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USSR/Virology. Human and Animal Viruses. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-Biol.$ 1,10 7# 1957, 28723- Author Shen, R.M,,, Orlova, N.N., Turevich, S.T., Nazarov, V.A., Betelyuk, M.I. the same strain and is somewhat higher than the standard phenolated vaccine used for animal i-inization. The authors recommend a dried formolvaccine treated by cal- cium phosphate for veterinary practice. E-3 Card 2/2 NAzium, V.i%. Chung"s In conditioned reflox activit.7 in exposed to the long-term effects of Sr90. 13-17 S '59. (STAMIUN radioactive) (RHYM VOIWITIOIFAD radiation offspring of dogs Wed.rad. 4 no.9: (MIRA 12:11) eff) NAZARO-V, V.A. Disorders in the higher nervous activity of the progeny of dogs previously exposed to prolonged chronic internal irTadiation by beta rays of Si-90. Hadiobiologlia 1 no-3:IJ2-417 161. (MIRA 14: IV (STROIITMS.-ISOTOPES) (CEREBRAL COWIX) NAZAROV, V.A. Conditions of the centrcLi nervous system in acute uranyl nitrate pois=ing. Mled.rad. 6 no-4185-,Wl 161- (KIRA 14:12) (URAIM NITRATE-PHYSIOIWICAL EMCT) (ITERVUUS SYSTEM) Oh 7 S/205/62!002/002/009,01 S 1020/1215 A U THOR Nazarov. V A TITLE beviations in higher nervous activity in the second generation offspring of dogs subjected to chronic internal irradiation with fi-rays from Sr90 PERIODICAL Radiobiologiya, v 2, no 2, 1962, 287-292 TEXT The effect of internal irradiation on the second generation has not been sufficiently studied Adult male and fcmal,: dogs received, with food, 0.2 microcurics/kg of Sr90 daily. Females received it up to the moment of birth for a total of 140 microcuries/kg- Unlike their parents, the second generation (ncphc%%% and nieces) did not reveal cowardice or a weakening of the tentative reflex The conditioned reflex to a moderate stimulus appeared in those animals even sooner, but the same reflex to strong stimuli %43-, evoked Kith difficulty The evoked positive reflex was not exact because of a diffusion in the excitations I'lic %trength of the conditioned reflex response during the latent period, difficred from that of the control animal,, because of inertia of the excitatory pro,:css, The inhibition and gross differentiation feature% were the Samc its in control animals. Fine d iffercrit tat ions were developed with difficulties in the experimental animal% thr extinction of developed conditioned reflexes was in male dogs similar to the control animals, but it sho%ed certain difficulties in the females The greatest difference appeared during transformation of two conditioned Card 112 Deviations in higher nervous activity in S,,205 /62 -002 002 W9 011 102011215 stimuh from positiveto negative The predominance of excitatory processes and the susceptibility to irt adiat ion in the dogs of the Ist and 2nd generations, greatly resemble the behavior of 3-4 month old pupple" rct:civcd from non- irradiated parents. This indicates that the offspring of chronically irradiated dogs develops functiona) cortical defects which are less obvious in the 2nd generation There arc 2 figures S U BM I FTED August 18. 1961 Card 2/2 WUROV, V.A., irjzh. Using U,-,i3ft-150 tring equip=ent In e--ect.'.-.r TI -v ' *'-- -j . Stroi. i dor. manh. 10 no.2:1-2 F 165. X:RA I , I . . . . I . . . I ... . I . I .. . :t - . I . I r, I I , - , I It i:~~ i ... . . . I .. 1. :. . . : . . . . 84-5-2,./42 AUTHOR: Nazarov, V. TITLE: Expansion of Local Air Routes (Razvivat' mestnyye vozdushn.,rye linii) PERIOVICALt GrnzhdanRkayn Avintslya, 1957, Nr 5, pp. 12-113 (U3SR) ABSTRACT- The article calls for the development of the local network of air routes, for heavier planes, and for the study of the economic needs and traffic frequency of each region. During the last 5 years, the length of local air routes increased by 20,000 km. Air routes connect larger administrative centern with regional ones and with Industrial and farming rayons, especia.11y with the most distant localities, with which no othor modern conuiunication lines exist. The article gives the Yakut A3SR as an example. In the Kazakh SSR, 16 now routes with a total length of 4,000 km were established; now planes fly to 60 sovkhozes. In Altay kray and Chkalov, 3ara-,ov and other oblasts, traffic to a number of virgin-land sovkhozes aiid kolkhozes is main- tained by planes. In the Kostroma oblast, the number of local air routes has grown from 4 in 1955 to 13 in 1956: in October, November and December of 1956 the planes carried 10,700 passengers. Better planes are being used, some of them heated and equipped with radio. Larger carriers fly where traffic is heaviest, especially in the South, South-East and East, and between Moscow and some neighboring localtties. jn 1956, as compared with 1955, the total flight ~urn- Card: 113 over (in ton/km) increased 50 per cent, passenger transport - 0.5%, 84-5-Z4"4'1 Expansion of Local Air Routes (cont.) cargo transport - 49.5%, mail transport - 15.7%. On local routes, passenger traffic in 1956, as compared with 1955 increased 40.3%, cargo traffic - 29.5%, and mail traffic - 36.3%. In spite of this increase, local line traffic is still far below the needs. Not orLly Is the service bad, but on certain routes,especially within the Krasnoyarsk and Fast-Siberian Territorial Administrations, the fre- quency of flights is low and flights are irregular. Within the Georgian Territorial Administration little attention is paid to local U lines. This is also true of the West-Siberian Territorial Administra- tion; for instance, there is no air connection from Sverdlovsk to any other part of the oblast, although such connections are urgently needed. Within the Ukrainian Territorial Administration local airport facilities are poorly developed and service is unsatisfactory. In North-Caucasus, the Ukraine,and the Volga Region the regularity of flights on local lines is moat unsatisfactory in spring and summertime, due to the fact that the majority of planes serving this area are mobilized to help fight crop pests. More routes, better frequency and definite regu- larity are the tasks of prime importance. Even in those regions such Card: 2/3 as the Tatar ASSR, Kostroma oblast, Vologda oblast, etc. where Ue P4-5-44/'.2 Expansion of Local Air Routes (cont.) local air network Is well devnloped, fbrther possibilities of increasina., passenger traffic nevertheless exist. It is urged that the authorities of the GVF make full use of all available aircraft.' AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card: 313 2 -" 0, ~ AUMO!R: Nazarov, V. 84-i2-lo/49 Trm: Perfecting nying Skill (Bovershonstvovat' letnoye routerstvo) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskays avistsiya, 1957, Nr 12, 9 10 (USSR) AMTRACT: The suthor criticizes the training level of aircraft camandars and pilots of special-purpose aviation. He stresses the necessity of stricter supervision, better organization of preliminary training of young pilots and on-the-job refresher courses for old pilots and com- waders, especially in connection vit1k, the nev equipment nav In process of introduction, such as the An-2 and the Yak-12 type planes. AVAIIABIZ: Library of Congress Card 1/1 sov, AUTHOR: Nazar(--.v, V. TITLE: In Iran ~.V lrarc~) PERIODICAL: Grazbdan skaya avlatslya, 1958, Nr 9, p '.ITSSR) ABSTRACT: Thls Is u titf,ry atout tY-,e operationu of a task fur"!e of lu An-2 agrlc-iltural air,-. -aft sent ~o !ran tc t-,elp fight locusts In tt-,f of Da ulatabad. Seydabad, Bek.),ramabad, and Bart sir Sugao Reflrery. Tl-.e base cf ttp operations was at K..-~rmar aJrf,leld. Tao p"-,:tcg--apJs a--c,-r,,-any the text . Card 1//l S( V184-58-3-3/52 ALYMOR: Chief., Directorate of Special Purpore and Aerial Photography Aviation, GLIGIM TITLE: Tovard a Better Organization of Agricultural Work (Organizovanno provesti aviatsionno-khimicheskiye raboty) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 195 Nr 3, pp 1-5 (us-SR) ABSTRACT: The editorial deals with achievements and shortcomings of agricultural and other special purpose air op!rations daring 1957. It contains Instructions for the coming spring and summer work season of 1958. Problems such as selection and formation of crevs, technical fitness of equipment., organization of work; cooperation between airmen and the representatives of the customers, and stationing and shunting of aircraft between andwMin Territorial Administrations are discussed In some detail. t6SOCIATION: Upravleniye aviatsli spe-tsiallnogo primeneniya i vozdushnykh S"yemok GUGVF (Directorate of Specisl Purpose and Aerial Photography Aviation, GI.GVF) cam 1/1 1. Agriculture 2. Aircraft--Appiication6 3. Aviation personnel --Performance gAZAROT, Tilctor Apollonovich; LAWROV. Lev Davydovich; GRIGOROYNVA, A.I.. red.; G(RIKOVA, Z.D.. (Aeronautics In agricultural Ariatsile v sallskom khozialetva. Koakvs, Gos.isd-vo aellichoz.lit-ry, 1960. 94 p. (Aeronautics in agriculture) (K IM 13: 7) HAZAROV. V. Aviation in agriculture. Kr7l.rod. 11 to.3:3-4 Pr '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Nachnllnik Upravlenl7s aviatall spetsiallnogo ;rimpnei3iya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo 'Iota. (Aeronautics In agriculture) VAUROT. T. The second spring of the seven-7ear plan. Graxhd.&Y. 17 no-3:1-3 Kr 16o. (XIPA 13: 6) 1. K&chsLllnik upravleniye, aviataii spe tsiallnogo prizenenlys i vosdushiqlch m8yemok. (Aeronautics in agriculture) NAuwvt V. fields producing high crop yields an the pride of a iatore. Grazb. av. no.3:14,15 Mr 061. THIIRA 1103) It Reeballnik Upravleniya aviateii spetsialinogo primeneniya J vozdushnykh slysmok. (Aeronautics in agriculture) -4 q-kWpVp V.A. Aeronautics in the agriculture of socialist countries. Zasbch. 49t. ot vred. I bokU 6 no.9s53-59 3 '61. (MIRA 16s 5) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya aviats1i speteprimeneniya Grazhdanakogo vozdushnogo flota. (Aeronautics in agriculture) NAZAROV, V*A. IFOrty Years in the service of agriculture. Zashch.rast.ot Trod. I, bol o 7 no. 4814-17 Ip 162. (KM 15:12) 1. Nacballnik ypravlenlya aviatail spateprimeneniya i vozdushnykh S*Yemok Glavnogo upravieniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo -Plot&, (Aeronautics in agriculture) (Spraying and dusting) IIAZAROV, V. Expert flight control. Kryl,rod. 13 no-4:15 Ap 162. 15:5, (Flight tralninG) NAZAROVI V. Paths of progress in "small-scale aviati n'. Grazhd. av. I no.3:12-14 Mr 162. (KIRA (Aeronautics In agriculture) -NZARQVI-V-- For a perfect organization. Grazhd.av. 19 no.9:7-8 S 162. (MlRA 16;1J 1. Nachallnik Upravleniye avintsii spetsprimAniniya i vosdushnykh s"yemok. (Aeronautics in agriculture) N"AROV) V.; SVETLICITY, V., 11rdina socia-'isticke prace Use of airplanes In agriculture. Latooky obzor 7 no.6:173 Je 163. 1. Vedouci Spravy speci&lniho lateetvi a letecksho spiz*ovani, GlAvnoe upravleniye Grazhdanckogo 'Wozdushnogo flota (fop Nazarov). 2. Mechanizator skupiny (for Svetliony). RAZAROTF I. .., The United States has been left babind. Grazhd. av. 20 no.1-19 A '63. (KM 16:4) 1. Nachallaik Upravlaniya av-iataii spetsiallmago primeneniya i Yozdushnykh sOysmak glavnogo uprayleniye Grashdanskago vosdushnogo riotm. (Aeronautics in agriculture) MAZABOV, V.A* Aeronautics in agriculture abroad. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I bol. 8 no.6t46-47 Je 163. (PURA 16:9) 1. Rachallnik upravleniya aviataii speteprimeneniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota. (Spraying and dusting in agriculture) (Aeronautics In agriculture) NAZAROV, V.A. AgrIG-ultural alrplfLn"a In the protection of :rupa. Zasticr,. rast. ot vred. I bol. 9 no.20-9 164. k",',lhA I'lib) 1. Nachillalk otdola spetsprimanoniya I aerofotos"yumki Gradzhdanskogo voyennogo flota. WM()V, V.A. .- Hours and h4wetares. Grazhd. ar. 21 no. l2122-23 D 164. (MLU 18t12) 1. Rachallnik Upravleniya sellskokhozynystvennoy aviatait i spetaprimeneniya i chlen Kollegli Ministeretva grazhdanskoy aviatail SSW. L 18464-" .ACC NR: AP6006395 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/002/0141/0141 INVENTOR: Tsukersm M. Sh-j Nazarovt V*_A* ;ORG: none :TITLE.- A device designed chiefly for remote' control of an automobile radiator ,screen. Class 46, No. 178242 [announced by the Hinsk Automobile Factory (Minakly ,avtomobilInyy zavod)] :SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tova--nyye znaki, no. 2, 1966, 141 TOPIC TAGS: engine radiator, automotive industry, remote control ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device designed chiefly for remote control of an automobile radiator screen. The device contains a cylindrical frame with a movable pull rod inside, a moving cable which controls the drum for the .screent a spherical catch designed for locking Vile rod, and a, compensating spring -which acts on the rod. The cable travel is increased by making the pull rod in the :form of a toothed rack located in the cylindrical frame. This rack meshes with a ~gear fastened to the shaft of the drum an which the cable for moving the screen is Card Le - UDC: 621.431. 3 L 0464-66 IACC MR: APS00639S wound. 2. A modification of this device in which the compensating spring is coaxial .with the rod between a ring-shaped flange and a blind flange closing the opening in' the cylindrical frame. l.- cylindrical frame; 2 rod; 3 - handle; 4 - drum; 5 - spherical catch; 6 -'compen- eating spring; 7 - geor; 8 shaft; 9 - cable; 10 - ring sh god flange; 11 blind flange. r SUB CODE: 131 SOB DATE: 23ijov64 Card 2/2 _L 18482-66 )_-6/8WA(1)__T D(C) 1 `-Z: Ntl P'6007758 SOMICE CODE: UR/0021/66/ooo/ool/oo68/oo7o AUTHOR. MendelyS~eva, T. V -4k Nazarchuk, M. M. ORG: Institute of Technical Thermy)hYsirs, AN URER ntytut tekhnichnoy teplofizyvt AN URSR) TITLE: Gretz's problem for a ring-shaped canal SOURCE: AY UkrSSR- Dopovidi, no. 1. 1966, 68-70 TOPIC TAGS: laminar flow, laminar boundary layers axisymmetric flow, temperature dependence, boundary layer temperature ABSTRACT: A method for the determination of the temerature- field in the case of anI wdaymmetric developed laminar flow of liquid In aring-msh~ted canal with arbitrary upequal boundary temperatures is described.( Orig. art. has: 9 formulas. (Based on aithar's abstract.] to 55- M CODE& 20/ SM DATE: 26jan65/ ORIG UP: 002/ OTH REF: 001/ It &4A Ita. )IJMP~flft-2 -Ad 141, A (A) SOURCZ CODEt UR/0413/66/00-0700-4rd-IfO~/O~ilS- INVENTORs Teakermant M. Sh .1 Ussarovo Ve-Aq ORGI none TITLE: Exbaust-gas neutralizer for internal-combustion engines (announced by the HLnsk Automotive Plant (HLaskiv avtomobil'nyy zavad)) Class 469 No, L791'F5_ SOURCZs txobvetontyst promyshlonnyye obrattey, tovernyye snakt, no. 4, 19660 its TOPIC TAGSs internal combustion engj", exhaust gas neutralizatLong xhaust see Lin-1-tLon 2,31 V_W _-W : BSTRACTs An Author Certificate has been issued for an exh&ust-gas -utraltxor for Laternal-aombustLon engines. The unit (see Fig. 1)9 which is connected to the exhaust pipeg contains a two-pass back-flow regenerator with a combustion chamber and a burner, To decrease @is* Card I / 2 uoc: 621.43.068.4 ACC NRs AP6009923 Fig. 1. Exhaust-gas neutralizer I - Ragenerstorl 2 - combustion chamberl 3 - burner; 4 - baffles and improve economy, baffles forming spLcal channels are Installed an the Laner.walls of the first-pass regenerator, The burner is Injec- tLon-type to provide flame Ignition of the exhaust gases, Orig, art, bass I figure* JLAJ SUB CODEt 211 SUBM DATZt 23Feb65/ ATD PRZSSjq-Xj~1 4 2/2 ACC NRj AP6034227 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/005/0110/0114 AUTMOR: Nazarov, V. B. Zabrodin, V. A.; Kirillov, P. K. ; Ga.1'perin, L. N. OFG: Affiliate of the Institute of Chemical Physics, M SSSR, Chernogolovka (rilial Inztituta khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR) TITLE; Reversible digital to analog converter counter based on decatrons SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 110-114 T IOPIC TAGS: pulse counter, digital analog converter ABS?R~,CT: Figure I shows a simplified dir-gram of the digital to analog convertZer, as- sociated with an up-down counter utilizing decatrons as counting elements. Suc-11 a counter is fxaquently needed in automatic control applications, where i-, is rece55ar-j- to obtain a voltage proportional to the accumulated niriber oi: pulses. While the act-~al counter circuitry is conventional for use with decade counting and glow transfer tu~#es, the method of digital to analog conversion is quite unusual. As show.-i in figure 1, eac:n eacado is equipped with a bank of resistors. Crae resistor is associated with eich cathode (except ';0") in each of the three decatrons. -the resistor valueL are to generate output voltage exactly proportional to the instanta;~eous accz=,ulated count stored in the decatrons. Constant current sources are used to supply eacn of tn'~ tubes. The design of the current sources is conventional, uti!izing a series triode in UDC: 621-374.324 Card 1/2- ACC NR: AP6034227 c:o-,.:; &o 11C V3 V1 NZ ? , J41; W ....j L ;,QVIR 1,41R PR Fig. 1. which the grid bias is maintained constant by a transistor network with a voltage e-.,.--nce in the form of a glow tube. 7he expressions for the output voltage and the pre- dictable errors are given as functions of the pulse count and the circuit parameters. :The total conversion error does not exceed 0.1% for temperature fluctuation of *50C and line voltage changes of 410%. Transistor logic is utilized in the input signal and the steering control. The instrument can be used for generation of extremely long rw-.p voltages. In this case the input pulses are generated by a crystal controlled oscilla- ,tor. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 27Au&65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH IMF: 001 Card 2/2 L. NAZAROV, V.F. P- USSR (60 ) 4. Social Sciences 7. Financing tree farms and shelterbelt station. Moskva, Gosfinizdat-195.', 9. .9onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, karch,1953.Unclaaalfied. NAZARMP V.F. Dea1guing of malting equipment ror the fomation of synthetic fibers. Kbimevolok. no*4:14,16 162. (:UI'A 15!8) 1. Vaesoyuznyy mmuchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut iskusstvenmgo volokna. (Textile fibere, Synthetic) X,kZAROV 0_V'Iktor Grigorlyevich; VIBXR, I.Yo., red.; POLISILITA. R.G., to dm. red. [Handbook on the slide rule; reference book for engineers and students of institutions of higher learning] Spravochnik po logarifudeheakoi lineike; rukovodstvo dlia inzhenerov I uchashchikhois vtuzov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-amtem.lit-ry, 1959. 47 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Slide rule) RCZC)VSYJY, Semen Yefimovieb; IIAZOOV, Viktor Grigorlyevich, ~ ~11.; SlAr-PITSKAY-A, LN.N., -,,.G., tekhn. red. [Iteduction of labor-cor..-=ing ope.-ationslFo puti -nizheniia tru- doemkosti. lLiazan' , Aiaziinx~oa kniz,hnoc ~ zd-vo, 1~,,62. 21. p. OALRA 15:12) 1. Z,:-n,.. t-~tcll Ir.,uro izobretatell- otva i tokhnicheskoy lnforza~tsli i~yazans~ogo zavoda TKPO (for Rozovskiy). 2. 3yuro ratsionalizatnii, izobretatoltstvr,. i tekh- nichoBkoy Informatsil Ryazanskogo zavoda TITO (for I~azarov). (Metalwork,-Taclaiological irinovationri) KAZAROVAO VeGep aspirant Zffeat of partial removal of the large cerebral houlopheres on the catalase index of blood. Uch. sap. Sar. gas, pedage insto no.26:59-67 11:7) 157. (KIRA (CATALAU) (BIDOD-ANALYSIS AND CMI:PMT) (BRAIN) MAZA70Yn. V.G.. aspirant nfluence of the central nervous system on t~ie cat~&lase activity of blood. Uch. zap. Sar. pos. pedag. In-at. no.2R:6P-?7 157. (mm 11:7) (GATALASR) (BWOD-ANALTSIS AND CIDMISTRT) STST101) 62B-2-2/9 .3t-rovoytr, Ye. 1; Pcrldiu") T -.0jecul%r g~ i,- t n ~'ro p e v t I e ZI o Ir 'u1,, c,-!,.,, -Ie'-uj:-.rnc,,o vo_ - doll. - - na r)c,-'-0 0 Y-., I- J_ Ili 3'- If -2 S 'to V11 7 j)p. ce of the -.n-l el vuic I - r, r 1-10('Ular -irh' 'l c' the 'nit ~c r a nur- r 93-1,ut In 'L~~, rul-)berj o- s carr I p I Oil 'L, ')y 0111 OV c f 1 -,ov t 'Iel E ne - 'a n 7 - c, n 0 far, ri 7F Ic 7 i 110 c C, I r,.! of r~ w bifled 1 3-1)r dol:r7,, os r c ,T ivo n i n h itionat~.l (,cordi!)v I r-~ .. ~ - 1 .. 7 Le', e c-~- Yi. Pod,. 1 -ht o' ^r c 77~i -i 7 1,14 1 , . , I J-1 .1 1-1 ', , -_1_cu1-t'LF,-1 -.r! 62B-'~_V- r Oct U, c . I' :orlin(- tc, -L method evolv~?A in "C, e 0 7j.. o S .:.C)ry 0~ .",JJ6. on 1. t a (I I 0 )GIY7 ~':71L -'~Xil C 7- co - -UIC~,r, i 3, te.,3 ^-r c 1, 1 o i_, o-' v-,rl-u-, r ,I o c Li.,, I 'or -ics. -)o1y.-e-,- c t r C lul ss lepe-irl-, on ~lie -ol-cul I J,- dif' -C-1 -1 -0 '71tll rr-- r -7 Up I? (-,u IC. L -r n - inde,)c, -11 --t vr rnacn("~- s.,c-.nC,,th-r-.olecul. ~~_))Lt LC ^or 19 ri -1 i 720 7,4C,000. t r e .,I t I L40R of I-')t: tI ~C, )e ~(i-n t', r,,r Lh of "ic .,i, i -Ii tB t 1~ oi,c riC .11 1-~ - r, LyTone ru'~'_~or can -i,c 4 "'10; under si- 11 .,, con,:!-- lons, r ei, Acaft c of Pol ;Ore Ph7sical- ly;aers on o , -, - , I I -. _- I rI - - -I I.', a f, r~ 3. C Ll "IC ---ub')er vii'_c V'K4 :,ni of 1,3- Ait ~_UO tl~3 u')'-) e rCKB nu cLvred -A 00" rrt, ches t v.iju~, n GO - 2 'Ar ?otassium - 1.3-butadien? 70 r 60" hao- a very low brc-:,'-- z L-, n cof., r c d I th tie -p o r -.,a nu fact ure d 't 00'. -ilso s',c'.7n t:WL a ii-c~r rc-17.1-ion dei)r.--.,denc,~ of the bi-(jA,- jtren,--L~ oil vul- L'In v-~lue 4v=R.A ,ioleculirv o-f 'cun~` Lo -Iv,? Ir streagth cf the vulcaniaate.,i roual ~o 0 for sodium 1,3_'butadlene rt;bber, -id t,,-~ CO at 0"1 -Lnd olecular .0 i-ht Q^ ,,OCC for 103-but:~.dien,~,-sl~-rene rubbc-r. --t shown JnLe e, o ~c s v,; ci-I r -eIr-1A of jo)401 70,000, rub')eri at a -i101,~CL1_--r veii-Int -4,OGC. -rh of the strenGth and elpatic .~ropertjq,,i cf the ru.-64r 01M prepared at GOOC was de- 'In(-d-, t-.u(, vul-anLiatos of thit; )olyr!!(tr hAve v(,-r,r If I Ll 1) re.:, 1~ i, t,- 9 n -t- --id o1 1.3 1;1 cit -- ."III cL 4,7-, inlupeid-nt f-rom ;he !~!!,-ht C~ -.a ..n1,.L.1 pcly-icr. "'ac ro are 24 References, I,"' ALxs3I,.n 6 62B-P.2/0 he on -~o-e ?hyslc~l- t ht of Polymer 1 Prop(2rtle, -,f -hel,, 'fulcanisates. jjnjL on T-C, I '-2tL)tD for ve of 1. Vuloanizates- Physioa1 Pr2artles 2. Vuloanizates-Moohanioal properties 3. Pqlyvers-Mol ular weight 4. Butadisnas-(Polymarieed)- Properties Card ','I Author TItIo Period 11ca I Abstraot I np j 1 1 on I 'JubmIttPd f ub Na za rov G., KaT,d. T, Leningr.-iA In Elir-t.r'c~11 Er,,~Ineering E- I -k J 'I. I Y-d; The properties a,,.(] ~hara-,-rlstlcs (-,f' -1pctret3, cr;m- pa ra t I vr,, yni-w an ! ro 11a vely I Ittle analysed elc.,tri I n3ula t I rig mater!a Is, are discussed In regard to their properf.!Pj ~cr pormaner, f ,Iecti-I fica t ton and qua I i ties a na Ing I oa II ,~ t Kose (-,f permanent magnets . Fields of appI I (-at and 3()me te -hnI ca 1 da ta or, the'. r production ar,,2 Incil.-.8teci. 7 r-~'eren-e5, -, of whIch are Japanese and I Ru531ar 11f, Mr USSR/Electronics-Circuits NAZAKPV V FD, Card 1/1 Pub. 90-5/11 Author Nazarov, V. G. Title Dielectric Amplifiers Periodical Radiotekhnika, 10, 44-5-1, Aug 1955 Abstract A survey of the non-Soviet literature on the subject of the dielectric amplifier. Its operating principles, advantages, and some basic circuits, as well as data relating to materials for nonlinear capacitors, are discussed. The author gives some theoretical explanations which migbt be useful to persons ac- quainting themselves with the subject. Institution Submitted April 11, 1,,5) 136-3-14/25 AUTHURS: Tarasov, Yu. A. and Nazarov, V. I., Enuineers. TITLE: Measuremcnt of the ;uDntlty of SucKed-In Air in F1otr;%1,j% Mochines. (Zamor kolicilestvc zvsasyv&yemoE,) vozdu, io flotatsionnykh mashinakh). PERIuDICAL. Tsvetroe ketally, 195?, 110.3, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tho quantiLy of tiir auci,.oa Into flottil,lon mac,ilnes tjvoa indications of the state of tLe processes and olont and an instrument for me&8urin, this has been devised by tne authors on the basi.3 of ari orainary anemometer. The instrument~"Iaerometer") is in successful use or, tile Dtirsun beneficiation works cirld can be used for eF-ca civmber. A brief description and conversion equations ere 6iven. There are 2 figures. AVAILABLE: Libra" of Congress NAMOV, V.I., in5tr4t.or Joinir.-? pipp!: with a band winch. AVt. oor. 214 --j. 1 ': 3~ -1 0, : . I . .: ~' . ). Ta~h~vntf~ay;, norm;it.ivno-i!;.qle(Jovatt,'sI ~,a ,.tijnt!iy;j ;rj-tr-lrF'- ., t r -)y;.i . (Pipe fitting) NR-LARo-v~ V. I. USSR/Electricity - Instruments 52 "Volt-Ammeter With bleasin-ing ClanpB, Pmposed by '1. 1. Nazarav (fifth Prize in the Seventh A.11-Union Corpetition on EcononW of Power)," Engr 1-1. V. Lebedev J~'Prom Energetw)"','o 9, pp 9-10 Describes (including diagram and -,,hotos) pocket-sized meters for measuring current in range up to 30U a, voltage up to 600 v dc, 500 v ac. Dc values are read directly from clamp, which has built-in galvanometer. Ac dings are obtained by clipping clamp into suitab case conta coils rea, le;~ and rectifier. ARKHIPCHENKO, A.S.; NAWQV,_V,I.; 3HAWES, D.Z. Geologic and economic oil and gns prospecting Indices rar the West 31berian Plalh. Geol. neftl I gazA 7 no.7:13-17 JI 163. OGRA 16:7) 1. Vsesoluznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskly goologorazvedochnyy Inatitut. (West Siberian Plain-Petroleum geology) (West Siberian Plain-Gas, Nntural--Geology) NA ZAROV 0 V, I. Inportance of fruit culture f,. - the acre-raggs-, ard LnicreaBing the productivity of !'orcotv in Cholyabii,s3h, I'ravinco. -Indy InBt. biol. UFAN SSSR no. 25:121-1,29 i6l. (Ml-U 15W ( Province- Fruit culture) NAZAROV. V.I., inst-uktor to,.js. Transp. rtrol. " no-! :,'I Buildinp Pmbankment~t of lopee . r, Q #(I. ( Yi-' i(~ I ~11 : 1 1 ~ I. lash'kentskayi normaUvno_~ssled()vBVlV B'ABYU Stanta-s'iYlil Orgtransstroya (for liazarov). (Railroads--Earthwork) (Loess) --NAZ-ARQY"--I, - Constructine embankments of 10083 Bolls. Avt, dar, 25 no.10*9 162~ (MIRA 15:10) (Embankmen ta) (Loess) NAZAROV, V.I., inzh.; FROLOV, N.G., tnzh. Electron beam welding of matal with a thickmeen of lesa than 0.5 nua. 6var. proizv. no.DIP-20 A 164. (MIRA 17:1) SLAVSKIY, V.M.; NAZAROV, Developing a vibrallonml mmo,-r,od for driihni, nn.lo129-31) 161. (KiRA 17;4) ACCESSION NR: AP40098214 S/0135/641000/001/001810020 AUTHOR: Nazarov, V. 1. (Engineer); Frolov, N. G. (Engineer) TITLE: Electron beam welding of a metal le5s than 0.5 mm thick SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1964, 18-20 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam welding, allay welding, IKhI8NgT steel, steel welding, titanium alloy, aluminum welding, copper welding, zirconium alloy, OT-4 titanium alloy, AD-I aluminum, M2 copper ABSTRACT: The formation of a weld by fusion welding is only possible when the initial gap and the initial cl;spla-ernent of the edges do not exceed a dcfinite limit. The po-,sibility of the gap oeing closed during welding depends on the therinal expanrion of the edqe~ and the change in their form during the fusion pro- cess. The admis-,ible gap and displacement are related to the di5tance between clamps. In the present paper, the critical magnitude-, of the gap, the displacement of the edges and the distance between clamps are determined for electron beam weld- Ing of sheets made of 10181`19T steel, OT-4 titanium alloy, AD-I aluminum, M2 cop- per and a zirconium alloy containing 1% Nb. The sheets were cut out with pre- cision scissors to guarantee rectilinearity of the edges to the order of 0.01 mm. Some samples were welded as cut, some were cleaned with emery cloth and some were 1/2 ACCESS ION lJR: AP4009824 ground. Just before welding, all the samples were degreased. The critical mag- nitudes were determined by joining the sheets in such a way that there was a linear change in the investigated value along the length a( the sample. in all cases, the maximal value of the Investigated magnitude at one end of the joint was greater than the critical magnitude, and the ~.eldinq was carried out In the direc- tion of decreasing magnitude. The authors conclude that: (1) the technological characteristics of electron beam welding make it possibic to weld certain metals only 0.1 mm thick; (2) prerequisites for the quality welding of thin metals are careful preparation of the edges and the availability of special fixtures; (3) the strength of the weld In stainless steels Is never less than 80% of the strength of the base material. "V. G. Kulakov and N. A. Vorontsov, also took part In the work." Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 3 tables and 3 formulas- ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 L ;_13020 A" EIT(d)/L;SC-4/EEC(t)/FSS-2, Pa-V'P Aac-4 ,7-4 M; :,4ZTft NR:. AP40497Z8 SIOI 6 64 000/011/0005/0015 TITLE.-~- Re.ception. of PSK- signals with a-11rotating phase" SOU.11CL, Elektroi;vyaz', no. 11, 1964, 5-15 TC)PIC TAGS: -phase shift keying, radio telegraphy, rotating phase shift keying ABs rR-ACT: Two types of phase-shift keying (PSK) systems are considered: (1*, ;'a a systems where the number of possible phases in a signal is equal to the . Linher of phase shifts used for info transmission (00-1800, 00-IZOO-Z400, lj'~'-90-1800-VOO); (2) those systems where the number of possible phases in a signal is twice as high as the number of phase-shifts (900-2700, 450-1350- ZZ50- 315' Kineplex, triple PSK with ZZ, 51 phase-shift). A synchronous coherent reception for.both types is briefly described. A new method of "rotating phase" saitable for the second. PSK type is based on using a coherent voltage obtained irorn the signal, phase keyed at the clock frequency, and applied (as a reierence voltage) to phase detectors. The keying ensures that the phase of each packet Card 1. 2002cj_6!j ACCESSIONNR: AP4049728 reference voltage differs from that of th-. preceding packet by a minimum relative an-g!L-~-~-Then-,the- -refe rence-voltage-ve c tor-will- -Ilrotatej-1-in-dis ere te-s teps - multip 1e of a!p hence, the name "rotating -phase" keying. Another new method 49 based on a simplification of the structure of the arriving signal before the signal is detected and the reference voltage formed. - A constant phase shift is introduced in the odd packets which eliminates the quadrature position of the signal and turns it into a 2-phase signal. Such a phase-converted signal can be demoduJated by a synchronous -coherent method with a constant-phase reference voltage. "The author wiohes to thank N. P. Bobrov for his valuable comments made as the article was being prepareT."" Orig. has: 9 figures and 30 formulas. 'A&SOCLATION: none ,SUBAIITTZD:--09May64 ENCL.- 00-- SUB CODE: EC NO REF SOV* 004 OTHER: 000 Card ZIZ 11.1j.; "~' -. . ~ ... , 111, 7.141. : .. ' ' .. : '~-; ~i- 1. !'' : - .- 1.- t., !-I. - I :,-. . - ''. 1 '. , . . - I 1. V'P.1 I , 1''; -~ ; - ~ I.-I"', 1'4" ~ " . NAZAWV, V.I. ................... . Reaeptlon cf the sipals of i binalliy re2sitive phsee te-*egrephy "tem vith a "ratatIng phnse.v Elektrcaviazi 19 no.60-9 je 163. (MIRA IM) NAZAROV, V.I,; SKOBUM, I.K. Investigating conditions of thickening ore pulps in an upwartl flow. Trudy IN no.18:160-172 'Q. (MIRA 17:6) NAZAROV, V.I.; SKOBEYEV, I.K. Thickening of pulps In &n upward flow with a suapeaded filter. Nauch. trudy IPI no.19:103-120 163. (MIRA 17:6) 011100000000000040041S see 00 I's I, rT* AS 11 Ita INS v 0IS ft 41 ap.ot top&* mi 6. Op"Ill ISO Is S, r1l 1: So it n .00 A. NAttv 1) 1#",.* as, 1 1. N.J.'IS,0 00 60"'. :^401401 0 0 coo 00, *0 e0 t13 F, isimb"Ativir Aw #x wN on W"Irw,A. Mmsp -qS As' SPANI duSAI -41 W.1" Puidap ISM " of voil an qpm prim, &; ~j 041 40,1ml Plain %;-, .1 4%) Aj pji)X-M Alipo- bq 0) 0200" *1,) "a 3*mxm mU Aidiliq Art go 00- d" #UWU 0)) AAjn3 aqj "I pov.01- tn.911 mu) p&tmq mot du341 W41 09 11 two son nsAq Now IN , 3p %Hm qua 111 ism 08 two&-" "am 00. M-114i'sopo P14M OMSA ammis .(Oil IV %m-%z ,r .1 or 00 00 IV mm.I ' -No 0 US JSA- ObVd ..I 11SOUt"I MA 1 &kl- l 4w 1 m w v Go v . m " 0 "m H m y ja ",v f 'now" allp"W" 00 00- P go 00 00- of 00 00 0 0 ' - o 0 1 jum A vp I I T felt aomi& IV 4 So a 4 a a8 v 0 a it I 1 e 6 fet 0 10 * 0 * ASS, a -St-111111111111 -3mp 014:00ooeoeo go go *4 0 it 'k r 0000000000000000 0 0 44006000006 00 lost* pa **#lea 48 0 NO 0 1 Is a 41 41 ft a 0 a a Pm 4 '1 t- 10 11 U 0 0 8 "1 11 .0 11 11 o 4 a I V-4 44 a ix 00 00 -00 00 04 t C, 00 00 00 00 00 11W-Mliki , '. I A SS. 27-M'. 6117*.:A -00 .00 ,w I to long" .4 "do, OF Is 0 ; ; ; J 0 " " 000000000000000000000000 0000*00000:~eo:ooooooooooooooooo.ooopooooosooooooooo, -00 .00 .00 AO zo 0 LO 0 SOO 00 '00 00 90 Ao U00 too No A 1 4 a I a 4 1 4 9 , * I " 1 9 0 It IS IS to V 8 to a V a a w 16 b V IS L-.L- -0 M 00 AT ...t ~~q C*016% AVC 00 00 -00 00 00 Orval pbwmoma Wkh to .00 derckfaMmems. V-L*&"wv(KoUM. .1 .00 IUS. 4, 430-44j).-Wlien sueb gaqwnelfino am illuatinaw r"m dw Me tkor Aaw a caour whict depond's an dw aftw1unt of USO in the surch. ZOO goo 4-x to it a F 00 0& for O " 9 " l * 9 P 7 T # M v 9 X W 0 Z W , "' - a *A 'w 111-IMMM AN"11211 A 1 4m 94 o""4 to ow"Www"PE P 0 e0_ t oo* Os. " ,too 00. il 0 t f 00. i -1,00 00- 00 06- '96 00. 4 v 41 -0 4 0 66 MINOR ".. tp~a ABL a- CPO ~%10," -3-0 Is 17 009 *or t -2 1" CIO -.019 Bonk-911", 1.3.teail.ap Is 919 -.11 v v w"wu-) ~qi k-) I1jiInb4j I Atual sjqtiq I wnqj 'aint3nils jqj III, sill -umilu-me ~"km ai pwil vinva q3mis qs in I-IJ11114p.1 AIT11414 ammu 39) 130 P-jawim supq W.I. 4,111% 0-102411*0 JIMI pup fins-Iiiiii a9l F) w"ImAJ04P pi PO fjlf) Ajapfl 043'v m.In 'Aloll.t. -intanift ~qp aujit*Aa Inig Aqi ' 4111`1111111 PRIII UAqI 13SWO q$T1A mqj Ul I- ~) fli q. .I I-t%wa 4-14 -41 I'll- I-lu", Ora 14jo mil !"I.1. 1 11 Ilmll 'I"Irlips tItIflul".41 a"m flu-Ilts," Sq'i .."o .,-v I m Sullum""Ppopi, fp) -136 -!M I-I wPq I pmphly N 41mv olw',W so Pl7v stsorw-8PAN Is sonse *Xt ato 0 l, 0 a a A 01 a aa a if so 91 00 o1 I.I*Oi &1 7 !4,: L; r-111-41 .4 of 11. 41.j r Al a a A. 117-7 L k fA 0 (L a m .0 It 1,. 10 60 ..a 1.9 too 4-0 a I- coptill 748 AV It I'S 00 A 00 00 .00 Ude al th* Ramalittv reeardleg pplat star Ist tht study of ekdagGS IS 4tAtCh V I %a-- 80d A .--PI -,*J, 0-4 ..0 V N 't V Z4. ef ( A 1j, W."", J."mons it) I % -1'1~ 4 %,.t 1. .00 muel I,fl- I. 'du'.na c'-Ullfwalum 0*0 .a(, .1d'1', , Oft. 11 Arl It' *III' It, Tab,- ..htau-l I,v 'ht Me* 0 147,.b -1.1 ... ... ." I N .4". ..f M 1 4 ... I i I NI N, Go* 101.1ittitAlkIll 4Tkl 0: starch, "mut w4 sta"b. and It state Ir hirmal.1i w I *0 Itwv-f Av,~. coo 000 '00 Woo '00 to-ofs 0 Pit 11- ;Irln.101 logo 0 9 do a too a A It a -0 N a to a It I . 0 0 0 0 00 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~* : :1 : '06 : : : : * * 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 004, w w -A.- ~0!64 A a L 11 1 IL age d's ijj.W%AO1! 11 - i b 9416 A e4 00; 00 -*41 -00 M .04 00 C kise" 0 aad Gas Of ~000 i V6 1 1',,, *4 % it I rom'"It"110*61) rWW4,vvs-m 71". ~%Wu-uln 1.6 pu. 9"0 , , we" misod with 0.01 N K)4w(k and If 00 ;I = md1L as VP mind suctunts ww* taken 41 a rwcww 00 OW&Om wu kU*wtd by mrsm of tow 6d.- Sol it km. TTw atiAmlime fu0now4 ckm4y 4 baw ad b 0&0 ~Wfkm. 11W F14WINM prwvw4pd .0 tow vwfam~ "Use WOW. 'd 11w I*"% cragota A A I%ufrwwv 'all too ago to Is 0 o o go 00 0 0 0 0 go o Vo *Is 6 o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 11AWOV, V.I., professor, doktor khimichaskikh nauk. Physical and colloidal chemistry of starch. Trudy KTIPP 2: 159-172 '52. (Starch) (MIRA 9:2) I - . I , . . NAZLROV, V.I.. professor. Noscow Technological Institute of Food Industry. Xhis.v shkole 9 no.4:77-79 JI-Ag 154. (KERA 70) (Food industry) ss R 1, ~A 7 1 MCI ou st"Vh. r" Z W ' 17. 3rj2-4(IQ5S).--Pota(a sta-di (1) wabed witit KCI IW I S C w t a I b an ion bulcz. Addn. of MaCt, KC , or t to ottypendms enus" an incream in elec. cond. becaum lit Jaili cL angi tnctat ions JeAvc the Wft., wbilc tht t1w. di 14 (OIQ% is kwited by f bee 4 ;Q wAsw 011- - ims ft I Pit 1. 1! [am dhqftftd h6a 1. G &aav~ bf T 1-beho itutOuir. bi a -sammio HAZ&HOV. V.1., kand. tekhn. nauki TIKHOHIROVA, T.P. Phyalcochemical data on starch. Trudy KTIPP no.9:83-90 '57. (Starch-Analysts) (KIRA 10:12) NAZAROV. V.1.; SARMOV. V.G.; TIKHOMIROVA. T.P. Some data for the study of the otability of gelatinous starch and of the drying of bread. Izv.vya.ucheb.zav.piahch.tekh. no.4:131-135 '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Moskovskly tekhnologicheskiy institut piahchevoy promWahlennostif Laboratorlya fizichqskoy i kolloidnoy khimil. (Starch) (Colloids) (Bread) 1 ;A -1, q To v r-)va ome *- x re r i 7r e ri * fi n,i r, q t I r,- ~ 1 co n s -1 n t n n e Tr r of '~ a r~7 h 7; e i,. o t o ry y e e ir s 7- 1 n r, n %rj e I s v 4 f i z, i 1, o -e. ~ im i I k rp'K - n pi I ;i o nyy , 1,; j rn rt Vo I X r .1 p I I f :n the articlesthe in~l~i,~nce of the tempera tu r e ri n c I s? ro solutiong on starch granulpcl Is ~tuliel. -t8r,!l- 1.9 p nlp~- T-,Oll?CUIF~T -nrlDh,;'lrrlte the Froperties ~f w-,ch arr- -onnpcte~ with thf, -lhara-ler of Its in'Prnn"struct,ire. -xppriTrr?ntn '~ ~iv e vhownj that nt n ternper-ture rcn lore!-, itn N'I*P- r. ,1' thig iry stnrc~. I ~(,)) ted n t V 0 fo r -f--vq rn : ~o-i r7 tpmpe rr, I.,i re of rn F, I'MA ti r)n I s relucel 'gep -nblp o m p e I I!- i r, p lpxtr,nf~ for7ntion qnd ctr,eT rn,)-)r -~-npes in the '.n*ernsill striclure In.": ienrc, of p! Fi.v s p grpqt ro:e i n - p stP.r,~h i!~, Qr, lor Px, -,.rpirif ntnn,p. ~. 9 rr, n I I ty - f* ions connected wi t n , tn r, . - n c )rs I I e ri 1 s~- q nve i - the filtrRtion I i ty nf tne si-stnnrp 'he f~~ llow,~rg -Fit i-)n rpinpp :3 t fe7 e,; t9 i. s hel a > 'a e ard I ad5~rptlon -Rppci t:; of ~,tFir-~ I-een ~eterrnlnp~ ~y mpanq r)f V- ~ 11 - L Z' _I - I 11, r ome xperi-ren tn 1 : ~veE7 r, t i -,rs Dn ern, rY 'a -Z - rnp tny I one 1--je e i jenco of the crf t i )n9 or, t~ i q T rope' rtv 10 s h own i n t he f o I I ow I ng r-n nge n n' F'~ r t h e v i 'j c 0 s I t t fl r c '. t r~ r, f ow i n gc n to nr a r v en e 9 t a t 1 1 9P1 : Pa~> :a > > inegr r e I P ~ 17 n s r- ir, obserlrel hetw,-Pn !ne vn,ues -)f the icri- refrn-tic,-F qn4 the pwite fnr7,Aticn tempernturf, r:f the q*or,~~ i- the ~~i-nq of the renrnctiv;? elpctrolytcs. -here nre ~ jrnrl-s, 1 table, qn~ 11 r,:,ferorrP7, ( of wni-h '.oviet arl ' ',er-nn . I n,-. Ov. I - t C. q k I vi n f~, t Iu1 .9 h c . i,. v n v r r7 'q k. o v s nostl , I.Aborstirl '.-a fizicheskoy i ko:l,ilno 'v k n Inn 1 iVo Tec',nological :nstitute of the Frood :n1untry, 'P~orntor.y -f Phyn i r a I a n i'c) ', I - i I e - i q t ry T. . April 1. 1,- itarches-(7hemical properties 9 UROV. V.I.