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MUCH p L.T. Statistimil, charactaristice and objective analysis of the humidity and temperature fieldi at the earth's surface., Trudy WS no.7sY+-43 165. WFA J:19: 7) MYACH, T.T.P insh.; SAMOrLOV, I.Ge, inzh. ... -1- -- -,- Study of the chemical treatment of manganeae middlings. Gor. zhur. no.1006-58 0 163. (MIn 16t11) 1. Makhanabrahermet, Krivoy Rog. rlAvEn, P. P. Dent it. ion Per-I ods and sequence of nrimiry dentition. St am' ologlia, no. 2, 1W I Yont List go: Russian Acce�sions, Librar-j of Congress, October 10,5Z7- U'.:CLjUJSIFIED. Nexie: KYACHEVA, P. P. Dissertation: A roentgenological study of the development of lower teett-, and lower Jaws among embryos, fetuses, and childreD up to six years old Degree: Cand Med Sci k4---~ 4-r- AVi!&iiUWn-: State Sci Res Inst of Roentgenology and Badiology iw~~nl V. M. Molotov BadWWe Date, Place: 1956, Moscow Source: Knizhnays Letopial, No 47, 1956 HYACINTA. P.P. X-ray study of the formation of the sixth lower tooth. Stomatologiia 36 no.1:21-27 Ja-F 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Lz rentgenodiagnostirhenkogo otdelan (zav. - prof. I.A.Shokhter) Goeuder8tvannogo nauchno-isoledovatellakogo Inetituts rentgonologii i rediologii imeni V.M.Molotova (dir. I.G.lAgunova, nauchnvy ruko- vaditell - doktor meditainskikh nauk V.G.Ginzburg) (I RAYS IN DRWISTRY) (DRNTITION) MYACHI, Martin, brigadir-polevod; EVERT, Nikolay; PIKLA, Yan [Pikla, Jaan) Cqllective management of a state farm. Sov. profsoiuzi 7-8 no.6:5-6 Mr '62. NIRA 15:3) 1. Chleny postoyannogo soveshchaniya sovkhoza "Kodila", Estoniya (for Evert, PJ-kla). (Estonia-State farms--Management) (Works councils) KYACHIKOV, B.V. Organization of center for treating angiomas in children with carbon dioxide snow in regional hospitals. Pedistrils 39 no.6:69-71 N-D 156. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Is Kupayinskoy bollnitsy Noginakogo rayons Hookovskoy oblasti kzav. raysdravotdalom V.P.Komardins, glavnyy vrach P.P.Beresovskiy) (AIGICKA, in infeat and child, thpr.. carbon dioxide snow (Rua)) (COLD, therapeutic use. carbon dixide snow in augiomms in child. (Run)) MYACHIROV, L., Let's gIve more attention to work organisation. Sov. torg. 36 no.4s2-5-27 Ap 163. (Retail trade) (KRA 16: 5) IFIVINP A.G.; MUCHIKOV, V.D. Reduction of the precipitation layer over the area around a mobile rain center. Sbor. rab. po, gidrol. no.1:48-55 '59. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Severo-Vostochnoye geologicheakoye upravleniye. (Precipitationtl,leteorology)-l-leasurement) LEVIN, A~ G. ; KTACHIKOV, V. D. Distribution of precipitation by winds in the atmosphere. Trudy GOO no.88:3-15 160. (KIRA 13:8) (Precipitation (Keteorology)) (Winds) MIACHIKOV~V.D. Solar eclipse in Simferopolt. Mteor.i gidrol. no.7:36 ji f6l. (Crima-Eclipass, solar-1961) (KERA 14:6) MTACHINOV, V.I., inzh.; Llj(:;'IVAYA, N.D., inzh. Se I ect Lng P-n ef f ' c Pr. t s -:a I e f -~:- topx;grapt. i c ma d-,;,r -'n -, t,.r r 'I , ' ' exploltation of deposits. [Trujyj no.-,'723- I - ~ m ". I-A .- . , - _~YACHIN, Ivan Kirillovich; 24UGUY, S.I., red. (Moscow; a concise guidebook] Moskvao kratkii putevoditell lzd./+. dop. Moskva# Mysll, 1964. 286 p. (MIRA 17s12) MYACHPL Ivan Kirillovich; 30GLY1, S.I. 9 red.; KONOVALM9 I.K., mlad- - -.- KOSHEMA9 S.M., MICHEVSKI79 G.N., red. kart. [Moscow; concise guidebook) Moskva; kratkii putevoditell. Izd.3., dop. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1961. 174 p. I fold. map. (KIRA 14-9) (MoBcow--Guidebooks) ITISTM=Wt V.Ve . gornyy inzh.; MACHIN, S.D., gornyy- inzh. ------- - Drift mining at a speed of 421.8 m. per month. Gor. zhur. no.12: 20-22 D ,6o. (KM 13:12) 1. Treat Daerzhinakruda, KrIvoy Rog. (Hining engineering) MYACHIN, V., starsh4 inzhener Automatic control of the cathodic protection of ships. Mor. flot 21 no. 6:23-24 Je 161. (KIRA 14:6) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morskogo flota. M113(Naval architecture)--Corrosion) (Cathodic protection) (Automatic control) HYACHIN, V.A. Preparation of dr7 fruit JeUies b7 means of the 'Pionerl sieving machine. Ilonz.i ov.prom. 15 no.8:20-21 Ag 160. (Krft 13:8) 1. Lipetskaya oblastnaya proyektnaya kontora. (Trubetchino-Jell7) 20-114-3-8/60 AUTHOR: Myachin, V. F. TITLEi On Systems of TwoBriat- and Bcuquet Equations (0 sistemakh dvukh uravneniy Brio i Buke) M-RIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,V01014,Nr 3,PPr-479-482(USSR) ABSTRACT: The author here examines the system of the two differential equations (generally speaking in the complex domain) + F xdy 1'x - p 9 X) (s . 19*2) (1). Y yl ' p (Y P Y al I 2 s s2 2 s holo- In this connection the p signify constants and the F a sj morphic functions af all their arguments in the surroundings ' of the point x - y 0, which disappear in this point ' together with their ;ar?ia l first order derivatives to y 1 and Y2* Furthermore the initial conditions (2) y s--PO at x---P-0 (s - 1, 2) are assumed. In this connection x may tend towards 0 in a way that arg x remains limited. The following problems are raised in the present paper: 1) The structure of the solutions of system (1) which satisfy Card 1/3 the conditions (2) in the surroundings of the point x - 0 are 2o-114-5-8/6o On Systems of Two Bricrt-and Bouquet Equations to be studied. In*this connection all logically possible cases are to be examined which are determined by the properties of the roots of equation (3) P11 -1 pl%~ 0 P21 P22 1 2) Those conditions are to be determined under which holo- mor;~hic solutions exist in the doubtful cases. 3) When in system (1) the functions F s(Y11 Y2, x) together with their first order derivatives to Y11 Y2 disappear in point x - y, 'Y2 a 00 this system under any assumptions on the roots of equation (3) has a family of solutions with the property y1--00, Y2-+O' On a certain curve L on which the argument x remains finite, x-*O must still apply. This family contains one or two arbitrary constants accord:Lng to the fact whether one or both roots of equation (3) have positive real parts. According to the properties of these roots the family of the solutions may be represented by one of the series given in Card 2/3 this paper. These series uniformly converge at any small On Systems of Two Briot.- and Bouquet Equations 20-114-3-8/6o values of IxI and at any values of the arbitrary constants. The various possible cases are enumerated. There are 3 re- ferences, I of which is Soviet, 1 French and 1 English. A330CIATIONs Instituteof Theoretical Astronomy AS USSR (Institut teo- reticheskoy as;ronomii Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTEDt November 120 1956t by V. 1. Smirnov, Member of the Academy SUBMITTEDt October 30, 1~-56 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: 43-7-10/18 TITLE: On the System of Two Equations of Briot and Bouquet (0 sisteae dvukh uravneniy Brio i Buke) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universitsta,SeriA Matenatiki,Nekh&niki i Astronomii, 1958, Nr 7 (2), pp 88-102 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers the system of equations M dy p y + p 2 + F 8(yl#y29x)' 9.1,2, - dx 51 1 s2y where p sj are constant and F a are holomorphic in the neighborhood of x - y 0, where F vanish in the zero 1 Y2 a Ty. point. 1 ' 7Y2 The author investigates solutions for which ys-oO an x --),0, where especially the case is considered when the roots )11,1\ 2 of the equation (2) p P12 1 P21 P22- -h I Card 1/2 are positive integral and satisfy the conditions On the System of Two Equations of Briot and Bouquet 43-7-10/18 m + a1 -A1+ a2 'A2- ?ki (J-1,2) or when -Al ' X2- Further the author asks for conditions for the existence of holomorphic solutions. The author's method corresponds in essential to the method of Picard. The most essential result: For arbitrary roots of (2), (1) has solutions with the property y a-11-0 if x tends to sero on a curve L, where arg x remains finite. The solutions contain one or two arbitrary constants depending on the fact if one or both roots ',N have positive real parts. 1 Soviet and 2 foreign references are quoted. SUBMITTED: 27 September 1957 AVAILABLEz Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Integrals 2. Differential calculus SOV/35-59-9-6930 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 9, p 9 (USSR) AUTHOR: Myachin, V.F. TITLE: On the Evaluation of the Numerical Integration Error in Et 11tions of Celestial Mechanics PERIODICAL: Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AS USSR 1959, Vol 7, Nr 4, pp 257 - 280 (Engl. r6sum,6) ABSTRACT: The question is examined of evaluating the error which accumulates in numerical integration of differential equations on account of errors in the initial data, the discardirg of terms of higher orders in interpolated formulae, and rounding errors. The mathematical formulation of the problem is borrowed from S.M. Lozinskiy, who has given a linear approximation to the solution of the problem with the aid of evaluations of the solutions of equations in variations. However, having in mind the applications of celestial mechanics, the author adapts the exposition to quadrature methods (on the example of Cowell's method) and in contrast to Lozinskly, examines the rounding error from the probability point of view. A general Card 1/2 formula was obtained giving the probability that the error from rounding ~0 SOV/35-59-9-6930 On the Evaluation of the Numerical Integration Error in Equations of -,elestia_ Mechanics does not exceed a certain definite value, dependent on the extension of the interval of integration, the number of steps, and solutions of equations in variations, as well. as the probability that this magnitude exceeds the real error by not more than -r~ times, where q is any given number. The theory is used for unperturbed motion, in particular, formulae are derived for elliptic and circular motions, corresponding qualitatively with Brower's well-known result, (the error at the k stepis respectively proportional to k 3/2 and k 1/2, but with the coefficient of proportionality different from Brower's co- efficient). Cj. A. Merm. an Card 2/2 28 (1) S//1 1 Y60/000/02/006/015 AUTHORs Myachin, V. F. 3014 B014 TITLE~ Elastic Coupling of Driving MechanismA-n Automatic YachinesR PERIODICjtb; Priborostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 2, Pp 15 - 16 'USSR) ABSTRACTa Automatic machines are frequently provided with micromotors combined with various mechanisms. In some cases elastic couplings in the form of spiral springs are used, which have many advantages. The moment of inertia is low, and elastic and smooth operation is guaranteed. An instruction is given for the calculation of such springs, in which the moment of inertia of the micromotor is neglected in 8etting up the equation of motion of the system (Fig 1). Finally., the author discusses the solution of this inhomogeneous differential equation in detail and presents a formula for the stiffness of the spring, There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 MYACHIN, V.F., inzh. Automatic operation of an electric tackle. Plekh.i avtoo.proizv. 14 no.6:42-43 Je '60. (MIRA 13:7 (Hoisting machiner7) MAKAROV, V.A.; MYACHIN, V.F, Transistorized measuring equipment for marine automatic control systems of the electrochemical protection against corrosion. Inform. sbor. TSNII14F no.64. Tekh. ekspl. mor. flota no.915/,63 161. (MIRA 16:6) (Hulls (Naval architecture)--Corrosion) (Cathodic protection) (Atitomatic control) MACH14p--T.F.; CHEBOTAREV, G.A.,, prof.; GOL'SHTEYN, G.A., red.izd-va; SOROKINA, V.A., (Estimating the error of numerical methods for the integration of equations of celestial mechanics] Otsenka pogreshnosti chislennykh metodov integrirovaniia u*;wnenii nebesnoi mwkhaniki, Moskva, 1962. 537-639 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut teoreticheskoi astronomil. Biulleten'l vol.8, no.8). (MIRA 17:3) MYACHIN, V.F. Automatic control of the cathodic protection against the corrosion of the underwater part of the hull of the motorship "S7a-ne tiia." Inform. sbor. TSNIIMF no.94 Tekh. ekspl. mor.flota no.21:61-16 163. (MIRA 17:4) MYACHIN, V.F. I strict evaluati-n c' the e-ror cf 1r".1. Blul. Inst. teor. I? Iti- ( MID A I " : 11", ;Iik- HYACHIN V.F. .,:L A rigorous estimate of the error in StZrmerts method,. Part 2. Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 10 no.3.*204-229 165. (MIRA 1898) L 02417..67 E7irr(m)/T/EWP(t)/ETI ACC NRi AT6014880 _A.UTHOR: Hyachin, V. F. ORG: IJP(o) DS/JD/WB/JXT(CZ) SOURCE CODE: UR/2752/65/000/077/0049/0066 i TITLE: The electrochemic link as a controlled object in a cathode protection systemi SOURCE: Leningrad. Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut morsko_go_flota. Trudy, no. 77, 1965. Avtomatizatsiya i vychislitel'naya tekhnika na morskom flote (Automation and computer engineering in the Merchant Marine), 119-66 I TOPIC TAGS: electroerosion, corrosion protection eA.)49 C /0 C~ - A~) 4.,~ C, ABSTRA5T: The article discusses the methods and results of investig ting the electro-1 I chemiptLl link in systems for the cathodic protection of ship's hulls1gainst corro- ion.\_~The author empirically determines the nonlinear dy- I namic characteristics of thi link and calculates its static characteristics as a controlled object. A system for controlling cathodic protection typically consists of: an electrochemical link (to be~: controlled) formed by the ship's hull and anodes; a direct-current power source; a transducer of the controlled quantity (comparison electrode); measuring, starting, Con- trolling, and commutating devices. He reduces the control problem to the approximate solution of complex operatcr-type equations and Laplace-type partial differential Card 1/2 UDC: 620.197. 5-53 L 02417-67 ACC NR: ATI equations with distributed parameters, which describe the potential distribution and displacement strength over the underwater surface of the ship's hull. Boundary and other conditions (e. g., static and dynamic data, respectively computed and experi- mental) are found to satisfy requirements of constant potential or certain limiting inequalities. Solutions are found for various systems of cathodic protection. The author concludes that the electrochemical link can be considered some times as an aperiodic first-order link and other times as a complex integrating circuit with lag, which is unstable in a certain sense (e. g., steadily increasing values of the vari- ables). Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 07.13/ SUBM DATE. none/ ORIG REF: 013/ OTH REF: 003 hs Card 2/2 D2 5 9X7') 08 AU'2 0 R 111yachin, V.Ye., Assistant -I M T A -."eoretical ,%ethod of determining the dynamic unba- I -a-ice of rotors Izvt;stiya vysshikh uchebr-ykh zavedeniy. 1~'ashinostroye- niye. Vestnik, no. 2, 1962, 5 - 13 ility o' u ~tin 'he cozn- ne au-,,ho- cons'ders the :,ossib -im~r g searching systems in deiez,.-uning the unbalance, and finda _az this can oe done if osciIlatory motion of rotor is used, fts :,.aximum amplltu~e being of -.he order of a few de.;--rees. The equa- s 3 f m o t 1' on o unbalance-- _-Gtor ai-e fo.-mul--ted and solved _`n the first approxiLiation with respect to y . Expressions are dedu- 'IX ced for deter_-ininE the quantities o--:' -.-Aez-al so be remcived lrom the rotor in order to balance the systen, as weII as placez. from which -I-ese must be removed. T-11--c Dracticai ,..ethod o-' -7e-errnir.Jng the un- S/14 02/000/002/001/009 i)alance is as foilows: The vibrations of the supDorts ti, E21 _11"2 ue to the unbalance are transformed into eiectric oscillations, amp- n ~.Iard 1/2 3/14 62/OGC/0O2/GG1/-,G9 A theoretical method of determining D259YD308 - ~ -:'4 ed and add ed 6-eometrical ly; the :ieights .,ihich viould bal an ce the ro-,,c~r and their an-ular cocrdinates can be obtained directly. A dia- ,,raTa of the installation developed fo.- this purpose is given; expe- T ere are 6 figu- i-ental tests are stated to confirm the theory. Ah -es. ASSOCLLTION: Penzenskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Polytechnical Institute, Penza) SUBL'IT2ED; Pe'jruary 2, 1961 C~~xd 2/2 -T7 bid Cl dtiad lind locatlon of. finbaUnoe" 0 coard Im It w be -.o Al the tdy~at~ orOAt ll~~6 lft&1113~~ Owl d: *6 idtor to ahoar oo' Ary on .1-0 M.. 0 r, mipi ;-Iocau*- 1"dftm to ite,3 a':"- et6r owns: aerM du Ili the, la- Ai~ tw damw-drawfle. PEW &M tk*:. tedrJ I h 4 4 d4 0' cdii6d tho& dii, me 0144 *w to t ~b P P-P MW 40 7-:- -U-, oftse -j -Ow exfttdb -A-. rotor. 0 c mV - ' - i' ~~U r'otation*. -p d"AbAM A:ds Of 01 Y. 15 when'the cer a T, v iju- rl Totallm of rptWity., The- p4er tho A -160nd-lflok- determldwcmi of w the pf0jdidati Of vie 'C' J6-pupporti wbkh Ong dng -k6d, odk, i3al -- ovo Ime llua-~ Vie- ftagdW& of the Imbalaned", Ab6' 0.11 086 ~I-j7 *j~.tbo tWo Vergl(y .-.- . . c I- , - i-- .~ - , 21, - , .1 1! t-, -~ ~' . -for A 6irlitib al, of tfi agram e system eterm-hiin& e-hnbalarice.of- rotors.. &T !v-e-Wc- a lim tortz", -transduters of elechical oht6l, 05 A one; 1696autig. d16 gat of th6jwbidafic4 ;J6 00 7L r n So Vecheryaya M oskv-A sum 71 MOISEM, A.A.; TOPWIOV, A.M.; L~IYAGHlo, Y,:).V. Use of ste-ara-gas power plants on BnIPO. Trudy LKI rO-38,lF-,- 195 162, OMIRA 16-.7 ykh turbin Laningradskogo 1. Kafedra sudovykh parovykh i gazov- korablestri-,itellnogo instituta. (Marine engineering) ACCESSION NR: AP4006173 3/0229/63/000/012/0029/0032 AUT11OR: Topunov. A. M. (Candidate of technical sciences); Myachin. Ye. V. (Ent;- TITLE: Problem of using a difference method for analyzing turbine stage perfor- mance under variable regimes SOURCE: Sudostroyeniye, no. 12, 1963, 29-32 TOPIC TAGS: turbine performance, difference method, turbine, turbine stage, firite difference method, relaxation method, gas turbine, gas turbine unit, gas turbine performance ABSTRACT: The authors make use of the difference methods of A. Ya. Cherkez /-Primeneniye metoda maly*kh Otkloneniy v Teorii I Raschete Aviatsionny*kh TRD (Applications of the Method of Small Deviations in the Theory of and Calculations for Aviation Turbojet Engines) OborongLz. 19557, which they apply to the analysis of the working of single- and multi-stage gas turbines in different regimes. The parameters considered in describing the regime are pressure and temperature fore and aft of the turbine stage, consumption of working fluid and rotational spoed of the turbine. Universal characteristic curves are presented which show the pressure drops and efficiencies for a two-stage turbine against axes labeled Card 1/2 ACCESSION Kit: AP4006173 G VTS / PZ and /I/ Tb' where C is the weight consumption of working substance, T the teapersture, p the pressure and n the turbine revolution*. it is stated. that an extension of difference techniques to turbines in supercrutical regime and in special constructions (such as a bi-rotating turbine) is in progress. ASSOCIATION: none SUMMED: 00 DATE AGQ: 07Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PR NO REP SOV: 005 OTM: 000 2/2 Card- C-L E, -L 461?5=-&6 ZIT (m I!M,-TP C W )-' 74P ~ f ) IEZP~ Ir- 12T =2/-=' 7~kl -- ---j-j TIC 1P.6021934 SOURCE CODE: UR/0143/66/000/003/0062/0068 AUTHOR: Moiseyev, A. A. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); .Topunov, A. M. (Candid of technical sciences); Sbnitser, G. Ya. Ky Yu. N. (Engine ,(Englneer); --ichlnl' Y?-, V. (Engineer); Kyjesh or) ORG: Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute (Leningradskiy korabloBtroitellnyy .institut) T,TTLE: Effect of the form of the bounding aurfaces of the flow through !section on the working process of a turbine stage ;SOURCE: IVUZ. Energetiks, no. 3, 1966, 62-68 !TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamic theory, turbine stage, turbine design ;'ABS11'RACT: One of the main factors determining the end losses tn a ,turbine is the amount of overlap between stages. The present artiole gives the results of an ~pvestigation of the effect of the overlap at itbe point of the blades"Kn the overall characteristics and on the ,structure of the tb-ree'-Timensional flow in the stages of a marine !turbine. Experiments were carried out with various geometries of the :system; the results are shown In tabular and graphic form. In generals :the following conclusions were drawn.* 1) the positive overlap before i Card _ 1/2 UDC: --621A165 L ACC NRs AP6021934 .the turbine jet unit and the gap between the overlap and the entry edges of the blades have a pother strong effect on the efficiency and other ;.overall ebargeteristics of the turbine stages. It is shown that losses ;due to overlap can exceed losses due to sudden expansion of the flow; 2) the fact that the observed effect of positive overlap was greater .tbam In previous investigations is attributed to the presence of a conical outer bounding surface and to the absence of twist In the working blades; 3) the effect of the overlap and of the 5ap increases I .with an increase In the relative length of the blades; 4 the discharge :coefficient decreases with an Increase in the overlap and a decrease In 'the gap; this is explained by an Increase of the losses in the jet I inozzle unit; 5) a change in the axial gap has practically no effect on the nature of the effect of the overlap. Orig. art. has: 5 figures And 1 table. :SUB CODE:Q 20 SUBM DATE: Oljul65/ ORIG REF: 003 )~__SOURCE CC)'DE':---Uf~/C)143/0'6/ooo/c.,~~/QO54/oo63-- ACC NR. AP6032582-A AUTHOR: Myachin, -Ye. V. (Engineer); Topunov, A. M. (Caric-',11ate of technicaf-1-6i Docent) ORG: Leningrad Ship Building :nstitute (Leningradskiy korablestroltellnyy Institut) TIT TZ~: 'he proble 'm of investigating turbine stage performance undei Variable regimes and supersonic exit velocities SOURCE: IVUZ.. Energetika, no. 9, 1966, 54-63 TOPIC TAGS: turbine design, turbine stage . X.3=P1=WT=Mc36- . single stage turbine, turbine performance analysis, difference method, difference equation, supersonic flow, subsonic flow ABSTRACT: A difference method is proposed for the analys!3 of turbine stage performance under variable regimes and at supersonic flow exit velocities. The method, based on the use of gasdynaml6c f-,.~nctions (re- duced flow rate and reduced velocity), consists in: 1) seating up difference equations taking into account the possible expansion of a working medium in an oblique lattice cross section, and 2) classifica- -'on and analysis of various flow cases and the establishment of their characteristics. The use of the method is illustrated by applying it Card_l 2 UDC: 621.165. ACC NR'- AP6032582 to the calculation of a single stage turbine. The method makes it possible to determine the stage parameters for turbines with subsonic and supersonic flow exit velocities under regimes different from the design regimes. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas, 2 figures, and 2 tAbl-~s.i I (WA-7051! SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 19Apr65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 MTACHINA, A. I. Some data on the vegetation and climate of the lower Cretaceous period in the Amur-Zeya depression. VoD.geog.Dal'.Vost. no-3:116-119 157. (KDU 10:12) (Amur Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Zeya Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) 14YACHINA, A.I. Boundary between Tertiary and (qmternar7 sediments in the Amyir- ,Il,, -j:rj Zeya Depression. Sov.geol. 2 no.11:131-134 H '59. ()/ . j (Amu:r Valley-Iftoloej. Stratigrapinic) (Zeya Valle,7--Goology. Stratigraphic) DRUZHINIHA, A.V.; RYSAKOV, M.T.; GOLIDSIITZYN, D.L.; NZOLAYNji, V.G.; JACITINA, %.S.; ROC/JV, S.P. Pmduction lovr pour-point smotor and industrial oils fr" different crudme bv iftans of hydrogenntion and carbamidn Ifivinxing jethods. Trudy VNII W no.7-166-190 158. (MIRA 12:10) (PetrnImuu--AefinIng) (Ioubrication Rn(I lubricants) 3/08 61/000/006/088/117 li, 176 0 B167YBIO'l AUTHORS: Druzhinina, A. V., Tarmanyang G. S., MX~~chi2jaf M. S., Morozova, I. V. TITLE: Alkyl phenol additives from formaldehyde condensation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimija, no. 06, 1962, 541-542, abstract 61A262 (Sb. "Prisadki k maslam i toplivam". 14., Gostoptekhizdat, 1961, 20-26) TEXT: A description is given of the synthesis of the additives Vnii NP-3709 Vnii NP-371, and Vnii NP-372, which are the oil concentrates (-,50% in spindle oil No. 2) of the Ca, Ba, and Li salt, respectively, of the condensation product of alkyl phenol with CH20. The phenol is alkylated with polymer distillate in the presence of phenol sulfonic acid as a catalyst, which is previously prepared by treating phenol with H2 so4 (6% of the combiied amount of phenol and polymer distillate). The additive Vnii NP-371 (viscosity 17-80 centistokes/1000C) contains 7-9% of Ba. Prolonged treatment with Ba (OHY"2 0 at 1450C doubles the Ba Card 1/2 3/081/62/000/006/086/117 Alkyl phenol additives from ... B167/B101 content without significantly altering the viscosity. The additive Vnii NP-370 contains 2-2.5% of Ca, which increases to 3-3.5,-/- if the additive is prepared by treating alkyl phenol simultaneously with CH20 (as a 37% aqueous solution) and CaO in the presenoe of a promoter. The effect of the alkyl phenol:CH20 ratio and of some other conditions on the quality of the additive Vnii NP-370 is also investigated. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-I Card 2/2 V ACCESSION NR: AT4045963 S/2996/64/000/054/036Z/0367 AUTHOR: Drukovany*y. M. F. ( Candida. to of tecImical sciences); Komir, V - M. Enamor# (Litvinp L. N. (Enginaer),_$jacIiina, N.. 1. (Engineer) TITLE. The effect of the air gap in the ch~~rge on the speed with which the stemming is blown from the shaft and the,time characteristics of the blast im,-ulse SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye gornoye obshchestvo. Vzry*vnoye delo, no. 5L/11, 1964. Upravlenlye deystviyem vzry~cva (Control of blasting operations), 362-j67 TOPIC TAGS: blasting, mine blasting, air gap, stemming, blast Impulse, explosion efficiency ABSTRACT: The authors have conducted a series of experiments to measure the pres- sure of the gases on the stemming and the speed with which the explosion products escape from the shaft. In the present article, they report on the results of two of the more characteristic experimental blasts set off at the Dokuchayevsk;y flyuso-dolomitny-,',y kombinat (ookuchayev Flux-Dolomite Combine) for the purpose of studyi,ig the effect of air gaps on the above-mentioned factors. For this purpose, a steel tumbler, 220 mm in diameter and 300 mm in height, was placed in the shaft on an explosive charge; located within the casing of the tumbler there were sensors for the measurement of pressure. Attached to the tumbler was a 1.5-inch tube, 5-7 meters in length, Inside of which wire leads were run from the sensors to an N-700 Card 1/2 I ACCESSION NR: AT4o45963 oscilloscope. The shaft section above the steel tumbler was filled in with sandy- clay stemming. The part of the tubing which protruded above the shaft was alter- natjely colored black and white in order to facilitate observations of it during the blast. The assumption was that, during the explosion, the tumbler would block the gases in the shaft with sufficient efficiency, with the movement of the tumbler and tubeIserving to characterize the process of stemming blow-out. The flight of the tube was recorded by means of an SKS-Im high-speed motion-picture camera. Further details and mathematical considerations are given in the article. The authors found that the speed with which the stemming leaves the shaft depend5, to a considerable degree, on the size of the air gap, with the length of the gap, in turn, constituting one of the decisive factors which determine the time character- istics of the blast impulse. They also determined that the use of charges with air gaps permits a 15-4004 Increase in the duration of the blast impulse, thus mak- ing possible the attainment of a higher degree of efficiency In the explosion it. self. orig. art. has: 2 tables and 15 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Filial instituta mekhaniki AN USSR (Branch Office of the Institute of Mechanics, AN UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE, WA Card 2/2 NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 DRUKOVANYY, M.F., kand. teklin. nauk; KOMIR, V.14.. !riLh.; LITVINI I..N., inzh.; -MYACHINA, N.I., inzh. Effect of the air space in a charge on Lhe ejectton speed of the stemming out of' Lhe hole and temForary charar,"C-ria- ties of the detonation "inpulBe. Vzryv. (J(?Io no.~4/111; 362-367 164. PCHII 1. Filial InstitiWi mpkhanikA AN U~.rS~;F. DRUKOVANYY, M,F,, kand. tekhn. nauki KOMIR, V.M., inzh.; MYACHINA, N.I., inzh. Modeling the rock breaking procoiss under the affect; of blastinge Vzryv. delo no.57/14sl-12..120 065. KUU 18ill) 124-11-13248 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 11, p 139 (USSR) AUTHORS: Riznichenko, Yu. V., Silayeva, 0. 1., Shamina, 0. G., Myachkin, V.I., Glukhov, V. A., Vinogradov, S. D. TITLE: Seismo-Acaustic Methods for the Study of Stress Conditions in Mountain Rocks on Samples and In Loco. (Seysmoakusticheskiye metody izucheniya napryazhennogo sostoyaniya gornykh porod na obraztsakh i v massive. ) PERIODICAL: Tr. Geofiz. in-ta A N SSSR, 1956, Nr 34 (161). pp 74-163 ABSTRACT: The study surveys various methods for the investigation of stress conditions in mountain rocks. Principal attention is directed to the impulse method and the aCOUStiC method. It is indicated that with an increase in pressure the modulus of elasticity grows faster than the density. Therefore, the speed of sound, which is proportional to the square root of the ratio of the modulus of elasticity and the densitv, increases with increasing pressure; more specifically, the 5peed of sound is proportional approximately to the one-sixth power of the Card I /Z pressure. It is noted, further, that the formation of cracks, at the WACHKIR, V. 1. 49-3-15/16 AUTHOR: Kirillov. F. A. TITLE: Conference of juni-r research workers, engineers and aspirants of the 1nstitute of the ?I-kysics of the Sarth. Ac. 3c., U.S.S.R. (Konferentsiya mladshikh nauchnykh sotrudnikov, inzhenerov i aspirantov Instituta Fiziki Zemli AN S35R). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiva Akademii Nauk, Seriya Goofizicheskaya" (Bulletin of the Ac. Sc., Geophysics Series), 1957, No-3, pp. 41.1-415 ABSTRACT: The conference was held on December 24-26. 1956, 21 papers were read relating to work completed in 1955 and 1956. In this report the contents of the individual papers are briefly summarised. V. I. Myachkin, read -ia sive the pa,-er "Study of the Strees S ~eo ~al s~ Under Mine Working Conditions by Means of Ultrasonics". Rj-7ZijjCM~,kM,p YU.V. and MOWN. V-1. Olav"ttatlow lnto Back Prosaure# The Procous or DIAluftputim and the Ph"IcomMacbmulical Propenles or Backe umder Varylng Pressure by vAmm or soisoco-scoustic motho".* reywt to be Wesented at the intermtlama Back hvesure Conforenceg Parls j, Fmncep i6-m may 196o. S/049/60/000/01/007/027 3201/9191 AUTHORS: Hyachkin, V.I.', and Solov1yeva, R.P. "In Sit7~ TITLE: ves gation of Short-Distance Propagation of Ultrason-io Elastic Waves In Rocks PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1960, No 1, pp 63-93 TEXTs The experiments were ca.-T'Ied out, with elastic waves of 50 kels frequency at a, depth of 300 m in the Kalush potassium mine near Stanislavov. The apparatus consisted of a mining selsmosc.-,ope OP-55, an ultrasonic seismograph IKL-4 and piezoelectric p1e,~kups made of Rochelle salt. The layout of the experiment Is shovri In Fig 1, some seismograms are given in Figs 2 and 3 and czl~--ulat~,ons are illustrated in Fig L~ and Table 1. With bases of the orde: oJ" 0.3-1.0 m the accuracy of determination of the elastic wave velocity was 1-3%. The experiments yielded the following ~zalues of the velocities of the direct longitudinal (vp) and Rayleigh (vp.) waves in sylvinltes vp - 3 500-3700, vR = 1800, 1900 M/ser, and in Ilzuber"s vp = 4100, vR 7. 2100 m/se~~ ("zubel-" li the loc~al Polish name for breociform hal.1te, after a PolliFh geologIst Card 1/;;~ I/ S/049/60/000/01/007/027 3201/sigi IfIn Situ" Investigation of Short-Distance PTopagation of Ultrasonic Elastic Waves in Rocks R. Zuber). These velocities were used to calculate elastic-. constants of these two rocks (Table 2). The authors determined also the coefficients of quasi-anisotropy. These coefficients are defined as the ratios X = v~,:/vL where v.,., and v_L are, respectively, the velocities of longitudinal waves along and at right angles to the direction of stratIfication. For sylvinite with small amounts of "zuber" the anlaotTopy coeff1clent was X"t 1.05-1.07; for sylvinite with large amounts of "zuber" X'!'- 1.03; and for "zuber" itself Y-f7&1_ The results obtained can be used both in engineering and in seismic prospecting. The work was carried out under the direction of Yu.V.. Rlznlchenko. and L.M. Palenov took part in the oxperLmen,s, Tft-ere are 7figures, 2 tables and 21 referencess 10 Soviet, 5 llnglish, 1 Polish, 3 German, 1 French and I Itali&n. ASSOCIATIONs Akademiya naak SSSR, Institut fiziki zemli (Institute Card 2/2 of Physics of the Earth, Acad,.Sci, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 3, 1959 MYACHKTN, V. Ye.; RIZNICHENK0, Yu. V.; PALENOV, A. M. "Investigation of propagation of ultrasonic surface waves." Joint paper with Ye. Vanek, K. Klima and Z. Pros, Geophysics Inst, Czec,, AS presented at Acoustics of Solid Media Conf, Warsaw, 1-10 Oct 64. Inst of Soil Physics, Moscow. MUCHKINIP V.I.; KRAVETS, V.V.; SOWVIYEVA, R.P. Ultrasonic studies of the physicomechanical properties of iron ores and enclosing rocks In the Krivoy Rog Basin. Geofiz. abor. no.7:45-50 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut geofiziki AN UkrSSR. ACC NR: AT6032745 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/ooo/0158/0166 .AUTHOR: Vinogradov, S. D.; Myachkin. V. I. OEG: none ;TITLE: Seismoacoustic methods of investigating rock failure and stress state SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Geoakustika; ispollzovaniye zvuka i ul'trazvuka v seysmologii, seysmorazvedke i gornam dele (Geoacoustics; the use of sound and ultrasound in seismology, seismic :prospecting, and mining). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 158-166 TOPIC TAGS: rock failure, rock stress, seismic wave F-p _rli~ltri:am, acoustic analysis, earthquake, mining engineering, elnstic 1wave, ultrasonics ABSTRACT: Developments in seismic and acoustic methods of investigating .rock failure and ;tress in connection vith attempts to forecast mine !disasters and earthquakes are described. The following achievement5 ihave been recorded in using the seismic method: 1) the IPA ultrasonic ~pulse device has now been put into general use in both laboratory ex- !Periments and in the field, 2) a method of ultrasonic parameter meas- urements of the seismic characteristics of rocks has been worked out; 13) a method of investigating the dependence of the seismic charaeteria- LC~jrd 1/2 ACC NRt AaP6032745 tics of elastic waves on artificially created pressure has been devel- oped; 4) it has been determined that a sharp increase followed by a decrease of elastic wave velocity occurs before rock failure. T h e acoustic method has yielded the following results: 1) noise and elastie !pulse enerGy observations alone are not adequate in providing all the .variable characteristics in the acoustic regime; 2) it has been estab- ,li3hed that the distribution of the number of pulses with reapect to energy obeys a static law that manifests itself when rock failure is inde- iDendent of the scale of failure. The slope of the N(E) distribution i~urve does not have a universal constant value, but depends on the pro- perties of the rock and the rate of deformation. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. 1 SUB CODE: 00/ SUBM DATE: 28Mar66 2/2 ACC-NR~_A:-1 050_32_f4_6_~_O~R~j -CODj_.- 6/oco/ooo/oi66/-0- 177- U j/ _()o o 6-i6 AUTHOR: Kravets, V. V.; Myachkin, V. I.; Solov'yeva, R. ORG: none TITLE: Ultrasonic pulse investigations in the Krivoy no,7, iron mines SnURCY: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Geoakustika; Jspollzovaniye zvuka i ul'trazvuka v seysmologii, seysmorazvedke i gornor. dele (Geoacousties; the use of sound and ultrasound in seismology, seismic prospecting, and mining). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, ir"6-177 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic logging, acoustic logging, elastic wave props-, tion, seismic wave propagation a. g ABSTRACT: The results of the first attempts by the Institute of Physicsi of the Earth of the Academy of Sciences USSR and the Inst-*tute of Geo- physics of the UkrSSR to use the ultrasoniz pulse method ~n iron mines of the Krivoy Rog basin are described. Experiments were conducted to determine the physicomechanical parameters and the ore and the surround-:- ing rock, to establish the dependence of elastic-wave velocity on the i -pressure in the ore blocks, and to test the method of observing changas~ the state of the ore block during operations. The OP-55 mine seis- moscope, the IKL-5 device, piezoelectric transducers, and the transporlw-i Card 1/2 ACC NR% AT6032T46 ' 'I e.. ~ ab 'PA device were used in the tests. As a result of the tests, this, method of determining elastic wave velocities in ore blocks as well as studying their dependence on external loading was further developed. Data was obtained on elastic-wave velocities in the ores and enclosing rocks, and the nature of velocity change near the walls of excavated surfaces was established. The power distribution characteristics of an explosion in the mine'vere analyzed. Orig. art. has 10 figures. iSUB CODE: Ovo/SUBM DATE: 28Mar66/ ORIG REF:' oo6/ OTH REF,. 002 Card 2/2 W" MTACHKOV, A. I Industrial team. Prom. koop. 12 no.83 Ag '513. (MIRA 11:9) I.Chleu komplokenoy brigady, glavuyy inzKener i tekhnoruk arteli "Trudodezhda, * Moskva. (Clothing industry~Management) KYAGHKOV, Yu.N. Machinery designs must meet the requirements of safety engineering. Put' i put.khoz. 5 no.6:9 Je '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Tekbnicheskiy Inspektor TSentral'nogo komiteta profsayuza rabochikh zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. (Machinery--Safety measures) MYACHKOV, Yu. N. .. ....... . Improve the working conditions. Put' i put.khoz. 7 no.12:43 163. (MIRA 16-12) 1. Tekhnicheskiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta professionallnogo soyuza rabochikh zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. fb~i.dftk6VAj As Ti, Dissertation; "The Water Cycle and Drought Resistance of Millet and Wheat in Salty Soil." Cand Biol Sci, Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Inst, 13 May 54. Vechernymya Mosk7a, Moscow, 3 May 54. SO: SM4 284, 26 Nov 1954 S/jG9j6-)/00G/012/-'65/C, ~5 D228/a7AO7 xul jzxe sj-opc-~; x, sJay'~~Z~L 'L-orc5t o[ :,outh--~esst '~r, 6co~izill-.a, no.12, 19(,..,, 6o-ol, !L-~) D,; al3str.jct 1213390 un-ta, Geognlfiya, I I-to. ~l L9621 54-62) 1- orc:ci- to the microclimatic ~-~ivorz,.L)le for forcct trrouth o--,. nor-ulAnrly slopels, the .-Ic)dodcndro,.i 'o I.i a-c o-~ an c-care~l in '-,9,"/ 1-, 0i:. mossy r, Ic s t u,' -' c n U 1c, ,;-.t 0 Z t It--, L'.011-11- unc same ty-,.c o-; i 7,:: 5, i~L U tainoi.s J~orcsst--stcp,;c 'i Lt -,z a ;aL~ .iit o' LIOC, arc, a. M a 5 ;ult o," -tr-ilyzing t,ic ~AcrocLi- z~c slo,)er, in tll',~ conditions o4- )ar i(~ ..crl-sted northerly .Lorcst-stel),)e o.' -)cs mith a o, -'- -100 receive 10-15.. :(2s- c:4-cct soiar io l-j-- - - - s radiation than a horizontal si~rZacc. Tile canody Of Cleciduo-us -f-Or(,Sc Card 1/3 32/0 0-0/012/0 ~/G 1." -5 1-icroclimate 01, fc---~ Strk-, rct'lillf: .~:4 on cc;.' a northerly slo:)C. :-.0, of 510.,C. ")Y 11- cfroatcr t, --a -'-- ~-it',% -~ sic) ~C si-acc ia sul-,---r Z, lil- L - I I . - t he L orcst cano:)y of t1--,(, total i t,~'. t _4 0.-1. '~.'he lar~-',cst o~itlav o~ moisture fror. th2 soil ~ls a re-ulL o tc~.ns~ r. ti On allc i C v Z1, ) o r 0 -,1 S -A.".cc i ri -h(,. Hrst !Ial' 0- 1. ,owar,Is tho enC~ 0.'- dr;:c-:o)-*ta,ior. -u1, n -~Ullust restores L-C. I -I th-- to uc~)ths C)- 1,or(z thla 20 cm. k,-zi a" )II-rc. sLo ~ioil tccucraltuvc in c !,.,,,r 0 0-20 cm ri-;:-.cs dur--'n- t..e su-, bv an -,vera-rc o--7 2 -,,~Orc if, t1ic casc i-, 'forcst. J-:L at tl,.c- of: -n ODC-11 slo-)e will u:,, qu-'-c~---er than cne in Zorest. c--.1o.,)y incr,--,a--cs t:ie frostles-L; pc~--Lv' :jy aL:7.o-,~t ouc L-n a.,. aver..'(:1 Forcs": r--4-se-- t--~-,)C-raturc- 01, -ho st-r~--cc' )y -'-'0 a 1 0'. 1 C! 1- -- t ". l ur C 5 - 6 -I ),arc ~,10)c Js tl,an "n i"orest. 'L'11,c L L Cre-,ccs in t'-,c `-iUrna]- V.1-7J.Lation of t'..c. air tom )craturc~ are o -,scrvecl at a heicht of 0.25 -m. -it a heignit o-rL-' 2 m the r_'iffcrences are c-v-e:,.- Q cd out as -1 rc:-,ul;-- o~ inte-asification oZ exchan-e, Jy d,~% ~;ard 2/3 3 /169/62/000/01:~/065/095 0/ llicrocLimatc of forcstr2e ... D228/,)307 'it this I-eve! the tcm)(-.r,iturc in forest many -vcn li-icr clearin,f. ','he air !L-Lu,.,i.-Lc1ity on a )arc northerLy slope is hi g1he r t'ian in the forest.' The greater r.,ioistening of an open northerly Slo-)e by procipitation leads- to a freater wetting o-Z sur-r-ace soil ~aycrs, whic11 111crCa-Ics evaporation from the surface. In comparison with a forest slope- ' any intcnoi-,Hcation of the radiation and the ~7ind velocity also results i-a the evaporation and absolute air humid- ity bc--*,q~ increaseC Li a clearin- as comparec! with the forest. 3y the relative air humidity, too, is hic,her in a clearin.g. ?,1~3stracter's note: -~~omplctc translation's Card 3/3 MYAGHKOVA, N.A. Temperature, humidity of the upper layer of the soil, and ve- getation in the forested steppe mountains of southwestern Transbaikalia. Vest, Moak. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 18 no.1:34-39 JA_F 163. (MIn 16:5) 1. Kafedra meteorologii i klimatclogii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Tranobaikalia--Soil physics) (Transbaikalia-Vegetation and climate) S/120/61/00k/OOLt/023/034 E03a/E~;14 AUTHORSt Perelygin V P. -Myachkova S A and Tolstov K D TITLE, Introduction of beryll-uni Srazns :nto photographIc emulsions PERIODICALi Pribory i tekhnika. eksperimenta 1961 No 4 pp-145-147 TEXT, Zh.S Takibayev (Ref.3z Zh eksperim i teor fiz.. 1953, 24. 229) is said to have been the first to introduce spheri:al metal grains into photographic emulsions Quantitative experiments zonzerned with -,he determinatlon of :ross-sections using non-spherical beryll:um grains were des_~ribed by S..S.Vasil 'yev V. V., Komarov A M Popo-v a fRef .,4 , PTE 1959 No.,I., 48)., The d.Lmens:.ons of "he gra..nq depend on the minimum range of charged particles which z~an be recorded in an ordinary emulsion (3 U approximately) However 1he grains :annot be too small since xhere may be Lcnf"sion as to whether the event takes placE in 'the grain or the emulsion, The present VIV authors have used the spark discharge method of evaporation of metals destribed by B, R Lazarenkc N 1, Lazarenko (Ref.53 Card 1/11 Introduction of beryllium grains 3/120/61/000/004/023/034 E032/E5.L4 Elektroiskrovaya obrabotka metallov (Elactratc Spark Treatment of Metals), 1950 Gc:senergcizda0 In the case of a spark discharge between two electrodes located in a dielectric it is found that in most cases the metal grains prcducr~d during the process are spher.-cal in fcrm, It as stated that the usuai c-,r~cuit," was employed with R -- '115 Ohm, C ~ 2-8 I~F V 110 V The average beryll.-um gra.;.n diameter was about 1,5 ~- The volume of the dielectric was 50 to 100 cc and the evaporation process was continued for 90 min. At first the dielectric employed 60 to was absolute alcohol, However ' the spark discharge in alcohol leads to the formation of BeO and Be~OH) 2 and complex insoluble compounds.. Tests were therefore made to determine whether the grains could be obtained with a spark discharge in liquefied argon, The evaporation was carried out in a dewar having a volume of about 200 zc, The argon was then driven off and the -volume was filled with alcohol In this wav il was possible to obtain isolated beryllium grains and the suspension could be kept for long periods of time. In ordsr To introducP the grains into the emulsiun. the photographic plates were placed horizontally and the Card 210 2 9 61- Introduction of beryllium grains ... S/120/61/U)0/00/t/023/034 R032/B114 suspension was poured on to it. The particles then sedimented down onto the surface and the alcohol was evaporated. The photo- graphic plate was then covered by a wet, unbacked emulsion and the composite emulsion was placed in a 5% solution of glycerine at 15% for 49 min. The emulsion was then removed from the glass backing and dried with filter paper. The two-layer photo plates were then placed into a water bath at 45-1*80C for 3 to 5 min. In this bath the upper layer fused into the lower one and the separation boundary could not be seen through a microscope. The procedure has been successfully used with Ilford 9-1, C-2, H1,11'. "' I- (NIKF1 Ya-2), T-I and T-3 emulsions. Fig.2 shows the diameter M and mass (11) distributions. N in this figure is the number of grains, M is the weight of the grains in units of 10-9 g/C1112, andd is the diameter in microns (horizontal axis). The method has been used in nuclear reaction studies with III MeV neutrons. Acknowledgments are expressed to G.Ye.Belovits1ciy for advice. There are 2 figures and 5 references: all Soviet. ASSoCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute AS' USSR) Card 3/1 B 1 C 2 B 2 L v, e r e I y,~ I n V TTTLE: e r a,: t i r o f v n,:: ; t r i h B E p ER I (I .1hurnal oks: j r'O 1249 T,:~X-, T~~e irtk:r a tic, n r)f Pe 1,~is 'cet~r; re-rea tell I,v on (e.F.9 ;. J. PI.ys. Q C~ 7 s t i I I , L 1, e r e ~I c t 'n I" * ot been fully ck~-.ri fi-I IS::1 r.hS r-, s 0 far. TI,c 'i u t hu r .9 'N a n tA i r t i s c, r. n e c t i o n t () s t ud y t Ke pq r t ~Iy,-i t y 9 v i_,' u: I I .- v el C * r,e B-) r. uc~ I 1~ L, S , ex,:ited ir. the Be n, 2n icn Xv To form sv, ide-A of the c.)ur~zt? .~f the 0i, ',?n) reaotior , , they exarr,~roti tI,,- 5r-'rular -ind rergy Jistril-uti,~r Of ~:j r,j.a part~cl -S and neutrons t ,: i r i -~ r. F,!r- i :!~,,itron source they uspd tne T(d, n)He 4 rpacticn 1 1) 2 !~ E Ve i , f, I ~I X-11 . 10 r1lic T, ) . 1 n t he f i rs t e x p e ri me n t HOI(41T- 3 1 KFI T- ph- t z I .-s t r~-.t ' P. d i. i t, ~, B e - po -e,,d e r ( I aye r t h i c kne s s 1 1--OtA; ar j S//OC,,./(_1/040/005//J_O 1,%, n of 4 1 -,'4e v . . . B I C' 2, B 2 E, w,re ziLmi tied for neii r. ror, i rra-! i at 1. 11 t w,~ - r r: d a I p k-I a t F, r s A t i, v o i i r: t k, P B e v r a i n tj w e r ., s, I t d f u r (-vii I ~i t i on, Lay,~r~i w i tf.ou t fie were ~7x imi r,ud 1',;z- backgz c-;rid d ts r :i, r,j - t ~, (, n , . '. ~I t )'-. o ,, e II t S , f ~. n I-, ) c .! a t , , ro~ o r. Be" & e re e s t a b ~' ; ~ i.e,~ , t~;i, , ? I NLi~_-h t were ~;, B e r. , ex) 11 t I r's ( c rG 1;:i s U r, t i o n . 11 F, peaks 'Are.-e ~-Is ~ cai ff-,.irid rie !srec t ru. uf the ex:, I ted ~3 tiitl-~ r t ki'd B,~ I PUS : J i, e C 0 r 1, 2 5 Pio r d 1 C. t L~ 2.Q-Mev level , and the secord to t h t? nuc i -6 -M e v I c? v e I ~ A cross se:!tiun of (_'.19 t 01.06 b was calculated for the f o rT. - t - c-n -) f t ne former, and G. 14 + 0-04 b for the latter. h1so a pe~lk corres~-.6r! to a-5-Mev level (0-14 + 6.04 b) was establist.e,", k, ow m-o:,, Iiiely to be a3crilable to a process, whre tf-,=re In ~i i-? !.,nd ext~,ri,:ent, tiie en-:rgy spectra of :.Iphtl par- ticles r.-~ E! d ce:z : t ions ol. BC-9 were exami %ed . The tar,-et w~,: n ~n, 2n) t a 1 ij:uttered upon , tantalum backing. T~,e 1)16te types js~j f o r t i.e -,i t e x r) e r i :: e, n t f i o r , f, d ~~t~ a I [) ha d e t e c t o r s T rradiatior. t-;rk in ;~ Yi~~:..,,,- hzi~mb,~fr (C.1 ;-_T, TNo of' exrerii:.ent.-3 were rondu ted, ;4 r,i 12117 C I S, Or g /61'/04C''OOr I Or' IN, I Intpra,~ticn of 14.1-Mev ... BIG?/B201 t h e f - r s t z~~ f w1h i c h 4. r, as4 n, C ~ Kle-plate chamcer f:,r 0 and small angles (hetween alpha emission and'ron ceam direction), and the se:~ond 'n a ,miltiplatp .-hamber (20, 4, 6-, GO, 105, and 120 The total number of recorded a.Lpr.a t-)tal -rcss sectt,~r o,~ 'E-.- 2n) reaction on Be9 waB found tc he C-1.9 1 0.0'--, b, shile the cross 9t section of t~,a Be 1r,O/Li reaction was e8timated as being about 20mb. j-.n a third experimentt the energy and angular distributions of neutrons pro- duced -Ln the (n, 2n'. reacti-,n on Be 9 -&-re examined. Plates of the type 3e. as neutror HV1009-2 ~NTKFI 'fa 0 C)1~4 rved detectors. Irradiation took plac-~- in qr,?_-ial boxps w i t h c. .3 n t r (j I I ed u rTiidi ty ,The plates were arranged -,ndpr angles of 20, 40, 65, 90, and 120 0 to the incident neutron beajn. Atout 5000 recoil proton tracks were recorded; the background was 405% The neutron distribution measurGd for E n)4 Mev was heighly anisot-0- pic. The total cross section of the (rig 2n' reaction on Be9 was found tr; be ~.6- .+ 0.1 b frorr the angUldr d2stribution of inelastically scattered neutrons. lrakir.p, all results irA4; aA allowing for the ne.,essury Card -,4 -teracti--,n of 4.1 Vev- 24701 S/Oc ~)/61/040/005/00 1/019 B I "" B201 corrp-fic)rs, cr!~ss is fo-~rad 6.54 t 0.07 b. The excita- f-)r lh~ :~p j ~,:ev,' and fcr the formation 'hilt nu-lr-ue is t In (n, 2r..'. rea-~ti,)ns 9 also tne of 't. I Mev in BO nd 7 y9v i r. B e i zi P 0 F~ 'q ;~a r a t. d I M, . Frank are tt.ankwl Cor gluldance and as_,11s*'a:1(:e. T'-Pre hre f~t-ir =-- s an d 1 ! referenceq. Soviet- bloc and 10 non-~Joviet-~;irc. Tnt~ im-,orta!it references to ~r--Iish- I a ti~Suage publ i,:at,~rjns rea:i a i I I o L. Steward, L. Rosen. Bull. Ami~r. Phys. Soc ~ 2 5 7 Y. d c hs P ny R e v . I '13 6 7 1 9 5 i - L . A r, i e r s o t, e t P-1 pi.y S . A 3 '33,C, A T 16 ! I F i 1; k i nz; t i t-~ t , in P, N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR !nF!t t-itr- r f PLvsj~s mer-i P. N. Lebedev, Academy c-f 3 ~I n e S S.-I R U BM T ED - A s t 5 ard 4. 4 SAYARINA, N.Ye.; L4YAC ~qT ; SUKHANOVA, T.K.; VLADIMIROV, V.Ye.t 0 oty. red. ~, Ye. A_ [Economy of Kurgan Province, statistical abstract] Harodnoe khostaistvo Kurganskoi oblasti; statiatichaskii abomik. [n.p.] Gosstatizdat TsSU SSSR, Cheliabinskoe upr., 1963. 268 p. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Kurgan (Province) Oblastnoye statisticheakoye upravleniye. 2. Nachallnik Statisticheakogo upravleniya Kurganskoy oblasti (for Vladimirov). (Kurgan Provin4is-Statistics) LEVIN. A.G.; KYACHNIKOV, V.D. Vernal transition of air temperature through 00 in the north- eastern region of the U.S.S.R. Trudy TSIP no.67:148-152 '58. 04IRA 11:6) (Atmospheric temperature) GORBUNDV, M.S.; DITAXOTA, A.N.; MOZIOV, P.D.; KOCHWV, N.I.; MrANUTS, O.T., 6A, -'-: TOTIMEN. V.1.; LURIE. A.B., redaktor; CHAPSKIT, O*U.. re p TODOLMINA. S.D.. takhaicheakly rodaktcr. (Tractors] Traktory. Kooky&, Goo.ixd-ve nallkhes.lit-ry, 1956.307 p3 (Tractors) (mLRA 9:6 KORYAKIN, M.N.; inzh.-mekbanik Continuous production line for tie repair. Put' i put. khoz. 7 no.10ilg-20 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Nachallnik Nazy-vayevskoy distantaii puti Zapadno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Koryakin). 2. Stantsiya Nazyvayevskaya, Zapadno- Sibirskoy dorogi (for Hyadin). (MG&evicius, A.K.1, aspirant I-minological method of the diagnosis of trichwephaliasis in avi". Veterinariia 41 no.4:5&60 Ap 164. (MM 17:8) 1. InBtitut zoologii i perazitologii AN Litovskoy =. /VI YFII V., LiL ~~, SHPIGELO, I.S.; BATZER, N.D. - KYAS, N.A. 11-1 ~--- ~ Device for relative neasurements of continuous magnetic fields. RMIotekh.i elektron. 1 no.12:1515-1519 D '56. (MLRL 10:2) O(wetic fields) (Electric measurements) 109-2-1-14/17 AUTHOR: Shpigel', I. S., Rayzer, M D, , and Myae, E. A. TITLE: An Instrument for Relative Measu.-ements of Alternating Magnetic Fiejds (Pribor dlya otnositel'nykh izmereni-,f perernenrykh magnitnykh poley) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 111- 119 (USSR" ABSTRACT: A description of an instrument for relative measurements of time- alternating slightly non-uniform magnetic fields, based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic -resonance absorption, is presented. The instrument measures full field distribution, including the residual magnetic field The maximum measurable difference of fields ;n two pointsnHmax = 30/oHo. Error 4 316 Hmax. Measurements are made at Ho ne 160 oersteds. 7particle accelerators and other engineering devices often require relative measurements of time -alternating magnetic fields. The methods used so far (ballistic, electron integrator, etc. ) have one common shortcoming, Viz. , only the alternating -field difference is measured and the residual field or a super- imposed magnetization field is not included. The new instrument described in the article is free from this shortcoming. The instrument has been developed for measuring the injection field distribution of a 10-bev proton -synchrotron Card 1/4 109 -2 -1 - 14/ 17 An instrument for Relative Measurements of Alternating Magnetic Fields magnet, AS USSR. As a block diagram, figure 2,shows the instrument con- sist5of a high-frequency oscillator, two idertical amplification and signal - forming channels, an integrating circuit, a power supply, and auxiliary units. As the field reaches a certain value, depending on the pre-set oscillator fre- quency, a signal of nuclear magnetic -xesona-ice absorption appears. The sig- nal is selected by a pulse-height detector, amplified and shaped. The passband of the pre-amplifier is 1. 5 - 6 kc. Signal -to --noise ratio at the pre-amplifier output is about 40. For accurate indication of the time moment when the field reaches a predetermined value, the signal is differentiated and amplified by a wideband amplifier. The upper limit of the paseband is 100 kc. An additional time-selection circuit helps to suppress the effects of interference from other electronic equipment in the room. The Nroltage f~-ont induced in a velocity pick- up during the field change in the magnetic gap starts a phantastror delay circuilt which, in 20-60 m/sec, triggers a univibrator which generates the gate pulse The pulses from both trigger circuits (each about I (usec) are mixed and fed tc, a flip-flop circuit. A negative square pulse appears at the output of the latter circuit, its duration being equal to the time between the two field pulses. The Card 2/4