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KsaMnixed processing of waterfovl. Kfas.ind.SSSR Z5 no.1:9-11
154. (KLRA 7:3)
1, Brattaevskaya ptittafabrika. (Ducks) (Poultry. DregaIng of)
Ill it I!
C-~JS t4a F; tof
JOij6r-gencrtk. of ot SSE;J1
Ut-~.-_ tj
-9 --nut watf"n
bl WiiE
COST =xfaf, ii~ ~_Ioi_iilv
--*o:tv or of AAMOA-(-,~-
us~~ ja--- I
fr' Ot 1; -&a,
nit prognA--i6ontiron
11 r%TTN .Anni. ti~)yat-nyki. :4 5tavkt,
P,c,vlrjws and Ntliograph.7. iv. i k n t
HOLOTKN; ~&.; ganarcl-mayor avimtsit, saslubannyT, lateftlk-topytatell 9=,
The maraldg of a flight day. Ay. L koqm. 48 no.8:6-11 Ag 165.
Progress of the execution by medleal periodicals of the reec-
lutions of the June Plenary Seasian of the Central Cr=ittee a4"
the CPSU concirning Ideological problemse Savo made 28 noo41
3-7 Ap 164. (ML--U 17t 12)
K"my, P.O., professor; MOLOTIDT, JL*O#,,. professor Cdoceasadl
Diapasonometrr of oWuctivitr disturbame a I& iaitmed
hvAaa aervos exposed duriag op*ratiomL and surgical trostwent
for some ki:~dR of p&LiL* Uch*s&p.L*m*ux,&o*U8:Z6?-Z7k 15Z.
Mu M)
1. Is Laboraterii. elektrofisiologi Lningradskop filialt
Tsovoyusnogn instituta sksportmentallsor moditsisy I O%de-
leaiyw khtrurgit. perifericho2kof tervzoy statemr Losiagrad-
skogo asyroltirurgi-sbeskogo institute imazi. professor& kkL*,.
PolonoTa, I.- I
ACCESSrON MR: AP40437NP 8/0100/64/006/009/1426/1433
AUTHOR: Zelenev, Yu. V., A. P.
TITLE: Relaxation time spectra of rub4or lattice-type polymers
!.SOURCE: Vy*sokomolakulyaray'Dye wyedinAntya, v. 6, no. 6, 1964, 1426-1.433
TOP100 TAGS: polymer, rubber, synthetic rubber, lattice polymer, relaxation time
ABSTRACT: In order to contribute to the limited available data on the behavior, In a
mechanical or electrical field. of linear polymers undergofag spatial structural changes. the
authors investigated the spectral characteristics (height. length and ghap4 and In different
itypes P1. ruhber and vulcartates with different lattice der RiEfes. The spectral charactcr(SUca
ware calculated from relaxation-time spectra and, dynamic parameters found In the litcra-
ture. and from formulas derived by the authors on the basis of the phenomenological theory
of relaxation. 'Lhe types of rubber and Mcanates InvesUgated were the PlB, NK, SKN-15.
SM-26. SKK-3CP, SKU-40. 8K3 and 6KB gulfurized rubber vulcanates. and the SKS-30, M.
and SM-40 radiation acd thermal rubber vulcanates. The L&H vs Lacurves are preaonW4
revealing a maximum regloa, (t transition region and a plateau in the otherwise rather
Card 1/2
nonuniform spectral patterns of all these polymers. The spectral, hefght of the synthetic
rubbers with lower molecular weights and it less pronounced spatiat structure Is lower
than that oC tho high-molecular weight polyloobutylene rubber (PM). Orig. art. has:
6 figures and 16 formulu.
ASSOCIATION: Moskoveldy gosudaretvenny*y, pedagogichosidy Inatitut. iment V. L LerAna
(Moscow State Pedagogical Institute)
OTHER: 006
ACC NR, AR6013661 SOURCE CODEz UR/0OW65/000/010/E019/E019'
AUTHORc Zelener, Yu. V.; Malotkoy, A. P.
TITLE: AL physical basis for a macroscopic model of linear polymers,
SOURCE: Ref. xh. rizika, Abs. 10EL36
Mr SOURCE: Uch. zap. Mosk. obl. ped. in-ta, v. 147, 1964, 151-159
TOPIC TAGS: linear polymer, mathematic model, polymer physical chemistry
TRMSIATION; A model made up of a set of linear elastic and inelastic elements, in-
cluding ont nonlinear element (a nonlinear viscosity) Is proposed to describe the me
chanical behavior of polymer systems, especially linear polymerr.. & specific physic; 11
mechanism is associated with each element of the model. Equations for the model are
derived and analyzed for the simplest cases of mechanical behavior (dynamic testing
stress, relaxation, creep). The relationships qualitatively. reflect the behavior o;
linear polymers in vitrified highly-elastic and viscous-flaw state, but only, for pol",
mars with sufficiently pliable chains. An electrical model was constructed analogous
to the proposed mechanical model. A. Kalkin.
SUB CODE: 07,22,:Z0
Card Itl
.25(l) WI/IZ-59-1-13/15
AUMR: Gbarnegat D,,F. 0 9010tkarp -B.A. " Kise, P Trof Lwymt K.G.
The Influe=e of Electri,:-Slag Heating cf the Irgot Sh--injmge
ffead by G;mpbitized Electrode = the Properties of Metal
(Issledoy=iye YllynaLys eI*J&.r*aUeIan)go, obogre-m p=LbfII-
nor chasV- alltka gmfItWrov*=ym elekt=dm m wroystm
RRIODICAL: LYtcimtIcLeskxym svse=,p 1959.. Nr l.. &--86 (USSR)
ABSTRAVE: The macrouf~-%--Wm of a. her-ted hzA., Er rwmparLsam witt
a ncn-heated ingot,, the folirming featuxes: sbrInkage holes,,
better t(xighriess of metaZ,, leae-marked low tapers and V-' ype
segre~Lticm. The electec-alag heutting of 3-tac ingots performed
by direct current of positive polarity 1000 a wid 50 v# resmIts
in no not~teetble chuge in the chmiua c7itent of the metal.
The concentrstion of sulphur in the heated Ingat is ty C.002 to
0.00% leus than in the unbeated irgot. Undtr the inIUAwe of
direct current,,, the a=tent of hydrogen In the ingot body
decreewes. As u. rv.Ll-e,, thft reuw-4-4,,d& Lydrogem w= shit"'.
Card 1/2
25(l) SOV/1 Sr 59- 1- 13/15
The Influence of Electric-Slag Heating of the Ingot Shrinka.~~ AA bT
Graphitized Electrode an the Properties of Ketal
to the negative pole. Electric:-slag heating by means of
direc% current is mokt suitable for reducing hydrogen in
the ingot and for improving the mechanical properties in
the motal. There are three graphs. arie sketch, one photo,
one table, and ten Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONt Kiyev3kiy politekhaicheakiy inatitut (Kiyev Politechnical
Institute). Zhdanovskly aetallurgicheakiy zavad Im.
Illicha (Zhdanov, Metallurgical Plant imeni Il'ich)
SUBMINEDc July 7, 1958
Card 2/2
--- d-Ak~.-;W -#K--
~ rv, t U.
Feed Water N-rification
Apparatus for puri*ing reec. water. Mias,ind. 23, 'No. 4, 1):52.
Monthly Lis~ o? Ausgian Accossions LibriAry of rmigresisp Dtcr;nbfir 1?52.
Production lina with zembrane units for freesiv4-. meat in
blacks, Kias.Endeg= 31 W-5:5-7 c60- 0112L 13 -.9)
1, Tffalor=w, namahno-issladavatWakir inatttut mrasnCT
proapshlennostl (for Xonchakov). 2. GorlkcmaUy cyasokombimat,
(for Takowlev).
(Keat. ]frozen)
wil 1! e, -.A lit 4ir
MAO I -14
44ki. i.& fine d me"etid okft~* of
t. if ffd~ttia sn
-gn rli*-*
A m
r -111 IT7-
a CATMO A.11
rimmro, iv,; Gvsw. T,r.; Tmunw, A.L. , EMZ& I,. A - *
Aut"atizatiou of open-hearth furnwas ott the tapareshatall Mat.
itell 16 no.6:6"-697 Ag t56. (MM 9:10)
I.Sarad "UporeshatalO.6
(Zaporashlys-Open-hearth furnacee) (AutowLtta cantrul)
TawillireTichi ~UIHOTSXIT, rl'.ra SOUOnOTiCh;
'; KWM4A. K..
Genuad Y-AlakumArovich. TMUBIM- AnstOlir Lf"TicbL
rejXtjV".qMAEMx. P.. tekhaichookly redaktar.
[ftadauentals of rapid steel smelting] Ogmayr skorostnot "vlarki
stalL. riev, Gon.jad-ro, tekhzt.jjt-r7 USSR. 1957. 249 p. (KMA 10:11)
Technical And SOOnMtc; CoMoil of the, Za hire Sconcuic
Region. Met. i go 0 PMIP nollt7g-70, -Ta-P 962.
(MIRL l6s6)
14 Pivdaedatell Upomhakogoi moTst& narodnogv. kbosyVatm
(for Sklyarov), 26' VabsW askratarg ToUnik"kanamiab"kaga,
vmt& Saporailskop amta. nar4ftop kh""]ratya, for Kolotkor).
(Upomhlys Peovinoe--Izfts.tries~
Efficient v&y of Uying out chackervork. Stall 22 rc.7:617-618
n t62, (M7A 15:',")
1. ZapIlrozhskiy soraarkhoz.
(Open-hearth furnacea-Dosten and construction)
MD KOVI G. P. (Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences)
"Mthod of ffoise Functions, for Investigating a System Subjected to Random
report, presented at the Scientific-technical Conference on Modem Gyroscope,
Technology Minkstry of Higher and Secondary Special Education RSYSR, hold,
at the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optical 2D-Z4.November 1?62
. (Lm. Ypshikh uchetvqkh savskenijr. Priborostroyeni7el, Y. 6#, no. 2r 1963)
AUTHOR s MO.Latka , GA. P, scowl
-TITLCo Analysis of Linear functions by means of noise Cuactions
PER1011CALs Akademiya nauk SSSR* Xcrestiya. Otd*Laniyo
tekhnLchaskikh nauke Enargetikef. artamatikag no.5,j
L962, .59-65
-TEXT& if C in tho weighting-runctLazz of a Linear system,
.dthe investigation or the stationary and*nan-stationary b4havLour
of the latter is facilitated by the "nolso w*ightLng.CuuctLanx,I
K6 H. (toot (too X) 9*(to k + M) dx,#, (2.34
K& (to to (to X) C (to, X r.? dX, (2.0
i6H (to t (to K) g (to X + c) dh (2. 1p)
Card 1/2' 0
Analysis of linear functions by S/024/62/000/005/0021012
witere, in the stationary case, the right-hand side becomes a
-function of X only. The expressions obtained permit use of the
two-sided LApLace tranerorm. An example is &iron in uhich the
optimal time constant of a servo-systen in obtaineJ with respect
to the minimum sun of mean square and dynamic orrors,
SUBMITTEDt Mar, 28, ig6a
card 2/2
AC=Si;IOK KRc AT4030161 9/2690/6-7/00T/0%
AUTHORz MoLotkove G. P.
i.mrzt- vatermination of the variance of an output stationary signaL
by the noLne-function method
80'URCHt ~AK Lat-SSR. Inatitut eLektroniki. L vy*chisU-taL*noy tekhnik:L6,
Trudy*jr V., 5, 1963. Avtomatbca L vyitchislitelOnaya telduiika (Atito-
mation and computer engineering). no. 6, 15-4L
TOPZC TAGSt probability theory, random process, distribution sta,-
Itiatics,# Laplace transformation, optimal.contral,
ABSTR&CT& ""he, problem is; considered, of determining the variance Of.I
a atationAuy output signal, defined by the formula
D~Uz - 2j (4).k. W- 6.
out In
with a noise function
in such a way as to reduce thei calculations to an operative prn
dure. Two very simple cages are first conaLdered, in which the in-
vestigated.system is either an inertial or an oscillating elemente"- I
The mate-rLal is, then generalized to Lnclude systezax of arbitrary
ordere In this case the noise function becomes
g&L CL+4
1. kA f w (A)'w (X + t) d% r4 A
+ e6 ex d&C
i Card 244
iACCEss,Xog NRt
and the final form for the variance is
of -42 a (PC; F~ 4C (Pg.' IPI).
takes into 'account the dynamic PCOP6rties of the in-
whisre G(PLPi
vestigated aystem and takes into account the properties
of the input signal. The relation obtained is arose in form to the
formulas obtained on the basis of the two-dimensional rouplace trana-*
formation. Or!%. art. haux 23 formulas.
cam 3/4
ENCLt 00 ;
OTHERc 600 11
ACCFSS10K NRz AP40289,77 510200AP41004100V 004110", z
AUTHORt Molotkay, a. P. (Moscow)
TITLEt 66Z~verxfoz6~, cananIcal-expansion-deffned. random eignats by a discrete
system 4
SOURCE: AN 5M* layeatLys. Takhnicheekayakiberrastikae no. Z, 1964, &I-1Z
TOPIC TA, GS-. cybernetice , autornatic control I
ABSTRACT: A method for determining dispersion at the output of an automatic-
control system (see Eaclosura 11 Is suggesteds based oa the theory of, canonical
expansions. the a-cenyersion. and the method of polynomial equations. A digit4
corrector D (st- may be plAced either in the forward or feedback loop. Both
stationary and no,ast&t1*n&xr signals are considered. and formulas for d!spersfon,
are developed for all foim combinations. Orig. art. has: Z figures and
4Z fcormuIas,
SUB CODE: Wt. 11C MORWOM 005 OTHERt 041,
Coed L 1Z
A=SSIQK NI t AP4020979
A linear discrete autmatic-control
apt*K. KuW systmm am be rklued
to this f0m.
D(a a digital corrector - is
placed Si, r in, the forward
i0op top , or in ths feedback o,
loop ~bo diapm).
CArd 2112,
Logical echose# of the dimomt*
skutomatic-contral "at=.
a(&) is'the c-transfer f'Unction,
of the invariable 1!art, of
the Vatex
iW is the s-transfer function
of UA
digital corrector
*a(&) and%(s) ar* s-truwfer
functions of closed 100"
Marescen,:e m1croscoiri of the blood and bone awraw cells in
leukemia. Frobl. gamat. i pcrt-1. krovi 9 no.1102-16 N 164.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Kitf-1- aooratornoy klirlcheekoy diagnostiki (zeLv. -prof.
y$, , , U:jr,) TS(,ntralfnogo inatituti usovershenn'.w-winiya vrqphey,
L P702�:16.
ACC NAs AT5028447 SOURCE CODE: UR/26901657009/000/00g~ 0669
jAUTHOR~'2!L1otkbrv' G. P.
TITLE, Investig-ati-on7of-my-stams *id"IgU4 co'TrectoraItthe
-vasthad of
1equati,-vis in the neighborhood of optimal solution
S 0 U WJ4 E: AZI JAJO&_ Instil SkMt!2RjtLjM!;hJslit4$l Inn tekhnfld. Trudy. v. 9.
1965. Avtomatika I vychislital'naya tekhnikat 59-69
TOPIC TAGS: digital system, optirsal -C autozatia control, poiywmial equation,,
electmnic signal
ADSTRACT: A discrete system (see figure) is consideretwhich consists of sensor It
corrector 3 with fixer 3 and Unear part 3
and 4; corresponding transfer functions
(a are shown in the figure. Continuous
disturbances f and f, are applied. The
initial block diagroxn (a) can be reduced
_t_o_tVe-f*rUn-(b)i---Th& x-transfer-function-
D(s) of the correcting loop is so
synthesized (by the method of polynomial
aquationo)7that-the -output -migni.4 Y(t)-ev
Structural diagrams vdth f 0
Carcl.I UDC: 512,95:6Z-501,135
meets specified performance requiraments. Three wmmples Illustrate the
synthesizing techniques. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 70 fornudas.
SUB CODE-., 13, 09 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF.* 007
A ge nf~ r a t
Skill pht; autr~wion. Av. 1 47
AUTOOR: Volotkov, 1. 4. SOV/54-53-3-6/15
T IT L E ,on-Steaty rropagatior. snd Diffraction of Waves,in a Two-
Layer Welium Y/ith Cylindric Interface (!testa Wonarnoye
rasprostraneniye I difraktalya voln v 4vusloynoy srele 3
tailindricheskoy 1-ranitaey razdela)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leninf;ra(tskoeo Ainiversiteta. Seriya fiziki. i khi~zii,
1953, lir 3, pr 51-64 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper io ;. -ontlToiation of the work describcd
in reference 2 and Le bcao(! on ftmethoJs of the work of
reference 1. The mathenutical problem and especially thc
'Pormulation of the point aource for the ca:le when the wc,ve
rxopagation ic described by the wave equationa
AU - a 2 U
I? tt , 0, 1,2 are contained in referencea 1
and 2. The character of the wave propagation in media with
,~ &~,14n,lria Interface Is asuentially depentlent on the rela-
tions butween the quantities C, qj, a and 1. In the chocen
problem the rapidly variable wave fiell was deacribe4 by
Card 1/4 the Fourier (Ftirlye) series with the radial function
Ron-Steady Propagation and Diffraction of Wares in a Two-Layer Vcrllur: Vith
Cyltndric Interface
R I (- Ine,z) jj (2) inqe--) e nvz dz
I n n
n 2rna An(z)
X-1 Go
The inventigation and calctilatinn of ;he functionn in
the cone of n ;jo; nvere carried out by mean3 of arvZj-t,~,tt1:0
formulae (Rof 8) for q1indrio functions and bj- t1he rctl-aod
of steepest descent. The rapilly variable pait of the f told
turnod out to be equ,-l to the following exlreaaion:
sin n(~ coo n(j
U(Q, qp.-r) 3/2 - +
+ V2(Y2) -on n( 2- + ain n( ~ 2-T) (21)
4L n3/2
Card 2/4
Non-Stcady Propagation ant Diffraction of Wave$ In a Two-Layer Vedium With
Cylindric rnterface
with v3 < c < v4 or
CO coo n(~ + ain n( 12- (22)
u (Q 0 M2 (y2) Z: n3/2
with 'r4 < T < T5 - 5
The formula u(Q1 7 0 -C) _x -Vn'(v - T2) -in ni (31)
n-n n
indicates t'6-.e exponential decrease of the diffraction erfects
with increasing difference T - T2. This can be brouCht
into connection with the known decrease in Intensity of the
refracted waves according to the penetration into the domain
of the geometrical shadow. rf the ahaiow boundary is appr3ach-
Card 3/4 ed from theilluninated domain and on the assumption that
Non-Steady Propagation and Diffraction of Waves fa a T*o-Layer Medium With
Cylindric Interface
y a-1 + E 0 < 6 4;~ 4 holdej the equation
To cr2 + 0( E 5/2) is ebtaingd. Thus '*he
aurface T - T2 (32)
which correeponde with the Fermi
tinuation of the wave front into
cal shadow. The thanks G.
supervision of the work. There a:re
ces, 6 of wlich are Soviet*
SUBMITTED: December 25, 1957
principle serves as con-
the domain of the goometri-
r. Petrashen' for the
~ figures and 9 referen-
card 4/4
Ifoustsadr propagation, and diffraction of vares in a two-Impr
sediux with a cylindrical gqparatiom bouAdarr Cwitlt sumry in
Inglishl. Test. LOU 13 nj.16t5I-64 958. (KIu Ittli)
(Way* sochanies)
On the Theory of the Longitudinal Impact of '"hin Bars
(K teorii pr(dollnego udara tonkikh sterzbney)
PERIODICILs Testnik Lan'.ngraditkogo universitatalSeriya matematiki,
mekhan~ki i astronomii,1958, Xr 19(4), pp 1.39 - 150(USSR)
LBSTRUN The author wrote this paper in 1951 at the euggestlan of
G.I. Fe-O.'rashon-I..
The author aims at a uniform representation of the trettment
of different problems on the longitudinal impact of thin bars,
and thervby at a solution as rigorous as poffeibleo 1. CentraL
impact of two bodies - Position of the problem. 2. Imp&ct.
of thin bars, 4 fundamental problems t 1.) Impact of an mb-
Solutell- rigid bod-jr qn a fired bar B.) impact of the bar on
an absolutely rigid half space C.) impact of an absolutel'r
rigid 'zody on a fre, bar D.) Long"tudin&l impant cf two free
bars. � 3. Bar oscillations. � 4. Calculation of the
preitture at the end of the bar. � 5. Solution of the prablen*
BOCvD. � 6. Comparison w'&tb experimental datal co"ection
of sovie error appearing in the literature. Nost of the results
are not new; however; the uniform representation Is very well
Card 112
On the Thcor7 of the Longitudinal Impact of Thin Bar& SOV/43-56-19~11/16
There &re 11 refereaaes~ 6 of which are Soviet, 2 English.
2 French, and I German.
i SUBMITTEDt Karch 31v 135T
Card 2/2
Monstationary propcCation of ;.ayeg in houoCeneAu aid Uotrapic
uemiIa 'Iy cylindrical or wpherical, boundarier. ~Jchvgdv* Wu 120,246:
261-321 t58. (KM, 12! 2)
L, Lfmivgr&dakiy gesudarstrannyr universitet.
(Irave notion# Theary of
Rouarks on the paper UsMtotlc repreaentatiOn Of CTILudricftl
fmationson Uwasp. IM no.z4,6.,34-7-1,52 158- (Knu 22:2)
-elf. U00 B013/BOTO
AUTHORSt Buldyrev, V. S. and Molotkov! 1. L.
. ........ .................. .. ._
TITLEt in Investigation of the Exact Solutions of Unstef%dy
Diffraction Problems in the Vicinity or Sliding Fronts
PERIODICLLt Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 154, No. 5,
PP- 1051- 1054
TEXTt, The properties of an acoustic wave field u(P. t) (P is a point of
space, t the time) in the region of a geometric shadow has been studied by
a selection of the nonanalytical parts, the sh&dow being produced in a,
two-component medium with cylindrical or apherical boundary. The sliding
frorit. consists of all points P for which the integral
'V . 5a-Ida - I holds. In the vicinity of the sliding front, a solution of
Q 00
the unsteady wave field is then given as u(P't) - Rt[f T T. [L-w(n))
a-I n-M
+ f(P' t)] (2). The ai;ymptotic representetion of Ts (iv) for large 10 in
Card 112
Ln Investigation of the Exact Solutions of SIOZO16011 54/005/C 50/C 35 /XX
Utsteady Diffraction Problems in the Tic:inity 8010070
of Sliding Fronts
the sector largv I 0, an inf i~i lie zone of a geometrical shadow will appear
in the semi-spaoe
6 FA-17*21 ~-3 > Q, no W it (0). (4)
Slide fronts propagate along this zone in conformity with
4--c 0 (2) dZ-O (5)
The properties of G(zokos) are thoroughly studied for an n(z) that is
regul&r. in z > 0 and rises, monotonically. The asymptotic relation
2 1)
V-% -W- MIS
2 (x,6;to
Card 3/4 x exp I I + '0 WT)l r, (T).
5/.,20/61/14 0/00 5100TIG20
Urateady propagation of w&voa.#. B100425
in obtained for the field in the enviroizent of the slide front. TKis
r6lation, in invalid at the boundary of-the semi-apace (z-O) rind alto O.en
approaching the boundary beam (S-,,O). Tkiqra are, 7 referencest 6 Soviot
,and I non-Soviet. The raference to Engllah-lang~uage Publication reads&a
followet R. Langer, Phyff., Ray.f'51, no. 8, 669 (1957).
ASSOCIATIONt Leningr&IGkiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet Ime A. A. Zhdanova
(Leningrad State University iment C. k. Zhdancr)
PRESENTEDe KaY 5, 1961, by V. 1. Smirnov, Academician
I%pril 12, 1961
Card 4/4
Study of the transient propagation of vsres in & nonho"eveous
zedium during the formation of the crea of a geometric umbra,,
Top. din. tAor4 raspr, selm voln no.602-102 162. (ICRA 16t7)
(Seismic waTax) (Shadoes and sh4ows)
ACC NR4' Ar6oa4o4 ---SOURCE CODE.*---Lwlo.74T/66/ow/oo6/co34/0038
AUTHOR: Vabich, V. M.; 1. A.
.,_X41Lematics Institute im. V. A. Strklov (Akadc-Mlya,
ORG: AgA&ME_q:C_Gqjqnc
nauk BOSH,, Mtemeticheskir institu%
VTLS: Propaeation of rove wmye&Vn an elastic Wlf- spece -which in inhomogeneoux in
two coordinates
SOURCE: Am sm. i=eatiya. Fizikr.,zemUp no. 6, 1966,, 34-38
TOPIC TAGS: elastic wave,, wave propagation,, seismic waye
ABSTRACT: The dependence of Lave qLyes~'bn the coordinatec; and an the rrequency is de-1
termined by, the parabolic-equatiots method, first for an elastic half-space (z > -.4
with loze paremietera kp fA and density p that depend only on z, vA then modLw, V6 the
solution for e dependence on both z and x. The aolution. is obtained in the forz
U(X,'gl 9j - exp (-tw(t XV*-C)jU(r. W)J,
vhart S Is & unit vector in 'the y direction.. so that the equation for U turns (rat to
be !L(s)1U.M0. . ..
subject to the boursdary condItion that the derivation of U with respect to z ywashes
at z - 0., In addition it is e4sumed that near the boundary of the balf-space
um 534.22z - 16
. ............ . ..............
Since the pha4e yirlacitr in always ]Arger than the mlnim= of the transverse Yelocity.
b(z),, the problem is restricted to the determination of the slowest, LOYO waves "nng
the vaves for vhic!x IY# > b(0), I < 11. (G)
it is shown that as the frequency becomes infinite,, the solution of (4) can be ex-
pr4sce& in terns of Airy, functions. The final solution is obtained in the forK
U,(z, 91 a) C, 8xP 4iAfW,,t-xb(O)) MIR + OWIL
in the C"* of InhowCeneitr In the z direction onlyp w4
U. (Z. X~ a).- V, KP[ -IMS. 0) cl~ x
in the case of Laomogeneity In both the x and z directions. The exWession obtainod
for the ph"* valwity, of the 9-th love wave is
0-) -1% dt + 0
ax-A for the depth of penatration
Orig. &rt. mat 26 formaAa.
SM C=t ?a# 08/ SM DATM 20JU651 MW RWc 004
!f ACC NRz AN70066aq - --- --- SOUCE-C0DE-__'n, /2517/66/01j2/000/0165/0161
AUTHORSt Wntkoy, 1. A.; Mukhina, 1. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: The nonstationary propagation of waves in a haterogenecua half-space with a
minimum propagation velocity
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Matematicheokiy institut. Trudy, v. 92, 1966. Kraye zadaChi
=tematichaskoy Miki (Boundary value problems of mathematical physi:zlo' no. 10
TOPIC TAGS: wave propagati.-xi, 1)oundary value problem, integral calculus, !"Uler
equation, asymptotic proper';y, wave front
ABSTRLCT: The propagation qf nonatatAloriary waves in a stratified madium with. one
maxi= and one diEcontinuity of the refractive index is examined. The hate-ogeneous
half space z ;;,0 in the Cartesian coordinate system z has a refra,tivo index
x~z5'is defined
n(z) that is~-independent or x and t. The function n and positive for
0 < z -C co j analytic for 0 < z 4 z., continuous for z > zp and permits a discon-
tinqity of the first kind at z m z I b h" a Unique -XIM at z - zi and. When
z oo, it approaches the ocnaUnt value no, ::~ n (Z. 0). so that
0 4-1.
ACC Nitt jLT7006669
The following two-dimensional problem of nonatationary-wave propagati= u (r6f Y# Z) is
LOX- U(X. X. 0)=U, (jr. VA-0,
U (X, rz-ai ')=u(,r, ro-0, (). &r.(jr, ZX-0- ')=u.(x. ro-O. f),
where 9 (r) is a Dirao function. This problem is a lved by, the method of contour
integrals. The asymptotic form of the functions F,?I, 2)(ZI kv a) and G(z, k. a) as
k -rco is also examined, and the asymptotic properties of the functions for a
paxabolic cylinder and, their zeros are considered. The solution
Z' Ic cas kxdk V(Z' k. 1) efds'
V(S. k, c) =.%;I ((G. EM],. EOI (r, k. s) (Et'), G14 - EM (z. k,
(0 < X <
V (r. k, [EP)o EM) G (r, k, c), (r, < z < co).
as =(G. E(2$.EM(0, k, s)-4-[E('), GLEN% k, s).-
is divided into the terms that correspond to the individual waves. Orig. art. has:
72 formulae# 8 graphs, and I table.
COM F121?2k SUBM DATE. none/ ORIG Wc 011/ OTH REF: 002
card 2/2.
KOROVIOV, S. (Lenirgrad)j 14LOTKOV, L. (Leningrad)
Tb.% laborirw, cWer h" helped. Soy. profsoiuzy 17 na.13:9-11
ii t 61. (Loninerad-Zlectric, industry workers) (RDU 14:7)
(RoWeAveno (Leningrad Province))-Collective farm)
Vixamovt D.
Role of creative brigades in reducivg tLme-consuaLog production.
Sota.trud 7 na,,7tlZ9-133 a F62. (KUA 15c8)
Is. Redakt4r tasety -'ZIektroaLlalle
~Aningrad-Turbineff-TachnologicaI Lanavations)
-A,and IFEEMA311 .
HOLOTKG7~,-!~~ 101V G. 1.
"On Certain DyTomi.- Prapertics uf Thin Klaztic [Ayers."
pap-r presented at Ule 4th All-Union Conf. cm Acuuztlici, Xor.,zcv, 2( 1hy - 42 jun 5%
10(2) SOT/54-50-4-13/16
AUTHORS: Petrashen', G. I., Molotkov, L. A.
TITLEt Several Problem* or the Dynamic 41asticity T:ieory in the Case of
a Redium Containing Thin Le-rors (0 aekotorykh problemakh
dinani:haskoy te-ril uproarati v slunhaye ared, soderzhashchikh
tonkiye sloi)
PUIODICAL. Vestnik LeninCradskc,a universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khInii,
1958, Mr 4, P) 1Y 156 (Ussla)
LBSTRLCTC This paper ic ~& suamary of a rer)ort held by the authors on the
occasion of the 4. Vaesoyuznaye 4kusticheakeya konferentaira
(All-Union Conference of Lcous-Acs) in Moscow in June 1958. It
to tho aim of' the present paper to give a short survey on the
various directions of research of the problems mentioned in the
I.Itle as well as to interpret the resu'+s dealing with the low-
sot-frequeney oscillations contained in thin layers. These ftub-
lems are closely related with the engineering-theory of oacills,-
tion of thin plates an& the problems of dynamic modelling on
"Plane models". kmang the methods dealing with the investigation
of wave fields Fourier's method is emphasized, the method. of
Card 1/5 contour InteFrals, which has much in common with the method men-
Several Problems of the DIna=ic Elasticity Theory in the Case of a Medium Con-
taining Thin Layers
titoned first, with the exception that the latter aigo takes the
non-stationary problem into account. For their investigations
the authors used always the second method. Among the bases for
the problems or the dynanic elasticity theory as given in publi-
cations aspecially that by Epstein (Rer 6) is pointed nut; ar,
own paragraph is devoted to its explanation. The authors thez-
selves prove the engineering theory rigorously. In this connec-
tion to begin with the problems are solved for the simpler
systems, as in our case for the external surfacest R, a a2 WOO.
Th~% reauLts obtained are compared with the results of reference 6
for this special case, then tLe applicability of the results of
reference 6 Lm inrestigate4 under special congideration of this
case and then the conditions of applicability are extrapolated
to a broadgr class of external surfacee. Thus, it is possible to
subject the findings of the engineering theory or oscillation of
thin platee to a thorouuvh investigation and to demanatrate the
field of applicability. Besides, it wee also proved th%t the
Card 2/3 laws o&' wave propagation can under certain conditions be appiied
SeTeral Problems of the Dynaalc Elasticity Theory In the Case of a Kedium Con-
taining Thin Layers
in plane problems of dyamaic electricity theory to models con-
sisting of plates with a uniform thickness. There are 8 ref-
erences, 6 of which are Soviet.
Card 3/3
KOID=Vt t.Al -
Sam4roparUhs of cylindrical ba~~ and their zeros.
Tope din, tior. raspr, aoism. vola =JtW-239, 161. OaU 24.,12)
(Beasal's functio=)~
WTHORI Molotkovv L.A.
TITLEz On the propagation of elastic waves in media containing thin
JklanS parallel lSyQr9
PERIODICALs R*fer&tiYnyT-zhttrn&1q Kate=atika, no- 7, 1962, 66,
abstract 7B318. ("Vopro Uaszich. teorit -rasprostr. seysmich.
voln." 5.L., Leningr. un-tv 1961, 240-280)
TEXT: The paper Is devoted to the exhibition of the solutions of most
generally formulated instation"y- problems for laminated media. It 49
assumed that1esidesof-thick plane parallel layers there can exist one
or more thin layers. Th&.problem-iz formul&ted for arialsymetrio
influences and for.influences parallel to the borndaries. it is asaumed
that besides of-elaalia soli& layers, also liquid layers occur. At first
the solutiom la-construeted in an integral f or= rtth the aid of in-
co2plete aepaxatt-on of variables for an elastic layor enclosed between
two elastic half spaces, and then for a system of thin layers between
two h&lf spaces. The determination of the InterferenQe parturbttions in.
Card 1/2
On the propagatIon of elc..itio waves ... C111114222
an n - layer eyatem is carried, out by suny-ation over the single wav*3.
Solutions for ela&ta-liquid syste=3 br,-,znded by afree surface are con-
atruated. Interfereace perturbation& are determined for the caae of a
rotational influence and of a force parellel with the separating
rAbstraoter's note i Complete translation.
card 2/2
;q,tpoo S/044/ 21000100310431092
AUTHOR i Molotkov, L. A.
TITLEs On the pro,~agation of o.3cillations of low frequency in
liquid semi-spaces which ure separated by an elantic
thin layer
PEMODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 3, 1962, 75,
abstract 3B318- ("Vopr. dinamich. Teorii rasprostr.
seysmich. voln.", 5.L., Leningr. un-t: 1961, 281-302)
TEXT: The solution of the problem set-up is constructed in the
case of concentrated influencea according to the method of incomplete
separation of variables; the solution has the shape of double integrals
(Riemann-Mellin ana Fourier-Bessel). In detail investigated are the
roots of the fteluency equation (they are the poles of the fonotions,
standing under the integrils, for symmetric and inaymmetric oscillations).
The ideas for the estimation of the wave fields by deformation of the
contour 6 - i co , 6 + I. co Into the stationary contour A are described.
There the wave field in naturally expressed by the sum of the fields
which correspond to the residues in the poles and the integral with
respect to This integral describes the reflected and refracted waves
Card 112
On the propagation of oscillations ... C111/C444
in semispaces and in the layer; the residuum in the origin gives the
static part of the field; the residues at the other poles describe the
propagation of the eiGen3scillations of the layer (the eigenoncillat4ons
are bending oscillations in case of an antisymmetric disturbance) and
the head raves of the thin layer. In analogy the solution of the problem
on thc oscillations of a plate b-tween two liquid nemispact.-- is investi-
Gated by aid of engineer equations. The solutions are compared in the
case of oscIllations of low frequency. Conditions are Given anuer which
the engineer equations for platen may substitute the exact equations for
a layer. The main results of the paper are well corresponding with the
Abetracterls notet Complete t~anslationj
Card 2/2
Engineering Kpations of the ribration of plates with a layered
structure. Yop, din. tear. raspr. saism. Yalu no.5:303-313 161.
(PIPA 14:21)
(MOAUC PI&tQ6 and Ghe]15)
Relationship tztveea the revervoir properties and the electrIC&I
reaiativity a!* rractured rocks. Trudy- VKI~11 no. 165:237-247
f61. Q/,IRA 14: 8)
(Oil a"a-Mlectric properties)
(Joints (Geology))
- I
Propagation of SH waves in an elastic mdium haTing a thin IVer.
Ft. 1. Vop. dih. teor. raspr, seLax, voln no.6tI03-11-2 162,
(WRL 160)
(SeLandc w&yes)
Form&Uon of low-frequenty head waves,in thin Uyers. lzv. Alf,
SM. Her. geofis, no.6t946-947 Jo C63. WRA 160)
1. Katematichadkiy inatItut.imeni V.L.Staklove AX SSSRg
leningradskoye otdolanipt. (Setmic V"S)
KRAUKLISp P.Y.; MOMTKOV, L.k. (Lmtngrad)
Lov-frequeney vibrations of a plate Iyinr, on, an elastic hatf-sWe.
PrikI. mat. L makh. 27 DO-5047-951 5-0 163. (WRA 16tlO)
MOLOVOV, L.A. PETM-M, G.1 (Leningrad)
"On the methods of deriving engineerir4,, equations: for vi~xationl Of Ll-~I' plates,
bars and certain shells".
report presented a,, the 2nd. All-Union Coneress on, Theoretlcal and Ap;)licd
Rechaaica, Koscaw, 2-9 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
Bouggra, M.N.: rUVrADO, A.M., prepodavatell istorii partti-, LAKDO, K,N.t
XO!QVZQt,-"; PMWA. I.T., Istorik; WCHZKO, P.K.: POCZMT,
G.Aes kand. Leto r.n&uk. starshij* nauchayr. sotrudnik, nr-uchw. rod*;
ROZOOT. K.D.. red.g. IfIWONOTA. IvK*G takha-grado
(Resources for elsotrificatLon; brief description of the history
of tha Lealagrad Ollectric power" Plant mamed Ln honor of S.M.
Kirov] Arsenal alektrifikataii; i=atkii ocherk Istoril laninvad-
skoga zavoda n1ektroalleg Imeml S.K.rima. Leninard, Lenisdats
196o. z67 p. (KIRA 13:7)
1. Zamogtltall Urektore gavada 011,victroatles (for BoTarskir).
Z* Fachallmik Uraro, takknichaskoy laormtvii sayode 9nalctrotilag
(for Lando), 3. Radaktor za-rodskoyr gazatr nleictrostla* leningrad-
Czago sayods wllaktro.-iim- (for Kolatkov). 4e Tekhnichaskir vmxgr
zavolm OllelctrostlaO (for Pjp*Ta)o 5* Eaveduyushchir kabinetom
politichaskogo, proaveshchemlya partkoma zavads OllaktrogiUm (for
Tk&c;snko)* 6. Inatitat Istorli partil prI LsalngTadskox obkom
Xommaistichaskoy partli SoTatalcogo Soraza, (for Pochabut).
(Lenincrad--IlactrLc power plants)
',_-ACC NRt AT6032728 SOURCE CODE -U RjO.000/.661000/0 G ilj/l: J24 10026
~AUTHOR: Krauklis, P. Petranhen'. G. 1.
ORG: none
TITLS Certain wave processes In media containing thin layers
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fIzikL ZemlL. Geoakustika; Lspol'zovaatye zvu~a I ul'tra
zvuka. v seygmolo&LL, neyamorazvedke I gornom dele (GeoacoustLca; the use of sound and
'lultrasound In seismology, seL&mLc prospecting, and mining). Moscow, lzd-vu Nauka,
J; 11966, 24-28
TOM TAGS: se1sm1c modeling, seismic wave, wave propagation, head wave
ABSTRACT'; Theoret.fca,L LnvestigatLans of wava fields In seismic models cortaining a
thin:Jayer are briefly reviewed. The following are considered: free ela~,Lic model,
elas~tic tedium In a liquid, elastic medium In rigid or sliding contact with anotber
;:elastic medium. and it liquid layer between elastic media. The effect of paramzters of
IsurroundLng media and the type of boundary conditions "an propagation of low-frequency
,4aves alonG the layer is considered. The properties of head waves propagated along an
elastic layer placed in a liquid are sum=rIzed. Orig. art. has: 6 formulas and
2 ftguress
SU3 CODE: 03/ SUBK DATE: Z6Kar66/ ORIG REFt 0081 OTH RRFt 001
KLJZr, V*.re. inxboner; NOWfEffs. Lr., datsent. kamffd&t takftntchaskikk awk
rioproTing the quaiitr af caat iron roUs for sbaps rolUng. SUP
15 na.6:558-5w To 955. (NLRL 8..81)
1, KWaterstva cbernoy, watallurgit SM t Doewouffruhualdr
moUllurgicbmskIr inatitmt, (RoUic (Iram vdIU))
mozmzw,.T. If Ididat takhaichookikh usuk, dotsoatt TSUXANOT,
B w , TeK., lashoser.
The operating conditions of vortlut rolls in usiversal millao
litsal 15 me.10:914-915 0 155. (KIJtL 9: 1)
LALaprodsorshinskly motLIlurgichaskir lastitut I timed iuawl
(Rolling Kil1g)
.12EKar, Larg, kandidat tekhnicheekM nauk. dotoont: TU7 OT. T,,K..
kand.idat tokhalcheskiXi nault, doteent; TSUXANCFI. G.I., inshener;
CMIRM IM-, U.K.. inahener; Boirwor. rex. inhener; SOROCUN,
r0proving the mechanical properties of structural steel for
bridge*. Stall 15 no-10:930-937 0 155. (KM 9a)
1. Duspredgershiaskiy metallur Lahegkir, Laxtitut i ff&yod
Imemi Dgerakinskage, UILteol, Structural)
AUTHORS: Tsu;amov, E.F., Ivancheako F. K. and !'O-otkor L.f.,
Docents, Pavlankol B. A., Nikolayev 7 k t ...
Krizhanovskiy, A. L, and KoLhno$ P. fa,:EzIneera
TITLE: Investigation of Loads DurinG RollinG Platcs
(Issledovaniye drvleniy pri prokatke listov)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1,J58, Nr 4, pp 332-334 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The measuremonts of rolling loads endured by rolls in a
mediurt plate mill during rolling plates were carried out..
The mM crinc.1rted of two stands In line: three rolls
(LLTIT5 for rolling plateE; and two-rolls for riffli,-Z
plates. In the three ro2". mill GW x 517 x 670 =1 for
rolling smoot-h plates cast iron rolls with a chilled
surface axe used and for riffled plates forged steel
rolls (50 KhG). The len,(;th of rolls IRO mm. Ja the two
roll stand in vihich only one pass Ea made for riffling,
cast iron rolls of 650 ma dianeter with chilled surface
are used. The mill is powered with a 900 h.p. motor.
Riffled plate waG rolled in 10-12 passes and cmooth
plates in 11-13 passes. Measurements of loads on rolls
were carried out ditring rollinG plates (dimensions in
Table 1) and the most characteristic results are given
Card 1/2 in Table 2. Experimental results are compared in Fisc-1-3-
Investigation of Loads During Rolling Plates 133-58-4-17/40
Conclusions: During intensive reductions in cast iron
chilled rolls stresses are formed considerably exceedin5
the pe--missible ones. Specific load on rolls 5-6 kg/mm
at the beginning of roiling increases at the end, of
rollinG to 28-30 kg/= . During rolling on at-eel rolls
the specific load Is higher than on rolling on cast iron
rolls (due to an increase in friction in the former case)
During rolling eimparatively thin products (H, < 33 mm)
the maximum specific pressure was observed at reductions
of 34-". With-further increase in reduction the
specific load decreases.
There are 2 tables,, 3 figuros and 3 references, all of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCILTIONS: Daepudzerzhinskiy vecherniy metallurgicheakiy
inatitut (Dneprodzerzhinsk- Evening Ketallurgical
Institute) and zavod im. Dzerzhinakogo (Works imemi
1. Rolling mills--Operation 2. Plates-Rou"Ing 3. Rolling
Card 2/2
land. takhu.tauk, dotg..- cHimincEE, re.x., Lazh.
Heat treatuent of low-alloy east Iron used for iron mill
rolls. 2 no.7:5t-95 J1
159. QUU 1392)
1. Dasprodsershinakir vachernly metallurgicheskiy inatItut 1
xavo4 im. D%nr%hInxkog*.
(Cast iron-Heat treatxent)
(Rolls (Iron uIlle))
"/A 106
AUTHORSs Ivanchenkj, F.K., 11olotkov, L.P., Taukanov, E.F., Nikolayev, V.A.,
Pavlenko, B.A.
TI=: Measuremtnt of pressure on a medium-sheet mill and new conditions
of reduction
PERIODICAW Referatlvnyy zhurnal. Ketallurglya, no.5, ig6i, 4, abstract 5D26
(" Dneprodzerzh. vach. metallurg. In-te , 1960, v.2, i39-145)
TEXTt The authars present a short descrIption of the mill which consists
or two standsi a tAuth three-h1gh mill - for the broaching of a smooth sheet,
And a two-h1gh mill for the rolling of a corrugated sheet. During the investige.
tions the temperaturt and pressure of the metal on the rolls were measured when
rolling smooth sheAts or 4 x 1,400 x 4,200 nn d!menslons and Cr .3 (St-.3) cor-
rugated steel sheete of 5 x 1,100 x 6,C0:) mm. The experimental results were used
to calculate new conditions of reduction which make It possible to raise the ef-
fiolevicry of th-e nill by 15 - 2D%. V. P.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation
Card 1/1
AUMOH: Molotkov, L.F.
TM,E: Tapered roller draw-plates for the broaching of pipes
PERIODICAL: Rcferativnyy zhurnal, Vitallurglya, no. 3, 1962, 31, abstract 3D178
(V ab. "Prolz-vc trub", no. 4, Khar1kov, Metallurgizdat, 19~1, 69 -
TEUT: A roller drxw-plate was designed and tested, with the aid o-' which
broaching of 1XI81~9T(lKn181.9T) steel pipes was performe-d on a long mandrel. De-
signp were develow3ed of a. 6-roller draw-plate (schematic drawing pregent!d) and a
two-taper roller draw-plate (schematic drawing presented). The simplicity aal
-ellability of the design of roller draw-plates and the accuracy of regulati.rig
the pads ensures the marufacture of thin-walled precision piper. of special pur-
pose from stainless and heat-resistant steals by broaching them on a long mandml.
N. Yud.lna
[Abstracter's note: C=plete translation]
Card 1/1
Katipaired,, tapered roller drawing die, Hita,T0411CHU w.4,t52
961. (Dies (Metalvorking)) (mm 14CIG)
re.K.; S=W, N.G.; X&DZHLR, N.I.; YOPOBtYLV, A.F.
Zmistlgatina premures during the rollivg of uaLversal strips.
ItT*VPvUCheb*ZAV*; ehGrU*MSt. 5 no*4r7&-81 162. (KMA 150)
Is Dueprodserxhirikiy metaLUurgiaheskiy institut I Uvod Lm.
(R*Utag (KetaLlwork)) (Prcaalm'e)
kw",J. toe *
-I 1~0 X,
t I G
for tile,
j roll i J~I
lay, th, roll rli~ (f s
.of incro
F. .
11jechftnical projorties C))
,tool on unlv'Oraltl 2-Z.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurlyiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 77 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Molotkov, N.A. Siverskiy, M.V., Zhidetskiy, D.P.
TITLE: A New Organization Chart for Modern Open-hearth Depart-
ments (Organ: -atsiya upravleniva so%,rcm,!nnymi martenov-
skinti ts(!khami)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. a-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Voi
18, pp 537-537
ABSTRACT: The present organization cof open-hearth departments (ORD)
suffers from extreme decentralization of branches of the op-
eration resulting in a long chain of management, an increase
in the numbers of managerial, engineering, and technical
personnel, and complications in production management. The
writers propose the compilation of unified standard organiza-
tion charts for OVID envisaging elimination of unnecessary
links in management by combining small OUD and doing away
with the present practice 9.f excluding the slag dump and the
mold -ca r -preparation shoes from the purview of the OFID, and
also of separating furnaces within a department into blocks
Card 1/2 and groups. The number of furnaces in a department should
A New Organization Chart for Modern Open-hearth Departments
be the decisive factor in determining the organizational pattern of manage-
ment. Recommendations are advanced on standards for numbers of tech-
nical personnel relative to the volume of work of an OHD.
1. Manangerrent, engineer Ing- -U&IDR 2. Open hearth furnaces--Operat".on
3. Inftitrial plants--Crganization
Card 2/2'
-d- r-r (I LCStj
17 9)
- r
Vsesoyi~zryy vcftoFazo7T
mouyrKov, ff. K.
Unylsk" cave In ths ttda Valley. Nov.kar.i spel. n,>.200-92
161. OaRk 15t(J)
(Vd& valley-ftyeff)
BUKHMg Takov Zakharovich; KLOTKOV, 'ayal Georgi7evic4j YEROKINt
G.M., red.. izd-va; IL'INSWk-,- re&. -
(Hins bratticealShakhtzqe parovqchki. Voskrap Gosgortvkh-
izdat,, 1962. 154 P. (KIRL 150)
(Mining enginaaring-Equipment and aupplies)
MMM070 FdG*r inth,
03alitT of u1no bmttiew, Cbre*=, no.2t66-a r r6j. (MA, l6s2)
(Mine Tsatil&tion) (&no fim-4afety zoammes)
Notilitr of sup In the wasemlar systou of troot and its transuis-
siom betvo*m troos having root conuctioas. Not.x1mr. 4#1, maj:
407-409 Kr 156.
1. Varonexhakir 14gokh4crayatreaW institat.
(Plante. K*ti= of fluids in)
Po"stry, Dendrolog3r. K-3
Abe Jourt Ref Zhur - Biologiyap go. 1, 1958, 1331
Author t
Title :
Orig, Pub t
Molotkov, FJ,
RelietLr of the Cedar In the Trans-Carp&thiane
Prir(xla,, 195T, No. lo 95-98
Abstract: The European cedar has been preverved In insig-
nificant quantities Ithe total guantlt7 of wocd
not exceeding 2000 cubic meterv) In tle eastern
part of the Main Carpathian Range. It is a
valuable timber variety. The tree is up to 2-5
meters in height with a broad reund crown and a
powerful root eyp/tez of the stem type (".) ster-
V. ztoL rwaresents, are not high as to eoll
conditionsl it is frost- and shade-realstant,
lt oocurs in.the mountains at an eleVatiOn Gf
from 10U0 to 2500 meters,. Tn the 100-1200 aeter
C ard 1142
USSR/forestry - Forest Cultivatione K-5
Abe J~nw : Ref Zhur B101-j, No 9, 1958, 39UI
Author : ?,I,, Kapluwvskiy, V.S.
List : -------
Title Frvn the Experi=t of Foresters in the C=*pathians awl
in %Olia *
Orig Pub Lasn, Idioze 1957, Ito 7, 79-62-
Abstract Exper!j=ts Implying the successful ~Towth of foreat plant-
inG,s in various leskhom' of the oblanst are descriteO.
Rational nethods of aCXonoaic tecknique of crops on stony
deposits and on fresh fellimLz (withcut soil Vrq,=ati=
and cubsequant care) are described.
Successful results of the passauo mathod- for the recons-
truction of plantations of poor quality are notaC.9
cam 1/1
KMMKOT, P.I., kandidat sell skokhoty"tvanafth nauk.
Cedar relicts in frawicarpathis. Prirod& 46 ao.1:95-99 r& 057.
(n" 10: 2)
1. UkarpOoksys Issuaya opytuays gtantatyu Ukrainskogo rAuchno-
Loisledovatullskogo ingtituta Issnago khorpyatra, Kukmchovo.