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NAZARENNO Ustin Petrovich; kFANASITEV, N.A., red.; BULIDTAYEV, _-, ~_.40 "A ' IT. . , tAhn. 'red. (Operation of piston-type air compressors] Ekopluatatalla vosduahnykh porshnevykh kompreanorov. Moskva, Gosenergo- izdat, 1963. 63 p. (Bibliotaka elaktromontern, no.99) (MIRA 16sio) (Air compressors) "I'll T- "I, b..&A ~71..Jlvv ("CCU j-A k,i: I y7Tr7 -.-. ~.W_ m v To, ".. - - ;7 'n2" O't% .."I 111" q2 d. 19 'ftx' -7=U-1--l 'Tiyn 7-sav" '"disTow (.1 1., c , % I 3.--r - j0 -1 TV m4' -'!~Ljlwvj --Tsqiwl -0 .1 'ACT 'D Vt '-T%-*J ft'd)c.,.T tJ*d)u" . -4 11STI.-I tyl ... 1.J." "T"r. -%i-~ 'A A,..Oq - --A .11-12 .341. %-34 SIM 111.14-rwo -14 1(3rl) -lop" -A-1 q,. j Z.M T r .1. W.Tv_ "%lot* 1z"n. J~ '664.2bel 00, P".q -vt ... 4 '_'t.~ "I So r:..4 Ou =Tzwtv Tr.11 acimu 'M it 24 6200,24 640-0#211.6500, 77001 24:6600,24:6700,24.6510 SOV/56-37-6-J1l/4j5 AUTHORSs Lobashev, V. M Nazarenko, V. A. and Ru3inov, L. I. TITLE: Letter to the Editor. The PolarizqL~ional 13 - Correlation In the -Decay of CoOu PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, pp i8io-i8il (USSR) ABSTRACT: As was predtcted by A. Z. Dol Jnov (cf., Zhur. Eksp. I Teoret. Fiz., '35 178 1958~ and H. A. Tolhock (cf., Rev. Mod hys., 26, 27~1 195 ), a transverse polariza- tion of -electrons escaping in a plane perpendi,!ular Aear spin, takes place dur to the nu Ing the decay of polarized nuclei. The authors have investa'ated the correlation between the transversely polarized electron and circular6y polarized Y-quanta formed in the Xdecay of CO U( ^,100 tL Cu). A case was studied where the electron momentum P lies In the plane perpendicular to the momentum Tt of Y -quantum, which possesses circular polarization 0- The spin Card 1/3 of electron s was anti-parallel to'R. Measurements Leqer to the Editor. The Palarizational 77001 J'5 -60 Y -Correlation in the Decay Sov/56 -37 -6 -ji 1/55 Co were made of the degree of the circular polarization of quanta, which coincide with r~-electrons. The Zir-cular polarization of -/ -quAta was determined from the compton scattering forward on magnetized iron. The substitution of the results in the equation a ~- 2 (11 - 12) / (11 + 1:!). lj,~ = R, / RpR,; gave (0-50 + 0.18)%. The calculation with the aid of the equatlon IV (o) - 1 + Ac. (1) Card 2/3 yielded A = 0.32 + 12. The theoretical value for A is 0.24 (cf., A. R. Dolginov, loc. cit.). This work was performed under the guidance of A. Z. Dolginov; Lelter to the Editor. The Polarizational 77001 IV -Y, -Correlation in the fl-Decay SOV/56-37-6-41/55 of C060 ASSOCIATION: SU04ITTED: 0. V. Saltykovskly, V. S. Andryukevich and A. V. Kurakin participated in the experimental part of this study. There is a schematic diagram of the setup; and 6 references, I Soviet, I German, 4 Ty S. The U.S. references aret H. A. Tolhock, Rev. Mod. Phys., 280 277 (1956); H. Schopper, Phil. Mag. 0 2, 710 (1957 F. Bohem, A. H. Wapstra, Phys. Rev, 10 456 (19U~; N. Sherman, Phys. Rev., 103, 16ol ( 1956. Leningrad Phys.-Tech. Inst. Acad. Sciences USSR, (Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut, Akademil 0n% nauk SSSRj August 14, 1959 Card 3/3 89197 S/or-6/61/040/001/002/037 20-6610 B102 B204 AUTHORS: Lobashov, V. M., Nazarenko, V. A., and Rusinov, L. I. (De- ceased) TITLE: Py-P:)larization correlation in the P-decay of Sc46 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i. teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 1 , 1961 , 10-12 TEXT: Within the framework of experiments made for the purpose of verifying the T-invariance of the 0-decay, the Py-correlation in the decay of polar- ized neutrons and the Py-correlations in the decay of orientated nuclei has already been measured, and it was found that (with an accuracy of 4 15-3CV6 no imaginary part occurs in the 0-interacticn ffamiltonJan. The amount o~ this correlation in these experiments depends on the imaginary part of the interference VA termsj as, howeverp an S- and T-admIxture could hitherto not be excluded, this should also be teken into account. This was the pur- pose of the present paper. By trying to estimac the amount of Im(VT, SA)f the correlation between the transverse polarization of the electron and the circular polarization of the gamma quantum were experimentally determined. Card 1/5 n(II n-7 U7.L7 f SIO 5 6/61/04 0/001 /002 103 7 Py-P.7larization correlation B1021B204 The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 2. A theoretical study of the correlation coefficient K for allowed transitions (according to A. Z. Dolginov) shows that K depends on the degree of interference of the Gamav-Taller and the Fermi matrix elements. Thus, Sc.4 was chosen aB a source owing to its high degree of interference of the matrix elements. The electrons goming from the source (S) are collimated on a bismuth film (0-5 mg/cm4), scattered through -1350, and recorded by means of a scintil- lator, which is connected with the photomultiplier via a light pipe. Owing to the azimuthal asymmetry, which is connected with Mlott scattering, the ,,, r-O _v beam of the scattered electrons is polarized in the direct P P P, 1 #21 1 ( 'a the momentum of the electron before, and P. that after scattering). In cr- der to increase counting intensity, Circu lar geometry wqs used. The circu- lar polarization of '-,he I-quanta was measured by means of the method of the Compton forward scattering on magnetized iron. The outputs of the photo- multiplier of the 0- and y-detectors were connected in fa3t-slow coincidence with 2-v . 1.8-10-8 sec. From the measured results A - 2(1 1- 12)1(,1+,2)1 11,2 ~ R coinc /aPRIwas calculated, and thus K - 41P IPP was determined, whem Card 2/5 d9A.Y S/056/61/040/001/002/037 Py-p-larization correlation B102/B204 P and P Pare the efficiency of the y and P-pclarimeters. One obtpined: 6 (+0-15 � 0-11)~, and herefrom the correlation coefficient was found to be K - 0.00 + 0.06. The experiments were repeated ty means of a thick scatterer ('5mg/cm 2), from which it followed that the experimental arrange- ment had no eaymmetry. Thus, it was found that, as K - + 0.04 with Im(VT,AS) - 0 K a r+ 0*23 with a maximum Im(VT,AS) tr 0-15 is Im(VT,AS) . 0 with a statistical accuracy of- 30~j. For the purpose of checking the exper mental method, also Py correlation experiments were carried out on sc4~ and C060, and results were obtained, which showed good agreement with those obtained by other authors. The authors finally thank A. Z. Dolginov for discussions and for his interest, 0. M. Saltykovskiy, V. V. Andryukevich, and A. V. Kurakin for the experimental assistance. There are 2 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet-blo,7 and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/5 8Y197 S/056/61/040/001/002/037 py-p)larization correlation ... B102/B204 ASSOCIATION: Lo nin~radskiy fizl.ko-tekhniche!,kiy institut kkademii nauk SSSR Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Scienaes USSR) SUBMITTED: June 22, 1960 Legend to Fig. 2: S - sourcel 1) electron scatterer, 2) plastica scintillator, 3) light pipes, 4) vacuum chamber, 5) outlet window for y-quanta, 6) magnet of the y.-polarimeter. 7) photomultipliers. Card 4/5 3/056J61/040/001/002/037 PI-Polarization correlation B102/B204 2, Fig. Card 5/5 LOBASHOV, V.M.; NAZARWO, V.A. Studying the docay of PrW+ Irl the &-correlation wthod. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 4.1 no.5:1433t-1J.37 It 161. (MBUL 14:12) 1. LenlWadskiy fiziko-tokhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Praseodymium-Decay) (Quantum theory) 3~635 Lo (Z' ri 7 1 C, n, the (,-re n Cf ( ri r c r. a I A L c oe or . A' r , u" cl . P.- a !I-,M ;j on :3 rt FA S 64 )1:7 k a mcln d e fl , a s f r cz, a r, r," rey - e T) e n r o un o r a T m v, r - r c i e n,, . iv t:G f a3 2 I T F~ kk~ 07) s t 7! AA ,3 1 r 1 3 n N r, i k r in-I F lie r Ft I n H H 1* r 0 f, r~ n ir j -t Ll 3~'056/62/042/0012/006/05 Inve.,itigation of the dcpendence ... B1021BI38 Morita. Nucl. Phys. 14t 106, 1959. A S!7 OC IAT I ON: Leningradnkiy fiziko-teklinicheskiy JnAtitut Akademll nmuk SSSR (Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMI TTED: July 21, 1961 LeE,end to Fig. It (1) Source, (2) stilbene crystal, (5) NA(TI) crystal, ~4~ light pipe, (5) lead collimator, (6) lead shield, (7) dinperning MRejlPt, 8 jacket of Armco iron, (9) Permalloy jacket. Card 3/3 5/0 5 6/6 ?/04 2 j"0, r) ~" /0 1 AUTHORS; Lobashov , 7~ M, . NazarenkoL 11 TITLE. Py-correlation in Mn 50 and F20 0-dt'L;iYq PERIODICAL. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichenk~)-., ftz,~ki % no. 2, 1962, 370.374 TEXT. From the #ell-known Mn 56 _7 Fo 56 decay the ~-traruj', t. ion wi th I iri.4 ttu! spef~triva energy of 2.86 Mov was atudied in detail , Thic tranaltiori tak-r! plac.e to the first excited lovel of F956 which goes cuer to thp Frnilni atate with emission of an 845-k(.-v gamma quantum. (3' -4-2* -Y---'>C'; log ft . 7.2). The angular correlation of this (alloved) tran3itori va,-3 measured with an apparatus similar to that described by Steffen (see rel W The source was obtained by irradiating Mn55F-, on an Al ba,ikin~:, with 1~1013 neutrons/cm -2 sec -1. The Velectron8 were detf-cted *~th a atil~en- oryatal and an PJ-36 (FEU-36) photomultiplier, the gamma quanta witK -n NaI(TI) cUstal and an 13~-13 (FEU-13) multiplier. Both multlpiis~rq hikd Armco and Permalloy housings. The NaI(TI) crystal was lead shi-11ed, Card 1/3 56 S/056/62/C-i'!-/CC,,/C! Py-correiat..on in tin a nd B102/B!3b against scatfer-id ~;amma rays The multipliers were c,~nn,-- c~oincidence circuit with a time resolution of 6. 10' 9 ai~ - . ,oincidence background was '-(~; An anisotropy cf the ;~ir,-7jlar tion was observed. 'H(g) - I + A2 cne4U. the ariisotroj,y fi-t,jr na6 A2 - +(0,,022 f 0.005); 9 Is the an(;Ie between P-electron and ,amzn judo momenta. Inner br,~msstrahlung and multiple scatte-ing are -0,20 The ,orre-."ion for asymmetry due to yy-coincidences wari tion between O-electron emission and circular polarizati---~n o" thf~ quantum was determined for the same O-decay component The -orrelq~--r factor for the Gamow-Teller transition was found to be f~-' ~L- soquence of spin levels, the nutaeri,-,al value was -,'0.80 - C,C6 vP- r~ angular anisotropy and the anomaluu3 mat,;nitude of the tion car, he explained from estimates of the seccnd forbidder. Measurements were alao made of the pclarization ypy correlati7-r. In F20 P -decay. For the F 20 ground atate. spin and p,rity w,~r,4 fri,ind the correlation factor was -,alculated as -0.,12 10,2' its Mearju:--el J'-'1 I- -0"!(), 0~14 + 0.07 Professor D, M. Kaminker is thanked for inte:-ev~ V V Card 213 56 Py-correlation in Un and S/056 ,/62/042/002/010/055 B102/B136 Andryukevich, G. D. Chuklin and V. B. Belyakov, W~ V. T[mofeyev and V. I L'vova for help. There are I table and 15 references: " Soviet and 13 non-Soviet. The four moat recent references to English-language publications read as follows R. M., Steffen. Phys- Rev. Lett., 3, 277, 1959~ J. 11. Hamilton, B. G. Petterson. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 9, ')~ 1'1')9' M. Morita. Nucl. Phya., 14, 106, 1959- P. Dagley, M. A. Grace. J M, Gregory, J. S. Hill. Proc. Roy. Soc., ?50, 550. 1959, ASSOCIATION; Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut Alkademii nauk SSSR (Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute of the Acadpmy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 8, 1961 (initially), February 5. 1962 (after reviaic6 Card 3/3 8/05 62/043/005/005/058 B163Y3106 AUTHORS: Lobashov, V. X., Nazaranko, V. A., Sayenko, L. F. TITLE: Determination of the spin of Eu152m PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 501), 1962, 1579-1581 TEXT: The 0-t' correlation between the mom6ntum of the P-electron and the circular polarization of the 1.327 May/'quantum in the allowed branch of the Eu152m 0-decay with a O-electron end-point energy of 560 key is measured. This P-decay, whose frequency of occurrence among all decays of 152m 152 EU is 1.2%, leads to the 1.515 May excited I- state of Gd . The measurements were made with an apparatus described earlier (V. M. Lobashov at al., ZhETF 41, 1433, 1961), then used for investigating the similar Pr144 decay by an analogous experimental procedure. The Eu152m souroe was made of about 1OOpg/CM 2 europium oxide on an Al backinl/foil, irradiated in the FTI AN SSSR reactor. The value of A -201 12 (11+1 2) Card 1/5 i 52m S/056/62/043/005/003/058 Determination of the spin of Eu B163/B166 is found to be +(1.6 ! 0.4)% where I R /R A ; H and Rj, 1,2 coine Y 0 colne denote the counting rates for coincidences and single pulses of ther channel respectively,and 4 P is a correction factor for the influence of the magnetic field on the 0-channel (0.03%). The subscripts I and 2 respectively correspond to different magnetization directions in the/- polarimeter. From this, the correlation coefficient A 1is calculated taking into account the-background of casual coincidences; also the geometry and the efficiency of the/polarimeter; A +(0.40 :t 0.10). - 0 - r + For the transitions 0 , I ~ 0 a correlation coefficient of +1.00 is to be expected, but for the transitions I- P, I- r,O+ a correlation coefficient of the observed magnitude is possible. It is concluded that spin and parity of the Eu152a isomeric state are 1- instead of the pre- viously accepted value 0 . The reliability of the applied experimental procedure is confirmed by the fact that Or, correlation measurements in the 0 decays of Co 60 and Au 198 (V. M. loobaohov et al.t ZhETF 42, 358, 1962) Card 215 I 52m s/o56/62/043/005/003/058 Determination of the spin of k;u B163/B186 have given results in good agreement with those of other authors. It is important to know the spin and parity of the Eu152m isomeric state in connection with the experiment of Go.Ldhaber et al. (Phys. Rev. 109, 101r), 1958) whereby the polarization of the neutrino from the K decay was measured. Goldhaber's main result i. e. his conclusion on the chirality of the neutrino, is not affected, but the expected greater accuracy from 152m further ouch experiments with Eu to dete'rmine the polarization of the neutrino is diminished. There is 1 figure. AOSOCIATIONs Fiziko-teklinictieskiy institut im. A. F. loffe Akademii nauk SSSA (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe of the ikcademy of iciences USSR) SUBMITTED: April 26, 1962 Card 3/3 -7rT-- MMIN or L~,cd I pnen~, t7p,! Zhur ELn a I r.,~ 1. Institutu. ct lrlr~rt-!Lnir (A-.Pr-,it;try, I-cwitmmy Sclencer, in rde.,%ga. ~,, -). M.; WBASHOVP V. M.; V. A.; SAYEMO, L. F.; KhAEUCEVICH, j. Y3, oROI A. I. "Relative asuremeM of J~g langityMnal Polortzatioa of Electrona in beta Z'ecay of P!ra and Zn , Ho and Re , ." -eporr subtaitted for All-Union Coaf an Nuclear Spectroscopy,, Thilial, 14-22 Feb 64. 2TI (physico Teci~-tical rnst) ---------- lpru% Gi N,WltYEN~O, V.A., I XPVi'!' KAYA. or I 1 . lnu, '.1 ! tit ou,-,!i,!ih,-y i killm'-I I"N ler. 'P, Od 0s I; Iltz"11.701 ITO p V.A. ; FI,IA.':TlKO'/A , G. V. lolunetric detrmination of In t~.(! "01-.1 rA, germanic acids. M-r. zhur. 30 rio.7t/62-7UI t 64 (IMILA I F, '. I ) 1. In.,,titut ob~hchey I neorpriiclic,.,.~.Oy ~hlml 1 -AT Ukr3ISTR, 1;iborntorli v Odenno. 16~~97-6,r- EP! T O-n n (r, 67n~ V!, TF) PS -Karminker,12. M.t, Lolbashov, V. 1-1 .bT a z a rn1ko, VA . TV:UI: Relative measurement of the longitudinal polarization of .lectrona in Beta decav C~.QUV'H: Zhurnal E-Ysp-rim(n--, r~(),'. i rizkl, 47, no., 5, 1964, 1668-1671-11 TOVINC rAGS.- beta decay, electron polarization, electron enerqy, -i!-r-AL,~ir po)arJAxF'It ion, structu-e ES TP , ACT: T(-, --hc-c!< ~-)-n thf--a advanc r-~d to f~~Cplajr, !,rime thM. the i-nternal stru crure o, U-1- t') h'kj:)eI- -~orrections, the authorc3 att--,~-,nptod to --aqcertAin the -lependence Card 1/4 ACMS-E'100 NNU AP5000311 meas~*irements of the long itud i nal polarizatio,i Dif electrons, were mea- -1 41.1 dec,-jy of p32, 111", -1142 166, iB8 sure, - 110 a n d 11 at energy Ep 1-250 keV. Tha exprLrimentU., comE-~isLed of imeasurinq the Clrcular ~)f th- p-ro--3ucel by deceleration of the vj Uie z;o- f elcctrons in a lead tarqp-i-, ur3it '-L~J) J.n j?j'4. 1. C;f L 1-w- i-mcloliure. The circulai. pol-a-rization of the bre-insstranlung 'Y quanta of the 1P. electrons of InI.14, Pr 142, F.0166, and Re'88 was com- r~"-tved '.'tith the circular polarization of the bremsstrablung 'y quanta r t r nn 5~, Tlir- -nen~rxl wat, (Jeter-nined with the aid T ,-I of a maqnetic lens epectra-fter-er.. h, t-- v a 1 (--j 1- 32 I Ma 'u"'inal. polarLzatlon reiative to that of P were 0.960 + 0.0015, .9 14 +- 0.015, 0.9,~2 + 0.015, and 1.005 + 0.016 for In liz, Pr142 n C! Re rcsPefJ V~' 17, f Or'vj'a- '.i- tt A 1-1'rf'ill il-ructure of tht., nij,- 2/4 "V-7, fl L 1 60915-65 L' ACCESSION NR: APS000311 I ab, da a 0 jon,jitudinal p-nlarization do not corrc~latO Vith W-ail -e t n L r a r) s i or. s, T e (,-)f the s, p ec t r- a po 'k i t ho r s, tiank V_j Ltj(n _LiZ. - a n y Chuklill for help i~l 1, r, I -p, I I a 1 --1 o A , Tlmo)-bin fnr part i,:-Liparinq in nrepar,t~ ion r-r tl)e P- ~i,,, d JnlJ,4 sources." Orig. a-.L. hds,: I figure- ASS()CIATION: Fiziko-taklintcheakiy institut inn. A. F. loffe Akaderaii nauk SSSR (physicotechnical Institute, Acadcmv of Science!3 SSSR) SUMUTTODs 23May64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: NP Card 3/4 U. UR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 A M MI: AP5000311 FANC-MRM: 01 Ell[ t io~ 7-'7 f7 t. Sccnhonatic diagram of installatim. 1 Scurce, 2 ram, Ict-ic-sp-ectrare tar 3 lll~.cum charrber, 4- fm co! t .-It I a-l-q- , 5 - 7am--Il r ''Y' rr-a 11 -rv Z llal(Tl) ca-Ist,21, ~j llrlh~- jcl) 1~- 1 C, ~r nu /n lip I q r, I -2-L. T7 F -1 T !T~ -1 L Ibis formu2a.a~-r ,~f- th --t--f -~ m o---the--first -formula i;~ rehected In the appez-rance lines instead of one line cor r a rr i ng. '2rnt~ tas t L L ot, t I t L - - '." gsot. g ;a L 14 A 00 ' 00 so 00 00 gols as Vdau(ILIMMS d 144mm by Qat"amut- V. A. N4t&mak,, 00 ' 1 M 7 0 a gos -2 0 ). Ub.). I=. 4.0). T i&mdaksid L46.rakwia OFjorka thr awipitat Vff OH 0 0 . . j re,oo ' MV- ation is Imated with I. 1 01 i. gotit 0 - a 1 l FIgo- intedrfe = C ti f 8 i wo a m timi on o r; Y 1 iggorin f(w the calacimetcfg 4e(torm 00,3 M L N O. . . but s&mtd bewputted bv the tomliminarY Nif.011 powittiotottim- cgs N o lit Woo 0.0 All l l - a I ~.O stew SGIGSJ '4 a look 0 e so 0 0 0 3, 0600 0 - _ 0 0000000 0 0 0 00006009400000 0 - 00 8 - G 11 it 66 to ig 1, I V Uto it v a a c 4. it : 4 1.1 ,. , , , , , I . 1 ~i. 1 -. 1 16, 01. 1 00 rtuvdam ad butim sau mW nVace im wide pcot"muft. 1 -00 00 1 c6commace. V. A. aYAmraak)Q6--Z~d'k"-w 1~1 4- ?. 1 . _ 4116 c R&yv and '-dc-irva t. .4. Is. Immis); ff VWW 411:131.- -A " Iffaft" in rcfiar to IhC ift1grillf4w with Rh 00 gif Itor dwick nq t%,,bimnc.1 in i 1~ fitral -m,d 00 4.0, with KoC10. In 11W Pfetf"er (4 ?'-Air OfA "Y 1 -00 1 V,4. J W,% pt(M in 2 TCA~. of the -An 14mtlxt If"- .60 pi,-"west mat4c~s din. 4 -ulfate h) ums with 11,Cl- anil fiffs'Ing if* fice"Of 114c:1 at 4iwi%t Ailk an't A. id -400 o4n% fif P& %alti are rvireffinlAy neuvralirril viiih tv I N .00 00 110 Or NA01f. i"p.. forfoore wratioon with KCrfl, rr, ,ti I N to HAN)" Ic"iff a mill. fol to 2 9 FU14)., 1, 2 g d 00 vmd. ckArrfool stwi fi.c. 1 4 anhyd. C~c 1, " go, J.d I 11 -00 1, ,1, It"11 mil III* 11w(I with 1101, (111cir, and 111ratp *0 gto". ex.1 with 11.1 N 110 iq The I,r,qcfxv 44 f,r4gr scid I,. a v*1km and then with the wmn. to 111(we feii,ifir arid jiml wiib K.CrO.. Ows. Nlarw 00 j coo 00 -.00 'of i SO 7 00 it i , tee i 4 . . 4 t , I a 0 4 it ; 4il"o, 01 1 1 l$ Co ,011 coo leis 0 a , l " if 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 3 ~M 4 0 oil 6"o, 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 o 0 0 6 0 0 0 ~1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 0 0 0 : wiff, - W. W-W-'W 7- W-6 to two@" Seto** &4,#64~414 age so W-47va w a 0 a 0 0 f a Or 0 tw :9 1 1 , v f A I A AA 0 U W U 46 %4414 4jWcOtlA'A4* 14tw"""t XOs "to a NO sa4 V. A I I -&IRS9 I S.731410 0, E 'Is ('". I Izoo act (I, Am- + ILIA V. d, 9 toot utitt's a ad ~ra bll ItW B&C cut. 'It" Joe 00 3 lit. wilwil) coo 00 4s. b73010%) 00 00 see tea- 0 awa 9 as I is 4 0 : 0 el , "; : : : : : : :I*G, 0 0 0,0 00000 0 o a go :::::ease 0 Ivl* ujo we ro' Swett wage oil A%Q jqq."Qjq$_ -ef 00 foe. mma God Al (h&Amvm"b (J. CIOUL (U-484~ coo foe 1141o two :0 i ko 4w Its. 4~~Oq u 0 0 POIS same Ica" 'A A I I 4d 0 a a I w a I a a 3 11 ol 0 0 9 0 ~e 00 0 a GA a 00 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 4 0 of 0 " 0 4 1 0 0 a to ' to 11 Is 0 Is It a a & &a- "A .0 1 J III a Of .0 11, I A, -A . . 4 0 -L-a-A-A--J A -- - It A -tk~ QWMWA 11111 mud&=, b4nWIl'otad biwea 14 the ash 4111 0=0 MIL V, A. NepArrahs), ckoft. "A4. Sori, U.'R. 3. 3~"C ?Wmlfln (lermin I 00 c (mm 11W 1)'m arood Kutrictsk Im"ns aipt 11,uwu ml (or" floor Mortitroor mt- 11wh"I. v W45.1,1.1 ' b y Ififlebrand It awfhw t I!r-,f I. m, t)y Fivi-W. tvwib~.l (cf. C. A - 84 2M 3011? W It after Ch o w 4 1 I I 11, 1 t.. A. p I (cf C 27 zr*; 4 . . . . l Aft'l . %-wavlo-indin all 21 Samoroleor bul Its contetit d .00 cws tom e%ce~j its toy, &mr, 1" 4 Sam ks zoo ,I li uptal . T(w Vom-ritrut wcor4wi with fif. * I jtwfv4w I., Or rMotrals. Which Irkwatel %, 11 Go ee 'tIdIIV 41111611411"ol itl 6 f-AM.-IIIAt W41#0111 U I s Lee 600 04 ISI roe Goo '00 Goo, a 0 -1 w a t14 M " fit , m sea deftint"Ood of sh"Ooftm. to gi. Apr- Chom Rtw 1037. t0, _V,._AMArA'tm%3 "n -3 of W-HO am atiw to the 0 jjxr j0(* _ _ M. vauCkm, whirb 14 avapomtat ctnwil t6 O-S mi.. 3 mi. -if 2N.Itcl and eloe" of 114, 'L of( 1((1 In I 0.3 q Oxe axenw) LT 0-1 Vz + I m toll I fid d . F. . . P T1w mMuo iwan to imvd dur 2 hr w th go . e w a wadW4 sucivowToty with 04ft-HO in MOU -1 with 00*1 Molt d(wat'vM In 219-KOH. the WhEtion is duaij t. jjL::,,io =a. with tp.rotf, vul the, AJ US C4OtMtj= 1A OMPSted with tbAt OTm by stmadud f i d ALft A nw ft". o WC Ir 11.M. On, Fe. and U R. T. F 1 400 4 a a I L 4 LIMIUM CUIWK414. ~WLI I u l1 Aw is s 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 e10 0 0 00 00 0 0000 go I ago !too s 0 4 6 w a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 OIA M_ - ~~ 00040000*016of **wool 1 4 0*00400006 404 000004 0 9 a ti a ti INS 1 44 Ll U 0 a a u mine 0 1 0 0 A& 18 1 P a 1A 6 0 , J Al v u46 MOL;fp _ ~ . ., , W '.iiv 1~1 049-000 _ 0 it i-_v -- -_ .0"Colits .a ~44 A i d A* StO51111546 Of 0 (ern" uiw*- a lothR 3101t 41~4 Mao 44 11CII), A- f.-d4orm U-W is aid". I-I'lest I'V44-0wo 4 4`0 Nfl.1,4,41 I.,. 4114A 1 4404 (1 jsi d~ 441 WA'. 4 d Its thy Alle :~I. 1014h st.liell Oil 01,131 lV*1 1 ' *44"T f4weild 4h" ItApilt IWO. 14141, 111, WN s. IIN14. 11m4h. IN141'. IIA41, 114,14h, 11141,14, 1110'. 11,14,4k. A-4111, it,11,111, 'C11,C41,111" If'S'OO, arA Hr. Few trakiertil", Wictes(fir., oo,tukis ottwj the". imillatflir4tier. letter 1 110, 1 'a), 1:1(111 hit M"' 4 it'11.1 Wits. 4.m. ill tw,litat jiml "I ;4 ?"l lady -fitleit dwelt -like p,". ilm I've"t Wfolf Ober # .41% flor w4viel ul f"911.1 i" evitletv am- COO Witlet., J. 4(teetell Vill 1.. 1,1114 1, &eWI * 0 .,omie Lreiwj M'f' . -er"flereff I talk). I to *4 I '.111111t 1 11061. t,i,twVsn%I,, f~qtwvsnftj,. Fr. III(A O.-M4 I'll"W4 M-4. . wr-041irsiv goo Ct. Glut IfitcC tall I" I4fLI An I., f.."led ppl, wn-AtitctIr 1. off. It a .441441. fliliv goo the Fol we. weavtIve, I F V"4w. lVily 4944 ee few Iwo 0 ~oo lot- 11040119. too j Ol j 0, f a si",, F, 1, f _V a 4 a _ #_if , 4, 1 1 9 feel a a 0 1 Or 0 9 ;04 low 0 64 c t Ic w w R 9 K w K 41 a v a, 60 4p 4c a V -t 1- 1 1 * 9 It (I. 41FL 00faL RON'.. eit a 40- BUL-ft-11 rem w Tho. 004 sod sea P-1 Go's 00 P- T. 0o. K Role w Apo 0 0 6 1 0,0 a 0 si~ll 10 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a to too '000000 a W a I& IL & ILO W. 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 off lot was WOO goo TI, M " a it, 12 a ISaa it St Are we ba "10940 04446ROF w-4 6 'MI!, A A A L 4 S IF t. 4 4 .1 T~r A-L AAA IN- CL VA AL4A--AL- *.--A, -0 A- OL. T%f, Coddke 40 ","tw &owes WO 0*8 V, A. RW A. 11 OOZ see 004 zoo so- age sell j goo 606 ::Go its* ;use .jk,A-InLYINICAL-99 oft. 00.1-T got so u S w 10 UT U- -~~.Or -r-g-r 0 '1 w of 9a 4 D aowl -T..: ,-triplwal owes man tIMT-17.114 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 4 0 0 0 Z ZVI it? olf ?f 1107 '" tolo Is 4. it a w A01all a a At 91 u a A a Lf a a 41 v a a a L'o S-SA .. V..V LI-I A-L-M. 0 M 9P. lt~i-) 46 WilMISAL V. A Afs"otake wA N. 9 rafiftu". AgAWAW SO* Wit. X.. f.- 4.16; A mme. *00 00 00 4ft propowd ".9" d i di D WW w cad t on. e W la dk i f vct ma an Chia qr detwing V. U mA Zt. &M a t.. "T cgvvn 04 es Go 0 Coo we '13 ...... -4i ---- -- W L u 4 a' 0 dg at ARS $can Rawan O,gA e-0 000000 0 000000000 : ::o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *10 000000 a *I 44 -15-4; i i of**** si'o i to ;r Ifl?'1111 ft oil U A v 4-t-j"T-L Al-MA W* Ol lk It 7 ft 61 "r post 00 00 00 00 Sit !I 00 Ct 0: le 0 o 0~ 00 1 : UIL A. Nammoko T. 410010C.Scow ift 0.001 VA. 4109nuum can b*4e(mtftf by -b4lCtad" -Itb 64006 ad. 14 O'l0 141SO. (D sawkA to pi-act. 119064M."4. suw crydah and (-I exce" of N&U Mid If 1. I &-s0 4P.), *44Y !P= Ow r Acktaw Crygaw ON jag (70&-WO P-) mo fxMC4- Zn "d cd WOO Im" mcum is k~ft, rLttw ImauW110. d". AsT &rA It a dIAtLVdC.K4l, C11111SIVIEll (WSWICOOCO I". Cot V-n -T 0 Clow 041 same asm isalwa I ~ffm Olt -00 -00 . 00 coo 'Is 0 too " 1, -"Ti 'I . ,- . ,., I- . t. .~. I. cla.;Ja U',=. -7.ninch, Inst. of P,~re (-191+6-) IfA New Colcur Reaction fur IV(~rcury.11 *T C~ Zhmr. Analt. YliPn.., 1.0. 5-6, 1946 wit o- Fvff 'Fee, 0A, j'V i; P JP 4 to I I to vs. 11- 4, 1 'i to (C vv~ It 4 k it .1 k. A, 4.'.~ 0 4 1,111. 00 -40 00 oo 1;-0o 00 A elm at tomfitelt fkbdWA" k 44 Vo =y* 00 ot ad "me" ad is softo"s qm- %swu uke it "d 1111101( uk "us V A 00 Of . - - y s No tor it,. I -4,4tv Vi 0 .. 441 0. 1Ak. IS, 131-3 Wd (a f6rW -k oar WA mvg. . i0 aid , (Ifitict"ol at" 11CI of 1,121 until 4P .00 0 W I C i; I = t Y - - ON JLt b W wila. is Ctolcookloo. F 1". 'nth ,Is ml. al IICI 90 00 *M o o W 4ds, Mm* e protier dolity (Kr,fwd = and 1 ml. lll'~ IUCI, vr"f"rr 41for IA-'11 mot, with 00 -hot a kev itterow #A C44rate be avuldotd Width decor (Kk%" ,1" 4.114,04 I 09 of (v4 (# t"ns 0 (%a MI. mrqv"41' I.. Ill "fl 'Of W.!In I** . . . to' 14 - ,, uj Cl to O'S 1. %4m*s age lqm~Wrl br"t arej: to imk. tantog MAC ,mI4, ~-l I it %-tft~t, .,#.I 1,21111 ' 00 00 ~ ' Sol Ismict Tftdt 0A C. all KMpk I* tQ WJ. (of Itof) --1 (1 N IICI and I oil. it 101 t, ~ (I.Cf. 0on;.fir wit ! & 44D 0 1) ith I a. Noo dfixte and filter d moemay. Add 1 off CT P-~P) min. (I in AU. .-4y staimitoisdit dt" I " to 6 - MI. cof u4n, cuals, 0,6 8 "Olople And 1) 7 1 Noi (1tre z0: 0 1 ' of an s4. w4n. #if 0.27v and dit"putw a at 0 6 fill. 4 6 N VIS(N. fho~n 0,1, 1"1 JP I S AIM ItCI U11111 Vote Itillitooll 1144-F ditiopiexts, AM I oil, immor, 04 " thell 1 1111 NfIrf 1-1 A too Canol-Ate with 0014404111~ W1 - Mi"_ Vo, ON (as 1 ' X" 400 . , ttdFt ' - Sor 1464coAde 11 b "'14MUrds. 0 r-$ -4 5-41. (Avild -113 a .4 oft,14, Ill Ito "It. 2 dt ' 00 7: tol 44 Sulu 1,14 g of "M tficitti o ' Mo cillmste Oor,ot .!i1 ilms.), t,-4, MI if,.( with I.Aml - o . . . . .4(4 Cifftfoit t awl ttftt Whk I MI. of 5 N II%X (d. 1.13) , (4 Cloned. IICJ W. I IN), IlIt" if beC1Mq4rY, And Add I jai. - r 4 10 B l 4 h Cc l l l l 1 moddictil off i . Filter it it" trot-At with I ml t , T -o li I a o. 1,xinpAi is tihn n.4 wjw=P ing -* % er with 4 StAIM1.1"I C"f NA COV nrit I(Cf nd 4o Cis a 00 le fter to fivin smoirmitor the turlsiolifor" ifN % 0 1 IV All, y" I w s , , e ic fluantifle. -4 G Al KC-14AP111 MOO M. to Nq W-100444fe If, If# fill 4 aq .411 0 .0 too too uoe too v ly a 0 of 0 Ji 000 0 0 4 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo : 0 0 *10 0 0 0 o* a 0 0 a 0 0 0 411 0 00 0 ISOM 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 :10 1 o 0 0 o go 0 0 a 0 0 4~0. 0. 6~~ a t4 fmO ASON8k dt ANUNAM In KWMT. V, A. Nas4mallwifa-4-146., IWO, A (II.SWI.-Its Rommimal loc.ofspr4iare H%O JAWJ"ntaw of If# iftkTcrm vuh ib~;' ad --6 he Womi-W by WwUg. 6.4 tilegb6ml-we (ft*WW CaCfkd out at AvA gmdy fiA a $0 SOW GM ou6wqdmfAy in 9& #&W& Kamm Aw 1-2 bf. 4A Wv4wc. o, - 1) =W made up wM dia(dW WSO to So a.& 2 e.e. td this Kdatim m" P takem. UW to t" &m wi&d 6 ail. cot a tuirtme mote up d 10 KtL ",~ KI "acka. I al. 10% pyridjaw anisdiao. I =L Ifg1lOg (m"am" "ac&m. ddaW 10 timm), WA 93 mL 11,80. 44 rwU w" to 11 parts ffO), no 3m(krw Kgut" is mmpL~ed wM duaduds im a -T. 0. L 17 0006004 a wow 0000 *94016 It 0 9. 1, A OA 6 M M .$ t 44L 00 A Soo *9 A 00 -00 *0 c! . C,&,*,,&W debKwAmata $190 IN A. NA"- I-so make. L. R. h1twwu%ug4. ac%t I. A. 'Wern"s. Zami- sfmye L46. 15, W-04MMO.-I"n. -1 Ste 4" 'W" i4 I"t C dom 4-c4= awtdcallr wilb i f .0 , A, 't- f"m intfir (1) to dif. Ito. W. TA.,Sr CIS 6 L.-It tif c0lic ew". I'he.-Cly-4s, OVI-I 1, low"I "V1. ~ l hl l 1 b f 0 ( f Alf.* 1.9 ffli .14jr A111 j g * 1 liVe tM`SVA 't6Jf ISO Oi 4 atcditet 1,140-1.40 ~4.w 00 "k, at&# IN4111; thili C-411 I-f uwf, As a "it-A"s 09 &5 Obell 90thtf U41,611 AM(S. AVC Ill'A WRIS ~ Ifte ** i kese effick"t fter oww Ith) -p of Sn) ORm,il" f-kc A ;zoo at 1 (twom.01,01,4few 4m cjww; l1w j. 1-4 ff--"VI 6 4 Jd" 44 d ( i - 1~ 0 *1 1 ,m lbet W. 1 & V fV 1-v t,-, %I *00 I ;** - 0 fa -00 VIC- 1! 64~ live V* 4 40 10 PT :NR 4.1 0, is flis : seei 9 8 0 : "LAMOO V.A. Semi-wicbochemical. analysis of minerals and ores Moskva, Goa. aauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo khIm. lit-ry , 1950. 189 p. (51-24966) QE364.N3 A molmial"O "wasatrk &k a" a". V. A. ft-'r- V. VA. Fila- I'swa. ZAv. Asd. X16'im. S. The RetW 0 b%W4 00 UKFQI(h. dimOing the W. in awl do.,#. ev", awdrically Pe as thimysoace, Thill ctdt,. of U is (OMW Iff "RiVirlse f1w Fe contest by 0.124 (d - riefte andl i6d, C.A. SG. IZ710; Roem xM CAky C.A. 87. 2204M. To the mcaft Gwave 2.3 1 WA, to to "a. oto.& rari-1111. a4d 13 ad. of 0.3 U " A t" 0 2 N Ila *Mir stifitag, and dil. with S 4V Koff to ion W. Todril-WasWesteslawS4110 %. of wy C-114 -ogle Wilk UP- M MI of P*WA. to to a AS crwibie, 19"Ve tbp OWN to &I(Odfum of 11140. tmadgw too ", pwarilb cro"hw. am Oj'*AG 1. of powd. llsaw etw - flip, mmitur, Ilad Awat O&MRty 4A C'mO*(4 4400m". a-W-W. I m*.fw to a crouittla tube, WuLim op to 2 Md.. and amotti. '*V. 1rnmAw (,fqv p1w) I muollthatit"dow, test. IOL POrathAs aunbir. evap. to daymm. *M 14 deg" of rOwd, l(0. gvgP.. $10d Ignite 09VIT, Add 0.2 mi. of go". licil, 0.6 ad. of V6- 41C.. b (of & mis.. Kurwa tmm UUM to time, UW fikiiitfittG a di= UfAdbk. W&4 Ila acki 00 the Off Irtih a mist of 4h fimidge ia thr cfant filter, knste 41ithily. and diesolte to dro" of 11#0. Md I pal. A X KOIA. beat to neat ltcdftNb nun., &24 COCA In COW IhO. Fute Wilk suclino. wtab 4 tirms. each, with 0.76 ad. of N Koff. and di"Glic in 10 ml. of Af FfC1. (ki. to 23 ad.. talw ().S-2 mi.. add 0.3 cal. of 20"; KOM dil. to 3 mL, s*4 det, Va cc4orlvt~- bt dt1p. vmtbtxl. Multiply thr qu4Ltttj (4 Fe cidly by I fmmhj')lZ4tafin410w1A. min"als Nor as WoM, diftolvv in &-W die" of RIO. tritri(ti int(O A MiCfCKjUrjl4t.aAJ 4 .%A(") l* MORS J191141 114MIM Aild 1) 11 tOl. 'A V~ /104:4, twop. to dryng", IS - IsAr 5146441F, tft*t Wilh:1 ft ACUS04 14 11,C), 1Ld4 OtANC "I. ran We det4l. its a fiti-ing. mmpk orith an acrucacy 4 Ito"11 c,4 Use 41 bouid(" to Mo "110A 41P V. A. Nd4wcalca aud L. H. Shntt ou -j W. 10, Mts. " ouir ic tumpfate but also the pbusphotatiCasts aW IcAifs to fzq in tepe. V., flow scull acmt-q. of P. In lWans. l I, emly "Mto. sit Mo. If cliunt. To det. phinjAsuluaptic anhyff" and W., le (by cAku,) In Na not uaptatc: Tftat 0.5 g. of t&m* with 100 Wall r N 11c3 got add 30 ad. of bwtng -'s-, beasidine-11CI solts., lAt atand 2 Itts. am4 fdtcr. wA~h (04 a 4ry Luel ash. Heat at (VO- n # Kj~,"= t fare -Nft1(4P1'WA)*C-t6- 2-1"'i PA. G. M. xamoupa NAZAnUO, W.A. low reaction for ethylene glycol In aqueous solutions. Ukraln. XhIm. Zhur. 16, 536-8 150. (an 6:4) (CA 47 no.21311079 '53) 10tj "gtlW i4 OKOUd~ GMAIT114, N. It. V, A 016- U-J. Lab.). Zhwo.-Aud. K". 4. 2MI! 10 C. ad liver (cor rsamach duM d de"b -m. saam after intake al cthlrkue ctrCoo With 6 C. 0d "Ju. awaic ww. Tmn4er Into IW-vd, Auto add W mg. becarms cqctawt uprigm candemosm PCON With a cmkbmtcd HO) trap. omw .brat OmoroerbeAk. dcorinatkwmaw. am 3 ml. cd 1:8 HOW'. add 3 drqw ad,51zo Nal0i, or K10. 6m 5% IWO.: after 5 smim. am dropwtm a SAW. =14. of IU" to decagwilw 1. aM 4 dracm at futligia adi'mic Acid. owwStopwicalube. After 3-W atim. inteuse ttd-vwkt at piak calm ladimics the PC.-rm of ecitylocue CIYTIA. M. one. UntOwAim tW*" t- 'j & Ar - To dtwt4 by 'A C&A trued-atisid. otti cc f fjACtkAIA CkWWd 44hygaw g(TCOA. act, 0411A 4,tct it k , , The W IW40 can to sad ~f the 4oligtims to 9wed with 04 SIL ,1 10% NwIt The & at Im. 6'w t fit . &d ampuak is bed 10 rcrid - to a tabo 0 7 d1tv" of I ! aq. ',m ".0r.c" am Miss ti lf,W, are &j.%W and 2 d-po Of 5% kio. is P-11pso. p cimpiriss s4ditkma ftf r, W" bi tev d J co ' "L UW W. A re .,A~ &M 2 dn Vs t sto && !.SIC,4-"1r =. -I'm at m . , u.ticaws I , -d dautica of I : flue, I : 2-Ixticam-tu- t-" 0.8 al. tif Me 0 a4 W t' . worlect, For the kreas IC,011 are istrudoced d., bkldbmw saut~m wo OL a' 9 pandble. The ILXVJGIO jb " tittle =Lxwg - _ * (1w l k,&W Wtth 46$ of 26% 414- MR. is a d=" sovemb. 60 -490 404 Um I in 4madvilif d r. 6 g e into as astp- ,,,, wird. "d Ow wjorf Iwaud at InO j. OROW. uw CaRte, a toot-4stme by 9-16" 01 o , swavara kg, Tub" a (-M4 dftp , tnaUd vt" t " CA ILM F - r- l M110- 'mi" to to, 30% WAW -a is a a CWUMI = Wt(b I