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SM SNOW MMOWWWOM %I ACCESSION NR.- AP4036564 A!Mr*G:5: Shalimova, K. V.; Korozova, N. K. TITLE: On the nature or absorption in zinc sulfide SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizikap no. 2# 1964p 98-104 S/W9/64/000/w2/0098/0104 TOPIC TAGS: optical absorption, polycrystallino structure, stoichiometric composition, spectrograph ISP 28, hexagonal specimen, crystal structure, film substrate, excitation level, zinc sulfide, Hitachi spectrophotometer ABSTRACT: Optical absorption in thin polycrystalline ZnS layers was studied as a function of its stoichiometric composition. Measurements were taken on thin film by using an Hitachi spectrophotometer at room temperatures and with a spectrograpta ISP-28 at 77K. Three absorption regions were observed with specimens containing excess zinc atoms (at 2200 240-260, and 300-340 mt4). The hexagonal specimens exhibited six bands with maxima at 3085, 3120, 3164s 3190, 3210, and 3224 X at 77K.; Pilms wil cubical crystal structure ehowed three bands with maxima at 3214,, 3273s and 3290 . Raising the surplus zinc atom concentration above its stoichiometric value sharply increased absorption in the 240-260 and 300-@U MA regions, while Ca-ra-, 1/2 [ACCESSION NR: AP4036564 decreasing this concentration reduced the absorption in the corresponding bands. Optical absorption was also increased by raising the heating temperature of the film substrate. It is shown that W absorption in the 240-260 and 300-340 M14 .regions is determined by electron transitions in excess zinc atoms from 4s ISO ground level to the excitation levels of 434P lp and 4s4P3pO,l,2 respectively. In the hexagonal crystal specimens these excitation levels are thought to be caused byi j + 1 splitting of the energy levels (j - internal quantum number). Orig. art* has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) SUEMITTED: l9jul63 DATE AOQ: O5Jun64 ENCLs 00$ UB CODE: OP, GC NO REF SOVt 03.1 OTHERs 007' /2 ACCESSION NRt Ap4o36565 5/0139/64/000/002/01()4/0109 ;AUTHORSt Shalimova, K. V.s Morozoval No Ke .; TITLEs Temperature dependence of absorption spectra of zinc sulfide polyoryotalline SOURCE& IVUZ. Fizikaj no. 2, 19641 104-109 I I .TOPIC TAGSe absorption spectra, fused quartz, ultraviolet light, speatrograph, ,cubic lattice, wavelengthi temperature displacement coefficient, single'arydtal, iopeotrograph ISP 28, ultraviolet lamp GSVD 120 'ABSTRACT: The absorption spectra of ZnS were studied (with an ISP-28 type :spectrometer as a function of temperature from 77K to room temperature. The speoi-J@. mens were prepared by vacuum deposition an fused quartz in argon and hydrogen ,sulfide atmospheres. A GSVD-120 lamp served as a source of ultraviolet light. Thei cubic lattice specimens showed three absorption bands at 77K 3210, 3273# and 3290 9). Of these, only two are visible at room temperature wavelengths of 3280 0 and 3360 A). The 3273 A band showed a temperature displacement coefficient equal to ,,,4.5 x io-4 ev/degres. and the 3210 9 band of 3-3 x 10-4 ev/degree- The cubical -d 1 /2 ACCESSION NRs AP4036f65 ilattice specimens with hexagonal traces showed absorption bands of 3120, 3190, 32170 i3273, and 3290 R at 770K. These shifted toward greater wavelengths when the temper- ,ature was raised to 293K. A table is presented for comparing the temperature dis- placement coefficients of single crystal, powder, and polyarystalline film specimen of o( and fl-ZnS. The shift in absorption bands is attributed to transition of electrons on various active levels with different degrees of forbiddenness. Orig. art. bass 4 figures and I table. JASSOCIATIONs Moskovekly energeticheakiy institut (Itioscow Institute of Power ,I &igineering) SuBk=& 19Ju163 DATE ACQt 05JM164 EXCLs 00 30 CODEt GO, OP RO RU BOVI 009 OFX-M 1 004 Lt6--,7. 2 ,_ /2 SHA LIMOVA , K. V. ; MOPOZ(NA , N. K. 11 '7: Effect of excess zinc @,n t@e crynta' ine St7,-*@L:-e --' C --3. Kristallografila 9 no.i.: ' 59-500 71-Ag Iv4. ( 1, @ : i -, ) 1. Moskovekiy energetiche3kiy institut, ,I!;,! Iie.V.', K.V.i N.K. !;! rfus,! t4 ,n qpecl@ra )f z lm- gulf" d-: @ 1,1 IIPr I I cr,rsttilli-io- modif',@at4ons. ,pT,. i spevtr. "h 'IC,. 4.1 Ap '64. L 124')2-65 RWT( P;)/4WT(t)/_WP(b) JD @ACCESSION NRs' AP4047340 S/0139/64/000/005/0008/0011 AUTHORS; Qhkimova, K..V.1 Andrushko, A. F.; Xhirin, V. N.1 Moro- z I TITLEs O@tiC&l &OPOrties of powder$ of -cadmium sulfide of hexa- I go i_ta6difI6 ti at 77*3K na a on -80URCt sulfide ne-spe-nd6 -a -a um p an -i-po crystal reflection band-, optical absorption ABSTRACT: Xnasmu6h as earlier research an the fine structure in the _I,jabsorption, reflection, emission and excitation of luminescence of hexagonal-modification cadmium sulfide -was .limited to sin le-crystal --..sampleo--and~tbin--films--deposited-on--heated substrates- the authors ihave.undertaken to determine-the dependence of the optical proper- ties of.tlie-hexagonal modification of cadmium sulfide on the condi- L124U-65 @)@,-ACPESSXOIN NRs tiofis! uAder-Which it-is'obtained., a-U6.'powders with fine crystalline _Stru6ture@ obtained by different means -at' different temperatures and- with ditferent@reagents, were used in the investigations. All the -spectra were - obtained in unpolarized-light at liquid-nitrogen tem- -the ISP-51 I -perature. Thereflection--spectra were obtained with spectrograph with UF-84 camera, while the radiation and excitation spectra were investigated with the same spectrograph but with an FEP-1 photoelectric attachment. The tests were made in the 4600-- 5400 A range. The powders have five reflection bands at liquid- nitrogen temperature, and the luminescence excitation spectra display six maximi. A comparison of these spectra indicates that each maxi- mum of reflection corresponda to a maximti&-df excitation. The emission of'cadmivm-sulfide powders lies in the blue and green re- gions of the spectrum. The blue band has two maxima with positions that %!@kry, from sanple- to sample, wbile the green band has four Mnazl@,,a at-5146# 5223, 5295, ancl-539-0-A.--.-The-.~:-differences--in-the-spec------ ti: aepeiieor@.the Preparation. The -results indl:cate-'that the opti- Cc r.d L 13079-4i5 BWT(M)/WP(t)/ZWP(b) TJP(c)/A=(a)/AS(np)-2/ESD(o)/FSrj(gs) TD. ACCESSXON, NR: AP4047358 8/0139/64/000/OCS/0119/0124 I.AUTHORS.i @Shalimova, K. V.1 @@drushko,* A# Fs; Miirint V. N.; Moro- 16' Izovat N.i X. TITLE i bot-icaLproportLes of powder$ of,the Cubic modification of cadmium i@lf ide @ and their - dbomoss in the 0 a phase transition Z.VUZ# Fizika, n.c."So 1964, 119-124 TOPI.C TM;Stli '61AUM si e ic crystal, powder, phase transi- -da -tion, light absorption,-light.emission "rs -order to obtain additional information on the mechanism' of absorption auid emission of ligbt'in CdS, tbe.authors investigated the @Gpqqtrq. -of diffAi3e~-reflections-emisisione and excitation of IU- Mim9oc4h-,-q,e-:.of- CIS powders --.of C@&ic modification, and also investigated the spectra of (3-CdS jxwde-to annealed at high teuperatures in air anT in a belium--atmos'pbere., All the spectra were investigated in unpo- -i Card L 3-1070@65 ACCESSION KR: AP4047358 44@ with an-ISP 51: spectrograph.with UP-84-camerai The! exc ation'and emission spectra were investigated with the same spec-:- t r admium sulfide powder 09raph antl a photoelectric attachment. The c was precipitated from solutions and heat treated at temperatures from@. 100,to@1200C,. One band is observed in j3CdS in reflection and In After heating the P-CdS above 540C, this band at 5060--5070,A gradually attenuates and vanishes, and is replaced by JI Ithe reflection peaks characteristic of the hexagonal modification crystals The emission and reflection spectra showa similar be- lbaviorl @Oriq. art. hass-3-figures. ASSOCIATION-C Xoskovs4y enerqeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power -,ERqineeri!a-1nstitute) SUBMTTEM 2M pr03 ENCLt- 00 NR-RSF SOVt 010 OTHERt 003 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4035477 8/0()SI/G4/016/005/0866/0868 AU77101t: Shallmova,X.V. , Morozova, N.K. TITLE: Effect of preparation procedure on the optical absorption and reflection of polycrystalline nine sulfide layers SOURCE: Optika I spektrookoplya, v.16, no.5, 1964, 866-868 TOPIC TAGS: zinc compound, phosphor, absorption spectrum, reflection spectrum, thin film ABSTRACT, It was shown in an earlier paper by the authors (KrlstallograrAilya,8, 4GI.IDG3) that the crystal structure of niije sulfide films prepared by evaporation depends to a considerable degree an the deposition procedure, It would be reasonable to expect tits absorption and reflections spectra of such films to vary as well. The purpose of the present study was to confirm this. As before, the films were prepard by evaporation-sublimation in vacuum, argon or hydrogen sulfide on fused quartz and glass backings heated to different temperatures from 200 to SMOC. The spectra were recorded at 770K by means of ar. ISP-28 apectrograph. It was found that the predomi- nant factor where the optical properties of the zinc sulf1do films are concerned Is Card 1/8 ACCESSION UR: AP4035477 the substrate temperature. The atmosphere appears to have little effect. The absoir tion and reflection spectra of films deposited on substrates heated to different temperatures are reproduced In figures. Coatings deposIted on substrates heated to 200-2500C are characterized by a highly defectivo cubic structure and exhibit no absorption In the 300 to 340 mp region. With Increase of the substrate temperature the cubic structure becomes more perfect and absorption bands appear at 316 and 325 mp. Additional bands appear in the spectra of films deposited an substrates heated to 4"'OOC and the x-ray diffraction patterns show evidence of traces of the hexagon- al modification (the now bands are associated with this modification). The amount of hexagonal US increases with increase of the substrate temperature; atthe same tim, the 'I hexagonal I' bands increase In intensity, while the O'cubic's bands fade. The reflection spectra show a consistent variation. Films with a purely hexagonal struLJ ture can be obtained on glass substrates. In general the polycrystallino film spec- tra correspond to the single crystal and powder spectra of the two modifications of ZnS. Thus, both cubic and hexagonal US have three characteristic bands (different for each modification), which means that both crystal forms have three groups of levels with different probabilities for electron tramsitions between them. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. Card 2/3 ALL, N91 nrOWL048 _S0_QRC1C'8661tC W66fi765/019/006/0939/0942 AtrMRS ORGI none TITLfft Narrow-line spectra of US monacrystals with packing error* WURCSt Optikm I spektroakoplya, v. 19, no, 6# 1965p 939-942 TOPIC TAGSt mine sulfide# crystal growthp single crystal ABSTRAM It is established In this paper that in the sp!ctra of zinc sulfide monoctystals with packing flows In the 300 a 330 millimi-ean region at 770 K there may simultaneously appear bands characteristic of C1-andP_ZnS, and also a number of lines which occupy an intermediate position between them. The presence of two phase* to also Indicated by X-ray analysis. A detailed study of the crystal structure and optical properties-of crystals of this type was made by means of the Lauet method with stationar7 and rotating sanples and the photographic method for analysis of the absorption and reflection spectra* The authors found that the spectral complexity alluded to Is the result of a layer-by-layer alternation of cubic and hexagonal structures,, and also of the deformation of ImMvIdual layers within these crystals attributable to growth defoctwe The type of packing present In falsely imposed layers can be deter- mined ca the basis of an analysis of the optical spectra of the crystals* A Card 1/2 UaCt 3,3544048.0 ACC Uts AP6001648 brief description Is given of the structure types passiblo In-the case of ZnS manoccystalso It Is noted that great care should bo taken in the study of the absorption and reflection spectral structures of these crystals,, making this analysis only In conjunction with detalled X-ray observations* Authors make use of.thia opportunity to express their gratitude to To. Vo Kolanteava, for her assistance In this work* Orig. act* hast 4 figuris. SUR Cot*$ 20 / sUM DATCt SIMA04/ ORIG RWt 004 212 MOROZOVA. N.K.; 140ROZOVO V.P. Reduction to a cellular-diagonal form of the matrices of operators commutable with a group of symetry operators. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 no.4017-820 Ap 165. (MIRA 1835) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. F,E Dzerzhinskogo. SubnLitted October 31, 1964. r, EdT(m)/3R`)/3,'L1 IJP(c' JD ACC NR: AF02697i Sount -CO-DE-I--dR/6ii~-1/66/021/002/0192/0196 AUTHORS Morotovap N. K.; Shalimovay K._V.- ORGe none TITLIS9 Nature of the absorption of zinc sulfide SOURCEI Optika I spolctro6kopiya, v. 21, no. 2, 1966, 192-196 TOPIC TAGS1 zinc sulfide, absorption spectrum, spectral fine structurn, impurity band A33TRACT : The object of the work was to study the narrow-line absorption spectrum (it 300-34-0 mu) of polyerystalline ZnS films during a gradual decroatio of tho concontra- tion of zinc in uxcoss of the stoichiometric composition. I'his decrease was Achio@lorl by heating thcj samples In sulfur vapor. The optical absorption of Zn3 singlo crystals heated in sulfur vapor was also studied. Tho narrow-lino spectra of both polycryrtal- lina and singlo-crystal Zn3 were found to be highly sensitive to changos In thn stol- chiomotric composition. The fact that the fine otrnicturo bands of Zn3 In tho NO-330 mp range disappeAr on heating in sulfur vapor Indicates that the excosi zinc in the sulfide lattice is rosponalblo for their prosonco in tho spoctra. 7bo Arm; -Jlr@50rr.- tion at 300-330 M@l is measured against the background of the fundamontal abs@rptiori' of this compound, duo to Indirect intorband transitions As In the case of other som- iconducting cryotals, for example highly doped @ he probability of these tran- sitions Increaeos with the concentration of the zinc impurity in the ZnS lattice. Card MI-335.341549J21 ... @, -V-1 fmkwmlmm -L 04625-6"- -- - - ---- ' ACC NR: Ap6oi6972 I Orig. art. has$ 4 figures 1 SUB corEs 20/ SUM DATES 24Mar65/ ORIG REFS 010/ OTH REFS 002 ILcord 2/2 T -S/0081/64000/018/074/8074- 7 Abs. IBS417 - OURCF OR: .--K6chstk6v Horozo-v;%@'4.. V.; :Pon' V-- A om reva, 1 ro foil, I Ma do' M14 a oi6l. izi 000, --tbkbn'i',-I.- e@on' 4"ii-&@g ' -tikbn -e@dn i is'iled Gos. URM,. -iff Gosplahe SSSR.0'yyp.; 7, 1963* 31-32 TOPIC',U09: 1@oly40i4fij thermal stability- --film I ng' I 4_ . njecti &me T K, mn,*re,-Co, Niq Z6,' Cd6 Bdi Hg and Bi was studied. @*amoun, r-of hitl. des:@6 Ataj They were introduced intO the polyaMide malt to the eXtent cf 0.1- 1.0% (by weight), :The@'most effective: were kI, NaI, NaDro-KBr and C4Br2. These malts increase the .thermal and photostability of films significantly, ificreasing their length of serv. !xe by,,a- factor, of 3-4 -B.. Salierb ENM i -.00 i IJ . 4-_ _@7 MUDZHOYAN, O.L.; MDROZOVA, N.M. Am1no others. Report No.3: Some diakylanino ethyl ethers of p-alkdkybenzhydrol. Iav.AN Arm.SSR.Khim.nauki 15 no.6s553- 562 162. (MIRA l6s2) 1. Inatitut, tonkoy organichookoy khImIi AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Amines) (Benzhydrol) 5(2) 01 K. N. @A. T I T L --- of Dr,,t,-- I. , C I-ER 131) C AL Izvc,,;t iya vy,-f-,hik',. ior.e@ kuyu t -2'@ hr, A ri, -iy:i 2 t ABSTRA"T The r ) 1@ f t.,,e 1, re t @ t i has hi t'lle, rt o not @ een pai d t,,@2 iit t 0.'. t Or. al t h -) u -h i t @uy ic ce :i s f : L I rj e :i j ul r t c i 1, i t i c n - c h r ogr ih i c c , I u:rr dif V-LI';k:.'] ')f t.." solu@@i" i'y i,r,. -t p r e c i t i o r s . A 'F- 1-t-Li,; de,',e:. @u: -e vi-@ width of f jr 7i,.,: zone kinJ t',-,e of t:i,, ii:ve.-3* i, - I -:-, t -d 1 t i on may b e @, o ', i t of t@,- pr-sert i:r i.; u re,.i!.@, -);@t A' 62 t m c-' t .- " ; L; ` ') :- t t !4 with dit io-o;canic ac A afl wel a s rd 1/ 4 hi ic @le' I od glyoyi-:,E.,. T@ A M 11, i t; L t 7@, . t o o, &r r i c, r 11 li@;,, r!l(! 11 11 a r e k: t t r 'Tu 11 13 t @Z., t :.,, t I .If ith to e i %vo@. t,--,l t c, u m. "Ch". K-.,, i s 2 0, Li" + @.d L D: @'i f Card "/'4 C T- e I .@It OdI-"qj1,i c Vet .. )" " F 1)i * T. - _4 ." i @ :1, ", " @ I - - I.. -1 . . 1 1. - . , c Y @ttj for -et h'. ry I t XOROZOVA. N.M.; BARKAII. S.M. Lowering acidity of milk with &nIOAitGG* lxv.v7souchebezav.; pishoh.tekh. no-5:64-67 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. MoskovskI7 tekhnologicheskiy institut rVasnoy i molochnoy promyshlonnosti, Imfedra analitichaskoy khimit, kafedra takhno- logit moloka. (Milk-Composition) (Anions) T .0": tjrozr;vq T-2c T i r i nn ort,4ble TI C as Aral:,,7 -2 - fc. r- ').? tpr:r i r r,, t. 2 Iro,-P.n. (I-orenonnyy p-izu aliz,.tor r,! che z t v a v o.! o r - d a ,-,I j1c"- @,rprg- tik , 4" 9 . r 4 0 T- t F,:- 1 es 8 nal i- F -, r rl o t.@ rr i r, r @, t @ip t! i e li I rj r n i r t h r@- :jl.ln 'Pt.- of E; r- scri bpd i th this tip s c r r ay b e t c s t c, d _ n tn 9-;ot t sa!: les had t(@ ',e tfi@er. t, k@ boratcry for tentirg. Du.@ I c s n t. w i e z.r,d tur,-(@ratur!2 dir- crerc,@s, r!r.,ors c-ul,l T ,hore is I liapram. 1. Hydrogen--Test methods 5as analyzer.@; cc,rd 1/1 5(2).(3) nUSE 1 BOOK ZXPLOITATION SOV/2554 Akadmiya n uk 33R. Otdolonlys khtnichooklkh nauk. Komassiya po IsGledovanlya v obleatl Ionoobwenncy, raorrodelitel'noy I oaadocn krustatogratIl (Studies In the Field of Ion Lxchange, Dletribu- tIon and Precipitation Chromatography) Roscoe. Izd-vO AN 33SR. M9. 150 P. &rrat^ al lp inserted. 3.500 copies printad. (tl ad. of Publishing House: E.G. Tagorov; Toch. ad. i I.N. Gusews; Witortal boardi K.T. ChwAtpv, Corresponding Member, USSR Aced my 2+@ 2% 2 a2+ XI n + @CN d D 'Lg) Mg Co Ni Cd Fe B > 2+ 2+ b In accordance Card 1/3 > Mn = Tl+ Sr +> Ca > K +1=[Li+3>(Cs+D "TH4+' Fractiozial Discovery of Scveral Rare Ele@.;ents j3y :@eans of 3@7 ','? t-,e Chro-Latographic L:ethod with the sorption 3equerxe fixed by several ele-ents, grams of rare elements were obtained in combinatiur; uith -,t@er cations. In addition, the analysis in connection zzit!-, t-.e discovery of the following metals and ions is de6oribed: @erium: in the presence of big:ruth and copper 1 of tin @!V)j 01, iacrc.Ary (I) and bismuth; of tin (IV), bismuth, mercury @I Und 11), and iron; of bismuth, antimony (III), and arsenic (III). Li-rcovery of indium ions: in the preaence of cobaltj of zincl of mercury (I and II) , and leadl of iror 'III). Discovery cf ions 02* 2 ( T T in the presence of cerium; of mercury (I and II), and iror. of copper. Discovery of thallium ions: ir. the presence of : coTier; of mercury (I and II); of indiam; of ceria:.n.; cf cobq:t, nickc-l, cerium, and lead; of uranyl and zirconyl. Din(@ov,-ry ,f zirco@iyl iones in the presence of mercury (II); of zinc; of cul,;,er; of iron (III); of cobalt; of uranyl ions. Discov.-ry of thLriu=. ions- in the presence of lead; of cobalt; of uranyl ions; c' 4-rcr, Discovery of neodymium ions: in the presence of mt@rc.Ary "11); -f leadl of copper, silver, and cobalt; of nick@-l; of iron !T1:),; _f cadmium. There is-$ Soviet reference. Card 2113 Fractional Discovery of Several Rare ED,,mects By ,r-ann @," tne Cliromatographic Method ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy instit@t myasn:y i molccl@r- ', y @ r, ::.y T h - 1 ennost i# Kaf edra anal it ichuskoy khiu,i i (11,103cew T(-c@,no i,)t@:ca I Institute of Meat- and ',Iilk Industryp C@,air of Analyt:@;al C@,E.-,I- -try) SU31TITTED: March 26, 1958 Card 51/3 ,xr,l Chem Sci -- "Or9tirtic, SuLatrmnces in r;el-' n-t@-ry MOROZOVA, It. M. Cr L:-.4F,- h ,,v and its use in analysis of various objects of the food industry." M s, 1960. grap .0 (Mos Order of' Lanin Chemicotechnological Inst im D. I. Mlendeleyev) (KL, 1-61, lf12) -58- - HOMOVA, N.M.; OLISHAROVA, X.H. Application of ion exchange processes in the dairy industr7- Izv.vys. ucheb.zavi ;pis Mb. tokb. no.5:63-67 161). (KIM 13:12) 1. Hoalcoveldy tokhnologicheakiy Institut wrasnoy i moloc@inoy promyshlennooti. lafedra aralitichookoy khimii. (Dairy industry) (Ion exchanee) 4 KOROZOVA9 N.K.; OLSSRANOVA, K.H. Chromatographic method of analyzing heW metals in daij7 products. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.takh. 1:130-135 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moskovskly tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyehlennostil Kafedra analitichoskoy khimii. (Dairy products-Analysis and examination) (Metals-Analysis) OLISHAMOVA, K.H.; KOPYLOVA, V.D.; MOROZOVA, N.M. Determination of the concentration of inorganic ions from the zone length or volume in precipitation chronatograw. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 4 no.6:923-92? 161. OUM 15:3) 1. 14oskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlemosti, kafedra neorganicheskoy i analiticheskoy khimii. (Chromatographic analysis) Jq OLISHANOVA, Ye.,, prof.; MROZ-OV4 N-.,- HUROMMOA, G. Chromatographic method'for determining the tin contAnt of canned mat. HUs.W.SSSR 32 no.2s47-48 161. (HMA 140) (Mat, Cann d-Preservation) (Chromatographic analysis) KOPYLOVA, V.D.; MMGVA, N,M.1 OLISHANOVA, K.M. Organic reagents as indicators in precipitation chromatograms. lzv.vys.ucheb,zav.; kbizm.i khim.tekh. 5 w.1:22-25 162. (KMA 15 4) 1. Maskovskly takbnologicheakly Institut mywzxoy i zo2oohnoy promphlennoati, kafedra neor anichaskoy i analiticheakoy khImli. (Chromatographic aualysie@ (Chemical tests and reagents) OLISHANOVA, Kaleriya Haksimovna; KOPYLOVAO Valentina Dmitriyevna; WRDZOVA Nadezhda Kikhaylovna; CHKUroVV K.V.t otv. red.; i@OV, U., @r.,-'@T@VA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Precipitation chromatograpby]Oaadochnaia khromatografiia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963. 103 P. (KIRA 16:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii nauk SSSR (for Chmutov). (Chromatographic analysis) 3/03 65/029/001/003/022 B1 01yBi 86 AUTHORSt 01'shanova, K. M.,.jLorozova_,_N._ M., and Kopylova, V. D. TITLEs Determination of microamounts of inorganic ions PERIODICALt Zavodakaya laboratoriya, v. 29, no. 1, 1965, 24 - 26 TEXTs The limiting concentration at which an inorganic ion ceases to give a chromatographic color reaction is determined. Next, the solution under investigation is diluted until the element concerned gives no reaction. The concentration of the element in the sample is calculated from the re- quired degree of dilution and the known limiting concentration. A glass column 10-13 cm long and of 4-5 am diamet er filled with Al 203 is used. The following elements, developers for the cliromatogram, and limiting concentrations (mg-equ/liter) nre givent Cu(II), rubeanic acid, 4.7-10- 2 Ni, rubeanic acid, 7.3-10-3; Ni, dimethyl glyoxime,'1.1110-51 Fe(III), potassium ferrocyanide, 5.6-10-3; Ag, potassium chromate, 9.2'10- 2; Hg(11), potassium chromate, 7-@,'10_ 2; Zn, ammonium tetrathiocyano mercuroate in th- Card 1/2 S/032/63/029/001/003/@)22 Determination of microamounts of ... B101/B186 the presence of cobalt ion, 0.26; Pb, oodium rhodizonate, 2.5*10- @; 1b, potassium chromate 1.0; Sn, potassium xanthogenate, 0.23; Co, a-nitroso- il-naphthol, 4.7-16-4; cl-, Hg(NO5)2P 5-10-2. The method is recommended for industrial analyses. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlonnosti ('Moecow Technological In'stitute of the Meat ell and Milk Industry) Card 212 OLISHANOVA, Kaleriya Maksimovna; POTA.POVA, Mariya A-lak.9androviia; KOFYLOVA, Valentina Dmitriyevna; MO_?,OZQVA1 fladezhda Mikh-aylov a; DEBABOV, V.G., red. [Manual on ion-exchange, partitLon, and precipitation chromatography] Rukovodstvo po ionoobmennoi, raspredeli- tellnoi i osadochnoi khro-matografii. Moskva, Khimiia, 1965. 199 p. (MIRA 18:7) L -2Ja-1c;--66, -W-KeT WW SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Nushair, V. S.; Korozam, N. M. Fichakhchlo ORO: none TITIZ: The affect of busbars on the current Interaction of conductIrg-fluld flow -4th the traveling weve mignatic fid-ld MUM Kkanitnaya, sidrodinamikas no. lt 1%6, 109-115 TOPIC TAGS: electroconductive fluid,, electromagnetic fieldp magnatic effect,, traveling weve,, wave fanctIon,, traveling wave Interwtlon,, electric Inductance ABSTP.M. An analysis has been made of the effect of electroconducting buAbars an the current Interaction of conducting fluid flow with the traveling wave somatic 7@/ field created by a long line of concentrated Inductances and capecItanceso An ex- pression for the amplification coefficient as a function of the ratio of bmabor thickness and duct width to the wavelength was obtained. The Inclusion of busbars Increases the ampl1flustIon, coefflelent, Or1ge art., has: k figures and 22 formilam* (Based on MtftorSq.*b#itVftt1 ENT) SAM COWt 20/ D=/M4v635/ "'ORM RM W2/ card 1/1 50A ACC NR. a6029329 ( /-N @ SOURCE CODS; UR/0426/66/019/006/0441/0446 ;.UThOR; Xndzhoyan, 0. L.; Morozova, N. M.; Samvolyan, V. M. Ma: Institute of Fine Organic Chemistry, AN ArmSSR (Institut tonkoy organichackoy khimii A-N ArmSSR) TITLE: Studios in the field of "no derivatives. Part 14; Somo N-(A-chloroothyl)- N-banzyl-N-p-alkoxybonzyl ".nos SOURCIE: Arzyanskiy khimichoskiy zhurnal, v. 19, no. 6. 1966, 441-j@- TOPIC TAGS: amino salt, secondary amino ,cr, 11"%a ABSTRACTI Alkoxy derivatives of dibonamino (Qj,Cjj,),NCll,CJl,Cl I icl were synthesized. Their general structure was Ro @@\" -Cll' 0- )NCH,rm,dii VCH3 Card -lb- -UDC: ACC NRi AP6029329 1.-.3 physical properties of tho alkow1bonzyla-minas obitainod aro Ghown In Table 1, and the properties of their hydrochloridoG In Table 2. A.11 the hydrochlorido3 manifosted a more or loss pronounced adronolytic activity. -1hoy also had a pronounced ganglion- blocking and "H" cholinolytio offoct. Orie. art. has: 3 tables. Tablo 1 R molt'-Ia@r 1#L d2o IM Q 2U C44- "d C li, 57,7 -7/3 205 C,,11,,NO, 0942 1 LGjO 60,61 hO..-; C'I 11) 6 -80/1 178 Cj811jjNOa 1.0758 1 , 55 .1 0 85.23 6L. 13 C, H, -67,5 102-3/1 C111131NO, I , or).; 8 1 5,20 89. h") 69,63 iro-C3111 33,3 192-5/1 C"11 No 35, 1 1.06G7 I , @@'00 8@ 89.81 C 4H, 53,3 219-2111 C'ji".No' 1,0534 '13 1,5456 94, 4 7 94 is, -r-,K, 48.6 196 - 610 5 ' CloH31NO1 1.0110 1,5456 1 94,47 94,35 CSKII 63,0 238-9/2 GjjKjqNOj 1,0398 1,5415 99.66 11J. 08 71.3 225-30/2 C,,1 1,,NO, I'M 1,5400 99.06 99,06 Card 2/3 ACC NRt AP6029329 Table 2 P.,., Maj.,/'LF tlclf"@ Y;c 1.4 R *C/.W.M (at enu I c' ? C. CH, 96,1 190-192/4 C,H,C1N0 183 c'"s 92.3 186-188/1 C,,H,,CINO 124-126. C,H, 81,8 186-187/2 c"fi INO C 108-11-1 if.-c3H7 94.5 170-17512 INO c"H:: 130- 1 al C,H. 57,4 207-208/3 C,,H,,C1N0 103-110. i3o-c"H' 71 6 203-205/3 C,,H,,CINO 137-1313. CIHII 67 3 : 238-239/3 C,,H,,CINO 114-115- ;s--c'H, 71,3 210-213/3 C,,H,,C1N0 118-119. SUB CODE: 07/ sUBy, DtTEg olyar65/ ORIG REFI 001/ OTH REF: 008 Card MOROZOVA, N.N. Theory of nimberis at Moscow Uch. zaD. MOr'i 98:3-46 160. (Nimbers, University in the IIA-i centur-/. (MIN 15:1) Theory of) C Url Uni ofi. V( -NDROZOTA,-I.?.,,- refarent; THESHCHIRMIT, A.I., raferent; oommirsm, D.N.. dotment, referant Kitmtas of meatings of tha XiGv and Kiev Province Surgical Soctattes. lov.khtr.arkh. no.6:128-134 I-D 159. (KIRA 13:4) (KIXV PROVIRM-SURGICAL SOCINTIS) VEREKEYENKO, K. N.; ZVERIKOVA, Y. P.; FOROZOVA, N. P. Use of crystalline trypsin in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. Nov. khir. arkh. no.3:20-22 162. (MIRA 15:4) (PHMITIS) (TRrPSIN) ACC NRs- SOURCE CODI-;-:--VRt 000/(686/6@82' AU-MCEZ: Mirolyubov, G. P.; Frolov, N. I.; Morozova, N. ORG: none Some characteristics of the of@ect of landin,-. im-3act accelerations on the crranism r?,3or Drescnted t the Conference on ?rob1c= of Space Madicino hold in ' 14-27 May 19661 Nascow irom SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditsiay, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsii, Moscow, 1966, 280-282' TOKC TkGS: space physioloar, impact acceleration, biologic acceleration effect, injury ;,=STFJ@CT: In experiments conducted on 250 white rat.3 ard 20 dogs, sele Ct4 ve injuries have been observe,! in pare,",enymatous and hollow organs. From @ne type ol injuries sustained by 'hollow s@ruciures, it was co.-icluded triat tiie destructive force was dA'rcc*6cd frorn I n6ide tne org;in. Rup"ures C"L the vena cava and 'Ante-5tinc were accorn-)anicd by hen-lorriares in gas'rc mucosa, injury to the endocard@uni, aw rupture oi tne interatria, septum. .injuries to parenchymatous organs were external in nature and surfacc: hemorrhaging gn tne liver, subcapsulateu fis6urcLi, and z:uriacc rupturea were noted. - Tolerance of landing accelerations depends to a considerable degree Card 113 ACC NR. kTL 6 0 on tne superimposition of additional aCC'--1'2'-a-:onS %v;-"'ci% develop v.bration of a falling platform and its c-lair during irnpac-.. F-ormerly, these effects of supplementary accelerations were extremely injurious. Aninials are killed at landing rates of 6 n/sec. After ,ion of supplementary accelerations, they can withstand an impact of'L4, m1sec without injury. Changes in arterial pressure, pulse, respiration rate, and EKG ds- orders occurring during landing impact accelerations are frequently ob- served when internal organs are injured. In isolated cases, injury to in- ternal organs is observed in the absence of any cardiovascular or respiratory disorder. The range of accelerations which disrupt cardiovascular arid respiratory function and cause injury to internal organs is more clearly demonstrated during -transverse accelerations. Apparently, this range depends on the body surface sustaining the impact and the receptor zones involved and on the compensatory capacities of the organism. Expanding the methods for studying these phenomena will permit a more accurate determination of the range of accelerations which cause functional disorders only. The effects of repeated impact accelerations which do not cause injury Crd 2J3 ACC NRs AT6036654 are marked by a deterioration in tolerance reflected in cardiovascular and respiratory disorders (apnea, extrasystolc, etc. ). in.;ury to internal organs also occurs during repeated exposure to these accelerations. The summary effect of impact accelerations depends or, the intensity of exposure as well as on the extent of the disruption In systems regulating the function of the organism and the antagonism of a nurnber of complex compensatory mechanisms. W'hen intervals between exposures are increased and the acceleration -nag- nitude is decreased. a summary effect does not occur. This is probably due to the complete recovery of re@,-ulatory mechanisms during the :nterval between exposures. A study of the complex mechanisms of regulaz,= and the compensatory reactions of the organism, as well as determining the time A* 'ter exposure to repeated accelerations wiII permit necessary ior recovery al A. a far more accurate as3essment of the pro'blem of establishine permdss-ble hwmnan lirndLs. LrW.A. No. 22; ATD Repom 66-1161 SUB CO DE: 66 / SUBM DA-,E : CKjXay6 6 Card-3/3 KOROZOVA, N.P. -7 1 Investigating the effect of errore In neldog electrodes on the quality of electronic isages In cathode systems. Opt.-makh. prom. (251 no.3:40-43 Kr 156. (MIRA 11:9) (Blectron optics) v r i cIr f go-ome t r 1 1 3h C- D a-, 11 C f V a L I Lm; 5. Zhur . vyj rc. 1. 7hair c-' --y, I @r, v MROWVAO M. P. Developmat of the second year sugarbeets under varying durationof day light, Dokl,, AN SSSR 83t no. 2p Varob 1952. HmnIbIX List of . Lilymry of Congrass, August, 1952. - - @@@ft - r - - OPARIN. A.L. akadaaik; SLVYAGIN, I.I.; KOROZOTA, M.P. Certuin characteristics in the development of the =Lgar beet in its third yet.# of life. Dokl.AN SWR 91 no.3:671-673 Jl '53. (NIARIL 6:7) 1. Isesoynsnyy nanchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut oveklovichnogo polevodetva (for Sinyagin and Karozova). 2. Akademiya nauk WSR (for Oparin). (Beets and beet sugar) Von ..,"Car.d, 1A -@Fub- 22 37/40 -.,kth6ru. _s,. Sinyaa@n, 1. and Morozdva, -M. P. "W Tit", t. Ketahaim in, blossoming and non-blossoming biennial plants Periodical @@'Dak.'@A.14.,SSSR 99/?x@,-321-32-4o qoV 11,-1954 'Ab @rh h - 9 s#44 s: e- canges occurrin In the metabolism or plants during phese development under tfie effect of externalmedia are discussed. These changes were re vealed V comparing the*photasynthetis, breathing, transpiration and other life activities or biennial plants. The results obtained for blossoming and non-blossoming biennial plants are tabulated. -. kMeven USSR references (1932-1952). Tables. Instltution-:,@ All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Sugar Beat Growing :@.Flresented bylk;;: 1*ca6miclan A. L., Mrsanov, September 16,.1954 RUBIN. B.A.; IMLITSKIT, L.V.; SALIKOVA, Te.G.; MMIN. Ye.M.; KORiBLvvA. N.P.; MfitOZOVA. N.P. Us,i of ionizing radiations to control dormancy in potato tubers during storage. I ovoshch. no-5:5-101 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Institut biokbimii iment A.I.Bakha Akademil nauk SSSR. (Plants, Effect of gawa rays on) (Potatoes--Storage) 'Z 7A 1@e--,Vll y L; "I "I In f 111 ri 0 f Y- nd Carlx-!!y,',-,te @1;-. in j O"t Int'i. i"-16 Au@@ !,(,I. RUBIN, B.A.; H;.TLITSKIY, L.V.; SALIKOVA, Ye.G.; 14UKHIM, Te.Me; KORABLEVA, M.P.; HDROZOVA. M.P. Using Ionizing radiations to control the dormancy of potatoes during I storage. , Report Vo.,2. ov3shch no,6:5--57 161. (KWA 1/#:6) I* Institut bio'chim'i imeni A.N.Bakha ALN SSSR. (Plants,, Effect of Igm-wa mys on) (Potatoes.-Storage) S//C2G/62/1 43AG I A 30/: 3C -Y BI 44,/B I C 1 ,,,UT1f1Rc Metli tskiy , L. V. , Korableva , N and ).,ox _g z o v a , N. T IT L_" ect o f --am:..a radiation on nucleic acid M e t ab o 1 i s rr,n stvra.@ @r.an3 of plants Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dorklad:,, , v. 14 3 , n c, - TEXT ; It was observed that differs widely irt bulbs (ullium cera), )otato tubers (P), and Carlic bulbs und Iecr@-aaes in the eivc-a order. Nucleic acid metabolism as'the decisive factor of plant L;rowth was investigated in meristematic ("'.) and storat;e (St,, tisEues. These viere analyzed two days after irradiation anI then evvr,@ 33 days, conservation temperature 50C. As shown previously, N: are must strongly affected by disturbancea of nucleic acid metabolism in irradiated ?. :n the present tests, 6uanylic, a(lenylic, cytidylic, and uridylic acids were reduced by 50,',' on irradiation of P with 10 kr. Surpric@ngly, nucleic acids were found to decruaso even in nonirradiated M of G on lont;er con- servation. The hypothesis of possible depolymerization and washinc-out of the low-polymer fragments of nucleic acids, when these tissues are Card 1/2 Effect of' gamina radiation on ... 5, ?r@ 26 2,11 /4 zc I /o C, D144@,9101 pre-,ared for analys:.k: , -was i,roved by studying UV absorption. T@. @@ e X t i-:. t Of the polymerism of the nucleotides thus obtained and their na*.ure nas stil'@ t,3 be elucidated. Thus, the inhibitive effect of t-,amma-irradiatjlon on plant 6,,rowth is due to diffferent disturbances of nucleic acid metabolism, particularly RNA and DNA synthesis in M, dependent on Lre plant apecief). The different radiosensitivity of the plants studieci is probably due to varyiae degrees of polymerism and contents of nucleic acids. The high radioresistance of G may also be caused by some protective agent. There are 3 fiCures, 2 tables, and 5 references: 1 Soviet and 2 non-Scviet. The two references to LnCliah-lan(,uare I , publications read uo follows: A. Thomas, H. Shorratt, Biochem. J., 6Z, no. 6 (1)56); ot;ur, j. Rosen, Arch. Biochem., @Ij, 262 (1950). ASSOCIA@@'ION: Institut biokhii.,ii im. A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk S531i (Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh of the ;tcademy of Sciences U3310 PRESEN'T10: October 16, 1961, by A. I. Oparin, Academician SUB14ITTED: October 10, 1961 Card 2/2 MTLITl'-)Y, I Y , L.V . , MtJKh I @; , Y- . N. . 6 @R, a'.*,. I'. . i . Bioch6mical natore of' the r,@ar 1 i ..@ ', . ac),inds anti their li ;e In increa3ing the resistance of putat-,@E @o ndcroorganisms. Dok i, All SSSR 150 n@.6%1)82-1384 J,@ '*J. (mdRA lb.P,) 1. Instit,,, bloklilmil Ira. AA.lin@ljn N 33SR. Predstavlono ; dr: u d em I 'k, rg @, . Ii par i nim . - AND Pr3TS) ,lPL;,@,.T`;--:- ;-, A@';, PK3T TSISTOGE) KOCEE7KCV, V.11.. SIV)ROV. ir.2h., N.V, Investigating the aff or t of sta@,! '@ I zerq on :h(-, c,-) @@- coalechanl@ul and I@Fhtproof propurz.:eg 1. , f r, 1. 1 t-@ ! : ,- ; I Naunh,"sel. trudy '.'.111!FIK nc, 14"32-11C, 'hy.. (M":' I a 12 L 23071,r65 EWW/w(j) Pc-4 Am ACCUSION W." W%@87 S/0081/64/000/013/6053/SO53 '50URCKI Aef. th, Xhimiya, Abe. 139335 AUTHOR.,w- Xochetkov, V. N.; @Ldoro@r, V. A. Morozova, N, V, -9. 4'stud of.the effect of stabilizing additiven.on the agla"hysicomechan- y ical: -C Mide fi M @p4@optl al properties of a polya CITP SOURCEI Nauchno-issled. tr. Vass. n!.i. in-t plenochn. matorialov Liskusstw -1963, 92-110 koxhi, 6b. 14$ JMO, TAGS i - polyamide film, polyamide light permeability, polyamide beat: resist- Once, polymer film stability, stabiLizing additive MMIAMM The autho or 't di d"the effect@6f the addition of stabilizing ad- ditives (Cu'S04__ 't - 9 02 -naph YI -Anidine,_ reoorcinoi,______ CaHP04, Ti tol, phenol, diphen gu --malsic-anhy4rids i- phenol- formaldehrd6--feb physicomechanical- and - .- i t@ - .1 ,------- --- ljami4a h M. They fouod that the most effectivi stabil- -optida __ proper ___ as of po ize a 4- re: ra'! XI:2 -naphthol and phenol- formaldehyde resin; the greatest heat re- -sistance vae produced by the addition of stabilizers in amounts of 0,25-1%. card---, 1/2 NEW &-IILINL@, Mark Alok.,;itriar-(@vlch, dotz3.; I-Iona Yurlyevna, assis-ent [deceit sed Vladir,iroma assistent; KGIIktOVA, red. ,"', , @ I- -", , - - I, [Principles of industri&l e-l-rtronics and autor-atic control) Csro,.ry Frourshlennol elektroniki i avtoratiki. In.p.) %lyssYala sl@,ola, 1964. 86 p. (1,.IRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra `.-romyshlennaya elektronika i avtoratikall Moskovskogo avtcn,obil'no-dorozhnogo instituta ir.. Molotova. MOROZOVA, N.V. Problem of early diagnosis of oneiric catatonia. Vop.klin. i lech. shiz. no.1:102-104 164. W110!8:5) 1. Otdej psikhozov pozdnegg vozrasta (zav. - profo,S,G.Zhislin) Gosudari3tvannogo nauchno-issiedovateltakogo instituta paikhiatrii Kinisterstva zdravookhranen@ya RSFSR i Moskovskaya gorodskay4 klinicheskaya, bollnitsa No.4 imeni Gannushkina @glavnyy vrach - V.N.P,wbalka). SIDOROV, V.A.; MOROZOVAt D.V.; TROS11-Wi, G.M.; ZAYTSEVA, N.P.; ALFKSANDROV, K.N. Using stabilized polyamide film In agriculture. Blul. tekh.-ekcn. inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no.9:67-69 S 164 (MIRA 18:1) K@)CITFTKOVY MI.? Xii)Vy V_m.i, MMOZOVA, N.V.; PONOMAMAy 'I.A .. I ;,I'r :50 St,)c1les @ln th- f'-'i,J rf tho istmbillzoltion r@f A -I' Flast, riessy '65. ('111RA a,8Zf,*)' AUTHORS: Rogovin, Z. A., Davydov, &. M., Tsarfin, La. A. Morozova, N. V. lerokhina, V. 0. TITLE: Rapid Method for the Acetylation of Cellulose in a iiomoge- neous Ledium (Bystryy metod atsetilirovaniya tsellyulozy v Eomgennoy srede) PERIODICAL! Khimicheskaya Promyshlennost', 1958, Nr 1, pp. 17-2o W33h). ABSTRACT: The cellulose acetylations which have hitherto been carried out in plants took from 8 - 12 hours. Therefore it was necessary to find a method of' shorter duration. In the present paper a rapid method is suggested which refers among other things to some pro- posals of Thomas (reference 3) as being superfluous, so e. g. a pretreatment of cellulose with concentrated urea solution. The usual activation with glacial acetic acid at 6o0C for 3o minutes is sufficient. Investigations of the influence of the acetyla- tion temperature showed that a temperature of 7ooC in not to be surpassed and that with a quantity of 0,3 percentages by weight of sulfuric acid as catalyst at 8ooC the triacety1cellulose. can Card 113 be obtained within from 2o - 3o minutes. In c,r-ier to obtain Rapid 1@ethod for the Acetylation of Cellulose in a Fomogeneovis Yedit= triacet@rlcellulose with sufficiently high molecular weiCht special attention must be paid to the composition of' the mixture to be acetylated. Experimental results sho-w that the decomposition of the obtained acetylcellulose is proportional to the added quantity of acetic acid, on the other @,and, how- ever, the procedure becomes too expensive in the ca,;e of an increase' ad-lit;cn of acetic anhydride, except the product. is isi)lated in an arid niedium so that no hydrolysis cf the anhy= dride can occur. On the strength of various investigations a MiXtLLre of 5o - 6oO/o of acetic anhydride and of 5o - 4-ca /0 of acetic acid was found to be the optimum condition. In in- vestigationa of the catalyst quantity and its character U wa.- found that the quantity must be reduced at increased temperature (from 1 - 1-50/o to 0,30/o in the case of suLfaric arid), aniline sulfate (0,6 percentages by weight) is assumed to be a better catalyst than the ammonium sulfate suggested by Thomas. The in- vestigations are carried on in order to test them in the indu= strial scale and to obtain a further reduction of the acetic an= hydride quantity. Card 2/3 There are 3 tables, and 3 ref'erences, 2 of which are Slavic. Rapid Method for the Acetylation of Cellulose 64-1-4/19 in a Homogeneous Medium ASSOCIATION'. Laboratory of the NIIPP &t tte Uhemical Plant Vladimir (Laboratoriya NIIPP na Vladimirskom khimiches@om zavode) AVAILABLE19' Library of Congress. 1. Cellulose-Acetylation Card 313 Y]aCKHIMA, Y.G.; KOAOZOVA, N.'.; ROGOVIN, Z-A- Development of a method for determining the reactivity of cellu- lose In the process of acetylatione Plast.massy no.8:65-66 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Callulose) (Acetylation) -41@ TI P*-4. M/NAX.1. I@ACCZSSXON NRI AP30,06@33 8/0191/63/000/009/0015/0017 AUTHORS-. 1cochatkov, V,- N, PC - -Mar evELV ji, Morozova, N,.V;- V. #TITLE r WMIXJ film atabilization 'analysis, Stabilizing affect of bydrohalogen acid salts. , -17 BOMCE; Plastichaskiya massy*, no, 91, 1963# 15 TOPIC TILOB 4 polyastiderfilm stability hydrohalogen acid salt-'s K: CuBr . NaB 8, b 2, KB Sab 2, film thermostability, Hg, Zn, -I)i;- MA, Co, Fe J ,@s C(L'O'Cd, mercury, zinc, biatrjtb,. mmaganatio, copper, iron, calciuim, cadmium ABSTRAM 34aboratory and industrial conditions of stsbilization@ols` polyamide film with salts of hydrohalogen acids were investigated, !_i. The introduction of small quantities of hydrohalogen acid salts in- 4, s soreasee considerably the tability of polyamide film to heat e;fool' and to atmospheric conditions. 7ha most effective stabilizaral@var( found to be KT,, CuBr,, Ne,B2 and KB The highest thermostabilit;y of; w 0,5 ta"; the film is obtained hon tha addf;ions- are in quaLatitiee of The salts of 14n, Znj B, not 1, 0%, *p Ug,, Bi,, Co# Pa. Ca and Cd are j: 'card j-@ -80@ 3 ACCESSION NRr AP3006533s sufficiontly effeetive a adispersant and therefore are not sw.tab3,e-,..'*, additives, Orig. art, has: 2 tables and figures. ASSOCIATION: 6one SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: ENCLI. -30Sep63 c 0 OC3. SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 010 0 THER -Cold L 416,1Z.- 6 FdT(m)/FPF(,,- 'ZPR/EdP,j)/T Pt;_4/Pr_4/P&_4 /Pt-9 'Wd" py, ACCESS10 NR: AP5006556 6/0191/65/0001003/0012/0014 AUTHORr Vi -9 Rogov, V. M.; Morozova, N. V.; Panomareva, V; A. TITLE: Stabilization of 2yamide films SOURM Pl6stiches-kiye massy, no. 3, 1965# 12-14 TOPIC TAGS: polyamide, stabilization, polymer film -ABSTRACT: -Stabi-liZation- of-polyamide film by the addition of salts of sodium, po- toppier-is investigated. One of the parameters studied is the relative elongation of the film as a function of the amount of salt int-,oduced. These re- lationships am shiewn its Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. It was shown that the greatest jlity@is obtained with copper salts in the amount of 0.25% of the weight of the polymer. It was also found that the most effective aalts are Iodides and bro,mides of soditim, potaasium and copper. The results of stability tests with respect to thermal oxidation am ahown in rig. 2 of the Enclosure. It was famd that the,stabilizers quite strongly adsorbed so that there is jo danger of th,-.m being washed out. The dielectric constants of unstabilized film differ very little from film stabilized wi_th@ Hal* _XaBr, Ki and Mrs. __ 0r1S*__ rrto best, 5 No REF, Govt. - 003, OTHER: 000 !- , L 0 SUB CODE: GC I MT I ts U=d. murm M. UOUPT --I pf" I at ejo--W* (@f 4-8 fai, NonfiAt mctal 9-irfimei rirt 5m tr@Aftd therllWly at IW for 60 min., sind than cmuentlu i. GILYAROV, N.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; MOROZOVA, O.F., inzh. Resistances in the lower boundary of a self-simulatinv area during work with air models. Trudy LIVT no-7:17-22 '60. (MIRA 15:2) (Aerodynamic models) (Hydrodynamics) I I I TSHIVA, P.Ye.; HOROZOVA O.G. (Andizhan) Study of vitamin 1@,, metabolism under the climatic cmmtitions of Central Asia,, 38 no.6419-M Ag 160. (KIRA 13sll) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent R.P. Nlatov) Andizhanskogo meditainakogo inatituta (dir. - zaaluthen- nyy wach Usbeksko SSR U A Alimov). TCM6z;;iI;Q) (SOVIET CZNTRALGI&-MM-INFWENCE OF GLIKATE) MOROZOVA, O.G., Content of vitamin 8-, ir, the blood 3erum of hedit-hy p-erocn3 wd sprue pati.ents. Med.j'ilr=. Uxb. no.r,849-51 RY163 (MIF1LA ) 1. Iz kafe-Ary t'a@,u'L'tf:jtak(,y to-rapil ( ispolnya-rieh-?hly obyazan- nosti zavaduytghchego - dotsent G.M.K-leyne-0 Andithanskc-go mp-d-.- 41.,31nskogo institutri. k Mli@'1107.,--VA, -). T . NnrWOVa, "The rf j.l,@ntE! urlon t@,i cmd'tor. -1 s so- obshch. - 14GROZ6VA 1 0. 1. Morozova, 0. 1. "Structure of ti-,e root system of da3ert sedge," Soobshch. Takzh. fi-liala Akad. nauk 355R, Insue 11, 1?49, p. 28-3C So: U-3566, 15 I'larch 53t (Letopis I Zhurnal Inykb Statey, Ro. 13, 1949) M,0-07OVA, 0. T. liorozova, 0. 1. "Sea onal varls+ion@ 'n the @o,i er reserves of m nual-grasc -.asturc@s in 'Tadzhikistanll, Soobshch. Tadzh. filisla Akad. nauk SSSF, Issue 14, 1949, p. 3C33. SO: U-4630, 1(@. Sept. 53, (LetoFis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stnt y, No. 23, 1949). 241-14 ':C):iCZC"IA. C.I. inicn,-miyo yavl,@nny u rastlt,A'rc.-A.i i f Soobshcl@. Ta,!zh. filialt 'La,]. nauk 35?5A, 7Fff-. I')'# 1-1,@;)l S. 3-@ - . I Lldblilo;7r: 5 :' SC: Letwis, ':0. 3', 11114;1. 1 . MOROZOVA, 0. 1. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. TajIkIstnn--Weads 7- Biological basis of measures for combatting certain pastureland weeds of the Sub-Alpine belt, Soob. TFAN SSSR, No. 23, 1950- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. - c'ZcVA - 0. 1. MICII 2. USSA (600) 4. Dotarq - Tajikistan 7. Utilization of nigh altitude pwAure lands of Tajiki5tan for @mrakul- -heen. 3cob. TFAIJ 333R no. 27. 1950. 9. Montbly List @f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. 1. MOROZOVAP 0. 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Pastures - Tajikistan 7. Change in the vegetation of pasturelands of the Tajikistan lowlands resulting from not using them for pasturing. Soob. ITAN no. 30, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Acceasiuna, Library of Congress, March lVb3. UnclassiTTOeM.' 1. 140ROZOVAP 0. 1. 2. TISSR (600) 4. Poisonous Plants 7. Control of Ceratocephalus falcatus, a poison plwnt of desert sheep pastures. Kar. i zver. 5 no. 5, 1952. 9- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. KOROZOTA, 0.1. Zvolutionary role of grazing in the formation of species of Angio- spermas. Bot. :,Fhur. 37. No.2, 138-172 '52. (MI-RA 5:5) (Biol.A 28 no.2:2662 054) 1. r0ii0z" I-,v;,, C). 1. 2. (600) 4. Pastures - Ta.-ikiot,an 7. 5wmerine Karakul -,-Iif-e,D on 1 -J.@-J, moimulin memlow,:, of ",@@Jikit5l.@In. Kar. i zver. 6, No. 2, 111453. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, it-pril 1953, Uncl. fy-) cc-, @',Tpy USS a 0;T SGORY firandaw OulUvation. @AES. JOUR. azhbA-ol,, Yr, 3, 19C9, 11o. 1CI823 L AUTPOR NOL-1030va. 0. L, SiallrAvoklyp L. F. AgaUna, V. 0. AL*admq of Scienoee, TedzUk WR T' ITLE The r Hi&-MounbLin Pastures of tue 3outhern Slope of Glinar Mdgo w3d Sair Utilization in Gam*ul Rmiaing. U. " 3. P,'B. Tr. AN Tad:,AWa 19,57, 67, !;..139. V I A f -I' r RIA C If A ah"aatc-.-istio Is g1ven of the sovkhox *KabsAianl Pas- Ursa &ad of the, region of A4zob Pass, and a desorJ.ption of tbe,.- vagetation cover. The chew4ma composition and the riu-trition value of tka hi&h-cmatain pastum planto and Lbo tho azteat of tbair being eaten by the Garmoul WL.3,3p vara inveatigdted. There vas made a ealaulation of the famp ranarvas of the high-mountain pestiwem* and Uteir change after the sy-r grazing period. Rooomenda- time are given on raising the forap produation of the CA rT: PUSHKIN, P.S.; Yorozova, O.N.; Folyakova, L.N. Raw matorials balance in assembly-line operations of the Sy'nthetlc Rubber Sole Combine in Ivanove. Kozh.-obtiv. prom. no.',:13-15 117 '59. ktTIRA 12:6) kIvanovo--Shoe industry) PUSHKIN, P.S.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; MOROZOVA,-_q.N.,, inzh.; POLTAKOVA,, L.N.p insh, Analyzing the indices of the continuity of the movement of labor producte,and of the use of equipment in rubber mole manufacture. ftuch.-isal.trady VNIIPIK no.12:114-126 160. (MIRA l6s2) (Rubber industry) (Assembly-line methods) AUTHORs Norozova-, 0. P. SOV/ 30- 59- 2- 40/60 TITLE: 40th Anniversary of the Polish Communist Party (40-letiye Kommunisticheekoy partii Pol'shi) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 2, PP 95-96 (USSR) ABSTRACTt On this occasion an extended session of the uchenyy sovet Instituta slavyanovedeniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Scientific Council of the Institute of Slavic Philology of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) was held on December 16, 1958. 1. A. Khrenov, Vice-Director of the Institute reported on the formation of the Polish Communist Party, Doctor A. Ya. Manusevich spoke about the Polish Communist groups in Russia fighting for the victory and strengthening of the Soviet Union in the years 1917 to 1919t mentioning Polish revolutionaries such as F. Dzerzhinski , I. Unshlikht, B. Veselovski . Professor G. Zatorski , Head of the Chair of Modern History of th( @ilitary-Folitical Academy imeni Dzerzhinskij in Warsaw), and the participant in the Polish revolutionary movement, Member of the SDKP and L sisice 1906, B. Milevskaya also took the floor. The session was Card 112 attended also by the Secretary of the Embassy of the People's 40th Anniversary of the Foli8h Communist Party sov,,30-59-2-40/60 Republic of Poland, A. Krzeniewrski is -I I as by the Polish historiang N. ',asierowska :md 'I. .,a,,dus. 5 Card 212 MOROZOVAI 0. - Judicial consultations in enterprises. Sov. profsoiuzy 19 no.llsl8 A 163. (MIRA 16-8) 1. Sekretarl Moskovskogo gorodskogo soveta professionalInykh soyuzove (Moscow-Labor laws and legislation) (Trade unions) KOZIAN. Y.M.; KOROZOTAR O:L.. Olm Chemical composItLon of wood of certain species groving, in the ftr last. Zhur. prikl. khts. 29 no.12:1884-lM6 D 156. (K13A 10:6) 1. Iaboratorlya lesokhimil Dallnevostochnogo filiala Akadoull nauk SSSR. (Wood--Chemistry) (Soviet Irar Zast--Trees) ICOZWV. V. N. KOROZOVA, O.T.; BAYULA. A.G.; VIROMOVA, Te.A.- Frothing agents from wates of gurt-turpentine production. Gidroliz. i loookhIm. prom. 10 no.8:10-12 157. (MrP-A 10:12) 1. Dallnovostochnyy i Ural'skiy ftlialy AN SSSR. (Flotation) (Turpentine industry)