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K()L(;ffAuOV,, re. I.,, Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) feStudy of wu@,* tgAftw cc riditions of tat onary 5 tarbine mos 1958, 13 PP. (Min of Power USSR.. All-Union k Order of Labor Red Oanne Heat @T s Inst im F.E. Dzepzhinskiy) 120 couies (KL, 21-58, 90) - 33 - KOLGIEAWT, To. 1. stigs ting starting conditions of stationary gag-turbine =its. katharcs abstract of the dissertation for tfte scientific degree of a Candidato of TachnologF] lasledovarLie uslovii puoka atatsiona=ykh gazoturbinnykh ustanovok. Avtoreforat dissertataii na soiskanie achenoi, stepeni kandidata teklmicheakikh nauk. ffalmahuyi rukovodi- telt - G.I.Mmvalov. Nock-ra. Tase.ordena Trudovogo.lraenogo Znameni teplotakhn.nauchno-issl.iu-t im. Y.N.D7erzhinskogo, 1958. 12 p. (KIRA 12:10) ((ks turbines) S/123/60/000/022/012/013 AOO5/AOO1 61 012 /-2 0 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 22, po 3488 # 1230 AUTHOR: Molchanov, Ye.l. TITLE: The Problom of Substantiation of the Starting Conditions of Gas Turbine Units PERIODICAL: V sb.: Usoversh. konstruktsiy I ekspluat. turbin. ustanovok. Moscow- Leningrad, dosenergoizdat, 1959, PP. 255-261 TM: A method is expounded of the substantiation of the startingcondi- tions of gas turbine units according to which the starting instant is dethrmined by the stresses arising in the turbine impeller. Calculations showed that the thermal flux preheating the Impeller is directed along the radius and the problem of determining the temperature drops can be reduced to the,one-dimensional problem. A formula and graphs are presented for determining the temperature drop between the center and the peripher7 of the Impeller, as well as a formula of the thermal stresses In the latter. It Is noted that thermal stresses are smaller in an Card 1/2 0/123/60/000/022/012/013 A005/AOOI The Problem of Substantiation of the Starting Conditions of Gas Turbine Units impeller produced from steel-of the perlite class. The st@esses in the impeller of the gas turbine unit FT Zoo-i-5 (aT-6oo-1-5) during the starting process were equal to 5,100-5,800 kg/cW which are near the rated stress, The calculation method proposed can be recommended for determining, to a first approximation, the stresses in turbine drum impellers at starting of jas turbine units. Translatorts note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 SOV/96-59-3-6/21 JXTHOR: Molchanov Ye.I.. Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Temperature Distribution in a Gas-Turbine Rotor (0 raspredelenii temperatury v rotore gazovoy turbiny) ITERIODICAL:Teploenergetika2 19599 Nr 31 pp 30-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 1500-kW gas turbine on which the measurements were made is installed in the Heat and Electric Power Station of the All-Union Themo-technical, Institute. The initial gas temperature was 60000. A longitudinal cross-section through the set is given in Fig.l. The five-stage gas turbine drives an axial compressor and also a generator through a reduction gear. The turbine rotor is of the soli(I-forged drum type and has an internal bore 50 mm, diameter. It is made of austenitic steel. The turbine speed is 5,000 rpm. Temperature measurements were taken in the bore of the rotor by means of chromel-alumel ther-mo-couples installed at various points as illustrated diagrammaticallZ 1 Measurements were made every :a F@g.2. five minutes whilst the rotor was being heated up; thereafter longer time intervals were used. Temperature changes at various parts of the rotor bore as a function Card 1/2 of time are plotted in Fig-3 which also notes the inlet SOV/96-59-3-6/21 Temperature Distributioa in a Gas-Turbiae Rotor and outlet gas temperatures. A graph of the temperature distribution in the rotor bore during steady thermal conditions is gi-vea in Fig-4. Equilibrium is reached some four hours after starting. The results show that the rotor is quite strongly heated and that temperature gradients appear., Thermal expansion of the rotor is considerable but is less than the expansion of the turbine casing. Axial expansion of the casing is in fact about 12 mm whereas under steady conditions the expansion of the rotor is about 4 ma. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuza3ry Teplot-ekbnicheski-y Instuitut (All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute) Card 2/2 AUTROkc TITLEt 5/17(Y/60/003/04/16/027 ROOT/BI02 MoIchanov, To. 1. A Method of Approximate Calculation of Temperature Fields in Cooled Disk Rotorwof Gas Turbines PERIODICALt Inshinerno-fizicheskiy shurnal, 19060, Vol. 3, Ko. 4, RP-95-102 TEXT: A number of experiments with -cooled rotors with air conveyance to the front of the disk were made in order to facilitate the calculations of temper- ature gradients and of the maximum temperature in the disk rotors of gas turbines. Basing on these experiments, a simple method of determining the mentioned parameters with an accuracy sufficient for technical calcu)Lations@ was worked out. The experiments were carried out 'at the tqdraulic integrator designed ty- V. S. Luklyanov. The experimental conditions are mentioned. Altogether 228 problems were solved, 152 of them under nonsteady and 96 under stabilize& thermal conditions. Evaluation of the results from calculatiou showed thst the radial temperature gradients under nonsteady thermal conditions as well " the teaperature in the various points of the disk under stabilized thermal -onditions depend linearly on the temperature at the frqnt of the disk. Card 1/5 W8T A Method of Approximate Calculation of Temperature Fields in Cooled Disk Rotors of Gas Turbines S/ITO/60/003/04/16/02T BOO'T/R1Q2 Formula (2) for calculating the radial maximum temperature gradient in the disk in the case of quick starting is written down. The coefficients occurring in this formula; are determined from the graphs given in Pigs, I and 2. The diagrams were plotted for various values of the Biot number on the Ylindric @surface , n a Besides, these coefficients depend on, the simplex R/R a d o the Biot number at the front face (cc frontR/A,). R denotes the outer radius of the disk, H half the thickness of the disk inTestigated, ot: the coefficient of heat exchange'on the cylindric disk surface and O'-front the coefficient of heat exchange on, the disk front on the radius. X denotes the heat aonductivity coefficient. Formula (3) for calculation of the maximum aid minimus temperature in the cooled disk on stabilized thermal conditions ia'written down* In the case of air conveyance to the front side the minimum temperature occurs in the middle of the disk. The gradient in radial direction can be calculated when maximum and minimum temperature are known. Comparison of the results obtained from formulas (2) and (3) with the respective solutions of the problems by the hydraulic integrator showed that these formulas are quite'useful for technical calculations. Maximum divergence is about 51C,. Finally, formula (4) for the calculation of the distribution of the temperature gradient along the radius is Card 2/3 802aT i Method of Lpproximate Calculation of Temperature 5/170V60/003/04/16/027 Fields in Cooled Disk Rotors of Gas Turbines BOOT/ @,102 written down. Hosting of the cooling air and coaling air conaumption (on the condition that the cooling air is conveyed to the center of the disk) can be estimated when the temperature distribution along the radius is known. The power a of the relative radius 9 - r/rL (r denotes the variable radius) occurring in formula Whas.a. considerable influence on the distribution of the tensions and their magnitude. Fig- 4 shows a graph for the determination of n for the case in which formula (4) is used in the calculation of the thermal tensions in the disk on non-stabilized and steady thermal conditions. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Vassoyuznyy toplotakhnicheakiy institut, 9, Moskva (All-Union Rest Engineering rustitute City of Moscow Card 3/3 68840 s/oq6j6o/ooo/o4/oil/02l E194/E455 AUTHORt -Molchanov, Ye.l., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEt An Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Cooled Gas-Turbine Rotor PERIODICALtTeploenergetika. 0, Nr It, PP 53-56AUSSR) AUSTRACTt This article gives the results of temperature distribution calculations in the rotor of a gas turbine with various methods of cooling. The calculations referred to the rotor of a two-stage high-pressure gas turbine type QT-700-4..?oThe rotor is an austenitic disc fitted to the end o a pearlitic, steel shaft, as shown diagrammatically in Fig 1. The disc was cooled by applying air to its faces and also to the rim between the first- and second-stage blades. The temperature distributions were calculated an a hydraulic Integrator by a procedure which has been described by Molchanov in Teploenergetika, 1956, Nr I and elsewhere. .The boundary conditions for which the calculations were made are tabulated. The first;stage gas temperature was 6600C and the second-stage 616 C; other temperature Card 1/4 conditions are stated. It was found that the heat-transfer 68840 s/o96/60/000/04/011/021 E194/E455 An Investigation. of Temperature Distribution in a Cooled Gas- Turbine Rotor coefficient from the faces of the disc is a function of the radius, as will be seen from the graph in Fig 2. The changes with time of the temperature difference between the outside edge and the centre of the disc are plotted in Fig 3. A histogram of maximum temperature drops across the radius of the disc for various values of the heat-transfer coefficient in the blading is given in Fig 4. A similar diagram comparing the maximum temperature drops across the radius of the disc with various values of heat-transfer coefficients from the disc faces is given in Fig 5. Changes in the maximum temperature drop as a function of the method of cooling and temperature of the cooling medium are plotted in Fig 6. Isotherms of temperature distribution in the gas turbine rotor under steady-state conditions, seen In Fig 7, relate to three sets of boundary conditions, which are given in the Table. These isotherms may be used in thermal stress and strength calculations under Card 2/4 various conditions. Thus a qualitative picture was 68840 s/o96/60/000/04/011/021 E194/E455 An Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Cooled Gas- Turbine Rotor obtained of the temperature distributions with various types of cooling, and the influence of boundary conditions on the temperature d1stributlon and temperature drops was determined. it was found that changes in the heat-transfer coefficients from the blading and from the disc faces have little effect upon the maximum radial temperature-drop. It was also found that, with the two-stage construction, the application of cooling air to the disc rim between the two stages combined with cooling of the disc faces greatly reduced the radial temperature-drop, both during heating-up and during steady-state running. If only the disc faces are cooled, there is some reduction in the maximum radial temperature-drop during heating-up but a considerably greater drop during steady-state running. It is evidently necessary when designing the cooling systems to investigate the temperature distribution, to Card 3/4 avoid dangerous stress c onditions. There are 7 figures, 68940 s/oq6/6o/oao/o4/oll/O2l E194/E455 An Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Cooled Qas- Turbine Rotor I table and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheakiy institut (All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute) Card 4/4 s/114/60/000/010/003/007 .2 E194/E494 AUTHOR: Molchanov, Ye.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Calculation of Temperature Distribution and Stress in the Rotor Bladdin of a Gas Turbine 7-10 PERIODICALt Energamashinostroyeniye, 1960, No.10, pp.19-21 TEXTs In addition to being subject to centrifugal and bending forces, gas turbine blades are subject to thermal stresses; to evaluate these it is necessary to calculate temperature fields under various conditions. Calculations of this kind were made using a hydraulic integrator designed by V.S.Luklyanov. The calculations were based on the assumption that the blade is of constant section and that the temperature and heat transfer coefficients are constant both along the length of the blade and across the section. The method of dividing up blades for the examination is illustrated in Fig.l. For the study of temperature distribution, the blade was divided up into seventeen areas, the investigations corresponded to four temperature conditions equivalent to rapid start, maximum cooling, ignition of combustion chamber and extinction of combustion chamber at full loadwith maximum temperatures of 600*C and minimum of 20*C. Fig.2 shows a temperature time curve for the bottom part of the blade and the Card 1/3 s/ii4/60/000/010/003/007 E194/S484 Calculation of Temperature Distribution and Stress in the Rotor Blading of a Gas Turbine fir-tree root. It is found that even under favourable conditions there is a temperature drop in the blade proper only immediately near the root and so the temperature distribution may be considered as a plane problem. FigA shows temperature/time curves at,various points in the blade section for two values of heat-transfer coefficient. It will be seen that the value of the heat-transfer coefficient has an important influence on the temperature gradient across the blade section. Blade stresses are, of course, caused by temperature drops and the process of temperature drop formation is illustrated in Fig-5 which gives graphs of the difference between the temperature at the inlet and central parts of the blade section as functions of time. Blade Isotherms at the instant of maximum temperature drop are plotted in Fig.6. A procedure for calculating thermal stresses in gas /C tftrbine blades has been described elsewhere and the procedure is briefly recalled here. The method was used to calculate the thermal stresses occurring in a blade section and the corresponding Card 2/3 s/ii4/6o/ooo/olo/coVoW E194/E484 Calculation of Temperature Distribution and Stress in the Rotor Blading of a Gas Turbine stress diagrams are plotted in Fig.7. It will be seen that tensile stresses of 2000 kg/cm2 are set up on the convex inlet face of the blade and 'at the discharge edge. These thermal stresses are of a temporary nature and form a kind of shock!load. Data published by the American General Electric Company hasishown that thermal shook loads may be an important cause of blade failure.' There are 7 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and I English. Card 3/3 MOLCHANOV, Ye.I.; ATENKOV, S.t tekhn. red. [Using the hydraulic analogy-method for studying temperature fields in gas turbine units; Conference on Heat and FAss Transfer, Minsk,, January-23-27, 19611 Prizenenis metoda gid- ravlicheskoi anitI gii dlia issledo,vaniia, temperaturuykIL'pGlei v elewntakh gazavfIch turbin; soveabpbAnie po teplo- i massoob- menu,, go Minakr 2,31-27 ianvaria IcI61 go Minsk, 1961. 17 p. (KM 15:2) (Ifydraul.ic madels) (Gas tarbines) ROLCHANOV, Ye. I. "Applicatioa of lavestigatioas. Elements." theffy&raulic Analogy Methoi to of Temperature Fields in Gas Turbine Report submitted for the Conference oa Heat and Kass Transfer, Minsk,. BSSR.. juze 1961. h2oi5 S/262/@2/000/022/002/007 I C9 kAV9 E073/E435 AUTHOR: Molchanov, Ye.l. TITLE: On the problem, of thermal fatigue PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Otdellnyy vypusk. Silovyye ustanovki, no.22, 1962, 21, abstract 42.22.i4o. (In collection: Teplovyye napryazheniya v elementakh turbomashin. No.l. Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1961, 156-159) TEXT: A number of authors in the USSR and abroad carried out therittal-fatigue experiments on specimens for the purpose of a qualitative evaluation of the resistance-to-failure under the effect of a cyclically fluctuating temper4ture, as well as quantitative evaluation of stresses and strains. The author mentions the work of Coffin, who obtained the clearest relatiah between the number of cycles to faLlure and the magnitude of plastic deformation. The investigations were made on hollow, cylindrical specimens, held in rigid clamps. Periodic passage of a current through the specimen produced in it tensile- compressive stresses. The author made experiments on cylindrical austenitic steel specimens 100 x 100 mm with an Card 1/2 s/262/62/000/022/002/007 On the problem of thermal fatigue E073/r,'435 internal bore of 10 inm diameter. Eight specimens were tested for three values of radial temperature gradients, which corresponded to three levels of stresses and strains. The frequency was 1/360 cps. The test results are presented in the form of a dependence of the number of cycles and deformations on the bore. The magnitude of the deformation was calculated from formulae which are valid for an infinite cylinder on the assumption that the deformation of the material is elastic. The Poisson coefficient was assumed at 0.5. Photographs are also included of failures of specimens which showthat the cracks are generated on the internal bore and have a typically fatigue character. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation Card 2/2 25665 S/096/61/000/009/005/008 o26. o2la 4 E194/Eil-55 AUTHOR: Molchanov, Ye.l., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEt Calculation of temperature distribution in gas turbine discs cooled through erection holes in the blade root joints PERIODICAL% Teploenergetika, 1961, No.9, pp. 65-68 TEXT: This article describes an investigation of the temperature distribution in a disc cooled by passing air through erection holes in the blade root joints. A sketch of the disc is shown in Fig.l. the motion of the cooling air being indicated by arrows. At the disc face the flow of air divides, part moving across the face and cooling it before passing through the blade roots, and the remainder passing through the disc to cool the next stage. The air that has passed through the blade root channels also serves to cool the far face of the disc. Investigations of temperature distribution in the disc during steady-state and transient thermal conditions were made on a hydraulic integrators using a procedure described by the present author in Teplo- energetika No.1, 1956 (Ref.2). The blade and disc were made of austenitic steel. The experimental conditions are described in Card 1/5 25668 Calculation of temperature ...... s/o96/6l/ooo/oo9/oo5/oo8 E194/E]55 some detail; 43 variants of boundary conditions were used, in order to determine as fully as possible the temperature distribu tion during steady-state thermal conditions. Certain transient conditions were also studied. The greatest calculated temperature rise of the cooling air was 67 OC, corresponding to high values of heat transfer coefficient in the slots both to the blade proper and to the face of the disc. Heating of the cooling air is most affected by the heat transfer coefficient in the blade root slots and the temperature of the mediuat on the far side of the disc. From the results quoted it is found that the greatest radial temperature-drop occurs in the blade, mostly in the root and in the neighbouring part of the blade proper. When the cooling air passes through the ducts in the blade root and is then used to cool the far face of the disc, the axial temperature drop is small and does not seriously affect the disc. A study of transient conditions shows that the axial temperature drop is established very quickly and does not alter much with time. To minimise this temperature drop the temperature of the medium should as far as possible be maintained the same on the two sides of the disc, and cooling air should be passed through the ducts in the blade roots. Card 2/s 25668 Calculation of temperature ..... s/o96/61/000/009/005/008 E194/E155 This measure also greatly reduces the radial temperature-drop in the disc under both steady-state and transient conditions. It is found that at the instant when the radial temperature difference in the disc is at a maximum, the temperature distribution in the disc is very complicated and there are considerable temperature gradients in the blade root. These radial temperature differences can cause thermal stresses in the disc which are superimposed on the stresses due to centrifugal force and so are very undesirable. The instant at which the greatest radial temperature-drop occurs depends on heat exchange in the ducts of the root joints. Thus when cooling air is not passed through the ducts, in the case considered the maximum temperature drop occurred some 4 - 8 minutes after the start of heating. In this case, there were considerable radial temperature-drops in both steady-state and transient conditions. When the ducts were air cooled the maximum temperature drop occurred after I - 1.5 minutes and was much smaller than in the previous case. It is concluded that since the most intensive extraction of heat passing from the blade proper to the disc occurs in the upper ducts of the blade root these ducts should be made as wide as possible. It is found that Card 3/ 5 25668 Calculation of temperature ..... s/oq6/6i/ooo/ooq/oo5/oo8 E194/E155 delivery of cooling air to only one face of the disc can lead to considerable axial temperature-drop, causing buckling of the disc even if the air is later passed through ducts in the blade roots. There are 6 figures, I table and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut (All-Union Heat Engineering institute) Card 4/5 34340 S/170/62/005/003/OOAI/0)2 Im BIOS/B104 AUTHORS. Molchanov, Ye. I., Khenven, A. R. 41" TITLEi Calculation of temperature fields in a vane of a gas turbint- cooled through mounting apertures PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 5, 1962, 45 - 50 TEXTz The temperature field of a gas turbine vane cooled through holes at its root was calculated on a hydraulic integrator (design from V. S. Lukfyanov). The vane was one of 80 from the first stage of a two- stage gas turbine working at a gas temperature of 7600C. The fields both along and across the vane were calculated for steady as well as for non- steady conditions at different heat transfer coefficients and cooling air temperatures. The calculations were made for a section over which the radial flow of heat need not be considered. It is stated that in ex- perimental study the cooling air should have a temperature as low as possible since then estimates of the coefficients of heat transfer in the different parts of the vane will be the most accurate. There are 4 fig., ures, I table, and 3 Soviet references. Card 1/2 X_% S/ 1 7o/62/005,/CO. 3/co/c, 12 Calculation of temperature... BIOBIBI04 ASSOCIATIONt Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskogog g. Moskva (All-Union Institute of Heat Engineering imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy, Moscow) SUBMITTED: September 19, 1961 Card 2/2 S/032/62/028/002/019/037 13139/BI04 AUTHORS: Plotkin, Ye. P., and Molchanov, Ye. 1. TITLE: Application of thermooolors to measure the temperature of machine parts PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 2, 1962, 203 - 205 TEXT: The authors used thermocolors developed by the Kafedra tekhnologii lakov i krasok Hoskovskogo, khimiko-tekhnologicheskogo instituta im. Mendeleyeva (Department for the Technology of Varnishes and Colors of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology imeni Mendeleyev) and Droduced by the "Svobodnyy trud" Plant in Yaroslavl', to determine the temperatures at which a change in color occurs after long-time heating. A plate 45 mm long, 0.5 mm thick and of varying width made of stainless steel and providei with a thermocolor coating, was heated with about 100 a a-a. The temperature field was checked by a thermocouple soldered to the back of the plate. The boundary line of color change during long-time heating shifted toward lower temperatures. For 30 min heating, the Card 1/2 S/032/62/028/002/01@/037 Application of thermocolors... B139/BIO4 teMDerature of color change of various colors is 50 - 1000C lower than that for short-time heating. For a longer time of heating, the transition temperature stabilizes and becomes practically constant when heating for 2 - 6 hra. Thermocolors age under the action of light. The majority of thermocolors change at temperatures of uP to 400 C, two types change their colors at 400 - 650*c, @ut at 650*c the color change from white into pale violet is hardly noticeable. There are 2 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut (All-Union Institute of Heat Engineering) Card 2/2 !JJ T HORS TITLE: 14 /63/000/001/002/007 D262/D303 Candidate of Technical, Sciences, and Plotkin, Ye.R., Engineer Terxpera-ure and str@ss 'states of rotor rT -25-700.. WT-2.5-700) at startingrup and steady working condi- t i o ns. KRIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeni e, no. 1*, 19@63,-19-22 y Ti=: Me article presents the results of an investigation into the temperature fields and stresses in the rotor and blades of the seven-stage air-cooled gas-turbine GT-25-700. The temperature blade surfaces. under steady workingr distribution on the rotor and conditions,is calculated using the hydraulic integrator designed by ;*'V.S.'Luklyanov, and the 'thermal stress distributions on the working blade surf-ace for various times of the load @ncrease (instantaneous, 2 min, 5 min) are evaluated and represented graphically. The air ;cooliigr, system is also analyzed. Conclusions.@ By increasing the load- rise time thermal stresses can be lociered;considerably and 2ron. point Gard.1/2 S/114/63/000/001/002/007 Temperature- and stress states D262/1)30a of view,of,the rotor and bl-ade strength, this time should be 5 - 8 min. Ur t,-,pped past theiregenerator at 29000, is recon-mended for this cooling turbine. Th4re are 7 figures and 3 tables. Card 2/2 ,!ACCESSION AT4010246 S13052163100010031018110192 @AUTHOR: Plotkin, Ye. R. (Moscow); Molchanov, Ye. 1. (Moscow) TITLE: Experimental investigation of the temperature field and evaluation of the S.tress in gas turbine blades operating at varying sp6eds '.SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut mekhaniki. Teplovy*ye,;napryazheniya v elementakh ;konstruktsiy; nauchnoye soveshchaniye. Ooklady*, no# 3, 1963, 181-19Z TOPIC TAGS: turbine, gas turbine, turblne blade, turbine operation, turbine blade temperature turbine blade stress 'ABSTRACr: Turbine blades were tested in a variable temperature fiel*d when starting: @aad at varying gas turbine spe6dsi using thermocouples for measurement. Four ;stages of operation were studied: 1. Starting of the cola engine and accelera- Ition to idling speed. 2. Increase of the load (after 7 min) for 3.min. 3. De- i --crease of the load (14 min after starting) to idling speed in 2 min. 4. Switching' loff the combustion chamber while the turbine Is running at Idling speed (20 Mtn 1 @after starting). Besides, the combustion chamber was switched off while running under load. Results are shown in graphs. Analysis shows that starting or changlng@ @the load after five minutes or more does not lead to accidents, even with large blades@, ;Orig. art..has: 9 figures. Card 7 ,-1: .2 " t , I - .--l ACCESS S/3052/63/000100*193/0200 iw NR: AT4010247 AUTHOR: Plotkin , Ye. R. (Moscow); Molchanov, Ye. I. (Moscow) TITLE: Thermal stresses in a turbine blade with fluctuations in gas temperature SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut mekhaniki. Teplovy*ye napryazhenLya v elementakh konstruktsLy; nauchnoye soveshchaniye. Dokladyk, no. 3, 1963,'193-ZOO TOPIC TAGS: thermal stress, turbine, turbine blade, gas turbine, turbine gas temperature, thermodyqamics 'ABSTRACT: During the operation of gas turbines, conditions of periodically varying gas temperature are frequently encountered. Such conditions may be caused by instability of combustion chamber work or may arise at turbine load changes. Gas temperature oscillations with a frequency of 1.5 - 3.0 to 60 cycles/sec. and amplitudes in excess of 207. of the mean gas temperature can be provoked by instabilities, while load changes are accompanied by lower frequencies with a period of several seconds and even minutes and amplitudes up to several times the difference between initial and final temperature values* Gas temperature oscillations cause corresponding temperature oscillations La turbine rotating and stationary (guide vaaes) blades, particularly along the C,,,d 1/7 ACCESSION NR: A14010247 thin edges. As a result of non-uniform heating of the blades, temperature gradients arise and, consequently, thermal stresses appear. @Tt is of great interest to establish the influence of gas temperature oscillations on the strength of blades working at high temperature and stress levels. A method based on simplifying assumptions allows the investigation of transient tem- perature distributions in order to establish the influence of various factors such as blade profile, heat exchange conditions, physical properties of blade -material, and the period and amplitude of gas temperature oscillations. The i main simplifying assumption is that the basic heat flow occurs in a direction I normal to the blade surface, but the heat flow al@@ 'skeLetline is small and 6an be neglected. Such an assumption is equivaleat to a separate consideration of blade profile sections as plates of corresponding thickness S - Zk, as shown La Fig. I of the Enclosure. In the differential squatioa used to express the heat exchange, a harmonic law is assumed for the gas temperature change@.:. It is further assumed chat ihe film coefficient at, the specific heat C and-- i the specific gravity rof the blade material,'and the temperature distribution auefficient, are conita'nt* values,, whera tg . to tr - tm Card 2/7 ACCESSION NR: AT4010247 tg - gas temperature, tm - moan plate temperatures ta - plate surface temperature. The solution implies that tm follows a simple harmonic oscillation with a phase shift against the gas temperature ascillitt"an., The relative amplitude of plate temperature ascillatiQns and the phase shift angle depend an the par- ameter Kr T where T is the period of gas temperature oscillations. The analysis shows that even at a relatively high f Uim coefficient a4 - IL16 WIM2 where W stands for Watts, gas temperature oscillations with a period of less than 0.5 see have little Influence an the blade temperature. It is concluded that gas. temperature oscillations of high and medium frequency (10cps and more) behind the combustion chamber do not endanger the strength of gas turbine blades.' @_-_Low frequency (1.5 to 3 cps) gas temperature oscillations behind the combustioa chamber siinificnatly influence the temperature @f very thin edges (approximately 0.5 mm) only, where che oscillation amplitude can reach 15% of the gas temperew ature oscillation amplitude. Transient processes arising from load changes have a greater influence on the blade temperat@re distribution. The edge tem- perature practically follows the gas temperature. However, increasing the edge thic ss considerably reduces the relative amplitude of temperature oactllationa, Card ACCESSION VR: AT4010247 The mean temperature of the central, thicker portion of a blade section changes little at gas temperature oscillations, at periods up to 20 seconds. Rhen approximate solutions obtained by the above-mentioned method were com- pared with exact solutions produced with the aid'of a hydraulic integrator, no significant discrepancies were found. An exact solution has been obtained for the case of a working blade of a GT - 12 - 3 turbine at gas temperature oscillations and at film coefficientc!@- 893 W/m2 -*G. Solutions have been obtained for the transient blade temperature field at gas temperature oscil- lation periods of 3. 12, 30, and 120 seconds. Thermal stresses have been com- puted for the case of gas temperature oscillations form 300 to'500C at a per- iod T - 120 see, corresponding to real conditions at idling turbine during 1 tuning for operation. For a aaa-uniformly heated bar, the expression for thermal stress is; + X :. . A card 4/7 ACCESSION NR: AT4010247 where E*and (3 are modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear thermal ex- pansion, respectively, and x and y - coordinates of cross-section points with respect to the main thermaelastic bending axes. The results pf stress calcu- lacions are shown in Fig. 2 of the Encldsure es occur at the trailing edge reaching the value d?, - 1 111;3 HH"/cmim2u.m 0antrthas basis of the comm putations, it was concluded that colsiderable temperature and thermal-stress oscillations can arise in the blades of a working gas turbine as a result of gas temperature ascill*tions.' and, consequently, the blade life can be subetaa- tially decreased. orig. art. has: 6 figures and 7 formulas. ASSOCUTION: Tnstitut mekhaniki akademii nauk UkrSSR (Institute of Mechanics, Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR). SUBMUM: 00 DATE ACQ: 17Jan64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOV: 008 a=: 000 caid 5/7 ACCESSrON NR: AT401024Z ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. I - Gas turbine blade profile dividedi in strips to the profile for approximate thermaL anaLysia Card 617 ACCESSIOU HR: AT4010247 f-tr 300 11 r- 20 40 60 60 W. Tcm ENCLOSURE: 02 Fig. 2 Gas Temperature and Turbine Blade Dimensionless Radical Thermil Stress 5r Ggcil- lations vs. Time 9.81 -N cm-r- (N Newton) Card 7 /71 Acassi(ra ra: APW37636 s1b0q61&t100010061002310032 R. (Candidate of tedbaical sciences); Molchanov, Ye. 1. AUMM: Platkin, Ye. (Candidate of teckmical sciences) TITLE: Temperature field of a gas turbine bUd& under translezr6 'conditions SWRCE: Teplocnergetilm., no. 6, 1964,, 28-32 TOPIC T=: turbine blade, turbine blade test,, turbine blade tr4mperature,, gas tuxlbine Irne principal factors affecting the ecluillbriun of the temperature field under trausiee. conditions are presented from the standpoint of theory and experiment. Calculatim error resulting *-am apprccdmating ass=pticns was evaluated through acmparlson with exact solutions obtained by the mathod of hydraulic analoGy. It was founct that the error in eatimtinm, the greatest tem- perature difference occurrinG in the blade under transient conditions Is relative- 17f Gmall.,,_and that for real va-lues ce the coefficient of heat; transfer to the 200 V/62- 'ace and the coefficient of heat coaductivity cit the blade metal dez; A-c4o w/m-deg) this error does nat exceea. 20-y$. (kt a Im rate ce heat AccEssicu Na: A2037636 transfer from the gas to the blade and a high heat conductivity of the metal, the error could be largQ The assumptions permit the temperature fieM of each sepment of the blade cross-section to be calaulated as the field of an equivalent; plate irith a thicImess 2h, corresponding to the thickness of the given seLment, and with corresponding boundary conditions. By examining the change in mean. tea- perature of the plate under transient conditions.. simple relations can be obtained for various particular cases. For instanca, for an, instantaneous change in gas t* i temperature fran t. t( 9 and for a gradual change of te from to to t* for the time 9 e-kr for 4":*, and Card Acassicu za.- AP1037-636 @e-k 0 vs 2. - e-k(r. for r- t ic@- (2) k Conclusion: The degree of iafluence off the transient duration depends on the i",-tcnaity of the heat exchange to the surface of the blade. An increase in this duration reduces the maximum nonunifomity of the blade temperatureo Orig. art. has: 5 fonna,,-@Ias and, 8 figures. ASSCCIATIal: VAesqy=ny*y teplat;ekbuicheskiy i=tittxt (All-Unial Power Engineer- ing Ins-titute) sum 00 DAM ACQ: 221=6@ ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: WO ZU 90 W SCU: 005 003 Card 313 PLOTUNr Ye.R.; HDLCHANOV re I Fl*tuatlons of temperature and thermel stresses inside a turbine, blade vith pulsating gas temperature.' rhsh.-fiz,zhur, 6 no.2;25-30 F 163. IMA 16ti) 1. Vsesoyuzny-y-teplotekbnLcheskiy institut, imeni, F.E. Dzerzhinskogo, Moskva. (Thermo4ynamics) (Gas turbines) HODGHANOV, Ye.I., kand.tekhn.nauk;, PLOTKIN, Ye.R., kand.tekhn.nauk Tqpperature distribution'in the zone of the neck connection of the cooled blade of a gas turbine. Teploenergetika 10 no.6:58-61 Jo ,63. (MM 26:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy toplotekhnichask institut. %as turbines) PLMS V.V. ; MOLCHANOV, Ye.I.; PLOTKIN, Ye.R. Heat processes during,the solidification of ingots folloving electric slag refinirg, Izve vyst uch,-,be zav.; chern. met. 6 no.96347 163. (ML 16:11) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya. th -00- th bl is- IM d r ega cu .e --d- 'w'ag-.,d .-h Ull te BIA @ " i 4 RMW @=F__ -112 IMP s"i A Ww" FR ;Z7 7@1 Owl, MOM i I'dii, . . . . . . . . . . dA 4-. 'bo tv NCY f-C W R kq Ov.IYeF- . \4 PARMOT, L.P., MOLOUNOT, Te.T. P@I`j;@ z Iffect of condensation field of ultra high frequency wares of barrier properties of live tissues. Noskva na.4: 84-86 AP 150. (GIn 19:31 1. Of the Department of General Phygiotherapyaad Health Resort Therapy (goad -- Prof, A.P.Parfenov) of the Naval Medical Aaadeuq, Leningrad. .. yo.jr . MARTS, Z.3.; PLTROVAt G.F.; GHIMAMU L.F.; TARASMO, MOLORMOV p M Sixtieth birthday of Professor Aleksandr Frokhofovi,!h 'Iarfenov. Vop. kur., fizioter, i lech. fiz. kullt. 26 no.6:563-564 11-D 161. (FAILTENOV, ALEKSANDR FROXHOROVIGH, Igo-,T.;.) @ V41A 15:1) NOV 'Mirge VI lqm&d2Mvrich;* CHP V.S.r red.; ONOSHKOt - 4 RYWEVI N.G., @gchn. red. (Sea baths] Morskie k-upaniia. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 30 p. (MIRA 16:7) (UTHS, SEA.) Al 0 L C Ili 'IV Ai 0 V) yu I q, BASS, M.GI.. inshenerf, KARAGODIN, T.L., inzhener; KOLCHANOT,,Tu.A., inshener. KALITSKIr, S.I., tathener; MAZANOT, T.Te.-7-Ift er; USHAM7, V.S., Inzhener. Collector with driven in sheet-piled walls. Gor.khoz.Kosk. 31 no.9:38-0 S 157. (KIRA 10:0 (Koscow--Sewers, Concrete) -KARAGODIX, T.L., City ponde ani water recervoire. Gar.khos.Konic. 34 no-3:29-32 mr l6o. (KIU 13: 8) (Moxcow--Ponds) ?T. -@=HAKOV, ru.A., inzh.; CISTALML , F.P. Advanced stnxetmva far zmanicipal onginaering instaUations. Gor.khoz.fbak. 36 no.6.-17-19 To f62. (MM 15: 8) (Hoocow--HU21cipal engineering) AUTE10R: Brovehanko, V. G., ard tiolchanov,.-Yu. D, 1120-2-19/37 TITLE: A low Noise level Pre-amplifier. (Predusilitell s Maly--, Urovnem, shi'MOV0 IIERIODICA.L: Pribory i Ifeklmika Foksperimenta, 1957, No.2, pp. 67 - 70 (USSR). ABSTRA.GT: A low noise pre-amplifier built for use with ionisation chambers ard with proportional counters is described (Refs. 1 and 2). The first stage of the amplifier is a "casoade" using two grounded cathode 6XITT in parallel connection and a grounded grid parallel connected dvable triode GH15Tr. The noise level of the pie-amplifier is determined mainly by the anode current fluctuations in the input stage and is 214V for a pass band 50kc/s to 1-111c/s, input capacity of about llpF and V L Of 75V. The pre- amplifier gain is 140 with the paAs band 5MC/s to 600cps. The further two stages of the pre-amplifier consist of a pentode connected 6XITr and of a double tribde 61J15TT; a heavy current feed back is applied. The anode supply is stabilised, DC is used for the heater chain; the total gain of the last three stages is 1?0 with feed back and about 4000 without feed back. The whole arrangement is Card 1/2 very stable, has a very good linearity and bas been giving A Low Noise Level Pre-amplifier. very good service in high precision tion for the last three years. The pre-amplifier is given. There are is Slavic. SUBMITTED: August, 21, 1956. AVA3:jABLjij: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 120-2-19/37 physical insturitim--ata- circuit diagram of the 2 references, 1 of which MCLCEkNov, @/...D. and BROVCHENKOI, V. G. "Time Analyzer for Fast Pulse Series" report submitted for the IAEA conf.,on Nuclear Electronics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia J-5 --20 wy 1.961 S/12o/61/000/006/013/041 EO 3 5 IF, 4 14 AUTHORS: Brovchenko, V.G.,_.@olchanov, TuD. TITLE: A time selector for the analysis of a train of pulses PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.6, 1961, 74-77 TEXT-@ The selector was designed for the measurement of the time distribution of pulses in series of pulses, Its parameters are as followss minimum channel width 251LSec; gap between channels -0 2.5 ji sec,@ resolving time. -3 x 10-8 11 sec@ Fig.1 and 2 show a block diagram of the selector together with the corresponding voltage waveforms. The time distribution is measured'with the aid of a differentiating capacitor storage system which is periodically discharged by pulses from the channel generator. The time between two dtscharges is equal to the width of the selector channel, The change in the potential acro-ss the capacitance in the time between two discharges is proportional to the number of pulses entering the device in this time. The curve connecting the maxima of the latter potential represents the desired distribution and-is photographed from the oscilloscope- screen. The statistical accuracy of the measured distribution Curve. 2- determined by the number of pulses recorded in the: Card 14 S/120/61/000/006/013/041 A time selector E035/E414 selector channel. i.e. the rate of input pulses, the width of the channels and the speed of recording the pulses. The main advantage of the selector is the high speed of signal recording.., and the simple circuitry employed, Detailed circuits are P reproduced, There are 5 figures and 2 references,, I Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to an English language publication reads as follows? Ref.1% F.J.M.Farley, Rev. Scient, Instrum., v.29, 1958, 595@ ASSOCIATION; Institut atomnoy energii AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy AS USSR) SUBMITTED. April 25, 1961 Card 242 77 SOURM-ODDI&I-UR/0120[661000/005/0037/0035 '-AUTHORt Voratnikov, F. Ye.; Zubov, Yu# G.; jt Udod, A. A.; Institute of Atomic ZnergyGKAZj Moscow (Institut atomnoy energii GW) TITLE: A nanosecond-pulse ion source ftibory L tekhrdka eksperimenta, no. 5. 1966, 37-39 Tb?IC,.TAGS: ion source, particle acceleration, ion accelecator A1tjO&SVO4'A,/0 _Rag.`is@e -,cA. e areo 3 r-4 r@&,_ 6.'C4U Q -A roe_ W%UCT:,..':Test results of a pulse ion source for an electrostacie accelerator are 'Me testing. apparatus was constructed on the basis of P. Ye. Vorotaikov (gee Fig. I). Using a relatively low-power high-fr--juency'source 60 @aj.. and applying phase ion focusing, a very economical nurce of ion, current Pula a.Of ....4pproximately 2 usec duration, a pulse current of ",1.5 ma, and a repeti- I -tion ratvof approximately 4 Mc can be obtained. The ion energ,- spread was found to coustitilt&-MO ev, and the Lou current utilization factor was a! -Ut 251. . The author thank V'.. G. Bravaheakd4a helped in developing the measuring prc edure. Orig. art. hast: 5 figures and Z formulas, Card Itz UDC; 621*394.6Z -an source Fig. 1. Schenatic diagram of the 1,1se i I - High-frequemmy Lou source; 2 - -.2cussing system; 3 - bunching electrode; 4- acceler..ting tube coa- sisting of 16 conical electrodes; 5 - voltage divider; 6.-,uasuatic separator*,T Lou co2 actor. SUB CODE: ZO/ S'UBKDATE*.*. 14act65f ORIG REFt card 212 OCV2f (YM an 3011 ACC INR& AP6022011 SOURCE CODE: URIGIZGA6[0001003/01371@@1_3al AUTHOR. Brovchenko, V. G.; Kolchanov. Yu, D. ORG: Atomic Energy Institute, GKA3, Moscow (Institut atomnoy energii GXAE) TITLE: A low noise preamplifier with a short signal rise time SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.. 3, 1966, 137-138 TOPIC TAGS: preamplifier, electronic circuit, spectroscopy ABSTRACT: A fast, low-noise stable preamplifier circuit is presented which is in- tended for use in the spectroscopy of intensive, low-energy charged-particle fluxes and for counting the number of rare events in the background of weak but often inter- fering signals. The preamplifier consists of two sections with negative feedbacks. The first section is in the form of a charge amplifier circuit. The first section has a transmission coefficient of 1/5 pf, and the second section has a gain of 7. A dynamic capacitance of 900 pf is at the input of the preamplifier. The signal rise time at the output of the preamplifier depends on the capacitance of the detector at its input. The intrinsic rise time of the preamplifier is equal to 15 nsec at a signal amplitude level of 0.1 to 0.9, and the root-wean-square value of noise is 11 keV. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 1 09/ SUBM DATE: 12Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001 XOCHG, V.Se, profe, doktor tekhn. nauk; ORMOVSKIT, T.I.. insh.; KOWWOTj Yu.Yl,, insh.; PLUSHGEMO, Te.A., inzh, -_WmPOOWW- Keating open-heamth furnaces of 500 ton capacity with hot cokagag. IBlul, TUXIM U0,1:11-15 958, (XMI 110) (Open hearth furnaces) mo c ka n ov @% I P, 130-58-2-6/21 AUTHORS: Kocho, V.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor, "olchanov Yu. D and Pioshchenko. Ye.A. Grankovskiy, V.I., L -_ - * TITIE: Open-hearth Furnace Operation on High-calorific Value Low- ressure Gas (Rabota martenovskikh pechey na -,rysokokalor- om goryachem gaze nizkogo davleniya) M PERIODICAL: Nr 2j pp 9 - 12 (USSR). Metr"lurg, 1958, ABSTRACT: Blast-furnace gas is normally added to coke-oven gas for firing opea-hearth furnaces to improve flame quality. The low calgrificin f blast-furnace gas however lowers the theoretical f luteoperature and an inv4stigatio@L has been carried out by the imeni Voroshilova (imeni Voroshilov) metallurgical works together with the Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiev Polytechnical Institute) of furnace firing without the addition. The authors mention this work in which pure coke-oven gas was used with the addition of turbine air into the side of the gas port and describe the adoption of practice with reduced (halved) quantities of blast-furnace gas which followed the comTA- @ation of the first part of the work. On 250 and 500-ton furnac9s, the blast-furnace gas consumptions were 3 000 and 4 500 M--'/hour, respectively, the coke-oven gas consumptions remaining ., unchanged and the specific fuel consumption being equivalent to the decrease in blast-furnace Cardl/3 130-58-2-6/21 Open-hearth Furnace Operation on High-calorific Value Low-pressure Gas gas consumption. By increasing the poEtcross-sections, an equally high temperature (about 1 350 C) was obtained for gas and air checkers. The slag pockets filled less rapidly, a higher furnace temperature and increased heat flows were obtained with the new practice: measurements with VNIIT-designed probes on a 500-ton furnace are shown graphically. Three experimental heats were carried out on a 500-ton furnace without blast-furnace gas and the averages of the main operating results for this and ordina-Y. O-Deration are tabulated (Table 1): the authors discuss these briefly and point out that there seems to be an optimal gas p-re-heat tem-perature. They consider the functioning of the gas checkers with pure coke-oven gas. A failure of -@he lining of the gas ports on a 500-ton furnace led to the combustion products losing enough heat to prevent over- heating of the gas checkers and the furnace was worked on -.oke- oven Gas continuously for 1 1/2 months. The operating results show (Table 2) mean(boreases of 0.7 hours and 21.8 kg/ton for tap-to-tap time and consumption of standard fuel, respectively. The authors recommend the coke-oveng@s firing of furnaces without blast-furnace gas, the cross-sectional area of the gas Card2@3rts being reduced to reduce the flow of combustion Droducts 130-58-2-0/21 Open-hearth Furnace Operation on High-calorific Value Low-pressure Gas by 20 - 305% and high-pressure air being supplied to the sides of the &Ls Dorts; blast-furnace gas should still be supplied during reversals. There are 1 figure and 2 tables AVAILABIR: Library of Congress Card 3/3 1. Open heae,.h furnaces-Operation 2. Coal gas-Applications lz Among a xottio, r.s.. voGier or TQQh%&Q&& Ulon9ma. H.T.. Ormakov#kAy. V.I.. P&DOUGAVSko, ^04 , ansApaorm - - -- - - Tu"I . A^ XMv* t1#^SAQft at the QFQrM%&9m of a 8)0 Too Open soversk grnage IPLV04 with cg%q Oven Go* M3001c"s 41441. 1111. we 9. pr 796-402 (u*=1 AISTPACTS P904ADIALtAem at tArAns open hearth Cura%soa rAeft a low Pcom"Vire hot ja a of a high 4^Aarlr&Q volue, withret are 4109massO. Literature data &Ve lpatwd AA410MISOC Shot or gas COOL be Pb%4%IA*4 *7 proh"'KARS She so% to a %omporms%re as Whick 4090""Pem"Apal at W*%hAA#,1tASh the Partial forlwAt"", at Wither bY4rQQmV%9R* and Carbon FMT%1%A0*. tokom IpUms. Itzrors"a-e &m, firing a a" son open h*Mrsh, co"Was with prVA00404 Sake OT04k $40 at $149 MORAL PVdCffUVS AMdSQS4 Of PAXSVV* at ask* oven ARd DJAM% CUMASS &*% IS 404%rAb4d. or Shia P%Vpos ""a at shft ansAsts ZVNA 404 A",*** won dwq" frc-% 0.43 to 0.22 SO Rod the A-* pwa won A-mmr~d. c9owm6med air sm MR P-mmat of 3"0 So 32QQ pl/kr was Am-roOaswa thro"gh the book too** Card 1/3 at the Avg Plasmas. The ***vs 0"opures IFOMA99*4 &MV944APA the Tolwn-itrar'sb* a-m-MAr frm the 40,4 P"O* to log I ISO Wave. T146 pro:ffurv $A She s,%" vortloa& VAR* ;M9V9M*qA %9 %A0 *%MQ ph-pria prome"re Pat at pox*-am tkorpml 2#p4a to IQ sm AgO. Tbo 69"Wasuro Or SN4 RppqV aft"N.ra of $44 raswavrAters Was PAINVOLAS'ed 0% 1299 so ""'c. 740 4OP'NoRp'left at CAI romplA*4 Us po" Me *A fArlat with PAXw* Sao- por"It Sho IMOUAN4 pqWS946 %$he CA@.* Wes GovarAns She bosh 84"Proos9rily b,%% O.W*px $%I reflax4a p*rAQ4 14W SAVVIRRA A044f %be 10449%h Of the 940-PQ WAS "V%CfAQJLVN%- JX "is Case, a^ snprove-vo% son be obtRAP94 by 4paromming I at ON4400 A&V %a 9.1) to 1.9. chopgom *310 opwa%Apg SAdAsem of the rpeomom on sromatex, so, CAV"g Wish k0% Oaks QVPR r,46 ^Vs $XT"1% #AM %041*4 X @M4 a. Two prexAmp-ory rvolat* ektasmoo iadaamt94 %hot. rNproas at proomalAvisr X" fPP& sonov"914m. the corsage opfrost9m. was 04t1mcastry. "ether 09 the problqm or heASLUX Spas hoprth car"Vem, Wish a Card hot Am pressure Sam of ^ XAP oalorAgle vMX%* *PA. JA partioux0c. the dovelop"014% or An *ptxwm rar"Q* 4*41n As V*99moaded. There ^vs 6 fixers". a tables am 10 referammes, a or WbIgh AV* Soviet, FAA 2 NAS3610h. Cart 31/3 . KOCHO, T.S., doktor tekhn,.nauk; MIANIKOVSKIY, V41., kand.tekhn.nauk; NAYDEK, V.L., inzh.; MOLCHANOV, Yu.D., in*i; PIORO, Ch.K., inzft. Comparatiis analysis of thermal processes in 500-ton open-hearth furnaces in two metallurgical plants. Stalt 22 no.1:23-27 J& 162. (MIU 14:12) (open-hearth furnaces) (Heat-Transmission) WON T. S.r doktw tekhn. nauk; GRM07S&U, T. I., kand. tekhn. nauky XMIK.. T. L.v insh.- ";rl insh.; KUDULVAn, 1. 1.2 inzh. Neamiring the flow of combustion products in open-hearth furnaces. Ket. i gornorud. pron. iw.1:57-62 4-T-163. (MM 164) 1, Klyevskiy politekbnicheskLy institut (for Kocho, GrankovBkiy-, lraydek). 2 Cherepo"takir vetallurgicheskiy zavod (for Nolebanov, Kudryavaya5. (Gas flow) (Openr-heaxth furnaces) L 362C ACC NRt AP6022007 SOME CODS: 0120/66/000/00310121/01?-5 AUTH03: Brovchenkoj_v. G.F Molchaaov, Yu. D.; Stroganov, Ye. A. OIRG-. Institute of Atomic Energy, GM, Mosecir (Institut atomnay energii GM) TITLE: Measuring current im ulses magnetic belts p r 1z SOURCE: Pribory i tekhaika, eksperimenta, noo 3P 1966t 121-125 T TOPIC TAGS; electric measurement, electric pulse measurement, electric measuring instrument ABSMCT: Two "magnetic-beltO circuits are examined: (1) With an integrating belt w-d (2) With a differentiating belt and subsequent signal integration. The (Imagnetic- belt(' is actual3,T a type of current transformer that measures not only the. value but also the shape of acurrent, impulse by providing the output signal proportional to the eaf inte0al.- Formulas for sensitivities of both the circuits are set up; when the flat portion of a square signal is important, circuit.-2 has the advantage because of its higher sensitivity threshold; with considerable external noise, both circuits are equal. Formulas wore verified by some e eriments carried out with a rectangular-cross-section (r = 1-35 cm, S = 0.325 A ferrite torus ring having suitable windIngs."In conclusion, the authors wish to thank G'. A. Otroshchanko for a useful disewsion and help in calculations.0 Crig. art. his: 3 figures and _ 24 formulas. [031 6 SUB CODE: 09 / SMI DAT39 12APr65 / CHIG RM' 009 / OM RE?:* 003/ ATD PRESSI-4_�'@'f MGLGHANOV, Yuriy Leanidovich; MANUKHIVI, V.L.,, nauchnyy red.; jP re GURDZHIY37kt A.K.j, tekhn. red* (Trade is the way to peace and.friendahip] Torgovlia - WV k miru i druzhbe. Leningrad,. Ob-vo po rasprostranonlia polit. i nauchn. znamii RSFSR, 1961. 58 P. NIU 15:3) (Russia-Com rce) IMOLCHANOV, Yu. H. Holchanov., Tu. H. - "The influence of various temperatures of t@'-Ie te,=ering zedium or, the machanical Properties of metals", 5bornik nauch. statqy 5tudent:m (Rost. D/D. .in-t inzhenerov zh.-d. transporta, Issue 181, Rostov na Donu, 1949, p. 23-27. SO: U-4110, 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Uo. 19, 1949). .-ACCESSION NR: AT4Q33979 S/0000/63/OaG/000/0011/0017 AUTHOR: Prosvirin, V. I.; Molchanov Yu. It. TITLE:. -Modification of the polycaproamide structure by heat treatment SOURCE: Geterotsepay*ye vy*aokomolekul_varny*ye soyedinenlya (Haterochain macro- molecular compounds); sbornik statey. Moscow, fz&vo "Nauka, 11 1963, 11-17 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polymer structure, polycaproamide, polycaproamide structure, heat treated polymer, heat treated polyeaproamide, quenched polymer, quenched poly@ qaproamide, polymer structural analysis ABSTRACT: A structural analysis of polycaproamide (1) was carried out to study the effects of heat treatment and quenching on polymer properties and structure. Cast specimens (diam., 20 mm; heated to 24OC; slow-cooled at IC/min) were used for the microstructural, microhardnegs and X-ray analysis and molded specimens (from grains, 160C. 100 kg/c,,m2) for thermal analysis. All test pieces were heated in a C02 at- Imosphere. Crystallization of I tends to significant supercooling. The crystall- Ization temperature drops by 3-4C for the range 1-15C/mia.. when the rate of cooling Is Increased by 7C/mia. Crystallization, in a supercooled state significantly affects the microstructure. Aa exothermic effect attributable to low-temperature crystallization fit card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4033979 view of Increased mobility of paraffin groups, Is observed when partially crystallized I polymer (1) is hoated (0-110C). Rapid cooling can stabilize the high temperature structure of the polymer's crystalline lattice. Analysis of microhardness cuives points to a markedly heterogeneous stin@oture, the pres6nce of widely varylng.local'microhardness and the presence of various structural elements. OrIg. art. has: 4 graphs, 1jable, and I illustratioa. ASSOMATION: Institut avtomatild I melrhanild AN @gtvgslt (Thatitulp of Automation and Mechanics AN Latv. SSR) SUBMITTED: 28AprG2 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, MT NO REF SOV: 013 OTHER: 011 Card 2/2 ACCESSION XR: AT4040799 912685163/000/002/007710086 AUTHOR: MoIchanov.. Yu. M TITLE: Effect of hydrostatic stress; on the structure of polycaprolactam. SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut avtomatiki I mekhaniki. Prevrashchenlyz v splavakh I I yzatmodeyatviye, faz, no. 2, 19631 77-86 MOPIC TAGS: polycaprolactam, polymer, polymer microhardness, polymer structure, lydrostatic polymer prestressing, pressure level effect, prestiessing temperature, cooling !rate, pressure related structure modification jABSTRACT: Samples of polycaprolactam extruded at 300 kg/cmZ"and 230C were prestresAd!' lbriefly under high pressure, then hydrostatically compressed for- 60 min. at pressures of ;5600* 10300, 16300, and 22,100 kg/cm,2 and temperatures of 20, 110, 190, and 230C. The aterial was cooled at rates of i. 5 or 70*/min. Measurements of microhardness and micro- Structural analysts Indicated that hydrostatic compressloa Increases microhardness sub- stantially, tho peak Increase (from average levels to 30 kg/mmZ) occurring for 60 min. at =2 and 1. 6"/min. It was noted that spherufftes in the material break down: jinto thin fibrillic strands as temperature or pressure Increases and that further increases In ;these factors cause breakdown of these fibrillia atructuris., Orig. art. has: 13 graphs and photomicrographs. Card ACCESSION NR-. AT4040900 9/2685/63/000/002/009710006 AUTHOR: Malchanov, Yu. K.; ftolint Th. K* TITLE: Effect of wctrusion conditions on the properties of a graphite plastic SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Institut aytomatiki I mekhaaiki. Prevrashchenlya, v splavakh i vzaimodeystiiye faz, no. 2, 1963, 87-95 TOPIC TAGS: graphite containing 'plastle, plastic resistivity; plastic wear characterisga. plastic hardness,, plastic permanent set, eKtruslon pr6sgure effect, ad-rusion, temperature phenalformaldehyde resin effect, pressure Preheating effect, plastic extrusion, graphite, ABSTRACT: Effects of pressure and temperature conditions during edruslon were analyzed by testing samples of a graphite plastic used for spacers in the current collectors of electric tMIleys. The composition included 85% graphite dust, 13% phenolfdrmaldehyde resin jF 16 and 2% technical urotropine. The mWare was kept for 30 min. at 1800, then wdruded at that temperature under pressures ranging from 300 to 1600 kg/cnA . Preheating was under pressure, but the material was cooled in an unstressed state. Peak Brinell hardness of 16 kgJmm2 was obtained when extruding at 700 WcmZ. Minfroal permanent set and specific Ila F T . , I - I . %k - . . - KOLCHAN"t lu4sof iazho Mrine reactors with various types of coolants. Sudostroenie 27 no-4-.64-69 AP t6l- 041RA 24:3) (Nuclear reactors) (Atomic ships) NOWHAM, Yu.S.. inzh. Imestigating turbine stage operations writh weet steam (frem 'Escher Visa. Mittelung," no.l,, 2,, 3; 1960; uSchweizerische Bauzeitung,".no.22, 1959). Sudostroanie 28 no.7:73-.76 Jl 162, (MIRL 15;8) (Steam turbines, Marine)