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SOV3-59-5-18/34 The Courses in General Chemical Technology "General Chemical Technology" combines the enumera- ted subjects with industrial production. It eluci- dates the basic directions, methods and means of development of chemical production, To make teaching of general chemical techTaology specific, the reading of lectures on this subject must go parallel with technological laboratory work, calculation exercises and industrial training. All these forms of instruc- tion must be founded on a profound theoretical basis and with due regard to the technical economic aspects. It is equally important to disclose to the student the advantages offered by the socialist planned economy for solving technological prob- lems on the basis of cooperation and combination of various industrial processes, complex reproces- sing of raw-material and rational geographical distribution of industry, as well as for solving Card 2/3 problems of intensification and automation of pro- SOV/3-59-5-18/34 The 'ourses in General Chemical Technology ASSOCIATICN: Card 3/3 duction, raising productivity of labor, etc. It is important to know all this since it is intended to establish during the current 7-Year Plan, large combined enterprises, particularly with the complex re-processing of gases in oil recovery, of natural gases, and of gases produced by oil-refining plants and of other kinds of mi- neral raw material, The author indulges in exten- sive comments on teaching general chemical techno- logy, and on how the course should be built up under the new working conditions of U'- 'ic, In a few cases the author points out the experip'-l'.S of the Leningrad Technological Institute anc- Nlosco- University* Moskcwldv gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni 11.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov (Vol'fkovich); Leningradskiy tekhnologi- cheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Leningrad Tech- nological Institute imeni Lensovet (Mukhlenov and Averbukh). KJKHLINOV, A. I. "Osnovnye etapy istorii vletnamskoy obshchiny." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. RUSAKOV, G.K., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MILYAVSKIY, 1.0., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SHILKO, V.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MARTINENAS, A.N.; BELINSKIY, A.I., agr,-ekonom.; KARPUSHENKO, A.I., agr.-ekon. (deceased]; POWITNYY, V.M.p ekonom.; PANCHENKO, Ya.I.9 agr.-ekonor,.; KVACFEV, V.M., agr.-ekonom.; SOBOLENKO, V.S.; KRAVTSOV, D.S., agronom.; LYSOV, V.F. , ekonom.; SHLYAKHTIN, V.I.,, kand. ekon. nauk; TSYBULIKO, F.Ye..; ORIKHOVSKIY, I.G., agr.- ekonom.; TATUREVICH, N.M., agr.-ekonom.; GARMASH, I.I.; NOSACHENKO, V.F., inzh.-ekonou,.; MqLTj2jL"U'zb.M.' agr.-ekonom.; ROZENTSVAYGp A.L., agr.-ekonom.; BERLIN, M.Z., dots.; IVANOV, K.I., agr.-ekonom.; SILIN, A.G., ekonom.; LIKHOT, I.K.; CHANOV, G.I.# kand. ekon. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, M.V., kand. ekon. nauk; GORELIK, L.Ya., red. [Planning and economical operation on collective farms] Planirovanie i rezhim ekonomii v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Ekonomikap 1965. 258 p. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom ekonomiki i organizataii kol- khoznogo proizvodstva Nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta ekonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva Litovskoy SSR (for Martinenas). 2. Zavedu~mshchiy otdelom, Stavropollskogo krayevogo komiteta KPSS (for Likhot). _MQFAvw !A,2-k Vasillyevich; IATROT. T.T.,kandidat geologo- nineralogiMt otvatatwennyy radairtor; M. A.I., redektor; AJJWTA. P.N.,tekhnichaskly redaktor [Principles of geology and mineralogy; for agronomy and forestry departments in agricultural colleges and agricultural workers) Osnovy geologii i minerelogii i mineralogii; dlip agronoutchookikh i loookhosisistvenafth fakul'tatoy seltakakhostaistvannykh vusov i rabotnikov sel'skogo khosiatstva. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kesekhokoi SSR. 1957. 205 P. (NLRA 10:4) (Geology) KAGANSKIY, I.M.;_nEHLY~.~.S.; KHARLAMOVA, V.M.; NAUMV, V.A. Solubility in the system urea- phosphoric acid - water. Zhur.prikl. khim. 37 no. 5slIll-1116 My 164. (KRA 17:7) a k N L~ t 1. ~4, 25(5) C X PHASE I BOOK EGWITATION SOV/2785 Nauchno-teldmicheekoye obshchestvo mashinoetroitellnoy proWshleanosti. Belorusskoye respublikanskoye pravlenlye Puti savershenstvavaniya tekhnologicheakikh protsessov na Minskom podshipalkovom zavode (Improving Technological Processes at the XInsk Bearing Plwt) Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR, 1958. 226 p. 2,000 copies printed. Eds.: M. Be-ranovskty and F. Kashtanov; Tech. Ed.: N. Stepanova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for industrial and mechanical engineers. COMRAGE: The collectiot of articles reviews the attainments of the Kinsk State BeiLring Plant since its entry into production during the Fifth Five-Year Plan and a description is given of the methods adopted by the plant'to ralse the technological levels of production throuflh; Introduction of nev machinery and modem production processes and through the modernization of existing equipment. The role of Party work in themstniggle" for technological progress is also re- viewed. The introduction mentions'the achievements of the following technical car4 V3 Mqpvving Tedwolao"a processes (cant.) SOV/2765 persoon4l: -PiAq Kavalenkio,- assistant dire~ or-th* tooling shop; engineers V.Ao Feygin,, A.A. Kalakhovaldy, and A.r. Gagodulk; deelper K.Ye. gakhanek; and Udwlco~t*,Tc.84~ ArtyWdwwsIMMww lad A44:-~ v -0 There are no references. J., TABLE OF CONTE=% Introduction of TedwIcal.- Sciences. Director of the Plant)q Basic Ways of Uproving'the Production Technology of Roller Bearings 16 YAlkhl32-I*YIL* (Secretary of the Party Bureau of the Minsk State Bearing Plant. The Plant Peaty Organization In the Strvggle for Technical Ptogress 71 M%rchmm, U.S. (Mdef Engineer). Improvestent of Technological Processes 84 rashche4tayn, P.I. (Candidate of Technical Sciences), and U.S. lArchan. (Zqoeer).~'* Antmetton and NechanIzatici of Tedw6logical Process6a 112 Nallnik, S.L. (Director of the the Labor and Wage Section), Same Problem Card 2/3 1,7 Z 15-1957-7-9289 Translation from: Refers-tivnyy zharnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, pp, 74-75 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bok, 1. 1., Nnkhlya, K. A. TITLE: Amphibolites and Serpentinites In the Shalginakly Region and' Their Interrelation (Amfibolity I serpentinity Shal- ginakogo rayona I ikh vzalmootnosheniye) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. gaol., 19560 vol 24, pp 40-46 AB3TRACT: The paper describes the study of a Massif of basic and ultrabasic rocks--consisting of olivine gabbro, amphi- bolits, serpentinits, and listwanits--much occurs in the southeastern part of the Bet-pak-Dala Desert and occupys an area of about ton square kilometers. The Massif is Jbmposed predominantly of serpentinite and amphlbolits; data from drill cores show a gradual tran- sition of serpentinits into amphibolite at depths of 50-100 m. The amphibolits is composed of common horn- blends 60%, andesite 30%, and also sphene, relicts of Card 1/5 olivine, and pyroxene, titanomagnetite, and apatite. The 15-1957-7-9289 Amphlbolites and So entinites in the Shalginskly Region and Their Interrelation (Cont7. secondary minerals are chlorite, actinolite, zoisite, epodote, sericite, and limonite. The serpentinite contains antigorite 80%, tremolito 10%, chrysotile 5%, and also titanomagnotite, loucoxene, hydrous Iron oxides, opal, chalcedony, jaro3ite, and quartz. The chemical compositions of the various rocks are giv- en (see Table). The author explains the gradual transition of serpentinite into amphlbolite at depth by variations In composi- tion of the original rocks. He suggests that the serpentinite was formed from olivine-rieh gabbros or peridatites, whereas the amphlbolite formed from olivine-poor or olivine-free gabbros. The olivine gabbroa which are encountered in the massif, and which contain antigorits In addition to actinolits and tromolite, are considered Intermediate varieties between the olivine-rich and olivine-poor extremes of the original rocks. Apparently all the original mcks formed a single differentiation series; all the associated varieties are transitional into each other. Card 2/5 15-1957-7-9289 Amphibolites and S er nti nites in the Shalginskiy Reg ion and Their Interrelation (Con t.r Components 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3102 44.46 43.9 51.88 43.32 74.5 75.86 72.80 85.30 TiO2 0.60 0.4 0.04 1.69 1.43 0.02 0.09 0.07 A1203 21.86 10.56 17.43 14.20 1.43 0.66 3,06 0.50 Cr203 0.04 0.1 0.08 O.o6 0.2 0.17 0.15 0.44 Fe2O3 3.84 4.69 3.91 3.00 9.82 8.75 8.86 5.52 FOO 818 7,60 9.52 12.e1 -- 0.33 0.26 2.56 MnO 0.13 0.23 0.59 2.40 0.05 0.12 -- 0.03 Ygo 3.22 16.53 5.37 9.36 1.12 4.44 6.26 1.59 Card 3/5 15-1957-7-9289 Amphibolites and Serpentinites in the Shalginskly Region and Their Interrelation (Cont.) cao 12.80 10.09 3.72 4.06 0.67 0.62 0.65 0.59 Na2O 1.33 0.44 0.83 0.68 0,68 0.2 0.16 0.18 K20 0.27 2.03 2.90 2.33 -- -- -- 0.16 P205 0.06 0.11 -- 0.78, 0.076 0.03 0.07 S03 0.89 0.72 -- 0.34 0.20 -- 0,36 H20 0.28 0.10 0.29 0.10 3.76 4.38 3.06 0.70 others 2.14 1.80 3.75 5.11 3*47 3*48 4952 2.38 Total 100,72 99.29 100.31 100.24 97.23 99.30 99,89 100.45 Card 4/5 15-1957-7-9289 Amphlbolites and So entinites In the Shalginskiy Region and Their Interrelation (Conti. 1) dark-green medium-grained olivine gabbro, southeastern part of the massif; 2) dark-green coarsely crystalline amphibolite, drill-hole 13, depth 56 m; 3) dark fine-grained amphibolitle. drill-hole 3. depth 70 m; 4) black fine-grained amphibolite, drill-hole 7, depth 106 m; 5) dark-green antigoritic opalized serpentinits, pit X19 depth 2 m; 6) dense greenish-brown tremo- lite-antigorite opalized rock, drill hole 12, depth 16 m; 7) gray-green antigoritic opalized serpentinite, drill-hole 15, depth 24 m; 8) dark-brown weathered 119twanite, southeastern part of the massif. Card 5/5 0. V. Bryzgalin .~M~U, K.A.; GUOVA, V.D. Holybdemin-bearing secondary quartz In the Tulagay deposit. Izv. AN UzaW7.33R.Ser.geol. no.4:38-53 '58. (KIRA 12:4) (fulagay region--Kolybdenum ores) (Tulagay region-QuArtz) i I I il__ - --- .-~ t~A.~~-geologo-.minemlogichookikh nauk Sims Characteristics of the greisenization of grwdta-porphyriag. Sbor.nauch.trud.KuMa no.18:1".150 159. (MM 15--2) (porphyry) (Greinen) MUXHL'rA, ]~.A. V-- - Typomorphic characteristics of some minerals in rare metal deposits of different genetic formation. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk AN Kazakh.SSR 6s146-169 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Kazakhstan-Metals, Rare and minor) TIKHOMIROV9 I.G.# prof.,, doktor tekhn. nauk; BUYAIIOV, V.A., ass.; VD111CEMIKO.. A.V., P.B a -~IEVZOROV, A.V., dots,; TULUPOV., L.P.9 dots.; SHULIZIMIKO, P.A.9 ass.; YAI0',OL"ENKO, V.Ye.,ass.; Prinimal uchastiye PETROV, A.P., prof.; VERMINA, N.M., red.; BELENIKAYA, I.Ye., tekhn. red. [Traffic organization in railroad transportation]Organiza- taiia dvizheniia, nn zheleznodorozhnom transporte; konspekt lek-tsit. Pod obshchei red. I.G.Tikhomirova. Minsk, Izd-- vo Y-va vyssbego,, srednego spetsiallnogo i professional'- nogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1961. 346 p. (MRA 15:9) 1e Chlen-korrespondent Akademii rauk SSSR (for Petrov). (Railroads-Traffic) VIUKIIO, P.B., starshiy prepodavatell *IL ~-, Methodology for selecting the methods of breaking up and making up trains in hump yards. Trudy BIIZHT no.9:130-157 161. (MIRA 16:9) (Railroads-Hirap yards) (Railroads--Management) IUMO, T. B. MUKHO, T. B. *The effect of the centrifugal nerve on the heart during the contracti f the oLn skeletal muscles caused by asphy3da- .paC tion.* Ivan qA cal Inst. TaroslaW. 1955. (DissarUtion for the Degree of Candidate'in Sciences) Medical So: Knizh-naya Letopis', No. 18, 1956 KULIOV, I.Ve, inth.; HUMOWT. B.M., insh. . Using pneumatic sinker drills In boring blasting holes in *tons quarrien. Strol. mat. 5 no.5:19-21 My '59. (NM 12:1) (Boring machinery) KWOMIYAROV, F. B. Mukhomediyarov, F. B. - "Sea-eel (Coregonus sardinella batinti subsp. nova) from the Tsipa-Tsipikan chain of lakes of the Vitim River basin," In the symposium: Doklady na Pervoy Nauch. Sessil Yakut. bazy Ali' SSSR, Yakutsk, 1948, p. 270-80 SO: U-4355, 14 August 53, (lostopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Vo. 15, 1949) KARMOVIS. r.z... XMILIOV, P.N.-, KUKHCMIUROT. F.B. %A! RMON ----- -- - --- ]PIabee of the middle Una. TruAy Instoblol,.IAkJll.AN SSGR no.2: 3-144 156. (UM 9: 12) (IMNA RIM-JPISHXS) ALTUMV, Konstantin Alaksayovicb; 4,1KHAMVSKAYA. Aleksandra Aleksmadrovas-, ) !lrARD_V,__Irettakh Baklrff-lch; NAIBZKIN, Tamilly Mikhaylavich: VDVTJMFV~ Pitr _rja_tTy_o_vlcb-. PAL M-MM, Zinalds Gooftlyawm; PAMMASMV. A.?., rod.: SMWC a L.T., tekbn,rod, (Fishes of the White See] Why Beloge wrlao Petrovoyodsk, Gas. lvd-wo Karellskol AWR, 19J8. 161 p. (IGRA 120.2) (White sea--Fishes) MUKHCMIYAROVo.-F.B. Ichtbyofaum of the Chupa Inlet, Mat. po kamplo izueb. Bal. mor. n.0.2%90-99 163. Biology of and fishing for second-grade oo=ercial fishes in the coastal waters of Karelia. Ibid.:131-143 (MIRA 17:7) MWOMOVs Fts Podpiolkovnik The party committee and trade-union organization of a war plAnt. Kcm.Vocruzh.Si]L 2 no.1:64-69 Ja 962. (MIRA 14:12) (Mmitions) AID P - 5131 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - education Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 16/26 Author : Oleynikov, M. V., Eng.-Col. and F. S. Mukhomedov, Maj. Title : Teacher of the theory of flight Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 10, 74-75, 0 1956 Abstract It is described briefly how the senior teacher of the theory of flight, Eng-Col. N. G. Ganevich, carries out his lectures in an outstanding manner in an Air Force unit. Institution : None Submitted : No date V. MMOMMVAL, Te. A. - "Pertaining to Coordination Relationsmps Which chang I 4?j)eLt8 .~e t-4, Effect v of lkscular Activity.* Cand Blol Sel. State Cer.,;-al Inat of Ph7eical Cmlture, Moscow, 1951. (RZhBtol, No 2, SeP 5,4) Survey of Scientific and Techni.eal Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Zducatlon^l Institutions (10) SO: Sum. No. 481, 5 Mw 55 MUKEOKOR, P.P. Changes in the processing procedure of the beer rectification five-column apparatus used for the production of higher Duality alcohol. Spirt. prom. 27 no.6:35-37 '61. (kRA 14:9) (Distillation apparatus). MALAKHMSKLY, Ye.l., inzh.1 MWi(IMOROV, Ye.A., inzh. Transistorized overload protection system of transformrs and generators. Enarg. I elaktrotekh. prom. no.1:17-18 Ja-.Mr 165, (MTRA 180) E .UKPOPAD, N. D., jt. au. , Or-Unization. of underground haulage in the producing shaft Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1952. 99 P. (54-188334) TN336-C5 F 17 , 1'. 1. (Encr. ' UjI Lj~I_Ah , - . A. 'F ~, ' '.- ~c V ..i ~ j Mine Haulage Problems of traffic ca acity at the loading point of combine stopes. Ugoll nc. 6 (31-) p 1 1952. MONTHLY LIST OF WSSIAN ACCESSIONS. Library of Congress, August, 19c5?. UNCLASSIFIEL. MUKHOPAD, V.-A.; NUTOMOVA, N.P.,, POZDNYAK, A.T. Serelegical, and epidemiological data an the detection of patients with Q fe"r In KhmellnitsIdy, Chernigov and Kiev Provinces of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Zhur. mdkrobiol,, spid. i '--n. 41 no.3:140 Yx 164. (MIRA 17: 21) 1. Kiyevskiy Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii Chernigovskoy gorodskoy infektsionnoy bolinitay i Chernigovskaya oblastnaya sani- tarno-opidaziologichookays stantsiyu. WKHOPADJ, V. A. Possibility of obtaining nonspecific complement fixatirn reactJ~cn-- in low titers with an antigen from Rickettsia burneti. Lab. delo no.3:179-182 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mik obiologii (nauchnyy rukavoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen A14N SSSR prof. L.V. Gromashevskiy). .......... 22i A k3mm: n a 10 4*rediis th twed ft, er _691dekialogiddL, ifii ~'airdiogicdv -.pp _r. imary: V06 thc tk 6- er al a per low lLin6t tj"t MUKHOPAD, V.,,. (MjLV.4pFAdT V4rOe,j .- -, , Possibility of obtaining nonspecific reartions in low titers with the antigen from Rickettsia hirnetii. Mikrobiol. zhur. 27 no.1:53-59 '65. (MTRA 18:7) 1. Kiyevqkiy nauchno-issledovatel'5kiy Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii, ENT ACC NRs AP6OV597 SOURCE CODE: UR/00:Lb/bb/UUO/Uuj/U.L'+J/u.L*,c AUTHOa: Yukhordov, Fe G*; Gladkov, v. I.; MuzokhranoV. Po Do ORG: Kemerov Hedical Institut (Kemerovskiy maditsinskly institut): City Infectious Disease Hospital (Gorodskaya in ktsionnaya bollnitea) TITLE: Treatment of.anthrax\4. SOURCE: 2hurnal mikrobialogii, apidemiologii i immunobiologii. no- 3. 1966. 143-145 TOPIC TAGS: serum, penicillin. antibiotic. anthrax, vitamin. cortisone, disaaaa therapeutics, drug treatment ABSTRACT: Twelve patients with anthrax of varying degrees of severity were success- Ailly treated by the authors* Depending on the serjity, the patients were injected intramuscularly with 30-100 ml of antianthrox serum, 300.00 units of penicillin, and 004 g of bioWain four times a day-757-anU PRocs were continued for 10 dayse The patients also received vitamins, applications of skin ointment, various drugs for symptomat'lo relief, and, in severe cases. oortisoneo LVrovewnt began within 24-28 hours. li-MI suBcam o6 / MMDATZ: 26jan65 / MIGREFs 005 C,rd 1/1 ~- & 84-5&1-24/32 AMM: Ye., EngLneer TME: How to IVrove the Utilization of the Production Capacity of Aircraft Repair Istablisbments; (TAk 1whsbe IspolIzomt' proizvoidstviennM moshchnosti &via.-emontWkh predprUatiy) PBMOWM: avlstslYa, 1958, fir 1, PP 35-37 (UM) ABSMACT.- TIw author defims first the "producti(m potential" of an establish- ment.. shop, or vork section as the outpat capacity of a gi-mn product mder maximam utilization of capital Inwatment. His basic formmla for production potential Is Fef q To wbere N is the production potential, Fef- the mmid-m effective nud)er of hours aval2mble at a given estobli nt,, q - the nadmr of aircraft simultausmoV in the process of repair., T - the mlniwxs duration of the repair procedure of one aircraft In work hourse C MW quent1tv Q Includes OWLY those PIAMG vhich can be simul ously hand3ed within- the pzwdoes excluding those .VhIch stay In the open for sow operations. Oda In becat, over 60 percent of the Card 1/3 84-58-1-24/32 Rw to Improve Vz UtiUmtIon of Us Production OM?wIty of Aircraft (Cant.) work Is dome inside the vorksboy lywas and this is the ares, w1dch limits the out- "Ut capacity. F of Is considered eq=1 to 30 days In a Year or 7092 hows, since air ftaffte Is a romak-tbe-clock opezattiom. In T Is calculated an the basis of two simpamts Mass of woork: an the plan itse3AM an the removable parts. 7he first Uns Was more t1me and Vareftre date I a the duntion of the wbols cyr-U* VithIn the f1rst 11= the most time consadng opexafton Is the assembly of the Plain; tbux the proper orawdsaticn of the assambly determines the duration of the airframe repaIr vork* Mw analysis of 2 yields the time ancessary to work Inside the boom , and the antpmb capacity, am % caspuled according to the r of plans the promises can Wing;36-atber faclUtles In Vw open abould cause a reduction of tbALt cap 2he application.of the some general principles of compatiftion fbr dIfftrant maintenance classes an furtbar described. reference Is made to the so-called m9regressims ovartmW vhIch vas aygiled in mkintenance of the British VU-1-65 aIrcraft ad 4bearlbed in the periodical ar-MenekMa ,4vJAtsU&,, 1956, xr- iov 2de method Is recommended as a mans for Increasing ef- ficiency of aircraft maiuUm=ce. lm the cam of progressive overhmas the product- ion capacity of an estabUsbomat evals tbo wal Pr of alrez-aft need tbxou& Card 2/3 84-58-1-4/32 How to Mqmve tan Utilizatim of the Production Cquafty of Aircraft (Outt. all statiew an the premises during a calendar year. go author has anIted the sed method of comqMtstim to the establiaboutt under BessarObov. It shoved that, gLwn t1k rodwtion of the f1w Unes redwtion of the repair ftstlan to 12 dilfts, and 2-shift schadulej, the 3rd shM UIN reserved for paintins Jobs auly,- the overhaul time could be reduced to 6-7 work dap, Vtdch 30=8 tripling the production capacity of the establiebment. Hammer,, this requires additional floor apace-"of 320 squmme meters or U percent. But the Investment will be profitable., abzce the outpu cqmlty per lQOO rables of capital Investment would be 263'per cent, greater. If the necessary Increase of personnel is taken Into account, the cost of overhaul would decrease by 17.4 percent and the yearly sav- ing would - -1 to 4,110,000 rubles. AVAnA=: Library of Cmgmas 1. Airplanes - Maintenance - Mathematical analysis OLrd 3/3 MUKHORDYU,. Ye.0 kand.ekcnomichaskikh naulc Lost and saved rubles. ftwhd. av. 18 no.6-.9 Je 161. (Airplaneo--Maintenance and repair) KUKHORIUA. K.V. (Sverdlovsk) MM-ftsoft Iffect on this aninal orgLnIsm of oLleic acid hydrazide, a potato growth-inhibiting agent. Top.pIt. 18 no.4:15-23 Jl-Ag '59. (KIBA 12:10) 1. Is kafedry gigiyeny pitaniya (zav. - prof.A.I.Shtenberg) Sverdlavskego gosudarstvennogo neditsinskogo instituta. (H& M TIS, toxicity, maleic acid hydrazide, used as potato growth inhibitor,animal exper. (Rug)) (POUT035, potato growth inhibitor maletc acid hydrazide, tox. In animals (Bus)) SMBERG, Abram Illich; PWTNIKOVAj Yuliya 111inichna; KUKHORINA _Klavdiya Vasillyevna; Prinimali uchastiye: I MOVY-M-Ir ,, Y.-;-if&IKOV, Yu.V.; NATANSON, A.O., red.; BULILTAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Guide to practical work in nutritional bygienel Rukovodstyo k prakticheskin zaniatiiam po gigiene pitaniia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 358 P. (NORITION) (M3RA 15:7) GRMH3IICffrKOVAj M.P.; MUKHORINA# K.V.; BOGOMLOV9 S.G. Absorption spectrtmi of extracts of potatoes prepared with the diethanolamlno salt of Malonic acid bydrazide. Vop.pit. 20 n0.3: 60-63 DV6.Je 161. (HIRA 14:6) 1. Iz kafedry fisiki (sa*. - dotsent S.G.Bogmolov) i k&fedr7 gigiyany'pitaniya (sav. - ~rof. A.I.Shtenberg) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. . .? (MALONATES) (POTATaW-4P3GTRA) /Y)9' /'c-. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6181 Ural'skoye soveshchanlye po spektroskopil. 3d, Sverdlovsk, 1960. Materialy (Katerials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurglzdat, 1962. 197 P. Errata slip Inserted. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Inst1tut flziki metallov Akademil nauk SSSR. Komisslya po spektrookopil; and Urallskly dom tekhniki VSNTO. Eds. (Title page): G. P. Skornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G. Dogomolov; Ed.: Gennadly Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish- Ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.: N. T. Mallkova. FURPOSEt The book, a collection of articles, In Intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories In Industry and selen- tifl.c research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing.analytical results. COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical prob- lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy- ols!ln controllinx the chemical composition of'varioua materials in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. 900109Y. 041MIC&I Indus- try, and medicine. The authors express th*Ir thanks to G. T. Chentsova for help In preparing the materials for the Press. References follow,tho Individual articles. Katerials of the Third Ural Conference (Cant.) 307/6181 Penic1n, A. K., and S. 0. Iftosolov. Explanation of the mechanism of Interaction between proteins and glycogen by optical methods 183 Grebenahchikova, M. P., K. V. MukhorIDA, and S. G. Bogonolov. Absorption spectra of p-oTU-o-ju-1ce treated with diethanol- amine .salt of.hydrazIde.malele acid 187 Trofimov, A. K. Spectral-luminescence method for Investi- gating crystal~oahemlcal transformations in solid phases 190 Trof1mov, A. K. Quantitative determination of gadolinium traces In fluorite, metallic thorium, and beryllium by luminescence spectra 192 Florlaskeya;, V. A., and R. S. PechankIna. Application or Infrared spectroscopy to the study or silicate structure 194 Ca,d 14/15 ODBKUM# AJLj MMORIMg__q?T# [Nov studies and data of sewerage system) ADvye imaledoyanila I .1 . . raschotap danqv po kanalisatolonnyu setlan. Leningrad. 197 1961. "I. - 71 po (Uningrade LuMnerno-stroitelligri Institute Sbornik nrAc&.'.'-~ trudov,, no.33) 0 (Sewerage) '. (MIRA 16 s3) ' KUKEDDRLYAKOV. Tu. Visitors from Rumanian People's Republic. Neftiaulk I no.1:35 Ja 156o (N=A 9:7) (Russla-aelations (General) with Rumania)(Ahmisalw-Relations (Go- neral) with Russia) Wit' NgMMTCV, A., saslusho=ff ~ter "rta 0 EL71.r*L 3 w.Ilt" 9 152. (Kl2u St8) (ftmebatlets) KM 9' slushennyy motor sports. training parachitists. Xrylrod.2 no-3-I&IL9 Kr 151. (MLOA 10:2) (parachutists) MUKhOLMY. 1. -0 IrLIKHORTOV, I. D. "Colored sz~ucco frorz focal ma!,-,rials", 4AIeriaily po ko::iural. i,.i-ozz-v-~, 1949, Collection 2, P. 11~14- SO: U-4393, 19 August 53, (LAopis 'Zhurnal lRy!',-h 3tatey, ','o. 22, 190). "Lenin~r.,id Lime and Itz , !A,ct-l~.,c l,se for Lc,dr: :---c --'.:er L--- Fac-j s." Dr Toch i3scr, L' on (.,'C*foratil=,-y D SO: GORELIK, S.S.; SHPICHINNTSKIT, T~.S.Op Investigating softening and structural changes In Wormed i1cunico" alloys under the effect of heating. Izv.vy81ucheb.z&v.: tsvet. met. 2 no.1:113-1?0 159. OURA 1215) 1. Moskovskly Institut stalt, Kafedra fisiki metallov I rentganografil. (Copper-nickel-cobalt alloys-Testing) MIJKHCRTOV. V, Nall, glorious seai Znan.o:LIA 37 no-4020-32 Ap 162. (KMk 15 a4) Baikal, Lake-Imah-vater biology) ikal, Lake-Geology, Struotural) M nauohWy sotr.; ITM# Aron MikbWlo- vioh,, starshiy sootekbalk; IMBINv Me. rod.; IVMOV, No# tokkm* red, Elmdraco swim) Ovinli landres. Wugap Ulushokoe knishwo Isd-vo, 0 1960. 48 pe (MIRA 34s9) I* &mkbos abdinmvp MaloyaroslAvetskago rayons (for Itkin). 2, Ralushokays. sellskokhosyerstyeanoya oyFtnaya stantslya (for W*b*tov). (Swine broods) VUKHORMVI V. I MOYOV The instructor cam to the company. Komm. Voorush. Sil 4 no.2s64,66 Ja'64. (PfIRA 17:9) 1. Starshiy instruktor konsomollskogo otdela Glavnogo politicheskogo upravleniya. MUKHORTOV V., mayor To good deeds. KOmm- VOOruzh. Sil 4 no.17:64-67 S 1644. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Staishiy instruktor otdela komsomollskoy raboty Glavnogo politicheakogo upravleniya Sovetskoy Armii i Voyennc)--Morskogo Flota. jWgffM._j", kandidat sell okokhozyaymtvonvjM nauki KUZHNTANOV, F.G.; CRIGMATMA, G.S. Tillage of unfallowed fields. Zonledelle 4 no.6:45-0 J* '56. (mia 9: 8) (Tillage) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bial., No 12, 1958, 53674 Author Kvasinkov, V.V., wftlortl~n Ya.N., Kushilkina, N.V., Turbin, K.G. Inst Voronezh Institute of Agricu.1ture Title The Effect of Sudan Grass on Soil Structure Orig Pub Vestn. s.-kh. nauki, 1957, No 4, 49-54 Abstract Experiments conducted by the Voronezh Institute of Agriculture on leached out medium clayey chernozem in 1955-1956, showed that toward the end of vegetation Sudan grass had accumulated, in the soil layer of 0-40 cm, 37.9-44.1 centners/ha. of air-dry roots, the mixture of Sudan grass.-with vetch, peas or vetchling accvxMlated 42.2-53.7 centners/ha, the ;dxture of alfalfa and couch grass of the first year of use accumulated 35.8-41.5 Card 1/3 - 68 - USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53674 M contnere/ha. Mixtures of Sudan grass with legume cul- tures produced 30~ more of thin roots (diameter - I mm) than the pure sowing of Sudan grass or the sowing of perennial grasses. Toward fall, 24% of the thin roots of the accumulated mixture of SUdan grass and vetchling underwent dedomposition. With regard to the accumulation of water resittant soil aggregates, the total N content and the content of nitrates- the mixtures of Sudan grass with legume cultures were almost equal to the perennial grasses. The buckwheat yield on the mixture of Sudan &-ass and vetch comprised 13.6 centners/ha; on the Sudan grass the yield was 12.9 centners/ha; on the vetch-oat mixture 13.5 centners/ha and on the perennial grasses - 13.7 centners/ha. The hay yield of the mixture of Sudan grass with vetch comDrised 43-4 centners/ha; the yield of Sudan grass was 40.4 centners/ha; the yield of vetch- oat mixture was 28-7 centners/ha and the yield of the Card 2/3 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fodders. m 9 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53674 under cover sowing of alfalfa with couch grass of first year use - was 21.9 centners/ha. -- V.V. Koperzhinskiy card 3/3 - 69 - Soil Sojence. _Soil Biology. j AT'11. #JrJUP4 MhBi6l,> me. 3, 1959, lio. 10668 -AUT%IOR irePohatiko; T4'-K&* MWdiortorp 5tanislavsk&.va, T. ~T' v Voronezh Agri TITLE, The Inflimnas of Annial Plants on the AwumttLation of Orgaaia Yattor and Structure of Soll, ORTG, FUN, Zeialadeliyal 1958l No. 1p 23-26 ABST'RACT As ths rosult of three-year experiments at Voronezh f k3ricultural Institute, it is shown that mixturos awinulate more. organio mat to r n .t6-.- f6rm~ d 1 ro6t inass (43.&- an~6iqrata~ of dry mass) 53*7 a , - than perri=ial~graases--(35..$3,1,1,.5,,cantn&rs/~a). The ancunt of -wat6i--stable &,7gmtgatea in soils -under pere'aniall grasses (48.6-58.9% particles of-more thaa. 0.25 rim) ia &Lmost the s&me an their r=urit in 3olls uader 6tdan 1/2 19 NUIMCRTOV, Ya.m., kaud.se1'skokbo&7oystv~Wkh nauk Role of winual plants In 1wreasing the fortillty of Chernosem sollso Zosledelle 7 mai3:49-52 Kr 159. (KM 12:4) 1. Voroneshokly *all skakhosymyetwouM Institut. (Chernosm 60116) (Aumials (Plmts)) KTASHIKOV. T.V.; KUKWRTOV. Ta.U.. kand. eel I skokhoz.nauk Replacing colter-oqmlppod plows with harrow plows In prepar- Ing'soll for certain crops following Initial deep plowing, Dok3L.Akad.sellkhos. 24 no-9'.10-13 '59- (MIRA 13:1) Lj VoroneubskU s*1'8kokbo5y&ystvenzWy Inst1tut. 2. Chlem- korrespondent Teemoyusnor akadeuti sellskokho8-nauk (for Kwasnikov). (Flowing) IIL IW9HORT1OV-AWR8XIYo 1. G. Electric Power Production Untried means for reducing electric power losses, Energ, biul, no. 12, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, LibrarY of Congress, May 1952, UNCLASSIFIFD PASTUSHAKY N.O.; DOMBROVSKIY, A.V.; MUlgiOVA, A.N. Haloar7lation of unsaturated c(mpounds by aromatic diazo com- pounds. Part 23.- Ch`n-oaz-flation - 00#~-ehloromethylacr7late and , ansaturated ac-ils and esters. the production of 0~,P- 1 no.33572-575 1-Ir (MIRA 18:4) 1. Chernovitakiy gosuda-rstvennyy universitet. / /; -',( (r. --, "-) f,/ li / '.- ~',W II. I DOIRORHOTOV., E. I., IVAHOV, D. P., 49WHOMATM, X-A~,~IRILLOV, V. D., PETROV, D. P.,, RAMOVA, K. A., STRELK07, V. S., SHSFEM, M. N. and YAVLMKIY, ff. A. ,Investigation of Plasm Heating In Toroidal Chambers." paper to be presented at the 2nd UN Intl. Coaf. on the Peaceful uses of Atomic ftergy, Geneva, 1 - 13 Sep 58. ?-"UF.IIM LT(Jvj- V.~ F, 13 A -- - - - - - - 1. -,., -1---l-1, 1-1. .1.. ~4. ".. G. G. , I "Investigation of a Torjidal Discharge in a Strong Magnetic Field." paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, 17-21 Aug 59, Uppsala, Sweden. GORIMIOV, Ye.P.; DOLGOV-SAVELIYEV, G.G.; NUKROV4TOV V.S.; STRELKOV, V.S.; YAVLJIiS-XE, II.A. (Studying a toroidal discharge in a strong mkignetic held] Issledovanie toroidallnogo razriada v sillnom magnitnom pole. Moskva, In-t atomnoi energii im. I.V.Kurchatova, 1960 23 P. (MIRA 16-.12) (Electric dischar s through gases) (Magnetic fieldar 84722 S/057/60/030/010/001/019 /J 0 0 BO13/BO63 ma~ ~ /0 0 AUTHORSs Vasiltyevskiy, V. S., Kukhovatov, V. S., Strelkov, V. S_ YaYlinsic.1y, IT. -A. TITLE i "Tolct4mAK-2" (Tokamak-2) - a Toroidal Apparatus With a Strong V W etic Field Y6 'Pt PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. 10, Pp. 1137-1144 TEXT: As deuterium impurities and the heavy atoms struck out of the chamber walls by plasma lead to considerable energy losses of a deuterium plasma and, thus, prevent an increase of temperature, studies on plasma of the highest possible degree of purity are of particular significance. For this purpose, a special toroidal pulsed high-vacuum chamber was developed, which is described in the present paper. The experimental apparatus "Tokamak-211 was designed for investigating the Joulean heating of plasma in a strong, longitudinal magnetic field, The following factors were taken into account by the designerst 1) The areas of the discharge chamber facing the plasma must be subjected to a careful heat treatment, Card 1/3 84722 "'PoKAMAK -211 (Tokamak-2) - a Toroidal Apparatus S/057/60/0 30/010/001 /019 With a Strong Magnetic Field MI3/BO63 2) The vacuum pump and the design of the chamber must guarantee a vacuum of up to 10-8 -* 10-9 mm Hg. 5) Thq .0imensions of the apparatus must correspond to tiose of "Tokamak-1 . The apparatus is schematically represented in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 is a general view of the internal chamber. The basic circuit diagram of the aRRaratus is reproduced in Fig. 3. Two units of the type BA05-2 (VA05-2 re used for producing a high vacuum in the internal chamber. The ghost maximum attained after degassing by heating to 4500C amounted to 5.10-10 mm Hg. The entire vacuum system of the internal chamber is connected by metal seals, so that it may be degassed by heating up to 400-45000. Two types of seals are used (see Fig. 4). Fig. 5 shows tk.9 sealing and insulation of the joints of the external chamber. The tu.,bez of the water-cooling installation were laid on the outer side of the copper chamber (Fig. 1). The internal chamber is electrically insulated from the external chamber and separated from it by a vacuum (Fig. 6). Fig. 7 illustrates the pressure change prevailing inside the internal chamber during heat treatment. The plasma properties were studied with the above-described apparatus under two different conditions: In one case, the entire system was cooled after a continuous heat treat- ment - "cold chamber"; in the second case, the internal chamber was kept Card 2/3 84722 "TOKAMAK -211(Tokamak-2) - a Toroidal Apparatus S/057/6o/o3o/o1o/oo1/o19 With a Strong 1k,gnstic Field B013/ '0063 at a temperaturc of 400-4500C, whereas the vacuum unit and the traps remained cold. - "hot chamber". Data ascertained under equal conditions are given in Rel'. 3. The introduction of observation windows and of the measuring apparatus is described (see Figs. 8 and 9). Since the apparatus serves a double purpose in that it should Droduce the highest vacuum possible and pu:-ify the walls of the dischirge chamber, its design is rather complicated. As was shown by measurements, this is fully justified, since otherwise the discharge would be considerably affected by impurities. The character of the process is considerably changed by a long heat treat- ment (Ref. 3). Nonetheless, it is not possible to produce a perfectly pure deuterium plasma. There are 9 figures and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDt April 23, 1960 Card 3/3 10.80 9a 12 AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICALt T,.Xl 1% 0 1, 2-4 7 . . . . 84724 B/057/60/030/010/003/019 B013/B063 Qorbunov. Ye. P., DQ190 -Savellyev. a, a,, Mukhovatoy, V,.S,,. Strelkoy. V. S., Yavlin ki.y., N. A. Investigation of a Toroidal Discharge in a Strong Magnetic Field a Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol, 30, No- 10, PP. 1152-1164 TEXTs The authors describe investigations on the heating and stability of a plasma column in a strong, longitudinal magnetic field (Figs 1-11). The experiments were carried out on the toroidal apparatus "Tokamak-21, (for details see Ref. 2) under different conditions of the chamber walls: 1) cold, not degassed walls - "contaminated" chamber; 2) cold walls, which, prior to the experiment, had boen heated at 400-4500C for several hours - "pure" chamber; 3) hot walls at temperatures from 4000 to 4500C "pure" chamber. The pressure of the rcsidual gases was 1 .1 10-6 mm Hg in the first and the third case, and 1,1()-7 mm Eg in the second case, It was found that the character of the process was *changed by the degassing of Z Card 1/j &. 8h724 Investigation of a Toroidal Discharge in S/057/60/030/010/005/019 a Strong Magnetic Field B013/BO63 the wallet a) The oonductivit of the plasma increases; b) oscillations occur in the heated plasma; c~ the current attains a second maximum at zero voltage, the conductivity of the plasma reaching considerable values. Pictures taken with a time-lapse camera show that at high values of k (coefficient of stability), the discharge column is bounded by the diaphragm slits. Thus, hydromagnetic titability may be observed under these conditions. The presence of acceleratod electrons having energies of 1-2mev is indicative of a good particle retai.ning. The extinction of X-radiation is probably due to the occurrence of oscillations. The successive appearance of spectral lines of different excitation energies can be explained by the rise of the electron temperature. An increase of the magnetic field strength increases the conductivity of the plasma at the first current maximum, and improves the conditions of retaining. Table I gives data on the instant of time at which ionization in discharges with different electric field strengths is perfect. These data are specified for three values of the initial deuterium pressure. The electron con- centration is assumed to increase in *the course of time, Table 2 gives data on the electron temperature for -two values of the magnetic field. The authors thank L. k,, Artsimovich and M. A, Leontovich for their interest in Card 2/3 84724 Investigation of a Toroidal Discharge in S/057/60/030/010/003/019 a Strong Magnetic Field B013/B063 the work, as well as N. V. Krasnov, G. A. Yegorenkov Yu. A. Gusev A. V. Glukho-y, and G. N. Ploskirev for their assistance. There are 11 figures, 2 tables, and 6 referencess 5 Soviet. SUBMITTEDt April 23, 1960 Card 3/3 DOLGOV-SAVELIYN,, G.G.; 14UKHOVATOV V.S.; STRWOV, V.S.1 SHEFUU, M.N.; TAVLISSM, N.A. Iuveotl&ting a toroidal discharge ekmp.i teor.fis. 38. noo2094-403 (Plasm (IonIzed pass)) In a strong smignotic field. Zhur. F 060* (KMA 14:5) (MWetie fields) VASILOYEVSKIY9 V.S.; KRASNOVO N.V.; MUKROVATOV# V.S. -- --------------- Drun-tYPO camera for vacuum ultraviolet. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:138-139 Mr-4 061. (MIRA 14:9) (Photography, Ifigh_spI&W--Fquipment and supplies) ;? 1. 58136"~65,- ~EV-'T(1)/C-PF(n)-2/ (,I'/EPA (w) -2 PZ-6/PO-4/Pab-j O/Pi,-4 IJP(C) MP7~T ACCESSION 117M, AIT5MO443 MV33-36/64/oop/684/0001/0% I! -- UT A -HOI -Gorbituav) Ye.- P.; Hirnoy S. V kbovatov, V. B TrL L'S ilnveatiga~ion of obmic heati" of a L;gma in toroidal Tokamak installations I SOW-El ~ --Moscow.- iiiiii-t U-t- rtMM2j.ezerSii- Doklady, no. 664, 1964. Issledoyanlye Ole cbeskO96 :~Wevaniya, plazzy Y toroidallnykh uatanovkaldi To kamak, 1-54 jop j,: lib~?iltx ~'~Uii ~p ch, placm -TA - in stability, .04 -p1Aa1VA-:d0 ft EMIL' c iiimeht/ 16kamk e-- ort the:rematz of a,. theoretical- ana.2,ysis of the plarma, AMT h9ra';- T % i - p beats ng -VrocessAp -o' e con a d th dition f6r the -.quiJAbriwm Instability of a plasma icq3 p, tbrbldal iniUllalions of the Tokamak type. The conatniction of the instal- intioDs. i~ described and the diagno-stic swthoda are TI-he Measurcinent re- -3-ul-Z's i3how that the inkicroscople characterintics of the di-sickearge depe-ad essentially on. the controlling transverse mag-netic field amd on the magnit-ude of the longitv- dinal magnetic field. 'Under op-timal discharge conditions, they obtained a maplo- b7O-rodyaamicaI4 stable plaama pinch witb electric conductivity reaebing 2 x 1 Card INIT,7AROVA, Ye.I.; KODIMPATIYEV, V.N.; 1,q,'KHGYAN, I".Z. Chemical relaxation in burnt gas. KIn. i kat. 5 rc.4:5F5-5'y' JI-Ag 164. (MTRA 17:111 i. Institut khimicheskoy Ciziki AN S~-I?. VELIKOPMSKIY, D.A.0- LORIYE-0 K.M.; FINKEL', I.I.; GRIGORGHUK, ru.F.,- BFMER, L.Kh.; $UrfiOBINA$ M.fICIARCHENKO, V.P.; MESHCHERYKOV, A.V., student V kureaf OBEW40HENKO, Ya.V.,; NIKITIN, A.V.; JFXOOXUCVAq-S-.W,,; KUSMARTSLTA,, L.V., assistent; NUZIMSM, V.A., dotsent; I I NOMAq R.A., assistent; BONDAHENKO, ra.D. (g. Fastov); KUHTASOVA, LoVe (g. Pastov); PEVdHIKH, V.V.; CHURAKOVA, A.Ye.; BOICH, M.M.; KWIaN, K.P.; PAVLOV, S.S.; SHEYLYAKOV, L.V., kand. med.nauk; IGNATIMA, O.M.; ZEYGERMAWRO G.A.; GUTKIN, A.A.; POLIKOVSKIYI T.S. Reautwo. 25 no.32:147-152 N 161. (14IPA 15:5) 1. Is Inatituta grudnoy khirurgii A14N SSSR (for Volikoretskiy, Loriye, Finkel$). 2. Is bollnitay No.3 Gorlovki Stalinskoy oblasti (for Grigorchuk). 3. Is Tymanakoy oblastnoy bollnitay (for Berger, Utrob1m), 4, Is Karatanskoy raymmoy bollnitay Yuzbno-Kazakhatanskoy obbwti (for Kharchenko). 5. Is Gcopitallnoy kh1rurgicheskoy kliniki I Mookovskago ordena Lenina maditainakogo inatituta imeni Sechenava (for Mashoheryakov). 6. Is firliniki propedevticheakoy terapii Stalinakogo meditainskago instituta n& baze ob]Astnoy k3inicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Wining (for Oberewhez*o). 7. Is kliniki goopitallnoy terapii Voraneshakogo maditsinakogo inatituta (for Nikitin,, Mikhoyodova). 8. Is kafedry obahchey khirwgii Kishirwaskogo moditainskogo'instituta (for Kusmartseva) SHURYGO, V.P., Un-rauk; IVANTSOVt M.G., inzh.; KILDWI, V.H. , FIMSBAW-, F.V., ingth.; M~UMMM~0~inzh.; NIKOLAYEV, N.P., inzh.; ANOShTn-, A.I., inzb.; PILIFEW0, M.P., mekhanizator SMF-X6"AVIN, V.D., makhanizator SNP-205 "Over-all mechanization of construction in railroad electri- fieatioO by A.P. Alekseev. Reviewed by V.P. Shurygin and others. Tranop.,stroi. U no.8:59-60 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Railroads-Electrification) (AlekseiW, A.P.) 1,fuXH1w1Ovp M.A. Experience in electrifying the K,v,',azskaya-Armav.L- section Gf the railroad line. Transp. stroi. 13 no.103-34 Ja 163 (MIRA 18j2) 11 1- 1. Glavnyy inzh. tresta Ordzhonlkidzetransstroy. MUKHSI&-7"E$ NAh. ---------- Witld leafy plants as a source of vitamin C in food rations of collective farmers in southern Tajikistan- Top. pit. 20 no.4: JI-Ag 162. (HIPA .14:7) 1. Iis Instituta. krayevoy meditainy Akademii nauk TadshikskOY SSRg Stali~abad. ' (ASCORBIC ACID) (TAJIKtSTAN-DIET) (TOIKISTAN-4FAETAbLES) KUZNETSOVA, N.V.; MORDOKHOIIICII, L.G.;.MUKHSIN-ZADE N.Kh. Characteristics of the composition of milk and national sotir milk products prepared in Tajikistan (dzhurgot, dukh, chakka kurut). Zdrav.Tadzh. 9 no.3s"-47 W-Je 162. N-U 15:8) 1. Iz Instituta krayevoy meditainy AN Tadzhikskoy SSR, kafedry giglyeny Tadzhikskogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni Abuali ibni Sino i peshchevoy laboratorii Dushanbinskoy gorodskoy sanitarno- epidemiologicbeekoy stantall, (TAJIKISTAN-DAIRY PRODUCTS-AMLYSIS AND EXAMNATION) SAPAMAITUT, G.S,, kand. y=Id.vauk;PAL'GOVqII.H.,w akad.; BOGATYREVO A.S.; AFANASIMW,v A.V.9 prof.; BUOV# B.A.; SHANHWOV, V.F.g kand. Istor. naal PORRMM9 S.N.# WrAd.; SAVCSIKO, T.K.9 kad. Istor. nwk; IMSUPBUOTp A.W.1p kand. istor. mauk; BAISHIVp S.B., -akad.r G04=- TODATMM# I.S.j, kand. Istor. nauk; AMMMVI A.# kapd. Istor. nauk; RAM=Tq A.9 kad. Istor. nauk; FIVIM19 N.Y.; COMOT9 G.Ch., doktor skenome nauk; 11GROVSKUp Y~A*q ImMe ekonome nauk; SIDYKOV9 A.S., kand, pedagag. nauk; ZHANCILIDIMp T.g keW. filos. nauk; IARASAY19V, L.K.; KAWA?199 A.Z.9 kad. istor. nauk; BUMOV9 N*D*q kand. ekonom. nauk; KAUNBAM,p S.L, kend. md. nalikI AKMIMF, I.Asp; SKIMOTAg NeSeq doktor filolog."uki SILIGMXO# N.S.# doktor fildlog. nauk; YUZA- KOWCH., B.G., kand. Iskaostvoradchaskikh nauk; RTBAKOVAq N.; NUIRTAP. -2ffs-"; BOGATMOTA, L.I.; UUNDAKBAYST9 B.; SIRANOV, K.S.;-`SHTrO;7- 10p Z.Ar red.; NUMOVIA9 L.B.t red.; MBINg N.V.,, teklm. red. [The Soviet Kazakh Socialist Republic] Kazakhakaia Sovetskaia So- tsialistich4*kata, Rempablika. Alm-Atas Kazakhokoe gos. izd-vo 1960o AM pe (MIRA 3,4--61 I., Akadmiya nauk K&z.SSR (for Pallgov, Pokrovakiy, Baishev) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii zmk XazSSR (for Bykov, Smirnova, Sil'ohemko) (Kazakhstan) MUKHTAROV, A. 1. 42029 SOKOLOV, A. A. , NtrKHTAROV A. I. - K toorii annigilyataii elektronov i po2itronov. Vestnik mosk. Un-ta, 1948, No. 8. a. 63-76.- Bibliogr: 8 nazv. SO: Latopis' Zhurnallnykh Statay, Vol. 67, 1948 KMMNW.-" Can&. Physicomath Sci. Dissertation: "Influence of the Spin State of the Two-Particle Syatem an Disintegration of a Positron Atom." 7/6/50 Moscow Qrder of lanin State U. Iment Vecheryaya Moskva sum 71 M. V. Lomonosov. SCIORM. riot* Of ftysicas MU IMOWICK, K.; Doub no.6:13-19 '55. MM 9: U) "44"W- (Beta rwo) P1 6~ A) # 0 V I/ '/), / USSR/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, go 4, 1957, 8627 Author Nukhtarov, A. I. Inst -------- Title Scattering of ir-Rays by Nucleons with Allowance for the Influence of the Charged Meson Field Around the Nucleons and of the Spin State of the Nucleons and Photons. Orig Pub Elmi eserler. Azerb. univ., Uch. zap. Azert. un-ta, 1956, No 8, 1.3-25. Abstract Using the weak-coupling theory, the author considers the scattering of a photon, with an energy close to 150 Nev by a nonrelativistic nucleon surrounded by a meson field. The curves obtained by the author for the dependence of the effective scattering cross section on the energy display resonant maxims. Card 1/1 11ARM- I-F-- Chm3wrOOTA, V.A. WN W-Noww-iz-1~1 - Photoproduction of neutral mesons takIng Into consideration spin states of nucleow. Dokl.AN Aserb.S= 12 no.2:77-80 '56.(NLU 9:8) 1. Asp@ aniversItat Imini S.M. Kirov&, Kafedre, tooretichaskoy fIztkI. Predstavleno Qzmdemlkom AN Aserbaydxhanskoy SBR Kh. I. AmIrkhanovym. (Mesons) MgKHTAROV, A.I.; PEROV. Tu.S. Scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons " positrons by polarized electrons. Isy. vys. ucheb. saw.: f1s. no-3: 48-55 '58. (NIRL 114-171 1. Aserbaydshanskly gosuniverettat Imeni S.M. Kirova i Nookovskiy ordena, Lenim gosuniverattet imnl M.V. Lomonomova. (Blectrons--Scattering) (Poettrons--Scattering) KHaMMV. A. 1. ~ Scattering of radially polarlsed, gama rays by oriented electrons. Isv.,rys. ucheb. say.; f1s. no.3:56-61 '58. (MIRA 1139) 1. Aserbaydshanskly gosuniverattet iment S.M. Kirova. (Gawma rays--Scattering) (Ilectrons) tUVORS: Mukhtaroy,_A___I._ Perov, Yu. S. SOV/48-22-7-25/26 TITLE: Scattering of Longitudinally Polarized Electrons and Poeitrona on Polarized Electrons (Hasseyaniye prodollno-polyarizovannykh elektronov i pozitronov na polyarizovannykh elektronakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizicheskaya, 1958, Vol. 22, Nr 7, Pp. 683 - 885 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Formulae, which are of a somewhat more general character than those obtained in references 1-3 for the effective cross-sections are found. They include the initial spin characteristics of both particles and the final value of the spin. The investigation is limited to longitudinally polarized particles. The matirix- elements with cbnsideration of the spin are computed according to the method given in reference 4. Formula (1) for the effective cross-section of the electron-electron scattering is written down in first non-vanishing approximation. From (1) the degree of longitudinal polarization of the particle after the collision can be deduced: Formula (2). If the electron energy is small and if their spins previous to the collision are parallel, the Card 1/4 polarization of the scattered electron versus the scattering Scattering of Longitudinally Polarized Electrons and SOV/48-22-7-25/26 Positrons on Polarized Electrons angle is a simple function: P::Zjl s Icos 6 where s1 and s2 denote the spin projections on the directions of the momentum of the electrons previous to the collision.; denotesthe scattering angle. If the spins are initially antiparallel, P,;k6sl, that is to say the electrons, remain completely longitudinally polarized. Formulae (1) and (2) are also applicable if one or both of the impinging electrons are not polasized. In this case the spin must be set equal to zero. The positron electron scattering is investigated next. The effective cross-section is considered to be a function of the scattering angle of the positron and of the spin of the positron after collision. In order to obtain the corresponding formulae for the electron it is sufficient to exchange all quantities pertaining to the positron by those pertaining to the electron and vice versa. Formula (3) for the effective croes-section is derived. Further deduction gives formula (4) for the longitudinal polarization of the positron after collision. From (4) can be seen, that at Card 2/4 small energies the polarization of the positron is independent