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KOLKAR Significance of spern exaaination in judicial practice (deficiencies, errors, fallacies). Orr.hatil. 101 no.9: z96-3oi r 16o. 1.,Dudepesti Orvostudomanyi. 14astam, Urologiai KlinUm. ('13' IFICITIO1 KOIGOLAUL) (SJK]ff) MOLNAR, J. Fifteen yeare of Spermatalogy in fftmgary. Acta chir. Acad. Sci. Hung. 3 no.2/3t221-226 (62. 1. Department of Urology, Badapeat Medical Uaversity- (Director: Prof. A. Babies). (SPFXMTOZOA) OMMITY KUX diagnosis) FOLDES, J.; &@O--MiRp J. ilia Dh%ge3 V` Isols"on and character-Sz&tion of come B. stfet no.4-.,165-171 164. 1. In-Utute of Vdcrobiology (Direaton G. Tlvftnovics'j@, University Medig-1101 School, Szeged. -01! Stereo radio. Pt. 11. PAdioteechniks U no. 3tI12-113 Mr t64- 1, ItRadiotechnika" szerkento bizottsagi tagja. VALKO, Ivan Peter, a muszaki tudmanyok kandidatusat REDLj, Endre; RECKENAST* j6_jAq2sjL BUDINCSEVICS, A.; BCDG,, Zoltan GaboriLMOUU Luminescent noise of electronic tubes; alsog rewks by E.Redl and others. HaszAi kozl ICA 26 no,114.-173-182 f6o. (MI gglo) 1. Budapeatt Kaszaki Rgyetex, Elektronesotechnikai Tanszek (for Valko) (Electron tubes) MOLYAR# Janos L. Report on. the operations of the Group.of Tiazautul between the yearle of 1959 and 1961. 10 no.301-92 Mr 162. L A Magyar Ilektrotechnikai Egyesulst Tiazantuli Csoportjanak MOLNAR ;awtv Store*- racu*& Ra6ioteohnikw- 13 no-4tl5l-15Z- AP 63, .1, -BRadiotechnikeLl szorkeesto bizottoagi tadjf. &WAR, Janas. @- Stereo radio&, Pt. 4. Radiatechni 13 no.8:308 Ag 163. lo -"Radiotechnik%* szerlusinsto bizottsagi tagja, mw@RAAW-I. Stereo radio, Radiatechniks- 13 nog-.330-331 a f63,, 1. ORadiotechnikat azerkesato bizotteagi tagja, , MOMR. ;auoO Stome radio* Pto 6v Radiot4chuik& 13 no,10064465 0 163. I* wHadiotachnikall szerlwasto bizottsagi taglao ROMP, Janos Stereo, radio. Pt. 13. Padjotechnik-a 14 no. 5:166-167 My 164, 1. Editorial board member, l'l3adiotecbnika.1 I I t "LIAN!Fti tJana-, I 't olt@orao Pt-12. 1.4 - - - ',-, r .;.. Mitorial nuuaber, MOLUAR, Janos (J.-) . Transistor tonality control. -Radiotechnika 15 no.6:237 Je 165. MMMO i-eno Improvement of the organization of enterpria4m. Cukor 13 no.5:149-151 NY 160. 1. Cukoripari, igazgatosago MLNAR, Jana Scme experience in managing collec-live ftr=z !n the Gyor,,U!@s I Districi. Mmka szerd-e, 7 no.7.11-12 JV63. I MCL@AR, J@no, I Ways of reducing the prim cost, of sugar. Cukor 16 no.S.- 224,229 Ag 163. 1. Guko.ripari lgazgmtoaag. MOLNAR, Jena Organization of material handling in-the yardu of sugar factortaa.. Cukor 17 no. 2:39-40 F T64, MOWAR, Jeno Control tasks after the reorganization, Cukor 17 zto,4: U7-U9 Ap '64. Mftm, Jeno ALrthdr AvK*ff -,of - Inteftml suver7isoris and the increase , W of the effiei@@cj 4,-; realization'. Cakar, 17 no. 3-1:310- 313 It,' (64,. 1. Hunggriart Sugar Industry-, Budapest. ACC NRt C6031830 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/003/0269/027C AUTHOR: Gvwgr, Lalps-Werdt, L.; ffolnarf, Jeng-Holtnar, r.; DS4a.-K-4r&Lt- ORGt Department of Drug Researchl Dwti ute of Experimental Kedical Researe . Mut Budapest (HrA Kiserlati. Orvostudomanyi Kutato Intezet, Cyogyaterkutets Oazt&V) TITLE: Adrenergle beta-receptors of the nictitating membrane 2. Z.- SOMCE: Academia scientiar= hungariaae. Acta physiologicaj, v. 26,, no* 3, 1965j, 269-276 q TOPIC TAGS: cats, pharmacologys, neurophysiology ABSTRACT: In the course of study of the adrenergic beta-receptors of the nictitating membrane of cats,, it was shown that I- and dl-isoprenaline can cause a relaxation of the contraction induced by-cervical. sympathetic atimulations, adrenaline infusion, amphetamins,,.ergotamine and tolazolins, The above-mentioned effects were antagonized by- dichloroisoproteren*l. The authors thank Hisa E.-Seress and Was Aq Targa r valuable technical assistance* Orig. art. haat 6-f-igwea. [orig. art. in ing.] -CJPRSI SUR COM 06 SUEK DATEt 25NOV63, ORM REFt 002 OTR KEN .015 Cmd:1/1 1-j7777 7" A L @0306 '6 ACC Ni, JAT-6019814 MPRCS CODE: 1 rMU 193 AUTHORt. Ifoinar, Jonot GyLrr,,(, Lajoq; q2@4@ @t ORGt Department of Drug Research, Research Inatituie or ExperimentaY loine, HT BudaPoe. (14TA,- Kisorlati Orvostudama-riy-i--K-utiEE-1-ntEz-eV,-Zy-e-g-ya-z-e-rZta-tasi. uszta4) TITTE tMode of action of alpha-methyl-M-tyramine, (alpha-HHT@rr) arA mtaramin02 SOURM Academiae scientiarum hungaricase Act& physiologic&, va 28, no& 2, 185-193 TOPIC TAGM pharmacology, blood pressurej. rabbit ABSTRACT: Certain pharmacological effects of -r4a-ff7r and metaraninal, its 49-011 deri- vative, have been studied* 1) The effect of .64=7r on blood pressure ?McUtating Mambranet isolated guinea pig auricle and isolated rabbit -&orH'c-s-fr-Tp-s is inhibitod@r cocaine. Denervatioa of tha nictitating membrane has an inhibitory effect, ef The effect of stall doses of metaraminol on blood pressure is increased by cocaine and reserpine; the effect on the nictitating membrane is increased by, @,cocaina and denervation, and the.offect on isolated rabbit aorta slices, by cocaine, The positive inotropic action of metaraminal on the isolated guinea pigauricle is blocked by cocaine.:3) Both compounds antagonize tyramine. The antagonistic action of a-WL ", more pronounced and is, presumably, due to Its cocaine-like activity. 4) a-WiTyr is a sympathomimetia amine of Cara Ilk H U., Zik' XL &OT-jqAIR, Jerio, Department of Drug I@csearch, Institute for Experimental Medicine, J-fd@ngarza@na @,ry of Sciences (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Kiserleti Grvos- tudomanyi Kutato Intezet, Gyogyszerkatatasi Osztaly), Budapestv. "Effect of Capsaicin on tie Ca-?'.:s Nictitating Membrana(I Budapest, Acta Physiolofrica Acade-riae @I@qiantiarum. hungaricae, Vol 30, No 2. 1966; P-10 183-191- Abstract [Article in En-.Lish; authorgs English summary, modified]: Capsaicin injected into the central st(UMID of 'he linguall artery failed to provoke a contraction of tho n-Jeti'tating membrane in anesthetized cats regardless of whether the injection was made toward the ganglion or toward the nictitating membrane. intravonous injection caused a characteristic-,odouble contraction of the nictitating membrane oil cats pretreated with atropine and cocaine: the first part of *the contraction is of nourogenic, the second part of humoral character. The action of capsaicin on adrenal medulla is indirect, since the cont-raction of the denervated nictitating membrane is more pronounced after intravenous than after intraaortal injection. It is suggested that the intero- ceptors of the vascular bad ara resnonsible for the contractions of the nictitating membrane. 10 Rafareaca@, of which 3 by Hungarian authors (4 in Hungarian journals),,rest Wbstern. (Manuscript received 22 Nov 65). 1/1 - 54 - MDLUARY Jeno,, oklevales vegyeszmernok - Effect of high temperature on the colloidal properties of clay suspensionir. Bany lap 97 no.IW705-712 0 964. 1. Laboratory of the Department. of Scientific Reffearch and 11evalopmenty-National Petroleum and Gas Industry Trust, Nagykanizaa. PATSCH, Ferene, okleveles banymmernok? fomernolcy Kossuth-dijaa; MOIKAR, -Ten okle7eles, vagyeszmernok; RLOZ.. Daniel, oklevele.-t Criticism of.drilling fluids used in Hungary from the point of viev of drilling technique and production, Bany lap 96 no.10MO-716 0"63 1. Orszagoa Koolaj ea Gazipari. Troazt D=antuli. Koolajfuras-i Uumv ITagykanizsa (for ratsch). 2. Orazagos Koolaj - es-Gazi- paxi. Tront osztaly7ezetoje) Nagykanizsa (for Racz-). @Trend changea in sheep breeding& Allattenycoztes 12 no*2:169- 175 Jl 163, 14, Agmrtudmanyi Egyatem ffozogazdasagtud=anyi Kar Takwmnyozaaes Talgazdasagtani Tanszekav Godolloo. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / General Problems of Pathology. Immunity. U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol..: No 22, 1958, 102417. Author : Puza, Alexander; Molnar, Jozef. Inst : Not given. Title : The Reactivity of Rat After Intraembryonal Intro- duction of Heterogenic Erythrocytes. Orig Pub: Ceskosl. biol., 1956, 5, No 5, 3o4-308. Abstract: In rats, after intraembryonal introduction of ery- throcytes of rabbit (ER), t,he ability to form hem- agglutinins against ER was decreased in the post- natal period. The agglutinin titer is lower in them than in the control. Natural agglutinins against ER were not found. The decreased reacti- vity in respect to ER was preserved until the on- set of sexual maturity. -- From the author's res- ume. Card 1/1 Pblarization of platimm el6etrodea with speoial regard to the distribution of asymmetrie eleetrodes. Koz fiz kozl ML 10 no z sl59-167 , 162. 'li/005/62/000/02-1/001/QOL D249/2;307 MMUR: NoInAr, j6zsaf A c ontinuous c1cctrochamical, process 'or the separa-- tion of cca-rier-Erce radioactive isotopes Magyar R6miai --,oly6irat, no, ILI L962, 504-5LO .1 Rau continuous Qlectrol@sis apparatus is described whien, differs from the older typea particularly in the design of its c-athodo-. cathode arrangematat of: o"Mall Pt chLps placed jit. a ,,rlasa tube is sxergested throu,(gla uhich the electrolyte in Iptassed in a con- tinuous flo-...r. An anode o"@@ axea 2-3 times amaller than. the cathode wos found to be sufficient in this arrangamentI whan larger voLtagfas Were applied. In the course of designing this ap?aratus, a I x *L cm cross section call war, I cow, time ted, with f) a cathoda sy-tcn. o4a. fifty 1.1 x L.2 cm I't. grids, t4th 220 holca/cm-, connected in series ,I and I'Vias used to i-avestigate the polarization behavior of such cLectrode systc-m-s.-, There was a aimilaar anode system. The polarization of individuaL grids wraa r.-,ezE;uree_1 in Solutions of various conductances. Card L/2- li@00516@1000101110GIIOOI 1)249/D307 cotitinuous electrochemical,; The following qualitativre conclusions ware reached: 1. in 'the case of cathodic polarization rtlative to,the anode, the potentials of the grids relative to the solution were not equal to each ot'har. The greater the differeime of polarization beticezi the various errids the higher the polsrwizi-ag voltage or current intensity, and the smallar the conductance of the solution. 3. -IlolarizatiorL reaches a limiting value when the voltage is increased. The nau apparatus may be used for either (a) rapid separation of carrier- frec radioactive isotopesi or (b) removaL of traccs of- heavy metals from aqueous solutions. The isotopes separatcd undar (a) are obtain- ed in a highly,,.pure state. There are a f:igures. j.!,rrIY.-x TudomSnyos Akada"mia K6z .4S "OCT 1ON: Buda-ncat f .-0 --ponti, Fizi-, kai Kutat6 inte'zete, Magicimia, 1. Laborat6rimm (Buda- %Q f I.- h a pest, Central .23 search Institute of Physics o Hungarian @:,c-ademy of Science, 'No. 1. Laboratory of Nuclear Cheirdstry) SUBIMETM: Elay 22, 1962) Card @2/2 I I -77 7 Afy i- r -are iR isi cmtZ. Mri ns c@jtboi@atej Mired =Yf b "All" iA Size fr @ th ttim l o u s s e mw e w ow'fttifi uncontentj but Me Me""t mca.-Was dfllyabout:- Z- .140" m 6 I Rt t!"el e t n ubly oxidtmd WAWa... A ch--sa. au@. ;WbUatides-ftle tuff b im .. g 77. 7 7 @ -,w tit 7-7-:1.- --71- *LM, :ozgaf,,@- goologumarnak LOng-range tasks Of Soviet geologista within ttia framwrark ,f tba 20-Year-plan. Bany lap 96 no-g.-574 Ag --63. T M OLNAR, @q;ssfr,.VAS,31, Luozlo Designing lasts suitable for preserving fout, hygieria. Por 0@_-Po IM no.4:124-127 J1 164. 1. Research Institute of the Leather industry. II(OLdr. J. Inhaltsabschlitzung sines. sphirischen Polygorfs. Acta Math. Acad. Sci.Hungar. -(1952). siaa. summary) 67!7 flabicht and van der Vaerde@ CNath. Ann. 123,, 223-234 (1951), pp.. 22943l; these Her. 13# gave a ra ther complicated proof that Tn;(n-2)T3., where Tn denotes the area of 3 &@sphoriQa n-gon, of side a such thatths@ spherical distance between azq two vortices is it leadt'a. . The author proves this more simply,, I' showing that the n-gon can be dissected-inta at least n-2 spherical triangles,: eadalhaving area at least- T 3 H.S."k.Coxeter (Toronto, Ont.). @306. Mathematical Ralurity, Vols 14.. NO. 1953-1 -VT Vbir.elne V&Iu 'UtuugLI Von 0, Ungar, (1957) 311-314'.: Ahe authoup r roves the foo6w,ing Hen '_t" hearem "e ep@o OnJectured c -by Hajos. Let S denote 4 S@ce XI@Oo4n orn OrP c tO the 2-sP -and let* V. be 4 here, fanilly ie of ces emc4t4rMthenqfjIi*ejj) of. S. if th6 pro.2 e d4d ea of C11 2 Ir -olmeopd, and eq h three have a comm t 6n. in PO th ;L % ... .. . J MDLYrAR, F. (Budapest); MOLK&R, I. (Budapest) .Data on the generalization of Tochirnhaust plans curree. rn German. Acta, mate"MI& 10 no.314:269-276 r59. (mr 7:5) (0mrves) I I I m I m 1. 1 1 .1 MOLIM. Jazaef, &-. (Budapest .@ An interesting traffic court decision. Auto motor 1-2 ro.S: 23 21 Mr 165, SMUTPALY, MOLKAR, Xozsefne; MIRLIGZKY, Laszlo gxperienams cGlering synthatio and blerded fabrics in the cottoa industry., Magy textil 14 no.2--59-63 11",162. 1. Kolamrai Textilmvek. Gezane; FITAt Izzzlone SZENTMY,, T@bor; MOLNAR, Tozaefne; VAJITAY' Dyeing.of pol -in jiggers b@- means 'of -naphthol yester f no.9;426-@@ S 163. used as & carrier. Magy- textil 15 Kobanyai t NICc' OF: THE ST P@ ti . PT, -,wEuR=ICAL (Pztae@uttd by P. Rkeimi 4. V, 19511, - - - - - -. ... ... fit= ikye . _ Ith, tb.@j ' - j Gi dji@. Ve M 0 V-u V lw."fa 1; A R I" N2.,d TH, 1. ; See-lion of Par-asitollogy of the _;@e- 3 search TnSti tUte of Veterinary uIedicine (Director: ui?ZA- ROS, @ J.@ o-,P the Hunzarian Academy of Sciences [Hu-ngarian version not 6iveL], 3udapest,, "Data on Fish-Parasitea in iiungaL-y I. kuonoGeuoids of Carps a-rid Crucians. " Budapest, Acta -Vat:erinaria Acadexiae Scientiarum hunnaricae, Vol 12, ETO 3, 1-,@7;77 , pp 249-27.5. Abstract: [Gezman article; authors' German sumn-ary abridged) in ra'altion to three already known species a the genus Dac- gyrus Ouonoeenea) three other species had been -Cound 4a tylr@ , - & caiTs and cruclaas. These latter ones were characterized morphologically based an data I -n the literature and an the autaors, own studies. of vhe ten references are Eastera European: Data on fish parasites of Hungary. Acta vater Hung 12 no.3: 249-255 162. 1. Parasitologische kbteil-mg des Veteriiu=edizinischen. Forschungsinstituts (Direktor:J.Meszaros) der Ungarischen Akademie der Ilissenschaften, Budapest. TLKAR, K. Two new species of monogenotic trematod'ea. Acta. veter Hung 14 no.3t247-252 164. 1. Parasitologiacho Abteii@uM des Forschungoinstituts fur Vet.erIinarImo dizin (Direktor-.J.Meszar os) @4r' Ungarischon Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest. Chiaortho eyedropa in the therapy of certain cases of cowrergent strmbismas and asthenopia. Szemeszet 94 no. 1:9-13 kfv 57. It A Budapesti Urvostudimikvi Igytetm, 11. Szemklinikajanalckozlemenye (TgazgatG: Ifonay Tibor erytemi tanar, az orvOGtudomarqok kandidatusa). (ST-ROISKM. ther. diet-kyl-n-nitronheuyl ohosphate as adjuvant in convergent strabisman (Ifun)) (ASMMIOPIA, ther. diethyl-o-nitro-ahanyl phosphate as ther. adjumnt (Ifun)) (PARkTRIOIT, related ai3da. diethyl-a-mitrolohanyl phosphate as adj-avant in thar. of convergent strabismas & asthenopla, (Him)) (AUTOMOKIC DMzi. ther. use diethyl-z-aitro-ohei%yL ohomphate as adjuvant in convergent at-rabismis & asthenopia (Hun)) MOLELR, Kalman Modern therspr of atrabismus from thaviewpoint of a general. practitioner, Stemesset 96: no-3:141-144 S '59. 1, A budsposti Orwoatniomanyi Ig7etem ir., oz. Szodklinikajanak koslemenys (IgasgELto: NonsyTibor eg7stemi tanar, ax or7ostudo- manyok kandi&atnoa). (SMOISRUS ther) Stereophoromater; now apparatus for orthoptic examination anct therap3r. Szemeezet 96 no.4.-164-168 D '59. 1. Budspeati OrvoetudovmWi Xeetem II. inz. SgemklinikvJanak koslemany* (Igasgatol. Yonsy Tibor eCmt.t- ar. orvostudomanyok kandidatuea). (ORTUCETICS equip & supply) HUNGARY Department of Pathology at the Research Institute for Veterinary Medicine, Hungarian Academy.of Scien(@sa (ortginal-language ver- sion not given; Location not givenj(Urector.* MESUROS, J.). "On Some LittLe-Known and New Species of the Genera Philometra, and SkrjabiLlanas from Fishes in Hungary" Budapest, Acta Veterinaria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Vol 16, No 2, Z7 Jun 1966, pp 143-157. Abstract: (English article[ This paper provides dai:a. on the morphology of some species of the genus Philometra (F. ovata (Zeder, 1903), P. rischta (Skrjabin, 1917), and P. sanguinea (Rud. 1819)) and of the genus Skrjabil- lanus (S. erythrophthalmi sp. n., S. scardiniL sp. n.) encountered as pa- Tasites on fresh-water fishes in Hungary. Seventeen figures are shown. 14 references, including 5 Russian,, 3 German., L Paliahj and 7 Western# (Manuscript received 8 Apr 1965). HUNG&RY, tut r Department of Parasitology at the Research Insti e fo Veterinary Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences [original-language version not givenj in Budapest (Director: MESZAROS, J.). "Life-History of Philametra Ovata (Zederi 1803) and Philametra Rischta Skrjabin, L917" Budapest., Acta Veterinaria Academiae Scientiarura Hu 3aricae Vol 161i No 2, 27 Jun 1966, pp 227-241. Abstract: (English article] The lifecycles of Philometra ovata (Zeder, 1803) and Philometra rischta Skrjabin, 1917, were described. These Nematodes are parasites in the abdominal cavity of Abramis brama, &tilus rutilus, and Alburnus alburnus. Both species run a regular,,periodically well-determin- able, year-long cycle. The cycle comes-about only in fish hosts older than one year of age. Females generally attain their macurity except in hosts infested with Ligula. intestinalis or DigIramma interrupta. Maturity is gene- rally attained in the gill flaps to which the femalec migrate from the abdo- minal cavity. 11 references, including 1 Czechoslovak, I Japanese, 4 Ger- man, I Hungarian, 1 Polish, I Russian, I Brazilian, iind I Western. (Manu- script received IZ Jan 1966). 94 HOLM Kalman K=gensticand digenatia trematodes fi-m fiebes, AIjAttani koa 50 no-1/i4:110.3-107 f63. I- Kaygar Tudomanym Aiademia A.U&t-3geszo*gy:L Kntatointezate, 4Aapeat. MOLKAR, Karoly., geofisikus Rapcrt onthe 9th symposium of the Hungarian Geoph"ical Sociaty. .Nuoselet 16 no,1-9:Z 12 8 163*. lwAoolaj- as Gazipari Troozt szeimikus kutatasi. uzemenek osztalyvezetojew j MklijfRjli@ Farc-l-i Fur , @@ 1, -- @: --.V , , 1 f':@4. ,j -S-t@j3rLjECf_ e4 Jr.-La @C-, :@t o@,.)vn H tE T-1110 I - - I Mum L. Val. @@3, no. 21 Interesting experiments for producing bioras. p. 28. (Allami Ga7dacar Feb. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession W, Vol. 6, no. 7, J,,Ily 1957. Uncl. Some experiences with repairing machines durinr idnter. p. 29. (Allarim Gazdasag, Vol. no. 2, Feb. 1956 Budapest) SO: 1-Tonthly List of East European Accession (EEAQ W, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. ROUMR1 L.; MOUTAROVAJ, K. - 7 -- ' Oscillopolarographic exAmination of the splittint of lactone rings and the isomerization of cardIca;tive Gly;oiddds. Pt.l. Chem zvesti 28 no,,5/6.*355-362 164, 1. Institute of PharwAcology, Czechoslovak Academy-of Sciences, Bratislava. Kotag Laaz2o Da&catirrL of the Technical Club- of thr. -1-grad CO&I VAZO-ng Trust. Bany lap 91 no.12-.864 D 160. MOIKARv L. nPairing of pigs in sumnar sties and methods of pig breedine p. (AGRAMMMW, Vol, 5s Yo v 5j, Kay 1953 Audapests H=garr) SOt Monthly List of East European Accessionsp L.G.# Vol, 2.* No, Tj, JUIT 1953., Uncl. MOTNAII L. 'Its of natural breeding 5s a healthy hog stock# po Rje The resul (Allami Gazdasag. Val. 7, no. 4, Anr. 1957. Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly-List of Zast Europe n Accessions (REAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. p. 2 (Mami Gazdasag) Vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 1957 . Hudapest. ffun7sry SO: Monthll.- Tndex of East European Accessiorms (EFAl) LO. Vol. 7, no. 4, APril 1958 z.5 Rr glsl!Zl@es gy0graimitila" '-'!A b -in A reiRm- so- ma- Am I-IT, -.paper*As 3hw--29th__ t Bo i6t, held- ca - AYUMN, Behavior of oxygen disnalved in electrolytes in oscillographia polexograp1q. Inv* AN A=* SSR. Kh1m. nauki 18 no.2tl46-157 t65. 18211) 1. Inatitut organichaskay khimii AN Arayanskoy- SSR i Slovatskiy fiUal famakalogicheskogo instituta Chakhoulovatskoy akademii nauk. 8ubmitted June 26, 1964. HOWARp to. . *10-*- happened to Aw artiqlar Fogorr, ammle 0 210OW53-m - I kcf65. MOLNAR, lajos, dr. R,>Ie of the adrenal gl=d in WIn-warter-Buerger disease. Orr. let-il. 105 no.43:2027-2030 0 25 164. I* Budapesti Or7ostudomanyi Egyatem, 17. Sebaneti Klinika (Kudas,,r Jozsef dr.) KOLKAR,Jajoss, tudomanyos munk&tars hydrometaljurgic&.1 extraction of iron from bauxi.tes. Experiments . Kjh lap 97 no.8-.360-.3.61+ Ag f64-. MOWAR, Lajas Determination of lava relating to liquid currents bT means of eleetriaal analogies. Hidrologiai Kozlony 37 no-4t 306-3317 t57. Use of -subconjunetival antohemotherap5r in lime burns of the eyes Teat.oft. no.607-40 161. (KM 14--12) Klinikm glaznykh bolezney Keditainskogo instituta,, Pabretsen. (Tengri7a). (ME-40UNDS AND INJURIES) (BIWD AS FOOR OR MEDICINE), (MRNS, AVD SCALDS)