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KNATSAKANOVA, M.. inzhpn,~r. '.- Rquippent for prestreosing of reinforcaments.Stroitel' 2 no.11:14 N'56- (Prest-ensed concrete) (MIRA 10:1) GEV,111N, r,.V*j_1VV-~SA!'Al,'O'VA; .1'.IJ* Fluotuationa In olaoUrork-ilioton vhmnora ganoratod by high-orsora / I-mflonoo FLI'.'* aliasto vYa, anare. 110,1151- 64 165- (VIIIA IBM) , , i ~ ; :.IN;! !:;A EA Nf W, , " .1i. ; , A.1 . ; ~AIVATKA , .; . : ,,4 , I. - , m 4 ri F,, o of-, r, c,.. a r,j -,-, c i n t I , ~ a , '. c, r. ~ :- ( ~ , ~ - *. ~ r~ -- t* - - :- . I j ", -OXIAL'i ifizo ~f- f1f; 1, 1 v; It I vf,' fl , : pt . i s i , (-, e. " f- , ~ 0~ -. -, . -1 : '. -1 - . , I I.' )() .,'r, 65 . ~,!' ;~i- . ~-, : ~ SHVAYKA, 0. P. ; IWIATSAKANOVA, T. R. Oxadlazoie qerivatives. iart .: jy-nLriesi3 aria prcpertl--~s of bromaikylaryl-, styrylaryl-, an-~ --iiaryl derivatives of 1,3~4 -oxadiazole. Zhur. ob. KhIrr.. 3-/ no.t-,:2061-206c) Jn 164. 1,.11tA 17:7; 1. Voesoy,,iznyy nauctiny-isole,~ovale~',,i'~~'~y institut r.-.onokr is tail ov . staintillyatsionnykh materialov L o,,3c)bo --~,istykh k~.imicheskikh vesnehestv. k~ .66 AUTI[OR: 012081 5"URCE yu.; Akx 01R-rr,11CbeT3j]t8t-itute Of Plant Gornpo'"d Ch(~ Tt "Y -1-A~._Uz.bek3SR (111stitut kh.j structuriInvectiention of I Mii rastitelf..., Of fugapavine I kalo~j(1'1, SOURCE: Atj SSSR. !of 'e'-tain species of PaPaver N. Roenleria and the Izvesti,' eri'ya k1linlicheskaya, TOPIC TAG3: JnO- 3P 196% 502-~Oo 1,801rier, A";Tl?jICT- Pap.1vej- C. Plant cllell"f,"Y, dr., floripa.v;ne) and two Q11utatiln pisch. et J.iey contains Papaverine 3-oxo-5 new alkaloids: I . , 6-methYlenedi -Isorener' Poir. The oxyaPorphine) Ine and rug Arnapavine accountc 0XIstence 0 have been -d iSOlatod r $apavincp w1lich is for b, tile f d- rellicrine r I' PaP,Iver f Ij r-ax dihyd'OPh,n isomerisin a anthrene skeleton, '- and d Metry of tile >M_(;j .30ciated _:L50cemerine is- t wi th spatial 'Portion of '3-gro he nitrogen contain,, confirura up' The second r t1on Of tile Ase ,g the tot. U 'ing, and th, aspn- 179.50, olkaloids of P isolated from the nonplionol -nitrogen 6 Max has a 8nd coripositt fj iar, physical on C 1110]t'ng Point or 178.5 imide and moth 1'4 17K?3- ChqmIcal constants Y ene diOX7-groups. alkaloida known and described I , thi's b,3e Is no 'be base contains tertiary, t reducedprom composition nthe literature. to one of the Card 112 The authors named It ACC NRt fugapavine (H), and its expanded formula can be represented as follows: C1012( >N-C"3) (CO)(02CH2) ('I)' Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. EJPRSI SUB CODE: 07, 06 / SUB14 DATE: 1814ar63 ORIG REF: 007 / OTH REF: 005 card : - , : I 1~ .. - I . . I ~ ~ . -1 . . I I - . . I I I KAMLYAN. G.V.; VOSWIAYAN, V.B.; HADALOVA, L.L.; KELIKTAN, A.O.; KNATSAK"TAN, A.A. Katerials on a zootechnical, physiological, and biochemical study of the constituttion of young cattle of local breeds and their crosses with the Schwyz Cattle. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sel'khot. aauki. 9 no.4:)-16 Ap 156. MM 9: 8) 1. Yerevanakly zooveterinarnyy inatitut. (Armenia--Cattle) USSa / Genural Probl(;:.~r3 ol' ?~.,tiiolo6y. Jr.,i..unity. Abo Jour Ref. Zhur. 31olo~;Iya, 17o. 19c79 1--2, r ly e-n, V. A. Kunstanyan) O:C SCIenCer) "rCt;nI-'Ln SSR Thu Influencc, of' CertzLn 31o[~,enlc Ar.-Iinus on t~i Dis-,)1acu,-.ients of' Protein Fractionf,, of Bloo,i cane, the Stli..uli-Alon oi' Ar--Autlninr, Formation. R( - port i. TiiL~ Ini'lucnc,.- of Collaminc: Etna icetyl- cholln,.. or, the I:)tIr.,.u1,AIon of' AL461utinin Foru-,- tIon and D19plac!-mento Of PT-Otein FractionG of the Blood of RabbIto by Vaccin!-.tlon v,.,,Ith Para- typhoid Vaccine. ori-6 Pub : DokI. AY ArmSSR, 1957, 25, I'lo. 2, 69-73 Abotract : The Immunization of rabbits WILS conducted CEird 1/2 X&RAITAII, G.V.; IMTSAIE"TAN,-A.A.; KOSTANYAN, A.A. Effect of some biogenic amlne3 on shifts in the blood Drotein fractions and their stimulating influence on agglutinin formation. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol. i sellkhoz.naulci 11 no.11: 47-54 H '58. (141RA 11: 12) 1. Yerevanskiy zooveterinarnyy institut. (VACCINATIUN) (ETHANOL) KAI-ULYAN, G. V. ; - G. ;. A. A. Investigating the aminoacid 'imposition of o-' serwa atrophic rhinitio of avine. Izv. V; An- Biol. nau4i 15 no-1:53-57 Ja 162, 1. Laboratoriya obrnona veahcho-tv Zooveterinarnogo instititf,. (BLOOD zswlllj'-.-DE,""~.~6 'U"T- I) MNATSAKANYAN, A.A. of the amino alcohols of lJpthanolamine, cholin-. Ftni dirz-.hylethanolamino on the socretion tLnd chemistry of W! -. -,,v. AN Arm. SSR. Blol. nwild lt~, no.'1*35-.',O Jl '63. (MIRA 1. biokIdmii Yemviin.;ko~_,ki 7,,~ovetorinarnogo Inc, . I ' I. KAMALYAN, G.11.; 1,21ATSAKADYA11, A.A.; 0GANFWAN, M.A. Efft,ct n! ~ir,mo blogenir wn.'no alcohols or, changes in *,h(! protc:iri frantions and the stLmulration of agglutinin formfit4on. Mmr. eksp. ' klin. med. 3 no.6t 9-17 963 NTU 1714) 1. Yor,,Vwiskly ln;llltut. KAKAROV, N.I.; SKLYAROV, V.Ya.; ALIKPEROVA, Sh.M.; llkDZUROV, A.F.; DZEBISASHVILI, Yu.l.i MRAMAKANYAN, A.G.; ODINOCHENKO, C.N.; AZUGAROVA, M.Kh.; ZY&rlrA.S.- Morbidity from anthrax In animals and humans In CiscaucnslFA and Tranacaucasis in 1960-1961: authors' abstract. lqhur. mLkrobiol. epid. I irmmn. 40 no.5t112-113 My '63, (MIRA 17:6) 1. lz Nauchno-issiedovatellskogo protivochumnogo institute. Kavkaza I Zakavkazya, Azerbaydzhanskoy, ArTrVanskoy, Gruzinskoy, Severo-Osetinskoy, Checheno-Ingushskoy respublikanskikh sanitarno- epidemiologicheskikh stantsiy I Azerbaydzhanskoy protivochumnoy stantsii. AilAN Y AN 4. an S. an~ 5 sure ie rl i-mam, nc, 141 p A1" 9) MNATSAXANYAN, A.G. E[Ad,lmirdw~v an,,~ flaxi.j , !, h".11 ir, "I Zliur.,,. i kliln.:-ne~l. /. nc).3.,"')-~ 5 1 ( M " V, I I, 11 ) I . Armyun.- ka.v% , eopitil lkivit'i ka.-fu '.nrnc-~ i ill'jin " ,,- o" ~ 11,3y'll-11, ,) I . an ts i ya . KUZINA, A,N.j MAIETINA, M.V,,~, ADcmn~jj,j,j-,,. (IRISHINA., O.S.,~ CRANT, Kh.Ya. [Grants, 11.1; KOVALEVA, '1,1, ZILIFYAN, V.71., IIINATSAKAITIAN, j A.G.; BOYKO, L.D., SVFR"I!iKCi. A.N. Authors' etbstract5. DIL-, mi~!-blol- epid. i immun. 41 no.11:138-143 165. (KIRA 18- 5) 1. Irkutskiy inntitui~- i mikrobiologil (for Ku.,ina, Maletina). 2. Go3udarstvennyy kontrnlIrriy Institut medit3in.9kikil biologicheskikh prppara~ov im~6ni "Ietraseviaha (fcr Admonito: 3. Llvovskly instIltut epidemiology,,!_ mikrabiologii i giglyeny (for GrIshina). 4. Rlzliskly meditsinikly lnstitut (for Grant). 5. Dage- stanakly institut po proizvcdstvu pitatellnykh sred (for Kovaleva). 6. Yerevanskly meditsinskiy instLtut i Respublikanikaya sanitarno- epidemlologl(~heska,,ra stantslya (for Zlltfyan, Mnatsakanyan). 7. Kiye7- skly institut epidemlologli I mikroblologii ("or Boyko, Sverchkov). MNATSA-KANYAN, -- A.KI.. Eom.o- featur-n of t~f- ,,'r)p.,r ~I'retaceou-n volcani,;m of r,or'~,:rr; nrmr,~nia. Izv. Al;' Arr. 'Zit. nauki : -'~ no-3:2-'-Y 4 ~ I . I ( muiiA ~ ,~: ~. ) I I . Institut peologichp.,,kLk~ n-tuk t0l ALrmyanskoy 35H. (Armenia-Volcannes) BAGDASARYAN, (,.P.; GUEASYAN, R.Kh.; MINAI'SAEAPIYAN, AJ~- Recent data on the geochronol,)glcal scalp of ahsol-j*-e cl-ron~)I~ a ~rj according to the materials of the Armenian S.S.R. boki. AIN Arm, SSR 33 no.4:181-185 '61 ( 111 ,, L-i 1 ~ - I ) 1. Institut reolof,iches~,ikh nau~. A14 Armylanrkoy '-SH. Predstavieno akad,-mikom AN Arrmyanskoy SSR ?'A.PaffenFJ2'tserr. (Geolouical titre) ABDVYAN,S.B.; BAGDASARYAN, G.P.; KAZARYAN, G.A.; KARAPETYAN, K.I.; MALKHASTO ' E.G.; M-ELIKSETYAN, B.M.; T, CHIBUKHCHYAN, Z.O.; SHIRINYAN, K.G.; MELKONYAN, 1R.L., otv. red.; CHAKHALYAN, TS., tekhn. red.; NUNYPI4, S., tekhn. red. (Chemical composition of Igneous and metamorphic rocks in thf- Armenian S.S.R.]Khimicheskie sostavy izverzhennykh I metamor- ficheakikh gornykh porod Armianskoi SSR. (By]S.B.Abovian i dr. Erevan, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Annianskoi SSR, 1962. 433 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Akademiya nauk Armynnskoy SSR, Erivan. Institut geologiche- skikh nauk. (Amenia-Rocks, Igneous-Analysis) (Armenia-Rocks, Crystalline and metamorphic--Analysis~ DZHRBASHYAN, R.T.; MALIUIASYAN, E.G.; WIATSAKAIIYAN, A.Kh. Char4eteristics of the distriblition of trace eler-n-ents in naleovolcanic form%tions of the Arm8nian S.S.R. lzv.All Arm. SSR. Geol.i geog.nauki 16 no.3:15-28 163. (~UiRA 17:2) 1. Institut geologiche!ilklkh nauk AN Armynnskoy SSR. ;) ~. Kl!. ~:,, I ~ il *, - !, " p - . . , . , :-~i '. ~ , ".,; r'! : i ~. 1, - I . . , r, (", ~ . : L : , k. - , - , I..., . ~ . I-. , , I . ..1. , - I . ~ 1, :11~- 1 , 1 , I - j ", ;o, .! . I . - " ~ :-, I l7.:.. ) MN AT.-' A KAYi A N A, Kh ~ It'. z at. ~,n t1he A rmeni an 7,v P, n, L 3966-66 EUT(1) ACCESSION UR: AP5025291 UR/0051/65/019/004/0487/oh8g 539-192 191 AUTHOR. Biberman. L. 14 14nat9akanYgn,__A_-9hj,-_; St%rQg 4 ,TITL.E-. The connection between tile probabilities of radiation processes of the isecond order perturbation theory ~SOURC9: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 4, 1965, 487-489 1 !,TOPIC TAGS: perturbation theory, Raman scattering, two photon absorption, Einstein icoefficient$ spontaneous emission, quantum electrodynamics 1ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to relate spontaneous and stimulated Stakes and anti !Stakes Raman scattering processes to spontaneous and stimulated two-photon absorptl~ and emission. The probabilities of,these second-order processes in nonrelativistiel approximation are determined by universal amplitudes defined in the plane of two ! z L Ic Ifrequencies. Knowledge of the amplitude of any one of the processes as an analYT-1c Ifunction of the frequency makes ii possible, at least in principle, to unequally deJ termine the amplitudes of the other processes, using the reversibility and the cros isymmetry principles. This makes it possible to obtain a relationship between these ~processes under certain simplifying conditions. The authors show that in the dipoll Card 1/2 L 3966-66 MCESSION HR: AP5025291 !approximation unique relationships exist between the universal amplitudes of the emission and the anti-Stokes Raman scattering processes (one is equal to the negatiJe :of the other). Ueing the formulas given and the relationship between the Einstein Icoeffictents it is possible to establish a connection between arty pair or the two !groups of proceasest Orig. art, has: 8 formulas and I figure4 ICS) ISSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 08Sep64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP 'NO REP SOV- 603 (YTHERt 001 ATD PRESSi;/// ,:'Card 2/2 L 10347-6L. L e! T, 1. iF(T~;' AC - -; - SOURCE CODE: UR/0294/66/oo4/oo2/oi40/O159 AUMOR: i3ibernap_, T XriatGa~jiny~,n A ~_Kh ORG: 'Moscow Power iineei~in IRsti~_Ae (Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut) TITLE: !~ 0-,)tical-properties- of air"~n the t~Eperature Interval 4000--ID,OOOK SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, v. 4, no. 2, 1966, 148-159 TOPIC TAGS: air, optic property, light absorption, temperature dependence, black body radiution~ optic transitions electron transition, bremSatrahlungp recombination raddatien ABSTILACT: This Is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Biberman et al., Ko5rucheskiye issledavaniya v. 2, 441, 1964; Astron. Acta v. 10, 238, 1964) on the optical properties of air at temperatures up to 20,OOOK. The present article presents additional data on the degree of blackness at temperatures and pressures for which a decisive role is played by electronic transitions in molecules. These data are obtained by calculating the cross sections for various absorption processes connected with various eiectronic transitions in the diatomic molecules contained in ai.r. The transitions include the Schuman-Runge system for O~2, the 0 system for r.'0, the x system for 1,10, 'the first and second positive systems for N2, the first negative system for 1124, the b and c systems for NO, the Meinel system for D~Z, the NO bands in the red, near infrared, and vacuum ultraviolet, and the Birdge-Hopefield systems of N2. Tables of the absorption cross sections for some of these bands are presented. _C9r0_ 1/2 UDC: 533-915-546.217-535-343.4 L 06559-67 A-CC-N-R,' 0-JT (1) AP6029772 /ETT TJP(c) OD Ar/JD AUTHOR: Bibcrman, L, t4.; SOURCE fnaf C E: ORG: --i ~11h, ~1R/0294/66/oo,,/O0j,/049 Scientific Reearc~ Trl~_tu _L TiTLE: -i~1-11-rgy exe T5,7~~ /0493 -"-" Of 1~j raptures hange between electron find MolecL, SOURCE: Teplofizika vysokikh teniperatur, lar g'ses'l TopIC TAGS: plelectron -91 no. 4, 19661 491-)~93 Usma physics tribution, ga electron temperature, Maxwell distribution ABSTRACT: The authors consider inela,iti Boltzmann dis- Maxwell a . C collisions WCCQ (21ectrons tron velocity 41 wl-o-ItfInperatu -and diatomIc -6u'n'c .:crete levels 0 while Boltzmann distributi.n temp era t assume or e ec- u ~e`�re f the molecules. Th is givel; re T is assumed for the dia- drldt n, Pn In n In P. In 8k T, for the velocity Of energy oxci, A", T,) 2 ee (Y n In (e) de. where n - ange e Is electron concentration; in a unit of vOlume due to inelastie crete Nn ;Z~, e-E.14r ()f~ procenne, level With energy E a in tile number 'cu les On dis- Card 112 ?1 nT in tfle cr()Ss section of inelastic collision with an UDC:-533-922, L 06559-67 ACC NR: AP6029772 electron which transfers a molecule from level n to level M. coilisions with a change in rotational energy are considered and the simple formula 8k T, ) Ih 8q 02 T - T, (dEldt),.t = 4B ria -- - ( anz, 15 T, is derived where B is the rotational constant, q is the quadrupole moment of a molecule in atomic units ea02 equal to -ul a. u. for N2. This, formula agrees sa~,isfFictorily with experimental data. Collisions with a chanve in vibrational energy are disrusse(i and it is shown that the contribution of inelasti-- processes to th,- rate of energy exchange in, a nonequiiibrium plasma may be considarably greater than that of elastic scattering. In the case of the diatomic nitrogen olecule, the rate of energy exchange as a func- tion of the difference between electrnn w.d vibrational temperatures is nonmonotonic due to the resonance nature of collisions with a change in vibrlitional t-nergy. In other words there are regions for the values cif 7' and where the rate of ener e g_y transfer passes through a maximum with a reduction in temperature difference. A simi- lar less pronounced relationship also takes place for elastic scattering. In conciu- sion the authors thank I. Yakubov and V. Dubner Cor usefui discussions and A. Chikankova for assistant with the numeri,-al (:alculations. :)rig. art. has: I figure, fo rmulas. SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 114ju165/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 007 I-GMTSIAKAITYAL, A.V,, Experimental materials on establish"ng the may-i== per,7-iss4-ble concentration of chloroprene in the air. Pred, dop, lontsent. atmoof. zagr. no-5:110-117 '61. (11,11IJUt 15:31) 1. Iz laboratorli komunal'rloy gigiyony lnstituta eTidem,'ologii i gigiyeny "inioterstva zdravookhrananiya Arimyurmkoy SSR. (AIR-MLLUTION) (GIUROMENE-TOXICOLMY) MNATSAKANYAN, A.V., flaw experimontal matortilo on the vubntuntia'A~)n of Ui- av-rrige daily maximal perml-isible concentration of chloroprene in the air. Pred.dop.kon sent.a~mosf.zagr. no.8:89-118 16,. (Ml,'t4 18:4) 1. Tz Instituta epidemiologii i gigiyeny imenI Akupyana Ministerstva z ravookhraneniya Armyanqkoy S-SR. L 3168-6 EWT(MVEPF(c 1!~~Pi J) M4- AGGMSION NRI AM17989 MVaY*16k10W1W1=510M8 AU=Rt Rhaftak&Ayang A. V. (Candidate of medical scisnoGS) 2 Nsterigla for establishing the madmum permissible concentration of chloroprene in the/air i sanitariyaq no. 9,, 1964t 15-18 TopIC TAGS: experiment animal-, bralat endocrinology,, air POlluticne chlOrin&164 organic compound J'Abstract: The content of sulfhydryl groups In brain and liver homogen- stea and the adenosine triphosphate activity of the liver were studied, in two groups of rats. One group was killed after receiving 0.48 � 0.02, 0.22 -10.009 and OA8 4- 0.004 mg/m3 for 60 days and nights. The other group war. killed 15 days- after completion of the same program of chloro- prine dosage. The threshold concentration of chloroprene in both groups% was 0.22 mg/0. The effect on the sulfhydryl groups in brain homogenates i'vas a 10% (approximately) decrease In content, while adenosine triphosphate jactivity was Increased approximatelY 34. These chloroprene concentrations, produced no statictically significant shifts in sulfhydryl group content in liver homogenates. The investigations justify the USSR standard for maximum: Card -t,/5 L 3168-66 ACCESSICK Rt AP5DI7989 Permissible concentrations of chlo.roprene In the air of the atmosphere: a doly average value of 0.08 mg/m3,~" Orig. art. - has 2 graphs and 2 tables. ASsocIATIONt 1wtitut epidemiologii I gigiyeny im*H. B. Akopyaw Hinisterstva, zdravookhraaani,va Ara*mnakoy SSR Yerevan (rwtitute of Epidsmiology and Hygiene,, Ministry of, #!k44thL Arr 8MUffTrW: 20fty63 ENCLt 00 SO OODEt LS OC so jw wn oo4 OTIM 000 JPRS (t)/WP(b) IJP(c) JD/GQ ACC M AP 5026100 SOURCE CODE: Uft/0048/65/029/011/1974/198i AUTHOR: Shuvalov, L.A.; Hnatsakanyan, A.V. ORG: Institute of Cryst llography, Academy of Sciences, S ografii Akademli nauk SSSR); Yerevan Polytechnic Institute khnicheskiy institut) (Institut kristall- revan3kiy polite- El If TITLE: Investigation of the internal friction anomaly of ferroclectric phosphates in the vicinity of the Curie point L-Report, Fourth All-Union Conference on Ferro- electricitv hold at Rostov-on-the Don 12-16 September 19647 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya- Sarlya fizi8heskaya. v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 1974-1981 TOPIC TAGS: Forroalectric crystal, phosphate .1'91as tic deformationg elastic moduluso elastic hysteresis, Curie point, second order phase transition ABSTRACT: The elastic compliance and logarithmic decrement of longitudinal vibrations of single crystal bars of KU21JO40 KD 2P04 and RbH 2PO4 of approximate dimensions 25 x 4 x 2 mM3 were measured at the resonance frequency over a tomporaturo rangro Ist- cluding the Curie point. The vibrations ware oxcitcd atut obaerved with tile aid of the piezoelectric effect, and the olectric circuit was such that the specimens were practically short-circuited. The temperature was controlled within 0.010 C. The exciting alternating field was of the order of 2.5 V/cm, and measurements were mpda In the presence of de bias fields up to 4 W/cm directed along the forroolectric Card 1/2 L 7847-66 ACC NRI AP 5028100 axis. In the case of 45 Z-cut bars, in the absence of a bias field the compliance and decrement increased sharply as the temperature was reduced through the Curie point, and as the temperature was further reduced, the complianco decreased Slowly and the decrement decreased only slightly arid subsequently increased. Application of a bias field, which inhibited domain; reorientation, greatly reduced both the compliance and the decrement at temperatures somewhat below the Curie point. The large values of compliance and decrement below the Curie point, ascribed to domain polarization reversal and inhibited by a bias field, were not present in 451 X-cut bars. The sharp maxima of the compl-innce,docrement, and dielectric constant near the Curie point shifted to higher temperatures under the action of a bias field. For KH2PO4 this shift was 0 .3 x 10-3 degree/V, which is about twice that found for 02PO4 by R.M.11111 and S.K. Ichiki (Phys -Rev., 132, 1603 (1963)). Although the present data are not adequate to support the copelusion that the phase transition in 1%P04 deviates from a second order transition as does that in W2PO4 (R.M.11ill and S.K. Ichiki, loc. cit.), they indicate that it is desirable to reexamine the high frequency dielectric constant da with the view of disclosing such,geviations. The authors W 'Pt ' " thank I.V. Gavriolova;"R.M. Pedosy ' nd T.V. PicWkulai&'-for preparing the crystal specimens, and I.S. Zheludev and A.M. Shirokov got valuable remarka. Orig. art. ban: 7 figures. SUD CCDE: Sao LM SMH VATS: 00/ ORIG.REF. 010 OM REF-005 2/2 ........ .. L 26740-66 %%T(l)/E4T(Q)/T/FWP(t) IMO) JDIJGIGG AC~' OUR= CODE: I 7 AUMOR: Shwaloy, L. A,,;_K=taakwWanp At V* ORO: Yerevan ggIlLtechnic- (Yerevanskiy w1itekWeheakly in-- stituQ,-._1v_8_tjtu_te..of gnEstallngraP CS9A(1_t6;i1tut kristallogrMfil, M sssa) TXWE: Elastic properties -of -or _ ystals of_25&assium dideuterophosphate (jw2po,4) in a Vide range or temperatures , _11t I I ~~_l SOURCE: Watallograftyat v. no no. 20 i,966o m-226 TOPIC TAM: Potassium compound, deuterium compound, elastic modulus, phase tranal. on., ferroelectric effect., Curie point.. electric polarization# temperature tilependencep crystal property ABSTRACT: In iiew o, the recent revival of interest in KD2PO4 crystals.. the authors have determined all the components of the elastic-coefficient tensor of this crystal in a wide range of temperatures,, Including the point of ferroelectric phase tranal- tion. The measurements were made by the usual resonsm4e procedure using apparatus designed for the measurement of the dynamic electromechanical properties of Matalsi, described by one of the authors earlier (Mnatsaknm~snp Trud~y XV Vaesayuznory konferen- teii po relakzataionnym yavlealyam v tverdykh telakh (Transactions of the Fourth All- Union Conference on Relaxation Phenomena in Solids),, Voronezh., 1966), and a cryostaC described by the authors elsewhere (Izv. vyssh. uchebrWkh zaved. MIM., in press). The tests were made in the temperature range from -.125 to +25C. The test procedure and the preparation of the sample crystals are briefly described. The results ahow MC: %8.0: 539-571 L 26740-66 C5Z that in spite of the prevailing OPWOnp an anomaly is observed at the Curie Point (2n.OK) not only In the elastic coefficient connectedmith the ferroelectric polari- zation,, but also in oil other elastic coefficients. This result Weas with data on temperature dependence of the elastic susceptances of KIL-PO4 crystals- An additional discontinuity at a temperature -approximately 30* below the Curie 130int Is attributed to the quenching of the domain structure which Is charaoteristic of ferroelectric phosphates. The authors thank I. a. Zhelude-v for helping to orguAifte this Worke The crystals were grown at the Institute of Crystallograpby An GSSR by I* V., Gexrilm and her co',wirkers. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I forwU. PETROSYATI, A.V. (Yerevan); I-TAT-SAKA11YAN, B.S. (Yerevan) Automatic control of the operation of a digital compute-Ir. Izv AN SSSR Tekh. kib. no.lt65-72 Ja-F 164 (MTRA 17:8) PET?-SYANP A.V.;.'.IIATSAKAIIYAIJ$ B-3.; i3,ZjYAII, Sh.Ye.- Some properties of Hemm-ingla code. Dokl. AN Arm. 3jR 37 no.l: :~-6 163. ( ~IIHA 16:11) 1. Predstavieno akademikom AN krmyan koy ~:;6h 3.111.~-;ergeiyanom. ACCESSION NR: AP4015293 6/0280/64/000/001/0065/0072 AUTHOR: Petrosyan, A. V. (Yerevan); Mnatsakany~n, Be S. (Yerevan) TITLE: Automatic check of the functioning of a digital computer SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekluticheakaya kibernetika, no. 1, 1964, 65-72 TOPIC TAGS: computer, digital computer, computer automatic check. computer automatic check theory, residue type computer check ABSTRACT: General principles are considered of a check device that verifies the functioning of an inf or mation-proces sing device. The probability of detecting a rnalf unction is given by P where n and I are the numbers of states of the inf or mation-proces sing and check automata. respectively. In computers. any register or unit can be regarded as the above automaton. A study of various automatond intended for checking the work of arithmetic -operation units has shown that all such automatons are based on residue-type checking. General formulas describing the arithmetic, logical,. shift -operation, etc. , characteristics of check codes are submitted. Two methods of designing the check unit are mentioned: Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4015293 (1) A special adder sums up (or subtracts) all digits of the number according to - , .-t this formula: ,I =--- Tj (� 1)'aj.== oej:,'jnod (p:F 1), and the result is compared with the check code. this method is intended for serial computers. (2) A logical scheme is constructed for comparing two numbers of specified moduli; such schemes are expedient f or a mall moduli (2, 3, 5. 7~ but starting f rom 15 the amount of equip - ment becomes excessive. The general idea of the automatic check as recom- mended by the author is this: A standard scheme 'Ep�, of addition or subtraction with a p:t I modulus for two p-ary digits is set up; a first tier of standard X - schemes replaces the number being checked by a new number with one-half as many digits; the technique is repeated until a one -digit p-aryntmber Is. obtained which should coincide with the check number. Orig. art. has: 33 fcrmulas and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 08Dec62 DATE ACQ: IZM&r64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CP NO REF SM 002 OTHER: 00 1 Card Z1Z ACCESSION NR: AT 1401,59 7 2 S/2619/64/000/033/0124/01143 AUTHOR: Vveden,,4ay.i. N.A.; Orhanujaknv, K. 0.; lodln, V. K.; Knndoril,aya, N. V.; ~andy',rf,vla,,,N.,Sh; Iiihafin-1, L.A.; Mnatsakanyan, 0. M.; Rn,11-v, Sh. srme-nv, . G." ev C , V. N. TITLE, Byulletcn' sll'ny~~kh zemletryasenly SSSR (Bulletin of the Strnnq Earth- quakes of the SSSR) for 1961 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut flzlki Zemil. Trudy~,, no. 33(200), 19614. Voprosy,, I nzhenernoy seysma I o9 I I (P rob I ems of earthquake eng I nee r Ing). no, 9, 1211-1143 TOPIC TAGS: geophysics, seismology, earthquake, carthquakc focus, earthquake epicenter, carthquake Intensity, seismicity ABSTRACT: The "Bulletin of the Strong Earthquake-, of the SSSR" is a periodic annual summary which simultaneously summarizes all Instrumental and noninstrumen- tal data on the strong earthquakes (M " 4) occurrinq In the Soviet Union.The Dd),!t in contains a catalogue of earthquakes (,-eproduccd In the paper for 196l in the form of a lengthy table), a map of the epicenters and a brief description of the strong- e5t, earthquakes. The catalogue Includes instrumental data on the coordinates of the epicenter, focal depth, magnitude M and the time of occurrence of earthquales, taken from the Byulleten' seti seysmicheskikh stantsfy SSSR (Bulletin of the Net- Cwor) IF Seismic Stations of the SSSR) and noninstrumental date -- Information on O'd A 7 ACCESS1014 NA: AT4045972 the sensed I ritens I ty of cart hquakos , rnei ved from repor t s suhmi t led by I oca I i n- habitants or from Invest iqit Ions devoted to di-scr;p0orls of the stronqest earth- quakes. With the exception of the Kuri le-Kamrhatka zotic, in the cataln'lue there are data for al I earthquakes wi th M ', 4, and al I carthquakps for hich M was not determined but which were recorded by seismic stations of the general type As having epicentral distances greater than 1,000 kill. Data for the Kuri le-Kamchatka zone Include all earthquakes with M > 5. A map is presented in the paper which shows the location of the epicenters of the earthquakes listed In the catalogue; numbers on the map correspond to the numerical listing In the catalogue. In 1961 there were 272 earthquakes In the SSSR with M > 4. Their distribution by regions and lntcnsitl?~ Is tabulated in the original text. Fig. I of the Enclosure shows the value 21C 2 for Individual seismically active zones of the SSSR for 1961, cor,puted using the formula 19 E - 11.8 + 1.5 M. Fig. 2yofuthe En~21osurc,showsethe change with time of the deviation from the mean annual al c S El for our s Is- mlcal,i~ activemnes. Along the y-axIs of the graph there Is plotted the valu 2 E - T_ E 2) mean and along the x-ax(s, - time (1946.1961). tile value (ET/2) mean for each zone Is Indicated at the right of the graph, The authors go on to describe briefly, but Individually, the most important seismic phenomena occurring In various regions of the SSSR In 1961. The annual publication of the Bulletin was begun In 1956 and until 1961 It was printed In the Trudy* Instituta Fizlkl CZ.7'', tA SSSR In the collection of articles Voprosy Inzhenerney seysmologif ACCESS ION NR: AT14045572 (Problems of Earthquake Engineering). Beginning with the Bulletin for 1962, the report wi I I be pub I I shed In annua I numbers of Zem I etryaSen I ya SSSR, wh I ch w I I I be a separate publication. OrIg. art. has: 11 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: InStitut fizlkl Zemil AN SSSR (Institute of Phy?ics of the Earth, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 03 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOV: 004 OTIIER: 000 Card 3 )Y 3, MIATSAWYA11, G.G., inzh. Rolled-fill earth dam with interior upstream apron. Gidr. i stroi. 30 no. 5:17-18 I'lly 160. WIRA 14:5) (Dame) MVATS~f~AN,~G!G., bizh. Using the pressure derivation of a hydroelecrtrIC power station as spillway structures. Gidr. aLroi. 33 no-5:24-26 ~~r to, OURA 16.5) (Ilydroolectviq P)W,!I' StWUOIX-Duoign ano c)nstructicn) RIZIKYAN, A.M. ~-KRLTSAXAIMAII, K.G. Illumination s7stem for bubble and Wilson chambers. Prib. i tekh. eksp. no.6tll5-118 H-D 160. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Fizicheakiv institut AN ArmSSR. (Ionization chambers) REZIKW, A.M.;HaTSAXANUU, K.G.; I'SitAYELYA21, M.Kh. Gas-discharge stabilizer of direct-current voltages. Prib. i teKh. eksp. 8 no.5sl39-142 3-0 163. (mI:iA 16:12) 1. Inutitut radlofiziki I ,I-i~Ar,mlki AN An%,331t. -al T-Chn ?r-oducts and I'heir Application -- FooI 1 -28 irral: Ref~-d' Zh~Lr - Khiniya, No 2, 1957, 66Y, A,! 'h D' anliar. . Z Kh~ t1t)atf3al~aDyan, L. 13. A~ _y . f 6, iell Armtnian SSR 13 T' Pr-para-.-r --f Malqur Pai3te (KamatB Matsun) a* 1 AN ArinSSRI P"- - I 4h. n. , 1955, 8, No 11, IJ7 -141 A'-,,6' -a is an aciduil-,,us dietary milk product, made in Transcaucasia m m' Lk ' c -r-is , sheep and buf faloes , used singly or in cambinati,.)n ,.~~j - ra,-~ffe-d -n f~-eshly prepared condition. Matsun can be kept fcr ~` - - -1 ) lays. F--, m7re prclonged storage, over 2-3 months, the whey is -x~r,FmGsed frrin matsun in the autumn to get the matsun paste which con- F3* -' I --c' es 4-he basic f- ~-4d product during the winter months and is also a -i-iv agairst gaStr~,-IDtestinal disorders. With the riew of 'he iranufactu-re o f the paste the Dairy Department -;f the and V--~terlnary Institute has worked out a Card 1/;~ USSR/ Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- FooJ IndlBtry, 1-28 Ats,: JournUl: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 21 1957, 6635 A bs tract: technological procedure. The milk Is pasteurized at cocied to 36-4G0 and inoculated. After 3-5 hours the matsun is cooled to 100 and allowed to ripen for 12 hours. The finished matsun Is placed in cheesecloth bags to separate the whey. The process re- quires 8-94iours. Thereafter the material is pressed for ~-9 hours (Iu8ing a weight of 2-3 kg per I kg of material), and packed in t~las6 containers of 2(X; g arid 6 kg kega which are stored at ~,-50- Yield ,3f paste fr,= cow miLk with a fat content of 3-2 6/100 mi iB of 24-25%. The puate contaijis 1.2-5-13.5% fat and ~70'% moisture. Card 2,12 DILANYAN, Z.Mi.; ICATSAKA11YAN, L.B. Sour milk products ao calf feed and their digootibility. I zv. All Arm. 55't. Biol. nauki 14 no.7:71-76 i'1 161. ('C-?,A i4: '~) 1. Kafedra tolchnolo ii molokn YerevanBkogo gooveterinarnogo Instituta. ~GA-LT,Z--FZZDING AND FEEDS) (I'TILKO FEWL-ITLI) 8ARYSHN.1'%OVA, R.A.; MNATSAKANYAN, M.G., red. (1,.aziual on a course In "Calculation of cr,(;kF~ty *r' 4~ I--a i4 n - * i c amplifiers with Wcores") Posoble k icursovym proektam i tipovym raschatam "r~aschcit dros.3al'nykh nagnitrykh uaillte- lei nn W-obrazrrykh ~,~ierde(,hnlkakh~ 1-'1askvv, eniirg. -n-t, 196',. 22 p. (!," --A I Q - I , f.,i w,:)v~rh, 17'1 ~Y.,, , Grint 'sl.otovinh MIArAKMiYAN, 1. 1 11 Level of -,i,. -,ver3e -,hf, -r- ',i ff t r x~n ex-:'e. -phits~ ~u-nen~ i7l. -rj3. che-. 7,ziv.; three f-Inkt.romf-0. V I ?~'l ~ ': ~ I I. Kafe d -ti - ' ) , tro a pp- -st ',r)s troy -n I :,,~t 11, :-. Y., - s (nFo "no -,,, t , c I,P~s K,,w, instituta (fnr knatsav,nywi). ~. ~I~rq,,-j `-i~Ooner AT--F.vx3n;i r-)Vo f"lifila %'S(3s-),1-UzTIogo f~ivktromckhanjkl (for Govorkpin). MNATSAKANYAN, Marat Gaykovich, aspirant Steady-state conditions in electric current transfor--lers with excitation operating in a three-phase network with an active- inductive d.c. load. Izv. lrys. ucheb. zav.; alektromekh. 6 no.6:683-6% 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Kafedra elektroapparatostroyeniya Moskovskogo energeticheskogo instituta. (Electric transformers) tElectric controllers) SAAKYAN, K.A.1 MNATSAKANYAN, Faint blue Btars in .no reglon-- -- 0 +, 430301 (1950/t Astrofizika I =.2-i22-9-234- Ja '(15. MIRA 18:10) 1. By-urakanskaya astroflzichpskaya )~se-.,,ratcrlya. BAiWMIK, F. I. , prof . ; MIKULYUK, 1. A. , dotsent; MATSAIWI'LAE', H. P. , a:3 3 i.- tent; TSVI.TKOVA, I.N.; YATSULA, G.S. Zinc, manganese, cobalt, and iodine in potable artesian water in Kiev. Gig~ i san. 26 no.4:95-9? Ap '61. O'll. LI 15: 5) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey Cigiyeny Kiyovskogo moditsinskogo iiiitill-uta. (-I'IZV-VATLR---AIIALYSIS) MNATsAKAnAzi. Sh. ; RANUCHU&,iN, R.A. '0~~ Epidemiological significance of first summer generation of Anopheles maculipennis. Med. parazit.. Moskva no.1:25-29 Jun-Feb 1953. (CLML 24:4) 1. Of the Sntomological Department of the Institute of Malaria and Medical Parasitology of the Ministry of Public Health Armenian S:SR (Director of Institute A. T. Tsaturyan; Head of DeDartment -- A. I. Ghubkova). 1421ATS-'AY,AIIY,VJ, `1-5. 1,es,jts of a study of "sod-' 'ija calt," a new iisirife t';l ~-l 1, - MIUr, eksp. i Olin. med, i no.5 '15-98 ' u _' I 011__"_'~.~ ~"'. 1, 1 I, Iris t !,-ut ep_'derLiolo,~-il , g , gly~..ry Minist-.rstw, z C,K_hrftrle:-,iya ArriSSR, MNDZHOYAN, A.L.; MNATSAKANYAJ4, II.A.; TEGIAZARYAN, I.S. Alkaloids of Goebelia alopecuroides. Izv.AN Arm.-SSR.ft-Im. nauki 17 no. 3:345-347 164. (MIqA 17:7) 1. Instit.ut tonkoy organ~-heskoy.khimii All Armyanskoy 3SR. MNDZIIOYAIT. A.L., akndemik; WZHOYAN. O.L.; BkML&~RYskll, M.R.; MNATSLKANYAN, V.A. Studies on derivatives of aubGtitutnd -~jtic acids. Re- port No.1): Some dial4latjinoalkyl esters of and aryl acetic acids. Dokl.AJ Arm.SSR 30 no.2:97-10'/ '6o. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Inatitut tonkoy organicheekoy khimil Akadaoii aauk Armyanskoy SSR. 2. Akademiya nauk Armyunslrmy SM (for Mndzboyan, A.L.). (Acetic acid) K.P.. AMULNOMISMY, I.I., prof.; SiLtdOMIll. N.G.. dotsen~-. aspirant ', _I Awtoxin ajninf3t the poison of thf-- kuri-kurt. Voterimriia 36 no.6:55-56 Jo 159. OAIRA 12:10) 1, Uzbekskly Bellskokhozyaystvannyy institut. (Spiders) CH&PUROV, K,P., prof., MATSAKANYAN, V.B., aspirant wwmwvw~ W-mv- --rw I=unobiologic preparations against karakurt toxicosis. Veterinariia 38 no.6142-45 Je 161. (MIRA l6tC) 1. Samarkandskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Uzbekistan--Spiders) (Toxins and antitoxina) B6755 S/12o/60/000/006/031/o45 15:.p 0 01001?11 / M1,3 _Y) E032/E314 AUTHORS~ Rezikyan A-M and Ninat- any~!~,., K.G. TITLED Illuminating System for Bubble and Wilson Chambers PERIODICAL Pribory i tektinika eksperimenta 196U No 6 Pp 115 - 118 tEXT; Large-volume bubble and Wilson chambers have recently come into use in high-energy nuclear physics A number of methods'~A_ /producing uniform illumination have been described (Lofgren et al, Ref, 1, Ballario et al Ref 2) but they all suffer from the disadvantage that the), involve the use of lone linear sources of light. Rays lea,ing such a source are transformed into a parallel beam only in the plane perpendicular to the source and hence uniform illumination is not produced in the direction parallel to the source, In the system dps:ribed in the present paper this disadvantage is consid- erably reduced The system employed by the present authors is in the form of a cylindrical plano-convex lens made from perspex and consisting of suitably cut perspex sheets glued together as shown in Fig, 1, The perspex layers are Card 1/6 8675; S/12o/6o/000/006/03l/()49 E032/E314 Illuminating System for Bijbble arid Wilson Chambers separated from each other by or-que films, This ensures that the rays are collimated not only in the XZ plane (Fig, 1) but also in the YZ plane In this irrangement each transparent layer transmits and collimates light emitted not from ihe entire length of the source but from. a part of it which is determined by b S = 2b + a a(r/(l d Vd~ + a where a is the n is the d is the S is the r is the Card 2/6 thickness refractive thickness length of radius of of the transparent layer, inoex of the material, of the lens the source which is being used and the cylindrical surface of the lens 86 755 3/l2o/60/OOo/oo6/03l/o45 E032/E3i4 Illuminating System for Bubble and Wilson Chambers The opaque films are produced by a dichlorethane solution of black aniline dye The faces of the perspex layets are wetted with the solution and then pressed against each other ,or a few hours until they become firmly attached The pile thus obtained is worked to the required shape and the surfaca is polished by chromium oxide For large chambers the illuminating system was made separately from the chamber and was of the form shown in Fig, 2 in which I is a glass partition 2 is a lens 3 is the illuminator 4 is the body and 5 is the reflector The optimum parameters of the illuminating system and the quality of the lenses depend on the working characteristics of each particular chamber The qualLty of the lenses also depends on the focal len 'z I h For bubble chambers,large f,:,(:al lengths arl~, undesirable since the i.1limLnatLng svsteni should be locaterd within the chamber and the glass partition I MLISt withstand th(~ Itill pressure of' the liquid For Wilson chambers a, greater fo-al length can be chosen I.e,, the nqimber of illuminators and lenn/vri be reduced since the system can be located otitside Card 3'~755 s/i2o/6o/ooo/oo6/rj3l/(j45 E032/E'Wf Illuminating System for Dubble and Wilson Chamber.-3 the chamber, The present authors have made three 1(,i)ses of the above type, using perspex layers with a : 2 ~ 3 n, i Iwit) C = 90 Mni and -- 70 mrii ( s e e F 1,g. I )The ra,liu~; )I curvature of the cyl indrical surface was r - 80 ijim a ri, I thickness of the lens d = 6o mm Special vacuum t1itig-m;teri linear filaments ( 300 mm long ) we re a Iso pr e pa re d a T-f d du r i n,~ the measurements the illuminators were diaphragmed -i(, thal the length of the diaphragm was equa I to that o f t lic 1,?n~ For lenses with a ~ 2.3 mm and c/a ~ 0,75 (Fig. 1) the increase in the illumination towards the edges (in th(? OX direction) did not exceed 6.5%6 of the average valup With a = 3 mm and a - 10 mm the corresponding figure was 9% and 10,00', respectively. The variation of the illuj-_ination with distance along the OX axis is shown in Fig. 3 Similar plots for the OY and OZ directions are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 It was found that the best results were obtained with a lens having a 2.3 mm in the uniformiv Card 4/6 C; 1,-711.) 1-~ Ic P T:iere Al-o t A S .-, C, C T AT 1 ON F i C! 1, i v I T: P,'.'l TT F D C ;ird 6/6 1)v Vat sor~zrvay, a -.hchar, I Y~ Po I. r!Z 1 ferritov I flzichealgim osrovl= lKh prl-rly~ 11, MtnsA, 1;~4 t (Forritas; Physical and Fhynlc-n~7ic~l F- K-Insk. Izd_vo Ali assn' lgi~o~ ~5-, p. Z,rata ~ lip 4. ODO o0j,Iaspri, tod. 30~,aarl- g A& netea: Na.chr,y7 S-et p. AN SS-~-R Otd.i J~ik tals I po1,.pm-cI,jk- A-N BS-'~R. t I l- of l A a 0 c cad- rvtj, 3p. Ed. M. S Ldltzrta' Baardt Re Y, & . . Azad 'my of.S~Ivntr BSSB;, Ic A r f*53;r: G.Ieror.s,,~; N. N- sh.1 t lu , 0 Y ftyalcal and Kittle=ntleall Sc !e O a " . . Lh~lya~skiy; T-a L A. 5m arlic1mv; 94. o, P~.bll h! 5d.;1., =r ()N to Pn P= :II . Th a b.oic l tel-dod for 1 Mal lOctm-lics 1,C 1-c-,It.j p,-, . CD the and t--irctc ~Y A 1 -&-d bY 8Wd-ts In dv.,.t-I co-*c. 1, (D PCLY3IC. and Phy.1c3l'. W, C~ :% ~1 COVZRAZ3, MI book cc t --~ reporta p--t,d ~t t" Thj~j A. I- , : Conf "nc .7p -Ir!t-b rc-C 11 Ml-, 5,1~r... 1- 3SR C) 0) Tl~m mPQrts dtal witn m~,P-tlc -0 C* -gpetlc prop~rt- of rerrttes. at~j,, ~f -,re _t, C ra~lte gIngle Crystals. Jq "e c-,leal -d z c~McmicAl wrAlyula of f."Ites, of ferrll- ~vln6 J.h CO :7, CD Mct-f~IAZ hyate-Is Loc;3 -~ ferrite C+ ozhibl-d spant- eoua rect~.,;ul~lty, pr~b!- lr~ =-T-Ic ttmr ..on.b - &h r-!t- "'~--ctlc ""tro3-pY- ly c-lve PI.IsItal Pril., p!- CD UaLng r-ito cozponents Ir. elwctt-i~.l .111-t-Py or 1 0 *1!c-lcAl and M!6n.tIc p-~- rt! atc T~, C - 1 ttc. ,. . v . t as USSR j S. V. on--. ~ ; R."o-n- cco~p-j Ln1I,r1d,.L r I I D U) t (C C+ 4 - . (D L-d~-Iy. Y., I., .,.d V. 1. C+ fof th. sy.t... ~Ni CD CD X. A., T.1 P 31- T- d"tn-P-~--y -tl" ~r and ~~Jollnt~ It. - L a. Th. grr-t f M--i- st--, , V,, C h., -Y S,-zt,. or F-, P-r-. L Ar FLg-tt, Sp~ct- F-It- Pa- tj j c" ' , , 1, : T t r. 3l.--, -Y~ PI-p-t.1- of 5.11,1 5~11url- of or Pug-:- ~nb Card 1-1.4 MIATI~AKAIIYAIII, Ya. Circanizatiom of --cientific and ','cc..rdcL-' duties of councila. ?rom.Arm. 5 nc).4:59-ft Ap '6 . (1-11hi, 15:5) 1, U~.,.an~-y sclixotarl Respublikanskogo pravlen-4ya ll:auchno- toldinichookogo objhcheotva Paikomollnoy i knipyano:, ~xcr,y,-,hlon..osti i olevatornoCo Idiozyaystva- (Armenia-Technological imi.ovations, MIIATSAKPJ4YAPI, Ya. The mjiin obj",,tive of Belentific and technoloilic-al F-ocietleS is the stnijigle for technical development. Prom. Arm. 6 no.6: 61-63 Je 163. (MIRA 16:81 (Arnenia-Tochriological innovations) AVRM, Keyer Girshavich; L1, P.Z., nBuchnyy red. ; MMTAH, A.A., nauchnyy red.; KTJSKOVA, A.I.. red.; ZRAST&A, JT.V., tDesign of plastic boats) Procktirovanie sudov iz plastmassy. Leningrad, Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl., 1960. 339 P. (KIRA 13:12) (Shipbuilding) (Plastics) 0 MMOYAN, A, , inzh. Flagship of winged river vessels, Re~,h, tran4q. 2(.' nc.12- 33 D 61, - 7 '. L/.: I ~. -1- L, , (Planing hulls) Iq - MNDCYAN, A., inzh. Ships for rap-'o ~ransport~a*izn transp rI , -, : ~, ~ ~- - --~. Mr : r~2 . I m-~A - I , (Planing hulls) (Merchant wrine-Passenger trFiffic) MNDOYA11, A.A. inzh. 9 Wha."I should the tank vemsel fleet boa like. flech. transp. 21 no.1.25-26 A '62. (MIRA 16:8) (Tank vessels) (Inland water transportation) PCSOKHIN, N.V., arkhltektor; KNDOYANTS, A.A., arkhitektor. -- Interior decoration. Gor.khoz.Moak. 21 no.3:6-14 JAr '47. (MIRA 6:11) (Moacow-Hause decoration) (House docoratioa--Mogcow) I . M. V. llU'C)FjllN" Arch. , it. n. OliDuMM), Arch. 2. Ussu (600) 4. Apartment houses - Moscow 7. 16-story apartment house on the Ploshchad' Vosstatdya. Qor.Khoz. LiosK. '~3 no. 7. lj49. 9. Month! List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congr-ssl April .~q, r, -, , '-'nc ~ . 113?- lid& 00*0000000000*0000 -4j# 00 -0009 000000000 00000*6464600 .0 1 4 A A 1 0 9 10 11 '1 11 w It a a Id a 11 U U At 0 ft U 110141 f1 Qli "ace 00 A 11 L , CA-I - 4 1 - I A - mn 11*4 .0 411 6 6 4 A., j..4 6 A 0 a a --Ale 0 00. Z A .4 00 tit d~ 00 f Middix 41 -00 mide otbd O-eth4j%y-8.aq4jw)quirA,1ittc forin 00 e(A*wiwo- O,d -dtmd/jyijW~p)i)4m6,s,, I, ILG-8*, do-11CI idli cn. 2M--7' (dccouipa.). 1, twng er*e :he apprtgwiate quic"itte de . the corresiminding 6 00 3 -riv. p"'Poxy lo"N. b,, In-2414 . di.HCI Sali tn. 2,14 17 =00 00 64staxy compd. b, ~M-12', di-HO vdi m 00 218-2u (decompti.) and 6-beasory compd. m. 69 70' air [weltd. The O-OCtYl CfXnfkl. Could Wt foe prefid. in th6 00 way. The udn. aticathetic dose on a ral"t's eye Inc the 400 09 a Ft And Pr contlicb. was and Gw thl, flu and ir *0 MCII, "IMPds., 0.01~~ Me WAIL' it- GN "IkV WA% .*0 9*0 .1 tug. for the Ft and Pf cuatiNs. and 4-5 mg. f.w the Bu 0::O~Z`r And PhCJI, ccwnrxl. If M. IA-kv.Irf 700 60'j, oil a 0., 1 46 Lee 0 1"00 0 0 At@ Its REIALLORGICAL LJ11FRA1641 CLASUPKATICO .0 1. to., is, , E** IA I- se aw-0-m- a --a Z4 0, " *0 e 0, 0, 'S 0, XA 0 0 0 ; C fir-i icy's 17 L 4k' VA 00000000900000 fflj: : pit, .'. . is is '61111iffi?f O.Tow 101 lei to 0000 V It ti 91 0 13 is IS 19 V, 11 Jj u is 15 W v is to v 41 v 11 4d a to NA -f- IL -A.-JI 4 L L a 14 is Is 0 1 1 9 7 1 V!_A IA. M 0 LC 90 ft is If . A 00 00 ..* Ip oe f. hFuthells fit now Aneathetics. fit Eaters of J-Pylt- 4 I.NC,JIA R-I h, f-t Not, oi, "ecarbazytic acid and off saute smicto alcohols. A L. cjI, 14) 1.,, hr, I" 11o, 1~1% fh,- Vrt-v o, Mcd IFIO ~ I (,"I CAIM 1-~e fit.- r- -idit, J Ili, -it 'Ir'd ,, 1. -1" :o, to,, ":!'"'o 0 S S. R ) 10. Irno T_'r 104", sit ku,,mn) , 0 - C A Ili the pr-nce oll A,L,ol, PI . o fIv.1 Ili F -If M 00 ,c 41. 24W, A it-, 4 1111111111 .,It tltffl of III(IlIiIjIC LCO fill qN'ttle INrillene '91 60 cc the -fer; -tv I.r. 1.1 lot t"t, .11 an"th't"j Ito.vver. thrv had -r- pfeINI .~ropt,l p Nt, 311 1 it-, me'thrill'. "11oll old high toxicity. -otime Acid hfn."Ife '00 (37 of I ,, C.- It Ittn-oe -11 I,e.,tett til'only ... 10115, (11,C) :":1' 1.1-" 00 fill 116 of '4)k'lj ,fill I-1-11111a, IIIVII 1117,111111 12 Ill'i W 1, f-vi f, lit, ~41* to vul,l. -,Joig. 0:1-4"; ao-lmoyl .11 39 if V; A 1/1 to oe 110, it 1 '04 CA I 1;.Itltv amw of the chloride and lott. til. 110), d 1'. o1 441 PA pr~ file a Ili--- Ar. %eTt, hratv,l it, twnrene -ln 12 firs, to I(Nl- "P:t, 97 r.,; of fp.,.I,. r* o *tolicH the -Irmt-rd eitcrt, pfeINt. frimi file following I ~114'); N/It d-,e od ( do P-,,,I,. ,1 17, ~ I j I'.?- !11:1 meth vI-.o;-Ih,, x,,I. ILI. 110 1 * in 17, 2*) ho -4; - - I goO, J77.5'; 1 it , (,. I pt"'Il'. 153 41'~: N11, it,: (pi,,,sr,. ,I IN,--- M 4 U; - P I Is C.I 1.0 1, K 17(1 1. 4:1, n,J go vd. pyl- 1~.' I 11111tr r,c 111 11 It,, M Io ,,I L;* 0 dmoffo-_ -orth.11 r-lo,"Po., cookoff, 4.1- W-, p-`o,lvI-j,,i- ,,,d A 1. It JAI L- T,jfe, Ili NICI ; /..1 -611 Ill melh)II Nit No) Ili, (frmn I.-(n1l): (lie in of her liquor Yielded '-NJ g. unrPACtelf 00 A 151 2' 11411"; ? rpo,ale, m. ISI"); hYla-14"i- acid And 1.5 C un"..LcIeLl Built lobvioll%ly a ptinteT's AL S Z-rw"pls,,j, I.,. [7,Is No' 1141 71~j (purale. vn~ IV. error in the tnt of litifir used); t*dl ot I was added 3t 4 - IC&tqto of p-somino- and of p-butytotmEnobactrall: acids find 5' to 14PI 9 Wit, %tirre,l at r,41' 3 4 his., and tmated some dismina alcohols. lbod WAA 40. A no (it with 2W cc. t1tv MrO to silre 144.11-; :0 0 amitin if(- cm(t, o( p-minno1wrivoic ,cid were I)telxl . uti. cwrlde-110, st,luch w.tL,t cuflttttiwd with the desift.1 s90 i stiff ittitoirto alcn The prothtct% were grnerAlit, more I--- Amitic, aics. in C.IJ4 at 411 V The following st~ is", teol tll,tvl the -t,f, (4 motio,imino ah-, while the mcNit 1~4.ilrd: zoo lKefrnt L."- more the I, (raboti-Idurnina 4eriv 7 .4 times puralor, in. 176 7'-. 1 .6 is eff'.-tivu thol nov . . ...... Vile IoNuity, ho,'rvVT, WA. i.51.3c,'.) (depur,tif, fit lox?, I " 4 m-I'l pr p yl (51 7", ) idipu,,ai,. if LI!, Wi. /..I ~,o 0 jptg:~:J! ven ulpffe ell,, t1vt p ; CAve e 1jmtIu;)-."-P",Py1 (no Yield jIv,IL ("al" 11, w, -o-- the -1" it I:?- Will"Clif)II, 5-41 flme,g til,we eff",11 &IIII %LA WALLO'CICAL LITIRA11,411 CLAWFKATIOot jWralt'rn. Ell) 1*1. C. M Ill., too As is is I's __o6v 44, 4, -7 hn & st IN 3 s 0u 1 411 4 a #11 of of it Of n I s' 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,; to to 0 0 to 0 0 0 1o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 0 0 a IS 0 Jo 4 0 0 46 6 0 Q 'V' op-.' "7 '4' oxi ~Id, A. L. =1"w"".1 Ci-700054)(1% Pu::dln, IL-2).-FiGht tiew cstcxx~ f kfd" lybefutic 0c-11 ~'kvirZ Me strucwe &ILIN1411r. r-OC!WLfN,R,' 'ribc-L P - Ke ur E' and R Re, Ft~ i PC. or Bu. Were P(qxl. by the attku of ot cu-Nide & tlC I tiOn Aicid with tL-- FubseTlcm Am+w , - I - , b( LhIn ChlOtO CSUTA Ily soonad&ry mtujac~, iii C.H.. rour --tredk=y-. WtIc &L-) j.%tcd, gt*mmml. P"rain (,# ttrx Mli* 'jg~ .~'tw e(udleA awt erptl. criulft djaw fliat eme itf Lljd4e mirT~ Min AlkMbesta(c adds. I.- ffitw rMyss. 's M).- The (,AaUo~ 41-- #-R__hC0LC1fAfeZFf%CfftNAfcs (1) 'and , aafts,.'w for blot. tCAtX (R, 4nd the p 2. of the rVIKer, and Ed mits given). IW7111 135-5.56; Et, to" IWO%, 162-3-, MAO" 11& . ~- ~J...0 151-62 , 19"*/Z. Its t4t-2*; Au. 101-2 1, 53-644 71~461 128 go- Am IR&TO/I 112-tas; IV,-, fig-to'; mocifW 2&"7 143-4 i(Ki ar& 2U-S*/2.5. 123-4 .84-15*/1. ill-SO. 151-21. 135-81, 140-7'. 107-14'. MOCHA. sa-l" 130-1,; 1111clit, 2.11 2.12 I it ~v, im ~81-. 10-40, McIftc(l., 74 wni w, tu f(o. et4 ot dralradver. of dibittic ctarboxific arcHip.. ~e i d A l f f rass O a w Ima: v c at~d. . 5 Aln'lOgd2p 11) 1`1 Wad 0. M Is, -in Rtz-%tan)--TI-.e fot-! 11awIng succinic- acif duivs. are reported without tutflicri Actails. (CH-COiAh (R' c/ 1, a-ad m*p. or b-L". if... vic1d k-qd W givint): CIACtIMUct, 64.1, fit 135*1 1.0241' 1.40). , 1 fall, rA. 182-3 ; ex--We' in. 194 ); CHICIrt V.'d' I' m. UP C1fsCl[jN_Ve,Efl, 023, tn. 1,93 Ck, 0 0 CffaalV.Ife~. 4 .2. be 146 , O.WKS, 1.4408 (RCT in. 158 ; 1231); cHr1rc11,.VMrr, 85.1, M. I IL AV.Uc~, 40, b, 147'. 0.t)7,,2. 1,4478 UICI scU. w. IZO-I * 1 taxalaM m.127 ); C1[A[dC[laCff.NA1c4z i 1i 1. c1rArdc1ff1C1r1YArc'1W' &M, M. cillf clim - W11w cirtmve,, w, be jw, o.orm.1.4wsuraidu. cu. 2230- C11MvC1l,1feCl[j1i1dcsFjl, 791, m. In"; cgl~ Z A (44 ClIsNAfei, W, fit 162". 0.9578, 1.44" UICI in. ' ' 1 ' . 136-6 1 oxhIc. m, 1 3 ); C11,CMe,,C11dVA(1tr, &-.I, M. ' 203 1 C[IsOleXHINA6~1W, 74A an. 16~r-451, cirecUr 14,1.4478 , Sale. tn. 129'. v'14114, Npjt. 43, be NO , OX4. 116 f ; Cl[jCjlgPeLjgA[ef. 191.1, a.I. 1,14*; (11'clif in, 1332 " i NEr. , 43, M, 104 , CHMOCITICH"Wt. It. RM R.f4-[Ra' 1,451A, C11 MrsclisCIII.10(ehYl 1, 74.15, m. I W- I ' C1[,VcC1Tq( 1lsNF4l, 31.4. 111. INV; Mo. 115, be 1781. O,OM, 1.4.52d; (113fecilmerI&N All, 76.8, Oflj CIMOCITHOCHINI.,141, R~9, m, 2rkl; " ' OreCAles Clio N E4.14 1. be 178 , 0.0 IM, 1, C cl still nt O) (TI - 4"* , Cli cif Cm 7 3 HE Ir 1 3 1 . . v , 8# , in. 9 IS o 4 1 ) N d NE1 3 -11 CMeCF[ [ 134 G U . . . . , . , , ll'Al /y/ ""-/ Z , MMHOYAR. A.L.; AFRIKW, V.G.; DOXHIKYAN, d..A. Inveetigation of the synthesis of p-alltoxy benzoic acid derivatives. Part 2. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 18 no.2:39-43 '54. (KLRA 6:3) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk Arm. SSR (for Mndzhoyan). 2. Laboratoriya farmataevticheakoy khImii Akademil nauk AManskoy SSR. (Benzoic acid) h of/A I-,/, f dartutives of (fibe DZrIh e-Phaxj2c.Add#_UI A r. IA.A of Ruccinw 144 4R-C . .-The failawfut d4r(yt. Ve tetWted with- I U I S 4) Qt ed Me NCH CMAC =d h d h ( 4 o u s u3 . e aiet o t n a c & t a rp CEraCIrzC(hR (R, % yield, b,p3mm.. da, nV. ra.r. HCI MUt. =.P. M44thiodide i(ven). kt, 802. LOWS. M4T ' e, 1.4350 St' tIGI.- &, TOS 1,0310. 1.4345 'F 1021' 100* fd' Lall %. G 4351 10! Ila*/2- t U S . . . 1 , , , : r. . - Bts, 4&Pr, 77.0. 1410/10. 1.0077, 1.4W4,. 1100, HS". M2. ia2QtA 0.095, 1,4370. 82 , lot ad-asc, To.% 104,; iso-Ang 72. 1410/3. O.M2, 1.43T0, Its* 88" c(Irls 966 W/4. ,.0342. 1031 2 490 11V 1&Z 1 . . am, da, xy Me.q. HCl $aft, M.P. etfil 0 givw) 12a*j 761 640 67 69 8 120 2 Ed 8 4SOO I=W 1 . . . . . , , ; . , , 14. 1.0"5, 1.4m. _. 951; Fr, 962, 1351/2. 0.9915., * * -,61 , iro-fr. 51.5, 130 13, DMIII IASW, ' * % 59 - Buz 76, UVAU, 0.98M. 1,4400, iso-Sw.: :831,149 /4. 0.9760, 1.4376. -. 01. im-Am. 72.4. 16L*/B. ;0.9728. t.4403, -. 4501 C.I& 793, 165-10.5 1,0131 *- 4W7 VV 46io RE I Pk 73 LS" 0021 X 1 t . . t . , . , , , , , r G. H. 90MOIS048 Vo , I etlats c tionjoic, adds. V. G, Afrikynin. aad -Nauk Arrdrm. S.S.R 0, d., C.A 49 MU14 ---;rhe f01. f~-. repexI&I %;ihaut ~;;;Ipti=' of Cle syn- t -OK) 12, O.M. LW2 (tkrate, m. 1.571; welkiedide, M. A F Arr, 70.8, 190-7'/1, -AUSU O.w I Is')i n-Who, 74.8. 24" */2, [0-9894, 100 . meth-adide, m. 104-5*;, HeiCll(CRsh, 75,8. 2OG-p/2" IM18i m2akij.; 73 2M-20-11, 0.9-M, 1.4WH, ~Qx Hal); MCfCH(Cftt),j 75.2, 198-9*/2, OM20 414 21&-Iaw/2. O.O.S25, LED= (P~rafr~. NF, 77.9, 251-2'12. 0.9&96,', N lm'4j'Tu-- Ql%t dhWde. itt. 93-4*); 4fetClI. #68, 241-3*/2-.,O.rs24, 1.40M, tc-Cylf,,, 64.6, 237..S.P, .9677, 1.4046-, a.Wfi, 61.9. 2'-'PV'iZ50),MW- UNK ~p aft 1.0510, 1:545z.-N KMHOYAN, A.L.; WMHOYAN, O.L.; GASPARUN. O.Te. WWAU'a ... Investigation of the s7nthesis of d1basic carboy.-Ilic acid deriwativeg. Part 3. Dokl. All Arm.SSR 18 no-3:79-82 154. (MURA 8: 3 ) 1. Deyetvitel'ny-y chlen Akademii nank Armyanskoy SSR (for Mndzh07an). 2. Iaboratoriya farmatsevtichoskoy khimil Akademii nauX Armyau.sk07 SSR. (Glutaric acid) th"-ig of dei%ativel; of , v d i1 ~ v~! (~ 0n a ' ... -P- U S S R ~ av dg, A. L, M : Cf. CA. TIx -mbt;t7mcL-.; wern for stuf"!,-11 ultd the bi"A'Cin. rc~!Iltfl arc not givvn. (C1h).tbcj14cO-1?-P,'t. mar.,! puil I).p. ),- jil.p. (~tat,~gj 100'. 1. Iiall, in, 212', in. III. 72A,', esh.4,dide, 111. 132-01; 1,-!'; wjdm'j1L1b;c NcItuld , 4"A (oxchrie, in. 1,53 v"thiok"", ?,I. 84--5'); :, Et, 2- PA-7,; 81-2" (110 x-;It, III. 2:i7 oo!.'ri!e, Ill, in. 247-11', I (m - m j1cljN'C,%C,If~. t0',",, (110 X~'4-71', Ox'I'de, ri, V,t-~i2% _~'!7-18', m. (oxdale, 41" In. Z411;1" ~17-91 In, Z,:4r, ni Ij S S R syr-the"A of (fe&jttirer af h C K alit ort- Ft'IFJIOVgll V.G.Afrll: all yf--tflyll(:ln&nf los. A. L. M N. Op'llp.4y;1n, and 4 'EY A Td. n, j uTjjnu4rv, tOrM.-The (al 1 1 loix(pic futaUnces vkcm ,41 1 A 14 4)MIthel( s hl the ptvsent r4per 2-pienyl-1, 03,8. VI .1 -A~Sftixyl-l. 71.4. Z~sq-,Ml. fq~, I. R4.1: MV.2,93-4'; I-P-~raf" mny[-r -6', 275- V; t 2M 273 2 vr):4" M-A-1 Z-ft-44bulax pug* r, 36. - ~ o 50 0 4 7 - ; r- 03, " , 2 70 3, W-61. ?46-9% 05 246-7 akej. RI A, ITI *, 240% Z-ph~wlfgq 3 7 M i i4 "A tsq-wo. 200~ aw, - a. ZT6- T VC A IAX-1 TM . . , " , 177-9 WO- I ex , . u44- co s . . . , 249-70" cxclJ 221-2 2 . t!"' fimea 279 The most e 68 5 - - y , , =p r1wano" in thip grwp In their abultr to Mock RO dc cholEav o"(MCOM4 4! froc PAUIC Inusdo life; plaffethyl d"(WI. are 140S siledtf/e, "A tim fis 1 P derive. am (fttt cffmtfvt, STUthenis of -ledirattyes d di& t Ark acids, M X. UttindvItOlTreaso. In acids. (L t"It"W"w- Ariqyats. S.S.R. 16, M-32(Itz Russian: Armtuian stim. (CI1Cl1,COjR), were prtpd. for hiatogicn-A tats, with- out txptt. dctsi(s britig given. (R. I/D Yield, b-p" 4, all m V. HCI uitt, m.p. ot3tate, tn.p. mcthodide. vi,p. M&M, 190", 130%. W-74. 113-14*; RhiMIsCilt, 34-5. Ift t8A*,O.V78q,j.4.rW5, 102'. 135, !ZZ*. 171" A&INC111. 77-9 '53*- CHiCIMIC. 71. be 190-1% 0.067S. 1.1511. 1 4 '. 207'. 13940, F-'%.VCf1,CffC1IJfe W, he 2156, a.0470, CM&CIA. 6G.6. N.. 10V, 0,11-161. t.4515-, -, 1,1/j- 1 70 b 173', 0,11521, 1A4!',S, 177- 10*. 0XV5, 2.4,535, tn. 131-2' (citrate. in. 0- 71*). V. Der&a0vei; of ptinelic, acid. 1W. L7. IU-2L On, Rtneian; in Armettian, 21-2j.-The following c5ters of pimelic add were prepd. for blochcue. tests. C[II(Cirectf, CO1R)9M% efd,b.p,,dwiftfl.',zildm.p.tiftl%coxttate WeMrztClfs. 84, be MOV, 0.9921, 1.4497, lGO"; jMCUtClIt, 60, be 175-6% 0.0690, 1.453-5. 122-3'; Afe, 4rC1r,C1r.C1fMe, 62.5, b, 1711. 0.911,33. 1.454P, t.Wl*; ,VC162CIACHAfe, 71.1, 6, 203-4 0.931.18, oif-, tNC1GCArr-sCHe, U, be 1-8% 0.24W. 1.4425, 104-5*- RINCIficlixeccir" 46 7 be 105, 0 =I. 1.4m, oil-, Afe~ NcHiCUMCCUAre. 6U, be 1.4,503,12G-T*; ANCIricirmcclime, 62.1, be 105-66, Omen, 1,45M, oil. Vt. Mixed etW, dialIgUrnitioeMyt evers of some dibark cuboxy0c acids. A, L. Madzhoy=, D. L. Studzhoyart, vnd.N, 4, H-hh-a 16.44. MAN RUSS142KAMe"i3a 0-4).-The following cite" Ifere prCpd, for phys- % yield, dw. x1f, m.p. MCI rdft. in.p. oxakk, m.y. MdAUPI.-M.P. clkWide. resp. shomi): Ste. 3. 39-2. th . 9.5A', V-8*. -; a, 3. 71.4, 135-7o. 1.0222, 1.4399, Me.4.W. 6. 1.49-5t'. 1.1317, MR. M43% 120~-2% 52-4', %-2o' Eel 4. 50, he, tT"*, O,M, t.4.398. 69- W, Ot-7-, -. 7e 81" Me# 6, CPU, be L45-Pt O.QO94. 1.43M -. 102-3% 46h-, PJ. 6, 73.1. bq.o I4,%Ae*, 0,99-1, 1,437. -, 67-70% Me, 0. M3.1, lx~.% 143'. 03'~Kl. 14377 -. 101j- - 0 . Z.5, I... 6iU, 1.4n. -; Fj. 0. S F-,54'; .11c, 7, 58, be-& 154-5', O.M IA39. -. 107-10', H4-7*, 1U. 7, (34, N.~ 0.072, 1,439, 0-01, 77-W. S-i-QV; Aft, S. $1. be.G 175-9% 0.0471, 0.951,0, I.-M, 74-7" &"* 5"r', 101-4*, VII. D1- atkylaminoethyl esters of a" thloclicboxyUc acids. A. L. Nindzhoyan and b. G. AgluuZ n. Ibid. Ill-V;(in Ruisian. Armenian sum =y, llb-lrj)-~Thle following were prepd. for biol. tests, without further detaiLs of repti. (% yield, b.p., dir, and sIL7 given)- S(C[1jCCtC1jj11jiiN.1fer):, 12.1, be 177-S', 1.03U,'~. 1.4730 (=late. m. IIG'; methiodide, tn. ISO` Awide in. 134*); S~CI1jCOxCI1iCffrNF-Wv, be 195-: 14.9, ITN~, 1.4731 (arl:Wz, m. 139*); S(CffjC11t- COtC1[iCffY-VMr0~, 513.9, bi 140-2*, t.0756,lA&tS (axalate, en. 127% S~Cl1sC1[sCOxC11zCffzMEh),, 644, b, 195-7-, I.OM, 1AMO (axaZate, m. III'), S(CM&COjCI1jCffr Mfrj)~, 63 .3, be 179'. IMBS, 1.4%9 at, 132% Zvoido" Fit. 1'4-1-1.- b4 (oAdafc, m. 145'); -NjC1f(C11Jfes)~ CO,C11.C1(,,VAtej)., VA. h. 223'. tA190, 1.4712 (ozz&z&. . I(W); Y(CII(Cli.4(cs)COtClfCirslVP:C-):, &I.S. b. 175* 0.9431, IM74 (exalafe. m. I I V). VUL Dorividi'ves ai subaric Acid. A. L. Mudrhoymi. 0, L. Mixtizitoymv, and 0. E. (1asparyan. IN4 -14.1 -Cila It - AnnenLitt ium- "tury. I fnitolving ~ojup"';. for 11411. VVI'ditation; all had lobi'liticAll'o tritaiNg on tile mviratmy ccutal. RO:QC1(D%c()SR (R' % YkAl. b.p., (IV, nlol~ RIA M.P. fit it.. axrjalc rivcn): 'I&MC1110111 66.6, bt 0.1601, 1.414M. Vyl'; E1pVCllCl1t, A7, It, 190", O.%.'(V;, 1.4522, 1'41-30'; Afrovc/I.C112CUMC. 62.15 ty, 177S', 0.9.500. JAW. IZI -4*; ru,ival. elf, c1lItc, 40, it, lfj"*. 0.9420. -, Jfr~ ' VCHICHe'C112, W.A. Its 175--G*, (0-9Z0'. 1.45.10, II&-IG*; &INWICAter CH,, 474%, It, IM*. OA~Xfd, 1.4542, --; CHMe, 62.5. It, IN% 0.9421, I.Mt. IN-30'; rjNCII, CMAUCI(Mc, 54A, It, ZOO, 0.92,521, 1.4517, - G. M. KOW(UP09-- -- - ------------ - th toothozybdIrl", Fd Alnixx?am edm iduz,011 I wt, Amneentaft rimmarY, 13"0 054j; MR."m elm. for b(OWW ("(S Withaut preim-adve: detaffs (R. ~.Vktd b p da. Wp*. at.p. RCI owe. at.p. k- ;%tc given): CuVW,'K. 92, N 2W-G'. 1.1095, IXAM, 1534'..96-7'; ariNctricirg, 83, be 256--T*, t.- 9* IM45, logo, 131-31; AreN~Cfft)j 647 bt, 21 Q&4` 7AN(Crrt~'6S'7'b` I*: IM76, LAVO. ~"-. V"Wo ...... ....... . Mire., 2IL-120, JX57. JM23; 99-9'; &jNC11tc1r1c 62, bc 223-4'. LONI, 1.5267. if-W. MCII&CHAO6. clime, 92.4. b, 22G-L, I.WW. ]EAM, 72-4'; E4krczr_ CffMcCUA(e, 69 N 22046 IDOL 1AW. _# 92-a,,; Ar4,VC11,CK1,C74. 6T.T. k Wt-&% IMU- 1.5275, &,NCjr.CAreC1[s. U.S. bc =-4w. 1,0463, t-21. 1.5m, AfqNCjjICH(CjrtNHer). 6T3. bt 22 l,=, L7%-W; FJtNCt&rtc11( - 75.4. fit 2=4% tXW, 1.522Q *. The fouavirfac q=ftrt=y $at$ A&SCIMA Rs'.Rwf- (tadide) are cepocted K R'. R', M C99- C-411. Mc$ duo, C-4 Wu-fo Y.-I . ...... , K 96 pk"*, - C11,C11s. E2, Me. 112-W; CHWIft. FA, Ff. ff,100*; C[[Afe- Cjr,Cjjj, Afe, Me, JOR-10*; CUMaCII.C11s. Afe, FJ. 109% cfficAlffIcIrs. Ate, Ate. 11G47% CIACHINWIR'llcUr. At,!,. tw-l;.. VU, Acarna egfors of 042-azathw- h ad and I n'. mdthoyaa, V. G. Affikyma. cad A. LOs W-Min RusslituXArmenUtz cummary follwiming compdr- were prelm. by unc;e=ihcd pro(rdam fOr PhYS'0101~ te-StS' P--1WEOCff1CffiOCW4WTX;'(R. lye yielef, b,p., der. %% HI.P. 11C1 Wt. M.P. picrall, jim$- UctNICIACHs. M-4. fht 173-40# 1.0002. M52, 116~-1711, &INCHtClls. 73.1. bit 178-00, EME4, IMM. 02-3 , 10L-2*~ MctXC11tC1ttCffA[c. -, ths JW_19# 1.03721. IXOGS. '-, 02-3-; &%NCHICIfictrue. 81.7. btt LW-V. 14160, 14m, -. 99-10(3*: MeRMC114camecil. Are, (14-5. bts 2a"'. I'mo' -, ~. &StfcHr. C11,11cCUAle. 70, bu 217-18% 1,01-1. 4zale. -, -.! J((rNC119CA[cjC11s, 74.1.1. bw 201-9.0. LOW. 1M15, 7770,: 141*; &,JVCJfcCAtetC1ft. 71S. bts -212-130, 1422M, 1.5m, 92'. 131*. 'nit following quaternary- salts cre listed A-A&OC1,rCUOCf1,MXA1R*`R1 (X, R' and R. shown): CUSCH1, ire, Me. at. ('#4-5*. Clttl,'ffr, jrc, Vf;rt.. 172--r; CkricIrt. ra. Me. us. 107-90, Cff, R111. El. Ed. fit. 114-16*; CHAUCIIXI/s. Ate. Ate. at. 123-4 . CHUcCifiChri. Afe. &, m. 114-16'; CHJfeC1.rtCffc. Er, Me. tn. 82-3*j C.11J&C[1tCHs. Et, Ef. ut. 140-1*; Cfrr, CiletCH1. Ife. Me. at. 119-20% C17ICjfftC1(j. Me, Fj. ea. a "I" CHICU40h. 8f, Ue. tn. 115-16,; CHICUCYc[is. -1 -1 M. 137-,V. VIM i P "lid propit este';'. p i 46-~k~qatioxrjbenzdc adds and theLe qmxlemary salts. A. L. Madiboyan. V. G. Afrikyan. papayan, 16id - ["fit Russian; Amolma. wratmary)-The fatlawing camNs. wem ptcpd. for bilol. tviduation, m ddails of the intpn. axe given. P~-ROCIrt-. C1IgOQI(4COiCIGCJfezCI1jNMe~~ (R. % yfdd, b.p., do. ,S% M.P. (if the IICI w1g, and M.P. of the iC?410 9IVCn Me, 742, bts 201-2'. 14102. 14046. n.', IV% St. 7V his 105-0', L(M. 1,5011, 97', 1275V; Fr, 77A, bu !W-4-. LOW, 1.4975, 62-al. 12G4*; im-Fr. 65.6, bri 109-200't 1.0116, 1.4052. g.3m. 92.1. No 1.0101, IAKS 4G-7* 127-9% 51C. 77-2. NI 210-110. 1.002." 1 -,(m: 40-m', -; A.. 76.0, No l8g4o., 1.0036. 1.4078, 71-6% 142-31, ir&Ams, 73.4,13to 206-7', 14M.- 14(47 - -. P-ROClfClrOW[,CGiClfCAftClr,, WE~ (um; mn(Atfaq as above): Afe. 71.9, bit 212-t3o, 1.0212, ISM, 83*, 13t*. F.I. 6.5.3, hu 209.-Y*. 1.0145, IAM5, 46-7', W7'. 11r, 70.4, b1& 213-11". 1 M2, 1.4050.' .4&4*,,G9-70`j ii*-Pr, U2. b,4 V"*, TOM. 1.4932.. Bre. 76.7, bu 233-4'. O.N44, IA942, -fox, hit 22G-t-, 0.9966, 1.4901, W-00% Atme; 71.2t bts 2M-I*t O.M, 1.4954 120-1% 120--300- 4d-Atx. 70.7.bu222-9',O.NS7.1.4045..'-.-. P-,ROCdXrIwOC6- ff4COtCIrtCArC&CIfftmR9IRII-*(R. . given); Afe. Me, Me. 9T.9, ttg-W; We. Me. FJ. lks, 82-3'- Me Et. Me. 022, 115-16'; Aft. Fj, A OW IV-84; pj: me, Ale, 95-2. 11647% Fr. Me. Ift. 04-6. 89-40*; ird-pr. Me. Me. 90.0. 99-1001; Hit. Me. Me 02 7 -0% fto-Hmr. Aft, Are# 931. 1Z"0; 40-89. IM 89-5. 86-7*, Ant. Me. Mt. OLJ. t4"0: 4*-Amc. Ile. Me. 01.8, 8"1. jets of .&OXTaTIO banzole idds and the. V quAter. nary, wts. 1641. 197-4t.1-71 Rusilau; Amenfim 'Ciusijawr I(E-2).-The followfuWtugov ,d. for b4ol. evalua- tion. P~ROCMCIAO , CUMCCUA(CCUINIS&I (R. yield. b.p., do, and %if tiyem): Aft, U.S. bts 20"*o LN49. 1.M. Ft. 00. his 19"o, 1.0256. I.&IW; Fr. 64.4. bu mt-20, tAIGI 1.4m., isq-Fr. 63A. bq W 10'. LOW, 1.402; 'act, 91.8, bts 219-49'. IAM, IAW4; ft&ow. 73-5. Eh, 189-94. 1.0027, 1.4935. Am, 703, bit' 210-10, IV UTM; iiMm. 64~ bu 20$-4', O.N881.1 t.4041a; p - AOCUtC1ItOWfCOtCffM9CHMCCHtN .(w."aotatlon): th)19; 00.0. b% 213-14"t GIM, 1.49u; b. griT. b., I 7, 1 IAQ6, IAQW. ix&?r, 5011 btg 22"' 0904 . 4 ig 7j. , bi.- Hit. 76.5. his 222-30 OAW IAIM; I~img. 7j. 221-2', G. IM-200-. Q,QW. 1.1910; A;C. 7V btf 1.4960. (t*-Aw. W-7, bu. 212-13*, O.M2, IAJIIR. 9 4 9 9 1 . dtowdi resp.) Aire, C C, 89.61 t We Amfet j A 0 .1, MIMZHOTAII, A.L.; KNMROTAII, O.L.-, GASPARYAJI. O.Te. Inveattg%ticr3 on derived dibasic carboxylic acids. Dokl. AN Arn. SSR 19 no.1:19-22 154. (KIRA 8:7) 1. DoystvitelIny7 chlen Akademil nauk Armyanake- SSR. (for Kndzhoyan, A.L.) 2. Laboratoriya farmasaytichoskoy khtMii Akadeall nauk Armruiskoy SSR. (Carboxylic acid) A3, esyntheLis of derivati tj of kwlkogkenio~ R V-D ' a 11 11 ~ VteM Ot fi~~ "ell .,d= I A - L nggg"UMIk Dokkdy AR47mar-Arix7n. S.5 4T-62(im Rusdut; Armenian sumZul. 501(E135 'CA. 60, 24ta.-The foltaviing HhM rIsClItCH C*11,0R-p arc repo"ed without desMption of the tnei oyathesis (R, % yield. b.p.. di*. %% and ffi.p. of r me 86 6 -b414 182-5* ' LOW, 11.156181 E b6 1.0703, 1.5-522. 12241. Pr. 75. be.* 1.0023, -, I%-&*; Bit, 70.2, be 205-10% -. -. 1 Am. 80, bca 203-6", 1,03t".. LM95. 123-4'; X325, be 189-00'. 1.0334, 1. '11. 116-W; iraL.8i EiLm-qal. 14415. IM95. U'' V: ira-Am. 81.7, Et-11 '1'%CZGcff*scto)(.11'0R- abave): Ack. TI, b24 06- , 1.0527, I'M64. 1 FJ, 81.5, be.* 10-200". LWAG. 1.5413. be., 2C&V, 1.008. 1.5189, IM-W. Ste, 81.1. 44 2 95-51. 4ei-Pir, 83.4. b#.4 18"0, 1.02t4, I.SM5. iso-Her. 80.I. bck-a 193-4". 1.0095, 1.5279, 73-4" The'followiac L ,ZA ire. 1(15-69 Follow- . Iflij -Roe , ides p wrxzo 'f, r" Uel (R, jle,Are.* 'I. L9. 190-l'. Ate. Et, 1 4 ; Pi, Me, ITU-7% Et. Eil w-40, ); cf.% Pr, Jlfe, 17""; Pr, Ft. 91-2*- Bm Ile, 103-&o. Ha, El' SCM-a -s6-4*; Ariz, Xfe, 142-34 Nods of, Fl, I ; Am, El. 80-0; iro-Pr. Ire. 11-12% itc-flu, He. E77-91; ird-Ru. crate): F-1, ire-A is. Ate, 14 0; iro-A Re, Ff -.. G. M. K. . 953, OG-3 "00 ifa-Pr, , 79.9. 01 it 201-1- 5-160, - -- Ma idU,'p-ROCWtC(O)SCHtCgiCgtgRt'.UCI were ob-' talned In 9MI-Mclayield (R. R'. and ut~p. given). Me..Ue. 15&-7*; Aft, Er, 127-9*; FJ. Ate. 13"** F.9 Ft. 143-41- Pr. Ife IM-16"' Ff- A 99-100'; H., R;g 10-2-; B.., D. Me- A., Ve '123-0. An, R, 80-1 ; ire-Pir, Me. 93-4'; Edt-20, is"k-flic, Me, 140-41; ISO-ate.&, 2 FMDZHOTAff. A.L.; AMITAM, T.G.; DCKRIKYAN, A.A. Investigation on the synthesis of derived p-alkoxy ben-toic actds. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR. 19 no.3:85-91 154. (KURA 8:7) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademli nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (for 14ndzhoyan) 2. laboratoriya farmatichookoy khimii Akademli nauk Arm7anskoy SSR. (Banzoic acid) MMHOYAII, A.L.; MNBZHOYAN, O.L.; BA-BIYAII. N.A. ids. on th3 synthesis of derived dibasic carboxylic ac Dokl. All Arm. SSR 19 no.3:q3-96 154. (MIaA R:7) 1. DayBtvitel'nYY chlen Akademii nEulk Armyanskoy SSR. (for Mndzhoy,,tn, A.L.) 2. Laboratori7a farmatsevticheskoy khImit Akademit wink Armyansko7 SSR. (Carboxylic acid) KMILOYAR, A.L.; AFRIKTAR, V.G.; PAPATAN, G.L. Investigation on the synthesis of derived p-iLlkoxy benzoic ecide. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 19 no.4:105-109 154. (KLRA 8:7) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akpdemil nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (for Kndzboyan). 2. Laboratori7a farmatsevtichesko7 khimii Akademii nauk Armyansk-o7 SSR.