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VALENTA, Vlk, dr.; MISIGA, Stanislav, prom.biol.; MUS .IL,IMilos, prom.biol. Distribution of parastolbur in Slovakia. Biologi 16 no.3:17&183 161. (;Z@I 10:9/10) 1. Virologicky ustav Caskolovenskej akademie vied, Bratislava, (STOLBUR) MUSIL, M. An attempt to lass the clover dwarf virus by serial transfers in its vector. Acts, viral. (Pr&h&)Pbg16 no.1:93 Ja 162. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (VIRUSM) HAVRANE.K; MILOVA, ZAHRADKOVA, L. Hygiene of communities. C k h 7 no.6:337-340 JI 162. eHa 17 * (PUBLIC EUTH MUSIL, Milos I--- - --- - - -- Transfer of parastolbur viruses by Euscelis plebejud (Fallen). Biologia 17 no.5.-332-339 162. 1. Virologicky ustav Ceskoolovenske akademie ved v Bratislave. (VIRUSES) (INSECTS virol) ILVSIL, it. bWedo-spidedoloocal oUtion (OkMMI 4k*"pjdvMo1*Odcm ftwAde), MwkAw Pngw, godmdmuwka bWOM, go 3, 103, PP 1?4-1?6 qbwjal PoUvblm at *UkLng Watw br OrwM"' MUSIL, Milos me findings on the .ruses in Trifolium no.1:53-58 163. 7 yello@p-typ plantartia MUS IL, M. Unusual contamination of drinking water with cyanide. Cesk. byg. 8 no-3:174-178 Ap 163. 1. Okresni hygienicko-epidemiologicka stanice, Blanako. (WATER POLLUTION) (CYANIDES) CZECHOSLOVAKIA I MUSIL Milos Virology Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences -@@V @ro-10@@ic'@Y-'ustav Ceskoslovenske akademie ved,) Bratislava. "Findin- of Some Cicadae in Slovakia (11om. Auchenorhyncha.)" a Bratislava, Biologia, Vol 18, No 9, 1963; pp 693-697. Abstract [German summary modified]: Description of several sp(-cies previously not reported, or only rarely reported, in Slovakia: Trigonocranus, 4 species of Edwardsiana and 4 of Alebra, Arocephalus, Limotettix, Adarus and Hardyopsis. Sketches of sexual organs. Four Western and 5 Czech references. 1/1 MSI16Yw - .. @ ft"interce of infectivity of 76-1-10w, @ "* U frozeL y1ruliferous 1*&ftppws. Acta no.l: 'i. -- .0 -- I. Institute of VlftlegY, Onghoelovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. -A@ mu S Hv M Multiplication of yellows-tyPe plant viruses in Euscelis plebejus (Fallen) leafhoppers. Acts. virol. (Peaha) (Ekig.] 8 no-3:230-238 My'64 Persistence of infectivity of yellows-type plant viruses In ex- tracts from viruliferoug Euscelis plebejus (Fallen) leafhoppers. lbid.%239-242 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bra- tislava. W, S 1 L, m. Ventilation of flats in typlca'L houses. Cesk. hy-. 11'1@ : 603-61-1 L 165. 1. Ustav hygieny, Praha. j 5 a ACC NRs SOURCE COW,-.@4 0@oW/66/60IW09-16i-3310138', AP6024720 AlYMOR - 1-hisil, Mlos, ..(Bratislava) ORG: Institute of Virology, CSAV, Bratislava (Virologio1W ustav CSAV) TITL@: Occurronce of the leaf rolling virus on peas in Slovakia SOURCS: Biologia, no. 2, 1966. 133-138 TOPIC TAGS: virus, plant disease, virolorj ABSTRACT: In the gardens of the Virological Institute at Bratislava a virus was isolated in 1964. This virus caused leaf rolling in experimntallv infected poa plants* Pathogenic nature of the virus was found for some kinds of peas and for the bean Faba vulgariq. The virus is transmitted by seeds, machanically. and by 1-trzus persicae. The limiting concentration of the leaf liquid that was still transmitting the virus was a dilution of 1%100 - 1:5001 temperature inactivation is reached at 50 - 550Co The virus has not been described previously. The author thanks Miss Augustino and Mrs, Grade-Biologiat J, Matisova for assistance in the carrying out of the research. For valuable advice and assisCance the author thanlo Dr. B. A. Kvicala and Dro Vo Valenta as well as for their interest. Orig. art. has: i figurefle in Ger=W jynst 35,aig SUB CODE: 06 / SUM DATE: 110at65 / OM REF: 004 CZECH03LOVAKIA VAL24TA, Vlk; 1,FU31LO Milos; Virological Institutep Czechoslovak Academy of Ustav 'Veskosiovenskej Akademie Vied), Bratislava. "Serological Relationships between Vectors of Yellow-Type Viruses and Sone Other Leafhopnors." Brn'inlava, Biolo.-i , Vol 21, No 6, 1c)`)6, DP 453 - 456 Abstract /_Auz'aors' 'En.@,,-Iish si@uimary modLfied-7: Antisera prep- ared by i7munizing rabbits with ',noi!io.--,onates fron viruliferous Duscelis Plebeius leafhonners reacted in a-ar double diffusion test not only to ftomolog--,us anti7cn but also to 'antigens i-rom Aphrodes bicinctus, :-:acrostelas levis, and 5 other leaf- snecies. ::he nu:-,-*jer of nrocinitation lines differed ac- cording to the quality of '.'i serum and t1le ::ind of antigen used. '."o specific reacti-is to viruses of clover dwarf and clover pnyllody were obtainad. 1 @'-L--,ure, 3 Western, 2 Czech, 'iussian reference. (i1:anuzcr_`@:,t received 3 Yeb 66). MMINP M.A. Laboratory chief. Transp. stroi. 15 no.303-34 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:11) .." -T! 1@ I . .1 .. I conditions at ,,,a, c- ;--it- in @-wi -11 @*r",-. 0 p. /,. Brno. Mlorawqke- - I . A ' '... '!rno. V -) I . ". - , 1 , --@ " . - - I 17, 1 1 , " -East D-iropean Ac(,cs3.;L---.s List d Ol. @ 9 . I - I I", @@ . I Diocov-ry of 'Faep) a7ti- !ri,@ in fl,: @;rlckytr I In '-1-no. ;_.. Y. - il - - 5! 1 Irno. Moravske muEi-um. ", I ' - '". @. -."- - ";Dl. 4' , I - _;e! terl@,-r 1)" ,i)UH E: Ea -It Euro!l,@an '.cc e3s ; jis 'is t f T) I. @, , 10. ?, . - I-, 9 U @: 1 -, R. ;VALL)CP, 'K. I iloess in the Vy9kov depressim. n. 2@--. ( FhACE-, Vol. 2-1, i@o. 6, 1956, Brno, Cze-choslovslkiq ) SO: Yonth',v '-ist of -"-ist curonein kcc,-ssions 'I L@;, Vol . ,,, 1,o. 12, D,,@c 1)57. lj*nc I . musn' R. III freliminar-y rei)ort on the find of a .-rizLLe in f.,le Zidloc@iovicp "loc @le-" P-57 (vul. 42, 1@57, 3rno, Czechoslavakia) 'lonthly Index uf Ea3t ;-.uroPean Accession (FEAl) LCI Vol. 7, No. b, 1,66 . 1-1.11 . - .1 . 1 1-1 .. , I @, @I S Given Nwres czechoolwakia Academic Degrees: /not given/ Sources Prague, Casopis Pro kiineralogii a Geologii, Vol VI, No 3, 1961, PP 361. Data' "Symposium on the Problems of Pleistocene." DVORAK, Jaroslav; HUSIL,,RudoIf;.SEKANINA, Josef; ZUREK, Vladimir; TRACHTULEC,-hin; VCDA, Oldrich; CHLUPAC, Ivo; HOMOLA, Vladimir; FESEX, Jiri; ZAK, Lubor; GASPARIK, Jan Activities of the branches of the Czechoslovak Society for Mtwralogy and Geology in Brno, Most, Olomouc, Ostrava, Preha and Zilina. Cas min geol 7 no-3:385-392 162. 'IM -i:,, -, V.; BRUNOVA, B. ; 0. lieu derivit:ve3. Co,,L Cz chem 29 no.'I:i669-.16rf*4 Jl 16/+s 1. For8char@siristit,it fur rharraazLti um! Biochemle, Fragua. BTJDZSINSKY,Z.; KUSIL,V. Determination of 2-nulfanilauldo.~mtbyl-6-alkylpyrimidino. Coll Ca chem 25 no.12:4022-028 159. (MUI 9:6) 1. Forechungsinstitut fur Pharmaste und Biochemle, Prag. (Sulfanilamide) (Neth7l group) (AlIql groups) (Pyrisidine) Z. ; m "r. 0. Rc@: -arch In- J and (Vyz' 'I-,stav -r- ?r@-riaci- r-,- -ue. of :;en_---raz,-)n. -e, 2_y3iolo-io, Vol 15, o 5, -'en 6@, P -:7 4S a-livity is ervinaranle to tiqat of n1renyl- -azine, ut its L,-) @,u 1 ,,,no mF,/kr@ a-Rin:3t 5!10 r-.FZ F rr@tant in -, o' -.irl nG , J --,::I-utazon(3. It --)es nnt c rt.sorbo,'. -n(. rietia'onli in clinical ai,)J.ica@@O_ n 4 t 1.zed ind e ectivi, in lu@-.e zre@ tment of venous thrombosis and of L -rosSiva ari@hritis. 1 Czech reforence. 5ubTnitted at IlL Jays rm @l c o' o r- at 3-molenice, 16 Feb 66 Cy CZECHOSLOVAKIA CZ /0053 /66 /015 /005 /0407 /0407 AUTHOR: Horakova, Z. ; Muratova, J. ; Musil, V. ; Nemecek, 0. ORG: Institute for Research in Pharmacology and Biochemistry, Prague (Vyzlwm ustav pro farmacii a biochemii) TITLE: Chemical origin and pharmacological properties of benzopyrazon SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fyziologie, v. 15, no. 5, 1966, 407 TOPIC TAGS: pharmacology, drug, medicine ABSTRACT: A synthetically prepared 4-benzylethyl derivative called benzpyrazon has been pharmacologically tested and the first clinical reports have been sub- mitted. The source describes the chemical origin and the main pharmacological properties of the drug. The drug has proved effective in the treatment of venous kthrombos is chiefly in the inactive stage and of progressive arthritis.&A'r-.] (KPI L ACC NR AP6032383 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0053/66/015/005/0407/0407 AUTHOR:- Horakova, Z. Muratova, _J.,,- Musil,V. ; Nern ec ek, 0. ORG: Institute for Research in Pharmacology and Biochemistry,, _Pr e Wyzkumny ustav pro farmacii a biochemii) TITLE: Chemical origin and pharmaco logic a I properties of benzopyrazon SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fyziologie, v. 15, no. 5, 1966, 407 TOPIC TAGS: pharmacology, drug, medicine ABSTRACT: A synthetically prepared 4-benzylethyl derivative called benzpyrazon has been pharmacologically testes, and the first clinical reports have been silb- mitted. The sourc(I describes the chemical origin and the main pharmacological properties of the drug. The drug has proved effective in the treatment of venous thromboses chiefly in the inactive stage and of progressive arthritis.&A 9Z@7 I KP) SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ Card y-tb _L 448ol-66 ACC NRi AP6005487 SOURCE CODS3 CZ/OO`78/66/oco/ooi/ooi1/ooil LNVLNTOR: Musil, Vaclav 'Engincerprandyz. nad !,abcm); 'Plesinger, Boris (Engineer; Pra,-uc) ORO: none TITLE: CAmplifier as a power supply for electromagnets] GZ Pat. No. PV 2-735-65 SOURCSj Vynalezy,, no. 1. 1966,, 11 TOPIC TAGS: amplifier stage, amplifier design, electromagnet, power supply ABSTRACT: An amplifier designed to serve as a power supply for electromagnets, especially for multipole regulation and automatically controlled processas, is de- scribed which has the distinguishing feature that the terminal transistors of the amplifier are lattice connected to electromagnetic tubes in such a way that one 1 terminal transistor which is connected to the common emitter at the level of zero voltage has the collector connected to the first electromagnetic tube which is con- nected by its second lug through a few to a reverse voltage. At the same time the other terminal transistor which is connected with the common collector to the re- verse voltage has the emitter connected to the second electromagnetic tube which is connected by its second lug through another fuse to zero level voltage. SUB CODE: 09/ SIMM DAM 27APr65 VEJDELEK, Z.J.; NLNECEK, 0.; MUSIL, V.; SD@EK, A. 6-aminopenicillanic acid derivatives. Pt. 2. Coll Cz Chem 20 no. 3:776-794 Mr ?64. 1. Research Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague. Z P r y j jL F.U E" -*vaz, V,)s of - .er F ,aC4 -ra----ae, Cos @'so nrs - i z c) j - l. oa 'd - C@ in C 1 - oct; subs "U" . o n an a: 3 r i o:,-' c n LJ 0z 0 - 1 l C z c. er 6 "1 c e 1 rl o s ol l z 0 l:) , , S c . . u a Frame grid electron tubes 3/058/62,/000/012,/042-/048 AO62_/A10I @ Alh of7 other advantageous property of frame grids. Their massiveness, owing to which these electron tubes are resistant to mechanical loadings (shocks and shaking) and are not subject to the microphone effect. @ith the development of television (which also requires wide pass-band tubes), mastering of the techno- logy of these grids has been attained for a mass production, so that frame grid tubes, despite their high price, exert an influence on the design of TV receivem. To obtain small inductances of the inlet conductors, the distance of the elec- trode system from the socket has been reduced, the anode and cathode are con- nected each to 2 pins, and the grid to 3-pins. The connections of the electrodes are plane and very short. The interelectrode capacitances have been reduced by reducing the sizes of the individual electrodes. Owing to the use of frame grids a high transconductance has been obtained.(14 mA/v). A. F. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 212 MMIL. Z., ins. Rfigi@@ lamellar grille roof constructions, Poz stavby 11 no.4: 226-227 l63. 4w Z/038/61/000/010/004/008 AUTHORS: Musilek, FrAn/a; David, Lubomir; Kac*ena, Vladimir and SktivAnek, Jiri TITLE- The VVR-S nuclear reactor and its application possibilities PERIODICAL: JadernA energie, no, 10, 1961, 343-348 TEXT: This article lists only reactor data essential for experi- ments and evaluates experience obtained during reactor operation. The reactor has a system of horizontal experimental channels (60 and 100 mm in diameter) and vertical irridiation channels (609 45 and 40 mm in diameter), Adjacent to the active zone is a movable thermal column, made of graphite, which contains one horizontal and four vertical channels. Three special channels in the reactor shielding are destined for biological research. Laboratories located beneath the reactor are equipped for handl- ing highly-active isotopes. The reactor itself is an intensive source of neutrons and gamma-radiation. The neutron, resulting Card 1/5 Z/038/61/000/010/004/008 The VV-S nuclear reactor from the fission-chain reaction, can be d1vided into: (a) fast (fission) neutrons with energies above 104 ev; (b) resonance (medium) neutrons; and (c) slow (thermal) neutrons with energies less than 0.1 ev. At a maximum reactor output of 2,000 kw, the average neutron flux in the first part of the core life is ap-. proximately jol3n/cm2/sec. The gamma radiation can be divided according to its origin into: (a) prompt (fission) radiation which has a total energy of 7.827 mev and an average energy of 1.1 mev; and (b) radiation emitted by fission products. The to- tal gamma radiation on the boundary of the active reactor zone reaches up to 108 tissue rads/hr. The operations performed with the aid of the reactor can be divided into (a) technical irra- diation service; (b) production of radioisotopes; (c) physical experiments; and (d) experiments in the field of reactor tech- niques. Technical irradiations to determine the behavior of va- rious materials or test animals are made in cooperation with other Czechoslovak research institutes. Targets are irradiated either directly in the active zone or on the periphery of the reactor. More than 50% of the time of reactor operation have so Card 2/5 The VVR-S nuclear reactor - Z/038/61/000/010/004/008 far been used for producing radiolsotope8@ Successful clinical tests were made with Na-24, K-42 and J-131. Regular deliveries of radioisotopes were started in 1960. The institute produces Na-24 in form of NaCl, NaHC03 and Na2CO3 with specific activi- ties up to 100 mc/g Na; corresponding K-42 compounds with spec- ific activities up to 40 mc/ K; Cu-64 in form of the metal or or CUSO 4; P-32 with carrier ?specific activity 1.2 mc/mg P), without carrier (specific activity 1.0 mc/mg P), in form oi H3PO 41 Na2HPO 49 NaH2PO 49 KH 2PO 4' and K2HFO4solutions, and as red P; and S-35 in form of H 2SO 4@ BaSO 4' Na2S. and elementary S. The production of J-131 and Au-193, which is presently dis- continued, will be resumed after completion of the new radio- chemical building. Major areas of physical experiments performed at the Nuclear Research Institute are study of nuclear reactions with slow electrodes (radiative capture) and reactor-physical measurements. Individual papers deal with the influence of photomultiplier resolution on the total resolution of a scin- tillation spectrometer; the basic design of a Compton gamma-ray Card 3/ 5 Z/038/61/000/010/004/008 The VVR-S nuclear reactor .. scintillation spextrometer, etc:. Spectrometric investigation radiative capture by the nuclei of various elements delivered more precise data in the part of decay schemes and revealed new gamma-transition lines. Studies of gamma-radiation double cascades (which have a total energy equal to the binding energy of neutrons) are important for precise determination of decay schemes and were conducted on compound nuclei Cl-36, Hg-200 and Co-60. Information on spin conditions in compound nuclei can be obtained from angle correlations of two-cascade connected gamma lines, An instrument for measuring such angle correlations, lately installed at the Institute, consists of two scintilaation spectrompters, a coincidence system with high time discrimination (5,10-Jsec), and a multichannel time ana- lyzer. The neutron spectrometer used at the VVR-S reactor employs a mechanical separator, consisting of a steel drum; 200 mm in diamter with a system of radial slots, performing 15,.000 rpme. Neutrons are registered by a series of boron coun-- ters and liquid neutron-scintillation detectors, developed by the Institute, A special gas fission detector was developed Card 4/5 The VVR-S nuclear reactor ... Z/038/61/000/010/004/008 for measuring effective fission cross-sections. Distribution of the neutron flux in rod-shaped fuel elements was investigated in the thermal column of the reactor. The irradiated fuel speci- mens are provided with Au, In and Dy foils, serving as activa- tion detectors, and the flux distribution of thermal and reso- nance neutrons inside the fuel element is derived from the re- gistered 3 and@-activity. The same method is used to determine the diffusion length in moderators containing hydrogen. There are 4 figures and 14 references: 13 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-So- viet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: K, Way - E,P, Wigner: Phys,Rev.70 (1946), p. 130. ASSOCIATION: Vstav jadern6ho v@zkumu CSAV (Nuclear Research Institute, Czechoslovak AS) Card 5/5 MUSILZK,, F. The 3d International Gonference on fluclear Reactor Physics and Technology. Jaderna. energie 9 no.]+:11+2-143 Ap 163. MUSILEK, Frana, Operation and modifications of the VVR-S reactor. Jaderna energie 9 no.6:200 Je 163. 1. Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu, Geakoslovenska akademie ved, Rez u Prahy. M SILEK, Frans. Czechoslovak experimental TP,,S n-.,clear reactor. 7estnik CSAV 73 no. 1: 64-67 164. MUSIIZK, Frantisek Third International Working Session on Fbysics and Technology of Experimental Reactors in Prague, April 22-28, 1963. Jaderna energie 9 no.7:242-244 Jl 163. 'A Wsna v ftoll boom down IL&Tdba d in do Irl. -A" ad vj Md. A14 . is". IL leo-to; Sok o' Asa.. lost a 4a).--sw W.Mkaum. aw quo. do" ad tm &WAimw tim AsaW,WI MWUW bwd go ita abil" 4 A(thaegov p_n,v4d kf INPWW W Details a ow fua@ -1004 WT w -MMA@ C. a No- f I.; SNVCIYg V.; RMUCEK, Z.; DOLSUWVA, L.; MUSIUK, V.; VAITEK, Z.; '10VOTHY, L. Arperiences and methods in the search for new antibiotics. J. Hyg. Spidem., Praha 1 no.4:397-412 1957. 1. Institnte of Biology and Institute of Chemistry, Czechoslovak Ac,qdemy of Sciences, Prague. (ANT IB IOT IGS 0 technic of search for 1LeW prep.) MUSIL, V.; NE',S@"EK, 0.; viN.,rIKA, J.; VIE.JDELEK, Z.J. 6-mainopeniclllin acld derivaLives. Pt-3- Co.l ',z 2'j ri(,. /-: 3081-3088 D 164. 1. Fox-schungsinstitut fur Pharmazie u-nd Biochem--@,. Prag-ue. HUSILEK, V. Cress antiblosis in actinomycetes. P. 183, (Ceskoslovenaka Mikrablologia) Vol.2,no.3, June 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of east European Acessions (EEAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 "I Musi, ly, , V. Effect of so-e inhibito--i ir th@ prodicti-)n of vits-in B-12 by a strain of Actiqn,-yces -chroqoi,@nes. p. 266 (Instit-te -of Biolo@7 - Czechosi-wak hcaieny )f Scie,ice) Vol. 2 No. 5, 1 5'@ 30: @@onthly 11ilex of !,ast E,iropean Acce33i-)ns (&-;Ai) L@;, Vol . '@, No. 5 :-,ay 1?5e MUSTLEY, V.: SEVCTK, V. "Relation of the biosynthesis of erythromycin to some processes in the metabolism of pyruvic acid in Streptgayces erythreueg Ceskoslovenska Mikrobiologie. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 3, no. 4, 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 59, Unclas RICICOVA, Alena; PODOJIL, M.; MUSILEK, V.; SEVC1K, V. Laboratory fermentation if gibberellic acid. Folia microbiol 5 no-3: 181-191 160. (ESAI 9:10) 1. Department of Kicrobiology, Institute of Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (GIBBEREUIC ACID) (FERMTATION) @ - - MUSILEK, V. Adaptation -)f Escherichia coli to chlortetracycline durin continuous cultivation. Folla microbiol 5 no.5:343-344 960. fEEA1 10:4) 1. Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, Czechoslovak AcadeaW of Sciences, Prague. (Eachericia coll) (Chlortetracycline) SHEVCHIK, V. (Seveiko V.1; MUSILEK, V. - Relation of pyruvate metabolism to erythromycin biosynthesis in the actinomycete Str.erythreus. Antibiotiki 6 no.1:9-15 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institut biologii Chekhoslovatskoy akademii nauk, Pra a. (ERYTIIRC14YC]21) (PYRUVATES) (Ar.TIN JYCES@ .-IlltjslLEK,.-V. SULNGhIK; V. [Sev@ik, V.] Effect of acetate, formate and propionate on the b-Jos.---]t',.---aL; of erythromycin. Antibiotiki 6 no.10:887-891 0 161. (I'Ll-1A 114:12) 1. Mikrobiologicheskoye otdeleniye Biologicheskogo instituta Chekhoslovatskoy akademii nauk Prega, (ERYTHROMYCIN) (AGETATLZ) (FOvdlAT-S) (PROPI014IG ACID) LEDINSKrp Q.; MRACEK, Z.; MUSIL, V. Motorcycle accidents from the 7iewpotnt of neurosurgery. Acta chir, orthopo traum, cech. 30 no-4:346-348 Ag 163. 1. Neurochirurgicke oddelani I chirurgicke kliniky lekarske fakulty KU v Plzni,, prednosta doc. dr. J. Spinka. (ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC) (NEUROSURGERY) (BRAIN INJURY, ACUTE) (SPINAL CORD INJURIES) (PARAPLEGIA) rol a -Jlvw@j Rd 064A Jqb; ind iubMementabon viabiftOM divii, 0: 'n "AN Zwerged krittentation of , WC, q 41,71 ligreofaciext gmwft "it' tht fAwfum of vsft@-'l N' tT (C.4,41, I used-.,.-Atra p;Xir'g Int'emplM dtfring the first -,'11M hm) ratio of the acritiod dv6e, to tinlt ' i ' - C kl@ 8 1 of-fundatue@tal-hti@m Ln'the, 4, v 1-11 ,1. @qeld otl,* .14%. Wit.iy thereverst iado (longerlime of @ t6lli h ieM *@020f ttpirist-thh contmls.-- The bi, b'f'U ta.WWsw the pro-pordonsihmflont in When reduting the tivat of atratica to -."effect bl@ pmduction -of I wa3 obsexTed, '7. CZECHOSLOVAKLI/Microbiology. Antibiosis and Symbiosis. F-2 iuatibiotics. Abs Jour Rcf ZAur - Biol., No 12, 1958, 52784 Author Musilk:)Va, Inst Title Nk:th.)d of ObtaininG :3tr,pt.-)i..ycii, in Small Volui@s. Orig Pub PrLSIia, 1956, 28, N-) 4, 416-1117- Abstract Nj abstract. Card 1/1 - 26 - MRSILKOVA, M. The Effect of some inhibitors on streptoi-Vein biosyrthosis. t). 76. FOLIA MICROBIOLOGICA. (Ceskoslovengka akaderde ved) Prahap CzechoslovaUla. Vol. 14, no. 2, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 6. no. 12, December 1959, Uncl. ---MSILKGV*, @--. Biosynthesis of Vitamin B12 and fungicidin by Streptomyces noursei. Folla microbiol 6 no.3:175-178 161. (EW 10:8) 1. Research 1@istitute of Antibiotics, Roztoky u Praby. (VITAMIN B12) (NYSTATIN) (STRUTOMYCES NOURSEI) @MSILKOVA, Marie; FENCL, Z. Biosynthesds of mcthionine in an ethlonine-rpsistant strain of Candida utilis. Folia microbiol. (Praha) 9 no.6:374-379 N 164. 1. Departinent of Technical Microbiology, Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 4. MUSILKOVA, Marie; FENCL, Z. Assay of lysine bT means of a mutant of Facherichia coli. Folia microbiol. (Pmha) 10 no.3sl82-185 Hy'65. 1. Institute of Microbiology, Czechoslovak Academy cf Sciences, Prague 4- CZECHOSLOVAKIA MUSIWVAA. H.; ALBRECHT, I.; JELINEK, J.; Institute of Physiology, ci@@6iiovak- Academy of Sciences (Fysiologicky ustav CSAV), Prague. "HyperLensinogenic Effect of DOCA as Function of Age and Sex of Rats." Prague, Cosicoslovenska i7ysioloCiep Vol lb, No 5, oct 1965; p 359. Abstract: The sensitivity of young (25 day old) rats to DOCA was much Fir-gl-eras regards hypertension, but there was little difference among the two sexes. Adult rats(80 days) were less sensitive and body weight and survival were not affected. Graph, 3 Western, 1 Czech reference. Paper presented at the 15th Physiology Days, Olomouc, 28 May 65, KISIN A Ch CHADDAROVAO YU.I.; VASILOYEV, A.N. Nb-@@ Methods of determining the q)an of chamber-like workings. Trudy Inst. gor. dela AN Uzakh.SSR 12361-72 163. (MIRA 17:8) 20-3-12/59 AUTHORSs Arshinov, A. A. , Musin, A. K. TITLEs Tbermoemission of Electrons From Carbon Particles (Termo- emissiya elektronov s uglerodnykh chastits) PERIODICALs Doklady AN SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 3, pp. 461 - 463 (USSR) ABSTRACTs First a reference on previous works, dealing with the same subjects is madeo The work investigates this thermoemission with regard to the inverse process. For the velocity of the change of the concentration of electrons, which is condi- tioned by the processes of emis8ion and reaDmbination a for- mula is given and specialized for similar and equally justi- fied particles. From this formula an equation for the equi- librium results. This equition is very much simplified if the charge of the particle does not increase essentially the initial work function. For the equilibrium concentration of electrons which corresponds with thatcase, a formula is given. At constant temperature this equilibrium concentration of electrons (with regard to the correction factor for the Card 1/3 work function) is a function of the ratio (charge of the 20-3-12/59 Thermoemission of Electrons From Carbon Particles particle/radius of the particle). At T - 3300 to 31000K the work function for the carbon particles is - 6,8 eV, thus it is by 2.45 eV higher than the initial work function FO a 4 5 ev With this value correponds the ratio m,/-r a 1,7 16@ CE2 Another table contains the followings The values of the charge mo of the particles for different r, the con- centration n of the ca3bon particles, the total number of car- bon atoms, which are condensed on these larticlea. The jar- ticles with r e- 10-6 cm obviously do not yet form crystal structure with the work function 4,35 eV and therefore can - not eff ctively take part in the emission. The particles with r > 10-@ effectively cannot guarantee the observed concen- tration of elictrons. Thus, particles with an order of mag- nitude of 10- cm are as-3umed to essentially contribute to the concentration of the electrons, which correspond to a charae of some dozens of electrons. Finally the authors shortly investigated the time, which is necessary to reach the emission equilibrium. For the charge of the pagticlas as a funct on of time a formula is-given. At T - 3285 K for r - 10- cm the value 1; w 4.10 see holds, i.e. the equi- Card 2/3 librium can be reached in a flame. There are 2 tables, and 20-3-12/59 Thermoemission of Electrons From Carbon Particles 5 references, I of which is Slavic. PRESENTEDs June 10, 1957, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTEDt June 3, 1957 AVAILABLE& Library of Congress Card 3/3 -AUTHORS: Ar3hinov, A. A., Mu3in, A. K. TITLE- The Equilibrium lonizution tsiya chastitg) FIFRIODIPAL: Doll-Aarly Akademii nauk SSSTI, 191,8, Vr)l. 1',-,o, A, (MR) ABI;TRACT: '!'h t, ,, i@ral solution of t its prob lem of t@,,(: i,-ii; i ,;r -im -.,)n zation of particles, which is derived in thp r- @uri@ Z tne present paper, comT,rises all cases from the multi- le ioni-,,-i- tion of atoms to the ionization of macrosconical ,,art:cl2s. The cystefn -,jnder investigation consists of el-ctr.-@ns and geneous particles P, rhich r-riay have differ.,?rt po,:' ive or n,@-gative o(-,Iutionzz. The ionization equilibrium tem is flul-'j leterinined hv the of mass and by the law of mass action and by the laws of conservation of chargem'lass N N oD < m < r-? 'v- N ; Ne .0@ e "I in M. denotes the con3tant of -be eauilibriur;i for *h;, P P f- , IN the conr@entration 0ti @,a r t 7-.+ < r, Cari W with thi@ T; N "ie corcentration of '.n- electron@@; Th- Equilibrium Ionization of Particl-?3 @7 N - the total c(incentra-,ion of' the o8rticles and m charge of a particle ir. units of the electron cn!i.,;,e rom the expressicn 'or X M there results a rc-curr;n-- rm i la nith tne ai-i of f.,"ich it i.., @@Osnibl@ to Writtl Y:re t, s i un r the de--re,. of ii@@n`zat ion ::ext , an x - or K i s w-i- '. Rn do-,-,n for a pei@fec t k-a o ti% P-ession aw of the --11-3@ri-itdon of casrges over part@-_,Ies ;17 1-rivild _@-is ]aw tto dens,*ty of the probabilit-., Pccordiny- to t@p normal GaL.93-.'ar. @xercised by statistical weights -n casi.:@, of a'r)'rrcx;mation to total ionization) the syrn7r,t-.-.- certain fun@-!tions in the exr)ression for !1 '4. -ht, Px-;ct. ex- uression for .11 e, i'll becomes more simple in Tne folio,,-iin.- tt@;r, limiting caz.,es - in thE case of a hirh degree of d;C- -in n 'i.e. 'Iat dirtribution of charges over par t4 C 1@ the cas@., of a very discrete distribution of char@,ec. cases :_,re diso@i@ised. Ir. conclusion, the autnors thark -'ij. Sayadov for his val,17ible discussiono of thi@i .:o-r, are @ r,forences, 2 of' which are Soviet. Card 2/3 1. Particles--Ionization 2. Electrons-Ionzing effects 5 (4) 05822 AUTHORS: Arshinov, A. A. (Deceased), Musin, A. K. SOV/76--33-10-20/45 TITLE: Particles an Stabilizers of Electron Concentration PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, rTr 10, pp 2241 - 2244 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a previous article (Ref 1), equation (1) was deduced for the ionization equilibrium of particles when investigating the ioni- zation equilibrium in quasineutral medium (composed of electrons and similar particles of different charge). The formation of various negative and positive charges on the particles was as- sumed, and it was shown that the distribution of charges among the particles was in agreement with the distribution density of probabilities according to the normal Gauss law (2), The authors derive the condition of electron density stabilization for a system which is composed of submicroscopic particles S (as sta- bilizers), electrons and atoms, or molecules A., (as electron sources) and B (capable of forming negative ions) and represent i it in the form of equation (11). When the conditions of (I!) are and B,_ It is satisfied, electron density does not depend on A rard 1/2 I 05822 Particles as Stabilizers of Electron Concentration Sol/76-33-10-20/45 determined only by the temperature and ionization potential of the stabilizing particles and cannot be reduced by the addition of deionizing substances. The production of a saturated electron gas at the surface of the stabilizing particles is considered the physical cause of the stabilizing effect. The mechanism of stabilization in ascribed to a variation in the mean charge of the stabilizing particles, which compensates for the concentra- tion change of the electrons by the atoms A i and Bio In con- clusion, the authors thank Academician V. K. Kondratlyev and Yu. S. Sayasov. There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 2, 1958 R Vard 2/2 xt 6 5/109/006/005/010/027 00914 0 (/0 Y I/ /S &M/ #-121 1) D201/D303 AUTHOR: TITI!@: The motion of plasma in crossed electric and magnetic fields PERIODICAL; Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 6, no. 5, 1961, 770 -,778 TEXT: Some of the i;esul-ts of this work were given at the 2-aya vaesoyuznaya konfl'rentsiya'*'p"0--teoreticheakoy i p'rikladno magnitnoy, gidrodinamike (Sejond All-Union Co'@f'erence on Theoretical and Applied Magnetic ydrodynamics) held in Riga', June, 1960. The prob-, lem. of plasma mot on in external fields has been much Jnvestigated over the last few years in conjunction with vari'ous @;robleme of thegretical and a plied physics (R-ef-1; Trudy ?-y rezhdunarodnoy konferentaii po m rnomu i3pol.'zovani!yu atomnoy enerL-ii (ProceedineJ11 of the 2nd Internitional Congress on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy)(Geneva, 1558) Moscowq 1959; Trudy 2-y vsesoyuznoy Card 1/13 s/log/61/006/005/010/027 The motion of plasma ... D201/7,303 tsii po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike (Ftiga,. 196011 Ri5a 1961). IA particular the possibility of applying "cold" (T '@e 100K moving plasma for its use in thermo-electronic energy transformers, magneto hydrod namic generators and micro-,iave devi- ces has been much discussed @Ref. 2: Zarubezhnaya radioelektronika (Hadioelectronics Abroad) 1960 (katerially Sessii Instituta , 4 , 0 radioinzhenerov (Boston, USA, 195 ); J.L. Neurin-er, J. Fluid 14e- chanics, 1960, 7? 287). In the present article the author considers the motion of a viscous conducting medium inside a magnetic field in the presence of a flat current stratum, created by an externall ele'ctric field and explains cert@_in peculiarities of its motion, in a stationary and a non-stationary case. He assumes at the saye tiMe 'that the physical properties of the medium in motion remain un- changed for the whole of motion time and that the equations of netic Y@ydrodynamics can be applied. The pulse and magnetic induqti- or, equations are taken in the form o.'L' ut + wu.. + w%. (au + bw),.,., (1) - - -1 - - Qurd 2113 W, + Ug1V;d -I-. e.(D,, (aw + bu),,.,., The irotidn of plasma ... where the following notations U V + V_4@i_p S/10 6 1 /0 0 6 /10 0 5 /0 10 1`32 7 D201YD3031 (T) (U - UT/8; P (2) W = V - 2a = v + v@,; 2b -IV -V@; have been introdtoed according to W.M. Elsasser (Ref. 3: Phys. Rev. 1950p 79@ 183); C'- unit 'v'ector along x,,I axis; pc, = 1, 2, 3i the rest of the symb6ls in Eqs _aAd (2) - as normal@y used. The steady state motion in the presence of a.transverse current 7ayer 9 g.As is supposed to is considered fi. -st. The viscous conductin move in the x, d.rection between two non-conducting planes X �Rf 3 = the external hom)geneous magnetic field is directed alon6 the x axi,s; the direct.on of the external electric field coincides w, the X2 axis, so @hat a constant current in the-.cJrrent layer,,flows in the x2 direction with the linear density of the current .0 Card 3/13 a a S/109/61/006/005/010/027 The motion of pAsma ... D201/D303 Then conditions 0, f u or u VV H x 2 2 3 3 3/ v ul ul(x3)1 3 1 w (x u U (x )! Ox (xl) (3) w 3 3 3 3 3 3 @Xl I and const, const, u = 6onst, const (4) X1 = 3 3 must be satisfiod. From Eq. (1),and conditions (3) for the Eiven VV\ problem :U, + H u U w H V, 3 (5) Ix,x 3 lx x lx x 3 x x -) 3 3 3 3 3 1 is obt@ined *and finally 4av,, 2@IP.. ) A L (J? + xj) sh L (R - xs) PV C() t@ard. Z/13 S/1 09/61 /006/@O 5/0 1 0/027 The notion of plasma D201/D303 2jn Nil L XA) ch L (I? + sh Lt I It L (n -ch L (11 + xv) ,Ahere 11,/4 V@-vv' L - 111IR/I 11,TV PII--- No cases are analyzed: (P) fhd'--e%tP,;,na1 electric field 0., -@,-Id 0; @m) - the ga3 -@,ressure is conetant everywher i.e. X, 0 but 0. For caE,e (p) the full c-urren-t irto the x2-.--s d- ction is zero and initial te--Ms of Eq. -%,,ari.@:h --,-; the ex- ( --o:@ (P) Pression for velocity V, (X3 and for the magnetic Ifield H1 (X ) become the solution tt.,) the problem in J. Hartmenn (Ref. 4: 3 Card 5/13 3/109/61/006/'005/01 i 0/04'7 The notion of sma D201/D303 pl Def. Kgl. Dans ke Vidensk. Selskass, 1937, 15, 0"). Ir case (m) -.-he full pressure is constant 2 2 + H )/8j"- = const, P P + (11 1 3 the last terms of Eq. (8) vanish and /-,V@,(,M) (X !V,. , - - - ch L (6 L ) ) ' , , 3 R St, pv i LL . (9) (X,) A L (R - x,) ch L (,R + z3) Sh is'o btained, o r xv, V, .2nvm'o (LI cth@ L, (10) pt the measure of influence 3f the external field on tII--e gas motion is seer to be the number L = H a/ -./4,-v v@,. For Lj--z@@_I the 1 3 In J motion velc -2itieo for case (m) Lad (p) respectively become Cia.rd 6/13 S/109/61/006/C05/(J1O/627 The motion of plasma D201/D303 V(PI 106, V(P) 2PV -5 -V while for L,---- we have fV__ I , - O'X P V(fft) 1,n) PV CORH3 10 -:20 . (12) RP /mv ljnv P@ V(P) X, --,!il Tiim @g 1 1 - exp L, M.-I 10) VO.), PV I 1 11 1 11) If3 In other d for large magnetic fields and light strongly ioniz- L gases wofP19decreases with the incr e d v1 (m ease of the external magne tic field -13 and vI becomes independent of it and becomes satu- Card 7/13 92@ OY61/006/00 5/010/0 27 D The motion of PlIsma D201 303 rated. The graphd of -7 (.X and of !I 1 3). 1(13) 'for cases (m) and (p) respectively are given. In the case of a non-stationary motion with @(varying current layer,it t) is acting into the X2 Space a varying current in density per unit length in (t) 00 is axiE3 the the exp assumed that a varying electric field direction, so that in the given currVnt layer is flowing, hqving a X1 direction i (wt (1 3Y By projecting Eq. (1) on the Xi - axis, the of the non-stationary problem is obtained U + W U + aul + bw W it 3 1X3 't x3x3 lx3x3' it aw lx3x3+ bu., X3X3 basic parabolic system + U IV + (D 3 1X3 -xJ (14) Card 8/13 a S/109/61/006/005/010/"'/27 The motion of plasma D20'I/D303 The stationary solution o'L system given by Ec;. (17 4S re-:resente` by U I Y '@r3) II,-0 (XI), W, (t, X3) It-0 tx3)-!- (15) in the absence of the cuirent layer and are obtained from expres- sions (6) assuming j 0 C. The boundary conditions are taker. as (16) W, Q, X3) 1..--n Y4@ where (t) = (2,t/co) jo exp i (wt U s 4- n S the operat r equat:.--on as given by Ya. Mikusinski@ (Ref. 5.. Operatornoye isc isleniy!.- (Operator Calculus) IJIJ. .1956 St (U(n) Srn (17) M n, Card 9/13 2221, 1 S/10 61/006/005/010/027 The xotion of plasma D201X303 fs obtained where 5 is the differentiating operator with respect tc the variable' Eq. (17) can be reduced to an aigebra-ic system of u (Ic + ws - as') + wbs' = (D, (s, h-), ubst -I- w (k + us - as) = (D, (s, k), (DI (s, k) L" + u,, + uO (w, -as) - auO - wobs - bul., Sk X. (D, (s, k) - 0 'T' + wo+ ujo (u3 - as) - au@. - bsuO - buQ The solution of system (18) can be resolved into sir-ple fractions (Relf. 5: OP.Cit . ) in the -form of (e"* ch bx3), (epx,) (21) V S-P so th-at the solution of system (14) is eventually represented by function operators. Applying conditions h (k) (X3) U -ft W (-T3) 1-.-/? = W (XS) 1;1.--R Card 10/13 S/10 01 /U-O 6/V,- @ j 5 J-V- -1 The motion of plasma D 20 1 YD'303 and (Vu.. +r w'Jj.,)l 11'.-0 = (U - (20) and after simple transf..ormation the function operators v(X 3 k) and k) are tinally given ' by H(X 31 'S(.T3, k) = Mg + Alt ch2Lx,+ tp,Gchp,x.-pG,chpsxs)lAplp3B(k), 11 (X2, k)'=*'(I(k- A.P' ),G3 kl!.PIX3 (k - vpl) Gslt p3x3j1A'pjp (k) 3B. + [M, -,- M, (k - V A 2LxI + (M4 + ICM2) (x,IA). where the notations of Gj (k)= Apt (bo IL -(k)) cli Rpi + (Ic - vp2,) (M2 + M, ch L,) A Rpj-, i 1, 3; pl, (k) Zak + v2A + 2 @ -IcI I + 1/2ak + v2 :-- 2 j k I %)/X; A b@. (1c) = (v2 /X V7,x-p) M,+M, lc-"2-A)]i~hr,,-[R(MA+kjlf2)IAI; A VM Card 11/13 (22) Z2263 S/109/61/006/00.5/010/027 The motion of plasma j. D201/ 303 B (k) = f(k - vps,) A Rp, ch RP31APII-(k - VP,) Sh RP3 ch Rp,IAP3; -A ) /X% p.','[(L1Vp) + -CE3 k - ] 11(2L)l + a, (2L)^-1- all; V" M3 p' 'a@ di Ll)lat,; Af, p,',.qt3; M, = (p*,,./pk) + p,*,at3 ch L,; -@A Vj7vsh L,-, act (2a/4'+ v2A)/X'-. mi ot3 = 21? 1/@V A = If3/41ap; X2 = vv v2A = H' /4np; 2a = v + v have been introduced. Two kinds of plasma motion are considered a) The external electric field is zero, there is no current layer, end b) The gradient of the full pressure is equal to zero and in Eq. (19)c@, =,@/2. The author concludes: 1) In the absence of the external electric field the velocity of motion of plasma increases with the decrease of the external magnetic field Al and reaches a maximum for ff = 0; 2) In the presence of the current layer formed by an external electric field, the velocity of plasma increases with the in6rease of the extbrna'L magnetic field and tends assyi@p- Card 12/13 22263 The motion of plasma 5/10 YD 61/006/@05/010/027 D201 303 totically to a certain limiting value, determined by the linear density j of the current in the current layerp by the conductivity Crand by the dynamic viscosity v of the plasma (the phenomenon of inductive saturation); 3) With slow changes of the external e'Lec- tric field the limiting value of velocity is independent of @lasma density 9. However, the greater the density, the greater must be the magnetic field to reach it; 4) Most of the gas mas.- can reach the limit velocity, provided the magnetic field is strong enough. Basic theoretical results have been confirmed experimentally. In conclusion the author expresses his appreciation for the help and guidance of V.L. Granovskiy. There are 3 figures and 9 references; 8 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English- language publications read as followss J.L. Neuringe, J. Fluid Me- chanics, 1960t 7, 267; W.M. Elsasser, Phys. Rev., 1950, 79, 183. ZA-bstractor's note: Part of the lat and 2nd listed references are translations into Russian: 1. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Peaceful use of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958; 2. Ma- terials from the meeting of IRE, Boston, USA, 195C>7 SUBMITTEDs August 15, 19060 Card 13/13 L "WOO, 0 EPROPAW/W )AW, -2A AMC-ASD 5 @2 @Mlb _,/r, */@T ESD-w3/AFW@ T @01: Ps @04-41i@ @4? AMQSXZ,- MR rARjO -02 BOURCEt, Itih ktbadtU Arowl go Mae *mead 424, Tr=t uct - . I @ 22 3 AUTHOR; I Musin, A.K. 3/10 02/007/003/024/029 J 302 D2 r 6YD' TITLE: I.,lotion of a Dlasma bundle along guiding electrodes n 0 PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnil@a i elektronika, v. 7, no. 3, 1962, 547 - 556 TEX-2: The motion of a quasineutral piasma bundle is considered for critical conditions of a strong external magnetic field and rapidly changing inductance of -che accelerating system. The problem .@.3 approached by setting up Lagrange equations including the Jouie dissipation for the Plasma bunale, the direction of the constant and uniform external magnetic field being perpendicular to the di- rection of the motion. A simpiification of these equations is ob- tainea by assuming that the puisations of the plasma do not afffecz the forward motione A solution of ihe equations is presented for @he case of a strong external magnetic field; for rapidly chazging inductance, a qualitative discussion is -oresented. ?or the latter case an asymptotic method is developed similar to the method of C-1 Card 1@3 of a -) 2 2 St"Jrlb- exter-nal 0 0 an e &--e refer-nces: 6 i.3 4 :@-) s -!U- 71 - , -iOZ' '.C: -:r rece@,.@U... . @L @O t: .;a @.'re s, s n jjy (,(:cor an fo, Id - ron- lual 's' autics a2- 3--l iituary electro.nics, Guest "ditc.::.a-., 2, @:oz-nef--" I - 1) ... e re.,-..c e on tre@.,.e ILY h 19:50"', 157; :,)osulc, ll@j to 11, T jul,; '17, 1961 Card 3/@ S/109/62/007/005/016/021 D230/1)308 AUTHORS: Arshinov, A.A., an@ Y A.K. TITLE: Equilibrium ionization in dispersion systems P7@@T ODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 5, 1962, 890 - 899 TE7XT: A fundamental ionization equation is deduced; the only condi- tion of its applicability is that the particles must be identical. U@3ing a number of ionization expressions a lan of charge distribu- tion is obtained which is similar to the probability density distri- bution law. The results indicate that, in terms of the probability theory and for certain assumptions, the particle concentrations wi-.h various charges follow a normal Gaussian law. The physical meaning of the magnitude of dispersion and mean charge is explained...,/ Asymptotic approximations of the IL"undamental equation are given for the cases of large and small dispcrsions; large and small dispers- ions indicate smooth and discrete charge distribution of particlesp respectively; their properties are explained. It is shown that cer- tain already existing formulas follow from the generalized equation Card 1/2 -Equilibrium ionization in S/109/62/007/005/016/021 D230/D308 as its special cases; thus, Sahals equation for single ionization of atoms; Einbinder's formula for multiple ionization and submicros- copic solid formations of carbon-type particles in a flame; authors' own formul-a deduced previously for a high degree of ionization in a system consisting of identical particles and same charge. Two examp- les of application of these formulas are given. In r1lonclusion it is shovm that, for small ionizations, the electron concentration de- -oends substantially on the magnitude of the charge dispersion. There is 1 table. The most important English-language references are: M. N. Saha, Phil. Mag., V. 40, 1920, 472; H. Einbinder, J. Chem. Phy8s, v. 26, 1957, 948. SUM-KITTED: October 39 1960 Card 2/2 14USIN A K Plasma clot with variable mass in an external magnetic field. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.10:1799-1808 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Magnetic fields) MUSIN, A. K. "Formation of Space Charge Sheaths and Flow of an Electric Current in a Plasma Stream." report submitted for the Intl Symp on Magnetohydrodynamics Electrical Power Generation, Paris, 6-11 jui 64. All-Union Electrical Inst im V. I. Lenin, Moscow. ACCESSION NR: AP4038428 %/0294,/64/002,/002/014VO155 ALMIOR: Musin, A. K. TITLE: Establishment of the electric current in an ionized gas SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur, v. 2, no. 2, 1964, 142-155 TOPIC TAGS: plasma current, plasma conductivity, particle concentration) ion mobility, relaxation time A13S'I?A(-T: In view of various objections which have been raised apainst the assump- ,tions used in earlier work, the authors present a non-contradictory approximate analysis of the establishment of the electric current and the near-electrode space- charge sheaths in a non-self4naintaining discharge plasma, and determint-, the main @ transient time constants. The original theory of J. f. Thomson (Con,'uct.ion of Electricity through Gases, Cambridge, 1928) is obtained from the prc,;erit Msults as a particular limiting case. The transients arising when plasma 'Acnz into the space between the discharge electrodes are divided into three distinct stages: 1) an initial period, in which the electric BimU is established in the plasma gap and the .1current density remains apprN=imately proportional to the electric field intensity, 2) an intermediate periodo in which the eleotrode-potential drop and space-charge Cant-. ;1 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017598 S/0109/64/0091002/0?.8310292 AUTHOR: Baranave V. Yu.; 1Au6in,,A,_X, TITLE: Role of diffusion and viscous friction in the process of plasma acceleration 'SOURCE: Radlotekhnik& i alektronika, v. 9, no. 2, 1964, 383-M TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma physics, plasma acceleration. plasma diffusive dissipation, plasma viscous friction, plasma cluster, plasma cluster motion ABSTRACT: A simplified analysis of the motion of a plasma cluster in a plasma accelerator is offered., an allowance is made for both the diffusive dissipation of neutral particles present in the plasma and the continuous influx of new particles formed in the process of guiding -electrode erosion. It is assumed that the ionization 'a - (f + (no/r!i))-1 to small and that the seeping of charged particles across the magnetic field can be neglected. Equations describing the motion of & plasma cluster are set up; In want of their general solution, an approximation covering & simple particular came in offered. Curves of the plasma-cluster mass and velocity plotted against the distance from the prigin of acceleration are given. Card 112 ACCESSION NR: AP4017598 The principal conclusions drawn are: (1) Optimum lengths of a plasm accelera- tor exist at which a maximum velocity and a maximum momentum of the plasm cluster are attained or a max coefficient of the conversion of electric energy stored in the accelerating circuit into kinetic plasm& energy is realized; (2) The optimum length increases with the initial voltage and capacitance of the accelerating circuit,* (3) The plasma-cluster mass nay considerably exceed that of the gas admitted to the accelerator; (4) The velocity maximum, corresponds to the condition when the electrodynamic forces and thc friction forces affecting the cluster are equab (S) The n-imum, of momentum arrives when the process of cluster acceleration and its mass diffusive dissipation are at equilibrium. "The authors thank V. L. Granovskiy. 0. A. Malkin. G. G. TJ eyeva, and M. 1P. Shirokov for their attention and interesting discussiow. 11 Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 30 formula&. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: l0Uay63 am CODZ: GZ DATE ACQ: l8M&r64 NO RZY SOY*. 0 10 ENCL: 00 OTHZR: 006 L 31518-66 EWT(I)/ETC(f) IJP(c) AT ACC NRs AP6008822 SOURCE CODE: UR/0294/66/004/001/0012/0019 AUTHOR: Konenko, 0. R.; Musin, A. K. ORG: All-Union Electrotechnical Institute im. V. 1. Lenin (Vaesoyuznyy ele6i6tskimicheeldy institut) TITLE: Charged particle concentration waves in a-moving plasma 7 Z SOURCE: Teploftztka vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 1, 1966, 12-19 TOPIC TAGS: moving plasma, plasma charged particle, plasma concentration, plasma diagnostics, ionized gas ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the flow of a quasineutral ionized gas, moving along magnetic force lines, with induced perturbation of the concentration of charged particles. It is assumed that the perturbation is due to the modulation of the concentration in some initial plane with a steady-state normal diffusion distribution of the concentration along the cross section. The charged particles are recombined on the walls of the channel as a result of ambipolar diffusion. The electron temperature decreases along the flow, as a result of which the coefficient of ambipolar diffusion decreases. Boundary conditions of the third type exist on the walls which confine the flow. Plane and cylind.-Ical geometries of the channel are considered. A general expression Is derived for parameters which characterize the mech- anism of concentration wave propagation, and basic limiting cases are analyzed. A general C,,d 1/2 - UDC 533.95.533.915 ACC Nit. AP6008822 0 solution is found for the problem of the propagation of rectangular concentration perturbations of charged particles, and some characteristics are studied. The mechanisms investigated may be used as a means for the physical diagnostics of plasma parameters, such as flow velocity, the coefficient of effective recombination, and the coefficient of ambipolar diffusion. Orig. art. has: 35 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE- 26May64 / ORIG REF: 012/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/2 t-n C_ L 43035-66 ENT(l) /T IJP(c) AT ACC NRi 6029771 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Misin, A. K. ORG: All-Union Electrotechnical Institut- im '-nin tekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Determination of the electric current in moving under cond.'tions of thermionic emission Z/ SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 48o-14go TOPIC TAGS: plasma physics, plasma conductivity, moving plasma, thermionic emission., allt_L'4@j ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of processes of the formation of space-ch@@g' layers during the passage of Fin electric current in a pIRsma-moving in an electric field in the presence of electron thermal eadssion from cathode. Volt-ampere characteristics of semi-self -contained currents were obtained for the cases of weak and strong electron emission. It was established that the !:hape of tne vcit-ampere characteristics is markedly influenced by the charge redistribution and the formation oe-i'the space-charge lay(:rs a@ the electrodes, which occurn whi-n a p"a'sma. I'iowG trirr'11,4-1 th@ intt@re I ect rode spare in the presen,_@(! of fin external electric :4-1(j. 1 1' the ei@ctron emission is weak, the ele,@trons emitted from the cathode partly compensate t9e positive sl-ace charge risint7 at the cathode, thus facil-Itating 'the passage of L Card 112 ---IJDC: 5L3-915 - @3L 32 .5' 3.5bi L ACC NR: i"-'('01,977@ the electric ctir.-c-rit t,,j; to the snuare tt. 21 e'v'ia!F tn@ ture, the equ the plasma inter-ial, ',ii- passing through the plasma bec-ime-- T-roporti@inal to the -iLplied voltaF-. f-irt,.er increase of the emission, the of a negative space-cInarge layer oegins a'- the cathode, the value of the electric field in the plasma interval increases, and the electric current shows a quadratic dependence on the external voltage. At sufficiently high pressure, the electric current becomes more sensitive to the changes in the external voltage than in the case of low pressures. The author notes that from the volt-ampere characteristics of the semi -self-contained current, infor- mation can be obtained on the plasma parameters and on the emission properties of -- the electrodes. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 29 formulas. IZLI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE- 20Dec64/ ORIG REF: 011/ 07H REF: 008/ ATD PRESS: 6-06'@' P / 2 L-45979-66 . Eff4L)- - -IJR@a@ AT ACC NK: AP6 11 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/008/1387A393 'AUTHOR: Baranov, V.Yus; Mus1n,A,K ; Tiaofeyevs*G,G, iORG: All-Union Blectrotechnical Institute Im. V.1.1jenin, Moscow pesoyuznjy elek- Itrotekhnicheekly inst1tut) TITLE: Diffusive spread of a plasma condensation and the optimum length of a plasma :accelerator i @SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1387-1393 1 1@' !TOPIC TAGS: plasma accei'eration, plasma gun, plasma electron temperature, plasma Ivelocity ABSTRACT: Two of the authors have previously given a theory of the acceleration of plasmas in a rail accelerator, In which the effects of electrode erosion and diffusive Iscattering of the plasma particles were taken into account and from which it was con- icluded that there are optimal lengths of the plasma gun for maximum energy of the !plasma, maximum momentum of the plasma, and maximum efficiency (V.Yu#Baranov and A.K. Musin, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 9, No.2, 283, 1964). This theory has been confirmed- !in part by experiments of A.D.Timofeyev, V,G,Mar inin, B.A.Shevchuk and A.A.Kalmykov !(ZhTF, 35, No.5, 858, 1965)e The present paper reports experiments undertaken during :1960 and 1961 in order further to test this theory and to investigate facL@zrs that were--- !not included In the theory. Plasmas were produced and accelerated by the 0.5 to 7 kV il- Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L 11417-67 E,-iT (I ) ACC NRi AP6031265 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/009/1626/1635 ALMIORt hfusin, A.K. 10RG: Electrotechnical institute im. V.I.Lerxin, Moscow (Elektrotakhnicheakiy institut)@ 'TITLE: Characteristics of several types of plasma accelerators iSOU'RCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v, 36, no. 9t 1966, 1626-1635 ITOPIC TAGS: plasma acceleration, plasma accelerator, plasma gun, plasum volocit.Y', !ABSTRACT: Equations describing the acceleration of plasma in a rail type accelerator, in which the effects of circuit losses and the variation of the masn of the accelerated ,plasma are taken into account, were solved -with an analog computer for a number of ivalues of the relevant parameters, and the results are tabulated. The tiblc-;, -.1ve the, ;electricarl characteristics of the circuit (the capacitance and initial charge of the !capacitor bank, the maximum current, the circuit Inductance, and the rate of change )f 'inductance with position of the accelerating plasma) and the leneth of the accelerator required to produce plasma bursts of different velocities, masses, momenta, and- energies with different energy utilization efficiencies. The tabulated data Ghow "hat the production with efficiencies exceeding 50% of plasmas with velocities higher than 107 cm/see imposes very rigid requirements on the electric and geometric characteriati"-@a !of the accelerator, which cannot always be met with presently available techniques. Approximate analytic design formulas are presented, which do not deviate from the com- Lc-,-d 1/2 UDC: 533.9 'ACC NR: AP7000054 SOUCE CODE: UR/0207/66/ooo/oo5/0107/0112 ...AUTHOR: Baranov, V. Yu. (Moscow); Musin, A. K. (Moscow.); .,imo.'eyeva, 'G. G. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE. Kinematics of the current-carrying layer in a plasma accelerator SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 5, 19606, 107-112 TOPIC TA3S: nlasma/, plasma acceleration, plasma 'The results of analytical and experimental investigations of the deDendence of kinematic characteristics of quasi-neutral bunches of charged particles in "rail-type" accelerators on the electrical and geo- metric parameters of the accelerating circuit are compared. Proceeding@ from previous findings by one of the authors (A. K. Musin, Radiotekhnzai elektronika, v. 7, no.'10, 1962), the movement of a plasma bunch along the electrodes as a function of their erosion is described by an equa- tion which can be approximately solved by an asymptotic method applicable to nonlinear oscillations with strong attenuation. The magnitudes characterizing.the process of acceleration (current in the plasma. velocity of the current-carrying layer, momentum and mass of the bunch, Card 1/3