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SUMINA, LyuAmila 1111nichna; WATROMIT, Vrjtsiliy Korneyevich. red. (Pneumoconiosis; bibliographic Index of Soviet literature 1918-1934] Pnevackonios; bibliogrefichookil ukazatell ote- chastvannoi literatury 1918-1934 gg. Khar1kov. 1955. 163 p. (KIIU 13:8) 1. Kharkov. Gosudaretyannaya neuchno-meditainalmys bibliotelca. (BIBLIOGRAPHY--LUNGS--DUM DISMUS) AID P - 2642 Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 19/22 Author Troitakiy, A. A. Title Review on chapters VI and IX of the book Methods of Investli tatina Industrial Hyalene, ed. by V. K. Navrota kly Periodical Gig. i san., 8, 58-60, A& 1955 Abstract A review of the chapters: "Methods of determining the chemical substances I n air" by I. B. Kogan, and "Laboratory methods o f the diagnosis of occupational poisoning", by K. G. Abramovich. Footnotes. Institution Not given Submitted No date v (-N' il-", -I , I f-N ~, I r, V. j- NATROCKIJ, 6&of. Certain problems of lowering nf temporary disability In Industrial worker#. Cook. zdravot. 4 no.7:381-384 July 56. 1. Clen koreep. ALT SSSR. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. control of temporary disability in workers (Cz)) NAvRoisxiy,, v.K.0 profossor (Kharlicav) Dearmwing tm*or=7 disability amoag IndustrIA wo*ers. Sevog4ravo 15 fti2s6-9 Mr-Ar 056. (MA 9:7) U WAles-correviondent AM SSO (MMSUL HTGUM misimislag Inability to work Is Rusts) NAVROTSKIY. V.K. (Kharlkov) ,kola of environmental factors in industry on the i=unological react17ity Of the body. Report No.l: Xffect of chronic poisoning from benzene and its nitro and amino derivatives on imunological reactivity In rabbits. Gig.truds I prof xab. 1 no.2:12-18 Kr-Ap '57. (KI3A 10:6) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyany truda Kharlkovskogo Institute usovershonstvo- vaniya vrachey. (BINZANB--TOXICOU)GY) (IMMUTY) NAVROMIT. T.K.. professor; ZHABORINSKIT. V-H.. professor "*-~,!=Corro detion of the problems of sanitary protection of natural water. Gig. i son. 22 no.3:73-74 Mr 157. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Fredsodstell M3arlkovskogo gigiyenichookogo obshchestva (for Havrotmk1y)i 2. Chlen pravlenlya Kharlkovskogo giglyeatchookogo obahchostva (for Zhabottnekly). 3. Chlen-korrespondent Akadesit iseditsinskikh nauk SSSR. (for loyrotskiy) (WAM SUPPLY sanitary protection of water reservoirs in Russia) (SAMITATICS same) prof.; LUEASHOV, V.I.; WIKOLAYEVA, N.M.; TIRASPOLISKAYA. liffect of chronic anillno poisoning on the course of pulnonary tuberculosis In rabbits. Vrach.delo no.1:59-61 J4 151. (MIRA Ili)) 1. Kafedrm g1glyany truda Khar1kovskogo Institutm usovershenstvavaniya vretchey, 2. Chlon-korrespondent ANN SSSR (for Wavrotakly) (ANILINB--PHYSIOLOGICAL IWVC?) (TU GULOSIS) I T~ '. I .I. i5-ACT I y,, . ., 0 N "The role of fa,,Aorr, rf lndu:~I.rlal anvirrnment In the itrsuncb1r,1o,:,,1ca1 reactivity of the rrgwJ=." report submitted at the 13th All-Union C(-,ngrre.,:;B of 1~rgianlsts, Epidey lologioto and Infectionists, 10,59. , - vaoT:;~; Ff . V. I- . , 7 ~ 7. ly , - -K.'I i~ ; 4'. ". "Basic Principles and Flethods of !iy[lenic Normlizatior. of Factors of the Enviro-uwntal Industria.1 Medium." report submitted at the 13th AU-Union Congress of Hygienlats, Epldaridolo,-ists and Infectionists, 1959- ]FAVROTSKIT -!--I; NRA-Sof - Sffect of chronic poisoning by small concentrations of carbon monoxide on the im-mmobiologic reactivity of rabbits. Vrach. delo no-3:277-290 Hr '59. (141RA 12:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AIM SSSR. Kafedra gigiyany Khar'kovskogo instituta usovershonstvovaniya vrachey. (CARBON HONOXIDE-PHTSIOLOGICILL NYYICCT) (IT041WITT) NAVROTSKIYO VaK.- prof. of silloosis and further methods for Its solution. Bor'ba a oil. 4:87-97 159. (MIRA 12: 11) 1. Chlon-korrompondent ANN SSSR. (WNW--DU.')? DIVARS) YATRO'2SKIT#YjK.. prof. Affect of small concentrations of wilfitr dioxide in chronic poisoning on the i-minobiological reactivity of rabbits. Gig. i san. 24 no.8:21-26 Ag '59. (HIRA 12:11) 1. Is kafedry gigiyany truda Mmr1kovakogo inatituta iienveriahen- stvovantya vrachey. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR. (SULIMR, toxicoloeZ) (11MMITT. pharmacolocr) NATROTSErT. T.K., prof. (1harlicov) Present status of the problou of the etiology and pathogenesis os 9111cosis and further tasics In Its Investigation. Trach.delo no.4'.391-397 Ap 060. (KIRA 13:6) (WNGS-DUST DIMKUS) NAVROTSKITO V.K.- (Kharikov) Role of environmental factors in the i==obtological reactivity of the organism. Report Xc.2.i Effect of chronic poisoning with carbon tetrachloride and dichlorathane on imiunobiological re- activity in rabbits, Gig, truda i prof. sab. 4 no.1:28-32 A 160s (HM 15:3) (CARBON TETRACHLOME-TOXICOU)GY) (ETRUE-TOXICOLOGY) NAVROTSKIYP VA., prof. Role of industrlal envIronmental factors in the immunoldgical reactivity of the organism. Vent.AMN WSR 15 no.3t 5749 160* (MIPA WO 1. Khartkovskiy institut usovershenetvavaniya vrachey. Chlen-korres- pondent AMN SSSR. (IMKUNITY) (M&N-INFLUENCE OF F.NVIROj'*MNT) ,MV&MKU#-.V.1L.9L-Fof. Inimmobiologieal reactivity as a method for deterrAning the wadmum permissible concentration of haraftl chemical sutstances in the air of closed promises, Gigs L san. 25 no. 6:29-33 :9 16o. (KIM 14t2) Is Is Ukrainskogo instituts. usovershonstvovaniya vrachey. DaystvitelIM7 chlon AMN SW* (AIR-POLLUTION) IIAVROTSKIY , V.X., rof., OtV. red. fl4aturial:j of the lrQ, Ploniun of tho Repiblic Comrd..,aion on the Control of Sillcosiol Maturialy XV pleptma Rospubli- kanskol komioaii po lbor-lbi 0 3i)lkozom. Kiev, lzd-vo M USSR, 1963. 219 p. (MTRA 17tlO) ~. Akademiya nauk Kiwi. RCCTub'Likanskaya kor-A-3siya 1 po bo-lbe s silikozou.. Plonum. 2. Poystvitellrjyy chlen VN SSSR, predledatelt Raspubiikanskay komissil po borlbe s si- likozort.. WAVROTSKIY V K prof., otv. red. [Materials of the 13th Plenum of the Republic Commission on Control of Silicosial Materialy XIII plenums, Respubli- kanskoi komisaii po bor'be silikozom. Kiev, Izd-vo AV VRSR, 1961. 222 p. (MIRA 17:10) Akademiya nauk URSF, Kiev. Respublikanskaya komisaiya bor'be s silikozom. Plenum. 2. Doyst-Atellnyy chlen N SSSR, predsedatell Respublikanskoy komissli po borl- be a silikozom AN Ukr.SSR. NAVROTSKIY, V.K., profs# atye redo; TANKOVSL414, Zjvp redo (Materials of the 14th Plenum of the Republic Comision for the Control of Siliconis) Vaterialy XIV plerriza. kiev, Izd- vo AN USSR, 1962. 233 p. (141RA 17:7) 1. Akaderdya nauk URSH, Kiev. Respublikanskaya komissiya po borlbe s silikozom. Plenum. 2. Dey3tvitel'nyy chlen X-11 SSSR (for Navrotskiy). NAVROTSK170 V,K,; TAEU40POLISKAYA, M.N.; KOLGELARI, S.S.; NIKOLAYEVA, N.M. State of the general immunobiological reactivity of the bucty and morbidity among foundry workers* Vest. AM SSSR 18 no.2: 32-4.1 10'3. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Ukrainskiy institut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Ukrainskly institut, gigiyeny truda i profzabolovaniy, Kharlkov. 7 ~, - .. ~- L~51 ~ BELOGUROVA, V.P.; (Yalta) Reaction to C-reactive protein in tuberculosis. Vrach.delo no.10: 77-80 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) .14, 1, Inatitut wditainakoy klimatologii i klimatoterapii Imeni I.M.Sechenova. (TUBERCULOSIS) (PROTEINS) BELOGUROVA, V.P.,; NAVROTSKIY V V --~L-LLL~ C-reactive protein in tuberculous patients. 26 no.8:99- 102 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. 1z Instituta meditsinakoy klimatologil i klimitoterapii imeni I.M.Sechenova (dir. B.V.Bogutskiy). (PROTEINS) (TUBERCULOSIS) t ACC M,51014 10ts AP4dW41 8/02l3/64/0*/W3/0396/0WT AUTROM Navrotsklyt V. V. TITLE: Interaction of oceanic currents and atmospheric processes in the northern Atlantic SOURCEt Okeanologiya, Y. 4,, no* 3P 196ho 396-407 TOPIC TAGSs ocean, atmosphere# tempetraturs gradient, pressure gradient., ABSUACT, The author's purpose Is to demonstrate frcs avallablo data on the Oulf Stream and the Labrador and North Atlantic currents that temperature contrasta of water at the ocean surface (horizontal temperature gradient) are important factors in developing atmospheric processes above the North Atlantico As a prOllAinary,, he considers saw theoretical relations, beginning with the equation of V, V, ShulmWkin (19539 FUUm moryaq Isde AN SSSR# relatiag pressure gradient'to temperature gradient# He derives the equation dp, 1-a +~.R j LN eX0 P Ir. 11r, %here g is'a'a'asleration of gra-itys K the height, of the investigated air layers R I.the gas constants p. the absolute pressure at the surfaces T. the absolute ACCEiSION Iffis AK-040741 teVersture at the surfaces Im the average temperature of the air layer at the height He Fbr small distances# when changes in average temperature may be neglect- edq the relationship reduces to ivif I-ex+ * I i P-L) ,~'The approach is approximatep but it my be seen that# in generall the dependence of the pressure gradient at sea level on the amount of heat coming from the underlying surface to due chiefly to the t4operature gradient on that underlying surface# the. height of the air layer (H),q and the change in overage temperature of this layer. The relation of surface rature gradient to atmospheric circulation in almost linear. This owns that vertical and divergent phenomena may be neglected in the vicinity of the marine currents indicated* Changes in average temperature of the air layer may also be neglectedj, and the basic consideration becomes that of the horizontal temperature gradient at the ocean surfaces The average temperature of an air layer dose not change appreciably when air mosses pass over any particular area. Averaging occurs as several different mosses of air pass overp the effects of the masses on surface temperature more or less mutually cancelling each other* It may be stated# thereforep that the effect of changes in absolute tWersture at the urface VAuces to am@ small, constant values The effect is smaller the larger the Osxqe along the borlsontal# Vw author has fowid good agreement between tompera-. ~ Cmd" 2/3 ACCISSION Us AP4040741 ture anomalies in the water anci anamalies of circulation. This signifies a constant relationship over long periods of time Origo art. hast 6 figures and 9 formulas, ASSOCrATIONs Kalinirigradakoye otdolentys Instituta okeanologii AN SSSR (Kaliningrad I 'Department of the Institute of Oceanography,, AN SWR) SUBHMIDs 29JW63 ERCM 00 SUB 00090 Is NO RV SOVI 002 ar"fal 005 NAVROMITY, 'I.V. ScrA results of the IGY ;r, !;-a -n of tne- ocoan and rttmr,3vher-~ In rr.f- ~G if r,-f)n. q /, rc,.4: . Al 1 603-611 164. ' y-,.qA 1. Fsjin-!ngradsk.,)ye )~Aeler,'ye rkeallc,,-471~ BEU)GUROVA) V.P.; NAVROTSKIY, V.V.; PETRSOVSKIY, A.I. Correlation between protein fractions, C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation in different forms of tuberculosis. Promb. tub. no.7:51-54 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Iz Instituta med1tsinskoy klimatologii I klimatoterapli imeni I.M. Sechenova (direktor - B.V. Bogutskiy), Yalta. AISKSSYEVp V.P., kand.takhn.niuke dotsent;,XAVRC)TMIY, Yu,,D., 1-nah. Nvestigating the hydrodynsaLic characteristics of slot headers. Trud,/ (YrIPirh? 1201,82 962. OCRA 17 11) 1. Wedrs, kholodilfnykh mashin Odesskogo takhnologichookogo instituta pishchevoy L kholodillnoy prowyehlennosti, /'~ ~,r I/ /~- 0 -rs //< T I/ a - POIAND/Cult,tva;,ed Plants- Method of ExperimZIation Abs Jour Re.-:1 zhi= - Biol., rio 1, 1958, lk 4161 Author Z. Mvzv,,!,.iikiy Inst Ur,**(,# Given TLtle Methods in PD)mt &-lact-loa Ori g Pub Xist. hodowli i a2dlmt. omlin. 1956, rio jaO Abstract No Card 1/1 I- IM VA,> U.-97- L P-1 !26 14 if leg I t SHEVCHENKO, F., prof.; AKHTAMOV, A., dotsent; ARIPOV, S,, nauohn. sotr.; PAX, If., nauchn. sotr.; ffAVRI17PU JIMU06hurnallst; TANKME-ISON, A., zhurnallet; KoMlEiv-, v.v red.; BMTIYARDV,A., takhn. red. (I.P.Pavlov Samarkand State ModAcal Institute) Samarkandskii paudaretvennyi meditsinskii)LuatAtut in.akadealka I.P.Pavlova; kratkil spravoohnik. Tast4ent, Gos.isd-vo Usbekskoi SSR,1962. 25 p. (MIRA 161g) 1. Samarkandakiy gosudarstwennyy meditsinskly institut (for Aripov, Pak). (SAXAMND--MEDICAL COLLEGES) k8(5) SOV/115-59-7-10/29 AUTHOR: Chadayev, A.F., and Navskly Ye.V. TITLE: A Device for Adjusting Large Micrometers (Prisposob- leniye dlya dovodki bol'shikh mikrometrov) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author developed a device, shown by figure 1, for adjusting (lapping) the measuring surfaces of micrometers having a measuring range of more than 100 mm. This device is used at the Gorlkiy avtoza- vod (Gorlkiy Automobile Plant). A cast iron lap is used having a hardness of 90-120 H with the follow- 2 ing chemical composition: 4% carl n, 2.8% silicon, 0.7% manganese, 0.12% phosphorus, 0.2% chrome and not more than 0.016% sulfur. The structure of the lap must be graphitic, medium or fine-laminar the metallic basis must have ferrite structure, p~rlite inclusions must riot exceed 25%. For preliminary Card 1/2 A Device for Adjusting Large Micrometers SOV/115-~9-3-IC/20~ lapping, paste GO! 30-40 microns is used. For finishing paste GOI 7-10 microns and for final lapping paste GOI 3-4 microns are used. There is 1 diagram. Card 2/2 IAWINk, A.T.; FILIPPOTA. A.1h.; DONNIMA, Ta.S.; 17MOLOVA, T.I.; NAYTAWWICJI. K.L.; DNITRITXTA. G.T. Synthesis aM some conversions of vin7l others of chloro- phenole. lzv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.11:9-16 '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Irkatakly Comidarstye nnyy univeraitat Im. A.A.Zhdanova. (Ithers) S/137/62-/000/006/060/163 A05 ?-/A 10 1 AUTHORSt Navtanovich, M. L., Chernyak, A. S. TITLE: Liquid extraction of metals by means of acid alkyl phosphate PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1.962, 19, abstract 60148 ("3b. nauchn. tr. Irkuts),.1y n.-i. In-t redk. met'% no. 9, 1961, 14o - 151) TEXT: A report on some results of the studies carried out on the ertrac- tion of rare elements by means of acid alkylphosphates as well as of the studiez on the chemical nature of extraction and on investigating cheap and effective extractors. There are 13 references. G. 00vodtseva [Abstracter's note: Complete translationi Card 1/1 CHMWAK. A.$.; NAYTANDTICH, M.L. Ixtraction recovery of mtals by means of acid alkyl phosphates. Zhur.prild.khlu. 33 no-1:85-89 Ja '60. WU 13:5) 1. Irkutakly gosudaretyeanyy nauchoo-imeledovatellakly Institut, rodk:lkh ustallov. (Phosphoric acid) (metals) S/137/62/ooo/oo8/ocl/065 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Chernyak, A. S., Navtanovich, M. L. TITLE: The part of organic reagents in hydrometallurgy PFRIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no.'8, 1962, 12, abstract 3A62 ("Nauchn. tr. Irkutakly R.-I. in-t rcdk. met.", 1961, no. 10, 316 - 342) TEXT: Basic methods of using organic reagents in hydrometallurgy are 3nalyzed. Organic reagents can be employed as solvents for extracting metals frpm solid products (lixiviation) Euid from aqueous solutions (liquid extraction); thd latter process in used more frequently. The following extracting agents are uted: hydrocarbons and chlorine derivatives, oxyg6n-containing organic 5olvents which do not contain saltforming groups, plain esters, alcohols. complex carbonic acid esters, phosphorus- and nitrogen-containing extracting agents. Individual examples are quoted of separating-out metals by lixiviation and extraction, and the basic difficulties Df the process are mentioned. The other field of employing organic reagents is the precipitation process. The advantages of organic preci- Card 1/2 S/ 137/62/000/008/00 2/065 The part of organic reagents in hydrometallurgy A0O6/A101 pitating agents are given, individual examples are quoted of using same; the possibility Is Indiceted of using organic reagents as precipitating agents. The next fiel-I of using organIc reagents are ion-exchange processes ured for extract- Ing metals from solutions with poor metal content, for refining valuable metal solutions from impurities and for the selective separation of valuable metals. Advantages and individual examples are mentioned of using ion-exchange processes. Orgnnic reagents are employed as reducing agents to transfer the metal extracted into lower valonces, and as coagulating agents. In the latter case organic poly-electrolytes are used. Other fields of using organic reagents are also mentioned; such as bacterial processes for performing oxidizing-reducing reac- tions with the aid of bacteria, electrolytic processes, in studying the chemism of hydrometallurgical processes. There are 106 references. L. Povedskaya [Abstracter's not*# Complete translation) Card Z/2 3/080/61/034/004/010/012 A057/A129 t Chernyake. A. S-#_K4TtGC*V1Oho No L, Tr= i Iktreation of metals by aWl pbosphoria acids synthesized from industrial alcohol mixtures PM=CALt Zhurnal prikladnoy khIsdi, v. 34. no. 4. 1961, 916 - 919 TWs An sconaidoal method for the manufacture of allVI phosphate oxtrac- tants by direct wathests from Industrial mixtures of alcohols and kWdrocarbons obtained in kwdrogenstion of oxidized parafftw over a sine-chrooko catalyst M V. Veselov at al., Ref - 33 Novosti nottyanoy teldmiki (Kowa of petroleum toohnolagy), Nefteperorabatkap 1, 1960) in described. Tedmological investigations -Manstrated that the allwl Phosphoric acids obtained from the alcohol mixtures have the owe extreatability an &Wl phosphoric acids synthesized from single slipbatic alcohols* Thuts the eumbersome and expensive separation of alcohols from bydrocarbons was avoided and a selective extraotant for rare metals was ob- tained. The initial mixture for the synthesis of alkyl phosphates contains usual- ly 50 - 6o % alcohols, 85 9 of whiah am iso-aloohols. The main part are C~ - OT Card 1/6 8/080/61/034/004/010/012 Rttraotlon of metals by A057/A129 alcohols, i.e., 12 0 C~ - C9. 47 % 010 - C15 and 41 % C16 - C22 alcohols. The synthesis was carried out using a molar ratio of alcohol to phosphoric anhydride of 2 j 1, i.e., in condition faVorable for the formation of Malkylpyrophosphates according to prior investigation of the present authors (Ref. 41 Zh M , 330 850 1960). The obtained extraotedt contains usually 40 - 50 % alkyl phosphoric aoids. sow kwdrooarbons with small amounts of fatty acids, *there, esters, oxy aoids, and oarbonyl compounds. Differently from single dialkylpyrophosphates the oxtruo- tant obtained from the mixture of industrial alcohols maintains the *xtraotabili- ty for several weeks. It was not determined which of the compounds present in the eztraotant causes thin stabilization of oztraotability, but the solution of this qu*stion could be of Interest for the use of correspondent admixtures to the single alkylpyrophosphates. rAborstory tests on the oxtractabllity of the obtained oxtractant wore carried out with sulfuric, bydroohlorla, n1tria, phom- phorio and oxalla said solutions containing Ions of alkali and alkali earth so- tais, Ai, re (ni and ii), go, Y, lanthanides, Ti, Hf P Zr, Sn, Nb, W and others. It was obsorvod.that the aztraotant has an extraction selectivity for multi-va- lent metals (3 - 6 valent). Mrtraotion In possible from concentrated, an well as from weakly acidic,, almost neutral, mineral said solutions. The extraction Card 2/ 6 VWWWOWW4/610/012 Extraction of metals by .... A057/A129 in effected bV the ratio of volumes of the solution sad extraotint. Thus in- aresse In the ratio holps to avoid emulsifyIng, and Us present experlOnts were carried out with ratios of solutions extreatant - 5 s I and 10 s 1. It was ob- served that the use of diluted solutions (in kerosene) of the extraotant effects decrease in expense of alkylphosphates almost not decreasing *.he extraction of metals. The most convenient concentration is 5 - 10 % alkyl phosphoric aaids in the solution of the extraotant. The extraction depends considerably on the can- centration of the metal in the solution, I.e., the higher the concentration the better is extraction (Table 1). Extractability of alkyl phosphoric wids obtained from the total mixture- of industrial alcohols and from single fractions to com- pared In'Figure 2. It can be seen that an Improvement can be effected by separat- ing single fractions from the Initial mixture. In Table 2 properties of the ob- tained extractent with those obtained from single alcohols were compared. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: June 13, 1960. Card 3/6 um (c) JD/JG ACCESSION M: A25005567 S/0080/65/03,1/002/034510348' AUTPOR: Nnytonovich M. L., Chernyak, A. S.; Sutyrin, Yu. Ye. T11ME: Salective extrattion of scandium with alkylphorpharic acids SOURCE; Zbutnal prikladnoy khitnii-, v. 32. no. 2, 1965, 345-348 LOPIC TAOS.* - -LecanAiumi -standium -e,xtraetlon, alkylphosphoric acid, alkyl pboaphate, twnValkyl, Phosphate, dialkyl phospbate, extraction nelectivity,-rare metal, rare i ex.trp.ction ABSTRACr. A method for obtairiing relatively pure (approx 99%) sca-ndium fluoride .or scanlium bxIde from ore or slag leaching solutions by extraction with Mono- or dialkyl r,~orpbatea in deacribed. Afttr the precipitation of scandium oxalate, mother Aiquorg.- 01ch- coatain-,some -scandifum 10 solntibn, can alro br treated in the eame WdY for Tonovery of all scandium. Sce'tridium, content ir'! the raw materials used in the artdy,. 1- e, , residues after the dzicomposition of wolframite c"centrates or t-irl mt1ting olag--j, ranged from 0.05 to 0.6%; other metals, which occur together Witt) riv-110111mf itere prenent In c(r-nparablc quantitins. The extracting agent wen eftbier a 0.65 m aolution of ti-octyl phoLphl.-Ite or EIF-2, which to a int,-ture of alkyl j phvsphates prepared from co=ercial mixtures of alcohol-.i. After oxtracti,~-a the Card 1-12 MM L 269142-65 ~ACCESSION NR; AP5005-567 organic phase was washed with dilute IICI Or 11204 to remove the major part of the other tietal.s. The! reextraction of scandium wa~ effected by tieing a calculated Tamtq~mt of C"centrated hydrofluoric acid; acandium fluoride was precipitated in A a White-&e0iment: an excess of IIF dissolves the prec.p tate A a If 151 60_hdiuM-:f lu'oru~- -tPt&Ined_can__ as a! comneratal ptoduct I or-preparation- - of t Ric- acandlum;~ 6--purif ication-cf: the-,--- fre a - e and extraction of iron (according to Pote) is fI uorldq. 6y ~ mDval- of Th(as iodate) ta'.' 4IR-yI--phwhates-have I suggeste., - J the extrac*Jon of scandium I __ art aud th sepaTation of-it from-other metals. has.77 3 ta _-e"*"--- e formula. IBN h ASSOCunrm, Irkutskly gosudaratvennyy nauchio-lasledorvatellakly inatitut redRikh _(TrIrutsk- State Scien tific Re!3earch Institute of Rare Hetals) z t v tSUBHITTED: ~9NO'Vfiz ENCL; W SUB CODEt IC G C.10 -OTIMR1 008 AlTo P-Rur'.. 3189 Cct4 212 L -~6 30 - 5 5c- AUTHORS: Chernyak, A. S.,_Navtano,,7ich, M. L. ..............I, TITLE: Concerning th-,3 Extraction Df Metals With AcIJ phosphates PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khImiJ., 1960, Val 43, Nr !, pp 31---89 J (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a study of' the composition of acid a.'Kylphos- phates used in the extracl~ion of metals from aq,ieo,~s media, and of the chemistrj of this process. Acid alk~ylphos- phates are usually obtained in reaction of a1cclic:s with P205; the reaction yield!3 various phosphoric a-id esters, depending on the rat.-io c,!' the reagen's arid :c.-Allicris of the reaction: Card 1/4 Concerning the Extraction of Metals With -177507 Acid Alkylph03phates 2ROH + P 205 _oR2 H2P207 2ROH + P20 5 + HG -4 2RH2PO4 3ROH + P 0 -.o RH,,,PO + R HPOI 2 5 4 2 6RO11i + P2 05--+ 2R 3PO4 +3H 20 N-butyl and isomyl alcohols were u5ed in the otudy. Thf~ acid and neutral eateru obtained were eXtrac~ed h a fourfold excess Qf water and then with 5% 3odi-.irr, _~arbc)~.- ate solution In amount equal to that or the Qrganic solution. The initial organic solution, the aq-_ieo-,.,s extract, and the organic solution after both extrac- tions were titrated with NaOH. Phosphorus was de~er- mined quantitatively by oxidation with suif_~rlc and nitric acid mixture and .ising the -.iB-_:a! nolytda~e Card 2/4 method. It was established that the reac'~icn -_" Concerning the Extraction of Metals With 77507 Acid Alk"jlpho5phates sov/Bc--4~~-_-16/49 Card 3/4 alcohols with P2 05 gave no neutral esters b"t only aciJ esters in the form of a mixture of mono- and diesteru. The yield of monoesters increased, and that or di- esters decreased with the increase of the molar ratto of alcohol to anhydride (rrom 2 to 6). The molar ratio 2:1 gave predominantly die-oters (67.7 to 90.5%); chiefly, diallcylpyrophoaphate3. The metal extraction capacity of the alkylphosphates wjs investigaj~d on solutions '_ V, with various cations (Fe + , TiIV, Zn , Cb) and anions (CI-, NO-, SO 2-, PO 3-), and the content of extracted 3 4 1~ cations and anions in the alkylph03phate5 was Jetermir',ed by quantitative analys1:3 and with the help of radio- active isotopes. Apparatus B-2 and end-window co--;nter MST-17 were used in the study. In the case cf' Fe (So.) 2 " 3 solution, alkyl phosphate was taken in 1:5 ci_~metr'~ ratio and Fe3+ extracted in practically identical arlc_~nts (about 52%) from acid as well as from rle3rly !-Iv, i'ra.' Concorning the Extraction of' Meta13 With '(7507 Acid Alkylphoophates sov/,Bo- ~,,3- i - j 6/,;g solution3. The degree of extraction of SO~~ 2- Was considerably higher from acid than from neutral so'L,-I- tions. Most of the sulfate ion, however, was eliminated on wanhing with water, whereas the iron cation remained insoluble. Accordingly, che re-extraction from. the organic phase gave 5 to 13 times more iron than sulfate iona, These and other experimental data indicate thht the extraction of metals with acid alkylphosphates has an ionic character. It can also be assumed that acid alkylphosphates can be used for metal. extraction fro-, strongly acid as well as from weakly acid solutions. There are 3 tables; and 8 references, 1 U.S., I U.K., 1 German, 5 Soviet. The U.S. and U.K. references are: R. E. Treybal, Ind. Eng. Chem. 49, 514 (1957); D. F. Peppard, et al., J. Inorg. a. Nuci. Chem., ~34 ASSOCIATION: Irkutsk State Scientific Research Institite for Rare Metals (Irkutskiy gosudarstvenny i-iaLichno-issledc),,,a-lel'skly institut- redkikh metallov) SUBMITTED: May 20, 1959 Card 4/11 S/OBO/62/035/004/00 ",,Io~ D204/D-501 AUMO"IkS Navtanovich, I.I. -L. und Cherr4jak, A. S. '21 T LL Characteristics of iodate precipitation of '11h L,,11 ments of the Ti ijubgrOLIP fron, solutions cow-ijririt, scandium P-,*RIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 4, 1')6,-,, o 2 --.'X T :Th -, a u t ho r 3 3 t u d ie d th P, s e t)a ra t i o n o f T h, Z r, T, i ~t:. j H fm Se by selective precipitation of the impurities us iodateF3, a.,; tho process has not as yet been studied in detail. The startir)(- rial consisted of Sc oxide to which various amounts of tht- ()T,,cr meta13 were added. Th, Zr, Ti and Hf were precipitated with 11~c," KILO3 in HNO 3 from acid nitrate solutions. The precipltateB werf the.,i ,4ashed with 11,j KIO 3 whiie Sc was precipitated from the with ITH 40H, dissolved in HCI, reprecipitated witn oxail(~ k-t~, i6ni-ced to the oxide. 1110 3 and NH 410 3 could be used in Card 1/ 3 (VoL)/03,.)/m. /Ioo 5/o.,:, Characteristics of iodate ... D204/D.301 Kro .L 3' All materialo ,,ore analy"ed cfemically and 1,11ature of the preciptater, i.,-3 briufly de3 :'AllAuji kS Modiolne Deafness, fterapy Ogwlng Aid for BQrovLmg the UceptlbLIlty or Tone@ In a Noisy Industrial Shop,* Prof G. L. NmvyszhsvkIy,, Tab for Control of Ind Noises, All- Vnion Sol Res Inct for Zabor Protection, MM, Imalograd,, k pp *Test Oto-91no-TArtagpl" No to Knousess frequemoy and loudness of noise in various shops. Sketches amd. describes stetho- scopic Instrumat. Pow AOM ~,,**OT%dmk vtw Galaid, ftTxmm 4*TO oup't 104" too iften cq!~ 44ik ~o AGasp , alm"t z-L-a wft. cy% MATYAZHSKI'f, G.L. XMMK, L. A. Disinhibition as a prophylactic meaeure In occupational deafness. Probl.fistol.skust. 2:109-121 150 (min 10:11) 1. Lotboratortya po borlbe 9 prolzvodetvennym shumom Vse9oyuznogo Nauchno-Issledowatel'skogo institute okhrany truda Vaesoyusnogo teentrallnogo sovets profsoyusov, Leningrad. Ma) (N0151) (OCCUPATIOVAL DISEASIS) I(AYTAZMKIT. G.L.. professor (leningrad). Acometico-phystological changes in the hearing analysor under the effect of Industrial noise. Vast.o'wo-rin. 15 n0-5:18-22 rj-O '53. (MLRA 6:11) (Noises) (Hearing) WAINAViSHY, I. Kh* "Radio Transmitterst it bk., Moscow, 1950. . _PY, L.-G. A Inzh.j, Df=ATSKIY, N.S.; KARPOV, V.V.; HAMAZHS nauchn. red. I (manual for the dsalg:wro of electricalg yete for dwellings and public buildings] Spravoc ik ptektirovshchika- alektrika zhilykh i grazhdanskikh zdanil. Izd.2., perer. i dop, Leningrad# Stroilzdat, 1965. 393 P. (MIRA 191l) NAVYSOtSKIY,, A.A. ftv filmstrip for schools. Geog. v shkola 26 no.3275 My-je 163. (MIRA 16s6) 1. 296-y& ahkola Momkvy. (rilmstrips) (Moscow Province-Geogmphy) NAWALKY, Zbigniew,, hizo Advantages of lorwwall coal blasting by awme of the Armstrong method* Wiatd= gm U no*20058-359 0 162. 1. Technik strzoluiezy,, Kopaluia Brzesicze. NAWARA, Janina Cryotherap7 irl the treatment of lez-..-igeal papillome . Otqlaryng. Pol. 19 no.ltl33-131. 165. 1. Z Oddzialu l&r-.,mgolo9lcznego Szpitala w Nowej Hucim (Flerov- nik: doe. dr. S. Sokolowski)e ("NAWARA# JU794" The lithologia composition of various fractions of gravel of the Stalk& and Cs&M Dunajec Rivers. Act& geol pal 10 no-N45$474 1160. (SW 10: 6) 1. Geological Laboratory Obseun Zteniq Polish Academy of Science# (Poland-Rivers) (Folvd-Gravel) 10,11 'ail AR--li , Krys '.yn a Warfirtw -I' Young Frierit!3 if "hc, ~w-th 7. ene r I . 1 rzo-pl ceol 1.1 no.10:4 ef --nver WO. POLAND NAWARA, Krystyna, le Musem of the Urth, Polish AcadeuW of Sciences (Muzoun Ztemi Polskiej Akadmii Kauk), Warsav; 2. Dept. of Petrogropby of Sedimentary Rocks# Univ. of Varsav (Zakled Petrografii SW Oa&dovych Ur&iverayt*tu Warssavskiego) Warsav, AEta, G*ol2gica. Polonica, No 4, Oct-Dec 1965, pp 501-525 "Recent transport and sedimentation of sands In the Dimajec [Liver and some of its tributaries." NAWARA. L. (GAZ, WODA I TECHNIZA SANITARA, Vol. 27, No. 11, Nov. 1953. Warsaw, PolarA) "Factors of corrosion inside .-as pipelines." p. 321 SO: XONIHLY LIST OF LAW MOPEAN ACCESSIONS, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, APRIL 1954 .- - i~- . : 111 ~' ~ ~7 r, ---------- Pawlikowski T., NAv;Dra L, PlotrowIca M. Asislysis a( 96diments from 0" Maine. ~Analiza osad6w powctaj4cych w ruroclqgach gatowych'. Ga4 Wo- da I Te-hnika. Sanitarno, No. I~ 1033, pp. 2-9, 0 figs., 3 tabs, '- More than ton temple% of vdiments taken from Sao mains of v, ~ riout Polish towns were chemically rinalyged. 'Ais sediments were dri air and extracied with benicne. The ben-Ana insoluble portion was extracted with watcr. and the res!due dwolved in IICI. T hi amount of Iron contained in the sediment InCeatex the deline and duration Of tOrfQ410d- Sulphur 1b with time deposited in gas maint In Were which enable determination of the comentralion *f gascous tul- phur compounds responsible for the dc-pcolis. A p1l. of less than 7 Is parliculnMy favouisible to corrosion. To diminish coltraskm of the g4a malno~ particular c-ire should be I 'Avn to retnoye trarn (he gas Ittq. NH'. tar, naphthalene, r(eam and NO.