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Kinetics of Electron Motion in Set:ondary EmisBion from Thin
Metal and Semiconductor Films
the present authors (Ref. 1). The -.asults of this and
subsequent studies are now explained a3 fallows2 the first
characteristic depth is connected with the tonditiona of motion
of secondary electrons. The se---ond characteriatic depth i3
related to the reflection of secondary electrons from the
layer and the base. By suitable choice of pairs of base and
film materials, information on kinetic factors of secondary
electrons can be obtained. The traction of back-diffU3ing
electrons increases with increase of mean atomic number of
the material, which facilitates the thoice of pairs of materials
for the various cases which may arise in these studies,
Differences in secondary-emission factor measurementg by other
authors can be explained by the existence of these two
characteristic depths, With d greater than the first
characteristic depth, the film stru,:;ture does not dezerm-ine the
shape of the secondary-emission faztor -rersuz depth curve,
Card 2/3
Kinetics of Electron Motion in Secondary Emission from Thin
Metal and Semiconductor Films
To determine the first characteristic depth it is necessary
to take base and film materials with differing secondaryz
emission factors but equal back-diffusion factors, To
determine the second characteristir. depth, materials with
differing back-diffusion factors should be chosen,
Acknowledgments are made to M.T. Kostyshin for his assistance,
There are 8 figures and 41 referencest 22 SovIet and
19 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION- Kiyevskiy gosudar3tvennyy universitat imeni
T.G. Shevchenko Kafedra elektroniki
(K-4ev State University imeni T.G, Shevchenko7
Department of Electronics)
SUBMITTED,, December 21, 1959
Card 3/3
~',4300 (30or 116413,fij- s/iog/6o/005/010/013/031
2.1 j E032/Eli4
A~ . ~Sa Nakhodkin, N.G., and Nemtsev, V,P.
TITLEi Electron properties of thin films of germanium
PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i alaktronika, Vol.5, No.10, 1960,
pp~ 1669-1671
TEXTt This paper was read at the 9t.h All-Union Conference on
Cathode Electronics in Moscow, October, 1959.
The aim of the present work was to investigate the electrical
conductivity of thin germanium films of various thicknesses and
changes In the ele.ctrical conductivity due to heat treatmentj
oxidation, etc., In distinction to previously published work, the
present authors state that they have cagried out their measure-
ments in "ultra-high vacuum" (p,< 1. 10- mm Hg). In ordinary -acua
one always obtains pz-tyAe~,germanium films (owing to contamination
by residual gas), while in ultra-high vacua n-type germanium films
can be obtained, In the present experimonts, n-type germanium
films with' e r 26.,2 ohm cm were obtained,, A special glass
envelope was made whith was used to measure the resistance of
12-13 films obtained in a single evaporation run. Silver contacts
Card 1/4
Electron properties of thin f.ilmA,,. E032/E114
were employed and the thickness of the films war, determined by
calculation from the geometry and weight of the _,4pecimens. Fig.1
shows the logarithm of the resistivity as a function of thickness
(microns). In this figure, .urve 1. refers to a freshly evaporated
layer, curv,4 2 is for a specimen a few days old, curve 3 was
obtained after heating at 300 OC for one hour, curve 4 after
heating at 450 OC for one hour, and curve 5 after exposure to Air.
Fig.2 shows dependence of I/od on log d (I - fresh deposit of Ge;
2 - oxygen atmosphere at 5 x"10-7 mm Hg for 15 min-i 3, 4, 5 -
further exposure to oxygen). It is seen that a linear relation-
ship is obtained between these two quantities for the freshly
deposited film. It is concluded (in accordance with the J.Thomson
theory, Ref.4) that freshly deposited germanium films are
continuous and uniform right up to 10 mp, since the Ehange in the
resistivity with thickness can be explained by the scattering of
current carriers at the surface. This is confirmed by the fact
that heatIng, oxygenatlon, etc. lead to a departure from the
linear relationship. The mean free path of the current carriers
in freshly deposited films of Ge was found to be approximately
100 ntp, which is in agreement with the value calculated from the
mobility. Card 2/4
Electron properties of thin films of germanium
There are 2 figures, 1 table and 5 references: 3 Soviet and
2 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvepnyy universitet im.
T.G. Shevchenko
(Kiyev State University imeni T.G. Shevchenko)
SUBMITTED: December 21, 1959
Card 3/4
Electron properties of thin filras E032/EI14
toy d
02 als-1) B136/B201
AUTHORS: Nakhodkin, N. G. and Zykov, G. A.
TITLE: Effect of oxygen on the electrical properties of an oxide
cathode at low pressures
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no. 5 , 1961, 1436 - 1444
TEXT: Insufficient attention has been paid in previous studies to the com-
position of residual gases in vacuum apparatus. The authors have therefore
conducted a thorough investigation, in which the sealedapparatus hgs repeat-
edly been filled with oxygen and evacuated to pressures 10-6 - 10- mm Hg.
The gas residue has been analyzed by means of an cmegatron. First of all,
two peaks have been observed at m - 16 and m u 32, accounting for 94% of
the total amount. Comparative measurements with the 600 mass analyzer by
G. Ya. Pikus have shown the m - 32 peak to be higher. A small nickel tube
filled with barium peroxide served as an oxygen source. Two 3P thick plati-
num probes were introduced into the oyide layers which had a thickness from
60 to 1OOg - In addition to the cathode current, the measurements comprised
conductivity, thermo-emf, and other electrical parameters. The cathode cur-
Card 1/ 3
Effect of oxygen B136/B201
rent was measured at normal cathode temperatures with exponential pulses
(f = 1 cycle), and at higher temperatures in d-c operation. Resistivity
was determined from the potential drop between probe and core, depending
upon the cathode current. The cathode temperature was determined by a
calibration curve and by means of a thin thermocouple. Experiments have
shown that both conductivity and thermionic emission current change almost
in parallel and without delay during poisoning and reduction, i.e., almost
allthe oxide layers participate in both processes. Two mechanisms are re-
ferred to for an explanation; firstj the oxygen is adsorbed on all exposed
and fully developed grain surfaces of the oxide-layer, and splits into
atoms, whereby the negative surface charge of the grains is augmented; this
is accompanied by a decrease of the work functicn, and, consequently, of
all other electrical parameters as well. Secondly, the diffusion of the
oxygen ions or atoms into the grains, which is directly proportional to
their surface concentration,-reduces the number of oxygen vacancies which
may act as donor centers. Taking account of diffusion providos an explan-
ation for the experimental-fihdings. N. D. Morgulis, Correnponding Member
AS USSR, is thanked for his interest in the work. There are 7figures and
34 references:' 11 Soviet-bloc and 23 non-Soviet-bloc. The three most recent
Card 2/3
Effect of oxygen ... B136/B201
references to English-language publication- read as follows: C. Higginson,
Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 81 148, 1957; 9, 106, 1958; N- A. Surplice, Brit.
J, Appl. Phys.f 10P 3591 1959-
ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni T. G. Shevchenko,
Kafedra elektroniki (Kiyev State University imeni T. G. Shev-
chenko, Department of Electronics)
SUBMITTED: August 18, 1960 (initially) December 9, 1960 (after revision)
Card 3/3
Device for investigating the relationship between the electric
properties of thin condensed films and thair thickness.
Prib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no-4:113-3-16 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
I (Solid film-Electronic properties-Zleasurement)
Photoeffect in the region of soft X raya. Radiotekh.i elpktron. 6
no.7:1209-1210 A 161. (KM 14:6)
I* Kiyevskiy gosudaratvennyy univeraltat im. T.G.Shevchenkoo
(Photoolect,ricity) (IL rays)
AUTHORSs Vakhodkin, H. G., Ostroukhov, A. A., and Romanovskly, V. A.
TITLEt Inelastic scattering of electrons in thin layers
PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo telaq v- 41 noo 6, 1962, 1514 - 1524
TEM, Using a generalized model of continuous losses (T. Everhart.
J. Appl. Phys.9 31Y 14831 1960), a theory was developed for the
inelastic single scattering of fast electrons within a double-layer
target. The slowing down.of the electrons in the target is described
by n(.) = Vn _ c3x(l), where-v 0 is the electron velbeity at the surface
of the target, v(x) is the electron velocity after a distance x,-.9 is
the target density, and a is a slowing-down factor. The coefficient
of inelastic scattering
'q (Y' a, P) (a --I- p) 20 7
-t-2p') -4-PF-~( P) a -4- 2p2 LP)
a J
)--L' I I :~' .(8)
P, P a
Card 1/3
Inslactic scattering of... B100112
and the energy distribution of the inelastically reflected electrons
di 4 E E2
I-P i(
d( E) 0 2 -F.'
X 2W E.-
are derived. Here, y x/R; x is the thickness of the target; R is the
distance determined by (1) with n - 4 and P - coer~; kris the angle of
incidence; and a -J'_~Z 2e4N A/m2 Ac. The theory is applicable to light
elements (Z'!~;30)* In high-density substances it is necessary to allow
for multiple collisions. Experimental results agree well with
estimates using the above formulas. There are 8 figures.
Card 2/3
51191 621004100610211051
Inelastic scattering of... B104 B112
ASSOCIATION& Kiyevskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko
(Kiyev State Univei'sity imeni T. G. Shevchenko)
SUBMITTED: January 25, 1962
Card 3/3
8/18 63/005/001/006/064
AUTHORS: Nakhodkin, N. G., Ostroukhov, A. A., and Romanovokiy, V. A.
TITLE: Scattering of electrons passing through thin films
PERIODICAL, Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. It 1963, 41-47
TEXT: Using the model of continuous energy losses (cf. T. Everhart,
J.Appl.Phys.,31,1438,196o), the authors have already studied the inelastic
reflection of electrons. Here the same method in followed in order to
study the passage of fast electrons through free films, and to calculate
the transmissivity coefficients~,, assuming single elastic scattering
through a large angle. n, is the flux ratio of electrons passing through
to incident electrons. In the simplest case of Rutherford scattering
-.(I-d )-a exp(-2ad)/(l-d) is obtained, where a - n:112e4Na/m2 Ac, and Na
is Avogadro's number. Putting a = 0-045Z given a close approximation.
d - t/R is the dimensionless thickness of the film. For films of equal
thickness, but with different incident electron energies E , the expression
Card 1/3
Scattering of electrons passing through ...
Env exp
S/181 63ZO05/001/006/064
B A86
holds. These energies are expressed in terms Of E 0/E ok , where Bok ia the
energy of electrons with a range equal to the thickness of the film. The
function I(y) (cf. Phys.Rev.,98,1597,1955) is given near y -1 by
I(Y) ('-Y)7L-xp(-A/(l-y)), where y and A are constants depending, on the
shape of the source and on the initial electron energy; y = x1R, R v4/cQ.
f -a-3/4 0
The following holds near y,-d--,l : I(y)-(1-y) exp(-2a/(1-y)). WaB
measured as a function of various parameters for various metals and for
electrons of various energies in the kev range, and the curves obtained
were compared with the theoretical valuen. It follows from the reaultB
that the theoretical principles obtained are generall, i.e. that the curves
are normalizable. The dependence of the ri. of a twu-layer film on its
1800 orientation relative to the electron beam was detected experimentally
using an Al-Au film. The ratio of the extrapolated range to the total
Card 2/3
Scattering of electrons passing through ... B102/B166
range depends on the material. The total range R can be determined by
linear extrapolation of the -q
5 figures and 1 table. (t) curves to the abscissa (qL70). There are
ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. T.G. Shevchanko
(Kiyev State University imeni T.G. Shevchenko)-
SUBMITTED: july 16, 1962
Card 3/3
L18576-63 EkYEWA h)/EW(I)/EWG(k)/BDS ~FFTSZ~2YESD-~ Ps-yft-4
ACCESSION NR: AP3001300 S/OlBl/A3/005/006/1732/1734f
AUTHORS: Nakhodkin, N. G.;' Mel In 1k. P.
TITLE: Effective depth of the photoelectric'effect produced by soft x-rays,
SOURCE*, Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 6, 1963, 732-17.34
TOPIC TAGS: photoelectric effect, x-ray., Be, Ag, Au, Ge, KC1, quantum, meaA
free path, electron, photoemission
ABSTRACT: This study was undertaken because no known direct experimental
measurements of this pehnomenon' have yet been made. The investigated material
Pe, Ag, Au, Ge, and KCI) was sprayed in wedge form upon a base within the ex-
perimental device at a vacuum of about 5 x 10-8 mm of Ug. The thickness of the
wedge was computed at each point and controlled by means of an MII-4 micro-
i interfdrometer. The relations of effective depth to energy of quanta are shown
in Table I (see Enclosure 1). It is concluded that the observed results may'be'
explained if it is assumed that the effective depth is associated with the mean
free path of fast photoelectrons generated within the target. Investigation of
e thickness dependence of the photoelectric effect produced by soft x-raysT
thus permits the determination of the emergent region of slow secondary electrons:
i coming from fast photoelectrons, and also the effective depth of photoemission,
which is established by the mean free path of fast photoelectrons. Orig. art.
has: 2 figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet Kiev State Universi
SUMMED- 29Dec62 DATE ACQ: OlJul63 ENCL: 01
OTHER: 002
I.Card- j/3~,
Energy distribution of secondary electrons and photoelectrons
generated by soft X rays. Fiz. tver tela 5 no.9t2441-2447 S
163. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra elektroniki.
Kinetics of. ~Cleatron. motion D266 3
o dihmerent t-gies. The 'dependence of ph6
r -input one tocurrent on
the thickness 6t. Au evaporated on to*,.a carbon base i''S' shotni graphic-
ally. It can be seen that the photodurrent first ifidre-n-es and
..reaches a saturation leveL at a certain thi I '~ch is called
the effective thickness. With a 50 v retarding voit4ge at the cath-
ode the total photocurrent decreases-but saturation occurs at ti
same thickaess, The authors make the hypothesis that the effective
thicImess is determined by the path 0:f the fast photoelectron. For
whidi-hc _g0 absorption band for hV '), 200 ov, the energy
~O aa- ~th hv for sufficiently
A t% -t kMsA--oaL-- -soond-r,,--to that
an.clectron, dopen-
Hekbodkin. M.G.; 5LqLqAk,.__L_ -
TITLE, Rear photoeffect excited by 1.5 to 8 keV photons L'Report. Tenth ConXqj!enc*
oe Cathode BlectronIcs held in Kiev 11-18 Nov 1969 ~
SOURCE: AN S63R. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakays., v.28, ao.9, 1964, 1436-1443
TOPIC TAGS- photoelectric effect, x-ray, photoelectron, alectpon absorption
ABSTRACT- The phqj~q - 1'ect-r'i-c,current from the rear face of beryllium ard gold Ajgg~
excited by x-rays incident on the front face and traversing the film vi.s measured
as a function of the -if th- film- These meseurements of the 'rear' photo-
elecLric effect were undertaker, to ~larlfy discrepan(les between conclaSluns Lun- the mean paL" of phutue1er_*r_;ns within tPe Dietal previously c r-awn from
fron%al photoelectric effect mea5ur~:Yaertts by the auti.ors (Hadioteklini ~a I elek-tron-
ika ~i. i2tjj,ii6!, !Q';1) and I!v M.A,qu:msh and collaborators
()r1Z Lvfj"-,~- LU- I- -- :,-r itr,!, KA
from vari-a wig -7t t,~ r,jvidc,- z~:n,) JirrimatIc X-ria,S WIL0
aner-Cies from 1.5 to 8 keV. The x-rays were incident or. a 5 m-icron triiQe.
nr qoiuctrvt,,-
uv F
neis of the film beyond 4:tch no f,,frthor de-c-rease )f the photoelectric cur-mu~
nh,~ t o n I roll
v e p r p c t I on
ness, reached a maximun, and with turuier LnCr-IEIL16t!
max,.mun *maq Lue to a:)sorptou of the
the film. The ii t i n d--r-a7-
x -axtl a e -if t! f,) r n ax i mi w i'i r rt was ta en i~ ~;ie
A r
t J,I I
------ W4~
1*'L 12922-65
that the photoolectrons are exponentially absorbed, and valuas were derived for
the absorption coefficient. The reciprocal absorption coefficient thus obtained did
flot always agree with the mean depth defined above. It is concluded that both quan-;
t1tirs are, useful for dr--scrtbling photooie,~trlfc phenomeara, but that the Inean depth
t Meall1raftal. has: 2 for-
Ls dot Lned by thG -1 utto rj I b
mulas, 5 figures and 2 tables.
A5SOCIATD)F: Kxye,~8viy Ka!,_~dra elaktronilt (Electron-
ics Departzeat, Kiev itate
ITR RUF SGV, 006 MEER., 003
OSTR(,,IJ.'rIIOV, A.A.; PAXIIJONVII, "..G. Lllalthod)dn, N.H.]
A.)proximate calculatLon of -the patlis of rolativistic eleclurons
from the stopping power of a substance. Ukr. fJ.z. zhur. 9 1.,0.10!
1151-1153 0 164 (MIPA 18:1)
1. Klyevskly gosudart3tvannyy univeraitet ira. Slievchenko.
~'~ome problems of the Lhyalca of, thin films. Vych. s1st, no.15:
.1 3-38 165. (MIRA 18s6)
l..Kiyevskiy gosadarstvennyy unlversJtelt.
. .........
lrelas.'k.ic electrQn s,;attpring in -air. Mms. "ver. tr:, in-
? no.1-210-~-16 ja
Kiyevskiy CosAaroAvennyy univer-oltot imoni Shevch,~nko.
t /iM* An 2 Pz
mlol8l/65/007/004/1256/12 t
r!flect'-on of elec r,3
TJTJ~F_ Iff f4C-Ct C f P-~.CF, C T --7
TOPIC TM~S: 3creenir-,- factor, Inc-7-astic, refle--tlon, electron reflection, eltc'.-roa
energy distribution
-r vork by the authors (mT v. 4, 3-514,
77hir- Is a conttnuatllon of c~~'14t
card 1/2
ing doev not change essentially the prerioun results fcrr the tzg'alar dependence of
the elairtle reflection coefficient, and the discrepancy itt Isa-ge angles still re-
mains. Pren if further c&lculationg shuv that the e"eative cross section at &wall
ncat~~-~Dg angits zmat be modified, tht Influt-nea of the atomic form factoz, on the
utgular depeudxDjq~-- Qf the elastic c,)--mcievt -hovLid not b~e I&-ge.
OrIg* art. hass 2 figweis Lad 3 fdrmUA(;#
ASSOCIATIONt Klyev&4 g*zwJArutveuEV universitet In., T. G, Sheultenko (Kiev
atate unIver
9UNWIM: 17ffw4k
M REP MI 005 t 005
Approximate analytic expression for the run of particles retarded
according to Bethe's law. Radiotekh. i elektron. 10 no-3:522-529
Yx 165- (MRA 18:3)
1. Kiyevokiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T.0. Shevchenko.
L 46710-66 EWT(l)
F J~C7113 A116020703
I=- Mar ----------
(m) /DIP (i ) /T/EdP Q /E, TI Iip(a) GG/RM/JD/OD
/V) SOURCE CODEI UiR/0000/65/000/000/0004
AUTHOR: Nakhodkin., N.
ORG: . k1~6Gt_eUi!4;_~Wiiy im. 1. .0. Shevchenko (K:bMVnkiy gosudarstve*Wy univeral-
tet)- -5
TITLE: Some problems in the physics of thin films
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Mike, metallicheskikh plenok (Physics of metal films). Kiev$
Naukova dumka, 1965, 4-39
TOPIC TAGS: metal film, crystallizationp polycryotalline film, film growth, dielec-
tric coating
ABSTRACT: This is a review article dealing with the present state of the art in the
production of thin films (10 - JJDOO A thick) and the study of their physical proper-
ties. The subjects covered are: 1. Control of the growth and crystallization of
films to obtain prescribed structure and dimensions, including the influence of f
factors such as condensation and crystallization centers, substrate temperature, imr
purities and adsorbed gases, catalytic processes, and the effect of electrons and
other particles. 2. Problems in the kinetics of electrons in thin films (electric.'~,
conductivity of thin films and the size effect, electric conductivity of superthin
film, metal-di,-.1ectric film syetems~ and possible use of polymer materials in film
electronigo. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 6 fozmniLas, and 2 tables.
SUB CODE.*'-2o/ som DATE: 15Deca/ oRIG REF: o56/ oTH REF: i6o
Card V1
-.NA411Q,D,KIN~,-V,.M.;,..GORCHAKOVA, O.D., red.; NIKOLISYL4YA, N.G., tekhn.
[Forces acting on the train; lecture on the subject
"Electric train traction" for students of the advanced
special courses of the "Electrification of railroad trans-
portation"] Sily, deistvuiushchie na poazd; lektsiia po dis-
tsipline "Elektricheskaia tiaga poezdo-v-u dlia studentov
starshikh kursov spetsiallnosti "Blektrifikataiia zhelezno-
dorozhnogo tr'ansporta.11 Moskva, Vses. zaochnyi in-t inzhene-
rov zhel-dor transporta, 1963. 23 p. (MIRA 17:4)
"Vegetative Innervation Characteristics of Animals 3"uffering From Transinjected
Cancer." Cand Biol Sci, Leningrad State Pedagogical Inst, Leningrad, 1954.
(KL, No 1, Jen 55)
Surve7 of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
;q i< L) K
USM/General Problems of Pathology - Tuwrs. T-5
Abs Jaur Ref 2hur Biol-, No 3, 1958, 12691
Author G.
Inst Not given
Title OnIeculiariiies'of the Autonomic Reactions in-Ani-Is
With Transplanted~ cancer.
Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Leningr. gos.,ped. in-t) 1956; 19, 117-139
Abstract : During the first period of d3velopment of the Brom-
Peerce tumor in rabbits there was hypot(msion and sinus
bradycardia; this attests to the increlLsed excitability
of the vagus centers. At the same time there was an in-
creased tonus, but to a lesser degree, of the sympathetic
division. The latter's tonus became greatly increased
during ~he second period (tachycardia, hypertension and
an elevated skin temperature). During this period
Card 1/2
Apparatus for the intracellular lead off:of electrical potentials.
Fizioleghur- . 45 no.6:716-717 Je 159. (MM 12:8)
1. From the department of physiology and anatovq, A.I.Herzen
Paedagogical Institute, Leningrad.
(NMMOPHYSIOLOGY, appdr. &Instruments
appar. for intracelbiLar derivation of
electrical potentials (-HUB))
C' -T 7 1 Tc-I u
Standarde save metal. Standartizataiia 29 no-5:30-31 Vy f65.
(WRt 19:1)
- -........... I I . -- . - ~ , I I.- -
The hero of the day is 100 years old and always gets younger.
Standartizataiia 29 no.6:38-39 Je 165. (MIRA 18-12)
Dissertation: The electric conductivity, (liele.-tric penneability,, and
dielectric losses of oxides and baloid compounis of ellement-9
of group 32 and the energy of the crystal lattice
Degree: Cand Tech Sci
min Higher Education USSR., Twel: Order of labor'Red Banner
Polytechnic That Imeni S. M. Kirov
Ze Date, Place: 1956, Tomsk
Source: Knizbnaya Loetopis', No 47, 1950'
SOY11 12-58-2-1859
Translat--ozL from: Referat-ivnvy zb:zrr!al, Elekti,atel.,Llmika, 1958, Nr 2, p 9 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Nak-hndnova, A. P.
TITLE: Electric Properties of lonic Compounds of the Second-Group Elements in
Co:,,tnection with the Crystal-Lattice Ionic Interaction Energy
(Elektricheskiye svoystva ion-nykh soyedineniy elementov 11 gruppy v svyazi 9
energiyey vzaimodeystviya ionov v kristalliche.skoy reshetke)
PERIODICAL: Izv. Tornskago politekha. in-ta, 1956, Vol 9 1, pp 209-218
ABSTRACT: Conductivity 01 of sintered polycrystalline specimens of chemically
pi-n-e oxide.9 and halloid compounids of Mendele7ev's second group of elements
and also -e and tgg have beea measuied in a vacuum of 10 -5mrn u.' mercury
column. The specimens, d1sks 10 - 16 rnm diameter and 0. 35 -0. 8 mm thick,
were calcined for two hours in a silit furnace. Platinuxn and silver electrodes
were used. Conductivity 01 bas been measured an DC, & and tgS at 450-900 kc.
Measurements of ie and tgt of oxides have been made at 1550-4800C, of halogen
compounds at 250-2550C. AIJIL compounds have shown ar. Increase (characteris-
tic to ianic conduction) in electric conductivity with- Temperature . Electrical
Card 1/2
soy/ 112-53 -2-1859
Electric Properties of Ionic Compor-vids of the Secand-Group Elements in . . . .
properties of Mendeleyev's second group of elemerats, viz. , 0 , current-
carrLer activation energy, 4S, and tgS , are all closely associated with physical
properties of the substaace; a' iacreases with decreasing energy of crystal
lattice. Bib'L.ograp-hy: 10 items. To-,nsk-,v politekhmich. in-t (Tomsk
Polytech-r~ic Tomsk.
A. A. V.
Card 2112
ADTHO-RS: Voroblyev, A. rin khod nova, A. P. SOI;i5:7-28-10-11/4o
TITLE: HiGh-Frequency Dielectric Looser and the Lattice Ener,-,y
in Compounds of Second Group lietu,-.1s (Diele',,:tric,-.,eskiye poteri
na vyzokoy chastote i enerGiya reshetki dlya ooyedineniy
metallov vtoroy Z;ruppy)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tel:hnicheskoy fiziki,Vol 28, Nr lo,
pp 21-3 - 2174 (USSE) ~ (~~%
JIBSTRACT: This paier -ives an account of tile invontiZ;ation 0'r
the tenperr;'bure and frcquency dcllendencc of t'-c ti;
(loss anale) of sirtered polycr,,stalline r:,%rnles
of oxicles, fluorides and chlorides of clecond 'Toup
r.ictnls. BeO, 'L'C;0, CaO, SrO, and BaO vare investi, '-~ted
in a teriperattire ran,,-,,e of 25v4600C) Ca-, Sr-, PCL-
fluorides and Ca-, Sr-, Ba-chlorides in a temperature
ranL:,-e of 21:t0 2600C. The samples were produced from
chemically pure culcsta,-ces. The denoity of the 8amples
anounted to 65-70,c'~ -and 9~%, r,,nlectively, of the density
of the monocryetals, tt;b decrannes in all poly-
Card 1/3 crystalline aintered nanpleq of all compouncls in the
High-Frequency Dielectric Losses and the Lattice Ener.,:y SOV/57-28-1o-111/4o
in Compounds of Second Group Metals
total range of frequencies and temperatures employed
with an increase of the lattice ener~;,i. The growth
of the cation radius under otherwise equal conditions
is accompanied by a rel xation of the lattice and by a
modification of the tg 9which proceeds accordinG to
certain re,~;ularities. The variation of the tt; Ein halide
compounds of alkaline earth ;metals corresponds to the
fundamental physical and chemical properties of the sub-
stance in porous and in dense samples. It is determined
by the energy of the thermochemical interaction of the
ions of the crystal lattice. The information gained in
the investi,_;ation of the frequency dependence of the di-
electric losses in the oxides and halide compounds
of the elements of the second L-roup indicates that in
the range of 450 t;b 900 kc the losses are reduced, when
the frequency rises. The oielectric losses in porous
polycrystalline samples of compounds of the second
group of elements in air are considerably in excess of
those in vacuum. In samples prepared of chemically pure
Card 2/3 substances the tg 6 varies as the cation dimensions, the
Hi6h-Frequency Dielectric Losses and the Lattice Energy SOV/57-28-10-11/40
in Compounds of Second Group Metals
polarizability and inversely as the point of f"sion
of the substance. The smaller the energy of the crystal
lattice the higher will be the losses at a given
temperature and frequency. G.V.K-rivoshchekov, Candidate
of Technical Sciences, assisted with the work. There are
2 figures.
SUBMITTED: November 4, 1957
Card 313
AUTHORS: Vorobljl**ev, A. A., Nakhodnova, A. P. SOV/57-0-10-14/4o
TITLE; Electric Conductivity and Lattice Ener,:~j of Compounds of
the Metals of the Second Group of D-I-Maideleyev's System
(Elektroprovodnont' i energiya reshetki soyedineniy
metallov vtoroy Cruppy sistemy D.I.Merideleyeva)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki,Vol. 28, 11,r lo,
pp 2192 - 2193 (USSR),'')
ABSTRACT: This paper gives an account of the study of the problem,
whether the laws derived for monocrystals are applicable
also to polycrystalline bodies used in engineering. The
temperature dependence of the electric conductivity 0~
oxides and halide compounds of the second group elements
in the temperature rangre of 250 to 9000C was measured.
The polycryptalline camples were prepared by pressing
and subsequent ba!-ina in the air. The measurements were
carried out in vacuum with direct current in wea'
fields (2-3 to 75 v/cm) at a pressure of p - 10-~Mm of
mercury column, Pla-tin electrodes were evaporated onto
Card 1/3-, the samples. It appears that at high temperatures the
Electric Conductivity and Lat~ice Energy of Compounds '' SOV/57-28-lo-14/4o
of the bletals of the Second Group of D.I.lAendeleyev'B System
electric conductivity of sintered oxides of second
group metals decreases with an increase of the lattice
energy, whereas the activation energy increases. Identical
phenomena were also observed with other compounds. The
specific electric conductivity of the second Group
metal oxides, of the calcium-, strontium-, and barium
fluorides, and of the calcium-, strontium-, and barium
chlorides varies as the atomic volume of the metal, the
polarizability of the cation, the decrease of the point
of fusion of the compound, the dissociation energy and
the magnitude of the isobaric potential. Hence the
most simple compounds of the second group elements
exhibit, besides the modification of the principal
thermochemical features, a variation of the specific
electric conductivity, which is governed by definite
rules. In the range of low temperatures the activation
energy of all compounds is considerably deficient of
that in the range of hiCh t-emperatures and lies within
the limits of 0.15 +;Q 0-58 eV. The variation of the
Card, 2/3 specific conduc-Avity anu of the activation energy in
Electric Conductivity and Lattice Energy of Compounds SOV/57-28-lo-14/4o
of the Uetals of the Second Group of D.I.Mendeleyev's System
the ranae of relatively small temperatures doeu not
show a course which is distinctively governed by definite
rules. He,:ce the activation ei-,er,-y and the specific
conductivity in the range of high tomporritUrL'n (We
determined by the binding energy of the ionu in the
lattice and can be used as a characteristic feature of
the electro- Y
,physical proporties of the substances. G.V.
K.rivoshchekov, Candidate of Techn4tcal Sciences, assisted
with the viork. There are 2 figures.
SUBMITTED: November 4, 1957
Card 3/3
Electric Conductivity and Lattice Energy of Compounds SOV/57-0- I o- 14/40
of the Metals of the Second Group of D.I.Mendeleyev's System
Card 4/4
Dielectric losses in oxides and of elements of the 2d group. Izv.
TPI 95$-306-313 '58. (MIRA 14:9)
(Halides--Electric properties) (Oxides--Electric properties)
Translation from;
Referativnyy zhurnal Elektrotekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, P 15
AUTHORS: Vorobfyev, A.A., Nakhodnova A P
TITLE: Blectroconductivitytof Oxides and Haloid Compounds of the II
Group Elements
PERIODICAL- Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta 1958, Nr 95, pp 325 - 330
ABSTRACT: The study of specific conductivity 5 was carried out on caked
polycrystalline dis]G 10 mm in diameter and 0.35 - 0.8 mm thick.
The relative density of samples was 65 - 75%. The samples were
ground and platinized. Measurement of temperature dependence
of 6 was carried out by the residual current at lo-5 mm Hg. in
the weak field region (E = 2.5 - 75 V/cm) (5 of the compounds
under study Increases with an increase of E. With an increase
Card 1/2 in the density of samples a increases. For a given temperature
Electroconductivity of Oxides and Haloid Compounds of the II Group Elements
6 of oxides and haloid compounds increases with a decrease in the energy
of the crystalline lattice. The activation energy of charge carriers de-
creases with a decrease in the energy of the crystalline lattice.
9 references.
Card 2/2
Preparation of barium oxide with a high content of main
vubatance. Trudy IREA no.25:461-464 163.
(14IRA 18:6)
purification of barium compounds with trilon B. Trudy JRFJL rc.25.-
479-482 163. (MIRA 18:6)
-- -. t " "I
of WE -
.1 1
Z tables. I - -- --- tirig. art. has: 6 figUres and
III M I i III ~It -'- - - mm I
L 7846-kk EWP(O)/EPA(s)-2/W(M)ZM(i)ZEPA(w)-2/EWP OJEWP(b)
ACC N% APS028119 JD/WK SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/65/029/rdll/2055/2058.
limcm V A P Zhabkina,G.
AUTHOR: K Nakhodnova A M.;MorCacheva,K.I-'; Bronnikov,A
ORG- none
TITLE: Ferroelectric properties of barium, lead, and calcium titanate base solid
solutions ZReport, Fourth All-Union Conference on Ferro-olectricitz hold at Rostov-
on-the Don 12-16 September 19647
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v- 29, no. 11, 1965, 2055-2058
TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material.,','.sofid solution, barium, lead, calcium,
titanate, Curie point, lattice parameter
ABSTRACT: The authors have dejermined the Curie points of 17 barium titnnate-rich
solid solut'ions of the bariwTFkitanatd'?- leae4tanate - calciwVtitanate system; the
study was undertaken in view of the technical importance of the materials and the
discordanceof the available data on them. Uniform mixtures for synthesis were ob-
tained by spray-drying solutions of barium, lead alcium, and titanium nitrates. The
resulting powders were roasted for 2-3 hours at 10C001c, compressed into 20 mm dia-
.meter 1.5-1.8 mm thick disks, and sintered at 1260-13400C for 1-2 hours. Specimens
for which the water absorption was less then 0.55% and the porosity less than 2-3%
were selected for investigation. The selected specimens were analyzed, x-ray powder
photographs were recorded, and their Curie points were determined within 20C by di-
Card 1/2
L 7846-66
ACd NR, AP5028119
electric constant measurements. It was found that the Curie point increased with do-
creasing.barium content.when either the calcium content, the lead content, or their
ratio was held constant. When the barium content was hold constant the. Curie point
increased with increasing lead content. Th 'e variation of the Curie point with compo-
sition in the region of relatively high calcium content differed from that found by
McQuarry (J.Amer-Ceram. Sec., 40, No. 2, 35 (1957)) and T.Ikcda (J.Phys.Soc. Japan,
3, No. 4, 335 (1958)), the present measurements giving the higher Curie points in this
region.-, The solid solutiors with the higher Curie temperatures had unit cells with
lareer volumes and, in agreement with the findings of McQuarry and Ikeda (loc.cit.
supra) , higher degrees cf lattice tetragonality. The increase of the Curie temperature
with increasing calcium, decreasing barium, and constant lead content contradicts the
current opinion that 1heCuric temperatures of ferroelectrics with the perovskite
structure are increased by increasing the volume and polarizability of the ions at the
A-sites in AD03 6rystals. The discrepancy between the present results and those ob-
tained by other authors with single compounds and binary systems is obviously to be
explained by the fact that the laws governing the behavior of three-component systems
containing A-type ions with different electronic structures are more complex than
those applicable to binary systems. The discovery of these lawn will require further
-investigation. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table.
SUB CODE: SS, EK SUBM DATE.: 00/ REF: 003 am MW: 006
AP16029031 SOURCE CODE: UR/04,13/66/000/014/0042/0042-
IMMINTORS: Nlimov, V. V.; Androyov, A. Ya.; NakhodnovA.-A. P Kozachenko, V. Yi.;
- - - - It "i ,
Akhkozov, Ye. A.; Ivanov, D. G.; Didkovnkaya,-O. S,-,, Zvo~-P~# Aa
ORG: none
TITLE: A method for obtaining a piezoceramic material. Claus 21, No. 183812
Za-nnouncod by Donets Branch of M-Union Scientific Research Institute of Chemical
Reagents and of Ifigh Purity Chemicals (Donotakiy filial Vuosdyuznogo nauchno-
issledovatollskogo instituta Idiimichookikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimichoBkikh
SOURCE: Izobrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 14p 19669 42
TOPIC TAGS: piezoelectric ceramic, barium compound, lead compound, calcium compound,
titanium compound, sinterod alloy
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaining a piezoeeramic
material from a mixture of barium, lead, calcium, and titanium compounds by sintoring
this mixture. To lower the temperature of sintering this material., the above com-
pounds are used in the form of nitric acid solutionn of barium, lead, calciump and
titanium. This solution is atomized in a stream of air at the temperature of 400-
500C. After this, the powder is sintered at the temperature of 800-1000C.
Card' 1A I UDC
s/i a 1 /62/004/01 P/037/063
Yeliseyev, P. G., Mang Chlang-hog and Nakhodnova, I. A.
"Inherent" dislocations and the recombination in p-type
Fizika tverdogo telai v- 4t nos 10; 1962, 2880-2884
TEXT: The recombination properties of what are called "inherent"
dislocations are studied. These dislocationAie'understood to have formed
during the growth of the Ge single crystal. They limit the surplus carrier
lifetimer- I I"RN; wherein a R is the recombinUtion efficiency of the
dislocations depending on the type and genesib of the dislocations and on-
the position of the Fermi level. If foreign reaombination centers exist
then 1/T - (IRN + 1/rf. The recombination properties of p-type Ge singlq
crystals grown according to the :Czoohralski method and having dislocation
densities between 0 and 10 6cm-2 were studied by:melaeuring the temperature
dependence of V. The dislocation density was determined by counting the
etching grooves (XOH+K Fe etching agent)IT *as measured by a
Card 1/3 3 (CN)6
IIIAherent" dislocations and'the ooe B10:/p112
compensatioh method accordiA8! to the photogalvafiometric effect and the
photoconductivity. No adhebfon effects were obEieived. The measurements
were made in two series. The mean resiativitieS 6f the crystals in the
first series were 7-7 ohm-cm,,those of the rjeooAd,,series 1.8 ohm-cm. For
these two resistivities 6. T P-17 and 0.33 am 2/ded.. Crystals without
dislocations and crystals wit'h dislocation densfties up to 10 3cm-2 showed
notably different curves '(+Ylcurves. T + T7 Iexp(-E/kT) can be
1. 2
written where V 192 and E are *constants. E denotes the depth of recombina-
tion level position, i. e., 0.10 - 0.12 ev. The recombination properties
of the inherent dislocations are proved to be closely similar to the
dislocations produced by deformations. At room"temperature, o R iis in
agreement with the data given in FTT, 2, 1542, ig6o. With decreasing
temperature it increases, however, according to a law somewhat different
from those found earlier.At of rldntary-dtEaka
with dislocation densities be ;low IO-)cm 2 is only, alight. There are 3
figures and,1 table.
Card 2/3
"Inherent" dislocations and the B102/B112
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goaudaretvennyy universitet im. M. V.
Lomonosova, (Moscow.State University imeni M. V.
SUBMITTED: June 2,.1962'
Card 313
MET; -
ACCESSION NR: AP4039*.689- S/0181/64/006/006/1900/1902.
iAUTHORt , Yunovich, A. Bol Yeliseyev., Po Go: Lak
j;Ormonto.Ae Be; Osadchayag S.tuchabaikovq Vo No
j!TITLEs Radiative recombination in'Zn-diffused GaAs p-n junctions
,!SOURCE:. FLzLka tvakdogo,tela,-v. 6, no& 6, 19641 1900
KOPIC 1AGS1 recombination radiation, radiative recombinatkon,
iialectrol-uuLnesconcep p n'junction, GaAs laser, GaAs diode, semi-
.1conductor laser, laser, , junction laser, injection laser
ABSTRACT: Recombination radiation 'from-Be-doped GaAs p-n junctions
was Investigated with a view toward possible laser &ppl ication of Beso,
Idoped GaAs in ection diodes.-*The GaAs with a.-carrier concentration
etween SolO14 and 1018 cm-3 was diffused Be in vacuum at
9.5-OC. The junction vas*about-3-,10- 'em2, In one of the diod~es the
J_~Wl~fLon was 30 v dpepp -Two paral"lel.planed were cleaved perpendic-
- ation radiation spectra were'
lftlr to the junctions The recombin
" 't iers with curren't pulses up to 1,00 imp.
,~--ob'tiined by injecting carr
hs.,pulse duration 4&s 2*2 lisec.-and the,,ropetLtion rate was 50 cps.
Card 1113
"I'lThe recombination spectra at 77K show that the intensity of emission'
iis very similar to that~ of Zn-doped GaAs diodes. Th 'e maximum occurs
lat,1.47 av. The line soidth at half maxipum and at &.current densipy
:of 2.8-103 amp/CM2 was,P.014'ev.. Some WarrowLng an4!nonline'ar increase
of intensity were high current densitie go Analysis of
;C~rrent-Voltage characteristics and recombination spectra shows that
.~Be is an acceptor impur,!ity.- The maximum,,solubility of Be in GaAs was;
found to be greater.thaft 1018 cm-3. Radiative recombination in Be-
sdoped GaAs has a highei degree of pro'bability than in GaAs doped with!
:Zn. Assuming that radiative recombinatii?n in Zn-doped GaAs is due to.
transitions between' thdi!conifuctlon band and the acceptor levels, the
lenergy level formed by Be Lo'close'to that of Zn in GaAs. The-narrow
!itvg of the line was believed to be caused by stimulated emission,
which fact would indicate. thepossibility of obtaining laser action In
.degenerate GaAs doped with-Be.',OrLgo~ art. hasi 2 figures*:
!ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarltv;nny*y univeraLtei Lis, He V.
1omonosova (Hoscow State Uttivers ;Y
2/3 j;.:
-1. - - - --- -----
;iSUBMITTEDt 20J&n63 ATD PRESSt 3059 ENCLs -00
113U~ CODEI SS. No REF SOVs 002 OTHER"s 006
Card 3
4 J".3 ',, i - t., 64'JiT If
/"-C 1,11~ AP6026678 SOURCE CODE:
i.AUTIIOR: Vavllov, V. S.; N;.khodnova, 1. A.; Silin', A. R.; Yunovich, A. E.
I ORG: Moscow Statc. University Im. M. V. Lomonosov (MoskovBkly gosudarstvennyy
TITLE: -Radiative rccom~ination of GaSb p-n junctions obtained by crystal pulling from a melt
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v..8, no, 8, 1966, 2330-2335
TOPIC TAGS: gallium antimonide, single crystal growing, recombination spectrum, crystal
donor, crystal impurity
ABSTRACT: P-n junctions in single crystals of GaSb were obta ed by growing a crystal on a
tIUlloyed with an acceptor (Zn,
seed containing a donor (To) (or acceptor) impurity from a mel
i Cd) (or respectively donor) Impurity. Tlio crystals were grown In a hydrogen atmosphere.
The seeds were oriented along the direction /Q I],% Primary attention Is devoted to the de-
pendence of the radiative recombination spectra on the concentration of impurities in the area
Of the p-n. junction and on the Injection level. In particular, low excitation levels (current de4-
sity of about I a/cm2 ) were investigated. The dependence of energy at the emission spectral'
peak on the voltage across the p-n junction was observed at small curTents and large concen-
Cord 1/~
L 4b327-C-6
I~Itrations of impurities. This dependence is apparently due to the tunnel effect, including elec-!!
tron transitions to the "tail" of the density curve of the states of the conduction band. Orig.
art. has: 5 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM. DATE: 27Dec65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: - 009
Utilizing the possibilitif-in for curtailinr idle time of railro3d
cars. Zhel. dor. tranBp. 40 no. 7:72 J1 158. 041RA 11:7)
1. Hachallnik stantaii Bessarebakaym(for Nakhradyan). 2. Zamestitell
nachalinika stantBii Besse rabskaya (for Barinskiy).
(Ra ilroadn-Management)
ACC NRt Ap7oo6472 SOURCE CODE: UR/0415/66/ooo/oo4/0100/0102
AU7AOR: Andriyevich, V. V.; Mogilevskaya, S. Ye.; Nakhrov, S. T.1 Starkov, 0. P.
ORG: Eastern Scientific Research Mining Institute (VostNIGRI), Novokuznetsk (Vosto-
chnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy gornorudnyy institut (VostNIGRIJ)
TITLE: On the relationship between the velocity of a
-longitudifial ultrasonic wave and
the strength of rock and ore in the Sheregesh deposit (Gornaya Sboriya)
SOURCE: Fiziko-tekhnioheeklye problemy rasrabotkL poleanykh LakolpsysmVkho no, 41
1966, 100-102
TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic wave propagation, compressive strength, mining engineering
ABSTRACT: The article is a report on studies being conducted in the Geological
Laboratory of the Eastern Scientific Research Mining Institute to establish Pe rela-
tionship between the velocity of longitudinal ultrasonic waves and e mp;,6saive
th cc
strength of rock and ore. Limestone and porphyrite specimens.frp the Sheregesh de-:
posit with a fairly constant mineralogical composition and cohilptent structural char-
acteristica were studied together with okarna and ores. An IPA-59 seismoscope was
used for determining the velocity of an ultrasonic vave in cylindrical specimens 100-
160 mm, long and 32-56 zn in diameter. Rochelle salt piezoelectric pickups with a
natural oscillation frequency of 250 kc vere used as emitter and receivers of ultra-
Card 1/2 UDC: 552-1:530T1.17)
sonic pulses. The specimens were then cut into cylinders with a height equal to the
diameter and tested for uniaxial compression. The results show an increase in com-
pressive strength with the velocity of the ultrasonic vaye. The empirical formula
relating ultrasonic velocity to strength for porphyrite is V-1.16a . +376o. The
corresponding formula for scarne with garnet predominant is "3,13o +46o, orig.
art. has:. 2 figures, 1.~tables
SUB CODE." U'* 20 .nA~i,,;-Msep65/-:OtUO'IWI,';iOO2,;'-
"i -;AA A I VI- 4
rd 2/2
aternal respiration in scoliosis. Ortr,,T:., tra,,m. i protez. 25
no.5133-36 My 164. WIRA 18:4)
1. Iz anesteziologicheskogo otdeleniya (nikovodite2l - F.N.
KazantSev) Yazanskogo instLtuta I.ravmatologJ i ortopedii (dir. -
Starsbiy nauchnylj sotrudnik U.Ya.R~gdanovicb . Adl-as avtorov:
Kazanl 15, ul. M.Gorlkogo, M, Institut tvamatologil i ortopedii.
jltri;s ttir~ -.1 in Liz, mirgf: ry f'-)r
no.2'r-(0-71 1- '65. 1 u, I
1. 1z Kazeuv,~cgc Instittita starsniy
na-inhnyy sotrudnik U.Ya. 2ogdoanovirhN
t' J.
Ubing electronic devices for regulating the position of the band in
automatic wrapping and pacIcaging machines. Mekh.i avtom.proizv. 14
no,,lo:48-53 o 16o. (MIU 13i10)
(Electronic control) (PacItaging machinery)
NAKHSHINA,, Ye P (Nakhahyna, O.P.]
-- 1: -01-
Characteristics of the winter gaseous regime in the upper
Dnieper basin. Dop. AN URSR no.9r1206-1209 164, (MIRA 17,11)
1. Institut gidrobiologii AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akadenikcm
AN LtkrSSR F.D. Oveharenko.
inualcation of grmT solidarity in.students. Politokh, obush,, n0,7:
9s A 158. OMU Ilt8)
I; Valys-Pershokaya mradnyays shkola No;15 Ghadyr-Tungskogo rapm
Noldavskoy Sax
(moral eatation)
NAKIM,ifill., Fedor.Vladimix-ovich; VER11171KOV, Ya.V., inzh., retsenzent;
,E- GREGELISKlY., P.M. inzh., retsenzent; KOSMNSKIY, I.Ye.,
nauchn. red.; MISMEVICH, G.I., red*
[Mechanization of minor operations in the fitting-out of ship
hulls] Malaia mekhanizatsiia korpusodostroechnykn Le--
ningrad, II.Sudostroenie," 1964. 114 P. (MIRA 17:5)
lixperience in coating propeller blades with rubber compositons
Mor.flot 16 no.4:27-28 A 156. (NLRL 9: 8)
1. Starshiy tekhnolog makhanichookogo teekha zavoda imeni Parizhakoy
NAKHUPINA, A. G., Cand of Agric Scl -- (diss) "Russian white chickens pf
the Kuchlnskly Fowl Sovkhoz; their productivity and breeding qualities."
'Moscow, 1957, 22 pp (Moscow Veterinary Academy), 140 copies
(KL, 32-57, 95)
AccM�Yff - n t AR5ol3623
BOURM Ref. zh. Katematika, Abe. 4149
417. 912
.AUTHOR., N&khu0hn&-& SM
TITM Concerning the integration of the generalized Iticcati equation in quadra-
CrZW SOURCE: Uch. zap. X&bardino-B&1k%rgk. un-t. Ser. f1c. -matext. no. vno 19p
11 '1963, 325-326
TOPIC TAM t Ricasti equation, integration, generalized equation, quadrature
TRANSIATION: The sithor defines a generalized Riccati equation of order X by means
'of the forwAs. W1 , F(z)W"~ + Q(t)W + R(z)
The quamtity w, defined vy the forwaa
(F5' - RP')/PQR
Card 1/2
L 581441-65
lie called by him the index of Eq. (1).
c&lly, 7q. (11 is e&lled reduced. It
so!-ed in auadratureal, The oonditions
in tbe
In the case vhen m and X coincide identi-
is proved that the redut-ed'equation mn be
for the solymbility in quadratures of the
-)f a,~mml* patr-til-vlar ass,=ptions coti-cern!n,'g,
ACC NR, AP6031642
AUTHOR: Hakhushev, A. M.
ORG: Mathematics Institute of the Siberian
(Institut matematiki Sibirskogo
otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: A boundary value problem for a mixed equation having two lines of degeneracy
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 170, no. 1, 1966, 38-40
TOPIC TAGS: partial differential equation, boundary value problem, Fredholm equation,'
integral equation
ABSTRACT:' The following equation is studied
Y(Y - 1)u XX + UYY = 0
in a specially constructed mixed region containing intervals of the lines of degene-
racy y = 0 and y = 1. A boundary value problem connected with this equation is formu-
lated and the solution sketched. It is shown that the problem of the existence of a
solution reduces to the solution of a system of singular integral equations which may
be reduced to a Fredholm equation of the second order, and that the solution of the
boundary value problem may, after the Fredholm equation is solved, be constructed by
solving Trikomils singular problem. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas.
SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 15Dec65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003
SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/170/001/0038/00110;
Department of the Academy of Sciences
Card 1/1 A*& UDC: 517.946
Use all means to Improve work. In methods. Prof.-takh.obr. 13 no.9:11-
15 6 056. (MiRA 9:10)
1, Zaveduyushchiy uchebno-metodicheakAm kabInetom Leningradakogo go-
rodal-ogo upravlenly-,~ trudovvkh rezervoT.
(Technicnl educntion)
AUTHORs Wakhutin, I. , Director of the Leningrad Municipal Methodical-
_gd'ucational Laboratory
TITLEs A..Graifp of'Mechanic Foreman's Experiment in Improving the Work
Locale (Opyt ubovershenstvovaniya rabochego
mesta masters, gruppy slesarey)
PERIODICAL: Professionallno-Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, 1958, # 4,
PP 14-16 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: While inspecting a number of Leningrad factory schools, the
author saw that one of the great lacks is still training aids.
Last summer, he went to Czechoslovakia and was greatly impressed
by the facilities, quality of instruction and the amount and
type of training aids and equipment, especially a new teacher's
tool cabinet he saw.
There is one table, and a 2-page center-spread.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskly gorodskoy uchebno-metodicheskiy kabinet (Leningrad
Municipal Methodological-Educational Laboratory)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Nakhuti Head of the Workshop SOV/27-50/-1-14/31
TITLE: Higher-Quality Training of Construction Workers (Vyshe
kachestvo podgotovki stroiteley)
PERIODICALs Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye, 1959, Nr 1,
pp 19-21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author refers to the 7-year-plan and to the construc-
tion projects during that period. He especially deals
with the reequipping and modernization of construction
and trade schools. Finally he comments on model school
workshops and equipment. There is one sketch.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gorodskoy uchebno-metodicheskiy kabinet
(The Leningrad Municipal Methodic-Training Norkshop)
Card 1/1
------- ----- -
iAKEIUTIN, I.; MUCKELI A. j prepodavatel t; KAZARENKO p G., inzh.
flew visual aids for the training of plasterers, painters, and
glaziers. Prof.-tekh.obr. 18 no.2:14-16 F 161. (MIRA 14:3)
1. Direktor remeslennogo uchilishcha No. 1+2v Leningrad (for
2. Remeslennoye uchilishche No.42, Lenigrad (for Nazarenko).
(Building trades-ludio-visual aids)
. NAKEUTIN, Isaak Pinkhusovich; 9AVRILOV, F.P., rad.; PFRSOII, M.N., tekhn.
(Ebuipment of a study room for machinin on lat;--es; album of -
technical drawings of a special-purpose cupboard and visual aid9j-
Oborudovanie kabinate po tokarnomu. delu.; allbom rabochikh cherte-
zhei spetsiallnogo shkafa i nagliadnykh posobii. Moskva, Vses.
uchebno-pedago izd-vO'Trudrezervizdat) 1959. 415 P. (MIRA 14:9)
~~ning-Study and teaching)
NAIMTIN9 Isaak Pinkhusovich; KUZNETSKIYI Gennadiy Ivanovich,- SURNOV,
B.V., nauchnyy red.; KOBRINSKAYAv M.V., red.; NF'SWSLOVA, L.M.,
tekhn. red.
(Manpal on practical problems in electrical engineering] Posobie dlia
prakticheskikh zaniatii po elektrotekhnike. Moskva, Vaes. uchebno-
pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdatp 1961. 66 p, (MIRA 34:8)
(Electric engineering-Ilandbooks, manuals, etc.)
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tin ellip&oki in the intwrtnediAte state has AnisotrolAc rtmu
vinusly shown for the caw of a sphere by Shubnikov and N. (.Va$urr. 1937.
as j The curvtv ehowinit the maximum cuffrnt,
,,W: Mel. Alm, 1937,4,324).
it% thr supriwonducting state as function of the apiJi"I field aizrre wi,h coo
Shubnikov's rule for fv for the caw when the ellilmold if in the too
a hitcrtnediste state wv~
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00 The MONWat or MWICmdMIN
NAX1111m. 1. F. J. Ph.".. V.SSA. k 3-4. pp. 114-
Al "W!:=Tli'e nugneti, monwnt of a Sn sinsle
Cnstal has bom nwaiurad in various cry-Aallographic
01111 dirmtions. within the limits or *x-uracy or the
nwasurcmcats the critkal fickis am indepwokni or
the orientatiori of the crystal in the rnaVirtic facM.
6 oil
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1119 537.312.62
Ite Uragneth: 111hiviou (if SupraconductIng allu'Ll Or
J. Phys., U.S.S.R., 6, 34, pp. 116-119, 1942.-The~
critical fields and temperatures of the alloys coincide 1
with those for Sn. Very small particles of Sn which
could change the critical fickl%litc not piment, In the
Alloyl 10 ally 11MILVIII)IC quantity. In It1w Ili-ItIq tile
curvc3 for lite magnetic moniclit of lite InvcitlPlIed
alloys, and even of the alloy containing Itr/. of Sn, do
not d ilfer from the curvc3 for the pure supracontluc I or.
1119 537.312,62
~'O V112(--)-rl- 3- ~.T/111 I'll-
AUTHORS: Nakhutin, I. Ye. and Sutyagina, Ye. I.
TITLE: A_~sqpptiqn of_j1ydr2.g2.n by Palladium)'lat Low ~emper,~tures/'
(Pogloshcheniye vodoroda palladiyem pri nizkikh temperaturakh)
PERIOD10AL: Fizika metallov i motallovedoniye, Vol 7, Nr 3, p 459
ABSTRACT: The rapid absorption of' hydrogen by platinum black has enabled
the authors to measure the isotherm of hydrogen absorption by
palladium at - 7800. In Fig.1 the results of three series
of measurements are shown. Tho initial portion or the curve
corresponds to the ~-.-phase of the hydrogen-palladium solid
solution; a horizontal portion of two-phase region follows,,,/
and the last portion rises steeply and corresponds to the
,'-phase of the solid solution. The pressure at which tlie
phase transformation occurs is 0.015-0.018 mm Hg. The qu=tity
of hydrogon 3disaolvod at this pressure In tho -phiA:jo I.-
'70-71 11. cUl'/g Pd. At a prossuro of' 1~ trail 11g the qualalty
of dissolved hydrogen is about 82 n. cm 0/g Pd.
( Hj Pd 0.78). At - 12U C and R
Card 1/2 pressure of about 15 mm Hg the quantity of dissolved
677 2.5
Absorption of Hydrogen by Palladium at Low Temperatures
hydrogen attained 86 n. em3/g Pd ( H - / Pd 0.82).
At - 1960C absorption of hydrogen prooeeded very
8 10 W 17 The experiments, carried out in a closed circuit
containing a given quantit7 of hydrogen and pallRdium, showed
that the hydrogen absorption still continued after two days.
The concentrations of hydropn_dis�olved in palladium
remained lower than those at; 78'JC at the sQmo pressures.
It follows that the bydrogen-palladima system had not reached
equilibrium as the solubility of hydrogen in pal:Ladi= must
increase with drop in temperature.
There is 1 figure, and 4 references of which 2 are Soviet
and 2 English.
SUBMITTED: September 2, 1957
Card 2/2
AUTHORS:Nakhutin, I. Ye., Smirnova, N. M.
TITLE: TFoduction of Pure xenon (Polucheniye chistogo ksenona)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i,tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 1, p 149 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A method of separating the hydrocarbons present in xenon
is described. The elimination of the hydrocarbons was done
by employing a highly active reagent which is prepared by
depositing a layer of copper oxide on a surfade of silica
gel. The reagent was placed in a short quartz tube (having
a length of a few cm), and dehydrated at a. temperature of
3000C. The tube was then heated to ?OOOC-, and the xenon to
be purified was passed through it. The device operated as a
chromatographic column in that the change of colour of the
reagent after the reaction permitted the observation of the
front forming in the column. A preliminary filling of the
column by xenon was done very slowly. Subsequently, the xenqn
was passed in a continuous stream, at a rate of about 102/cm'hr,
through the heated column and through another two colilmns
operating at the ambient temperature. The other two colilmns
captured the carbonic acid and the water vapours which formed
during the oxidation of the hydrocarbons. After the operat-
ion the column was regenerated at 6000C. By the above method
Card 1/2 it was possible to obtain a spectrally pure xenon; the lines
Production of Pure Xenon
of hydrogen and o;-4gen could not be detected nor were the
molecular spectra of hydrocarbons present, he method can
be used for the purification of other rare gases. The authors
express their gratitude to N. A. Teterina for carrying out the
spectral analysis, There are no figures or references.
SUBMITTED: February 15, 1958.
Card 2/2
7,z o B004/B070
AUTHORS: Nakhutin, I. Ye.-, Ovechkin, V. V., Ochkin, D. V.,_
v9 A. S., Khoduleva, Z. K.
TITLE: Preparation of the Radioactive Isotope Kr35 and
Investigation of Its Gamma Radiation
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol-.39, No. 400), PP. 991-992
TEXT: Kr35 was obtained by dissolving neutron-irradiated uranium in
nitric acid and by separating chromatographically by active carbon
at 770K the gases liberated from moisture, nitrogen oxides, and radio-
active iodine. For the measurement of emission, Kr35 was filled in a
plexiglass cylinder with an aluminum foil bottom. The yield was
determined from the ratio k = N IN,9 where N , N are, respectively,
Y Y Y 0
the numbers of 517 kev gamma quanta and of 0 particles emitted per unit
time in the solid angle 0. The beta radiation was measured by an
CO-20 (51-2B) counter, and the gamma radiation by a NaT T~) orlintillator
Card 1/2