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ZOLOTAVID, V.L,. prof.; HESIWNIKOVA. Te.A.; HLIPTMO. A.T.(XIyev); SHCHMOV. D.P. (Alma-Ata); POPOV, N.A.; MAZARCHM, T.U. Supplying laboratories with chemical reagents. 7AY.1ab. 26 no.8:1034-1036 160. (MMA UrIO) 1. Urallskly politakhnichookiy institut, Sverdlovsk (for Reshatnikova). 2. Rukovoditell netodichaskoy grappylSentrallnoy laboratorit Movosibirskogo goologich6sicogo upravlenly& (for PoPov). 3. Zaveduyushchly laboratorlyay khImIchaskogo I faxovogo analiza Instituta metallokeramIkI I spetelal'afth splavoy AIF'USM (for Katarchuk). (Chemical laboratories) (Chemical tests and reagents) PHASE I BOOK M(PLOITATION SOV/5994 Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut metallokeramiki i spetalalinykh splavov. Seminar po zharostoykim miterialam. KiyeLv,, 1960. Trudy Seminara po zharostoykim materialamo i9-21 aprelys, 1960 g. Byullet6n' no. 6: KhImicheskiye svoystva i metody analiza tug- oplavklWa.'soyedineniy (Transactions of the Seminar on Heat- Resistant Materials of the Insitute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Held 19-21 April# 1960. Bulletin no, 6: Chemical Pro- perties and Methods of Refractory Compound Analysis). Kiyevp Izd-vo AN UkrSSRp 1961. 124 p, 1500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut metallokeramiki I spetsialinykh splavov. Editorial Board: I. N. Frantaevich; G, V., Samsonov, Reap. Ed.; I. M. Fedorohenkov V, N. Yeremenko, V. V. arigorlyevap and T, N. Nazarchuk; Teche Ed.: A. A. Matveychuk, Card 1/j Tz~ansactlbns of, tkw~Setairtar (Cont.;)i SOV/5994 PVHPOSH: This collection.,of articles Is Intended for chemists, engineers, workers at scientific research Institutes and plant laboratoriess senior students, and aspirants at chemical and metallurgical schools of higher education. COVERAGE: Artieles of the colleetion present the results of studies of the chemical properties of refractory compounds (carbidesp borides, nitridest phosphoridesp silicides), re- fractory &nd rare metals# and their alloys,, and some original methods of analyzing these materials, which are now being utilized in the new fields of engtneering. No perBonalities t 4 are men 'Loned, Each article is accompanied by refer-incesp mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CONTEWS: Foreword Samsonov, 0. V. Refractory Compoundsp Their Propertiesy Pro- Card 2/5 Transactions of the Seminar (cont.) SCV/5994 ductionp and Role In Modern Englnearing 5 Nazarchuk T Boron Carbide, Chemical Properties and Methods 1~~~ o Ana 30 Ys a Kosolapoval To Ya.v and Go V. Samsonov. Chemical Properties of Chromium Carbides and Methods of Their Analysis 38 Kugay, L. No Chemical Properties of Borides of Transition and Rare-Earth Metals and Methods of Their Analysis 45 Shcherbakov# V, Go, Ro No Veyteman# and Z. K. Stegendo. Analysis of Tttanium#LQhromIum# and Zirconium Borides 52 Klyachkop Yuo A,# No No Shapiro, and Ye. Ya. Yakovl.eva. Phase Analysis of Nitrides In Steele and Alloys 59 Popoval 0. I.p and 0. To Kabannik. Chemical Properties and Analysis of Some Nitrides 64 Card 3/5 KOTLYAR, Ye.Ye.; . 1JAZARhCNH;`UK.%%, T.N. Determination of titanium in titanium carbide-niobium alloyff. Zhur.anal.khtm. 16 no.5:631-634 S-0 '61. (MIR;. 14: 9) 1 Institute of Metalloceramics and Special A12oys, Acadeaw of S;Iencest Ukrainian S.S.R.9 Kiyev. (Titpnium--Analysis) (Titanium-nioblum alloys) 9/081,/62/000/017/036/102 B1621B 101 AUTHOR: Nazarchuk, T. N. 0 i TITLE: Boron carbide, chemical properties and analyzing methods PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 17, 1962, 135, abstract 17DI06 (Byul. 'In-t metallokeram. i speta. aplavov AN USSR, no. 6, 1961, 30 - 37) TEXT: Investigation is carried out on the chemical stability of boron carbide (I) in different acids (HC1, H 2so 4' E[MOV HF, HC104 ), their o mixtures and in alkaline solutions when cold and when-heated. It is shown, that I in quite stable with icide. In dilute acids (1:1) possesses a very small solubility. I is also stable in alkaline - solutions of various concentrations when cold as well aB when heated and in the presence of oxidizers. A complete analyzing method of I is developed, which includes detection of the total and free B, Al, Si, Fet Ca-and--Mg. In determining the total B, a weighed portion of I is fused in a Fe crucible with a mixture of NaOH and NY 2. In determining the Card 1/2 3/081/62/000/017/036/102 'm Boron carbide, chemical properties ... B162,,BIOI impurities, they are precipitated by aiding BaIVO 3' The precipitate of hydroxides in re-preoipitated to eliminate loosen of R owing, to 00- preciDit0tior, of H3BO 3' In the filtrate, B is determined by meana of titration after aiding mannite or invert sugar in the presence of phenol- phthalein as indicator. For a complete analysis of I, a weighed portion is decomposed by melting in a Pt crucible. In separate aliquot batches of the solution the total quantities are determined of B end Fe (photo- metrically as thiocyanate), of Al (by photometric determination with Aluminon, preventing the interference of Fe by adding ascorbic acid), of Ca (by the oxalate method) and of Mg (by the phosphate method). The content in free C is determined from the time required to reach the constant combustion rate of I (G. 1. Meyerson, G. V. Samsonov, Zavodak. laboratoriya, 1950, 16, 1423). To determine the free B, a wiighed portion of I is boiled with a mixture of perhydrol and concentrated HNO 3 (1:2) in a flask with a reflux condenser for 30 - 40 min. The undissolved residue is filtered off and the free B pas aing into solution is determined by titration after adding mannite or invert sugar. [Abstraoteria note: Complete translation. Card 2/2 3/oai/62/600/019/011/053 B144/B180 A UTW)R,; I Kotlyar, fe. fe., Naznrchuk, 1'. N. PPLEt Analybis of allo;s (if titanium-ca--rVI'do with differont metala PERIOUICALs Reftrativnyy zhurnnl. Khifyilya, no. 19, 11)62, 119, abatract 19U102 (Rpil. ln-t :,,,ctdlloVeram. I upeAn. GplUVoV AN-UjjR' no. 69 1-)61, 93 - M)) TRA'r:' -*:ethods are described fur analy%n alloys of TiC with Nb or V. To detercine Ti in TiC-Nb alloya the saMple ~0.1 -.0.? g) is dissolved in 10 - 15 jnl of a mixture of cryncentrated HNO 3 and HP, the solution in ev,,i,)orated to a small volumet 10 ml ii2304 is added and again evaporated V/ till evolution of a white fume. During cooling, 20 - 25 ml concentratcd 112 SU4and 1 - 2 g ~F or a - 10 C citric (or tartaric) acid are added, di- luted with water to 100 ml and ~-:hile the solution is cooling 2.0 - 3.0 g Al povidef is Introduced in oeveral batches. When the vieorous evolution of H2 has coaned, the solution iii boiled until Al is complotply disoolved, Card 1/3 j/061/62/,')00/019/011/053 Analysis of alloys ... B14,,/B160 a GO flow and Ti tj ti trated with Nil Fc(So' fjolution, uninj; 2 ~.60 as indicator. If the allo.; dof~o not 413UOlVC in a nixture of concen- trated HNO 3 and H, it if; fLISCd -,,, K2j207, the fusion i* leached vAth 20 ml 35'/~-tartaric or citr;c ucifl, 20 ml concentrated 11~6 04 is added and the.,) tre.,ited as dost.-ribed ;ibo-je. Ti determination is not inhibited by a el uble amount of 11b. To deter.,Ane Ti In TiC-V alloys, the sample (0.1 0.2 r-) is dissolve& in a f,;ixture of 20 ml if 60 (1 : 4) and 5 ml HNU 2 4 3 (specific .,eight 1.43), the joLution ii evaporated till evolution of .,.-hite fume, 25 ml of 1 19 tirtdric acid is introduced into the cooleJ 6olu- tion, a pH of 3 - 4 ia c6t:iblished by addition of till 4OH, and 30 ml of am ... (,.,iLum acetate buffor solution (iod 3 - 4) is ridded. The solution is ,)-issod into a neparating funnel, Na diethjl dithiocarb-aminate is adlod aml a ~-ellowlsb-orangc precipitation ;)f V cArbaminate is Cxtracted by chloro- foi:m. Tl~e *1 of theaqueoua lajer lc checked with a multipurpoce indicator paper and the precipitation and extraction of V carbaminatc are repeated. The V-free aqueous layer ia boiled till clear, 20 ml H 2s04 (1 1 1) is Card 2/3 d/Odi/62/000/019/011/03 A,U,13 :3 16 Of U1 IrYS B144/i3180 ad,-'cd tind Ti iu determined Ly one of the usual methods. V in determined i-,. tho (;hturofurw extiaxt or fru;i, the separated weirhed pot-tion. [j,botracterlo notc.: Completc tvsnslat.ion Card S/081,/62/000/618/012/059 B144/B186 AUTHORSt Kotlyar, Ye. Yo., Nazarchuk, T. N. TITLEs Analysis of titanium-tin alloys with high tin content P4RIODICALs Roferativnyy shurnal. KbImlya, no'. 18, 1962p 121, abstract ISDI42 (Byul.,In-t metallokeram. i apets. splavov AN USSRp no. 6, 1961, 121 - 1j3) TEXT# A method of determining Ti and Sn in TL-Sn alloys was devised. To determine the Sn# 0.1 - 0.15 g of the alloy are dissolved by heating In 30 - 40 ml H SO (1#4) and 5 - 10 ml of concentrated HKO, P--: .!~o4s 2 4 or whereupon the mixture is heated until it dissolves coinpletely and is evaporated until a white fume appears. After coolingt the residue to diluted with water (fvi5O ml) 40 - 50 Al of concentrated HU and 2 j of fine-grained Al (to reduce Sul are added. After the evolution of H to 1 1! 2 completog 20 ml of concentrated HCl are added. Tbea the mixture In boiled in a current of CO 2 until the separated Al and Sn 410801TO completely. After ooolingo 10 81 of a Oj5% starch solution and 2 g of KI are added and I Card 1/2 3/08.1/62/000/018/012/059 Analysie of titanium-tin... i B1441B186 2+ JIS V Sn is titrated with an 0195 N KIO 3 solution. In prder to determine T1 the sample is-dissolved anal3n is distilled off in'the form of SnBr In i A 4* the residue S~ is determined! either gravimetrioally-or by titration of 3+ r, 11 . Ti with FQ(NH 4 )(SO 4)2 solution in the presence of,XSCY (after reduction of TiO to TL3+ by metallio:Al). LAbstracterls notes Complete trans- lation Card 2/2 P 7- 2 -1 B1,10/111A7 AUTHORS: Lyutaya, I.1 D., Nazar~~hu~, T. 11, , :,~odylevskayi, KD TITLE: Reaction of boron carbide and metal borid-Ds ;,,ith and during sintering ZIERIODICAL~ Zhurnal neorganicheskoy v. 6, no, 1-11, 1961, 2738-2743 TEXT: The authors otudied procesoes occurring during the sintering of metal borides (TiB 2' Zr B2' CrB 2- Co,B, 11iB etc), boron carbide, and boron nitride with CaO and BaCO 5 in air, in CO2 zind 0,, streams. boron carbide. tind boron nitride woro obt,innd 'from th;! ln:,,~itut metallokeramiki i spetoialInykh oplavov AN USSR (Inztitute of iletallurgy and Special Alloy-7 UkrSSR). Z"'owdery compounds mc:311) were calcin~.-ted in un open muffle furnace in the ai. . ind in pip- -till in 0 and CO i; f, 1, 0, In,; Four portiow; of B,(, and orv~ porton ~,j 2 2 0 wsiorou6jily mix~.,d ~-,nd calciwtud foi- t~,-;o ho; a muf*:e 1',Irrl'&C~, ;L1 ir:- ir I -nd 1j4C injulubl(-- in ~.ot and caladium bcl,r-~t(~ vo2re : J.1 t,--d rlt"L Card 1/4 Reacticu of' borcin ;-cid met,--l 1 1 VE 1 '1~ 7 The latter, was diijolved in I.ICI ; n (,, y t-'a ,nd ulkali. r,~~itject I tAm of inti r-Initt: "-)I, C, C rL ill the air 0 x --i 1 o z- d cv., n v; I t I L,,7,.z i r, vir. n 1:10 11 B 'u ox I cn o z.;6o c 2., 4 also 6 2 ) Ca B 0 1 r, i 2 6 - --+CaB 0 + C Of, 10L)u c C~-rd 2/4 J/076/6 1/uU/01 ~!/(jrj5/01 1 Reaction of boron carbide metal B1 10/B147 in watur 'aid hardly ;oluble in HCl -aaa obtained. In an aqueou.,; extract, aft'~r I" III- oillturillL; 01' B C '111d Daco :Lt 8:10 0 C, Ulic ratio iii B 51 VVI.- t -A , Bao . E 2 U 2 : 1. B C ot metal boridea are oxidized to B U3 by CO 2- B 0, imim-'d i fit ~Ay r'-':1CL3 with B;LO Und(J-1- tllU f0rM,Lti0T1 (if watl~r-Ljoluble 2BaU* 132 03 (Ba 2B 20 5) -iihich could be analytically proven. 0 2 1 orming by reuction bet%~een borides and BLLCO, wau L4au-analyticUlly detected. Its amoull'. corresponded to the reactiono suugeoted. Hijher GO, content in zirconium titunium boridei; ii; expli.ined by the formation of .-.-xpr,rirn(--n- ,~ (' . 1/1 tuiij dutected BaZrO 3 and BaTiO 5 with deconpoultion of w1ditional D,.,U Thus, the reactiono B4C + 4BaCOs + 40s - Majg-105 + 5COs 4BN + OaMs + 302 - 2Ba,B,O, + 2N, + 4COs (2 4NijB + 4BaCOs + 501- 2Ba,B,O&+ CNi,0 +4r,02** 3 ee ~4~ 4COiB + 4BRCOs + 703 - 2BsjB303 + Koo + 4C0 2 Ca r d ;;/076/61/606/0 1 2/G,'j~/0 11 .teacLlon of' borun carbide -~nd ,id-,ta~! ... BI 10/B147 2ZrE6 + 4R&COs + 502 - Mat%Os + 2ZrO2 + 4C0& 2TIBI+ABaCOs+5Og-2BntllsO,+2TI01+4COI Crtle + 3BaC.Os + 30s IIa2tI%O, + BmCrO, + 2r0% t -;!! ~ 4 i0l, 01' i t aill 0 b p i:; Z-,-, I C) i I U.. + i3 5CO, 6 t~tblo~; -.1-1d 12 i e t -nd 1, non-Soviet. 'Ie r:- :.c- to the 1 L; j'0 11 '7 .'-,IuI3cn, h.: I. ;,i:ulyt. uc I it T 11t, AN 1:35R (Inotitute of jo,-,,clev C i: I ',;()vuiJber Ij, Card S/075J61/016/001/014/019 B013/BO55 AUTHORSs Klibus, A. Kh. and Nazarchuk, T. N. T-------------------------- TITLEs Photometric Determination of Nitrogen in Titanium Carbide and -Boride and Other Refractory Materials PERIODICALs Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimiip 1961, voi. 16, No. i, pp. 79-82 TEXTs In this work, the solubility in various organic solvents of the dye formed in the thymol - hypobromite reaction on ammonia was studied with a view to finding out condition3 under which the thymol-hypobromite reaction can be applied for the determination of nitrogen in titanium carbide and other refractory materials. The experiments showed that intensely colored extracts are obtained by using esters and alcohols as solvents. Of the eaters and alcohols investigatedp isoamyl acetate and n-butyl alcohol, respectively, were chosen. At equal nitrogen content, the latter solvent gives a much intenser color than ieoamyl alcohol. The absorption curves of the dye solutions in n-butyl alcohol and isoamyl Rcetate are shown in Fig. 1. The optical-density measurements of the extracts were carried out Card 113 Photometric Determination of Hitrogen in Titanium S/075/61/016/001/014/019 Carbide and -Boride and Other Refractory BO13/BO55 Materials in a universal f M(FM) Pulfrich photometer. The molar extinction coef- ficient of the dye in n-butyl alcohol is nearly 6 times that in isoamy! acetate. Thus the use of n-butyl alcohol considerably increases the measuring sensitivity. The optical density of the extracts must be measurei with a red filter (Aeff , 665 m,;4). The optimum pH for dye formation is illustrated in Fig. 2. The colored compound forms at pff 11 - 11.5, but the pH of the solution before addition of the reagents must be between 1-5 and 8-5, if the reaction is to proceed satisfactorily. In practice, this means that the acid solution of the test sample must be neutralized with caustic soda against phenolphthalein before adding thymol and hypo- bromite. When small quantities of nitrogen are to be determined, the precipitation of hydroxides during neutralization must be prevented by suitable additives. Chromium is masked best by oxalic acid# iron, titanium, and vanadium by means of potassium fluoride. Tests showed that with these masking agents, calibration curves taken in the presence of titanium, iron, chromium, and vanadium a.-e practically identical with curves obtained under the same experimental conditions, but with pure ammonium salt solution. In consequencep a standard calibration curve plotted for the Card 2/3 Photometric Determination of Nitrogen in S/075/61/016/ooi/(,14/019 Titanium Carbide and -Boride and Other BO B055 Refractory Materials pure ammonium salt may be used for the determination of all quantities of' d v nitrogen in eamples containing titanium, iron, chromium , d vanadium* rl-e 0 Basing on the experimental data obtainedv the authora works out a method t t in of determining small quantities of nitrogen (0.01 - 1~) in t anium \ carbide and titanium boride. Wherever possible, chemically purke reagents and bi-diatilled water for preparing the solutions should be usl,,d. The only differences between the determination of nitrogen in refractqry com- pounds containing chromiump iron, and vanadium as main constituent -a and the above analysis of titanium carbides and borides are the way in .V~ich the weighed portion is decomposed and the type of masking agent used "to prevent hydroxide precipitation. Le No Lapin# V. 0. Geynt a)td Go Yao Veynberg are mentioned. There are 2 figuree-and 8 referencess 4 Soviet, Dutch,.1 Frenchp I British, and I Germane -ASSOCIATIONs Inotitut metallokeramiki I spetaialinykh splavov, Klyev (Institute of Hetalloceranias and Special Alloys, Kiyev) SUBMITTEDs luly,13o 1959 Cari 3/3 KUGAYP L.11.1 MAZARCHUN, T.H. Analysis of transition metals and rare earth borides. Zhur.anal. kh1m, 16 no#2t2O5-208 Mr-Ap 161, (KIRA 14:5) 1. Institute of Metallo-Ceramics Sciences U.S.S.R.1, Kiyev (Rare earth (Transition and Special alloys,, Academy of borides) metal borides) S/075/6i/C16/0G6/OC2/%'C6 B106/BI47 AUTHORS. Kotlyar, Ye, Ye., and NAzarchuk, T. N. Titanium determination in alloys of t1tanium carbi(I-u. und TITLE. vanadium PERIODICAL. Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 16, no 6. 1)61, 688-6~,,i TEXT: Titanium and vanadium were separated by precipitatinL:, ~,y sodium d~r-thyl dithiocarbaminate in the presence of masking substan:~eo (tartarir acid, citric acid. oxalic acid, ammonium fluoride). Yu A. Chernikhov and B. MI. Dobkina (Ref, 4; Zavodsk. laborator4ya 2 (1949)) shovied that vanadium diethyl dithiocarbarninate was only stabl.? in acid solutions. The vanadium complex can be easily extracted from acid 3olutions by chloroform. According to data by 1. V. Pyatnitskly ~, 64 (1')59') vanadium is crr.-,~Jntely (Ilef. 6. Ultrr. kiim. zhurnal 2 masked by tartaril, acid at PH 7 and b.y citric acid rit plif 4 -)r 5 if' t.I-.,-rv i9 a 50-fold excess of the masking acid. Titaniu,.,. is not rrecip,~tattd d-thyl dithiocarbaminate at any pil-value either in the presen-~e tartaric acid or in the presence of citric acid. To as~!ertain tide P:H Card 1/0 S/075J61 /01 Titanium detemination in B1C06/B147 -,, .1 ~al~ o at which vanadium is quantitatively precipitated l,y diethyl 1-ithllc~carbamrinatc, in the Trespo,-e of the ranking substanc;~o mentl,ni~ ~,J-:old ;L,,.-,ount of thfi nauklng substanne was tv.11,4 to a ~f van. adium, sulfate which -ontained g of vanad--im T ;H was adjusted by addition of ammonla and slati., a,,el.ate ammonia buffer solutions T~;e 7anaditim diE-thy! dithiocarbazitnate was extracted by sod~uj;, diethyl dithiorarbaminate had been added. The -,-ana,1. 7, n' in I , ,I- 111,15v . was cal ly det,~-rmined by ref.,r,,- - f ~!-,)Xide ir the presence of sod-.-im, flueride, The that -anadi,-im was quant".tatively precipitated in the presence "artar: a,~ili -at pH 3 in the ,-,~3ence of acirl a,: PH 2-3 and .n 1)resen.-p of amu-nilim fluoride tit i,H 5 (). by sod:um, 0 In 'Jie j,rojer,(~-~ of r~xali - ;v,ld, part of the varad*,lim. aq~i-cmis phaae at al I H ,alues 5-6. On the basis oil these. au*~* dei-elc~ed thr- i:~Illow.,rE7 rz-,el-ho:', r,?r analyzin, ta r, d i um ull-7s. I I Ii~ers ~11 1 1,' *,artaric s,1 a and a i1i of 5 .3 2C 1 1 rs c f -,S ad d ~d rfer rvj 1 n S/C, 7 5/6 1 Tit.-).niur (lotcriiin-ation ~j C(I -147 I.-/ tl~ir f rr~ It 1:11 ('4-OT'l.111-~., 1 ~i o ch I o r i,-I r i drt' a Idi f L: is aGain precipitated by diethyl dithiocarbaminmc. ii c. t!,, al um v an ad 1 u mis contained in the aqueous layer. After,: ~.C 11ilit. of -:1"30 (1 : 1), titanium is determined by one of U.- M' k2 ~h d jIn3tead Cf tartaric acid, 1-2 (,, of am-rionium fltzorid,~ :,I!., u3cd I nth i s case pll of the o olu t i on zj hou 1 d be, Vunad~,:-. either be determined from a separate weighed-in L;ortion itanium, or titrimetrically from the chloroform extract . 7 h of t I 3 tables and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The r~ffor,-nc-. the EnGli3h-law-uage publication reads as follows: Callan T., u j . , Analys t L?L, 650 0 959) - ASSOCIATION In3titut metallokeramiki i spetsialln.-II-1h splavov AN Kiyev (Institute of Powder MetallurCy and Special AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) S/032/61/C?7,,' r,3/0C3/r-7~ B1 161B20x AUTHO'a~S: Nazarchuk, T. N. and ?echenthovokaya, L. Ye. Colorinietric deterninatioi't cf fr-p carbo% 4n :~o%,tdenlvm Pni TITL:;-. tun6ston carbides PERIODICAL: Zavodskn-.,a laboratoriyal v. 27, no. 3, 1-,'61, 256-2--3 TEXT: The method worked out by 01-2 allt!iOr3 i:: '0:13ed on the abilit:; of free curbon c.1 ad3c-,rbiii-- Jves frcn !heir zolutions. It wao V-.c aim of this inveati~;Utio:l to J~ve5o,,, a rapid metl,od fo:: 1~ractical :,,r'osez- .Fir-t, thc authorz ~ti;dicd t"', LL dsor:ltion of bromthyzuol b'lic, oran~-e, bliie, a,-.! viculet to TiC, Cr C WC , 'I C , C , C , Z r C , S -- C ,1 3 21 BIC ,re.enre of free carbo.i. !t was took plc~rp to tunL;oten and nolybdenun carbide--. F vorab, bromth uol bli,c?, meth,.1 oran.f-e, riethyl violet. A-0M-1 ."~ctomEter was csqd as ~-.eawirin.- instrument. The color inten--it.- befrre -nd after --3- zorl,ticn -7no ~:ie-,.~oured. Further ex7eriments with, 7n.rbc-i 1~la-31- -,'-cwed that 5 io--.n-~itea of shakinl- were oufficient to t'.: b a-t- fa~,e -aith elz:e. Tle adsor,~tion of brr,-,th~rno-. blue t: Camd 1/3 S/03 ' 5 1 /C! 2 7 /C C '2 /C -- 31 Col,~,ri;.latrio determination . . . 3 1 1 C. 1/7, B20 fccte,J by the 11 in tiv range of I-'!. No al.,3or:,ti.on takes place at On the ba3io oi a calibration (calibration curve), the frec carbon contentlo is pro,,ortioaal to the optical density of soliitions after adsor-ption. 1'rezCription: 0.15-1.0 of or W-carbid-i ~~re sus-ended in 1, rrl of ~:lycerinj aftcr aJllm: ml of bronthymol b.ue aolutioii (21 of bromthy:,,ol blue ;,?)r 100 ml of vater) and I mi of boffer amaonia acetic ~~cid), the sha!:~?n for 1: min, and th' En fiit~?red. 2 :.-.: of t~lo filtrat- are n-.ixed with 3 ml of 0.5-,'7 1Ta0IT fJ lied u-y-.. with water t c 10 1 . an d mo!asured i.., a I c:~ 'hich cuvette at 574 m;i (filter no. a,,-' tlic car~,~~n content is determinc!d 1"ro2', the calibration curve. T~ h edpt! ta?c-s 20-30 min. To check the ---,ethcd, a conparative determination of free carlron in WC and 1.7 2 C , res~f~ctively , was made by t',-.'e ur~uai ~,az--.,cli;:netric meth~od and by determininU tKe free C content in ,.Axturea of purest rarbide and carbon black produced by the authors defined Ax-in-, ~ ratio). Accuracy of the colorinet-ic ,-.ethod: -5,"?- Si:.Alar ,-esults obtAried -Sit?l -'ethlyl oranSe (:,If - 3, mr/elenCth 490" mp - filter no. 6), o-1 vio)et(hichly sensitive; aavelen--th 574 ra~i - filter no. A) in the case of tun,.-stcn. carbide. Free C in nolybdetmm carbide and other carlv.--:,Io~3 cannot be deternined with Card 2,13 3/032/61/027/C.3/CV3/02, Colorimetric determination ... B116/B203 the d7e3 mentionel at last, since the carbides themcelves adsorb considerable quantitiez of them. A t3aper by N. M. Popova and L. V. Zaslavskaya is mentioned. There are 1 fiGure, 4 tables, and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Inotitut metal 1 oke ramiki i suctsiall-vkh s,,lavov Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Powder MetallurOy and S..ecial Alloys of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) Ca;:kl 3/3 3/032J61/027/011/003/0-6 Blo6/BIIO AUTHORSs Modylevskaya, K, D., Ly-utaya, M. D , and Nazarchuk. T TITLEs Caking method in analyses of boron ~,arbide, boron nitride. and metal borides FERIODICALs Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 11, 1961, '345-13,,6 TEXTa In the present paper, a method of decomposing boron carbide boron nitride, and metal borides by caking with CaO, MgO, and B&CC 5ha3 bQen developed, since the traditional methods (acid decomposition, melt iz-, platinum crucible, melt in iron crucible) have several drawbacks in mas.5 analyses. Platinum crucibles are not required for the new method The auth-ors found that a 40% oxidation of the borides of hardly fusible metals, and boron carbide and nitride, takes place with formation of boric, acid anhydride by 2 hr roasting in an open muffle furnAPA at 95OCC Further oxidation proceeds Yery slowly, since the particles coat vith the molten boron trioxide. This particle vitrification can be avoided and thv oxidation period reduced by careful mixing of boron carbide w:-th a Card 1/3 ,/61/027/0-1/003/0!6 S1032 Caking method in analyses of boron B1061B110 porous material,, For this purpose, the authors used CaO. MgG, and ---aCG The 3aMple is completely oxidized within I - 1.5 hr by i,,arefully mixing -Lhe bcrldes of hardly fusible metals with the tenfold amount of CaO MgQ, ani oaking the mixture in an open muffle furna~;e at 950 - -000 C Only in the case of chromium boride, complete decompositicri tukan 3 ?1.,. The .-esulting B 203 reacts with CaO to give calcium polyborate, Ca 2B011, which is practically insoluble in water. The cake thus formed has therefore to be dissolved in dilute hydrochloric aoid,. After re,~tridllza- tion with dilute sodium lye with methyl red as indizator, some aroy, ef hydrochloric acid are added until the IndAcator rechanges to red, "hen, a small amount of dry BaCO 3 im added until the color turn:i yalloor Thij golution is then heated to, and the depogit of admixtureg ii filtgred off and carefully washed with hot water, Much better resL.-3 a---r obtalned by caking with BaCO 3' In this process, the bcriflas of ha-Ily fusible metals are completely decomposed, and practically ali ~,oror. passes ~-nto the aqueous extract after treatment with wator, Wh 9 n t h e Card 2/3 S103 61/027/011/0012/016 Vaking mathod in analyses of boron ... B1069110 deposited admixtures have been filtered off, boron contained in this extract is determined by titration with lye in the presence of mannite or invert sugar. The above caking of metal borides, and boron nitride and carbide, with CaO or BaCO3 was conducted in nickel, iron, and porcelain crucibles. Unglazed porcelain crucibles proved best suitable for caking with CaO, and nickel crucibles for caking with BaCO 3 The cake can easily be removed from the crucible walls and taken out by shaking. The authors tested the above method of caking with CaO and BaCO, by comparative boron determinatioraby the abovu mothod and that of blulk ash.~ The good agreement of results proves the suitability of the described method for determining boron in boron carbide and nitride, and in metal borides. There are 1 table and 1 Soviel reference, ASSOCIATIONj Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov Akademil nauk USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloyb of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) Card 313 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16030 Samsonov, G. V.,,Corresponding Member, Adademy of Sciences UkrSSR; A. T. Pilipenko) Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor; T N azarohuk, CarAldate of Chemical Sciences; 0. 1. Popoval-ea-F111- da-Ve--o-r-Uhem1cql Sciences; and T. Ya. Kosolapova, V. A', Obolon- ohik, 0. Kh. Kotlyar, L~ N. Kuehay. V, P. Kopylova, 0. T. Kaban- n1k, A. Kh. Klibus, K. D. "levskaya, and S. V. Radzlkovakaya. Analiz tugoplavkikh soyedineniy (Analysis of Refractory Compounds) Hoscows Metallurgizdati 1962. 256 P. 3250 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. A. NWtlna; Ed. of Publishing House: 0. X. FAwyeva; Tech. Ed.: A. t. Karasev. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended as a laboratory manual for personnel In plant laboratories of the machinery, chemical, and aircraft industr1ea and 561entific research Institutes. It can also be used by chemistry students at universities and schools of higher education. Card 1/4 Analysis of Refractory (Cont.) I I S0716030 0 M RAM The boob oontains data from the literature and ;ram laboratory research on the che~lcal and m6chan1cal properties, crystalline dtructurb,-eheadeal analysis,, produationS and In- dustridl and other applications of aMdon,carbide and other refractory compounds. -Kethods of determining the basic com- ponents of refractory compounds (carboiio borono nitrogen, and silicon) are reviewed and detailed methods for the chemical analysis of all preseiltly known refractory compounds given. The authors are associated with the Xnatitut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavoV,, AN SSSR (Institute of Po-Ader Metal- lurgy and Special Alloys, Academy of Sciences USSR). No per- sOnalities are mentloned. There are 327 Feferenees: 175-Soviet and the remainder mainly English and German. TABU OF COMNTS (Abridge'd]: Foreword 7 Ch. 1. General Information on Refractory Compounds 9 Card 2/4 Analysis of Refractory (Cont.) Ch. 11, Chemical Properties of Refractory Compounds Carbides Nitrides Borldes Silicides of transition metals of Groups IV, V, and VI Phosphides of transition metals Sulfides of rare earths Nonmetallic compounds (B.C, SiC, Si3N4, BN, BP] Ch. III. Methods of Determining Basic Components of Refractory Compounds Ch. IV. Analysis of Refractory Compounds Carbides of transition and alkaline earth metals Nitride's Borides Silicides Rare-earth sulfides SOV/6030 48 48 6o 64 74 9 86 99 143 143 174 181 210 220 Card 3/4 Analysis of Refractory (Cont.) SOV/6030 Phosphides 226 Nonmetallic compounds 229 Appendix: JW�ter Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) at 15 to 35 C (Table)) 248 References AVATI-ABI Libirary of Congress SOJECT: Metals and Metallurgy 249 BN/pw/bmc Card 4/4 10-30-62 MM, L.N.; MAZARCOX T N Titrimetria method for the determination of solybdenan in its farbldes, nitridess borideaq and sUicides. Zbur.anal.khim. 17 no.9-.ICV-1085 D 162. (HIRA i.6:z) 1. Institute of Metalloceramics and Special Alloyst Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev. . . (Maybdann&-ftelysis) (Aefractory aaterlals) IWARCRUK, T.M. Compounds of boric acid with hydroxyanthraquinone. Ukr.khim.zh=. 28 no.2:233-238 062. (KIRA 15:3) 1. Institut metallokeramiki, i spetsiallnykh splavov AU USSR. (Boric aicd) (AnUwaquinone) KABANNIK., G.T.;-N~H~T-U, - Volumetric determination of aluminum in allois. Za7.lab. 28 no.5:546-547 162. (KRA 15:6) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnikh splavov AN USSR. (Aluminum alloys OXIDIMETRIC DETERMINATION OF Nb IN COMPLEX ZrC-NbC MIXTURES (USSR) Kotlyar, Ye, Ye., an~ Lj az Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, "~- a rc h,,,k. v. 16, no. 4, Apr 1963, ;74-479. S/'073/631018/004/009/015 On the basis of preliminary reduction tests of Nb with Al powder, Zn dust, Zn amalgam, metallic Cd, and in cadimum reducer at various acidities of the solution, a new method was established at the Institute of Powder Metal- lurgy and Special Alloys of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences for the de- termination of TNbC and in mined carbides of the ZrC-iNbC type. The method is based on the reduction of Nib in the dissolved sample to the re- quired constant average oxidation number of 3.0 2 to 3 .0 4 by means of m e- tallic cadmiu,,-n and a cadmium reducer in a mixture of sulfuric and hydro- chloric acd!;. The reduced Nb is then oxidized to Nb(V) with a solution of iron arnmonium alum, and the Nb content is calculated from the equivalent amount o_11 bivalent iron formed)which is determined by titration with potas- sium bichrornate with phenylanthranilic acid indicator. The results are in agreement with data obtained from the gravimetric cupferron method. JEDW] Card 1/1 S/03 63/029/003/007/020 BI 17YB186 AUTHORS: Nazarchuk, T. ff., Kopylova, V. P., and Chugunnaya, N. K. TITLE: Determination of cerium in heat-resistant alloys and cast iron grades PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 3, 1963, 298 TEXT: A colorimetric determination of cerium in the form of peroxide compounds is impossible in the presence of iron and with Trilon B. Extraction of the cupronate with chloroform is therefore recommended for completel separating cerium from traces of Fe. 5-10 g nickel alloy (Cr-Ni-Fe~ is dissolved in a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids, filled up with 25-50 ml H2 s04 (1.84), and evaporated until 30 3 vapors are formed. The solution is diluted. Chromium is oxidized with ammonium persulfate in the presence of silver nitrate, Al, Fe, and Ce hydroxides are precipitated with ammonia, the precipitation being repeated. The hydroxides are dissolved in hot saturated oxalic acid solution with addition of 1 ml 5% calcium chloride solution, and left standing overnight at PH 4-5. The oxalate precipitate is filtered off, washed out with 1% Card 1/2 3/032j63/029/003/037/020 Determination of cerium in ... B117/3-186 oxalic acid solution, and calcined at 600-7000C. The resulting oxides are diamolved during heating in 10 ml H 2s04 (1:4) with addition of some drops of perhydrol. Then cupronate is extracted with chloroform. Excess cuprone is destroyed in aqueous fraction, and the cerium is determined. For this purpose, the colorless solution containing 1-2 ml H 2S0 4 (1-84) is mixed with 4 ml 0.1 N Trilon B solution and 10 ml glycerol, the solution is neutralized with NH 3 to a characteristic smell, 5 ml buffer solution (pH 9) and 2-3 drops of 30/6 hydrogen peroxide are added, diluted "ith water after 5 min, and the optical density is measured after 30 min. The oxidation of chromium and the filtration of the hydroxides can be omitted when determining cerium in cast iron of low chromium content. ASSOCIATIOY: Institut metallokeramiki i spetssplavov Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) Card 2/2 S/073/1G3/0' 19/003/C,07/W9 A057A 125 AUTHORS: Kornilova, V. 1. Nazarchuk, T. N. TIM,: Spectrophotometrical investigation of the formation of niobium com- pcAnds-with-the reagent arsenazo PERIODICALI Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 29. no. 3, 19653, 330 - 3_35 TEXT: The process of formation, the,composition, and the effect of PH, of oxalic, tartaric, and citric acid, of sodium fluoride and trilon B on the forma- tion of the reddish-violet complex of niobium and arsenazo was investigated sp-ectrophotometrica.11y in aqueous solutions. The light absorption spectrum of the complex solution (Nb/arsenazo - 4/1) with pH - 0.65 (buffered) shows a maxi- mim at 5.1.0 m/,, that of pure arsenazo at 520 mu. Thun, all further measurements were carried out at 580 m.11. Since no considerable effect of the pIH on the opti- cal density of a complex solution (Nb : arsenazo - 2 t 1) was obseryed in the raxLge PH - 0.65 - 3 it is assumed that hydrogen ions do not participate in com- plex formation. The composition of tho complex was determined by the method of 1somolar series and was found to be Nb : arsenazo - 2 1 1. The formation occurs -Card 1/3 Spectrophotometrical investigation of... S/073,/63,/029/003/007/009 A05TIA126 6chomatIcall.7% alb 4- H 6R w fib,) - 11 R and the corresponding equilibrium constant is K 1 - 10-8. The colour of the complex solutions obeys Lambert- ~Nb2 - H6RJ Beer's law in the range of niobium concentrations from 3 to 35 g/ml. An un- Usual effect of admixtures of NaF, oxalic, tartaric, and citric acid, and of trilon B on the colour of the complex solutions was observed. The ratio niobium: aAmixture was varied from I ; 0 to 1 : 25 and up to a ratio of 1 : 2 a strong increase of the colour Intensity was observed. Purther addition of the admix- ture effects a decrease of colour intensity. Tho composition of the Nb-arsenazo complex does not change, but in destroyed at a tenfold excess of the admixture. The following sequence in relation to the decreasing stability of the complex compound of 11b was observed: oxallc > fluoride -.~ trilonate -~- tartaric -.;~ citric acid. The initial increase of the colour of the niobium-arsenazo complex af- fected by addition of the admixtur-3a is explained by a transfer of niobium into a more reactive form. Apparently the monomer cationic form of niobium reacts vrith ar3enazo, %nd an addition of the complexing admixtures contributes to the fommation of monomer niobium ions. Slitilar observations were made by othuT Card 2/3 -9/073/63/020,/003/0()T/009 Spectrophotofhetrical investigation of... A057/A126 authors with coloured niobium-xylenol orange compounda. According to the ob- tained results oxalic acid is the most favcrable masking compound for n1obium in acid solutions. There are 6 figures and I table. =OCIATIOlh Inatitut metallokeramiki i spetsialinykh splavov All USM (Institute or Powder Metallurgk and Sopcial Alloys of the AS UkrSM) SUMITTEDt June 23, 1961 Card 3/3 MRNILOVA,, V.I.; NAZARCHUK# T.N. Colored complex or bioblum with hematoxylin, Ukr. khin. zhure 29 no.UrI205-1208 163. (MIRA l6sl2) 1. Inatitut metallokeramiki i apetslaltnykh splavov AN UkrSSR. ACCESSION MR9 AP4029206 S/0226/64/000/002/0046/0050! AUTHORt Maxacebuk, To Hog Kekhanoshi as LM X0 TITLEt The pcobten of oxiditability of boron carbide SOURCZs Poroshkovays nistallucglyso no# Z# 19640 46-50 TOPIC TAGSt boron c4rbLdeq oxidationg boron carbide oxidation, high temperature oxidation, boron carbide purity, boron carbide ce- fining ABSTRACTs Free carbon has a detrimental effect an properties a boron carbide* Several 6trong oxidizers were tested for ability to eliminate free carbon from boron carbide* The best results were ob-! tained with a mixture of concentrated altrLcq sulfuric. and per- chloric acLds with potassium bLchromate. Treatneat of raw boron carbide with this mixture for 15-2$ Mo. reduced carbon and iron contents from 26.14-26.30%and 0.23-1*1% to ZIA-23,?Zand 0,07- O.Z4% respectively, and increased boron content from 69.6-7090% to 75*0-77*SZ* The oxidation behavior of boron carbide powder (particle sLas 0,062-0*074 am) &C $00-1300C La a str4an of oxygen ~C'Wd 1/2 i 4 .1 ACCESSION HRt AP4029206 varies according to the total content of borom and carbon and the content of free boron, G-amerally, boron carbide begime to react with oxygen at 600C; at 700C the oxidation rate increases shacptyo at 900-LOOOC it drops somewhat* and at tZO0-t3OOC another sharp increase occurs$ At all temperatures testeds the oxidation rate* decreases with tLue# owing to the formatiom of a layer of borou trLoxLds am powder particles* Hovever; at lZOO-A-000C boron carbide. is oxidized completely* Generally, as the total cacbom contemt* rises. bo'ran carbide because more oxidizable* The ratto of combined boron to total carb MCT, is suggested as a crLterLon for am$ estimating the ozLdizabi Lty of bacon carbidee This higher the ratiot the better boron carbide resists oiLdatLame OcIge acte bast 3 figures, I formulae and 3 tables* ASSOCIAT ONs some SUBMITTEDs ZQJsu63 DATZ ACQt 28Apr64 99CLe 00 SUB COD91 CHOKA go RZF SOVI 006 OTRZRt 003 coca 2 / 2 ACCESSION 1JR: AP4043462 S/0075/64/019/008/0980/0984 __j T'.N., Popovap 0.1.; Kugay, L.N.; Dzerzhanovskayag', ~AUTHORS: Naaarqhuk --96remskaya, S.F., Chugunnayat N.K. Ye.V.; Kabannikp G.7 TITLE: Analysis of rare earth alloys with certain metals and oxides I'SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 19, no. 8, 1964t 980-984 TOPIC TAGS: complexometric titration, rare earth analysis, lanthahum oxidet magnesium oxide, scandium oxide, yttrium oxide, chromium ;oxide, nickel oxide, aluminum oxide 1ABSTRACT: Two methods of separation and determination of rare earth !elements were worked out. The Mrst method involved titration with 'complexon III at different pil of the solution in the presence of ,different indicators. Here the fact that totravalent elements such as titanium and zirconium, form COMPIOX03 in strongly acid solutions i(pH - 1), trivalent metals at pli 2 - 3 and alkaline earth elements :at pH 10 - 11 was taken into account. The second method involved the juse of masking substances such as potassium cyanide, triethanolaminel ammonium fluorideo thyronj 2#3-dimercapto-propanol, The analysis Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043462 iinvolved the determination of rare earths and magnesium in La 0 3~ o 2 :,MgOp Sc 03-M&Ot Y20.,-M&O, Cr203 -La2031 N'O-SC20,p La203-Al2 3, NiO-SC263 and deter'm'ination of lanthanumg aluminum and magnesium ~~aimultanooualy in fluomicas. Orig. art. has: 8 tables. 1ASSOCTATION: Institut metallokeramiki i sDetsialtnvkh splrov AN I UkrSSR (Institute of Powder Votallurgy and Special-Alloyaq AN UkrSSR ISUBMITTEDS 29jun63 ;SUB CODE: -IC NR REF SOVI 004 'Card 2/2 ENCL: 00 OTHER! 002 PECHEI;TKOVSKAYAP L.Ye.; NAZARCHUK, T.N. Complexometric determination of zinc in iron alloys. Zhuro anal. khim. 19 no.7:897-899 164. (KIRA M11) 1. Institute of Metalloceramics and Special Alloys, Ukrainian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Kiev. NAZARCHIJK,._T.N.; POPOVA, 0.1.; KUGAY, L.N.; DZER711ANOVSKAYA, Ye.V.; - I --' kABANniK, G.T.; BOREIVISKAYA, S.F.; CHUGUNTAYA, N.K. Analynis of rare alloys with certain metals and oxides. Zhur. anal. khim. 19 no.8:9eO-984 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov AN SSSR, Kiyev. T.N. t.^'gen de t--17rlnfi~ met. rio.~,:51-54' U 16: 8) problem mzterl-ilo--~ y p N -37M tut K04,7 , -, ~ C; C", ~I. -11. D(! tr.~-:Tr, nn, t, ,,i o f ~ 1 u ~i i -i -~rn i n f 11 ur, i ri -I' d f:- s .Doir. (Irml. i(h I m . 1^01 no,71P%'..Fl)'~ 16~., iqig) 1. Vi h~YEV. SAIASONOVO G.V.0 otv. red.; GRIGORIYEVA, V.V.t k3md. tekhn. nauk, red.; YEREMKO, V.N.,, red r FAZARCHUK,_, T.N.,_, kand. kh1m. naukj, red.; FEDORCHENKO, TM., aWe-i1W,-re4-.; FWTOVICII, I.N.# akademik, red.; YAROTSXIY, V.D.,, red.; GILELAKH, V.I.,, red. (High-temperature inorganic compounds] Vysokotemperaturnyo neorganichaskie soodinenila. Kievj Naukova dumka, 1965. 471 p. (MIRA l8sl2) 1. Akademlia nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut problem materialoznavstva. 2. Chlen-korrespowient AN Ukr.SSR (for Yeremenko, Samisonov). 3. Aksdemiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Fedorchenko, Frentsevich). "i, L,yt-w.~j: fir!! v r 0 7; [Comple-I.,omatric rimlyaln cf corw A,,, ma torials and ol" cor uil n a ~ 1 oyt3 antA.Uz rretallrker.-.:7.'~c~,i,-c-kikii i I nekotorykh splavov. NAZARCHUK,V.P.; TSITOTICH.I.E. Q.11rasnodar) Zxperiments with herbicides in chemistry clubs. Ihim. v ehkole 10 n0-5:58-60 5-0 155. (MMA 8:11) (Herbicides) WaUCHUX V.T. , aspirant --V Cytological studies as an aurillary aid in the diagnosis of sor.0 vascular diseases of the oral cavity. Stmatologlia 40 no.3:24,- 17 My-JS 061. ,(MIRA 24;12) 1. Iz kafedry terapevticheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. I.O.Novik) Kiyevfskogo meditsinakogo instituta (dir. - doteent,V.D.Bratual). (MOUTH-DISEASES) (DIAGNOSISj CYTOLOGIC) NAZARGHUK, V.T., aspirant Some characteristics of the affection of the oral =Cosa in acute leucosis. Stomatologiia 40 no.4:12-13 JI-Ag 61. OaA W-11) 1. Iz kafedry terApevticheskoy stomatologii (zav. - prof. I.O.Havik) Kiyevskogo meditainskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent V.D.Dratual). (LEUCOSIS) (MUCOUS M UNBRANE) I I'l - i ~ KANTOR, A.A., dotsent; M AZAHkkKO,_A.A., mekhanik Some reconstructive changes in the surgical microscope put out b7 the "Krasnogvardeets" factory. Zhur.ush., nos.1 gorl.bol. 22 no.2t8l Mr-Ap 162. (VJRA 15sll) 1. Kafedra bolezney ukha, gorls. i nosa Ternopol'skogo meditsinakogo instituta. (OTORHIROLARYNGOLOGY-EQUIMNT AND SUPPLIES) OV.Z A UNKI-; p A .ti . 's-inter ornithofalma in the SOUthWe6tern Yiarit'.=e Tarr:t 'D.- ', . OrniLologlla no.6068-375 '63 9 (~U F A I" 1-11 -UL(Wo P.M., ?AZAPJJJKO--AAA Determination cf' rF2~duvl oturps.-;P5 In Zav. lab. 30 no.9:112R.1W9 164. 1~.;?A ir, ":) 1. Unepropetrovokiy goTnyy Jnntitut. parts of f,:3 cr the lni;y T I'l pt,.~..10-32 162. . iwi,l., y and 'xid i '. 1 '31'. ng 610."n. rts ir, n i n g Tr-a :: h i n e T- e,- trol yt I q 'L'-d . ;-3~--?5 I (MIRA 180) JYMIT11MVP A.V.; IZEBEDEV, V.L.;j'[M'iRv.,NKO, A A Tenting, methods Gf cousection 11rklng by of tho coal seam at tho Kanonsk "Podzexgaz" Plart. Trudy VIff Rodzemgaza no.12:46-52 164. (MERA 18t9) 1. Laboratoriya gazifikataV kamennykii ugley nauchno-isoledovateliskago instituta podzemnoy gazifikatsii ugley. KGzavOy, P.Ya.; NAZARENKO, A.A.0 elektromkhanik Inoreasing accurac7 in determining distances to cabla breaks. Avtom.p talem. i sviaz' 9 no.1200~-31 D t65. (M-TIA 192-1) 1. Starshiy elektromekhanik kontrollno-lapytatellnoro punkta Volgogradskoy distantsil PrIvolzhskoy dorogi (fr- Fo7.ovoy 2. Peohorskaya disIantsJya Sav;)rnoy dorogi (for Mazarenko). Injuries Dissertation: "Ether Narcotic Sloop and Novocaine Blockade as Factors Preventieg the Developme.1 of Trophic Indigestion of the itomach in Trauma of tne ipinal Cord." Caad Mod ici, Acad lied Sci W-R, 7 Apr 54. (Vecgerhyaya Uoskya, iioscow, 26 Mar 54J. SO: iUM 213, 20 Sep 1954 U.I., Prof.; WAR UKO. A.I., kand.ned.nauk Resection of the diaptWele of the log bones in shortening a lengthened extremity in fibroma. Ortop.traym. i protet. 16 no.4165 J1-Ag 157. (min 11:1) 1. Is Institute khtrurgii im. A.V.Vishnevokogo AKU SWR (dir. - daystvitallnyy chlen AHN SSSR prof. A.A.Vishnevskiy) (LEG--SURGERY) EnAMKO, A-I.., SATIZITUA. T.A.. (Kackva) Therapy of gastric and duodenal ulcer; X11n.ve4** 36 no*9:122-116 8058 (xru us 20) 1; Is 3m-go thlrurgIcheekago otdelenlya (save GDo V117avin) Inatituta khlrurgil AMS SSSR Imeni A.T. Vishnevskogo (dlr. - deystlvtell nyy chlen Aff SSSR prof. A.A. Vishnevskly. (MTIC ULMM, ther. alectmarcosts (Rue)) (MACTROWCOSIS. thar. use peptic ulcer (Rus)) MAZLREM, A.I. Gases of blood surrounding the dog brain in experimental epilepay. 11siol. zhur. [Ukr.] 5 no.5:634-638 5-0 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Institut fistologil in. A.A. Bagomolltsa AN USSR. laboratoriya aravnitallnov I vozrastnoy fistologlie (ZPILZPST) (BUMD-OXYGM GOT=) VILYAVIR, G.D., prof. ;~J&ZAREMO Haconstructive subatitution of the resected atmach with a segment of the small inteatite. NovAhir.arkh. no.U:47-51 161, WRA 14:12) 1. Tretlye khirurgicheskuye otdolenlya (zav. - prof. G.D. VUyavin) Inatituta khirurgii im. A.V. Tisbnevekogo AHII SSSR. (STMIACB--MGERY) (INMT03-TRAMPLOTATIO11) VILYAVIV, G.D.; IUZARE14KO A.I. Analyais of the ourgic&l treatment of peptic ulcer of the ata=ch and duodemm. Sov. mod. 25 no.4:24-29 Ap 162. (MM 15:6) 1. 1z Instituta khinwgii imeni AN. Vishnavskogo (dir. deyutvitollnyy chlen M-al S33F. prof. A.A. Vishnovskiy) A121 SSSR. (STO.'.IACII---3URrzL2,RY) (DUODEMM-SURGERY) AUTHOR: Nazarcnko, A. 1. 39280 S/219/62/053iOO; "007/007 1015/1215 TITLE: The effect of acclimatization to hypoxia in the course of epileptoid convulsions PERIODICAL: Bytillcien' cksperimental'itoy biologii i meditsiny v. 53, no. 1, 1962, 48-50 TEXT: Following experiments on 16 rats in a barachambcrit wasassumed that adaptation to hypoxia brings about an increased resistance of the organism to epilcptogcnic agents (camphor oil-ethcr I : 1). Another series of experiments on 30 rats high in the mountains confirmed the above-mentioned assumption and it was found that oxygen supply to the brain was a major factor in the pathogenesis of convulsions. There arc 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: LaboratoriVa sravnitel'noy i vozvrastnoy fiziologii (rukovoditcl' deystvitel'nvy chlen AMN SSSR N. N. Sirotinin) Instituta fiziologii imcni A. A. Bohomol'tsa (dir.-Clilen- korrespondent AN USSR A. F. Makarcheako) Laboratory of Comparative and Growth Physiology (director N. N. Sirotinin, Fellow of the AMS USSR) Institute of Physiology im. A. A. Bohomelets (Dir. A. F. Makarchenko, Fellow Correspondent of the AS Ukr.SSR), Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) Kiev. SUBMIT-TED: September 23, 1960 Card III ACCESSION NR: AT4042673 S/0000/63/000/000/0146/0149 AUTHOR: Danfleyko, V. I.; Nazarenko. A. I.; Savchenko. 0. S. TITLE: Respiration of white rats during prolonged action of radial acceleraLlon SOURCE- Konferentsiya po aviatsionnoy i kosmicheskoy meditsine. 1963. Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya, meditsina (Aviation and space medicine); materialy* konferentaii. Moscow. 1963. 146-149 TOPIC TAGS: acceleration effect, respiration, rat, transverse acceleration, oxygen exchange, tissue respiratiou, oxygen consumption, body temperature ABSTRACT: White rats were subjected to the action of transverse acceler- ations on centrifuges for the purpose of determining thcir effect on external respiration, oxygen exchange withtlie blood In pulmonary circulation, and tissue respiration. Measurements were made of the body temperatures of alI rats. Part of the rata.were then killed and their brain, liver, and kidney Card l/ 3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042673 temperatures measured. In ten of the rnts, kidney temperatures were measured during acceleration. It was found that when rats were subjected to accelerations of 2 to 30 g the intensity of oxygen consumption increased. In contrast to animals with a large body mass (man, monkeys, dogs, etc.), in which external respiration is diminished when they are subjected to acceler- ations of 7 to 10 g, rats showed a significant increase in oxygen consumption, even when subjected to 17 g for five minutes. Body temperature of the rats rose after the eIeriments by 3 to 80 C and the temperature of the Internal organs by 3 to 5 C. Disruption of respiratory movements was observed in animals subjected to accelerations of 22 to 2G g for fifteen minutes. When subjected to 28 g, motor disturbances appeared during the first two or three minutes; when subjected to 50 g, they appeared during the first minute. When rats were subjected to a 50-g acceleration for one and one-half minutes, a statistically significant increase in oxygen consumption by brain tissue was noted. After prolonged acceleration a definite drop in the temperature of the entire body was observed, In some cases this drop was as great as 100 C. This phenomenon, which was designated "poot-gravitational hypothermy." was Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4042673 accompanied In the experiments by an increase in oxygen consumption. ASSOCIA71ON: none SUBWaTTED.- 127Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: La NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3 ALLYEV, G.A. (Moskva); BUSLUNKC, :;.i'. C,.i . (?-Io.,ikva); N.AZAM-NKO, A,I.. (Moskva); Prinimali ucha'- tlYa: POIXAFOVA, N.A. ; DA7';FE7lCff, P. T. - "-- - GAYDABUKA, L.A. Modoling of tho ol-cration u' ,in automatod furna,!o irvv,,hine for wallirIC I pipea. Probl. kib. no.9:212-,140 163. WIIIA 17:10) 1. Elektrootallckly zavo,,! tyazb~lojyo i..i,shinostroyeiilyll (for Polyakwitt, DatakevIch, Gaydubukn), KOBOZIIIVP V.V.; NAZAILPIIKO, A.I. Mathematical modeling of the operation of a section mill. Izv. Ali SSSR Te?h. k1b. no.2.12-23 Mr-Ap'64. (IMIRA 17-.51% 1. Elektrostall. LOJI,TAv A4D*; IMA=11--iot A*Ioo I-Agdo WAbOw M=k RoMbIlLty of uoUW butt jolnts w Q=U=XW 0,Adt =III fcr cad rollime i6tv I O=MnA. T=w w.3& 3C-36 141-10 c65. (Hru, won) YR 7;:()V MiltIrp F)IMI, NKO~ A.I. I Yl 5tvey in tho oorlee of --:)"-thinq boves. !cart 1- Mt-pizomothiria dcriv, ,,vpe .)f' their nbsorpdor. n-l-lotra. Ukr. khAm. tnur. 3j ri I.': t65o I roni-Amyy inn'.iti:t, r. -~ r Vr, v BtaIntAllyntsconnyM chiqLykr. k~'richrs'.-~kli veshnheaty. ~gAWNKD, A. M. Adjust the students' arpertmental work- to the level of the now tasks. Politakhobuch. no-3:40-44 Rr 159. (mm 12:4) .1. Balaaha7skiy pedagogicheakly Institute method)) (Saratov Province--rleld work (Educational BArZAMHKO, A.M. - . ~ ~- - Planning students' practical work In agriculture. Politakh.obuch. no-52-31-35 14Y '59. WRA 1217) 1. Balashoveldy padagogicheakir Institut. (Balashov District-Agriculture-Study and teaching) (Y'leld work (Educational method)) NAZMMUKO. A.M. - Students' field work In livestock breading. Politekh.obuch. no.11:32-37 N 159. (14IR& 13:2) 1. BulAshovskly pedagogicheekly inatitut. (Saratow Provinco-Stock and stockbroading-Study and touching) KARPOV, P.A.; SMCHENKO, V.1.1 TFBYMIZI, V.V.; NECHAYEVA, M.A.; NAZARKMr A.M. Unconrormity in the Upper Frasnian substage in the western part of Volgograd Province. Geol. nefti i gaza 7 no.12:41-44 D 163- (MIRA 17t8) KARPUVI P.A.; HAZAREHKO,* A.M.; NECHAMA, N.A.; SHEVCHENKO, V.I. Stratig-raphy of Devonian sedimnts In the Don-Kedyeditsa swell and the Terainskaya Depreission. Trudy VNIING no.1: 17-38 062. (MIRA 16:10) SPEVCHENKO, V. l.; KP--H OV, 13 NA~ "1--l ::K- M- Famermir-rl VA-*~-.'-~n'1.9 'n the s!)u,,heastern- part. of the Platform. Dokl. Al; 0j"SZ-1fl, 1W no.,.:).-)T-)30 18:2) 1 lav - ~-,n c - 19 e d va *,, a I ' s k i y i ns t I tu *, r,;~ f t.,,-a ri oy z c v o y p r omys h le n- liosti, Volg-::fTrad. Stit-Atted, '.Iay 21, NAZARERKO, A.M. Colloquium on the study of Famennian spores and pollen in the Fassian Platform. Sov.geol. 8 no.M160-162 0 165. (MIRA 18sl2) le Tolgogradakiy nauchno-iosladovatellskiy institut nefti i getzato SANDLLH, 11. 1. ; DON;'USKINA, ZA;.-~(,V i Z, A, NAZARENKO, A.N. Converter lo-w-alloys ~steol w! ~,,i AvLom. svar. 17 no.2:43 -0, 1. Ukrainskiy instJ tut. Fel Idman). 2. IristAtut, Y, O~ P,%l."!I!. AN ~1~ (for Annis Nazar(,ri?.a). i-Dn- For K: 11 "a Le '~,n surgIcal treatment of goLter. Treebs-Aelo uo.q: (W-IA 10-9) vr9cha7 (GOMR) IUSARENW. AsHo.,nauk (Kiyev, u1, Poleveya, d,1056, kv,6) Treating cancer of the lower lip. lov.khir.arkh. no.2:65-67 Xr-kP 153 (MIRA lls6) 1. Irafedra khirurgit i (ispolnyayushchly obynsannoett raveduyushchego dote. r.N* rant6r) Kiyevskogo instituta usovershonstvovaniva vrwhey. (LIPS-CANCY3) NAZAR 0, A.M., kand.ned.naulc, referent Rsview of mrticlas received by tits editors on problems of wounds of the heart. MovAhir.arkh. no.6:137-139 V-D 158. (HIRA 12:3) (E[EA --i(OUM AND IUJMIES) 11LUMM, A.N., kand. med. nank Raview of articles oa probleas of heart %ounda submittel to the editors. Mov. kh1r. arkh. no.2:136 Kr-Ap 159, (an l2q) (MM-WOUM AM ISM=) lU7.kiwlxO, A.11. %stroscopic investitptioa of the stonach fol1cf4ing, surgarl. llov.k' no.3:112-113 MY-Je '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Kdadra khirurgit 1 Kiyevskogo inntitnta us over shenstv ovaniya vrachey. (GAMOSCOPY) HAZARMO, A.H.,; OGIT, P.Ts., Caus a of mortality In surgical treatment of the pronounced thyro- taxi: form of goiter. Trach.delo no.11:1167-1169 IF 159. (KIRA 13:4) 1.0. 1rurgichealays, klialka (zaveduyushchly - prof. V.I. AkImov) Klyevskogo Institute usavershenstvavanlys. vrachay. (THTROID GIAND-SUR M T) NAZARMKO, A. 11. , dotsont Helping public health institutiona. Vrao6*. delo no.9:120-122 3 161. (KLU 14:12) 1. Klyovskiy IMtitut usovershenatyovemlya vmchey. (UKI?AIIM-PUBLIC LM2H'PMEMH) [ACC NRo AF602i~" AMOR: Novikov., S. R.; Konopleva,, ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/C*89/66/0-T/003/0275/0277 R. F.; Kruglikov, A. U.; !azzT!!P~o A. 5. TITLE: Low temperature channel of the WR-14 reactor f the Physicotechnical Institut AN SSSR //i SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya., Y. 20, no. 3p 1966, 275-277 m. mve.4_ t, aw werne rok rao t. 4 ~vr ovveA FnA efn a 7oK!, TOPIC TAGS: nucQ3ce#'aF0r reactor component, irradiation appar~atus, research reactor/ WR-M reactor ADSTRACT: The authors describe a through channel in which the samples are cooled with cold easeous nitro-len. This makes it posnible to ermloy ordirkir-j conmercial licraid nitrogen, and also to reload the samples and to vary their temperature in simple fashion. alic reason wlq liquid nitrog(~n cannot be u:-,ed for this purpose is briefly discussed. T'he cold nitrogen is fed from a liquid-nitrogen evaporator outside the reactor, flows th-ough the cryostat channel, and is drawn out by a ventilating system.!, If the liquid nitrogen contains -14, of argon, the activity of the radioactive Ar4l fdoes not exceed 9 millicurie/hr at a reactor power of 10 1.014. The construction of the !1 installation (Fig. 1) and the method of rranipulat1w, the samples are described. The channel described was installed in the M-M reactor in I-larch 1964, and apart from accidental loss of hermeticityp 'which was later elimimited, it withstood many tests with large temperatuare differentials. Besides the simplicity of construction and Card 1/2 uDc - 621.039.572 ACC NRs Ar60216.*~3 Fig. 1. Equipment for low-temperature irradiation. I - Active zonep 2 beryllima reflector, 3 cryo- static channelp 4 water in reactor tank, 5 shieid, 6 - nitrogen pipe, 7 - heatert 8 - evaporator vensel, 9 - vacuum pumpsp ID - special ventilation. possibility of using commercial liquid nitrogen, ano- ther advantage is the wide range of variation of the temperature. A shortcoming is the large consunption of liquid nitrogen when temperatures of the order of 3DOK are obtaineO. The authors thank the operating crew of the reactor for help,, and are especially indebted to designers A. L. Voinov and L. D. Baramova for participating in tSe-development of units of the apparatus, and mechanics G., 1. Pastalak and A. F. Klementlyev for InstaLlinj the appara -a in the re- actor. Or~.-art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: iB1 sm DATE: o4sep65/ OTH REF: 005 Card 212 NAZAJOIKOP A.P., Inz)j. Calculation of the baBic P11rareter-B of eleCtr,)=agn.3tjC tirlir -elays with seallng. Elektrotekhnlka 36 no.2:49-52 F 165. g (141 RA 16 14) 308815. NAZAHiNKO, A. Ye. Sov#gt3k;va nauka o proyektirovanLi i stoltellstve avt3;noLillnykn dorog. (Tekhisy daklada). Trudy Nauch. - konf-tsii, posvyashch. poli. rus. i sov. uchanykh v mrovoy nauke i tcklinike 6-A maya IQh~l g. Vyp. 1. Omsk, 1.90, s. 87-93. vymi I "I" n r?.. f*-" j ono 11 ,~, r ri y "n, u rg c j. vy K JI.,