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NALGY, P. Proble-in of physical qtmlity nAf aluniihum. p. 582, Vol 10, no.12, Doe. 1955. K01U.TZATT TAP-':"'. Budape.-,t, ;'kingary. So: Eastern Furopean Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 19-56 414.. m4tbrvc for detarmilmaG- "f the Mudiar "Lia '1144, sintcHnc tlt-- Tualcrill be with C.Co.. I.Fwtl ir. ~qj~f -j W ~1," ~ Om 4 ),-lip it im ti~-- e clazeiA mi 40 Ole *nwuot PI I Present to the CaFf t$ detevaitted by the 6.4UL-gon wethM; . Both methMs ~ivgm 0 P 34 FLA, NAGY Jq Pal Effect of solvents occurring in the absurption spectrum of Schiff bases. Pt.l. Magy kem folyoir 69 'no.9:397-401 S 163. 1. Szegedi Tanarkepzo ?oiskola Kemiai Tanszeke. NAGY, Fal Profile master enterprises and enterprises responsible "Lor manufacturing profile products in the field of the construction industry. Epites szemle 7 no.9:4283-286 164. 1. Division Chief, Main Directorate of Building Industry of the Ministry of Building, Budapest. NAGY,_.Ejj-- MARKUS, Miklos Concentration of constructions and the development of the construction time. Epites szemle 8 no-3:91-95 165. 1. Head, Division of Coordination of the Main Directorate of Construction Industry of the Ministry of Construction, Bu'apest (for Nagy). 2. Division of Technical Development of the MLnistry of Construction, Budapest (for Markus). wall L16536-66 EWP(J) AMM-F-AP6008590 SOURCE CODEt IIU/0005/65/071/001/003-1/0017 AUTHOR 2, Nagy* Pal ORG: Departmant of Chemistry, Co3.leve for the Training of 'S200 (Tanarkepzo Foiskola Kemiai Tanszoko) TITIZ: Solvent effect occurring in the absorption spectrum of Schiff basoso Part 2t Effect of substituents an the solvent effect SOURCE: Magyar kerdai folyoirat, ve 71, no. 1, 1965, 11-17 TOPIC TAGS: Schiff base, absorption spectrum, amino, cyclic group, solvont action The absorption spectra of 2-hy'd' A13STRACT: roxy-benzalaniline and 4 - hy~ Fl. benzalaniline derivatives with different substituents an the anilin ng were determined with the aim of establishing the effects of t9e sub titu- ent group on the solvent effect. The determinations were conducted in me- thanol and ethanol medium, It was found that the Intenefty of the advance line is a linear function of the Hammettion a-values of the substituents involved. The mechanism advanced for the explanation of the solvent effect, !,correlates well'with experimental findLngs and crystal-structural data. tard-1/2. P-1- L---47259-66- --EWP(J)----JW/RM- J.'ACC NR, U66-3W8- SOURCE CODEt HU/0005/66/000/00310108/0111111 AUTHOR: Nagyj Pal.9 Depart of Chemistry of the Szoged Teachers College (Hemial TArWZeX__F,%e_g#_d1 Tanarkepzo Folskola)0 . SJ/ Schiff Bases. IV. InviRigatioin of Effect of Solvent~on Absorption of iArom itio-Aliphatic Derivatives." Bwapost, Magyar Kemiai Folyoirat4 Vol 72. No 3. Mar 66; pp 108-111. Abstracti The special solvent effect whio may be found in the absorption spectrum of 2- " 4-bydroxybenzalaminos ps intorproted as a quinoid re- ,arrangement. The proton transition noade&for the, ro arrangement is 'produced or faoilit&ted by the solvent. as a result of hydrogen bridgos4 a process leads to an equilibrium whose state depends on the solvent used; .Th ,nd..on the electron density of the azomethira nitrogen. In the case of 61y aromatic thet-prope33 is blocked by the conjugation of he molecule. IS@-art* heat 4 figures and 2 formulas. rJPRSt 36,0027 TOPIC TAGSt Schiff bass, electron density, organic &to compound SUR CODEt 07920 / SUBN DATEI 27 May 65 / ORIG REFs 004 / OTH Wt 010 SOV RUt 003 Card* NAGY., Peter Color television picture tubes. Hir techn 13 no.6:220-226 D 162, 1. Budapeati. Muazaki Egyetem Vezeteknelkuli Hirs"nstachnika Tanszek. NAGY, Peter Color television picture tubes; excerpts fYom an article. Musz elet IS no.6:15 14 Mr 163. NAGY, Peter Colcr television cameras. Hir techn 14 no.6:216-221 D 163. 1. Budapeati Muszaki egyetev, Vezeteknelkuli Hiradantechnlkai Tanszek. NAGY Peter,..oklevoles kohoinemok; FRANK, Iaszlo, okleveles vogyeszmernok Continuous precipitation of alwainate alkalies. Koh lap 96 no.Ilt481-484 N163. 1. Ajkai Timfoldgyar es Aluminiwakohoo AlMASSY. Gyorgy, dr.; NAGY. Peter -1 ~.- Instrmlent for testing soft ooldered joints in electro"ic ap- paratus. Finopni,-L;hwika 2 no.6:166-168 A 163. 1. Tavkozlesi Kutato Intezet; "Fincmmechmikall szerlceszto bizottsagi tagja (for Almassy). 2. BUdaposti Muszak-i Egyetem Vezeteknelkuli Hiradastechnikai Tanszek. -AU" Investigations on chruni-c brom---h-Ltis as L-. o--:- the Orv. he"il. 106 no.3:103-107 Ja 17 161*. "'I'n4 , dr.; NYIREDY, Geza, dr.; NAGY, Piro~ska ~dr.; VIDEKI, Karoly, dr. '13i~n'chogenic cysts of the mediastintm. Tuberkulozis 14 no.8:246-249 Ag l61. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Tudc)gyogyaszati Klinikaja (I az gato% Novats Ferenc dr. egyatemi tanar, am orvostudomair doktora5 - yok kozlemenye. (MEDIASTINUM dis) (BRONCHI dis) (CYSTS) CAU3ES 0! D,,YIC,lE:lrlE,,S IN THE 'TrA!!ILITY GF ~,':X "ll, .~~ T.; fFl.ZCT-TCl RATI..t..."., P 92 L-1J.'APEST, HOGARY VOL 7 NO 1/3 JA 1c)57 60; MON"rhLY INDEX Or' "r RITRO EA lESS7C)jjS ~ ) I - (AEEI) VOL ~ NC, 1"' lii-J'MiMEER 1957 NAGY ) it. Aemarks on Sandor Simonkovits' article "The AlIvreg Monorail Raill-oad System." p. 269. KOZLEKEDESTUDOMANYI SZ=. (Kozlekedes- es Ko,,lekedesepitestl7domanyi EfVesulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 9, no. 5/6, May/Jiine 1959. I 1"onthly list of East Diropean Accessions (EFAI), LG, Vol. 8, 1104 8p Aligust 1959. Uncle. ZA GSANADI, G7orgy, dr.,egyetemi tanar; FASKF.RTI,, Sandor; S BO, Dezso, dr-., a kozlekedeqtudomanyok kandidatusa, okl.mernok; CSUHAYj Denes; TAKAGS, Endre; CSABAI, Rudolf; NAGT,-Ru.,U'~f; NUTAS, Laszlo~wrnok; VASAFJflMYI, Boldizear, dr.ja muszaki tudotaanyok doktora, tanszek- vezeto egyetemi tanar; KOLLER, Sandor, muegyatemi adjunktus; KALROKI IM) Sandor; GV-OMBER, Sandor; TALLO, Gmla;KOZARY, Istvan; SZILAGYI, Lajos; HEGYI, Kalman,oklmernok; BERCZIKp Andras; MARKI, Laszlo; PALFI, BUDrSZKI, Endre; NAGY, Endrepokl.mernok; SZATMARY, Ferenc; MAGORI, Judit; dIKHELYI, Bela; MESZLERI, Zoltan; VEROSZTA, Imra; ZSIGA, Sandor; TOROK, Istvan; KQNCZ, Laszlo; WESSELY, Ferenene; SZABO, Bela; KOVDROCZI, Lajos; GINTL, Jozsaf; CSONTOS, Dezso; JAYi.kB, Sandor; LOVASZ, Istvanq mernok; KISS, Karoly, HODMIC4jonly The C~ty Transportation Conference in Szelged. Kozl tud sz 12 no.2-. 49-54 F 162. 1. Akademiai leveleza tag, a kozlekedes- as postaugyi miniszter also helyettese, as "K6zlekedestudomanyi Szemle" szerkeszto bizot.ts'agi tagja (for Csanadi) 2. Kozlekedes- as Postaugyi. Miniszterium Muszaki Felugyeleti Osztalyanak vetatoje (for Faskerti) 3. Fovarosi Tanacs.Vegrehajto Bizottsaga. VIII. Varosrandezesi as Epiteszeti Oszt munkatarsa, as "Kozlekedestudomanyi Szemleff smrkeszto i"4-agja (for Szabo) (Continted on next card) '.4"AM., Ojorg7 --- (Continued ) Card 2. 4. Fomerftok, Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniszterium Kozlekedespoli- tikai Oaztalyanak munkatarsa (for Csuhay) 5. Kozlekedes- as Postaug- i Miniszterium Autoko-zlekeftsi Vezerigazgatosaganak szakoszta1TvezetOje (for Mace) 6. MAV fointezoi a Kozlekedet3tudomanyi Egyesulet miskolci ter.ulleti szervezetenek titkara (for Csaba:l) 7. Fomernok, a Fovaroal Tanacs Vlegrehajto BIzottsaga Kozlekedesi :Igazgatosaga helyettes vezetoje (for ragy) 8. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Kozi~~kedesi Igazgatosaganak fajlesztesi eloadoja (for Kutas) 9. "Koziekedeqtudomanyi Szemle" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vasarhelyi) 10. Csoportvezeto fomernok, Debrecen m.j. Varosi. Tanacs, Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Ipari es Kozlekedes:L Osztaly (for Kalnoki Kisq) 11. Rendorornag3r, Csongrad Meg3rei Rendorfokapitanysag Kozrendvedelmi. Osztalya (for Gyomber) 12. Fomernok, Miskolc m..J. Varosi Tanacs 'Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Tallo) 13.-For,ernok, Kozlekedes-es-Postaugyi Miniszterium Utosztalya (for K6zary) 11. Favorosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varosrendezeq-i es'Epitemidti. Osztalvanak vezetoj e (for Szilagyi) 15.Ut-Vasuttervezo R~ai~ KO~I-eked.~ Osztalva ve:;etoje (for Heg3ri) 16. BUVATI Kozlekedesi es Kd-zr~uszak~"Aalyanak vezetoje, Budapest (for Berczik) 17. Pecs m.j. varon Tahi~dsa BV Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Onztalyanak vezetoje (for Marki) (Continued on next card) CIWADI, Cqorgy --- (Continued) Card 3. 18. Szeged m.j. Varosi Tanacs Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Osztallanak fomernoke (for Palfi Budinszki) 19. Bijdapest FovaroBi Taracs Mel7erit-elli Tervezo Vallalat iranlito tervezoje (for Endre ~Tagy) 20. Debrece-ii - Kozlekedesi Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szatmary) 21. Budapest Fovarosi Tanacs Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Magori) 22. Budapest Fovarosi Tanacs Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Caikholvi) 23. Miskolci. Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for Mesileri) :-24.Kozlekedes- es Po:,taugyi Miniszterium Autokozlekedesi Foosztalyanak. fomernoke (for Veroszta) 25. Szegedi Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for Zsiga) 26. Miskolci Kozlekedesi ValJalat fokoRy-veloje (for Torok) 27. Debreceni Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for Koncz) 28. Penzugy- miniszterium foeloadoja (for Wessely) 29. Pecsi Kozlekedesi Vallalat ig,azgatoja (for Szabo) 30. Epitesugvi Miniszterium Varosrendezesi 4anak-mernoke (for Komoroczi) 31. Fovarosi Ifillamosvasut Fooszta" (Continued on next card) CSANAD~ Gyorgy - (Continued) Card 32. 51.-es Autokozlekedesi Val-lalat munkatar-sa (for Csontos). 33. Ut-Vasuttervezo VaUalat irodavezeto famernoke (for Jakab). 34. Budapesti Felyierdeku Vasutak osztalyvezetoje (for Lovasz). 35. Magyar Allamvasutek igazgatohelyettese (for Kiss, Karoly). 36. Magyar Allawasutak vezerigazgatholielyettese (for Rodonyi). SZABO, Dezso, dr.; CSATLADI, GyorL;y~ dr.; SX-10S, Istvan; KADAS, Kalman, dr., Icar-didatus, GYULAI, Geza; VIU-IOS, Endre, dr.; !AGY,,,jt4olf, foiprnok KCIJXR, Sandor, adjunktus; TURAMLI, Istvan, d--., tanaze)--vezeto ejZre- temi tanar; BMIYEI, Andras, dr.; BAILUISZKY JOB, Imre; BWOOS, Jozoef, dr., egyetemi tanar; IE,;GYI, Kalman The 5th Conference on City Transportation. Epites kozloked tud kozl 7 no.3:341-346 163, 1. Comittittrie of Highway and City TranLiportation, lfungnricui Acadol'.Iy of Sciences, Budapest (for Coanadi). 2': Executive Coix-aission, Capital City Council, Budapest (for Sarlos). 3. Faculty of Traw;portation Engineering, Technical University of Building and Transportation, Budapest (for Kadas).4. Head, Directorate of Transportation, Executivo Co=ilssion, Capital City Council, Budapest (for Gyulai). 5. Teclud- cal University of Building and Transportation, Budapest (for Vilmos and Turanyi), 6, Directorate of Transportation, Executive Comission, Capital City Counci-1, Budapest (for Rudolf Ilagy). 7. Chair of Road Constructionj Technical University of Building and Transportation, Budapest (for Koller). 8. Research Group of Transportation, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (for Benyei). 9. Rational Gontaittee on Technical Development, Budapest (for 13LLranszky Job). 10. Road and Rai-Iroad Planning Enterprise, Budapest (for Hogyi). KOLLER, Sandor, muszaki egyetemi adjunktus; ALMASSY; SARLOS, Istvan, dr.; KADAS, Kalman, dr., a muzzaki tudomanyok kandidatusa, egyntemi tanar- NAGY Rudolf; TURANYI, Ist,7an, dr., a =Bzaki d "-- -9' 1 tudomanyok kan'itaTu'sff, ~71S-zekvezeto tana:r; GINTL, Jozsef fomernok; SZILAGYI, Lajos; KELEMEN, Lajos The 5th Conference on City Transportation. Auto motor 16 no.20:5-6 21 0 163. 1. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Biiottsaga e1noke (for Sarlos). 2. Fa7arosi Tanaco Kozlekedeni,Igazgatosagianak helyetteo venstoje (for Nagy). 3. Epitoipari Muszaki Egyetem (for Turanyi). 4. Fovarosi Villamosvasut (for Gintl). 5. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Epitesi es Varosrendazesi Oaztalyanak vezatoje (for Szilagyi). 6. Budapest Fovar:)si Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga e1nokhelyettese (for Kelemen). NAGY, Rudolf Development of mass transportation of Budapeat. Musz elet 18 no.23:1 7 N 163. I I I NAGY, Rudolf Traffic regulation at Rakoczi ut-Nagykorut, crossing. Musz elet 20 no.7:1,10 8 Ap 165. IIAGYS, S. "Soil Covering and its Vicrobiological F-ffect on the Increase of Crop Capacity", T-1. 52, (AGPARTUDO-PlY, Vol. (-, No. ~-, Jan/Veb. 1~54, Budaj:est, Huncary) SO: Vonthly List of Last Luroj,-ean Accessions, (EDU), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1. Jan. 1955, Uncl. Rik, TA A oftlou at-ions n reopeot: o a' 0 4ym ate. "'11 MA o ithio--cohqtructions Lin Hlorsg~artott elemek as torboli monolitsxerksoto~k zoiO1OS6V'Aj'--'-' t, e-tarmoavandazarrel kapozolatos hotani azrznt1;P*.nok Talamin b7, A i `(Bailding-Arohitbeture t; Bpitea-EDitos Eat, -1101. 111, 110; March 1951, 8 fig., 2 be.) aily tpplioa*016-~~6yit"M'_: .-The purpose of this study Is to provide an ea '770 neces3azZ for atcam-ing pp4fabri6af-4 'wopAial7monoli+,hi"- truetures--of--ninfor~oed-c=orate,---v-lltlI ----------- 1q-1 ar4--.-,- Aity -of fuel- ' aded and tlLx cost of steart m. :-Thu-ba-Ictul-atiffnW.-~ no ded--into- throa. -main groupat (1) The steaminf- of prolabric'at-id:rsin-4 This chapter contains a deserip ion of' the st6 forced concrete clubs* t ing procedure conducted in closed cabinets placee within an onclo!36rl spaep, i with details on calculatiur n + the heating or and the loss or hoeit he 'PM7 ~'misea whare prefabiioation-in carriod outl-ths hewtinr which h3 -pracedon mixing -of -'conor6ta; the stemaingi t~n', 103a of -vur,Cace 'hoat or -tbo-atcam- 01- inat`and-~br -ateam pipes*-,- (2)- -The 6teaming OC profabricatsd reirforml o0norate: behms. of small oroos sontio4i Thic p-roblett Au m1no dealt with 3)--Tl~o -a te aming-or -spat cororate atructuresi. giving cLailar dotailed The study. conclude a_ with_ an exumple oP the theemos boating systdiri an applied in NAGY, S. _ flew trends in the development of iron and metal strul,-tures. Pt. 6. Specific steel structures for building construction. p.297- J4ELYEPjTv-STUDCMA1,4YI SZE-ILE. Budapest, Flunga-y. Vol. 9, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (REAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9.. September 1959 Uncl. I.' 1W S. il.,3 Model locomotives. D. 149. (-TAX-VJV-FK 'C-ZOG;iZD.,,3~GI GE?IrK. Vol. 2, no. 5, ~-fay 1955. Riflanest.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession. (E-n.11). f,c. Vol Ii Nov. 11 lsnv- 1'~55 Uncl. HAUL S Application of spindle trtT.--s s1renlathened b,,v Perion on c~~)mbbd wool r1r, spi-ming frames. p. /j72. MAGYAR T-EXTILT!,rTTTYA. (Tpxtilipari Muszake es Tulomanvos Budapest, Hun-ar-,-. Vol. 11, no. 12, Dec. 1959. 1 C Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EMI) Lr, 'Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. NAGY', S.; BAJUSZ, G.; PETRI, G. Response of the adrenal cortex of the dog to surgical injury during autonomic nervous blockade. Acta physiol. acad. sci.hung. 22 no.2: 155-162 162. 1. Institute of Experimental and Operative Surgery and Ist Department of Surgery,, Medical University, Szeged. (SUW'ERY, OPERATIVE) (ANESTHESIA, CONDUCTION) (ADRENAL CORTEX) IWO AN 34-004 A Momigif"ture of starch from rice govemkote - Kirmhki,10, jryJi,lJj grysibullaJANt - twy_S._N;gSyjtuM lodusity - Al. mirzifoi 1pa, Vol. V, No. 6. pp. l74-116, June 195j.), 1-11sx-vi& ci-:o tf,ut 11,11 111 11-41111 - "lle "I the rh;g: mills - wt-milia.-v tile lll.t,t Aje.ltlitc fAw InINTIA (-it list 111,11vuli'lut'. sky '11,1101. 14% comid,:ritlotj "lull IV )[steel ilk file bit 11111, v0sile III tile Ingwr Pitt of live VAR tile klildl 11,1111ilr 1.111pli: Isom gs 1., 9 1111.1.4%ig .41C w tile I'lolem 1-ilti'lo, 11141.11 111i.41W 1-wai'leg t"'111 I W liki) 11,~ 1,1111113 11,741 tile %UIIAsO ..Ilmill, (gristly Il- ilk. rew"ll 4113 1& Is: 1,31ti'lo. Morelner. jilmll" 'JI4111m,k In Plo'e-jort; 1. still tile .1.21s:b 0C.If tile %Urtj~c "I'llAiriv gisu.h Its, milhollectin thms tile $$later pict I Iw lltl~,:Iplc plu", 'It 11'e ell if 611.11,11 .110 ; 14) I~cl ... )g so, A usivilloll v1 4,A-ti. S-11. III title ggilij.isr. III L.Alil"'. (4) (5! lirc 110 1%w-drylog, itij (61 rickemill; tile by-V1.011.1, PI"Icill IgI'llell) 1,s tile Illa.t %aluible ell tile is) pt-~fuo% Is 1, miliwl-l Asset divis": A. Is,,: jtlw~ I urtlwt ,, sicetIM w m:ctIjjn isholset any othcf t-y- pfujus.1 Ul silk: 111111% silli%ligralet Iltillisly ot %CCJI. 'he -VCldf#J arw-:ic-. W-Iu1J AW Ilc suil4ble jor tire nulistij.jurc .if %1A(. Is,y , S . Torbagyi-Novak, L; jLj~U, S. "Timely Problems of Quality Control. in the Fermentntion InJustry.11 T). 233 (Elelm-zesi Tp . Vol. 5, no. 8 Aug. 1951, 9ulapest) SO: Monthl.v I'Ast of East Euror-on Accessions. Vol 3 No 6 Mhrnry of Conpre93, Jun 54, Uncl. NKGYP S.-,- SANDOR, Z. "Separating and Gleaning Starch With a Hydrocylone", P. 243, (ELEIMZESI IPAR, Vol-8, No. 8, Aug- 1954, Budapest, Hungai:7) SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions, (HEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954P Uncl. N' AGY, S. Development and use of mIticyclones. p. 225. V01. 10, no. F, Aug. 1955. 'IGYPqk UP.M. Budapert, Hungar,.. So: Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1S156 NAGY, Sandor How can frozen apples be saved? Elet tud 18 no.9:258 3 Mr 63. L 15463!-66. 1-------- ACC NR: -AT6007418 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/0~6/60X/0030064 AUTHOR: Tarnoky,, Klara Petri G. ORGI -I. Department of Surgery~ Institute of Experimental and Operat gery, ive Sur Medical University of Szeged (Szegedi Orvostudoman. 1ri Egyatem, Kiserleti Sebeszeti es Muteittani, Intezet, es I. Sebeezeti Tanszek) TITIZ: Effect of corticosteroids on cardiac output. and vascular resistance in dogs following blood loss (Tfiis paper was presented at the 29th 44eeting of the Hungarian.Physiological Society held in Szeged fron,2 to 4 July 19643 SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologica, v. 260 Supplement, 19651 34 TOPIC TAGS: corticosterold, system, doj7p blood pressure, animal physiology,, pharmacology, drug effect er to explain 'o'6aAier-i ABSTRACT: 'In ord som findingsi accordfn~.j to which e administrition of a steroid in the oligemio'l I so. of hemorrhagic shock was followed by a significant risp in blood pha ~pressure,the changes in cardiac output and peripheral vasculat resittande 'br~u,rht the drug y~j?een studied In the present J~ Card 1/2 II&GY, Sandor - - -, ~ Wage regulaticns tc be applied at consolidated enterprises. Munka 14 no-3:16-17 Mr 164. 1. Szakszervezetek Orozagos Tanucoa munlutbor ofjzta:Lya. NAGY, Sandor Possibilities for developing inveqtment activity. Musz elet 19 no.22:7 22 0 164. More important conditions of introducinIg a transportation system without the service of conductore in Budapest. Kozleked kozl 19 no.23:402-403 9 je 163. AMBRMY Andras., dr.; NAGY, Sandor; TASSINE ROSTAS, Martal VALKO.. Ivan Telemetry of physiological data. Mares automat U no-31 1449 t63. 1, Budapesti bhidzald Egyetem. ................... NAD 1 0 SHANDOR: NADI, SHANDCR: "The selection of mine excavating combines under the conditions of the medium-thick sem-s of the Borsod 3--sin with sn-P-11 side seams (Hungary)." Min Higher Education Ussr. Mbscow mining Inst imeni. I. V. Stalin. Moscow, 1956.(DISSERTATION FCR THE DEGREE UF CANDIDATE IN TECHNICAL SCIENCES.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 18, 1956 nd.ptj~~.-t mining engIneer# candidate of technical solences Fi~ida~ofital questions relating to the uset of F-type cutter- 'loaders in ~cAigwall workings. Izvestiia Eany KI no.3A:73- HA21,__~or~dr Economic advantages with renewing processing machinery. Muss elet 16 no.20:3 '61. . NAGY, Sandor, dr., 0k1. banyagepeszmernok, a muezaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Optimum conditions for the use of getter-loader of the type-F in long- walls. Bany lap 95 no.1:10-15 Ja 162. 1. Banyaszati Kutato Intezet, Budapest. NAGY, Sandor,, dr., tanar, mg. mernok Profitability of biogas plants. Term tud kozl 6 no.9:422-423 s 162. NAGY., Sandor,, dr. Reconstracticm of the,machine tools in the machine Industry. I. Musz elet 18 no.2394 7 5 163. .. 7 TIAGY, Sandor, dr. Renewal of processing machiner-r of the machine industry. 8tat szemle 41 no.10/11:959-971 O-N 163. 1. Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal esoportvezetoje. NPGY, dr. - 4rc. ISC-Tf- Cf' ;~ I I(,., ~ I.- I'- - ~ - -. nachines. Gop 16. no . " ~.c . . I , li I- ~4~ 1. Ci~ntral 0."1.- . f ELISRTA, A.; POBIRAI, M.; NAGY, I.; NAGY, S.; LIPPAI, J. Cpmparative histological studies on the structure of the vall of lymphatic vessels. I. Histological structure of the vall of ductua thoracicua. Kiserlates orvostud. 9 no.3:309-315 July 57. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi F4yetem Bonctani, valamint Szovet- as Fajlodestani Intezate. (THORACIC DUCT, anat. & histol. histol. structure of thoracic duct vall in various species (Hun)). POBERAI, Maria; GELLFW, Albert; NAGY, Istvan; LIPPAI, Jozsef; K0714A, Marta; -AGY,-Sandor-- Comparative studies on the tissue structure of the walls of the peripheral lymph vessels. Kiserlete3 orvostud. 13 no.2:154-159 My 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Bonctani, valamint Szovet- es Fejlodestani Intezete.' (LDPHATIC SYSTE14 anat. & histol.) REDEI, Anna; NAGY, Sandor A micromethod for the determination of serum glucose and dextran. Kiserlates orvostud. 13 no.4:446-448 Ag 161. 1. Szegedi OrvoBtudomanyl Egyatem Korelettani Intezate. (BLOOD SUGAR ahem) (DEXTRAN blood) POBERAI, Maria; ,GELLERT, A.; NAGY, I.; LIPPAI, J.; KOZMA, Marta.L NAGY Comparative histology of the structure of the vall of IyMhatic TesEelB. III. Histological structure of the wal.1 of poripheral lymphatic vessole. Acta Morpb. Acad. Sai. Hung. 11 no.2:229-238 162. 1. Institut fur Anatomie, Histologie und Embryologie der Medizinischen Universitat, Szeged (Vorstand: Prof. A. Gellert) (LYMPHATIC SYSTEM anat & blotol) HUNGARY TAF11OKY, Klara, NAGY, Sandor; Medical University of Szeged, I, Surgical ClbAc and Institute ror Surgical Technique (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egye- tem 1. sz. Sebeszeti Klinika es Sebeszeti Mutettani Intezet). "Determination of Glycogen by means of o-Toluidine." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XV, No 3, June 1963, PP 313-318- Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] A method is described for the determination of the glycogen content of tissues. After trichloroacetic acid extraction, precipitation in alcohol and sulfuric acid hydrolysis, o-toluidine Is added and the color determined photometrical-ly. The method is simple, reliable.and sensitive. 2 Hungarian, 12 Westorn references. 13 NAGY, Sandor;/TARIJOKY.. Klara; PETRI, Gabor Effeof of a water-soluble-corticosteroid-enalogue in expeTlimntal hemorrhagic shock.' Kiserl. orvostud. 15 no.6:649-.657 D 163. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomaiqi Egyt3tem Sebeszeti Mutettani Intezet es I sz. Sebeszeti Klinikaja. (SHOCK, HEMORRHAGIC) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORIMES) (PRAFMCOLOGY) An NAGY-S.; TARNOKY, Klara; TAROS, B. PETRI, G. Fluid, protein and eel-1. sbi.fts, after haemorrhage Ln cortier- steroid- and noradrenaline-treated dogs. Acta physiol. Acad. sci. Hu-g. 25 noj*-Z65-2715 ~64 1. Institute of Experimental and Operatlive Surgery and First Department of Surgery, University Medical School. Szfqed. NAGY, S.; TKOOKY, Klara; PWRI, G. Cardiac output of bled dogs after intrave-nous administration of corticosteroida. Acta p1hyaiol. acad. sci. Hung. 27 no.3:257-264 165. 1. Institue ol Experimental Surgery, and First Department of Surgery.. University Med1wil School, Szeged. L 1306-M AGO NR: AP6007040 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018/65/017/003/0258/0262 AUTHOR:,- Gabor ,,N~~Nad Sh.; Tarnoky, Klara--Tarnoki, K.; Petri, 16, ORG~ Medical University of Szeged, Institute of Surgical Technique and I. Sur;ical Clinic (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem$ Sebeszeti Mutettani Intezet. es 1. sz. Sebeszeti Klinika) TITLE: -Minute volume and circulatcry resistance of doga auffering from loss of blood following intravenous injection of corticosteroids SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomany, v. 17, no- 3, 1965, 258-262 TOPIC TAGS: endocrinology, hormone, animal physiology, dog, cardiovascular system, corticoid, corticosteroid a, 40 ABSTRACT: Under light nembutal anesthesi does were bled by.the reservoir technique. The average final loss of blood !was 43.1 ml/kg. As compared to the initial value, the minute volume dropped jconsiderably after the loss of blood and the peripheral resistance increased, Wthis stage, I group (14 dogs) vas given a placebo (10 mi of 5 per cent glucose), another group.(1~ dogs) was given a water soluble corticoid analogue '(15 ml/kg) and a third group (11 dogs) received aldo3terone (300 pg/kg). An e increase in the minute volume was observed in th second group without any Card 1/2 12- I 155o6-66 Acc NR: Ap6oO7O4-0 significant chang~Nin the other-two groups. Following re-infusion of UB withdrawn blood,.- the minute volume increased in every group and the peripheral resistance dropped. The"authori*thank the Pharmaceutical Factorieafor making the Steroid available and ilso Koszo RozBa and Mader Haria for technical assistanc Orige art* laso Z.-tables." J.PRS7'., %UB POD& ~'06, -~suw DATEt --lwui64, OHIO REFs :003 OTH RVs 019 Card 21246 NAGY, S.; TAMOKY, Klara; PETRI, G. Adjustment of the circulation to haemorrhage in dogs dur.rg sympathetic nervous blockade. Acta physiol. acad, sci. Hung. 28 no.4379-387 165. 1. Institute of Ebcperimental Surgery and First Department of Surgery, University Medical School., Szeged. Submitted Decembar 30, 1964* JAKQBQVITS, ArItal, dr.; MAGY, Sandor, dr.; BIRIKO, Akos, dr.; TOROK, IfLBZ10, dr. Clinical observations on extrauterine pregnancy. Hagy.noorv. lap. 21 no-1:56-6o Ja 16o. 1. A Szegedi Orvostiulomanyi Eg3retem Szuleszeti en Noffop_vaozati Klin'ikajanak komlemenye (Igazgato: Batizfalvy Janos dr. egyetemi tanar). (PREGIWCY ECTOPIC) NAGY, Sandor, dr.; SAS, Mihaly, dr. Uterine hemorrhage induced by sex steroids as a pregnancy test. Magy.'noorv. lap. 26 no.l:'42-46 Ja 163. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudoranyi Egyetem Noi Klinikajanak kozlemenya (Igazgato: Szontagh Ferene dr. egyetemi tanar). (PREGNAI-ICY TESTS) (PROGESTERONE)' (ESTRADIOL) (DIETHYLSTILBESTROL) (PI-IENORRHEA) (ESTROGEN) (GONADOTROPINS) SAS, Mihaly, dri; LAGSAN, Ilona, dr.;.NAGY, �~ ~�rp ~dr. The siginificance of steroid excretion in fetal progposis. Estrogen and pregnanediol. excretion in the 2d half of normal hnd 15athologic pregnancies. (I). Magy. noorv. lap. 26 no.2:74-83 Mr 163. , 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Noi Klinikajanak kozlemenye (Igaz ato: Szontagh Ferene dr , egyatemi tanar). MAGENTA) (ESTROGENS~ (PREGNANEDIOL) (HYPERTENSION) (PREGNANCY TO=4IAS) (KIDNEY DISEASES) (FETUS) (URINE) SAS, Mihaly, dr.; LAGSAN, Ilona, dr.; NAGY spdorp dr. The significance of steroid excretion ialfetal prognosis. Estrogen and pregnenediol excretion in"the 2d half of normal and pathological pregnancies. II. Magy. noorv. lap. 26 no.2: 83-92 Mr 163. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomany! Egyetem Noi Klinikajanak kozlemenye (Igazgato: Szon+Agh$.Verene dr., egyatemi tanar). (ABORTION, THREATENED) ESTROGENS) (PREGNANEDIOL) (FETAL DEATH) (PREGUANCY IN DIABETES) (ERYTHROBLASTOSIS, FETAL) CSIZVADIA, Janos, tanarseged; 11USZAR, 1stvan, dr., docens; MOMAR, Laszio,adjunktus NAGY, Sandor, tanarseged Strength tests on roll stands. Koh lap 97 no.11:4cf/-503 11 164. 1. Chair of Mechanics (Head of Chair: Professor Dr. Isivan Salyi) Technical University of Heavy Industry, Riskolc. -L- 28997-6fi lec ~R- AT~1078 SOURCE CODEr - HV, A TIMM13 .Vo -P 92n-A^-o rlln~M~ vln- 0 'D-~"4 r1n'k^" of Sagge (Szogedi Orvostadomanyl Bgyi~t&, ~, Sebeszeti Mitattani Intezat es 10 Sze -Sebeazeti Klirdka) 1ITIE: Cardiac outpit of hemorrhaged dogs after intravenous a&dmistration of ;cdrticosteroM~is paper was presented at the 29th Meeting of the_HangALJ.._m. .,PhyBio -so _Iqo::Lety held in Szeged on 2'jaly 3.964*7 ;q:-5UURCZz Acadeala-do-lentiaram hungaricae. Acta plVsiologica., v., 27, no* 39 1965j% '2P-264 _.TOPIC TAGSt drug effect, corticosteroids, blood circulationq dog ABSTRAOT: Forty dogs under saperfioial pentobarbital anesthesia were bled by the.' '!"reservoir technicaeff. The man bleedim volume at the end of the bleediria- zas 4341' iml/kgo Following the bleeding, cardiac output fen considerably as compared t to the Initial value and peripheral resistance increased. At this time, lone group of 14 dogs received a placebo.(10 ml 5 per cent glucose), another 1-~group of 15 dogs received a water-soluble corticoid analogue (15 ml/kg),p a third group consisting of 32 dogs were given a1dosterone (300 pg/kg)o ut1put rise in cardiac o , was observed in the second group; no significant change in cardiac output was noted in the other two groups. After re- "infusion of f1w blood, --cardiac-, pu z~csq~ - ased - - The water 3able was supplied'by Ai6liter Ynarmacoutical. Worksp Budapes;* 1b,3,; axithoti thaW KU6 Roisa Yosio 'ana miss ia'Madexi skillful ..tschnicaa alsistances Orig. art. hass, 4 tables Riga art* in Enge S o6 j summ DAN oB aa64 oRTG OTH ROZZiop'llf IFB C01:F1. 002 card SOURCE CODE: AUTH OR: Nag3rq Sandor; Tarnokyp Xlara; Pe!tri A_.g ~bor - ~ I ; ORG: First Department qf Surger7,, In2titute of MWrime School,.Szeged__(Orvostudomanyi /03137 Egyetem Sebeezeti Mutettani. Iot4z*#e es I. Medical sz. Sebeezeti Klinikaja)- S TITIE: Adjustment of circulation to hemorrha in dogs during sympathetic nervous bl:ookade SOURCE: Academia acientiarum hungaricae. Acts physiologica, v, 28, no. 4, 1965, 379-387 TOPIC TAGS: dog, autonomic n ervous system ABSTRACT: Phenoxybenzamine-induced sympathetic nervous blockade in dogs was asso- ciated with diminished resting cardiac outputp increased arterio-venous oxygen ,difference and smaller bleeding volumes at a given blood pressure. Mean circulatoz7 hematocrit before bleeding was lower in the blocked animals and no significant decrease in the F-cell factor was observed after bleeding. Sympathetic activity is beneficial in the acute.stage of rapid hemorrhage., The authors thank Dow Corning Center for Aid. to Medical Research Midland Mich. U.S.A. for 5upplying the silicon rubber cathet6rp Smithj Kline and french atoratories, Welwyn, Garden City, Herts, ~Engl,and for phenoxygenzaminev Miss R6zea K6sz6 and Miss Hdria KIder for technical. TM_ __rS"___Est PRS assistance6 Orig, art, has: 6 taffees sed on authors ng. a [J SUB CODE1 o6 Sam DATE: 3ODec64 ORIG REN W3 OTH REF: 017 Card 1/1 DAN, S.; NAGY 5 '_TOTHI J. (~aantltative determination of serum paptonase; its diagnostic -valua. Aota med, laxng. 12 no-3-4:177-200 1958. 1, 2nd Department of Medicine, Medieal Uhivernity of Debrecen. (PROTUSES, in blood peptonase determ., diag. value) NAGY, Sanclor, dr., Ati rAL, Mjas, cir.; JAKUDi"'C,, , Sandoz dr. XXIXO mwaicisri. Orv. hetil- -'Ql,r nc.43;2041~-201.2 (, 164. 1. Dr-b-ecent 01-vostudomanyi Egyeteml, I! Belklinika es Szuleszet- llogyogyaszati Klinika. NAGY, Endre, dr.; BALOGH, Eva, dr.; GAAL, Gyorgy, dr.; -NAGY, Sandor, dr. Studies on allergoderratoees in the alkaloid factox7 in Tiszavasvar. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 38 rro.1:22-25 F 162. 1. A Debreceni Or7ostudomanyi. Egyetem Bor- es Nemikortani. klinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Szodoray Lajos egyetemi tanar) es a Kossuth Lajos Tudo- manyegyetem Szer7eskemiai Intezetenek (Igazgato: Dr. Bognar Rezso egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (DER14ATITIS MEDICAMENTOSA etiol) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) NAGY, Sandor;-PETRANYI, Gyula - - Effect of pressure on bone marrow cultures. Kiserletee Oryostud. 13 no-1:78-81 Mr 161. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 11. 28. Belklinikaja. (BONE MARROW) (TISSUE CULTURE) (ATMOSPHERIC PRESSM) NAGY, Sandor; PETRANYI, Gyula Uperience with protective effects of bone marrow cultures in injurious effects of ionizing radiations. Magy belorv. arch 14 no.2;56-59 My 161. 1. A Debreceni Dr7ostudomanyi EVetem II sz. Belklinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Petranyi. C7ula egyetemi tanar) koslemenye. (BONE MARROW transpi) (RADIATION PROTECTION exper) iFUNOARY NAGY,_ Sa-ndor, Dr; Medical University of Debrecen, II. Med1cal Clinic (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi E-yetem, II. Belklinika). 0 "Clinical Chromosome investigations." Budapest, Orvo5i Hetilap, Vol 104, No 25, 23 June 63, pages 1162-1167. Abstract: [Author's Hungarian summary] Based on data taken fron foreign literature, a method for chromosome analysis was introduced in the clinic. The methodology used and the results obtained are reported. The sources of error are pointed out and the technique of evaluation analyzed. The most important forms of chromosome anomalies are dis- cussed. It is concluded that, under sufficient technical conditions, the method is reliable artd represents a significant progress in the investigation of.the biplogical functioning of the cell. 1 Hungarian, 38 Western references. 17 MEMMER, Katalin, dr.; NAGY Sandor dr.; TOTH, Szabolcene, dr. Contribution to clinical aspects and diM=sjg of Bri:Ll-Zizwser diseage. Orv.betil. 102 no-1:30-32 1 Ja 161. 1. Yov. Uzsoki u. Korhaz, Betegaegmegallapito Oaztaly e9 Kozponti Laboratorium. (TI.PHUS) CLEMS, 14araeU, dr.; NAGY, Sandor, dr.; TALLOS, Jozsef, dr.~ Dumping syndrome. I. Clinical studies to clarifY the patbome~nlam of the syndrome. Orv. hetil. 102 no.50.2358-2362 10 D 161. 1. Kareag Varosi Tanacs Korhaza, Sebeszeti Osztaly es a Ma~r Nephadsereg Egeazsegugyi Szolgalata. (GASTRECTOMY compl) CLUMM, Marce22, dr.; NAGY, Sandor, dr.; TALLOS, Jozaef, dr. ~. Dumping isyndrome. II. Doca dilatation of tho anastomoulo have oignift- cance from the viewpoint of prevention of the *mdrome? Or7. hatil. 102 no-51:2412-2434 17 D 161. 1. Karcag Varosi Tanaes Korhaza, Sebeszeti Osztaly es a Magyar Nephad- sereg Egeszsegugyi Szolgalata. (GASTRECTOMY complications) ---HUNHGAiV!- __q,dor, Dr-, GIOVANUINI, Aurcl, Dr, BARLA-SZABO, Laszlo, Dr, JjAff,___~a dor, Dr; Uzsoki St. Hospita~I.Surgical, Pathological and Diagnostic Departments (Uzsoki Real Korhaz, I. Sebeszeti, Korbonctani es Bajmegallapito Oszta'Ay,l, Budape3t. "Multiplex Sarcoma of the Small Intestines." IT Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, 110 32, 11 Au- 1963, pac-es 1516-1517. .A&bstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] After a short literature survey, a case of primary multiplex sarcoma of the small intestines is reported. For two years, the disease caused vague gastric complaints,accom-nanied, in the last month, by melaena which was followed by steady loss of blood. Surgery was perfonned because of Invagination of one of the tumors, after me .tastases have been established. The complete diagnosis was made only during surgery. Reticulosarcoma. was diagnosed by histological examination which was similar to alveolar sarcoma in some of the tumors. 17 Western, 2 Eastern European references. END - 2050, 2473 CSO: 2000-N NAGY., Sandor; PINTER, Gyorgy Premium syste-zn in the light ind,,:atTi. 14 14-15 0 164. 1. Wage Divisirri, Central (;oun,:Il of Hungla-rian Unions, Bildepest. MANUINGER., Jozgef; NAGY, Sandor - . 6 7'. 1' Devices of diffiision processe3. Magy kem. laz 1~i nr;.12: -- 7 I I.Chair of Chminal Industrial Procasre:5 of the Budapest Technical Un1v,3r.,,,J.ty (for 1,1nncztnVer). 2. 10-tnearch Institute of Organic Chemical Industry, Burlapast (for Nagy). CIO ftct di"oetantis combind with 4%nd 6utf Ho"or. n, minyl. and Mnia tknt, , Ifunitary). f, KbIrkies AwtWonday 2. 4-15(19W); cf. C.A. 43, 91,15C. The bacteriostatic effect o( the BzOll dedys. of glutsmic acid and leucine and the salicylic acitl deriv. of teucine were Invedlentad on SkAbYIXOCIUS 4U?eM) JO P-01-O.M)l At conens. The ded". had almost the same effects as the aminoxcUlathtruselves. The DtOllderiva, showed sorne- what stronger effects than bensole acid. file mlicylle OCW Jeriv. %r4% weaker thAn salicylic acid. On xgAr-arr the inhibition sones appeared rather irrrgul4tly Its the Mtn of 2or3concentricrinp. AcEordingionikTmespirAtorycipts. with the Rucro(t.%Vgrbufg ., the effect of the B&Off derivs. corresponds to that M11011. fSalicylk acid hIcIf suppressed respiration slignificnntly more Min the sulicylic ac~ of leucine. Illyb" Finfily , k r A ,A -,f -e~ 12 111 - - I Country : IRAIGARY E Category: Analytical Cheriistt7. AnalYsis of Organic Substances Abs Jour: RZhXhim-, No 17, 1959, No. 6o6oo Author Inst Title Employnent of Dielectric Permeability Measure- ments in the Analyses of Organic Substances Orig Pub: Magyar kcri. lapja, 1958, 13, No 2, 42-44 Abstract: Description of ,application of the diolectric pemeability (D) measureT.-.ents in various phases of organic analyses, principles Involved in masurem.nt and general chamezeristics of D, changes in the horiologue fariilics, isorx-rs, etc. Presented is the classification of sol- Card 1/3 Country : JIMIGARY Category: Analytical CnLiaistry. Analyald of Organic Substalices Abs Jour: Ref Zbur I(hir:dya, 110 17, 1959, 60600 analyse soluLions of caprolactam, adipic acid, glucose, suchrose. Due to t'-e possibility of continuous measurement of D t'-c dielectric me- thod is highly recoju.,.ended for the conLrol of mixtures being fractionated. This i.-ct-od was successfully used on the following mi)cturcs: acetone-:.Lct~.anol, et anol-water, furfur--l- furfuryl alco,,ol, benzene-alcohol-water- -- I. Kris:itoforl E Card 3/3 B. NAGYP Sandor Dielectrometric methods of research in the organic chemical industry. Kem tud kozl HTA 14 no-3:314-318 160. (EEAI :LO:q) 1. Szerves Vegyipari es Muanyagipari Kutato Intezet, Bu'apest. (Dielectrics) (Chemistry, Organic) (Methanol) kBenzene) (Hydrogenation) (Ethylene) (Ethyl alcohol) (Polymers and polymerization) (Alcohols) (Acetone) NAGYj, Sandor C- - Economic realization of investments in the chemical industry. MLaz elet 16 no.5:7 Ilt *61- (EEAI 10:4) (Hungary-Chemical industries) KORANYI, C~yorgy-, dr.; WUNSGH, Walter, Dr. ing.; OBC-HKUUUSER, Kurt; FUTNOKYI Amos; SOIEWilIp Karoly; S7,UHANj Witold; VALY, Ferenc, dr.; DODO, Laszlo; H GY BIRO,,..---Sapdar;,,VIDA, Miklos; TOBAK, Injoe; MAKOIDI M ---!-'2wAwfft-:-Laszlo; HUNEK, Emil y Technical and economic questions relating to gas utilization. Ipari energia 3 no.1/2a9-14 Ja-F 162. 1. Fovarosi Gazmmek muBzaki igazgatoja (for Valy). NAGY., Sandor.,, dr.; PETER,, F~rellc, dr. Application of dielectrom-1-y in textile chemistry ia- vestigations. MAU to:&-il 15 no.2:52-53 F t63. 1. Szervesvegyipari Kutato Intezet (for B. Nagy). 2, Textilipari Kutato Intezet (for Peter). IIAGY.BIRO, Sandor fomernokl, SZUCS, Riklos, drp fotechnologue ., , - -". ~ ~ , 0 Heating of coke ovens bv hydorcarbon gases. Energia es atom. 16 no.7:298-304 JIL 163. 1. Fovarosi Gammek, B. Nagy, Sandor Dielectrometric tracing of chemical procosoes. Magy kem lap 19 no. 4:23:i-222 Ap 164. 1. Research Institute of the Organic Chemical Industry. KMTESZ, Gabor, okleveles vegyeszmernok; DEAK., Bertalan; MORYp Bela,dr.; TOTH.SAMDY, Bela; SEM, Ousztav; HOSOCZY., Ferene; NAGY BIRO, Sandort-fomernok; JECSAY, Iaszlo; FAHOCZKYp Alfonz; ATZA-IZT;-'Iajos,fCMer. Questions on the traditional method of town gas production. Energia es atom 17 no.1217-22 Ja164- lo Orszagos Koolaj- es Gavipari Troazt (for Kertess). 2. Pecai Kokszmuvek (for Deak). 3. Brikett Termelo es S2wndusito Val- lalat (for Serly). 4. Femipari Kutato Intezet (for Mosocay). 5. Fovdrosi Gazmuvek (for Vagy Biro); 6. Vehazipari Mijiszte- rium (foi-,~Imassy)* 7. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Kemiai Tech- nologiai Tansz-ek (for Jeesay). -NAGY-,--a.-P&- VPATTA=S~ D-.A. Hidraulic Plate Bending Machine" SO: Hungarian Heavy Industries #17,, Spring 1955) Unclassified. Atmoo torrooloq atndlem.L Wetor P. M, Ku Iid-Kawmixygi r expemwe test aftes were established ct 10 locRtians the "ab"" ' e p an Metal, a H"p to y tese observatl( 11) 1 C"r ~M~Wrtgo*l= data U61 d lbL v wd ~_t,. o be tTel W1 C" tontemptated. n A I P. NAGY, Sandor Protection of open-air chemical industry installations against atmospheric corrosion. Magy kem lap 17 no.9:394-399 S 162. 1. Nehezvegyipari Kutato Intezet. BACSKAY, Gyula, a kemial tudomanyok kandidatusa; P. NAGY, Sandor An account of the Warsav Conference on Corrosion, Kam tud kozl 20 no.3:409-410 163, 1. Nehazvegyipari Kutato Intezet, Veszprema 1/3 AUTHOR: -Nad '-i--5hando7--q_t.- SOV-117-qP-0-101/22 TITLE: 90th Anniversary o r-the Budapest "Maveg" Plant (Budspeshtskomu zavodu "Mavag" 90 let) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 9, p 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Brief information is presented on the work and work conditions of the "Mavag" Plant in Budapest, which produces locomotives, pumps and compressors of various types. 1. Industrial plants--USSR Card 1/1 BEIMP Andras; WIGI SUBO, Tibor - - Application of photogramnetry in the correction of maps of plain areas. Geod kart 15 no.3:183-188 163. NAGY, T.- "Some words about the natural science program of the C. 13. (F,X,I,Y,jR FADIO~ Vol. q.. no. 18) Nay 19~3. Budapest.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, W8., of Gon,-i-ess Fist, 1953, Uncl. Aur