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I-TALIVYO, G. V., Cind Tech &-,J. ( -- "Tr-chnological. Invest1gations of t1he process of tobacco dryIng in the chernozem zone, using high temperatures". Krasnodar, 1.959, 20 pp (Mln Higher and Inter Spec Fduc RSFSR, Kresnodar Tnst of the Food Industry), 150 copies (KL, No 10, 1960, 131) MANIN, V.; MALIKUNOV, N, ., Causes for thm less of work time an the shift. Sots.trud ne.2:94-96 F 156. (MMA 9:7) (Cutting machines) (Efficiency, Industrial) NAIKOWSKA, ZOFIA. Moj ojciec. Warazava,, Na9za Ksisgarnia,, 1955, 55 p. My father. port. MiDW Not in DlC SOURCE: EAst Europeaa Accesaions List (EEAL)., LCp Vol. 5,, noe 3.. March 1956 SA.KS, Vladimir llikolayevich; VALINTYAYTEVA, Tamam Ivan,)vna; KHYI,'GOLITS, G.Ya.p doktor geol.-minere nauky otv, red, [Upper Jut-twolo and Lawor- Crotalomut tKilarml Lott In Olo northorn genova Cylbulrotuuthiu and Lagonibelus] Verkhneiurskie i nlzlinemelovye belemnity Severe, SSM-~; rody Cylindroteuthis i Lagonibelus. Lenin- grad, Nauka, 1964. 3.65 P. (MIRA 17:12) SAKS, Vladimir Nikolayevich- NALINYAYEVA, Tamara Ivanovna; y LiN- '-di --ge-01. --mine r -, Muk otv-','red. KRY14GOLITS G.Ya... oit - .4 (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous belemnites of the north of the U.S.S.R.; Pacbyteuthis and Acroteuthis genera] Verkhneiurskie i nizhnemelo-vye belemnity Severa SSSR; rody Pachyteuthis i Acrotauthis. Moskva, Natika,, 1966. 258 p. (MIRA 19-1) BALO, Jozsef. dr..; 70IJ)VARI, Ferenc.,dr.,; MARTON, Kalman, dr. Cataanestic follow-up of pamphigus. Borgyogy. vener. szenle 8 no.2: 42-30 Mar 54, 1. A Budappati Oryostudomanyi Igyetem Bor- es Namikortani Klinikajanak (Igasgato: Yoldvarl Ferenc &r. eg)retemi tanar) as I. Korbouctani an Kiserleti Rakkatato Intesetenek (igazgato Balo Jozeef dr. effetemi tanar) kozlemerVe. (PMMIGUS, therapy '. estannestic follow-up) NALOBIN, YU. With the aid of industrial technology. Proj'.-tekh. obcr. 19 no.7:9-10 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Zamestitell direktora spetsiallnogo remeslennogo professionallno-tekhnicheskogo uchilishche No.lp Omsk. (Vocational education) I=V, N. 11. PA 13158 USS/Wave Guides Noy i946 Doppler effect "The Doppler Vfect in a Wave Guide," N. N. Nalovy 3 pp "Zhur Eksp i Teor Fiz" Vol XVI, No 11 Flamin tion of the electromagnetic fields in wave guiclas from the viewpoint of an observer moving along the axis of the wave guide. 13T58 137-1957--!?-1'38i8 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 137 (USSR) AUTHOR: Naloyev, G. A. TITLE: The Role of Rationalization and Invention in Reducing Spoilage (Rol' rats ionalizats ii i izobretatel'stva v snizhenii braka) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Novoye v liteyn. proiz-ve. Nr Z, Gor1kiy, Knigoizdat, 1957, pp 53-57 ABSTRACT: A number of examples is given illustrating the rationalization of processes in the foundry shop-- of the Molotov automobile plant; more than fifty percent of the suggestions deal with problem3 of improving the quality of the output and reducing the amount of spoilage. This was supplemented by the establishment of a base standard for casting quality. S. Sh, 1. Foundries-Materipls-Quality control 2. Foundries4laterials- Salvage control Card 1/1 I.I.; BORISOV, R.I.: TASINOVSKIT, B.S,, inzh,; SANNIKOV, Tu.K., Lnzh.; SOKOLOV, V.A., inzh.; LEVCHENKO, L.D., inzh.- NALOYEV G.A., inzh.; CHICHAKOV, K.K., inzh.; BARYKIN, V.I., inzh.:r-i5i0i; I.Ta., inzh. GULTAYEV, A.I., inzh.; STIGH=, TA.Y., inzh.; SHAGANOTA, K.H., in.%h.; KEMIMSIIY. I.Ta., inzh.-, AVROV, A.I., insh.; DIMIDOTA, M.I.. iuzh.-. NIKIFOROVA, Te.D., inzh.; KLIBANOVA, Y.I., inzh.; CHIVKUNOV, K.I.. inzh.; STOROZHKO, I.G.0 lnzh.; NOVAKOVSKIT, Te.Ta., inzh.; GOTEIT=I, A.O., inzh,; TARASOV, A.M., inzh,; SHISHKO, A,P., insh.-, UVAROV, P.T., skonomist; DRAGUNOV, N.V., skonomist; KIRMASHOV, ~O-A., skonomist; KONKIN, N.V.. ekon~omist; GOREV, M.S., okononist. Pri- nimali uchastiye: LAPIN, T.I.; RAMENSKIT, Yu*A.; KADINSKIT, B.A.; SOKOLOV. S.D.; STOROZHKO, I.G.; PON A.I.. POLTAKOVA. N., red.; SMIRNOV, G., takha.rea. [Organization and improvement of production; practices of the Gorkiv Automobile Plant] Organizateiia i sovershonstvovanis proizvoastva; opyt Gor1kovskogo avtozavoda. Moskva. Goo. Izd-vo polit. lit-ryo 1958. 332 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. DirektoT Gor1kovskogo Avtomobilinogo zavoda (for 11iselev). 2. Glevnyy inshener Gorlkovskogo aytomobillnogo zavods (for Borisov). 3. Gortkovokly avtomobillnyy sayod (for all except liselev, Borisov, Polyakova, Smirnov). (Gorkiy--Automobile industry) ABRAMOUp N. L. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;- RALOYKVA, A.N. Effect of vat dyes on the photochemical destruction of cotton fibers. Tekst.prom. 22 no.10:07-69 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley (NIORK) (for Abramova). 2. Starshiy laborant Nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute. organicheakikh poluproduktov i krasiteley (NIOPiK) (for Naloyeva). (Dyes and dyeing-Cotton) AUTHOR: Nalpenko, V. Ye. SOV/72-58-10-151/18 TITLE: Automatic Moistening of the Batch (Avtomaticheskoye uvlazhne- niye shikhty) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 195B, Ur 10, PP 43-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Kiyev Factory for Glass Containers introduced this procesi the plant being supplied with alternating current. The fol- lowing electrical equipment is used: 2 electromagnets, 2 relays of the type '~RP-43 and 2 magneto start ers of the type . The automation scheme is shown in a figure and then described in.detail. The 2 electromaenoto are con- trolled by the relays and operate the water supply valves and therefore also the mcdstening of the batch. The electrodes in the viater tank are mounted at a distance of 10 - 12 mm from each other. One electrode can be moved to fix the water volume in the tank as required. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy steklotarnyy zavod (Kiyev Factory for Glass Containers) Card 1/2 . Automatic Moistening of the Batch SOV/72-58-10-13/18 Card 2/2 NALPENKO., R7iminate the faults in electric motors with alimimun frames, Bromo energ. 16 no*51D9-60 Yq 161, (MM 14:7) 1e Kiyevsk:Ly steklotarnyy zavod. (Electric motors) 4 -1 - -- ----- NALISKAYA, N. P. Nallskaya, N. P. - "Automatic regulation of ,-)roces3es on a dressing machine", Nauch.-issled. trudy (Tsentr. nauch.-issled. in-t khlopchatobumazh. prom-sti), Issue 2, 19h9p P. 86-93. SO: U-4110, 17 JulY 53, (Letopis lZhurnal Inykh Statey, LN6. 19, 190). The vole of the dccca!T,w1aX A c-ifirsizes 11. A. Will 11. 1'14 a 'row I I . No. 2, :-0 -2~ 11,151 76[ti- 195 E.' 11. 11W.I-F: I.F. C.A. $6, h02211;- 44 97111", --A Rr"I oi,,~ fur Colton warp j1'451: contit"I at 11tirt 0; tile in 4t.1, fiII-Ill. Expri. rciortt-d n1mwil ovidUn figu'll, III Ix- Illitable. ffir fit, ',laplew or porth't i1ex-majill. U11 tile .1 wth ChInvauisIx b 1ximl: sr(rst mlixtac- 1 'it dr, Wry. 'waim, Itia.1 11(it ti,kc placc thnitW11%t tile WIlul" fw- Of the hill I'"IY III ENIt mrti,,n Idit0i 14 tolm wi. 0.1r. 1'. jlli,, vol lim) I,; thell Ild"ed wilk the t11146.-nmi4l. poni-al of tile 'it~ . I-nrjnuiw% Int iizcA and txljtl. reviltsi are, NALISKAYA, N. P. Cand Tech Soi (dies) "Study and jOr determimtion of optimum isoos parameters in theAproaess~~~~~ e staple~Rber,'y'sraW Moe, 1957. 19 pp 21 cm# (Min of Higher Eduontion USSR. Moe Textile Inst), 100 copies (KL, 7-57, 107). SUROVYAGI[NA, M.P., inzh.; NALISXAYA, N.P.. inzh. New type of eize cooking equipment. Tekst.prom. 20 no.9:29-32 16o. (MLU 13:10) (Sizing (Textile)) (Textile machinery) I SYIT,-Ya. Nallskly, Yp. "Face to fice Qith difficultler,", (Exporionce in obtainint- rich harvests of cotton on Ealty soils~, Sel. khovvo Tad2hikstwia, 1949, Ilo. 2, p. 10-12. SO: TI-hll, 17 JulY 53, (letopis' Zhurnal Inylch Statey, No. 20, 19L;9). Ut PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 116o Islamov, Nasriddin Akhmedovich, Kozachkovskiy, Viktor Andreyevich, Eallskiy, Yakov Isakovich, Promtov, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Tadzhikskaya SSR; kMtkiy istoriko-ekonomicheskiy ocherk (Tadzhik SSRI Brief Historical and Economic Study) Moscow, Gospolitizdat, 1958. 193 p. 25,000 copies printed. Ed.: Petrova, S.; Tech. Ed.: Danilina, A. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: This book is a popular survey of Tadzhikistan., i.e., mainly of its physical geography, economic situation, history and culture. The section on industries contains economic indices of the growth of industrial output and a number of actual figures; as a rule, however, the information provided on individual factories, projects, and deposits is very superficial. A few good photographs, showing important industrial installations, are given. There are some 50 photographs and 2 maps. No references are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/2 Tadzhik SSR (Cont.) l16o I. From the Historic Past (Prior to 1917) 21 1. People of an ancient civilization 21 2. Union with Russia 38 3. Development of the Revolutionary Movement 44 II. Victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Establishment of Soviet Power in Tadzhikistan. Formation of the Tadzhik ASSR 51 III. Construction of Socialism. Formation of the Tadzhik SSR 69 1. Development of industries prior to the Five-Year Plans 73 2. Transport 75 3. Agriculture 76 4. The Tadzhik People During the Great Patriotic War 80 IV. Land With a Great Future 84 1. Industries 84 2. Agriculture 108 3. Upswing of prosperity, flowering of culture 151 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 NM/fal 2-12-59 KALUTSISHINq B4,; MARIVZGOFp B-B- Sme recent data on coal resourcedof middle and upper Carboniferous and Permian deposits in the lower Gorbiachin Valley* IlLformobiulo NIIGA no.1*4j-47 160o (MIRA 14:6) (Gorbiachiu Valley-4oal geology) LUTSISHIN, B.N. Using the facies-geotectonic analysis in field studies of coal ,sediments in the Tunguska aeries of the Kureyka graphite deposit. Inform. biul. NIIGA no.19:44-49 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Kureyka Valley--Coal geology) ZAYTSIVA, G.I., kandidat meditainskikh nauk; 3YSTROU. V.V.; NALYUBINA, G.A. Visceral condidonWcoRis in children. Pediatriia 39 no-3:56-62 My-is 156. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Iz filiala kafedry pediatrii (zav. - aoteent G.I.Zaytsev) I kafedz7 patologicheskoy anatomil (zav. - prof. P.V.Sipovskiy) I-eningradnkogo instituta usoverahenstvovaniya Yrachey imani S.M. Kirova (dir. - prof. N.I.Blinov) (MONILIASIS, IN inf. and child etiol. and pathogen. antibiotics, In child.) (An IBIOTICS, inj. eff. moniliasis in child.) KUDRIN, V.A.; OYKS, G.N.; SORO~IN, S.P.; NECHKIN, Yu.14.; GLUSIITSOV, M.V.; TIAM __L~~B ~- LAPSHOVA, M.P.; YUDSON, A.A.; PETRENKO, O.D.; ADRIANOVA, V.P. Smelting high-grade steel in open-hearth furnaces fired with natural gas. Stall 20 no. 7099-602 J1 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Open-hearth furnaces-Equipment and supplies) CA14D TECH SCIt "BEHAVIOR OF HYDROGEN IN __tj~ NAIAt B. P., 0, BATH OF A_'~.BASIC MARTIN FURNACE VIHE14 HEATED WITH NAfURAL GAS*" MOSCOW-UNEPROPETROVSKI 1961e (MIN OF HIGHER AND SEC SPEc ED UKSSR. UNEPROPETROVSK ORDER OF LABOR RED BAN- NER METALLURGICAL JN$T). (KL-DVI 11-61p 221). -167- PHASE I BOOK MMDITATION SOV/5556 Macaw. Institut stall. Nowye v teoril i praktike proizvodstva martenovskoy stall (Rev [Developmental mn3dng) Moscov, Metallurgizdat, in the Theory and Practice of Open-Hearth Steel 1961. 459 p. (series: Trudy Hezhvuzovokogo nauchnogo ooveshebaniya) 2,150 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Hiniaterstva ~Yeshago i arednego opotsialinogo obrazovaniya RBFSR. Makovskly institut stall imani 1. V. Stalina. Eds., M. A. OlinMYj Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. Kryndakov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Kudrin, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, G. N. Oyka, Pr6fessor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and V. X. Yavoyakly, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Ye. A. Borko; Up of Publishing House: N. D. Gromov; Tech. Ed.z A. I. Karaseve PURPOSE: This collection of aLfticles is intended for members of scientific institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, engineers concerned vith wtallurg;Lcal processes and physical chemistry, and students specializing in these fields. Card 1/14 Nev (Developments] in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556 COVERAGE: The collection contains papers reviewing the development of open- hearth steelmaking theory and practice. The papers, written by staff members of schools of higher education, scientific research institute@, and main laboratories of metallurgical plants, were presented and discussed at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Higher Education. The foll-jving topics am considered: the kinetics and mechanism of carbon oxidation; the process of slag formation in open-hearth furnaces using In the charge either re-limo briquets or composite flux (the product of calcining the mixture of 0 lime with bauxite); the behavior of hydrogen in the open-hearth bath; metal deculturization proceasenj the control of the open-hearth thermal melting regime and its automationj he at -engince ring problems in large-capacity furnaces, aerodynamic properties of fuel gases and their flow'In the furnace combustion chamber; and the Impramment of hleh-alloy steel quality through the utilization of vacmm and natural gases. The following persons took part in the discussion of the papers at the Conference: B.I. Filippov, V.A. Kudrin, M.A. Glinkov, B,,P. Nam, V.I. YavoyakLy, G.R. Oyke an& Ye. V. Cheliahchey (Moscov Steel Institute)j Ye. A. Kmachkay. an& A. S. Muxritonov (Zhdanor Metallurgical Inatitute)s B.S. MLkhdy`jAtS(jWtjtUte Of Chemical Yetallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR)) A.I. Stroganoy.-and D. Ya, Povolot5kiy (Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute); P.V. Vmrikhin Aural Polytechnic Institute); I.I..Fomin (the Moscow "Serp I molot" Ylstallargical Plant)j V.A. Pukley (Central Asian Polytechnic Inati tut.) Card 2/14 New (Developments] in the Theory (cont.) M/5556 and M.I. Beylinov (Night School of the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute)* References f.1lov sono of the articles* There are, 268 references, moistly Soviet. TABLE OP CO?JTEMi 7orevord Ywfoyakiy, V. 1. [Moskovskiy institut istdU - Mooarw Steel Institute]. Principal Trends in the Developocut of Scientific Research in Steel Ma=facturing Filippov, S. I. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow Steel Institute]. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation 15 in Metals With Lov Carbon Content IV. I. AntoDenko participated in the experizenttj Lavin, S. L. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dnepropotrovskly motallurgichaskly inatitut Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute). Card 3!14 Nov [Devaloptxdo] in the Theory (cont.) SOV/5556 Kapustin, Ye. A. (Docent, Candidate of.Technical Sciences, Zhdanar Metallurgical Inotitute). Aerodfnazdc Properties of Fuel Gases and Their Ylov in the Combustion Chamber of an Open-Rearth r4rnacc Kudrin' V.A. (Docent, CandidAto of Technical, Sciences) 0 N Oyas 0,D, PoIrenko, A,A, Yubon, Tu. R. B.P. N., (EZI;,,r,); Ij. Ansheles [Docent, Candidate of Technical-B-c-fe-nces), R.M. Ivanoy (Candidate of Technical Sciences], and V.P. Adrianova (Engineer], Special Features of Kaking High-Quality Steel in Natural-Gas -Fired Oyen-Rearth Furnaces 280 Butakay, D.K. IDocent), L.M. Hallnikorr Nngineerl, A.M. I-Irman, V.D. Budonnyy, P.P. Bableb, and A.I. Sinkevich (Ural Polytechnic Institute, Zavod. im. Ordzhonikidze Challabinakogo aoYnarkhoza -Plant imeni Ordzhonikidze of the Chelyabinsk Sovnerkhoz). Speciel Fizatures of Making Steel in Open-Hearth Furnaces With Kagnasite- Chromita 111rick) Roots 290 Kudrin, V.A., Yu. M. Necbkin, Ye. 1. Tyurin [Candidate of Technical Sciencefli and. Ye. V. Abrosiwv (Roacow Steel Institute]., The Acid Open-Rearth Process 299 Card 10/14 NAM9 B.P.; OYY%Sp G.N.; K,UDRINp V.A*; MECHKIN, YusMe Hydrogen behavior in open-hearth furnace baths fired with natural gas. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.~ chern. met. no.1;5&-64 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. ~,Qpen-hkrth furnaces-Combustion) ... (Steel-rHydrogen content) MM,O B*P*; OYKSj G.N.; KUDRIII, V.A. 1 NECHKIN., Yu.M. I Factors determining hydrogen content in finished steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met, 4 noo7:55-61 161. (MMA 3-4:8) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali. (Steel-Hydrogen contdnt) PAM B,,P,- OYKS, G.N.; KUDRIN, V.A.; NECHKIN, YU.M. ^-I- Effect of hydrogen concentration in final open-hearth furnace slag on changes in hydrogen content of the metal during its tapping and pouring. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.met. 4 no.9: 54-58 161. (MMA 14:10) 1. 14oskovskiyinstitut stali. (Steel-Nydrogen content) (Slag-Analysis) S/137/62/000/003/016/191 A006/A101 AUTHORS: Nam, B. P., Oyks, G. N. TITLE: The behavior of hydrogen in a basic open-hearth furnace pool during melting of high-quality steel on natural gas PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 25, abstract 3V175 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Zhdanovsk. metallurg. in-t", 1961, no. 7, 14-22) TEXT: Investigations were made on 130-ton basic open-hearth furnaces, operating on the scrap process. It was established that the H content, by the moment of completed meltingdepends mainly upon the total duration of the charge and melting periods, and upon the fraction of natural gas in the gas-mazut mix- ture, An increase of the H content in the heats without adding ore, from the moment of full melting until the beginning of active bubbling, is connected with the process of surface reaction of C oxidation. The addition of ore during this period entailed a reduction of the H content. During the period of active bubbling the H content depends mainly on the burning-out rate of C, Vc. Degas- sing of the pool takes place at Vc > 0.005% C in 1 minute. The degassing effect depends then on the initial H content when active bubbling begins. The higher Card 1/2 S/137/62/000/003/016/19-1 The behavior of hydrogen ... A006/AiOl the H content at the beginning of active bubbling, the more effective the degassing of metal proceeds at the'same Vc. At a low H content during the period of active bubbling (about 2.0 cm3/100 g Me) even high V. does not assure degas- sing of metal. During the period of alloying the H content increases. The intensity of the increase depends upon the duration of the time inter-Val between additions of Fe-Cr and subsequently of Fe-Mln (when melting 110 " (40Kh) grade steel and adding Fe-Cr to the boiling pool). With a longer time Interval the Intensity of metal saturation with hydrogen is reduced. To reduce the H content it is recommended: to raise the oxidizing capacity, either by using 02 for fuel combustion and pool blast or by the supply of pressure-heated air to the flame; improvement of.slag conditions for the purpose of obtaining homogeneous slag with high oxidizing capacity; selection of optimum ratios of mazut and gas consumption for individual pei~iods of melting. There are 12 references. See RZhMet, 7V229; 11V192. V. Kudrin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 NAM ~ B. P. Spnpling device in the analysis of gases in metals. Zav. -lab. 27 no- 4:482-483 161. (MMU. 14:4) 1. Mookovokiy institut stali imeni. I.V. Stalina. (Sampling) (Gases in metals) NAM) B.P.; OIKS, G.N. (Oyks, G.N.]j KUDRIN, V.A.; NECIKIN, I.M. (Nechkin, I.M.] Influence of hydrogen concentration in the final Martin slag on the variation of hydrogen content in the metal during the discharge and teeming. Analele metalurgie 16 no.2.31-35 Ap-Je 62. KUDRIN, V.A.; NECHKIN, Yu.M.; Aepelerating open-hearth furnace operations. Metanurg 8 r-0-5-' 64 IV 163. (MIRA 16.-7) (Open-hearth furnaces) HAM, N.F., aspirant Origin and characteristics of the microflora of the gallbladder in acute calculous cholecystitis. Report No. 1. Med.zhur.Uzb. no.8t7l-74 Ag,,.162... (KM 16s4) 1. Iz.kafedry-mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. P.F.Samsonov) i kELfedry goopitalthoykhtrargii lechebnogo fakulfteta (zav. - prof. S.A.Masumov)'Tashkent-skogo gosudarstvennogo med*-ajtskogo ins tituta. i (GALLMADDER-MICROBIOLOGY) (=ULI, BILIARY) KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; LUITOSMN, G.S.; IUM, N.K. Controlling crystal hydrates b7 the freezing out method. Gas. prom. 4 no.4:11-15 AP '59. (14IRA 12:6) (Gas, Hatural-Ardratefi) KOROTAYEV, Yu.P.; NAM, N.K. Field investigations of gas wells in order to select methods by which to control hydrate formation. Gaz. prom. 8 no.2:7-12 163. (MIRA 17:8) mmmv, 81,1411 floij lus Detottining the presaWle 11 fj,,At,,r::Lj In the well Lon! am-1, gfj 4 het~iork ot the Gaoii gas fields Gaza deld hos6:9~12 1'65s 1t VdebbyiMnyy nauc~fid"i,--..,~lt?dovatpliskly instttul. ga-m i 6Vbdneaziatbkiy k1lial Vvesoytznogo indbibuta. pr1rodnogo ganas L 4512-66 EWT(*1)/EWT(m)/FCC/E'fiA(h) GS/Gq-,, _~7C ~C ES-50-N NR-. AT5022838 UR/0000/65/000/000/0268/0270 AUTHOR:. Nurgozhinj N. -fille d spark danahcr TITLE Air e soveshchanly kosmofizicheskomu napravleni issledovaniy J uzn SOURCE: Vs 0 __qq2L_ __ -- __ __ _e_pq kosmicheskikh lucheyl. - ls~,, Yakutsk - 1962. . Kosmicheskiye luchi i problemy- k_os_m_ofkM e Novosibirsk, Redizdat idosmic rays and problems in cosmophysics); trudy soveshchanlye. Sib.- otd. AN SSSR,_ 1965p 268-270 OPIC TAGS: spark _chamber, cosmic shower, cosmic ray measuremgnt, radiation in- T cosmic ray telescope, Geiger counter strument, ABSTRACT: The present authors designed a small experimental spark chamber with. the purpose of studying the operating principles and the design of chambers leading, later, to multilayer devices for the registration of cosmic showers. The article describes in de- tails the design and operation of 'this four-plate chamber which is based on the principle of spark counter with pulsed power supply controlled by a telescope consisting of two rows of Geiger. counters. The discharge through aJr occurred regularly within a single gap, but such a gap carried often more than one breakdown. The discharge threshold was about 8-10 kv; the efficiency of a single section went up to 98% for it zero value of the cleaning L Card 0 110/c0 C- PETROV, K.A.; GAVRILOVA., A.I.; NAM, V.M.; CHUCWiNOVA, V.P. Phosphorus-containing analogs of choline and.acetylcholine. Part 1: Phosphorocholines and acqtylphosphorocholines. Zhur.ob6khiTn. 32 no.1l.-.3711-3716 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Choline) (Phosphonium compounds) itI Z.F.; SAYDAL.IYE-VA, r'. ~~ 1!11,~ ~ ,, 1. , - PASHCHEW-C, ; ", IL Cyt(,-)I-.gical .9nd ei-,b,,yologi~nl Of cotton gro,,M from gamma Irnidialted oeeda. (Jvb. bicl. ziiur. '! rio.3278-B"! '163 (MIRA 170) 1. Tasbkentikiy goaulli--it.--itamyy Liniveraltet iir,,~iil V.1.1ren-Ina. AMTONOT, -T. V., gornyy gornyy inzh. Rapid drifting with a vide vorking face. Ugoll Ukr. 7 no.4. 31e-35 Ap 163. (KIM 16 -- 4) 1. Kombinat "Donetskugoll". (Donets BaBin-Coal mines and mining) ANTONOV, V.V., gornyy inzh.; -NAMA.KSHTANSKIY, V.Ya., gornyy inzh. Making 451m of crossent in one month at the No-3 "Hwo-Grodovka" Mine. Ugoll 38 no.8:32-34 Ag 163. (14M 17:11) 1. Kombinat Donetskugoll. NAMATBAYEV, S. Communist Youth League patronized the highway construction. Avt.dor. 28 no.21:8 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Pervyy sakretarl TSentrallnogo komiteta Vf;ei3oyuznogo leninskogo aoyuza molodezhi Kirgizakoy SSR, HARAYEV, J aqh,inist-instruktor Quality of electric l1gbt bulbs must be improved. Blek.i tepl. tiaga I no-5:44 It '59. (141RA 12:9) 1. Depo Arys', Tasbkents~mya doroga, (Electric lamps, Incandescent) (Diesel locomotives--Maintenance and repair) MMYEV, A. T. How to replace damaged liquid-expansion thermomoters and pressure gauge by electric ones. RlekA tepl.tiaga 4 no .1:40 Ja 160. (MRIL 13.-4) 1. Haahinist-instrutctor depo Arys 1, Kazakhakoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives) NAMAYEV9 A.T. How we have impra7ed the start of a train. Elek. i tepl. tiagn no.5:18-19 My 163o (MIRA 16:8) 1. Yeshinist-instrulctor depo Arys' Ytazakhskoy dorogi. (Railroads-Rolling stock) ASHUROV, Ya.S.; GELAKH, T.F.; KINALOV, U.Kb.j KOCHEROV, V., red.; NAMAZOV, D.11.1 kand. ekon. naukp red.; BAKHTIYAROV, A.y --Ie-~. r0 ~.~ (Bukhara; concise guidebook] Bukhara; kratkii spravochnik. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Pod obshchei red. D.N.Namazova. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo Uzb.SSR, 1963. 107 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Bukhara-Guidebooks) ACC NIR, AP6036946 SOURCE COM TJR/0233/667ooo/oO3/0-05-,/O()61- AUTHORS: Gadzhiyev, S. N.; Chebotarev, V. X.;-gama yL A.; Nagdaliyeva, Yu. R.; lo Azizov, T. Xh.; Agarunov, M. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Physicochemical investigation of organosilicon compounds. 1. Enthalpy of formation of some methylchlorosilanes SOURCE: AN AzerbSSR. Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheakikh i matematicheskikh nauk, no- 3, 1966, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: standard enthalpy, calorimeter, calorimetry, chlorinated aliphatic compound, silane, organosilicon compound ABSTRACT: The standard enthalpies of formation (at 25C) of trimethylchlorosilane, dimethyldichlorosilane, and methyltrichlorosilane were determined. The investigation. is an extension of earlier published work by S. N. Gadzhiyev and M. Ya. Agarunov (Zh. fiz. khimii, 39, 239, 1965). The experimental procedure followed is described by S. N. Gadzhiyev and X. A. Sharigov (Izv. AN Azerb. SSR, aeriya fiz-tekh i matem. nauk, 1962, No. 1). The calorimeter used is described by M. P. Kozina (Dise. YGU, 1955), A schematic of.the calorimeter is presented. The physical properties of the materials investigated apd.the experimentally measured enthalpies of formation are tabulated.. It was found that the standard enthalpy of formation at,25C for trimethylchlorosilane Card 1/2 ACC NRt AP6036946 was -80-0 t 4-5 kcal/mole, for -dimethvldichlorosilane -104-8 t 5.0 kcal/mole, and for methyltrichlorosilano -150-5 t 10.0 kcal/mole. Orig. art, has:, 2 tables and 2graphs. SUB CODEt 07/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORI~ REFt 007/ GTH RUI 008 2/2 fmn~' a'm~mr mm 4w 0992 S/233/62/000/002/001/002 1027/1250 AUTHOR: _NMmm-Q_.K. TITLE: Problems of boundary values for ordinary differential equations with discontinuous cocfficicnts PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Scriya fiziko-matematicheskikh i tekhnichcskikh nauk, no. 2, 1962, 3-14 TEXT-. The author investigates problems of boundary values for ordinary differential equations of the form P(X) A~y + q(X) -~Y dx2 dx +r(X)Y=f(x), (P(X)>,Po>o. ?(X)-Qr0