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CHERMONDRCHENKO, S.; WODITSXIY, A.; NIKIF(".'(DVA, L. Modification of a medical microtome fitting it to cut sections of metals down to 2 Nauch. trudy TashW no.203tl45-149 162. r - (PaRA 16s8) (Metal-cutting tools) MER3", RMMNV,,,% S.G., KWDVSKrT. A.D., MA"Ov, N.V. Diffusion of barium In the costing of an exl4e cathode. Trudy SAM no.14601-64 159. (MIRA 130) (Cathodes) (Barium) (Diffusion) NARODITSKIY,_AtD.; NIKIFOROVA, L.M.; KHALIULIN, M.G.; MASHBAKTIYEVA, D.A. -- --------- Vaporization of gold from the surface of gri-'s and crossaras and its distribution on various parts of electron tubes with oxide cathodes. Nauch. trudy TashGu no.221.Fiz. nauki n.:).21-. 145-W 163. (MIR& 17:4) NARODITSKIY A.D.; GARIFULLIN, A.G.; CHFMOMORCHENKO, S.G.; 14USHKAFEV, V.G.; D.A. Thermal conditions of the first grid of a recei-ving amplifier tube of medium power. Nauch. trudy TashGu no.221.F'La. nauki na.21i 149-154 '63o (HIRA 17W NARODITSKIT D.; NIKIFOROVA, L.M.; KRALIULIN, M.G.; RISULICKHAWDOVA, __,.A Do ; CHEIZIIOMDRCHFNKO, B.G.; MUSHKAREV, V.G. Thermal syuttering of certain grid coatings em& their effe-zt on the ~erformanae of radio tubes with oxide cathcodes. Izv. All Us SSR. Bar. fiz.-vat. nauk 9 no.2W-53 165. (MIRA 1810 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvennyy univerattet imeni Lenin&. Ai 4 C~ a-T.. "TRIP, W-1 ag ZOCDITSW, L.A., josh*; GUZUMO, GJ.9 lash. Jbduring Via expenditures for carding machine moftralsattom. Wcat. prom. 20 no. 12t62-63 9 1609 (MU V-1:12) 1. x1mobwa khlop ryadilluoya ftbrtba. 1101ardlog machines) IMIZISt S.B., imth.; MRODITSKITP L,B.,, insh* Remote control of the asombly-lim aSd transPOrt&tiOu DYvt4m at reinforced concrete products plants. Bet. i shel.-bet. 8 no.7:324-326 n 162, OURA 15:7) (Remote control) (Precast concrete) NARODITSET, Ta.. inshener. N Clean-I-u-g-'&2'A~gmstf teat ton of tankers. Nor. flot 16 no.12: 27-28 D 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1. T/o 'Sudolimport.0 (Tank vessels) NARODITSKIT. Ta. Installation 4rr air purification In ore carrierj (frcAm 49;hlVbutldtmg and shipping record" Au"t 1956). Kor.flot 1',y no. 9: 29 3 157. (H rm 10:; 11) 1. Nwhallulk tekhotdela Vaesoy-uznogo ob"yedineniya "Sudoiml)ort.1 (Great Britain-Ore carriers) (Ships-Reating and vontilation) NARMITOXIT. Ta.11h., Inshener. 1% .. & I IrquIVIN= as-stood by onglusers of the petrojewo ludustr7. PrIborostroonle no.9:28 j 157. (KIRA 10:10) (Potrolow Industry-Squipment mid supplies) (Automatle control) - AMMUZZY, S.S.; IARGDIIWIY, Ta-sh. low Izatrumenta and equipment for automatic control In the petoleum Industrye Arlborostroonle no.8sl3-25 Ag 160o (MMA13'-9) (Petroleum products) (Automatic control) MARODIT5MY, T&.Te. I. .......... A*twhmat preventing breaking of dredger Intake pipes (from "Pbrts and dredging* no.19, 1956). Recho %nnsp. 16 mo.6:40 Je %57. (Mak NO) (Yetherlands-Dre4ging mehinery) 2nNDVv V.P. (deceased]; NAROWMTX--~ " Cold rolling of low-module par wbeels of a rod on turret lathes. Priborostrowde no.9sl3-15 3 162. (XMA 150) (Gear shaping machines) Spe 2 Vol 11/7 PhYsiol,)FY July 53 3220. INVESTIGATION OF THE APPEARANCE OF THE SO-CALLED SECONDARY EXCITATION OF THE CEIIEBRA.L CORTEX IN '71HE CHILD (Russinan text) - N a ro d n i t a k a Xa G. D. - Tnum INST. VYSSH. NERV. DEYAT. AKAD. NAUK (Ser. Patofiziol.) 1954, 2 (106-113) An investigation was carried out on chAdren of three different age groups (5-6. 8-9, 11-12). each consisting of 15 children. The motor conditioned response to a flash of green light and its differentiatinp variant (a blue liplat), witt) speech re- inforcement by the words: 'grass', 'leaves'. *sky*, 'sea' was the same as the re- sponse to direct stimuli (motor response to 'grass', Ileaves'; inhibitory response. i.e. refraining from movement, to sky'. 'sea*). Here the conditioned response was produced not by primary excitation through verbal stimuli. but as if by secon- dary excitation reviving past impressions in the cerebral cortex. Secondary ex- citation had various forms depending an the age of the child. (S) FX-TijtFTh_'j'F-.,DICA 5PC 2 Vol 11/7 P11113101')-Y JUIY 53 3223. COMPLLX DiRAMIC STRUCTURE IN CHILDRE'N OF VARIOUS A(;[-: GROUPS (Russiantext) - Narodnfts~aTa G. D. - DEYAT. AKAD. NAUK (Ser. Patolliziol.) 1956, 2 (129-135) 1 Investigation by the motor speech reinforcement method was carried out on 120 healthy children aged 5-6, 8 and 10-12 yr. Producing .:-onditioned responses to several direct visual stimuli (drawings of various birds), and then applying a ge- neral verbal stimulus (,bird'), the author found that the conditioned response to the latter was the same as the response to the direct sign;k!s. This can be interpreted as the result of selective generalization of stimuli interconnected by conditioned bonds locked away in the past experience of the child. They constitute a complexly functioning structure embracing both signalling systems. Differences in relation to age were noted. (S) SMOLIMOV,, T.P.; MARODRITSKATA, N.A. YAders clacroferm an"thosia for oncologic patients. Eksper. kbir. i anamt. no.1:71*47 165. (MIRA 18:U) 1, Labwatoriya anestesiclogii (sav. - dakior med. sauk V.P. SwltnlJwv) Inatituta skspartmentalluey I klinichaskoy oakologL I (direktor - daystwitellayy chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.V. Blokhin) ANN SSS4, Moskva. loommo TUOP's 1"h0 - VA=&Uy oposted p=W doolgod by Mikhallowe Oldro 1 m~L 12 21961080-51 0 160. (KM 13sU) lo 1.4ollshoWs umbinolqpAstellawa stantobs. (loolwomung Inn ) Nutc= TIM M Insh. 12-2.5 towerless Pumping station coupled vith the TH-2-6 water-;st IMIt- 01&- 1 Mal. 13 00.11:47-51 If f61. (KM 14: 10) 1. Podol'skap mashUoIspytateltus, ya stantsi7a. (pumping stations) SI. n-~ a % IMOGq Fe Observations on modifications in the fundus oculi in tuberculous meningitis and nilitar7 tuberculosis treated wift streptowycin. Polski tygod. Isk. 6 no.8:259-263 19 Feb 1951. (CIMI 20: 11) - C CT' 15 F,!YjER0jW A~bICA Sec.12 Vol.11/4 Ophthalmology Apr57 $54. NAM F U1. Pulawska 1, inA. Warszawa 12. *Zajjwd*nie bloniaste spolowsk proy wi*ldmstaltnpn rumieniu wymickowyin. arythema exsuda- tivummultifornw. Membranous co n Unctivitis in The course of orythema exsudativam multUorme KLIN.0CZNA 1956. 26/4 1395-400) Case report ofs, 19-y"r-old temalein whom white. thick. elastic membranes ap- peared an the conjunctiva. Ibey way be easily removed without causing blooding. rhe exaftse Im rapWy. Similar alteratLaw appeared an the whole sUn. Diph- Iberia be excluded. Vft. A and D were administered and the ease was cared.-Xvirus origin of the sW alterstions is suggested. Ssmyt - LdM LISIWU-ADMSKA. R.; ROLAVVIRI. J; CAMA. V.1 IAWLUA 1. 0 a W 0 0 04 A &-- --, *altlple pulmomar7 abscesses complIcatbW abortion. fts.polsks 26 no.3007-312 Jily-Sept. '55. 1. Z I glialki Chorob Vewastravveh A.M. w Lodst glerowzdk: prof. dr. V. Grott. Lods, Rmkowsklea 56. (Lmu. abscess, WItiple, with abortion) (ABORnOlo cmW11cations, lung abscesses, sultiple) (ADMISS. lungs, odtiple, with abortion) BOJANOWICZ. K.; RROLSKA, Irova Rffeet of single sloop induced with luminal on sugar curve following glucose load In diabetes mollitus, pancroatitte, and normal conditions. Polekt* arch. mied. wown. 26 no.71067-1077 1956. 1. Z I KlInIktChoreb Vownetrsrqch A.M. w Lodsi Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. J. V. Grott. Lods. ul. Ar. Ludowej 27 m. 7. (OWCOSI TOLEUNCI TIST. off. of sloop in diabetes mollttue, pancreatitis, & normal cond. (Pol)) (DIABMS MnLITUS, physiology, off. of sleep on glucose tolerance test (POW (PANCRIATITTS, phystologyq same) (SLMW. effects, on glucose tolerance in dtab~too splIttus. pancr~atitis & normal cond. (Pol)) PSTIRSWo Zbtgnlev; BOJANOIFICZ. Ustoders; N I fiW6ZA,_ Ire~& Becessee of the duadenua &W amll Intestine. Case rqmrt. Pbolki tyg"*Iek* 15 ao.33:12V--U85 15 Ag 160. 1, 2 1 laInIkI Chorob Vownetranych; "trownik: prof. dr nank sad. Josef ftclaw Gratt I Z&kWu Radlologil I lentgonologit A.M. it Lodst; klerwalk doe. dr VLadyelaw Trzetrsewtmkt (DUMUUN die.) (1112STIU. SMALL die.) BOJANOWIGZ, Kazimiers; OLSZSW,";KI, Waclaw; 14 Value of periodic sloop produced with luninal in combined theraP7 Of pancreatitio. Polskio urch. mod. vown. 32 no.5:4;7-436 162. 1. Z I Klinlk-i Chorab Wownetrsnych AM v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr nauk ned. J.W. Grott. (PANCREATITIS ther) (SLUF ther) (PHENOBARBITAL ther) P 0 L.U~ D iroria Fir--,t Clinic of I;--torrial Diseases (I Klini- ka Cl-iorob Medyczna, Medical Acac!- emyl in Lodz (I)iroct,--: Prof. Dr. red. sci. J. (JRD'I'T) "Surgical '11'reatment in llccklinghau.-~on Disoaso. Removal of a Very Large Tumor. case Rc,-,ort." 1~,,arsaw, Polski Tygodnilk ~'cl 16, Nu '14, i) Aut, 6"', pp 12731- Abstract: [Author's 2,iclisli AUL.10~- roports tho caso 7-f-a-i-:Crnale pationt wita ',Po vory Iarc:o tumors in the glutoal r--ior. ware ..--~aovae ;urgically bac-"se of patient's reauc~t;-. Ii-, tac author:-'-- or---'on sur.-ical troatmenz; of sujh cai;:~s i:; a groaL risk, and must not be appliod if thero aro savero vital -ndications. '11iore are four Polish references. --- MAROTSKIYA,_41.2 .. ~nzh. Normal load in mine galleries. Irom. atroi. i inzh. soor. 5 no.5:51 S-0 163. (KIFLA 16:1-2) . -1)..' BAMUM, T.L.; GAMMA. L.7.; KARDAVA., A.O.-. NAROUSHVILI. L.T. Comparative studies on final quinocide ther~W in tertian malaria [with summiLry in NnglIsh]. Med.paras, i paras.bolem. 23 ne.1:80-84 ift-1 059. (MIRA 1233) 1. Is spidemlologicheskogo otdola Nauchno.- lee lodovatel I 9k,4v institute malyarli I maditelaskoy parasitologli lueni prof. 8.S. Tirsala4ze Ministeretva sdravookhranonlya Grusinskoy SSR (Dir. Institute - prof. G*Ne Naraa&vlll. rWwvodltell ot4olenlya B.S. Abuladse). (ANTIOULARIAN. ther. use. qulnocldo In tertian malaria. comparison with other methods (Run)) 0 17. Uch L, oz t -i lwkl(vio, FA:, "ii I ) . N ITAROVfCHATOVA Kj. Lab. of path. Xorph., Pavlov Jn~,t. of Physl.,eo. *Thp develpftnt of Argyrophil --~'ibree in cicatrisation in rabbit brains (Faiselan text) A-19- FATOL.;5(koscow) 195,.5 (20-30) Illus. 5 A suall portion of thin cerebral cort-ax (4th field on thr- ldft) of rabbits was extirpat- ad. Within 24-48 hr. of the oporptiov. areyropk4l filbres were f ~rmod in the walls of tht vessels adjacent to the wour-d &nit i,w the sol't meninges. They formed an argyrophil retizulum which reached completion z the 6th Isq. whereupon th- fibres war* transformed Into collagenous structures, which a str ag sear by ths- Nth postoperstlipe day. Cleatrization advanced from the periphery t. the contra. Brandt - Ilerlin SO: Ucerpta Modica Section V Vol. 7 No. 10 AUTHOR: Narovchatov.&, K. 1. 20-1-40/44 TITLE: On the Synapses of Cerebellum Cores (0 sinapsaich yader mozzhechka). PERIODICAL: Daklady AN 353R, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 1, pp. 145-1-45 (USSR). ABSTRACT: According to Pavlov the .nter-neuronic connections are points of coupling. They are supposed to play.,an important part in the effec- ting of the "terminal function" of the conditionally reflactive apparatus. The present paper shall, discover the detailed interre- latiorm between the neurons in the Nucleus dentatus and the Nucleus fastigii of the cerebellum of man and animals. In the extensive publications nothing of that sort was found. The study of these problem is, howevers of special interests as the cellular elements of the Nucleus dentatus show a very high sensitivity to a number of pathogenic factors. The author succeeded in discovering synapses on the nerve calla of the Nucleus dentatus her investigation of sections of a cerebellum of a cat (dyad according to Bilachowsky- Grop). They existed as well an the cell body an on the protoplaamatic cell outfrowthe. The shape of the synapses is described. Many of then h" thin and short supplying fibers which not seldom connected several synaptic ringlets with each other. The cerebellylic synapses Card 112 in the N. dentatus are Large or small. The former are twice or thrice On the Synapses of Cerebellan Gores. ASSOCIATION: PMENTED: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: aD -J-4OA4 as large as Vie latter. In the cat the latter on the averag* reach a number UP to 50. The s3mapses of the Nucleus fastigii are more or lass mom3tonous in th4tir shape and number and reach a number of 15 - 2o in a -,ell. In thet N. dentatus more complicated sy-napses also occur beside isimple syna;mes such as ringlets, little loops, small buttons, cudeels and clubs (figure 2). Figure 3 shows a terminal fiber which together with its synapses lies on the appendix of the nerve cel]A, The fiber is dichotomously divided Into small terminal branches and ends in rinj;1ets which, according to their structure, mostly are 1winogeneous. The difference in form and size of animal and human syruipses gives rise to the assumption that they also have a different functional importance. There are 3 figures. Institute of Physiology lawd I.F.Pa*lw, AS USSR (Institut f iz is ologii imeni I. P. Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR). By K. M. Hrigwr, Academician, Kerch 18, 195T. March 8, 1957- Library of Gongress. Card 2/2 m1p D-28, Liteynyy pr.9 31# kv.35) of the dentate nuelms in the cerebel-ho after incision of Uw white substance of its bemispberes. Arkhe &net, giste i embro 30 no* 5:27-30 Mr 160o (KMA 3At2) 1. Laboratoriya morfologii (zav. - chlon-korrespoWent AN SSSR NaGe lolonov) InstituiA fisiologli in, I.P. Favlows. AkLdenii mauk SSSR* (OMMLLWO NAROVCHATSKIT. A.F.. wraah (Leningrad). likolal. Nikol"vich Flenousnov; short 'biographiml sketch. lrel'd.i skash. no. 10.-,V)-41 0 153. (MLEA 6:10) (7-anomenov. likolal 511colaevich. 1855-191S) NAWFCHOKIT, Ta.P. (Lentiv-ad) -- - ftcand laterseboml conference of studentm-uldvIves. Folld* I almsh. no.7:61 il 11114. (NLR& 737) 1, Predsedatell goradekoy prodmtlioy koulsell po akw6we"s I glaekologil. (KMMU) UROTCUTWIT, Ta.P,. (Lonlognidll Cdoes"ed.] , -r-, C, "' " Aafta lAkwlevich Kr"sovikil. ?@I'd. i akush. zw.n:28--31 1 154. (MUSSOMIX. AVMT UZOVINTICH, 1821-18") (NLU ?t12) S H AR CPi ,F. K. A. K. NAROVILYIX",Ki~Y A, am'. 1- - -).Ma s Iz rentgenovqkikl c tdo le ny (gl.d!.,T:Ty vra,-h N.3.K:y-A..v), g. boilr.itsy 'rakt~~.-nog-. !a r,i)Lq.,3tn-,y br.1'r,',,crj %,T-a-r fj,~~vnyy vra-r. N,M,' ;q*, I G. Ya. NOWLYANSKIYY Moscow 'rIydro-qrietLrc1cg,,c,-i "Application cf the graphir met,hcd tc the ouestion cf effectIve radiation,11 Iz AK, Nauk SSSR, 3er. Oecgraf J ~Pcfjz,, ,c. -.-6, 1944. NAROVLYANSKIY, G.Ya.; SOLOND, S-V- Squivalent vinds and their calculation. Tr.W NJIM no.14:120-129 (KLRA 15-1) 1. Leningradskaya Krasimnamennaya, voyenno-vozdushnaya inthenernaya akademiya in. A F.Nozhayakogo. Wnds) (Meteorology- In aoronautics) i - rrr A4 t-; :17 7S j z 71 4t ,vi V- I-Vi- tt A00 -e 0-8 4-4 -4 1 JI. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6279 jaroylyan jkjX,__9rUQrj ov -,Lab,, and Sergey Vasillyevich Solonin Ekvivalentnyy veter J. metody o rascheta (Equivalent Wind and Methods of Its Cal.culatiVegLeningrad, Oldrometeoizdat, 1962. 98 p. Errata slip inserted. 1250 copies printed. Reap. Ed.: L. T. Matveyev; Ed.: 0. Ya. Rusakova; Tech. Ed.: M. I. Braynina. PURPOSE: The book Is intended mainly fo:r meteorologists serving avi- ation, for aeronautical engineers, and for navigators. It can also be used by Instructors and graduate students of hydrometeorological institutes and civil aviation schools. COVERAGE: The increase in the range of flight and the aircraft ceil- ing makes it necessary to enlarge the application of meteorological data in navigational calculations. Therefore, the volume of metecr- olo g1cal inform.ation necessary for flight security has expanded Card IA),- Equivalent Wind a-nd Methods (Cont.) SOV/6279 considerably, raising new technical and methodological problems in meteorological research. The book analyzes wind conditions and their effect on the aircraft In general, and devotes particular attention to the equivalent wind. The authori3 endeavored, on the one hand, to present a n exact exposition of 'the theory of the equivalent wind and, an the other, -to describe the methods for obtaining the climatic characteristics of the equivalent wind and to show the possibilities of using them for navigational calculations. For this purpol3e, 'the book presents numerous concrete examples with detailed description of the necessary operations, which will help to master the technique of navigational calculations. The authors %thank L. T. 14&tveyev anti L. S. Gandin for their critical remarks. references, of which 18 are Soviet and 18 in Zngiish. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Basic symbole Card 21* 2__ -Awuamuo-~---, Us spwotstor does ixot remain indifferent. Soy.foto 23 no.3:38-39 A 163. (MRA 16./,) (Mmrkovlch, Marlis.) CHUKHNO, A.A.1 KOZLOV, G.A.; KASHCIIENKO, A.I.; AGANBEGIAN, A.G.; VOLK-11", M.I.; ZRUKOVSKIY, Ta.M.; NAGORNTY, A.F.; TSAGOLOV, N.A.; KOVAUVA, M.F.; PAVLOV, P.M.; ATLAS, M.S.; KATS, A.I.; MARfYFLYANSZT ~,G -L ANCHISHKIN, I.A.1 SPMUDOMOVA, N.S.; KRONROD, Ta.k.; SULIMOV, I.A.; BIMOELII E.Ya.; ROZEWMAN, YO.S.; Tk"ANYM, X.A.; NOVIKOV, V.A.; GATOVSKIY, L.M. Structure and content of the courso on the economics of socialism. Ifop. ekon; no.6:557-143 Je 162. (MIRA 15.6) 1. "vakiy gosudarstvennyy aniversitet (for Chukhno). 2.Vyssbaya lxrtlynaya sak-ola pri TSentrallnom komitete Ka=unisticheakoy partii ;Sovetakogo Spy-aza (for Roslov, Volkov, Zhukovskly). 3. Yaroslr-vskiy gosudarstvenn~,y pedagogicheskiy institut (for Kashchenko, Narovlyan- skiy, Sulizov). 4. Institut ekonmiki i organizatsii promyshlennogo proisvodstva Sibirskago otdeleniya AN SSM (for Aganbeg/an). 5. Inetitut povysheniya kvalifikatati prepodavateley obshchestvennykh nauk pri Kiyevskom gosudarstvennom 'iniversitete (for Nagornyy). 6. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for TS&golov, Spiridonova). 7- Akademiya obahchestvennifth nauk pri TSentrallnom komitete Kammu.- ;~stichsskqy partii Sovetakogo Soyusa (for Kovaleva). 8. Laningradskiy fimmeovo-ekonomicheskiy institut (for Pavlov). 9. Moskovskiy finansovyy inotitut (for Atlas). 10. Nauchno-issledovatellf:kiy institut ta"ida (for Kate). 11. Institut ekonamiki AN SSM (for Anchishkin, Kronrod). 12. 14oskovskly ekononiko-statisticheakiy institut (for Bregell). 13. Moskavskiy energeticheskiy Institiit (Continued on next card) CHUKIINO, ---(Conti nixe 1) Card 2. (for Rownman). 14. ArmjenBkiy eel I skokhozyaystvenn.(., institut (for Vartanyan). 15, Formakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (ror Novikov). 16. Chlen-korrespondent ktademii nauk SSSR, glavnyy redaktor zhurnala "Voprosy ekonomiki" (for Gdtovskiy). (Economics-Stiidy and teqching) BAM, L.# !LIRMLYUSKI.I. V. f f' c cy n (I s t r ia 1 Shed Ln 11 t, lin prol "-C 0 L, .t- C.,P. in re, NIRIDVBUUp N.B#p otarmbly prepodavatell the maltozal and technical lovel of railroad transpor. an works" In the U.S.S.R. Trudy MIXT no.166s36-51 $62. I (NM l6s6) (RailroadW-lMloyees-4ducation and training) AUTHOR: NarovskaZa. V.P. 70-3-3-17/36 TIT13: The Magnetic Anisotropy and Crystal Structure of Single Crystals of Magnetite at Temperatures below the Transition Point (Magnitnaya anizotropiya i kri.stallcgraficheskaya strulitura monokristalla magnetita pri temperaturakh nizhe fazovogo prevrashchenija) PKIIODICkL: liristallografiya, 1958, Vol 11, Nr 3. pp 346 - 350 (USSR).. ABSTRACT. 0Magnetite, cooled in a strong L~ai,,netic field to below - 160 C, undergoes a phi.,6e transftrma-lion to a form with one axis of easy magnetisation.. This form i_~ 'orthorhomluin (Abrahams and Calhoun, Acta Crystall , 1953, Vol 6, p 105) and the c-axis coincides with the cube &xis nearest to the field direction during cooling, The a and b axes correspond to 101 axes of the cubic form. Spher4ral crystals were used. e mechanical moment of the crystal in the 100 plane was mea- k sured in a field of 3500 Oe and used, together with X-ray methods, for setting the crystal. The mechanical moment about the c-axis is given by M-1/2 (Kal + q) sin 4E). By measuring this moment, it is possible to decide on the directions of a Card'L/3 and b in the 001 plane. ?0-3-`--`//36 1 _6rystais of The Magmetic Anisotropy and Crystal Structure of Sine e Magne,4-ite at Temperatures below the Transition Point A crystal was cooled to -195 0C ia a field of 2600 Oe; the field was then turned through 90 i1nd the mechanical moment, A~bout c was measured. The --haracter of the curve obtained ql~owed fhat the single crystal had b:f-oken down to a mosaic structure composed of two groups of zegions. These two regions had their c-axes in comi:.on along the field but the a and b axes were in the two -)ossible positions. ':ti,,re. The applied The sum of Ka' and KI appeared posi b field did not seem to affect the stricttire of the cTystal after it had been cooled down. Rotating magnetic fields of 4 000 to 10 000 Oe were then applied. This led t- an irreversible change in the _~ry-,tal structure as seen from the mechanical moment curve wl-;sh after 400 rotationf was distorted to a curve containin,-? 31n 2oL as 'he :-,rincipal component. It is concluded ti,at the ~_ryotal can be~~rme untmial in a direction perpendicular to the first-formed -axis On warmine up the crys'al returns tD its f,rmer state. Acknowledgiaents to Proess-)r 3.ryukhatov. There are 6 figures and 6 referen,_es, 3 of which are Soviet Card 2/3 and 3 English. 70-3-3-17/36 The Magnetic Anisotropy and Crystal Stru-7t=e of S4nLle Cr,7stals cf Magnetite at Temperatures Below tl.e Transit-mon Point ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut iazhenercv zh-3leznodoroztncc-o C transporta (Mos,i~vi InEt-0,-ite f,~-r Railway Engino=,ers) SUBM1TTED: March 5, 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORs re SOV,148-22-10-8/2 3 TITLZs Magnetic Anisotropy and Hysteresis .'bosses in Rotating Magnetic Fields in a Magnetitc 2zgU-er7sta&t Low Temperatures (Magnitnaya anizotropiya i pottri uu gisterezis Yo vrashchayushchikhays magnitnykh polj-akh v monokristalle magn*tita pri niskikh tomperaturakh) PICRIODICALt Isvestiya, Akadenii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskays., 1958 Vol 22, Nr 10, pp 1200 - 1204 ABSTRACTs In the present paper the author investigated bystereeia losses in rotating magnetic fields for the case of various fields and temperatures. In order to explain the formation of the hysteresis losses in rotating fields of a magnetite monocrystal cooled down below the transformation temperature in the absence of the magnetic field an equally probable distribution of the c-axes must be considered. In such a crystal a displacement of the boundaries between the domains of the mosaic structure is also possible. In this case an increase of the hyst;rleis losses at increasing temperature and a maximum near 1 0 is founl. The dependence of this Card 1/2 maximum on the field can also be explained by the displace- Magnetic Aniactropy and Hysteresis Losses in SOV/48-22-10-9,/23 Rotating UpLetio Fields in a Magnetite B1n4a-e.,rp1Aa at Low Temperatures sent of the boundaries between the domain& of the mosaic structure, for a stronger field is capable of causing a stronger displacement of the boundaries. When the samples are cooled in the ab "*no* 8f the field the presence of hysteresis effects at -7.95 is explainsd by means of specific processes. As the experiments showed these proceises take place in domaine of the crystal with a a-axis perpendicular to the rotation plan* of the field. Boosid*s the hysteresis in the low temperature phase of sagnet-to the temperature dependence of the constant of anisotgopy of the cubic phase of nagnotite in the range +20 z -160 was also investigated (Yig 5). The results agree wi;h the eiiperimental results obtained by Bikford (Ref 5). The authcr expresses her gratitude to N. L. Bryukhatov for the supervision of the work. There are 5 figures and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra fiziki Moskovskago instituta inshenerov aheleznodoro- zhnogo transports, (Chair of Physics of the Moscow Institute Card. 2/2 of Railroad Transportation Rngineers) k-- 4 07, 0;,O.,~ U,: I ' , I ULULA16.14 "Th* logwood in Armenia." Cand Agr Sci. :not of Fruit Growing. Acad Sci Armenian SSR, Yerevan. 1954. (31, No 10, Mar 5,55) go: Sum Iffo. 670. 29 Sep 55 * Survey of Scientific and Technical Dis- sertations Defended at USIR Higher Educational Instit -..toan (I;) MMMW. G.S.; A.Z. NechmIcal &a chmiml cuVosition of tkw cornellancherry deVood of ArmWA. lsv.AN Ars.SR.Blol.l sellkhos.naukl 7 no-1:47-55 Ja '54. (ma 9:8) 1. Institut genettki I selektaii reatenly AN Arupmakoy MM. (Armnl&--Do&wood) NARMIT, A.K. ANW.LAUKA~-. - FWW4v1_-woue corneliRn-cherry do ood forms of the Areqnian S.S.R. [in Armenian with aummnry In Hassianflzv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sel'Idics.nauki, 9 no.6.31-43 J* 156. (KLRA 9-9) (A rma ni #%--Dogwood) ACC NRI -AP6ol823l7_ ZOURCE -CODE: - UR/01416/66/000/002/0062/0064 AUTHOR: Kuvzbnqg Ya. (Lieutenest Colonel; Member of quartermaster 2ervice) ORG: None T17a': StozUg potatoes and vegetables in spring and summer SOURCE: T~l i anabzheniye sovetakikh vooruzhennykh ail, no. 2, 1966, 62-64 TOPIC TAGS. food preservation, f*od chemistry, N.-C-1 _0V ABSTRACT: Because pAitoes and vegetables contain water they are sen.5itive to ex- tremes of temperature and are very perishable. The quality of root v-!getalbles de- clines when they are stored, and deteriorates further in the spring when potatoes, onions and root vegetables begin to germinate, thus disrupting the tzN:)op supply system. When potatoes sprout they lose half their vitamin content. When exposed to light they lose their taste ane can even generate a poisonous compound which is harmful to health. An optimum temperature must be maintained to successfully store potatoes and vegetables. The article describes how to store potatoes and vegetables in the various clinatic conditions found in the Soviet Union. More or less exact details of construction of earthen trench systems, materials used for insulation and how to cover stored vegetables with earth are described. The importance of main- taining & temperature belAv the germination point, especially in spring and su;mnor, is stresmA. When this is not possible preservativ* I'M-111 can be used to reta-rd -Card 112 growth. Three kilograms of M-1 per ton of potatoes are used. Temperature and humidity parameters for bests, carrots, anions, and other root vegetables are specified. Techniques for storing sauerkraut under various climatic and temperature conditions are discussed. MM CM: 06,25/SUBN DAM None card I 152 BF1, s/m/62/ooo/oo6/oas/m F1031/19492 AU114ORS: Lyakhov, 1`-!4. , Naroi-tirtaya, Z.V. (No*~-tm) T' T 1, E : Nano lAn.-O- w,%vttF4 in soils PERIODICAL: zhurna I ~ir 1 1, 1 -1 .In t14 ;tie ji haniki I tekhn1cheskoy flalki no.6, 1,))2, TEXT: The waves w-,~re j-r(,(j,ceki Ly placing charges an the surface of the soil anti aprink),ing the rharge,s with powdered soil.- 'The experiments showed that tf;ii intentsity of the waves Increased with the thickness of this covering, bk1t beyond a certain value thicam*40 had no effect. Two of unsaturated sandy sell were chosen, the composition of t~ie in one of the regions being given. The experiments took in dry and rainy weather with moisture contents of' the aan,l: 7% anti 10 - 12% in one rogiom and w = 2 - 4~',' i n t it e o t h,-3 r'ren-sonictors and piezoelectric pick-ups were used t(-) met%eiiir(- tho fi,trampters of' the waves. Oscillograwls were taken of the norm..-il pressure in the first region at tiaiiall ur ry -as moisture content for (1~~Oojires front the a fees va ing tz 0.5 to 1-3m which showe,l thf~ ,~re-sqtire varying frus 0.6 to a.4,1 (charge density 0.12) kg/cm~!, a,i-l di9tarice-3 0.5 to 2.00 with preamure varying f'rom 0.8 to J1.0 (rA,.arge lensity 0.25) kg/co2. 1%0 waves cease to be shock wax,e!; for a pre3-saure of 3 to 5 kg/cu2. Th* Card 1/2 3/207/62/ooo/oo6/022/025 Plane bia.-it waves irt soils E031/z492 velocity of propagation of ttie wave front and the ffiaxl~ pressu" were '11"40 moa.9111-vd. " f it v , I or k t J e-,n increase with the nolsturo content. ',Nle V'%~U'~ ot Lhe fflo'\ I Itil kill pressure also increases with the moisture content alit! .11, amiro.Avitate expression In given establishilli~- this variaii.)ri. E'xpertments were also undertaken to determine the parameter!! of spherical waves due to point charges. In the plarie waves the nol-ILLAI pressure increased wl~h the moisture, content and the corre-sponding relatILOnD were given. - Rxperimente showed that the ratio of ftide to normal pressure to practically constant for both plane ai-d -qpherical waves In the interval or pressure studied. A comparison Is istade of some of the results for water satu-ated soil. rhe very, much *mll*r values of the n!brmal presslAr) arid vnlocity of propagation of the wave front is explained by tiie unsatliratec, character of the soil which, remiss compressible at larger nv)i-qtitr(3 contents than saturated soil. There are 7 figures. SURMTTTED: May 19, 1902 Card 2/2 HAROZHNAYA, Z.V. (Moskva) --.- ........... . -.- . Experismintal detlerodnation of tho apepd of unlmWirg in the soil in dynode procoosee. flauch.-tekh. probl. gor. I vzryvit no.jj 8"2 165, (MPA 18:9) . . . . . ! .,- I X 1. * - , ';~ , " , .'' ., '. A '!( . : . a i I I HAROUNn L N, - - Qr*on light to advancel nechnology. Grashd.av 17 n0.9-.1-2 S 6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zamatitell glavnogo inzhenera Tootoohno-Sibirskogo territorial'- nogo uwavlonlya Grashdatokogo vosdushnogo flota, Irkutsk. (Aeroranctiam, Commarcial) Mag 4, K-7- 64 , -fr,- Of _VK IT Fi w Emil I p-M, 2,M' IrAF D3 LP--, -1 VA. JTIL-7~,Z~), -44) MR. MIN "-Vfl m a r 3~r 7 tw r 40 It 7v -~itI pf t I-MOR -T- SAIUTOVTSEVA, R.G.; SAFRONOVp V.I.; DEKAP011MV, I.F. (Kiy,w); MROZHWTO V.B.1 jail,.; EUiDICFFVS?.JY, L.N., insh. (Novosibirsk) Concerning the article NNiform safety engineering regulations for electric power distribution netwDrks." Energetik 13 no.11%33-34 N 165. (MIRA l8ill) f 1. Starshiy inzh. PTE XaLliningradenergo (for Shrat-irtseva). 2. gzch&llnlk slushby setey REU Kalinirgradenergo (for Safronov). 3. Kachallnlk Darnitakcigo setovogo rayon& Tugo-Zapadenoy zheleznoy dorogi (for 1)ekapolitov), 4. Kiyev-nergo (for Naroshn.vy). 5. Priobakiye, seti (for Berdichevokly). WWBWSKI, Alfozw; NAROZNIK, Kazimierz Attempted disposis of prostatic cancer vith thi aid of P32. Poloki prsegl. chir, 33 no.11as1400-1407 161. 1. Z Oerodks Izotopovego Zakladu RiAiologil PAM v Ssezecinie Kisrownik: prof. dr C. Murcsynski i z 3ddsiaJLu Urologiesnego PA14 Kisrovnik: Sant. prof. dr A.Wojewski. (PROSTATE neopl) (PHOSPHOIWS radioactivo) MURGUNSK I C, M I K CC ZA ;c. 5 (PNI I WE F Mar d TUSTAAWSYT S rj',2'l KK U'3~ 7;1;: . a a, Z Zak L ad,i lia(~ E 7,4 -STANIOWS"I, Z 'Alad, i d S z z ec ~n I e ~r-,f. ar. F i z -,;,k ff F t -j r, c ao IMAIZTSp A.S.; -MAWSLI~V-l ~V-A-- Prospecting w"Plfacance of the halom of dispersion of rare mt&W in granite nassifs the Chingis-Tau. buly SN=DG "5sl7g-M 162. (KM 3614) (Ching ls-Taum-Metaln, Bare and minor) (Chlngiw-2a*-Gr=ito-Afidywis) NARSEYEV, V.A.: BUGAYETS A.N. - .0 Phosphorus content in granitoids of the Ralba Range. Vest.An Kazakh. SSR 19 no.2- 3-D-"5 F 163. (KERA 16 t 5) (Kalb& Range-Rocks) N ~, :: Q-1 'E. I" , I.. ~ .~ ?c e Af -- r: - v -. ~- - ! . ': ~I~ .-n -, . . . ::F- . . I A -; -I ---: - -~ *. : z . . -;l . T, . .: . t ra n , p c, r r, c, f ~. t. , -, ~, ~ 1! F'!~* , AN, .rl A g I - . t ~., - ". ".. ': . XAGAN, B.M.(Moskva); R&RSIDZZ, X.M. (Moskvaj Two-ph"s asrnchroums motors with thin-walled rotors ased an servomotors and epesdx-voltage generators. Avtom. i telem. 14 no.2:177- 187 Mr-Ap 15). (MIRA 10:3) (Servomechanisms) (ilectric motors, Induction) KAKURI=p S.M.1 NAMIU, A.A. (Tbillsi) Fibromero= action of barite. Gig. truda i prof. sab. 4 no.12: 43-45 D 060. (MMA 15:3) 1. RespublikarzkLy nauchno-losledowatellskiy Imlitut gigiyeny truda i professlonallafth ze:bolevaniy imni N.I. 14akhviladse Qmsiumkoy SSR. (FIEROSIS) (BARITZ--PMIOLOGICAL EFM) NARSIYA, A. G. NARSIYA, A. G. - "14orphoIxgical. Changes in the OrEans (Liver Pancreas, Kidneys, Suprarena2 (Wnds, Cardiac and Skeletal Muscleqj in'E'xpe--I- mental Alimentary DystroptW." Georgian State Publishing House for Medical Literature. Tbilisi State 'Medical Inst. Thili3i, 1555. (Dissertation for the! Degree of Candidate in Pledical. ScLences). So.: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 6, 1956. WXIADZ,-,,7.G.; j4~S~YkJL-Q. (Tbili, 0 Clinical and exptrimenta-I studs, of the effect of lit;-.oponc-- -"ust o!~ the lungs. Gig. truda i prof. zab. 4 n0-3:51-53 *~r '60. 15:-Q 1. Institut gigiyeriy truda i profes:-.ion:d'nykh zabol~vaniy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Gruzinskoy SSR. (LITIiOPO,,LS-?JIY3IOLOGIi;AL (LU:iGS--DU3T DU&AS~'~;) KIPIMI, S.P.; VARSIYA, A.G. (Thilisi) Clinical.arA experimental c'"aracteristice of andesite p-Piz,.o- conjoaje. i prof'.,aab. no*E--38--" '61- (MM 14,11) 1. Respublilmnskiy naucbno-Issledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny truda i prof2abolevanly imeni N.I. Makhviladze Ministerstva stravookhraneniya Grusinskoy SM. (LUVC&-.DUSI- DIMSES) WILIAM, T. G. ; NARS I YA p A. G. Clinical X-ray picture in lithopone pneumoconiosis. Vast. rent. i rad. 36 no,5s60-61 S-0 161. (M':A 15:1) 1. Is Institute, gigiyeny truda i profsabolevaniy Ministeretva sdravookhrameniya Grusin koy SSR (dir of. G.Z.Pitsklielauri). (LUNW-XUST DISL"!!S) ?,AD1r2,,HY) NABSIYA, A.G., kand.zed.rwilk Scientific ses3ion of Ue Scientific Research Izatitute of ftentgor.ology and MmUcal Roftelogy of the Ministry of Public Health of the Georgian "). S. R. Vest. rent. i rad. 37 no.l-. 85--86 iv.-F '62- (MIRA 15:31) (BjtDIO*WGY, ~IEDIGAI,--CONGRES.-W) HARSITA, 14. ll~ ~-~ Present'state and prospective development of the mixed feed in- dustry In Georgia. %k.-elev.prom. 25 no.7:19-20 Tl '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Rachallnik glaynogo upravlonlya khleboproduktov pri Sovote Ministrov Grtzinakoy SSR. ( and feed trade) NMSIYA, Podar V~ UUJ~,_, , jg"L [Mechanical draving in cormection with industrial produc- tion; manual for SPOCi.3liZed secondary educational institu- tions] [Insheriernais, grafika v aviazi s proizvodstvom; uchebaos posobis d-lia srednIkh spetsialInykh uchobnykh sa,- vedenii, Tbilisi, TSodnal 1964. 169 P. (In Georgian] (MIRA 18:7) Y J, iy Nil USSF/Medicine Leptospirosis, Epidemiology Card. 1/1 Pub. 148 - 8/25 YD-2597 Author Karaseva, Ye. V.; Marskaya, Ye. V.; and Ananyn, V. V. Title Results of improving the sanitary condition of a natural reservoir of non-icteric leptospirosis Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. i I mun. 4, 37-40, Apr 1955 Abstract The epidemiology of a natural reservoir of non--icteric Leptospirosis in the vicinity of Lake Nero in Rostovskiy Rayon, Y&roslavskaya Obl.ILGI. is described. Remedial measures designed to eliminate this reservoir over a four year period are discussed. The article is illustrated by three charts. Six Soviet references are cited. Institution Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni Gamaleya (Direc- tor - G. V. Vygodchikov) Submitted Dectimber 31, 1954 KARASILVA. Te.T.; NARSUYA. Te.T.; BARISHTATM, A.D. The field vols Microtue ooconomus inhabiting the region of lake Zero In Yaroslavl Province [with summary to Juglish]. Diul.WLIP.Otd.vitol. 62 nc..3:5-18 Vbr-Je 157. (KW 10:8) (MO Rwifix-FLAID NLGB) NARSKIKH, 1. 1. 68617. Bushe, N. A. i flarsk'-,kh, 1. 1. uIcnahenlye raboty podshipir.~k-.v dv I,gateley teplovosov. M., ~'ranszheldorizdat. 1954. 2Cs. a ill. 21 -im. (voevoyus. Sauch. -- issled. in-t sh.-d. transporta. Infom. pis'mc. Vo. 323) 1.000 elm. bespl. -- A obl. avt. ne ukazany. -- (5--149zh) 621.431.72-211.2 SO: Lnizhnayn Letoris' fio. ,, 1955 I., f PIATOBOV. YeJet 9XIMIEL LIS w Results of diesel loconotive tractIon and heat ereneering tests. Trudy 2011 MM no-87:162-171 '54. (XM 8:3) (Diesel locomotives-Testing) /II.Vj-4 ..' '-A A bi1: UMKaADBXIT. V.A., bLndidat tokhnichookikh no, ; Koolau I :. kmAidat tekhnicktaskift nauk; STRUSMCH, K.A., kwdid&t nai*; IffADIITJJ, V.S., kmadidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. On the life of diesel oil in D50 engines of the IS diesel locomotives. Test.TMI MPS 15 no.:2:28-30 S 156o NUU 9:12) (Diesel fuels-Testing) N 11 -K " K I 11-\~ Y+ ~ - - J ~ f TOWDIN. A.I.0 kandi"t teklmicheakikh nauk; JU-PISKLM I didat tokhnichookikh nauk; MMICH, Aqz., ingneneri"MMVP Davieis for meamwizC wear In crankshaft Journal*. Yest.?SWII UPS no,,2:58-59 Mr 157. OKLRA 10: 4) (Beariags(Machisery))(Diesel locomotives) I)c . ~'-' " /" /' -1 1 ry -a f, , ) . ~l / TABILIMA, V*V*v I-mb,; XARKIKI, Is L,~~ tokhz6 =uk*, "1 0 V.A.. IWA. Br&lmtin ft'iterablllty of dl*ool locamtIve oll addltlvos. Test, "RI M 17 no,2tA-26 Mr 0589 (KMA U54) (Diesol locowtives-lubriestion) SUM , X.A,, koudoteldm." =9 1,1,g kand.takhm-neuk Q24 Oak ~ ov&04~A!* ~; Inerience Ix usins B12 load babbitt otal in thin-layered on4se bearing:o. Trtidy 2011 MPS ao*157:167-171 158o (Babbitt m tal) (Bearings (machinery)) (MIRA 11:11) PHASE I BOOK EIPWITATION SCV/4440 Narskikh, Ivan Ivanovich, Cean~Udate of Technical Sciences, ard Kirill AlekBandrovich Dizel'nyye poyezda i avtomotrisy (Diesel Trains and Rail Motor Cars) Moscow, Transzheldorizdat, 1960. 116 p. 3,COO copies printed. F,d.t V.D. 3irotenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: MI.A. Medvedeve. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical workers. COVERAGE: "he book contains a general description of the diesel trains and rail motor cars used on railro&ds of the USSR and information regarding their opera- tion and maintenance. Principal trends in the development of diesel trains and rail motor cars are discussed. A list of 19 types of diesel trains and rail motor cars operating on U,3SA railroads is included. The authors have used ma- terials from the Vsesoyuzj,.iyy nauchno-litsledovatellskiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta MPS (Tsffii mps) (Ali-union scientific Research Institute of Railroad Transportation of the Min:Ls-*.ry of Railroads) in addition to the materials listed in the bibliography. The book is dedicated to Alekasy Icsifovich Volodin. Cho. I and V were written by Prof. K.A. Shishkin (deceased), Honored Scientist and Technician of the RSF3R. Ch. II was written by I.I. Narskikh, Winner of the Card 113 Diesel Traina (Cont.) SOV/4440 Stalin Prize, Candidate of Technical Sc!.ences, and Cho. III and IV were written by B.H. Lerner, Engineer, with I.I. Warokikh assisting in their preparation. There are 20 references: 17 Soviet, 2 German and 1 English. TABLE OF COW110TSt From the Authors 3 Ch. 1. Concise Information on the Use of Diesel Trains and Rail Motor Cars Operating on Railroads of the USSR 4 Ch. 11. Diesel Irains and Rail Motor Cars Op3rating on the Railroads of the USSR 1. General information 12 2. The diesel engine and its auxiliary equipment 29 3. Power transmission fron; d1esel engine to wheels 47 4. Designs of trucks 75 5. Ventilation and heating 80 Ch. III. Operation of Diesel Trains 1. Hethod3 of operating diesel trains over operating runs 88 2. Method.3 of servicing diesel trains by train crows 88 Card 213 Diesel Trains (Cont.) SOV/4440 3. Duties of crows responailDle for maintenance. and servicing of diesel trains 89 4. Inspection and servie1jig of diesel trains 90 Ch. IV. Organization of Curritn't Maintenance of Diesel Trains 1. Types of maintenance and their deWriptiOn 95 2. Main repair shop and workshops used for operation and maintenance of diesel trains 96 3. Organization of maintens:ace 100 Ch. V. Diesel Trains and Rail Mlotor Cars in Foreign Countries AVAILABLE: Library of Congregs Card 313 AC/wrc/sfm 10125160 1k 924 .19 g. 6,2 .1 00 004 ~u 40,i: . : AA- 00"'; j3-, 9 to d 0 .0 .510: Eli c 1 20 al. *A Ov. 1 49: 1-4"050 - **-0 a 0 SO 0 2:1. CD 0 10 OUS 0 0 law .00, is t c A 4U.- , --;s ;j- -1-4 1 V soft v U al'.b.0jiig :. 8 P-5 2 A .v u a 0 .. 2 A -V . 2 . on .4 :2's voflr .00.0. . idk S. U. 0 U- at.; 4.441 cQ00,64 all0 00 0 00 J- 40 c a 05 A 0 91 c .9 3 u (,.tr vjefflA-, 0 - is lot 0 0"", Eli - al 9. OA J! A MOP", v r I-sa 10,12 gal -qj* 0 31 ills a Q~ i I a i 4. BUSHE, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, MARSKAH 1.1 , kand. tekhn. nauk; BABAYLV, N.K., Yu.A., Inzh. Testing of aluminLm alloy bearings for diesel locomotive eng.neE.. Vest. TSNII VTS 22 no.'7:39-44 163. (MIRA 16iI2. 1. Tashkentsk:4y institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo , -r*-, (for Babayev).