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NAGY p H. "Description of the Bene., A Two-Seated Training Glider", P. 17, (REPULES, Vol. 6, No. jo, May 19~_3, Budapest, Hunga'7) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (KUL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. I - to It' '-11 --r It ' II lu tv: vIn"Vit"I Io ccvq~'J. gtriolvii:-, dutmvi' ucid of V 'lilt ~i-i fit wthydri.i., Mlt -I la"('z iu j .1 - tOll .1 1 dl-11_v,1 1 6 i bt [I , ~7.iflv. tb'! ft (lite. vp'11111. wit'! N "'5i?:l I Lt.) aml fivo acv] prvJ';!. via 11!(! CI! '1'. 111,10) !ikv ratti, J it, r 5o1., VQ UmLz ' Iit o7 C~ qllgli I; Y the C V'm 'Icr H'Alvell - ----------------- AtteMPted If " 8 ; [1 , - 11 - Kov C (in German) Bruckner Ge 1 I _~ mas f Vol. 6. 1955. NO, I- , PP- 219-231. 2 figs.) f re o in order to unequivocall prove the structu ould ccurring polY-6-glutamic acid It W ll the natura y o nth" ly-D- are the gamma-po ' nt"to s t I lL III Dol y be highly Since Irglutarnic acid Coald be ea.1fly inic acid l t , a u g procIned fir5t the preparation, of the gainma-poly-L- uic acid was atteml3ted. The compound ailpha, l t at u g alpha'-diinethyl garnma-l~glutamYI-T~glutamatc was bl e "i successfully red and was found very suita subs t aration of the r e Vaj zen e eric P th e or a starting mat ,fu, the Calbo- C , T, T ulettxyl gam ma.rly-1,gint~jum L r with a Inixed t t h e% e e Of t e dimet vi "nzoxy. derLvat V sIs and hydrulysk a f anhydride followed by hydrogetto f - In'tive X)I t l O j y Y substance wits obtained which, shn lar ~D-glutnulic acid. (ILASolved re"'dily III %Vdter, yieliled a Jility, Shomd no blurd copl)er compound of I.W solul htly P-itive to 11111hydrin. Ii 1 g Y s Raction and was 011 it uppeurs that the structure Of.this artificial Imullict cjos~ly rj:j la.IKJIY. fglutatuic aridt enibles that of a gain,) m J rloi-e- y ame-041-0:1154-0 fM WN!"W"'I'ma M-1, NIMMI: role 1V vol. or "Z!:. ()r- ca!;,r -u1 HUNGARY/Chemical Technology - Cheraical Products and Their H-3 Application, Part 1. - Checking and MessuriLg Pevices, Automtic Control. Aba Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 14, 1958, 117063 Auth3r :,_Ivan Nagy Inst : Title : Automatization in Chemical Industry and Its Related Branches. ,,)rig Pub : Meres e8 automatik", 1955, 3) No 8-9) 259-267 Abstract No abstract6 Card 1/1 HUNGLRY/Cherzical Technology - Chenical Products and Their 171-3 1,PPlication, raxt 1. - Checking and Measuring Devices, Automtic Control. hts J,%ur : Ref zhur - nim., N,- 14, 1958, N(, 47o64 Author : IXW- Ijagy. Inst Title Equipment of Our New Factories with Apparatus and Automatons. f'rig rub Magyar keralk. lapja, 1955, 10, No 11, 341-344 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 1111GY, I. Bonus s~stein for introduction of new r,roduct, new methods- of 1,ro6uctlon In the cixrdcal industry. P- 17. T07LUK2, 1 6 - '11, JZ6. Dudafj,~Lit. Vol. 10, i7o. 2 J, Feb. 1956 6OURCE: East European Accessions List (ERAT-) Library of Congress Vol. 51 No. 6,-June 1956 - - T. Itole Of the cheroicel InclustrY In peacerid uak3 or ator,.,I.c energy-. Tir p. 44 MAGYAR KF-ji TJSOv, LAP.T.P.. (1.-:Rgyvr T~emlkusok Fgyesnlate) Dadnpest. Vol. 11., No. 29 7eeb. 1)5-~) SO URC --: East Etwopeny, kcoss')ons List (,TAL) Librnry of Congress Vol. 5, To. 6, June 19016 T: Equipment of otm new plnnts ana it-s autompt'lizatio,1. p. 341 1Y.GYAR IMT.-MISCY, TAPJAI .(i'.'.Qgy,-..r KemJkusok Fgyesmlete) BuIspe-st. Vol. A'0 7 0 No. 11 N. v. 1956 SOMICE: East Diropean Accessions List (Brld,) Library of CongreSs Vol. 5, NZO. (':), June 1950' r I Hungary/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - Control and Measuring De- vices. Automatic Regula- tion.1 K-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Rhimiya, No 19, 1956, 63989 Author: Nagy, Ivan Institution: None Titles Modern Pneumatic Regulators in Chemical Industry Original Periodical: Korseru, pneumatikus szabalyozok a vegyiparban. Magyar techn., 1954, 9j, No 7,, 390-395; Hungarian Abstracts Considered are the designs of various pneumatic and electronic regu- lators., of foreign manufacture, from the standpoint of their usability in chemical industry. Described are automation schemes for a rubber polymerizer and a rectification column . Card Vl HUNGAI-RY/Chpmical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-2 AM,11icatiou, Part 2. - Processes and Apparatus of Ch or-ical Technology. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Xhiriya, 110 10, 1958, 32718- j Author : Isk,,-ran F'dlbp Agoston. Inst :No" givc,--I. Title :ReYL%rks to The Article by Benes and Dr. Ladomery "Air Pre- heaters Utilizing Heat of Combustion Gases". Orig Pub: Magyar energiagazd., 1955, 8, No 2, 78-79. Abstract: See RZhvxim, 1956, 14998. Card Vi NAGY, I. A chart for the evaluation of regulators according to their auziliary power. P. 157. (MERES ES AUTORATIKA) (Budapest, Hungary) Vol. 5, no. 4, 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 NAGY) 1. The role and future of alotomatic control in the chemicil industr,-/-. p. 1L9 Kemikusok Lapja. Vol. 12,, no. ~/6) May-June 1957) 1--'ud,!T)estj 'funf-ary) L.onthly Index of East Eumpean Accessicns (ET,YJ) IC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 J "7L Aa apparalu; for flit Practical Invesiligallon of Me I degree to which uglu_2 are spent (Chrullialoicapt), 1' ! I_ N_ I WhO.,lehrif,1 .,,j Tudom.1jiyos J~jijjjjji jpjj PRIM -Vwvarvh 111stitute for Autoniobile Traffic. st"lly). 1958, 0 P., m,ligs. The Pistification for changing the spent lnhrlcat-~ Ing oil of L c. engines can be readily and unambignously l d vitabIb ie by this apparatus on the basI.9 of the actual: ileterforition and not on that of InIlvage. A few minut"' stiffive for testing. A drop of the spent oil on a pleve, or filter paper will forin a blot after a few minutes of drying. The products of oxidation - Ro-culled scuil-i mvists - (otmed in the course of me ate in the centre' T of the Mot. he greater the quantity of the sedbrients, the lunocr the penneability of the blot to light which Ii in close relationship to the degree to which the oil 0 Is sivitt. ']'he operation of the apparatus is based off this relationsihip. Two reference standard blot3 arc incorpornted in the apparatus, one of wlifeb ',:as a per- incability to light corresponding to the linjit peniftsilite for oils used in Otto-cycle engines, the other referring 1 to Dicscl-cyclc engineg. When transillunkinAing the I -d it 1.4 compared to the CCTVSpo oil blot to be examine Ing Stalulard. blot. Pernicability to light in registA--ml by 4" an itistrument for which current Is supplied by a liboto- 7. - "_Clectfie cell. 11 N AIJY~ I.. Gauginl- the deviation-for:min~, element of electric regulLAors. p. 299 ~,S 'ES ~I~TM.I.'-.71A. (Merestechnikai as Automati-ialasi T~idoinanyos Et?yslilet) Budapest, llunqai-y. 7o1- 7, no. 10, 19-5~ Monthly List of East European Accession (!-',EAI) LC, Vol. .0. w. 1, Jan. 11,-60 uncl. NAGY, I. Synthesis, chemical and physical examinations of phenoxymethyl- silicon-organic compounds. Periodica polytechn chem 4 no.l:)3-60 ,6o. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Institut Elementoorganicbeskikh scyedinehiy A.N., Moskva i Kafedra Neorganicheskay khimii Budapeshtskogo politechnicheskogo instituta, Budapesht. (Phenoxy group) (Silicon) (Methyl group) (Organic comounds) M4Y, IstvarL Role of the Lang Mehine Factory in the manufacture of the Hungarian machines and appliances for chemical Industries. .11aa-y kem lap 15 no.4: 182-188 Ap 160. 1. Lang Gepgyar. ~-3 0 03324 H/007/60/000/005-6/001/002 A211/AO26 AUTHOR: Nagy, IstvfLn, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE; High-Speed Magnetic Amplifier PERIODICAL: Elektrotechnika, 1960, No. 5/6, pp. 210-231. TEXT: The magnetio amplifier circuit described in technical litera-- ture ly Scorgie, Geyger and others, has found wide application in automatic control systems and in measuring small rectified tensions. So far, the effects occurring within a half-cycle have been known only of the conven- tional self-saturating magnetic amplifier, but no such data are available of self-saturating magnetic amplifiers having a feed-back at the outgoing signal. The author deals with this problem, investigating the self-satura- ting magnetic amplifier with feed-back at the outgoing signal under stable and transient conditions, furthermore the non-saturating magnetic amplifier as an "impedance transformer". To prove the correctness of the investiga- tion results and their applicability for calculations, measurements were carried out with a 10 w magnetic amplifier, made from the P:3UYENORM 5000 Z tvDe magnetic material with a toroidal core, having the following Card 113 High-Speed Magnetic Amplifier 83324 H/007/60/000/005-6/00i./002 A211/AO26 characteristics: input voltage 18 V eff, feed frequency 50 cycles, perform- ance divided by the number of turns of the control coil 0.25, coercitive current (referring to the performance coil) 5.56 jo-3 a, the resistance of the control coil 19.8.A The characteristic values of the circuit obtained from measurements and equations, furthermore the differences between the theoretical calculations and the measurements in percentages, are given in a table. The second cclumn of the table contains the R b values (input per- formance) calculated from the following equationi F-b IU - - Rt t max whrre' Rbis the input performance, U the mean value of the input voltage, I M~xthe load and R t the output performance. Differences between theore- ttIcal and practical values are due to the inefficiency of the selenium rectifier used in the measupements. The tests proved that the construction of a magnetic amplifier operating within 1 cycle and having in theory an infinite power gain is possible, if there is a feed-back at the outgoing signal. There are 25 figures, 1 table and 9 references: 6 English, Card 2/3 NAGY, I., Cand. of Tech. Be. response magnetic amplifier. Acta techn Hung 29 no.1/2:183- 234 6o. (EEAI 10:4) 1. Research Group for Automatics of the Hungarian Acadewj of Sciences. (Magnetic amplifiers) NAGY, Istvan.dr.,a muszaki t-idomanyok kandidatusa Three-phase magnetic arrlifier circuits. Yleres autorAt 9 no.4,:129- 132 161. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Automatizalasi Kutato Laboraforlum. NAGYy Istvan, dr., a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Voltage regulation of large Pynchronous generators, 1:1 e c--,, rote 54 no.V2:25-~ F 161. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Automatizalagi Kutato Laboratoritm. NAGY Istvan a szaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Theory of the three-phase, self-saturating magnetic amplifiers with bridge circuit. Muszaki koz1 MTA 31 no-lAtO 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Automatizalasi Kutato Laboratorium. -- MAGYp I.p Cand. of Theory of three-phase bridge self-oaturating magnetic amplifiers. Pt. 1, Acts. techn Hung 41 nck.1/2:199-226 1626 1. Research laboratory for Automation of the Hungarian Academy of Scienceso AGI-Ts Aviiii dr, . a =azaki tudomanyok Imndidatusa The theory of three-phase, bridge-connected aelf-aaturating magnetic amplifiers; Pt. 1. Principle of operation. (To be Contd.) Elektro- technika 55 no.1:27-38 Ja 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Automatizalasi Kutato Laboratorium. N&GY,, Istvan, dr., a -igzaki tudomanyok kandidatusa -- -------- Theory of a three-phase,, bridge-connected self-oaturating magnetic amplifier. IL Circuit characteristics. Elektrotechnika 55 no.2/3:86-93 FlMr 162. 1. Magyar Tudomany os Akademia Automatizalasi. Kutato Laboratorium, NAGY, Istvan, dr., a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Push-pull magnetic amplifier connections. Meres automat 12 no. 2-42-46 164. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Automatizalasi Kutato laboratorium. NAGY. Istvan Commercial damage stemming from the nonobrervance of shunting rules. Vasut 14 no.5:30-31 Mr'64. 1. BVKH. NAGY, Ivan -Control elements c.1 ccntinucoas processes.Ft.2. Magy ke= lap 1-9 n0.0/: 4755-480 S '64~ 1. Designing Entarprl:;e for Chemical. Plants, Budauest. NAGY,, Istvan -.- The fLnal assemblage of 'he Erzsobet Bridge, Flet tud 19 rr 14 Ag 164. t, _,.33:1583 _NAQjY,..Istva-n dr- - ok-level-es viUamosmernok,a muszaki tudomanyok tudomarqos-f'omunkatars Fur-ther-d-mlopment of the theory of series magnetic amplifiers with the properties of current transformers. Blektrotaghnika.57 no.7:299-312 Jl 164'. 1, Research Labor4tory of Automation, Lungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, XI., Egry J.U.18. 1 G ra r~ of z',,-,e polyamide slfdo bear-n-r~-r Plasz~~ Xautschu1k, no. 5, 1966, 297-299 "AGE. 'amod6, solid mechanical property, friction ccafficient, Sol! - cS --'On' luDrica-Clon -7 -)cr ch-racter sz*rz; co'-T~Ir' C*nange.~'* 0 e o, rat.ona~ a function or and -,'oc-2 (2-8') conze=, -c --fl.t--arl.r-. as 0 0 -3 "K,.)/CM2), and 200-200 rpm was s-Ludice. The teGts were made ',-Ccr' -7".csc lubrication as; well cs without lubricatinz agents. T*.-,Q zrade name Danamid-G-2) were made of commercial Poiyamide-6 ma-Ler"..' It was 5ound ~~y ac--c-ca-,:alyzed -polymerization o-": z-aminocaprolactam at 2400C. ot" MoSS7 to the polyamide decrvLses frictl-n more than the 0:7 .-S -0 r- 10S2wa~ ourta to reduce the operating temierature of the polyi".Iiet. Oii6e Dearing to a greater extent than the grapldte. In gen. val, the --I&esion of oi'-, zo z.-Le polyamide surface was found to be less than to the meLal surfaces. In order L reG-Uce friction, the polyamide should con-cain about 2 wt'v Moz~12 and 4 wt% Card., ACC NR: AP6027548 op-civnial heat transfer from the bearing, the polyamide should contain B-10 wt% of eit'Aher i"OS2 or graphite. Orig. art. has: 12 figures and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 11,14/ SUBM DATIE: 14Dec65/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 000 NAG - Abnormalities of the caput longum of the biceps. Kiserletes orvostud. 5 no.2:91-92 Mar 1953. (GIHL 24:4) I..Institute of Anatomy, Szeged Medical University. -74 ' /am. Owmakkis ly El. Callit; 14 ; :M i SW = 1 y,UACa, 11 Y Ada P 1/0. Sivay'l. Kagy~ 0 Y &i.- Au'q., l9S4.'~, 37" (Inst. tAnat. Histol. and Embryol., Mad. Univ., Stagr-i_ Huns ty).-A\~Istochernical study. The deparaffined, 15 tL. sections are inctibited in &.buffered tolution 7-- _ ____(PR 74) of P-naphthyl acetate and-diazotid a-naphthyl amino for min.. Chollnesterase is staln64 purplared. Emrine 10-6 Inhibits '- -but'n6t stAinin - t bth- - teftses Tha- t o a es . ..... . - - . g nervus d-of the pa;w of normal rats -and In those with transec:W ewo MhAAicu3 odone.side were - examined.-,:. The -tic tile corpuscles --N were, shown.* to contain cholinesterase. The esterolytic Activity of Ahew receptors peralsted-up to. 28.da~s after sciatic sectioning, although the nerve fibres degenerated completely. - It is concluded that the skin receptors have an enzymic structure similar to that of the ~ motor ~'end-plata forming synapses. between " pre-synaptic membrane and tclodendrioni -RzzmAic. A. D. L. MY. Istvan-, HARMATH, Ferenc A rare developmental abnorkality of the sphenoid bone. Kiserletes orvoetud, 6 no#3:477=,478 5ePt 34- 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Anatomiai es Igazoaag3ri Or7ostani Intezete. (ABREK&LITIES sphenoid bone) I ~ HIIARIA lff.~ NO 'fin tntonopra-hical data on the Rublini:twl ganglion. Yllf-rl-t- orvostud. 9 no.2:1411-146 A-nr 57. 1. %zogeAA Cr7oatudomwkyi ?--yotem Ponctani, valamint ~`-rlv,A- o,~ Fe,ilmdestani Intezate. OWIGLIA, anat. & hiBtol, sublirV,nin]. manglinn, hintotonoryr. (1111n) 1, 4LLISRTA, A. POBIBAI, M.; JTAGT, I.; NAGT, S.; LIPPAI, J. dpmpamtive histological studies on the structure of the wall of IMhatic vessels. I. Histological structure of the wall of ductni ,thoracious. Kiserletes orvostud. 9 no.3'-309-315 JU1Y 57. L.Szegedi, Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Bonotani, valamint Szovet- a., Fejlodestani Intesete. (THORACIC DUCT, anat. & histol. histol. structure of thoracic d=t wall in various species (Han)), jIvADT, Gyula~//dfr.;FORRO, Laszlo, It dr.'- NAGY, Istvan. dr.. - - Experiments on the influence of cholasterin on the function of the sebaceous glands. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 11 no.2-3:76-78 Apr-June 57. 1. A Stegedi Orvostudomanyegyatemi Gyarmekklinika (iga%gato; Waltner Xaroly dr. egyatemi tona ), Bor--es Hemibeteg Klinika (igazgato: Ravnay Tamas dr. egyetemi tanar), Bonctani es Szovet-Fejlodestani Int62et (igazgato: Gellert Albert dr. eg7etemi. tanar) kozlemenye. (CHOLESUROL, off. on non-specific esterase activity in rat sebaceous glands (Han)) (EST"36 - In sebaaeous glands, eff. of cholesterol on non-specific activity in rats (Hun)) (SEBACEOUS GIANIE, eff. of drugs on cholesterol, on non-specific esterase activity in rats (Hun)) GDR / Human and Animal Physiology (normal and Pathologi- T cal), Skin. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Biologiyal No 21, 19589 98009 Author : Ivady, Gy.; Forro, L. i Nau. I.: Inst : Not given Title : The Study of Cholesteria Influence on the Function of.Sebaceous,Glands Orig Pub: Dermatol. Wochenschr',, 19572 1362 No 301 801-804 Abstract: To rats at the age of about one year a 0.5-3 per- cent solution of pure cholesterin (C~ in sunflower oil (every other day, 25 injections altogether; total dose of the injected C varied from 1.5 to ss.5 mg/kg) was injected intramuscularly. Control animals received only oil injections. Before and Card 1/2 105 CSPM, Gyorgy; HAHCSOK, Harius; NAGY, Istvan; CUH9 Gyorgy Therapeittic experiment's In connection with zymosan therap7 of late toxemias (proliminar7 report). Kagr.noorv.lap. 20 no.6: 373-375 11 '59. 1. Fovarosi Janos korhaz U. ezuleszeti as nogyograazati osztalyanak kozlenanye (Igazgato: Tako Jozaef dr. Oszt. vez. foorvog: Hancook Harins dr.). (PMGI&NOY T(MMIAS ther) (POLYBACCHaIDES ther) CSAH, Gyorgy, dr.; 1UGY, Istvan, dr.; KOVACSIM SZABO, Ilona; GBAKY. Gyorgy. dr. Influencing of the serum properdin levels of patients with neoplasms bv parenteral administration of zymosan. Orv. hetil, 101 nos7;222-225 If 160, 1. Gyogyszeripari Kutato Intezet, Biokemiai Osztaly as XIII. ker. Szakorvosi Rendelomtezet. (POL'YSACCH#,RIDES pharmacol.) (NMOPIASMS blood) (PROPIRIDIN) -N&T u, dr.; PUTH , Gyula, dr. ,~tvaZ Inhibiting effect of Zycosan on transplanted tumor grovth ir. mice. Omhetil. 101 no,46:1637-1638 13 N'60- 1. Budapest Favaros Tanacsa V.B.XIII. lreruleti Szakorvoni Rendelo- Intezet Iaboratoriuma es a2 Orvostovabbkepiso Inteset Kosponti Laboratoriuma. (NEOPLASMS exper) (POLYBACCHARIIIES pharmeol) POBERAI, Maria; GELLFM, Albert; NAGY, Istvall; LIFFAI, Tozsef; KOZMAI Marta; NAGY, Sandor Comparative studies on the tissue structure of the wg-Us of the peripheral lymph vessels. Kiserlete3 orvostud. 13 no.2-154-159 My 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Bonctani, valamint Szovet- as Fejlodestani Intezete." (LXIAPHATIG SYSTEM anat. & hio,,',ol.) POBMW, Maria;,GELLERT, A.; NAGY, I.; LIPPAI, J.; KOZMA, Marta; NAGY, S. Comparative histology of the structure of the wall of l7mphatic vessels. III, Histological structure of the wall of peripheral IMhatic vessels. Act& Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 11 no.2:229-238 162. L.4stitiat fur Anatomie, Histologie und Einbryologie der Medizinischen Universitat, Szeged (Vorstand; Prof. A. Gellert) (LYMMTIC SYSTEM anat St histol) NAG71_~pt MAP.,dr.1 KOSZOMJt Maria., dr.; MAJOROSSY, K&UM, dr.,. VAjDA, Janos, dr. Prevention of the consequences of tumor cell disseminati(m in Brown-Pearca teaticular tumor in rabbits by administration of Mannozym. Hagy onk. 8 no.1146-52 Mr 164 1. A Badapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Anatom:Lai Intezet Kutato Csoport es a XIII. ker Szakorvosi Rendelointezet Laboratoriuma. "F , t -, -.0 a.3-zlo; NIG~, Is'-van .-N- ) I A Per3pectiv,La of leat-herbcard :7sr.,-,4'a';tur9 in Hungary. &-;- cipo 15 no.2-5J-53 W 1614. 1. Leather Industry Enterprise, Budapest. NAGY, Istvan New Hungarian grape processing machines. Me:zogazd techn 1 no.1:10-11 161. NAGY, IstvaR.Pyorgy, tudomanyos szakoszta-lyvezato (Budapest) The second Sputnik spaceship. Term tud kozl 4 no. 9: 389 S 160. ~-- Some technical problems cf the Sprutnik space nhips. A= elet 15 no.18:1 5 160. (EEAI 9:12) (Ehissia--Artificial satellites) NAGY, Istvan Oyorgy Interception of long-distance rockets. Musz elet 15 n,.).26:13 D 160. (EW 10:3) (Guided missiles) (Rockets) NAGY, Istvan Gyorgy Space flight and telecomminicAtion. Elet tud 15 no.39:12247-1230 25 S 160. - NAGY.Istvan Gyorgy The Venus-rocket and radio engineering. Radiotechnika 11 no.3:2 of cover Mr t6l. .4* NAGY, IqtvU Gyorgy Radio contact with the Venus rocket. Elet tud 16 no.10.295-298 5 Mr 161, I'v"';yr GyorL7 Srxace flight. Elet tud 16 no.49:1562 3 D 161. 1. Muszaki es Tem.,eszottudomanyi Egyesuletelc Szovetsege Asztronautikf-,i Szakosztalyanak vezetoi3egi tagja. NAGY, Istvan Gyorgy Some detaUg; of the second American space flight. Elet tud 17 no.2-2:674 3 Je 162. NAGIS-4tv.=-P~T-ogy How did the fourth American astronaut land? Blot tud 18 .Alf Practical achievements in space research. Elet tud 19 no.3:107-nO 17 Ja 164. NAGY, lstvan Gyorgy uSpace flights" by Ivan Csapo. Reviewed by Istvan Gyorgy Nagy. Elet tud 19 no.14-662 3 Ap 164. NAGY, Istvan Gyrogy Pioneers of space science. Elet tud 19 no.43%2019- 2022 23 0 164. HU14GARY NAGY-P_Gypj L Medical University of Debrocen, II. Medical Clinic (Deoreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, II. Belklinika). "Studies of Erythropoietin Activity by the Measurement of Radioactive Iron Incorporation, Budapest, Xiserletel;' Orvostudomany, Vol XVIII, No 5, Oct 66, paqes 507-511. Abstract. [Author's Hungarian summary3 Radioactive iron-incorporation measurements were used to"study theeffeat of normal, pooled human serum and urine on blood formation, after a single injection into starved rats. 7 Eastern European, 28 Western, references. (Vanu:script received 26 Oct 65.1 16 Outer space Space-travel-and space research 22 1/4 ACC NRt AH6019924 Timeliness of space research -- ZZ Proctical significance of space research -- 25 Space technology -w- 28 .The "secret" of Soviet successes in space research 31 Ch. 111. Artificial satellites 34 Pivot cosmic speed'-- 34 Elliptic.trajectpry 37 Sqaond co isi skk6fd 40 45 ;c 41 kAt' $04ce plijUd -r! *0 Ot 4. Rdtk4t6-6 4 it 2/4 ACC NRI AM6019924 Ch, V, Gui Idanc~technology 90 Guidance in astronautics 90 Launching guidance -- 91 Mid-course guidance -- 99 Terminal guidance -- 104 Ch. Vl;.,Telecommunication --,407 Space research communicationjequipment 107 Communication satellite3 ---117 Energy supply of onboard equipment in space vehicles 126 Ch. VII. Instrumentation -- 132 ,,/Instruments of artifical satellites 132 Instrumentation technology for the exploration of foreign colestial bodies -- 145 Ch, VIII* Other tasks of space technology -- 149 Biotechnology -- 149 Space machine engineering 156 Ch. IX. Space military engineering -- 161 New branch of military engineering: space mil.itary engineering 161 Artificial satellites for rocket guidance and rocket navigation -- 162 Discoverer artificial satellite -- 168 Anti-missle and "bombing" satellite -- 184 American plans for the military use of the moon -- 186 Card 3/4 V b u5j;eu-of ACC NRo AM6019924 Military communication satellites -- ISA. Satellite Interception -- 189 ,Bibliography -- 193 B'.CODEs 22/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH Rzrt olk SU BOY RZFs '004 KH card 4 f 4 NAGY, lotvan Z01-7,4V Data on the flora of Vi3-larq and its vicinity. Botan ko2l 48 n0-1/2:100 159-- NAGY, Istvan Zoltan . A newly discovered, deep-sea viollusk. Term tud kOzI 4 no. 9: 422-423 S 160. -tI.;. 'i'-I NAGHY, I.V. [Nagy, I.Vj, ing., cand.stiinte tehnice (Budapest) Motion of alluviums In a turbulent channel. Studii hidraul 50-38 t63. 1. Scientific Research Institute on Water lbwources, Budapest. ~I.A G Y., 1, s v $ZO ZJ-,4// DeveIlopment of labor productivity in the Kazimbareika plants. F-orsod Szemlo 7 no.509-67 163. 1. Felsofoku Veguipari Tachnikum. NAGY, Istvan Zoltan, dr. ~~c-cassion of the selective evolution of the species Phyllocaras thetys (DI Orbigny) located in IA)wer Cretaceous strata of the Geracse Mountains. Foldt kozl 93 no. 4: 481-485 S-D 163. NAGY, Istvan Zoltan, dr. Palichnological data from the Lower Cretaceous beds in the Gerecse Mountains. Foldt kozl 94 no.le.138-140 Ja-Mr 164. Ammonites with irregular shells from the Lower Cretaceous period of the Gerecae Mountains. Ibid.:141-11.2 BAETA, Imre, dr.,,- ~GY ~IbOa~dr. . The role of blood coagulation factors in tbrombosis. Preliminar7 communication. Orv.hetil. 102 no.8:346-347 19 P161. 1. Pecsi Or7ostudomanyi F~aetem, 1. Belklim.ika. (THROMBOSIS stiol) CSERMELY, Ferenc, dr.; NAGY, Ibolya, dr.; FABIAN, :Emre, dr. A-Umptonuria and ochrontsis. Orv. hetu. lal no.20:928-930 14 My 161. 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I oz. BelkLinika. (ALKAPTONURIA case reports) TIMM, Miklos; NAGY, lbolya An nnxymatic method for the determination of the blood sugaz* level. Kiserl. orvostud. IJI, no.1:106-108 Mr 162. 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. sz Beliklinikaja. (BLOOD SUGAR chem) (Eflaic S) BURGER, Tibor, dr.; dr.; MZTMZI, Bela, dr.; PEER, Janos, dr. Blood coagulation changes in polycythemia vera I. Orv. hetil. 103 no.15:687-689 15 Ap 162. 1. Pecsi Orvoetudomanyt- Egyetemt I Belklinika. (BLOOD COAGULATION) , (POLYCYMMU VERA blood) SULONTAI, Sandor., dr.; BRASCH, Gyorgy, dr.; NAGY, Ibolya, dr.; IROZSA, Elvira, dr. On Willetrand-Jurgens thrombapathy. Orv. hetil. 103 no.4.2-:2990- 1993 21 0 162. 1. Peasi Orvostudomanyi Egyotem, I. BeWiDika. (THRCMBOCYTOPATHY) (GEIIET:ECG) (BLOOD COAGULATION TESTS) NAGY, lbolya, dr.; BURGER, Tibor, dr. Current method of blood coagulation tests In polycythemia vera. Orv. hetil. 105 no.3211501-1502 9 Ag 164. 1. Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Belklinilca (igazgato; Barta 1mre dr.). Fematology HUNGARY BURGER, Tibor, Dr, NkqY,_;E`b HELYI, Bela, Dr, technical assistant: _;Eb _SZT _,_;Eb KF RIHMEF, Erzsebet; Me_dic_a_1__Un_iv&rHfj_'of Pecs. I. Medical Clinic (director: BARTA, Imire, Dr) (Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, 1. Belklinika). "Clinical Importance of the Determination of Thrombocyte Life Span I." Budapest, Orvasi Hetilap, Vol 108, No 7, 12 Feb 57, pages 299-302. Abstract; [Authors' Hungarian summary] The life span of thrombocytes was determined by means of Cr5l labelling. The syndromes accompanied by thrombo- penia are classified on the baris of bone marrow cytology and immune serologi- cal data. 1) A decreased thrombocyte life span was observed in numerous syn- dromes in which a normal or decreased number of .,negakaryocytes were present in the bone marrow. Similarly, a decreased life span was observed in diseases accompanied 8y megakaryocytic hyperplasia as well. Idiopathic thrombopenic purpura, in which a normal life span has also occurred at the time of re- mission, was also classified in this group. 2) Another group was formed by diseases based on a defective blood-platelet formation with a normal throm-bo- cyte life span. ~ Eastern European, 23 Western references. NAGY, Imre, dr, More important questions of poultry breed-big in Hungary. Stat szemle 40 no,12:1206-2223 D 162. 1. Kosponti Statiez%SAai Rivatal osztalriezetoje, f ~ DAGY, Imre, dr. Principal economic questionB relating to cattle I=eeding in Hungary, Pt,19 Stat szemle 42 no.l,:19-34 Jaf64- 1. Kozponti StatiszUkai Hivutal ontalyvezetoje. NAGY, Imro, dr. Principal econcmic questions relating to cattle breeding in Hungary. Pt. 2. Stat szemle 42 no. 3:-"59-;'78 Mr 164. 1. Section chief, Contral Statistical Office, Budape8t. J V. 11 1 ~ MAGY Imre~ I )", - dr. ~ --'. -,- I'-. I Moat production and meat consumption. Stat szemle 42 no.12- 1187-1207 D 164. 1. Division Chief, Central Statistical Office, Budapest. REMINICZKY, Karoly; KISS, Arpad, dr.; PESTA, Laszlo, dr.; MORIK, Jozsef, dr.; KAPOSI Vilmos, dr.; SZABO, Lajos, dr.; BIRO, Zsigmond, dr.; GULAOSY, Bela:"(Budapest); ROMA11, Istvan; GAJZAGO, Laszlo; jLUG,_j;q PINTFR, Antal; VADASZ, Elemer, dr.; KONCZ., Istvan, dr.; PUTNGKI, Janos; JANCSO, T.; BAKAY, T.; MORY, B., dr.,- VERES, L.; KASZO, L.; OSZTROVSZKI, Gyorgy, dr. The first Hungarian aerosol conference. Epuletgepeszet 14 no.l: ;--21)~~,;TF 165. 1. President, National Committee on Technical Development, Budapest (for Kiss). 2. Denuty Chairman, Budanest City Fxecutve Committee (for Pests). 3. National Instituto of Public Health, Budapest (for Morik). 4. Public Health and Medical Clinic for Contagious Diseases, Budapest (for Kapos). 5. Public Health and Medical Clinic for Contagious Diseases, Pecs (for Szabo). 6. Public Health and Medical Clinic for Contagious Diseases, MiEkgic (for Biro). 7. Kelenfold Heat Power Plant Enterprise, Budapest (for Roman). 8. National Meteorological Institute, Budapeqt (for Gajzago). 9. National Power Economy Autho---ity, Budapest (for Pinter and Vadasz). 10. Research Instituto3 of Heat Engineering, Budapest (for Koncz). 11. Research Institute of Heavy Chemical Industry (for Cory). 12. Fuel Trade Enterprise, Budapest (for Kaszo). 13. Deputy President, National Committee on Technical Development, Budapest (for Osztrovszki). -W~AFI AGG URi AP6"39 soncr.. com: IfU/0018/65/017/003/0253/0257 -'Tibor- AUTHOR@. Sari,'Balint-Shari, B.;Aegy,* twi ?WV 0 '-u. Fulopf Fyulep, T. ORG:_ Medical University of Debrecen,, I. Medical Clini.c. Institute of ka tomy (Ele.breceni', Orvostud6manyi Egyetem, I. BelklWka es kiatomLai Intezet) :.TITLE: Effect of hypothalamic lesion on the serum cholesterol level SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomany, v. 17,, no- 3, 1965,', 253-257 TOPIF TACSt brain, neurology, GNS, blood serumv aninvkl physiology ABSTRACTt The serum cholesterol level was determined.weekly following dectric lesion or the anterior and posterior nuclei of the hypothalamus. The serum ~.cholesterdl level rose following injury to either the anterior or th- posterior hypothalamic nuclei. The naidinum Increase was renched-by the end of Wig third -.week and the level returned to nearly normal by the end of the. fourth week and the level returned to nearly normal by the end of theJourth week. Orig. art. has: 5 figureas, SM DATEj WdMh SUB CODE: 06:_ ORIG REF; 010 OTH REFS 013 _UJ V.14AGY, Imre., a =szaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Examination of reservoir embaniment erosions. Hidrologiai Kozlony 37 no.48344-353 157 KAGY, 1. TECHNOWDY Peri-dical: MOM-YEPITESTUDOMAITH SZRALE Yol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1959 #,GY, I. -1pplication of the method of &dd f1tising in the constructinn of ea-th dams in the Soviet Union. p. 90. Monthly List of East European Accessirns (ELkI) LC, Vol. 9, No- 5, May 1952) Unclass. NACIY, I. Recent investigation results of bank erosions of reservoirs! p. 37. HIDROIDGIAI KOZEDNY. HrDROLOGIGAL JOURNAL. (Magyar HidrologiaJ. Tarsasag) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 39, no. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), IC, Vol. 8. no. 7. 4uly 1959 uncla. NAGY, I. Zs.; LASZLO, Maria B. Histochemical and biochemical studies on =copolysaccharide content of the organs of fresh-water mussel. (Anodonta cygnea L.). Acta biol. acad. sci. Hung. 15 no-1:39-44. 164. 1. Biological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences., Tihany (Head: J. Salanki) and Institute of Anatomy Aistology and Embryology, Medical University, Debrecen, (Head: 1. Krompecher). . IIAGY, Imre Nr more important tatk~n in rutnrxrwor triinaFeron. . Munka azemle 9 no.1:5-9 Ja 165. Nagy, Imre, dr.y a musrAki tudomanyok kandidatues. 'Applia-ition of,A9yrAv2Aa equatione in xediwnt trarLBpvrtet1az?. Vizugyi kozl no.2t277-290 162. 1. Deputy Technical Director, Scientific Researeh Institute of Water Rasources Development,, Budapest. KOVACS, Gyorgy, dr., a musza~l tuirmanyok doktoral; V.IIAV'Y, lrarf-,, dr., a miiszaki tudomanyolk doktora D6terminatlon of required dimesions of the, unpavBd embankment, encircling the eatchment area of the No.2 Tisza Dam. Iddrologiai koziony 45 no.1:14-23 ja !65. 1. Editorial Board YBmber, "Hidrologiai Kozlony." r~ V, NAGr, 1wep a nuezaki tudemaxWok kandi&tusa Tba Piave hydroolootric pawor oystem, Vitugyi kozl zwoltl7/e- l8o ~ 6o,, - -4- . Imre., dr. V Nagy. Galculation of seepage in layered soils under damsj remark about the study of Laszlo nalli. Vizugyi kozl no.2:218-222 161. Ve NAGYy Inre, dr. Construction of a hydroelectric power staticn3 system on the Ingur River. Vizugy:L kozl no..4:537-538 161. SMA-M, Elemer,nk].mernok; V."Auf, Imre,dr.; SZIVAK, Attila; FEME, Karoly; LAGZAT SZ&W, Bila; DULA"SZKY, Nandor; WRVAI, Vilnos, olcl,rernok; BETIOSVICH, Sandor; DD&3I, Cdon; MDA3,Jozqef; CC,,-,Zs Bela; V4TITAI, Tivadar, HETEMYT, Endre Industrial water supply. Pecsi musz szeml, 6 no.4.supplement-.5-14 O-D 161. I Vizgazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutato, Intezet igazgatohelyetese (-ior V.Nag3r). 2. Xolyapitesi Tarvezo Vallalat(for Szivak). 3. Deldunantull Vizupvi Igazgatosag (for Feketa)- 4- Faheziparl Miniszterlum Villamosenergialparl Igazgatoso,g (for Laczal Szabo). 5. Vizgazdalkodasl Tudomanyos Kutato Intezat, (for Gsermak). 6. Pecsi Viz- es Ceatornamuvok (for Dulanszky). 7. FTV V.Mernokgeologiai Osztaly (for Bellosevich). 8. Epitesugyi Miniszterium Pecsi Tervezo Vallalat Ybl--iijas varosrendezo epiteamernaka (for Denesi). 9. Pecsi Szentroszt (for Yadas). 10. Pecs mj.varos Tanacaa Vegrehajto Bizottsaga elnokhelyettese (for Quez). 11. Pees mj.varosi KOJALL (for Varnai). 12. Orazagos Vizug7i Foigazgatosag famarnoko (for Hatenyi) ----- - - -- -- ---- - -- - - --- - - -- -- --- KARADI, Gabor (Badapeaht., Vengerskaya Narodnaya Respublika) --KhD' - lore --V -- - --- - -- - - (Ragy, Imre, V.1p (Budapeaht, Vengerskaya Nar-o4nays, Investigating the movement of settled sediments. Izv.AH SSSR.Otd. tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.2.-138-142 bir-An 162. (MBA 15:5) (Sedimentation and deposition) V. NAGY, Imre, dr. Janos Bogardi, corresponding member of the Hungarian AcadtW of Sciences. Hidrologiai kozlony 42 no.3:245 O'l 162. V. NAGY, Imre, dr. Report on the work of the Academic Committee on Water EcononVt Hydraulic Engineering and HydrolojDr, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. IIJ-drologlai kozlony U. no.5s223 My 164. 1. Secretary, Academic Committee on Water Economy, Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology, Hungarian Acadery of Sciences; editorial board member, "Hildrologiad. Kozlony." VAGAS, Istvan; V-,NAGY, Imrs, dr. Society and technical newo. Hidrological kozlony 4/# no.6.,243 A 164. 1. Editorial board member, "Hidrologiai Kozlo,ny" (for Vagae). LABOS, Elemer; NAGY, Imre Zs.; BENKO, Karoly; SALANEKI, Janos Electrophysiological and electron micrsoseppic studies on the fibre composition of the cerebroviiscaral connective oi Andonta cygnea L. Annales biol Tihany 30:59-65 163. I.- Department of Anatomy. Histology and Embryology, Medical University of Debrecen (for Nagy). 2. Central Research Laboratory, Medical University of Debrecen (for Benko). 3. Director, Tihany Research Institute of Biology. Hungarian Academy of Sciences (for Salanki).