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TUI I A%` K -",.I 0. 17 TnvestiEa Lion of the CorTo,7 ve-Abra S4 ve Deterioration of 'Jauer Eco..C,- mizers and the Search for I!ewis of Controlii-g it." Cand Tech Scil, Central S,--4- Res Inst of Technology and Ifachine Building (TJsI.HII-L. lash), ::in 'Hfea~-, :-Iach~ne Fud.ciiid, J USSR Moscow (KI, .';o 11, I-Tar 51-') .1 .1 1955. .1 SO: Sum. 1,:o 6-70) 2~ set 55 - Survey of ScientLfic anc Technicai DisjerLa--'cjns 0 _,.,er Educati iiai Ins, * tul (11.)) Defended at U'LiTt ii_- - b ME nl;~ - ~-Md 2-1. r9i ---71: --Y p c v F ~i ~i ~iop on th'~ t, r f~F I r4 no iii). N't 0 7% -,f r2v :L h~5cr pnvA~-;ced by Ou ;-nPf.-qnrt-q in the amim, T! i cre I P'lve moddlmr-, L'y'm~l which --Arw4uu is not Al ib N p IT a to f e . e - " 77 RTABOSEMY, A.T.. dektor khimicheskikh muk, professor; W" t.2"N - - k-Andidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Corrosion-abrasion wear of waste-gas heater water-pipes. [Trudy] TSNIITXABH me.77:165-182 055. (KM 9:7) (Pipe, Steel--Corrosion) MURAVK1N..,.O..N-.;..RYABCFM=, A.T. Investigating corrosion-abrasive wear of the steel used for water economizer. baIW 156 (Pipe. Steel-Corrosion) (Mechanical wear) (;;" 9:9) iA LA 'T%, v IN ITABCHBNMV~ A.V., doktor khtm. nauk, prof.; MTJRAVKIM, O.N., kand. takhn. nauk Characteristics and prevention of fretting corrosion of metals. Trudy TSNIITKASH 92:273-331 '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Fretting corrosion) F.O., Aonomist; ZHUKHOVTTSU I-ffJRAVKINA, -.. ~O A.F.p Ifilh. Role of the 04 economic adviser in a siachinery plants Vest.mashinostr. 43 ' 4.- 163o' '. (MIRA 17:2) - CZECE"OSLOVAKIA J,jURAVJOV, I., Prof. I-------- Bratislava, Farmiaceuticky obzor, No 4, 1963, pi; 145-152 "On the Coordination of Scientific Research in the Fie.1d of Pharmacy in the USSR." 1mviam . Y. r. Petroleum and gas in4ustries In Emybushev Province in 1960. Nsft. khos. IS no.1:17-21 Ja 160.- (MIRA 13:7) 1. "yshevskiy sovnark~oz-%- - _ M.Ayahev Provinca-4fttroleum industry) (ftybyshOT Province-Gas, NaturRl) GAIDNSKIY, P.P.; KOVALFTKO, N.I.; KUVYKIN, S.I.; MINGAREYEV, R.Sh.; MURAVLENKO,V I.; O&VOSOV, A.D.; SHASHIN, V.D.; SHMAREV, A.T. OJOWW-9sw Volga-Ural region is one of the largest petroleum bases of the country. Neft. khoz. 42 no-9/10:56-64 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. MURAVLENKO, V.U. 2. USSR (600) 4. Geology,, Structural - Novo-Spasakly District 7. Geological structure of the Aleksarwirovsk Uplift In the Navo-Spasekiy and Mdlahchevo Districts of the U1,yanovsk Province of the R.S.F.S.R. (abstract) Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fon. no2v 1947 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified NARINYANI M.A.; RASSKAZOV, I.D.; MESHCHZRTAKOV, L.I.; RAYEVSKIY, N.A.; G.A. Erection of the 4498 setal span structures by the GEPK-130 crane. Tran8p. stroi. 15 n.).9W-16 S 165. (MIM 18:11) 1. Uproylyayushchiy Mostostroyea No. 3(for Narinyan). 2. Glavnyy insh. Moatostroya No. 3 (for Rasakfsov). 3. Glavnyy tekhnolog Mostostroya No. 3(for Meshcheryakow). 4. Nachallnik tekhnicheskago otdela Mostostroya No.3 (for Rayevskiy). 5. Starshiy inah. Mostostroya No.3 (for Muravlev). KURATIM.G.G. '. " ~ - IffoctIve utilization of natural sources of water in the central part of Kustamq Province. Vest.AN Kasakh.SSR 12 no.10:56-65 (1155. Mat Province-Water supply) (NM 9:1) f1l" zKURATUT, G.G. .. Lekes of Karmsu District, Kustaney Province; Kaylb4gar, Shalkar, Zhanshura. Blye-Soygan, Alabota. Top.geog.] 157. (KLRA 10:7) (Karasu District--Lakes) ljtl~l # /f /j Vl- - V~ G- &,, ]rAVBTSKIY. S.P,,; NMVLZF, G.G,, RegalwItles In bydrological conditions of mo=tain rivers. Trao Mw. NIGNI no.9t94-101 057. (KIM 11:1 ) (Rivers) f4jRA.YLEV. G. G. rmneral characteristics of the lakes in Kustana-, Province-Sary- Kopa and Zbamn-Akkol'. Trudy Sekt.geog.Ag Kazakh.SSH no-3:42-% 159. (NnU, 12: 7) (Sary Kopa, Lake) (Zhaman-A~*ol. Lake) MURAVLEV, G.Cr. ~Salt Trudy Otd. geoe. AN Kazakh. SSR no.8:174-181 161. (FJU 14:8) (Pavlodar Province--Lakes) I.IUHAVLEVL m, Brief characteristics of the Shaganak and Shaglytongiz lakes in northern Kazakhstan. Trudy Otd. geog. AN gazakh. SSR no.8:182-187 '61. 1 (MM 14:8) (Shaganak Lake) (Shaglytengit Lake) 14UEVLE -DA 54 W kand.geograf. nauk Some patteins of the distribution of lakes in Kazakhstan. Vest* AN Kaza"SSR 20 no.11:18-24 N 164, (miRA irs:2) KHUSAINOVA, N.Z.; G.G.; "ITECT''i'll, , . , . F . Conference on the maLter and er,,-,---y ;~-- in lakes. lz,,7. .~;': - 'I - ' ' Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 3 no.1:111-11-- Ja-F 165. OITRA 1P:5) 112.."A, /-,; tI- I- L,// ) ~, KMVUV. K., starshina, 2 statli; GORMEMKO, S., starshinst 2 stat1t; -w-"-Owq#ftIIOV, V., starshina 2 stat I i; KA190111. A., matros; XURTAMM. ff., satros. Ve are guarding our beloved sea. Sov.mor. 17 no.18:12 5 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Uchastnik Vaeameyokogo soveshchantys otlichnikov (for Kuravlev) (.Russia--Navy) MURAVLEV O.P. inzh - SANNIKOV,, D.I., inzh.; STRELIBITSKIY, E.K., to .0 Itekhn. Mi6k Concerning the use of a theoretical probability method for studying the reliability of electric machinery. Vest. elektroprom, 34 no.3:52-53 Mr 163. (KEPA 16:8) (Electric machinery) DE_'YATKW~ SWIRO, I I [E_-.ablls~ment o"I f'.-i p-ieue and sinall series praduiAl,~n ccnditicrs] Ukrumerm(~u P.,)rmlrovanla stant_:crunyk~ ralx-j!. v prizv..ds'va, Musk-va VA~hJ_nt,3trc),~nie Ell V (I., -. ~ ,, , _L 4b145-66 Ev'i T (M /8"t P ( J ) /1 JJP(C) MIRM Arc NRs AP6026738 A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0183/66/000/003/0042/0043 AUTHOR: Serkov. A. T.; Budnitskiv. G. A. Chivilikhina, M. P ; Veretennikova. T. P.; Shishkina, . Ns *-P. ; lGi;i~ashova 1. A. ; Mura Ordina, V. I. ORG: MIN TITLE: Improving the quAlity of viscose"cord SOURCE: Xhimicheakiye voickna, no. 3, 1966, 42-43 TOPIC TAGS: cellulose, synthetic material, cellulose plastic, synthetic fiber ABSTRACT: The details of a modified procedure for manufacturing high tensile strength, viscose cords are described. In essence, the procedure consists of accelerated pro- cesses of coagulation, filtration, and cord forming. It also requires the use of high purity reagents: sulfuric acid (GOST 2184-59), and ethylene oxide- and aliphatic amine derivatives as modifiers. The modified.procediwe does not require any new ma- chines, only a minor adjustment of the cord spinning procedure. It is claimed that the modified procedure is capable of yielding viscose cords with tensile strength by 50-60%.greator than that sanufacturvd elsewhere in the world. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. SUB ODDE: W/ SUBN DATE: 28r*b66/ ORIG REF: 004 i=t 6677.453 rd 1/1 Maxus= .4 -7 ~~d ATWN .4U ~T~ PSYOS L A- WES SS f 16NS R4 VIA M Cd N X M ravleva_ iTs'nolilkay loktzl chizsivb~ PJ'6 770~~, ~D'~ IV 6. in R;w-Wan. T lat are 'r:w ifeli d, Tk with ftwdt3ro; wbenvms or--priAective spa :60pfd bi wqpulsi6 iiii~~liei'4 deterrnlned~- Such out a oaps wer,6 only it, th-o waves.are ch OPP -'sulsstakah;: but. ed ne3.r the - IT PrItc In pails fl damp wcany Oadflati6fii; the ljuamra throtigh ~vavo- 6opping, To proesit daa~erws os;_AMtIwIS frOnvayalopullf- on wavea: baing cut by explilt)1op tubeq at the oubstation or the nearest Me support, it is neeassary to limit. tlia. role of the Wbe to the protection of ffie lim) Isolator and oU circuit- breakcr when a linc., is discornected from the substation and not to 's operatlaw bdrGre that of the auto-valve -type pprmit It rrentor In all other caqe% It Its also destrable that the latter Mold typdrmv wh,~n oblique waves of atnall arnplittLde are hoppcd by 66expulidim tuba,, "I'llio lo of1deted by IncreaOing sotilllf-0: a! th!~' extdrnal ja"J3 of iho OYPIftion 1004 by n spdcific Liount To proven, IffshinW gnurijes tron- &Rttlog tip o uls, bujIjars, 01134inp ance- pf the OW lie load-in rpaist. 0,3irja tubm; at'6o Jar end of I. 'hoitid bo rodv-ed to 5-ob - e m6ai4aroj cannot Ins, All tli~b safely cxclw e dnnger-~tis Suryeg. lvt-wdan ticutral-point III) combillat"On of n' : M-RAVUcVA E. V., Cand Tacli Sci -- (diss) "Study of stor- H I protection systems for rotary :-iac.,Jnes operatlii;, o,-I %,)V(-,r- head lines. 11 Mos, 1917'8. 17 PP (!'in of Highor zduL;-,J,*. ;,-, USSR. Mos Order of Lenin Power ErWineering Inst), 1-0 copi(~~s (KL, 41-58, 121) _ 20 - fjob 1 IL OeINt SS j,00) et livp oll Ive Oli e CV fdj~'s ivltl~ kfo V;YvT'i:Va ks), tv es* te a45 ItaS 0 ali lev a '4 0 x'tr e ty%e 0.4er ti act .%16 C)f tecti, rtvMl. Ilostr i.00 of tTLI 610~ ' a0a 110 (Ob - t I i'IN 'Cea ;_005 s9 f t e lat too TV-jI yt 'q(Cj I ove Y)'ala tyta 'r a, t afeCOL tI (01, 5 ot ta t1lo'ged, 'tves OVCaloll tyw 36 ~Le e a svl~ OaG te4. %4 e L% tyl-e VVO Ca Otis 09 9f V'd 0t 01, C)I% %%o. t i~o 1019 eva fsy'o a oe jr, 'at S f staLt e olp te St 06 0 tyL ter vf Se 'r a is SAX 010 oil- Ope C e- 0 cres ,N atLa t Cte e ys to tero a 01% 0 , tat. e tefg yLe 9 res of 0 L%AA 0 'Prot, .40 e IL to cr e aOac, &f es j.OTL ter tyLe tvwe t V'ear lilac t-I V t at es atla re, rY% ~.'T e t 'tab ty~ 10-6 cir - rea Or 01 b0 C a rtl lity, t t er 11 tyte- es f_;%I lar 'S ter ra , %l0 t "0'l IC ,,a res ovi Cas . 00 0t%xb%,. aff dLed 4j.4 e eq air 9 0 ty%e tecItI. ty%e 4e eo ot ta% age ot -4 a l' OVO - IpOe -4 0 tyLe CO e0 ec 43. a '(xv tYLe T d' eCL Or vveo i-O eetv '4 itV' t e r e C,b le 0t 0 txIe , aet-4 C, e Ot Sol oe . 0 e 10 Or 'p,11 e VC vo (,:a !~sta ac, G00 tx% it i"s 00 O's ~ t e6. e av IV Olt-t to M?v a, t"ie teS .1 a Protection of distribution equipment., s/196/61/ooo/oll/019/042 E194/E155 wave whose amplitude is determined at the point of intersection of the curve of the dangerous wave with the volt-second characttris- tics of the line insulator, then the necessary length of approach is 1500 m. If the initial wave has an amplitude equal to the minimum impulse voltage of the tubular arrester at the start of the approach, the necessary length is 1200 m. For distances from arrester to transformer of 100 and 140 m the lengths should be respectively 1800-1400 and 2000-1600 m. Selection of approach length according to an amplitude corresponding to mintmum line insulation voltage at the start of the approach permits the approach length to be cut down or permits of a greater distance between the arrester and protected insulation. It is considered that the new recommendations should employ a protective circuit without tubular arresters for sub-stations. At a 110 kV sub- station with lines on wooden poles, with the approaches protected by earth wires, the wave amplitudes may reach 1000-1100 kV and at 35 kV sub-stations 500-530 kV, arrester currents not exDeeding 5 kA. The new recommendations should include protection of sub- stations other than terminal- and through-types. Whatever the Card 3/4 Protection of distribution equipment_ s/196/6i/()oo/oii/oi9/o42 E194/E155 number of permanently-connected lines at a sub-station, valve-type dischargers are necessary because at individual points in the sub-station the voltage way exceed 2 line n (where n is the number of lines connetted). The new recommendations should ease the requirements in respect of protection of approaches to rotating machines. For machines of medium output, earth-wire protection of the approach should be permitted, for generators of low output and motors there is no need to protect the approach against direct lightning sti,ckq~&. At stations with cables having a total length of about 20 km there is no need to instal valve-type arresters. It is recommended to protect ma5h!nes by protective capacitances of about 0.5 mi,:ra farads per phast. 5 lilterature r9fereni'.e3. I-AbatTactor,s raotes Complete translation Card 4/4 BURGSDMF, V.V.; MURAVLEVA, N.V,, More about the protection of power generators from over-voltages causad by lightning. Prom.energ. 26 W-10:51-53 0 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Vaesoyumn nauchm-Loaledovateliskiy Lnstitut elektroenergetiki. (Electric protection) (Electric power distribution) BURGSDMF., V.V., doktor tekhn, nauk; IffMVLE-VA, N.V., kand tekhn. nauk; RAMVIG, D.V., kwA. tekhn. naa'- - Concerning F.A, Likhachev's article OProtection of electric substations connected to electric power transmission limes with an elevated lightning grounding line from overvoltages caused by lightnizg strikes.ft Elek. sta. 32 no.1:89-90 Ja t6l. (MIRA 16W) (Lilrbaehava, F.A.) (Lightning protection) (Mectric substations) (k2ectric lines-Overhead) LINDORF, L.S.; PUFUR334p P.N.; ULITSKIYp M.S.; USTINOV, P.I.; ZEILIDW11, Ye.D.; MININ, G.P.; ICOTS, A.Ya.; KRAVD, N.Z.; MURAVMA ]N.V.; LIHOUN9 A.Ta.; BARANOV, B.H.;Z=IGOFDDSKIY, I.&; IVMOV., V.S.; IOFFE,, F.Te.; BURIAKOV,, B.M.; MIRENBURG, L.A.; FAYEMW, A.L.,, red.; BORUNOV,, tekhn. red. [Study mani-I on the tecbnical operation of electric networks and power plants; electrical section of electric power plants and electric power distribution networke]Posobie dlia izuebe- miia pravil tekhnicheskoi eksplue-tataii elektricheskikh stantsii i setei.; elektricheskaia ebast' elektrostantsii i elektricheskie seti. Moskva, Gosenergoizdato 1962. 558 Pe (MRA 15: 8) (Electric power plants-Handbooks, mammlop etc.) (Electric power distributilon-Handbooks,, manuals,, etc.) MURAVIEVA, N.V.-, kand.tekhn.nauk; FOMVI S.M., Inzh. Keasureaent of-the grounding resistance of power line poles without disconnecting the guard wire. Elsk.dta. 33 no.1168- 72 N 162. (KMA 15 t12) (Electric lines-Overhead) LINDORF, L.A.; FUFURIki, N.F.; ULITSKIY, M.S.; Ub*rD~01,1, P.I.; ZEYLIDZOII,Ye.D.; MUIL, G.F.; KOTS, A.Ya.; KHAVII, N.Z.; nEAVI!P%,--,N.V.; LIEERMAN, A.Ya.; BARANOV, B.M.; ZVENIGORODSKIY, I.S.; IVANOV, V.S.; IOFFE, F.Ye. [deceased]; 13UHLAKOV, B.M.; MlRDBURG, L.A. [deceased]; FAYERMAN, A.L., red. [Aid for studying engineering regulations governing the operation of electric power plants and networks] Posobie d1la izueheniia pravil tekbnicheskoi ekspluatatsii e1ek-tri- cheskikh stantsii i setei. Izd.2.9 peresmotrennoe. Mo- skva, Energiia, 1965. 551 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.J.) Gosudarstvennyy proizvodstven- nyy komitet po energetike i elektrifikatsii. BOROYSICH, Vladimir Mikhaylovich; ABLAKOV. Inver Bekovich; NOMMIXOT. Koustantin Takovlovlch; 10-4 W_MXJUGW~ BIMSI*OV* A.L.,.; ANMTYSKIT. T.T., red.; SH"Cwz, ?,I,, red.; ROROXINA. Z.P.. k [Ancient Syr-Darya Delta and the northern Xyzyl4Cuu; possibi- lities of soil improvement and problems of land reclamation] Drevniala del'ta Syr-Derli i 56verup 1yzyl-Kwiy; pechvenno- mlioratlvW usloviia I problem sallskokhosiaNtvannage oevoonlia. Alma-Ata, Ixd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhsk*l MR. Vol.2. 1959. 418 p. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Masn-korrespondent Akademil nauk Kazakhakey SSR (for Bessonav). (Syr-Darya Delta--SoilO (KYS71-EMOL--sails) VINBERG, G.G.; MIRAV1211A, Yo.P.; FINIENTKO, 7.Z. Some data on the chlorophyll content in planktcm and the vrfma.-z production of the Black Sea. Trudy SRS, 27:212-220 !64. ( 1,LTRA I E -. 6: HURATLYANSKIT, V. Operating experience of the storage combine. Khol,takh. dry ice plant of the Leningrad cold 30 no.4:66 O-D '53. (KLHA 70) 1. Nachallnik savoda sukhogo, 11da. TAnkhladokombinata. (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) (Valves) ........... ---- ------ don, -Asto JIM I vitu- ol Mouti,_ In-mul lanw-eqpIptnol WJRAVLrANSXIT, V., Inshemar. BOX for the mm acture of dry Ice briquets. lhol.tokh. 33 a**2: 64-65 APJJo '56. (KULA 9: 9) (Lesisaad__Dry Ice) Mt-'hfl-'5 f,;T fl-F:11"'. timle lt~ 14(l) SOV/66-59-2-16/31 AUTHORi Muravlyanskiy, V., Engineer TITLE: The Utilization of a Dry Ice Unit with Two Reserve Intermediate Recipients (Eksplu&tatsiya sukholednogo agregata a dvumya rezervnymi promezhutochnymi sosudami) PERIODICALs Kholodillnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, PP 56-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A dry ice installation should be designed in such a way as to lose the minimum o f time on the preventive cleaning of apparatus, The schematic diagram shows the lay-out of a system with 2 reserve recipients doubling intermediate recipients Nr 1 and Nr 2- An in- stallation of this kind in the dry ice shop of the Leningrad Refrige- ration Plant has reduced the previous loss of 6 hours to half-an-hour. There is 1 schematic diagram. Card 1/1 BEWSTOTSKIY, Isaak Abramovich; MURAVNIK,, Fging �~y evn#; SILINA, - _ . _!al!y _ Alevtina Vasillyevna; MANAW, V.I., red, (Multiple-unit TS-1 trolleybus] Sachlenr7i trolleibus TS-1. Moskva,, Stroiizdatp 1965. 171 p. (MIRA 18:8) KURAIQI,-Ll,,,, - W.Smmmmmmm~ Relation between the functional state of nerve centers and the restorative action of active relaxation. Yiziol.zhur. (Ukr.) I no.l: 83-90 Ja-F 155. (WJU 9:9) 1. Kiivolkiy madichniy institut imeni almdemika O.O.Bogomolltsys, Kafedra gigiyeai pratei. (ROT) (NERVOUS SYSTICK) (INHIBITION) KmVOT, 1. T. Restorative effects of active rest in various st8ges of exboustion. ristoleshur, [Ukr.] 2 no.6:51-55 N-D 156, (KLRA 10:2) 1. Itivalkly sedichnly institut tmen', akedemiks O.O.BoaDmolltS74, kafedre normallnol fistologil. (US?) (FATIGUI) ,'JURIVOV, I. V. Doe ,;and Med Sci -- (diss) " Processes of fatil;ue and recovery in the physiological mechanism of active rest." Kiev, 1957. 20 pp 20 cm. (Kiev Order of Labor Red Danner Medical Inst im A.A. Bogomolets), 200 copies (KL, 21-57, 106) -111- KUMTOT, I,V-; SMACRXV, U.S.; ROMAIM&O. D.I. Argographic tachniqus3. Fizibl.snar. 43 no.12:1202-1204 D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. KafrArs normallnoy fiziologii Keditainskogo instituta, Ityev. (MMM. obysiology, orgography, technic & appor. (Rue)) LWIMELISM, G.I., prof.; MMVOV, -,I-.V.. Critical evaluation of idealistic views on the unorma.10 phy3ical development of man. cat. no.2:395-406 160. (10-RA 15:7) 1. Kafedra fisichookogo vospitaniya i lechabnoy fisicheakay kul'tury Kiyevskago meditsimskogo inatituta. (MM-CONSTITUTION) (GROWTH) md:LtOzo#kh nauk Probl~ or emro4o thmpy pt the Mavdnim RepubUe Conform= i pkor A*raff. Top. kmr-l' fislotsr on Nedloal Con" ~ an - L (KERA 13t9) isch. fig. ka2.'t..25 i2o.231;rIOR44AP 1609 (XMZBZ TMWAVY) i FROLIKISO V.V.; GOLOVCHENW, S.F.; DUKROVICIPYYP S.M.; KYWOV, I.V,-; TANIN, S.A. Change In working capacity.. energy expenditure, bloW circula- tion and respiration during the aging of the organism. Vrach. delo no.3s54-59 Nr 163. (KRA 16:4) 1. Laboratorlya fiziologil (zav. - VS-Frolikis) Instituta gerantologil i eksperimental, noy patolpgii ANN SWR. (AGING) KACHOROVSKAYA, Ollga Vladimlrovna, kand. med. nauk; PETRENKO, Marina FeGfilovna, MUAVOV, I.V., red. ~~ _-' [Physical education as a means of preventing pre- mature age-.connected changes] Fizicheaka-La kullwra kak sredstvo preduprezhdoniia prezhdevreTennykh voz- raatr7kh izmenenil. Kiev, Zdorovlial 1964. 4" p. (MIRA 1813) MURAVOV, , ~.V. Muscular activity, active ro*t and regulation of blood circulation, respiration and energy metabolism i-In young and elderly persons. Vop. geron. i geriat. 4:40-53 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Inatitut gerontologii AMN SSSR, Kiyev. MURAVOV, I.V.. SHCHEGOLEVA, I.V.; DERKAGH, N.V. ~"P Blood pressure in persons 80 years of age and older; based on materials of a mass medical screening. Vop. geron. i geriat. 4:72-60 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut gercntologii A?QJ SSSR, Kiyev. MURAVOV, j,! " .,TKAk"FE"I"Y F.T. [Tkachov, F.T.] PhY010logic analysis Of the effect oc previous mizi;~ular ef*r(,r!,:i on the working capaciLy of nonfat~guad miscles. Fiziol. zhUr. [IJkr.] 10 no.2:163-169 Mr-Ap 164. (mi-i'A -L. Laboratoriyu dvigateitnogo rezh~-,na -Inst-~,.;ta gerontologi-L i eksperimontallnoy patologii AMN SS,"I., Kiyev. DUDNIK, M.1,; MURAVOVA, L.P -k~-;Aw Determination o.' ILe aptilger.3 %ri, j ~ (D', M. N, A., B, 0 'n of storing preve,-i,-d b2ocd. Trudy Ktev. nauch.-i~:sl. !nst. perell. xr-vi .1 neotlozh. khlr. 3,1515-158 161. (M-RA 17~10) 1. Viyevskdy --',P~3titut perellvantya krclri. -1 - x I IMMATSKAYA, N. (Dr)j E,. 1-Ulling (Dr) and Dorttold, S. (LO .; z -,~- ~ - ~-- - ~ "Treatment of the Aftereffects of Polio.Velitio" Medilgirzk1ir Rabotnik,, 28 Oct 1955 Currelat Digeat of the SovLet Pregs, Vol 7, No 45, p24, Uncl TSYGANKOV, P.S.; HMVSKAYA, O.G. - Heating-*~`36TZ; of beer 24 no.3:10-11 '58. rectification apparatuses. Spirt. prom. (KIRA 11:6) (Distillation apparatus) SWHMV. T.R.; KURAVSKATA, O.G. Hydrodymmic o6aditions of bubbling in tray contacting apparatus. IxT*vyv.uchsb,z&v,; pishch.takh. no.5:108--116 '59. (KIM 13:4) 1. Klyevskly tekhnologicheakiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti. Wedra protmessov I apparatov. (Plate towers) MRAVESKAYA, O.G., inzkj. Work of overflow systems in rectification columns. Pishch. prom. no.2:165-176 165. (MMI 18:11) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promysh- lennosti. KMVSNArAq To. Trade relations of Riga vith Folotakp Vitebsk, and Smoleask in the 13tb-24th centuries. Vestle laty ak no.201-42 261. (zUl losq) (iatvia-Bletory) SUPRUNOV, A.T.; MURAVSKAYA., Z.A. Method of assaying vitamin B12 in seawater. Trudv SES 16: 463-466 163. (MIRA 17:6) -:En(-m)lm(tl4 --- IJP(cl- UR/6032/66/032/OOP,/0214/0215 CODE: :Acc NRzAP6008G67 SOURGt, . . . M, G,: Y man ski B owi "'I utilf-OF, p 61:00:6f,the Sibgr iaA-Branch gj Sc Aaademy~-Of~ Sciencdd_~ SS4 ~(Instltu odni ttiziki~ poluproy kov.:Sibirskogo , Otrelen a. ikadOMllTHRWlWR),:_.:~__ ,.7 0., Wep 811L~10198 ar ng M-7-- 10,t y4 ~*W. A t. _OPI A bd 61- CPU: . _ d' _,"m is: j~kodudtion -bf -h queue V di' t' rant:0.3~:td . d" 4 le'aAa d6*~--'of,_.terlonii~ 'The' "air ~-_416A aw divide, *as I in t y:-il]Lw 'One- gtritidii~, 70ir both ilde-B-7 Coat, a4d - It (1: 3: 3) '-:of ure, ino , Adldo~-: -,The du:rAtl6n--.9f -.:.treat t men vas,- about obt O A liiikiie' --;,q0 UO fo obttined ih& 20" Ad trout mas. -,:0m n- PWL ESMAN, H.S.-, VSKIYj B.S. Current oscillations arising in silicon at high pulse voltages, Piz. twer. tela 3 no.8.,25Q4,2506 Ag 161. (MIU 14:8 1. Imingradoldy gosudarstwemnyy pedagogichaskiy institut im. A.I, Gertsem. (Si3 icon) ;F-777~~-77777 -.~ 7': -7-.~- ~7~1 -~, --*-,I-_ - ;T~--1=7-1- , . I ~~, ~ ; - - .7- - . - -- - Voltage- hc ase ~'thd (150"301' inAY -64 S/120/62/000/001/025/o6i E140/E463 AUTHOR: Muravskiy, B.S. TITLE: High-voltage pulse amplifier final stage PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.1, 1962, 109-110 TEXT: This note describes a cascaded power tetrode stage for generation of high-voltage pulses for studying strong fields in semiconductors. Depending on the polarity of the input pulse, the circuit operates as a grounded cathode or as a cathode follower stage, with one tube acting as the amplifier, the other as its load. The circuit has high distortion for pulses shorter than 50 ]is. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED: June 28, 1961 Card 1A q -7-jrD Id AUTHORs TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/181/62/004/009/022/045 B104/13106 -Muravskiy, B. S. Investigation of the anomalous characteristics of point contacts on the aurface of germanium and silicon Fizika tverdogo te,la' V. 4, no. 99 1962, 2485-2489 TEXT: When a metal point contacts a Ge or Si surface, Its volt-ampere characterictics can show anomalies% At certain positions of the point intense current oscillations will arise. The aim of this investigation was to find a correlation between these positions and such surfdoe defects that are produced when the surface is crossed by edge dislocations. n- and p-type Ge and Si,8inale crystals of 2-25 ohm-cm were ground, polisbed and etched on their t100- faces. After rinsing with distilled water, a tungsten electrode was applied onto the etched surface and a brass electrode to the opposite surface. The inverse volt-ampere characteristics with pulsed volta6e were measured. The characteristics showed great differences as the point contact was shifted across the surface. The probability of Card 1/2 ln"O,j tit' finu 'a t4 On Of c 444qq con t 1 0 the Qnom 1040 40f con a e t ca tac t 17 be Pool t in Ut 1 X141 ion a b ote or 3 1) Decl P/hen &I t 8/1,91 17 t - -rOd ,j 0 2 lJoh ce(I 7vhell the Ch Pren 162, e ti, Ocouz, QVIO Poj CU -81 C41.818 / 0041009102 a r t h n t 08 6 Q at and b all j o zlurf, Olectzo cill at t. 0 47oot flip e2ow a att ce I de 10 a a - 21045 or Ph Op POO rl bu tc,ct 8 18 Ile .28 MO 4 CIA 79Z t1i'l t-fl a 'z "Olse C'17 to asse e bY 1,;'5, tno~~i'Per, ture Pecul I e 0 6 & ~cjlj net. 126", 1 Qrj t urr U tins". &U,YA A ado/cl v 1,96,,. t v on 0 aloca t~ -409 1 6qo&tj(J "eTe 611]1 th 0 on, ort rho;, rc?fe j A, one a t Ilenn surfao, Afaroh Cert." (Lenin gr Yy POC14 pea. P/jib App, I n) eve r16't, "i I A jo 196,, acl stateoelch Inj t 'Porla eakly 962 44fte 411 Y) 4TO&I 042 net, t4t 04-rd -2/12 J" revision) Ing ti t4te MURAVSKIYp B.S. High-voltage output pulse cascade. Prib.i tekh.sksp. 7 no.1:109- ILIO Ja-F 162. (YIRA 150) 1. Leningradskly Fosudarstvannyy podagogichaskly Institut. (Pulse techniques(ElectrMics)) 4 5C )3? 8/109/63/008/001/022/025 D295/D308 AUTHOR; -Muravskiy, B, .'s TITLE: Surface breakdown of p-n junctions in silicon PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v.8, no.1, 1963, 162-170 TEXT: Surface breakdown has been studied in A- 2,DI(D-209) alloyed silicon diodes and in point-contact nonformed diodes consisting of a p-type silicon slab (of 20 - 25, resistivity) and a plane and a point electrode on either side. The rectification factor was measured up to and beyond breakdown, and-reverse current-voltage characteristics were obtained under const;~nt and pulsed voltage._ Surface breakdown is observed in about one-third of the units in V~ vestigated, accompanied by intense stable relaxation oscillations of diode current, having a period of microseconds. Neither thr. surface breakdown voltage nor the parameters of the oscillatf.ons are affected by surface treatment or by the dielectric constant of the surrounding medium. The phenomenon is interpreted as con- -nected with a depleted layer which arises on account of 'fast' Card 1/3 S11 09/63/008/001/022/025 Su.~,face breakdown of-... D295/D308 surface states in good electrical contact with the body but not I? with adsorbed chemical substances. The concentration of such states in silicon is one order of magnitude larger than in germanium, The corresponding current-Voltage characteristics in semi-logarith- mic coordinates exhibit thtee successive sections, the slope being constant over each section and increasing from one section to an- other. The first section is interpreted as due to filling of the surface 'fast' states for an increasing inverse Yoltage. Then the field in the depleted layer reaches a value sufficient to start an avalanche process with carrier multiplication and more rapid current increase (the second section). The further increase of in- verse voltage enhances multiplication and gives rise to breakdown (the third section). (With shorter voltage pulses (UP to 5)u) the corresponding charactpriatics have only two sections.) The ava- lanche processes involved ',shunt' Cae p-n junction and do not lead to irreversible c-hanges in its properties . (The rectification fac- tor before and afte*r breakdown is practically the same.) The re- laxation oscillations observed are of a different nature from -those predicted by Burgess,(J. Electronics, v. 1, no. 3, 1955,297) Card 2/3 6/109/63/'008/001/022/025 Surface breakdown of D295/D308 and are interpreted as due to the difference of the time constants of bulk conductivity and p-n junction conductivity, which leads to periodical variations of the differential conductivity. A diode with such variable conductivity can trans'form, at a suitable low temperature, a d.c. voltage into sustained relaxation oscillations. The conversion efficiency can be very hi!~h. -There are 6 figures. SUBMITTED: January 29, 1962 Card 3/3 IVRAVSKIY B.S Electrical; T~ excitation of "fast" states as a method of studying their,parameters. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.1:334-336 ja 165. (14MA 18:3) *~-Irisfiodarskiy goeudarstvenn-vv Dedagogicheskiy institut imeni ~l5~---Uti)*,VSeSoyuznogo Len.nskogo komministicheskogo soyuza molo- dezlii. I'A -1:11011W w0 M M VSKIYO G.B., aspirant I - ------------ ---- TIw effect of a movable load on an infinite beam lying oa an elastic foundation. Trudy HUT no.134; WSA+ 161. (MIRA 15:5) (Beano ard girders) 371142 5/179/62/000/001/C12/027 /C e 1490 E114/EI81 AUTHOR: Muravskiy, G.B. (Noscow) TITLE: Non-steady state oscillations of an elastically supported beam subjected to a live load PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tel-chnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, no.1, 1962, 91-97 TEXT: A solution for a force impulse acting on a beam at a point is utilised to consider the case of an infinite beam supported elastically and subjected to a live load varying in accordance with any given function. Since the fourth order differential equation with constant coefficients expressing the bonding of the beam is linear, its solution can be expressed in torms of the function of distance and time due to a -single concentrated impulse acting on the beam at the initial instant in the origin of the coordinate frame. A force is assumed to travel along the beam with constant speed, the force changing as a function of time, and this is assumed to be equivalent to a series of impulses acting in sequence at points along the beam. Card 1/4 Non-steady state oscillations of ... 5/179/62/000/001/012/027 E114/Llbl Laplace transformation is applied, being easier to compute. Since it can be proved that the even terms vanish, only odd coefficients are needed, and these are calculated by the author and given in the table up to n = 65. Since the even coefficients are zero, the function is equally valid for positive and negative values of the non-dimensional coefficients derived from the original equation for bending of the beam. The Laplace transformation is utilised to find the solution for a force travelling along the bearzi with a certain velocity and changing as a known function. Graphs are plotted for the deflection of the beam and the bending moment when the firce travels along the beam with various velocities and, for comparison, a curve for a static force is included. A simplifi,---' case of a constant applied force is considered and simplified equations for the deflection and the bending morrent are solved by integration and utilising previously given coefficients. Graphs are drawn for the two functions correspond.Lng to various values of the non- dimensional constant. deriv(;d, and it is shown that if this value is equal to the squa-e root of 2, the velocity with which Card 2/4 Non-steady state oscillations of ... S/179/62/000/001/012/027 E114/E181 the force travels along the beam becomes critical, leading to sustained oscillations and limitloss growth of the defluction at the point of application of the force. If a niass travelling along the beam with constant velocity is subjected to a variable force, it is not possible to apply the Laplace transforr.,,ation, while the introduction of moving coordinate systems leads to an equation which is too complicated for practical purposes. Therefore, the author first considers the deflection of the beam tinder a steady load, then sets up the equation for moving the load along the beam and, combining the two, obtains a formula for an equivalent force which allows calculation of the deflection and the bending moments, as previously, for a travelling force. This solution only holds good provided the load and the beam always remain in contact. otherwise the equation is applicable only for the fraction of time while the load is actually in contact with the beam. For the rest of the time it is necessary to consider separately free oscillations of the beam and free movement of the load under the action of a force, followed by the load suddenly hitting the beam. But, unlike the usual case, the Card 11/4 Non-steady state oscillations of ... S/179/62/OGO/bol/612/627 E114/EI61 point of application of this impact will travel along the beam. Solutions for a point load moving along the beam with a force acting on the load in accordance with a certain known function can be reduced to a dynamic pressure exerted by the load on the beam. Several other cases are capable of solution by reduction to a force travelling along the beam, thus enabling numerical values to be obtained taking into consideration the non- uniformity of the beam, the effect of suspension and springs, etc. An example is given of two masses joined elasticaliy and travelling along the beam. This method is applicable to the solution of problems involving several loads travelling along one bear;-,, but this considerably increases practical difficulties of calculation, as it is then required to solve a set of particularly complicated Voltaire's equations of the first kind. There are 2 figures and 1 table. SUB.'~,IITTED: October 1, 1960 Card 4/4 MURAVSKU, G.B. (bbskva) Calculation of an Infinite-longth bean laying on a flexible support for the act-ion of a mommtary,concentrated impalse. Isv.AN SSSR.Otd. takk.~".16khA mahinostr. no.6:168-169 N-D 162. OURA 15:12) (Beam and girders) MURANSKIrr G.B. (Moskva) Unsteady vibrations of an infinite plate lying an an elastic foundation. Izv. 0 SSSR Otd. tekh. nauk. Nekh. i mashimostr. no.2287-92 Xr-Ap 163. (MM 16:6) (Elastic plates and shells-Vibration) MURAVSKIY, G,B,, kand. tekhti. nauk Action of a moving evenly distributed mass load on a hinged single-span beam. Trudy 141IT no.164tl25-132 163. (141RA 18:3) WRAVSKIY, G.B. (Moskva) --- Nonsteady vibra*ions of a load lying on an infinite plate supported by an elastic basis. Izv. AN SSSR. 1,1,ekh. no.1:124-12? ja-F 1615. WIRA 18:5) KJRAVSKIY. G. 13. Calculation of forced vertical vibrations of a circular stamp resting on an elastic foundation. Oan., fund. i n*kh. grun. 8 no.1:7-8 166. (MIRA 19:1) RWHCHIN, V.P.; GALY-OUN, L.N. . starshiy nauchny-y sotrudnik;-L~! ~VSKI~Y, ~.Ye. Corn enoilage with the dry biclogical "SKh* preparation. Zhivotnovodstvo 24~no,9:50-52 5 162. MRA 15:12) 1. Nb1davskiy nauchno-Xssledovatel-skiy institut shivotmovadstva voterinarli (for Roahchin, Galyamin)o 2. Olavnyy inspektor po takhnologii i ispolizovaniyu komov 14Wsterstva proizvodstva i zagotovok seltakokhozyzystvennykh produktov Moldavskoy SSR (for Hwavoki,y). (Corn (Maize)) (Biological products) (Ensilage) MURAVSKIY [Chromatographic analysis of bydrocarbons; bibliographic index of Soviet and foreign book and periodical literature for 1955-1960 (I-XI)l Khrmatograficheskii analiz uglevodorodov; bibliografiche- skil ukazatell otechestvennoi i Inostrannol kniWmoy i zImirmallnoi literaturY za 1955-1960 g. (1-XI). Kolichostvo nazv. - 711. Sost. V.A.Muravskii. Moskva,, 1961. 145 P. (MIR& 15:6) 1. Maacw. TSentral'naya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya biblioteka neftyanoy promyshlonnosti. (Bibliograpby-Chro to hic, analysis) (Hydrocarboqs -L..05Z 71 --67 Fvrf ( I)D ACC NRi AT6022276 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/0()0/0057/0062 AUTHOR: Volfman, V. I.; Muravtsov, A. D. 'C' ORG-. none ~'- / TITLE: Calculation of the ferrite-and-dielectric-loadedv aveguide Y-circulator SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posyvashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d,__j966. Sektsiy~--kv-antovoy elektroniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 57-62 TOPIC TAGS: wagaide circulator, waveguide element ABSTRACT: Circulation equations for a Y-circulator with a ferrite cylinder inside a qielectric bushing are set upi assumptions: (a) the amplitude of the first azimuth harmonic of-the electric field on the bushing surface substantially exceeds the amplitudes of all other harmonics; (b) one of the nodes of the standing wave formed on the bushing surface is located along the axis of the arm being isolated. The equations contain 7 independent parameters; 5 of them must be specified, and 2 can be found from the solution. The parameter selection is limited by the requirement that the isolation between the circqlator arms should be 20 db or more. A calculation procedure and auxiliary curves are supplied. An experimental verification is claimed which revealed errors of 6-" between theoretical and experimental valueB* Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 5 formulas. (031 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: I 1Apr66 / ORIG REF: 00 1 / ATD PRESS: L 0997c)-67 ACZ--N'W, -AT6022279 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0079/0082 AUTHOR: Vol'man, V. I.; Muravtsov, A. D. ORG, none TITIZ: Methods of parameter control in ferrite cylinders used in wavegulde Y-circu- lators SOLRICE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyuradia. 22d. 1966. Sektsiya kvantovoy elektroniki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 79-82 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide, waveguide propagation, waveguide design, ferrite ABSTRACT: A method for testing ferrite cylinders prior to their installatiol, in cir- culators is reported. The method consists of placing ferrite cylinders into a special- ly designed resonant cavity and measuring the resonant frequency of this system. This approach helps to increase ferrite component yield in mass production. Rather than measure the absolute values of resonance, the deviation from a standard reference val- ue is determined. For a cylindrical resonant cavity with a coaxial internal magnetiz- ed ferrite cylinder, electromagnetic waves can be sustained if the following relation is satisfied: 2 Y. Y.2 (Yr, Y. (Xors) 1. (1A P "Aril Y. (%ori) Card 1/2 L 09970-67 ACC NR: AT6022279 where R is the radius of the cavity, r, is the radius of the ferrite cylinder. If the resonator dimensions are selected such that Yj (xoR) - 0. (2) then, according to (1) for n z *1 at resonant frequency the expression (3) must be true. 710 Nr' t k I ]=It ' , (3) I Yj (itprj The numerical computation shows that for Jk/uj 0.5 to 0.6 the half sum of the reso- nant frequencies approximately coincides with the roots of the equation (-Or,) - - (4) (x,r,) Yj (VI) It is known that this expression is nearly the same as the one for the operation of a Y-circulator equipped with a ferrite cylinder having optimum properties. Consequent- 1: ly, the ferrite cylinders can be selected for optimum performance on the basis of the indirect measurement of their electrical parameters, using the resonance method. The experimental evaluation of 40 ferrites has shown this test to be highly accurate and useful. Orig. art. has. 5 figures. SUB CODE: 09,17/ SUBM DATE: UApr66/ ORIG REr: 001 r-A 2/26N 22062 'gill a 1)" 1/003/0114/025/030 B1021B209 AUTHORSt JAuravtsovt L. P. and Smirrov, B. 1. TITLEs X-Ray diffraction study of pucking faultP In deformed tantalum PERIODICALs Fizika tvardogo tela, Y. 3, no. 4, 1961, 1272-1276 TEM It has earlier been shown that packing faults in the 12111 planee of cubic body-centered metallic crystals must exert an influence upon X-ray diffraction. Such investigations have been made for special cases, e. g., for If-brasst molybdenum, iron,~ tungsten, and tantalum; however, only two lines of the latter have been examined. The present study was made with tantalum speeimens which had been triquetted from powder oontaining 0.63% C'f niobium) by means of cellulose-nitrate varnish. A tablet pressed from powder and heated in vacuo for three hours at 1050 OC aerved as a standard. The an- nealed specimen~4iad an interplanar spacing of d - 2.3 A and exhibited only very weak reflection. The X-ray diffraction studies were made with a YPC-50 W(URS-50I) apparatus with a scintillation counter. The reflection lines 110, 200, 211, 220, 400, and 422 were examined. Filtered Cu. radiation Card 1/3 22062 X-Ray hffraction ... S/1B 611003100410251010 B102X209 was used for all lines except for 422 where filtered Mo KX radiation was It has earlier been shown that packing faults in body-centered cubdc latticr.-: lead to a blurring of the lines. The effective block dimensions D have determined from the dependence of the dispersion coeffiCient AP -n the distance L. The following was obtained: D 110 - 210 A, D 20o 120 A, D211 " 130 A, i. e., D 110 t D 200 1 D211 ~ 1.8 s 1.0 1 1,1. The "true" h11I)(-,k dimensions D p (regions of coherent scattering) and the probability of pa,~king faultimay be calculated from the effective block dimensions, The relation I/D -P' I/D + 1/D holds, where D is teruied the "fictitious" blQ;k p F F dimenaonq DF - k/(1 .5 aL +A) -Resultst Line (1 .5 o6 + A) - 10 D, A 110-200 13.7 350 200-211 4.1 15r, !10-211 28 126C A comparison of the relativ,~~ D values taken from o1her publications 5hows that only W and Ho blocks are isotropic, i. e., that an effect of pae.,king 22062 X-Ray diffraction ... S/181/61/003/004/028/030 B102/B209 faults has not been deteated. The block dimensions were anisotropic in these cases. In order to check their own values, the authors calculated the fault probability and Di also for ~-brass and iron according to data of other authors. The results agree qualitatively. The D P values of A-brass had a negative siga for the 110-211 pairs, i. e.i these blocks must lead to a contraction and not to a broadening of the lines. This result is very surprising, and the authors attempt to explain it by Mathematical and physic- al considerations. HoweVer~, it has been found that further studies of the paok*ng fAults are required for a final explanation. B. M. Rovinskiy id mentioned. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 13 referencess 3 Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Boviet-bloo. The two most"recent references to English-language publications read as followes 0. J. Guentert, B. E. Warren, J. Appl. Phys. 29t 40, 1958; B. E. Varian, Progr. in Met. Phys. 8, 147, 1959. ASSOCIATIONt Piziko-tekhnicheakiy institut imeni Akad. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni Academic- ian A. F. loffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEN October 1, 1960 Card 3A