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(Budapeat, II., Pusztaszeri ut 5V69); TELCS, Ivan, dr. -ng~ptt-v II., IVAztaszeri. ut 57/69); 110RAITY1, Gyorgy, dr. (Budapest, II.., PusztaBzeri ut 5V69) Kinetic -investigation of catalytic hydrogenation in liquid phase. Pt, 4, Acts, chimics, Hung 37 no.3:295-33.1 163& 1. Zentralforschungainstitut fur Chemie der Ungarischen Akademia der Wissenschaften.. Budapest. 11AGYY Ferenc, dr. (Budapest, II., Pusztr-szeri ut 57/69); SD-VillDI, 1,!.sz]C' L (Budapest, II., Pusztaszeri ut 57-69) Homogeneous liquid phase activators of the H, molecule. Pt.2. Acta chimica Hung 38 no.4:373-383 163.~ I. Central Research Institute for Chemistry of the Hun-aricn U Academy of Sciences, Budapest. NAGY., Ferenc; SDIAIIDI, Laszlo In Factors determining the velocity of the reduction of 'g(l)- diamine-complexes formed with aliphatic monoamines occurring in the liquid phase of gas-shaped hydrogen. Magy kem folyoir 69 no.10:433-437 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademi-a Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. HORANYI, Gy orgy 1_ LiAa';_j!~re zj _' Stab~hty of nickel catalpto ob5ened in &queous med-la. Magy kem folyoir 70 no.11t475-478 11 164. Slgnift~~an,,:~e ot electrois potent"It! in the 'LiqLl-,Id pnwe contact antalytic hydrogenal"llon and dehydrogental-on. IbId.8486-1492 N 164* I. Central Research Inst.1tate of Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, BadapeBt. L 07016- ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: HUI;2502/65/046/002/0101/0114 AUTHOR: ShImandi, L.. (Dr); and Nagy, Ferenc--Nad'. Fe ~r). ORG: Central Research Institute for ChemIstV t_,t a Hunapp -L emy of ___ __A h _ _ Jpt _Apq4_ Sciences (Original-languago vorsi~r~-n_ot~iven) In Budapest Homogeneous Catalytic Activators of the H3 Molecule. Part 3: Kinetic and iPolaro-raphic Studies on the Reaction of the Pentacyangcobaltate(II)-Ion )with xtolecular Hydrogen" lBudapest, ActaChi-mica Academiae Scien arumjiunga~icae Vol 46Y \,,o 2, N 4 ,;5 Dec 1965,'pp 101-114. /tbs. (English arcicle; Part 2 of the series was published Ibid., Vol 38, Abs,racp: $19 ~3) p~73) The reaction of pentacyanocobalcates(II) with mol-e'Mular hyd- rogen did not change the state of oxidation of the central ion. It led, in- istead, to the formation of a stabilized hydrogen atom. The apparent rate con- stants of the hydrogen-uptake reaction were calculated and a reaction mecha- ,nism was Prooosed on the basis of the kinetic and polarographic data pre* sented. .* Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 36 formulas and 27 tables. LrjPRSz 33,90g TOPIC ViGS: polorographic analysisp chemleal kinaticsp organocobalt compound SUB CODEt 07 SUBM DATE: 16Mar65 ORIG REF: 001 / 0T11 REP: 013 1, 0701.5 -67 E` ~1 P (j RM C-N __AX70Gl0l2-----------____ AC Ri SOURCE CODE: IIU/256i/65/046/002/0137/0149 AUTHOR: Shimandi, L.~Dr.), and Nagy, Forenc--Nadtf FO(Dr). ORG: Central Research Institute for Chemistry at the Hungarian Academy of_Sciences (Origina-1--language version not given) in Budapes "HomogancouG Catalytic Activatora of the H3 M010culc, Part 4: Kinocice and Mechanism of the Homogeneous Hyd ogenation of Cinnamic Acid Catalyzed by 1 Pentacyanocobal.tate(II)" Budapest, As_t_aj~hi4ca Lcademtae--Scientia!~!ml~n;aricneI Vol, 46, No 2, 5 Dec 1965, pp 137-149. a'bst ac (English article; authors' English summary, modified] According to the mechanism proposed for the reaction of homogeneous hydrogenation of cinnamic acid catalyzed by pentacyanocobaltatc(ll!,- hydrogenation takes place via two-step hydrogen atom transfer with t4e intermediate formation of free radicals. The reaction sequence resembles the.-Rideal mechanism known from heterogeneous catiilyk_ts. -Orig. art, hass 5 figures, 33 formulas and 4 tables. CJPRS-. 33,90�7 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogeriationg chemical kineticst free radicalg organocobalt compound SUB CODEt 07 / SUBM DATEs 20M&r65 / ORIG REFt 002 / OTH REFt 008 vmb SIMANDI, Laszlo; NAGY, Ferenc Kiretic examination oil' homogeneous catalytic hydrogenation of cinnamic acid in aquaudS solution in presence of pentacyano- cobaltate (II) ion. Magy kem folyoir 71 no.1:6-11 Ja 165. 1. Central Research Institute of Ghemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences., Budapest. L 33616-66 E'sp j/T WE/R.M .ACC NR, AP6021011 SOURCF-, CODEt IIU/0005/65/071/011/046 AUTHOR: T21SE,_Ivan; Szabo, Sandor; Nlagy, Fereno ORG-. Central Chemical Research Institute, Hungarian AcademV of Sciences (Magyar Tudomanyos Akadenin Kozponti Kerdai Kutato Intezete) TITIB: Machanism of haterogane .ous catalytic hydrogenatio,Ln aqueous solutions SOURCEt MaGymx kemiai folyoirat, -v. 71, no@ 11, 1963, 468-471 TOPIC TAGS: lWdrogonation, oxid ation kinetics, palladium - ABSTRACT: lVxogen can be removed from palladium by a reducible substrate in aqueous solutions The, oxidation potentDa set up during the prodesB irdioateB whather the reduction of the subst ate involves ionic steps, Orige art* hast 6 figures. fB-wod on authors t E rig* abstJ D-FRS: 33,90J6 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DAM 24Fsb65 / ORIG Bit 001 / OM REFt bOl AUTHOR: Nagyj, Ferene (Corresponding member MTA) ORG: Central Chemical Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciencesp Budapest (Kozponti Kemiai Ku_t_a_t__o_Yt_ezet, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia) TITIE: Mechanism of,hydrogenation in the aqueous phase on metal catalyst4 SOURCE., MTA. Kemiai tudomanyok osztalyanak kozlemenyeip v. 25, no. 4, 1966, 321-333 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogenation, organic nitro compound ABSTRACT: Authorls results relating to the mechanism of hydrogenation carried out in the aqueous phase on' Pt, Pd and Ni catalysts are-discu5sed. The experiments proved that In aqueous solution hydrogenation on Pt, Pd and Ni catalysts takes place according to-two different machanismsy the atorrLic and the ionic mechanism. Compounds bonds are containing G-_C and C=C rogenated according to the atomic mecharLism, whereas argmatic nitro compounds e hydrogenated according to the ionic mechanism. The author thanks Scientific Cowo kers: Doctor Ivan Telco, Doctor Gyorgy Horanyip So dor Szabo and Doctor Gyorgy Vertes for taking pari"'5Me research . He also thanks t se w1o elped to adv Ce his tar er; Academician, Aspirant (1951-1954) Ti'ior Erdey- Academician Geza Schay (aver 10 years director of the institutel who-was the; op, PA nt of his diasert'~ Hon, O~r help with advice and criticism. Further thanks is .`given to WA J.6--r financ;ia I table PR5- 26 86 ; help with the reaeareb. Or g. art. bass 10 figures and SUB CCIA 1 -- _ , 0 hrE; 24Jan66 / ORIGREF: 015 / SOV REFs 001 / OTH PLEF& 001 Card 1/1 IIAGYj F. -,"w"pw"WRF,- Experimental tre-Ament of ocular tmum cauced by cboioal. agmAs uIth Prisco-1. Sv.-mavd; No. 21 1950. p. 3.3&-9 L 3soond Eys GUrda (Dinctor-Or. Tibor Nomy), Budapiet, UTtiversity. 012-1L 1% 5. Nov., 1950 NAGT, Ferenc; IM, Gyorgy Itiology and tbarapy of corneal ulcers caused by Pseudomonao p7ocyanea. Szemesset 93 no-1:13-18 Xs:rch 56. 1. A budapesti OrTostudomm7i laetem IL sz. SsanklizilmjAnak kozl. (Igazgato: Roney Tibor egletami tamar, as orioutudomamyok kandidatusa) (COMM, ulcers Peaudomonas pyocyanes. infect., stiol. & antibiotic tber. Ofun) ) (PSEM14ONAS IMCTION pyocyanea, corneal ulcer, etIol. & antibiotic tber. (Hun)) (ULCIR cornea. Pesudomonas pyocyanea infect., etiol. antibiotic ther. (Hun)) (ARTIBIOTICS, ther. use corneal ulcer. Pseudomonas pyocyanea infect. (Hun)) NAGY, Ferenc; BREINER, Sandor; CSAFODY, Istvan Control of tonometers. Szemeezet 93 n0-3:112-119 Sept 56. 1. A Budapeati Oryostudomanyi 3"etem II. oz. Szomklinikajanak (Igaz: Nonay, Tibor, dr. egyat. tanar. az orvootud. kandidatusa) ko3l. (OPHTHALMOIDGY,' appar. & instruments tonometers. control & correction metho&s (Run)) NAGY, Ferenc; FARKAS, IBtvan; STEFANICS, JanoB; ERDELYI, Mihaly ToruB supraorbitallB. SzemeBzet 98 no.1:29-31 Mr 161. 1. A Bp. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II sz. Szemeszeti Klinikajanak (IgaLzgato: Nonay Tibor eghetemi tanar, az orvostudomnyok kandidatusa) es a II sz. Sebeszeti Klinikajanak (Megbizott vezeto: Stefanics Janos egyetemi docens) kozlemenye. (FRONTAL BONE abnorm) JURASZ, Jeno; ITAGY, Ferenc; SELYM, Zoltan A case of non-chromaffin raraganglioma of the orbit. Szemeazet 98 no.4:237-242 D 161. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Egyetem I Korbonctani es Hiserleti Rakkutato Intezetenek (I azgato, Balo Jozsef egyetemi tanar), II Szemeszeti Klinikajanak fIgazga;;o: Nonay Tibor egyotemi tanar) Os II Sebeszeti Klinikajanak (Megb. vezeto: Stefanics Janos egyet. docens) kozlemenye. (ORBIT neopl) (PARAGANGLIOMA case reports) BALAZS, Erzsebet; NAGY, Ferenc; VARY, Iatvan Congenital inversion of the upper eyelid. Szeraeszet. 99 no.3:157-159 s 162. 1. A Budapesti Orvoetudcmanyi Egyetem H. sz. Szemklinikajanak koz1amenye (Igazgato: Nonay Tibor dr. egyet. tanar). (EYELIDS abnorm) 'NAGY, F.; IMRL, Gy. on the results of stel-late ganglion blockade in blood circalation disorders of the retina and optic nerve. Acts, chir. acad. sci. hung. 4 no.1:31-38 163. 1,~ II. Augenklinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. T. Nonay) der Medizinischen Universitat., Budapest. (STELLATE GANGLION) (RETINAL VESSELS) (OPTIC NERVE) (OPTIC ROURITIS) (OPTIC ATROPHY) (VASCUIA11 DISEASES) (AUTONOMIC 11-EHVE BLOOK) -- - IVACYJ -P. - -- -- - "Examination and Evaluation of Hungarian Soup Extracts and Flavorings." p. '1127 (Mcmaw-i lau.,.Vol. 5, no. 11. Nov. 1951. Budapest.) Vol, 3. No. 6 SO: Xbn~hly ~ o~A~t b ge;T Accessions./Library of Congress, une 1954, Uncl. _!L_ prob](--i~s ab- t for)-l! r n u of VC, 1. 0 I UAGY, T -.; C-SARA, Tile resistance of food-p--3cicaFing -interials to storeholist, :,mrasites. nrthly list of '-:~qt "iiropean J01 maw,4 9, no. 2. eb. 1960 I;A~T-Vl ill. S't,idies cin ~)rolrle-s nfl f~:o--! wic1l:im, in corriect-on w1apest 4, 1 n,-a Y~,;, o n t)1,1,, r14st of T,'.,!ro,)ean Hncl. NAGY, Ferene Hygienic considerations and conditions of modern food pack- aging. Elelm ipar 13 no-5:156-162 My '59. 1. Orazagos Elelmezes- ea Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet. NAGY, G. Ozone therapy in otorhinolaryngology and the treatment of young bacterial carriers. Orv. hetil. 94 no.26:720-722 28 June 1953. (GIKL 25-1) 1. Doctor. 2. lar and Throat Dispensary (Read Physician -- Dr. Gyorgy Nagy), Peterfy Sandor-utcai'Hospital Polyclinic. NAGY, G.; MATISCSAK, S. Influence of tM correct working of splirl: , lugg on the ro-~uction of f7asollne consumrtion. F 235. R'WTSTA' TPATTSFORTURILOR. (Asoriatia Stinitifica a Inaino-rilor si Technicienilor din Rominia si Ministerul Transrorturilor Rutiere-, Navale si Aeriene) Due-aresti, Romania. Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1~59. Monthly List of East European Accesions (M.-AI) LC. Vol. '~, no.9, Sept. 1959. Uncl. NAGY, G. Agnes; BEREI,, Klara 18 A new method for producing c&rriez-free F isotopes. Koz fiz kozl MTA 12 no.1:95-100 164. NAGY, Gabor, muszaki dolgozo Work of a Miskole-ironworks in the past 1CO years. Borsod szemle 6 no,2:70-75 162, 1. Diosgyori Vas-., Ac `41~1- es Gepgyar. I- GRABIM. Hadvig, dr.,; NAGY, Gabor, dr. Bromine test in diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. Orv. hetil. 97 no.4.:97-99 22 Jan 56. 1. A Feterfy Sandor utcal Korhaz-rendelo (igazgato: Lendvai Jozeef dr.) A Beloaztalyanak (foorvos: Biro Laszlo dr.) kozlemenye. (HYPMHMOIDISM, diag. bromine uptake & blood serum level, testing method (Hun)) (BROMINE, metab. thyroid, in byperthyroidism, diag. value (Hun)) SZEUREDI,, Gyulaj dr.; NAGI, Gabor, dr. . ~ 440 Active irmminization experiments aga-Inst sheep listertosis. MaU allatorv lap 17:43-45 S 162. - 1. Orazagos Allategeszsegugyi Intezet, Budapest (for Szemeredi). 2. Phyla*ia'Allami Oltoanyagtermelo Intent, Budapest (for Nagy). I I I it :- -i ~ , !) 1 ~! f-, I ~ '11 k7 ~' - ', rj ., , - ~ 1 , , ' , - !~ - , T!. 'm :.i 'A , " * a ~, ~ . . . ". 1, , 6 r1i fi 111-:~ -1)I`~ /I f-j C~ 'k - -- SWTO, Sandor, Dr,; HANKOVSZKY, Maria, Dr.; IIAGY, Gabor, Dr. Early and late results in the active therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. Taberkulozis 10 no.10-12:271-276 0-.t-Dec 57. 1. A Fovarosi Utsoki-utcai korhaz (igazgato-foorvoo: Szanto Sandor dr.) Tudoosstalyanak.kozlemenye. (7UHARGUIMIS, PUIMOHM. surg. early & late results, statists (Hun)) SZANTO, Sandor, dr.; NAGY Gabor,,- dr,. The problem of collaps therapy in fresh excavated infiltrations. Tuberculozis 13 no.8:233-235 Ag 160. 1. A fovarosi Uzsoki utcal rorhaz (igasgato foorvos: Szanto Sandor dr.)..TudoosztalyanAk koslemenye ', (COLLLM THIRAPr) KOROSI, A.; NAGY, G.; KWAROMY, Jolan On experimental covering of the lung surface with colloid membrape following lung resection. Acta chir. acad, scie Hung, 4 no.2:137-142 163. 1. Szamuely-Heilanstalt fur Tuberkulose (Direktor, Dr. A. Koroei) Budapest. (MUMONECTOW) (COLLAGEN) (LUNG) (PMMEABILITY) (PNEUMOTHORAX) KOROSI, Andor, dr.; NAGY Ga dr.; HALASZ, Gyorgy, dr. -,- Data on the proLlem of hemoptysis. Tuberkulozio 16 no.2.49-52 F 163. 1. EM Szamuely Tibor The Gyogyintezet (igazgato; Korosi Andor dr. az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) kozlemenye. (HEMOPTYSIS) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (LUNG NEOPLASMS) (BRONCHITIS) (VASCULAR DISZAS:,S) (PNEUMONIA) (LUNG DISEASES) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) KOROSI, Andor, dr.; NAGY, Gabor, dr.; KOMAROMY, Istvanhe, d. r. Experimental covering of pulmonary surface Irr collagenoua membranes in pneumoneotomy. Tuborkulozis 16 no.300-93 Mr 163. 1. Szamuely Tibor TBC Gyogyintezet (igazgato: Korosi Andor dr., az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) kozlemenye. (PNEIZIONECTOMY) (COLLAGEII) 7.,_~4bor, dr.; GMCSER, Pa,1, dr.; KLIMENKO, ZADOR, Andras, dr.; ~~U Olga, dr. On hepatitis in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Tuberkulozis 16 no.4/5:147-149 AP41Y 163. 1. A Szamuely Tibor Tbc Gyogyintezet (igazgato; Korosi Andor dr,j, az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (HEPATITIS) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS) (STRFPT%ffCIN) (ISONMID) NAGY Gabor. dr.. ZADOR, Andras, dr. -- y I Application of asaropect in bronchography. Tuberkulozis 16 no.11:343-345 N 163. 1. A Szamue~y Tibor tbe-gondozo es gyogyintezet., Budapest, kozlemenye. (BRONCHOGRAPHY) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) (SPIROMETRY) (BRONCHITIS) (coimWT MEDIA) HUNGARY NAGY, Gabor, Dr, ZALAY, Laszlo, Dr; Phylaxia State Institute of Vaccine Produc- r';FE~6r: MOLNAR, Jozsef, Dr) (Phylaxia Allami Oltoanyagtermelo Intezet), 10 and 'Human' Institute of Vaccine Production and Research (director: VERES, Gabor, Dr) (Human 01toanyagtermelo es Kutato Intezet). "The Sensitivity to Antibiotics and Biochemical Properties of Bact. Mallei Strains Used in the Production of Diagnostic Preparations." Budapest, Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 21, No 11, Nov 66. pges 500-501. Abstract:[Authors' English summary modified] The sensitivity to antibiotics as well-as the biological and biochemical properties of two Bact. mallei strainF used for the production of diagnostic preparations were tested. Both strains were sensitive to streptomycin, G.Leandomycin, o-tetracycline, Neomycin, erythromycin, Tetracyn, Canamycin, Polymyxin-B and to sulfon- amides. With the exception of fermentation of some carbohydrates, the biological and biochemical properties of the strains were identical with those described in the literature. 7 Eastern European, 7 Western referen).- ces. 2473 L/1 SOMOS, E.; RACZ, I.; NAGY, G. Zffect of large doses of vitamins B and N upon the excretion of penicillin. Ory.hetil. 91 no.35:1054-1057 27 Aug 50- (CLKL 20:5) 1. Of the Skin and Venereal Diseases Glinic (Director--Professor Dr. Parenc foldvari), Budapest University. 4M.'rEld ad vftmim C cc tu A*cM;=,kM Cmunt"Of gmatf. Acta Physiol. Acad. Sci. kung., kd= Umm B. Rudas and G. 7S 1955, 8, 253--258 (Nat. lbsT.-M Food and Nutr. Sci., Budapest. Hungary).-The RNA atid DRA content of the granulatiop tissue of healing wounds'is smadlet In guinea pigs on a scorbutogcnetic that th&ti J9 those on x normal diet. - In guinea pigs on a scorbuto- eti dkt SeWlemented with 10 mg. ascorbic acid or by as much en c ohlrabi #A ci-Auined 10 mg. ascorbic acid the RNA and DNA f contents of tfW Smulation tissues wim as high u in the controls. The wound was inflicted oft the Sth day of scorbutic diet. If from that time on 50 rug.1day Ascorbic acid was fed it did not prevent diminution of RNA U41.)NA. Lo"I painting of Worbic 6cid on the wound is only capatize -of inhibiting diminution in the RNA ijid DNA content if the animal is also fed a small amount of ascorbic - ' acid. (Hungarjan) A. B. L. BnzlqAx. MESTER, AntakI;__KtNTAGY,_Gabo ; BARTHA, Ferenc The problem of nutrition of infants with severe atrophy. Gyermekgyogyassat 11 no.11!344-349 N 160. 1. Jarasi Tanacs Korhaza, Berettyoujfalu. (Igasgato: Dr.Mako Ist-van. (INFANT BUTRITION DISORORS ther) ;, ! ~ tY $ - .,~ 1 ; ~ j . ,r . NAGY, Gabor, dr. (B*pest); ZADOR, Andras, dr. (Budapest) Organ-substituting instruments. I. Term tud kozl 5 no.9:393-393 s 1,61. 1. Fooryos. ZADOR, Andras, d.!-., foorvosi(Budapeat); NACM, Gabor,dr.,fooryos (Budapest) Instruments for substituting human organs. II. Term tud kozl 6 no."L: 3-4 -19 '62. (Heart) NAGY, Gabor), dr foorvos (Budapest); ZADCR, AWrJgy-dr.,, foorvos - -(Waip-013;j instruments for substituting human organs. III. Ter tud kozl 6 no,9:41)-415 S '62o -)K JAVOR' T.- GYORFFY, A.; W)7SIK, Gy.; DOBI, S.; Clinical pharmacology of noma parasympathicolytic med. acad. aci. flung. 21 no.3:272-277 165. 1. Second Department of Medicine (Director: Prof. Gy. Petranyl), University Medical School, Debrecen. Submitted Jan,,;ary 21, 1965. L 17000-66 BPF(n)-Z/E"iP(J)/T/E',IA(h)/EWA(l) V.41GG/ ACC NR: AP6,308605 SOURCE CODE: 11U/01);)'//~ AUTHOR: Hardyk.Gyula; Varga, Jozsef; Plagy, Gabor ORG: Departmnt of Plastics and Rubber Industr Technical Uni7ersity, Didapest (Muszaki Egyetem Muanyages Gumiipari Tanszeke) TITLE: Studies in the field of solid-state radia on Dolvnierization. hrt 5: Solid-state copolymerization of N-vinylsuc ~%nimid3--a-na-IT--v-l-n--yl-p-y-r F-ol id one (copolymerization in solid and supercooled eutectics) SOURCE: Magyar kemiai folyoirat, v. 71, nc. 4. 19659 171-175 TOPIC TAGS: copolymerization, solid state, radiation polymerization, supercooling, heterocyclic base compound 14' ABSTRACT: The eutectic mixture o 1he intredients studied is 3.4 imide; 6.6 pyrrolidonc. Copolymerizati3grogressed at maximum rate with the components in this ratio and at a higher rate in a supercooled eutectic than in a solid eutectic. The theoretical and experimental aspects of the polymerization, and the characteristics of the cyolymers) were 'rPjj described in detail.~ Orig. art. Mai 10 figtWese . :67 SUB CODE: 0`7 SUBM DATE: 24-1064 / CRIG REF. 005 / OTH REF: 011 S OV REF : 001 Card A W. GY, Gy. "Automatic control of the electric heatinC of autoclaves through reaction heat." P. 90 ELFUAEZESPI IPAR. (14ezogazdasgi es Elelmiszeripari. Tudomanyos EI!Yesulet) Budapest, HunE-ary, Vol. 13) No. 3. Mar. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8., No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. NAGY, Gyorvy, dr.; MISSURA. Tibor, dr. Otological relations in cranial injuries. Ory. hetil. 95 no-32: 872-874 8 Aug. 54. 1. Mukakepeasegosokkentest Velemenyeso BrdeLyi Pal dr.).I. foku full-orr-gege (CRANIUM, wds, & injo ear exam. after) (FLAR, iu various die* cranial inj., exam.) (WMW AND INJMINS cranium, ear exam. after) Orvosi Bizotteagok (vezeto: bizotteaganak kozletaerqe. NAGY, Gyorgy Water system of the Koros Rivers and its regulation. Foldr kozl 8 no.1:89-93 160. NAGY, Gyorgy, dr.. The situation of copper on the world market. Koh lap 93 no,9:355-350' Ag 160. NAGY, Gyorgy, Dr. The situation of nonferrous metals on the capitalist world market. Koh lap 95 no.5:237-238 My 162. B. BLDO, ll&gdolna;,NAG~T,_Gyo,r97, teellinik-ai mun1catars. The role of various fats in human metatclism. KiBerl. orvostud. 15 no. 3:250-254 Je 163. 1., Orszagoo Elelmezes- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet. (BUTTER) (OILS) (MARGARINE) (FATS) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) (NITROGEN) (LIVER GLYCOGEN) Iu'IGY,-Gyorgj Automatic control of oiectric heating of autoclaves through reaction heat. Elelm ipar 13 no.3:90-93 I-Ir 159. 1. Elelinezesipari Tervezo Intezet. HAPY, GZo~.~gy, dr. Technical and economic news. Koh lap 96 no.r-1:237-240 MY 163. NAGY, Gyorig Some problems of improving vitpmin suppLLes in the fiye-~-,~&r plan. Elelm ipar 14 no.3:79-84 Mr fISO. 1. Bslkereskedelmi Miniazterium. #11, Z NAGY., Gyorgy.. mazogazdasagi mernok Liquid fruits. Elet tud 15 no.52.1656-1.658 25 D 160. 1. Belkereakedelmi Miniszteriwa osztalyve,,setoje. Q-KAGT, Gyorgy, Me2ogazdasagi mernok Role of natural fruit juices in popular nutrition. Re--)egeszveg-,a 42 no.1:22-25 Ja 161. (MIT) NAGY, Gyorgy Let us consume more canned food.' Let u:s make th-- se-c,=d Shift easier. Elet tud 17 no.26tSuppl.:Taricatudomw 3 no.13.- 102 1 Jl f62. , NAGY, Gyorgy Possibilities for increasing the consumption of canned products. Elelm ipar 16 no.8:244-249 Ag 162. 1. Belkereskedelmi Miniszterium. RAKOSO Jozaefl FAZEMS), Endral NAGY,, Oyorgyj SMOMI, Janos Preparing many-layered dielectric mirrors and interference filters by the vacuum evaporation method. Kot fis kozl MTA 12 no.4017-327 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Physics, Hungarian Acadewl of Sciences, Budapest. NAGY, Gyorgy, dr. KaUL i in, Ar. '-: n,-..'3'/: L'j " 1. Gyongyosi Durgat !Iai Korhaz es Fcvaroz3-*- Jrtv'lr, Fcri,az, Kor'.-~rncta- 0 ni Osztaly. B.BEDO MAGDO121A, Dr., Technikai munkatars; ILkGY GYURGY Effects of various carbohydrates on the nitrogen .etentlon of the organism. Gyermekt_-ogynozat 9 no.8-9:277-23O Aug-Sept 58. 1. Orszagos Blelmezes- es Taplalkozastudoiminyi Intezet (IgRZ&RtO: Dr. Tarjan Robert) kozlemenye. (CARBOHYDRATBS, eff. on nitrogen turnover in body proteins in rats (Hun)) (PROTEII&S, metab. eff. of carbohydrates on nitrogen turnover in body pro- teins in rats (Hun)) NAGY, Gyorgy Scto-nic T)regnancy and atypical portio epithelium. 4a,0,7. noorv. lap. 21 no.4:243~-247 Aug 58. 1. A Fovarosi Istvan Korhaz (Iga2gato: Katorvi Istvan dr. ) Korbonctani osztalyanak (Foorvos: Radnai Bela dr.) kozlemenye. (GARVIX, MROA, pathol. preblastomatous cond. of portiD epithelium in ectopic pregn., histopathol. (Hun)) (PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC, pathol. preblastomatous cond. of epithelium of portio cervicis, histopathol. (Hun)) 'BARTA, Lajos, Ikr.; BXW, 14agdalna, B.. Dr. TecnW6i munkatars; IL&GY, Oyorgy; I AGY, Janos MM=Ma*-AK H Effects of the temperature of liquids getting into the atomach on the blood sugar level. Orv. hetil. 99 no-34:1164-1165 24 Aug 58. 1. A Budapesti Orvoatudomarygi Fgyetem I. sz. Gyermekklirikajanak (igazgato: Gegesi Kiss Pal dr. 9kademikus, egyet. tanar) es az Orozagos Blelmezes- as Taplakazastudomanyi Intezet (igazgato: Tarjan Robert dr. az orvostudomarqok kandidatusa) kozlemenvet. (FLUDE eff. of temperature of dietary fluids on blood sugar in exper. animain (Hun)) (BIDOD SUGAR eff. of temperature of dietary fluida in exper. animala (HIM)) BARTA, Lajos, az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa; B.B00, Magdolna; Technikai munkatarsak.- NAGY, Cororgy; NAGY, Janos; PALOS, Istvan Investigating the effect of dibenazine in a hypoglyceaic syndrome provoked by insuline. Biol orv kozl KTA 11 n0-1:103-110 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 1. sz. Gyermakklinikaja es as Orszagos Elelmezes- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet. (SUGAR) (BLOOD) (CHLOROETHYLDIBNEZYLA14INE) (HYPOOLYCMU) (INSULIN) NAGY, Gyorgy, dr.; GAL. Gyula, dr. Pathological data on essential pulmonary bypertension. Magy. belarr.arshJ3 no -5:142-147 0 160 - 1. A Fovarosi 19tvan Korhaz (Igazgato: Katonn Istvnn d r. ) Korbonotani Oaztalyanak (Foorvoo: Radnai Bela dr.) ko-slemenyo. (HYPERTENSION pathol) (PULMONARY ARTERY pathol) SZARVASY, Gyorgy; NAGY, Gyorgy On the ophthalmological manifestations of -the Pelger-Huet anomaly of the leukocytes. Szemeszet 100 naOtI70-177 S 163- 1. A gyongyosi Bugat Pal Korhaz (igazgato., Fejes Istvan) ozemenzeti es korbonctani osztalya. (PELGER-HUET AN%IALY) (EYE MANIMTATIONS) (GENETICS, HUMAN) H011051, Katalin, dr.; NAGY,_.gygrgy, dr. On the eosinophil infiltrates and granulomata. of the gastroir-testirz-1 tract. Orv. hetil. 104 no.11:496-500 17 Mr 163. 1. Fovarosi Istvan Korhaz, K_Qrbonotani Oszraly es a gyongyosi Bugat Pal Xorhaz, Korbonctani Osztaly. (EOSINQPHILIC GRAHLOMA) (COLLAGEN DISEASES) (GASTROENTEROLOGY) (ALLERGY) (LYMIUDENITIS) f7 r ~Oa Z Aon 1r,, J.A j, 1, irC a i Y rrj L-1 pt disapproved of by the authors'. 4 Hungarian, 25 Welltem references. 36 - HUNGARY NYIREDY, Istvan, Dr. TAKACS, Janos, Dr, NAGY, Gyor:gyi, B,. (Mrs).; National Animal Health Institute (director: KADAR, of vet. sci.), Department of Hygiene (chief: NYIREDY, Istvan, Dr, doctor of vet. sci.) (Orszagos Allategeszsegugyi Intezet, Higieniai Osztaly), and Central Veteri- nary Control Service of the Meat Industry (director: MEHES, Gyorg~, Dr), Central Laboratory (chief: TAKACS, Janos, Dr, cand. of vet. 5ci.) (Koz- ponti Husipari Allatorvosi Ellenorzo Szolgalat, Kozponti Laboratorium). "Data on the Salmonella Con-uamination of Domestically Produced and imported Fodder Materials of Animal Origin." Budapest, YaF-ryar Allatorvosok__Lapja, Vol 21, No 11, Nov 66, pages 483-485. Abstract: [Authors' English su=ary modified] It was established by the authors that 17 and 5.1 per cent of the imported meat and fish meals, respec- tively, were infected with various, rarely occurring Salmonella species. In 2 imported fish meals, S. tennessee was demonstrattd, isolated' for the first tire in Hungar-1. Only 1.2 and 0.7 per cent of the domestically produced meat meals and so-called food brans, respectively, were found to be infected with Salmonellae~In order to meat the public and veterinary healt17 require- ments, the setting up of food sterilizing establishments is sukgested as soon as possible, which would permit the sterilization of food stuffs infected not only with pathogenic but also with a large number of saprophytic ricro- organisms and arthropods. It is also proposed that the use of imported food stuffs be restricted to those which have vassed a veterinary bacteriological JAVOR, Tibor; KISS, Lajos; NAGY, Jyorgy A surgical method for the production of init4irnal biliar7 fifftmlae in dogs. Kisarlates orvoBtud. 13 no.3t225-227 Je 161. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem II. Beligyogyaszati Klinikaja as IgazBagugyi Orvostani Intezeta. (BILIARY FISTULA exper) FAZAKAS, Sandor, dz.: VAGY, Gyorgy, dr. Meprobamate idiosyncrasy. Or7.hetil. 102 no-1:35 1 A 161. 1. Debreceni Or7ostudomanyi Egyetam, II. B-alklinlka. (MEPROBAMATE toxicol) FAZAKAS, Sandor, dr.; ~AGY, org, dr.; PETRMWI, Gyula, dr. Byperience with radfoacttye phoophornia in the treatment of polyeythexiA vera. Orv. hatil. 102 no.13:596-599 26 Mr 161. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyj Egyetem, II Belklinika., (PHOSPHORUS radioactive) (POLYCYTMaA radiother) LEOVEY, Andras, dr.;_NAGY, orff,_dr.; BOBORT, Julia, dr. An unusual manifestation of disseminated lupus erythematOSUB (acute LED syndrome). Orv. beUl. 102 no.29:1373-1376 16 JI 161. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, II Belklinika. (LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS physiol) (PURPURA THROMBOPENIC physiol) (PNEUMONIA physiol) JAVOR, Tibor; NAGY, Gyorgy; KAPUSZ, Nandor Surgical procedure for the preparation in dogs, of an internal pancreatic fistula which ca'n be cannulated. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no.4:337-339 S 162. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem II. BeIgyogyaszati Klinikaja es Igazaagugyi Orvostani Intezete. (PANCFXATicnSTULA) NAGY, Gyorgy., dr.; SELMECZY, Pal, dr. Primary systemic amyloidosis with diffuse osteomedu.Uary plasmoc7tosis . Orv. hetil. 103 no-32:1517-1519 12 Ag 162. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Korhaza, 11. Belosztaly. (AMYLOIDOSIS case reports) II. Belklinika es Szolnoki Megyei (BONE MARROW dis) FAZAKAS, Sandor, dr.; NAGY, Gyorgy, dr.; PETRANYI, Gyula, dr. ---------- Effects of radiophosphorus therapy in polvcy-themia vera. Orv. hetil. 104 no.5:214-216 3 F 163. 1. Debreceni Orvostudamanyi Egyetem, IL Belklinika. (PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPES) (POLYCYTHEMIA WRA) (RADIOTHERAPY) NAGY, GyorU. dr.; PETRANYIj Gyula,dr. Treatment of lymphoid leukemia with radiophosphorus. Magy. radiol. 16 no.2:101-105 AP164 1. A Debreceni Or7ostudomanyi Egyetem II. air. Belklinikaja (igazgatot Petranyi, Gyula, dr., egyetemi titnar) kozlemenye. B. BEDO I Magdo1na; ELLINT, Istvan; T.ZSIITKA, Agnes; TechnJ-kai munkatars: NAGY, Gyorgy Blood sugar load tests in chronic alcoholism. Orv,hetil. 105 no.1t13-16 5J 164. 1. Orszagos Elelmezes- es Taplalkozastudomanyi Intezet es Orszagos MunkaegeszsegUgyi, Intezet. 1. Gyongyo~;-! P, i':, Z e.3 Fr~rtozo HUNGARY NAGY, NADI, Laszlo, Dr., Department of Patho- _rygggy, Dr., and CSA' logical Autopsy at Bugat Pal Hospital (Bugat Pal Korhaz, Korbonctani Osztaly)[location not given](Physician-in-Chief: NAGY, Gorgy). "Data on the Causes of Non-Rheumatic Myocardites" Budapest, Orvosi Retilap Vol 107, No 26, 26 Jun 1.966,pp 1219-1221. Abstractt Twelve cases of non-rheumatic myocarditis were described on the basis of autopsy findings. In five cases inflammation of the heart muscle caused by bacterial or virus diseases was evident*, in one case the cause was likely vaccination by anti-pox virus; in four Fiedler type infant cases the suspicion of myocarditis epidemic was raised. The histo- logical findings do not exclude the possibility of virus origin. 23 re- ferencesi, including 6 Hungarian, 5 German, I Israeli, and 11 Western. IUIIGARr JAVM, Tibor, GYROWY, Arpad, MOZSIK, G71ula, DOBI,, Sander, IIAGr Worgy- Medical University of Debrecen-,--Tr---Re(Ud-aI Clinic (DebreciiiMAQ%9~- manyi Egyetem, II. Belklinika). "The Clinical Pharmacology of Parasympatholytie Compounds" Budapest, A Magyar Ttdo,aWos Akadenia V. Orvosi !.Iudomanvpk Osztalyanak Koglemanyei, Vol XVIp No 2-3, 1965, pages 219-226 Abstz-act: LIA-uthors, Hungarian st=nary7Clinioo-pliarmacolo&icaI studies were carried out on parasympatholytic compounds. The tollcn-ring methods were used: measurement of secretion in the isolated parotid; biological titration of the compound excreted in the urine, bile and saliva; biological titration of the serum activity; quantitative determination of gastric secretion; measurement of gastric evacuation; study of gastric and duodenal motion. The above methods led to the successful qvalitatkire and quantitative analysis of the compounds, determination of the parasympatholytic offect in man, determination of the effective dose of the compouad, the mode of administra- tion, the oral and parenteral rates. Data were $5tained concerning the gastro-- intestinal resorption, excretion., eventual entorohepatic, recirculation of the drug. Compounds referred to as N 399j, N 685,, N 640 as well as Priamid and Atropin were used for the study. The method is considered to be suited for the comparative stud4r of parasympatholytic compounds. 5 Hungarian, 5 Westeru referencess &=Gript reosived 22 Joao _-7 ! ~ I 'I,` ~'7 S/124/62/000/009/045/iOO D25 /D308 AUTHOR: Eagy, Gyula TITLE; A device for distributing the induction of the fo- cusing magnetic field-along, traveling-wave tube (Patent) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, .'Lvtomatik~i i radioelektronika, no. 9, 1962 26, abstract 9-3-51 n (Hung. pat., cl. 21 g, 1-1,'. no. 148180, Mlay 15, 1961) TEXT: It is proposed to insert between the focusing solenoid with uniform winding and the body of the traveling-wave tube a tubular Olement whose permeability varies along its axis, in order to pro- duce a ,iven distribution of the induciion of the focusing magnetic field along the tube, e.g. uniform, 1- and 2-node. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation-2 I Card 1/1 Wi;"GAHY 3yula, Dr,_ veterinary medical opecialist; Naational Center .Lor Artificial Insemination (OrszaZos Mesterseges Ternekenyitesi Koz- pont) (director: SAJO, Sandor, Dr). "Deep-Frozen Pituitary 'issue Transplantation and its Effect on ~'-e Quality of Semen in Bulls. Budapest, 'Ma(4yar Allatorvosok Lapja, Vol 5, No 18, May 63, PP 195-198. Abstract: CAuthor's English summary modified] Calf pituitar- y tissue stored at -790C was implanted into the neck muscle of bulls to improve sperm.atogenesis. The implantations were well tolerated. 10-15 Days after treatment, the quality of the serwn showed strong irmprovement 0 After subsequent relapse, some Liprovement followed again 6-7 weeks later, lasting 1-3 weeks. Body weight of the animals increased as well. It is concluded that freezing; does not impair the hormone pro- duction of the pituitary. The investigations continue. 2 Western, 11 Hungarian references. KISS- T,t,,nnnii; Darr, r~,-, raters. -L Central Research lns!~Itut- of I POLICZIM, M.; GIRGELT, I.; NAGY, G.; S7 A. P-Q-I%W Role of foci in the pathology of rhownatic diseases. Ory. Hatile, Budape 92 no*34:1102-1105 26 Aug 1951. (CUIL 20:11) 1. Doctors. 2. Internal Department (Head Physician -- Prof. Dr. Laszlo Biro), Kutvolgyl-uti State Hospital. IIAGY. G.; GIRGELY. I.. VERMES. G. Sleep therapy of peDtic ulcer. Ory. hetil. 93 no.47:1346-1349 23 Nov 1932. . (CIML 24:1) 1. Doctors. ,yulaI dr.; GARGILY, Inre, dr.; POLICZER, Miklos, dr.;,NAGY..,G SOLYMAR, Jeno. dr.; SARDr, Valeria Value of the hydergin, or rather hydergin-prostignine test, in diagposis of functional and organic diseases of the heart. Nagy, )elorvs arcb, 9 no-3:77-81 June 56. 1. Kutvolgyi uti Allami Korhas (igaz.: foorvos: Hancsok. Mariusz, dr.) beloostalyanak (foorvos: Policzer, Miklos, dr.) koil. (HEART, funct. tests hydergin-prostigmine test, evaluation in differ. diag. of funct. & organic heart dis. (Hun)) (HXAM DISWE, differ. diag. hyderg~n-prostlgmins test in differentiation of funct. & orgailic die., evaluation (Hun)) NAGY, Gyula _dr.; MIKE, Terezia, dr.; BIRO, Sandor, dr. Myocardial infarction. A 10-year follow-up study in the Central State Hospital. Orv. hetil. 102 no.17:788-79!3 23 Ap 161. 1. Kozponti Allami Korhaz, I beloaztaly. (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT statist) NAGY, Gyula An ihnovation for easing the work of smiths. Ujit lap 17 nc,.'7:24 .1 10 F 165. In U: ~'~ A -011 If Z~ G, ~a Dr, B7RO, Sandor, Dr; Central State Hospital, I. Medical 'Ward VA --(-Kozr,onti .~llarmi Korhaz, I. 3elosztaly)'. "Myocardial Infarct and Steroid Therapy." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilao, Vol 104, No 38, 22 Sep 63, pages 1795-1798. Abstract: [Authors' Hun--arian sw-.mary] Four cases of myocardial infarct are reported where disturbances in the impulse and conduction, which arose as complications, have improved after oral administration of prednisolone (3 cases) and infusion of hydro-adresone (l case). The results should be evaluated carefully because of the small number of cases, the possibility of spontaneous regression and the difficulty in the evaluation of the de- layed action of the small dose of prednisolone used. It is noted, however, that the change was in the favorable direction in all four cases. 4 Eastern European, 11 Western references. 25 NAGY) Gyula - Ch -4 "-* -.i" i , er~p-gar~.n.~fl :~, n.-7, ~ r - ~ 3, 1 s ~,-, 6c - - ~ I. . U I- ir 3'Ingery. --/ 1,~' i~',q i I., I, I.,- - " ; -, J4 -I--- - , ~. I - :- HUNGARY CARDIOLOGY BIRO, Sandor, Dr, M01. - Gyula.- Dr, KALDI, Nandor, Dr; Central State Hospital, I. Medical Ward (Kozponti Allaml Korhaz, I. Beloaztaly). "Thyroid Function in Patients With myocardial Infarct.4 Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 16, 17 Apr 66, pages 734-737. Abstraoti (Authors' Hungarian summary modified] Thymid function tests were carried out on 15 patients hospitalized with myocardial infarct in the first, third and sixth week of the disease, In the first week of the disease, there was a considerable decrease in thyroid function in 12 of the 15 patients tested. The endogenic stress effect can be held primarily responsible for the decreased thyroid function al; this time of the disease. 5 Hungarian, 18 Western references, COUNTRY : hungary CATEGORY : Analyticni ChemistZ7. Analysia of Inorganic ances ABS. JOURs 1959, iio. 67632 A P10.7) L Fczetc' Naj-,Y (I -zi TITL-, I,-s -~c-p~ratjo!,, ~y Bicarbcnate IN e0'U ()~Jj'~. PUB. I-8,t 30 2 TJ 2 C;? I-,- Oil Dn a solutio;i cont. 6 'E, h c- :-i en o f Nfli a j.,: 11 y i 5 s o ive d '-I, y t r etro rt m(tal however, In the pre-,ullcc- of 'or Ubcu+ 60~~) rc-mains in tn-E. 4 ()Iid pc;rt i ,o f U P.,-ecipitate due to aosorptloj.. It was folina tj.iz; u- iE,fect, is in tte -oresence of Th' ,)4, T- iet~,urminat-ion of U, Txior to thc. precipitation with ph-S.-lit (20 u.- Th r6r approx-imately ( ~;g U) is adcu-- to th~-, s,.)lution. 0.5 'nours ti,e precipitate is filte.-f-d cff and dissolved in U-70-rr,"L cf hot, 5~p solutior, of tla2C' 5,1,1u~-Ion is ~iulfuuic ac."Id, trE:atc~i witlh- L-i CARD: A: NAGY, GY;UPOR, E.;NOVAK, GY. ----------- I --- Determination ofuranima content of water by means of Na-diaethyl-dithyocarbamate. P. 76. HIMOLOGIAI KOZWff. HYIROLOGICAL JOMNAL. (Magyar Hldrologia:L Taruasag) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 39, no. 1, Jan. 1959. Montbly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, 'Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959 uncla. UPOR, Endre (Fees, SikloBi ut 80); NAGY, C~~ (Fecs, Siklosi ut 80) Application of thorium hydroxide as desorbent in separating uranium vith carbonates. Acta chimica Hung 28 no.l/:3:287-295 161. (Ew 10:9) (Thorium) (Desorption) (Uranium) (carbonates) e_r_a1.1oii_R -cari-kifiee radl VHt-.- Produc- tjX~ Ce by -gig-.-- I 0"0'%e R Ap --A'vM1J-rnJZz_eMnekKjdemnyei. 7, 133-4t)(IMM); cf. E;A 1660W.-:--CrG(n,-r)Cr`1 was found to be the best method to produce carrier-free C-01 with. (NH4),CrO4 as a target. 71e least retentiou was experienced with Cr in i.he 3+ state, -the chrouirde residue 13 probably reduced ljy Nils. In model expts., however, KsCrO, was used. C 01 was P t I with Fe as hydroxide. The ppt. was dissolved In 10% fic"i and Fe extd. into EtjO. Electrolysis was used for further' purification. Best yield was obtained with asym. electr9des and a cathode potential of 0.3 v. C, Ou IN TRY G A '17'3 0 OR Y !A,BS. ic-up. JAUTHOR I 1115T. TTTLE IORIG. PUT. iAPSTRACT : tF. ~'GA XZ B :Phy-sical Clionistry. Radiocheinistry. I'Sotoposs I Rmim., NO. 1 1960, No. 394 : Almassy, G.; Ylagl, G.R ; Hungarian : Preparation of Th234(uxl) by the Chromatographic Method 1-1 la -yar tud. alcad. ruem. oszt. ir-ozi. , 1959, 11, 3~0 1, 1-3 Vo abstract CARD: 1/1 B-26 NAGY G.A. Effect of the distance between the test object and generator ir 5h~ck wavo tepts. Acta tochn Hzng 40 no-3A--383-jX 162. 1. Trust des Centrales Electriquesy Budapeat. IMA"Y 6, AF::f, , ss i RE, RF I , K -.' ill"L sy-"~ i~'~ -- i s C) , 12 11 - - a-,; for lt~ aor)" `ra--i Kom "I.Lid, k,-)z.1 ICA Z I no., -14 ; 1 164. I. Lril~ora&-.~-ry of Nuf:.-Ir-ar Chmiatry, Central Re , e a 2, c '- C), Fhy.;-!"~'s' llungaria;-, Academy of - -IUGY, G.; 1. A ne.4 :"-thod of r1reparation or Salmonella. gallinarum antigen. Acta vet. Acad. Sci. HUng. 15 rc).3:281-282 '65- 1. ftylaxia StAte Inotitute (Director- J. Molnar), Budapest.