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ACC NR: AP7001196 describes the stationary anode shape shows that: (1) The machined surface can- not, in principle, be strictly parallel to the directionfrnotion of the cathdde; (2) The anode-current density is maximal at anode extremal points; (3) No sharp edges, fins, or apices are possible; (4) A complicated- shape anode surface is not equidistant to the corresponding cathode surface. The shape of a corrected cathode surface depends on the required anode shape and the process conditions (cathode-feed rate, anode material, electrolyte characteristic 0, source voltage). In machining large surfaces, nonuniform distribution of temperature over the gap should be taken into account as it affects both electrolyte viscosity and electric conductivity. Approaches to a mathematical formulation of this problem are indicated. Orig. art. has; 18 formulas. SUB CODE: \-I 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 007 4.1 TRWIII Card 212, ACC: NR: AP7001203 (A ) SOURCE CODE: UR/0407/65/000/05-/,,08/0112 AUTHOR; Volkov, Yu. S. (Moscow); Moroz, I. I. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Distinctive hydrodynamic conditions in electrochemical metal machining SOURCE: Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov, no. 5-6, 1965, 108-1 1z TOPIC TAGS: electrochemical machining, metal machining ABSTRACT: The intricate problem of hydrodynamic conditions in the inter- electrode gap (rate-of-flow, cathode and anode processes, reaction-product removal, solution heating, gap variation) is theoretically considered on the basi)i of published data re kindred processes in other branches of industry. Turbulent flow conditions, gas-liquid interaction, gap hydraulic resistance, and cavitation are examined with these results: (1) Developed turbulent conditions are desirable Card I /Z ACC NR: AP7001203 for ensuring stable and high-productivity machining process; (2) Hydraulic loss can be reduced by selecting suitable cathode shape and by using smoother surfaces Iof both electrodes; (3) Cavitation can be prevented by providing proper entrance- in-the-gap conditions of electrolyte; probability of cavitation increases with temperature. Orig. art. has. 3 formulas. SUB CODE: %*~. , 09 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 008 / OTH REF. 004 Card Z / 2 ACC NRt AP7001453 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/0, /0195/010 INnNTORS: Livshits, A. L.- Moroz, I. I.; Alekseyev, G. A.; Yakobson, M.; Kuznetsov, B. V. ORG: none 'ITLE: A method for electrochemical working of external surfaces of 60tails. Class 48, No. 188251 Lra-nnounced by Experimental Scientific Research -Tnz-,:'tute of Mietil Cutting Machines (Eksperimentallny-y i3auchno-laslodovatellskiy inn:jut nzatallorozhuahchilth titankov)-7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, prormjshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyyo znaki, no. 2-1, 191")6, 195 TOPIC TAGS: metalworking, metalworking machinery, mota2 electrofomir.:.-, eiectrode ABSTRACT: This Author Cei*tificate presents a method for working extern:!I surfacrj3 of largo details by using a source of pulsed direcr, current. To apply -1 57011 power current source, the treatment is carried out by an electrode-tool movin,- alon external surface of the detail (see Fig. 1). The working surface of th-'3 tool -9 considerably amaller than the worked Surface of the detail. Card 1/2 UDC: 621.9.047.7 ACC NRt AP7001453 Fig. 1. 1 eloctrode-tool; 2 detail -.0rig. art. haa: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 131 SUBH DATE: 27Nov64 Card 1. MOROZ, I.K., KSENKO, E.D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Cement Industries; 'Kilns, rotary 7. Strengthening the shells of rotary kilns when water cooling of the clinkering. Tsement no. 2 (19'12) Inzh. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Longressp August, 1952. UNCLASSIFILED. - MOROZ, I.K. SATARIN, V.I. Brief survey of the cement industry in tha United States. TSement 27 no. 2:29-31 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) (United States-Cement indLstries) MOROZ, I.K.; SATARIII, V.I. Some technological systems and types of equipment in the cemjnt industry of the U.S.A. TSement 27 no.3:26-31~0 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14:';) (United States-Cement plants-Equipment and supplies) MOROZ, Ivan Konstantinovich; RAKWINOVA, R., red. [Possibilities for the lw~ens.ficat!cr. of agrIc-.11ture, Rezervy Intensifikatsii sellskogc khoziatstva. 'ashkent, Uzbekistan, 1964. 77 p. (MIRA 18-,3) MORDZY I.K., inzh. Improving the quality of cement ia an lmpcrthnt TSemant 31 no.1:1-4 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya tsemeritnoy y-romyshlerinosti Gosudarstven- nogo komiteta po pronyshlennusti stroitellnykh materialov. mo F, 0 z i F. P ed u .7;a r T. no. 3: pz-.i Gosstroye SS~R. ".uK -,. , I . Y - J, in z h . . - - " ea'. ex7-La-gers. '-Ee7~er, - Rotary kilris -,il-th cyc,tcre m T -.-, ~- T -- _ '. j; 1 b4. 20.-, 1; - -- - MOROZ IJI- myor aviatoll Our mc-. f:._j-,----.,--, is the h~eight-eaiAg of c=bat re~~- a. Vest,-'r--, )zd. )bor. no.9:9--ll 6 161. (MA 14:8) Oiussia--Armed forces) MOROZI I. M. MOROZ, I. M. - "The Use of Intra-k-terial Effects to Treat Endarterft.~s Obliterans." Min Health Ukrainian 6S.R. Dnepropetrovsk .')tate Meai- cal Inst. Dnepropetrovsk, 15~55. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 9, 1956 Amputation of the extremities and exarticulation of the toes in endarteritis obliter-ans. Nov.khir. 11-D '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Xhirurgichaskiye kliniki Llvovskogo i Dneo rope trovskogo moditsinalcikh iastitutov (ARPUT.hTION UY L9G) (TQ9S---SURG9RY) (AliTtAISS-DISRASKS) MoRcZ, 1M, r u G --i k 2 Mr - A: Ka O'f, i rfi 3j, lk t. n.A: t ; it-q na i, nk .)nj ii r MOROZ. I.P. Equations for the solution of problems concerning the threshold characteristics of the photographic apparatus in the differentiation of various objects in the field of vision. Zhur. natic-i. J prikl. fot. i kin. 3 no.2:138-139 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Photographic optics) MOROZ, I.P., laureat Stalinskikh premiy; ZHURAVLEV, A.Ta., laureat Stalin- vw~wwvww RPM premiv. Standard construction design is a source of lowered costg in rcad constructior Avt.dor. 18 no.1:8-9 Ja-F 155. (MlaA 8:4) (Roads-Estimates and costs) P , I - - I . .. . II. IMSOV. A.S.; MOROZ, I.P. Modern techniques of surveying and designing. Av-t.dor.20 no.10:21-23 0 '57. (MM 10:12) 1. Nachallnik Soyuzdorproyekta (for Kubasov). 2. GLavnyy Inzhener Soyuzdorproyekta (for Moroz). (Roads--Design) d Jul Aix - I 9 9 P. 15 - all, 4" 2 J, 31 A A 4, Ila I MOROZ, I.P.. inzh.; SMFWOVSKIT, A.A., tnzh. Conference on designing highways. Ayt. dor. 23 no. 12:20-21 D 6o. (MIRA 13:12) (Roads--Design) MORCZv I. P.; MESHCHERYAX-VA, I. P. Recommendations for soil stabilization on highways in Kazakhstan. Avt. dor. 25 no.10:10-1-1 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Kazakhstan-Road construction) (Kazakhstan--Soil stabilization) MOROZ, I.P., inzh.; SEMENOVSKIY, A.A., inzh. Manual with a low technical level. Avt. dor. 26 no.6:32 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Roads--Surveying) - KOHN, I.Ta. Roadside improvement workers of the Kelitopoll Road Operating Section who participated in the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition. Avt.dor.19 ito.2:21 ir 156. MRA 9: 6) (Malitopol-Readside improvement) ~.OROZ, I.Ya. Experience in organizing nurseries for roadside planting. Avt.dor. 20 no.3:16 Mr 157. (WaA 10:5) (Roadside improvement) HOILOZ, I.Ya. Rondaide plAnting (,n -Aon-wnyji 4r, the ZaT)i)rozh'ye Prc,714nce. Irt . dcr. .1. 21 no.1:31-32 Mr ' ~ 11 (MIRA 11:1) 1. Uchostnik Vapsoyuznoy sellskokhozynvRtvennoy vyatAvki, Rgronom Zftporozhakogo oblnvtoshosdorFi. (ZaT)orozh'ye Province-Ropf4side imnrovement) WROZ, I.Ta. Road builders of ZaDorozhlye. Avt.dor. 21 no.10:17 0 '58. (MIRA 11:11) (ZaporoWye-Roadsidg Improvement) (Zaporoz'.yq--Road9) MOROZ, I.Ta. Using large nurser7 stock In roadside planting. Avt.dor. 22 n0.12:18-19 D '59. (MBA 13:4) 1. Starabiy agronam-nadovod Zaporozhokogo oblupravtoshoodora. (Zaporozh'7o Province-Roadaide improvement) MOROZ, I.Ya. The most valuable species should b,- rilantA-,d on roadsides. lvt. dor. `5 no.2-20 F t62. (:-11RA 15-2,~ (Roadsid,,~4 improvement) -.- MOR,DZt I.Ya. Work of snow-protection plantinR on roads in Zaporozh'ye. Avt.dor. 26 no.91ll S '63. (MIRA 16tlO) SYCH, Marek; PIBCH, Andrzej ~ GLX,'.TJR, Janinai_,MOROZ, Janusz; SZLEZYN,OIER, Jozef; WECLAWOWICZ, Janusz, StEPkrKO, Stanislaw; LAD4"ITISKI, Kazimier-z Clinical and experimental studiles on the use of f"lucthane in general anesthps1e. Pol, przegi, -:hir, 35 no.10/'11.-IOU,-1048 .i. Z I Kliniki CIi!rurgi,=ej XM w Krakowie Kierownik, prof. dr Jo Bc&msz z Oddzlalu Chirurgicznego Szpitala Wo3skowego w Krakovie 0--dynat-Dr pik. dr A. Bielas z Prac"-ni Anatomo- patologicznej Szpitala Wojskowego w Kraxowle Kie--,)vn,-kz mJr doc. dr S ~ Stefanki z, K-L-iaiki Neuroch-Ir-urgiczn,4J AM w Krakmie Kierovnik% prof. d-r A, Kunicki. ~ELECTRCENCEPHALOGRAPHV (.LF,UKCr,Y'rE COMPT-11 ~EIBCTROCATUIOGT.APHY I ( EPI NE PHR T nI~ PHAIIIA(.'OI.OCY OLOOD FRE3"URE : W-61 -a 0-0 I At - Lewwo Ago 2 Rapid 40OUVONAW Cd suican In Cast ftm. 1 WS OAToL tak. t93k S. 667-MS).-I-" AO- Ablik" in. go, OL at Act-aNO m&tm oof 20-40 zttL a(Ph~UW am added. and the P of is T. 40* ve Moo lee so* 10* WTAU496CAL LfTM?VIW CL&UWr.ATM NNW 4"AAV 948440 WAV 4mv 40 -I"Wel mjIA&jI Our New i$$ The -or a w a lip ;1 0 a w a 8 IFA ~ : * * 0 00000 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 * .* a : . of 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 , . Subject USSR/kngineering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 22/28 AID P - 5392 Authors : Lesnykh, D. S., M. S. Smov-t, and K. K. Moroz Title : Electro-sulfidation of steel and cast iron in water solutions and in melted salts. Periodical : Stan. i instr., 9, 35-36, S 1956 Abstract : A brief description of the thermo-chemical, electrolytic process of sulfidation of the 45-steel and gray cast-:Lron is presented. It was developed in the Rostov University laboratories, and reportedly increases the corrosion resistance of treated metals. Institution : As above Submitted : No date MOROZ, KX. - Usir6 Oirer,~:atgi malil. Zemle&tlle 4 ~~, I - % , I (Pr osphat,~ s ) BDREVICH,- V.A., inzh.; ZVEGINTSEVA, K.V., inzh.; MOROZ9 K.S., inzh. Organization of model production welding at the 'Compressor" Plant. Svar. proizv. no.2:20-23 F 161. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Zavod "Kompressor," Mobkva (for Borevich). 2. Vsesoyuzvjry proyektno-tekhnologicheskiy institut tyazhqlego Mashinmtroyantya Mos orsovnarkhoza (for Moroz)' fmosaow-Refrigeration anderefrigeratinq maoh~nery) (Welding) MC)'RC)Z, K. S. (Engi nee r) (VPTIs t r )y (',) rmas I i ) "A!~--hanlze(~ - azs,---- r~-Y fr- wi,- we ," par.-- -va.r. ra~-,rs n lf'ar- ry 'COM,press )r, ?I. F(,-,.)r,rt, prf.!s,--nts,( at. !,;f, , rif'-r-r-w- o1' t-l,,s(-,,,w -I Ly adr.iniptrat! -n WM Mashpr~-)r, Apri ; 1 ? -~. (Rr-pl,rt,e(i in Avt~,mati-h, s aya 1-3var-al Ni;- , Auglst 0- 1 , - p ) ~ - '~ , ','. ". Po po -, t. ~ r. ' iT,Rs'2 h , f ~ ~! j ) mkly i Ji MROZt K.S., inzh. Mechanized continuous production of piml evaporators. Svar. p.-oizv. no.2:23-26 F 165. (MIRfi 18:3) 1. PKTIMASH Saveta narodnogo khozyaystva Moskovakogo gorodskogo ekonomioheekogo rayona. MDROZt K.S., i-nzh. Gontinuous mechanized lines for assembling and weld'ng at the "Kompressor" Plant. Svar. proizv. no.5:17-19 My 164. (MIRA 18: 11) 1. Proyektno-konstruktorskiy i tekhnologicheskiy institut masKinostroyeniya Soveta. narodnogo khozyaystva Moskovskogo gorodskogo ekanomicheskogo rayona. HOROZ, L,, starahty inzh. Otdala truda I zarabotnoy platy nqshtnnetral- tellnogo ?avoda Shop sections with a compllite item production cycle. Sots. trud 6 no. 1-,1)4 ja 161. (mER;, 14:1) (Aachinery inaustry-Froduction standar-la) , "'. I p -. - - a . :, . 14 _ y~, T, I i ~. , -..L, ~ a -- e~'n e , , 4er-, - - .1 , - Exper!menta-I .4,-rk or. in.,itrl-ict on. te,.,.. cbr. 22 no. 12:3-5 D '69 1 'tut or, a~ a, tY-. -dova 's* r.:, t pr r~ ~'e s E: cbrazc-.vari,!a. (,f' ca-~:t wheels for and sup~-lies) X".-;: ~ f " , I . '7,- '! -~ L . i : r.,; - :.~ : J~ '- , - ~ - ; , . , - :, - : . ~ i, , . : .- , . - - Me . I . . . c I . .1 r.:, a ~_ -, : - -- L,: .--C- I ,~, . .. .*. ~l MOROZ, I.G., doktor takhn.rjct-u ; MINGIM, T-IL, inzh. Hydrogen embrittlement of steel. Metallovedeale 2:3-34 158. (MIRA 13:9) (Steel-flydrogen content) MOROZ, L.G. ; rEDOROV, F. I. Wave functions of an electromagnetic field in a vacuum. Trudy Inst.fiz.i mat.AN BSSR no.1:154-166 'S9. 04IRA 13:4) (Wave machanicR) (Electromagnetic waves) SIO 58/60 /000 /006 /00 210 40 A005/A0O1 'Translation from-. Referativny-y zhurnal, Fizika, 196o, No, 6, p. 22, # 1)0-;7 AUTHORS: Moroz, L.G., Fe-do-rov, F.I. TITU, On the Wave Functions of the Electroogmetic Field in a Va-lum PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta fiz.i matem, AN BSSR, 1959, No. _3, pp, 154-166 TEM The electromagnetic field theory in the vacuum is developed on the basis of the "generalized' wave equation of first order for the ten-component wave function consisting of the components of the vector potential and the fleld tenscir (Fedorov, V.I., Dokl. AN SSSR, 1952, Vol. 82, P. 37). Hereat, the neces. sarity does not arise to impose an additional condition on the system-state ve-_ tor, and the scalar and longitudinal photons are excluded from the observed fie!, quantities without using the indefinite metric. The formulation presented makes It possible to apply the common invariance-calculation methods developed fDr particles with arbitrary spin (RZhFiz, 1959, No. 11, # 242o,3). E.M. Lipmanov Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abs,ra-, Card .1/1 83176 5/056/60/059/00;~/O! 1 /044 I-So' C) BOO6/BO56 AUTHORS Moroz, L. G,, Fedorov, F, 1, TITLE~ The Scattering Matrix in Consideration of Pauli interq~7t-- PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki. 1960 Vol~ 39, No, 2(8), pp~ 293-505 TEXT in an earl ier pape r , the au thors, proceed ing f rom the geno ral ! zeci WSLV12 equation of first order (YQVQ + T0)f(x) ~ 0, developed a teri-dimer sional formalism ot' the electromagnetic quantum field theory I ;n in- vacuufr~' Tn,, ~Aavr_- l'unct.Lon _fconsists of potential- (f.) and fie,e (,rmp(_,n.3nt-; The y. are ten-dimensional matrices of trie vptoriai m,:?, ,noory which obey the Duffin-Kemmer algebra; y 0 is a proje-.-tiv~-' matrix which only a, and a do not vanish, In this formalism, the authors )3 44 express ion for the quantum-electrodynamic scattering mat ri r in conii ia.~r ation of the so-called Pauli interaction, which is represented by in, Card 1/3 83176 The Scattering Matrir in Consideration of 3,/056/60/039 '/002/0-:0,44 Pauli Interaction B006/BO56 Pauli interaction Lagrangian L (2 iel Vx)p (x) 00 0,0 X) Wh Pr-~ J ~7 Int 2 AV a real constant of the dimension of a length, Scaiar photons arp n't iK-- into account, Finally, the following expression is obta-,npa f(-r tne Matrix, (-,)r dx, - fd r Th 6V T. ri n IH(xl)l-H(x2'1 X,, n~c (to) n' ~ I expression is found to be unsuited for practical use, as Bix) consis*,q two terms of first and second order with respect to the Sommerfeld :-(~n stant. By employing a method situilar to that used by E, M Lipmano- IRP: 9), the form 00 dxl ... fd S -c T! x r n-o j is obtalnea by way of an expansion in series. This form js su ' tea e.g for calculating Compton scattering on a proton For problems of the electromagnetic interaction between two different Dirac parti~"es- the 3-matrix is finally given in the form of (63), by means of wh:e,.h tne samp r~,sults are obtained as by the Feynman method, e-g-, when calcuiaTing C,Ard 2/3 83176 The 3cattering Matrix in Consileration of S/056/60/039/002/013/044 Pauli Intera(,tiori B006/BO',-6 th,? Oller scattering of two different Dirac particles There arfi I !',gur- --ind 10 references: 8 Soviet and 2 US. A.S'jOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Belorueskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Belorusskaya SSR) 311 BUTTED: Ncvember 2, 1959 (initially) and May 5, 1960 (after revisior.) Card 3/ 5 MOROZ. L.G.; FEWROV. F. I. Taking Pauli interattion into account in a scattering natrix. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.2:293--303 Lg 6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institat fiziki Akademil naLd- BeloruBskoy SSR. (Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Field theory) S/ 0 56/ 60/059//003/009/045 B004/BO6O AUTHOR: bloroz, L. G. TITLE: Electromagnetic Scattering of Particles With Spin 1/2 ?ERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekaperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3 (9), PP. 589-590 TEXT: The author started from the scattering matrix, and by taking account of the structure of particles by way of form factors FP(k2), 19 (0) for mesons, and FN(k2), IN(k2) for nucleons (k being the pulse transferred), he calculated the muon-nucleon scattering cross section in the case of longitudinal polarization. The determination was made in the laboratory system, so that it was possible to choose the spin projection operator of the incoming muon as that of the nucleon at rest. The following relations were found to hold for the differential scattering cross section: do/dg-= [e4~/(2x) 2vJ ~IM12 + R~2 Card 1/3 Electromagnetic Scattering of Particles S/056/60/039/00VO09/045 With Spin 1/2 B004/BO60 e 2/4R = 1/137; v p p2WE/[ I P_" I (M + E E )'P-' I c o s rel -.0 1 /Eo; Y = _'P 11 0 0 The signs + and - refer to parallel and antiparallel spin, IM12 is the square of the scattering matrix element of nonpolarized particles, and agrees with the expression obtained by A. I. Nikishov (Ref. 1), if the latter is converted to the laboratory system. A bulky explicit expression is written down for IR12. M is the mass of the nucleon, A the mass of the meson, Eo, ~oq Eo ~ ~L denote the initial and the final energy and momentum of the meson, W the final energy of the nucleon. For point particles, and if the incoming particle has no anomalous magnetic moment- (F 0 = Fii = 1, 1u = 0), the expression for the differential cross section is simplified, thus; do/d2 = [e4g2n)'j y '(v UWE Ek4) [M(ME 2 _ 1E k2 rel 0 0 2 o 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2) t 2 - Uk ) (1 + I k ) + k (-21- (1 + 21 M lk (1 + 21 M) 4 N 4 N 2 ~_'4 N -9,2 24] (1 + ME OP ~I sin + 21NM)i . The author thanks F. I. Fedorov for the Card 215 Electromagnetic Scattering of Particles S/056/60/0,19/00'~/009/045 With Spin 1/2 B004/B06O calculation method proposed by him. There are 4 references: 3 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (Institute of I Physics of the Academy of Sciences, Belorusskaya SSR) SUBMITTED: November 2, 1959 L/ Card 3/3 MOROZ, L. G., Cand Phys-Math Scl -- "Dif."usion matrix In quantum electrodynamics with Me Interaction of Paull." Minsk, 1961. (Belorus State U Im V. I. Lenin) (KL, 8-61, 227) - 28 - ACCESSION NR: AP4044255 S/0250/64/008/007/0441/0443 AUTHOR: Moroz, L. G.; Bogush, A. A. TITLE* Scattering of a circularly polarized photon by a longitudinally polarized proton SOURCE: AN OSSR. Doklady*, v. 8, no. 7, 1964, 441-443 TOPIC TAGS: photon, photon scattering, polarized photon, proton, polarized proton, scattering matrix ABSTRACT: On the basis of the scattering matrix of a Pauli Interaction, the dif- ferential scattering cross section for a photon Incident on a proton Is calculated in the first Born approximation, using the laboratory system In order to simplify the form of the spin projection operators. Using a Feynman diagram, an expression is obtained for the cross section, the contribution from the direct diagram for parallel spins being zero, as Is also true In the center-of-mass system. This may be explained as compensation of spin waves because of opposite polarizations of the colliding particles. When an Intermediate state Is Involved, this compensation does not occur and the contribution from the exchange diagram Is not zero. An ex- ression Is given for the scattering cross section of a clrculZrly polarized photon LW'lth positive spin projection and parallel spins, and It Is no ed that the deriva- ACCESSION NA: AP4044255 tion for antiparallel spins can be carried out using Powell's formula. Orig. art. has: I figure and 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut fIzIkI AN BSSR (Physics Institute, AN BSSR) ~SUBMITTED: o4Sep63 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV- oo4 OTHER: 001 2/2 Card MOROZ$ L.G.; TRET'YAKOV, V.N. 9 ~- -7 Polarizability of the neutron. D-,ki. ~1% BS-ER F n~,,. :5", 5 8 S 1611- ,fM!.RA 17.12) 1. Institut fiziki AN Belorusskoy SSR. Mb7',-7-, 1,.F . J) ; %C, TH, A ~ A. ~ E.-) h i.,c,), , A , A ~ MOROZ, L G L C o v E. r -' a n *. f c, 7 f r i I a , 1 .1 ~ o.-. , ~ ,',I:e s- ol'~ r.4 ma * - . y . : *. r2 I - , Interaction. Ve--4ts 1- AN PZ;SP . "er. f ~ -i . - n'-,v. - . - ; 46-52 164. klv,-~, '.w - MOROZ, L.G.- Substantial changes in the neural tissue in hysteriosis. Fiziol. zhur. 51 no.8%c)60-q65 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii kletki Gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Zhdanova, Leningrad. KOROZ$ L.G.; TRETOYAKOV, V.N. Relation between *.he imaginary part of the amplitude of the Compton effect on a neutron and the photoproc'uction of --mesons. Vests.i AN BSSR. 165. MHA 19tl) MORCZ. L.I., inzhener. ftwftft,~- Studies by professor P.N. Lebedev and his school in the field of acoustics. Sbor.trud. WNIT07T no.1:105-121 '54. (MLRA 10:5) (sound waves) MOROZ, L. 1. Problems of chemical electrothermics at the Fourth Tnternattonal Coneress on glectrothmrmics. Khtm.prom. 2:172-174 My 160. (HTRA 11:7) 1. 970 po karbldli kalltslys. Giprokauchiika. ('Elactrochemisi,ry--Cr,ngresseR) MOROZP L.I., inzh. Reports of the electrometallurgical and electrochemical sections of the Fourth Internatioruil Congress on Electrothermy. Elektric~4stvo no./+:85-86 Ap '60. (MIRA 1414) (Electric heating-Congresses) I(GROZ, L. I. Improvement of the methods of production of acetylene from natu- ral gases in foreign countries. Xhim-prom. no-5:430-435 J-1-Ag '60. (MIRA 13:9) (Acetylene) (Gas, Natural) MOROZ, L.I.,inzh. (Leningrad) Survey of foreign calculation methods used indssigning electric metal-malting furnaces. Elsiktrichestvo no.9:67--/2 5 16"0. OIRA 1):10) (Electric furnances) MOROZ 0 L. I. i I Production of calcium carbide In the U.S.A. Khim.prom no.5:362-365 My '61. ~YJFAI' 14: 6) (United States-Calcium carbide) MOROZ, L.I., inzh. Mechanization and automation of basic processes in carbide production. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 15 no.7:48-51 JI 161. (MIRA 14-7) (Automation) (Calcium carbide) KORO.zq L.I. I flow trends in the4pign of charge resistance furnaces. 5t&21 22 no*2:130-134 7161* '' '(MIRA 14:3) (Zlectric furnaceb) S/110/61/ooo/001/018/023 E194/E455 AUT HOR: Moroz, L.I., Engineer h 7~=S e ~ TITLE: lection of Current and Voltage for Carbide Electric Arc Furnaces PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlerinas 1, 1961, No.1, pp.63-66 TEXT. Correct selection of current and voltage for large arc furnaces is very important. The choice is usually related to the electrical rating per unit volume of furnace and for carbide Ifurnaces this is usually in the range 225 to 310 kW/m3. There are various disadvantages in having constant electrical loading per unit volume and various other characteristics are used in foreign designs. These too are not very satisfactory in relation to large furnaces and the usual equations are in need of some correction. The assumptions upon which the usual empirical equations can be theoretically justified are discussed. It is concluded that the product of the effective resistance of the electrode and the perimeter of the electrode section may be considered constant, to a 12~ firist approximation: there is no serious objection to an equation basod on this assumption. However, the supplementary equation in Card 1/2 F_ S/110/61/000/001/018/023 E194/E455 The Selection of Current and Voltage for Carbide Electric Arc Furnaces 4 which the current is determined as the electrode diameter raised to a certain power and multiplied by a constant is not valid, and Varicous factors that govern the heat balance of the electrode should be taken into account. Accordingly, a graph recommended iby Pense (Ref.5) shouid be used to determine the current and current density in the electrodes as functions of its diameter. This graph is widely used in foreign practice. An empirical formula giving fairly good agreement with the graph is suggested Current voltage and power rating data are then collected together for a number of furnaces in Europe, America and China and it is shown that the agreement between the measured values of current and voltage and those calculated by the method recommended here is reasonably good. There are I figure, 2 tables and 5 referenceist I Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. SUBbIll'TED juiy 4, ig6o Card 2/2 MROZ, L. I. ffl inzil. Detection of leaks in water supply systems. Tod.i sar.tekh. no.11:2-6 N 162. (MMA 15:12) (Vater-Distribution) MDR nzh. Alp I Automation of auxiliary operatione in cal,:ium carbide producstias, Makh.i a7tom. preizv. 16 no.5:49-51 162. (MIRA 160) (Calcium carbide) (Automation) -Ii -MCRCZ, L,I.J, inzh. Improvement of the design of short netvorks of electric src furnacess Promeenerg. 17 no-5-38-43 Vq 162. (KIRA 15:5) (Electric furnaces) 140HOZ) Lev Izrailevich; KAPUSTINA, V.S., red.; NOVOSELOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Methodology of teaching the fundwentals of electric engineer- ing in the eight grade of evening (Aaggered) schools] Metodi- ka prepodevanAia osnov elektrotekhniki v VIII klasse vechernei (smennoi) shkoly. 1-!oskva, Izd-vo AFN itSFSR, 1963. 100 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Electric eni-ineering-Study and teaching) 0 MYSHLYAYEV, A.M.; PUSTILINIKv I.G.; MOROZI L.I. Discussing the contents and structure of the Behool physics course. Piz. v ohkole 23 no-5:40-45 S-0 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Pedagogicheskiy institut, g. Karacbayevsk (for I'Vahlyayev). 2. 36-ga srednaya shkola, g. Sverdlovsk (for Pustillnik). 3. Ins-titut vechernikh (amennykh) i zaochnykh shkol Akademii pedagogicheakikh nauk RSFSR, Leningrad (for Moroz). I4C6i0Z,,_ L. M. and FiUiZIK&L, YyjL. 1. I,- ~.o-,mrd the hyd-rodynamics cf suspelsi,~ns which fall in a Ii--:~ersi--,n medium," --c.,,llcoid Jcurnal, 1-1, '31 1-1 AuCust A11-Union Order Lenin Sci. Res. Inst. Aviation Materials, 'r km !I to a towa is v a p a 4# a to a sop A-UL. L-A 0- &-A- 64 - I so. 00,40""40, "a "MOU wo#7-- -k~rd- miya #A ift** 4 &UPOISAAG (411&9 10 FUCIS W V I F kel. - "- s Is %W =. (~,. M M. 0. 1 C0,1'a trispeasium of Al p3odm dhm. 200) in $"CAM" 00 11 to parada W witheat mixing with It it the Al comm. (4 046-6 wt.%. Ilaxpendws In dther vi4maq him obs. in ketwome, aq. gi etc.) 4ww MI-21310. Hydrodynamic to dMS" that the stability of dnqAe= V11"ev t1mv- MeUtf. SMthl (he ftfdpt*t Ce 0 Le woo coo AND* 109 90 U144440CAL CITCRAIM "AAWCAtIN foldeq Od 01440 Oise of 4441 4WA 81 "411 is A 14-0 ve is 16 , , j ; A IV0 0 : : * a 19 0 * 0 0 : 0 : :; i O'weA it 0 0 0 * *.* 0 00 e.'O 0 GWO 0 0 0 0.* 0 q 0 It 0 0 IV 0 0 0 0 0* 0 00:0 0 0 0 0 ge MOROZ, L. M. In Collection of Papers Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of A. F. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., 1950, pp 417-429, Strengthening Effect of Dispersed Carbides in Steel. MOROZ, L. M., PUTILOVA, I. M. and GINDIN, L. G. Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 71, Nr 1, pp 81-83, Behavior of Soap Dispersions in Liquid DielectrTcs in a Constant Electric Field. "Formation of peculiar ribbon-shaped structuces was observed in 0.1% dispersions pf Ba pr Zn stearate, and of Ba oleate, in aviation &asoliae and paraffin oil, In am elec. field of 7500 v./cm between 2 Ag electodes o.6 mm. apart. The ribbons start at one electrode, then a fragment breaks away and attaches itself to the other electode; the 2 fragments continue to grow until they become tnbted. At the stage when the ribbons connect the electrodes, the elec. cond. of the dispersion is increased very condsiderably, which indicates that the Soap ribbons possess a very high elec. cond. Structurally, the ribbons appear to be cryst." 'A 9kQUU bCqddnn 49 4W#iF4dMS OF MACILIS (4 Kqdd dkdadd4e, L. Q. QaMa, L. U. Mw=, L N Pistilwa. yd. 1. Ifffakef. AM 0. A, 144W Mad ASIA SJJA 72. all CitZIM '."I 'X., Mot-w- to a mugmika d, REWd (CKOWM. POMMA OU. C(C.) C=ts. (=a 004 W IT* CA cmt&j ((m umt apm 0.1%) "w Pugai himlaft" a mctd clevircido at 3 mm. distisam. pve do. first. to a mkmdm eh dw getkio mJ tb* mamakika at iho Calk& At (M aamk Wm mwaj appases avily at Uter stitaft. As Mau thadw. Q4 Znacfma Cat. value E., bratW-. accia , bat *Wy idta a mula tmdtwtion pedW r. For Al Im padim. F- - 4M v./cm.. r - a few wc. The btukdaiso is simccedscA by a slurp rtic ol the c-d.. a WC of the adgmt1w of the pardefes. and a (all of 9 dowu to -1 T.16n. cmd the pattkka ha.. Itattled. a tbcmd-Mm c=W tickfa becouics visible betw"" h the ekxuvdcs. This bridge paWm after remoral at the, veltap. fT a kviab of dx* depeadwe. sums achers, an the vwmty al the flquW (-I be. fa pwAitic. kmaw in ParAffin ad). Th6 pmdaeme of the tactial thrmd cs teated "dec. I.- F. immams with cfm r- at the mctal pasticks. thiss. a 34*U dearem of thie site of Al panicia rcsWt4d In an kumven (d F- fimm 40M to 13.oWv./cca. Ttie"cle-..awnmy"IspartkWadytwgin suspeadma where the ds. of the awW and of the liquid Air ckm. The nAture. %hope. sim, cuaiditkn, and divpo- Utt-M Of the CkVtfWfe$ ft&Vle MO CffMt OU F- NO ChAnist A E. was chm"ved In the tettip. Interval W-1156. &,(Alla with ummaing didec. catim. ad the UqukJ; thus, fm Al ia gualinc. & - WW, aM in PbNO,, 1000 v./cm . Thdf eke. resistance of the bcWgm fammd alm Wis with in. crauiag dickc. const. of 110 fiqmm. N. raw LOZ, L. M. SA B 64 621.315.615 ~5 621.3.015.51 1 537.528 1310. The mechanism of.elgot-ical puncture of liquid dielootric with Ouspended metales L. G. G. ndin, I- V. 1,orozA I. N. Putilove and Ya . L rrankel, Dokl. Umd. Naulc, ..-SSR, 74 (1',lo. 1) 49-52 (1950T ill 'Tu-esh~n~. A theoretical e7planation is o-,iven of -henomens, previously described.:' (See AbBtr. 4055 (1950).) J. Lulznszeqicz (R) tfR*UOW6."AS$IF WAI ION, A oil C r. 4 it r m I I R' ;.ll J1 I 'A It CC 0 it N- w4tor-oi W"o of A -r-l- - - - .- I- - - I - f! so ul. jo JJI-524 6213 01S.51 Qljiigl ( US 00 *9 dt~ P . cwAm an cw 'cfttk*9'ft"Wl In diciocerim it t 0 4( do bd4p and do diiir -W d .40 so f . _ . ci '"" I. N. rwimmA Am yA. 1. - o W FCk as d*kcfFic MdUnt of Eft dhpm(% NW an 00 1-colvelff. /. r.4 4. f4ii., "M 21 OVO. 2) 1434 " ftation of (to M&WCA" vokmim of tk A so i (1911) IN Sma4m. S- Abar. JJSQ (Igjl) &W C,,( 1 Tto bd i w T% kft(ft d (to ofthahk bd4w an be . ,,v ow ~ 0'17- MMMIM of At In paml 1, CM J-4 am mul ow w4w In awe VbMA M& m e as* ell M &W - krvmiutgd. ru of mclim O(L rm meou"d rftw~ of 25 bM : oo famoon 6dw" (M A I F I" UA 160WO, w ftdwmo wo bcm9ft dmf* do Wkkw of t o -66 dcf*ftlinft (hd f On bam owl a" NKh amw M& Cawam( " 06 : i do no *704 - duve. mww or ftew,,Z, dftimof(hcdwt,o&.& vkcasit "d dfi t vattwo of &w. vol 0-1-11% 4250. dkdot. AN as* 0 z c ra y 0t Oft digxnM# mWkm. h&4 M Se kaluak-im an ; cmomk4mcm (o - I-M edw top .. 4.3% -90 t crokel 0, ktd&,, td(afo 0( Ece 2 250; Ailcowume o 36. 5)~, I Ila V. IL F. CUM W (he duftfWn d ft fmlllk- fkm vio r~ u to 0u it', low CPIPIO via 94 loll ocon ifog too N L40CAL iiisrroRTIONS-OF-TIfELfJLYSIAI&IA= A F ALLOY'3 OUI(INGTHANSFORMATION HAPOSUING.- L. ht(,j v 41111 1. Mingluji, Translated from Doklady Aluld Ub RTUTC-0,1~-if. '1. 249 SM953). 3p. (NSF-tr-09) Th, tt,,l intensities of the (220) and (110) lines In the same x i j y pliutogrAph for quenched And highly tempered samples of alloyed Fe were compared. They were also compared to the intensities of the lines in x-ray photographs of plastically deformed samples. An Fe alloy with 0.02% Lt4 ,v,,CY C, 4.3% Mn, and 0.97% Cr was used. The data suggested that a considerably smaller number of atoms with incoherent attachrn~nt due to static distortions of the lattice was formed during quenching than during plastic deformation. It was also ASSunied that-there was a substantial difference in the nature of the local lattice distortions of an alloy which is in the states of transformed and mechanically cold- worked metal. (J.A.G.) AA Md Pit USSR/Solid State Physics - Diffusion, Stntering, E-6 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34753 Author: Bokshteyn, S. Z., Gudkova, T. I., Kitkin, S. T., Moroz, L. M. institution: None T,-Itle: Study cf Uniformity of Alloys and Mobility on the Grain Boundaries Using Radicactive Isetopes Crf, 4inal Periodical: Zavod. Laboratoriya, 1955, 21, No 4, 423-432 .9 Abstract: None / 'O'r / - I - .7 Z~71P' Q~ , I~ - of bamA_ 6t, th t 'oCt Contac :It~ was pInce-4 th -,c V' 'rhe dig- ~6dlddon; a pbotOZMPI - en for L-13 dukvi- i l l Ul rk P,~ s cc m .~he4 meta 7.1vith thu _h 0 . ud % greater non- ~~jtl Mj,4 . !A of thr rajdj (tibu 0v , evell diod M :~ I c , q m tt y t t Ij'm a c 4 t t ll"Obly i ' tor" cOnen WlIbU the all,)ying metub were Ir reatribution of the cle 1- t O' e tj ar Sam tn~t of 14 6 d d t U n ero" A het -Y . di f y d l a d2l L im i6 -75 fAb "T, $too= MOROZ, L. M. "Effect of Metal Composition and Structure on Grain Boundary Diffusicn " " S. Z. Bokshteyn, S. T. Kishkin, and L. M Moroz, IlrscGw Aviation Lnst, USz~ Paper pubmitted for presentation at the Internationai Conference Un Radioisotipes in Scientific Research, Paris, 9-20 Sep 1957. 11 $- - 129-2-1/10 AUTHOR: Bokshteyn, 3.11., Dr. of Technical 3ciences Prof., Kishkin, 3.T., Dr. of Technical Scif,-n(-~s Prof. and Moroz, L.M., TIME: 3elf-Diff'usion of Iron in the Volume of the Grain and Along its Boundaries. (3amodiffuziya zheleza v oblyemne I po granitsam zerna). PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i obrabotka metallov, 1957, Nb. 2, pp 2-Ir A.BSTRACT: In a series of i~apers V.I. Ark~.arov et aiii (14, 15) show, on the basis of r.-,eta',1oE_,raT~J_c ana.ysis, that there is preferential diffusion of a number of elements filona the --rain boundariw-s of iron, nickel and copper. Gruzin, P.L., Kuznetsov, E.V. and Kurdyumov, G.V. (22) studied the diffusi-~n of iron in the alloys iron-nickel and iron-nickel-carbon (25% Ni, 0.69% C) and found that the straight lines expressing the dependence 1g D on I/T show a break at 1000 to 1100"C. The inclination angle at lower temveratures indi(ates lower values of the activation energy compared with respective high temperature val ies; this riependf~nce was observed only if the alloy was subjected to martensite transformation prior to diffusion annealing. In fact, the diffusion coefficient at qrr"c in this case Is three times as large as for specimens t~hich hav T2 not been -12 subjected to martengite transformation, i.e. 7.65 X 10- and 2.35 X 10 Card 1/5 cm 2/sec respectively. Apparently, the influence of earlier transformations 129-2-1/10 T ITLE: 3elf -Dif '-is -n Ir-,n ~In + n,~ I- I-,f the 'Ira 1r. and A Poundaries. (Samor!i~fuzi,.,a zheleza v oblyeme i po gran"t3ain zerna). is nullified only after heating the specimens to 1CIC:O to 110C C. Earlier investigations by the authors of this paper (21, 23) by means of auto -rad i3graphy metho~~,s indicates thatthis process is nonuniform in a polycrystalline body and has a. pronounced local character. The process of self-diffusion of iron was Investigated by means of an auto-radiography method describe6 earlier by the authors of this paper (21,23). 20 x 10 x 10 ram specimens of Armco iron (0.028% C, 0 030% S, O.QL7% P, 0.12% Si5l 0.221 14h) were coated with ratlio-a~ ive Fe59 in an electroly-tic bath of such a composition that the coating can be effected at room temperature, is not liable to oxidation, is stal.!,~ 4-n operation and does not ~Rve to be frequently corrected. Dirin.g In to 15 minutes an 0.2 to 0-5)& thick radio- active iron layer wa_- with an activity it 4~'n() to 7000 imp/cm min. For 3elf-diffusion of the iron in the cK and the y states annealing was effected in the temperature r&nsye 800 to ca-rd 2/ 5 12000C, maintaining the temperature constant within 2 0C. At 129-2-1/10 TITLE: Self-Diffusion of Iron in the Volitme of the Grain and Along its Boundaries. (Samodiffuziya zheleza v ob"yeme i po granitsam zerna). first the qualitative 3elf-diffusion of iron was studied at 800, 1000, 1100 and 12000C. Fig. 1 shows auto-radiograms of specimens after diffusion annealing at 800,1000 and 1200"C. Fig. 2 shows the measured values of the depth of self-diffusion of iron in the grain for 1000*0. Fib. 3 shows the dependence of the density of blackening on the depth of self-diffusion of iron along the grain boundaries. Fig. 4 shows the temperature dependence of the self- diffusion coefficient of iron inside the grain and along the grain boundaries. Measured values of the Influence of the temperature on the coeffici.nt of self-diffusion inside the grain and along the grain boundaries are given in a table on p. 8. As a result of the tests, the character of the process of self-diffusion of iron in the V- and the t states was determined. It is shown that displacement of atoms during self-diffusion of the iron takes place predominantly along the grain boundaries within a wide range of temperatures (800 to 12000C) and is independent on the type of crystal lattice. For the temperature dependence of the coefficient Card 3/5 of self-diffusion of 2( iron the relations were deteriined separately 129-2-1/10 TME: Self-Diffusion of Iron in the Volume of the Grain and Along its Boundaries. (Samodiffuziya zheleza v ob"yeme i po granitsam zerna). for the grain boundary and for the grain volume, namely: Dboundaryz 2.3 e-30 100/RT Dgrain Z 0.16 x 10-6e-64 OOO/RT Although conserving a high mobility along the crystal boundaries in the case of self-diffusion right up to 1200'C, a decreAsq is bbserved in the speed of diffusion with increasing temperatures, namely: Dboundar/bgrain (at 100CPC) 12 000 Card 4/5 Dboundary/Dgrain (at 120eC) 2 500. 129-2-1/10 TITLE: Self-Diffusion of Iron in the Volume of the Grain and Along its Boundaries. (Sawdiffuziya zheleza v ob"yeme i po granitsam zerna). The observed differences in the parameters of the self-diffusion of iron inside grains and along the grain boundaries are attributed fundamentally to the features of the structure of the crystal lattice in the boundary zone. One photo, three graphs, and one table are shown. There are 26 references, of which 12 are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 ied by the additiOn uf'Cr4l -to Cr and Fe, !i;ze),wW w.;,ri Mi. 73-~ pure), 4y, u a imo~iflcofk ft6f h6d 0 a-scaNd -alit I -~Y, %'Vin abag the =At r in sidf-difflos oTiji tite abee4ca,:e~ mU7 Pas ~I-b. -L4-4- Ivith Qth CP=LIWW,,' uv djauslof is #-Gergt I abidl~- CIE! - fr-W, amt the j;i~ccss 40 , e; UPA.dU'-' -4U-M mto was 7iO,Wj and ajo6g the Us-jI is Z~Z'm MR HOR04~ L jvj . PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3726 Bokshteyn, Samuil Zeylikovich, Sergey Timofeyevich Kishkin, and Alita Yarkovra Moro-z Issledovaniye stroyeniya metallov metodom radioaktivnykh izotopov (Study of the Structure of Metals by the Method of Radioactive Isotopes) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 217 p. Errata slip Inserted. 3,200 copies printed. Reviewer: A.A. Zhukhovitskiy, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor; Ed.: A.G. Rakhshtadt, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: L.I. Sheynfayn; Tech. Ed.: V.P. Rczhin; Managing Ed.: A.I. Sokolov, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for scientific workers and engineers specializ- ing in metallurgy and the physics of metals. COVERAGE: This book deals with the problem of the nonhomogeneity of metal alloys and the state of the metal at the interfaces, in particular at Study of the Structure (Cont.) SOV/3726 the grain boundaries. The methods and results of investigations of the chemical nonhomogeneity of various alloys and of diffusion along the grain boundaries are presented. The authors devote considerable atten- tion to methods and techniaues of using tagged atoms in investigating distribution and diffusion processes. Engineer T.I. Gudkova partici- pated in the experimental investigations of distribution processes of alloy components. The authors thank Professor A.A. Zhukhovitskiy, Doctor of Chemistry,and A.G. Rakhshtadt, Candidate of Technical Sciences. There are 47 references: 35 Soviet, 11 English, and 1 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Introduction 5 Ch. I. Nonhomogeneity of Metals and Alloys 7 Metals interfaces 14 Exterior surface 14 Grain boundary 16 1, C"d_zj~'_