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,-,MSTAr-.N" SAML.I.; WHMM-ANAGNST-B.B. Daltivation of mouse Jhrlich ascites carcinom in chick embryo. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol..Bucur. 11 no.2:257-261 '6o. I.Comanicare presentata IAL Inatitutul (le inframicrobiologle al Academlei R.P.I. in sedinta din 2 noienbrie 1959. (=WrASNS exner. ) NASTAR.JW FUMM-ANAMOSTE, B.; SARATKOU, D. IV,* Investigations concerning the action of certain viruses an Ehrlich ascitle carcinow in sloe. III. The action Of Mne post, fovl pez and sheep pox vlrusss. Paw. sci. mod. 6 no.,/2:77-79 161. (NWPL&SMS experimental) (VIRUSES) I[ICOUUt St. S.; SARATEANU, D.; -NASTAC, E.; OPRESCU, Z.; FUHRER-ANAGNOSTS, B.p NUI, C. T. A study an active antiernithomis immization in the vhite mouse. Rrw. sei. mod. 6 no.1/2tBI414 161. 1. YAMber of the AosdeW of the R.P.R. (for Njoelau). (QMTROBIS imanology) SARAMM, 9,; IUSTAGt-L,~- FUERER-MAGNOSTZ, B.; SOHDDOC, G.; SURDAN, C.; LIMIMCLAMMU, 1. lasldmm of anti-cultboxis antibW1140 in workers of the S00t0chRical deparbmt. Nev. act. md. 6 no.1/2tlO5-108 161. 46 OSIS immmolma) OCCUPATIONAL KAMM) 0,; irumm ACNOBU Be; SUMM, C.; NASrAC, S. j ""TzAwhw=vv a Z.; =ter Mitarboin von MA, D.; WWI, Me; I amp Ale SWOWMI InvestIgations of the prannos of anti-ernitbools antl- bodfts In "m mmm&U, I". sal. md. 6 no.2/28109-122 161. ammoors I~oloff) CATTLE diesmies) smw a 8) i NASTAC, E.; ANAGNOSTIE, B.; TkRCHIIA, D. Ejqvrimental irrvedtigations in human lcuIcamia. I. Atte;3pta at trann-Jasion to the hybrid vhite mouse. Rev. sci. mad. 6 no.3114: 173-175 161. (LEUUJUA experimental) NASTAC, E.; ANAGNOSTE, B. Ekporimental investigations in =wine leukemia. 1. TransmisSibCle encePWOPathY in guinea pigs and ribbits b7 the inoculation of loukudc Product from Agm nice. Rev. sci. med. 6 no.3/4:177-179 061. (LEUKE-MU mcperisental) (MENIIIOGENCEPHALITIS experimenta2) BALKLIS , G.; USTAC v E. The action of a chelating agent- calcium disodium tetraacetate - an the evolution of Guerin's carcln- T-8 in the rat. Stud. cereet. Infrandcrobial. Ducur. 3.1 no.4,s 571-5W 161. 1. Comimicaro presentata la Institutul do infrarrdcrobiologie al Aceded i R.P.R. (BUTHAHIL pharmacology) (GARCINCMA experimental) NaTACI B.; FUHRh&.ANAGNOSTt;, B. The results of the investigations in the field of oncolysis produced slorobiol. 12:107-117 '61. (REOPLASI-5 experimental) of the Institute of Inframicrobiology by viruses. Stud. cercet. infm- (VIRMES) NA!7TA,-, '"'Isabeta I ~--- 1, Viral e,~irj2ou nf hnu:nm --P. ?he lig'-,-'. I Lhi -'qte-s-- researcL.h. Microblologia (ELr-ur.,) I Z--kg 164 1. Lucrare efectuata Ir. ce al kuadenl-el Ropkib.I.I~'.f. ?cpida:e Roui~LM-,,. NASTAC, E.; FUHRE3-AKAGNOSTE, B.; SARATEANIJ, D. Action of cortain virusen upon 0-14ch's ascitic carcimms in nice. III* Viruses of swine plague, fowl post and mhoop peme Studii ewe inframierobiol. Special issue-supplement to 12:275-2" 161. 1. Instituftl do inframicrohlologle &I Acadmdoi R.P.Ra 2o Nmbra &I Comitetulm' do rodactio, OStudii si corcetari de infraularobio- logieg (for Samteanu). (VIRUS DISMES) (TUNDES) NICOIAUO St, S.8 seadq SARATUMO D.1 FAOTAC, Esj OPRESCU9 9.1 FUMWJIP~)STEO DO; FUIV CO-1-0 Active entlornithotio Immmisation In white mice. SUdii care infrab- adereblel, Special Issue-supploment to 12:315-322 161, 1, bwtitutul do infrunicroblologio &I Academisi R.Po& 2. Mmbru &I Coml4otubd do rodaotio si redactor res -- -- --- Studii al oom*tarl do InframicrobiologieR (for St. S. licolau) 3 ~*~ al Camiteftlut do rodactit, *Studil si coreetari do infranic;obiologiog (for sarateam) 0 (MWTHOSIS) (IMWTY) SARATUNt D,; SORODOC9 Go; FUHREPANAGNOSTF., Be; SURDAN.. C.; HASTAC, E.; LMBVEI.OFR=u# Be; DUMA,, Do; M&RTA, Nei ROXLN,, AI-.- Serologle studies an the incidence rate of ornithotic antibodies In same mumlso StucM corc Lnfrwdcrobiol special issue-nqMlemut to 120219-334 061, 1. lutitutul, do InfrmicrobLologis al Academisi R.F.R. (for Saratomm, Sorodoc.. Fabror-Amagumts', Surdam, Nastac and Ussievici-Oprescu). 2o laborstond regional votorimar Oradea Ifor Dum and Ibrta), 3. G.A.S. (Gospodarle Agricola do Stat) Rosia (for Romn), 4, Nuftu al Cgidto- talmi do rodactle., *Studii 9i cercetari do inframicrobiologiou (for Sarateam). (ORNITROSIS) (ANTIGM AND ANTIBMISS) SARATZANUO V.jJVTAC. let YUKUPP-AMAGROST19 9*; SORODOC, G.1 SURDANI, C.1 LINIMCD4AM-no, Z., Sumus V.0 wistent tomicl Amovs Lot asloUnt t4balo Incidmoo rate of ornfthotic antibodies in mon vorking in the sootacb,- nisal fle2do SUdJ1 owe Infromicrobial Special issue-supplosent to 12 s*5-Yn 161. 1. Institutul d* igWalcrobiologio al Acedemiel R.P.R. 2. Mobru &I Coultetalml d* rodactiet *Stmd'4 si coreetari d* inframicrobLologleff (for Sarateam). (ANTIGEN AND ANTIBODIES) (ORNITHOSIS) (OCCUPATIOUL DISEASES) _WTAC, E. - FUMU&4QGKWTB,, B. Is - Inestiptions smerning the acticm asoltic carcinoma. 1. The action of Stud. aercet. infrodarobial. Buaur. (NMANS experimental) (&WES virology) of several vlrtwo cc Ehrlich's berpes virus and vaceinia rizue. 22 no.2s223438 061. (CMINM experimental) (TACCINIA virology) NASTAG . Eli!a t . -.. WA Now data m the stiopathogenexis of h~ leukemias, Stud, corest, Infrodcroblol. Bwnw. 12-no.2s240-250 061. (LgUKM etioloff) NASTAG . -B. -, FUHREi"MAGNOSTE, B.; TARCHIIA, D. Experimental investigations of human leukemia. I. Attempted tranadesion to h;(brid vhite mice. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 12 no.3:259-.'s62 161. 1 (LEUKERIA experimental) NASTAC, E.,- FUHRLIL-AUGNOSTE, B. lkperlmmtal investigation of marine leukemia. I. Encephalopathy trananissible to guinea pigs and rabbits by inoculation of leukemic products from Ake nice. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 12 no.3: 363--366 161 UZUEL4U experimental) (MENINGOENCEPRAXITIS experimental) COSTACHIL, 0.; ~ASTAC, Zo ILIZ, B. Action or ommo virumew asawlated with crteafttlem an the Gnarls %mmor 76. Studil core Infroularobiol 22no.,&s437-"O 162, L batItutul do Infruderobiologto al Acadudel R.P.R. 2. Hoeft &I Codtotolui do ro&otte at oserstar attlatIfic do mUctle 63tudii ai earestarl do inrrmicroblo2cglog (for wastse). f- NASTAGI F,.l AMOOSTE, B.; BAUMv Gh. ZWrimontal investiptions of =&rins laukwda, Il. Pathogenicit.T of mri3m bWcmdc pioaucts from the Aft line for hybrid white mice. Stud. corcet. inframicrobiol.12 no.4013-516 161. 1, Counimwe presentats, la Inatitutul do inframicrobiolooe al Academiei R.P. R. k"UKU-UA expanmenm.L) NASTAC. 9.1 ANAWOSTE, B.; BALMUS, Gh. &PWI~tgl remara an EMIUN UWmda. Ul. Beinats of intmmrobral PUNP AR b8ft"legam ap"Ism of the flltnbls ftetar of from 209MMIC BIOS Of tb~ Als str&lu- Stud. "root. inrralderobIO2. 13 no-1: 5" 162. (LEUKOaA szporlmutal) PORTOGALA, R.; SAMUEL, I.; RUTTER, G.; -- NASTAC, E. Action of ribonucleic acid extracted from mouse encephalomyc~carditls virus W ov mouse Ehrlich ascites carcinma. Stud. eercet. inframicrobiole 13 no.6:681-688 162. 1. Comunicare presentata Is Institutul do Inframicrobiologie al. Acadeniei H.P.R. (NEOPLASMS, MEPEUMEBTAL) (CARCINOMA, IWILICH TUMOR) (RNA, VIRAL) (ENCEPHALITIS VIRUSES) (MYOCARDITIS) a 5 c 17 C' L Zt n 1Z PORTOCALA, R.; SAMUEL, I.; RUTTER, G.; NASTAC, E. ,The oncolytic effect on Elwlich's carcinom of ribom leic acid extracted from mouse-emephalowyacarditis virus. Rev. sci. nod. 8 no. 1/2:87-90 63. (RNA, VIRAL) (ANIMAL VIRUSES) (CARCINOMA, EMiLICH TUMOR) 3f; ISAIA, G.; DONA, G.,- LUNGU, M.; RUTTER, G.; POPESCU, Gr. RAS LAO The chanpe in adenovirus, type 3, ifter its inoculation in Mae with Zhr1Ich'# ascites carcinoma. Rev. val. nod. 8 no.3/4: 247-150 163. (CARCINOMA, WIICH TUMOR) (ADIKOVIRW) (kNTIGEW) NASTAC 9 - A11AGNOSTE, B.; BALMUS, G. M"rimintal investigations in xmwine akm leukemia. Neoplasms, 10 no.101-59 163. L6 Institute of Inframicrobiology of the R.P.R. Academy, Bucamst, Roumania. (LEUXEma, FMCUMIPAL) (NEOPIASHS, EXPF~MOITAL) (PATHDWGY) (LIVER) (WWII) (LUNG NEOPLASM) (KIDNEY) (RABBITS) (TUMDR VIRUSES) LLAUGNOSTE,.B.; BALMUS, G.; TAWHIU, D. Mcpartmental. investigations In hwan leukemia atteimpts at tranamission to the bWbrid white mouse. Neoplasm 10 ao.D6144 163. 1. Institut of Infraularobiology of the R.P.R Academy, Ducarest, Rolalaniao (LEMMU j LDWHOCITIC) (LEUKOUA, WERIMMAL) HASTAC p B.; ANAGNOSTE, B. Investigations on the oncolytic action of certain viruses. Neopi"MIL 1 no*ls65-74 163. 16 UstituU of Infranicroblology of the R.F.R. Academy, Bucarest, FAumania. (AVUN UMOSIS VIRUS) (MMS VIRUS) (GARCINOMA# ERHLICH TUMOR) (VACCINIA VIRUS) (HEMSVIRUS) (UMLAM p EMUIWNTAL) (TUMOR VIRUSES) (VIRUSES) (YOWL PIAGUE VIRUS) RUMANIA ,j,WNGU, G. DONA and G. RUMER, InframicrobLology Institute a Academy [of Science] (Institutul de Inframicrobiologia f the 1:;~ &I Acad=Lel R.P.R., [Bucharest.] Investigations in Hurine Leukemia. Part 5. Isolation of "Exper a Cytopathogenic Agent from Hurine Leukemic Products Line C57 in "to vitto0i ftbriyo Cultures." Buchare's"t'-Sid' 1 Cerc ~ tart do Inf rmickoblolosle, Vol 14, No 2, 1963; e pp 155-16010 Abstract iftih summary modifted]i From blood and brat= of C57 mice wh-1-c=*t* "iciotibli'to spontaneous leukemia, & cytopathogenic agent was Isolated to human embryo tissue. Series transmission was possible. it Is "noIt. 4i ftiiiii,,Aether agenV Is primary or acts by activating latent vtrusei~ 4bree*pbotemicrographs; 20 Western, I Soviet, I Japanese and 7 bne~ Fog - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W&CO I= Mar 9ft" iff 4ate rabbit@ kiwi-#" iwo Mist Pbotomicrographs; 4 Wasten aW 7 ftmwUm Ireferemess, 1/1 C NASTAC, Elisabeta [affiliation not given] "Achievements and Perspectives Concerning the Study on the Relation Between Cancer and Viruses." Bucharest Studii si Cercetari de Inframicrobiologie, Vol 14, No 4, 196i,-pP 514-519- Abstract: The article is based on a report submitted at the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Institute of In- framicrobiology at Bucharest on 26 December 1962 and discusses the two basic directions taken by research on the connection between cancer and viruses. These are the study of the etiology of cancer, with an attempt to discover the role, if any, of viruses in cancerous processes; and the attempt to find a means of treating the tumors with the aid of sc-called "oncolitic" viruses in conjunction with other means of therapy. Includes 35 references, of which 28 Rumanian and 7 Western. NASTASEp A., lector univ. (Bucureati) An 18th centw7 map of Moldavia. Natura Geografte 15 no-5s 36-38 5-0 163. r1% N"ta",, A. ; Carafoli , 1. Study of thin tri anivul ar wings with f orced symetry in supersonic flow. p. 833. Aesidemda Republicii Populare Maine. STMII SI CERCITARI DE MECANICA APLICATA. Bucuresti,, Rumania. Vol. 9,, no. 4, 1958. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (ELAL) IZ Vol. 9, No. 2, January 1960. UnC19 I BN20 RUM/8-59-1-15/24 AUMR: NimuseL.A. Tr=t On Sam Recurrence Formulas Referring to the Computation of the Axied Disturbance Speed Coefficients at Homogeneous Motions of Higher Order PMIODIM-. Studit al Cereetiri de Mecanica' Aplicati, 1959, Nr 1, pp 241 - 248 (RUM) I ABSMCT: The author presents in this article an algorism for the practical calculation of the A2 and C2 coefficients of "_&xW disturbance speed "u" of all, thInq and triangular _Mth subsonic leading edges. He first sy=etrI _jjMs considers a triangular wing referred to a reference system Ox, with the origin in the wing tip which has the axis 0xj, directed in accoryanlee with th* direction of the nandisturb*d flow Uee. The Ox x3 plane is defined by the leading edges OA, and OA2. A homogeneous flow of 'the "n" order is considered around the wing. The vertical disturbance speed is represented by a homogeneous polynome, of the (n - 1) order: n=1 w n-q-1 q w(Y'Ix2) ' T. n-q-1. q X, Xi qWo Card 1/ 7 Considering the wing to be geometricaW symmetric. w has the property: a014~ RUM/8-59-1-15/24 On Some Recurrence Formal&* Referring to the Computation of the Axial Disturbance Speed Coefficients at Homogeneous MotIons of Higher Order w(xlx2) " w(xl - Y ' (2). Thle symmetry can be obtained by taking terms of pairing power (q 2 X) or tome of odd power (q - 2 X + 1). In accordance with some previously established results [Ref 1], the axial component of the disturbed speed *up of symmetrical wings is determined by: C2q x2q n-I n-1 0 ET A2,.x2q argchF122 u W x, He - XL, + q=1 x (5) In accordance with [Ref 1], the A2 and C2 constants can be determined by: -- % n U (n-l)! 4 wn-g-1. Re i (..,)n-q xn_q-2 Vl-B 2 x2 n-1 dX q (6) Card 2/7 ~r de Cn_ IK ft420 RUK/&59-1-15/24 On Some Recurrence Formulas Referring to the Computation of the Axial Disturbance Speed coefficients at Homogeneous Motlons of Higher Order Ad dn (n-1) ! (d) Re 1(-l) A x Xn dxn dx Cq_ n -q (7). 0 n 1 The purpoao of subject article is to simplify the relations (Mr 6 and 7), by umft a calculation algorism while passing from a motion of n-1 order to a motion of n order. The author proceeds in the following way: By using for simplification the relations Nr 9a and -he computes the function U(n): (a) D0 + D2 X2 +...+ D 2(n-1) 1) n-1 U n-1 M n-2 142 2)n - (10). X (( - 3, 1/ rV _ .2 Th* mmber of the D coo fioients A '(10) Is equal with the number of the A2 and C2 co;?41oients of the relation (5). Deriving offeotively by n-t L;s U,.q from (5) and Identifying It with (10), he obtains a linear 1 syst4m which expresses the coefficients D . Trying to find the D2k coefficients the author establishes the relaao%s: P 71___~ 7_~ . L X 2p P (2p) (12) and Card 3/7 (x) ' '(12_ X2) n+f P-0 =2p . (0) ' L~/ 804zo RU?4/8-59-1-15/24 On Sam Reaurrowe Formulae Referrlng to the Computation of the Axial Disturbance Speed Coefficients at Homogeneous Motions of Higher Order P11 P(2k) 0 (0) 4~- ...+ D (13). Q2k - P(o) P2k + 2 . D2(k-1) + (51 ! o The only term which has a residual is Qk-l' in which: k 1. 3,5 ... (2p + 1), p - E n ~ 2 (14). 2 After a simple calculation, the relation (Nr 6) becomes: n (n-l) ! 'a wn-k-1. k (15). irck- n 1 The coefficients Do, D2 - D2p are determined by p from (14) f om the relation (15). The author theft computes the basic integral I[ni (Nr 16), obtaining a now expression of (Nr 7).- 0 '1?(n-p-1) 15"2(p+l-q) D2(p+l) W2(n-l-q) D2(n-1) N2q (19). Based an the recurrence formulae: ,[n] . (,[n-1] + (,[n (21) Card 4/7 and 2k 2(k-1) 2~k-l)' LK 80420 RuK/8-59-i-15/24 On Some Recurrence Formul." Referriag to the Computation of the Axial Disturbance Speed Coefficients at Homogeneous Motions of Higher order (n] [n [n-1] -2k -2~k-l) -2k he observes that the ~'nl coefficients of the relation (Nr 19), established for the homo- geneous notion of the "n" order can be obtained from the In-11 'o- + k efficlents of the same relation (Kr 19), established for the homogeneous motion of the n-1 or0e; by simple additive or substractive operapigns, witi the exception of c&Lnj . which can be computed by solving the iLnJ basi,~ Integral (Ur 16). This linear system supplies the remaining cons?ants D2(p + 1)1 D2(p + 2) , ... D2(n-l)' The A2q and C2. coefficients are computed by inserting the thus Ottalned values for D2k in the linear system (T). Since these calculations have been made for symmetric wings no matter whether the symmetry Is natural or forced, the author finally determines the specific characteristics of wings With natural and forced sy~try. a) Wings with natural symmetry: In the wipresslon (5) of the disturbance axial speed, the coefficients A2q are 0. Card 5/7 The nullification of these coefficients can be also computed, since-, &420 MWB-59-1-15/24 on Some Recurrence Formulae Referring to the Computation of the Axial Disturbance Speed Coefficients at Homogeneous Notions of Higher Order & Wn-q-1# q = 0. The non-zero coefficient D2(p.,). D 2(p 2)' '--'D2(n-1) are detormIned ffam thelfelation (19), in which 66 -2q-1,22 (201) N2q Cq n-I and q 0.1. (n-p-2), with p given by (14). b) Wings with forced symmetry: In this case wn-2q-1,2q " 0' but a wn-2q-2,2q + 1 - 2 wn-2q-2, 2q + 1 thus the first coefficients Do# D2, ..., D2p are not nullified. These coefficients characterize the wings with forced symmetry The other coefficients D 2 (p + 1)' D2(n-1) " be obtained from the relation Card 6/7 (19), where: 00%1.20 011% RUW8-59-1-15/24 On Some Recurrence Pormlae Referring to the Computation of the Axial Disturbance Speed coefficients at Romiageneous Notions of Higher Order -4y 2(0-Q) D0 + 0 2(l - q) e2 D2 + 2(P-(1) ~P D 2P (20111 N2(j w - '42 (P + 1) and p and q have the above mentioned signification. There am 3 references, 2 of which are Rumanian and 1 French. SUBMITTED: July 4, 1958 Card 7/7 23654 IR/006/60/000/004/001/018 A125/A126 AVM=t Carefoll, ]Ml*, and Nistase, Adriana Tl=: Thin triangular wing of minimum drag in supersonic stream roll If CC I Stadil 91 Cen*tW do Necenial Aplica~&. no. 4. 1960, 81T - Sn TIM The authors determine the shape of a thin non-s~rIcal trIsn- gular wing. having a minimum drag. when lirt, diving moment and plane projection are given. IV treating the non-sysmetzleal triangular-ving, they we considering the general case which Is then "plied to delta wings, polygonal wings sad tra- pesoldal wings, as performed In a previous paper (Ref. 1: ZU* Carafoli, A&Lma Nestle*, ArIpi trapes*idale do rezlxtsn$l miniml tn eurent supersonic. (Triangu- lar W1M or Wnlimm drag in Supersonic Stress) Comunicare flauth la Primul Con- grus Unional do Necaniol Uoretial 91 aplioatA do la Masoova, lanuarle 2T - Fs- bruarI* 3, 1960 [aup tipar, In rev sti sovietIoA Makhanlka]). Furthermore, the authors assume that the" In an additional separation edge OC an the wing (Figure 1), w1doh can eventually be taken as the joint or a leading-edge flap. Suction forces appearing an the subsonic leading edges have been included in the oaloula- Card 1/ 3 2365Q& H/008/60/000/00k/001/018 Thin triangular " of m1nimm dra .... A125/AI26 tion of the drag. Considering the general expression of the sx1al disturbance speed u given in a previous work by 3. Carefoll, N. Imemau (Ref - 13, Boculmmts oonlque d1ordre mupWeur autcur don alles triangulalres minces ou. A 6palaseur mwm6triquo- Revue, do Nboanique Appliqu69, 1. 195T), Mm authors could systemiz* the oalaulatlon In such a mumer that the detem1nation of a triangular wing with sepmtIom edge and slalom 4M to roduced to the calculation of a single type Integral, which they designate I and for whish tbW give a formAls, of 81wele LIgebraia reourrmse. The ";; Um U%dleate the anliostion ctthe mOmd to all wftV with mInImm drag being used at presmats delta wings, trqwsoldal sad restangular wings, end polygagal m1mgm. Tbare we 3 figures =d 14 reformses 5 Soviet-bloc md 9 am-Soviet-bloo. The four reformaes to the Wish language publications read am followss 1. W. Grahmo. fte Calaulation of Minion Supersonic UmS IW Solutlan of an BWvasnt Two-amnlional fttmtlal Problaim. Douglas Alroraft Report, 0140M, Des. (106b - Moto an the Use of Artificial DletrJL- butIon of 81mCnImMos In Supwomle NLnImm Vreg Problems, Douglas Aircraft COVPMUMB Son No. 964MM, 0". (1937)1 2. W. Ordma A Geometris Prob- Im Rol&$" to the OptIon VIeWbutlon of Lin on now Wing In Supavonle Flow. Journal of Aero-gpwo 81moos, me. (190)i Katner, Calculation of %be option -my Nola Delta W10P. OQWAIR (3m Diego) Report ZA 959 Oot (1931T) cut 2/1 23654 R/0o8/6o/ooo/oo4/r,x)i/o18 Thin triangular wing of minimum drag .... A125/A126 Figure 1: Non-symmetrioal triangular wing. Card 3/3 SANMLSCU, Serban; PE49TA41=94LA, Adriam Nind problm of triangular w1up in the conical notion of a higher order, Studil owe me spl 13 no.5slO99-11A 062, NASTASS, A4~to*\ Capra and Caprita Lakes in the Fagaras N"sif. Problems ag 7: 267- 274 160. rzzi 10: 3) (Samania-Lakes) NASTASE, Antm, lector (Duouzrostl) Sw' Umologic obaervationa on the ill -Aa Iakes Natura Geogr&f ie 13 *o.):54-56 Ity-le 161. HA "TAS--, C. - - . - - _7 Forc,!?d transversal-vprtical vihratinns of ~~odien. P 1~'8. RFVTSTA T"ANSPORTURILOR. (Asociatia Stinitifica a IngLne~rllor si T^chnicienilor din Rominia si Ministerul TransTorturl !or Ruti-~r-, Naval- si Rucur-st, , Romnnia. Vol. 6. no. ', May 195~1. Monthly List of '.a~lt EuroFean Acc-sions (7--W LC. Vol. ", no. 9. S,~7t. 1',5-,. Uncl. NASTASE, C., prof., ing.1 DRUGESCU, El., ing. Characteristics of the nonpropelled,, pushed crafts used In navigation. Rev transport 8 no.10429-438 161. NASTASE, C., prof. ing.1 DRUGESCU, El., ing. Characteristieg of pushing vessels belonglag to the fluvial fleet uW In the pushing navigation. Rev transport 8 no. 9:392-4W S 161. BAMU, 141rcea.. chimist diplomat; SUDRESAN, Sever,, ing,; NASTASE, Conatanta ing, Galvanic battel~ek of the highest quality manufactur4d, using tJw most active manganese dioxide. Electrotehnica 1-1 no.4: 143,349 Ap 163. I* Sef al 1ALboratorului de, electrochi-I 1AL Inatitutul do Cercetari Llectrotehnice (for Barcou). 2. Sof &I sectioi do etleawnte galvemice 3A In"prinderea TrulustrWa do St&t Blectro-Banat (for Sudresan). 3. Cereetatoare 1AL 1ALboratorul do electrochimis Institutul de Cercetari Alectrotehrlice, (for Nastase)* SOURCE CODE: RU/00014/65/000/002/0059/0068 K""Aft- r AMOR: Barcou, YArcea (Graduate chemist; Bucharest); ".+-anta ( --4-er; Head re"Archorl Duo at); Pervescu, Mariana (Chemical engine r; TO Tatuou,, Mel& (Owdoal engineer; Tini~_o_ar-aJV3udrss=, Sever (gemical e or; OW: LBarosul Mastasel Laboratory of Electrochemistry, JCPZ (Laboratorul do Jll electrochimis la ICJPZ)j [Pervescu; Tatucu; Sudresan] Moctro-Banat FactoryP Timisoara (Fabrics, Eloatro-Bonat) TITLE: Contribution to the establishmont of the utilization coWitiono of some NhO sub 2 type In manufacturing galvanic batteries SOURCE: Electrotehnical, no. 2, 196% 59-U TOM TAGS1 battery, depolarization,, manganese c mnd,, carbon black ABSTRACT: The authorj"studied the effect of.Vhanging the C/&O~ ratio as well as the use of artificiae&O~ and carbon blac vdi the activity of depolarizing agents and the electrical chaa-ateristics of 3R12 batteries. This led to so= suggestions for improvemonts in the manufacturing technology, which have been tested and have now been introduced in production. The structural analysis of the x-ray was dons at the IFB by Doctor R. Grigorovici and R. Nanaila. The authors thank V~_-m for attention given the anR~"s -and -interpretation the NnO~ type x-ray structure; Directors of the Mloctro-Banst" Factory and Technicians A. Bo1q, N. Sociu and Ce Butum for assistance given in preparing the industrial 7j[ ~_ of the solutionB. Orig. art* haso 20 figurse and 5 tables. [Based on authors' Eng. abot.) (JMS3 SUB OODEi 09 SM UTZ: 05Aug64 / ORM MW: 010 / SOV REP: 003 OTH RIF: 009 CWd JA of Crnamerittd i-arden-S, P COnEtitlicnt ~~-i rt of uie ;'wraani.-in railroa 1 p.2-17 ;.UCL)reSti, Humania Vol. 7, no. It, Apr. Mcnt.hly li 5;t of Lasteri-. ',~i~roppon tincl. NASTASE, GH. PID M06. local treatment of keloids with hyaluronidass. p. 201. CGITIII~^!.ULE. Pucuresti. Vol- 5. no. 1. Jan. 1955 Source: East European Accessions List, (EFAI). Lc. Vol. 5. No. 3. March 1956 NIST;-SE, I., ;INTO MTRS I z_ Res~- arch on!i ll~ ce-' ~-~ n ler-.L - -s:~:3 n~ 'he '-.- --a - r. ~ theral7eutic purposes. :. 12~). (MALTNITCARILE. Rizwnip. 1701. 5, no. 3. Nz~r. 1c),55) SO: l4onthly List of East Eu ro-ean .4 ccess 1 ons (,-- , -') ~L, V~-I. ~'). :, - - 7, July I ? c7. Uncl. y NASTABB, Gj.. Dr.; SPMNTA. Gh.. dr. -d~ Throe ease reports of exanthematous lupme orytbomtoons. Wed. int., Dueur. 7 no.4*?2-76 Oct-Doe SS.- 1. Clinics, dev to-vener., Iasi. (tMM RUTRWAIDSLYS, DISSMIUM, case reports three oxanthmatous cases) NASTASN. M., Prof.; SPZUUTA. Oh., dr.; CAMMOL. K., dr.; 1AZAR, K., dr.; - ~MtM, G., dr.; KARCULMO, D.. dr. Studies of some serum antibyalurouldesse In skin cancer. Med. lat.. Bacur. 8 no.2:235v240 Apr-*&y 56. 1. Lucrare facuta In clinica dernato-sifiligrafica. last. (ETAUMSIDASZ. antagonists In blood of skin cancer patients) (SIKIN NNDPLASMS, blood In ant1hyalurouldavos) U UUIA XSDICA Sec.13 Vol.U/5 D,3rniato~-- NAS 7- C y, c'j iOGh&+4.P6F THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ING THE FACTORS WHICH FAVOUR THEIR SPREAD - Aspvi -c Z-";.; 7:~ actiunei de prevenire qi combatere a bcj;i!or venero:e prn ." ~ . ~ ::-. factorii care favorizeazA rtispfndirea lor Nistase G~J. Ui: n. 1), -: .. . - P M~= (183-191) Venereol.. Inst. de Med.. Iasi - REV.ME . C111H. I Prostitution wan one of the most important reasons for the spread of thib After an attempt to methodically prevent venereal diseases, beguri in 1950, th""'. diseases, especially syphilis, decreased in the town la�i (Roumania) to ver figures. The results were obtained by a series of rneasures: detection of by obligatory serological tests, periodical control, epidemiological investlg~t:.()r'..", detection of the sources of infection, compulsory treatment of acute forms ar,(i tf,,- admission of the patients into hospital and the abolition and interdiction of prosl-h- tion. (XV I I, !:I) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 13 Vol 13/5 Dernatoloff PAY 59 1117. SOME Asp=Ts OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES IN AN ANTIBIOTIC FACTORY - Contributiuni asupra unor aspecte de boll professionale Intr-o fabric$ deantibiotict - Na stane Gh. . Spe rant& G h. and M A r r,s - It.-scu D. - HEV.MEDXMR-.TATM58, 62/1 (11-16) Preliminary notes an occupational dermaloses in a penicillin factory. The intrr- dermal test with penicillin was positive in 3.75% of those working in departments where penicillin was handled but who had never presented skin lesions. whereas positivity was observed in 16.6% of the workers who did present skin manifesta- tions. This implies that not aiA of theme skin manifestations were based an sen- sitization to penicillin. the more so as a number of skin eruptions were observed in workers who had hadnocontact with penicillin. No skin-sen*itising action of the substances employed for the purification at penicillin (butyl alcohol) was demon- strated by the tests. Most of the dermatoses originated in departments engaged in assay avid crystallization of the antibiotic. In I case, the presence of Candida albicans was demonstrated in rhinopharyngeal cultures; this to explained an a re- sult of suppression of antagonistic microorganisms. P"urariu Orasul Stalin (L,2,13.17) EXCERPTA wZMCA 3ec 13 Vol 13/6 Dematology June 59 16 a U r a a to I'm a# 1401. PROFESSIONAL DERMATOSTS IN A LEATHER INDUSTRY - Dermatozele profesionale din industria de pielArie - N a a t a 0 0 G h., C o 9 t e a V. , Carniol M., Marculescu D. and 14-e-a-g-&-V.-Clin.Derinato-Ver,rol., Inst. de Med.. lagi - REV. MED.-CMR. lAr$ 1958, 62/2 (245-249) The authors show the data resulting from some researches made in a tanning in- dustry and oboe factory. Of the total of the workers. 58.24% had professional dermialoses. which were more numerous in the vegetable and mineral tanning de- partment. In the shoo manufacturing department professional allgmata were purticalarly marked (callosities. fissures, colouring of the palms. palmar hyper- keralonis. atrophy of the nails. bursitis. pigmentations). There are few real pro- femsional dermatoses (falliculitis. dermatitis. pruritus) and. generally. mild forms. In conclusion, more protecting clothes and sanitary education of the workers are recommended. (XM. I?. 19) NASTASE, Gh., prof.; CARNIOL, M.; LAZAR, M.; LEIBOVICI, M. Investigations on the capillarotax1c potency of blood serim, in various dermstavegs. Rmumnian N Rev. no.At 59-W O-D 160. (SKIN diaeaaes) (S M DTA IS) RUMANIA SASTASP, Gh.9 Prof. Dernatology Clinic (Clinic-i de dernatologie), Iapi. Bucharest, Vista Medica-a, No 13, 1 Jul 63, PP 865-870 *Occupational Dermatoser la the AgrozootechAical Departsent.** -NASTASB,. G..; MUNTIMIUM.; CARNrCL,M.1 DOBMCU,Al.; MMA; BALAW,N. ILtheropdic acrodermatitis. Reflexions m its aetiopatho- genesis ind therapy* Rtmanian med. rev. 7 no.3t47-54 J&-W'64 it SAM= L. 0 pr9f. (Bum"ati) ft4WAm&TObRP- Wws G*QVMfiO 24 ROAS75-77 " I&. RUWIA PARASCHIVESCU, M. , Dr, and W"AA4. Lt4jut of the Zootechnical Research Institute (Institutul de Cercetari Zootehnice). "A Practical Method for the Estimation of Sheep Fecundity." Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 16, No 4, Apr 66, pp 26-32. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified): The authors compared the actual fecundity rate observed for the sheep of an experimental station in Dobrogea, with the fecundity rate calculated by the "non-return" method. They found the actual rate to be approximately 6 percent smaller than the calculated one and in view of the relatively small error recommend the method as a very convenient estimation process, While the number of animals did not affect the results, the accuracy of the esti- mate depended on the length of time between the start of the insemination campaign and the date of the fecundity estimation; the longer this interval, the smaller the error. Includes 3 tables and 3 figures. 1A SASTASE, M. Research on improving the start of the Fr- 35 engine at low temTeratures p. 647 STbDII .711 CERCETkRI ')E FNT RGFTICA. Bucurestl , Rumania. Vol. 7, to. 4, 1957 Sato. ftnthly List of East EuroTear Accession. (EEAT) LC, Vol. 8, no. 90/19" Uncl. 14. Gr.; Vll)~A, M. Varla-Aon of the F-o -,-efficlent.3 of X rays, rin the thicleness of tra absorb~.rie, mat(icla-1. Rev me~% ap,-l (y 11.1 -1 164. 1. Inst! Late cf Ac,, ', ted ,*,c--,najiic3, Bu,2~arest . FAVILISCU.- I URBUL, s.; PROCCP(VIC2, E.; VIASTASS9 M.; a I&IUCI 1-4. WROAAmI.L"Mz~UU, A method of studying wear of bearings with radioisotopes. Stuill cere sec apl 11 no.6:1397-1410 160. NASTASI, Mrom Rkpalmstal gtmu*o on the inrlimas, of the Injection at a ambustible In Ow Inlot pipe of an oneins vIth 1pition tbrough compression vith turbulent shmaboro Studii core wwrget 12 so.V401-" 161. OPFJM, A.; WASTASE, K. Study of the enrLeiment pmesibMtioa of fteWdta pocr iron ore. Dart som sod 48023-336 160/61 (publ.1621 R/006/62/013/002/006/009 D272/D308 AUTHOR: NARtARAP X-__ TIME: Optimum parameters in the X and y-ray defectoscopy PERINDICAL: Studii ei cerceta'ri de mecanicaj aplicatd, no. 2, 1962. 517 - 527 TEXT: Various optimum parameters of exposure of items tested by means of X and y-rays were studied, after having first determined the characteristic blackening curves of the film employed for X and y-rays. The linear adsorption coefficient )A was determined by means of a radiometric method based on the logarithm Qf the radiation lose reaching the film D = K.e-llx.t (where t - the exposure time, K - a constant). Details are reported on the optimum time of exposure, which is correlated to the various thicknesses of material exposed to X and y-rays by means of straight lines ~n scmi~ogarithmic coor- dinates, according to the equation t 2 = e-'Rkxl- x2).ti (where ti and xi are reference values). The problem of radiation energy and exposure of parts having variable thickness is examined. There are Card 1/2 Optimum parameters in the s.. 6 figures# SUBMITTED: November 28, 1961 R/008/62/013/002/006/009 D272/D308 1: Y - Card 2/2 NASTASE, Marin, ing. Some aspects of the nondestrictive defectoscopic contr.:-' cf tractor cormecting rods by gammagraphy. Constr mas 15 no.11/12: 742-745 N-D 163. NASTPUSE, M.; DAIILSCU, A.1.; BLEZU, N. Thermal conditions of "he precombustion chamber an~j the combustion process in the antechamber of the diesel engine. Rev e'Le~!tro'.ec~m energet 9 no.3:396-404 'i,4 ,NASTASE, M. Gr.; VIDAN, M. I Variation of coefficients of absorption of X rays depending on *he thickness of absorbing material. Studil cerc mec apl 16 [i.e. 15) no.3:729-744 164. 1. Submitted February 21, 1964. L 13502-66 EWP (f )/T- 2 ACC NRs AP6023495 AUMOR: Mastase. Miropa ORO: now TITIE: Mathematical relations for estimating the self-ignition delay in diesel engines SOMM: Constructia do manini, noo 1. 1965, 7-10 TUM TAGSs diesel an - ignition 149 ABSTRAM The author-analyses the oommon mathematioal relationships used to estimate the self-ignition delAW in diesel engines, shwAng the restate obtained with the use of different nwmical values for the ooefficients in the formil" suggested by Wolfer wA tr SeAdnow and with experimmutally observed valuese Origo art* has: 2 figass and I table* SUB CMRs 21 SUM DMs none / SOV REFs 003 / OM REFt 003 cwd IA 49 RUMI. LI GRIGORESCU, St.; NEDELCU, C.; GHEORGHE, N.; and APOSTOLESCU, R. IIINPerimental Studie3 on Ileriatic Clearance in Irradiated Dogs" Bucharesto Revista Sanitara Ifilitara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp j12-513 Abstracts In dogs irradiated 200 or 300 r, hepatic clearance of colloidal giAd 198 orrose bengal iodine.131 was delayed. Iftle-body radiation (4w r) effect on renal uptake of chromium-31, arsentc-75, sodium-24 and potassium- 42 was also studied. 63 Chlorprmazimm Buchamt, Revid& jInU&ra Militam, Vol 16, 30wial No., 1965; p 513 NASTASE, M, candidat in economice: OPRFZCU, 1. T,Icrease of investment. efficiency. Pmb--ear- "cn -'- no.9s24-36 S '64. MSTASEP Mirces. Polyphase aspect of the delay period in self-ignition, referring to the experiments carried out on engines ignited by coWression with a separate turbulence chamber. Dul Inst Politeh 26 no.2t97-109 Mr-4p 164. 1. Chair of Thermotechnice, Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest. NASTASE, Mircea Mathematical relations for estima'ing the ielf-ignition delay in diesel engines. Constr mas 17 no-f-iU Ja 165. MIHA11,CU, T.; . V.; NASTA.:'.--, N'. Apparatus of measure wr,-, c m tro"j. -of Ist 1-c paramets--rq of Ametioning of eril-ling tijrb-lnes. ieturol sl gaze 15 no.8t 454-459 AgIE4 m 'n i a C..~MGMT t ASS, JOM, R-7-V-UMq 41g 19609 Noe c- t ra t:, Y. t-r, A. "a:- t as e, V -1 ij T'Q t e i ti f a14 f) j -3(3 i A. BS -TV, 7,; CT -h,~ reF.ultr from :urr -Led out aunnz di I '*er- yo~ar -ire V '~:I. r"Ar, e;. o-ej tt-.--t ~-ttr t~er-linp~ lowers. Cl~r..:F-- of ea., tr, l at'(- xy iem;,ndl o' tnl,i q ~f;~e correi-it~on of-twoer. e a riL i n.v e d e r c o n f a r 7 .......... 7,Y 7. A. xhim,l No, 1960,0 No* R 12 -.1 r 0 c r I n t u m 01 lor, s-o r, ''e-ce ~c-s !,ave s, (,-,vn t',lat tne r. r a t:,, c) j Y 4, )% k e t t 1r a e c) prig teii.r. -~e gi n to po~-.e w I t h r u-:;L.'.' .e r ov, e fi P.- Q f onc en t ra 1, i or, o L r,, t ~nd r ;-ncrulirie in t~i- c):-.cent.ral ie;n o*' Ma 2 NASTASE, V., ing. Problems of the typifiCL of furniture pieces. Ind 1,~Ului ccuponent parts of different 15 no. 1:19-23 Ja 164. le~* 6Presmace of the nUeAocmtLdas Biframa Zom* In the H&ghix&&-(Auc Wndbal.l (Paper Presented by And~*Am U. fuipasm, at the mootlAg of 13 June 1963.) tr lh Y, 3T 1 f, 7 f g,i ~V.- Y. 'ti og7a p~., lyll vPrs' Y Bur- h~i - WISTASFAM, S. I RAMEAM, G. Upper Palaosolo horizons or the mudanovita-Lupac (Banat) region. p. 135. ANAUME SERIA STrKmoR NATURir. Bucuresti,, Rumania, Vol. 7, no. 18', 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EW), LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept., 1959 UDGI. NASTMMMO 3, 1 DNCA, Al. Gmtributions to the kroulw1ge of the Ibmterivian In the Pasits4le2dava Youa-ftnat sons. Dari seam md 48'U1-152 160/62 (publ. 6621. COMWEA, Al., aca-S.; NASTASEANU, S.; MCUS, D. Age of the strata of Sinaia in the region Portile de Flor-Tircioram. Camloaftle AR 11 no.11:1-*)9-1405 N 161. CODARCEA, Al., acad.; NASTASERNU, S.~ MERCUS, D. Presence of the Urgonlan In the region of Cazane. Cominicarile AR 12 no.4s453-455 Ap 162. EAILUEJ, Gr.; NASTA8FANU,,_A,i,. ...... , -B=UR, r.. New data on the west teatonic limit of the Resita iove (Banat). SUdil core geol 6 nool.*7-11 163s 1 1. ComaAcare presentats do academician G. Murgmm* W-ILEA1411, Gr.; NkSTASEANIU, Be on the presence of a form of Arthrophycus alleghaniensis (Harlan) in the Transylvanian Alps. Co=unicarile AR 13 no.5:439-443 My 163. 1. CmImicare prezentata de academician M.G. Fillpescu. .0 1 i:~j ~juR C. RAILEAKU, Gr.,JIASiA~11111',,-~.--. 110 .wo. ~- Few date on the wootern tecTonic houndary of the Resita (Bamat) area. Rev geol geog Rum 7 no. 2: 199-202 163. ---A A Nisam"4, ... -~6;" On the prommoe of Lopha carinata (TA-a ck) at Doman. Darl mm sod 46:143-146 158/59 [publ. 162). a n liAs,rASEANU,-S.; -STILLA, A!. Considerations on the pre3ence -,f Urgonian east of 3aile Herculane (Banat.). Dari seama sed 49 pt.1:77-79 161-'62 rpubl. 1~41. L 1. SubmLtted March 1u, 1962. 1h. WAINOWA j/&tfdjj jlj~ ~-WrMijll 12 I~MO3/0913/0927 deviS441 foe MOUI04 uoxnjoexika 10i 4.0 Wet bu f W, ow~ .0 Bowan tal roo q owilwa ~dm jAdMj um-air resis pe rpAperi .- 1.1b. (I autiors io grebtaic_,qy-~ i'm Mover, I .4 Lv J, nl=T er~ th, 0 -~6f lhwaer of 0 ac arts its t6the mdu:Mdof SW66,` ~gdvel*es the- tiame unim. alobrade At elev (Pucioasa); PIlLSAN, L.; MJ-i7ANV D.I RUSU , 1-7. ; K#AT~M.~, prof. (R. Vilcea); BAGHINA, V., prof. (Breaza); TUDOR, C-N., student (Ducuresti); SCWArtTZ Lajos (Oradea); LUDMA3N, Tamas (Galati); PIKO, Janos (Oradea~ Solved problems. Gas mat B 14 no.10:607-617 0 163. I T , N , c c, I a ~: ', iii~r . rf-,-. ~-, , -, N fT A, - ~ ft 1, '. , NA3' A 3~.1 0 ( BGcure5t 1 , ; .~- t I.I. f r - ~ '. 1 ': Pr n po 9 ti d ; - r- o i - : ri m-,i .;-iuz mat fiz, t, ,n :~ ~ /' ~~C My ~ - . .