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Designing semiconductor ... 22048 S/161/61/003/004/014/030 B102/B214 ---2eT 7 (20) (20), W S r where Z - e 2/5, N. 3) T0changes with Q 0 For 1 0 and I - 2eT/(?l/s), the temperature of the cooled object is equal to the temperature of thu surrounding medium. The minimum value of T 0 is reached for I - I opt' Fig. 4 shows the thermal, energy,*and temperature characteristics of a semiconductor household refrigerator with 50 thermocouples (3I " S2 0.5 am 21 1 " 1 am; P1 92 - 1.2*10-3, e I a e 2 - 18 0 IV/"(. AI AS A2 12-5-10- 3 w/cm.OK; V 0.7 w/oK, Tt - 3000X). The affect of the number of elements on Q is also investigated. Fig. 5 shows .!(!) for 25, 50, and 100 thermocouples. The dashed line has been constructed according to Eq. (7) for T - 3070K and To . 2700K. The current correspond- Card 7/10 22048 Designing oemiconductor ... S/18 6110031OC410141030 B102YB214 ing to the maximum of Qo slightly depends on the number of thermocouples and is in accordance with the current calculated from Eq. (20) and, consequently, differs only little from the value calculated from formula (4). There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Odesskiy tekhnologicheakiy inatitut pishchevoy i kholadillnoy promyshlennosti (Odessa Technological Institute of Food Materials and Refrigeration Industry) SUBMITUD: July 16, 1960 (initially) and November 1, 1960 (after revision) Card 8/10 MARTYNOVSKIY, V.S., doktor tokhn.nauk; IIAYER*_y,,Aj__jq%nd.tekhn i1 SemjccjL&wtor heat-traWer intensifiers aM host insulators. Xbol, takh, 38 no.3:4-7 My-Ja 161. (MIRA 15sl) 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchavoy i kholodillnoy prm7ablennosti. (Heat exchangers) (Insulation Oleat)) (Samiconductors-Thermal properties) 42081 A'UTHORSs Nayer. V. A"--Rozhantseva, S. A. S/170/62/005/011/006/008 B100102 TITLE: Design of semiconductor coolers and heaters for liquid flows PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no.11, 1962, 90 - 94 TEXT: The characteristics of heaters and coolers for liquid flows, con- sisting of semiconductor thermopiles, are calculated for the thermocouples having different dimensions in order to achieve maximum possible efficiencx,/,/ The dimensions of the thermocouples are determined from 1 =,A(T-T,) T4-T.Z)1_1.]I-I. S 2 (1) z = '. . I Pk (2). The thermal equilibrium of the liquid to be cooled and of the cold junctions gives - GMT. T.1 - ' P p -L - k A (T - T.)] dn, Card 1/4 2 S I MO S/170/62/005/011/006/006 Design of semiconductor ... B104/B102 from which there follows Gc ,IT. To T - T, M - I I I dn 2 A11-1 z M L (I + T + T. Z) 2 (4) T+T0 1/2 allowing for (1). Here (1+~2 Z) const. The solution to (4) is GC It -~- In (5) 2 (Al 1) ,~,=T-B(T-T.,)-i (6) z (7) =T-B(T-T,)--!-(M-I). z whereby the number of thermocouples can be determined as a function of the temperature of the I'quid to be cooled. The liquid temperature can be Card 2//A, S/170/62/005/011/006/008 Design of semiconductor ... B104h3102 determined in the same (_.11, "vay 1T(, =To, I -exp LB B I Gc ) (8). The amount W of electric energy consumed at the,hot, junctions is w 2AIGc (To, - TO TZ-jw + 1 (14) 2A1- I I z 01 - 10 and the heat Q released at the hot junctio6s is Gc(T 01 -T0 2M(TZ-'4+1) 0 1n (15) 2W-1 L z -io- ~i Formulas are given for the cooling and heating factors are used to calculate the efficiency. With given G, c. T. T 01 and T0 the electric enera consumed and the thermal energy released at the hot junctions depend neither on the amperage nor an the dimensions of the thermocouples. A thermopile designed for heating Card 3/4 S/170/62/005/011/006/008 Design of semiconductor ... B100102 liquids is studied in a similar 1n j19 (23), B "T W 2MGc (T - T,) T Z M + 1 11 -1~ (2 5) ~::T I - Z 0 2AI I T,Z Al In (26) -2A1 z are obtained where z (27) .~1~T,,+13(Tj---T0)-- 1 (28). z Finally, the formulas "or the load characteristics of the thermopile are discussed. ASSOCIATIONt Tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promydilar. nosti, g. Odessa (Technological Institute of the Food and Refrigeration 'Andustry, Odeon&) SUBMITTED: ra---r. 31, 1962 Card 4/4 MARTYNOVSKIY, V.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; NAYER, V.A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; ROMENTSEVA, S.A., inzh, -.- Thermoelectric cooling agents. Trudy OTIPiKhP 12:3-12 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra kholodilInykh mashin Odesskogo tekhnologichookogo inatituta pishchavoy i kholodillnoy promphlenrosti. HAYER, V.A., kand.tekhn.natik, dotsent Methods for the design and calculation of thermoelectric coolers for liquids. Trudy OTIPiKhP 12:13-21 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Kafedra kholodlllny~h mnshin Odeeskogo tekhnologichoskogo inatituta pishchevoy i kholodillnoy praVshlennosti. N kand. tekbn. nauk Investigating the semiconductor systems of refrigerating and ice-mking machinery. Khol. takh, 39 no.5:42-46 S-0 162. (MM 16:7) 1. Odesakiy takhnologichaskiy institut pishchavoy i kholodill- noy prmqshlennosti. (Refrigeration and ref'rigerating machinery-Reaeareb) (semiconductors) y,AMNOVSKIY, V. S., NAYER, V'. A., and TZIO,4750,%, S. A. Themoolectric Refrigeratic,n and Prcs.p-ic'"13 fe-,r '410C Scale Techrical Application. report submitted dor the l1th InQ. Conj4i*,?;s of Refrigeration, Munich, GermarV 27 August - 4 Sept 1963 33/0~,6/63/000AIIJI/W-L/002 ALMORt Nayer., V, As, Caneddato of TecW-cal S'cience-n and Rozhentsm., S. A.t ITTLEs A sendconductor cooler for liquids ISUODICAL.- 11olodilinaya teTchrJ,k--, no. 1, 1963, 20-23 TFM A sendconductor cooler 0for ij.quict3 vith a cooling capacity of 400 kcal/hr, T-i-,.h cooling from 25 to 10-12 -in develoned i-n the laboratori~a poluprovadnikov (Siniconctuctor Laboratory) of the (Xessldy tekhnologicheskiy institu-~ pishchevoy i khAodUlnoy promyslilennosti (Odessa Technologico-l Instit-ate for the Food and Refrl~ ex-ation Induntry). The cooler har, 2 batteries of thermal elemants (20 x 2U x 3 rnade of alloys of tellurium., blimsmuth., OjITa.Mov-,;, Prd selenium., -..ith alloyinZ admix- ta-res. Tneir characteristic is z = 2.1 x 10-.3 VOK. The ther--a.1 elcrrients -h--re Mled with epoi-, rets:Ln ard connected. in serie.9 Iry connecting platez (42 x 21 x 2 Hot Junctions were water cooled* Rib,3 vere made of copper foile Each plate vith hot -unctions had 9 ,jimcit-ions had 16 xlbs-3 mr. high-ard OoO5 mm -tldck;- plates with cold j x-113s 9 rim high end 0.2 = thick. Tcxtollte partittons which formed the wa-Lls of chan- nels for cooling water and the fluid to be cooled were placed bet-imen the connectIng on -Che cold side and 340 =2 0-11 plates, The cross section of a channel ,as 6o -=-12 Card 1 of 2 A iserdoonductor cooler ooo* S/Ua,/63/U9)/UO1./001/U02 th,3 hot side* Tne weight of a thema i battery -gaa about 5 k,'7,., that of thenml eler- me:it~: U..85 kg, and the connecting pl,:Ltos 1.4 kg. A model was tested vrith water at ' .'3.401 Ine coolod water flow was 18 md 15 k4/hr, the cons=pticn of coollng water vra.3'90 44nd 80 kg/hr. Power looses in the connocting pla -s should Ix taken into ac,,6tmt vdten the current through them in more than 100 a, -xith calculated losses at S.,~% of the po-.= supply. Loosea due Io contact electrIcal resistance were about 6-341'. Zn cooling 18 kg of water per hour, the i-Laxamirit cooling capacity w-m obtained I-ri-;h a current of 3UO a- Increased 'L.Low of coo3--ing water increased the cooling ca- pai.ity# Several indastrial models of so--,dconductor coolers for iiquids are under developMent. Tao f 11gures Tmro given to sshow the structure of the cooler and one fil.rare cho-aed test results. ASSOCIATION: Odessa Technological Institute of the 'Food and Refrigeration Imb, try Card 2 of 2 MAYER, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; SMNINK, V.A. . --: Effect of current pulsations on the charecteelstics of thermo- electrons of semiconductors in cooling wW heating devices. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 6 no.601-37 Je 163. (KIRA 16:11) 1. Odesskiy tokhnoloetchookiy Institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy promyshlennosti. Prednstavlena kafedroy kholodilInykh mashin. KAYER,, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; GXW;d1j'K, V.K., inzh, Testing of semicond"cLor coolers for transistors. Khol. tekh. no.1:3-8 165. (MMA 18:9) T of electrl,.- arxi thermal contact -e-,i tances on the rw, ter Iitics of -emiccndlirtor britLerles. Khol. tekh. tskha nosl*--15 165# MM A 1 P, -. 9 GARACHIJKY V.K.; NAYER, Semiconductor the-...-.c~~:lectric cooliro for ucheb.zav.; prib. 8 no.1:176-lPl 165. (MIPA 18:3) 1. Cdesskiy tekhnologichoskly Jn3tLtut I khc'Lcriillnu- promynhlennosti. fLikomondovana il:-:,`~:h !7n-hin. ~v C~2--~6 IT/Ew JACCESSIO'N URs AP5019826 UR/OC)66/65/OW/004/0019/0022 621-561621.382.004.12 AUT HORt t1eyers Ve (Candidate of technical scien6os) TITLEt Effect of thermocouple geom'etrica.1- dimensions on the characteriatics 'cTf a ~semiccniuctor fefrigeration .unit SCURCEt Kholodilinaya takhnikaj"no. 4, 1 65t 19-22 r ~,k TOPIC TAGSt tbermocoupl6t refrigeratio . efrigerating system, semiconductor', tkermod.,niamics MSTRAC~! I A theoretical and experimental imestigation waa made to determine the dependence of refrigeration capacity Qo and the semiconductor material consumotion ght X I I Gtt; on. the hei and cross section 3 of the tbermocouples. The maximum power eqiciency.and the maximun refrigeration. capacity are shuwn to be functions of the r,) (Af r. - r) 'rr,ent I and the ratio S/t or Xz Q0 I MINC , I (M 1)? (Af 1) QO RIX: z 7 (T r.)1. I + (7- + card 1/4 7 Ac- mmon NR i Ap5ol9626 Ths conol~mption dependence on the thermocouple dimensions is given by Q. + W whare 2 S P C/ (T r.) s is sh. crim that f or each except ~,Mpxf two values exist for the ratio Gb*t/%bt. This shows that the internal onerCy processe3 in.31de tho then-nocouples do not limit the selection of the height Experlmnts with. three t~iermopilus were carr.Lod out to substantiate the above results and to doteradno the effect of heat tvansfer and contact rovistance or -the thermocouples on the ra-ri(-;eration capacity. The cooling was done on water from 23C to IOC. with 1.1. The agreemanL bet-treen the measurementa (dots) arA theory (colid linc) vas very Vol ao shown. in Fig. 1 on the Enclosure, Orig, art, has: 13 formulas, h figures, and 1 table. t AS-50CIATID.V: GdesaU7 Uftologicheskiy inatitat pishchevoy- i Uolodill noy, promyehlenionti (Odessa Technologioal Inatitute for Food and Wrigeration--.- =FMION liR, Ap5ol9826' WEHITTED i ENCLt 01 iNO W SOV't 007 OTHERt 001 1~ , 4, ~~ , " I I ~~ , - - mmvsEffdv~ I I If. 1 "". 1,4.1 :I.TP(c) AT aL Mea -12i- lWatirig TIM2, - Dra. 41 ZITarniml, -1 i a~ ';0- 41 19055, 493-498 i3emiz;orxJgcto_r; thermelootr1r, c-001ingf, Vho=oolec'vric porer, t-mlaient tr~uizfez I temr=aturo diatribution ve-mi on- c n gaauict- - t TC~!' Il I:oV-.j CP CA for COO-li"IF, and varloll~~ lltldie~a. Me rm-e1j'ais cmais a rn~ - 4'_ '. - 'ne heatin's pro- _jr (3 for o0ollng and heat:Lng (z To + L) hL (zTGj + i + L) (zrr + i U (v zT, 1)(V 4.,,T + 1) + Ccnditicna for, _zT_ IM, ;T ACC* NRI AP6021783 SOURCE COME: LPi/0413/66/000/012/0052/0052 INVENTORS: Garachuk, V. K.; Lavronahenko, G. K.; flayor, V. A. ORG: none TXTIX: A low temperature device. Class 21, Ho. 182778 Zrannouncod by Odessa Tochno- lor-ical Institute of the Food and Refrigeration Industry (Odonskiy tokhnologicho3kiy U itstitut pishchavoy i kholodillnoy promyshlonnosti)2 SOURCE: Izobrotoniya, pronVolilerinyye obraztay,, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 12, 1966, 52 TOPIC TAGS: refri,-orating system, refrigeration, refrigeration engineering, rofrig- oration equipment, Ettinghauson effect, Peltier effect, thermal battory, low tempera- ture battery ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a low temperature device based on the effects of Peltier and EttinghauBon (see Fig, 1). For the simultaneous utilization of a thermoelectric battery as the generator of low temperature and as a source of the magnetic field for the Ettinghausen cooling device,, the thermal battarr is made in the form of a cylindrical solenoid. Card UDCs 621.362.2:515.48 ACC 14R0 AP6021788 Fig. 1. 1 thermal battery; 2 single Crystal Orig. art. has: 1 figures SUB COIEs 13/ SUBM DATZ: lapr65 21; 2 ;.-ACC NR: AP7005267 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/66o'000/006/0084/0090 AUTHOR: Nayer, V. A.-Naers, V.; Raman, M. L.--Ramans, M.; Slmanc!vskaya, A. Ye.- 'fet P.-Stafeckis, L.; Shalenyy, E. G.--Salonijs, Z. Simanovskal A.9*~SEa s Y0 ORG: Institute of Physics and Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR (Fiziko-energeticheskiy institut AN Lat TITLE: Investigation of semiconductor thermopiles for cooling and heating of air SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 6. 1966, 84-90 TOPIC TAGSt semiconductor device, refrigeration equipment, therwelectric. cooling, thermoelectric equipment ) Aile cz /V T2 /9 1 ABSTRACT: The design and development of a semiconductor thermpile which is the basis of a Prospective all-year-round air conditioner for passenpar railroad cars is described. The thermopile is made from materials whose z is In the range of (2--2.2)-10 3 I/K. The basic materials for its positive side are Sb2Te and B12Te3; for the negative side they are B12Te3 and Bi.,Se3' It is maie from 96 thermocouple elements (20 x 20 x 3.8 am each) coitnected in a series circuit with copper commutational plates which are finned on the cold ind hot sides. The fins are 40 and 60 mm high on the cold and hot sides, respectively, and theirthickness and the spacing between them are 0.5 mm Cord' _l/ ' --MCI--none ACC NRs AP7005267 and I mm. The hot junction is cooled by forced air circulation. Ilie thermopile was bench-tested under simulated environmental conditions to determine its cooling and heating capacities. The maximum obtained cooling capacity was 425 w at a cooling factor of 0.57 for an airflow rate of 150 kglhr. The heating capacity ranged from 170 to 600 w at a heating factor from 3.2 to 1.5 for an airflow rate of 221 kg/hr and an operating virrent range from 50 to 150 amps. A disadvantage of the thernopile is its c low cooling factor In comparison to that of compression-type cculers. The thermopile heater is more efficient than electrical heaters, however. :1 Since air conditioners on railroad cars operate as heaters for prolonged Periods of time, it is economically advantageous t9 use semiconductor heat sources rather than conventional electric hea teral OrIg. art. has; 4 figures and 19 formulas. SUB CODE: 09, 13/ SUBM DATE: 14Hay65/ SOV REF: 003/ ATD PRiSS: 5115 2/2 ',~~_'_ACC NRI AV70052"67 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/66/000/006/aG84/090 AUTHOR: _YiAygr,,, -Naers, V.; Rankin, M. L.-Ramans, H.; Siplanovskaya, A. Ye.- Simanovska, A.; Stafetskiy. L. P.-Stafeckis, L.; Shalenyy, 2. G.-Salonijo, E. ORG! Institute of Physics and Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences ILatvian j'; SSR (Fiziko-energeticheskiy institut AN Lat TITLE: Investigation of semiconductor thermopiles for cooling and heating of air SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheakikh nauk, no. 6, 1966, 84-90 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor device, refrigeration equipment, thermoelectric cooling, thermoelectric equipment e qu 1 Poln r-Air>/9 It? ~/Eq ABSTRACT: The design and development of a semiconductor thermopile which ir, the basis of a Prospective all-year-round air conditioner for rassenAar railroad care is described. The thermopile is made from materials whose z is in the range of (2-2.2).10-3 I/K. The basic materials for its positive side are Sb Te and BizTe 3' It 2 3; for the negative side they are Bi2Te3 and BiSe is maae from 96 thermocouple elements (20 x 20 x 3.8 mm each) connected in a series circuit with copper commutational plates which are finned on the cold and hot sides. The fins are 40 and 60 = high on the cold and hot sides, respectively, and their thickness and the spacing between them are 0.5 =2 iLC_E!L_1/Z' TMQL-non- CC NR- AP7005267 and I mm. The hot junction is cooled by forced air circulation. The thermopile was bench-tested under simulated environmental conditions to determine its cooling and heating capacities. The maximum obtained cooling capacity was 425 w at a cooling factor of 0.57 for an airflow rate of 1 150 kg/hr. The heating capacity ranged from 170 to 600 w at a heating factor from 3.2 to 1.5 for an airflow rate of 222 kg/hr and an operating it cxirrent range from 50 to 150 amps. A disadvantage of the thermopile is its i; low cooling factor in comparison to that of compression-type coolers. The thermopile heater is more efficient than electrical heaters, however. Since air conditioners on railroad cars operate as heaters for prolonged periods of time, it is economically advantageous t9 use semiconductor heat d sources rather than conventional electric heat ere' Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 19 formulas. [IV] SUB CODE: 09, 13/ SUBM DATE-. l4Hay65/ SOV REF: GO/ AID PRESS: 5W Crd 2/2 Title I Experiment in the introduction or high speed grinding Feriodicea t Stan. J instr,j 3; 1 - 5, Mar 1934 Abstract t Ijigh-speed grinding is introduced to industrY. Three methods of high- sp,ced uinding are described. The first method consists in increasing the speed of the grinding wheel -without changing other grinding factors. The second method is based mainly on maintaining the pressure, stabil- ized at the level used in reEular grinding, The third method consists in increasing the speed of the grinding wheel and the cutting depth. A detailed analysis of straightening truncated grinding wheels is also given. Graphs; diagrams Institution : s.., Submitted 1 0*6* NAY-zioau, H. S. Nayermano M. S. "Investigation of swe problems of circular incisive grinding." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Autonctive Mr-chanics Inst. Moscow, 1956. (Dissettation for the Degree of Doctor in Sciences." W!N14a letopis I No. 35s 1956# Moscow. POPOV. S.A.; KAMSICIT.; PMMMIT. K.L.; fLATX~MM K S* - 5MMOVA, I.S.; KUSATXLT&K, U.K.; SILIVISTROV, T.D. deceased]; XMIKOT. A.T.; R13OWT, A.r.. kand.takhn.nauk. red.; ITANDTA, N.A.. red.icd-va; GMAMA. L.P.. EDressing grinding wheels with diamond and diamond-substitute tools] Pravka ahlifoval'afth kTuVv almaznymi Instrumentaml i samenItellami almazov, Pod red. A.r.xesmelova. Kosk" . Cos. nauchno-takhn.itd-vo maRhinostrolt*11t-ryo 1960. 101 p. (KM 14:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issladovatel'skly lastitut almatnogo instruments I proteassov almznoy obrabotki. 2. Gosudaretveanyy nsuchno-lealedovatallskly inatitut olmznogo instrumenta I protsessoy almatnoy obrabotL-1 (for all except Mescialov, Ivanove, Gordayeva). (Grinding wheals) (Diamonds, Industrial) unmwv,~~.; GORLOVO V.V. Active control of honing operations. StanA lnstr. 33 no.7:21.-22 JI 162. (KERA 15~7) (Gr1rding and polishlus) (Automtic control) L 27349-.66., 9WT(~)/pT(v)j ;AGt; NH: AY6UVT(Z) SOURCE CODEt UIR/0413/6000/003/0137/0138 z 4UTHORSs., -Zbarskir. Yu. Sh.; zhitpkiyj 1, -1. 'mat none D&Yic*_ for h9AjW "lindricai surrace. maso, 67f No. i7a7O8 ISOURCEt loobreteniya, promyshlonnyyo obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 31, 1966, 137- 1138 ITOPIG TAGSt machine tool, honing ;ABSTRACTt Thlo.Author Certificate presents a device for honing a cylindrical our- I fmoe with abrasive bars automatically forco& apart inaide the machined. hole by a thydraulic 'drive. To provide continuous automatiu corLtrol of the cutting regimes of the abrasive bj9xs during the cutting process, the derice is equipped with a monito~r_ ding syetem having feedback of the power required to turn the honing head (see Fig. This feedback provides a hydraulic pressure level which increases the specific itool, preasu.-re of the bars as the surface roughness of the machine& part decrease,e. ITo provide periodic pressing apart of the cutting bars over the working length of 7 UDC! 923t5_iI4,1 M L JA' A A L 1Fig. 1'. 1 honing head,- 2 motion reversing valve,' 3 - auxiliar7 valve; 4-- cam; 5 roller. ithe opening without changing the head diaaeter during over-travel, an additional 'Zfeature provides an auxiliary valve between the valve which reverses the.'aydraulie piston motion and the cylinder of the hydraulic drive. Thia valve is s:otuated dur-t ing the axial oscillating motion of the honing head by a a tationary- !aaz. Orig. art. ehao::l figure, Card CODEr 13/ M X DATB: 28jun62 It p ?* 1A6 I Mining electrical engineering; a textbook Moskva Ugletekhizdat Ministerstva Zapaduglia 1948 303 p. (50--19019) MOM rEAUMV, R.Ta. %mm"Oew~-AL YW-1 Use of fluorescent lighting In underground coal vines. 1tv. W1 28-.54-67 158. (MIRA 11:10) (KJn~ lighting) (7luorascent lighting) I ~ . . F-MT= VAN=02--n . pyieh; HIRSKATA. V.T., red.izd-ve; BMSLAVSKATA. L.Sh., t6Z-n.T4W'.` (Alectric lighting of coal mines] Alaktrichaskoe osveahcYienie w;ollaykh shakht. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1959. 174 P. (HIRA 12:12) (Mine lighting) 9AIRROV, R. Ya.,, dotaent Gap in the training of a =ining engineer. Ity. Va. ucheb. FAY.; gor. sinw. no..9:185-166 161. (KIRA 15:10) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Kmmwgo Znawni gorM7 institut imeni Artema. (Mining enginsering-Study and teaching) (Electric lampa,, Portable) NArEROV. Ho TA.,, dotsent Cameralon of the lamp ro(m In'the 'Bollshavik" KIne to ffelf- service. r5y. vys. uchab. Swal gor, shur. no.lOtl57-1 8 161. (MIFA 15; 10~ 1. Dhopropetrovokly ordana tradovogo Kftemogo Znawni gorrjyy institut Imani Artema. Rokcaendovana kafedroy gornoy elaktro- tokhnlki. (Frivoy Rog Smain-Iron mines and mining-4afety measures) OSTROVSKIY, Semen 'Voiseyevich; l-*-l'TR-",KO, Yc-vgeniy Vasiltycvich; KCRT~Tvll 17-lamin Griporlyevich; L~jYKO, A.A., ret::enzent; !JELO!,VETGV , ..V.~ red.; IJY~kUil;, Yo.V., red.; DWYNIN, A. I. red.; DE111-S."11KO, A. I., red.; LOKSHIN, B.S., red.; red.; I;AYEROV, R.Ya., red.; t"EKRASOVSKlY, RARSUK, I.S.9 Ya.B., red.; RAiUSIINYY, A.A., red.; RIPP, M.G., red. jll?ktXlbUtk for DonoLtri litatin initioral l-'+ravoclmlk Bliakhtora Donbaijoa. Mo~,,kva, lzd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 411 p. (MIRA 17:7) POLUKOV, H.S., prof.,, doktor t,3khn. nauk; LICH111, A.Ya., kand. takhn, netuk; PAI&Y, B.Z., inzh.; CIERKASSKIY, F.B., inzh.; MUMOV, -- -V.R. -,,,inzh. WalkLig neebani= for moving shields. Shakht. stroi. 5 no.StlO-13 Ag 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1, Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Polyakovp UchIn,, Naprov). 2. Institut gornogo dels, AN UkrSSR (for Paley, Charkasakly). 3. Chlen~-korrespondent AN UkrGSR (for Polyakov). (Mine timbering-Squipment and supplies) POLYAKOV, N.So; LICHIN, A.Ta., kand.tekhn.nauk; PALEY, B.Z., inzb.; CPERKASSEIY, F.B., inzh.;_~AYTLiWV, V.R. supply or support elements in development mining with power-operated shields. Shakht. stroi. 6 no-3:19-20 Mr '62. (MIRA 150) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Polyakov, Lichin). 2. Institut gornogo dela All USSR (for Paley, Cherkasskiy). 3. Dnepropetrovskiy gor%-y institut (for Hayerov). 4. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Polyakov). (Mine timbering) (Precast concrete conitruction) NATMID, A.M. 4f.;~W~2- , -w4ftwev Pliers for banding the TW tubular wire. (Suggested by A.M. Rayfelldl Rate* I Isobr. predl. v strol. no.145tl3-15 156. (MIRA 10:3) (Blectric wire, Insulated) (Tools) GLUZDOVSKIY, S.M.; SOKIIHANSKIY, S.T.; GOWiOVA, I.S.; MARKINA, V.A.; KAPLANO A.A.; HATFELID.Jd&; SCIWWVA, M.P., red.; ZOLOWEVA, H .W., red.; LARIOIXV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. (Technical docum-3ntation on cable jointing sleeves] Tekhni- ahaskaia. dokumentataila na kabellpys mafty. Moskva, Gas- onergoisdat. No.14. (Jointing sleeves and termination of three- wire I kv. cables with aluminum sheathing used as co n ne-tral wire (fourth strand)] Mufty i zadelki as trekhzhill- nykh kabeliakh a aliuminievot obolochkoi n& napriazhente 1 kv pri ispoltzovanii obolochki v kacheatva nulevogo rabochego pro- voda (chetvertoi shily). 1963. 55 P. (HIRA 16:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakly institut kabellnoy promyshlennosti (for Harkina). 2. Hookovskoye proyektao-eksperimentallnoye otdelenlye Gosudarstvennogo proyektnoo institute tyazheloy elektricheakoy promyshlennosti (for HAWfelld). (Electric cables) ABRAOT' 54K.0 Imadidat takhaichaskikh aauk: UTIFUID, L.R lnzheri6r; '~111OVYIF67 A SKUMLLO, O.B., lazbener; S003OV, P N.Y., takhnicheskly re4aktor (Drainage of industrial @its@ and urban areas] Drenash promyshlen- rqkh ploshchaAok t gorodsktlrh tarrItoril. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit,- ry po stroitellotyu I arkhltekture, 1954. 427 p, (MLRA 7:11) (Sewerage) , I I I ~ - , d I ~.- "'. , W. 1--, NAYFELID, L.R., insho; SISLYAKOVA, A.D. Using hydroelectric power station reservoirs in flood control. Gidr. stroi, 32 noo6:2"2 Je 162, (KIPA 15t6) (Iriklinakiy Reservoir-Flood control) NAYFELID, Lev Romanovich; BURLAKOV, N.Ya.p inzh., retsenzent; KOIMYAZMAYA, Zh.A.p red. (Hydraulic engineering in city planning) Gidrotekhnika v gradostroitallstva. Moskva, Vyushain shkola, 1965. 250 p. (141M 18:6) eall)lc. llillAw- I y "On'."n"l,v ld.-t of lv2sian Acrerri ons Library of Gcm ress, e-,te,71-en, Y ~2 Tr'r.T ILLTMID, M.P. . . . . . . . . . Arranging repqated &r=dIng of gero wires. Xnergetik 2 no.7.-30-31 D 153. (KLRL 6:12 ) (Ilactric~ line e-Omhe ad) BSWV. U.N.; BCLISHAN, Ya.H*; GORDAYNT. A.B.; GRACHAT. V.A.: IMILWIWV. A.A.; ZAZZSSKIY. A.M.; KIZZYMIR, U.N,; OORRIKG. G.M.; KORSTAKTIROV. B.A*; JCDPMT. NoTe, LITIT, G*O.; MILM, 0 - PRIZ2M, AA.; SIMBIZOVSKIT, G.T.; SOKOW. B.A.; STASILOM. A.B.1 TATTS. A.A.; XUARMIN. A.M. Klkhall ronstantinovich Kharchey; obituary. Below and others. Prom. energ. 12 no.1203 D 157. (14MA lOtl2) (Kharchav. Mikhail Konstantinavich, 1896-1957) STROKYATNIXOV, I.A.; GRUDIRSXIT, P.G.-. PZTROT, I-I-; MROLIKOU, V.I.; SMINOVSKIT, G.T.; BOLISOM, Ta.K,; LITSHITS, D.A.; rATEMN, A.L. ZHI TOY, K.S.; OKIN, A.K. (Koskn) Candidate of engineering L. P. Podollskii. Zlektrichestvo no.1:96 A '58. (141RA 11:2) (Podollskii, Lev Petrovich, 1887) N 0 -#~ 1: [- ~ pf)/ AUTHORt TITLE: / -1/- - /~ -~ j1jYf a I I d,_!!.P. PERIODICALs ABSTRACTt AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 91-58-5-33/35 The Grounding of Elektromotors Mounted on Slide Rails (za- zemleniye elektrodvigateley, ustanovlennykh n& salazkakh) Energetik, 1958, Nr 5, P 38 (USSR) In the article it is said that it is not necensary to ground electromotora on slide rails. Library of Congress 1. Electric motors - Grounding MAYULID, M.P. Grounding of cable terminations and equipment mounted on grounded structures. From.energ. 13 no.4:37 AP '58. (FfIn 11:4) (Zlectric engineering) UM/Uglueertag - IllectrIc EWver Systems &P 49 H&U Toltap Un4s "Electric Power Supply Systems for Industrial Enter- prises," M. R. Nayfelld, Engr, Tsentroelcktromontazh, 4 pp "Prom Eneget" go 9 Duscribes high-voltage line for Intrafactory electric supply. Analyzes problem from standpoint of depend- ability, economy, flexibility, and selection of n=ber, capacity and location of substations. Three basic systems used are radical, main-line, and comr pound. Gives example of system for supplying large meta1lurgical. enterprises with 800000-kv demand. MW 15" NAYFULIDO M. R. Electric Wire Solders and flux@@ for solderieg and welding aluminum wires and cables. Rab, energ., 1, No, 2, 1951. 2 9. Monthly List ~f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Cctd'oer_lgq,, Uncl. NAYrvItDIp V. '16 Flectric W-1--ing F. L. Varshavskly's que3tion: laying conductors in steel pipen. Pab. energ., 2, 11o. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, October 19A-Unclassified. I ~r 1'. -1. 0,1. 1.) Electric `.4ire Use of insulated ultuninum .4ire. Rub. erier~;. . ;_l' 110. 8, 1952. I .iovembc-r lgc,2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~ fg-fff, Uncl. *t I Y-rrT- i D "'. ,I. LIJL% Electric Currents High and low voltage installations. Pab. energ. 2 no. 8, 1952. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nlovemler -195f Uncl. t 0 1 i V+u'- F I -'-~ I - -, 7 NAIr-IL Lip I * Its E:Ipctric Currents j,;pgtjjt);cjo of j,cjt,.ntii,l (,n ',c,,-y of n-utral current recclwru. PA. 1~-nerg. 2 r'.(). e-l 1952. . I 2 9. Monthly Lint of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November __19V J, Uncl. V. P. Electric ZUSO'3 Instillation of fuses in networks with Crounded neutral conductor. Rab. Pner,?. 2, no. 3, 1952. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, floveriber -195Y, Uncl. ::.a. Electric "idring, Intr;rior Gas- ipe joint3 in electric wlrln~;. hab. cnerf'.,2, no. 8, 1952. r, u 9. Monthl List of Russian Acceisions, Library of Congress, November 1952 I(ync, Uncl. 1:"Yn-1; 1 D, r'. v. IE11G. Electric Votors, Synchronous Use of synchronous motors for increasing capacity. Rab. Pnerg. 2 no. 9, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decerter 21. - 1951, Uncl. 1. RAMLIDO H. ft. 2. WJ-M (600) 4. NoWs-Testing 7, Testing lins= Is *Uws for mobanLoal strength, Rab. anarg. 2. No. 10v 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY .1953. Unclassified. 1. INAYF,-'AIIDv 11. R. 2. US";JR (600) 4. Electric Meters 7. Measuring electric energy of a three-phase cim-ent with a sing'12-phase meter. flab. energ. 2 no. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Ruirsian Accessions, Library of Congr--zj3, 1.1'arch 2.953. Unclassified. AUXSIWDROW, A.A.; NAYFELID. X.R. ; SOKOWY. B.I.. redAktur (Terminal splitting of control cables by S.T.TSyganoy's nsthodJ Razdalks kontrollaykh kabelai po meto4u S.V.Uyganova. [Nauch. redaktor B.A.Sokolov] Moskva$ Goo. Izd-vo lit-r7 po stroltel'stvu i arkhitakturs. 1953. 13 P. 7:5) (Zlectric cables) --NArric", - Wires for low Yoltage, oyerhead lines. Energatik I no.2:38-39 A '53. (KLaA 6:8) (Slootric lines-OverhasO MAYMID. X.R. Uae of bare zero wires in pipes. Naergetlk I n0-3:37 A.-, '53. (RIBA 6:8) (Zlectric wirinigg) tyl-le c;f cab-i .~ an,., arre-,'Ier:3 in th'-~ j ~f 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I ~ay .1953. Unclassified. I. it! AII'~ ~-'i 11), v. !'I. 2. U"SR (600) 4. Electric Currents - Gr,-unding 7. Sinultaneoun ripiIicaticn cP groundint.,- an'l nilltrilizing,. -n(!!-F-. 3 110. 2.1 1953, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. 1. 11. R. 2. I.TSSR (6W) 4. E'lectric Insulatcrs %nd Tn,-.-Aaticn 7. Usin-7 wcod an Imulatin'r naterial In crnno~ inntallatirn!~. Ra- . , ne-. 3 "~' 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. 1. NAYFEL I D, Y. 11. 2. u3m, Wo) 4. Electric Lines - Overhead 7. Location of a zero conductor on line suprorts, Pab.nnerg- 3 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. 1. NAYFP-,L'D, M.R. 2. U33R (600) 4. Electric Current3 - Grounding 7. Grounding electric instruments, Mab.energ- 3 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -APREL 1953, Uncl. 1. N!"fl-MID, Y.R. 2. U333-i %600) 4. Electric '.,;ire 7. 5clectJn,r,, the size of wire.,j dcj.nnJinPr, uml Uic rumber of !.ours of maxlmum loado Rab.energ- 3 f10. 4p 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. i. NAYFE11101 M.R. 4. Electric ',-,ize 7. 3electing vires for placing in flcxIble metal hose, Rab.cncrg. 3 nc. 4, i953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl. 4~n ffAIMI D, H.R. ftaber of reyolntlmm of a synchronous motor. laergetik 3 no.5:38 0 153. (KwA Ono) (Blectrlo motors. Synchronous) WAYMOD. K.R.. inzhaner. SOlIcting steel conductors no.1:34-38 Ja 'A In grounding systems. Inergetik 2 (9LRA 7:1) (Electric conductors) SAMCLOD &~- Connecting the grounding of lightning rods with the grounding of electrical equipiment, Raergetilk 2 ao.2:3)-34 7 054. (HLRA 7:4) (Electric currents-Grounding) MATMOD. K.R.. Insheaer. Utilizing ground as a phase or caro, couductor In 1000 volt Installations. Ahergettic 2 no.3:5-6 Kr 034. (PTAA 7:5) (Slectric currents-Groundlag) MAYMID, K.R. droanding un4er (Zlectric currents--Orounding) permafrost conditions. Inergetilc 2 no.5:37-38 Ky 054, (KLRA 7:6) Alprij,7) PI.N. AID P - 1171 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 24/31 Author Hayfelld, M. R. Title Testing electrician's belts and grapplers. (Letters from readers) Periodical Energetik, 11, 36, N 1954 Abstract In reply to a question from a reader, the author briefly enumerates and explains the required inspections accord- ing to existing safety rules. Institution None Submitted No date Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 25/31 Author Nayfel'd, M. R. Title Application of profile steel for grounds. (Letters from readers) Periodical Energetik, 11, 36, N 1954 AID P - 1172 Abstract In reply to a question from a reader, the author briefly explains that profile steel can be used for grounding in the absence of steel pipes. In3titution None Submitted No date AID P - 1199 Subject USSR/Electi-Iricity Ca rd 1/11 Pub. 29 - 21/27 Author Nayfei'd, M. R. Title : Application of disvennecting switches with a central handle.. I ,Letters from readers) Periodical : E-viergetik, 12, 30-31, D 1954 Abstract In reply to a qi~estion from a reader, the author explains that according to the safety rules, circuits operated at the swit~-;hboard way be only of sufficient energy to actuate the relay switches. He enumerates the types of swItches produced by the factories of the Ministry of the Electrical Industry and explains their application. Institution : None Submitted : No date A ID P - 1201 Subject TISSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 23/27 Author : Nayfelld, M. R.- Title : Connecting direct-stroke shielding to the neutral. (Letters from readers) Periodical : Energetik, 12, 32, D 1954 Abstract In reply to a question from a reader, the author explains the details of shielding of low voltage lines, according to the "Rules of Construction of Low Voltage Networks", specifically the chapter on "Rural Electric Power Instal- lations". Institution : None Submitted : Ho date JVi)YFEL'Z, M.R. Subject : USSR/Electricity AID P - 1975 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 24/25 Author Nayfelld, M. R. Title : Combinlwi grounding and neutral circuits Periodical : Energetik, 4, 39-40, Ap 1955 Abstract In reply to questions from several readers, the author briefly explains how to execute an Isolated and a ground- ed neutral, and why it is not necessary to make separate grounding and neutral circuits* One diagram. Institution: None Submitted ! No date A AID P - 1945 Subject USSR/klectricity Card 1/2 'Pub. 29 - 25/31 Authors : Kayfelld, M. R. and Parini, Ye. P., Engs. Title : Contaot reaistince of connections of steel conduits for electrical wiring Periodical : Energetik, 3. 33-37, 14r 1955 Abstract : The Central Design and Experimental Office of the Trust "TSENTROELEKTROKONTAZH" made a series of tests to determine contact resistance of conduit couplings and bushings. Tests were made under laboratory conditions.with various types of connections, and then under operational conditons. Possibilities of using conduits for gMunding and as neutrals were Investigated. It was found that the best contacts are 3btained with properly made tightly connected pipe threods, Conduits can be used in grounding, but not Energetik, 3, 33-37, Kr 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 29 - 25/31 AID P - 1945 as neutrals since even small defects in couplings may render the neutral ineffective. One diagram, 2 tables. Institution: None Submitted : No date Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 2834 Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 23/30 Author Nayfelld, M. R., Eng. Title l~ien-ti...'f~:-L~-a~,.n..d'-t~'echnical conference on electrical equipment for industrial establishment (Current events) Periodical Elelctrichestvo, 6, 81-82, Je 1955 Abstract The All-Union Scientific Society of Power Engineers and Technicians (VNITOE) organized In February 1955 in Leningrad a meeting on the problem of electrical equipment. 455 representatives of ministries, industrial enterprises, power systems, universitle3, etc. from all over the Union participated. The author enumerates the most important reports and their authors and sim arizes the resolutions. Institution : None Submitted : No date Subject 3 W;SR/Electricity Card IA Pub. 29 - 25/30 Author : flayfelld, M. R.,, Eng. AID P - 3240 Title t 1rotection from electric shook by wy of Frotective disconnection Periodical : Energetikv 8. 32-35v Ag 1955 Abstract i Replying to inquiries of many readers,, the author describes the details of "protective disconnection!' which can be used in industrial establAshments instead of grounding of electrical equipment. The essential of such protection consists in an arrangement which immediately disconnects the protected object as soon an a specified voltage appears on its casing. The advantage of this system con- sists in the fact that such protection operates mwh quicker than grounding. The author describes three types of "protective disconnootiorP and presents formulas for their calculationg according to the degree of protection required. One table, 3 connection diagrams. Inatitution. tone Submitted t No date Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 3538 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 2/27 Author Nayfelld, M. R., Eng. Title Grounding of movable installations and mechanisms Periodical Energetik, 11, 5-7, N 1955 Abstract The author classifies movable installations and mechanisms into three groups and suggests for each group the types of grounding which he considers most efficient. Two connection diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date AM P - 3445. Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 12/32 Authors Nayfelld, M. R., and Zak, S. M., Engs. Title Calculation of transformer impedance for determining the resistance of grounded neutral Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 10, 49-52, 0 1955 Abstract : The authors study the problem of Influence of resist- ance and reactance of transformer3 of up to 1000-kva capacity with jecondary windings 380/220 and 220/12T V. and a star-st&r connection upon the impedance of the neutral grounding. The study Is important for the problem of disconnecting a faulty sector. The authoza present a method of calculating the current of a single-phase short allowing for transformer Impedances. For practical purposes they present a simplified AID P - 3445 Elektrichestvo, 10, 49-52, 0 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 27 - 12/32 I ! method and give a numerical example. Three tables, 1 diagram, 3 Soviet references (1946-1954). Institution : Tsentroelektromontazh (Electrical Installation Trust of the Central Region) Submitted : F 4, 1955 WKITAROV, To.V., iazhoner; UYVELID, H.R., incheaere KeehanIcal drIlling In tnotzlllng electrl~.- wiring arA outlete. Kekh, strol.12 no'300-32 KrIC5- (Km 8: it) (Drilllne and bo'r"lng machinery) IFAYM'b, K.R.. izzhater. Groundixg p*rtable Installations otad machinery. Isergetik 3 ao.llt5-7 N 155. (MM 9:3L) (Illectric eagiaeorlog-Safety measures) .e WAYMOD,N.R.. Inshener; ZM.S.N,. Inghener W-~ll-ft-pl~.1t,fl~~.,~.I.~4~.:,~.,. Calculating transformer resistances by determining the resistance of the zero-phase loop. Zlektricheetwo ao.20:49-52 0055. (KIRA 8:12) 1, TSoMroelektromontath (Ilactric transformers) RATYSLID,M.P., inzhener - Ni,';x Protecting people against injury frou protective circuit opening. Naergatik (Blectrio protective apparatus) mn electric current by 3 no.8:32-35 AC '55. (MLR& 8:10) IZAIZ",Jfark Romanovich; TOROMPSOY, r.Y., redaktor4, FROXIM, A.M., teUmIchavIcLy radaktor [Proteative grounding in electric engineering establishments] Zashchitaye xazemlentia v elektrotakhatcheakilch ustanovkakh. Koakva. Goo* energ. tzd-vo, 1956. 159 p. (HLRA 9-9) (Slactric currents--Grounding) nymea. W.R. r,IA Correlation factors In usasuring the reolotance of earthing devicess Suargetlic 4 R0,109-40 A 056, (KlaA 9:4) OllectrIc meacurements) KAXMID. H.R. Contact voltage. Snergetik 4 no.6:38-39 Js '56. (KTIPA 9:8) (Blectric engineering) MLYMID M.R.. lashener. Plan for new Ralos for Grounding Systems. Fromesnerg. 11 zo,l: 25-28 Ja 156. (KM a 9:6) (Illectric anclasering) j, - , j I I I . 1, .I r %J' -IT_ L 1 r c ie, /, Ill , Ir' -,I, NAYFXVD, N.H. Connecting secondary windings of step-down transformers for local lighting. Proo.energ.12 no.11:39-40 9 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Electric transformers)