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Distr: 433d/4F,2c(j) awa@. J., -Ma aVAI ..n -4% IRL-1 e GIALIM W1 ac#d&m7d#r F dialkozymophog6oranesu ZiQles with enal edthemnrs and age shown to ve esters 'ethers or eaun of a-chloroalmhols. (EtO)jP(O)SCt is treated with CHj:CHORt In CgK below B@tWoidd (Et )r P(O)SCHICEt(OH which Clfl (11) (957o water gives io@ EtO)tP(O)SCHsC 0 (M) (50 v). bjw 82". W 1.4708 Micarbazone m. 1600). Treatment of U with excen EtOH giv ( )0?( 17 RtO Offff&CH(01?t@ (IV) (75%). be4s 453 80% W 11, by alkali to mercaptoacetaWe. hyde diethyl accidX-72-3% *V 1.4409 (m.p. and mixed In p. of 2.4-dinitraphenyt thloether 56-) (Parham, et al., C1. 48 . 45W: Hem and Jorder, C.A. 47. 0975k). Acid hydrolysisotIV'jieldsIU(60%). CondensationofNamer- .captoacetal with diethyl phosphorochloridate also yields IV (60%), 1" 81-20, xV 1.4500. Reaction of I with CH,;- CHOAc gives unstable (EtO)jP(O)SCH-CTI OAC)CI (V) In quant. yield. which is converted at 100* to 2 (65%). 83% xV 1.4693, with some AcCl as volatile product. Treat- Inent of V with I mote water given III Q%%). I with ho. iyl acetate gives (Rt%P(O)SCHjCOh1e (VI) 1%50%), OMI., aU 1.4685 (p-nitropheny1hydrazone In. 02-3*). C and AcCl. Direct condensation of I with MejCO also yields V1 (50%). C. Aglinelt-- Card 1/1 aht IIICF,@LSKI, Jan; IMUSIEROI.-IM St.-an-islew M Organophosphorus derivatives of sulfur and selenitun. ; t. Rocz chemii 36 no.11:1655-161@9 162. 1. Depart:-,--t. fip,I)NARM 1 1). -, iY,)I)Ai,6K 1, 1(. ; M.- @-,H A -:@ A:, I. , MUSHROW I CZ, S. A! kyl-and alkf-@nql-- it, Yr--, -14 ,-a. @ t . P@. bul e'rit-V ?AN I] 507-511 163. 1. 1 Tistl tutp : f Orga:-i-- @,- -3@ B., i.odz brancli, Pol''. Bn Academy of Sciencps. S/122/62/000/004/006/006 D221/:@302 A U11' H OR T.:Usifulin, ---'n,-ineer On the -@eveloumenl- of sz)ecia'Jzaticn and cooperation (based on the example of machine tools) Vestnik mashinos-.royeniya, no. 4, 19062, 78 - 82 T T11-12 author al-leges that the 7--achine tool industry of USSR -;is c . ed by f-reater s-oecialization thLan the Wes-,err, countries. Ilaracleriz Z-) Plants l1i :e i.-.oskovski4y zavod 'IL-asryy proletariyl ('.*.rscow 2act-ory I- be the lar-est concerns in the vicrl@. Krasnyy -proletar.Lyl) claim zo 11 A comparison of workers i,- -,he machine tool trade @@_lnd -he Dercenta- C:.e of enternrises in 1954 and, 1958 both in US.,, an".- USSR is tab@@-_a- D of UISJ r&C@114 @ed. Batches attain 1000 units a7ail-st 50 - 100 in USA. At the same time the nunber of types 'ranldled by each So- viet -factory has increased. This is accompanied by -he introduction Of -flow i:iethods of production. These factories ensure 39 @o of the 'Cotal output, which is planned to be increased to 70 - 80 %. The envisaged specialization is estmated to provide an average increa- sed productivity of 30 %. The reduction in manufacturing costs due Uard 1/3 S112 62/GGO/004/006/006 On the development of ... D221YD302 to laree scale specialization is illustrated in tables. H,owever, a t 4 point is made of the la@ in Soviet specializa Lon as far as compo- nents and tec@xioiogy a.:-e concerned and this is compared to the iar- 6e advance in the 'dest. The lat)or cos-'s of producing arbors for Mil- ling --achines by s-,-jecialized and auxiliary shops are tabulated. Du--ing 1958-1959 only 15 - 18 % of the value oil c=)onen1.s I-or the Liachine tool industry was mna@e in centralized plants. This is to be 4 increased by 2 - 2.5 times in accordance with t-e plan for 1965. The further development of specializat*ion In enginee-fir," creates .Lavorable conditions 1"or rianufacture of polymer components which ;_@ay replace 10 - 12 A of metallic parts in mach' -71-ools. Construc- ticn. of new, modern factories would be paid back within 1 - 1.5 year. Only 32 % of castin.-s were made by the s@ecialized factories, Whereas t_,@.e remainder was Produced by smali l'oundiaries, entaiiing a lower work eff.-Ciciency. There is a uiofold increase of" casting re- quirements planned for 1965, and an increase in the specific vieight of deliveries by the cooperation of specialized units is, therefore, of importance. A similar situation exists in the output of stampirCs and forgings. It is claimed that reorganization of the industry management has ensured a better economical relationship and impro- Card 2/3 S/12 62/000/004/006/006 On the development of ... D221YD302 ved the prospects of ratio.-ai cooperation. "U-hei.- inefficient small shoDs and foundries. of the machine tool industry in the period by 12 - 14 %. It is planned to increase 'it --,0- - -es. ;@:any plants have closed The cooperative output of 1955 - 1960 went up twofold. There are 8 Card 3/3 V. A. j.'toi ik-, V.,,-,. 7AP-ETSKA.YA, I ,erum p.-)te in fra,:, i r..F in Bruce! -'a infect i,r,,i ray irr-adia t i on Ukr. b I oki. im. zhar 36 no -51 -A -:2 o@ of tt.e i ir@ir-,v 'n--, @dessa. ;,e tp,& r! men mus IKP k I The now UAZ fudly, Za ml. 21 no.1#16-17 A 963* (MRA 16ol) 1, Starshly insho-Impytatelt I obehahostvennyy kerre" IPIGMA !@@t L:,?..i I., * .. , shurnala "Za rulem* m UllyanavBkom avtozavodea (Notortrucks) 14USIKHIN p A.M.- rmeneral conditions for the gripping of the metal in rolling, Inv. v7s. ucheb. sav.; chem. met. no.3.-7441 161. (NDU 14:3) 1. Moskovskly institut stall. (Rolling(Ketalvork)) S1 148/6 1 /000/003/007/015 A16l/A133 AUTHORS; Pavlov, I. M., Musikhin, A. M. TITLE: Investigation of helical tube rollino in three-high reeling mill PERIODICAL; lavestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 3. 1961, 91 - lol TEM The existing process investigation data are either obsolete., or tAiey do not elucidate some problems that &rose with time. The purpose of the subject investigation was to find some new data and study the dependence of the axia-1 slip, rolling time per 1 meter tube, metal pressure, load on the motor and power con- sumption on the shell wall reduction on the grip cone, peripheral velocity, feed angle, and height of the roll orest. The metal pressure on the rolls was measured with dynamometers with strain wire gagea. Over 700 oscillograms were recorded In rolling tubes of different dimensions and steel grades, apart from mass rolling to determine the effect of various process parameters on the quality of the tubes. The determined interdependences are discussed and illustrated in three graphs. Practical recommendations are made and the.determined optimum values are giver, of the relative shell wall reduction (15 - 25% of the roll crest height), of the peripheral velocity of rolls, feed angle, etc. It, is re,@ommended for new mi,'Is Card 1/2 s/148/6i/ooo/oc3/'007/015 Investigation of helical tube rolling im three-high... A16i/AY)-, J@ being designed to diminish the gap between the reeling mill mandrel and -.he In',er- nal surfaoe of the shell (or tube) and prevent crumpling of the front shell @@d by tuzmingr the piercing mill through 1800 (around the vertical axis) from Lhe ly used position, so as to feed shells Into I-lae reeli-ng mill rolls with 1,he rear end first and move in the reeling mill mandrel from th4 front side. It. is c-I&I..Med that the'investigation and the analys-s of the results present some inI.ereF' for production engineers as an aid for more cove2ious control of the process, &nd may be utilized for further improvement of the existi-rig rolling mill operation, as well as in designing new rolling upits wi-.h reeling mills. There are 4 fi.g'lres and 4 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATIONi Moskovskiy ins'.1tat. stali (Moscow Steel Inst-It7ate) SUBMITTED-. June 1, 196o Card 2/2 c C@)/ (j 01 11006/ 00 a. NO - sr 31 I'r to-, oe C@A a@ I t O@ V'a , ;e t;n sal@ ta vir, ,je 0 -,@e OS- silo lc@ 10,11, cot, to r'a. d's &. "10. tjo 'e r C) Oe ve e Ic)61, ?P'C 2,1600 5,0 f 'ar'p- .5. 'O'f t@'of' ay 'Jes 0 ty@e rol se5 se5 ,,,,@.e -e3' reD. to ,@,,e xe L 0@ e Xle d:a )0) aj@(36 rec, CIO ar IIL 4@1 re ,@e &@. 'je ter, ef@ ef@ elO-tl d6@ape ro '15 Vie )oe ?e7l'P oll" 5e5 r -f 0 1 ';@ t;ae rea. tall fo O@ 0 cof@s tef@ 8. t e @.O -CO bla@@ 6elPefl' ty@e r -f 5O@ Ojje& f@ot S %4eel" @s ete ;';ta r 60es oe a.-Valr' 0 IP t'o ie 0 all O'.@5 0 eT - asot'a:)- . a. @41 @ eTO' cotJ5 I- S/1 37/ I'D 2/COG/"X,3/,"95/- 9 '- Conditions of a-xial metal grip on .... AoWA@'Gi roll and the rolling axis. In all cases, except the change of the supply arigle, the slip ratio increases with a greater grip angle of the rolls. K. Ursova FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] L Card 2/2 3/137/62/000/004A)COO; AG52/A101 AUTHOR- Musikhin, A. M. TITLE: Calibration of rolls of a three-high unrolling mill for skewed ;@Ipe rolling PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4. 1962, 18, abztract 4DI)I, ("Sb. nauchno-tekhn. tr. N.-i. in-t metallurgii Chelyab. sovnarkhoz&, no. 3, 1961 132-137) TEXT; A short description is given of the trends in changing the calibra- tion of rolls of the unrolling mill from the moment of putting in operaticn the first home pipe rolling installation with three-high mills to the present time. K. Ursova [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 BOGDMIOV, N.I.; 14USIK, V.T.; SI-MMHEVSKIY, L.G, Assembling precast reinforced conrete elements in constructing a tire factory* Promo stroi, 39 no.5:13-16 f6l. (MIRA 34:7) Dnepropetrovsk-Rubber industry) Precast concrete construction) I v XMIZOIN, A N kand. tekbn. nauk; PAVLOV, I.M.; OSADORIY, V.Ya., '--'@@@@@kbn. nauk ROU IMOOTing for tbree-bigh-reeling mine of diagonal rolling. Sbor. Inst. stali i *plav. no.40:327-329 162, OCIRA 16: 3.) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSI (for Pavlay) (Rolls(Iron mills)) (Pipe MU-183 PAVLOV, I. M.; MUSIUIN, A. M., kand. tekhn. nauk; OSADCHIY, V. Ya@ Metal pressure on the rolls of a three-high reeling =.12 of diagonal rolling. Sbor. Inst. stali i splav. no.40035-337 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Pipe mills) (Pressure) I-- I BKU#AN, Tu.A., Inzh.; KJSIKHIN, K.M... inzh. Drying litter peat in a pasumatic tube gas drier. Torf.prom. 36 no.8:5-8 '59. (MIRA 131-3) 1. VeasayuzW nauchno-Issladovatel'skly institut torfyanoy promVehlonnosti (for Berman). 2. Lengiprotorf (for Masilch1u). (Peat--Drying) YAMMOV, V.P., insh.; KIMTWVA. M.Z., inzh.; KUSHRIN, K.M., inzh. Results of testing molding and forming machines used in the manufacture of peat insulating boards. Torf.prom. 37 no.4:25-27 l6o. (KIRA 13:7) 1. largiprotorf. (Peat machinery--Testing) (Inowlating mat4rials) KUSIX10. L.S. Comparative effects of ionizing radiation and benzene on bone marrow hemorpoiesis in rabbits [with summary in.Englishimp.621. Probl.gamat. i perel.krovi 4 no.2:32-34 F '59 IRA 12:2) 1. lz kafedry fakulltetakoy terapii No.2 (zav.- prof. A.A. Nechayev) Voyenno-meditainskay ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (BODE MARROW, physiol. hemopoietic funct.. eff. of radiatons & benzene, comparison in rabbits (Rua)) (RADIATIONS, eff ects, on bone marrow hemopoietic funct. in rabbits, comparison with benzene (Rua)) (BENZENE, effects, on bone marrow hemopoietic funct. in rabbits, comparison with radiations (Rua)) MUSIKHIN, L.S. Cellular composition of peripheral blood in healthy*.r-abbits. Lab.dejo 9 no.3;54-57 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Kafedra voyenno-morskoy i gospitallnoy terapii (nach&llnik- prof. Z.M.Volynskiy) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (BLOOD CELLS) YESIN, COAgi (Sverdlovsk); LWINSIC KH. B.M-, (Sverdlovsk); WSUM, V.I.# (Sverdlovsk)&' Electromotive force technique in the determination of the activitT of ferrous oxide in molten slags. Izv. AN SSSR Otd.tekh.nauk no.12:120- 127 D '54* (MM& 8:5) 1. Urallskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR, Sverdlovsk. (Slag) (Iron oxides) E. 14. f. Forces were measured at 1420-700with an Fe and a MgO electrode in electr lytes composed of CaO-MgO-SiO- -FeO-Fe 0 of varying compm. The FeO activity and tile variations of isobaric potenLals wlt@ diln. were caled. from the e.m.f. A comparison of the values found with the data found in literature shows a satisfactory agreement, which confirms the previously found energetic nonequivalence of the skag Ions and the micrononuniformity of the melts. The cell for the measurement of the e.m.f. and the method for its use are described. - 'I.I., asiliy fil . 1@ . ",@Mx- and PolarizatJon in Titanium ilags," lecture given at the R)urth Conference L.r jl.cclruaklr.,@, A.A. ba 1,r(, ,, lr@zitj tutt@ @ f Metallurgy, Moscow, Jul-y 1-6, 1917 j,@, ESE1 0. A. and IEP]2a= B. M. EmbTff-101-le-itechnic Institute. Influence of the Vacuum Pig-Iron Treatment on the Activity of Dissolved Silicon." paper presented at Sewnd Symposium on the Application of Vacuum Metallurgy. 18(o); 5(2) PTLA.SE I E7711PTILATION SOV/3100 Akademiya nsuk SSSR. Ural'skiy f,.14 al. Institut metad-largii Trudy, Vyp. 4 (Transactions of the Institute of Metadlur6y, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR; No. 4) Sverdlovsk, 1958. 157 p. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Editorial Board: N.A. Vatolin (Resp. Ed.), Candidate of Technical, Sciences; A.S. Milmlinskiy, Professor, Doctor; V.Ya. Miller, Professor; P.A. Pazdnikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; and S.S. Llsnynk, CandIrlate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: M.S. Baranovskaya, PURPOSE: This book Is intended for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgists. COVERAGE: The book presents results of investigations of theoretical pro- blems in metallurgy and chemistry and gives information on the efficient use of raw materials in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy and on the de- velopment of new production processes in tie metallurelcal and chemical industries. The articles were written by junior me.-!e_-t, and experienced specialists of the scientific staff of the Institutes of Metallurgy, Chemistry, and Electrochemistry, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Card 1/5 Transactions of the Institute of (Cant.) L@0111310(,- No personalities are mentioned. References follow ewh article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Musikhin, V.I., O.A. Yeuin, and B.M. I-A-pinskikh. Determination of th(@ Activ- i-t-Y-6T-3TTfc-6-n in Liquid Pig Iron With Vnrinl@lf, @@=posltion an.-I Pressure of the Gaseous Phase 5 L--pinskikh, B.M., O.A. Yesin, and V.I. Musikhin. Acti-rity of 'I-,ilicon In liquid Pig Iron as Affected by Man-ga-ne-se-an-T-PE-osphorus 9 Shavrin, S.V., T.V. Sapozhnikovaj and B.M. Lepinskikh. Electricna Resistnnce and Phase Composition of Briquetted Ilmenite During the Reducing-Roasting Process 15 Komlev, G.A., and Ye.A. Vetrenko. On the Connection Between the 1'inetics of the Vaporization of Solids and the Pressure of 3aturated Vapor 19 Davydov, V.I., and N.P. Dlyev (Deceased). Behavior of Germaniinn During the Roasting of Sulfiae Concentrates Card 215 Tranaactions of the Inatitute ot' (M.-mt.) 30V/3lOO Starkov, L.N., and M.I. Koch-nev. On the Redurtion of' the lover Su2f1des of Nickel and Cobalt 35 StarkovP L.H., and M.I. Kochnev. Oxidation of the Lower 'Sulf1des of NIckel and Cobalt 39 Chukrey-ev, N.Ya., and 1A.V. Smirnov. Polarization of Benjllium-Oxide -Carbon Anodes in ?used Chlorides 45 Zhuravlev, M.M., L.K. Gavrilov, and P.A. Pazdnikov. Investigation of the Conditions for Electrodeposition of Copper From S-,dfate Solutions in the Presence of Iron, 'inc,and Cadmiim Cations and the Nitrate Andon 51 Frishberg, I,V., P.A. Pazdnikolt, and L.K. Gavrilov. `:ome Prerequisites for the Electrolytic Production of Lead Sponge Frrnn Alkaline Cliloride Solutions end Selection of Insoluble Anodes for Electrolysis 59 Kozhevnikcrv,, G.N. Some Peculiaxities of the Htea(-.tinn of lith ::oda and Lime During the Sintering Procens 65 Card 3!'5 Transactions of the Institute of (Cont.) -;:)V/ 310(,) Kozhevnikov,, G.N., and S.I. Fuznctsov. ()ptixnm Cmd-itions for 1--achlng :@oda- Helenite 5inter Cakes Mikulinski,f-, A.S., and G.N. KozhemJJo,%r. Pro(biction of *@"!tOJAIT by )r r!n�horatt, (F-, A Carbon RelLct-i.-m of the @,,Ujfate , Balakire,v, V.F., Ye.A. Vetrer-Jo. A-'. On the Problem of Passage of ',.inc _@;om ["opper] 1'@@'J,- 111ase During Air Blast Dey"_v, V.I., S.A. Venmenicilev, an.-I H.P. Plynv (Deccased). .@!ompz-.rative Date. on the Cari-ying of Liqiiid into t*-;e G!,s-e_@-Jimist -,--oies in n1i E.?.perimental Con- ver-ter Mikhaylov, V.V.., B.".. Kudino,@', an! V.I. Zhuc@Lkcnr. f-,n tl@- of Oxides of Boron Durln,-. the MetallurgIcal 1'reatment of Bomr' - rjr(-:@ &-,I V. . 7@t,.-nobrovkJ n Me I f@!:a q .,; I - _-venlj ent I ml of Pig Iron in the Cupola 71 7 7. 81 87 97 101 C ard 4 / 9 Transacti--ns nP ,@- J:lr! Kaybicnev, A.V., ruri @'o--Tpos'-Ion and I Heat (Iontpnt -,f 1-7 a ernobrovl: -1 n , V. 1 Dr)t.r.r I t@!-i iT@Oapllorus niki "r-j- tanium in -'.:n-Lnh-11 Pig Tron 113 Pliner, Yu.j.-. @ ri the Deposition of Ferrotitaniunt RegtLli 123 Tokarev, A.'.'., ari @3.3. Spass!:iy. Ini@,stigation of' tl:e -'Jopol-mevs nf Poly-1,5- butvlenp and :.Ayrenp- FlotkAna, N.I., and V.G. Plyusnin. Production of Isope-raffiris by Alkylation of Tsobutane With mlf-flns !4@ AVA!IJl-',K--l- Card VK/jb MMIKHIN, V.I.; TESIN. O.A.; ISPIIISKIKH, B.M. .' Influence of Kn, P and Si on the activity of aluminum in liquid cast iron. Zhur. prikl. khim. v. 31 no-5:689-693 K7 '58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Institut metallurgil Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR. (Iron-aluminum alloys) 1 Mu8ikhin, V. I., Yesin, 0. A. SOV investigation of the Properties of Molten Titanatis L.,,/ Meavs of the EV-Method (Izuehen-4ye avoystv rasplavlenr:ykh tiluariatov metodom elektrodvizhushch-ikh sil) it 76, ')1 C A: Znurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 6, (USSR) In the present paper the systems Ila 0-Ti0l) and fln(J-T@fj 1) z@ r s@ inve8tigated by means of the KMF meihod, @sing ce__113 with- out ion ransfer. The experiments were carried out at 1200 and 14711) C,and 2 types of cells were used, their diagrams az well as the working technique employed being given. It was observed that the varies, which fact was explained by the oxidation of Mn to Mnt3; the experiments rere cor- re-spondingly carried out in a suitable way. The measurement@. were carried out with a high-resistance potentiometer of the type ITW-1; the data obtained are given together w".1h thoBe of the chemical analysis and the calculuteu viLlie,-, of the activity and of the activity coefficient in a t@tu@,, Yrom the results of the experiments may be seen tt,a*. 'rt:-t@ @j r,4 Is quite a deviation from ideal solutions; it is SOV/715- @--1-6-,-B.'46 e@t]gation of the ProDerties of Molten T;tanates V Means of the L h od ttiat ions of the type TiO- 4, TiO-2 and Ti 0-2 exist. Airewia@.@ 4 3 2 5 Bethe (Ref 4) proposed a method of calculation whirh "a, '@ r on was extended to compounds of the type AH- by @ef 5), while Nirkwood (Ref 6) calculated ihe fi-f-e Prerp; in another way, which method was then used by 1. 14. k.Ref 7) for any concentration. Using the equation oi' tnE- la.@4t meftioned author the authors of this paper foi)rd out. that according to B. N. Winkel'shteyn (Ref 8) a furfj!Li@la the calculation of small mixing energies may be der.y@;,d, while according to the equation by A. A. ZhukhovitFKiy, B. N. Finkel'shteyn and 1. S. Kulikov (Ref 9) Rnother Yiz;i of aerivations exists. Later on 1. .3. t7ulikov (@ef elaborated an equation for the system FeCI-SiO 2f wh,-.Ie Kozheurov (Ref 12) proceeded from the quasichemical meth.-I for determining the activity of the components in bin-rj solutions. As the equations refer to the formation @- f a pound of the type AB the system Fe-Si was investigated, lata obtained by Schneider and Mayer (Ref 17) being :t is assumed that a great decrease of the coordinat@or 1 2 number z takes place in melting FeSi, and that on tL@ C":.- @zir.atezi 1. 1 oti of t tie Propert ies of Ko 1 Len hand quaaimoleculeti and ferrosilloon figures, 3 tables, and 11) references, Soviet. 3OV/ -! " - @ _. -'@ - - S by 14ann of forin. rht)i-(.# wre 10 of whinli ai-v @..T! -14: Ural'skiy filial Akfideinii nauk J@iilR 7in b t it u t Tr.,@ t a l 1,i rg; Sverdlovsk (Ural Branch A9 UTiR.,Iverdlov.9@., institute of Yetallurgy) R.M T'I 7abruary 22, 1957 1. Titanates (Liquid)--Properties 2. Titanates (Liquid)-Chemical analysis 3. PotentUmters-Applications 1 5 SOV/76-32-8-24/37 AUTHORS: Lepinskikh, B. M., Yesin, 0. A., 1. TITLE: The Anisotropy of the Electroconductivity in a Sodium Silicate Current (Anizotropiya elektroprovodnosti v struye silikata natriya) PERIODICAL* Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol- 32, Nr 8, pp. 1874-1877 (USSR) kBSTRACT: The present investigations are intended to solve the problem whether in a flow of silicate an orientation of the anions takes place having a different resistance along and across the direction of flow. The experiments were carried out by means of melts of the system Na 20-SiO 2 in an apparatus the diagram and the description of which are given. The flow rate was not always the same, it never surpassed, however, a Reynolld number of 20, with the transition from an accelerated flow to a normal flow taking place according to Gagen-Puazeyl in the initial section of 1 cm length. The representation of the electric scheme as well as a description of the operation method Card 1/2 are given. The results obtained show a clear anisotropy of the SOV/76-32-8-24/137 The Anisotropy of the Electroconductivity in a Sodium Silicate Current electroconductivity, with a decrease of the resistance being observed in the direction al,)ng the flow., and an increase of it in the cross direction. This is explained by a complex structure of the silicon oxide anion, and it is assumed that an orientation of chain- or lamella-type silicon oxide anions in the direction of flow is present. It was found that the observations made agree with those by Bockris and Lowe (Bokris and Love)(Ref 12), and that they contradict those by Baak (Bok) (Ref 13). In the explanations of the results obtained, referring to the periodicity of the above anisotropy by thp change of the composition of the silicate the authors give data obtained by N. V. Belov (Ref 15). There are 1 figure and 15 references? 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ural;skiy filial Akademi-4 nauk SSSR,,Institut metallurgii Sverdlovsk (Ural Branch of the AS USSRj Institute of Metallurgy, Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTED March 25, 1957 Card 2/2- H S Musikhin, V. I., YeAin, 0. A. SOVi 76-52-1@.;-?6, 5@' at' Dd-ic n TL Jn-nZ S-Z-= (Katodnaya polyarizEitsiya v titanosoii-rzhas,c-iz,- PERUDI,'AL: Zhurnal fizic,-,eskov kiiimii, 1)58, V.,)-" .12, ';r 'L:, I- F@p 2410-2411@ @J3.@R) A33'-ACT: The Lhenomenon of cathoaic Lolarization in liq-;,_1 slu@@a already observed (Refs 2,3,4') is in the present cLse @nvestigated with melts of 'I'-MgG-Al B 0 I - ') U 3 , 3 2 TiO2 additions). The constraction of -.-e electro'-@z--r according to Piontelli (Ref 7@ turned oat to be and the direct method was not employed because the Lugin-Gaber capillaries are difficult to prod-ace. The potential was measured according to the comm.@tator metn-ld (Ref 2) with an electrolyzer being u@?ed; a diagram of electrolyzer is given. The determinations were carried out at 14000 with Cu - Ti, Fe - @ - Ti and 71-cathodes. A slow diffusion of the Ti 4+- ions was observed. The arsence of abrupt polarization drops @tlso points to a diff-igi@,r. 1112 On the cathode of the iron alloy with 10@ and 2-1@-o --i, w-re 'ard 0 C Cathodic Polarization in Titanium-Containing Slags SOV/76-3;@-1G-26j'@7,), ti'e depolarization is apparently low an overc-.arg-'.w of Ti 4+ to Ti 3+ mainly takes place. Reduction processe3 Of 3+ 2@ 2,- 41 Ti to Ti and Ti to Ti .--ke p14Ce -I': !:@e Ti to Ti same time, vii--h t,:e co@,-f f i cient r.)@l te-ds to s.%ow. solid tun,-@.sten cath.-.1e no t.,;,es place only an overcra.-ge of t@ie Ti-ions May na . e There ar,@ 3 figure@;, I tuble, and 11 references, :-,f are Soviet. Sverdlcvsk ASSOCIATION: Institut metal"urii Urallsko-o filiala AN @33-3RY (Institute of Metai@-irgj of the Ur--iI 9r,@nch)Aj U33H, SU B M I T -- ZD INILLy 21 , 1 )c@7 :;Irl 212 M LA 4 LVUMU- DA-111511. O-A-1 MMIMIN, B.I.i WOLIN. N.A. "M ovbdtt4d tw the 5th PtW@tml Ch@dml C-f@ swel Prftaum. rVitiocow 30 Jul WA 'P/oc 67277 SOV/180-59-4-8/4b B.M. and Musikhin, V.1@_. AUTHORS: Yesin, O.A., Lepinskikh, (Sverdlovsk) TITLE. Study of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Lead Oxide--- Vanadium Pentoxide, Lead Oxide-.Silica and Lead oxide-- Vanadium Pentoxide-Silica Systems by the Method of Electromotive Force PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo. 1959, Nr 4, p 47--51 (USSR) ABSTRACT. Measurements of the emf E of a cell were used for determining the standard changes of potentialt\Z*, of entropy AS* and of enthalpy 411 9 . By introducing a second oxide in the electrolyte, the activity of the components and the deviation of the thermodynamic functions from idea values can be calculated, The slag systems used were, bO -- SiO 11p 2 Pb 0 -- V,@, 0 cand Pb Si02 - V205 and the coii`po_sit1Z_ns are given-in' Table 1. F-ig I shows the apparatus used, consisting of a resistance heater (I)i a crucible (2), liquid lead (3), oxide mixture (4) and electrodes of platinum (5) and platinum-oxygen (7). The results for E for the PbO,-S'02 system and the activity Card 1/3 of PbO are given in Table 2. Fig 2 compares the results 6 7 2 7 7 I SOV/18o-59-4-6/48 Study of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Lead Oxide-Vanadium Pentoxide, Lead Oxide-Silica and Lead Oxide-Vanadium Pentoxide-Silica Systems by the Method of Electromotive Force for the activity of PbO with the previous results by other workers. The present results are similar to those of Richardson and Webb (Ref 7). The riegative devLations from ideal solution indicate the formation of Pb.O-Si- tile stability of which increases with decreasing temperature. The thermodynamic functions for the PbO.-SiO2 system are given in Table 3 and Fig '3, The results confirm the formation of Pb..O--Si, with a decrea8v in potential arid entropy and evolution of heat. The results of rtudies (it' the PbO-V205 system are given Ln Fig 2. This system shows greater negative deviations from the ideal state@ The thermodynamic functions are given in Table 3 and Fig 3. These confirm the formation of Pb--O--V. Results for the system PbO-SiO2-V205 are given in Table 4. Negative deviations are again observed. Results confirm that the bond in Pb--O-V is stronger than that in Pb-O,.S.,L. The thermodynamic characteristics of PbO in the ternary system are given in Table 5. There are 3 figures 5 tables and Card 2/3 9 references, 5 of which are Sciviet and 4 Engl-ish. 67277 Sov/18o-59-4-6/46 Study of the Thermodynamic Properties of the Lead Oxide Vanadium Pentoxide, Lead Oxide-Silica and Lead Oxide-Vanadium Pentoxide-Silica Systems by the Method of Electromotive Force ASSOCIATlON-.Institut metallurgii UFAN (Metallurgical lnstitute UFAN) SUBMITTED: February 20, 1959 Card 3/3 Ir 5W SOV/20-126-5-34/65 AUTHORS: Musikhin, V. I., Yesin, 0. A., Lepinskikh, B. M. TITLE: Cathodic Polarization During the Deposition of Vanadium From Melted Oxides (Katodnaya polyarizatsiya pri osazhdenii vanadiya iz rasplavlennykh okislov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Val 126, Nr 5, PP 1037-10,10 (USSR) ABSTRACTz S. A. Sakharuk and G. M. Vaynshtey-n (Ref 1) showed the pos- sibility of an electrolytic deposition of V from melted calcium aluminate, containing V 0 51' on a liquid iron cathode. The ki- netics of this process is nvestigated. Figure 1 shows the polarization curves on the Fe,V-cathode for two Ca-aluminate melts (with and without SiO 2 ) to which different amounts of V 2 05 (up to 3%) were added. The critical currents are proportional to the V 205- content of the melts. Considering that the diffusion coefficients in liquid iron are much higher than in the oxide melts (i ' > the following may be derived from the equation n @ in) ' f or the polariza tion of the concentration: -r) I L- In( 1 - -L) (2). Card 1/3 nF in Cathodic Polarization During the Deposition of Vanadium From Melted OX--de-- the diffusion in the oxide melt. These processes take i.,Iace at more positive potentials than the deposition of 3.4. The pre&ence of iron oxides reduces the current yield of V as the cathodic reduction of Fe 3+ and Fe 2+ takee place more easily. There are 3 figures and 8 references, 6 of' which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSH (Institute of Metallurgy of the UralaBranch of the Academj ot Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: March 3, 1959, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: March 3, 1959 Card 3/3 V. .". (;aTIO sci - - (,i_6) "" kill-:, _'-.5 o!" Lhe @@iectrji-: .i c rt;o,, @f - -,z . rur, :: @)" tt@[. E _c , 11 3vero 1 Ik) 19W, 1'.; p p ( @' n' I I'_; L. I @ 1 "@I]_ -% @' ',I. t 11 Lt.' @ * j . ... . K L rov) (hL, 1- ) rv. ta IL A. IL .92, -is @ms GI 3 A 24 ip 61 14@ tj i:2 @;j 'I 'Y'A I-C @h-;- I t T -1 (-ToI It' 0 P-C.. V, X.. ;w u @@Vl ul I 'ry -Cl jo I 1 .1 p I-tj -S-V -A., -Y-V Ta -1-N -A-v -ul@--l lqjIj 1-2 ..32 J-P I'm j I p IT J-P C.@,j 6 Z -)I 'IT Pl@q *@I-S --j-:1 ;o i2@1-q-l r@:@ --p. ql ul 21-q .-,V.L I. -l-A :-pH -A-j, '3'X 'V-Y '@19-A-A-AW -vo -Y-H -,J'A -Itlill-PAY 1-Y ;-,q J@J-,Tp, -41 jjz. FIRIONCALI ARWRACT 9 Card 1/8 cazd R/ a Card 5/0 by"00116S., 36 11. 2/07a/60/000/03/021/0:3 900312004 394 &U-ftl" afte@ *a the vit.bong St.%. Stabile I kuw4dilks. 1%0. Rr 3. Vp 43-46 (V322 "W 3" All-WOR GOSt"OSSO *a Obd $lot. ... h.ld L. Lastagrad at Us in. T-. kkiau 4111"Wr of SLI-Z.. h!:::b*ok Al :r As,, 1-11D 1j.l1;1111%7.11 -1 seami-amm" aptlb.MX4 J."tit. Loan -1 w. Olptiesi zmattift" &M.&I 0. 1. %b.. :*per$* 0: fte'stmetere feel f uh. Itraw" We the mombont a : trifia.1loo @d phr-l-t @-l AM to halsel prepartles of Classes Or* d.23.,.r.d. =j C-f- a" "= 67 A464041mi&A A. A. Laboddl. TuZd..1.t.l "Ikeda a" womelas @Q@iad; the glass it-. t.- - 4 t. @ ! , hS at MWOURS. &Qed.alaism A. A., r.p-t.d .. p--:11- *is& "a roSalks at Qp%&Gwi usibda. to. A. t .fram"" "th . ff- S. to .0 &... r.1 -- wra.-.arms ta= P@.'ONA.s of II ...... Tb. 2.4 ..W..; "Parte, aa the $ro%I.v, of tb. vitro... L. Cbealcal Peoullarities of Polra"Ic TLIreaus ffat*i =m. vature or vitritim.tLam-1 1. cqr@J_, -3 D, T A Om tbo Problems of Cmufo@mltiam of in, : Glass as a Tslrmmr4& A. R. Dauval-ter, -Tbo=y of A, of th- 01-S- 75--d Z_- 9 reports *a 1z-1lpti- f Ili, Sol$. a" as probl." of in. se.h.-I&A of A, -0. Us F-bles of ft. Vormstl- of tb. C.,#t,llt- -MOV US SLIA-at- -Yr ..... .f Tj,,i_ t14&t1ww am AU Sumot- L-@t-kikh. andI -on the 31@.trs of T: 3111o.t. POO - UT---m, .6 C.0 - AIZO 3 - sio'.1 "I am Stractr.1 visrulcollo.-I M. at At the On -ilb of skm gla-ma tractux -4 opil.&I in .. lic@lill '!31111 1, A;_ jism"Agi@a..Lu= ufl..ti.. ap. 'r. of 5"1:; a,Ii. @t.a mad Thi@ I.Latins. is tk@ St-tux.- I U. S. tAtL-Inh -a T. P. Comkol-R-an Disper.Lem of LlZht -4 the 31-t-@ f S- Kitw-;- ;144 ... j @1. _ALJgj*&M^. of the Tlb-t1.A.l .f Al-L.Millost. Gl ..... I N. D. 3*b@l- r.p-t.d .. th. -k f %if 7181aOsUff ISS41261 AN 3252 (lastitU14 of Fbilsiog AS U=) with glow.4 :.fss "a oOqp,,.Aj. with thi-bilp of infr-.4 kAtr7 4 the bwmkal-X@& dlep.r.ioul T. A. 511- the m4l.amlar stre0ture "41he prop#rti-m of tho crystalll- @r-rtaj S. ff. 2rekborskikh and 1. P. Ch.r..4.L-, r.p-t.d @. Ls"Stiotion. of to"- Sol 1-t-thb-ote 91 ..... .Ith th- Aid -f Isfr-d mao.trmoapyj A. 0. 'Th- Q-t1%-t1- 11-1-1i- -f us Orearix and 0. 0. -4 A. 0. -]a-*tr ... Sr-P111- Lu-iig@il on tb. slro.t@- X. A. of "it..te Q1.4-8-7kMait.4 to Wmxi.g Th.@l A&4re"v, 1. 1. #wer_!Zas@ov, X. A. ToymhvIlln. A.@l LiZ%% 1. bar. G1&m&s&-;.Ajf@:45tb -p-t. d..11 .1th $I in 10, IDS ro." 91 ...... 4. A. &V@& "d G"- ft-31. 17Sor- -4 Alun.b..- A .... If -f In- P-P.r- Ila :f To. 1. r-1-4. -0. th. C-dL..ti.. X..- bar: f &I I.- ,ad borna to 3... 1 S. P. rhd-., em'strustuz.1 -bs-V;.Ln Cl..... I To. A. " S. P. zbdamov ra rteJ on ooms controvorsial probl- Qo-rmlag %be Sul tome of cl..#.6 _j ".11 V.-. p-J-1.j To.A. P:.V-L..hjt. SaA S. a. Andreyvv, -SubalcrooooPto 1@h' LA at-t@ of C-pl.. 41 ....... Th. 15 S/OB1/62/000/006/033/057 B156/B101 -el C AUTHORS: Lepinskikh, B. M., Yesin, 0. A., Musikhin, V. I., Vatolin, N. A. TITLE: The electrochemical alloying of metai with vanadium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 6, 1962, 372, abstract BY,198 (Sb. "Fiz.-khim. o9novy proiz-va stali". M., AN SSSH, 1961 , 2 38 -241 ) TaT: The electrochemical extraction of V from dumped or conversion blast furnace slars containing up to 2V1., V 205 and up to 40/1. FOO is described. The cathodic current yield of V in relation to DCO the furnace atmosphere, the composition of the slag and metal and the temperature is Xt2 investigated. In oxidizing atmospheres the cathodic current is much lower than in reducing atmospheres, since in the first case the V is in the form of V 205' Variation between 1 and 2.5 a/CM2 in Dc may be accompanied by a possible variation between 5 and 25% in the initial V content. The metal bath of the furnace can be used as the cathode. [Abstracter's note: COM le@e translation.] CaA 1 1 5/07 61/035/012/00-0/008 B101YB1 58 AUTHORS: Musikhin, V, T., Yesin, 0, A,j and Lepinskikh, B. M@ TITLE: Use of solid electrolytes in emf measurements PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no.. 12, 1961, 2710 - 2712 TEXT, Slags used as electrolytes for the examination of melts in ferrous metallurgy by emf measurements have the drawback that they react with the cell walls making the measured emf values unstable- In a previous study (Zh. prikl. khimii, 31, 689, 1958), the authors obtained well reproducible emf values by using a mixture of Al 203with 5@1' refractory clay as electrolyte: Al A120 3 + clay Fe, C sat' Al (2). In the present paper, the authors checked data obtained with this element and compared them with those obtained with a liquid slag of MA CsO, 4(YA Al20 3 P 1 5cio B203 9and 5@u M90. Results are given in the table: Card 1/f Use of solid electrolytes- S/07 61/035/012/003/008 B101@13138 Emf of chain (2) at 12500C Liq uid electrolytes Solid electrolytes Al m E, mv ]E v @ CE Al NAl E, Mv Al 0.0036 304 304 0.0009 0.0036 320 moo6 0,025 180 180 0,0159 0,0255 182 O@0152 0,067 127 0,0536 o.o865 120 o_o63o The almost identical values for solid and liquid electrolytes allow the calculation of emf from the equation e - 0.1 log(i/a Al) (4). The emf values obtained with solid electrolytes are of high stability. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 11 references; 9 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet ASSOCIATION@ Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch AS USSR) Card 2/0 S102 61/136/002/029/034 B004%056 AUTHORSs Musikhin V I and Yesin, 0. A. TITLEt The Diffusion Coe"ficients of Ions in Molten Slags PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 388-390 TEXT. The authors deal with the behavior of slags in electrolysis. In the present paper, they report on the determination of the diffusion coefficients of ions in molten aluminate slags (45% CaO, 47% A120 3P 6% MgO, 2% B 2 03), to which 2% Fe, Co, Si, Nb, V, Ti, and Zr were added and in silicate slags (40 CaO, 40% Si02 , 20% A1203 ) with additions of Ni, Fe, V, Nb. Electrolyzer and electrodes were described in Ref. 6. Molten copper was used as cathode. Temperature was 1350-15500C, the cur- rent density, 0.13-0-40 a/cM2. Determination of the diffusion coefficient D was based upon the cathodic deposition being accompanied by concentra- tion polarization. With a current density, i, being greater than the Card 1/4 The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in S/020/61/1-16/002/02c,/034 Molten Slags B004/BO56 limiting current density, the concentration Go of the substance, which is reduced, decreases, and vanishes after a certain time to. This may be found with an oscilloscope. D is calculated from tot CO' and is D = 4i 2to/rIC2n2F2(1), where n is the number of electrons in the 0 elementary event of discharge. The change in the electrode potential was recorded by a loop oscilloscope, L-,Llification being carried out by 6 H9 (6Ng') and 6 P7 (C.G7) tubes. Results are given in Fig. 1 as log D = f(I/T). In uach El_c, two tToups of ions could be distinguished. The modifiers Fe, Uo, Vi (first group), and also Ca (examined by other methods - Refs. 8-10) showed hit;her values of D than the net-forming elements of the second group: Si, Ubp Vq Ti, Zr. T@e following holds: D = Doexp(-E/RT) (2). The diffusion coefficients D I of aluminate slag are greater than D II of silicate slag. Do was found for the first and second ion groups in aluminate slag. D Il = 4.85, D12 @ 0.49; in silicate slags DIii @ 0.23, D 112 ' 0-014. According to the theory of the Fibsolute reaction rate, DO = (e,\2kT/h)exp(AS /R) (3). where A is the distance Card 2/4 The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in B/020/61/136/002/029/034 Rolten Slags B004/B056 between neighboring equilibria of the diffusion particle; h is Planck's constant; AS' 4S the actIvation entropy. From A exp(AS'J/@R) a j- ij the following is calculated: T 22.2 L, ri. 7.0 A,; V 12 111 - 4.8 L; 1.2 L. The increased values obtained for I are explained by 112 greater activation entropy (&S' > S" ). The difference between ir and I 1I ii i rl-.,:E is explained by different motions of the cations. The net-forming cations move together with the large oxygen ions (Ref. 6). The diffusion of these cations depends on that of the small modifier ions and occupy only vacancies. Their transfer 14 therefore small (0.6 - 0.7 i) compared to the transfer of modifier ions from one equilibrium point to another (2-7 - 3.5 A). This explains the low values of DO compared to Do. There 2 1 are 1 figure, 1 table, and 14 references: 9 Soviet, 2 US, 2 British, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 3/4 The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in S/020/61/136/002/029/034 H,olten Slags B004/B056 PRESENTED: July 20, 1960, by A. X. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: July 9, 1960 Legend to Fig. 1A lt Fe, 2: Cot 32 Nit 4: Sit 51 V, 6: Tit 71 Zr, 6t Nb .00 LIB 1gO 0 0 74 4 Card 4 MUSIKHIN, V.I.; IEPINSKIKH, B.M. ---Plitimm-electrode in electrochemical studies of molten oxides. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.10:2302-2303 0 162. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. MIKHINP V.I.; YMIN, O.A. Deter-ination of diffusion coefficients of elements in liquid cast iron by oscillography at constant current. Dokl.AX &9SR 145 no.2:360-362 J1 162. (@GRA 15;7) 1. Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.K.Frumkinym. (Diffusion) (Iron alloys) YI! b,- t,. @7nyy KUSIMNAF M. G. Pulmonary resection in the second half of pregnancy. Probl, tub. 40 no.5:99-100 162. (MM 15:7) 1. Is legochno-khirurgichaskogo otdeleniya (rukovoditel' - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk M. L. Shultko) SverdlovBkogo nauchno-issladavatellskogo instituta tulberkuleza (dir. - prof. I. A. Shaklein) i Gorodskogo protivotuberkuleznogo dispansera (glavrjyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR Z. P. Kunitsina) (MEGNATICY, CCWLIGATIONS OF) (LUNGS-XURGERY) AUTHORS: Panyushkin, I. V.) and MusikL-ina,_,',._.K.. 130-12-10/24 Wlilf Rerar e Iuc-'rerja-hearth Furnace BottomS (Smes' TITLE: 1X ure or Vle @@ Rn2l dlya navarki podin martenovskikh pechey) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957, No.12, p. 20 (USSR). ABSTRACT: From September, 1956, a mixture of magnesite powder, raw dolomite (0-4 mm) and scale (optimal proportions 80, 13 and 775, respectively) has been used for bottom fettling in the duplex shop at the Chusovsk Metallurgical Works (Chusovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod). The authors describe the method of using this mixture and compare times for the different stages of the process with those required when magnesite alone was used, the total times being given as 4 hr 30 min and 5 hr 25 min, respectively. A fettling life of 9 - 12 days is obtained. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Chusovoy Metallurgical Works (Chusovskiy metallurgich- eskiy zavod) AVAILABILP: Library of Congress Card 1/1 V'-- -AT;!UY, I.N., inz@.; IZOTOV, IT.F. , inz-..; A. " I, ,_p_ inz'.1,; AVE.0':A!,'OV, V.A., inzh.; BOWPOV, O.P., inz-h. Duplex proces.: o-' stccl:.ra::ing fro@- naturally alloyed c* iron. Stall 20 no.6:496-500 Je '60. !/,:2) 1. Or.-.@cc--':h,-1ilovoIdy me-tailm- -ic'., 'dy ',or@binat. (Sto, 1---ctal u ---Ir) TAKHTAYEV, Yu.B.; rVAWV, R.M.; LEONOV, A.F.; VARNAVSKIY, I.N.; IZOTOV, Improved technology for the making of native alloy siFee-1 at the Orsk-Khalilovo Metallurgic&l Combine. [Sbor. trud. I Nauch.-issl.inst.met. no.4:82-90 161. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Nauclino-issledovatellskiy institut metallurgii (for Takhtayev, Ivanov). 2. Orsko-K@ilovskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Leonov, Varnavskiy, Izotov, Musikhina). (KhaMovo-Steel-Metallurgy) S/19 62/000/007/040/160 D295YD308 AUTHOR: 1".,usil, A1ois T ITI:@@ New 7,:BmLqA recording instruments PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7, 1962, abstract 7-2-74 m (EE-lektrotechnik, v. 16,- no. 8, 1961, 218 -'221 [Czech.; summaries in Ger. and Rus.j) TEXT: Three nea -,oftls of recording instruments of the !'etra-'--3!an- sko Enterprise (Czechoslovakia) have been developed. The main model the Rg 140, has front-panel dimensions 140 x and weighs fronL. 6 to 8 kg, depending'on the type of measuring system. The instru- ment has a 100 rim scale or two 45 mm scales; in the latter case thf instrument has two measuring systems. The Rg 280 instrument has di- mensions 280 x 200 mm and can have the same combination of scales of two sizes. The Rg 380 instru.-,.ent with dimensions 380 x 200 rrim and weight un to 17 kg hes up to 6 measuring systems with 45 and 100 mL scales. A new-design pen made of poiystyrene is used; the ink suppiy suffices for 50 m recording. The magneto-electric measur- Card 1/3 S/194,/62/000/007/040/160 New :'_ETU. recording instruments D295/D308 ing system in the Instruments consists of a coil, the naterial of which incluies epoxide resin, and a mnrrnet of alnico alloy. The measurement range for direct voltage is 4 - 6CO 7, for current 10-3 - 15 A or rore by using shunts. The voltmeter resistance is 100-'1V The same system can t)e used i-,,ith a rectifier for a.c. measurements. The measurement range is 4-6CO V for voltage and 4-600 mA for cur- rent. To measure small intensities, the Z 10 compensating amplifier is used, .,ihi:@h extends the measurement range to 40 uA for I.c. and 6 m.A for voll.age. The Rg 580 instrument can contain ur, '.o 30 re- .Lays which serve to recor@ the operation time of an.Aject. The drive in the instruments is as follows: (1) by an RP-1 type clock mechanism with manual viin@ing for speeds of 10 to 120 mm/@ (8 4ay clock)- @2) by the R11-4 clock mechanism with automatic win@linr (windii.6 lasts 6 h, the speed is the same); (3) by a synchronous motor 220 or 110 V, 50 cls for speeds of 10-160 ,n"-/h (RP-2), 100- 1600 mn/h 'IRP-2a), 3000-48,000 mm/h (-RP-2); (4) by the RP-3 step-by- step motor, connected with clocks with speeds of 10-120 mm/h. The variation cf speed within the limits indicated is carried out by re- duction 6ear chaz.ges. The instruments are equipped with auxiliary devices: ar. indic-tor of paper reserve, automatic lockin@ device Card 2/3 S/194/62/000/007/040/160 New :-ccording instruments D295/D-08 for nointers, internal illumin -.tion etc. The ins-. ruments are in- tended for -_@se in a tem@)erature -ange 0-400C and for 75 % relative humi@dity. The models indicated were used as the basis of the follow- ing portable versions of recording instruments: the Vareg general -am,meter with the Z20 amplifier' and the 'Rattreg watt- -purpose vo-4v meter wit' simultaneous recording of active and reactive power. 9 figures. slation.1 Dbstracter's note: Complete tran i Card 3/3 j cou,.,7-@.: : I CAI :,Go Chan.496 Orcervea irt -skir. of eabL5-tr, a r, e w. 5 w T@! Th-L-ophene and Pefir-tc@ Tolu,;tnc 10 AA u r! ' ' l-4 c o n i i n an -:I* a isu Vl! @!i F, u @i 1L @i @- 1 0': r, v @:;-Od -Ce 614L@.-7, o 5 L, o t h ll ?- v a ICO MI t;flO'RfL r'@'-l r G Irl I a i C h a t C, ; o -conpull 1161., k: -, e Fr., T r-)nsiCora-l- .3,mallor @rrl*,AT..ior, -' tO@ i n rn,. b@ @ s w r. (i r. 4-ri su tj @ u! u;A 1?0 MUSIL, F. Osciliopolarograph-'c behavior of the blood-serum-filtrate reaction modified by addition of zinc ions iin acute 1--ing diseases. Chem zvest-4 18 no.'/6:429-434 '64. 1. Central 1,aboratorium, Enterprl'se Institute of National Health, Zavody V.I. Lenina, Hospital, Pizen, KASOpuST, jaroalav; KUSIL. frantl k STEPAN. Jan; FRIDRICH. Eduard-, so Mineral metabolism in guinea pigs. Cas. lek. cask. 93 no.22-23: 610-616 4 June 54. 1. Z Ustavu, lakarske chemis university Karlovy, pob*cky v Plasni a Zkusebni a kontrolni sekse Tyskumeho ustavu organickych synthes Pardubice-117bityi. (MZTROLYTES. metabolism. In guinea pigs) 3 tu-a@ MUSIL, F. Control of the calcim-,@arbonate solution during the process of preserving eggs. p. 295, Vol. 6, no. 6. 1955. PRUMYSL POTHAVIN. Praha. Source: East European Accessions List (EM), LC, Vol. 5, No. 3. March 1956. MUSIL, F. Experiments in preserving eggs in limemater. p. 310. Vol. 6, no. 6. 1955. PRMSL POTRAVIN. Praha. Source: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3. March 1956. MUSIL. FRANTISiZ 1-%krobiologie vajec a va.lecnych vyrobku (vyd. 1.) Praha, Statni nakl. technicke literatury. 1956. (7 p. (Microtriolorl of eggs and egg rrodl-3cts. 1st. ed.) DA Not in EEC SO: Monthly Index of East Diropean Accessions (EFAT) L7. Vol. 7. no. !,, Apr1l lQrp - tmestic Fowls. .-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 31002 Author : Orel Vitezslav, Musil Frantishek, ZnoiLiva Vera Inst : - Title Relationship Between the Color o h(j YDlk anJ Certain Properties of Eggs. (Zav-isim-)st' mezhdu ukraskoy zheltlea i nekotorami sv,,ys- tvamL ynits). Orig Pub Ptitsevodstvo, 1957, tic 5, 33-35. ,',bstract There exists orLly an insi(,;rifica,it correlation between the color of the yrl-k and. the wei(@ht of the eG'-;shcll. There is no relationship between the color of yolk, thickness of eggshell, and loss of wei(@ht of the eves. The visibility of yol-ks in candling depends on the following factors: colloidal state of the white, the forn of the egg, the internal structure of the ergshell, the shaee and the cjl-jr or the white. Card 1/1 - 36 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cherlical Teelinolom( - Chemical Products and 11-28 Their Application. Food Processing Industry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Kbimiya, No 17, 1958, 59187 Author : Orel Vitezslav., Musil Frant - Tnst Title Influence of the Method of PackinC Eegs on Their Stability DurinG Stora[@e and Durin6 Transportati,@n. Orig Pub Prumysl potravin, 1957, 8, No 3, 136-139 Abstract E(,lr,,s 'Were stored in a horizontal position and -with the blunt end up or down. DurinF @ storage, the quality L)f the eWs were evaluated accordinG to the colloidal condition of the albumin, according ot the position of the yolk, and accordinC; to the dimensions of 'the air sac Experiments with transporting eggs were conductod during their transfer in autornchines durinL a quiet and fast trip with the e(Zs @acked in pressed or Crated carton crates. It was est-a-blished t'-Iat the best way tc pack Card 1/2 VC.111U.Loa - UreMleV..L J@rC)L.JUCts and Their Application. Food ProcessinC Industry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyu, NO 17, 1958, 59187 eg;s is with tiae h1upt enr' up; throudi 10 days of sturage at 25:, the eWs packed with the blunt dowr. showed a decline of the colloidal condition of the albumin 6-7% Creator than e&*,s stored, in the opposite position. 11oriwntal packin@,, showed the L,,;reatest deterioration. Card 2/2 - go - CZECHOMMAKIA/FaM Animals . Poultry. .10 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 78814. Author Orel, Vitezalav;,MuBil, Frantishek. Inst Title Selection of Fertile Fggs Depending on the Hatching of the Disk Dy Candling After 20 Hours of Incubation. Orig Pub: Za sots. s.-kh.naukul 1957, A6, No 4, 369-392. Abstract: Results of use of the method of selection of fertile eggs depending on the hatching of the em- bryonal disk showed that the accuracy of deter- ndnation of the fertility of eggs fluctuates strongly. In candling., the embryonal disks located deep in the yolk or eccentrically near the halatian are passed as infertile. Egp with good Card 1/2 Ou 0!,,- NT R Y A r f.;G 0 h. T TT-, @-z LC I i L v A.;@ I M)einicnl C@'enlic-l "Y-vd-irl.n and ii r, i. rv .9 P.:3 V 0 'Iri T-V S f rl T- 'reser v!;l -lot r Fi n, V -d frt)3 t@:; 1. e (,rg-slip i I is rrop of lip- viiic rori erg-whi i@li-er scrtino I 1@ , ",III @e it n J7 C t rill I I c o n f 0 rm hp MMIL. Frantisek Removal of broken Kuntscher nail. Rozhl. chir. 36 no.8:547-550 Aug 57. 1. Vyzku=.v ustav traumatologicky v Bras, reditel prof. Vladimir Novak. (MCTURM, surg. compl., break in intramedullary Kuntscher nail, removal by draw wires (Cz)) KUSIL, Frantisek MultiDle injuries caused bY a mine explosion with injW7 to the external iliac artery. Rozhl. chir. 36 no.8:555-559 Aug 57. 1. V@rskumny ustav traumatologicky v Brno. reditel prof. Vladimir Novak. (ARMIIM, ILUC, wds. & inj. in child. caused by mine explosion, surg. (Gz)) (XXPIDSIONS mine blast causing inj. of external iliac artery in child (Cz)) MUS IL, Frantisek ve spolupract a V. Hastnym (Rajeclro 162, p. Rajec n. Svit. ) Intracranial injury & shock. Rozhl. chir. 37 ao.1:18-21 Jan 58. 1. VytkumW ustav traumatologicky v Brne, reditel nrof. MUDr Vladimir Novak. (SHOCt. statist. incidence in brain inj. (Cz)) (BRAIN. wds. & inj incidence o@ shock(Gz)) KUS I L..,!-. Autonomic function test in concussion of the 17rain. Cesk. fyai,;I. $3 no.4:318-319 July 59. 1. ITyzkumnv ustav traumatoloficky, Brno. ORAIN, w". & ind.) (AUTONOMIC 'MVOUS SYSTF.M. funct. testa) JrR CI. V. : SALA . I.; SPONAR, J. General and local vegetative changes in wound healing. Rozhl.chir. 39 no.6:374-379 Je 160. 1 Vyzk-umny ustav traumatologicky v Brne. reditel prof. MUDr. U_ V:Novak. stav experimentalni patologie Brno. prednosta prof. NtMr et RNDr. V. Uher (WOUND HEATING) (AUTONOMIC MVOUS STSTEM physiol) MIUSIL, Frantisek; iUUSE.L, Vladimir On the treatment of periathritis humeroscapularis calcarea. Acta chir. orthop. traung. Cech. 28 no.6:525-54") D 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav traumatologicky v Brne, reditel prof. MUDr. Vladimir Novak, doktor lekarskych ved Katedra lekarske fyzik-j a chemie lekarske fakulty University J. Ev. Purkyne v Brne, prednosta. prof. MUDr. Oktavian Wa er. SHOULDER dis) MUSIL, Frantisek Oh a previously used classification of intracrani&2 injuries into concussions, contusions, and compressions of the brain. Roshl. chir. 40 no.10:650-657 0 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav traumtologicky v Brne, reditel prof. MUDr. Vladimir Novak, Dr.Sc. (BRAIN wds & inj) MUSIL, Frantisek; SPONAR, Jaromir Circumscript interstitial calcinosis. Hozhl. chir. 40 no.12:836- 843 161. L Vyzkumny ustav traumatologicky v Brne, red. prof. MUDr. Vlad. Novak, doktor lek. ved. (CALCIFICATION) (FINGERS diseases) KLEMENT, V.; MUSIL, F.; PROKOP, V. Statistical evaluation of some malignancy tests developed for the improvement of diagnosis. Neoplasma 9 no.2:177-184 '62. 1. Onkologische Abteilung des staatlichen Fakultatakrankenhauses in Pilsen. Institut der medizinischan Chemie der medizinischen Fakultat der Karlouniversitat, Sitz in Pilsen. Interne Abteilung des Bezirks- krankenhauses Pilsen-Nord, CSSR. (NEOPLASMS diag) MUSIL F Oscillographic pol&rography and its use in medicine. Prac. lek. 14 no.9:426-429 N 162. 1. Ustav lekarske chemie lekarske fakulty University Karlovy v Plzni,- zast. prednosta V. Habermarin, prom. lekar. (OSCILLOWTRY) (POLAROGWIfY) HABEBIWN, V.; MUSIL', F.; SMULA, Zd.; SPRIKA, J. ...- Contribution to laboratory diagno.3is of malignant neoplasms. (Preliminary communication). Rozhl. chir. 41 no.10:674@679 0 162. 1. Ustav lekarske chemie fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Pizni zast. prednosta V. Habermann, prom. lekar II. chirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi, University Karlovy v Plzni precinosta doc. dr. J. Spinka. (NEOPLASMS) (BLOOD C104IGAL ANALYSIS) MUSIL, Frartisek; SUVA, "osef Effect of orotic acid on the liver parenchyma. V. Effect of purine substances and diet on the serum protein picture and liver 11pids. Plzen. lek. sborn. 231ll-18 164 1. Ustredni laboratore ZUNZ Zavody V.I. Leni-na , Plzen (ve- douci: KUDr. F. Musil); Farmakologicky ustav leka-rske "akulty University Karlovy v Plzni, (prednosta: prof. MUDr. 7A. 1(8cher). l%Rl*SILP F. 'lip ef'e--* et:.yl alc-,-.ol c.r. c,--- afte- .nl Z,4 n:,. 4:23',-,-4 Vyz@@n-y ust.av traumatologicky v 13--rne (-edl I,I t'r)v al, , DrS c . ) . PROGRAZKO"VA, Bozena; Sij*jA, Chanpes in the cl.romp@cgraj,@.i liver aftf:r achir;istriitfor. (.4' ro i ic a.-JiJ Plzen. lek. sbom.. 24:11-5-31 1. Fanna-kclogicky uf-,tav j@,! '('I IV- L:; TV v Plzrii (predylostal prof. ZJ. K, @I Zavodniho ustavu narodr-Alzo zttravi, Zav,,Ay 7.1. P17, (vedoucir dr. Fr. Musil). I MUSTL, Fr6jitisek; POKORNY, Milos. Techniska spoluprhce: KUPSWiA, Marie . perience with heparin Spofa linguets In atherosc-;c-r-,.nr. Vnitrni lek. 11 no.12:1198-1202 D 1 65. 1. Ustredr.1 biochemicka labcrator ZLJ1-1Z LZ PLzen (predtisi.Fx - MUDr. Frantisek Musil) I Vnitrni oddeleni ZUNZ LZ Plzen nosta - doc. MUDr. Milos Pokorny, CSc,) L 13593-66 A Q06083 E_ -CZ7(i633-/6-570-1-47o-0470-313TO3-13 AUTHOR: Suva, J-; Kastlova, Prmhazkova. Be: Nusil. F. ORG: ical Faculty, Plzen (Farmakologicky ustav lek. fake,); Plzen (Ustredni lab. ZUNZ ZVIW @TITIE: Changes in the concentration of esterified fatty acids and cholesterol in the liver following administration of orotic acid and vitamine B sub 12 [This paper was presented during the Twelfth Pharmacologic Days, Smolenice, 28 Jan 65.1 SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska fy8iologie, v. 14,, no. 4, 1965, 313 TOPIC TAGS: aliphatic carboxylic acid, vitamin, liver, aromatic carboxylic acid, heterocyclic base compound, biologic met@ gy abolism, biochemistry, pharmacolo drug effect ABSTRACT:.- orattiacild'M In purified diet of rate for 21 days with or withOut'h2 I-P- 50, 100, 300 and 5WIrft. produced considerable difference In osterifled fatty icids to the liver. orotic acid alone Increased liver fate 312 docreasedltj the highest dose Of 512 decreased esterifled fatty acids.even.orotic acid-fed aninalse. Total Increase of lipids was pre"Inantly du; to frijiyeiiides. EJPRS1 SUB CODZ:. 06 SUEK DATE t none ORIG BEF 1 001 OrH R1W 1 002 C.4 2/1 MUSIL, F. Objectives and development of operational planning in building construction. P-13. POZEMNI STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. %, No. 12, December 195P. MUSIL, F. Ways of operational planning in our buildl construction. p. 78. POZEMNI STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi Praha. Vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress, vol. 4, No. 12, December 1955. MUSIL, F. Operational planning in production management using the business accounting method. p. 115. POZEMI STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnietvi) Praha. Vol. 3, no. 3, Kar. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4 No. 12, December 1955. miSIL, F. Improvement in the service of supplying materials for construction achieved on the basis of the calculation to production, p. 303, POZEMI STAVBY, (Kinisterstvo stavebnictvi) Praha, Vol. 3, No. 8, Aug. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EKAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1955 MUSIt F.; VALASEK, L. MUSIL, F.; VALASEK, L. Prototype of a prefabricated corner house in Gottwaldav. p@ 93 Vol. 4, no. 3. Mar, 1956 POZEMNI STAVBY TECHNOIDGY Praha, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession Vol. 6, No. 2# 1957 TUMA, Jiri, inz.; MUSIL, Frantisek, inz. Construction of high buildings by the lift slab method. Poz stavby 11 no.2slO6-107 163. MUSILf F"Mti"k, doo., ins.; KUIA, Ra&mIr - --T- FrOblOMB of the qualitY of G-type panel constructions. Poz stavby U no.5.-229 163.