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21(0) AUTHORS: Fogell, Ya. Y , Kozlov, V. F. SOV/56-36-4-55/70 Kalmykov, A. A,, Muratov, V. I, TITLE: Direct Proof of the Applicability of the Adiabatic Criterion of Massey for Processes 'Nith Double Charge Exchange (Pryamoye dokazatellstvo primenimosti adiabaticheskogo kriteriya Messi k protsessam dvoynoy perezaryadki) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 369 Nr 49 pp 1312-1314 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As shown in a previous paper (Ref 1),,, the investigation of the rate dependence of the cross sections of the double re-charge of the ions H+ and F- leads to the result that the curves ar (v) have two maxima for these ions. This fact is dealt l_, with according to Massey's adiabatic criterion; thus,. a maximum of such an inelastic process with a resonance deflect -- 1. The occurrence ,4 E must be observable if al,4EI/hv max of two maxima in the curves 61-1(v) for the processes H + ,~ H- and F- -* F-can be explained either by the formation of slow excited doubly-charged ions (at H+ - IT-)or by the existence Card 1/4 of impurity ions in excited metastable states in the primary Direct Proof of the Applicability of the Adiabatir- SOV/56-36-4-55/70 Criterion of Massey for ProcesBes With Doublf Charge Exchange beam (at P'4* - F_), The two maxima indicate that besides the process F +- F_ also the process F + *-. F_ develops, viz. with a different resonance defect but with the same a-value_ Por the purpose of clarifying these conditions the authors in- vestigated the processes B+ --w B- in Xe, Kr, and H and 0* - 0 2 in Xe, In the former case the curve a (v) had 3 maxima, in the latter it had two. Results~. Process Excitation energy ev] ion term term energy (calculated) B+ - Kr 5,6 + 1,6 2s2p 3P0 4,6 B+ -Kr 11,7 1.6 2p2 3P 12,1 B+ -Xe 5A 0.9 2s2p 3P0 4 6 Card 2A B+ -Xe 11-3 1,0 2p2 3P 12.1. Direct Proof of the Applicability of the Adiabatic 30V/56-36-4-55/70 Criterion of Massey for Processes With DoubIL -Charge Exchange Process Excitation cnergy[ev] ion term term energy!e'Kl (calculated) B+ - H2 4,4 + 0.3 2s2p 3P 0 4A B+ - H2 11.0 + 2.0 2p 2 3P 12,1 0+ - Xe 24.2 � 0.5 2s2p4 2 S 24,4 The results obtained are discussed in detail,, For Li .9, Kr, Li+ - H 2, and Li"' -w Ar the curves 6,-,(v) are given in form of diagrame. The additional maxima are where they must be according to Masoey's criterion. Herefrom follown the identity of the a-values for processes of double re-charge of uncharged and charged ions. The results obtained by the investigation of the process Li+ - Li- provide direct proof of the applicability of Massey's criterion to such ions and also prove the correctness of the explanation of the nature of additional maxima of the curves 61 1 Card 314 investigated. -,(v) in the processes Direct Proof of the Applicability of the Adial-fic SOV/56-36~4-551/70 Criterion of Massey for Processes With Doub1c Charge Exchange There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Physico-technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainakaya SSR). Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Khar1kov State University) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1958 Card 4/4 3/057/62/032/008/007/015 B104/B102 AUTHORSs Fedorchenko, V. D., Rumkevich, B. ff., Muratov, V. I., and Chern,yy, B. M-. (1)easased) TITLEi Low-frequency plasma oscillations in a magnetic field PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fiziki, Y. 32, no. 8, 1962, 958 - 966 TEXT% The experiments were made in a longitudinal magnetic field of 200 - 300 oersteds (Fig. 1). The diameter of the electron beam was 2 cm, its length 65 am, the energy 2 kev, the pressure 5~10- 7 _ 5.10-5 mm Rg. The relation W,,6n~m exists between the circular frequency A the oscilla- tions occurring in the collector circuit (100 kc/sec).of the particle den- -6 sity n and the ion mass M. The oscillations mainly occur at W mm, Hg. The oscillation stability is increased by reducing the pressure to 10-7 mm Hg, and at 2-10-5 mm Hg these oscillations vanish. They are due to a high-frequen~cy noise caused by the electron beam. If the noise is suppressed at the end of the eleotron beam the oscillation in the collector circuit vanishes. 'The same oscillations are produced by a weak Card 1/2 S/05 62/032/008/007/015 Low-frequency plasma oscillations ... B104YB102 external high-frequenoy 6ignal of 26 - 29 Me/aec. The plaama produced by the electron beam ionizing the gas in the ohamber in very important in causing the low-frequoncy 090illations. They may be excited by the irregular action of the fields, produced by the noise in the beam plasnis Byatem. kttempts to verify this supposition are discussed. There are 7 figures. SUBMITTEDt June 17, 1961 Figs 1 IRA Z7. Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4036040 S/2781/63/000/003/0036/00" AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, V. D.; Muratov, V. I.; Rutkevich, B. N. TITLE: High frequency plasma oscillations in a magnetic field SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i problem- y* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics-and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentsii, no. 3, Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 36-44 TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field interaction, plasma electron oscillation, plasma ion oscillation, plasma oscillation, plasma re- search ABSTRACTs The authors investigate oscillations in electron be in a longitudinal magnetic fieid at stronger magnetic fields than in 10 A/m as against 1.59--2.38 x 104 their earlier study (2.38 x A/m; cam J/ 5 ACCESSION NR.- AT4036040 see ZhTF v. 32. 958, 1962). The strong magnetic field suppresses the low frequency oscillations and increases the amplitude of the high-frequency oscillations. The spectrum of the high-frequency oscillations was plotted with the aid of a moving electric probe, the output of which was fed to a noise meter. The oscillations had a maximum in the frequency range 25--50 megacycles, the position and height of which depended on the beam energy (for a fixed current), on the magnetic field. and on the pressure in the chamber. it has also been found that an optimal pressure exists at which the ampli- tude of the oscillations is the largest, and that the optimum value of the pressure depends on the beam energy. The oscillation fre- quency depends also on the beam energy and the maximum of the spec- trum shifts towards higher frequencies with increasing energy. An increase in the amplitude of the ion oscillations leads to the sup- pression of the electron oscillations, whereas ion oscillations,bqF come more intense with increasing amplitude of the electron oscilla- tions. Plots of the following are included: characteristic spectnim Card 215 ACCESSION.UR: A14036040' of electron oscillations, spectra of high-frequency oscillations at different pressures, spectra at different electron-beam energy, spec- tra at high-frequency oscillations at different magnetic fields, amplitude of high-frequency signal as a function of the probe posi- tion, role of secondary emission from the collector, amplification of external high-frequency signal applied to the modulating electrode, ;amplification of external signal at different pressures, amplifica- 'tion of external signal at different magnetic fields, dependence of the amplitude of the high-frequency ion oscillations on the frequency of the external electric field enclosing the ion beam, and dependence of the amplitude of the high-frequency electron oscillations on the frequency of the external alternating electric field for air and for krypton. "The authors are most grateful to K. D. Sinallnikov, Ya. B. Paynberg, and B. G. Safronov for useful discussions." Orig. art. has: 12 figures. ASSOCIATIONs None Cwa 3/5 ACCESSrON NR: AT4036040 SUBMITTEDs 00 DATE ACOs 21May64 SUB CODEs NZ HR REP SOVs 001 EMCL: 01 OTMMa 000 Cwa 4/5 Accession no ATW36o4o INCLOSURS 01 `3 N M.6 7 1 43 71 ---------- Diagram of experimental set-up A solenoid, 2 -electron gun, 3 - colle6tor, grid, 5 moving probe, 6 - modulating electrode, 7 capacitor platen enclosing the beam,, 8 - hollow electron beam cer'd 5/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4036041 S/2781/63/000/003/0044/0054 AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, V. D.; 4uratov, V. I.; Rutkevich, B. N. TITLE: Investigation of high-Irequency oscillations of a plasma by a probing beam SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizice plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, 1Q,irkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i prob- jemy* upravlyayemogo termayade:cnogo sinteza (Plasma physics and problems of controlled thermonaclear synthesis); doklady* konferen- tsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 44-54 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillations, plasma electron oscillation, elec- tron beam, plasma interaction, plasma magnetic field interaction, space charge ABPSTIRAC-A: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (High-frequency Oscillations in a magnetic Field -- Third Knar'kov Card 1/5 ACCESSION DTR: AT4036041 Conference, 1962; Low-frequency Oscillations of a Plasma in a Mag- netic field -- ZhTF v. 32, 958, 1962) and are aimed at measurements of the phase velocity by the method of a probing beam which passes through the main plasma beam and enters an analyzer with a rot4irdinq potential. The plasma tested constituted a hollow electron beam 50 cm long and 2 cm in diameter, with an energy that ranged from 200 to 300 volts at 25--50 milliamperes. The working preszure was 1.3 x 10- 3__ 1.3 x 10-4 n/m 2. The probing beam (1 mm dia, (10--15 pA, and 0--400V) traveled on the beam axis in the injection direc- tion. The potential was measured with the aid of an incandescent probe inserted inside the hollow beam through a break in its annu- lar section. The experiments with the probing electron beam indicate the existence in the plasma of considerable oscillations which modify both the main beam and the plasma. The plasma electrons be- come accelerated by the high-frequency field of the wave produced in the beam-plasma system, and this causes electrons to escape Card 2/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4036041 through the ends of the system. The escape of the electrons should be accompanied by an increase in potential in the space occupied by the plasma. However, the situation is complicated by the existence of transverse ion oscillations which cause the ions to move away to the cylindrical surface of the chamber. It is concluded that the plasma oscillations cause formation of an uncompensated charge, the polarity of whiqh depends on whi of the processes predominates, lc~ Qie drift of the ions due to the low- requency transverse oscilla- tions or the drift of the electrons due to their interaction with the longitudinal high-frequency wave. In strong magnetic fields the ion oscillations are suppressed and the longitudinal high- frequency osci:llations become predominant. It is therefore to be expected that in a trap in which electrons are injected in suffi- 5 A/M), ci.e.nz1v strong magnetic fields (on the order of (1--2) x 10 the plasma will have a positive potential. "The authors are grate- ful to X. D. Sinel'nikovI Ya. B. Faynberg, and B. G. Safronov for a discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 10 Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4036041 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUB14ITTED: 00 SUB CODE: ME DATE ACQ: 2lMay64 NR REF SOV: 003 ENCL: 01 OTHER. 000 Card 4/5 ACCESSION MR, AT4036041 ENCLOSURE: 01 to std. 67 sig. gen. L Diagram of experimental set-up 1-- solenoid, 2 - gun for main beam, 3 - ~un for sounding beam, 4 - modulating electrode, 5 - main beam, 0 sounding beam, 7 - collector of main beam, 8 - grid, 9 - analyzer of main beam,. 10 - analyzer of sounding beam Card 5/s nDORCHENKO, V.D.; MURATOV, V.I.; RIJTKLVI(',H, B.N. High-frequency oscillations of a plasrA in a magnetic field. Zhur. takh.fiz. 34 no. 3:458-462 Mr 164. Use of a probing beam in studying high-frequency plasma oscil- lations in a magnetic field. Ibid.:463-468 (MIRA 17:5) ::.L- 10667-66-: -j6f A hi4li ti toid w enc @a near A in van 16ormor or d,~ with%Awsli 4A at one. end of--- 00 . dt 11 qw..exdi -freq,genples somowhat-., Ahe "rimor f ol~ - --wi_ -.1 _ __- -.1 .1. . - -4 quency we' '--.f und t w_,IAlow'exftaor ary tj~iis: ~`*,t;hsdo; veldeity less than 7 thAt _o,f"Iftht.~Ihir Oumaifios Ai-i-citM, near re ISO 'the Lanowir f r .equengy- we :a -xlo~w_ .'When the intensity -:of! the-high-I re,111itIons'-was suff Ici tl In requimney..-om e5f y --a creased,----jdvi-,andhIkh fre -satellite app sre& In:. ihoir- sp"tr requencles qugacy,:. equal:,to th~-'*= Al d tatl6if-Ir e- i cy and the frequency of Ionic AnIc &II11tenc- i.' - , :. ii. 6-re ai 1:4 a - tensit .es, of mate -ent 6* ilites In diff et portlons~of Ahe:papwli do -ui or 'Oi r.. satellite was an and. nder.-soue-.doiid.iiions~oiie." se;. thp:low~ requ4 ~iiitensity of:*.,: 7ery:.: ten i, increased -the 'hIjj6'_ fi~a -6 itation was, th 1140~und 1whon the. 6nic- -exe applled;~when a: quency 1& 4 requency, h- ~ in Oist Of the" ionic sound decreased ik-tellite-va!s --very iitensei~te,_ t ty~,, to-- be undoes, te r tatbo is is Itoaa in rum -0 e, ersciil~._Ot: asmons i" Itae'sato tes be ng ations', A Y dold ,soun p asmmi:by high kin ,a. -Pi iati - thi;tOnmequent lormation of wave: 0 asek the:. RISC. -foii~ 4"i r-of _tI an& Ysis -IA-. terms. o plasum Interacti- Wity to ons t..Aif may - refful i r-0' -a-, U.t e kict an a' t kilids.4f... tictu lonie'l- ~The authoft think"" at ILv*,;s 41- TAd &Tsy~fifbe a 84 for discussing the IL VOCOW Ath6v 43rig Aas W. 4 formul ax~ 7:7 'M M RM 2 00C ACC NRI AP6036029 SOURCE CODE: uR/0057/66/036/011/1964/1970 AVnJOR: Fedorchanko,V.D.; Muratov,V.I.; Rutkevich',V.N. !ORG: none TITLE: The Interaction of Ionic cyclotron waves with high frequency oscillations of a plasma SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 11, 1966, 1964-1970 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear plasma, turbulent plasma, plasma oscillation, plasma electro- magnetic wave, nonlinear effect, plasmon, krypton, air, helium, electron beam AB,STRACT: The work described in this paper is a continuation of earlier work of the authors (ZhTF, 32, 958, 1962; 34,458,1964; 35,2021,1965; Yadernyy sintez, 4,300,1964) on the nonlinear Interaction of waves in plasmas. Plasmas were excited in krypton, air, or helium at pressures of the order of 10-4 mm lig within a 9 cm diameter 100 ca long metal tube in a longitudinal magnetic field of from 0.4 to 1.0 kOe by a 2 cm diameter 50 cm long 200-250 mA beam of 160 eV electrons which,was received by a floating collector. Under these conditions oscillations with a frequency of about 12 kHz developed In the plasma. These oscillations were investigated with the aid of adjustable electric probes, a magnetic probe, and an electron beam traversing the chamber parallel to and 2 cm from its axis, and it was concluded that they represent helical Ionic cyclotron waves with the propagation vector almost perpendicular to the magnetic field. High frequency power from an external oscillator with a frequency -C,,d 1/2 ACC Nii~ AP6036029- near the electron Langmuir frequency of about 0.5 kWU[z or near the ion Larmor frequency ~of about 1.4 kMHz was injected at one end of the discharge chamber and the high fre- quency signal from the 1)lasma was observed with the aid of an electric probe. When the high frequency power was turned on the amplitude of the ionic cyclotron oscillations incr'eased and there appeared oscillations at frequencies equal to the sum and the difference of the frequencies of the high frequency oscillations and the ionic cyclo- tron oscillations. The low frequency satellite was stronger than the high frequency one. In.a brief review of the present and the earlier work It is noted that in all the investigated cases of Interaction between low and high frequency oscillations in plasmas there appeared oscillations at the combination frequencies and thav, in accordl with the concept of plasmon breakup and combination, the low frequency oscillations were strengthened or weakened by the presence of the high frequency oscillations ac- cording as the low or high.-frequency satellite was the stronger. The behavior of the combination frequency oscillations to sensitive to turbulence of the plasma and it is suggested that study of the combination frequency oscillations may prove to be useful in the investigation of plasm turbulence. Orig. art. has; 3 formulas and 7 figures. SUB DODS: 20 . SUBM DATE: 30JUM ORIG. RAY: 007 V2 MMTIDVR V.I. po3kovnik med.aluzhby Treatment of hypertevvion at the general somatic Fushcha-Voditsa Sanatorium* Sborenauch.trud*Kiev*okruzhovoenogoop* no*4:184-188 162* (MIM 16 t 5) (Kw noviNas.-HYPEmsiow) (IM PROVINCE-MULTIt RZOORMI WATEMG. PIACES, ETC.) MURATOV V. 1. L_' __ Rmults of a changeo"r to a shorter workday and now wage arrange- mats for workers of prospecting organizations. Razved.i okh.n6dr 28 no,101-54 Ja 162. (KM 150) 1, Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr MR. (Wages and labor produativity) (Hours of labor) (Wages-Prospecting) MURATOV, V.K. Effect of curarel-Ike drugs on the glossomaxiLlary reflex. Farm. i toka. 26 no.5.-597-602 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1, Kafedra farmakologli (zav. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AICI SSSR prof. V.V. Zakusov) I Muskovskogo ordena lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. KMTOVP V.M. Mu,JUw and river terraces of the nortbwastern Caucasus with recent tectonic movements. Biul*MOIP.Otdogeol. 11-9 061. (Caucasus, Northern-Terraces (Geology)) in connection 36 uo.6sl24-125 (MM 15:7) MMCR(YV, P.V.; GEPTNER, A.R.fKURATOT, V.H. Tim of the appearance of Mediterranean elements in th6 fauna of the Mack Sea. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.1:181-163 Itr-Je 161. (KGU 14:4) -l..Geologicheakiy institut AN SSSR I Institut geografii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akadem~kon N.M.Strakhovym. (Black 3ea region--Paleontology, Stratigraphic) MURATOV, V.M.; Ll KIIUA-CHZHAll [Li Hua-chan,,J Recent finds of Chauda and ancient bixinic deposits in the western Caucasus. Dokl. All SSSR 140 no.3:677-(78 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Inetitut geografil Ali SSSR i Vloskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. MX.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom I.P.Gerasimovym. (Krasnodar Territory--Geolopy, Stratigraphic) HMOMp V.H. Indirect traces of the last glaciation in the relief of the mountainous part of the northwestern Caucasus. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser. geog. UO,3.-79-8Z VV-Je 062. (KIRA 15-5) 1. Inatitut geografii AN SSSR. (Caucasus, Northern--Landforma) MINTSp A,A.1; ZJW-TOv,-V-m-; FRIDLYAND, V.M. HunprJan geographern in thte nearrh of new ways fcr practical app3idation of t~e resultd. of scientific reseurcho Izv, All SIS-011L Ser, geog, no,52120w]23 --!~-O 065- (MIRA 186.10) URPACHEVA, S.M., dc)ktor kbim. nauk, prof.; ZAKHAROV, Ye.l.; RAGINSKIYY L.S.; 14URATOV, V.1-1., MATVEYEVA, A.V.; red. [Pulsating extractors] Pullsiruiushchie ekstraktory. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1964. 298 p. (MIRA 17:12) KURATOV, V. 3. v~-t4i-.~~, ClormtIon aud doposit of osokerital Obrasovent* osokerita I formtrovante ego saleshei. Zeningrad, Gostopt*khtsdat, 1954. 116 p. (02A 7 -.12D) 41L A4 rel I/ - - Altjr- v-u-- TASHCaURMNSUU. A.B., vedushchly redaktor; SOKOIDTA, *, takhnichookly redaktore Fomtion of osocarits arid its deposits* Trudy MMI n0,79: 3-116 54. (Km 8:3) (Ozacerite) KURATOV, V.H. . On the genesis of ozoicerits. Geol.abor. no.3.1255-265 155. (Ozoirerite) MPA 8:6 ) VASSOTIVICH.N.B.; KURATOV,V.N. Claselficatios and teralsology Ocaustobloiltes., s9-83:149-170 '55. (Caustobiolites) Trudy VNIGRI (KWA a-. 10) MMTOT, T. 9 .-.-0060~ 60w~~- Geochemical stud7 of petroleums and bitumens in Cambrian sediments of Takutia. A7toref. nauch. trud. VITIGRI no.17:61-64 '56. (KIRA 11:6) (Takutia--Patroleum geology) muReov, V.11. b'-h-.Y.T"Qj=tiev"a genetic classification of caustobioliten. Vest.IM 14 no.18:1?,9-133 '59. (MUL. 12:8) (Caustobiolites) MURATOVO V.N. Genetic classification of organic minerals, Vest.LGU 16 no.18: 42-55 '61. (141RA 14: 10) (14inerals-Classification) KURATOVO V.N. (Short outline of caustobiolith geology] Kratkii ocherk geologil kaustoblolitov; uchabnoe posoble dl1a studentoy geologo-s*emocbnoi i gookhimicheakoi spetsiallnostai. Leningrad, Ixd-vo Leningradskogo univ., 1962. 112 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Geology, Economic) (Caustobioliths) mmu"vo V.*.; FFAME-KAHMTSKIrs, V.A. Refine nt of the concept of hardness as a structural state of a substance and its consistency. Zhur.strukt.khim. 3 no.1:106-107 .Ta-P 162., (MIRA 15:3) 1, laningradakiy goeudarstvemyy universitet imeni A.A.Zhdanova. (Hardness) BLAGOVOLIN, N.S.; MHATOV VJ1 ;. TIMOFEYEV, D.A. Several problems of slope formation under the conditions of various morphostructures. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-3:16-25 Yq-Je 163. (MIRA 16a8) 1. Institut geograftl AN SSSR. (Slopes (Physical geography)) MURATOV, V.M. GQnference on the problems of tectonics. Izv. AN SSM. Ser. geog. no,3:142-143 Vq-Je 163. (MIRA 160) (Geology, Structural-Congresses) ~IAIJ5'r.uv, r. A F.; MIJRATOV, I;il,(,,V., fe.~. Infor-ma,;ion thrjueohput ct Lhe --r-age r.,~r. 91 ' ?- 93 #64. let I] j 24(7) SOV/54-59-3-5/21 AUTHORS: Vanyukov, Me Peg Yermakov, Be A., Mak, A. A., Muratoy, T. Re TITLE: Recording of the Variation With Time of the Contours of Spectral Lines in the Radiation of a Spark Discharge PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1959, Wr 3, pp 25-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper a three-channel photoelectric apparatus for the recording of the variations with time pulses of the discharge spectra is developed for a wide intensity interval. The scheme of the apparatus is represented in figure 1. The spectral decomposition of the periodic discharges was made by means of a monochromator according to Eberth and Past with a plane diffraction grating for interferences of first order. The grating was constructed by F.M. Gerasimov in the G01 Laboratory. During the recording the grating slowly rotated. It was connected with an electron selfrecording potentiometer of the type EPP-0.9 over a synchronous transmitter. The angular velocity of the -rating could be adjusted gradually from 60 to 120 2-5, 0-5, and 0.1 I/min. The radio apparatus consisted of three uniform channels permitting a simultaneous recording of Card 1/3 the spectrum at three different instants, i.e. the amplitude of Recording of the Variation With Time of the Contours of SOV/54-59-3-5/21 Spactral Lines in the Radiation of a Spark Discharge the pulse obtained at the outlet of the electron trigger is proportional to the value average with respect to time At of the signal to be investigated for a given period of delay t 3 The pulses obtained are thus modulated according to the speotral radiation distribution of the pulse source for time t 3* These pulses arrive at a collecting scheme, subsequently at a direct-current amplifier, and finally at the selfrecording potentiometer. The three channels record in the time intervals 0.05 - 0.45 a see, 0.4- 20,,,*see, and 0.5 - 50,,*Bec. For the determination of the best working conditions the time of adjustment of the collecting element was varied. By means of this device line contours and also the shift cf the maxima to- ward 0.1 1 may be observed. The limit 6f the time resolving power with time is 5.10-8 see. In the figures 2-7 the contours of the spectral lines of nitrogen and helium in spark discharge tubes are represented. Herefrom it may be seen that the lines widen mainly in the first stage of discharge (Fig 7) which indicates a Stark line widening. The maximum concentration of Card 2/3 the charged particles is observed at the beginning of discharge. Recordin- of the Variation With Time of the Contours of SOV/54-59-3-5/21 0 Spectral Lines in the Radiation of a Spark Discharge It was found from the helium line 11 4686 1 that it is r-10 Is CM3 . Also the arc discharge spectra of helium could be recorded. The observed asymmetry of the lines could be explained by the direction of the line shift. There are 7 figures and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 14, 1~59" Card 3/3 sov/iog-4-8-10/35 Ajy&"gMt Vanyukov, M*pog Makg A*A* and Muratow, V-*R9 TITLts Time Spectra of tUe Radiation of Spark Discharges in Inert eases VMOD=AL: RadiLotekhaika I slaktroalka, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 8, pp 1284 - 1285 (USSR) ABSTRACTz Some "to relating to the time spectra of the light pulles In the specta bandwidth, ranging from 2 500 - 3,2 000 were recorded by means of the equipment devised by the authors (got I)* A detailed description of the equipment was given in Rot 2. The tin* resolution of the device was 5 x 10-8 see. The spark discharges investigated were produced between spherical electrodes In tubes filled with argon, krypton or zonon; the pressure of the gas was 3.5 ats. and the-intor-*Iectrod* distance was 10 mm. The voltages applied to the tube were f*om 5 - 12 kV, the storage capacitance was 0*01 to 0*65 pf and the circuit inductance was 001 to 12 IM. It was found that the radiation of the discharge consists of a continuous background and a number of brojkdoned lines, many of which Cardl/2 can be identified with the lines of single- and O'jv/bl-6-1-3/30 AUTHORS; Vanyukov, M.P., Maic, A.A., and Auratk#v, V.R. TITLN: Time Spectra of Emission by Spark Discharges in Inert Cases (Vrem*xw-,m spektry izluchenlya iskrovogo razryada v inertnykh gazakh) NRLODIML: OpUka i Spektroslcopiya, 1959, Vol b, Wr 1, pp 17-23 (UUSR) ABSTRAM The present paper describes time spoctra of the intensity of emission by spherical pzlso--dis char&* lamps filled with argon, xenon and krypton at 3.5 atm. The author studied the emission in the 2500-5WO region obixinable, uzaing varioua combinations of capacitance and indu-Ttanco in the discharging eir-.uit. The time spectra were obtained with photoelectric apparatus. whose resolving power ms about 5 x 10-8sec, developed earlier and described in Ref 2. An Ebert- Fasti monoonrmator, with a mirror objective of 320 mm diameter and a diffraction grating with 600 llno4/mm. was used. The relative spectral sevAitivity of the apparatus man measured using a standard incandescent lamp (Ref 3). -ihe absolute (energy) scale for the intensity of smission vas obtained at 4140 1 by using an incandescent lamp vnoso snectral energy density was known for that wavelength. Tne spoctra.1.31it-widtha used were fram 2 to '20 1. The instantaneous Ca rd 1/3 values of the emission intensity of pulse-discharge lamps were measured Time Spectra of Bliasion by Spark Disenargos in inert Gasom SOV/51-6-1-3/30 at various timen t,counted from the beginning of the discharge. The first record was alvpayg obtained kwith the exception of curve I In Fig 5) at the moment of the maximum intensity of emission. llh* results of measurements are given in Figs 1-9 in the form of two or three energy spectra obtainwl at various times. The results for argon are given in Fige 1 ano 2, fcr lrxypton - in Figs 3-5. and for xenon - in Figs 6-9. The results of these figures snow that increase of inductance in the disenarge rArcuit redu-~en the intensity of continuous radiation and consequently the 141ne emission becomes clearer. Lt me found that in the prccea- of a spark discharge a continuous spectrum am lines of Ioubly icnized atcas appear first. Later the intensity oi tue aoubiy ionized lines decreases and instead the lines due to ningly ionized atom appear in the spentrum. The latter lines decay Card 2/3 more slowly than the continuous background. The spectral distribution Time Spectra of Emission by Spark Discharges in Inert Gazes of the continuove baccground dIffers greatly from that expected of a bla A boo y and was roua to be onl: g1jeltly &3pgn4gnt on, the wavelength. This offoct may be due to non-uniforwity of tho temperature distribution in various parts of tne discharge channel and pc%iibly alac, d%~e to differences in the absorption coefficient of the discharge plasma in various spw~tral region&. There are 9 figures and 2 Soviet references. SUMUTTED: Mar,h 4 1?5? Card 3/3 71=OV, L4.P.-, Tra4aOV, B.A.; aa, Ait.,- i4jRATOV. V-R. Record of the time variations of spectral linp contmirp !n t~,~ enianinn fron a spark aischarge. Vest.T~Ix 14 n-,,.16-25-32 41 1 159. (spectrum analysis) GIIIRA 12:10) 69271 8/051/60/000/04/M/032 2201/2691 AMMORS S Vanyukov, M.P., Mak, A.A. aid Muratov, V.R. TITISs An lawestigstion of Spark Dtschsj!S!!?in Hollum~l PUICDICikLs Optilm I spokbrookoptya, 1960, Vol 0, 71r 4, pp 439-"S (USSR) ANTRACts The authors studied the time dependence of the are and spark line contours omitted by a spark discharge In helium. The discharge vm produced by 2.5-10 kV pulses from a 0.05 vF capacitor (the inductance. L. of the discharge circuit vas 0.18 or 3.6 or 25 4). The sparim passed through a discharge tube filled with helium of industrial purity *+. a pressure of 2.6-12 ats. 11mission vas recorded in the wavelonGth region 2500-5500 1. A Goislor discharge tube vas used to produce & calibration spoctrm. It was found that in the tnitial stages of the disebarges a strong continuous background use amitted, superimposed on ibich there were two Intenso spark (go 11) lines at 4666 and 3203 (Pigs I and 2). Are lines of helium (He I at 5188, 3889, "To, "?I and WIG 1. of. Pigs 3-5) appear later, about 0.3-0.5 Usse from the beginning of the discharge. Both the *park and the are lines emitted by these discharges were strongly broadened and displaced duo zr' the Card 1/2 Stark offset. The asymetry of the are linos use duo to their 69271 S/051/60/008/04/002/032 An Investigation of Spark Discharges In Relim =01/2691 Istatlatleal wings' emitted by Ions. The electron concentrations, 1, in the spark discharge channel more derived from the half-widthe and shifts of the He I lines at 3889 and 5016 A (Table 2) and were ccapared (Table 3) vith the values obtained by Mak (R*f 6), vbo studied the 'the spark line at U86 1. The various values -? 11 agreed better with each other mhen corr*ctlow suggested by Vaynshtsyn and Sobel%" (Rofa 15) more taken into account. However. *won when these corrections were included the values of I (-10-17cm-3) differed by 200-30OX ?hero are 5 figures. 3 tables and 15 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 3 linglish, 3 Gersan, I Swedish and 1 translation. SUMUTTVDs July 24, 1959 Card 2/2 85051 S10 51/60/009/006/015/012 91, ~(/ 40 E201/F,191 AUTHORS: klish9v,~_LF. , a uko-T., ME., , Muratov, V, R, and Hilov, Ye.V. TITLE: Image-Converter Recording of Spark- Dis charge Spect'ra Resolved in Time and Along the Channel Cross-Sectton PERIODICAL: Opt.1ka i spektroskopiya, 196(), Vol.9, No,.6, PP 790-791 TEXT: The authors describe & method of recording rapidly changing spark-discharge spectra using small portions of the discharge channel. The apparatus Is shown schematically in Fig,l. Light proceeds via a monochromator M and is projected by a lens 04 on the photocathode of an image converter -)c n (EOP) fitted with an electronic shutter. The shutter Is connected to a generator of square Pulses 3. The generator is synch.-onized with the discharge by means of a photomultiplier 1 and a s7nc~hronization circuit 2,, In this way one obtains a speetirum on the image-converter screen at a time governed by the delay between opening of the electronics shutter and the beginning of the discharge, Exposures can be irarled from OJ to 10 psen~ and Card.. 1/2 85051 slo 51/60/009/006/01 55/018 8201/E191 Image-Converter RecordIng of Spark,-Disc~harge Spect-ra Resolved in Tine and Adong the Channel Cross-Sect.-lon spectra, can be recorded 0.07 t--) 125 ~sea Prom the beg.mnlng of a disoharge. The Image-converter sc .reen is photographed w.1th a ,.amera, denoted by I, in Fig..!. The metbod was applLed to a '410 kV discharge ac,, As a 4 mm gap in ai-rt N 1, N 11, and Elm lines were recorded 1., 5, 1.0 and 2.1 pse-~ frou~ the beginning of the. discharge (Fig.2). There are 2 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 English SUBMITTED: June 22L, :90 20728 S/05i/6l/O1O/Oo4/Oo6/O07 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Balashov, I.F., Vanyukov, M.P., Murato_v.,_V.R., and Nilov, Ye.V. TITLE.- The Recording of Time-resolved Spectral Line Profiles by Means of an Image Converter PERIODICALs Optika i spektrookopiya, 1961, Vol. 10, No. 4, PP- 540 - 541 TEXTj The present authors point out in 0Ref. I that the image-converter method can be used to record time-resolved spectra of various parts of & spark discharge. The present note reports results obtained with this method in the recording of time-resolved spectral line profiles. The method has the advantage that a single flash is sufficient to record the profile. The apparatus employed is said to have been described in*Ref. 1. It incorporated the V\(- ~_i -; ~(ISP-51) spectrograph with an 800 inin focal length camera. The image-converter was switched on by I jLs pulses at different times after the onset of the discharge. The image of the spectral line was photographed from the image- Card 1/3 40p'hka 20728 S/051/61/010/004/oo6/007 The Recording of .... E032/E314 converter screen with a 131 magnification, using a photo- graphic objective with a focal ratio of 131.5, Fig. 2 shows the distribution of the intensity at the centre of the H a line across the channel of a spark discharge in hydrogen. Fig. 3 shows the H CX profile emitted by the central zone of the channel, Preliminary calculations show that by using the highest-sensitivity image-converters (Butslov et al - Ref. 6) and with an intensity corresponding to the saturation region (Vanyukov and Mak - Ref. 7) the profile of the spectral line can be recorded with a spectral resolution of 0.1 1 with an exposure of I nsec. There are 3 figures and 7 referencest 6 Soviet and I non-Soviet. SUBMITTED. October 14, 1960 card 2/3 The Recording of .... Fig. 2: 0 1 Z J r(6 mm) Card -3/3 20728 S/051/61/olo/004/006/007 E032/E314 Fix. 3: -100 -50 0 317 0 Jk(8A) VANYUKOV# H.P.1 KURATOV, V.R.; KUKHITDINOVAp I.A. Time resolved emission spectra from a spark discharge in and air in the 5000 - 10,000 A wavelength range. Opt. i no.l+:561-563 AP 161. (MIRA (Electric disebarges through gases) nitrogen spektr.10 14:3) VANYUKOV, M.P.; IRMTOV, V.R,; MUKHITDINOVA, I.A. IC Time radiation spectra of spark dischar B in inert gases in the region between 5,000 and 10,00', r. Opt. i spektr. 11 sw.33312-318 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Electric discharges through gases) (Radiation) MRATOV, V.R. Telecentric optical system for illuminating the entrance slit of a spectral instrmwnt. Opt. i spektr. 11 r-o.6:770-780 D `61. 0411UL 14:11) (Optical instruments) s/i2o/62/000/002/028/047 E140/E163 AUTHGRS: Muratov, V.R., and Nilov, Ye.V. TITLE: Investigation of the resolution of the image converter n4M-3 (PIM-3) with various operating conditions PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.2, 1962, 124-126 TEXT: An experimental study was made of the resolution obtainable with high-speed image converters with electronic shutters, using unipolar and bipolar (symmetrical) control pulses. The tests were carried out at repetition rates of 250 c.p.s., with 0.5, 2 and 6.5 As control pulses, having 0.1 ~Ls rise and fall times. Diodes were used to clip the pulse crests to eliminate droop due to low coupling time constants. Maximum resolutions of 100 lines per min are obtained. The contrast drops rapidly, however, with tha number of lines per min, and more rapidly with shutter pulses applied than in their absence. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTED: August 24, 1961 ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut Card 1/1 (State Optics Institute). 0/001/026/072. :,''S/120/63/60- 17 Ir T. EXT f i rocesses MURATOV, V.R.; ITILOV, Ye.V. Quality of the Jimage observed on the screen of the electron optical image intensifier. Uop.nauch.fot. 10-156-162 '64. (MTRA 17:10) ACC,,Nti A] AUTHORt' ll~ On 600293LS:,~ coact-, 4 UR/O.. 14/66/000/004/0113/0W my~,p L_21156-66 EWT(d)/EWP(w)/E'~iP(v)/t--2/EVIP(k)/E,'IP(h)ZE,'IP(l) IJP(c) ACC NR, AP6025644 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/013/0095/0095 INVENTOR: Bengus, G. Yu.; Litvak, V. I.; Muratov, V. V.; Yaremenko, VA.; Grishchenko, V. T. ORG: none TITLE: Automatic device for airplane-flap fatigue tests. Class 42, No 183448 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 13, 1966, 95 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft actuating equipment, aircraft maintenance, aircraft maintenance; equipment, aircraft test ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an automatic device for con- ducting fatiptke~ests of airplane flaps, which consists of a frame and strap system for producing loads, a hydraulic system with loading cylinders which act on the frame and strap system through strain dynamometers, and hydraulic aircraft-flap drives. To reproduce stresses corresponding to the flap-deflection angle and the flight regime, and for the maximum approximation of the experimental and operational power-loading conditions, the device has a movable rocker of truss designjon which the Wading cylinders are mounted, and an axis of rotation which corresponds to the flap's axis of rotation. It is equipped with a hydraulic servo system, in which a stress dynamometer is used as a sensing element, and a feed-back transducer; a device consisting of a steel console gauge with glued-on strain gauges and a shaped cam, the L 38156-66 ACC NRt AI'6025644 er $Fig. 1. Automatic device for fatigue tests of air- plane flaps I - Loading cylinders; 2 - rocker; 3 - flap; 4 - strain dynamometers; 5 - slide valve; 6 - hydraulic motor. siiaft of which is connected to the ilap drive shaft, is used as a master unit. For automatically synchronizing the loading of the flap's deflector, with a predetermined:- increase in the stress on the flap itself, a hydraulically controlled slide valve under a given spring compression force is connected into the hydraulic system of the device. Orig. art. has: I figure. (KT] SUB CODE: OL,13/ SUBM DATE: 24ffay65/ ATD PRESS: S-1 f -- - " -- . -55 --F - - -.1-1-- - a MURATOVYE. A. 2728~: MullATJV, E. A. 0 vDsprilmchivostl vostochno-pamirskogo va4a k remoBporiioznym zauolevaniyam krup.novo rovatoi,c) fi~-ota. Soooshch. ~aozh. filiala a/ad. vyp. 16, 1>04), ~, 11-4/2. SO: Letopis' Lhurnal'nykh statey, Vil. '16, 1. MURATOV, Ye. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Parasites - Yak 7. Ox warble fly on the Eastern Pamir yak. Soob. TFAN 666R, no. 22, 1950. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953. ff n-cTa -as I f i e d - ' RURATOV, Te.A. Elelminthic fauna in ruminantia, of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province. Dokl. AN Tadzh.SSR no.5:41-" '52. (RLRA 9:10) 1. Inatitvzt toologit I parazitologii AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Predstawlena chlenom-korrespondentow AN Tadshikskoy SSR N.F, beresIxiMu. (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province--Worms. Intestinal and parasitic) (Parasites--Ruminantia) ~TIRATOvq Ye. A. 6834. Muratov, Ye. A. Porlba s yalovo,tlyij krapnoga roFatogo skota. Stalinabad, Tadzhivgosizdat, 1954. 8 s. 20 sm. 1.000 ekz. 10 k. -- (55-2805) P 636.2.082-454 SO: Knizhnaya letODiS' No. 6, 1955 MURATOV, YE. A. 6859. Muratov, Ye. A. Obezvrezhivaniy-- pomeshcheni-jr dl7a zhivotnykh. Stalinabad. tadshikgogizdat, 1954. 44s. a ill. 199m. 2.00 ekz. 50 k. (55-2173)p. 619:614.48 SO: Knizhnaya latopis' No. 6. 1955 LOTOTSKIT, B.V.; MWO-1, 014L. i;. -STATI SKIT, Ta. D. Seasonal variability in the virulant natare o-r pathogenic micro- organisms transferred by argasidae and Ixodidae. Izv.otd.tizt. nauk AN Tadzh.SSR no.8:157-166 154. (MIRA 9:9) 1.1natitut zoologil i parasitologii Imeni akademika Ye.N.Pnvlovskogo AN Tadzhikskoy SSR I Stalinabadakly nosudaretvonnyy maditainskiy inatitut imeni Abuall-Ibn-Sino. (MICRO-ORGANISMS, PATHOGENIC) (ARGASIUS) (TICKS) ""Tov. TO.A. iweets or two yeare of work isomnizing cattle agatnot howsporl- liaels. Trudy AN Tadsh.= 33:127-136 '55. (Nm 9:8) (Ummsparldiamis) (Cattle-Diseases and posts) LOTOTSKIY. B.T.: AURATOV, Ye.A.; SOSNIKA. Ye.l?.; DAVTDOT, G.S. Problem of Impre)ving natural pastures of Tsjtkiotan. Izv.Otd. est.nauk AN Tadzh.$SR no.14:115-122 156. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Institut soologit i parazitologii iment akademiks Te.N. Pavlovskogo AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. (T&Jikistan--Pastures and meadows) -19-ISR / Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused R-2 -a by Helminths. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7333 Author : Ye. A. Mur~at A '4 Inst :NOT -71T ~venr Title :The Importance of Mountain Pastures in the Fight Against Parasitic Invasions of Karakul Sheep. Orig Pub: Izv, Otd. yestyestv. nauk. AN Tadzh SSR, 1956, No 17, 71-87 (Rez: Tadzh) Abstract: Studying the dynamics of the helminthes of pheep, the author determined that the invasion is most pronounced in the spring, while it de- creases during the summer and fall. The process of auto-dehelminthisis by sheep in mountain pastures is more intensive than in winter pastures in sum- mer. This is due to three factors: food, mountain- C Card 1/2 25 Te.A.;VYSOTSKIY. G.G. Trichinosis or wild animals in Tajikistan. Dokl. AN Tadsh. SSR no. 19:47-50 156. (KML 10:4) 1. InstItut soologit I parazitologit in. akad. To. N. Paylovskogo AN Tafthikskuy GSR I ftrasokontrollnsya stantetya Pywhambinakogo rayon& gy. Stalinabada. (Tajikistan-Trichina and trichinosts) IWMTOV. TeA.; KHETSIN. Te.m. Son.-data on the dWelopmut of Piroplamus bigeninum to B6opbllus calcaratus ticks. Dbkl.AN Tadzh.SSR I no.4:47-50 158. (MINA 13:4) le Institut zoologli I parazitologit AN Tadzhikokoy SSR I Institut tattologli AN SSSR. Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN Tadshlkskov SSR M.N.Narsikulovym. %Piroplammosiol (Parasites--Ticks) PAVLOVSKIY. Yis.N.. akademik; UJPPOVA. YO.P.; IGJRAT0V_,_TO..A.; NAHZIKULOV. M.M. Boris Veniaminovich Lntotskii. 1900-1958; obituary. Izv.Otd. ant.nauk AN 'fadzh.SSR n0-3:91-93 '58. (14IRk 13:4) (Lototakii, BoriR Vanianinovich. 1900-1958) MURATOV, E. A. and KHEISB, ~,. 1-1. "Gertain Data on the Structure, Life Cycle and Systematic .3tate of Prioplasmidae (piroplasmidae-babesiidae)." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Acaclemy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Lerlingred, 1959. Institute of Cytology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, and Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Tadjik Academy of Sciences, Stalinabad KMTOT, Te.A.; KMS111, Te.M. Discovery of Crithidia h7&10mme Olftrrel In the ticks HYalomma detritum and H-anatolic= in Tajikistan. Dokl.AN Tadxh.SSR 2 n0-1:33-37 159. (Mnk 13:4) 1 1. Institut goologti I parazitologii AZ Tadzhikskoy SSR I Institut taltalogii, AN SSSR. Pre(Istavlano chlenom-korrespon- dentom AN Tadshikokoy SSR M.N.Narzikulovym. (TaJikistan-Plagellata) (PaLrasites-Ticks) KEWS11, Ye.M.; MURATOV. Ye.A. Detection of clavate stages In the development of Piroplazaa big"inum in the tick Boophilus calcaratue. Dokl.AX Tadzh. 531 2 no.2:55-58 '59. (NIU 13:4) 1. Institut taltologil AN SSSR I Institut zoologil i parazitologil AN fadshikokoy SSR. Predstavlano chlenon-korreaporidenton kN T&4zhlkskoy SSR X.R.Sarzikulovyvk. (Piroplasms) (Parasites-Ticks) AMTOV, Ye.A.; EMffSIV, Ye.h. Development of Piroplasna bignginug in the tick Boophilus calcara- tus. Zool.zbur. 38 no-7:97o-986 Ji '59. (MIRA 12--10) 1. Institute of Zoology and Parasitology. AcadaW of Sciences of th* Tadjik SSR (Stalizabad) and Institute of Cytology. Acadev of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Leningrad). (Piroplasnosis) (Ticks &q carriers of disease) -MIMTOV, Ye.A. j TSVILEIIEVA, V.A. Cases of finding erythrocytes of cattle in the bOdY cavitY of engorged ticks. Dokl.IN Tadsh.SSR 3 no-4:35-38 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut zoologii i parazitologii im. akad. U.N.Favlovskogo, AN Tadzhikskoy SSR. Predstavleno, chler2om-korrespondentom Ali Tadzhi--kskoy SSR'M.N.Narzikulovym. (Erythrocytes) (Ticks) 86-58-3-13/37 AUTHOR: Khalyavin, A.M., Lt col, and Muratov, Ye-F., Maj TITLE: Bombing Under Unfavorable Weather Conditions (Bombometanlye v slozhnykh meteorologicheskikh usloviyakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 3, PP 30-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article describes the use of a radar bombsight when a bombing mission is carried out under unfavor- able weather conditions without ground visibility. The importance of well-coordinated work between the aircraft navigator and the navigator-operator is stressed. The authors describe in detail the mea- suring of wind with the aid of the radar bombsight, the approach of the initial point of the bomb run, and the procedure of the turn on the bomb-run course. The actions of the navigator-operator on the bomb run are only mentioned briefly. Four diagrams. AVAILABL Library of Congress Card 1/1 spj~ -vic "al 15-57-7-9604 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 125 (USSR) AUTHOR: Muratov, Z. TITLE: Petroleum Wealth of Tatar ASSR in the Service of Our Countr (Neftyanyye Z bogatstva Tatarii na sluzhbu Rodin PERIODICAL: Kommunist, 1956, Nr 3, pp 75-86 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 MURATOV, Z.H., dotsent, kandidat biologichoskikh nauk. w"awArdca"VI Data on the embryology of the genus Ferula. Biul..UGU no.28: 197-215 149. (MI-iU 9:5) (Ferula) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Commercial. Oil-Bearing. Sugar- M-5 BearinS. Abs Jour Author Inst Title Orig Pub Abstract Ref Zhur - Diol., No 20, 1958, 91754 Muratov, Z.M. Central AGIatic University. The Early Stages of Fiber Development in Cotton. Tr. Sredneaz, un-ta, 1957, vyp. 116, 95-100 No abstract. Card 1/1 Iq -oz. .4. f the naturo of adilftion of lithiull, to igghawf-.1je, aCeaAPM11tae. 41' j-:4 phensatIff ne; lltlqvl~ allil A. A. Maratov, ud. Zlfjf Z'lpzr'U Galwl- r. ulliv Rlfildl. 4hilr, ILIAMI. 1931i NO. of acida. of- U was itudied by illakilig hydroautiou. uad Li iu a tube fillcd vifth,Ni2l t.,. atoms of Li- A-; solmalts. Aclur ubvi for cadi hinle of.hydr(karbou. ahers and am~alt6 werr- utczl, go addat. tr~.~ ~atj%gmLd in fiig~'-u grik of cl elfilikalle, lin't ::Jit. , '11"- Odda 'was obsav~d-io. -tweltj Lil and -MrO-~..- llia mEe dropred, OllaiPIY' With Ule tacrt~ie of the,rattical in alNgy atial aii,LBc4-0 it w-mi s. atid lit. tho ca~n of dibit.y1ro. &eup ' pr2ctlcally'O.' dilidlian of -'7 and Slowest in invOlylut. ThelOCU.-gOitlir CONCILL.4vas:wOm'' -LjqOLth!ji ii~A st 01 d ph~isfilllfircne in rl!lllY1A 1,:tQ showcil tbat il%l~ mte of iidda.. dcr~ud.,i pruwsrily on t1jr. nature ofthe Solvent and ta a r, c 'ux- nil n; FQ~ 7