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ACC NR: AP6035094 SOURCE CODE: UR/0431/66/001/004/0217/0221 AUTHOR: Kocharyan, N. M. ; Pachadzhyan, Kh. B. ; Mkhitaryan, Sh. A. O'NG: Central Scientific Physicotechnicai L-iboartory, Academy of Sciences ArmSSR (TsNI fiziko -teklinicheskaya laboratoriya AN ArmSSR) _TITLE: Piezoelectric effect in polyviriyl cnioride- SOURCE: AN ArrnSSA. Izvestiya. Fizika, v. 1, no. 4, 1966, 217-22! 70PIC T AGS: piezoelectric effect, polyvinyl chloride, polarization, Fjolar.zation effect ABSTRACT : Results of an investigation of Me pi4.,Zoelectric effect .:r, chloride WVC: are presented. The hest, were derived ouring a jJC)LZ-' t ;on lastm- 3 to 5 hours. I I I Tne ma-ximLim piezomodule obtained equa:s 4 x COSE. The piezomodule was measured by the static methori. Data on Lrt, Z:rne of the piezoelectric property in PVC are discussed, Tiie au*Ln(-)rb 4,*xprt,65 their gratitude to 1. S. Rez for disuc6sion o' results, and to F. Snakaryar, for valuable help in carrying out the work. Orig. art. has: I fig~ure. G C' SUB CODE: 07, 20/ SUBM DATE: 05,Nov65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH RLF: 003/ Card A14RAIINSMIYAN, M.S.i MW , T.Kh.-(Leninakan) Efforts to lover the general level of disease and injury incidence in a shoe factory. Felld. i akush. 26 no.8s56-58 Ag '&RA 14:10) (SHOE INDUSTAY--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) ON 0*00*0*000 0 0 ft-46"-w-4441.6 0 4 M a It a n It is m D a p 6 0o I A _1 I I OA 10 CC 0 U T to go 00 041 r 09 410 KrUj4A"tddj cumpWa **on do wgsaac artho "ide I' I W 11"t 11 IIJ1%. v 1 AMA -.1 1 0 I A It', 4411; a. j ("0 Chr. I k pl., , 1,, IDAII. p,-.- 0 00 10 a IIII, ~41.lyvll tiletc "eve GwIll"I A. 11 Alld 4 li,- '0 J 4 1 l I lit I 11 j 460 00 . s w , . . wil ) tl.~I,014 [,we Irall. I., I Im ,u lvallor . -: 00 . ' in 1 still tilt I'mmal"m M 0 I'lot'"IJ11,01 -1~1 -1 1V I It j I.U ' 00 1.14) 41141 "ith Idic and tittlike 4ILVI ]h, 4-MC1111-1 dd%.- ill 00 so ..V,letat-I In Ill, 1,1-1- lp I -Ix 4 It Ild it) It, ., I, , 4mit. -Wtuill 11111t. mf~ IfeatI-d 4" "1 -1 W, 0 . .... III III,- Illoe'alf.d l", J.j., 1;; it t0,.,4. 00 00 1`10111 1. .1mm .,fl and the 'c'Olle I, ('i'llmlallrd .0 fl, kJ 1". 00 00 .144mil pl-me 41 u,".ill,dawl All I he- , ~lr- get, I-ol'.14W J, .1 j ".1h I. . 1.1.~ 41, . q: ."I, ~j ... 14 -11. 1011.4 AnO NNIP 111111141111 00 W.,&,,. sit 1 (oM 1. a I'm 1'.1.1 live 4- koll 'I -00 , .11-1 1-1 'Ill IA 1.,1111 Ill, l4s.'alkw .I,, lit I:: "I'-' 1W.l1 1.1v I lf~ ; A . ki R " "N A Ill .: it". 1., 1-10 "' l A 0 CIJ- IIJAIJ, *0 00 00 -00 so 00 00 00 00 go t " L4110 All, too , " " 6 " 41 1 4% ilp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 4 o o 0 0 ,Sig Q**0000ofio seoe 0 :* 4 i*0069449060009 so of iff 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a is A, i. I seliAllintioll 11 ad ais V a $*#I Raw* fou vital. u4i a are 02 0 -A~Jl t- A -- A - -- -a a A, -L; -t V--.L - 4 A I _A, o: --L-" is M It Kill- b A it R.. P. 4 A 00 00 A. -00 00 d - am 40 OA roman Of stobb via N. (10. -Mkhiwyo . j 009 G#w. Chas. (U: 51 IM) I cf. C. A. AS, 66 11.- 4XW.-Hy amits. of P-lifeco".."Colli Ili. man 4X Wntawm"( 1# Will scrish resoldy rewl so fivir gul.) ~y-X-ll o- d 0.0 ywkis v dwilvtoolii (d U. witto 00 lidn"At. of dw UUMM.- 00 "ling a mist I at 10 C. jW110. 0 (AS 9 1 &PAt 4 A 3 horse icoulpirle dLftppew 1xv u( 111 alvir -, K I so "JaydWOOP ' rythr", in. Wah'. 1h&l.jmyiidr.# 00 kriw. ple"I in the wnw nitounct, in 111) 12' CZY51.2 a clolmnsi-clal, 0.01, a 1. will 0-66 a 11, 1 Ill, as obtained 12 it~ boil 2,41c-Ok-Wilifnei j.,,' whrimi, .00 sea In 00 0 * 009 00 ;00 .00 *0 -00 .00 see see ties u Ito q 9 1 V FA AV 10 w or to it Is a . 11 11111 1 ej 0 too gi 000 q* o" 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 " "a 0 IiI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0000001000000000000000*000iseese 00000000000:00 igoooo*o oooooooooo*o00 0000000000000000,000goole oooooo* : &oOoooooooooo%, Ooooooooooooooo ooooooT two 0, ' " m ail Now buys fllsalaam lll cp by 6 0 It a 0 t 0 pe 5 1 1 Lip U. A I JL AL__A A t lop - Oft .00. 1 WDIII)IOMI) DPMIV96111 0 on . 09 04 b 0 Opt . o got f " dl* 4 000 goo 0 got too go, Ill 00 00, 00 03 P"'JOIL, AO'.r*" 0= '" z p ")" aq) "I'a r "tdj ! 00 - . A. j n d U CnA J"q Imn Aso%Aqiu- anp Aq pa3qd 0 OM Ij -am 11 ul dMIS AXq 1, aqj I pD - a41 Vj , d- "I" Put pqluAll 3FRU 1 11111A DMIJIMi UO '"Ott'l * ' - ;:r be A* L,,,u I .;p .V tirl -q (n) 1301fT0,1113,1117 7 00 00- w vi ip umiinilaul nj i qijm (1) Mv j1sDjp%3wnpj * - - - 1 d !:lo 0 P, &MaLlJ 441 ul pkiAll ( Mu. 9 x t O) qiim piv.%ji sum P-1- 90-0),99,09'"Pals 00- tV L10.4 '01 1 it *S q 1) '43 -9 so 00- es"Alot 14P p owww" 00 00- 00- 1,00 1 00 00- 0o-. ... _. I M. I ... l 00 ~' 4.1. 1. ip o0 00 ' jyj ~d p v t. 0 0 3 P a d an 0 9 0 I 14 tj 11 "llpf"Mil V0111191 Own tilt it 14 S , _' 0 * "1 09 a a a 0 a `9 0 0 9 0 ;t4 S 'D a 00010 P 11$9 _ -- _ - - - - 1 - S a Is l N 4 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 s a 6 a 0 a 6 4 a W - , M EMM11 iffla"29M-MID BUNUTTAN, G.M.; NEUTARTAN, V.G. lmportance of oiqpurines In adrenaline metabolism [with suzm&ry in English]. Izv.AN Arn.-SSR.Bat.nauki no.4:89-96 '47. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Deystvitelinyy chlen Aff Army&nskoy SM. (for Buayatyan); 2. Diakhimicheskiy sektor inatituta fiziologil AN Armyanskoy M. (Purine) (Adrenaline) effect of okatiak add an andation a# pyrout"h6l Kh % C. %fkhtt.tjyjjL And It Ujvv~n 'n %I.i I " .1-rmllzl;fv , k.,d 7. \., I i I It" -. 1%4 ~.,Njf ~.I,1.11,d t.. oum ,I 1~v- o- tod ... kmc- -.I,, - ph- bA,&r. o 1-1 As v1 I 'i A 1 1-- -- - frrwfl"'.# ku - F~f-rrtad, fjf. -I ,~x rx-Antiv it PH 7 Ille O"."p, "l-allng hil, ..1 1,11 A A hd~ BUNUTUM. G.Kh.; KWHITARTA , V.G. Participation of ozypurines in adrenaline metabolism. Report no. 2: Zffect of uric acid on adrenaline oxidation. Nauch.trudy lust.fIziol.AN Aru.31M. 1:49-57 '40". (nu 9:8) (UILIC ACID) (ADUMMAT-1 ) BMUTUN, G-Kh.; KMTARUJI, V-G-.- IRGIUS, V.B. Participation of oxypurtnes in ascorbic acid metWiollou. Report no. 4: Bffect of uric acid on the oxl"tion of ascorbic acid In the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Nauch.trudy last.fisiol.AN Arm. S=. 1:59-72 148. (W.Ak 9:8) (.VUC ACID) (ASCC"IC ACID) (HTMOGU PIM113) 00; 00 Of 00 400 0 0012 *0 wAr + Add= it wis a" m as oddwm d 26*udhw. KIN. 9worimtro sod (A#M"d" A"A. U3.8-0.). that 11"Mmowhim. goothim. amm# arw tr=ls fcw &KwW orM. 111w"ir rwwpd~. A" Sion prawte-I from coakuti-va by Ttw awWatim tdrateebot Is plumphats bufkv It 4 6 al"t 7 4 sod is RIMw volo. is cboc#wd by urk =', ekbrw in 11W lwv-ew* of aboom. cd It* and Co. Vsk WM wfwo A. min mtkni'laus Iw *&v"IIn' its I-hm;4wto tw1fro. NMI 1" RNMW 040'. ogre In tbr ptrwwv k4 Cie I%, anw .44041it 060 NO wit ArM Im w1mosliew 141 th. 1o"4 mV tat Ff k Itosinfatilmad 01117 In 111VINJIN06 tvA#" WAII IK44 1114 ift Stind" two., w6m Stor owidatio" is timiff than wbra P, Akwor 6 'r nt. priffstley -00 -00 0*0 .66 Coe ,see Q*Q ,see 90* tie* a $&a AdMUMMA L UVISAILAS CLASWOCAVON tr. tool NNW 11"411" z M. 60.4"1 'we 9 1 folaw it go. doo 441A#1 444131 401 4- 44, 0 1 IF a 9 A 0 1 e 16~6*10 1*8 * 0 BMATTA11. G.Kh.; NIHITARiAll'. TEGTYAH. V.B. PnrtIcIpation of oxypurines In adrenAlinr exchWe. Part 3. Zffect of oiqpurines on the oxid^tion of p7roc^techin and FtdrenRlino. in the presence of phenolas*. Dokl.AN Arm.SSR 10 no.4:167-171 149. W-RA 9:10) I.DeyetvitelInyy ahlem Akademit nnuk Armynnakoy SSR (for BWaty1m). 2.1natItut fiziolog,11 Ondenii nnuk Armynnniroy jSR. Ystrevfm. (Phenol"**) (Purinee) (Adrenniln-) (Pyrocatechol) lq~kITARY _V.G.; P)GIYAN. V.B. Mfect of choline And colpmine on the oxidation of ad-renalins. Dokl.Al Aru.SSR. 11 no.1:19-23 149. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Kafedra biokhinii Ye!revqnakopo Keditsinakopo insitututa, Tarevan. Predstavleno G.Kh. Bunystyanow. (ADRXNALIUM) (CHOLINN) (11THA "JOL) USSIR/Medicine, Biology - Antioxidants, JullAug 53 Ascorbic Acid "The Action of 4-Methyluracyl (I) and of 4-Methyl-2- Thiouracyl (II) on the Process of Oxidation of Ascor- -1,P1c Acid (III),`J V. G. Nkhitaryan,.--E. A. Avakimova, --.'S. G. Shchukuryan,l ISci-Res Inst of Roentgenol and Oncol, Min of Health, Armenian SSR (Yerevan) Vop Pit, Vol 12, No 4, pp 24-28 It has been established that both thiamine and purine dorivs inhibit the oxidation of III. I and II also have this effect. The antioxidant action of Il is stronger than that of 1, and is exhibited both in the presence and absence of Fe or Cu ions. 269T38 'MIMMAN. V.G.. AVAKPIOV.. S.A.: SIMURTAR. 3.G. Clinical significance of the correlation betweea the activity of carbonic ashydruse In the blood and gastric juice acidity. Lab. delo no.1:12-14 Jan-Feb. '55. NLRA 8 - 8) 1. Is bioichimicheakoy laborutorti Nauchno-imeledovatellskogo Institute. roxt4mologil I oakologli Nimistorstva Uravookhrazonlya ArvWasskoy SSR (dir.-prof. V.A. 1r&nard%tW&a) (GASTRIC,JUIC'S, acidity, relatiom to blood carbonic anhydrawe, ell&. value) (BLOOD, carbonic sabydraso, relation to gastric widity. eila. significance) (CABONIC ATUffDRASS. carbonic aahydra3e In blood. relatioa to gastric acidity clin.signtfic&Aco) MKHITA YABI -JW - Effect of 2-chloro-1,3-butadione (chloroprene) on the amount of ascorbic acid in the organs of white rate. R#jport No.l. Izv.AN Arm. SSR.J31ol.i sel'khoz. nauki 10 no.6:11-24 Je 157. (MLRA 10:8) J.Kafedra biokhimil Yerevanskogo medittalu kogo k" tituta. (CHWROPRM--TOnCOU)GT) I (A"COR.)IC KM IT ART AN of 2-chloro-1.3-butadiano (chloroprons) on th,- oxidation of fnts. Part 3. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Ebim.nauki 11 no.2:109-Wl l5sj. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Terevanskiy moditsinskiy inatitiit. (Chloroprene) (rate) (Oxidation) KMTARTAN, T.G.; TZSATAH, N.A. Effect of 2-chloro-1.3-butadiene (chloroprene) on the zanthine oxidase activity of liver in white rate. 1xv. Al Arm. SSR Biol. I sell1rhoz. nauki 11 no.6:13-20 Js '58o (KIM 11: 7) ( CHIOROPMM) (KARMIM OXIDASE) ----MXaTAAYAN.- V.q. : ASTVATSATRYAN. S.A. Mffect of 2-chloro-1.3-butadiene (chlorapren,-) on phos-'phatuse activity In the orr~ana of white rate. Izv.All krTi.JSR Biol. nalild 12 no-5:1)-21 MY '5(?. (111RA 12: 9) 1. Kafedra biokbimil Terevanskoe-o neditsinskopo instituta. (CllWROPRMM--TOXlGOLOGT) (PHOSPH&TASE) MIMITARYAN V. G. Effect of chloroprone on so-m-9 oxidative processes in the liver ard the brain. Report No.?. Vop. biokh1m. 1:13"-11,7 160. (141;,A 14:12) 1. Department of Biochemistry Medical Institute Erevan. ((;111,0~tOPRENL) (OXIDATION, PlH!ilOE6Gl,~Ai,) MKHITA,RYAN, V.G. Effect of chloroprene on the adenosinetriphosrhatase act!-eitt-y of the organs of white rats; report No. 9. Tnidy no.11:41-47 160. (MIRA 15:11) (CHIDROPRENE) (ADENOSINETRIFHOSPHATASE) MKHI-TARYAN, V.G. Effect of chloroprene (2-chloro-193-butadiene) on metabolism. Ixv. AN Am. SSR. Biol. nauki 13 no,2t27-39 F 160. (KIRA'13-7) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Yerevanskogo meditainskogo inatituta. (CHWROPRENE-TOXICOLOGY) (BLOOD-4NALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) MKHITARYAN, V.G. Effect of chloroprene on the concentration of protein and protein fractiom, cholesterol, and glucose in the blood of workers. Izv. AN Arm.SSR. Biol.nauki 13 no.9:65-74 8 6o. (KIRL 13:11) 1. Kafedra biokhWI Yerevanakogo neditsinakogo instituta. (CHLOROPRM) (BLOOD--AMYSIS AND CHZMSTRY) 7' 7, MKHITA.RYAN, V.G. Effect of chloroprene on the cholinesterase activity of the braLn in vhite rats. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.3:37-44 4r 161. (MIRA 1413) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Yerevanskogo maditainskogo instituta. (CHLOROPRENE) (CHOLINiSTRASE) (BRAIN) t ,!(.I. , - . . ACC NRs AP6015259 WMC19 CUDISS URJO2W/65/O13/OOVO0W/OO34 AT C-1 JTHMs 9 go Ae Imetitut) Offis Yerevan Medical ln~UtaU (Twwwanskly Y TITISs Xffect of ablerym as spain activity SOURCK: AN Arm=. Isveallyd. SerlyabioragLahesk1kh zmkpvt 189 no* Is 1965t 79-84 TOPIC TAGS& retp liverv brain# emWm ABERACTs late were subjected- for 2 hre per day during 1100-31 do" to the action of chloropme pneent in a comentration of 8 zo~L In the air, As a result of poison- Ing with chlorqmsne,, the cathepsin activity In the brain of the anizaU was reduced by 42.1% vs. that of control rets,, the activity In the liver by 390%, and the activit, in the kidneys by 32%. B215 added to the tissues of the orpm of poisoned rate reactivated the cathepainst raising their activity by 29.2% In the kidneyp 39.3% ih the liver, and %5% In the brain tissue fkcm the low level produced an a result of the action of ch1moprenso The fact that the cathepains wers reactivated by B23 indicatod that the t1dal Woups of these ensymaj, which wers, caddised to 34 amps a reodt of the deareame under the effect of chlaropreme of the content or the natural activators of caUmpslump Loop secorble sold and glutathionsp 'I" by reduction of the S-.8 groups with RgSo Orig. art. hams 5 tables SUB CODZ8 06 SM DMs 2WU64 OUG MWs 004 ON MWs 007 (A ....... 1, 322 - 66 NV- ---AP6029375 SOURCE CODE: URA427A6/O19/OO2/OO54/OO59 AUTHOR: Mkhitaryan, V. G.; Badalyan, G. Ye. ORG: Department of Biochemistry, Yerev n Medical Institute (Kafedra biokhizii yerevanskogo meditsinskogo institut TITIE: Shifts in content of gangliosides in the brain of white rats in connection with x-ray irradiation SOURCE: Biologicheskiy zhurnal Armenii, v. 19, no. 2, 1966, 54-59 TOPIC TAGS: rat, nervous system, radiation biologic effect, radiology, enzyme ABSTRACT: The amount of free gangliosides In the brain of white rats ranged within the limits of 1.17-1.51 and constituted on an average 1.26 + 0.05 (expressed with respect to galactose In mg per g of dry tiosae weight). The amount of fixed gang1losides was al- most five times greater (an an average 6#31 mg per g of dry protein weight). Within two days a single total x-ray treatment (800 r) caused a reduction in the amount of free ganglioaldes to 0.92 mg. 28.1% below the norm. Free gangliocide content continued to drop In succeeding days, reaching 0 81 mg on the 7th day (36.8% below 'Che norm) and 0-77 mg on the 14th day (39-9% below the norm). The content of fixed gangliosiden did not change, Chronio x-ray treAt- men 't UQ r per day for 30 days) reduoed free gangliosiden 1W 26.6%. Orig. art. has: 3 tables. LJPRS: 36,9)21 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 25Jun65 / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REF: 007 MKHITARYAN, V.G. Effect of chloroprene on the sulfhycLryl compound --ontent of tissues. Izv. A Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.5:39-49 ~V 162. (MIRA 17:6) 2. Kafedra biokaimii Yerevanqkogo meditsinakogo Instituta. MKNDLIN I.M. (Moskva) SWblli'~-7 of tne moti~,n zf a gyrus--opp .~n ;-, norizontal - lane under the acti,~n of dry !3,',,ding *':-,,,~,-,-n. Inzr..zhur. 5 210 165. 0-1: FLA 18 ~ " 1: ('1000/000100 004 a '5 S5 SIC)) 0~ 9 vc~% V't r'O *A r, 4L n oe oil 140500 9 a vi C6 c. lpf 0~ 'asl' tf w 00 - 9 "005 'L-vo ,,a t-n e fes looty, 4 .4 e5 e, 3.0 (a -'T 0 0 ~Dl ~'q e IP e ty, 0. 1,19, 5t'r 0 ~'(O- '~o V16 4%1 IV% t t est C 06 rao C "Ic- Of 0 t -jo%,VVS 0,5 \),t e51. .4 e 1b 't e5, eo e 0 3 e 091: GfO5 -0 er, 16 009 .6 0 4 C, 0 C c , ) 6 Dl 59 c, 1%. el ..4 3. O'f% "; C . t V lp Ile O'll. ,,\,e, 06 40 ev% 'f-V 0v% 05 efol At 0 r" CEISI 0"; CIL 0IP I at e t GN4 , e ~o ~'I% 99 6 J. 1 elr e r- 0, 1, 'a's ~01.b tfe -~. 0 017, re IL 6e . 1'/5 0,001" e- 5 Vi C fol. 0 6e r, 0 te 5 Cr T"a j.00 -4 O'Ll. -co se te VLt 0 4L Ce te t5 0~ CO t;o e 'c es\),l ,G 09 .01 c er, 'f4 S/839/62/000/ooo/ooVoo4 A study of mechanical .... E193/E383 I T 5 E Elon- p 0. /mm'; gatinn,,% Ten- Com- Ten- Com- 1,011- Ten- Com- Ten- sion pr es -sion pres- sion sion pres- sion sion sion sion Lu6-T 30.8 26-3 35 35-5 46-7 7 300 7 430 16.2 Amg6 it) 16.3 17.7 18 37.6 7 200 7 140 2119 Conclusions: 1) The strain/stress diagrams constructed for alloy D16-T tested in tension ind compression differ slightly, this difference being most pronounced belyond the proportionality limit, where the transition from the elastic to plastic deformation is more gradual in the rompression stress/strain diagram. The same applies to the j%Mg6 alloy but the difference in this case is very small. 2) The values of -" and 11.1 in compression are P 0. 2 slightly lower than those in tension in the case of alloy D16-T and approximately equal for altoy lolg6. The elastic modulus in tension is practically the same as that in compression for both Card 2/3 5/839/62/000/000/004/oo4 A study of mechanical .... E-193/E383 the alloys studied. 3) If an accurate solution is sought of the problem of stability of' various constructional elements fabricated From alloys such as DIO-T, the strnin and stress analysis should be based on stress/strain diagrams constructed both for compress- ion and tension. There are 2 figures and 1 table. Card 3/3 S/ 19)/6 1 /000 /002/X 1. 1009 A005/AO04 A I Irl"o 3 Yurmanov, P.N., Mkrtchan, L.S. ~'.T!E: Dealilfurization of Pig Iron Outside the Blast Purnace Byijl. tekhn.-ekon. inform., 1961, No. 2, pp. - 6 The introduction of desulfurization of pig iron outside the blast wt. xffea it possible to apply the slag ratio CaO 1 3102 - 0.8 - 1.0, which -e,~va the coke consumption by 10-15% and Increases the productivity by 12-!8%; It increases the life of the blast furnace lining, widens the assort- n' tno ooking coals, makes it possible to *xolude green limestone from the to docra&so the fluxinS degree of the agglomerate, which pt1putates the ,)f tne latter with iron, to increase the efficiency of the steel-amelt-- c(pilpment riher. producing low-sulfurous pig iron and to Increase the metal Aq ra 8gents lime and.7metallic magnesium are used in the desulfurization :1-)r, 3,noe 1948, metallic magnesium his been employed Cor the modifica- ari (ip:si..f,irizatlon of cast Iron; magneslum can be added to tne molten cast "--~ fi !iolld ELnd liquid state and reacts in a vaporous state with the sulfur, -d,47W tc reaction: Fes + Mg vap - MgsSol + Fe. S/11 '/~' A005/AG04 of Pig Iron Outside the Blast Furnaoe j5 1r:soluole in pig Iron and floats to the surface after being formed. At a 1,on tenParatflte Of 1,3500C, the vapor tension of Mg attains 6.3 atg, and, trio required total &mount of Kg should be added in small individual ~~T-tiors lharauas vie greater part of it (about 80%) emerges to the surface and in the atmospheric air. The rate of adding Kg should not be larger than g per second In continuous or discontinuous doses; for this purpose, the de- -;1fu1,1,zJpg installation was developed, which Is Illustrated by the Figures I and Fipiro 1, shows the layout of the experimental installation consisting ofi de- nection I with three melting and blowing apparatus and heating pits :-.Ding it pos3ible to desulfurize the pig Iron outside the furnace In the ladle ..11.9 5 with :~over,8 4 by liquid magnesium. The tratallation is equipped with crane Ttif- Tsentral'_nyy nauahno-iseledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii (Cen- ~1 &-lentific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) In collaboration with ~-' Plant im. Dzerzhinskiy carried out the teats which showed the possibility to ~-'i MA without danger. The quaj)tity of Mg added to the pig Iron can be adjusted ,.tiln wide limits. The purification degree is very high (up to traces only); Mg-oonsumption is comparatively low and amounts to about I kg Mg per I kg S11931611000100210011009 Desulfurization of Pig Iron Outside the Blast Furnace A005/AO04 eliminated sulfur. With this method the utilization factor of Mg attains 95% The purification of 60 t cast Iron takes about 5 minutes. There Is no saturaiion of the surrounding atmosphere by noxious contaminations and no slog formation cor- roding the fettling of the apparatus. When Mg-Areated pig iron is blown through in Bassemer converters, the process is taking place without.reduction-of sulfur from the slag being formed. The following pig iron grades were sub4ected to the desulfurization process: Martin steel with 0.05-0.15% sulfur content and Bessemer steel with 0.03-0.08% sulfur content. The table presented shows the most charac- teristic results% Card 3/7 8/193/61/000/002/'001/009 Desulfurization of Pig Iron Outside the Blast Furnace AOO~/AOO4 a) Mg-consumption kg/t of pig iron; b) S-content In the pig iron In %,c) before, d) after desulfurizatlon; e) Eliminated 3 kg per I t pig Iron; f) Mg-consumption kg/kg of sulfur before desulfurizing; g) Mg-consumption kf;/kg eliminated 3; h) Desulfurization degree in % P3CX0A Mae- COAepwomme cepm n myryfle. % b YAfixexo PAcx0jj war.. lilts. Mtha P&CAGA Mae .- HMM, KZIArZ ctelleM. odecce bets, fez/ T cepm. KS #13 CCPM AO YASSennoA pmasn"i qyryes o6ecce- nocAe odec- I r qyryma o6eccepmes- cepw % a PHI cepila""N e h 1.04 0,030 0.005 0.25 3.46 4,00 W. 0 (),50 0,050 0.028 0.22 1,00 2.22 46.0 0,93 0.071 0.u12 0.59 1.31 1.59 63,0 1.00 0,087 0,017 0.70 1.15 1,43 &)'0 1,10 0,117 0.017 1,00 0.94 1.10 85.4 1.10 0,124 O.WT 1,19 0.88 0.93 94.4. 1.20 0.129 O.W 1.22 0.93 0.90 94.6 1.23 0.140 0,010 1.30 0.88 0,95 93.0 1.40 0.159 o.037 1,22 0,88 1.14 76,8 Card 4/ 7 8/193/61/000/002/001/009 Desulfurization of fts Iron Outside the Blast Furnace Aoo5/Aoo4 Ifigure 2 shows the soheriatic of the w1tInS and blowing apparatue of the desulfuri- zation Installation in two variants, either with electric or gas heatii,g. For electric heating, coils of nichrome are employed rated for three-phase iurrent of 3W v; the melting of 70 kg MS takes about 30 min. The gas-heating unit has three gas burners placed tangentially through 1200 and inclined through 600 to the verti- oal axis. Coke gas is emp;oyed; the'malting of 80 kg Mg takes about 25 min. The melting and blowing apparatus consists of the followinj components: -metallic hous- ing 1; reciprocating engine 2 mounted on the housing coverj the housing islined with foam fire bricks 3; thick walled-steel crucible 4 for Yg melting placed in- side the housingl bottom 5 of the oruoiblol the ft supply line 6 welded to the crucible bottoml stopper device 7 at the end of the Mg-supply line; hollow rod 3 paissIng through the crucible and Mg-supply line axis; blind tube 9. The steel MS-supply line consists of three members and has an axial bore 54 mm in diameter by which the magnesium Is fed from the crucible Into the pig iron; the external surface of the conductor in faced with refractory material. Thermocouples are used to measure the temperature In the Mg-supply line and in the melting crucible; Argon Is being supplied to the crucible at 0.2 atg during the melting and _3 atg during desulfurizing. The control of the electro-crane and the valves supplying the air Into the reoiprocating engine is effected from a control panel. Card 5/7 Desulfurlsation of Pig Zron Outside the Blast Pum&o* Figure 1t Schematic or the ex- perimental desulfuri- zation installation. 3/193/6 1/000/002/00 1/009 A005/Aoo4 Card 6/7 3/193/61/000/002/C)OI/009 Desulfurization of Pig Iron Outside the Blast F urn ace A005/Aoo4 Figure 2: Schematic of the melting and blowing apparatus. Card 7/7 st VOSKOBOYNIKOV, V.G.; KMOMOV, V.A.; RZHZKO, A.F.; WRTCHAN, L.S.; MITSKEVICH, O.V.; BIRMAN, A.I. Mathematical analysis of certain de sign paramisters of thernal conditions of the blast furnace process. (Sbor. trud.] TSKIICHN no.290-23 163. (KRA 17:4) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issladovatellskly institut chernoy metallurgii (for Voskoboynikov, Khromov, Rebako, Nkrtchan). 2. TSentrallnyy hauchno-iseledovatellskly institut, kompleksnoy avtomotizataii (for Mitskevich,, Birsan). PANOV# B.D.; KASPERSKIT, B.V.; MMLTMAa, c).M. Using hydrocarbon-ba" flushing fluids in a well ~-1675 =. deep. Buranis no.91l-3-16 165. (AURA 18tlC) 1. Krasnodarskiy fialial Vaesoyuznogo neftaghzovogo rauchno- lssledovateltakogo instituta I kontora bureniya Neftepromyslovogo upravleniya "Chernomorneft'". I Y 'I US Of r,.c).jotil-' 3 ~ y r my"t"Y"ll"V9 A.A. A " - - I ,. " . " 1, ~ *K ),., * 1 11, r, M*To n '. n r) n , , , , f64 . I . I - . . 1 -1 1 -A, .. ir , , , ~,. , , 'r ~. , . . IV 1 -:1 . I MKRTYCHV, Ivit.- r!J,iiin(jv~ch, arkh1t.; POUDoN::VA, (Stand&- houses for te-rporhry of ~juil-:~-s; oased on mat-irials of the Ail-On.cri 1 J'u rv e y i. n, ari,, Institute of *he Adminn,*':- fnr .3ur-icying, and Researc-n t',), t~he of Hydrau ~'rwlneerlngr Stnictums r,f Owl Electric of' the inveritarn~,f, z.- fundaff,entf."i I -~ii .11ila vcemennykh pos~-Ik--)v strc-~%,,'- materiala.m ;uznogo p:-f)ektno-izysKate1'sk(jt-:G !ss1edovate"':5',-',-,n in:~tituta "Gidroprofikt" im. Moskva) Grj.~. --ilz(~Fit$ 19i,3- 32 P. (1-11 1 1 . Moscow. 11;, - .-%r, iedr)vate I Is kiy i n~ititut. r mekhanizaLSii ~ !,rnn!~-heskey pmusher.i 2. Vsescpyuzny, A nauchno-is,~ vatei'5AIAY in..* NIMTCRW. A.A.; TXGIKW, A.A. , Brooding wheat varieties by hybrIdIsation with free pollination (with m m 1y in Inglish]. Isv.AX Arm.S=.Ist.nmukI no.2:15-27 047. (NLRL 9:8) (Wheat) (Orbridtuation, Vegetable) NMITCHIAN. A.A. - 41--- Sffect of the sexual mentor in attenuating the deprossing effect caused by inbreeding. Izv. AN Am. SSE. Blol. i mallkhoz. nauki I no.2:129-133 148. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Inatitut gen*tiki raetoniy Akad~mii neuk Armyonskoy SSR.. (PIAJIT BWMM) KnTCHW, A.A. Zffect of the pollen of spring and winter wheat on the development of the rye plant. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Blol.t sel'khoz.u&ukI. 2 no.l: 45-53 '49. (KLBA 9:8) 1. Institut genetiki I selektall rasteniy Akademii nauk Armyanskoy M. 4 t (RYE) (CMT) (TMILIUTTOII OUVANTS) PLA "A TIZHUW, G.A. . um=HW, A.A. - - Observations on self-pollination and cross-pollination of rye. Irv. AN Aru.SU.Biol.1 sellichos.nauki 6 no.10:9-22 '53. (MLOA 9:8) 1. Institut genetiki Akadenii Pau'r Armyanskoy =. (Rye) (Fertilization of plants) Cultivatod P18-11t". ~ore:.Is- At),-, jour r c)lj -"o 4 Author --AAJ ont In s t ArmQnicUl r I u I t,,Ir,,: 0" qa,,jc,,j~-j0-t, :nn. Cri's P 2-yul. b f~ t ra (, t absLract. -,,~,rd I t'- t - f born. inlorm. Ar.,.,. MUTCHYAN, A.A. Overcoming depression in wheat hybrids by Supplementary Pollination with heterogeneous pollen [with summary in Inglish] Zhur. ob. biol. 18 no.2:112-120 Mr-Ap 157 (KLRA 10:5) I. Institut genetiki i selektaii rasteniy AN ArmSSR. (WHIAT BRAKDjji(;) (HYBRII)IZATION, TWj,,TABLjj) MKRTCHYAN, A. K., Cand Ped Sci -- (diss) "Inculcation of patriot- ism in young students by means of Soviet children's literature in extra-curricular work. (According to materials from the schools of the Armenian SSR)." Yerevan, 1960. 19 pp; (Academy of Fedagogi- cal Sciences RSFSR, Scientific Research Inst of Teaching Methods); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 31-b0, 144) Arborescent varieties of Leninakan and its environs and the pos- sibilities of using then in steppe shelterbelt afforestation and In landscaping settled areas [in A-ruentan, with summary in Russian]. 1zv.AH Arm. M.Biol.i sellkhoz.nauki. 4 no.3:223-233 151. (NLHA 9:8) (Leninakan region--Trese) KKEtTCHYAN, A. 0. Changing the nature of flax from a spring to a winter crop. Ity. AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sell1rhoz.nauki. 5 no.9:69-74 '52. (MA 9:8) 1. Botanicheekly institut AN Armyantkoy SSR. (Armenia--Flax) KIRTCHYA 11, A. 0. Improving the vinter hardiness of some decorative trees by cultivation m,?Rsures. no.21:86-89 '55. MRA 9:12) 1. Yerevanskiy botanicheskly sad 3otanicheakogo instluta AkAd~Mii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (Plants--Yrost resistance) (Plants, Ornamental) MKRTCHTAN, A.O.; BOZOTAN. A.A. Influence of rootstock on flowering in the fine-leaved form of yellow locust. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. i sellkhoz. nauki 11 no.7:111-116 il 158. (MIRA 11:9) I.BotanicheskI7 Institut AB ArmSSR. (Locust (Tree)) (Plants. Flowering of) (Graftine) Now piBs. ble use --)f tt, nuc IP.r ~- r-sonu-cp mf-thre f,)r -.hp study of dlaorded cry!~tals. Dokl. A14 Ar-m. ~~,FR 37 no. ' - ','(,Q-272 10. , kfmA , ". , I I I - . . ) 1. khim4.chf-sxoy fizkJ i,'i )zZil. c)-',(,nnm.--kcrrp,qy)ondentom AN Armytirs~o.v N,"'. Is . ........... IRS -AW L 10902-66 EN ACG ?Ws__WF510U450l SOURCS CODE: UR/0022/65/0191001/0140/0152 AUTHOR: Dekabrun, Le Let,Nkrtebm A. R~ 4 4 1 5 S ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics, AN SS (Institut khimicheskoy fikiki,, AN SSSR) TITIE: System to control the exciting current of electromagnets of nuclear M!Mtjc_1r-&wAwMV1d- &= ) swatr-met2rs.,?, v o ) r;- SOURCE: AN ArmSSR. Isvestiya. Seriya fiziko-mtematicheskikh nauk, v. 18, no. 1', 1965, 140-152 TOPIC TAGS: current stabilization,, automatic controlq autmatic control system# electromagnet, NMR spectroscopyp spectrometer, magnetic field ABSTRACT: The article enumerates the requite aft for the omen of the main mgnetlq~ field No in W spectrMeters designed to Investigate crystal structure: 1) long duratlam (up to -two b~%ws) avid great depth (up to 0.1 NO) at linear 'seaming of the magnetic field during spectra ireearding; 2) the initial value ,of go for varlaw crystals my differ substantially within, say# I to 10 kilo- .Oersteds, 3) high h g noetty or the magnetic f leld wd exact correspeadence of ,go to the value prieserlbed by experimental conditions. the third requirement ro- late* to ampat,.deslp t - . req _... ate "late to the pawar-aupply yhl a the first two system. In order to irmstig~te cristal order-disord er ii am spectroscopy mothodat the authoral jointly with the designers and technologists of the Production ACC NIt AM004501 1DIvision of the rnstitute or Chemical Physics of the Academy or sciences M= ,(divIsIon director Te. K. RUSSliAN), developed a source or go which meet* oil ,,the requirements. The prevent article describes the power-supply system for the electromagnet. An electronic current stabilizer or the series type Is used. ~The effect a line voltage oscillations to neutralized by the use of an electro- mechanical transducer with relatively coarse electronic stabilization of output voltage. The initial value of the exciting current of the electroftgnet and the low of Its scanning In time are established by meens ai two Independent reference :voltage sources in the current stabilization system, Since the seaming time may ,exceed two hours, mechanical seaming by mans of a synchronous votor In employed., ,A specially developed reference voltage source in used: silicon stabilitron tubes with testmrature-compensatIng dividers. The stabilization system uses 65186 high- power trIodes, with an optimef'opOrational mode assured. The special design or Ahe Interruptor and error signal amplifier assures reliable amplification or -microvolt signals. The control resistance to made or sonpals win In the ram of a bIfIlar loop. The authors found a lack or correspondence between th* actud !behavior or the stabilizationsystesend t1wbelovior-whieb mIsUbe expected on tM basis or 'W P" Irally accepted, electromagnet substItAtlon direaft. As a result, the pass bond of 64 enplltiqm~ which -014mijam accomplished bY Increasing the time coustant, of the synchronom detector. Orig. art. hati.0 "14 figures and 19 formulas. PM-57 SUB CODE: 13, 200 09 / SUM DATEt ISApr64 / ORIG WF: 014 OTH REF: 009 card 2/2 L 2000-66 M4T(l)/EFF(c) IJP(c) WW/GG ACCESSION NR.- AP5010626 UR/OO22/65/oi8/oo3/oi3h/0lh2 AMHOM Dekabrun, L, Lo; 9111mov, Tu.-&; 1qkrtq!V_a_n. Ad Rd Q~ TITLEt Autodyne nuclear mgnetic resonance pickups ;2/0 9P BOURCEt AN ArmSSR. Izvestiya. Serlyo firiko-matematicheskikh nauk. v. 18, not 39 1965. 134-142 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear magnetic resonance, nmr spectroscopy, negative feedback, signal processing, stabilizer ABSTRACTt The authors present analysis of the stabilizing action of active ne- gative feedback an autodyne pickups forf,~he~investlgation of solids by the MM method. In such applications,, autodyne pickups have certain advantages over otheris but must be stabilized when the signal voltage is low, such as is the case with solid-state NO. The transients In an autodyne pickup with stabilized amplitude are calculated, and the modifications that must be Introduced In the pickup cir- cuit to ensure stability are~described, Empirical means of selecting the autodyne circuit and its parts to obtain maximum sensitivity are suggested, since a theoret.1b Card 1/3 L 2000-M AccEssiow xR, AnM626 teal analysis of this problem is Impossibleo, A'schematic diagram of a pickup with, stable operation at less than 0.005'yolt on thi resonant circuit to prelsented. The diagram to shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. This circuit has been thoroughly tested and proved itself in practical Investigitions 6f several natural compounds by the NM*uethod!. Orig. &A. hasi' 6 flgur4'and 21'formlan. ASSOCIMONt rnatitut khInicheskoy'fiziki AN bSSR (IfiStitute Of" also AN SWR) Chemical Phy SURMITM: 0450VA ENCLs 01 an COM NR Map Myt 005 s 012 Card 2/3 L 2000-66 A03MICO MRs APS019626 ENCELUMs 01 Fig. I. OmvIete sdumk*Ac diagrm of autodyrw pidup,, Intwded for the Immstigatim of crystals. i - &Mmtor, 2 - loo-frequency arWlifterg, 3 - detectarp 4 - high4reTiariq amplifiere 5 - to NM signal aTlifter. Cal,d 3/3 /~,-p 46 ACC MWI AP5000905 SOURCZ CM91 UWOOW6510 A 0 AUTKGR: Deksbrun, L. Wrtalwan, A* a* ORG: 1natitute of Cbemdeal Phystes.AN 888B (InstItut khIm1cheskay fIzIkI AN 058B TIM: Amplification of error signals in precision current stabilizers i SOURCE: AN Arm0SR* Izvostlys. Berlys fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, v. 18# no. 4" 1965# 106-UT Topic VM1 error u1n1milzation., current stabilization, amplifier deeign, electronic circuit ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the various parameters of _&M~~and :their off" on.tho accuracy of current stabilizers (bandwidth,, gain,, sensitivity)* -Tentative values,of these parameters are established for the most accurate systems employed in practicep namely systems for stabilizing the current In radio spectro- meter slactramagnots* The pbysical factors governing the tolerances that are In- posed on the amplifier characteristics are discussed. An ana4sts In presented of the syst4s for converting the signal when an Input transformer is used. The trans- formerless conversion systems are also discussed,, and methods of protection against postsible Interference are described. The difficulties In shielding transformers against external notes are discussedo A contact-sisking converter with asgueticaULy isolated contact system In described. The main and auxiliary circuits of an PC ampJA-- fier for the purpose we given# as well as the circuits for phase adjustment and for synchromus detection (Fig. 1)o The final !pUf"r designed had a sensitivity of L 15818--66 ACC Nib - A160009" Cr-4c C CT-4 4 IVY Sol IL 9. I* 11ebomt1c diagram of RC -4 t- synchi 4"litiOr Vith RIZIUM g4in ^e X 1019 f T leld d 3eVer6l teftthM of a microvolt and a maximm galn more than 10e. It is stable over G prolonged period of operationo Authors 'thank the members of the group of'nuelear magnetic reaonswe of the Institute of Chemical Pbysics of the OWR Acadew of Sciencest 0. D. Vatroy, Its. P. X111YAMY, MA J&.&&gAL.Ldr help with the work. Orig. arts, b"s T figures wd 22 formulas, MM CODIs SM DAM: "Dfta/ OM W1 COT/ 07H Ras, 005 'k 'e MKRIVIY~N,_A.~.; MARFUNI'l, A.S. Quadrupole splttting and the d1sorlered state, of U7 in amblygonite LiAlPO4 (OH,F). Dokl. AN 3S3R 163 no.3j609-612 Jl 165. OGRA 18:7) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiztKl AN SSSR i Institut geologlt rudnykh mestorozhde.iy, petrogral'it, ralneralogil I geokhimii AN SSSR. Sub- mitted Decemh-r 3.1, 1964, 1,t~'iT C- I LA , A. 68 3 Xkrtchyrin, A. i~ort7skly y 7,,ro ~C~l -1"4." sovkhoz. (?-ts-ka7 Jirp(Itr,-,, sr,v,&,oz.~i. '-r--,i,fi1 3. 'fpre,:,.r, ~yl AyT)et-Il",, 1954. 92 s. s. Ill.; I L. lcrtr. .1 sel's oT khf)zyFiystv-). 3.01'~) ek:~. " r. 7' 1K. V oer. -- (5'- 1.4 S~- : "'.n'.z~may:a LPtn.)t-' '.c,. ACCESSION NR: AP4018991 S/014616410071001/0011/0015 AUTHOR: Mkrtchyan, A. S. TITLE: Investigation of stability of tunnel diodes in pulsed circuits SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 7, no. 1, 1964, 11-15 TOPIC TAGS: tunnel diode, semiconductor, semiconductor device, tunnel diode stability, tunnel diode pulsed circuit, tunnel diode discriminator, pulse height discriminator ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation of the threshold of operation of tunnel-dioe.e pulse-height discriminators under various operating conditions is reported. To ensure a high input impedance, the discriminator circuit included a P-402 transistor in whose collector circuit the germanium tunnel diode was connected. The following conclusions are offered: (1) The threshold drift is :t 0. 1% or less after 50 hro of operation with 0. 1-10 microsec trigger pulses Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4018991 repeated at 50 - 10, 000 per sac; (Z) A collector -voltage fluctuation of !: 54fa is tolerable; (3) The ambient temperature has an appreciable effect on the threshold of operation (curves supplied). a temperature compensation is advised. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Precision 14achwAca and Optica) SUBMITTED: 18Feb63 DATEACQ: 23Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GE NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 001 Card 212 'L8:4" n o, o- YPIM wit r 'I m -74 L 4,rl,)8-66 ?MT(d)/i,"i~P(l) I"P(C 'x(j/BB ACC NR~ AP6015581 (/v)----5-OU-R-CE CODE. UR/0-14-6/66/009/0-OZ/009Z/0094 AUTHOR: b4krtchyan, A. S. ORG: Yerevan Polytechnic Institute (Yerevanskiy politekhnicheakiy institut) TITLE: High-speed shift regiSLer C/ SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostrov,:i,iye, v. 1), no. 2, 1966, 9Z-94 TOPIC TAGS. shift register, t-~urnputer cowponent, digital cornputer.-/--~ 4 -j"' A ABSTRAC~ The developrrej.*, ,f it oinnel-dicide sl-uft register is reported, itti principal circuit iE shown am. th ol)f-- ration briefly explained. Emitter followe, s are used to prevent back inforniat'*-in flow. It is claimed that the new shift register ~Iz- simple control, no auxiliary (iemer,*s, 10W CC)n6UITIption, and that its switching frequency can be raised to 6oz.1-ns mc provi6i-d high-speed tunnel ci-lodeB ano r-1' transistors are employed. Orig. art. has: 3 figUreb, SUB CODE-. 09 / SUBM DA'l F, 08Feb65 e-Cmd --------UDG: 6.Z-1.1 374. 3-2 Country : USSR E C~tagory, Virology. Bacterial Viruses (Phagco) Aba Jour- Rof Zhur-Biol.J. No 23, 1958, No 103493 ;,uthor : Mkrtchyan i% Ye Inst : Title : Phagotyping of Typhoid Strains and its Significance in Epidilaio)ogical Practice Orig Pub: Sb. Baktcriofagiya. Tbilisi, Grumodgiz, 1957, 217-223. Abstract: Fifty-five typhoid cultures worQ isolated from thu blood of patients with typhoid favor. On the basis of the sensitivity to Vi-phago it was possible to identify 46 cultures (83.6 o/o) 30 hours after scod- ing the patiant's blood. The distribution of typhoid Card 1/2 ~KRTCHYAN, A. Ye. cand Merl Lci "E01eu.101 Oj'Y of typhcl; rj t it Yer(-vqn arid tht- ~~'J ~lni f'i cii ce of the phaw7f- t,,,~ '.' nw epidemioloFical evalu;4tior:." Y e revan , 1 9k.1 o f Fu r I i c h ea i t h A r:t.(--ni at, Y e r(. ve ri ~ e In. t price not given; (K1., 11 su,, , ,,".~Q) PAPOVYAN, G-S-; MDZABFKY.'...Ijf A.O.; "'ANTSypi, Ye.A.; 7)Ff, 'n hot m croof, rp .9 m a s ry pf ~j t~ ,um. vor - ~,j t - 24 ia-F In"i t pr 1 -mvhnsk. ~)y V KKR'fCKYAN. B.L.. dots. Latex as adbosive material. feterinariia 35 no.11:47 N 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. 'rerevansiciy toovaterinamyy institut. (Bandages and bandaging) (Latex) MrCHYAR. 1). P. 36110 Ploskiye selaIny postoyannogo toks. Priboreatz"niya, vyp. 4. 1948. S. 25-30 SO: Letoplal Zhrunal* vykb Statey, No. 40, 1949 rUMTCHYAN, D,-renk Petrovich rej'28 XBUSHCHIV. Vitaliy Vasil'yevich; MAGIII. S.M., ,JLO_,Y_i.c -, DVORAICOVSKATA. A.A.. nauchnyy re a tor; ATIT. V.A., redak tekhnicheakiy redaktor; FRUKKLY, P.S., tslthnicheaKty redaktor [Single-phase aynchroal 01nofarnye selsiny. Leningrad. Goe.souzwe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1957. 343 p. (MLRA 10.9) (Remote control) r, '3 r. z USM/Blectricity - DC Generators Nov 52 Modelling "A Three-Phase Series Commutator as a Negative Re- sistance, " Doc 'A - I. Vazhnov, Cand Tech Sci, and Engr E. S. Mkrtchyan, Leningrad Polytech Inst imai Kalinin (LPI) CIQ Elektrichestvo" No 11, pp 16-22 The 3-phase series commutator generator is used as a negative resistance in conjunction with syn- Chronous generator models in order to obtain in the models the low active resistances found in higb-power generators. Discusses its operation 24m6o under these conditions. Considerable experience in planning and operation of electrodynarmic modelF has been acquired at LPI and Moscow Power Eng Inat imeni Molotov. Submitted 4 Jun 52. 24oT6o t; The following, is armini, di,::(,r-f.W of the Institute imeni Kal;nir-.: "Compensation of Active Lesjs-ar~cel of l',,;-rch!-orous 6enerators 'by Rotary Commutator MachinF-s." 11 May 19~3. The nehavior of S~ec` ,a, coiri,utator machiies u_,ec' in dynan]c m(-dels of ei.-C'r ca! systems is examined t eoretic-allv and exiprlrren~i, .11Y. i~he (.pezration of commutator f-nprai o t5 in ~;(-ri es was i ri -it! i 1-,ri ted. thil n,jllati,)wi 14, a rcn: llt.h- tor pe.orator and S.,,mchronoiis a),e Pxa:,ined i-intly. so: M-10118, 2F Mar 56 NARIM&NOV, Z.M.; AUDZILOYAN, G.I.; CHILINGARYVI, R.A.; DZHANZHUTOVA, 'A.S.; KAMENTSEVA, M.V.. MKRTCHYAN, 6.K. Profes3or A.A.Akopian; obituary. Vop. kur., fizioter. 4 lech. fiz. kullt. 26 no.1:94-95 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Ministr zdravookhraneniya Amyanskoy SSR (for Narimanov). 2. Direk~or Instituta kurortologii i fizicheakikh metodov lecheniya, Yerevan kfor Agadzhanyan). 3. Zamestitell direktora Instituta kurortologli i fizicheakikh metodov lecheniya po nnilchnoy chasti, Yerevan (for Chiligaryan). 4. Rukovodltell otdela izucheniya kurortnykh resursov Instituta kurortologii i fizicheakikh metodav lecheniya, Yerevan (for Dzhanzhutova). 5. Rukovoditell fizioterapevtlciloakogo otdoleniya Instituta kurortologii i fizichoskikh metodov lecheniya, Yerevan (for Kamentseva). 6. Sekretarl Obshchestva kurortologov i fizioterapevtov Amenii (for Mkrtchyan). (AKOPIAN, ARSHAK AIR"ETOVICH, 1896-1960) IMTCHYAN, G.K. Effect of an inductotherm on the state of the cardlovaBcular system in hypertension. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lach. fiz. kullt. 27 no.4020-325 JI-Ag'62 (MIRA 16:11) 1. 1z Inatituta kurortologii I fizioterapil (direktor - dotsent S.A. Chahmarityan) krmyanskoy SSR. MKRTCHYANJ, G.K. Ball-i8tocardioWraplije cYanpes In treatIng tie "Int ani~ 2d 3thweF:i of hypertension with lnductothern7. Zhur. eksp. i kl'LJn. med. 2 no.6:57-62 '62. (Mli.,A 19:1n) 1. Institut kurortol,)gil I !'zioleriipil zdravookhranpnlya Aruj.;Sh. SATIAN, M.A.; FYUiiEGYAI,, E.A.; I-K-tTCHYAN, G.M.; MARTIRLS'LAII, I.I.Ya. Distribution of molybd3num in sedimentB in the area of the Lake Greater Sevan. Izv. All Arm. SSh, Geol.i geog. naukd 15 no~2:31-3/. 162. 041: 15: 5 ~ 1. Inotitut geologicheskik-h nauk AE Armyanskoy SSR. (Sevan Lake region-4-folybdenun) AVAKYAN, A.A. ; 2 , ~~ ~11 c" SLkl. Ah I . ins t 1 r"'. t 1965. MKIMC111 ~14)r Op-r I - ;f I Xffect of ultraviolet radiation of different wave lengths on the electric condnetivity of sk-in in rabbits. Izv.M1 SSSR-Ser. biol. no.3:418-422 MY-Je '5q. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Institute of Biological Physics, Acader%v of Sciences of the U.S.S.A., MOSCOW. (ULT1?AV1ULNT RAYS-PHYSIOIA)GICAL FWYECT) (SKIN) (XLWTROPMIOIA)GY) HXIMHTAII, I.A. Ambak conplex of fossil marimals. Izvkm Arn.SSR Ser.geol.i geog.nauk v. 11 no.4:77-82 '58. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Upravleniye geologii t okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Arm$SR. (Pambak Valley-Kammals, Fossil) -o'o rplo s --r- z vnn ' et on I f- 7 Or I - 0' '.'1 ~~ ~~s r F, -ris s ra' -ria7-.v. ,m~ ta I lo.-ny, 8nd his'ory of I opi :-I Y r, va-, 1 a nd i rot, t,t!on (if Nal iral s o i r- ri rd Nat-iral '?-so irc,s o' -'r) ;n(,,' I )f nist-rs A-1, nla,: 11c) MKRTCHYAN, X.A. New data on the upper Zocene age of the transg7reSsive formation of the Loriyako7o 87uclinoriym In Armenia. Bokl.All Arm.SSR 31 no.1:49-52 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Upravlenlye geologil I okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Armyanskoy SSR. Prodst. chlenom-korreep. A17 ArmSSR A.L. Gabriyelyanom. (Armenia-Geoloa, Stratigraphic) NKRTCHYAV, K.A. Some characteristics in the development of geosynclinal volcanism as exemplified by the Sevan tectonic zone in the Lesser Caucasus. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.geol.27 no.2: W-93 F 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Upravleniye goologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete MinJstrov Ar,myanskoy LM, 9# Yarevan. Caucasus-Geology, Structural) HMTCHWP K.A. Qpartz-porphyry formations of the Lesser -.aucasus. Biu. HOIF. cqA. goal. 37 n0-4-.78-86 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 16:5) (CaucaBua--Porphyry) I.nwcHYAI,i, IL-i. All Ai-;.. a", I to .TKRTMY,k!:, K.A.; L-11,1 . , , , Al: Ar .. l'.aLL-i oze - i/ no. ~.- -il)-641 .- .. . - -'/ 1. U raviaidie geolol:,ii i o.--livialy ..t.-Lr ..,i Axril-an-koy 3~~ i A,',' -;AN, i-A.; VEGUNI, A.T.; BAL'. ASRATyAjj, Vj.; -nAGDAS9-tyA.N, r,.'.; red.; KAZAItYA~'- GUG IyAN, V.Y. ., red.; GULYANO red. K.A., red.; TSAMERYAN, P.P., [Study of tile geology of the ErovH,, 'z(j criennostl SSSII. -v,,) AN A rm. SSR V