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84812 S/181/60/002/008/047//--)z,,61,/XX Boo6,/BO70 AUTE09: Moskalenko, S A TITLE JA 4zelton Absorption of Light in a Cu 0 Crystal I Th,? Absence of Constant External Fields 2 PEPIODICALI Fizika tverdogo tela, 196o- Vol 2 No 8 pp 1755-176@ TEXT; The present paper gives a group-theoretical classification of the electron, hole, and exciton bands of the Cu20 crystal at different points of the 9-space. In the introduction, some related publlca@lons are briefly described. �1 gives a study of the structure of the cuprous oxide crystal -which belongs to the symmetry group 0 4( 12) and the crystal terms of h the copper ion. �2 gives the study of Ahe E -ucture of the electron and hole bands at different points of the k-space; in @hia :onnection crily electrons of 5d and 2p shells are conBidered A scheme of the electron and hole bands of Cu 0 is given In Fig 2 The characters of some irredur ible representations 2are given in Tables 1 and 2 The exciton spectrum of Cu20 at k=O Is studied in �3, and the products of the irreducible Card 1/3 8h822 Exciton Absorption of Light in R Cu2G S/181/60/002/008/047/C52/XX Crystal. I, The Absence of Constant B006/BO70 External Fields representations of the bands are calculated for four cases (Table @) A comparison of theory and experiment is givc-n In �4 It has been sh@-wn that. for the same parity of electron and hole bands, the exciton series 6@-xhibit intensive bands, beginning with n=2 Fig 5 shows a scheme of the Pit(7*.t,;n levels of four joint electron and hole bands (from n-2 to n@q) The splitting of the "new lines" is related to the different effective masseo of the excitons The appearance of th-@ now 11nes is attr1buted rrither t-@ quadrupole transitions In para-exciton states, or dipole tran21*ions in orthostates for 1=1 and in parastates for 1=5 Some further of the green and yellow series are discussed The results of the pre.,;enT paper were communicated to the ITT Vgesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po tonrl.- pn polupr-vodnikam (Third All-Union Conference on the Theory of Semi conductors) in L-Yov on April 5, 1959 The author thank3 K B ToLp_ygc for guiding the work 1, S Gorban , I Zastrnyak. Ye F Gross_ A@ A. Kaplyanski , S I. Pekar, B Ye Tsekvava, and A G Zhilicb are mentioned There are 3 figures, 5 tabigs, and 24 references, !I, Soviet 1 British, and 8 US Card 2/5 8012 Exciton Absorption of Light in a Cu20 S/18 60/002/008/047/052/XX Crystal. I, The Absence of Constant B006YB070 External Fields ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Phyg:cs AS UkrSSR, Kiye ) SUBMITTED: April 20, 1959 (initially) and March 28 1960(after rt@vlsion) Card 5/3 S/O,r V60/009/00.3/'00 4/011 L?2.01/E691 AUTHORs Moskal*rlro, a, ly, TITLS-. Exciton t4orptioa of Light In & C`20 Crysital. 11 - The Case of Absence of Constant External Fields MIODICAL- Optilca i spalitrosiropiya, 1960, Vol 9, No. "'., pp. 369-375 TEM, The results reported in the paper were preaented at the Third All-Union Conf*ranc.9 on Semiocnductor Theory hold in April 19,19 in LIvoy. Part I (Ref, 1) if e1CtO@4a--b-y---& --da-soueE ion of the hole bands of p-type. of the exciton spectr= related to ox@-Atation of orygea Ions and of the nindamental frequenciov of the Cv,50 lattico vibration* . The following theoretical pointa were -hecdced by comparison with experiment,- (1) origin of two hydrogen-lilco ab6orption-line sari" reported by Gross at al. (Ref. 2); (2) nature of the background of these two sazle*, k3) origin of the line X, at 6125 The theory faOsd to wxpla).ri the foliowing ooeervod features: Ca rd 1/2 S/O.-1/60/009/00.3,,"00-- /o' 1 3201/9691 jxciton Absorption of Light in a C@qO CryatRl II. The Gas@ of Abeeri@,,* of Constant Erternal Fields (A) the doublet splitting of the yellow-serlas bande by magr)eti@- fields, and (B) sharp rise of backgrow-ld obs3arved in iome regions of the exciton absorption. Acknowledgment ie made to K.B. Tol yro who supervised this work. Thor* are 3 tables, 2 figurog and 22 reforencess 14 Soviet, 4 English, 3 German and I Japanese. SUBMITTED@ Auguet X, Card 212 ACCESSION NR: AT4016301 S/0000/62/000/000/0077/0080 AUTHOR. Moskalenko, S. A. TITLE: Some questions on the theory of interacting excitons SOURCE: Vscs. soveshch. po fiz. shcholochnoploida. Irristallov. 2d, Riga, 1961. Trudy% Fiz. shchcloch@ogaloidn. kristallov (Physics of alkali halide crystals). Riga, 1962, 77-60 TOPIC TAGS: Bose-gas, Bogolyubov theory. exciton gas. non-ideal exciton gas, Landau- IQalatnikov theory, superfluidity, exciton, phonon, semiconductor, Bose-Einstein conden- sation, crystallography ABSTRACT: The author discusses the thermohydrodynamic properties of a non-ideal ex- citon gas in a semiconductor using Bogolyubov's microtheory of a non-ideal Bose-gas and the Landau-IQalatnikov phenomenological theory of superfluidity. Assuming that (a) the exciton energy depends on its quasipulse--'*' by the law p + where m is the isotropic 2m, mass and A is the excitation energy; (b) the thermodynamic equilibrium harp time to estab- lish itself during the exciton life span % ; (c) hydrodynamic processes in the gas are revers- iblo and take less time than'C for completion; (d) phonons promote the equilibrium of and determine the life span C ; and (e) the direct interaction of the excitans and the indirect Card 1/3 ACCESMON INR: AT4016301 interaction of the plipnons result in the predeminaneb of repulsion. the author presents the energy and pulse of, a non-ideal exciton gas -in the stite of Bose-Einstein condensation on the level--,,, as: PS PY + P A QD + N i@ + jV (P. n' P an NIP.+ Z47 P P The author concludes that: (1) from the comparison of the exciton gas in a semiconductor with liquid helium He U. a number of optical and hydrodynamic effects in crystals may be predicted; (2) at subcritical temperatures primary and secondary sounds whose velocities differ greatly may exist in an exciton gas; (3) light scattering over density fluctuations re- sults in a cleavage of the initial frequency; (4) ex:citon superfluldity sets on at small velocl- ties u < u*; and (5) mechanocaloric or thermomechanical effects cause the superfluid com- ponent to transfer the ex:citon. mass over microcapillary ducts. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 9 formulas. card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4016301 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki I matematild Moldavskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Moldavian Branch AN SSSI4 SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: OGMar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 4G, G? NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 002 . Card 3/3 I SiNIGLYI.iK, M.I.; MOSKAIJINKG, @;.A. i,olarization effect of a ye-,,rw exciton series ir, -X'.,P crystals. Fiz. tv@-r. @ela @, nc.'@:2"29-2736 3 1 t),. . . f ; y @ K i A.: Vc ' , i @jv I -SP , --I - 1. lnst@ti.t @riflaclncjy -ik 0:1 @ '. F.,. . n -"I . AUTHOR: MoskalenkD. 3, A TITLEi Reversible @)ptic-nydro,lynami -- .@h,-. -,ra it. it. exciton gas PERIODICALt Fizika tverJ,,p:) -1 4 ri, -7@ TEXT: The collpctive -)f III 'i tor have been studied usine rusulti3 of tfii! micrusc-p,- tbe-.rv -in rr, r fect Bose gae and of the phenomeriolopicn.' theor 'Y @@i kil',trf ,,I T h hydrodynamic properties of an exc--tori grin were W-,i) thost J liquid helium, The paper s@arts r--,th an an,, r-- of various nrticles, in whic.h tht, f,)11c-wnjz Sov-,,@r b:,-., rr,@r nedi P L. Kapitsa (NavAre ',41 -14, 19@@Is DAN SSSR ' 'i Lardau (J, Phys, USSR 71 1940; ZhETF 11 592 - ' -W 19441 J Phys, USSR, 91, '947). N N BG go ly a Y@r' V @ I '-, -@ AV 333P. 3 e r fiz., 9. 23. '947; Vestn MGU , 1., 4 31 '.@4 - i !,(.,K rb i p,; k--in t vca t: -- c G1, Ill. Rad shkola Kiyev, 119491 ZhETF, 't 7 7 , A Ans-@ , T Card'1/4 1 -1 @t@ 7 /6 Reversible optic-hydrodjnamic i3. Yu. A Firsov (ZhETF. 2e 2 19551 4, Kachliohvili (FTT, .:9-' 1961 )L U r @m ix he'r-1h. I zhurn 1. 3901 19571 V L' Broiij@f A w P r UPI 6-11 I)q 1959). V Yr, . La,,nKar,,-,; .Yi I K,@irr-i;in,. r; , LI AN M STII K9, '955) 3 i Pekar I@ZhETF, J@ A, D k' teorii, poluprovodnikov, 1. ,rr-,v 1146u ind K B 8 IFAN USSR Ftyev, 1')50) Th(, i @ r,., ri -A T, t- r i tD publicuti-)ns, and t t-I c? r , 9 u a, ? vp- 4. @i i, ..- -,ne re:,uirument[). Ll@irirg tl,-.e c; x ito: 'i f i 11- 77 qUa3l. +--@,Jilibraum rc-@rslcle nj@, @'T ',A b e po s o i b I e I @'? .' rc pi 1 s @ on m, i., r s, i c-m i r.a t cixciton band. ii,n[ be piadra. are nf-p,,-@ectec! , ?rcc,--vIinF --.n@ H,-ui I c 3 ton 5 The Dart- -,n @un- -Ln or T, B,, A , ji @ Ir', 6 V` Z9 - Sp@e . ) 3 @ a 1 C i n m3,:@( -.n' the rmo ly nam, -; f -,; r, - t i n s an of sound -tbovu awi be-1-c.-1; Th- r Card RL vt ri @ 1 1, wi ti I rl q C!j r d a r 1,@ ZI 11 j " @@ .- r ': 1, u (! I r, t I I t t 7 h T@- of the pn33, 0 1- o@7c irron,:,! -- f h E :,orrparisor. i m p u r i t i c@, F, a n i p ovi I c, r - r porwi- F! t@ Gurevich, D N Zu barev. K B T,@@ 7,yz-, Tserkcvnik-)v -,re thinked 1'3r an-i al@!-.r@t Th tnble, and u r T. t rc--,it f 1 L,- N S! i A ll K,- F N', 'id t s P Y T ak eu t 1 Pr Dgr Thr r@t Rev n 5 ?65 . 5 "OCIATICN 'ns*. t @ t a r@ A C-ird Fl C, 'r --? 1, -1 i ,-, 1 :1 (-,T - , I , ! - , . 0 li H. : T'r':-,. @ : -1 '' I . . @jl ., Ca-,', 4;'.', o6o S/ I a 1/62/004/008/002/041 B125/B104 AUTHORS: Moskalenk nd Bobrysheva, A. 1. TITLE: Selection rules and energy spectrum of electrons. Consideration of external fields and directional deformations ?ERI,DDICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 8, 1962,1994-2004 '2--ZT: From the exciton function, a linear combination of many-electron functions, the following selection rules are obtained for the ex'@Jton absorption -.vithovt the participation of pnonons in binary crysta-1 having the point space sy=etry group G, when the extrema of the bands lie at the point k - 0: When light polarized along the @-axis is-incident alonF the i-axis, the allowed transition will lead to such levels to which at the point it correspond certain irreducible representations. These are contained in representations formed over the following bases: (+) tr I - 3 LIV in the dipole case, S- L r, V, + r, 7@ _r,V@ + in the quadrupole case, and S(-) r@ 7 r V r in the ke Card 112 S/181/62/004/008/032/041 Selection rules and energy... B125/B104 magneto-dipole case. In all these cases D E G. is the k exc i; selection rule with respect to the group of the wave vector: UnJer the action of light with the polarization e@ the allowed transitions lead from the ground state to exciton states with a representation over the base g7@ of the group of the wave vector Q @ equivalent to e I k selection rules indicate that the transition probability depends on i;@o wave vector. In the presence of external constant fields and deformations, the levels of a cubic crystal are split up as a res-;lt of tne change in the crystal symmetry. The splitting of the exciton levels and the selection rules for the split components are the principal factors characterizing the change in the exciton spectrum at given external conditions. The selection rules describe the exciton absorption in fr,--e or@stals with the symmetries D4h 9 D49 COI D D SO D 2h' D2' C2h CIV@:n if the crystal is not subject to any externall:'rorcle'a. There ai-c )I talil,a. ASSOCIATIONi Institut fiziki i matematiki AN MSSR, Kishinev I@Instituto of Physics and Mathematice AS MISSR, Ki3hinev) SUBMITTED: JanuarY 4, 1962 Card 2/2 M.03KALENKO, S.A.,, LIOBFYSH@Vfk, A,1. Rules of select'on and energri spectrim of exnltnr.@. f@r- -: Effect of external flelds and rilrectional s,re'ng -)n n.,,b,c cr@f staln . Izv. AN Molrl .-.'SF no.@-if,-70 1 @2. (M:PA L 13o26.63 EWW/BDS AFM/ASD/ESD-3 IJP(C)/GG Acmsiom xR: AP3=628 S/01 81/63/OOS/00,5/14"/1453& AU@XOR:. Moskalenko, S. A.t KhMAThfj- Fe LIJ P2@M*sheva, A. I.; Leyakov, A. 1. T=: Optical-hydrodynamical phenomena in the exciton-photan ayatem i-SCURCE: Mika tvexdogO'tela' V. 5, no.'s, 19631 1"4,-1453 MPIO TAGS: 'excitonr phonon., Bose-Einstein condensation$. Haqailtonisn, exciton dispersion, phase twanzition, meaa free path ABSTRACT., The authors have studied the interaction of phonons with weakly@bound excitons and have analyzed- the various laws of exciton, dispersion. They have also. investigated. that particular case when, in the system of excitona and phonons -quilibrium, between excitans is established (acoustical or optical)jr thermodynamic before equilibrium between excitons arA phonons. Here the interaction of phonons with condensing excitons does not lead :o normal scattering but changes the nature. of the whole energy spectrun 6f the system. The necessary conditions for this are such that the meea free path-during interexciton collisions must be considerably smaller tl= during exciton, scattering at acoustical and, optical phonons or eLt impurities, The interexciton relaxation time must natura.Uy be less than the card 1/2 IL 13M&63. ACCESSION NR: AP3000628 life of the excitons. Computations according to different Jan of exciton dis. persion lead to qualitatively new results, but this matter is not resolved. "In conclusion, ve express our deep thanks to v, L. Bonch-D=evi , S. 1. Pekars E. L Rashba, K. B. To1py* , and S. V, Tyablikov for discussing, the paper' and I making comments," Orig. art.. has: I figure and. 35 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut, fiziki i matematiki AN MSSR. Kishinev (Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Acadeqr of Sciences, MSSR) StMMITTED. o6sep6p- DA7E AcQ.- iijun63 wm: oo SUB CODE., 00 NO REP SOV: 010 OTW: .005 L --7 MLSKA@JKOV S.A. Phase transitions of the second kind during Bose - Einstein condensation of excitons in a deformed lattice. Znur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.4:1159-1-163 0 163. (14PU lt,:Ll) 1. Institut fiziki i maT,@-.-matiki AN Iblduvskoy MOSKALF21KOI S.A.; SIRMIGLYUK, M.T. Energy spectrum of ercitons in GJS type crysta,13. Fiz. tv,:.-. -,ela 6 no.12-3535-3537 D I @S4 (,/, I @A. 1. Inatitut pri-kladnoy fizlki AN Moldav-skoy SSR, Kisl.!n,--v. 107- 2--6- -NR: ----AP4044946 ESD(c) J-D 0/0181 64/006/009 2729 2736 9 T@CRSSXON AUTHORIS i Shmiglyuk# M. I I Mookalenko, S. A. TITLUt On the-polarization effect in the yellow exqiton series of cuprous oxide crystals SOURM Pizika tverAcqo tela, ve 61 no* 9# 1964, 2729-2736 TOPIC TAGS: cuproua oxide, line splitting@ exciton po1arizat1.%,;-.o wave function, crystal structure, band spectrum ABSTIRACT.-' Gross, Kaplyanskiy et al. (M, v. 2, 2968, 1960; v. 4, 16@0, 1962) found that strong directional deformation polarized the principal. bands (n >_ 2) of the yellow exciton series of cuprous oxide, without splitting them. gimilar deformation was found to polarize and split the X = 6125 A line, wbich'is associated with the n - I state in the yellow series, and the first lines of the blue and violet idries, The present pd@er shows that the unusual be- Card L l0772,65--------. MCESSIOWUR& AP4044946 havior of the principal bands of the yellow series is associated witht the dogeneracy_of the relative motion of excitons, with the complex structure of the unit cell, and with the mixing and changes in the wave functions of the crystal terms. The amplitudes of the optical transition of the split components.of the r4-type np-levels are de- termined. liatimates show that the splitting of the levels is 6f the same ordar as the breadth of the absorption lines under pressure-" The authors tbank Prois. A. G. Samoylovi and K. 0. Tolpygo for their interest..0 Orig# art. hasi 2 figures, -and 17 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut'prikladnoy fiziki---AS MSSR# Kishinev (Inati-___. tute of Applied-Physicz*,AV MSSR) SUBMITTED: Mec61 ENMI 00 SUB CODEs _-!:W, -OP-. M-REP SOVI. 010- OTHERt 001 Card 2/2 L 1?122-65 EWA (h)/f7dG(k)/SWT@1)/EWT W/VWP(b)/T/.E!dPM Fz-6/Peb ASD(a)-,5/ F 6SD/"W1/AFETR/RA EM Q )/ESD (to) /LSD (t )IIJP (6 Y-- - AT/JD ACCESSION NB.- AP600060 8/0181/64/006/612/IfSW3537 AUTHOM Mo*alenko, 6 A.; Shmiglyuk, M. I. TITLE: Energy spectrum of Mexcg1knsjn crystals of the CdB type SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 12, 1964, 3536-3537 TOPIC TAGS: ex---iton, energy spectrum, polarization, crystal symmetry, band structure, energy level ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that- earlier discussions of the structure and symmetry of the energy band In crystals of the wurtzite type did nQt take sufficient account of the fact that the unit cell of such crystals contains two molecules, The authors therefore calcu- late the actual bands at the point k - 0 and take into account the complex structure of the unit cell. The possible exciton levels are determined for the relativre-motlon quantum numbers n - 1, 2, 3; these are determined on the basis of a group-theeretical calculation made by one of the authors in an earlier paper (Moskalenko, FTT v. 2, 1755, 1960). Card 1/2 L -,7122-65 ACCESSION NIL AP5000648 The activilles and polarizations vf the exciton levels are calculated in the dipole and o ma quadrupole appr x1 tions, the exciton spectrum is discussed briefly in the presence of an external magnetic field, and the vibrational spectrum of crystals of the CdS type for k = 0 is presented. The results show that the previously proposed interpretations of the complex absorption and luminescence spectra in crysWo of US type must be revised. "The authors thank V. V. Sobolev, whose discussion 'gave Tise to the Idea of the present communication. 11 Orig. art. -has: 2 figures, 2 formulas, and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy fiziki AN MoISSR, Kishinev (Institute of Applied Physics, AN MoISSR). SUIBMTTED- 09May64 ENCL.- 00 SUBCODE'. Bs;/Vr NR REP BOV-. 002 OTHER: 004 2/2 ACC NRi AP6030970 ____S_0'U_R_CE_ CODE: __UR/OL8i/6Q008/009/2730/2734 AUIUOR: Bobrysheva, A. I.; Moskalenko, S. A. ORG: Institute of Applied Physics.AN MSSR, Kishenev (Institut prikladnoy fiziki AN MSSR@)__ TITLE: The angular dependence of probabilities of three-photon absorption SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2730-2734 TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear optics, three photon absorption . jj3..yooooAj nnefrimcAir Y /'),y 0 70AI? d09AJO, MCFVee d,9#VO, doei"C4.0-0 xo-@e_ ABSTRACT: The dependence of the absorption coefficient on the direction of polariza- tion vectors of three photons taking part In a transition was considered under the assumption that the valence band maximum and the conduction band minimum occur in thel Brillouin zone at a point rc - 0 where the transition takes place. General formulas were obtained for the angular dependence of the coefficient of three-photon absorp- tion for an arbitrary orientation of polarization vectors and for the special case of three identically polarized photons at equal frequencies. Although the derived ex- pressions are more unwieldy than those obtained for the case of two-photon absorp- tion, they can be used for band-to-band and exciton traneltions and in the local C, enters. OLig. art. has: 6 formulas. JTK SUD CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 30Mar66/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REP: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5678 ACC NR. AP6036318 SOURCE CODE: GE/0030/66/018/011/0379/0390 AUT11OR: 'Hosk-alen,kog- Khadshi, P. 1. ORG: Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Kishinev TITLE: Infrared absorption by excitons due to photoionitation and intraband lattice scatterina SOURCE: Physics status solidi, v. 18. no. 11, 1966, 379-390 TOPIC TAGS: IR absorption, absorption coefficient, exciton absorption, joA.,4,j-- 4. to i 'd.:"%@ C"'@@ Qld@- ABSTRAC-r: &qantum: ;echanical theory is preadhted for infrared absorption by excitons due to photoionization and intraband lattice scattering. An investigation was made of the coefficient of infrared absorption by excitons in order to evaluate accurately the role of excitons in laser operation in semiconductors. Infrared absorption by excitons may take place as the result of the following processes: 1) Transitions from one discrete level of the internal motion of the exciton to other discrete levels, 2) transitions between discrete levels of two different series of the exciton, 3) photoionization, 4) photoionization with simultaneous band-to-band transition of the electron or hole, and 5) intraband scattering of the excition by acoustical and optical phonons. Only the third and fifth cases were considered. Taken into account were the interaction between excitons :ord 112 @,& N Rs - _AP6036 AS and acoustical and optical phonons and the Maxwell and Bose-Einstein exciton distribul tion functions. The first- and 'second-order perturbation-theor-I approximations, which are valid for the range of frequencies c q. were employed. This range is much greater than T-11, where T to the relaxation timp mf excitons (c q T rel S.(1) 4 _, " @; '' 'rt2duces, to ic n (i t ro ' i ):-Ii fo 1 - oe dby additior, s 1) are s3u,@ht' in tKe form of sums of f i on new functions A satisfy a sysie:.. of equations). nite system of equations is obtained for the -@;mall t, the functions Y and @& are calculated inte'=tt1%)1'. 'f, and @W@k-t- ThUL;, a cluied f@'- 3reen functi-,ns. by an approx;mate me- Card 6/ j 3/5 17/6 1/064/000/006/006 T',ie method of Green's ... D299/D301 t*-,:)d (iterution). T.e obtiiined approximate forma7us i n e C o., d o j i E., 1) r Ox i o nT i, e s p e c t ri I m o:.-, e n t s wt,-,be uXactlY ""t j 0 Un t t s p I @i C L;I -at:)rs t`,e equilibrium position, as wel.1 as fruquency dUl-ill,, tiie elcctronic tra,-.sitions. e for t@,,-, mome:ito are in @qgreement with t`@C us @k Takin-- into accou.-A the chanre in p!iorlon f"'I"i Ij qcrease in t" to an i, ..e half-width of the spectr@ti v; I ci t I-. -) f -@ 1.,13 -., bs 3 rt ii o n -a n ] e M. 13 s i o nc U.-v e s -.1-ty d i f k'(-, r L; t c s c i f t i.e f f e c t i s n .2 e c t e d -requency e 0 3 ) and one obta ins the fun-- tiun 0 e - te r..-.ine 6@!.e probability of non-radiative transitions. i1f-,er ,I.- te c. sion is obtained for J'O'. n- _11 a pproX 4 M, x@res I ab;)ve are extended to moru complex PI b;i * The formu-ti5 C"in I)e UY ti"e Pock- Har t ree Lire references: 5 'Soviet-bloc and '.) non-3oviet-bloc. '.'Le ri,@ f re.nces to t,,e En,-'.Iio,`.-lantua;,e publications read as fol-Lows : K Card 7/8 TYABLIKOV, S.V.; MOSKALUKO. V.A. Mfethod of quantum Green fLnctions in the theory of optical bands in crystals. DokI. AN SSSR 139 no. 4:851-854 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Matematicheakiy institut im. teoreticheskoy fiziki Moldavskogo akademikom N.N. Bogolyubovym4 (Potential, Theory of) V.A. Stekova AN SSSR i Laboratoriya filiala AN SSSR. Predstavleno (Crystal lattices) KOVARSUY, V.A.j MOSKALENKO, V.A. T'hermodynamJc theory of perturbat'Irm @or i 'oca! centxr. -zill I AN Mold. SSR no.9:47-59 062@ ( P, I -,@A " p . -@ , MARTIN, P.[Martin, Paul); SHVINGER Yu.[Scbwinger, Julian]- -KOSKALE14KO, V.A.[translatorl; KASIXAN, A.I.1tanlaLr); WNCHZ;M'.UMvrM,-V.L. (translator]; ZHABOTINSKIY, Ye.Ye., red.; DUDA7EVA, G.H., tekhn. red. (Theory of mary-particle systems. Brownian motion of a quantum oscillator]Teoriia sistem =ogikh chastlts. Brounovskoe dvizhe- nie kvantovogo ostsilliatora [BY) Julian Schwinger. Mosk-va, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1962. 167 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Quantum field thcory) (Potential, Theory of) 41 L 16875-63 E@F(n)_2/W(1)/BDS AY"CASDISBD PU-4 JW ACCESSION NR-. AR3006299 9/0058/63/000/007/BO06/BO06 SOURM, RZh.-FizAka, Abs. 7B5G t Moskaledko. V. TITLE: Calculation of thermodynamic potential of quantum systems ._@CITED SOURCE.- Sb. 1-yanauchn. sessiya AN MoldSSR. Kishinev, Shtiin- tsa( 1962, 145-151 TOPIC TAGS; quantum system , thermodynamic potential, electron phonon system.,. Green's function, vertex operator TRANSLATION: It is shown that the,principal results of the therma- 'dynamic perturbation theory can be obtained by considering skeleton vacuum, aelf-energy, and polarization diagrams of the electron- phonon system and by setting the total Green's functions in cor- k @res"Rondence with all the lines of these diagram and the, vertex J 1/2 L 16875-63 :ACCESSION NRr AR3006299 he right vertices of these diagrams.' oparator in correspondence with t I !It was noted that it is possible to include in the theory the Coulomb. linteraction of the electrons, by replacing the zero Green's function lof the phonon D (x) by the boson function D(x): Ph D (x) D W. V W (-C ph where v(x) is the energy ;Df the Coulomb interaction. @DATE ACO-. l5Aug63 SUB CODEt PH ENCL: 00 Cam 3/18 62/004/010/020/065 B108YBI04 AUTHORs Moakalen-ko, V. A. TITLEa Leterminqtion of the critical temperature of a superconductor PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 10, 1962, 2770 - 2776 TEM The critical temperature of a nuparconductor is calculated on the basis of FrlJhllch's Hamiltonirin supplemented by a term which takes account of the Coulomb interaction between the electrons . Since the binding energy of pairs of electrons or holes with opposite spin orientations and momenta near the Fermi surface vanishes at the critical temperature, this point is found by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for zero binding energy and total momentum of the pairs. The critical temporature ia in essential the eigenvalue of this equation. ',ilth the denotations U(k I 2j = U(p, 0),@ (k (46) MPF 2r2 J9 (Pir, Pr (47) 1 P In 6) A, (p, 0); (48) Card 112 @/181/62/004/010/020/063 Determination of the ... B108/B104 the solution assumes the form k T, e x 1) p c,-y Q n (k pr Q.) ,p (k 4, (k Qj A. (pr 0)) .(50@ n (Prpr ;0) PF 0 where 'je n -(2n*l)n/A, D is the Debye frequency. These solutions are valid for @> 0. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki i mateaqtiki AN Mold. SSR, Kishinev (Institute of Phyuics and Mathematics AS 1dolSSR, Kishinev) SUBMITTEDs May 16, 1962 Card 212 3/020/62/147/006/016/034 B104/B180 Au':11C-H: Mookalenko, 7. A. TITLE: A superconductivity criterion i,ERIODICAL: Akadefaiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 6, 1962, 1340-1343 T EXT: The article aims to ascertain the part played by the Coulomb interaction of metal electrons in the process of establishing the superconducting state, ignoring a number of other important propertles of the metals. The interaction between the electron or hole pairs i described by means of a Bone quantum field; the binding energy of the pairs is determined according to Cell-Mann and Low (Phy3. Rev., 04, 350 (1951))- It is shown that the Cculonb interaction is screened and, moreover, leads to renormalization of the phonon frequency and the bare coupling constant. Assuming the total momentum of the pair to be zero, it is shown that the enerCy of the collective particle pair excitation is imaginary. This corresponds to instability of the normal state of the metal, i.e. the superconducting state occurs. As superconductivity criterion Qj > 0 is obtained, where Card 1/3 S/02 62/147/006/016/054 A superconductivity critt!rion :31 04YB1 80 171PF Z, (P ") B (P, 0). ?@tl ap plj@) - P, In I + - P"- > (52) is obtained as sufficient criterion for superconductivity where criterion C.) 2 (q) @-> 0 for the stability of the cryetal lattios is satisfied for all Q q