium on calnium-carbortate acet.(I#-ne alcohols are almost quantitatively converted t,, ar,alo~,-uu vinyl alr~oholq (reference 2). These latter lield the correnijondirij, analogues of methylheptenone in three differer.t. ways (reference 3). Method A. By thf~ influenre of jaseoui3 hydrogen chloride Sr hydrogen bromide upon tertiary vinyl alcohols at 0 - 20 C primary haloid-derivativea of an allyl- -type easily form (reference 41. Their condensation with Card 1/3 sodium-acetate-acetic-ether with a Butseluent saponlficat~on The Synthesis of Yethylheptenone and Z`--1144_-29/54 Analogues leads to methylheptenunp nnalo,7uea. Method B. At 140 - 1900 C tertiary vinjl direct'l,' rp,trt -wit-, t,,e game ether. An almost theoretical quantit.v uf ethitnol and CO 2 is separated and ttie same arilogues as in A) %re Dbtained. Method V. By the acti,,)n r)f dikr.,tene up,r, tertiary vinyl alcohols in the presence of small arnounts of triothylamine or piperidine, acetonacetic ethera of tl.ese alcohols are obtained (table 2). Their pyrolysis ;i1so leads to tl,,e above- -mentioned analogues (reference 6.. Tne 2,3-dimethyl-2- -heptene-6-on (IV) necessary for t!~P synthesis .f irone was produced all three waya mentiined. Di7ethyiiso~-ropenyl- carbinol (initial oub3tance) waa ;produced by the influence of metayl-lithium upon methyl-metacrylate. All methyl- heptenone analogues produced are c-).~prlsed In table 1. The authors further produced: allyl- (I') (reference 9), crotyl- (11) and cn1orocrotyl-acetone 'reference -1j, Jimethyl- isoi)ropenyl-carbinol-oicetoacetate, dimethylhoptenone (IV), cyclobexylidenpentaiione (TX) and tertinry butyl~%eptadienone (XIII). The producti,)n methods an,i constants of these substances are given. There are 2 tatles and 12 references, Card 2/3 6 of which are Slavic. The 3~,ntheqia of Met Py I tcpten one an~ Met ,y I :e, 1 '.,6-29/54 Analogues ASSOCIATION: Institute of Organic Chomintry A."" "SSE N. D. ZelinBki y &13 USSR and Inst itute for -al Te--.nology imeni 11 () r,~, , i~ I ,: Q f; K,) 3' K h I'l i 1 1 M. ,; . V. Lomon a i3cv , Muzscjw ( I.,.at It tit 11. D. Zelinskogo Akademii rau,~ 33SP .:onk )vnkij instlt,it tonkoy &himicheskoy tekhnologli im. -4. Lrmenos~, jva) STI PM ITTED March 141, 19~7 C~-rd 3/3 AUTHORS: Slovokbotova,T.A., Faland1n,A.A., anC Nazarova,L.V. TITLEs Catalytic Change of Ethane With Participation of Water Vapor.ll. The Lependence of the Velocity of Several Ethane ileactions Witt, Participation of Water on the Volume Velocity and Temperature (Kataliticheakoye prevrashchenlye etana s uchastiyem parov v'Ay- 11. Zavisimost' skorosti razlichnykh reaktsly etana v prisu.stv%i vody ot ob"yomnoy akoronti PERIOLICALt Vestnik Idoskovskogo univerelteta, Serlya fiziko-matematich"tk1kh i yestestvennykh nauk, 1958, Nr 1, pp 195-2C). (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the dependence of the ethane chang~p for a catalytic influence of nLckel on the volume velocity of the consumption of ethane and the temperature. Reactionst C 2a6 +482 0 2CO2+7H2 1 C2H6 - 2C+3H,l C 2H6+H 2 ' 2CH 4' It was statedt For a carbon concentrated catalyzer of constant activity the activating energy of the ethane reaction with water Is almost constant for a change of the volume velocity of 6-12 1 ethane for I I of the catalyzer and for H 20-concentratIon of 16.6 to 29.6, and in the Card 112 mean . 15000 cal. For a fresh caialyzor the same energy amounts Catalytic Change of Ethane With Participaton of 'later Vapor.11. The Lependence of the Velocity nf Several Ethane Reactions With Participation of Wa'er on the Volume Velocity and Temperature 23650 cal. There are 7 referenrz3e, wi..c,. are Soviet, and 1 Amer.--ar. AS30CIATIONs Kafedra organ'.che-9kogo xata ~za ("-!air of Organic Catalysis,' SUBMITTELt January 11, 19~7 Card 212 V 19 1/ k A TTTT OR 3 Naz;~rov, 1. 11. (Deceased a jr i r,S Y. c c h a n Shavrygina , 0. A. , Na 7.r L . 7. Fr,iTts-, ri. K. Synthesis of Analogues cf -,erany' Ac~-,tone ani Ps-~-,ido,.onc-~e T TTLE -. (Sintez ariijloj~ov psevloi,)nona) TERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, Z,-, Nr 3~ T; 744-7:,~:' ."SSR~' ABSTRACT: These analo6-ues are initial :r~,J!jctn for t~e synthesis of the corresponding analorrues Df t~e most im-ort-int --iturtil isol,renoid conj,ounlls, of vitimir. :., carotene, farnesol. as well as of phytol, a rompcn~n, of vitamins Y and E. the authors cn '-re- f -' *.-C isoprenold ty;e cr~rrie.' r nnetoacetic ester with Ilia- )j,,?r. s (method A). 2) By reacticri vinyl- ai r.,, ~4 .'I I .I ) '.1 wit? acetoacetic ester ( - acetoacetates of viny- ar~' (,t.,.,-r.yi cazr 1.3 This method was used to obtai:- heptadienone aid their on of methyl he~tenone and --t3 unln-: pressure (5-10 atm:~spheres dehyflroliia!,~jl Card 1/5 and i t E- analor,,iea reo,iltei a''.I'Gt These r. m- Sol", I Synthesis of Anal o~-uei3 of -,err, nyl A --e, ~n.~ u. I Tounde zero transformed by partial hydrogenati-r. c-.,e:- a Id-catalyst into linalool ar,~: ~_ts an!!1o?7ieq (R(,f three mc-thoda liDel for the vnthesin of the k,~tc%es o' %,,,e Isoprenoii tyke were also qm,13yed f,Ir the of various analog,.ies of 7er,,nyl acetcne (Senerne !'. 71-e 3:,-.- thesizel analogues of gerarl,,-I acetone ire 3.`-'Wn i- The synthesis of the poeul~,ijnone sinalo:-ies wis carr according to the methods P and V. In ieetin;- t. e a:-, aD, 3 of dehydrolinalool aith acetoacetic ester th~ _f psoudoionone were formod (Tabl.~ 5) 1.Sch3rae ? in yielda of '0-70',.',. -he ,yrolynis of n.~e'jai~,tatea of tn~ linalools preponderantly lealF ',r~ ,-.e c' 'he isomers; the other ~s in .3-mall quj,rti~i~.9, v.~ '~r is not the caEje with the I(j-' ),;one (xx), nklore two at;reoiaomeric firL's (,,%bje WCI-P Ve:4rate' in form of their hydrazon,~~o. The -onpoundg nynthesize B-C c~,aracterized by aba )r,,tion qpn~:tra in t-ie ~ Itravol-t rr~;,-o. There are 3 tables an-! 7 refer,_,nces, )f whic- are S"'Ilet. ASSOCIATION: Mo3kovskiy institu' tonkoy hniminhes'.Ioi (M,013COV In3titlltO of Fine ',homi^'Al Teclinc1c,-y' Card 2/3 5 AMMR3: Mak i n M., !,Iochnl in, V. B. , Shnvrygina, 0. A., Nazarova, D. V., Nazarov, 1. 'Deceaqel) TITLE: Synthnsis of 'bP Anplogs of Nerolidol, Farn'?3il Acetone nd Gpran,,l Linajoni (Sintez analogov neroliloln, fPrne71latsPt," i geranillinplooln) PFRIODI~AL: ZhiirnnI obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, 'Jr 4, p AB3TRACT: In the precent paper the authors investigated thoroughly the synthesin of isoprenoid alcohols and -ketones (of the analogs of tho nbove-mentioned products) and of the inter- mediate prolucts accrding to the given scheme. The condensation of the analogs of geranyl acetone (a) with acetylene was carried out in the steel reactor at 0-2CO ind at 3-10 ntmospheres ~xceii pressure in the presence of porder*y ca,stir potafl'. The yield of tertiary ncetylene alcohols (b) war, 90-85 140. Thp condensations hitherto used ;'Ref3 5, 6) are v,,rv complicated. All analogn of dehy4ro- neroliiol ~b) syn'hr~si7ed in this investigition arn presented in table 1. According to previous experiments Card IP (Ref 7) it who possible to carry out the hydrogenation of th- Synthesis of thq AnrloF3 -)f '~,?rolilol, Acetone rind Geranyl Linnl-)~H ncetyl ene - I co~-.ol -. -)!)titinod , th- annlo,-s of ~4-h- r-,n -o' i (b) , in th,~ pregonno of the P'/Ci -C - -nn t,lyn 7-io -nnnlor-,~-, rif nerolHol (v) oht,,in-d b,r pnrti!il -f --tylenc, n I roholn ' b) vii ' h this catalyst tiro given in tible " . Accor-!i~V, to the reartion with entalysts ri-orri hod in rofervnc:~ th(, authorn -tore nblv e:~rlinr to carry out t~o ren(--tion of tertinry vin.,-l Y:lnohol~-, -.,ith acotoricetic enter rit I -o- Filso without catalysts, rind obt9ined in this wn:, mothyl bc-ptene, gerrtnyl 1,cetone, and their analops (Re-f-, 1, 2). In the prooont study they applied this method to the syntl)osio of the analogs of fr~rnesil acetone (g). '.7hon henting t))o norolidol nnnlogs loscribed above (Table 2) with -.cptoncotir ester at 180-2000 the anRlogs of farnesil ncr,,tonp (g) were obtained ('able 3). The analogs of farnesil "cotono (p) A. synthesized were then condensed with acetylene. Vin resultinp tertiary acetylene alcohols (d) were converted by partial hydrogenation on Pd/CnCO, into the analogs of gorinyl linnlo6l (e) (Tables 4 and 5). The compounds obtained coull lji~ unod in Card 2/3 the synthesis of the correspon'ding analogs, the phytol, a Synthesis of the Analogs of Nerolidol, Farnesil 37OV/79- 2 92 9/1-17 Acetone and Geranyl Linalobl constituent of vitamins K and E. There 5 tables and 8 references. 6 ,f which are Soviet. ASSOCIATICN: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii imeni Lomonosova (moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology imeni Lomonosov) SUB!grTTFD: March 2R, 1958 Card 5/3 5/07 60/030/05/15/074 B005YB 126 AUTHORSc Makin, S. M.. Mochalin, V. B., Nazarove, D. V, TITLEs Ring Closure of Analogs of PseudoiononeI and Citra~ PERIODICALs Zhurnal obshchey khicii, 1960, Vol. 30, No 5, pp. 1471-1476 TEXTt The authors examined the ring closure of five previously (Ref. 11) synthesized analogs of pseudoionone with different gemrsubstituents In position 1. The reaction scheme of this ring closure Is given. The ring closure was carried out with the help of two standard methodse 1) Ring closure under the effect of boron trifluorlde in a benzene solution at -50~ With this method the relevant ix-lonone is produced- 2) Ring closure by the effect of a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and acetic acid at 10-150. A mixture of of- and ~-ionone is produced by this method, The products were identified by the analysis of their ultraviolet absorption V/ spectra. Table I shown the results obtained by ring closure by method 1). The analogs of paeudoionone with the following gem.-substituents R in position I were examinedt R - H; C2H 51 iso-C3H7; tert -C4H9; C1 The Card 113 Ring Closure of Analogs of Pseudoionons and 3/079/60/030/05/15/074 Citral B005/B126 above table shows boiling range, refractive index, I max, kMax' yield and results of the 0,H-determination for each of the products O~tainsd ty rirF Closure. 2,4--dinitrophonylhydrazones were produced from the resulting analogs of or-ionone, The table also gives melting point, k max' and nitrogen content of th63e derivatives, Table 2 gives the results obtained by ring closure by method 2). Both analogs of pseudoionone with the substituents R - H and R - C1 gave no ring closure by either method, since the activating energy necessary to form the carbonium ion, which is an important intermediate, is in both cases too high. The authors also examined ring closure of some analogs of citral, which were previoul- ly (Ref 13) synthesized. In this case ring closure was brought about by the effect of sulfuric acid on the Schiff's base of the citral analog (Ref. 14). Mixtures of ix- and O-cyclocitral were thus formedl the re- action scheme is given, The analog with R - H gave no ring closure here either, while the Schiff's base of the compound with R - Cl split off under the effect of sulfuric acid HC1, and changed into a cyclic product, Whose structure was notdetermined, Table 3 gives the results obtained from the ring closure of the citral analogs All the ring closures Card 2/3 Ring Closure of Analogs of Paeudoionone and 5/07 6o/o50/05/15/074 Citral B005YB126 carried out are fully described in the experimental part There are 3 tables and 16 references, 4 Soviet, 6 English, 1 German, 4 Swiss, and I Czechoslovakian. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy in-titut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnolog-li (Moscow Institute for Fine Chemical Technolo-gy) SUBMITTEDs May 21, 1959 Card 3/3 0. V, I CAND CHEM SC19 14 INVESTIGATION OF T4~E~ NAZAROVA, '& d j J/ lij - SYNTHESIS OF ISOpReNE compoumos. Moscow, 1961. ( 'USSR. INST ORO CHEM im N. 0, ZELINSXIY). (KL, 2-61, 200). -30- 300 S/19 62/000/003/0-, 5/0 10 3 10 1 X3147 ? AUTHORS: 3obolevtki7, M. V., Nazarova, D. V., Chistyakova, L. Kirillina, V. V. - TITL----. Thermooxidative stability of polymethyl phenyl siloxanes with different end groups PE'RIDDICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 3, 1962, 13 - 16 TFIXT: It was experimentally proved that in polyorganosiloxanes the stability to thermal oxidation increased with increasang content of phenyl groups. The inve tigation was conducted on the polymers C11 1 3 (CH ) Si-0-:1-3i-01-SI(CH (I) obtained by fractional distillation of a 3 3 1 - 3 3 C11 - 6051 r1 ~,IiL-3 (PFLIS-3)' liquid ;(CH 3)2C6H5Si-O- -51-0 -SiC6 F.5(CH 3)2 (11); - CH 3 ! C6 H5 5 CH3 (C 6H 5)2S'-O-~-S'-O- -5'(C6H5)2 CH 3 (111); and Card 1/3 C6H 5.5 Thermooxidative stability ... 3101/B147 C 11,3 (C6 H5)331-0- -si-O -ji(CO 5)3 ( 17) 11, .111, and IV -&ere obtained from C 6H5 5 methyl phenyl dichlorooilane sjnthf.-.,jizeJ according to ','Iilcock (cee below), partly hyJrolyzed, and re~cte,J zith the corresporilini, sodium triorganosilanolates. TI, authoro determined 11) the gelatinization 0 C) rate of %he polymers at 300, 350, and 400 ~"; (2) the viscosity at I,-,- after blorinv air through the licuid POIY:-,er at 350 or 4.OOC. Resul%3: (1) Gelatinization rate: Polvmer -at 5000C at 353 t I evaoorates 11 1 18 hrs 30 min 2 hrs 18 min 7 -. i n25 I TI 1 50 hrs 5 hrs 33 min tr 3 ', 7:1 r. IV 14 hrs 11 h r.9 4 5 m in 2 hra 21 (2) Change in vi8cosity after thermo,,idation at `150'C: Card 213 -)j 7,, 0- 2.-:'~' ,"hermooxidative stability ... BIC)1,3147 Polymer Initial viscoaity, Vioco3ity after !ncre;-;e 'r, cstokes )-10.5 hrn, cjto~les_ VISC-). Ity by 1 5.275 55-70 )IFt 1: 14-1)9 126.8 7 IiI 55. 37 1 0 i V 167.95 583 247 Thus, polymers with only one phenyl end group offer no advantage since a noticeable protective action occurs ;kith t"o phenyl end,~roups jniy. simiiar behavior Yas observe] in thermooxidation at 400 '1, :1" gelatinized within 9 - 11 hrD, IV after 14.5 hra only. here are 5 figures, 5 tablej, and 5 non-3oviet references. The three reference,-: to Engliah-language publications read as follows: "'urphy, C. --. ~`aun~erSl D. C. Smuth, Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, no. 12, 2462 (1)50); 7- H. Daut, J. ;i l (1952); 11. Patnod, D. Hyde, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 38 COC~F J. _1- Chem. Soc., 66, 356 (194ji' Card 3/3 s1 19 1 /62/0r)0/,) 10/0 ;4/0 10 H101 I i3l t36 AUTrW (j i )W),) I ("/!I k ly V. , Ghi a tjakova, 6. A., 14 a zarov at D. V,, 1~ i r i I 11 n-i, ITL-,j -jnt~iofiis of A t,.j -h4~xaorranopolydime thy I-polyme thy 1-pheny 1 n-.-ii ;Itki rep7uI:triy alteronting Jimethyl- and mf.,tj,yI- phr-n I ; i I nxy I i nks in the chain tin.,; Y, no. 1j, )962, 17 - 21 7- T t jijr#-- I,I-Jiaoli~im silt of dimethyl silanediol, 1,3-digodium salt of and 1,3-dinodium nalt of 1,3-dimethyl- t-Aicil r,ere ayntheeized by reactio6 of cyclic polyorf-a- no~iiloxa,iofi i th in t,1u-)uIj CA Oh according to F. Hyde's method and t 5 t mod ' coition of oU~er methods (Uj Patent 2567110, C. A. 45, ic)676 (v))1 To pr---rc theson i3alto in a pure condition, they have to be kept in v-Icuo Fit 140 6 ~` 'or a corajiJr?rj!bIe time so aB to remove the four molecules of cry. tail- --,ter. Therpf~)re these salts were linked with organochloro silanes i-med~:it! 1y in the renction inixture. Une mole of cyclic polyorganosiloxane Gar,I 112 6~/ooo/o1')/O,,4/';) 10 n t, r tra n n r,,II of N-A, -0 ,,, )t in 5(yi, rilcohol and toluene bet,-een r,O i:.; for 1 .4 itc:, v., Vipri vvu;,(j:-,ited and 6-25 moles of tolu8ne ~;o I u oi ;i1 ine r-is ad,'ed dropwise between 10 and 2) C. " r t, t r i n r, itnoct, I o ro a i lant, was added be tv;(2 o-~ n 19 C I.vl, bind the polyiner vias diatilled at 1-1 mm 4 tY I -ticrkloro uiLanu, 1.4 moles trime thy I -chloro jilane r f 1 -i~joliuio-l 5-direthyl-I 5,-diphenyl E3iloxanediol viere found t 1)0t -iri~~unts for ajnthesizing polymers with a boiling point t b o v e I t [,I- lip. ijfitu are piven for the following polymers ~t 7 U, and freezing point (0c)), ".1c e I n vi.3co c a jiG 010 5 56.4, 1.5130, 457.2, -36t hip 5jic ~6 c)) ')"e 364.8, 1.4619, 154.5, -831 y1ei j I C) i O'hi4ej10 -SiYe 54.5, 1.5241, 1580, -261 %c JiG 2f )6 3 3 (;.e -JiO), 5ille 5a.7, 1.4410, 53-44, -1041 lie A0 3 2 3 -Jic-i 111.1e6to 6- Mv G-3 Uc 3 34.5, -, 78-79 -601 Me - CH 3 ' Ph C6 H5 Thorc rt, tables. Card 2)? MAKIN# S.M.; NAZAROVA., D,V,; KIRSANOVAV E.A.; SMIRNOVA, L.N. Chemistry of unsaturated others. Part 103 Aidition reactions of 1-alkoxy-1,3-diones. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.431111-1116 Ap '62. (VJRA 15:4) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnclogii. (Unsaturated compounds) (Alkoxy groups) MAKIN, S.M.;._NAZAR-OVA, D.T. Chemistry of unsaturated others. P4krt 11: Synthesis cf poljene 0there based on 1-alkoxy-1,3-dienes. 2hur.ob.kh1m. 32 no.4i 1117-1119 Ap 162. (KIRA 15t4) 1. Mookovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii. (Unsaturated compounds) (Alkoxy groups) ACCZ-35ION NR: AP40)5101 5/0191/64/000/005/0019/0022 AUTEORS: Sobolevskiy, M. V.; Nazaroval Do V. TITLE: The effect of chain structure of liquid polymethylphanylsilo- xane molecules on some of their properties SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 5, 1964, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: polymethylphonylsiloxane, chain structure, methyl/ phenyl group ratio, phenyl radical distribution, thermal stability, solidification temperature, volatility, refractive index, viscosity ABSTRACT: The effect of the ratio of mothyl/phenyl groups and of the distribution of phenyl radical-containing segments in polymethyl- phenylsiloxanes on their propertiou was investigated. Po' 'ymers with molecular weights of about 2000 with regularly and irreglilarly alternating dimethyl and methylphenylsiloxy members and irregularly alternating dimethyl and diphenylsiloxy members in the chain having CH.p 6It5ratios from 2 to 10 were prepared. Data wa3 obtained on their volatility at 250 and 300C, their themooxidative stability, solidification temperature, refractive index and viscosity- temperature relationship. It was found the ba3ic properties of the Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4035101 liouid a,c-3-hexamethylpolymethylphenylsiloxanes with regularly and irregularly alternated dimethyl and methylphenylsiloxy member3 in the chain are practically the same when the CHI/C05 ratios and the molecular weight are about the same. The volatility increased and the solidification temperature decreased with increasing CVC~H 5 .ratio. The viscosity (indicating oxidation) changed slowly wi h time :in samples with the CH3/C H5 ratio up to about 6, but tripled in 100 ;hours when the ratio was 0 In samples with CH /C H equaling ap- .proximately 6 the viscosit; chanp (both on the&2 9xidation at 250C and with temperature change) was slightly less than in polymers having more phenyl radicals. The absence of significant effects of chain structure on the properties of the liquid polymers, except at .temperatures approaching and exceeding setting temperatures, is dis- cussed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: OC Card __ -2/2 NR REF SOV: 005 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 ACCESSION NR: AP4041778 S/0191/641000/007/0021/0023 AuTlInTt: Sakharovskayat G. B.; Korneyev. N. N.; Nazarovs, D. V.; Snbolevskiy, M. V. TITLE., Reaction of polyorganoaLloxanedLols with trialkyleluminum SOURCE: Plasticheskiye maaoy*, no. 7, 1964, 21-23 TOPIC TAGS: polyorganosiloxanediol, triethylatuminum, polyorgana- aluminumailoxane, polyorganoaluminumailoxane property ABSTRACT: The reaction of polyorganosiloxanediols with triethylalumi- num yields polyorganoaluminooLloxanes. When triethylaluminum and polydimethyl- or polymethylphanylailoxanediols-1, n with a short chain (n - 213s5) are taken in a 1:1 molar ratio, trLethylalu=Lnum reacts with only one hydroxyl group of the diol to form compounds of the types Ho- ACCESSION NRI AP4041778 In contrast, in the case of polyorganosiloxanediole with a long chain (e.g.. n - 37) triothylaluminum (same molar ratio) reacts with two hydroxyl groups of the diol to form compounds of the typet /`Cj Ho- 0 -0-Al An equivalent amount of ethane is separated in the course of the reactions. Ptlyoritanoaluminosiloxanes are viscous oily liquids soluble in hydrocarbons, ethers, and acetone. They exhibit a hydrolytic in- stability, owing to the presence of the '-AI-R group. Their hydrolytic stability can be increased by replacing the radical R by O-SiR3 or another group resistant to hydrolysis. The synthesized polymer@ are .reactive as a result of the presence of the OH group and can be used an intermediate product@ in the synthesLe of now polyargenoelemento- "voLloxanes. OrLS. art. hast 2 tables. Card: 23 kCCESSION NRt AP4041778 kSSOCIATION: none ;UBMITTEDi 00 ATD PRESSs 3048 ENCLi 00 ;UB CODE: CC NO REF SOVs 003 OTHERs 003 -- Caro. 3/ 3 _ _ I LOSEV, V.B.; MOLOKANOV, Yu.K.; NAZAI%~Vk, ~-V. Thirti A I or, ~7 on ferenci~ -,n ti- - -. r, P-rj ':at I or, of it r, ". n9 .9 sy nc I i -ga-y-,ujll Icon C~mpoupds. P - D . , - "~l 4. . OAIRA ~7! -. ACC NR; APOW!"'99 SOURCE CODE: UR/0366/66/002/009/15h()/1589 ALMIOR: Shavrygtna, 0. A.; Naz-rova, D. V.; Makin, S. M. ORG: Moscow Inntitute of Fine Cliemical Technology im. X. V. Lomonosov (XG5k0vsAiY in3titut tonkoy kbimicheskoy tekhtioloyti) TITLE: Chemistry of unsaturated eLhers. XXIV. Preparation of vitamin A ethers SOURCE: Zhurnal organtcheskoy khimil, v. 2, no. 9, 1966, 1586-1589 TOPIC TAGS: vItamin ether 011);71j,1rAU- 1?Ft4C-r10A-) ABSTRACT: Ethyl ether of vitamin A (bp 144-1470C, n6o 1.5735)was obtained by the following reactions: C 11, (CH'co)'Nor I ClIeMCII-C-CHOC311, M Litt, 112C 11 -C-C If (OC,II3)8 I C411.011 (11) C113 If+ HCuCLI HSCjj0CIfjCIf-C-CH(0CjII&)j ~ H&C,OGIIICH-C-CIIO C113 - C113 (111) (IV) Cqrd 1/2 UDC: 547.37 ~--ACCNC--Aff601-299 Oil 116CIOCHICH-C-L-CaCH i L113 M c1l, C 11, I -CH-Cll-~-O liCMCLI -CH.C11-C-I'vicli I oil (VO ON') (Vil) Cil, CH, Oil off (Vill) G li, -C 11 C 1120C21 11 0 X) Preparation of the starting compounds is als-0-described. (WA-50; CBE No. 121 Card 2/2 SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 24ju165/ PRIG REF,--Q02[0TH.BZF. 0021 /011/1239/11242 ACC NR, AP7ooo2()2 CA~ SCURCE CODE: UR/00-r1,/(,~'/,- _LAzarovas E. AUTHOR: Grodshteyn, A. Yo.; Krigert E. !~.; 'i Soraya, L. Ya. ORGI Donets Branch, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Cher.' -_ 11 FOagents ali High-Purity Chemicals (Donetskiy filial, Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-i s sled 0'1. t '101' sk iy insti- tut khimichoskikh rP_aX'r'0ja,4 ', GSobo C~n\~tvk~% TITIZI Study of forrite powders obtained by thermal treatment of salt mixtures SOURCE1 Ukrainskiy khimichoskiy zhurnal, V. 32, no. 11, 1966, 1239-1242 TOPIC T4GS: ferrite, chemical precipitation ABSTRACT: Powders of magnesium manganoso aluminate ferrites Mgj 04 v A1.0 9 Fej.48 04 wore obtained by coprecipitation of carDonates, and S- .3 0~. 14 pawaor -manganese-magnesium-zinc forritos Mg 4 ""ft ;Y ZN Fo 04 were ob- tained by doco=posing a mixture of oxalates, ni?;a2e3 a sulfiies."~'~Io aluminate forrites wore fired for 12 hr at 1300-13200C, and the F1g-Mn-Zn forritcs, for 5 hr at 13700C. The large specific surface of powders at lower firing temperatures is at- tributed to the high porosity of the powder particla3, not to their small size. As the firing temperature Is raised, the internal porosity of the particles decreases, causing a decrease in the surface of the powder. A3 the temperature rises furthers the particles sinter and increase in size. Denset high-quality forrites for SH? 112 UDCt ACC NR. AP700262 applications are obtained when each pawder is fired in the optimum torperature, range for each salt mixture. Authors are gratefta to V. A. ?abrikov for measuring the forromagn9tic resonance bandwidth of Mg-~b-Zn ferrites. Orig. art. hass 2 tables. SUB CODS: 07/ SUBM DATILI 30AU964/ ORIG REF: 006/ OM RUI 001 2 r MAWYA, Ye.M;DRAGUW)VA, U.S. k--_ , - Treatment of motor disorders following tuberculous aenjagitis. Klin. mod., Moskva 30 no. 7:35-41 July 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Of the Nervous Clinic (Hpad - Prof. D. S. fttar), Central Pediatric Institute RSISR. located at the Children's Clinical Hospital and nf the Orthopedic-Neurological Hospital Iman.1 Shim- skaya. Moscow. N",LAaon, ~. 4. Occupatlunal Uiseases Uis3artato,n: "ClLnical tnd 4L-dlc,.l 'Ireatneat in lubercuious "ningiLls." Lana 4ed icl, Acad Aed -ici U-~-A, 25 Aar 54. kVecnernyaya Ao3kva, Ao5co-a, 4 Jdar 54.) 30: jW 213, 20 -SP 54 NAZiROW., 13.4., kandldat noditrini3kil-h nauk (Moskva) Application of glutru3lc acid combined with therapeutic factors In tho trratnent of conpli-ations of tuberculous nenlneitis; proliminary rqport. Pediatrita no.2:54-59 Kr-Ap(!TLRi% 9:8) 155. 1. Iz 1,11niki nprvnylr)) I)o1e%nny (zav.-prof. D.S. Futer) Pqdia- trichaskogo institute, (dIr.-V.:4. Karachfivtnevu) na baze detskoy klinicheskoy I)ol'nitny (t;lavnyy vr-Fich-zaaluzhear7y vrILr-h respu- blik-I Ye.V.Prokhnrovich) (TUB ,MCULOSIS, 1=1%11, In infant find child Conpl. ther.. Clutamic srld vf1th othor drugs) (GLUff,,',L,-TESS, therapoutic u3e. co,n;'-. of tul-,Prc. -nening!tls) !!EZ-A%"=U V ro , Wir' Kar1rowna; TAKUNIN. Turty Alakseyevich (Principal problems in the clinicalt%jects, differential diagnosis. and medical treatment of poliomyeli Oanovnya voprosy kliniki. difereatetallaoi diagnostikt i lechentis polioutelits. Moskva, Nedgis. 1956. 24 p. NLRA 9:10) (POLIOKTZLITIS) XAZAROTA, Z.K.; KOYYAKHIRA, W.U.; TSARKVA, T.I.; JrOFAKOVA, L.G. Use of amino acids inthe heatment of acute policc7alitio. Top.okh. mat. i dot. 1 no.1:37-43 Ja-Y 156. (KLRA 9:9) 1. Va baze 1-y gorodskoy detakoy infektsionnoy bollaitsy Saratava. (POLIOKTICLITIS) (AMINO ACIDS-THZWZMIC USN) TWSM. T.H.; KAUROVA. E.g. Clinical aspects of encephalitis in chicican pox. Pedlatriia 39 no.4:44-49 Jl-Ag t56. (KIaA 9:12) 1. Is 1-y Mookowelcoy delskoy klinicheskoy bol'altsy (glavW wrach saslushannyy vrach RSYS11 TO.T.Frokborovich, nauchna rukovoditall prof. D.S.Futor) i Gosiviaretvennogo podia tri cheskogo instituta RUSH (dir, - kandidat meditainakikh nauk V.N.Karachevtoova) (CHIGM POX. compl. encephalitis in child.. clin. aspects) (SNCIPHALITIS. otiol. ard pathogen. chickenpox in child, clino aspects) e,- . I -, Z., NAZAROVA. R.M. - , Apileptic fits in tuberculous meningitts. Zhur.nevr. I psikh. Supolement:14 157. (xr,~A 11:1) 1. Klinike nerynykh holezney (zav. - prof. D-S-Futor) Pedistriche- skego instituta no baze klinichookoy detskoy bol'nitsy No.1, Moskva. (MIJINGY.6--TUBNRCULOSIS) (SPIIAPST) EXCERM MicA sec.6 Vol.12/5 Pediatrics may 1958 TOTOR ST B 1400, CATAMNEsTic DATA CONCERNING PATIENTs WITIf N TAI ANCES AFTER TUBERCULOUS MENINGITIS (Russian text) - N a z a rova E. M. - Z11. NEVROPAT. PSIKIIIAT. 1957. 57/7 (820-824) The cfa-ta--r-eTerring to 119 children studied for several years in succession are re- ported. Motor disturbances were observed in 26.8%. In 63.4% of the children com- plete or considerable restoration of the motor functions was observed. In 43.7% of the children, speech disturbances were noticed in the form of motor disturban- ces, sensory aphasia anti dyearthria. In 50% of the patients, speech was restored to some degree. On leaving the hospital, the mentality was normal in the patients sufferi'ng from motor disturbances. Of this number, 17.7% were children who had a motor disinhibition. In the other children, the mentality was disturbed. Brokman Warsaw (L, 7. 8,15) f'.d~A NATA VA. re.K.; MWMUXOVL4URWVA, T.Go M4,24cal aspeots od surgical therapy of late spinal compli- catims foUowUW tuberculmw moniMitiso Problotub* 38 noolt67-75 060. (Km 13110) (VnM--TUBM=U)SIS) (KWING33--TUBM==IS) FUTER, D.S.; RONKIN, M.A.;.NAZAROVA, E.M. Clinical electroancephalographic study of epilepsy following tubermaous meningitis. Zhur. nevr. I psikh. 61 no.7:984-994 161. (AURA 15:6) (MENItIGES-TUEEMIXIS) (EIIIEPSY) (EIECTRCENCE PRADMIIAPh f ) FUTER, David Solomonovic4; PROKHOROVICH, Yermolay Vasillyevich;Primimali ;- f'-uchastlye:SHAPIRD,T. B. ; MAZAROVA,,E..M. I GRABDVA,F. N.; MMIMN,A.S., red.; PETRDVA,NA.,takhn-.r-e-d.; PRDRINA, N.D., (Tubercular m4ningitis in childron]Tubarkulasnyi meningit u detei. Pri uchastii T.B.Shapiro, E.M.'Nazarova i F.N.Grabovot" Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 278 p. (KRA 160) (MENINGITIS) T rip gn ,v.,-L5--'014 IM: AP4049436 'ii/O.02/64/000/(lO5fOO3Ot'OO37 i;j.,11OR., Sukhanov, S. ,Nazarova,-G., Patinov, V. P. TITLE: Hall-effect magnetomcLer for weak fields I SOMCE: All TurRmSSR. Ijvnstiya. Seriya fiziko-teklinicheskikh, khimicheskikh i geologichesirikh nauk, no. 5, 1964, 30-37 TOPIC TAGS:: weak magnetic field, 11all effpct, magnetometcr, indimn antimonide -imTplificatiorv factor, -magtietic field concentrator ABSTRACT: T'he authors studied a high-sensif-tvity magnetottrieter which they designed and used to measure very weak constant inagnetic fields. The c:)Instroction and clecLric and tr,.agnetic characterULiCr- of Lhe inditun anEimonide Hall detector and the conatruction of the magnetometer are described at length. The input F,Lage. of th4! magnetomvter is discus-~,k,-d, and CirCuiL diagram!, are giv(ni. Amplifi- c;jtfnij facb:)rjR of concenLrators, tiuidc (if Arinco fi-on, perniilloy, and ferriLe wern mov-,ured. rt was fomid that wagnotic fields of the order of 10-6 Ocr."teds coulJ be measured with great precisi.on for a magnet-umater sensittvity of 6.:14 x 10-8 Oersteds. A further increase in the sensitivity of the magnetometer d in tile couic, ie achieved by iricreasing the concentration of tht, magnetic fiel L ACCESSION NR: AP4049436 magnetic circuit. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 5 formulas, ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EM Card 2/2 V1101 jr4 All-galm Owerarsom - as witzmas state FR==CLLI Stahl. I baresma. 1%0. Mp 5. 9v 0-46 (93=) Sagra"'? g lba SH LU Ulm, Omfor a m the 111roaaa �%.%. eas b.16 L. ""M.& .; sks " at M15f. it me 1, 'us WLMLI allIkslaw AS SM (InsUoul. of the Cb..i.iry of Biltaa%.. o as nn). Tomewassays khl"4hostera obmas..%. I_*I 1 oloyevs, (ALI-Ulm choulasa Sool. 17 1-1 D lmoolly ".Site$ Laval ;_ i. (State ftile" zaal.1lato lowl a. 1. T"llow). awe th- 1,10 reperts as the alreesiare at SLass, -2h.d. .1 n. witrome at&$.. the mahaelm of ItrIrI*a%I.a -4 V~".I ... t' _1 and todbalsal preportlas of Slahose sers no C-'- me egos" W7 A-doodal.. A. A. Lobed-. At "a Sth seallc. 9 T.Jor to d.. I "a I. 6114palla. Vmlt* at clax.... = 0". Vve-81. no". w Llembers. A ... ly of t~. r _M ?., siliesse A To. 1. C.1-1. -C. the C-417- 1 bar. at Al"Isee, md 1- 3. P. "4- - - rT Tr~- " strnstaral "save La beres-aillsols cl..7wii i.. had A. 1P. 91sd re"rld as waso oeat-rer.2.1 %be #area %we of b.-a-alli..s. Cl..". -2 Sb.Ir per.- p.,,j T =""' Z:" =2 Nflo card 3/6 , l Is tal. 2 -- the 6th so*slag &was elth The .16strIe of cz ...... L r"art.,I so lb. tr..at_. _ oikk%bo old or " I.A.-Ses - field I 5~ 2. sea -2 a S- C.- see of rlk~ .... $I--, re". .. tb. .41 Illy " a- 4.--. f of the L-1. -1 s.sar of It. 1 ., :: . U, ..,-%.a .. tz. ass~ of I.. alse'...11 ...... 1 1, P. Plate 4I.As.8-I 1. 1. 0- -1 U-1. r.p-*.A of of ra 1. as Masus I.rf.. 4 3. flue -4 .1. to of ary". 1 6"c Ilk. bl. I as ::;. -led -1 sea.. th _i.13a or t otrop-7., .2 the 1Lf.d- T 1 , ;I-o or the Im.I.C-J Is z _S_ the rop..4' Tb. O.P.M.... of .1 Card 4/9 " a. ch..I..l coe".1al.... V$ AV 0. 1. M--'. avo.tigtJoe -aj. &be B. a. Sells--- Cora 5/6 C.- 7-saiaIN-117 or Slooess of the sysses 210 S'O 11.'3 to %be t..- per sure r- or rv~- 400-IW* -4 as %%a of .44itt'- at Nual_'fand at" orlis, no Ivat~t. .-'..stvIty of %W"' .1-L.8 of g1_. -4 lb Lon al.tim "A 4 reparts -Ilk p-p-st.. of el ...... v. left* ID .21vat's. P-P.Tti.. of a... Tim GI T. P. shil. a" t-Ell Ct. j&sj..tj_ at ass of thals 9-wroa -A as tb &N %.,&. the .7. Jose T229. - 4.26. file. - ffbas.'. 8Y. 9.1caly.ts, T, ff. r. the I..- Chel..'vel't .. the hot. street r:P of U. 'It'- refti- th" -Ilk so. 9. P. A---- .41.bY r. ft Sro,ogur. sea prowarls.. of t.-... b.- 61 ..... . it, Lro r-1 KAZAROVA, O.P. Case of u=suAl tumor of the pharynx (cylln4rcca) Vast. oto-rin. 16 no.4t82-83 J1-Ag 154. (MIRA 7:8) 1. Is kliniki bolesney ukh&. gorla i nosa, (dir. laystvitellayy chlen IaAasii seditsinakikh nauk SSSR prof. B.S.Preobratheaskiy) lachabnogo fakulltsta 11 Witainakogo institute, Want I.T.Staliaa. (PRARTIZ. neoplasms. Ocylindrosta) MAZAROVA, G.F.,kandidat meditsinskilch nauk. X40,!, Results of local application of certain blood preparations in surgical otorhinolaryngoloa . Vest. oto-rin. 17 no-5:57-62 9-0 '55. (KLRA 9-2) 1. 1z klinikI bolesney ukha. nose. I gorla (dir.--daystvitellnyy chles Akadamit neditainakikh nauk SM B.S. Preobrazhenskiy) 11 Noskovskogo maditsinakogo institute, iment I.T. Stalina. (OTCRHMOL&MGOL40GY. thromboplastic substandes in otorhinolarygol. surg.) (THRCHBOPLASTIC SUBSTANCES. in otorhinolaryv,-,,ol. surg.) NAZAROVA, Gulino ftdorovna Lcommon cold; its prevention and treataint) masmork; ago preduprezhdania I lechania. Moskva, Kadgis, 1958. 20 p. (KIU 13:12) (COLD (DISHASB)) NAZAROVA. G.Fe, IrAnd.medennuk" Opeff-WMMd of the lef t f rontal sinus with ef fusion of blood Into the left lobe of thl- brAin and --neephalitte. West.oto.-rin. 20 no.3195-96 Vq-Ja 159 (m MA 11: 6) 1. la kliniki bolezney ukha. gorla I nosa (dir. - daystwitellnyy chlen ANY SSSR prof. B.S. Preobrashenskiy) H Koskovskogo meditsiankogo Inatituta. (FRONTAL S MUS. wde. & Inj. open, onusing effusion of blood into left cerebrum & encephnlitia (Rum)) (MCYTHALMS. OtiOl & DAthogen. open traumn of left frontftl sinus with effusion of blood into left cerebrum (Rua)) AI f I z / j/k- ,I r~ ( i C DAMAN, L.B.,, NAZAROVA. O.F., kmnd.ued.nftuk First plan-ary session of the All-Ruselmn Medical Society of Otol&rMologleto. Vogst.oto.-rin. 20 no.18120-121 Vq-Je 158 (MIRA 11t6) (OTO14H INnLARY11("OLO)T) RAZAROVA, G.F., kand.sed.nank Kodification of the technic used in extirpation of the laryux [with at-inar7 In Uglishl. Tent.oto-rin. 20 no.6siolo-104 X-D '58 (MIRA llsl2) 1. Is kliniki bolasnq ukha, gorla I nosa (dlr* daystvitelliqy chlen ANN 333R prof. B.S. Proobrathenskly) lechobnogo fakulltata 11 Kookovskogo moditsinskogo inatitutao (Lam. surg. laryngeoctomy. modified technic (Run)) IL&YautUVA. G.F., '0' ikapects arAl therapy of coryza. 18 no.8: 28-J3 As, '59. OGRA 12:10) (COLD (DIbXA:3E)) HAZAROVA, G. F., kand. lek. ved. Combined anesthesia in tonsillectomy in abscesses. Cask. otolar. 10 no.2:93-97 Ap '61. 1. OHL klinika 2. lekarske fakulty v Moskva, ved. prof. Preobrazenskij, skut. clan Akademie lek. ved SSSR. (TONSILLECTOMY aneeth & ana1g) NA3MVA, G.F., Megnonous angina (acute phlegmonous tonsillitis) and peri- 00 paratonsillitis from the pathohistological and clinical viewpointa. Test.otorin. no.405-83 162. (MIRA 1633) 1. 1z kliniki bolozney ukha, gorla I nosa (sav. - doyetvitellnyy chlen AM SSSR prof. B.S.,Proobrazhanakiy) lechebnogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.T. Pirogova. (TOWST119-DISUSES) VA.. k oir. i . - i , -,i - ~ . . 1. r PLAKSIV. 1.N.: OKDWVICH. A.M.; MAZAROVA. G-N.,kmnd.tekhn.n^ulr Usine the DS reAgent (Soviet detargent) for the flotption of cotmlex ores. 3lul.TSIIN toret.cet. no.18:11-17 '57. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for PlAkaln). (FlotAtion) (SulfonAted compounds) PLAKSIN. Igor' Mikolayevich; OKCLOTICH, Anna KikhaylovnaZ MAZAROVA, .~UwJWdUahaat-ONOROVSKATA, N.A.,; (FAMUkftAA, N.A., red.izd-va; BMSLATSKAYA, L.Sh., Use of certain alkylarylaulfonates as frothers In the notation of nonferrous oresi Primanente nekotorykh alkilarilmlifonstov v kachastye pan rn-ovmtelai pri flotataii rud tsvetafth wtallov. Koakwa. Go*.uauchno-tekhn.1xd-vo Ilt-ry po gornomu delu, 1960. 103 P. (KM 14:3) (Flotation-Xquipmant and supplies) (Nonferrous metals) NAZAROVA, G. N. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Sturly of the effect of composition of several alkyl-arylsulfonates on their foam-acting action in flotation." Moscow, 1061. 14 pp; (Ministry of Higher ond Second- ary Specialist Education RSFSR, Krasnoyarsk Inst of Non-ferrous Metals imeni M. I. Kalinin); 200 copies; price not viven; (KL, 6-61 sup, 221) PLAKSIN, 1. N.; OKOWV1CII, A. M.; NAZAROVA G. N. - "The use of some of the alk:jI ary! sylphonates as foaming agents In t,-,e flotation process." report submitted for 7th Intl Kineral Processing Cong, New York, 20-2~. Sep 64. i Y, I : N , : . " , ( MI..) 3 KA- ii , , 'i,", - A , C; . '; . (?J,,) a k v a, h r, r q,: t, r , F, * . - 3 o f tr,, e , r, -, e r a c t -' o n o f 8 o-, i um f : .;o a I I '- c a % ~ a ~ t h 1 on 5 rlo~ flota'.on. : zv. AN R. Ye' . 1, For. - !P~ n " ') . 1. - '. h -, - 1 -7 ., I -.. 17 1 ( KI, ;.),A I " t Q , 64. I N", PORTO, D.F., kand.tek-hn.nauk; NAZAROVAA _G.11.!--inzh. Thermal properties and criturian for evaluating the designs of low capacity power transformers. Vest.elektroprom. 31 no.6: 43-47 Je 16o. (MIRA 1311) (Zlectrio transformers) NAZAROVA, G.P. [11azarava, H.P.] On a ahpLrp rise. Rab. i sial. 34 no.5:5 MY '5P- (PIRA 11:6) l.Starshynya kaleusa 11 Ma7a" Zhaludotakaga rayena Grodzenskay voblastsi. (Collective farms) IIAZAROZ, N.I., imh.; IAZ;&,OVA, G.T., inzh. Concernine the caterrrdnaticn of reactive power in a cc,-.der.Ber unit. Elektrichostvo no.7:55-59 n 161. A-',L--A 14: c,) 1. ToPKTB Moskovokogo oblautnogo oovota na.-odnogo khozyuyi;tvb. (Electric capacitors) ORESHKIN, PeT.; RAYEVA, I.Sq-11AZAROVA, G.V. Electric compaction of Industrial refractories. 1zv.v-js.ucheb.z&v.- chern.met. 8 no.6tl78-179 165. (KRA 1828J 1. f~razanskly radiotekhnichoskly institut i Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy institut. ACC NRa ARG027499 AL MMOR: Kcrenman, 1. K. ; Nazarova, G. IITLE: Alkaline method of s SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metalluri;iya, RZF SOURCE: Tr. Po khimii i khim. tekhnol. (Gor'kiy), vyp. 3(11), 1964, 454-458 70?!C TAGSt lanthanum, beryllium, gravim-atric analysis in the filtrate and precipitate, -it i1UNSLATION: By gravimeir'cally Be 2+ 4 was shown that during LaYr precipitatior. viija an excess of NaOii in the presence of 2+' cip` 2 B e the adsorptive copm itation of Be occurs with the LaM03. 7he La(OH)3 Pre cipitate obtained was nearly free of Be2+ after its two short reprecipitations from a .not solution. Calculations were made of the coefficients in the Freundlich and Lang- muir equations of the adsorption isothem.. 3 figures, 2 tables, 7 references. (From Rzh. Aim.). SUB CODE: 07,11 Card 1/1 UDC: 669.854.09 AUTHOR: Taintsevich, Ye.F., Nazarova, G.Ye. 32-9-12/43 I ITIZ: The Sepamtion of Gallium from Lead and Ca4mium Aocording to the Method of Ion Exchange (Otdeleniye g&ll1y& ot swintsa i kadmiya netodom ionnogo obaens.) MIODIOALt Zavodskaya Labomtoriya, 1957, Vol.23, Nr 9. pp. 1068-1070 (USSR) ABSTRACTt By the method of ton exchange the sepamtion of gallium from lead ms attained by the use of CH30COM14 as Weluent" (vashed out pro- duct). The sepamtion of gallium from lead me carried out with the SBS oationite in NH4-forn In the presence of sulphosalicylio and gallus &old at p), a 9 --10. In the presonce of nodion tartrate the separation of the elements mentioned to possible only in the me@ or pH v 8,5 - 9,0. The possibility of separating gallium from "Aaiun with an ion exchange resin in Nk-foru at PH a 9 - 10 by using tartaric-, sulphionallaylio- and ox&Uo aoid as well &a trilon B was found to exist. It is shovo that by using successive Neluatioe (vuhing out process) and weleing use of the amphoteric properties of gallium, the latter oan be separsted from Pbo Cd, Card 1/2 32-9-12/43 The Sepration of Gallium frcm Lead and Cadmium According to the Method of Ion Exchange Pe and Cu. There am I figure, 4 tablex,and 7 references, 5 of which are Slavic. pi K. V. skovskly gosud&rst- ASSOOIATICHiMosoow St4to tv U stroityximo --ov (No veUJW univers? in. . . sova AVAILABL& Library of Oongress Card ?/ 2 BMIIN. N.G.. starahly nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHALKOVIINA. A.Y.; NAZAROVA, I.B. Larusan therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis; preliminary communication. Probl.tub. 34 no.2:36-39 Mr-AP 156. (MLRA 9:8) 1. In Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo Inatituta tubericuleza (dir. - prof. L.A.Shaklein, zam. dir. po nauchnoy chasti - kandidat maditainakikh nauk H.G.Butkin) (TUBIRCULOSIS, PUIMONARY. therapy. laruaan (Rue)) .y. Antitubercul -,r 7)ru U- U.SSR/Ph'irm.-icc logy. Toxicc ~o Abs Jour Author N-Az trov-1 1. B. Ins" 7o-U---- v-e R- Title ~.n tl~o ~D ot,-,~ Q. i-lt:~ r e r -1 0 f I n-iry 'Pibercul-ir -tients Cri., ~b V f-,b.: -i,,- t In the ~-,rol on --~d e:-v tion (-, ---,,nt s r .,,)s t r of 55 :~ ~tientr, -1, h v rjo-~:~ for7~-, of t,i I)e rc, i I o- S tel t r I u "'ji-io'l of tf n i r. of the ',:ients; c~f tho tli~),,rc c r( - I" i ) .1 tient5; ?1, c e s ~j o c c, i r.--~, MIdned fro,~, of 1; icil il r)d -1 ,1 J c c I,j,3 c-irrinr.;. T1,e utr.r,r r~-df-,es. the qw! i -idvimibilit.-f of inc 'lie Cri rd 1 /1 WAX, T.J.1 KPIRIVITSKAYA, T.P.; INAZARNA, 1-5. pird of xared caverns. Probl. no.4~43-~~ ~ 64. (M:AA 18.1'', 1. S-werdlov3kiy nauchn.--,,-.q3,e!,:uTatAll3k~y -Inft.!*,u,~ 1~-uberki,'A 'R ;:41 (direktor -- pTof. 1.I. Shakllbin). t ad p fz- mr NANTItIA, 1. 1. ~;f Ca and I~u jjrv~-, ~ ustrofi~'. ~-,bs., rjo. 7, ~'iSl. In P chrorcsj~-.(~rlc lzv. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November -195~, 'Jncl,. '-AZAROVA, I. I. and KHOIGILOVA, V. L. 113pectrophotometric Study of Some Prominences and Filaments," Izv. Kx7mmak. astrofiz. observ., 11, 1954, pp 170-177 Profiles of If lines (alpha to eta) were obtained using either spectroheliograph or Interference-polarization filters. The spectrum of the sun's center .ras taken for comparison. The study of radioactive Intensities of Balmer lines yielded the amount of excited atoms. It is asstaned that the absorption coefficient Is affected by Doppler broadening. Discrepancies of theoretical and experimental results did not oxceed 5%. (RZhAstr, No 4, 1955) SO: Sum. No. 568, 6 Jul 55 ,2FS ~.mlm 1A P 14 i qdll-xtro~lj ~,j ~ ~,~ , 1 , 11 ~ ~, it wnh iv% Acub. mcm m-,. IVIVII Ana i1p. them WAL* famed on evapri. lol?,V Ai tak, m. FO-V, 6110 foruml umder N la 7VIO yidd, The pt. .t,.ed In the reacdfu w&3 PAPIp Cu. Shnitady Yla"LOO 914vt 61% m. 118 5' Ut F.4ve. Vqo/d El LmAy. ~I"% m. 1.3a., E4 "'thyl ~fle, t"; caw cesaff gart ovtr 100% N N.i 123-f-W. nip ffij~ Ulu 100 4217 S &k)*y,1-,01ermjkA1fnF, in. T, 1142ve Blif Lau-Immellb -was "drd tit W* 5 K. I Yielding 0.71 g. ph,,; a Omijar fail-wre to Add vr-pa nav-d for pthco and dibcaroylebylene. Addn. of 7.5 X. I at 75* urider X In CC4 gave 4 bir-wo ppt. c*wl. PhjB pyridire salt atul Cu salti- evapa. of t1m fil!ratc =6 bratLn4 with H&O 2 brz. with 6~OH)t and prowd. Fe P-liL- BzOH. The brown ppt. extd. with NfeCO pre on e-Ktn. with NfcCO and treat- tumt of the Inwl. part orith aq. K1, a Mt. Qf Clal and Iodine- the flittate rave pyridi0c =4, rr-. 212-184 G, I.T. y f3:9*02- AUTHORSt Nazaroy, I. N. Member, Academy of Sciences, 2o- L14-4-32/63 USSR, Gusey, B. F., Kakin, S. M., Mochalin. V, B , Nazarova, _ OA. 1. 1. , Vinograaoy, V P Kruptsov, B K gi_iarova, D. V~ TITLEt The Condensation of Acetylene With Methylheptanone and Its Analogues (KondensatBiya atoetilena a metilgeplanonom i yego &nalogami) The Synthesis of Linalool and It8 Analogues (Sintez linalools i yego analogov) PERIODICALs Doklady kkademii Nauk. SSSR, 1957, Vol, 114, Nr 4, PP 796-799 (USSR) ABSTRAM Several years ago a simple method of synthesis of different acetylene alcohols was worked out in the laboratory of the authors by means of condensation of aldehydes and ketones un- der the influence of powdery caustic potash with acetylene at high pressure (5-10 at auperpressure) It was of interest to employ this method in the condencation of acetylene with methy)- heptanone and aimihr ketones, in order to obtain the correspon4- ing acetylenealcoliols. Linalool and SOLle analogues may then be obtained easily by partial hydrogenation with a Pd-catalyst. Hitherto such condensations have usually been carried out under Card 1/4 the influence of metallic sodium in a so,ution of liquid ammonia. The Condensation of Acetylene With Methylheptanone and Its 2o 12.4-4-32,,163 Analogues. The Synthesis of Linalool and Its Analogues It was found that methylheptanone and Its various an&gues may be condensed very easily with caustic potash and acetyl- ene at the above-mentioned pressure, At o-2oOC they give as a result the corresponding tertiary acetylene alcohols with an almost quantitative yield (more than 94) T-is reaction may also be carried out without acetylene pressure, however, some- what more slowly and with a yield of only 6o-ao%- It has been previously shown In the same laboratory that acetylene alco- hols which contain a non-substituted acetylenehydrogen may be hydrated highly selectively in the presence of palladium over calcium carbonate or copper coated zinc powder. Thereby vinylaloohols with an almost theoretical yield are obtained. The acetylene alcoholo may not be selectively hydrated with other catalysts (Ni, Pt) and are therefore useless in the pro- duation of pure vinyl alcohols. An analogo-na picture may also be noticed with the hfdrogenation of the above-described ace- t,Tlene alcohols which are obtained by condensation of acety- lene with methylhe~tanone and its analogues. These acetylene alcohols may also be highly selectively hydrated in the pre- Card 2/4 senoe of a Pd-catalyst. They form linalool and its analogues The Condensation of Acetylene iith Methylheptanone and Ito 2Q -114-4-32/63 Analogues. The Synthesis of Linalool and Its Analogues with an almost theoretical yield. The purity control of the vinylalcohols (linalool and its analogues) was carried out by means of the acetylene teat (with ammonia solution of silver or copper oxide), whose sensitiveness was determined by special tests and amounted to 0,2-0,3%. At the hydrogena- tion of the acetylene alcohols with a Pd-catalyst the aoety- lene test always disappears at the theoretical point, that is, &a only one hydrogen molecule is strongly attached. The aoety- lene alcohols obtained in the course of this work are summa- rized in table 1. Linalool and its analogues (table 2) were obtained by a partial hydrogenation of the above-mentioned acetylene alcohols with Pd-catqlyato. In the experimental part the methods and yields of the said substances are described in detail. There are 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Inotitute for Organic Chemistry imeni 3.D. Zelinak.Ly of the Ail USSR and Moscow Institute for Refined Chemical Technology imeni M.V. Lomonosoy (Institut organicheakoy khimii im. J.D. Zelins- Card 3/4 kogo kkademii nauk SSSR i Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimiches-