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7~7 KOZGOVA. N. 11. Hisluggerite and stllpnomelane from the upper Tet7ukhe sicarn- complex metal deposit. Nin.sbor. no.11:273-287 157. NIR-ti 13:2) 1. Institut goologii rudr7kh mostorozhdan17. p"trografii. min"ralogii i gookhimil AN SSSR. Moskva. (Tetyukhe Valley--Hisivgarita) (Tetyuldie Val le7-- Stilpbome lane) MOZGOVA, N. N., Cand of Geol-Min Sci - (diss) "Mineralogy of Skarn-polymetallic Deposits of 'Zerkhniv -Rudnik in Tetyukha Rayons" Mosco-, 1959, 19 pp (Institute of the Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistryp AcadeaW of 6ciences USSR) (KL, 4-60, 116) MOZOOVA, N.H. Replacemnt of sulfides by later car'-onatem and quartz in the "Terchnly 114AmIko deposit (TetyAths). Gool.rod.mostorozh. 1061:103-106 J&-T 059. (MBA 1215) 1. Institut goologii rudnykh me,,toroshloniy, petrografit. mineralogii i gookhtnii AN SSSF- (TetyWch* Va'.1ey-Mineralogy) MOZGOVA, U.N.; PkVLOV, D.I. Peculiar calcite crystals from the Torkhniy Rudnik deposit. Tetyukhe Valley. Izv.A;i SSSR.Ser.geol. 25 n0-1:105-10? Ja 16o. (MERA 13:8) (Tetyukhe Valley--Calcite cr7stals) MOZGOVA, N.N.; CHETVERIKOV, S.D. Dwmemorite from the Tetyukhe deposit. Trudy Min.muz. no.10:154-163 159. (KRA 16:8) (Tetyu)che Valley- Dann emori te) XGZGOVAj N.N. Axinite and datolite in skarn complex metal deposits of the Far East. Izv.M SSSR.Ser.gool. 27 no.4:40-49 Ap 162. (KRA 15:4) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeaiy, petrografii, mineralogii i gookbi-ii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Far East-Axinite) (Far East-Datolite) V" m.oz~'CV.44 N.".; F)IMILM!, N.~. I ~ , - '13 --:. a_ . , 3-5. -I -7yn- ~, ~ ? --,' -! -' 71 ' -: ~!. " - - * t "'. --.9, 1 4 1 ,- ." , z-.~ . . in. ? " I' x , N . . ,; '. ~ n , - - ~ -, ~ r, !7!- . .- . I .I - . I . -, . - f .. . - . - , I . -, V- 1, ii- y MOSGOVA, 1-1. N. - P,')P; Yv,,~', plc:m-~-t.leq cf- T--,-6y If-15. i Y. - F-4, 'L'?? Z o-, ) KMGOVAYA, L.M.; KIM, A.V. Amebiasis in Karaganda; an abstract. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 34 no.2:234 Mr-Ap 165. (M IRA 18: 11) KRUTETSKly, I.I. Plkyi I I.] A~ j -Z [14ozhova, E.&,j (Klye-r/~; ~UMAJI D.F~ (Kiyev Investigation of a nonlinear astatic, automatic controL system, Avtomatyka no.'O"15-.25 161. (:-Iuu L4 -11-1) (Automati,:: control) S/103/62/023/012/007/013 D201/D3O6 AUTHORt MozgOv4ya, L.A. CKifflv) TITLE: K method of minimization of a function in the presence of restrictions PERIODICALs Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 23, no. 12, 1962, 1654 - 1661 TIM: The author considers a method of automatic optimization of a function of several variables when a restric- tion with respect to a certain direction is present. The method is valid for one minimum and is based on the method of gradient, the starting point being in the vicinity of minimum. The method has two distinct problems: 1. The choice of optimum direction and 2. the choice of optimum step in the optimum direction. All operations required can be executed on standard circuits for scalar products and it is concluded that the method can be re- commende,' for 3olving problems of optimization of technological processes. There are 5 figures. Card 1/2 A method of minimization ... SUBNITTr~D: May 15, 1962 S/103/62/0?5/012/007/01 D201/D5O8 ! P~ 1-11 Card 212 llmnui-3~5 ~-Iw ~mh ird -. &i --7i . :- - - - - I , - --- W A;..-.. ~.---- -. - -1 "---- , '1 11 ll -~ --1 - .,, - . , --- - .. - , , , 7 ~ I -,~ I,-- -..,.,. - ~ ~l - - - 7- -:~.I--11, -r ~ 1~ - --.,r,--" ~ -.- ~ - - I ~ " I. -AMES MCLOGUM "0o, 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -p, igs tm- Oon 0 4 ~ - 1; - base' , t - Mi A!- 7 -.a ~ W- caid- W 7F- - Lou xT MCV,GCVAYA, I.I.,, inzl~. Characteristics of the planned rireventive ri.~JnteT,,arce e,- and reFair syster, fr. t,.e enterrr-'.. : r~f the sugar Pishch. Prom. no.2:F-12 '~5- P 1. Kivevskiv tekhnolovicheu~iy in.,ititut promyshlennosti. I L..F. [14o&ova, M OZGOVAYA, 3ensitivity of fro:7. I:E~obiol. zh,,w. -lo.-'): ','~-52' -.-3. 1. Lotitut mLik-roblolo-ji Al" MOZGOVAYA, L. I. MOZGOVAYA, L. I.: "Saw design problem in Lobacheirskiy geometryw. Kiev, 1955. Min Higher Education Ukrainian 3SR. Kiev Order of Lenin Polytechnic In3t, Chair of Kathematical Physics. ( Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Physico- =tical Sciences.) So: Knlsbnaya letepis' lie. 49, 3 Decezber 1955. Mmscow YUDIMA. N.D., prof.; SARNITSKIT. I.P.; KOZOOVLTA. P.V. Iffect of the transfusion of M-83, protein plasma substitute on blood coagulation processes In recipients. Probl. mat. I perel. krovi 4 no.4:50-53 Ap 159. r= 12:6) 1. Is Kiyevokogo inatituta perelivaniya krovi (dir. - saaluthennyy vrach USSR T.K.Gnedash). (AKINO ACID MIXTMS, off. BX-8, on blood coagulation (Rug)) (BLOCD COAGUL&TION. off. of drugs on protein hydrolysate BL-8 (R.8)1 441110:4 wo .wv 0 a a' O'S' 0 0 0 0 0 04-W0 f I I tits t*! d it I a k 041 too 6i& A. U- oo Valm A(I #Ad 00 too 4 So 0w CUUUUU !0 The OU %0 4K 6 41 -h; MVI to, a. mbd 09 0 .~Ii P., Ac'm ..... , - -., - -- W-1-36.3 kg. u j Od S 0: m W w g 'k7' 2 z tW d - w at the 00 00 09 0 Aid.-SL- �lIALLU*GK4L LITERATUOt CLASSWICATICO E -- 1.- - -- - - -::=- p vvc~ 11-141~ 4O.&M. 4.4 447-ii-am-1- -w- L-11 3 41 a&; ;41 lea, ;a, aw"gel clog ooooo*eooe**O*o 00*000000*000000 1-.040 0004 00*&60*000000, -0 to Ito Iwo go o roe ,Poo roe fto 40* RD* ve Iwo Roe ,OjjAyA, a., fCk-UIjAy-VA, jAL%k-,rj',7, 7., To-,-t.2, L. MOZ,- Slaup,,hterim- air4 Slaughterh,3uses .C Pow cattle are ~e,,)t. h~efore slau~-h'.Pr'Lni,. 'bias. 2" L, 19~~2. Monthly List of ltu3sian Accessionfi, Lilhrar, of I I - I- %-.; ., " K 11 /1 F, TOM, L.G., kandidat sel'skokhasymystvannykh nauk; kandidat Irel'skakhozyaystwennykh nauk; XARLTAYVA, S. 1 11. T. Naintenance of cattle before slaughtering. Truo VNIrW no.6:140-158 154. (NLRA 10-.8y (Cattle) NOZGOVATA, R.P.. Imudidat sallskokhoxyayetwennykh nauk; SADOTNIKOTA, N.V. Flnishing young C&ttlee Tridy TNIINS no.6:181-191 154. (PlAA 10:8) (Cattle-fteding and fsod~ n6 stuffs) 1, momm-YA, a. KOZOOTATA R. kaudid&t eel I skokbosyaystmnnykh nauk; OMTMOTA, M., I ---"TO"O"%Win-1k. Kethod of qnsdIng up mturation and fattening of calves. Klas. Ind. SSW. 25 no. 3:42-43 054. (=A 7:7) (Calv6s) MOZNVA.YA, R., kandidat sell skohozyustvanafth nauk WWm"WAVWAvMW*".J~_ feed supply for fattening swine. Mias.ind.SSSR 26 no.2:49-50 155. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Mininaterstvo promyshlenmosti my"nykh i molochmykh produktov SSSR. (Swine-Feeding and feeding stuffs) NOWMATA.R.. kandidat eel Iskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; FARBOVSKIT.W., . ----7oat;R-n*hr Leaders in livestock fattening. Mias. ind. SSSR 26 no-3:4"7 '55 (Feeding and feeding stuffs) (NLEIA 8:9) KOZG4WAYA, R., kandidat eel*khs%ysystvswWkh nauk; SADMEMM, Re Let's Improve the finishing of young cattle. Klas.ind. 5M 26 ne.6:43-" 155. , (NLRA 9:2) (Cattle--Feeding and feeding stuffs) MOZGOVATA, R.P., kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SOIDVITEV, V.I., letcheakikh nauk; SAWVUIMDVA, N.V.; IVA110YA, A.A. Use of diethylatilbestrol in fattening cattle and its determination in meat. Dokl.Akad.sellkhoz. 22 no.8:8-12 '57. (MIRA 10:9) I.VaesoyuxWy nauchno-issladovatel'skly institut myaeno7 proqrsh- lennosti. Predstavleno akademikom N.G. Belen'kim. (Stilbenediol) (Cattle--Feeding and feeding stuffs) 47~ an .te 7519 1 d mides, --pteatt f /7' AUTHORS! Shvangiradze, R. R., Mozgcvaya, T. A. TITLE; Spec trographical minum, Iron, Titanium and borcn in Purest Silicon. ksl%iye~ magniya, medi, alyiffniniya, zheleza, titana nym metodom kremn-ii xrysckcy chi.-3tcty). PERIODICAL'. Zhurnal Anal! t ichs koy Khimii., 195~1, Vol. 1-2, (USSR). ABSTRACT! A method for the qiAartttativ~-: i ~,e ~-. tr., graphic dFterm1.,.a*,. cium, magnesium, ccpper, alumJ num, ircn aj.(', titar.4 um -1 L licr,n by mans of the spectrcgraph 14( 22 is descritE~. 7r lysis was performeel with a relativelLy intense current,7 t~, Ic arq.,rez, Standard specimens with In-,, - 10-50/o of "he taminations were produced for the determination. For 1.hp tion of bcrc-n the experiments were conducted in a sp:-C,31 ballocn in a hydrogen at-nc-sphere, in order to eliminatt spectra of SiO . The bailocn has two 7,penings fc:, bcth *,h- and oat.1 2 et of nit_-cren. A flat tran3parent lers i3 .7 dp of the balloor t,"ic -iitlpt -F tile raddati'i". t"l, 1,-4 0/ ---rr. in s'licon -mere 1,5 to 21 , . e ~ . L J Card 112 The prohat;ie err-r ajr,~.. tot It' ) 0/1~'. Spec trographical De termi -rl;.c,,' . o-, Magnesi-im, Copppr, Aluminum, Ircn, Titanium and -1-or-on L- There are lo figurFs, 3 ta'!~q, a,,,! 5 referenue-,, f Slavic. 5 U BM I'Tf ED Septed, tar '21~j L95'~- AVAILA.3LF.- Librarf -)f Cor_i~ze--. 1. Silicon-Calcium content 2. Silicon-Magnesium content 3. Silicon-Copper content 4. silicon-Aluminum content 5. Silicon-Iron content 6. Silicon-Titanium conten, 7. Si-licon--Boron :ontei+, 8. Spectrographic analysis Card 2/2 -no m fiRt RWA -- -------- V191X/91 lips .14i a Jim p 3.4 lit 131 I-as 1131 Ral gA Ail oil lax jj 3-S lie !lilt pm SHVANGIRADZE, R.R.; MOZGOVAYA, T.A.; SHCPE'rININA, F.V. -c- Method for the spectrographic determination of impurities in elementary boron, Zhur.anal.khim. 1? no,1:94-96 ja-k '62. (141AA 15:2) (Boron--Analysis) I\ 111WANGIRADZE, R.R.; OGAWZOV, K.A ~ ,,1 -1-7 INA, E,V. ,, SH,; I !Nr _ _~~G Meth(YJ for stabilizing an are disoharge during the sp,~--,.rum auslysis of pwdered matprials. Zhur. prIk'. spektT. 3 rc;.5. 3~-~7-402 N 165. (MIRA 18,11) GZHITSLIT. s.z.rffxhyt~'kyi. S.Z.3; KOZG(WAf/,. To. U.Noshovs. IZXI Age viriations in the phosphate content of cattle blood. Pretsi Inst. agrobiol. AN URSR 3 no. 2:18-24 156. (KIRA 11-7) (Phosphorus in the body) (Cattle-Physiolov) (Blood-Aaalysis and chemistry) KOZGOVATA, Ye.N.; ARNAUTOV, N.V. Trace element content of the liver and pancreas of cattle. Izv. Sib.otd.AN SSSR- no.2:104-110 '60. (KLU 13:6) 1. Nuvosibirskiy sel'skokhxyaystvennyy institut i Institut geologii I goofiziki S~birskogo otdelenira Ali SSSR. (Trace elements) (Liver) (yancreas) -.OZrCTI,7(7f, A. It. "Ascariae of Anima's J ~~Io7 Sy matics, :,nd nn E~-jprimenl for Phylcc~enptics nni '-r ,ier-ree o~ Dr. S3 C i .311171 Biol iCal Loscoi-y Veterinnry Ac:Aemy Su:-r,,-,rv 12, 1` Dee Dissertati7:-m Presented For Dc=ees in Sicienco, :,n,t Enr~necr-,'LnF -,Ln 1-',pacoir in Y14", Fro, VechpMvg-v,-t Moskyo, Jin-Der 1041?. MDZWVOY, A. A. Mozgovoy, A. A. *On the study of cetaceous lanizakids'", Trudy Gellmintol. laborat-orii (Akad. nauk SSSR), Vol.II, 1949, p. 26-40. so: u-4630, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 23, 1949). MOZGOVOY, A. A. Mosgovoy, A. A. "On the study or nematodes or the genus Porrocaecum Raillet et Henry, 19120, Trudy,Gellaintol. laborstoril (Akad. nauk SSSR), Vol. 11, 1949, p. 41-49. SO: U-Z630, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis Mhwmal Inykh Statey, No. 23, 1949). ::01ift/Biology Seals Jul n, Helynintbs ."Question of the Origin of the Baykal Beal in the Ught of 41minthological Science," A. A. MozgovoF, 'K. M. Ryzhikov, He-inthol Lab, Aced Sci USSR "Dok Ad Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXII, No 5, pp 997-999 On 272d Union Helminthol Expedition (Jun-Oct 49) to lake Bayk&2. three Baykal seals were examined MAOng other sid-la. Nematodes from these se&U were examined, and new subspecies named: Contra- caecum osculatum, baicalensis. Evidence pointed-to .-b"othesis that Baykal Seal migrated from Arctic, USSR/Biology - Seals Jun 50 (Contd) Octan during ice age, from Caspian Sea, as had been thought possible. Submitted 17 Apr 50 by Acad K. 1. Skryabin. 163% MOZGOVOY. A. A. , NOSTY, A. F. Worms, Intestinal and Parasitic Ascarie ovis, an independent srecles of ascarlds of small rum1nants. Trudy Gellm. lab. no. 5. 1951. Monthly List gf Russian Accession. Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIED ' &,.&_,'7 ZIGOVOY, A, 6 ; OSPALIGIAM' 0 A, A, ;POMWAI T, !, Parasites - Novosibirsk Province Work of the 257th Union Helminthological Expedition of 1946 at Lake Chany of the Novosibirsk Province. Trudy Gellm. lab. no. 5, 1951. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. Unclassified. MOZGOVOY. A. A.; POPOVA, T. T. Parasites - Byaloveszhaka Pushcha Work of the 264th Union Helminthological Expedition of 1947 in the state preserve "Byalovezhska Pushcha." Trudy Gellm. lab. no. 5, 11?51. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Librar7 of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIM 1,27MOVOY, A. A. Sivine - DLsea.i-'2s Experimental. study of clinical aspects of Trichoce.phaliasis of p-'.V-s. Veterinariia 29 no. 10, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, DAn r--LLqr,_ L9r 2 Une 1 - M102GOVY, A.;*t. Nematoda, P~-rnsites- Birds Interpref:~tion of the bioloe-,lc cycle of Porroc2ecm crassum, a nem--itode o' Pqnatic birds. Dokl. AN 3SSR '-~3 no. 2, !?52- Gel'Tr-intologicheskaya Labor,-itoriy.-i A',~-iemli Npuk 33SR. rcd. 17 Sept. SO: Mont List of Russian Accessions, Librax7 of Congress, _ A,~,F,~st 1953, Uncl. XOZGOVOT. A. A. Askaridaty zhivotnykh I chelovsks I VrZyVayowl" Imi zabolevaniya L;Bcarlds of animals and man and Illnesses caused by thepJ Moskva, Isd-bo Akadenii Nauk SSU. 1953- v. Illus., diagra. (Genovy nowatodologii, tou 2) At head of title: Akademiya Rank 333R. Gellaintologichealmya Laboratoriya. Lib. has: pt. 1 pt. 2 SO: N15 633-7 .99 i-;C1Z,-k1VCY, A.A. The Comittee cc Stalin Prizee (of the Council, of Hiniaters LWR') in the fleldB of science and Inventions announces that the following scientific workB, pcp-day acten- tif1c booiw, and textbooks have been submitted for competitior for SWIn PrIzes "'Or toe years l)52 and 1953. (SorvetzkmqLm~ K4turs Moscow, No. 22-40, 10 Fet, Apr 1954 ~Ioz7iovoy, A. Title of Work Nominated by f Para-Ltic La- r-itor-.- r f Acpcler-. rif -cilr.-r,~:t- -,-" "'I SO: W-30604. 7 July 3.954 KOZGOT". A.A. I BtudLy of the episootiology of porroe"cosis, in water birds. Trudr 14. (NLRL 8:5) Gellsolab, 7t196-199 1e (Par"Item-Water birds) (Ascarlds and ascartaels) MOMOVOYO A.A., daktor biologicheskikh nauk. Porrocascosis in &mks and the biological pecull&rltiso of its causative agent. Sbor. truA. Khar', Yet. Inst. 22:316-320 154. (XLRA 9:12) 1. Gel I m into logicheskews. laboratorlya Alradmall nauk WSR (Dmcks-Diseases and peite) (Azoarlds and ascarlasio) XOZGOVOL~_- 11 IK07, K.K.; SUDARIKOV. V.Te. , 6 -RYZH Work of the 289th joint helzinthological expedition of 1952-1953 in districts of the Amu Darya Delta and the Murgab Basin. Trudy Gella. lab. 8:33-50 '56. (KLRA 9:8) (Amu Darya Delta--Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) (Murgab Basin--Worms. Intestinal and parasitic) - MOZOOTOY, A.A.; RTZHIKOV, K.M.; SLMLOKOV, V.Te.; LZMNA. TO.S. Work of' the 290th joint helainthologic&l expedition of 1953 in the Teimt A.S.S.R. Trudy Gel,m4ab. 8:51-76 '56. (NLRL 9:8) (Takutia--Worms. fntestinal and parasitic) MOZGOVOY, A.A.; Rom"OVA; N.P. Study of Ascaridata of birds and reptiles in the Koscow Zoo. Trudy Gellm.lab. 8:77-& '56. (KUU 9:8) Nomcow--Ascarlos) (Parasiteer-Birds) (Parasites--Reptiles) MOZGOVOY, A. A., SHALDUGA, 11. .'-:. and 14AGDA, I. -'-. "On the Use of the Surgical Method in Experimental Helmi.~t:,olo,:Dr." Tenth Conference on Pavasitoloeical Problems and Diseases witn Natural r(eservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Nblishing House of' Acridemy of' 5ciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Helminthological Laboratory of the US,,,, Academy of Sciences, Moscow MOZGOVOY, A.A. The phenomenon of abnormal localization of aecarids and an atterpt to explain it. Trudy Galls. lab. 9:190-195 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Ascarlds and ancarianis) MOZGGVIYf A.A, biolog.nauk; BYCITMUIT, M.T.. v,~terlnarnZrf vrach Carbon tetrachloride treatment of echinuriosis in ducks. Veterinarila 36 ro.'7'44 JI '59. (MIW. 12:10) 1. Gelli-Antolop ,Icbeqkaya laboratorlya Akademil nauk SSSR. (Pa-FL91tes-Ducks) (Carbon tetrachloride) KOZGOVOT, A.A., NOSIK, A.F. (deceased] Study of intrauterine infestations of animals with parasitic worse. Trudy Gellm. lab. 10:143-148 160. (KIBA 13:7) (ASCARTDS AND ASCARTASIS) NOZGOVOY. A.A.. SIMTSOV, A.A. Study of asc&rtdo paranitic tn small cattle. Trudy Gellm. lab. 149-152 160. (KMA 13:7) (ASCARTIE AND ASCARIASIS) (PARISITIS-GOATS) MQZGQW JqA.~, POFOVA.,T.I.*-S1%LAYLVA,, IT.K., MKIMU OJIM. In defense of the specific independence of sow ascarlds parasitic in man and animals. Trudy Gollm. lab. 10:153-165 160. (KIRA 13 r7) (kSCARTDS AND ASCARIASIS) IEYKINA, Ye.S.; SHIKHOBALOVA, N.P.;_NW&LQYL A.A- Antigenic properties of ascarlds. 161. (Antigens and antibodies) Trudy Gellm.lab. U:153-158 (MM 15:12) (Ascarids and Ascariasis) MAGDA, I.I.;,KOZGOVOY, A.A.; SHALDUGA, N.Ye. Using a sMical method In experimental helmintholof ,6ATrudy Gellm.lab. UsI62-165 161. 15:12) (Helminthological research) jL MAGDA, I.I.; SHALOUGA, N.Te. _MQZ&03Wj4 A tA. - Episootiology of ascariasis In poultry. Trudy Galla.lab. 11s166-168 161. (KMA 15:12) (Asearide and ascariasis) (Parasites-Foultry) YIOZGOVOY, A.A.; MkGDA, I.I.; SHAIDUGA, N.Ye.; ALENSANDRTUK,, S.F. Experixwntal investigation of abnormal localization of ascarids. Trudy Gel's.lab. UslW179 161. (MM 15s12) (Ascaride and Ascariaais) SMABINO Konstantin Ivanovichs akademik, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda,, leureat Leninskoy i Gosudarstvenrwkh premly;prinimlli uchastiye: GUSHANSKAYA, L.Kh.; ANTIPIN, D.N.; GUSHAN-IMA, L.Kh., red. izd-va; MOZGOVOY, A.A. ? red. izd-va; YEPIFANOVA, L.V., tekhn. red.; LAUR-,-v.u., takm red. (Trematodes of animals and man; principles of tromatodology] Trematody zhivotrykb i cheloveka; oenovy trematodologii. Mo- skva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSM. Vol.20 1962. 563 p. (KERA 15:9) (Termatoda) SKRYABIN., Konstantin Ivanovich, Laureat Ieninskoy i Gosudarstvennykh premiy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, akademik; ANTIPIN, D.N.; SUDARIKOV, V.Ye.11 izd-va; LAUT, V.G.,, tekbn. red. (Trematodes of animals and man; principles of the study of Trematodes) Trematody zhivotrWkh I cheloveka; osnovy tre- matodologii. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.19. 1961. 471 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Trematoda) POPOTA, T.I.; -MOZZGCjVOY, A.A,; 34ITRENK0, M.A. Study of the biollo,-,f of AscaridaLa in 'White Sea an-'jnals. Tlru""y G,~I'm. lab. Jj--1-63-169 164. (MIRA -7.g~o) mo2r,eVoy, ApL.A.; PnPOVA, T.I., SFWNOVA, M.K. De c i 'phering the developmental cycle of' the ne-m-atode Synhimantus brevicaudatus (Dujardin, 184AI) parasitizing on gressorial birds and freshwater fishes. Dokl. AN S"15.-i 162 no.3:719-720 It( 165. 'MIRA 18:5) 1. Submitted July 6, 1964. 14(6) SOV/ 1 12 -59 -5 -87 36 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 46 (USSR) AUTHOR: Mozgovoy, G. ~'V~-- TITLE: Evaluating the Water Gauges in Irrigation Sytitern:3 PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t gidrotek,'Li. i melior. 1957, Nr 3, pp 8-12 ABSTRACT: Evaluation is offered of 5 water-gauging devices from the standpoint of their applicability in irrigational systems: Ivanov's spulway, Utkin's hydro- metric grid for measuring the discharge per second, Glubshev's flowmeter, Utkin's water gauge-meter, and Ukz-NIIGiM's spillway-gauge for norr-rializing and totalizing water discharge. A.A. K. Card I/ I 1. YOMOVOY, 1. A. 2. U33R (6oo) 4. Steel castings 7- Production of a castO two-layer instrument, Vast. mash., 32, No. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, lipril, _L953, Uncl. 140~N~tO,-ImAn-Aleksay&yInb. [Nozhovyi,I.O.); NIKOLAENKO,I..'f. (Nikolaienko, I.I.1, otv. red.; TEPLYAKOVA, A.S., red.; MATVIICHUK, O.A., tekhn. red. Dat's work as our heroes do] Na riven' z heroiamy. Kyiv,, 1961. 33 p. (Tovarystvo dlia posb7 nnia po:Litychnykh i nau ovykh znAn' Ukrainsl- koi RSR. Ser.10, no.4 (MIRA 14:11) (Agriculture-Labor productivity) NOZOOVOT, I.I.; KOZLOV. A.I., agronom. Growing large coriander crops. Zesledelle 4 no.6:121 Je 156. (RIU 9: 8) 1. Predsedatel' kolkhoza 61 may&% lorochanskogo rayons. Belgorod- skoy obl&sti. (Korocha District--Coriandor) L 47383-66 LT FC -JD/H-1/R4/RH ACC NR: AR60296 11 SOURCE CODE: UP,/0282/66/000/006iOO92/0092 AUTHOR: Loshchilov, V. 1. ; Mozgovoy, 1. V. TITLE: Ultrasonic welding articles manufactured from polymer materials SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimicheskoye i kholodillnoye mashinostroyeniye, Abs, 6. 47. 614 REF SOURCE.- Sb. tr. Mosk. vvssh. tekhn. uch-shcha im. N. E. Baurnana, D, 1965, 74-80 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic welding, welding equipment, plastic welding ABSTRACT: 'Phe advantages of ultrasonic welding of plastics, as compared with other welding procedures, are investigated. A description is given of the equip- ment for ultrasonic welding of plastics, developed at the MVTU im. N. E. Baumana. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and a bibliography of 3 reference iterns. [Translation of abstract] [AM] SUB CODE: 11, 13/ "rd UDC: 678. 5. 029. 43:621. 034 MMOTOT. MIMiall Andreyevich; MMW. R.N., red.; KOZWW, S.T., tekhn. [First experience In cultivating corn] Porryi opyt vozdelyvanita kukuruzy. Alm,-Ata, Kazakhokoe goo. izd-vo, 1956. 12 p, (Xim 11:7) 1. Brigadir polevodchookoy brigady No.1 kolkhoza ireal bortsm Cherkamova Emrchumkogo rayona Tostochno-razakhatanskoy oblasti (for Mozgovor). (Kazakhstan-Corn (Maize)) MOZGOVOY 5 1 Inzhener; APANAS'YZV. S.G.. inzhener, SMOV. H.R.. ~_' 'U." 1 InzhWn-er; XPSMYR, Z.D., inzhener; ANMYN, T-V.. Inzhener. Developing an ojygen-using converter process for open-hearth cast iron. Sbor.trud.TSNIICHK n0-13:229-299 '56. (NLRL 9.11) (Cast iron--Ketallurg7) (Oxygen--ladustrial applications) MOZGOVOY, F.I. Contagicyusness of aaute aphthous stomatitis in chIldren, Sto- matologila 43 no.1487-& Ja-F'64 (MIRA 1?14) 1. Detakaya konsulltatsiya 9-go meditainskogo oblyedineniya (glavnyy r.-acb I.V.Teleshevskaya), Llrov. ro o --2- (~;- o V o Y,, ~j I USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Solid Mineral Fuels, 1-12 Abst J:urnal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62519 Author,., Mozgovoy, V. I.,_Millkovskiy, M. I. Institution: lime Title: Concerning the Continuous Water Cycle in Coal Concentration Mill Flotation Original Periodir~al: Ukr. khim. zh.,. 1955., 21Y No 3, 405-4o9 Abstract: By investigating the flotation waste of coal concentration mills it has been ascertained that the aqueous portion of the waste can be utilized in siibsequent flotation cycles following addition of the depleted portion of flotation agents. Most effective coagulants for clarification of waste water are Ca(OH)2, NaOH and the mixtures Na3P04 + Ca(OH)2 and KA1(S04)2 + Ca(OH)2. Card 1/1 A~140 , - ~ r R 1,10z(,Cv(,. V.I. (Dnepropetrovsk); K()jL%jffTff LO ".T prinLmali uchastiye: SEV-----'T-1NOVA, A.K.; Effect of polyacrylamide on the filtration process of coal suspensions. Izv. AN SSSR~ Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl. no-3:125-U9 My -Je 162. 15:6) (Coal preparatioa) SENIKOp Me.; ONOPRIYENKO, V.P.; TSARITSY-11, A.N.;_!CZG Y , M.; CHERNOV, QXq_,, I- G.I.; KORAMMA, N.V. z Analysis of blast furnace performance with the automatic control of the blast in the air tuyeres. Stall 25 no.7090-593 ii t65. (MIRA 18-7) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issladovs0al I ski v Inatittit mogtotil.-w t Makeyevskiy metallurgicheakiy zavod. 0 vo ah:=d aftneve IN liquid Chreaskut and us malts of *sod A: M. Samdrin (A. A. Baikov U.S.S R.). farst A"d. Nask S.S.S.W. rah. Nawk 19M. 1529--36. d .C.A. U, 7MU. Tech. N was purified by pudng it ova Cu chips at WO to 70U* and through Awarite and P ILithydride. The reaction chamber. 90 mm. In diam. and 0out 400 mm. lotta. was a clear qwrs tube closed at out "d and ca" by contact with the water