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SOV/24-58-7-4/36 Static Elasto-plastic Deformations Due to Repeased Cyclic Loads plastic deformations which appear during the first loading will diminish on the strip being unloaded and due to straiA7 hardening effect they will eventually vanish after some number of cycles. The stresses at A and B will, of course, be much larger than the actual value of the loading p (stress concentration effect). Af(~'~5 repeated loading a load p. will produce a stress C'm at the hole, which is sufficient to produce a plastic deformation there, This load pm is smaller than the load p, which produces the same effect during the static or the first loading. The relationship between pm and p, is 6iven in Figure 6; D) repeated t-ension-compression problem is similar to that of 0) the relationship between F /P M(P~ steel 45 in the case when o of notched bars. The Figure 7 represents as a function of a/p for is numerically equal to Card 7/8 SOV/24-58-7-4/36 Static Blasto-plastic Deformations Due to Repeated Cyclic Loads the ult.-ixiate stres3 and the oy,-.1ic loadin6 is spimetrical and (Pm and P, -cz-respond to PM , pi in the case above and represent thp axial for,~e). The solution is based on Refs 2 amd -' There are 7 f~g,-ire3 an.,:."; Scv-iel references. SUBMITTED-. March 18. Card 8/8 MOSKVITrN. V.V. Pulse motions of an elastic-plastic system with a limited anmll- of degrees of freedom, Yest.Mookeane Serecate,mekho.antron.,fiz., kh1m, 13 no.5:23-32 158. WRA 12:4) 1. Kafedra tabrii uprugoott Kookovskogo gusudarstvannogo universi- tata. (Elasticity) MC S.. V'ITI'l-, V. V., Doc Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Elastic-plastic deform- -t of Mechanics "i cns under reneated stresses." Moscow, 1960. 15 PP; kIn- of t-e Academy of Sciences USSR); 2GO copies; price not given; biblio- Era-r,hy at end of text ~16 entries); ~KL, 50_60)11)) 69812 S/024/60/000/01/020/028 AUTHOR: Moskvitin, V.V. (Moscow) E081/9335 TITLE: Wo~pa&a 2--o-n--o-f-`Heat%"n a Hollow Circular .Infinite Length I _~j~nd ~,A f PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhn1cheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 152-155 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Discussion of the problem of heat propagation in the presence of an internal source is of interest; for example, in connection with the thermal stresses caused by internal friction in the material. The present solution is more general than those obtained previously and is based on the following general assumptions: 1) the quantity of heat lib.orated by the source per unit time per unit volume is an arbitrary function of the coordinate r and time t; 2) heat exchange occurs at the internal (r = a) and external (r = b) surfaces of the cylinder with the surrounding medium, the temperature of which is an arbitrary function of time (*,, = 4a(t); 4.b = Qb,(t) . The differential equation of heat conduction has the form (1), where y is the specific gravity, c the specific heat, Cardl/?- p the diffusivity and X the thermal conductivity. The Llt~' 69812 S/024/60/000/01/020/028 Propagation of Heat in a Hollow CircufoarWyoilgder of Infinite Length boundary conditions are given by Eq9 (2), where h a and hb are coefficients of relative heat transfer and the initial conditions by Eq (3), where f is a known function. The solution of the problem is obtained in terms of Bessel functions by Eq (25), where the constants An are determined by Rq (23), the known function W'4 by Eq (6) and the functions H n(k n' r) by Eq (14), in which J 0 and Y are first-and second-kind Bessel functions of 0 zero order. Let the temperature of the external medium become constant as t --;P' 00 C&a (t) 4a (b0 1 4Y b (t) -'>'gb (00) and let the function W characterising the distribution of the source be independent of time. In this case, the stationary state given by the last equation on p 155 is possible, where N is given by Eq (24). There are 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: October ;, 1959 Card 2/t- KOSUITIR, T.V. (Moskva) Adaptabilit7 of elastic-plastic systems. Hekh.1 mashinostr. no.5:101-107 3-0 160. (Strains t;n,i qtrosna) Iz-..&N SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. (MIRA 13:9) MA 00 1967, 019 d"115 S/l39/6O/00o/oo6/oo3/O32 E032/E414 AUTHOR: Moskvitin V.V. 6a"NoiNwo TITLE: Temperature Fields Due to Internal Friction in a Material PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, No.6, pp.20-28 TEXT: The presence of internal friction in a material subject to cyclically applied stresses leads to energy dissipation in the material, and the magnitude of this energy depends on the area of the hysteresis loops. If it is assumed that the energy is converted into heat, then each element of the vibrating system becomes a heat source-. The temperature distribution of such a system can be dbrived by solving ther- thermal-conductivity equation with the appropriate distribution of heat sources. In the general case this temperature distribution gives rise to thermoelastic stresses which, together with the temperature, increase in proportion to the square of a characteristic dimension of the body under investigation. The present author uses these general considerations in a Card 1/6 8800- s/i39/6o/ooo/oo6/oO3/032 E032/E414 Temperature Fields Due to Internal Friction in a Material quantitative form to analyse the temperature field in prismatic rods of arbitrary cross-section subject to a) cyclic torsion and b) cyclic bending. It is assumed that the area of the hysteresis loops on the plane ai ei is proportional to the strain energy WI 2 corresponding to the maximum values of the cyclically varying strains W 2 where is a coefficient (assumed constant) characterising the-absoked energy. Similarly, ~2 W2 = 1~2 Card 2/6 2 88041 S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/003/032 E032/E314 Temperature Fields Due to Internal Friction in a Material so that the total amount of dissipated energy per cycle is A W = LW + AW = i+ 1 2 YIL Y 2- 2 2 or, bearing in mind the fact that ai = 3Ge:il d KG one has, finally, 3 2 2 W - Yr-C i 2 2 where 6) is the relative change in the volume, o- is the average hydrostatic stress, (r. is the stress and Card 3/1 S/ I 39/6o/oO86OO%O6/003/032 E032/E314 Temperature Fields Due to Internal Friction in a Material Ei is the strain. The introduction of the two coefficients ~-V 1 and Y 2 is in accordance with the well-known experimental fact that the coefficients kPt and Yb for the ca-,-s of pure torsion and pure bending, respectively"i4ifferent from each other. The constants Lf/. and 4)2 a;e related to t and by the following ror-miji - 2 1 A Y1 ; Ylb = _' '_ ' '~ 'Y I - ( I - 2\)) Y 2 3 3 where is Poisson's ratio. Solutions are obtained for the maximum temperatures produced in the above prismatic specimens and numerical calculations are illustrated in Fig, 1. These figures give the above t-mperature for a cyclically bent rod of s q i ja r ecross-sectional area Card 4/6 8801 5/139/46/000/006/003/032 E032/E414 Temperature Fields Due to Internal Friction in a Material where X is the thermal conductivity fequal to 16 kcal/hour m deg), E is Young's modulus (e ual to 2 x 10b kg/cm2), V is poisson*s ratio (equal to 1/3). ~ b = 0-03, h is the emissivity, n is the number-of cycles per unit time (100 sec-1) and A is defined by A = Q/nAW, where Q is the amount of heat produced per unit time per unit volume (equal to 1/427 kcal/kg) and is the temperature of the surrounding medium (equal to 0). As can be 'Seen from Fig.1, considerable temperature differences may appear during the vibration of massive bodies and these must be taken into account. There are I figure and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni M.Y.Lomonosov& (Moscow State University Imeni H.V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: December 1, 1959 Card'4/6 S/139/60/000/006/003/032 E032/Effilt Temperature FieLds Due to Internal rriction in a Material rAw de Fig.l. 50 P11c. 1. MV Card 6/6 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5724 Moscow. Univer3itet. Voprosy mekhaniki; sbornik statey. vy f. 193. (Problems of Mechanics; Collection of Articles. no. 193) Moscow) Izzd-vo Mo3. univ., 1961. 169 p. Errata slip inserted. 5,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet Imeni M. V. Lomonosova. Ed.: L. N. Sretenskiy, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR. Ed. (This vol.): I. Z. Pirogov; Teoh. Ed.: G. I. Georglyeva. PURPOSEt This book is intended for engineers and scientific workers Interested in the mechanics of materials, fluid dynamics, and radi- ation. COVERAGE: The book contains articles on problems of algebra, non- linear prigramm-ing, motion of particleselasticity, stress-strain, vibration, and flow of liquids. No personalities are mentioned. References follow all but one article. Card 1/3 Problems of Mechanics; (cont.) 3011/5724 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Karmishin, P. V., and R. S. Sholukova. Some Formulas for Reducing Algebraic Determinations to Polynominal Forms Karmishin, A. V. New Analogues Between Problems of Motion of a Particle and Problems of Equilibrium of a Perfectly Flexible Thread 11 Korolev, V. I., I. G. Smirnov, and V. N. Sokopov. Investigating the Stability of a Cylindrical Shell BeYo-nd--the Limit of Elasticity 22 _111oslicyttin V. Elastic-Plastic Strains After a Large Number of ,_ -_ __V ___ Cyclic Stresses 42 Ogibalov, P. M., and I. M. Tyuneyeva. Fall Static Diagrams of the Stress-Strain of Steel Cables 52 Card 2/3 Problem3 of Mechanics; (Cont.) SOV/5724 Rodzevich, 1. A. On the Computation of Multilayer Elastic Foundations 5"' Savinov, 0. V. Use of Electric Modeling Layout In Problems of Nonlincar Programming 68 Popov, S. G., and G. A. Savitskiy. On Aerodynamic Forces Acting on a Circular Cylinder Oscillating in a Flow 72 Prokoflyev, V. A. Infinitesimal Forced Waves In a Radiating Baro- tropic Medium 93 Prokoflycv, V. A. Distribution of Free Weak Plane WavC3 In a Radiating Viscous Gas 131 Kurlovich, Ye. A. Motion of a Sphere Under the Surface of a Heavy Liquid 157 AVAILABLE. Library of CongreBB AC/dfk/en Card 3/3 il-6-6i MOSKVITLN, V.V. Elasti3 plastic deformations caused by a considerable number of cyclic loadings. Vop.mekh. no.193:42-51 '61. (14IRA 14:8) (Deformationa.(Mechanies)) MSKVITIN, V.V.. Conditions of simple repeated loadinK. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser.l:Mat., makh. 17 no.2:72-75 Mr-Ap '62. (YJRA 15:6) 1. Kafedra teorii -aprugosti Moskovskogo universiteta. (Strains and stresses) (Calculus of tensors) S/02 62/146/003/008/019 B172YB186 AUT M R: 'Moskvitin, V. V. TITLE: Stresses and strains in a cyclically hardened material PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, V.'146, no. 3, 1962, 569-570 (n) TEXT: The problem of d,termining the stress tensor d ij and strain tensor ,(n) for every n-th load is considered under the following conditions: ij (1) External forco~.s change exactly or approximately according to the law of sym;zetric cycles; (2) the material is cyclic-hardening, which means that in cycles with a given stress amplitude, the plaertic summands of strain decrease as the number of loads incveases. The formulas [P + 0)f(n)). clj + [(1 p)(1 -f (n) c(e) n tj) e Ltj) + (1 - f(n) E_ are der:Lved. Their application involves knowing the stres3es a I and ,j strains F-!. of the first load, and the corresponding stresses .1 Ij Card 1/2 S/02C)/62/146/003/008/019 Stresses and strains in a... B172/B186 0(e) and strains L~e) for a completely elastic material. The number 3 is 1.1(c0) .~tu'p, and 41(n) - 1/'(-n Is su~f;ested for f. characterized by up r Similar relations were established by L. F. Coffin, Papers Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., no. A-100 (1959). Th~,-re is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Nioskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomono,;ova (MoRcow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: April 6, 1962, by A. Yu, Ishlinskiy, Academi-cian SUBMITTED: March 23, 1962 Card 2/2 0 1WSMTIN V.V,..-(Moskva) - - I ~ ~ , '. - . I -- --, Temperature field of a cyclically deformed elastoplastic medium. Inzh. zhur. 3 no.2;386-390 163. (MIRA 16-6) (Deformations(Machanics)) (Thermal dissipation) mosOlT IN', , Viktcr v as i I I yevich; I. A,, ,ct ol' v a r p- [FlasticivJ ur6,r the e,,,fr nost, pri peremcrirtykh vaf~!~ P . LC) t.',osk. UnAv-, 19 6~. 262 p. .4~L L P-72-6b ENT (I )-/EViT (m),/T/M PC tyUL, AC: NR /~6/oo6/o12/D031/D03l AR6017 231 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058 AUTHOR: Moskvitina, Ye. N.; Kuzyakov, Yu. Ya.; Kotov, Yu. I.; Tatevskiy' V. ORG: none 71 of TITLE: Investigation of infrared spectra and spectra of the Raman effect tetrafluorohydrazin 211 1& 7 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12D249 REF SOURCE: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopii. AN SSSR, t. 3, vyp. 1, 195 4, 197-204 TOPIC TAGS: absorption spectrum, Raman effect, IR spectrum, absorption band,, tetrafluorohydrazine, hydrazine derivative ABSTRACT: The infrared absorption spectrum of tetrafluoroh drazine-I(I) has beef investigated in the gaseous and the solid phase in the 400-4000-cm- range. The spectrum of the Raman effect has been obtained in the gaseous phase. Coincidence Card 1 / 2 L 42872-66 ACC N4' AR6017231 of oscillation frequency in the spectrum of the Raman effect with the oscillation frequency in the infrared spectrum indicates that molecule I has a configuration corresponding to the symmetry of C 2. A preliminary interpetation of the absor, bands has been proposed. .[Translation of abstract] [IT SUB CODE.-,1VOI uame~ agg&;A~ 2/2 ACC NRs APW3150 035/0039 SOURCE CODE. U~7d 3:8~7[C6 /610 ~/663 ~ 0 Voskvitina, Ye. N. ; ifuzyaxov, Yu. A. DeparLment of Phylvical Chvmlc~try, M(-)i;cc)w Gtatx Univeraity (Kafedra fi?,ichcoe'oy X~oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TIT:.Z: Calculation of vibration spectra of difluoramine and chlorodifluorazaine SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II. Khimiya, no. 3, 19606, 35-39 TOPIC TAGS: difluorardne, chlorodifluoramirie, vibration Gpectrum, vibrational frequency, force field, force constant ABSTRACT: The authors have calculated the force fields and the vibrational frequencles of the NF2H, INF2D and NF2Cl molecules. The study was undertaken to determ4ae the force ,constants of the NF2 group. The NF H and NF2U molecules have a symmetry P!3xe along the N-H and N-Cl bonds, belong to the Cs, point group, and have six fundame.ntal vibra- tions four of which are symmetric (A') and two anti-symmetric (A") in respect to this plane. The following configuration parameters were used: for NF2H rN j, 1,025 _t 0,002 A, ZHNF-99,8:t0,2*. Aor INF2cl Card !/4 UDC: 539-19+541-57 ACC NRo AP6031589 riici = 1.79 A. Z FNCI - 10r. Tre calculation was carried out by a method described by Vol'kensliteir,, X. 7. Yel"yashevich, M. A., and Stepanov, B. i. (Kolebaniya molekic, LVibrations o..' L , Izd-vo GI71"L, 1949). The calculated force constants are giver, in -,ables 1 and 2. The high values of the force constants Kqq, kq, and Kqc, of the ~'F2 groUp 4 indicate Table ' - Force constants of r~61ecut~es NF2H and NF20 A kQ k. kQo k,p AQQ 7.60 9.50 2.02 1,50 2.11 2,10 1,20 0,60 0.31 0.07 0 -?able 2. Fo~rp Pnn!-ftantr of mn1priCo - Q ,. 1 ,0 1 qQ .. ,O I QO - k, A 0 - k(,Q A, q4 TZQ ~11.1 7.80 4.42 2.35 1 1,20 1 2,00 1.20 1.150" 1. 0.30 00 1 0 12.11 Card 2/4 AP6031569 ,able 3. T Oalculme(i and observ?d vibrational frequencies of N;I*,If, Nrgo , rirp Vib rations I and Obse rye d. I - d ~a~a ie As s i grimen t r ~ e t V 3193 2.154 t21.13) N-11 VValence, V , 1307 1261 989 1008 NI IF de cn V, A 972 oil 928 972 N-F v e V, Soo M 490 (500) NF, defbrTatm v ' 142.1 1 1114 1042 NIlF de:~)jrot:cn V : A 88fl 902 w 888 vaience N-F NF,C1 v, 932 953 N-F valence V 698 G94 N-(;l valence V : A' 656 541 FNr de fbrmation V, 378 314 FNC1 de fb=atim v ' 854 864 N-F valence V : A 270 290 FNCI deftrmatim Card 3/4 ACC NR, AP6031589 a considerable mutual effect of the N-F bonds. -he values of the observed iind cal- culated. vibrational fr9quencies of NF2 M, NF2D and NF2C1 were found to be in good agreemen-~,.(see Table 3). Analysis of the results indicated that: 1) frequencies V 3 and v6of NF2 H and v, and v5 of NF2C' in Lheir parameters are not fuliy charac- - 'st`c of the N-F bonds, because of the part-i c i pation of other bonds and ELn6les in .er-- t.- 'br& heir v-. -tions; 2) vibrations of "',-.e entire INF, group are highly characteristic of the NF2H and -2CI; molecules 3; frequencies v 31 v6 and v, are very to changes of numerous force coefficients and are not fully characteristic of -,he NF group. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 4 tables. LfWA-771 SUB CODE; 21, 20/ SUBM DATE: 070ct65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF- 006/ Card 4/4 ACC NR: SOURCE C DE: UR/0189/66/000/006/0110/0113; 0 I i AUTHOR; Mo skviti na, Ye N. !ORG: Department of Physical Chemistry v (Kafedra fizicheskoy khim11j/44A- 17"ITIAE: Calculation of thethermodynamic functions of chlorodifluor- lamine and difluoramine . ISOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya II. Khimiya, no. 6, !1966, 110-113 1 ~TQPIC TAGS: chlorodifluoramine, difluoramine, thermodynamic fu%.Ilction, 1 0 ,ABSTRACT: T e thermodynamic functions of chlorodifluoramine an.J di- Ifluoramine at 1 atm have been calculated in an approximation, r1gid rotator-harmonic oscillator, without taking into account the efCect of nuclear spin. The values of the structural parameters and of t1ae ! fundsT:~--ntal vlbratlon fr-equencles were taken from the literature. The istructural parameters, the observed fundamental vibration frequencies, iand the products of the principal moments of inertia for NF2C1, NF2H, iand NF2D are given In Table 1. The calculated thermodynamic functions are given in Tables 2 and 3. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. [W,, A. 77] Card 1/6 . UDC:* 536.7 IBO A~CC~~NR- AP7002888 .... fundamental frequencies, Structural parameters, Table 1. and.products of the principal moments of inertia of NF2HjNF2D and NF2Cl St t l Products of the prir, moments of inertl ved vIbra- freg.,cm-1 1 ruc ura parametere NFIt N17,0 1,MICI NFJI NF,D NF'CI rNF 1.40 A IC. A a - JA 'Ll 1C 3193 2333 698 ' J09 935-10 11j.234-10-117 A gi-CM6, g 5 -CM6 1307 1008 378 FNF = 102,94' 972 972 932 HNF - DNF 500 500 e -1.37A 4 R C 1424 J042 n0 A' w r = 1 79A . 3317.04 x -8M 888 854 . NCI X FNF=102* * g5.CM6 FNCImID7 Amon= ACC NRI AP7002888 Table?. Themodynamic functions of chlor-Aifluaramino TIK O.r - I H,); jr,*, - S 273. i 5 .. rr,, 7.115' rw-I'mol 2776,73 298,15 57 6386 68.1212 3125,39 300 '57,7053 68.2092 3151 .17 100 6 1 . U46.1 72,5rM 4585,60 500 63,60,-5 76.2-H3 6318.85 600 65.9767 79,4127 806 1 .60 700 68, 08n6 82,1757 9860.27 800 70.0029 8.1,6311 11702,5G 900 71,T-180 8(-"8459 13579.11 000 73,3757 88.8529 15,177.20 1100 74,8670 90,6728 17386.38 1200 76.2513 92.3-125 19:109,44 1300 77,5856 93,9395 219.60,07 1, 100 78,77-18 95,33-12 23183,16 1 500 79.8638 96, 5996 25103,70 1600 80, J99 1 97.9258 27082.72 1700 h2.0587 99,1158 29N8,07 1800 83.0083 100,2232 30986.82 1900 83,9595 101,3053 32957,02 2000 81.8264 102.2864 34920.00 2100 85.6897 103.2528 36882.51 2200 86.5160 10-1.1770 38854,20 2300 87,30-11 105.0531 40822,70 2400 88. 0t!63 105.8979 42795,84 2500 88,7888 106,6952 4,1765,75 2600 89,5181 107,4751 46068.20 2700 90,1684 108,2103 48713, t3 2800 90,8463 108,9491 50687,84 2900 91,4725 109,6340 52668.35 Card 3 Z6 1000. 92 .0920 110,3072 1 54645,60 , 1 ACC NRi AP 8" Table 3. Thermodynamic functions of NF2H and IV2 D NP.D NFH TIK ST Sr (OT-HO) 100 42,8129 50,7724 795,954 43,0670 51,0265 795,956 200, 48,3816 56,5681 1537.31 48.6380 56.8408 1540.55 273.16 50.9803 59,5().16 2328,42 51,2494 59.8493 23-.9.06 298.15 51,7327 60,39M 2582.78 52,0096 60.7766 2613,87 300 51,7863 60,4596 2601,99 52,0639 60,8431 2633.93 400 - 54,3646 63.6578 3717,29 54,6902 64,2171 3810,77 500. 56,5083 66,4522 4971.93 56.89R7 67 1895 Z 145.40 600 58,3771 68.9-155 63,11 02 58,8389 69:8422 F, 602, 01 00 60.0-502 71,19-16 7801.07 60,58,12 2211 72 fi5 96 1 800 61,5730 3,2404 333,86 2,1774 3953 7 : 774 33 : 900 62,9750 75,11,17 10925.8 63,6464 76,3727 11453,7 1000 64.2765 76.8431 12566,6 65,0111 78,1898 1~-178,7 1100 65.4927 78.4457 14248.6 66,2864 79,8687 1-,9-10.4 1200 66, 63.50 79, 93b9 1596-1.7 67.4840 81.4275 1(.732,2 1300 67.7127 81,3362 17710.6 69.6131 82.8813 116-2. 6 1400 68.7331 82.6487 19481,7 69.6814 84.2426 20385.6 ism 69.TD25 83,8857 21274,8 70,6952 85,5217 22239.8 70,6258 85,05,50 23086,7 71,6599 86.7277 24108., 176o n~' 71.S0751 86,1634 2.1915,1 72,5801 87.8681 2.a89.5 1800 72,3512 87.21GG 26757.8 73.4597 88.9-192 27881.1 73, lfiW.* - 88.2198 28613,2 74,3022 89,9769 2~781.8 20OV. "'~'13-9373 '69 1771 30479.7 75,1106 90,9559 31690.5 2100 90:0926 32356,0 75.8876 91,8905 3-,606,0 1 2200 75.4u 90,9695 34241.1 76.6355 92,7844 3 2300 760005 91,8109 36133,9 77,3563 93,6409 31451.5 2400 -16.7720 92.6194 38033.7 78,0521 78 2 94, '630 95 253 3r4386.1 41321 9 4 A 1 2500 77-.4216 1 93.3975 39939.8 44 ,7 1 . 2 . rrAcc-~M-AP760AGF, iTable 3 (Cont.) N11,D 5 oi -11 1 r (fir - "al r 7 0 )/r (or-lio 2600 78.0505 9.1,1473 41M)1,5 79,37,19 -11:01 2700 78,(jG02 9-t.8706 43768.2 SU.C10.18 96. 7 112 .152041.1 ' 2800 79,2517 95.5694 45689.5 80,(.155 97.4 S 19 4 71 If), 4 2000 79.8261 96,2451 47615 81.2080 98,1:187 119099.0 3000 38-13 80 96,H901 49544, A 81.7834 98, tioo I ro 1050. 1 3100 , 80,9273 97,5329 51477,1 82 3427 99 ,1 .1 o6 53003.5 3200 81,4559 98,1475 53413,1 82:8863 (jo, 06 1 5~,gsg,g 3300 81,9708 98,7.1,11 55351.9 83, 4 1 FA 100.GGi 56916,2 3-100 82,4727 99,3237 57293.4 83,9323 101 249 5M75,1 3500 82,9622 99,8872 59237.4 84,4352 1Q).817 G0835,7 3600 83.4-100 100,435 o1 183,6 8-1.9258 102,370 62797,6 3700 83.,JQ66 100.9w) 61320,0 045 85,4 102,970 617610 3800 84.3625 101,489 65082.3 85.8721 103,431 66725,5 3900 84.8082 101,996 6703,1,3 F16,3289 103,942 Q691 .0 4000 85,2441 102.491 68988.1 86,7754 70657,8 4100 83.6707 102.974 709-13.4 87,2122 101,926 %,625. 5 4200 86.0883 103,445 72900.2 87.6396 105,400 TIS94, 1 4300 86.4973 103.906 74858.3 88,0581 105,86,1 76563.6 4.100 80. huo 1 IC14,307 16417,7 RM.4679 I 0G.:) 17 78533.8 4500 87.2910 104,797 7877d..1 88.11693 100,7~9 111M0-1.8 4600 81.6763 105,228 807-10.1 89.2631 107.193 82-176.4 4700 88,0542 105,651 82702,8 89,64-32 107.617 8.rt 4 d, 7 4800 88,4251 106,06.1 84GGG,6 190.0278 108,032 86121,7 4900 88.7893 106. 469 86631,2 90,399.1 108,439 W95.1 Woo 80.1468 106,866 88596,8 90.7G42 108.838 W369.2 .5100 89,4981 107.256 90563.2 91 ' 225 109,229 W243.7 6.200 89.8433 107.638 92530.3 91:4741 109,613 9-1318,8 1 5300 00.1826 108.012 9449812 91 .82 0 2 log,989 9629-1.2 5400 90,5162 108.380 96466.8 02,1600 110,358 98270,1 5500 90,8443 108,742 98436.0 92,4942 110,721 10024.6 : '1 I ACC NRs AP7002888 !SUB CODE: 0? 1 .20/ SUBm DATE: 070at65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH *.U.F: G02 I --e I I i iL-Card- 6L6 PT h! 0-Kh! rA 1'D"' V-2 25 SOV/117-59-5-21/30 AUTHORS: MosIrvitin Yu.A., and Yi)r'yev, N.Ya. TITLE: A Mandrel for Boring Grooves PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitelf, 1959, Nr 5, P 36 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a short description of a mandrel for radial drilling machines. The design of the mandrel enables a quick replace- ment of dulled blades, without removing the mandrel from the drill. The manufacture of the mandrel is simple, and it is easy to operate. There is 1 diagram. Card 1/1 YURITNV, IT.Ta.; !KOSXVITIM, Tu.A. Kodernizatiou of disk shears. Kashinostroitell no.11:12 9 160. (KIRA 13:10) (Shears (Machine tools)) MOSKVITIVA, A.P. Assisted V.V. Popov iv preparing the article, "Induction of Tympanic Membrane in Bcmblk% Badbira and Pelobates Fuscus " Dik. AM., 48,, No. 5,, 1945. Note: Popov Identified w:Ltb Inst. Cytology, Histology & Emtryology,, Acad. Sci.; Lab. Embryology, M.V. Loncncsov State Univ., Moscow, -1944, ZAKHAROV, V.N.; MOSMTINA, S.N . POTEYK01 V.I. Observations of lunar occultatlons of stars in Irkutsk. Astron. tsir. no.233:5-6 F 163. (MMA 16:6) 1. Stantaiya nablyudeniy iskusstvannykh sputnikov Zemli, Irkutsk. (Occultations) ZAGUSKINP V.L.; MOSKVITINA, I.I. Convergence of N.V.Paluver's metnol of' poly-romial factorizati:;r.. Dokl. na nauch. konf. 1 no . 3 ~ 6-3 - 7 1. '62. (141RA 16. q) (Fact,)rs (Algebra)), MOSKVITINA, I.I. Round-off errors commLitted in sol7ing a system of linear equaticns by the orthogonalization method. Dokl. na nauch. konf. I no.3. 104-108 162. (MIRA 16g8) (Linear equations) (Errors, Theory of) RATAVEYE, E.L. [Rajavee, E.]; IWKVITINA, K.A.; SIPOVSKIY, G.V. Experience in the preparation of mastics with a base of shale bitumen. KhIm. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. ikh perer no.13s 190-197 164. (Y"7RA 18:9) A, T~~ , ; F,(~CF'~T,07 , " , " . f, un - - TSC,Ilition FLnri purificatlon of %rLris~F-T.01A3e - , ' r.~ ler - ' rats. Vrip. med. khirn. 9 no.~-:i-,0-645 fl-D '63. (141RA D ; '1: ) I. Kafedra biokhim*l L zhivot-nykh ~o6kidarstvennogo %.Lnivel-3; f,-TD'-a imani 14.V. Lomonosova, Moskva. MOSKVITINA. V-S. Railway Mail Service Gathering of Stakhanovitee of the railway mail service. Sov. sviaz. no. 11, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, &agust 19.52 -Iffl, Uncl. MOSKVITINA, Ye.N.; KUZYAKOV, Yu.Yn.; KNYAZLVA, N.A.; TAT~,V~;;'!Y, V.-.. Infntred apectrum. of. 'et.-:tfl,iorohylraZ4ne. opt. i spec'r. !"~ I no.5:768-771 My 1 ~,4. (,411RA 1-/;'?) MIOSY'Pl Till, A, Ye.l:.; MJ'ZYA~",, Y:~*' infrared v~pct-,.;n ar. 3 -f 'bira-~!onail Spectrum of the moler-," e Vest. Mnsk.. wri. -ner. 2 'JI-Av- '~,z 1. Faf?dr;: f MOSSMMITA, YO,N.j NUZTAKOV, T'I.Ya. Calonlation of the vibrational spectrum of difluorwathylamine (CH3NF2), Zhur. prikl. spektr. 2 no.5s467-469 W 65. (MIRA 18:7) PRIKOOVKO, J) F 24(T) ~ 3 PHASE i Bom smorraTiam SM/1365 LITOY. Universytet raterialy I Vaearyumago x-mcshchanIja po apektroskopii. t. 1% 901akulyarmaya sp,ktroOlpiya (Papers of the IM All-Union Conference on Speetviscepl. Vol. 11 Yz)leoular Spectroscopy) (L-vov3 Izd-vo Ll~ovmkge w-47-ts, 195T- 499 P- 4 000 Copies printed. (Serlest Itas Fizychny7 zbirnyk, M. W) "ditional Sponsoring Agmncyi Wdemlya nauk SSSR. Kcaasila pa Opektroakopil. FA.% lazer. S.L.; T-jeh. Ed.-. Saxwiyuk, T V.; Editorial Boarlt La-Materg, 0.3., Acaderacian (Rea;. Ed.: UaGased)s voporint, B.S., Doctor of Physical and Yathezatic&l Sciences. Pabelinakly, I.L., Dottor or Ph7sical and Vmthe=tloal Solent-i, FaLvIk=t* V.A.. Dootor of "ical and Kathmatioal SiAawes, Komitakis, T.G., Ca-A--date of Wchaleal Sciences, Rayakly, 3.H., Candidate of Flqsloal AM YAthematical Sciences, Klimovskiy, L.K., Candidate of Phys'leal and Kathemstical Sciences. K111yeachuk, V-S., Candidato of "iaal and WAtharAtical Sciences, AM Olaub4rm", A. To.$ Candldhte of Physical and KatheimatIcal 3*1enceit. C&M 1/30 X*2~xava. V.A. Vibrational Speotra of Double-ao=pcm4mt Phosphato Masses and Somm CrystallirA Phamphatom 4CLL Kai tawy, A.A., kvitl", and V.M. Tatevskly. ; tUdy or of InfraM Speatrum of Boron TrIfjuorId& 465 FAI-t"T A.A.,Ta. M. Makwitina, and V.H. Tot4vakly. tIt L Wan At ve by )Wan* of Intramd Opmotra at Baron Trifluarides 472 W-teev, A.A., Yu. Ta. Mityakow. and V.11. Tatevskly. study or Ileatron apeatra aw Imotople Iffeat in Barom OjjrCam Cacpaunds 475 HaIlts&v, A.M.. T.G. vl=kuxvv, And V.N. Tstavx=y. Study of Clestran Speatre and Inotople West In Baron Osualk Convounds 480 COMS 29/30 I KU7YAKOV, YU*Ya.; MOSKVI1111~ Jnterpr~?tat!W~ of the Jnfrare. an ac',-" of :~osk F: 3, ja-F 165. 1. Kaf edru 1 .0 (Llvov ' ,,OsKV'TINA, Ye.S. " ~ -nl ~ - ~ cytol -1 -1 ~ - - W - -- - II ". t '.. . -HOSVOCHURO, N.A., Cancer of the esophagus complicated by erosion of the innaminate artery. Wrneh.delo no.1:89 Ja '58. (KM 11:3) 1. Kafedra otolartagologit (zav.-orof. L-L-Frumin) Ukrainskago Instituta usovershonstvovaniyA vrAchey i 30-Ya *.nrlkovskAvn gorodskaya bollnitea ukha, gorln i nosa. (ESOPMUS-CAUCER) i - --- -, - .. ,,c3y 1-;71" '1. 1. I` ts ~ ris'.-' -, la I 1 1. - -, 1 1 y ~,- 51 - U'reration and Oastint7 1, a,,) 1,~ s . loy nno-i-,E; ; - -,.L'j' -~, - J, , .9 VOSKWA. Jerzy (Warszawa. u1. Konopacka 8 m. 29) Internal fixation in fractures of the spine with card injuries. Mir. narz. ruchn 22 no.4:423-428 1957. 1. Z Hiejsklego SzpItala Ohirurgii Urazowej w Warozawie. (SPINA, fract. causing spinal cord inj., surg., Internal fixation (Pol)) (SPINAL CORD, wds. & inj. caused by fract. of spine, surg., internal fixation (Pol)) MOSKVA, Jerzy (Warszawa, ul. Polna 18/20 m. 46.) Spine bifida occnlta causing lumbosacral pain in sportsmen. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-13:584-585 30 Mar 59. 1. (Z HieJokiego spitala Chirurgii Urazowej; dyrektor: dr Z. Deka) (SPIM BIFIDA' Compl. bacIcache caused by spina bifida occulta in sportsmen (Pol)) (BACYACHN. etiol. & pathogen. spina bifida occulta in sportsmen (Poi)) (ATHL'3TICS baclakche caused by spina bifida occulta in sportsmen 001)) 1401.31VA, J. (Warszawa, ul. Polna 18/20 m. 46) Arthrograpby in diagnosis of injuries of the soft tissues of he shoulder. Chir. narz. ruchu 24 no.1:45-52 1959. 1. Z HieJakiego Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Warozawle Wrektor i OrVmtor Oddzialu: Oddzialu. dr Z. Delm. (SHOTMER. wds. & inj. arthrography in soft tissue inj. (Pol)) CZALBOVM. Irena; DMA. Zenon; LITYMI, Kichal~ MMKWA, Jerzy Analysis of cases of bone fracture and of their effect on tho course of organic changes leading to fatal outcome in patients over 50 years of age. Chir.narz.mchu ortop.polska 24 no.6:435- 494 '59. 1;,Z Hiejskiego Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Warazawie al. t ki 9/11. Dyrektor: dr Z. Deka. (MoTUHS) MOSKWA, Jerzy Plaatic man-gement in severe Injuriea of the oxtroadtles. Ckir. narz. ruchu ortop. pelaka 26 no.1:9-19 161. (EXTRWITIES wds & inj) (SKIN TRANSPLANTATION) GZALSOWSKA, Irena; DM, Zenon; I",OSKWA Jerzy; RyrFlMEL, Zofia Causes and therapy of delayed unions and false joints in long bone shafta of the upper extremity. Chir. narz. ruchu ortop. polskm 26 no.6:635-639 161. 1. Z szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej w Warazawie Dyrektor: dr Z. Deka. (AM fract & disloc) (PSEUDARTHROSIS surg) OFHACTUIiEs UNIINITED surg) - MOSIUA,,--Jerzy Multiple fractures. Chir. narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 28 no-4: 415-419 163. 1. Z Hiejskiego Szpitala Chirurgii Urazowej v Warozawie Dyrektor: dr Z. Deka. (ACCIDEM.) (ACCIDIiNTS, TRAFFIC) 'C IDMe (AC S, INDUSTRIAL) (.-FRACTURES) (STATISTICS) I STOPYU9 Leazeks dr. inz.; ~~~~mgr Inz.; JASNIEWSKI, Ryszard, mgr inz. Testing hydraulic ptmtps and engines produced in Poland. Przogl machan 21 no.2324'",-.4-729 10 D 162. 1 1. WoJokowa Akademia Tectmiczaa, Warszawa. KO:;KWA, W.;DKOCWMI, J. - -,.- I - Nfect of hvAan uriae an hair growth in animals. Przegl. lek., lrakaw 7 no.11-12:418421 1951. (CLML 22:1) 1. Of the Institute of General Pathology (gead-Prof. F. Tenalet, 9.D.) of Lodz Kedical ldadeaW. MOSKWA, W.;JAWORSKI, 11. Effect of urine from vatiente affected with cancer on ftuman sperma- tozoa. Przegl. Irk., Krakow 9 no.1:25-27 1953. (GIML 24:4) 1. Of the Institute of General and -Vxperimental Pathology (Head--Prof. 7. Tenulet, M. D.) of Indz Medical Academy. MOSKWA W II- Iffect of urine from cancer patients on rate and frogs. Przel. lek.. Krakow 9 no.1:29-31 1953. (CM 24:4) 1. Of the Institute of General and Jkparimental Patholog7 (Head-Prof. F. Venulet, 14. D.) of Lodz Kedical Academy. WOJTASIX, S. ",7fftw,t of roentgen rays an transplantability of the skin in white mice. keta obysiol. polon. 8 no-3-.469-470 1957. 1. Z Takladu Biologil A. M. w Lodzi Kierownik: z-ca prof. dr R. radlubowski. (SrDF TRANSPIANTATIOU, experimentalo eff. of x-rays (POM (RONNTGO RAIS. effects, on erper. skin transplantability (POI)) MOSKWA, W.; GRZYWACZ. K. Reaction of animals irradiated with roentgen rays to certain narcotics. Acta nhystol. nolon. 8 no.3:470-471 1957. 1. Z Zakladu Bialogii A. M. w Lodzi Kierownik: z-ca prof. dr R. Kadlubowak i. (ROMTGEN RAYS, effects, on narcotic reactions in white mice (Pol)) (NARCOTICS, effects, eff. of x-rays on reactivity (Pol)) MOSKVA, Walenty; WOJTASIK, Stefan; BABICZ, Urazu2a. Course of trichinosis in white rats irradiated by roentgen rays. Wlad- omoaoi parazyt., Warsz. 4 no.5-6:373-374; 3ngl. tranal. 374-375 1958. 1. Z Zakladu Biologii Ak. Med. w Lodzi. (ROMITGEN RATS. effects, on exper. trichinosis (POI)) (TRICTIMOSES, experinental eff. of x-rayR (Pol)i HOSMOklonty; IGMWACA.Karian Reaction to narcotics of orgRaisas lrr&Aiatsd by roentger. and ultraviolet rays. Polski tygod lek 15 ao.11:377-380 1.4 Kr 16o. 1. Z Katedry Biologii i Parazytologii lekarskiej A.M. w Lodzi; kicrownik: a. prof. dr md. Roscislaw Kadlubowski. (HYP90TICS AND SIWATIVN pharmacol.) (RADI&TIOIT XWWTS) (ULTRAVIOLIT HATS) P ~ 1-2-. ly; ROSTKOWSY.A, Oulia; MOSKJ-,~, V ar. Lr.9 de- Gamphr! son o f t 1) 7 t. d I velopment. of eggs of Ascar-'-ri sw-11" (G.,-ezo) Ln t~,, P-eor-~ncu rf P32. Wiad. parazyt. 1-0 1. Katedra Blologli Vojoko-4e,' ' Kftte&-~I ~P.K%rskie.' Aka.- demli Medyeznej, Lociz. ACCESSION NR:. AP5016620 also been"shown to retaka,the growth of m1ce bacterfa, and tunior cells. 'and to ifelay wound ~. healing. Itis UUM poasiblithat-Magnettam may have some thertineutte~appiteatliOU4., .orig. Wr t. has: 3ftgu res and I tabl I . , ,EM ASSOC UTION: -None UBCODE bu 00 Lik ,. , , .- Kb REF 026 M H t P:, vi cm KOSKWA, Z. 16" Iffect of tobacco smoke on the development of tadpoles ani adult frogs. Red. dosw. mikrob. 3 no-1:105-2,08 1951- (CZAL 2 0: 11) 1. Of the Institute of General Pathology of Lodz Medical Ac;ademy. MOSWA, Zofl& Typhoid favor focus in a hospltal.Przegl.opldem.W&rsz. 9 no.1:15-19 1955. 1. Z Wojovodzkloj Stacji Sanitarno-1pidentologicmaj w Lodzi Byraktor: dr WI.Prazuowskl. (TYPHDID FIM, spidemloloa focus in hoop.) BOCHXNSKA. Jadviga; 140SKWA. Zofta Salmonella beldelbargi In Lodz province In 1953-55. Prtagl. spidem.. Ifarez. 10 no.4:293-301 1956. 1. Z WoJewodzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-lpidemiologicznaj w Lolzi, Kisrownik: dr. mad. Wl. Prazinowski. (SA-T,NJNMLA INMTIOUS, spidemiol. heidelberg, in Poland (Pol)) MOSKWA, Zofia An epidemic paratyphoid fever B in Lodz in May, 1958. Przegl. epidem. 16 no-3:341-342 162. 1. Ze Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej m. Lodzi.Dyrektor: dr J. Zanski. (PARATYPHOID FEVERS) L 3045-66 T JK ACC Nit. AP6021322 (A) SOURCE CMi P0/0081/65/019/003/0309/0313 AUTHORt jellanzovicz. j., HcjwSjrqr. j. Czacks, j.t Cygankiewics-5 lean icka , H.; Gorok Gulinaki j - Habenstrait, C.1 Klimek, H.1 Slapoufts, X.; KE21j j-i- EL.L.; Ep-j- - .Lenartowicz- Ca I Hopkra. 7 j GGRO".L; PAY12VA"; WEXC&O.-Z I C., Poporzelska, A.; Rodzin-e;T-.Li Siennicki. Wo Sikora, G.; Sarmacuk.- .1 Terech ' -7:r -" --I,; ~Awrxynska, _M.; 14encel, Z.; Znis, A._ OX: Institute of B gy, PZH, Varsaw (Zaklad Baktoriologil); Regional and Rzezov, -.hrsaw. 'draclaw (WojGuodzka I Mlejska Stacj Sanitarno-EpideatologIcara)l Bacteriologic.Laboratory, No. 3. PBX, Vroclaw (Laboratorium Baktariclogictny) TITL'--'s Antibiotkc-resistant strains of Streptococcus viridena, Streptococcus Fecalts, Lncho ichia_ coli.10 Psaudomonas aerugincea, Proteus species and Klabolella species, isolated in Poland in 1960-1963 SOURCE: Przoglad epidemiologicany, Y. 19p no. 3, 1965v 309-313 TOPIC bacteriology, penicillin, strantomycin, tetracycline, "hromycin, neomycin ABSNAM's Sonsitivit tests of the above strains vere carried cut In respect to perd- cillin, alreptcaUc2=0etracyclines, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and neamycin. ,t was found that resistance to antibiotics In Streptocccel differed from that in Gran- negative bacilli. Streptocaccus fecalls vas found highly resistant to penicillin M-A erythromycin. Appreciable resistance to all antibiotics was noted In strains identift, as Streptacaccus viridans. Fhalstance varied according to gamples and territorial dig, tribution. Experimenta were conducted In 11 centers throughout the ccuntry slaultans- cualyj results were compared with those obtained In an IdentAcal szpGrisental series ii a single hospital savir nt. Orig. art. hast 2 tables. &W sp jc9rip. q6/ smu DATEt norm/ ORIG Wt OOl/ OTH We 001 BRUCKMp L.; Urographic control during the treatuent of cancer of the female genitalia. Vop. onk. 7 no.ls25-29 161. (141HIL 140) (GWMTM ORr.ANS, FEMALE-CANCER) T %,4,'LTD.-r. Jan, Mr. a--. ual c-jr--ino -;, arising from the LO r g.,,,n. 22[ 361 no. 6:496-498 " Sep t 5 --ddelani KMZ Osreava v r-, ~~cv,, 'isfferi;berg. IM-LiA, neoplasms rickle cell PpitheI4-oua h:. Using Thieracii EFIDYMUID. atic'. IcIrle cell PP It'lel U'-iC,4 V :rE.,-h - HOSLER. Jirl; BRUCMR, Ladislav X-ray of the ureters and kidneys in cancer of the genitalia. Cesk.gyn.25(391 no.8:591-596 0160. 1. Onkologicke oddeleni EM, Ostrava, v Paakove, prednosta HUDr. B. Raffersberg. (WILTER radiography) (KIDNEY radiography) (GENITALIA FEMALE neoplasms) BHUCMR, L.; KOSLER, J.; TOMAS, J.; CERNY, J.; BEPSKA, F. X-ray picture of the urinary bladder in gynecological carcinoma. Cask.rentg.14 no.6:390-395 D 160. 1. Onkologicks odd. KM-Oatrava v Paskove, prednosta K1JDr. B. Raffersbarg. (BLADEER mdiog) (GENITALIA FE14ALE neopl) BTCKNER, L.; -J. - CEWIY J. BILKA f Fr.; RLK, 0. I Changes in the large intestine after irradiation in gynecological cancer. Cesk. rentgenol. 15 no-5:334-343 0 161. 1. Onkologicko oddeloni KUNZ Gstrava v Pankove, prednoata prim. MUDr. B. RaffersbFirg. (GENITALIA neoplasms) (IIITxZTIIIE UaGi~ radiation eff.) BRUCKNER, Ladislav; BESKA, Frantisek; MOSLER, Jiri; TO'US, Jaroslav t- z------- :_ The kidneys and ureters in carcinoma of the rectum and sigmid. Roshl. chir. 40 no.12.-844-850 161. 1. Onkologicke oddeleni KURZ Ostrava v Paskove, prednosta MVDr, B.Hafferoberg. (RECTUM neoplasms) (SIG140ID neoplaonw) (KIDNEY radiography) (URETER radiography) MOSLER,,_Lj~j BRUCKNER, L. (deceased); F.; CERNY, J. Apropus of post-irradiation changes in the treatment of gynecological cancer with the use of cebalt 60. Cesk. gynek. 30 no.8:571-575 0 165. 1. Onkol. oddel. kraj. nem. s poliklin. v Paskove (vedouci WDr. B. Raffersberg). Submdtted August ?, 19~4. CZAPLICKIS Baguslaw, mgr inz.; MCSIF~R, Karol', mgr inz. B-qdioimpulse control of roll setti-ng. RudY i metale 8 no.g: 29G-292 Ag 263. v er. p(MOV , L Forestry Engineering Mechanizing Iforest soil cultivation, Les. khoz. 5 No. 3(42), 1952 MonthlY List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1~52., Unclassified. 1. frod-OV.- 1'. Y.; TSOY, A. 1-1..; PANOVA, A. V. 2. USSR (6oo) 4- Wheat 7- Effect of fertilizers on the yield of spring wheat sown after per- ennial grasses, Sov. agron, 11,No. 2, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,. April . -1953, Uncl. 1.1 ]KO.UOV;' Pe"GO, 2., TJ5M (600) 4e Hydrocarbons 7,, Thermodynamic& of Individual hydrocarbons* Part 1. Solution of thermodynamic functions of molecules with respect to the parameters. Zhur.fiz.khim. 26 no. 9 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Pej2ruaZZ -1953. Unclassified. iXCERPTA "UMICA See 12 Vol 13/9 Ophthalmology Sept 59 1321. CHANGE IN ADRENALINE CONTENT Or BLOOD AND AQUEOUS HUNIOUR OF THE RABBIT AFTER IRRADIATION, (Russian te)a) - NI o s - I ova A. F. Moscow - BYULL.EKSPER.BIOL.1 MED. 1958, 45/1) fTr- 'T4T_G_r3-pFs_1 Tables 2 Adrenaline was determined polarographically in blood and aqueous humour of rabbits after whole-body irradiation with 800 r, Marked and regular phasic changes of adrenaline content in both blood and aqueous humour were found after irradia- tion. (11,2,14) i :~ - ., , Cizek still holds 3d plice. P. 5,1. (SvPt Notoru. Vol. 11, no. 1~,, -Sei t. 1 r,-,' ,, , czerli , :-lrv,~Hn ) I'lonthly Index of' East bimpf~,,,r. A cressd on s ( ` ; 7 ) - . V( 1. 7, r, . I-, , Felbru2ry 1958 MOSNA, J. Notes on the evolution of mine surveying. p. 82. (Rudy, Vo-1. 5. No. 3. 'liar 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SC: M3nthly List of East Euronpan Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6. No. 11, -~uF iuj-'. Uncl. NOSMA,, Jon, inz. Technical and sconamic importance of the axis of two non-arousing straight linas. Rudy 9 no.11085-397 9 161. 1. Ustav pro vyzktm rud, Praha. (Hining engineering) M(X-:NA, jan, '.rz. "I~(-,desy for *-m-, T,'-n' nv" 7 r,,,E, ~laq r-~ IrIL. tnt-n'r, -vl~ved b,; 'an M,~ 3 r a , R Ay -18 0 Ht : MOSNICKA, Ari In thecustomknuses of the world. Letecky obzor 8 no.9:282- 283 3 164. 14DSNA, Jan, inz. f 46 Representation of isolines in a eo=cn pla"__fiind- their transfer in the horizontal plans. Rudy 10 no.llsSuppl.tPrace vyzk ust no.8s 53-57 N 162. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum rud, Praha. KOSNAO 'Tan. inz. Ifew techniques in mining neasurement amd in geophysics. Gecd kart obzor 8 no.1:3 of cover A 162. MOSM, Jan,, inze The problem of synthetizing influence of the geomotry of mineral deposits in planning the mechanization and automation of ore mines. Rudy 10 no.8:285-28? Ag 162. 1. Ustav pro v7skum rud, Praha. MOSIM, Jan, inz. Confer)once on mine surveying, applied geopbTgj4wand ge=etry of ci;$eral deposits. Geod kart obzor 9 no.n&310-3" N163. MOSM, Jan.~, inze -- -111 National se-ina on mchanization and automation in geodesy, photogrammetry and cartography. Rudy 11 no.7;237 Jl 163o 1. Uatav pro vyzkum rude SVAGR, V., inz.; ~,~OSVA, Jar:, iTjz. Gonference of the Ore Research Institute and the Erterprise Branch of the Czechoslovak Scientific Thchnological Society on mine surveying, geophysics, and geometry of mineral de- posits. Rudy 11 no.n: 381-382 V163. 1. Ustav pro vy%kum, rud.