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ILAUMOV, G.V.; D'YAMIM, F.V. 1. Economic and Geographic Characteristics of the Southwestern Part of the Yakut A.S.C.R." p. 6 Trudy Akad. Nauk SSSR, Yakutsk Filial, No. 1, 1956. TROFIKOV. VlaAlair Sergeyevich. doktor goologo-stnerelogichookikh nauk; MrIMAL WV KANUOULL" kondidLat geogreficheektkh cauk; MiMUKAU, NOT.. rsuwo-r-. =IN. K.L. takhatchookiy redaktor [Diamonds of Yakutial Ukutskis elmazy. Noelcvs, lzd-vo 92nmais.6 1957* 31 pe (Tsesoyusnoe obahchestvo po resprostrananitu polttichs- skikh i nauchnykh snanii, Ser.8, noo22) (KLRA 10:9) (Takutle-Diamond airwa and mining) A A , /11 / "'r I - 1 1 4- f f - , ,I- , KONDAKOV. t.: VAUMOV, G. -- 'I/- Nattoual economle Importance of the d1smond Industry In the Yaknit A.S.S.R. Vop.ekon. no.6!135-140 Js 15?. (1-1f.RA 10:7) (Yakutia-Diamond atnes and Tinine) V, AUTHORr Nauzov, G.V. 10-58-2-13/30 TITLEt The Development of a New Branch of Industry in the Yakut ASSR (Razvitiye novoy otrasli promyshlennosti v Yakutskoy ASSR) FERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR - Seriya ge3graficheskaya, Nr 2, 1958, pp 101-106 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The recently established diamond mining industry in the Yakut ASSR is of immense importance to the Soviet national eco- nomy. The Yakutian placer-type diamond deposits were discovered in the basin of the Vilyuy in 1949 - and the original diamond deposits, in 1954 and 1955. As a result of the tests carried out by the Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (USSR Ministry of Geology and Conservation of Natural Resources) it has been establiahed that the couth of Yakutiya has immense dia- mond deposits. The size of the diamonds varies between 5-5, sometimes even 10-11 carats. The specific gravity of the dia- monds amounts to from 3.52 tP 3.56. More than 5% of them are suitable for cutting of gems. The beat known diamond regions aret the Ierelyakhoko-Botuobinakiy district, the area between the Lena and the Vilyuy, the Daldyno-Alakitskiy region, the ter- Card 1/2 ritory at the sources of the Markh and the Alakit. 10-58-2-1-3/30 The Development of a New Branch of Industry in the Yakut ASSR ASSOCIATIONs Yakutskiy filial AN SSSR( Yakut 1. GeolqW-MSR 2, DiSAMA11--UM .4SSR Branch of the AS USSR) 3. Industry-beyelopmnt Card 212 NAUNOVO GIVI Intereating phenomenon of permafrost, Mauch. soob. IAFAN SSM no.3s"5 160. (KIIA 16: 3) (VIIM Valley-?rozen ground) -j %.5 NAUMOV Guri f Vasil '!rqyichLJMNT 'Y P, L. N. , doktor g ool. -min. nauk,, o . red.; MEYMVICH, O.V.,, red. izd-,m; FOIMU4 T.F.0 teldm. -ed. (Western Yakutia; economic and geographical featurea]Zapadnaia Ukutiia; ekonomiko-geografichookala kharaktoristika. Moskva,, isd-wo Akad. nauk ssm, 1962 140 Pe (MIRA 15:9) (Yakutia- Zconomic geoiraphy) BAN", M. K. 1 BUTANTIMV, B. IL ; FUYUS, M. I. ; RADHAIEV, G. Sh. COLOWIN, D.A.; GRIGORITEVA, A.A.; KFUTOV, V.A.i L'ONCHEMKO, X.Ta.; XORZHUYEV, S.S.; SHATSILO, U.S.; KOSKAGHEV, K.P.; NAUMOV, G,,V..;.LIKHAIfOV, B.S.; PETUKHOV, V.G.; TIKHONCV, A. 69~HEV, A.A.; SIMANOVSKIT, G.M.; SHAKHUNOVA, P.A.; SHOTSKIT, V.P,; TEROFEYEV, I.A., red.; POLOZMTSEVA, T.S., alad3hiy red.; GOLITSYN, A.B., red. kart; VILENSKATA, "., tekhn. red. [Eastern Siberia; economic geography) Voqtochn"a Sibirl ekonomiko-geogmficheakaia kharakteriatika. Moskvn, Geog- rafizdat, 196). 885 P. (MIRA 16:10) (Siberia, Enatern--Economlc geography) !AUMOY.L. Guriy Vasillyevichl FEDOSEYEV, I.A., otv. red.; YESAKOV, -- T.A., red.; ujwv-ibv, A.I., red. (Russian geographical explorntions in Siberia in the 19th century] Rusakie geograficheskie issledovanlia Sibiri v XIX - nachnle XX v. Yookva, Nauka, 1965. 146 p. 041RA 1911) NAUMOT. I., zootakhnik Ks-akh-tan and Siberia should become Important suppliers of potdtry products. Ywulm I pored. oNy sel0khos. 9 no.7:31-11 ii 159. (NOW 22:11) (Siberia-Foultry) (Kazakhstan-Poultr7) MiW-ulp 1. '1. "The ;eometric 2heory of ),.ff,re,,Aiaj . in L,'ie ~WUS of J. I.I. Jintsov.11 ,f--n,i iny.-,-. .th .-c-, , ~ r " 1, '. 'Aitte "', il-hurIvov, L'~54. (h;lEat, Feb 55) 6CI: 510. "170. 631, 26 U,, 55 - LrVt.'-' Of iciontific ctnd 2-,-chnical .0 . 'her .1" a I L".!; t. i t I I i ~ - F. j jissert.-~t~or.s )ofenicd at -- (L.) ~66 IM (I. Y/1 ~w(h) kq(: N4 AP6OO9S44 SOURCE CODE, UR104131661000tO04tOO35/0035 I K. 1(aumov, 1. A. AUTHM. StoLamy- ORG: none A~ JTITLE: A ferrite wave uLde nictiflark, Class 21, No. 178872 I!S-0-URck: Izobratenlia'.promyshleanyye obraztsy t a z-naki, no. 4, 1966, 3S ovarnyy PIC TAGS: waLvegui& m~ctiflcatLon ferrite T~ STMCT.,,~ Wit 1juthorts CartificAte Jatrddu' s.a ferrite waveguLda Nctiffer, which .contains a #action of IRE ng load rectjwgu Wa3mxuldej a ferrite element and4n abstarbi, M a a form of a Gemicmductor film applied to a dielectric substrate. The over- all dimenzions, are reduced by rtaking this ferrite element in the form of a magnetized col=a which Is locaied sy=netrlc&Lly with respect to the axis of the wavegulde. The absorbing load Is placed on the narr*w wall of the rectangular waveguide opposite the ferrite al --wa."guide- 3-asorber 1. errLte colmn; 2 SUB CODE: 091 SUBK, DATEt 19Apr65/ OM FXF-. OW OTH REFt 000 UDC: 621.372.837 XAUkW. I., kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk. " ~.. 1'.`~'-,~~Yl."3.. Study of husk thlakness of w1mat grains. Muk.-olov.prom. 20 no.2:7-9 7 154. (NM 7:7) 1. Koskovskly t4khnologichookly InstItut plahchevey promyshlen- nostl ivmat) W."idat tokhnichaskikh nauke Strength of bran coats of a grain of wheat. Muk.-eleveprom.20 no.llslO-15 N 154. (KIBA 8:3) 1. Moskovskly technologichaskiy inatitut pishchavoy promyshlen- nosti. (Wheat) JIAUXOT, I., kaadidat tekhnIcheskikh nauk. Studying the compression resistance of grain. Muk.-alev.pron. 22 no.1:16-19 Ja 156. (KLRA 9.5) 1. Koskovskiy tekhaologichookly iastItut pishchavoy proVshlennosti. (Grain milling) NMOT, I.A., dots., kand. takhn. nauk. ftchaulcal properties of grain umd r shearing stress. ft~ UTZ" no.9tlO-18 057. (NIPA M12) (Grain-itesting) HAUNOT, I *A6., dote., kand. takhn. nnuk. Ilasticity and hardness of wheat skins. Trudy KTIPP no.9.-36-43 157. (Wheat) (KIRA 10:12) XAU)40V. I.. kandtdat takhnicbeekikh nauk. WAMM* P"netration and movement of moisture in the grain of vheat. **,-elev. prom. 23 no.2:20-23 F 157. (HLRA 10:5) 1. MD~kovskiy takhnologicheskiy Institut pishchavoy proeWshlen- nooti. (Wheat) ,HAUMDV I.A.- WIRTSKATA. T.F. Structural properties of wheat from eastern areas. IST. v7s. ucheb. say.; pishch. tekhn. no-3:3-8 158. (MIR& 11:9) 1. Moskovskiy takhnologichoskly institiat piahchavoy prop7ohlonnosti, Kefedre mukonollno4crupyanoro roinyodetva. (WhGaJ NAUMOV. I., Itand.tekhn.wak. v ,ffect of tbp Ai2ration of the moisten!ng process on the yleld and quality of flour and on the opecific onori,7 consumption. Ymk.- elov.provi, 25 no.3:i5-i6 wr '59. (HIM 12:6) 1. 14oakovs ncy tekhnologichaskiy Institut plabehovoy prooWshlennosti. (Grain milling) U1111"V, 1. A., Dr. fucll bci -- (ui,,;:3) 0l ~-, ~'.j jo"lu tra,.~rLe:1 0l, -;r,L-rn 4" ";.e -, Uisit, " wo-,coyip 19bo, 28 pp (~~Ozl 0 " i'VC I. ~ 0 10, i. C.6 I 1 :1-', t, ~tkltt-, Q; 1,1.e I-OOKI III- I> ulin L13 ) (hj,p 121) NAUKGVj, I.A.; MMIOV, L.N. -------- Resistance of wheat kernels to dynamic loads. Izv. M, ucbeb. zav' I pishch. tekh. no.3t7-13 160, (MM 14:8) 1. 14oukovokiy tekhnologichaskil institut pishcheM promynh- lemiosti, Kafedra, maltmol 'no-krupywwgo proizvodeta. (Wheat) XUPRITS, Ya.N.,, prof. doktor tekhn. nauki DEMIDOV, P.G., prof.; DE24IDOV, A.R.0 prof. doktor tekhn. nauk; GINZBURG, H.Y.i.# kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; DROGA11N, !:.V., kand. takhn. nauki NAUMOV, LA.j kands tekhn,, nauki TSLPTSINOVSM , V.M.,, kand, tekhn. nauk; TRUNOV, A.F.; inzh., retsenzent; KI&KAN, L.M., red. [Technology of grain processing; flour, groats and mixed feed Industrisaj Takhnologlia pererabotki zerna; muko- mollnoe, krupianoe i kombikormovoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Kolost 1965. 504 P. (MIRA l8sl2) IIAUMOV., I.p kand.tekim.nauk; MASLOV, 1. Effect of the circumferential speed of the rotation of roLIRra on the grinding of grain and expenditure of power. Muke-eleveprom* 30 no.10-9 Ja '64- 041RA 17:3) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnolagiche3kiy institut p1shcbevoy promyshlennosti (for Naumov). 2. Moskovskiy mellnichnyy kombinat No.3 (for Maslov). ACC NRt AP6030578 SOURCE: UR/0413166/000/016/0058/0058 INVENTOR: Stolyarov, A. K,; Naumov,._I. A. ORGt none TITLE: FerritefLoolator. Class 21, No. 184946 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no* 16t 19660 38 TOPIC TAGSs rectangular wevegulde, circular waveguide, waveguide element, ferrite isolator ABSTRACTI An Author Certificate has been issued for a ferrite isolator (see Pig. 1) designed as a magnetized ferrite element AsymmetrLcally Fig. 1. Ferrite isolator 1 - Rectangular waveguide; 2 - its side wall; 3 - ferrite element; 4 - circular waveguide; 5 - dielectric; 6 - absorbing load. 1/2 UDCs 621.372.853.2 L ACO mR, AP6030578 positioned In a section of a rectangular waveguide. In order to reduce 40f the isolator, the section of the waveguide, which is thi dimensions located direc y1opposite the ferrite element, is coupled through its sidi wall with a section of a circular waveguide filled with a dielec- trf/~, The and of the circular veveguldo is terminated In an absorption to do Origo art* h&sj I figure, (GS) Sul CODZI 09/ SUSH DATEs 26H&y65/ ATD PRESSs 5075 Card ACC NRt AT6022283 SOURCE. CODE:---WOCOO~/b6/000/000/0098/0098 WHOR: Naumov, 1. A. 31tG: none TITIZ: Design theory of phase shifters using rectangular wave guides with toroidal ferrite SOURCE: Vaesoyuznaya sesslya, poevyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektaiya kyantol voy elektroniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 98 TOPIC TAGS: phase shifter, rectangular waveguide, dielectric layer waveguide, ferrite ABSTRACT: Noninterrelated increments in the propagation constant are calculated fcr rectangular waveguides containing a dielectric rod covered by a ferrite cylinder that is magnetized by an azimuthal magnetic field. Results of experiments on phase shift- ers and commutators am presented. The operation of phase shifters at high power lev-~ els was studied. A relationship was established between the transient power and the field components. Phase shifters of this type have speeds on the order of ten nano- seconds. [Abstracter's note: This is essentially the complete text of the artLclel. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: UApr66 Card 1/1 XMMV, I.D. Case of perforation of the wall IntestIne by a bone In a allding femoral kernia. Shirurgiia no,63110 Ja 161. (min 14 Ili) 1. Is khtrurgiaheakogo ot4eleuiya (nay* - K-Pe Bogaaheva) Hinyod-- skoy Corodskoy boltnitsy %gl&My vrach G.IP. Slepkoo. (MM A) (MMTINM--WMWDS AND INJURISS) NAUKOF, I*D,, Inshenmr. ------------ 1-06ft- Precast reinforced concrete at the Hoscow Rxhibition of low Construction Technology. Bet.1 shel.-bet. no.9:126-330 S 156, (KERA 9:10) (Moscow-Construction 1nduotry-WhIbItions) - - - - -7~ -r.. --- --,-- - I - - . -. -MTRY P- I D".- - Two cases of strangulation of the =all Intestine in the loop of the vermifom process, Khirurgila 39 no.10WO-132 0 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Is khirurgicheekogo otdeleniya (zav. M.P. Bagacheva) Ydnvadskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach G.F. Slepko). wl 210) SOV/89-6-4-11/27 AUTHORS: Lbovt A. Aot Naumovi, I. I. TITLE: Radioactivation Analysis by Using Neutrons With an Energy of 14 Kev (Radioaktivatsionnyy analiz a priceneniyem ney- tronov a energlyey 14 Mev) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 464-4TO (USSR) ABSTRACT: 1) a) Thq reaction 016 (n#p)N16 was u3ed for the purpose of determining small quantities of oxygen. The material to be investigated an4 several standarl mixtures are fastened to a rotating disk and IrradiateA for 15 seconds with 14 Mev- neutrons [D(T,n)H04-reactionj . Following this, measurement of activity is begun by means of an end-window counter. In the course of 1.5 minutes, activities are measured every 10 seconds, and by comparing the activities (sample mixtures on the one hand and standard mixtures on the other) it is possible to determine the oxygen content of the sample. In order to obtain equal measuring conditions the samples and the standard mixtures are pressed into tablets of 1 g weight and 21 mm diameter. In the case of a neutron flux of 107 _ 10anlem2.9, a sensitivity of -10.1~ is obtained by this Card 1/3 method. Measuring accuracy amounts to + 10%. b) The second SOV/89-6-4-11/27 Radioactivation Analysis by Using Neutrons With an Energy of 14 Mev possibility of determining oxygen is dhe following: Li6 is built into the samples to be investigated. These samples are irradiateJ in the reactor with a neutron flux of 11 2 -1.3-10 n/cm ,9. The tritons liberated from the reaction L16 (n,a)T act upon 016 and, according to the reaction 016 (Tn): produce the nucleus F18, the activity of which is measured. The sensitivity of this method was determined in dependence on the Li 6_ content ani amounts to between 0.1 to 0.01%. 2) Similar methods were worked out for the purpose of deter- mining silicon and phosphorus; the following reactions were 28 28 31 28 used: Si (npp)AI , P (n,a)AI .The sum activity is measured. Without separating the Al 28 , it Is possible from the ratio of the various reaction cross sections, to determine the up- per limit of the Si- and P-content of the samples. Sensitivity is about 0.01%. 3) In order to determine aulfurg chlorine and phosphorus In organic oom?ounds and graphite, similar methods were developed, and the following reactions were used for Card 2/3 this purpose: SOV/89-6-4-11/27 Radioactivation Analysis by Using Neutrons With an Energy of 14 Mev P31 (n,y)P32 , C135(n, a)p32 . The irradiation of 4 samples and 2 standaid mi-cturea takes 12 to 24 hours (neutron flux 108 to 5-108 n/cm. 2. seo). The exact process of determining P32 in organic compounds is described. The accuracy of P-deter- mination is about 0.01%,. The use of high-inteneity 14 Mev neutron sources such as are today available makes it possible to increpse the sensitivity of determination by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude. Yu. A. Zysin gave valuable advice and also dis- cussed the results obtained. There are 5 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 269 1958 Card 3/3 VOVIKOV, Anatoliy Konstantinovich; KHOLODENKO, Hikhail Izrailevich; NAWOV,.I.I., nauchn. red.; TABUNINA, M.A.p red.izd-va; EVA,_P.V., tekhn. red.1 PAVLOVA, V.D., tekhn. red. [Organization of assembly-line high-speed construction at tho )7th section of the Southwest District in Moscow; practices of the Apartment Houve Combine of the Main Division for Honsing and Civilian Construction in the City of Moscow] Orgwdmteiia potochno-skorostnoi zastroiki 37-go kvartala, lUgo-Zapadnogo raicna Moakvy; It opyta. ra- boty domostroltellnogo kombinata Glavmoostroia. Moskvao Stroilzdatj 1964- 47 p. (MIRA 170) NUSS, Pavel Aleksandrovich; YAMPOLISKIY, Aron Naumovich;,VAUMOV, I.I.9,nauchn. red.; DOGINA, S.L., red.; DOROVNEV, L.K., iAh~. red. (Savings materials at construction siton] Ekonomila ma- terialov na stroikakh. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 115 P. (MIRA 17:3) GINUURG, Shmillk Molseyevich; NAULOV, I.I., red. (Elconomlcs of large-panel house construction; practice of the housing construction combines of the Main ConstructJon Administration of the City of Kiev and the Main Construc- tion Administration of the City of Leningrad] Ekonomika krupnopanellnogo domostrooniia; opyt doffostroitellnykh kombi- m tov Glavkievgorstroia i Glavleningradstroia. Moskva, ,:,Lrolizdat, 1965. 69 p. 18.4,1 VAUKOV, I.K., lash. InvestI&Lting the relation between deepening and that of advancing the sav.; gor.shur. no.10:28-31 '58. the rate of excavation front. Izv.vysouchebo (KLM 12: 8) 1. Hookovskly gornyy inatitut. (strip mining) NAMOV, L K. Cend Tech Sol -- (dins) *Utilization of the front of baring operations In open pits.* Mae, 1959. 20 pp, (Min of Higher and Sooondary Specialized Oducation RSFSR. Nos Mining Inst im 1. V. Stalin), 150 copies (KL,, 50-59, 127) -38- 0.-- NAfmnv ir- v 9 gorgwy Ushe Stfoat of the IwA arA tho lfn&& Of bloCks 012 thle tudlc*o of a CGIVIOU W01*189 Of tb~ �dA9 f&CO, Manche troW 01 no#26:129-149 159..lo. (Nblad onglawing) (XIU 13: U) RAUMOV, I.K., kand.takhn.nauk Width of the jud in a system of working with contAnuous transfer of the 4"rburden. Rauch. trudy MGI no-36s53-58 161. Determining the position of the transfer point within the working area, Ibid. s896-93 (MIRA 170) kand. tekhn. nauk; DOBROVOLISKIY, L.A., gornyy Inzhener; CHAYANOV, VeA., gornyy inzhener Problems in the over-all automatic control of an open-pit mine, Rauch. trudy Moak. inst. radioelek. i gor. elektromekh. no.46t 24-29 162, (MIRA 171l) RAW SWV , Yurly Svyato9lavovichj NAUMOV ptantinovichl.. SWKHOVq A.U.j, kwA. teil~ etsenz.ent; Aftit I.G.,, gorn. insh., retoenzent; LYUBIMOVA, N.G., redAzd- va; ILOINSKUAp G.H.0 takhn. red,; DOLDYREVA, Z.A.0 takhn. rod. (Safety measures for workers in open-pit mining) Tekbnike bezopasnosti dlia rabochikh) postupaiuohchikh na karlery. Moskva, Goagortekhizdat, 1963. 1.02 p. (KIRA 17sl) PP- mg v M d vj 1, 14. SUKHMV. U.N.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; gornyy inshentr. Determining the spacing of charges in surface blasting operations. Nektt.trud.rab.8 no.1:24-25 Ja-F 054. (KLRA 7:2) (Blasting) "Uma, L IL formtlea 14 QM*r p*Us of &a Interest In InaustrIal occupatlame. 96*0 SmP* SWCO-doele - lswt. POYWWI. U:176-10 139. (PDA 13 111) 1. lustitut polkhol"ll 11yew. (industrr, and educatloc) Inte"sts) j KOKOW, Aleksandr * fferguyevioh. Inah. t _44MAorl 11kolayevich, L~zh,; VUMXWAMV. red.; ]MINA. G.A.. red.: RAKOW, S.I.,; RM. A.k. tobnored. [Samel for beginnIng coil winders] "vochnik molodogo abmtohlkm slaktriahooklkh mehin. Moskva. Tses.uchebuo-pedagog. Isd-vc, ]Proftakhlsdat, 190. 386 V. (MIRA 14:4) (2140tria "Ohinery--vindings) KOKO?ZV, Aleks8ndr Sorve7pvlch, 'Inzh.; NAIUMOV, lZorl Iiikolayevich, inzh.; KLOKOV, nau,~ft:.. red.; Sl L I VFS7:'OVIC!:, G.A., red. [Handbook for boginning alectricel machinery winding ropairipen] Spravocitnik molo(iogo omotchika olcktriche- skikh mashin. lzd.2., I-spr. I dop. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 196".. 39-) p. (MTRA 18: 1) MAUMOV, 1.0. D.H.Sintsovts atuilas on the th,-ory of' ncninexes nrid thAr timn t.,~) the theory of differontial equations. Ist.-mat. zbIr. 308-74 162, (141RA 16:10) CFMWAX., NAh,- ZDMOV, I.V.,, NAUMOV, I.S#;SHUIZV. 1.P.; VZSTZROV. L.Ye. STISPANOV, P.I. -....... wom Improve and dovelop com=nlcation facilities in the economic regions. Vest.sviazi 17 no.8:15-18 Ag '57- tMIRA 1:0:10) l.Rachallnik otdola alektroavyazi Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya (for Chernyak). - Nachallnik Sverdlovskogo telegrsfe, (for Zemeroy) 3.Uachallnik Sverdlovskoy mezhdugorodnoy telefonnoy stantaii (for Klebanov). 44amestitell nachallnika Sverdlovskogo upraylaniya ovyazi (for Naumov). 5.Nachallnik olAilAL pqchtovoy "VY&ZI Sverdlovskogo upri-vli-niya avyazl (for Shmelev). 6.Nachaltnik Sverdlovskoy direktail radiotranslyateionnykh setey (for Metterdy). 7.1fachalOnik Ordshonikidzevskoy kontory evyasi g. Sverdlovska (for Stepanov). . - (Sverdlovsk--Telecommunication--Congresses) UUWV. Iran Warfoloseyovich; TOWASOV. Lev Alsksaadrovich.- OGULMY, A.Ae. KRITROT, P.A., takhatchookly rotmMor. [Annual overhauling of freight care at the depot In 4 houn; work practice of the Iwoy depot of the Main Iwov Ratiroat] Godovoi ro- ne*% grusovykh vagonow v depo am, 4 chasa; opyt raboty vagamsega depo L'vov Glavoyl i'vovskoi dorogi. Moskva, Goo.tromep. shol-dor Isd-vo, 1956. 24 p. (KLRA 915.) (Railroads--Yroight cars--Maintenance and repair) LARtH. T.T.; DMATIIH. V.P.; KRIVOSHVLY, V.No; U I - CR&LYKH. Yo.I.; SILIKHOVA, T.A., InzheneF.Ta-&iktor; KRITHOT, P.A.. tekhnichaskly redaktor. [Semloss rolled wheels for railroad care] TgellnoWanare sholeanodoroshrWe kolesa. Koskva. Gom.trans. zhel-d3r.Iz&-vo. 1956. 187 p. (Koscow. Vossolusart nauchno-Issledovat9l'skit institut zheleznodoroshnogo transporta. Trudy, no.IZ4). (KW gal) (Wheels) -- I.J& kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk,: (RMKOV, V.N., Inshener. om~ -If L10twelght pairs of wheels for higher speeds. Vest. TSVII MPS 15 no.4:32-34 D 156. (KLRA 10:2) (Car wheels) VINWRADOT. Georgly Petrovich; (IUDKOTq Vadim 111kolayevich: NAMOT Ivaa Tarfolomrsaj IL.- MSWANADZB. T.B.. kandIdat te;~ Cumestigation of the strength of parts for railroad car w"616] Iselisdovanis prochnosti slematov vagonalkh koleeuykb par. Wookwa, 1957. 74 P. (Koskvi. Teseolussyl mauckno-Iselsdovatel'skii lastitut sbelesnadoroshnogo trauspartai TrW B6.132). WIA 10*6) 1. Direktor ftempmnogo nauchno-Issle4ovatel'skago Instituta sholesnodoroshucCo transporta (for Ivanow). (Car axis@) ~ NAUKOV, I.T-.-kmnd.tekhn.v&uk; OUDKOT, W.N.. insh. Vays to reduce the weight of railroad car wheels. Yest.TSNII WS 18 no.6:16-19 5 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Car wheels) LAMN, T.T., doktor tekhnnauk; VAUKOT, I.T., icand.tekbn.neuk Light duty seamless rolled wheels, Yest.TSNII RPS 19 no.4:54-55 160. (MM 13$7) (Car wheels) NIUKOV, I.V, kand,tekhnonauk Use of expanding vheel pairs in international railroad transportaticn. Illek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.4142-44 Ap 163. (MIRA 160) (Railroads-Rolling stock) A x/04, PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 346 Naumov, Ivan Zakharovich Plasticheakiye massy I Ikh promyshlenroye primeniye (Plastics and Their Industrial Use) Moscow, Trudrezervizdat, 1956. 44 p. (Novaya tekhnika I peredovy-ye metody truda (10,000 copies printed. Ed: Serebrennikova, L.A.; Tech. Ed.: Kuz'mIn, D-G.; Scientific Ed.: Berkengeym, D.G. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for Industrial training specialists and teachers and students In trade and technical schools who are specializing In various phases of machine building. It will also be useful to readers who wish to acquaint themselves with the manufacturing of plastic products. COVFRAGE: This booklet gives Information on the use of plastics In ,different phases of machine building. Properties of plastics and methods of manufacutring various plastic products are discuesed. The author presents information on hydraulic presses used in manufacturing plastic products and briefly describes Ce Plastics and Their Industrial Use 346 designs of compression molding presses. There are 10 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: introduction 3 Basic Types of Plastics 5 The Concept of plastics 5 Plastics based on synthetic resins 5 Plastics based on cellulose esters 10 Silicon-organic resins 12 Laminated plastics 14 New types of plastics 16 Hydraulic presses 20 Card 2/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4790 Krysin, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich, and Ivan Zakharovich Naumov Slosarno-karkasnyye raboty v radiotekhnicheskoy promyshlennosti. (Bench Work on Chassis In the Radio Industry) Moscow, Gosenergolzdat, 1960. 301 p. 8,000 copies printed. Ed.: S.Z. Neyahtadt; Tech. Ed.: G.Ye. Larionov. PURPOSEt This book is intended for 4th- to 7th-class workers doing bench work on radio chasoisy and for graduates of secondary schools doing bench work. It can also serve as a manual for foremen and technical personnel in shops engaged in this type of work. COVERAGEs The authors discuss the bench work done on radio chassis at establish- ments of the radio industry. The book Is based on the program for the Indivi- dual or group training of chassis bench workers. The following are briefly discussed: fundamentals of mechanical drawing, fundamentals of physical metal- lurgy, bench working, and the equipment used In the shops. The manufacture of chwais reflectors and various types of cases and cabineto In described. No personalities are mentioned. There are 26 references, all Soviet. SOLODKINA, Telena KirlUovm; WPOVOK, B. N., retmenzent; NAUHDV 9 A 0 teHini. retsenzent; RYARTSEVAp I.L.0 red.; URBOVSKAYA K.P.: red. [oblique bending. RecentrWIension iand empressionlKosoi is- gib. ftetsentrennoe rastiazhenis I ashatie. Moskva, Moak. aviatsionnyi in-t in. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 1962. 24 p. (KIRA 16-.4) (Beans and girdeft) NAUMOV, K.A.; KRELEV, V.F., doktor toklin. nauk prof., red. ........ .. (Strength of materials; manual for the course on "Techn!- cal m6chanics, Part I" for studentB specializing in "Radio engineerIng" and "Design and construction of radlin equipment"] Soprotivlenle mntorialov; uchebroc posoole po kurou "Tekhnichookaia mckhartika" chast' I dlin studentov opetsiallnostei "itadiotakhaika" I "Konstruirovnnie i pro- izvodntvo radioelektronnol apparritury". Izd.2., perer. Moqkvn, Vses. zaochr*ri energ. in-t, 1965. 3F9 p. W IhA 19: 1) : IJ38R Ry : Gulti"tod, FlAnts. Grains Legman. Trepiaztl CarvjAlm. APS. JOUR. : RZhPiol.j 00. 3, 1959, r-o. 10926 AM"M TITLE I Corn aj4 t-he Leading FivWer Grop In Dolorussian S.11K. ORIO. PUB. Zr. Belot-jask. S.-V-h. aW., 19570 23, No. 2, 51-59. 71 1~ C T It wa5 Arind Az the &EP61-iments that o0ni for silage oacu- piso thi first plna3 1v oovp&rison with the c-utflower and "Lil-der cabbaes. Oz saudy loo-Tail vW1 s"y soils which oonk.- VrL3e 2/3 of BaloruAsian WR the sunflower mown for ai-1- age sufferr fma noicturis nefloinaqv at the begiwtiug nf grvw~2t. Corn does nuoh bet-ter on auch soils and Producas more Vven roughage. On r-j-s!%1;wd petit bogs, oori suo- osads better thsz zurflowo)r wh-lch h-gs Po,'Aaaj.,.= doficionayl and wi*s tip to %1v&ntage UA excess moisture. MP utili- sation of corn 6a a fodder arop for grain feed arm] for the grs-,,Dn roughage for silap is possible with the preaerve- CARD: 1/2 CAT ~f- ~ PY !ABS, IOUR* 10hKol., !1-,. ]L959, IrJCJ26 11.1 7 7 T I TLE ORI r.. A BSTT' CT CARD: 2/2 tion of a deftaite blotype of It to need groving, nmmlp cia capablo of pusing thnugh the TornaliMftti.On 3t&g* a-ool weather and having moderate requireaunts for Shot- de.y at the "oon4 light stoLge. It is reaotxwAad to Ule hybrid se*ds. For this [ALrposs, it is suffloiont to grow the late maturing parents (a tdotype of a short day) in pdat-humus cub*-ahaped 5looka, and the earlv mAturing p&mnts (a biotype of oool vernslization) - in the gound. 0. A. Gorbunova -.38- -IM1THICEEMOp S.S., kdnd. tekhn. nauk; STARIKOV, V.14., Insh.; VIGIMCH3, VA, kwW. tekhn. naukj MAU,4DV_,, K,M.V inzh, Effoot of the traveling anned of the D-T-75 tractor on the struneea in suspension systems. Trakt, i sellkhozzash. no.80-? Ag 16% (MIRA 18110) 1. Gosudarstvannyy soyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy trcktornyy institut (for DmitriahenkoI Starikow). 2. Orenburgakiy aell- skokhozyayatvenn" institut (for Vlgdorahik, Maumcv). umov, &J. Valvers&I &ray ond fluorognphic unit. fosterent, I red. =o,6-.77-82 '53. (WM 7S1) 1. In Ohmsoy-Tarokoy bolluitay (glotvW Yrach I.F.Sseenikhtna) Artommkogo myma Stelftakoy obUstj. (It me-Agwatus and supplion) (AutiogroplW) fe7-LV_ r -_ - .V A W'113RTY,edietne rluorograptW Card 1/1 Pub 132 8/22 -7D-696 Author Naumovp L. B. and Tayprlnskiy, M. B. Title le o~ffluorograpby in X-ray diagnosis of silicosis of workers in fireclay factories Periodical Vest. Rent. i Rad. 41-45, May/June 1954 'Abstract Fluorography is an excellent means of checking for silicosis workers employed where there is much dust. One table. Seven references. Institution Chasov-Yarskiy Ilospital, Stalinskaya Oblast (Read Physician - N. P. Bemenikhina), and Stalinskaya Oblast Roentgenological Station (Director M. B. Tsyprinskiy) Submitted UUKOT, T,.B. Universal X-ray and fluorographlo unite Top.p1t,23 no,1:77-02 At-F 054. (UM 7SO 1. In Ch"ov-Tarskoy bolInItsy (glavnyy wasch NP.Se n1kh1m) Artemovskogo rayons Stallukoy oblastl. CK mrs--Apparatue and supplies) (adlography) ~'k ~AD X-1" B. "Fluorography &3 a Yethod of Roentgen Diagnosis of Trswutic Injuries of the long Bones.* Cand Med Scl, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Min H*a1th USSR, Moscov, 1935. M, No 10. Mar 55) 50% Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55--Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher 3ducational Institutions (15) tj L. B- -AW-1 --l. - "Possibilities of nuorography of Bones in the Case of Ows TmumL ,n Voyenno-Ked. Zhur., No. 11, P. 36,1955. USSR / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Patho- S-2 logical). Methods and Apparatus. Abs Xoux: Ref Zhur-Biole,, No 17, 11958, 78,989. Author Naumov. L*-Ib- Inst Title Some Problems of the Theory of Fluorography. Orig Pub: Zhe nauohn. i prikl. fotogr. i kinematogr., 1956, 1, No 6, 439-445. Abstract: On the basis of data and literature in the special calculations, the author considers that the basic criterion of the large frame fluorogram, (F) should be considered the scale of the reduct!on and not the measure of the frame. F with a meEsurement of 80 X 60, 70 X 70 and 80 X 80 mm, with scales of reduction of 1:5.8; 1:4.9; 1:4.3 reaptiotively, Card 1/2 5 MAUKOV, L. B. - 1(0110ZOV, if. if. Cancer of the stor-Ach herniating into a postoperative hernia. Top.onk. 4 no.2:224-225 '58. (141RA 12:8) 1. Ix Kagnitogorskogo onkologicheakogo di"naers (glavnyy varch - O.G.Ibidenko) Adroo Ilaimova: g.Ufa. ul.Dosto7evokogo. d.123, Institut gigiyeny i profzabolevanty. (SMUCH I&AWUMS. case report cancer in a stomach herniating into a postop. abdots. hernia. surg. & recover7 (Hue)) (IMMIA. VIRITIU. case report same) KAUNT, L.~*-.kand.xed.nauk, BRODSIaT. O,B, Deformation of the esopbagus to cirrhosis of the liver*' Trach.delo u0*79731 J1158 (KMA 11:9) 1 WrIvoroshokly nauchno-iseledovatellskly InstItut gigiyerq t" I profes stoma I zWI& sabolevanty I Oblastnaya klinicheakWa sintsbolluttsa; liSrMOUS-ABNORMITIRS AID MWaMTIZS) nAR-CIMMOSIS) R VAUKOV, LoBs. knnd.ned.nauk Alued branchofluorogrnphye, I rnde 11 no*3:82-84 Ybr-je 159 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is.rentgenologicheakogo, otdolentya (savo knndsmednauk L,Be Mmumov) Urleskogo nmuchno-Imeledovatellskogo lastituta gigly~Y7 truds I T)rofsabole- vanty (dire knnd.sed.nouk N.D. Rosumorskly). (BRONCHI. radiography aimed fluorogrnphy (Rus)) YAUKOT, L B kwdevted.n%uk A method for the X-ray study of the pulmonary roots. Trach. dolo no.2:161-164 F '59. (KLM 12:6) 1, Krivoroxhakiy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut gtgiyeny truda t professionallnykh sabolevanty. (LUROS--RADIOGRA M ) VAUMOV L B (ftivoy Rog) X-rvy examirAtion, of pulmonary Viderosis in workers engnged in tho production of redocher. Gig, truda i prof. zab. 4 no,11:54,-57 N' 160, (MIM 15:3) 1. Nauchno-tssledofttellskiy institut gigiyeny truda I professionallnykh zfbolevaniy. (LUNGS-DUST DISEASEZS) (LUIIG3-F(JIDIOGRkFHY) (OCHM-bYGIENIC ASPECTS) NAUMTO L.B. storshly namohzWy sotrudalk (Am-Ata,, 23, al, Reohnays, I a.;;~ Interpretation of x-ray pictures of the lungs. rad. 35 no.103-39 -Ta-F 160. (Kim 13:6) 1. Is &Ivorothakago muchno-issledovatollaltogo lutltuta gigl- yony trada I profsabolevanly (dir, - Imud.sed.nank 14.1, Ste- shenebwa). (TAM rmAlogr. ) (---. NAUMV. Sam comments on the nomenclature of the segmented structure of the ironchi mid lungs. Probl. tub. 38 no. 5&29-33 160. (MIRA 14:1) . (LUWS) (hRONCHI) NAUMOV, L. B., Dr. Media. Sai. (dies) "Diagnosis of Sillaosis and Silloo-tuberoulosistO Tomsk, 1961, 32 pp. (Tomsk Medic. Inst.) 303 coplee (KL Supp 12-61, 282). SLINCHENKO,, N.Z., nauchnyy sotrudnik; HAUMOVp L.B.v starshiy nauchnyy gotru&lik; MYROVA, N.V., kand-khIm ~ne-swtkff--nsuk Anatomical basis of the X-ray picture in iron ore pneumcconiosis. Vest, rent. i rad. 36 no.5s57-60 8-0 161. (141RA 15:1) (LUNGS-DIST DISEASES) (HADIOGWHY) L 052h2-67 D" %'d)/9dP(1) IJP(e-) GG/BB/JY.T (BF) ACC Nih AR6020534 SOURCE CODE: UR/Q372/66/QQ0/00l/G032/G032 AUTUOR: -Kamakiy, D. &I.; Naumov, L. B.; .981OV9 V, L. TITLE: The 9verdlovsk-1 (OM-S-1) teaching machine SOURCE: Ref zh. Kibern, Abs. IG221 REF SOURCE: Sb. Obuchayushchiye mashiny ~verdl. ped. in-ta I ikh primenenlye. 1965, 57-65 TOPIC TAGS: teaching machine, programmed teaching, automatIc machine teaching, linear programming/Sverdlovsk-1 (OM-8-4. teaching machine W ABSTRACT: The OM-8- hing machine is a desk-model electronic device designed for Independent learning of programmed teaching material by the student. 7be device operates In the regime of self-checking, training and prcgrammed interrogation. In its principle of operv tion and flowchart the OM-8-1 belongs in the class of teaching machines with a closed cycle of instruction, operating on the basis of a linear program with the sampling method of ineertion of the student's answers and with indication of correct and incorrect answers by means of light signals. The device differs from the existing machines with linear teaching programs In that it is designed to teach the solution of any problems requiring a definite sequence of logic L o5242-67 ~ed -M-C-A109-6-04 0 operations and involves feedback not only when receiving the final result but also during every stage of solution of a problem. TUs design variant of the OM-8-1 is designed for the programmed teaching of roentgenodiagnosis to medical students, but in principle the machine may also be used to teach any other subject that is elaborated in the form of a teaching algorithm and correspondingly programmed. The learner is presented with a x-ray photo- graph of a patient, a punch card corresponding to that photograph and a program card. Duriq each stage of solution of the problem presented to the learner, he must find the only correct position of the switch on the machine's panel. A detailed schematic diagram of the device is providecL V. S. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 06, .09 2/2 I V .r. f onn -cf ttve !'lit uac of is I:- cr thin '~. I r, - li." " -; LQI -.- ~C_ dcoalls of tho we dlilinsillsillrAl, V;N% lm~nnl g-a_-, -_j uir ~nt_ eye gbuW bacondde-red u~ Ln !Ar$-Aiw_- M tl,.c h;)~iq or ibf, Criterion Ora larp-tUt Iftiolot-TAM it tx t~_-ua to tak,, tjoi ;)jt~ tm t~I_- d--tte of Tr_ -MEN= v RANDY, L.V. The KSP-2.? read mowers. Btul.tekho-ekon.inforu. no.11:66-67 ' 58, (MIRA 11:12) (Mowing machines) i V XAMVV M If your nam to Rmsomal, Grashd. av. 22 n,0.5sl4 Vq 065. (laRA 180) 1. Vneshtatnyy korrespondent shurnala '#Grashdaukeya aviatsiyaw. KIM# Tu.Kh.; LUKIYMOVq I.A.; YAZYDZHAN, I.N.9 sadoyod; SULIMEMA, Ye.M., 00 starshiy tetrhni ; ZHIL ITSOVp MI. Iv starshiy master; KUMOMMAs P*G. o Insh.-takhnolop AVISKOVv A.T.0 pirmetrist; BELUKOT9 I.P.9 b-1419- shchikj,.~*~ I shchik IAt us oreate winter gardens in industrial plants with high temperatures. Moray's 6 no.10832 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Hookovskiy savod shItfovallaykh stankov. 2. G:Lavnyy mt&Uurg Hookovskago sayoda shlifovalfnykh stankov (for Kim). 3. Zaveduyushchly -.,PWib6ftMoskovskogo savoda shlifovalInykh stw*ov (for Luktrwov). (GRMNHOUSES) DUF~,'L;T 7-,0V, A. G. Yu - CC ti,,. f, rixr, c ILI ti.A:L,!! JJAW'Ovt M. I. Khinellskie pokhody fhe Khinell expeditions_7. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 195). 388 P. 3(); j4pplhly Ugt- o -Russian Acoessions Vol. 6 No. 9 Deoember 1953 PASULOIDO 1.1.1 NAMOV# N.I. Abdom PUY graftom pksoo~a In Tmolamstua od several w, o"Sums for coutroUlng theme G"o eldr, noo7tUAo-110 16)o (KMA 17,12) TYAZWUMs Todis Innakentlyevich; SATZLIYFY. A.G.. rettlenzant-, MAUXOT. -x%tseazont; LI, W.V. o retsenzent; KiSHMT. 1.F., zvtsizk,;;-- Zen WhIONIKIT, I.I., Cornyy Insh., reteenzent; KUDKUSKOV, V.A.. doteent, retsentont; Pll%=O,, N.Pv* red.; SOROKIN, T.I. [Working a deposit by open-pit mining in the wintertlmel Rax- rabotka mestoroshdonli otkrvtym a-posobas v simii period. Ir- kutsk, Irkat4koe knishnoe ftd-vo. 1938. 127 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Gornorudnyy kombinat Irkmtskogo amnarkhoze (for Savallyov. lbumv. Ll, Washukoir. Hyakonlkikh, Endryashov) (Strip mining--Cold weather conditions) SRI lot 9 Ell .4 it'n 3 V 14. Ad, - i - .1p ov Ipt"I.. N 'A 'g~R% 2..j M..'00r, VIA,, gi I c". 1 42 V-31is~ ell "NO -1 rl g j 91 9 1i ; 4G, Vol TIM T'M'"Wo 1*16, Ink-: SAOMY, X.C., lath* I uSHArol, V.I., I"S6 Newts amtreLled coOrdl"ation device for static bloulw& throogt prof Iloo of blades. CbmOl Us no.61Wo-470 l6o. (xnA IL3:12) OWalues-4orodynenties) (Blectris InOr "to) 44571; IT4 Wil* - 7 WOO 1 Oed -00 i wei Aw vnft lW4 M-4, TI-b- 41" abd*p cbm, 4y)~ g N Vavmw g0,@ ' ! .. . '_. s in Aws i K-.. (1841 t -Tow cassaumm Ow l1w wt(i% 94 ftM W aaW ps sapp4y nod mismagi " W , r c U ..m see CtAmm""Is woo INN aftsol as iii Igo 46 000004000000*40*090 Me * 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 00 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0600 04 0 - *sun low 0244, a.- & - , , 0 0 -6 ~ ',A 00 v..A- A-M-AL- A 00. 00 -*a 000 009 000 %'&tmsv hvmdlq"t. moo aper. 109. 96 it 94d ft %4W Aeum. 0 111 OW 004 00 8 004 see 004 see 00 see 00's goo 00 to 406 son GIs* 000 moo 400 gof, we moo 01444"W44 LIT-96 low (tatwMalo" moo 'a - goo. f"44f see Od"" 'Jam. 0 0 NAIYMOV9 M. M. Sak. 1247 W, I *a "Ca WRO I mda a of Want am In de;k Th; first, t*,x*-fi holds 27 ca", the on t is 32,400 brick0m. firing taklogZhr.; ee top bur"is are placed! I m., mW 10 side barriers at 3 w. (cam Ul, 0 in the ffiring toun there ate 4 staggered fans. At the fftAing end along me; by Mee$ pipes theid Are cam- blood with t*o Wlettm womted *1th k% %Ck. 1, the coolitig vorw (30 m.) them ate; at a distance of 9 m. froid the firing souls, Iwo large cojilefs (I each side) through which the cooling air, now hot. b wet by fans Into the dryfog plant. Aloog the, last 12 tn. of thi kiln there ire 4 larp Inlets for the cootirig air. wi;ldi is blown In by (an. A great number of burners and parts and the presence of mixing fAns facilitate the regulation of the firinK schedule end renders the temp. 010" tile tale 8'OOU of th kiln uniform. The next kiln described Irl fired with natural g (C. In order to lower the combustion temp. the gas Is mixed with re- circulating flue ga" before It entets th-3 kiln. it is supposed thAt the addition of the" flue gavs. by lowering tile activity of the natural v. Improve* the uniformit of the firing temp., which does not excecd 1,000* C.' 79.2 main characteristic at this kiln distinguishing It from other types is a wide application of iecirculating p"9 2A 0 L/ p I-ImOVI vi M. Vrickmaking Burning bricks with fuel worked into the raw material at rormin.q. Aek. I ker. 9, No. 3, 1952. 0- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November- 1951, Uncl. SAMM. N-N-: MUMCX- N-O-- rodaktor; GMVICII, R.N., neuchW mmam, T-.I., redator. Owmal *"as for brialmsideg] 21mmuellayw pmU kirplaMel pra- 4sUemostl. Nadma, Gos. Is&-vo lit-ry po strait. usterialer. 1953. 150 ' (N=A ?s?) (Kling NAUMOVO M. M. NAUKOV,, M. M.t "The problem of firing bricks and other structural- ceramde articles in electric furnaces". Moscow,, 1955- Min Construction Materials Industry USSR. All-Union Sci Ron Inst of C11asa. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of TECHNICAL Sciences) Sot Knishnaya LstopisO No. 5'1,, 10 December 1955 NMXOT, Yokota Hatva3relvIch OT, X.I., nauchnJ7 rsd-: GLIZAROVA. I.L., k. . ~.t a 0'. tOrSUr-, 9 . tekhn. red. (Kochaulma draft equipmnt for rotary furnaoss and dryorml Tlagovp ustrolstm kolltsevykh pechel. I su&llok. Koekft, Goo, Isd-vo lit-ry po stroll., arkhtt. I strolt. =torl". L958. 102 p. (Xechanical draft) (rurnaces) (Drying apparatue) (NBA 11191 1 GAK, B.N., kand.takhn, nauk; GERVIDS, I.A., kand. takhn. nauk; GGKCHAR,, P.D.,, lash.; VASILIKOVO S.G.0 kand. tekhn. nauk; TEVNEVICH, AA, kand. takhn.nauk; KIPTEW, A.K., inzh.; LUNDINA, M.G., kand. tokhn.nauk; NAUMV. H.Ms_kand. tekhn. stauk; PATRIK, S.A., lnzh.; POPOVO L.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; W-GOVOY, R.I., inzh.; SEDOV, V.G., Insh.; SOKOWV, U.B., inzh.; FRANCHUK, K.O., Inzh.; KRAYKIN, V.Ya., inzh., nauchnyy red.; CHISUNOVSKIY, N.G., Inzh., nduchnyy red.; NOKHRATYAN, K.A., red. (deceased); GUZMAN , M.A., re4 OURVICHO E.A., red.; BOFUVIIEV, N.K., tekhn. red. (Handbook on the production of structural cat-amicalSpravochnik po proizvodstvu stroltellnoi keramiki. 146skva, GoostrolIzdat, V61.3.[Wall and rooring cerexicalStenoveia i krovelInnia kera- mika. Pod red. M.M.Nauzova i K.A.Nokhratiana. 1962. 699 p. (MIRA 16;1) (Ceramics) (Building materials industry) IIAUMOV, M,.M. Dependance of the rate of drying ceramic products on their relative elongation by stretching. Stek. i ker. 19 no-3:19-22 Mr '62. (M.LRA 15: 3) (Ceramics)