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MLADEJOVSKY, 14irosla,,,, ot~,o, inz. Development of th-~ rqllroad network of t~-.e Ostrqvq Junction. ze I dop tech 11 n(j.1():302--'0-I, 311 163. BMRNA, J.,, KLADM, A.; PFUR, R.; PROCWKA. J. - Movocain block of tbm stellate ganglion and itellectoffr, in TrAscu- lar disorders of the upper extremities and in angina pectoris as amen on thm electrocardiogram. Lsk.listy 6 no.5:136-141 1 Mar 51. (CI,NM 20:6) 1. Of the Surgical Clinic of the Medical Faculty Branch In Hradec Kralove ("mad--Prof.J.J,3ed-rna,M.D.). 9LADM, A. Works of the national health center in the field of cardiology. Prakt. lek.. Praha 31 no. 11:255-257 8 June 1951. (CLIC 22:~) 1. Of the District Center for Diseases of Blood Vessels and Heart (Read-Docent A. 91adek. M. D.). MIAI)KK,, ~P,- - , , Cardiac resuscitation. Lek. listy. Brno 9 lo.13:293-296 1 July 1953. (CLKL 25 :1) ItYk A 0,E H, A. KUM& Circulation disorders in healthy pregnant women, patholopy and therapy. Cask. gyn. 19 no.4:280-285 July 51~. 1. 2 KUNZ. v Usti n. Labem, Odd. chor. ardeo & cov.; pro4n. Doc. Dr. A.141adek. (BLOOD CrRGULATION, in pregrancy disord., pathol. & ther.) (PREGNANCY, complications cire. disord.. pathol. & ther.) KRATOOTTVIL, Dr., MLANTY, Dr.; OODLAFA, Dr. Problem of diff,~rpritial diarnonie of non-paralytic form of polioiyelitis. Prakt. lek., Praha 35 no.17:392-393 5 Sept 55. 1. Z InfPkcPih3 oddelent (prednosta n'Dr. R!Mr, F. 'Aladek) a neurologlcke),o nddpleni (prednosta 'Mr. L. Kratochvil) OUNZ-nemocnice v Pisku. (POLIOKYE,4LITIS, differpntial diagnosis non-paralytic) %EADV,K. Arrost, Doe., Dr. On-csil led tight fit ennaiii of f ~ir, I Pft ittriovpntricular orifi~~P. Can. lok. coak. 95 nr).25-26-665-667 29 Junp 56. 1. Z kardiochirurgickebo strediska pri chirurgirkych katedrnch VLA. J. Z. Purkynp v 11radei Kralove. A.M., Podebrady, Pugnerova (111TRALT STEWISTS, surg. In tipht stAnnsin. comparison with narrnw stAnnsis (CZ)) KIADZK. A.,doc.. Dr; UUMN, Jiri. &c. KUDr Ligation of inferior 7ena cava In preparation for Intracardiac SUrg5r7. Caselskc~sk. 95 no-35:952-956 31 Aug 56 1. Eardiochirur. stradisko pri chirurg. katedrach VIA v Hracici Kralove IV. interni klin. KU v Prass. preda. prof. Dr B.Prusik A.M.Podebrady, Yugnerovs, 24/25 (HITRAL STENOSIS, surg. ligation of inferior vena cava in prop. for Intracardlac surg. 02)) (VINAZ CAVAE, surg. ligatioa of inferior in prop. for mitral stenosis surg. (Go)) 1040 nor, a- z et MIADEK, Arnont (A. M., PodebrRdy, Fugnerova 24125) PoSt-Cr)7,171tgaurotomy syndrome. Gas. lek. cesk. 97 no.4:100-104 24 Jan 58. 1. Kardlochirurgicke atredisko pri chirurpickych katedrach VIA J. I'v. P., Hradec Kralove, prednoota prof. Dr. Jaroslav Prochazka. (COMM 150, TJROTOMY, comnl. post-commiaqurotomy s7nd. (CO) MIAISK, A. Ao4ern cardiof3urgery and itg resuItfi. (;as. lek. cet1k. 97 no.38:L-k. Veda zahr.,199-204 19 sept 58. MART, surgery, review (oz)) MLADEN, Ion, Ing. Socialist competition among Rumanian planners. Manca sindic 6 no.12: 15~-18 N 62. ~ I 1. Presedinte &1 comitatului sindicatului do la Directia de sistem tizareP architecture. si proiectare a constructiilor, Constanta. j-' 0.1 ANDREICIIIN, R., d-r; KEXHLIBAROV, T.; MLADENOV, At. A devica for simultaneous recording of solar radiation intensity in various spectral regions. Izv fiz atom BAN 11 no.1/2:49-58 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia "Izvestita na Fizicheskiia Institut s ANEB" (for Andreichin). - -I , ". 3(,r '' , - ..3 . If , - " 1, :~,, -. r . - , .. I ~ . 7-, '. I , ."I-- '3 I I . MLA-DE11OV, B., inzh; DIMOV, D., ir~zh. Rational utilization (,f existing emgineering structures ir. ordinary bui-Idings for protection against modern nuclear weapons. Stroitelstvo 10 no.5130-31 S-0 163. 2c Vol. --~Cf . -T I . ). f . . I cnv-.-r 7~- . ' F ' ~ : ', -I( , . ~ I I ., ," " . 1 4 11, .., - . . I , . , ~ I I ~ . I I .,i - - - , - : , f, T y 1411ADEMVP I., inzh. News in television receivers. Radio I tele-rizlia 1-1 no-4:1-11-21" ";. rs"V:I~Ovb Progress made in industries for weak-current equipment. Mashinostrc-,ne U no.7/8:44-45 JI-Ag 162. . ., I - I I . I . I I - MLADENOV, Ia., inzh.-khim. zl- Artificial ripening of tomatoes. Prir i znEnLe 15 no-1:15-16 Ja 162. MLADENCV, Isidor From Angstr6m to the parsec. Nauku i takh r4ladezi. 14 no.8:32 Ag 162. mf-tho -1 r r-,Pp( gWA(C JD/GG -(t)/EW IJP(C) L`434 n)/EPF(n)_2/T/EWP P(bV SOURCE COOS: HU/6611/65/6187662166-97-76165 AUTHOR: Kirov, Ks; Bandarmallyeva, Ye.; Madenov, 1. ORG,. EUsics Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Fizichaskiy institut. Bolgar akadavdi nauk) TITTE: Recombination processes in CdS during OC-partiele excitation SOURCE: Bulgarske akademiya, no. naukite, v. 18, no. 2, 1963, 97-1 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor theory, cadmium sulfide, single crystal, free electron, e: tron recombination, alpha particle, exciton, electron trapping ABSTRACT: IRuss ion _sriti i~l;j' i4ilo- 'the. count in!r_ i)-ropert i .e3 of CdS monocrystals are fairly well known, the problem of recombination of the free electrons excited by the ionizinp-particle was studied rather casually. Since the ,ionization density is very lorrp, one %uy expect some Deculi3rities oe compared, iWith excitat .ions by photons and, consequently, the aufhor studied on a pulsed: 080illOSCOP13 (range 1-7 14c) the shape of t~o current pulse during the irradist .one by PC1210 4% norticles. Such vC particles were able to cross the 10-20 /Am thickensm of the crystal and produce 'conduetion channels@, bbilo 'j .within the -30 to +35 00 interval the pulses seem to,fol~ w. quite well ~tha. curves dascriboblo by tho.quadratic low rocombination-equatio.n ACC NR# All AS,.-, magnitude ot, tiho'current nulse, k free alaotron-hols recombination'-' ,,G aii-dFai-t-i- W651t1_0_4s_g-r`ee_, _tsipotatuios 'of 9bou_t_-1__5_0'-b-*-_ --of trap fill irig thin pulse: acquired a ali!jpa shown Olin- Fir.3 7" ea W" It ic no4sible that here the concontratio n of-fine.trano is comparable withi the concentration of excited tsy then stfect tho'l age a fast nort of -the pyl,ae./ work was nt dby 0. Nadzhakov, I Nov 64. Orig. S111 aA. haii- 3 formulas, 3 graphs. L'JK-,S SUB CODE: SS SM DATE: 01O*t64+ OTH REF: 003, SOV REIN OW Card 2/2 KLADENCV, IA., inzh. khim. The constitution of matter. Prir I znanie 12 n,.).10:22-23 D 159. MEAI 9.10) (Matter) MLADENOV, IA. Transmutation of chemical elements. PrIr i tnanie 13 n,).3:19-20 14r 160. ( EEA-I 9: 10 ) (Transmutation (Chemistry)) VaiLDE11OV, IA., inzh Metal corrosion. Prir i Enanie 15 no,5:21-22 .1-1y 162. WLADENOV, IA., inzh.-kLim. Production and importance of the coal-tar chemical plant. Prir i zanale 15 no.8:1-4 Ag 162. I 1,11ADE _,-.','0V, Ia., jrz:,. Probl,!~cao of ~! 4- -.1 . . , , - : i !-) r1r. ';',' 1, , I . ; 1; i":( I -', -F. " , ! , ~';',ko i ~ rvas I elva , I- . , 0~ e c v e tildying, co'-,"ph t..4 L)j 11 t,y C, Icortait. bok-lady 116 w. P~ fan Ov ';ote , re~-entee j,ar re ia or. iiolgarskov Akqc'err... nau,. oi7j,t,-!.q renlii~, -;e bu I gare dl~ 01"'Ce B "IADENOV, inz:l. What one r-.n O.-DIL-bin from petroleum today. PrJ~r ~~ znan:e 24 0 '63, r[IKOLINSKI, P~; ?~WENOV, IV.; DRAMOV, S.; TEPEUK1911 M. On obtaining nitroalcohol and nitrobutadiene, Godishnik ',rhtm teky, 6 no,,2!95-106 159 (Publ, 1~ v ' 84 S V/4 G :!CX 9 PHASE I 13OCK F"LQITA V_ t 0 International ayllposl= Ol, -,Omolec"~r anealstry. Moscow. > 1960. p9 kni-It ass ftezhdunarodnyj stmpozluom 14-13 Ifunf, 190, g. M fb:kv~; 0, Mi c a r . so tal III.1 1961 i P~P- - 1 -4 J' 11 -Z - A~BC- d in Chaalatr7 H. Z . t _ To AN SS~i~R ~ % P` c ! t . S1 c 10 1 I I.rle; 1 plan rin t e, . 469 p. 000 cc p 5. 1< 'ecla. Ed. : P. 3. KAShIn.. Unlon of ?Urv Applle Sponsoring Agency: Th"Intemitic,- d Chemistry. C-to on an st PIMPOSS: Tra t)ooA for ~ _iat- -n In poly 'a Of hLl6n zzecular aeritation reaotlon. nd the sy, =-s- Compu.nds. CTERAaEt This is Section III of a ~'tlvol~c war* centiln- C Ing papers on miacrcmolec,ular general deal with tme k,,netloa of pzlymerl-_31.1,~n re-tj~-,, the sjrnth.sle of pcL~-.r3, ..g., ebangs resins, 64=1zonductor mster's_'3. etc.. ~ftt_ ftlyzIng polyc:arlx~tlon re-ti-3. -~POrtle3 A-1 interactions of' t~. of 4 fikctors d.&r It", If serious . t "nel. lash I.rc cm I u : O, anr.Io tt- a Rafarancas &I, U. , U. N 3 711 J.X, ~'L R ?a styrene a a Percnorv~_,-. aribkov, (USSR). 184 rh-J. Fol-Tax16. 3 Unto 1. nd 1. Gil (h-giry :;rlft-ng w1t!1Y- P!=-rYlnte nto Lm of To ~rn_Y_l Al..."I Cn_-er the Action of I-Raja 107 TY_ z 1 R. R~ d n l r - t f ~ 44 t hy I_~Crylat. C~1, Pz_',-p,opy~'~ne n_ sthjlere 214 A., 2~ _2.1_ - cr Itubber. ditn p.1y.-Id.. _j 224 _d T. n,3 H--ml,6 'USSR), -m-do. R.. -1 -he F_e ~r tt" 3-um. or Pro. R~dlz~lm on In ::u A, am. Styrene R-tcrn -I. n- 4t- Ir -xt Under tn. Action ~f G-, Ito go ~ I I . - A. . V. A . D, r. I I S. n T Z -Yang, w.nd sy't.%-13 f I.. C.lW -tl-a nT_Z)tn, J,-,2 1 M t 9. iytnc.l. ~f Oxides of NIt-g- ~10 YL- Mo.- nk Y- AP11 1j I , V &:_r~ I v 1co imr -rr -1o , 1 , 5r ~ tion During trie Free-Ird 5 r I m s ~ PledIfIca-lon or tni rr-p -'. by zr.ftl~d 8 1609 .AUTHORS 31, 1 ) o,, 60 2,/,J 2 / 08 /(J 1 1 BCj4/30t)*, _Dogadkln, A Idladen'ov, I_ Tutorskiy, 1. A IWO " 1 . - --- -_ TITLE Conversions of .qrboxilutel Bitadiene-styrene hubbers UnIler the Action of ',azma :ta,!iation i EiiIODICAL Vysokomollulyarnyye ooyedineniya, 1)oO- Vol N, ~-) pp 2'~9-264 2, TEXT Carboxylatpd butidione-Btyrene rubber with 50% of styrene, 1 30 and 1.6VA of methacrylic acid; 50% of styrene and 2 86 or 5-45% of methacrylic acid were lrradiat~,d as G 5 mm thick films in an argon atmosphere with 0.0~~; of oxy6,--ri from a C066 source of the type X -20 (K-2c. with 0. 1 - 50 Yr The followings were determined -,n tne irradiated f3ampleg. numiber of the renainin,-) carboxyl -rouj.,~ ., 1 ;,, 1, Table 1); _,e I entent ( Fi,~,, 2, fable 2) ; viscooity of' the ~rlrje fraction ~Fie, maximum awelling in benzene or aiethylethylketone (Fife 4); and the f..rraation of cross-links (FiK ~. Table 5) The results are as follows Under the effect of gamma rad,,ation a 1-9s of carboxyl ~?,roupG ocCurs, Card 1,,2 I - 81609 Conversionn of Carboxylated Butadiene-atyrene 3/190/60/002/02/'08/011 Rubbers Under the Action of Gamma Radiation BO04/BO61 which ic particularly heavy with a small radiation dose The connection observed between the quantities of gel formed and carboxyl groups consumed indicates a complicated proneas of structure formation and destruction, The latter in seen in a decrease, especially rapid with small dosee, of vigcoeity of the brine fraction Inteneive interlacing is caused by raising the methacrylic acid content, There 18 a linear relation between the number of carboxyl groups and the number of cross- links formed, The number of cross-links calculated from the data of the swelling agrees well with radiation doses of up to 20 Mr with the number calculated from the carboxyl ~roupa consumed There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 6 references 3 Soviet and ~ 93, ASSOCIATION. Moskovskiy inotitut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologil ~moscow institute of-Fine Chemical, Technology) SUBMITTED November 12, 191)9 C ar d 2 /2 IIIKOLD13KII P.; BOIADZHIEVA, T9.j MLM":OV, Iv.; SHIPCIINI, R. Uncovering certain organic acids In vulcanized rubber b7 pap3r chromtography. Godishnik khim tekh 7 no.1/2:37-50 160 [publ. 1611. DO(',ADF,II!, B.; IV.; TMAISKI, I. Char.~,es in the -arbc-- -'ene rubberz n7~(d yl-ccntzaining but--dicne-styro. their mixture--: -Ath 6-aprolactan under the action of ray-as. Godishnik khIz, telch 7 no.1/2:51-63 160 [publ. 161). IUAMTOV, Iv.; NIKOLIRSKI, P.; VEIZHEVA, 1. Possibility of using the DI=itrovgrad bentcnite &a the &c-Are fi-"e= of the 1-+-T sponges on the basis of T-revertex and standard revertex. Gcdishnik khim tekh 7 no.1/2t241..250 160 [Publ. 1611. ]Kf P.; V) IV. Obtaiwing the ;,,uxlfjed fillini, chlorinated nubbOr frOr. waote products. GWinhnik'khim teA 7 no.1/2:2,,-.'-Z'," LI-Ub-~ . I r", I - I'IADE.':DV p 1-7. ; KC-LAROV , N. Ch.--,r-,r ter-'~ s~.i --, of the met-rLl-' - hyd--Os(-,If, obt---" n , d '~- ~ , *- .1. ~- 7 , _ , ~ - method with the aid of the vibrating electrode. I!. 1cdjz',.nLk, t;ikh 7 nrj.1/2-.~5~1-26F 160 [pibl. 101]. J204/.,307 1. and, '~'utor :-iy, i. Y IYL-` C-1-1 tl~c ci- C-,F; il", t!l lactax?, u-,,(~cr tliQ action of Lury, ;,111-miV,1 1.G 1962, 6, ~i st-,-act 102, 1960 , :,oc):- I "n(I 2, 1961 (.)c:). 1962) , -I-) -ir cont n a,, w~ t a~'i c ne tyrc ne i--,: ~D .,c,;,:; -irra(' 'iatec, fror,,. a t~o 0 sGurcc w1it'l-i do-scs o.-' O."L i:~c:,,irdiiL Losses o" carbo-..:Yl~-c ,roui-)s wero particularly .,c lew doses proces ccc-..rf: as -, rrsult 0~-- a also accomDan-4cd so"Ic. mechallism 'Alich is relation c).ists 'Detween the amount o~ carboxylic grrj,.i,)s IC,3-, -:.,c~ radiochcmical yield. Duri-n,,f the -'rracliatio-a of a o1- cLrDc,,Vi- Card 1/2 On t'.-Ic charrfcs . . . 3/007/~, 2 r. 4 0 7 late ru~),-)cr with c Of the r-L-,bL)c-r is 0,)Scrv,~- amount o~ caprolacica-m adcc(~ on V,Lri(,,,i-; Coses o- rac c::a"- a 'trUCZIQn OL ~GnLCC , . ---- ~ imum . is ascri:D( t0 CI(L, tam, .,rith evolution of nitroren. ,~-,-L)stracter'r note: tcanslation2 Card 2/2 ,/,,I/62/OOo/014/032/039 B1661/B144 Nikol n,ki, p-, GrozI01(OvI P' nd qC ,Ilacenoll, rubber a al between nat,r jnhan, ing the compatibilitY "1T1 -50 (5~15- 5o) 0. 14, 1)62, 6-,,, O"tract 4, n j, v. 2, no. i,,I,,r,tivnjy zhurna kauchuko pl,Btaias obuv,' (KOZ11, 19619 6 - 6) (densItY U*)'5"'' old rubber from tires The PJroly"s product of cositj .,6, boiling p .oint ~,ngl r "s t at 15()OC' and ,,,ine nuoib,r 116.0, izea by blOwing air or 02 through 1 ene- j of kv- NO anc butgal 20 1.~142) was oduced into a I and mechanical this was intr icizerIV The physill nizatell 'than those Of vulca 4) as a plast better (6 Goftener. The ,ty,,,,, rubber vulcaniat" ar% the 2ropertie 5 of such .16 or unoxidized oil a9 hysical and containI ng atearic a ,,at quantitY gives the beat P plastic' zer which in Card 1/2 Enhancing the compatibility ... 06 1/ 6 2GO 13/0 14/ 0 B166/3144 mucrianical properties is that extractua from the vulcanizate by an alcohol-toluene mixture. -Abstracter's notes Complete translotion. Card 212 MLADENOV, Iv.; ABAZOVA, Iord.; NIKOLINSKI, F. Studies on the activity of the Bulgarian silica gel as a filler in rubber industry. Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.2:63-71 161 [puta. 1621. 110~'- 2 ~204/ 307 V. a r,d N. ru noh i nK o f ,o I u-,,, z--' ~ c., i ris la o.-, their combinlr.,, r, b loc,< arol i n !iolu- t i Ci L J ;Iefurtit,,vrpj rful"eten, boli7arsiroy ra_c;r..,.oy I -a t U.'y k~%1:7.~. -fit ioymetriyl methacr~-.ate and po I c, Drdl.CJ7,Ua C,'~ZjZ,S We fe t e S t j(1 f,.~ r j;,UtU[~_ C M at r. power with ~oljvinyl ~c,3tate (eIA, _r_l natu-~i r, 1, 1 C) Ck- f 0 rm ul.u i r, oo u t i c, r. . '.'~.e CC, Mb 1 r, 1nOWIL, ~C".,_,,Ona ~benzene and chlorolom) was 4ssessed oy the measure.,ment of apecific viscosity. PNM poosessing branchad chains was far more ,.ar,l 112 r- Uunce of kin, I, of cu:i.patibie wi th, JIb wi th brari(;nea nnai tim and nat it rai ruui-r tne iinear ij t nc- L,. b 1. 1 i o-, i ,i t, i., - C, with va-,C)r-zaa sovor.-.. a ciiazber ~r-i a ro 4-- rvt--a from tlzj to n patcres mfii ,u if ':.e s is I.Ot t four.a ChLln r,~;, ac'ef, "'ut a""- a C, 'L L. JA COM PZ. r I S 0 r1 eL Fi Q,; . T h e a S j.:i ascribe-, to rteric factors. :'nere are 2 fii--urvs. L' Arj~~tll~c- to;.-Is notes L;oznplete tranalation, 212 MLADENOV, I.; NIKOLINSKI, P. A possible Increase in the compatibility tetween choroprenic and butadione-styrene rubbers. Doklady MO 14 no.5:483-485 '61. 1. Submitted by Academioian D. Ivanov. (Rubber) 31 o0 716 2/01D 010'~21rj 10/(-) 112 Itilcolinski, il., 1.1adenov,_ 1. -and i,hod.-cv-.:LcIi, i '2ITLL -'reparation and properties OZ poIF""Iers )asc(~ on :_)utadiene-nitrile --.Tld polysuLfide r-u~~L)cr P,-I'IIC)DIC,~L: Icferativnyy byiilleten' 3ol~-arslcoy ,_ucl.noy Litccri- 0 tury, I\Arimiya tcl~hnolo,-iya, no. 2, 1962, 8, abstract 114, Kozhi, o',_)uv'.,i, I-a-tich-Lik, plastmasi 3, 1962, book 1, pp 7-9 (3u1,,,., .,u--. ~Unmarics~ T ','he authcrs -)rc--arc(I a mi-~e(l from nitrile ru')13cr .1KH -40 anc! Ichiol-ol (-)olyconclcnsa~ion _)rc, d,Lict o-- dichloroe-chane with '.a :,-cL,/FuLfidc) talcon i-a the r.luio o- 3:1 -,rithout -)rc-purification Ifrom anti-agei-ag compounc:s ar,(! sul-l'.r, by comOined Olasticization unucr Jurin~ rollin.,~ ~01- min at roLLer tem-)cratures of 20-600G, 86-,j of thi~'_.ol com,bines nitrilc rub:-,er. 'jhe mixed pol_ymcr dissolves to the extent of 93,~ in acetone at 200C, over 24 hours. '~hc adhesiveness of tl,,is )ro( uc (on av r-ge 1800 g/cm) and stablLity w.r.t. solvents are 13cttor Ca ~2 13/oo 62/0(j (j/0(, 2/0 16/,,, 1. Lliose o;f a mixture Of rub")cr arl~' thiolco (-o i. institute institilt Technology)) Z--Abstracter's note: Complete translation-7 Card 2/2 3/00 62/002/002/3~-9,/JJ~2 D205Y~)307 AUTHOIRS: Ni1xLins'--i, ~'. ind ',~Ladenov, -1. -- T '2he preparation of ZilLcr-frcc chlorinatc,.~-! ri-i6uer from vulcanization waste -1,cferativiiyy JyulLetc-n' 3olgars*.-.oy raauch-,oy Litcra- tury, 1"himiya i '-Iiimiche~;Ifaya tej~hncloriya, vo. 2, 1962, 8, aL)~,Lract 113, God. -Lekhnol. in~111. 7, 1960, book 1-2, 1961 (Dep. 1962), -),) 2-~1-25i, Uius. and -'er. summaries) I-'hlorinaLcd ni~)bor is )ro(lucc(', !)Ni Llic o L c rum.)ed vulcaniz,,tion wastcs, suspen~cd in ~;~~Jj, in tlie _, of a halogren carrier, with chlorine passe(I through at ari odtimin velocity of 30-35 1/hr ~)er liter of suspension. The ci,lol-'inatio-.. is carried out at the ~).P. of CC141 760~ ' using a ratio o1' rub.)er of 20:1. The product contains most of thc components of t.kie rub~)cr mixture, exerting in -wifworable effect on the quality of chlorinated rubber coatings. 1,'enoval of soot from thc Card 1/2 -~/O 2 Yiie orc )-lratio-a of fillcr-fr,:!e d2051~,307 0, 7 solution in i,,k~l, ta,~es -,j.ace )y tLc .)i-ccipitation c c LC up fr,~Ction (D .P. 1,0-17(,0'') and hea~:in,, to ~iO-600u. ~!Iiloro-ruIj.c,~- L,~ isolated from soot-frec 'Liltraue ~)y tlic -I, i: The sc,)arated soot is re-activated !)y heating to 2-56-4000~,. Varn'is n- es prcDared on the "Dase of the chluro-rub')cr obtaincu- ncc(d noi: ;)e I-ess than 30,j plasticizer. Bofia, K'himiko - tc-1-1-hno log i cli ic ski y ins-zi.- tut (Sofia, Institute of Clic-mic.%l Tcchnolo~,:-V)) Z-,,,bstracter's note : Complete translation-7 lard 42/2 nc, D-C i-lon MADENOV, L. MIADEIK.'V, L. New machines for the lumbering industry. p. 28. Vol. 5, no. 9, 1956 TEZHKA PRO1,9SHLEILST TEMOLOGY Sofia, Bulgaria So: East European Accession, Val. 6, no. 3, Mar. 1957 ACC NRt AP6026950 -_ ----SOUR.CE-CODE LJR/0 1-15-/66-/000/007/0060/0063 AUTHOR: Khristemov, D. M. (Bulgaria); Madenov, L. P. (Bulgaria) ORG: none TITLE: Faraday wattmeter SOURCE: lzmeritcl'naya tekhnika, no. 7, 1966, 60-63 TOPIC TAGS: wattmeter, power meter ABSTRACT: The Faraday electromagnetic -pump principle is applied to measuring electric power. Both pipe open-ings of such a pump are included in one closed system (see figure) whence the ponderomotive is balahced against the hydrostatic head due to the difference in liquid (mercury) levels in the two arms of the U-tube. Essentially, the inz,trument is a reactive-power meter. By connecting it to a circuit normally upied for measuring reactive power by active-power meter (vars by wattmeter), the new inntrument can meatiure active power. It also measures d-c power (with diffk~ rent ca I i b ration) .Ita claimed V Ca-rd. - -1 / 2 ---UDC-: 6 z i _. 317. 7 8 4 ACC NR~ AP6026950 advantages; direct measurement of large power (no shunt or currerit transforrn(-r able (suitable for chemically aggr,,,,*,'e or needed), linear scale, hermeticallY s(-'al large consumption, tropical conditions), has no moving parts. Its disadvantages; 12 formulas. sensitivity to tilt, low accuracy. Orig. art. has. 3 figures and SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE. none / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 00 1 Xc,Wl 1:1 1,~)L 7n ~(~ dr ) I , c I I.., " LA LE rX jV, '~Iaden, inzh. Submerged three-phaje asynclironous electric ,..o*,ors fcr centrifugal pumps. Elektroenergiia 1~ no. ~: 2?-2F F 64. 1 . "G. Dimitrov" L;tate :/achine-Bulidinj- Fac ory, "'Air. MLADENCV, N.) inzh. The rationalization movement in labor conscription. .'rats-"onal-Izataiia no.2:7-11 162. KLADENOV I N. . inzh. Ratiomlizers in tide front ranks of labor conscription. ?-at3ionaii4atsiia no.7:16-18 '(2. N MLADEKOV, Naideln P., inzh. Retal propping material for narrow ditchea. Ratsionalizataiia 11 no.8: 18-19 161. (Construction frares) MIADENOV, Ploiden F. inz,- , Z., ~ '- :; 4 ~ ,, Device for tl~,qtlng i--(i Ultll n0.10'.18 T62. ,e~,,ka i t,kb 'Ila-dez' MLADlaiuv, 3.y d-r .1 1-4 ~ juU5,3-e, fittero " The secret 01 ,,.c).6-8 S 162. 1 I.- C VC, 2 1 1: L d: c o r1 0~ -.Cr L: ~ L -. . C.1 1 L ur-cr cn,,,-,: , LcLivj~y in t:l _i C? rv c~ c :Zvolin - C)N,O and, ca L a:.c! , a c - :-C C, s, . cu s 0 ca L ! (Dr, r,, va:- -.ICIT~- that a - t t ~- c a ac Ic wa rovoa y . t: c C"ivi cc, , , C L i G :-vc . 0: US i o:~. ".oferenc (..anuscript received, 27 Aug 6 es: I~Ovjet and !I 6.) R1,107, Yo , IT,ZYj.; IAM 07, 511. , 1--r. KleCtl'--T~ iC aid I r (,, flurgr,,77. ! alika i to kh 7.iladezh 15 r.( t- Je '63. 1UL.ADEVOV, Sto, mash. tekhns Valve seat repair. 'i;-jkhr,-kA 2 no.4.7~-.3.' Ap :53. I ',',LAjENOV, S. "Constructive Foms and Calcu-1ation of the 6e~ups for Electric -Jel-iing." p. io, (TEZHKA PR,~JiHi.&1406T, Vol. 3, No- 1, i95i4, ~ofiya, Bulgaria) 6,-: ~.onthiy List of East European Accessions, (=,AL), )'-C, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955o Uncl. MLADENO", 5t. 9 mqn. t.~?k hn i k Toleranc-ig and as-emL-.age. ',~kr,nika BUIR 3 n,). 3, /1-~4 Mr '54. MLADF-f: V , ~;~ - ; , , , , ~0 ,,r, . . , , , r. r., . TfDO'nikli ll-~ - i7 4 1- i"A n .! ~ ! ,, ! , ~ , - - ",;! " ~~ , ~ ; - 1 -1 t1i " , ID j0 ."c C(' L;5 ur 30: !ontl-...y -nc! MLADENOV, ST. Metalizer for the Rec nst-uction of Marhine Parts. The 9ujga-ian Heavy IndustrYo 3:55:Mar 55 -1c r .testc r,t c r Ac' n 7, (-,c rii, rt~,!; MUDD= 0 S. KLADE21OV, S. Restoration of worn-out conic roller bearings. p. 19. Electrochemical oxidation of aluminum and Duralumin details. p.20. Vol. 6. no. 3, Mar. 1956 RATSIONALIZAISHA Sofiya, Bulgaria SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. 1956 I-a ~. "~ I I, ., . 1. , I. -I,. , en 1r ear , r. ; '! . t ,,I . (, r I ax! - ." '- . 9 9 ; . I I , .1. . . . t.,.i -: uc,.- .1, -,): t - 1. : L : ;, , : : . )1,~ -.- . I ~ I . 1 1. 1 'CADF' S. I SN6V P "Kaking steel palchos for cracks in rhasis." p. 28 (Ratsionalizatsiia) Vol. 7, no. 6, June l)57 Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessi-)ns (EFAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1?58 ~-!. IIJiv for boring plates of suF,!-ort1n,, earin,, of D-350 C~ev~l r,-tor tr-ick" I p. 24 (Ratsionalizatsiia) Vol. 7. no. - S-Pt- 1'57 Sofiia, Bul,-aria 30: Monthly Index of r~a-qt e-uropean -'ccesiions 0!..-~JU) I";. Vol. 7, no. 4, ;i.pril 1-;158 S. Restroration of worn-out-spring, clamps. C!,iint-rig t-he c-,.)s.'5 rest *,.e,'ng t-Dol of the 'laiPfr-t lafhe. pages 23-?h (;iP.TS:)tlALIZA'"Sl'lA) lol. 7, no. li-~, ~)rt. 1957, 30fiia, 3ulgaria SO: Mon hly Index of Fast European Accessi,ria LC, VoL. f, No. 3, March 1958 I ! .: , : I , . I I EIAPP-1-UY, S. 'M,'IrIT(LCGY Periodicals: TEZHKA !T,(,MI.'A!LLNU9T Vol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 19~," 14LADENCV., S. ff--storat.ion of worn-out machine p2rts t~irouF- electric v;eldinp. P.33. Monthly List of East Europe2n Accessions (EEAT) LC, Vol. 0 f 140. ~p Ma~v IQ59, "ncl2!-,s. J. AGril:~ULTUA- Periodical No. 9, Sept. 195b. 1,U-Ai)v,N')V, 3. rieconditicming worn-oki, parts by netaliic coating. P. 31. Monthly List of 6ast 6uropean Accessions (r;z~AI) LC, Vol. 8, no. ), '.Ia,-ch, 11?~q. Uncl. a . . Iy . I . I . I I . t . I I ~9ADMOV,St,. An dev--13e for *.tp c,it-ir.4 Df' thin-vall-d -,ip,-S. R-.6hinostroe-ne 1-1 nc,'~-' 41;-43 0 1w. BICHOKOVSYJ, IT., inzh,; MLADFITOV, St. Device for inspecting the wholeness of the rotor axels of the asyn- chronous electric motors. Ratsionalizatai-ia 11 no.'?:20-21 '61. (Electric motors, Asychronous) KHRISTCFV, G.; MI-ADENOV, St._ Bee honey in surgical practice. Anti-microbial properties of honey. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 14 no.10:937-946 '61. 1. Vissh meditainski institut, Sofiia Katedra po mikrobiologiia Zav. katedrata* prof. Sv. Burdarov. (HOM pharmacol) i3iCHOKOvSKI, IV Devico for' IU; Ir rip - no.7:20-21 62. ", inzh. At MLAD~Nqy ~,- Dev-ices for the - -22 162. no 8.20 ;,;,j z aci, I p -tai:a nt of artificia-1 respiration- t3jonajjz~p improv6me NUMIV/ , St.) A ne'.1 ar-, 5 1-i I" -. : ,I -, : , 1, * Rat3l Ionaj :iZa t 511 a - 7-, -1 - ~7 ~ ~ gabarit aa~,rc- - - 141-ADEIIOV, St., inz)). Suspended conveypr for 1,aInt2n.r, SlzPs 4 hn~ r, of A,-- el-,zrtrc motors. Maahinostroenc-,- 12 no.5:38-4(i My '63. !~LALIFIJOV, ~,'t.l d-r, k-and. na sip-i,,ts~n[3'nite nauki Preservin,- 01' be~ t-OneY- i'r~ rrlda -`- 9 - -' no. ~; ' - ", 1f 3. :., I-'. DE I T( V , s t . , -, r. Z.. . (;ro()-., i ne f ~ ~rj jl,)~ : t.' '-l' - ' -; - ' r '-., ~ j ', -" - :'- - : - , / 4 ',i, machinris. ~- I W. 1 1. 1 1 :'h ~ 141 Hi " '~' , - - - ' - rjnV , St. , inz-h ~ , MIL A DF " ' '. - - r ..". - -. * , --, ~,- -. - s , - r.,~ I I - * ` '- '- '~ I I i I - . . Moderni "-I , C ' "-~ -~ , 'I, - blorks of e I f'r f 1 '3 1 or al I za 15 ~,' 3. 1,UDF2;OV, Stolwip Ci rrni la r wj 1, o . RL t r T, P, ~.!, .* -,: o'. ", . ~., - . . I , . " . . 1 11 it ~ ACC NR '6280-6- SOURCL CdD3: BU10011165/018116il[fol+ /io 9 C'aadpnov, S_ Department of AnatorW, Higher -Institute of Nedicine. I tl- TITL,: Histochardcal. investigations on the 2Ezyr6 activity in the nodes of Ranvier SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukito. Doklady, v. 18, no. U, 1965, 1047-1049 TUPIC T4VS: enzyme, histology. muron, cholinosterase, neuroloMr, biochenistry A3S7,J.ACT: Gorobrtzoff presented earlier (see, e.g., Ann. Histoch. 9, 1964 a, 209-210; 11 Conforentia anatomica ot Ustologicat, So, 1965, p. 10) histochondcal dononstration of the existence of high chql5meqteraA-)~ictivity localized in a ring near and around the axon in the nodes of Ranvier after using Triton-,X-100 as detergent. 11o identifiedi this ring with the strm*ture described by A. Neminoff (arch. mikr. Anat. 72. 1908, 757-606)o Furthermare, he described the preepance of high alkAlino phosphataaa acti- vity in the form of a bridge situMod, in b.-,. &=n, in the cono of tbA node* The P". I sent paper seeks to expUla the nature of the colortne, observed in tho nodes@ It dea-1 cribes the mmtl%ad used ad the resuIts obUlnede Altheugh it could not be proved beyond any d4W* that the eaUrim observ" In the -11-14 phoophatitse Pmperations is not an artAfm% daft frm samtml pm Pations seen to contradiat EvAh an inter- pretatime ThU pqw'ms pmwastfAd Cmesepwding N mbe D Kadamw JV2Y &M Eiia'g 2%A; 36. 1965. orig. ;9 OrIge 4rte lu suB c=-, o6 MFS 013 Card 111 t-IADE'NOY, ST,~,-Iiu, . A i ~ w . i~ i -~f . . , - ~ . ': . . I - ~ - . . ~ I - I .. - ~ L ..J. . -1 1 1 - :. . I - , -, -, -i. Riit!310r~iL I Zrit;3' !;-i , ~ [,i~. , ; - -' I- , KOSEVp S.; 4.- WADENOV, V.; CHONEV, I. Precast elements for earthquake-resistant apartment houses in Bulgaria. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no-8:381-383 Ag 161. OURA 14:8) (Bulgaria-Earthquakes and building) (Bulgaria-Precast concrete construction) MUDENOV., V., inzh.; MATOV, P., inzh.; ILCIIEV, V., inzh. Hechanizatior in building equal to new tasks, Stroitelstvo 10 n0.1:25-28 Ja-F 163. BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Arplications. Electrochemical Industries. Electroplating. Galvanic Cells. Abs Jour i Ref Zhur-Khtmiya, No 61 1959t 2010C Author t 1.,_:ladeaoy. Ya. Inst Title Shiny Nonporous Nickel Plating. Orig Pub Rekhnika (B"lg.), 19589 71 No 61 35-37 Abstract During the application of multi-layer H coatings (Ni-Cu-Ni) on an object, the latter is first scoured (chemically or electrochemically), then cleaned in HC1 or H2304, and nickelplated in a sulfate- chloride electrolyte; the thicknesn of Ni Card NLA-DF-nV, Z.M. Relation of sex and seasons to certain Aysiological characte- rigtics in birds. Zhur.obshch.biol. 16 no.4:?85-290 JI-Ag '55. (KIAA 8: 11) 1. Institut eksperimental'noy voterinArnay maditainy Bolgarskoy Akademit nauk, Sofiya. (CLIKAT?T. off. of seasons & sexual activity on bones & Blood in h I r(~S ) (SEXUAL BT-RA710R, off. of sexual activity & seasons on bones & blood in birds) (BIRDS, off. of soasona & sexual activity on bones & blood) (qONr TISSUM, physiolop_v, off. of seasons & sexual activity in 'Ards) (BWOD, physiology, off. of snasons & sexual activity In I)irds) III 'LG. -RD./ Human jnd Aninrii hysiui,)[;y - Biood. V-3 Abs Jour Ref 7Jiur - Bioi., No 4, 1958, lW214 -.uttior Z., t-aadenuv Inst The Institute of ExnerijaeaLal Veterirvry Medicine of tne Buigirian txadeiay of !"ciences. Titie oeazonai, :~,eyual and Age ChanGes in the Blood of the Domest"Lc Duck. Orig Pub Izv. In-ta eksoerin- vet. ined. B'.Lg-ir. AN, 1956, 4, 1.-)5- .Liq - Abstract On 350 ducks and duckiings 1127 determinations were run of erythrocyte count and 9-L7 of Hb level. The eryLnr,.;cyte count of from December to My averaged 2-1,qiu,0CK, per mm3, and the Hb level was 8u.5%. The corresponding vr"ues for the period June throu4i Noveraber were 2,bL.,v00 and 76.8). In feiiiaies the average (for a year) erytitr-,cyte Card 1/1- -pnys 10 r-f - B~ood- ,3,; 1958, JOur iief -hur 1,1,tlden:,v .0-.LIC 11~ 111~ .,utnor V'2ter.11 The In,7-titute of f .'C'.ellces - Inst Bulf;,grian ,.Cadeuq ', - )' L-ie and .,Zc n the B-i-o)d Dowle~~t ic Gno';c - -V 'In e, - 'led 13 v.,~ 1,Lb januirJ ed. it 4,j) geese I)ece,, 'r- e tn r ,!..bstract a ~nd 111ver"":r i'e,,g~-~e wz':'~ throuf4l yte c _nt erytUrtDc ,e 1. WE: ,ere In the oti.rd -/ ,, r a i, a ry - 1214 I- 1i U LC;i',. 1, IA P . 1, _ELO P I T" V, V. VA-' ' L _"VdNLA D E"- OVA , C I L y . lo ~% p i t a I I (,, r R) t i C Fever of Children (G:adska detska prot ivorevmat ichna bo In itsa , , ~%i:dica I Director (glaven lek.jr) P. BELOPITOV; and Scientific Institute t(,r Pediatric Research instiLut po Tediatriya), Director (direktor) :it. KOLAROV, Sofia.', "Serum Penicillin Concentration During Preventive 'rreatment of RhCuniatic Fever with the Long-Acting Penicillin Preparazion Benzacillin.' Sofia, Suvremanna Meditsina, Vol 14, 'No 5, 1963; pp 44-47. Abstr-act: Tests with Bulgarian-inade benzathine penicillin, dissolved in special penicillin solvent of State Dru,, Control Institute (Durzhaven kontrolen institut za lekarstvenia sredscva), 6 to 8 m". rec.uired for 1.2 million units as given to eac:~ of 8 children wit,,. rheuzatic fevcr. Serun concentration zested or, days 1-23 post-injection 'ty inhibition of Sarcina lutea strain: irregular, only low leve, rer,-,ained in only 4 on day 18, none on day 20. Desiderata for ideal long-acting FreFaration are discussed. Table.