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Stuffs. clalizcd /,Ooj-ogv. insects. P,2sts Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, Tio 16, 1958 , No - 73691 Author : Mlodecki, Ifenryk; Zurkawnka, Teresa Inat Not Title Data on the Hygienic Evaluation of Food IrSestod with Bread Mites, II. Study on tho Pathogenic Charactor- iatica of FocK1 Infested with Brend Rites Orig Pub Roczn. Panntw. zakl. hig., 1957, 8, No 1, 19-06 Abstract Temperatures less than 040 retard the development of mites in food. The optimum temperature for their development is 240 - 290 with 15% humidity of the products. For 12 days 10 white rats received in their food daily 20 additional g. of flour containing 146 mites. When the rate were dissected after 12 dayo, no characteristic anatomic or pathohygtologic changej C ard lt,2 P,9 , .;!. Ph' in nll~~nf- (-,"" i ~ j !~ ; on food. P. I I ( ~ " ~- ~:, -- ,, -y' 1. . 1" 1, , " 7 - 1%', . Ii J. I t - , , , a ro a, 10 1 c1n,j ) VO I. 'L," , no . I, '--, n. 1, ;" 'y of ~ ~ ;. -')0 :~'.onfhlv Indo , , I "t- - . 11 rop, ..-in A --e,i ~,3 i o n (- ~ : - V61 . ~ , ';c) .'. I ;- , ii.sects is 'Innill'i, ele;~Iel.ts i,. )1'J'c4e) iol. I!, i,o. 6, Jime, ;-I-Inthly Li.,;* of G, ullell . Polanal /not ;,ivDn/ /not ~ivon/,`,,,i '~ol3i,:a, vol ."o 2`319-2,92 "Insecticides anj 7_`c'-:-Killers and tl-e HygienisttS Vie,.-,point cif The~_- '-'se in AC;riculture. KRAUZF, Stanislnw: STFII, Edwai-1,; I&CDECKI, Henryk Appl Ir;qt :n 9 " ~i ,, in -R, ~,i t e of car-ln-jwen_'-_ Rc-,-zn pan3'.w zak.. nlg no. Labora tr)ry f -3r 7o r g ~mri i 0-.r,er Ar t,s KRAUZE, Stanislaw; STEC, Edward; MLODECKI, Henryk Application of the Triturus cristatus test for speedy deter-m-naticn of carcinogenic properties of dyes. Pt. 3. Roczn pinstw zakl hig 14 no.63537-539 t63. 1. Department of Testing Food and Articles of Common u:,su:i-qtiOn, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. A It? r!'y il ; W A K I i, n rid 12, Lr. c 37- ~iy r(~v c J7 C f ~y f ltr.j.,c.,~ lls. 11. -Lru. c t.3 ers, cz :-~ --f 1-;iu hy,lrdyui:~ L'i i ( : -, -,:; w-A-1 .,'I ~rf-,L. (".. 1,f !,;IL V- Ul'L; . fj,l(', 2/3 MLODECKI, Jaroslaw, mgr Principles of the selection of surface active agents az- adm-iztLrr;rj for the aeration of concrete. Inst tech budow biILI inf no.10:5-10 162. 1. Zaklad Zelbetu i Betonu Sprozonego, Instytut Tachniki Budowlanej, Warazdwe. MLODECKIj Jaroslaw, mgr Dehydrated gypsum as admix-ture Inerbasing the resistance of concrete against sulfate, aggressioji. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 34 no,12:746 0 162. 1. Zaklad Zelbetu i Betonu Sprezonego, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, Warszawa. r W. I Before the conference on tht- timetable for - 9L*6/1"j. P. ;21 . PIIZ?,i,L'I 1, KOLL,~L)V)Y ~L li,,111 (.~'ZIIY .Vol. i, no. 11, Nov- !QLt, ?olpn,: -o' - t-,, tic. 12, Ler. 19c7. , -: Monf,nl'v List of Ep.Et European iicre,-;Fior)s LC. I - Uncl . MLODETSKI, Vatolav [Mlodecki, Vaclaw]. lzizh. Locowtivna and locotiotivo maintot.,unc(i and oporation. Zhe.'. dor.transp. 41 nr).7:15-19 Jl '59. OICRA Il'l: 12) 1. Nuchal'nik Gluvtiogo upravlonlya lolcowtivaogri khozzilylltva, Varshava. (Poland-Locowtives) MLODECK1, Vaclaw, mgr inz. Achievements of tt;r. tract-on of trm Poliah State RA-ilroads during ti.e lst tadf of 19~d. 1rzegl kolej mechan 13 no.9: 257-261 S 161. KUDECKI, Waclaw, mgr-inz. Combustion tractiGn ir. L..e L.S.S.R. Przegl x1colej mc-cr-an 13 no.lOz2C-,.')-2')5 0 261. I HLOECII, Waclav., inz. mgr Traction on tno Polloh State Railroads In 1960 and lliGi. Przegl kolej mochan 13 Ja 161, 1, Dyrektor Centralnego Zarzad-u Trxkcji, Warazava. KLMECKI, Waclaw, mgr inz. Development prospects of new types of traction in tne U.S.S.R~ and on the Poliah Railroads. Przegl koiej mechan 13 no,11:321-326 N 161. MLODECKI, Waclaw, m&r_ inzo Traction of the State :-,.;.Mroads in 1961. 17zeg: =echan 14 no.1:6-9 Ja M Lf/DF 11" F I ) Vja c I a w T, a i I r, 0 Ei'~! 3 ~ ". Lf. v. " e I.L r f, :~ t f ~ t ~. r e . :- - :- z r,:? I " c I e I, I- ~ '- ". It: . - '. '- . - . 329-331 N I t,.~ . 1. -entrtilry '!'ra~ !,:!, !.,iai-8zawa. RWDECKI, Waclaw Main problems of the traction services in 1963. FT7,AgI kolej mechan 15 no.2:33-36 F 163. 1. CentraIny Zarzad Trakoji, Idarazawa. I.LWDECKI, Waclaw Traction difficultiej during the 1962/~A, winter. Przegli kolej mechan 15 no. 5: 126-133 %,y 163. 1. Centralny 7Arzad Trakcjll, -dar3zawa. MLODETSKIT, K.S. CA Sotalalistichoskogo Tnida. I '!2ray Operations of "Trudov,.il-aia" llo.5a mine on a reduced wo&.Inp. dA7 schedule and an intermittent worki W, wnek. Ugol' Ukr. 3 no.4: 1?-14 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Nachal'nik shakhty No.S-I)is "Trudnvskuya." (Aine managemont) (Cloal mines and mining) MLODETSKIY, Geroy Sotsiallstictioskogo Truda We will double the rated capacity. Ugoll Ukr. 3 no.10: 28-29 0 '59. (14IRh 13:12) (Donot(; Basin--Goal mines and mining) RIoODSTSKIY, K.S., Gero7 Sots ialist ichaskogo, TrudA Struggling for the right to be called "mine of communist labor. 4 Ugol I Ukr. 4 no.4:19-20 Ap 16o. (HIPA 13'-8) 1. Shakhta No-5-bis tresta, Stalinugoll. (Donete Basin--Coal miners) HLODETSKIT, K.S.. Clercy Sotsiallatichaskago TruAa Kiners fight for the tiltle of Oenterprise of co=unist labor.* Ugoll 35 no-110-11 N 160. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Vachallutic shakhty No 5-bis "TruAovsIwqaff. (Donate Basin--Coal mines and miningr-Labor productivity) TIASOV, Alakaendr Yefinovich-, HLODIK, Arkadiy Markovich; ILIIHA, L.A.. red.; PAIRMATOTA, H.A., tekhn. red. ["Silence! Irilming') Tikho! Idet 9"emka. 14oakwa. Goo. izd-vo 'Iskusetvo." 1960. 164 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Leningrad--Kotion-picture studios) VASILIYEVA, K.K., Icand.mad.nauk; MWDIK, M.G. Differential diagnosis of he=togenic cLissem-imted pLamonaz-y tuberculosis. Probl.tub. no,5:20-23 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry rentgonologii i radiologii (Zav. - prof. Ya.L. Shik) i kursa dets)(oCo tuberkulaza (zav. V.M. Frolova) Lenin- gradskogo pediatrichoskogo moditsinskogo instituta (dir. Ye.P. Semenova). (TUBERGULOSIS-DTAGI-IOSIS) VASILIaVA, K-1. , (Leningrad, L-5, lzmaylovskiy pr., d.1, ~CV.28); XLODJAP M.G.; FOUNA, N.A. Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no.6:16-19 N-D 16-1. 0-[" 15:2) 1. lz kafedry rentgonoloCii i radiologii (zav. - prof. Ya.L.Shik) kliniki detskogo tuberkuleza (zav. V.M.Frolova) Lemingradokogo pediatricheskogo moditainokogo instituta (dir. N.T.Shutova). (Hl-.,MOWUlONAT061i) i KWDIK M. G. p Polger's leukocyte ancmaly ir. a tuberculosis patient. Probl. tuberk. 41- ro.2:74-76 163 (I-ITRA 17:21) 1. Tz kafedry detskogo tuberkuleza (rukovoditell V.M.Frolova) i kliniki detskogo tuberkuleza (zav. - Ye.V.Milyutina) Lenin- f7rad.skogo meditsinskogo pediatricheskogo Instituta. KAMIENSKI, B.; MLODNICKA, T. Electric surface potential and surface tension of aqueous solutions of chlorowyeetin. Bul chim PAV 9 no.5:361-365 061. 1. Laborator7 of Physical Chemistry of Surface Phenomena, Cracow, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Pre- sented by B. Kamienski. (Solutions) (Surface chemistry) (Chloromyeetin) KAMIENSKI, H.; MLODNICKA, T. Electric aurface potential and aolutionm of benzhydrazide and Bul chim PAN 12 no. Is67-70 niirface t-3 Blor -A' rqu-;ui orthochlor'benzhyrirazide. 164 1. Department of Physical Chemistry (f Sur ce Phenomena, Institute of PhysicAl Chemistry, Po lish AA emy of Sciences, Warsaw. Prespnted by R.Kimdenski. H! - I ~f (,\.t, I - STAMVIGH, II.L.; HLODM, B.I.; CHMMAKOV, Z.G.; VOLIPE, G.S., redaktor; 511IRNOVA, V:A., 1,152MMILcheakiy rodaktor EVqnIcipal gas supply] Oazoanabzhenie gorodov. Leningrad, Goo. nauchno- tekhnicheskoe izd-vo neftianoi I gorno-toplivnot lit-ry. Pt.2. [Auto- matic regulators and safet7 appliances] Avtomaticheakie pribory regallrovaniia i bazapasnosti. 1950. 179 p. (HLRA 8:2) (Gas governors) (Gas-Safet.7 appliances) T,0T,'CK 9. T. lot ;Io. i-, t ic ':evices 'ur ',e,:2-1-a" or) an,~ System's ", in the book 110-progy Leriiri,,,,rad -.nd !!orco,.,r, 19~3, rs ;'12-71, 1410)OK, B. 1. Experience in uoing nnd improvIng tho RD-1)0 pro~aaure regiIntor, Onz.prom. no.9:13-17 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Preagure retulators) MLODCK, B. I.; YAROSH-TAROSIT.VSK IY, I. M~ 1, Leningrad", a new ty-pe of continuous pan water heater of great calorific power. Glaz.prom- 5 no.11:17-21 11 160. (141-RA 13:11) (Gas appliances) (Wader '-,Paters) NECFAYEV, N.A.; ISSE-III,', A.S.; :LCA)Uh, I T"1l:J?,GVA, A,,l YASf-'CHU~LZHl,'.5U.YA', tekEr'. red. [Pocket guide for tlx~ jazo ;i.,:I.ributic)n vochnik r;!jotniket ,:a7ovo -, !.o,;~iaistva. izrlat, 11 62, '~26 p, (Car dif~trilmtior,) "-,ao iii.. Iiiances) NECHAYEV, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; ISSERLIN, Aleksandr Semenovich; jj~ppqK, Boris Iosifovich; PLOTNIKOVA, Anfusa Nikolayevna; NECHAYEV, M.A.j nauchn. red.; RUSAKOVA, L.Ya., ved. red. [Handbook for workers in the gas industry) Spravochnik ra- botnika gazovogo khoziaistva. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Lanin- grad, Nedra, 1965. 430 p. (MIRA 18:7) NYUIENEEPL, Vladimir Arluid'yevich; !1..ODZEYEVSKA7A, Irina Aieksandrovna; YEFIMOV, A.P., atv. red.; FUFAYEVA, !I.N,, red.; CHISRAKOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. (Fundamental principles of the design of automO,ic broad- cast level regulators) Osnovnye polozhenila po rasr-hetu avt,,maticheskikh reFuliatcrov urovnia vesh.-hatel'nykh pe- redach. !A,,)skvh, Svlazlizdat, 1463. 52 p. (MTkA 16;10) (HadiD-_Transmitters and tran.9mistdon) a ACC NR: AP7009576 U 7: " 0 %lodze SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/66/009/005/J691/0699 0'10: ?'.') ~ yovs Ica ya A. (Candidntc Of Technical C*l0!,LrO'te,c..ow El"tro-TOchnical In Sciences) stif 7 1 TL gjr1i chesicjy in5titut svyazi)-ute Of Coununication (,,.~Oskovskly Dissertations S 0'; 'C 7: 'VU-- 2311iltelchnik., v. 70PIC T,%GS: ')' no- 5, 1966, 691-699 "ItIlUla engincerin3, rad I o SU3 COD-.'-: 17,09 cor'z~'un 1 ca C I on UST? - AC~; 'I . A-IStinE and of roclIntly dofonded .nistituto 0, Candir-4ato of Technical , diSsortations for :;Octor 0', A. CO.,1jrjUnJCa tionS. Tho ~Cj OnC ~3 trans"lis,jon 0, discrete isslra It tn) ,.,,oseo, t 10 "1,5 w C t .0 of multiple u es"1905' throu,h oro on , Ca1 sa,,11 Of an such sub4 -,"Itiplo U, go Of anton t0nna-Wav, dio Communic,ti jocts ,,s: t.,~ guide chana n,15 a-nd Con~ 'do cpanno, Ons channe: rol of ' 's in Inain J_i,o 1- .3 ; 'r, a _; S nd ra " radio ru 1"Ostiga-.i0onl of a Mult'-t,_11nk a o""'On pattOrn,; and soqo PA Tru1ti_Ch,r._,ol co ,rrrun th ana -oblofthe synchronou, MothOd Of ro,,-() iclitions -07 -- O~ 's of the constructio Ption of Z)h code Ir errors in uno n aso I" odui/Itio von quantiz Of m"It'-Channol _' t010-7-a,~,, 1~ Sig ation in commun Ustioms with . - - nals nals f,,. n and time dolay within,_, k , P channois. ication syt,,,,, ~r, 0.rin_,; 'Lor invoiti,ation systems transmitting discrot, inf ' P""'PlOs of do long rang,., and Planning of S-1gr, o,, C. - dij; . colr"alnications; transi ormatiOn' dovelop,,,, tortion Of d1sorate methods stori7od RC au'to_o,,i,, nt of Gign.l,~: an of calculating b0 ators u5,c~ 1, Cord 1/2 'vsis of methods und&r'v (cha al , racterls-,~,~- for roduo ne the CC NR: A,,7009576 A invostigration and develo0mont Mel_`~s jido band receivers; shunting diodes; of Flel and FIX ter with design of a ride band amplitude lilli ily I d beams in tolovision CRT; arbitrar . ". in dofl0c'G of field redistribution ?nonomena aborrations Of their design; usagO i.nals trans and methods nvost'gation of sone 5 I of signals; i d rrulti?14~cjr5); srno bodies for connootion Mult-joliors, rrjquer,CY d_jridors an wo do,,r0es rls with t .;ts (Hall effect 04, uW_Oscillation In sYst' C-Ircu. . a rants of the theory usage of tunno d'OG05 general olo d system, vrith dolay; SOT.,o problems Of the , arrpljfjor5 BnG of froodor, &n ors; _-porog,norativO T, ~, oquoncy in oscil-ators and frequency convert s of the usage Of varicaps 1 1 .L nnol diodes; problem, Ms of actual !-r-tor- dr,-.0otori based On tu 9 of ra6iO transmittors; and proble -ulitiplication stage, 16 t 40,100 I hasO tOlOgraphY. fi P forenco stability of P I : : : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a I I less to I VIIIJIlia A A 116 AL A_J _X& --&-A 4 N :0 A 00 00 00 ir 00 00 00 go e1; oo z 00 j 00 00 0 111111 0 0 * 0 : : 0 01ro'-w-vi 0694606949ee to 0 0 0 0 0 a #.'A" 600111110060400ONZ a is It a 19 Is a a IN Is a W a III a a 0 a a 411190 F ma Is I so I I -,- A %tl.;",L -.'. , . PMadke Of CACAO bliftioll 6,111491UNIQ Yu (orkmas - go solid N. MWem-fskayst. M441-&,lw Zkvww Vil. 9, No. R. W 14(143); CAtuaw if owdearw 31, 1171 -A study of the praduction of a cmocmsx~ butter sulmistute by hydrogcnatkmi of late or t46. lLkarfally, hydrogenated late that have the required to. p. (3(1-7*) have not the requisite and if they have she lattice the in, p. to t1so high the ptincipal (wor govrruinif the its 1, .4 hydrogenated (Ala 10 tht, (A tritt',orm. which itichm at a rclAtivrly high lettip. A giNxi vacac~ bultrr .131"Illule Must 'Ittittlin a high lu'littelkin .4 Wid 4,14. and at thor same litme must fach at it trtativrly I-ow irmp . the greater portion of the (at mcidt slum,ld th