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POGOSTANp Kh.P., otv. red.; XWTAHIAWj A.M., otv. ned.; VARTANESOVA, A.A.,, red. izd-,Ya; SJRKMAIVd.�-., tekhn. red. [Results of comprehenalve research on the Sevan problem] Rezull- taty koupleksmykh iselodoyanii po Sevanskoi probleme. Erevan, Izd- Yo M Arminnakot SUp 1961. Vol.1 . [Meteorology and hydrology] Me- Uorologiia i gidrologiia. 1961. 457 p. (MIju 1j,19) 1. Akademlya nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Rrivan. Institut energetiki i gidravliki. (Sevan IAke region-MeteoroloF (Sevan Lake region-Hydrology 10,1506) 39592 Sj263/62,~000/01 I Of 2 022 1007 1207 AUTHOR Mkhitaryan, A. M , Maksimov. V S . Labinov, S D and Fridland. V Ya TITLE Method for studying the boundary layer by means of an electric bot-wire anemometel PERIODICAL Referativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritel'naya tekhnika, no H. 1962, 36. abstract 32.11.275. In collection "Novyyc metody izmereniy i pribory dlya g1dravl1ch issled- M.. AS USSR. 1961, 90 -92 TEXT The kievskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiev Polytechnic Institute) designed a test stand for studving the turbulent boundary layer in order to find optimum methods for its control. The distribution of velocitv in the jet cross-section and the turbulence spectra were investigated. Avcragc velocities and fluctuations %k ere measured by meani of the '3TAM-3A (ETAM-3A) electric hot-wire anommeter designed by the VI-I Width of the nozzle wire was 19 micr. The average flow velocities were found from the current intensity of the measuring bridge, and the degree of turbulence, from the readings of a C-95 (S-95) electrostatic voltmeter connected to the amplificr output. Shape and frequency of fluctuations as well as their relative amplitude were determined by means of a -3114-7 (EI-7) cathode-ray oscilloscope and recorded on a M 110-2 1 M PO-2) oscillograph. Calibration was done by a reference Prandtl-tube. A 500 c time marker was used for determining Card 1 1`2 Method for itudying the. S/263,621)W.101 1 1012 022 I(W 1207 the frequency [Abstracter's note: of fluctuationsi. the measuring nozzle was moved by mean,, of a screN~,- coordinator provided with a vernier scale. Accuracy of' noiAe setting was 0.005 mm and of mean velocitY measurements, 0.5"., The intensity of' fluctuations was determined %ith an accuracy of 5 to 10",, -N movable element, fastened to the flume bottom and connected to piezoelectric weighing scales designed by the Institut mckhaniki AN USSR (Imaitute of Mechanics, AS. UkrSSR) was used for determining the stresses oil the surface. The scales had the following design features: during measurement the crystal-bearing ring driven by a special gear induces in the crystal an alternating voltage. Due to this method, distortions of measurement results, caused by leakage of the charge from the crystal, can be avoided. The accuracy of scale readings is I %. There are 3 references and I figure. [Abstracter's note Complete translation. Card 212 E P 5/E A"-FfiGR.S Mkh 1 V. and 1,,O)inov, IT LE Ail exi-r- I moritzi I i riv E2 t 1,,4,1 t i, ri o I f 1w in I !it i r: i t 0 1 1 5 er.-, 1 (11,1 ti -1 e d t 11 r t, U A' P 11 LJt s n s U A V t i ri L 11. no. ~i -it.' 9 -s t o t' T 1 1 t: i k --i h c (I e xr i me ii t a In,l t h, i- i, I work uri ~-iuhniergvd turhu lent jets h,ts been concerned with thp V11,1 i:. part of the jet -i , wh LS chtrac t er ised by f low tinder t tie c o n d i t io ns c) f a n e n c I n s (- d b o u rA ~ I'l r v I a V e r .The IkT u s e nc v o I deve loped t lichil lent lilt er-mi X ill,z makes it pos-, ih 1e to assuino w I th an adequate degree of accuracy, a s imi larit y (,f ve loc it y diagrams expressed in dimen-sionless coordinates. A more compl,,x problem is the study of the luitial section of the jet, where -.hc- above as5umption would result in considerable errt)rs. The authors- have carried out Lin experimental wind-tunnel study of tli*~ flow of semi-bourided, turbulent jet, flowing out of a rlght-ari~;If~ Card (~1/3 An vx pc r iment a I I nve.-; t I l Ion (jw. V147/6 1/ooo/ou t/(, i~i E i () 4 / E I ') 5 no7e. 1 e I ri t 4~i A s a I c~ .1, (1 1 t o I ( ), I 'i I I: ~ " - - i I t ha s b v f.. [I r! s I I -S t I d 1, 1 k I i'~ a I fl It g t it (I f rno 1 4 1 11 t , equ Iv,% lent d i.tmc- ter o I (It,' I e ) iod ()it 7()'19 (it t r- I d 1 (1 the trough, there exists t riu( I-iis t)f corist ant v e I,) c I t i t, 1; a dd i t i o it , t he bourid,irv i i , f! I f or-mi rig on the. bot torn of it I I Iwt is e qu iva I e tit to ~t hourida I y Li , ,; - I- f o rm i rig on a f I a f p I o I t~ subjected to a f low of -tit irif illit'. Stream. E x r- v i in(, It f s ( it t I (.,I OLIt With tile help of a tj~)t w I rct oriemometer showed tha t I n t I,- nuc leus of the !, t rciiin ', he Iogrct n u f t iii-bu lenc (- rerna i ned c,)w- t ~ ii t along the leng t 11 an,l t,; I rit h , r- t he trough . Fitia I I v , .~n f! in i I r- I c i re la t ionsh i T) has he en ol~t i, i i,(-,l , I v I lig t tl 0 C a t I " I; (, t, " (l'! (I " i - I 1 -i-mi t of the rIUC I eLI S 01 k:ol., I li L. V P 10C I. [-J. fl.-j In A .1eUjI- lo L4 11 (1 e d j e t : Y/h - (~ - X/111 - 'i k ~~ y is t~lf- f low 0 1 1 'o Ill t S t :-I (- ou C I e U .9 of C C) Its L 3k it t v v L,, t-s I is tit no z z I p ; a is it c o e f f I C I e I) t d Pe n d 1 118 o n t tit-, turbulence at the out If-.t froM 01(1 nozzle, and ::ase to G.C)JO3. Card 2/3 ill I I ~h 1- 1 t j, I ii., 1~ 11 t equ,t I I it t :,. I s An e x pe r -,-i --n ~ i I .1-v e 5 t -18 it t 1 C,; I ') r. . .-s/147/61/ooo/oo4/ol4/o.~. E195/E133 There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION; Kafedra gidrovl-iki, Klyevskly politekhnj~-lwskiy iii-I ~ (Department of llvdraulics, Kiev Polytechnical Institute) SLbN')lTTED: January 16, 1961 Card 3/3 27243 ZG 01 Z 16 ID S/1 7C/6- 10 IM AUTHORS- Mkr,~ t a rj a n, A V S , Fr~ 1: qy, I. 7 Y La~incv , 3 D L'ITLE. Method of invest tl.s~ 1,oun,lary layer .r. ti~, r... of a new type PERI,~-DICAL. I rizi one rr;--, - f', z ; chesk i~, -I. u rn avn,~~ TEXT. The turbulent ~(.~undary layer :,f a bidy with a pressure 6ra-A,.,~rlt ~i, ng its axis and a gas jet flowing about 'It ~,as been studied The experimente were performed because at present there is no complete theory availa~'O. whi ~h would permit an exact 7alcuiatiun .)f the disru~t-jre ~.f ',--iriary layer First of all , an o~eratInC Fart was devel,,,-ped , whi~,h a "I with a lon6 core of ccrstant veloc; ty An attempt was maie tc obtain a ,3onstant velocity , a ~,on6tan,~ stat-~,, pressure , and a constant turbalen~:e f flow throu~,hout ti.e operatinf~ part The authors 4etermini-d the distr:,'t,ution over t~ie cross section of the jet and als-) t,'.c- tirt-ulenc- s ~:e C t ru:n ""tie mea , velocit4 es and ...ressure .,U]3ht~ ~-,ns were ;:-- I -, - -,,. e lectrothermoanemome ter cf the %j--e 37MPA (-ETAN-3A) Shape , f re,lutr.,,-y Card 1 / 3 27243 S/17' 61/'~G4/:- j /: r 2/:, cf investigating ti.e BICA/B125 and amlitude oil osci!:~;Lti~rs were- visua.'~,, ietermined by 7.eans of a cathode-ray oscilloscope and rec,rded or, a film First , the auth,.~rs measured the parameters of a free, turb:ilent, rectangular et The --:re -,f constant velocity of suct, 'L Jet Nas r-,,)t lon,.,er than twice the diameter of, the nozzle used At a rIjzz.'_' liamoters, the ed an intermediate zone --)f tt.e jet with constant vec~city and the main part of the 4et An anxl-,sis ~,f the flow of a free ~et shows that the cross section of constant velocity o!' the jet can only Ice i-nlarged by i-educinc the turbulpnce and ener~;y loss in its bcundar~; 1--ijer Fcr this purpose, it is recommended to bouni the jet by a so:id thc- aid ,f ex,erlmental data by aithcrs (D N Ly-,k6'.-jsf.-,J W- t h Aerodinamika elementarnogo fakpia, 3I-.(~'_,!-KcI'.t2.-,i~,e -Iqj:'7T. basis of tr.e Prandtl equat,.on, t,.e relatl :;n is t u i n,~- cal culaticn. ')f the tan,,-ent,,al stresS f t~.e jt~t shown tj.a~ tt,e tant.ent,,al s tre!is ari s int: w'_ th a 4et .n,.- aL ~T is cne-f~urU, of t~,at of a frets Jet In alditiorl, i nd icat P tna t tI.e I oss i.i Pne r,,". o rri nj~ n b,,,jn r i a t e i s 7, ani r 1 r,' Card "/3 27243 SP 7 61 /&cA/: ~ J/c Method of investigating the B1 04Y31 2 5 using a prismatic jet guide that bounds the jet on three sdes, it was pos s ible to extend the J e t core of c ans tan t ve I oc i ty t ~~ a 'I c-rL,: th -, ~ a . - i 10 nozzle diameters The width of the constant-velocity C')re amc);nted t_-, 7(Y/o of the tot- width of the jet g~uide There are 4 f4,,,-,jres an~ ', refer- ences. 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet ASSOCIATI~-,N Politekhnicheskiy institut, 6 Kiyev (Polytechnic Institute Kiyev) S U BM 1 I'T ED may 15, 1961 Card 3/3 1. MAKAROVA, V.S.; MK11ITARYAN, A.M. Experiments with monomolecular films In the reduction of evapDratiDn carried out on the shore of Lake Sevan. Izv. Ali Arm. 55R. 5er. tekh. nauk 14 no.3:43-5? '61. (MIRA 14-8) (Sevan Lake region--Evaporation) (Films (Chemistry)) KERIMOV, B.M.; MKHITARYAN, A.B.; PANKOV, L.S. Analysis of the development of the sub-Kirmaki rot!-49 In tha Severnaya Skladka field of Artem Island considering the artificial methods. Aserb.neft.khos. 40 no.1208-40 D 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Artem Island-4)il field floodLng) MKHITARYAN, A.M. Brb~z~a in the Lake Sevan Basin and sow results of their calculation by actv44 temperature distribution *12 the basement surface. Isv.AN Arm.SSR.Ser.tekh.nauk 15 po.5:15-32 162o (MIM 15: 12 ) 1. Inatitut vodnykh froblem AN Armyanskoy SSR. KS*vaLn, Lake--WindB) MKHITARYAN, A.M. Breezes in Lake Sevan basin and sow results of calculating then on the basin of the acutal temperature distribution In the underlying surface. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Ser.teWnauk 15 no.6sl3-31 9621, (MIRA 16s2) 1. Institut vodnykh problem AN ArWanskoy SSR. (Sevan Lake region-Winds) (Temperature) B/n22/6#445/006/003/006 D276/D306 AUTHORs Ylkhitaryan, A.M. TITLk;t On the problem of aea-bre*ze circulation PLRIODICALs Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Izvestiya, v. 15, no. 6, 1962, 61 - 74 TEXTt This paper is concerned with sea-breeze circulation due to temperature non-uniformity of the under- lying surface and which exhibits a diurnal variation. An attempt is made to set up a model of this circulation within the frame- work of a linear theory. The analysis starts with the general equations of hydrothermal dynamics, i.e. the three equations of motion and the equations of,continuity, state, and the inflou of heat and humidity. Differential equations for the problem are then established on the assumption that terms involving horizontal mixing can be neglected, and the brpeze may be regarded as a small perturbation of the general motion due to local non-uniformity in the underlying surface. The final model takes the form of six linear Card 1/3 ,/62/015/006AWOU 6/022 On the problem of sea-breeze ... D218/D308 partial differential equations involving six unknown functions: three velocity components, (U,V,W), pressure (p), departure of the temperature from the steady state value (-0%), and humidity (q). The boundary conditions are i (1) Z - 500 U a V a W 0 0'.6 -'60 (x9y9t)' q - qo (x'Y't); (2) when z--*co, u-v- p- 1~- q-0. 40 may be taken from observations, q0 is the humidity corres- ponding to saturated vapor pressure at '~o for points above water surfaces, or is obtained experimentally for other points. The solution is sought in the form of a Fourier series and the coeffi- cients of this series are evaluated approximately for each of the above unknown functions. In the initial stages of the analysis the solution is obtained for a constant turbulent mixing coefficient. An outline is then given of how this restriction may be removed and, in particular, the case is considered where the above coeffi- cient is a linear function of height. The paper is entirely theore- tical; an analysis of the various results and an account of numerical calculations will be given in another pAper. Card 2/3 51022 62/0i$/006/003/0016 On the problem of sea-breeze ... D218YD306 ASSOCIATIONs Instytut vodnykh problem AN Armyanskoy SSR (Institute of Water Research of the AS Armenian SSR) SUBMITTEDs July 14, 1962 I-' Card 5/5 MKRITARYAN, A.M.; DAGESTANYAN, M.G. Te"rature of lakes. Isv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 16 no.ls87-104 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Institut vodnykh problem ;%!I Armyanskoy SSR. (Lakes--Temperature) .1 ANANYAN, A.K.; BEK-MARMARCHEV, B.I.; 22iAMAGORTSYAN, V.N.; WHITARYAN, A.M. Using Soviet-produced s-urface-active agents for reducing the evaporation from water surface 1h reservoirs. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Ser.tekh.nauk 16 no.2/3:117-128 163. (KRA 16:9) (Swface-active agents) (Evaporation) MITARYAN, A.M. Determination of the )f %urbLI,-n-, exc~.&ngc- :n reservoirs and inland bodiq.-i w,it,~- based on th,-Ir wat anrl. heat ly-tlu-icei. lz,~% A3 no.4 i M:F~A I I n9 t I MKHITARYAN, A.M. Heat transfer in lakes. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 36 no-4:217-223 163. (MIRA 1611l) 1. Institut vodnykh problem AN Army"Skoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN Armyanskoy SSR A.G. Nazarovyz. KKIIITARYAN, A.M. Determining th,? evaT,nra*,Iorj lf'r--)m ',-h#3 surfac-) r)r lake? 3s,van by the hent bulan-e method. rA-)kL. AN Arm. rM 316 no.5t'81-28", t63 (-MIRI, 1. InBtitut vodnykh prohlem AN ArmynnsK,.-,y 5,5R. 1'redn'.avInv, akadwralkom AN Xnnyanskoy (;!!R 7.V.YegIa7,ar%,vym* LABINOV, 3.D.; 1=311-10, 7.13j.; WHITAIRYANI, A.,N. (Kiev) "Theoretical and experimental investigation,- of the boundary layer control". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 6h. L M25-65 MR(d, EWTU.I)/&,P(vi)/Xn(m)/NP(V)/W(V)/&iA(d)/EVP(V)/EWP(k)/FCS(k)/ DIA (h r rd-I Feb- DISSDI~SD (,f~ --I/ASD~ t) - .; 01,2 50020,32 AFTC(a)/mc(a) S 0170/64/0 0 0 - T ACCESSION-M - -API 12 MAI 01 ZKAW Nkhitary fti Ai M,;- -OvsysnnLkovq M. P. 'AUTHOR; TI ~D 'termi h lineari*ed perturbation fluxes in n ng.t a without Azial symmetry: SOURCE i Inzhanerno-f isicheskii zhurnal#, 19640 795-105 ~op ic TACSt -'hypersonic.flovo supersonic flow, shock waveg shock r coefficients Lnvisctd flow,, dissociated sir~,j perturbation fluxp a.onLcal~ -flow, linearized. ch racterLatics. method a ABST n Y arsonic-flow f a n ideal gas ove'r thick RACITI he L vL-scLd h p .and ~thin,mconical- bodies without: a xial symmetry to considered. This' 1-stddy .1a,;,&. further divelopment of slmilar'studLes'by Ferri (JASj, no. 8 '1953)* :and Chapkis -(JASp ~ no, 11 1961) using the superposition' of ii, near'.- so: lut Lana- on.-& nonlinear o.olution for-flow aroundeircular 1. ne.s oveverg , th remulte.obtalned for,flows:over.thin'conical -a 'fer from that-of ChapkLao, EquetLon's that define the bodLe dLA6 Velocity,components of the linearized perturbation f4uxes are derived-, for~thi"ck-and thin conical bodies, r espectLvelyo -A generalized solu-~ L 2/2 L -clur, 4&,., 0* 05~ ILI e I)o 't, ~Q t46 0,6, e 00 4, 461, oe Citt -14;, or Qb V)L 0j J*Q. or 10 ~~i a 0 1%,?, a t#~ - t to or 00- ti, 0,04, 0.0 1*10, e k 4 a IL 05 e. 'e 0 ep jam 0 J~eoO o r5i 4I 1~1 t, !0j) o ell 04 of lji~ &~ft -0 0(?C? e4, t kV It , a OI)L%Oktkh IVA 14 a 'o 4, 004 pe L q 0j. st 40b 0 ~., fee e... fIP4~ Ito P4 00 e.% 0Q,& O~ Ito, 0 ~bo L 1737--66 1ACCESSION MR: AP5014638 J961 over1ake Sevan make it possible to check the theoretical re- ilations under different conditions. These data were obtained by :gradient observations during the wintertime, and used to plot the pro. ;files of the wind velocity in a layer of 12 meters over the water. iThe experimental points are remarkably close to the th6oretical curvei 'based on a logarithmic law, in spite of the fact that the water-air temperature fluctuates within + 5C, and sometimes even more. In the ! lease of temperature difference-s exceeding 1010, the velocity profiles$ Plotted on a semilogarithmic scale, bend somewhat towards the ordinati i :axis, signifying that the additional development of turbulence due ito thermal factors leads to a decrease in the vertical velocity tgradient. Since this Is the oppouite of what takes care in the case ,of inversion, it is concluded that development of turbulence leads to I ,equalization of the velocity profile of the wind. Orig. art. has: .2 figures and 27 formulas,, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekhniki MWh ArmSSH AInstitute of Water Problem and Hydraulic Enstimerins NM*ArMSSR) L4 i cara 2/3 L 3.737-M ACCESSION MRS AP5014638 0300t6k ENCLI 00 on CON$ iso ,SUMTTEDS IMR RRP BOVI 025 o"faRs ()a cwd TANY,l N, YA N, EA Pt r ; MEn ta t U d y f lake. - 4' nq ',,f r, FLA n1 t t- -T76 9".1ricc. MKHITARYAN, A.M.; PAKHCHANYANp G.G.; LA7ARYAN, A.G. Efficiency of monolayer depre5sors of evaporation. jz7. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 18 no.6:50-70 t65. (MIPA 19:1 I- 334M-6c, (k) Iv,' 4T ( 1 1 A1",(,'1b3w7 (A, N) SOuncE cfus, UR/0057/66/036/003/01360/()967 Mioiltiryan, A. M.; Ka.91yanov, V - A. In.-titute of Civil Aviation (Kiyevskiy institut grazhdanskoy aviatsit) U: . Laminar elect rohydrodyntimic flowjp a plane exit cone with barodiffusion of i space charge talcon into account SCURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskay fizlki, v. 36, no. 5, 1966, 860-867 TOPIC TAGS: clectrohydrodynamics, elect rohyd raulic effect, electric Y ld , space charge, diffusion, dielectric material, nozzle flow ABS T iMCT: The author employs a method developed by S.M.Targ (Osnovnyyi zndachl teori laminarny1di techenyy, Gostekhizdat, 1951) to calculate the two-dimensi)nal electro- hydrodynamic flow in a plane exit cone. It Is believed that the resu'.ts may be of assisLance in evaluating the possibilities of the electrohydrodynami.. technique for influencing, the flow of liquid and gaseous dielectrics. Among the simplifying assump-4 tions employed in the calculations are the following: the vertex a-gle of the exit cone is small; the electrical Reynolds number is small; the azimuthil component of the electric current vanishes; the component of the radical electric c, rrent due to the space charge field is small compared with that duo to the external radial electric field; and the plane dielectric walls of the exit cone are neither charged nor polar- ized. The flowing medium is assumed to carry a space charge. 7%e slectrohydro- Card 1/2 L -334Q1,66 ACC NR, AP6015307 dynamic equations of motion are derived under these assumptions with barodiffunior taken into account. These equations are linearized by the technique of Targ (lor and approximate solutions of them are obtained. Formulas for the total pressure drop and the position at which the flow breaks from the wall of the exit cone are given in terms of the total flux and other parameters of the problem. Velocity profiles are presented graphically for two specific cases. Orig. art. has: 44 fomulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 14Jan65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OM REF: 00 1 Card 2/2 is KHAZHAKYAN, L.V.; !TRITAIRYAN, A.V.; J.I.; TATEV SUN', G." Derivatives of Lndole. Reporl. No.12: Structure of benzyliden "MLnp and some of its derivatl.,rps. rzv. All A!n.,3SR.KhLm. nauki 16 no.2- 181-189 '63 (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut tonkoy organicheskoy whlrnii AN Amc~SP- -I(KHITARYAN, A.V.; KOGODOVSKAYA, A.A.; TERZYAN, A.G.; TATEVOSYAN, G.T. l4k Derivatives of indole. Report No.9: 0(.,,A -Dime thyltryptamine and its 5-methoxy derivatives. Isv.AN Arm. SSR. Khim.-ilki 45 no..4:379-384 162. (MIRA 15:11) - 1. Institut tonkoy orgarxicheskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SSR. (Indole) SUMMANt G.A*; IMUTARYAR, X.G, Formation of a coewsis of hybrid wheat plants under different conditions of cultivation. Izv. All Am. SSR, Biol, neuk' 13 no. 7t6l-7o n 160. (MIRA 13:10) (WHEAT BREEDING) T-4 ITMAH rh.T.,, AWAY. A. P. Candidowyconis of the bladder. Urologiia 21 no.4:60-61 JI-M 458 (KlU 11:8) 1. Is kliniki fqkulltetskoy khlrurgli (zftvo - prof, ReLe Paronyan) YerevRnskogo seditsinskogo Instituts. (BLAPM. dim. Moniliasis after antibiotic ther. (Rua)) (1((M ILIASIS. atiol. & pathogen. antibiotic thor. cauRine blmd4er wonilimain (Rua)) (ANT131orics. inj.eff. monilianis of b1ndder (Rua)) TW &,'has S! of*" ft"s. low, tol.). 1-111-hil4g .4 bir- 114 a 1111(u. at ld witillum G..1 low"im is UWAWM fury. m It JIVI- MW 10 W111KAW tlklkll~ UJIN'll 11111111V W 6' r3j;!H) n-mvi-J. 4M 4 ouffetv A-latfirdy mAdy tid+-tt 44, -er-siao . 4% "Wr sho." that NOUN' jaiwa~irw 11m. -4m- AW at tim &tu.- fill. 11.U.11 11"g, C.Wn-1441 iii UlAwl"11 611 Ochisill hra-M I.-C fitr misms, . m 4 t%altatising Off, 9. Ili*), 3. m.1 X,411 0-1% Tt- X--0 116-111 Wit 412%. 6. if., -.1.1 .. j"It.4. The n,vl,, to sui., 1, Im tit kor pir&'.to .1 U.- th4l~ if. mmq ~ L. 0 #0000066 a too 006ot **Go 4 1 0 - 44 1 A 4 A P Q 13 a. A 44 17 A A . 1. . 0 . - . . . , . it t i a EL W) U .6 a - a 00 00 so 0 4t 00 00 00 O's Bright zinc coating of steel and bwase pefts in cyanide 00 400 1. S %ikhll4r,r2n 416114. baths 00 a ,. Z ." . , 1"'1 66. 4h.1" f, I Out .1" 1 ... I'1. /.1.) IA. Nit .'%. %...1f 00 N .4"-f .1 A a I aliv., A Night .0111-1 1 1.~Z 00 aired fix any egm-tAl imidiii ur the taw iml amalri sciiiii; fig After plating. the pArts stv washed for a few wi omit 490 446 J in a I 00,e suln al IiNO, The c it used is fyinat 2 4 file amp '%q din sod the temp is 5* C L It 00 o m1lia 0 00 -90 lee -00 00 00 00 .00 00 00 00 .00 00 .00 00 .06 1110 00 so 60 io 1 00 0 u i, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 SUV iT ~8 I 08:~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurg,.ya 6 Nr p A u rHORS: Tupitsyn. G. 1. , Mkhi_tar'_y~!j,, L-&- TITLE: Investigation of Protective Properties of Metallic Coatings ,.aniye zashchitnykh svoystv metallicheskikh pokryt:y) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Korroziya i zashchita metaliov. Most, ow Obort)ngiz 14~7 pp 145-181 ABSTRACT: A study was made of the comparative characteristic s ut 'he -ro5:on behavior of 3OKhGSA steel protected by various m,~-talh~ ( Oi!, in the atmosphere of an industrial area(urban Moscow). the profe( I ive properties of a Zn coating are considerably higher than those (,t a Cd coating; in a marine atmosphere (city of Batumi) and in i (cirronio-. chamber filled with fresh water fog Zn and Cd coatin~,,s ~ ., , h: ( k provide protection for steel for 5 years; and upon full 1I-nfI1~.r',1Ut_. In running fresh water or intermittent immersion in synthetic se,j wiler Cd coatings 10 ~i. thick protect steel for i years. Chrorric flit kel and tin-plated specimens corrode rapidly upon intermittent irtirnt-rsion in synthetic sea water and also in the atmosphere of the ndus?rLal area Card 1/Z of Moscow; upon full immersion in tap water Ni and Cr ~uatings !rum Investigation of Protective Properties of Metallic Coatings SC)%' 1 ~7 ~,g ! I -' '~08:) 5 to 50 ji thick provide protection of specimens for i years-. in tht- Batom olll, sphere coatings of Ni, Cr, and Sn .'0 ji thick showed good prolet ti,.*- propt ri rs Composite coatings (Ni-Cu-Cr, CU-Ni-Cr, Cu-Cr) provided i good proict t (w it,r steel during 3 years of full immersion in running tap water. with iwer-111 tier, immersion coatings up to 35 1,L thick corroded quickly. while (ornpusilt, ( , with a toal thickness of the layr greater than 20 p pro%ided I)r(-)Ic(ti(.),t r, 'h water fog chamber for 3 years; Cr coatings with an with a tola, tf,.;k ness of 20 4 , provide protection for 4.5 years in the Baturni atnic)sphcre, N- coatings under these conditions protect steel but the Ni itself is rapid:y ,L,,~ck ed: the protective properties of composite coatings 15 ~, t h; (- k i n a n i ndu,, k r~i, nio sphere are low; the best protection is provided by d Gr cuatmg in j Ni Cu Cr combination. I A Card 2/2 --L. S. ; AMAYMA, T. N. ; MPITSIN. G. I. NUctrodepeoltion of metals on chromium. 13jul. teich.-skon. laf Ora. no.ut63-64 160. (MIRA 13: 11) (Blectroplating) S/193/62/000/004/002/006 AWtIA101 AUMORS: Mkhitar-yan, L. S., Andreyeva, T. M., TupiLain, G. I. TITLL: Accelerated meLhod (" sliver piaLlng of components PERIODICAL: Byulleter,I tekhnIkc,-ekOromicnesXoy Jrformats1i. no. 4, llf)2, 17-19 TaT: The auti,ors report or', ir,vestli.,-aLif,~ns carrled out by a ;oviet organization [Abstracter's note: No naime gven] to aeposit a silver coating of 1.0 - 1.5 mm, thckness on steel by the electrolytic method. The silver was deposited directly on the steel and on a nIckel. sublayer. The specimens were made of 30 XI'CA (30KhGSA) grade steel, and were pretreated in a solution con- - taining 30 vol.% sulfuric acid (speci'ic pravfty 1.84), 3c, vo-,.% Qrtnophosphoric ac.'d (specific gravity 1.57) and 40 vo,. % water. The specimens were pickled 2 for 5 - 6 minutes at 20 - 300C and an ano,lo ourrent density of 20 - 25 amP/tIm After pickling and flushing in cold runn:r;g water the specimens were either directly sil-ver-plated or, a sublayer, off' ril'ckel was applied from an electrolyte containing (gram/liter): nickel sulfate 200, nickel cnIoride - 30, boric acid - 30, a=jonium sulfate - 1.0, PH 3-') 4. After the nickel plating the specimens were subjected to preliminw-y .9ilver plating In an electrolyte Card 1/2 5/193 P) PAM100o /(k2/0(_,8 Accelerated method of silver plating )I' cornpor.en%s AO()i /A 10 1 containing (gram/liter): ; ',, i;: Ivor - '!., - P.0, cyanide - 60 - 100, potassium carbonate - 30 - t* a urrent denzty o~ 15 - 20 amp/dW. To shorten the time of the final zilver pia*,i.,,g, whicn took som(,~ 50 nours, a technolo&j and an electrolyte compos.'tir~n nave beer, developed that made it poss'ble to Increase the current denulty, wh~~Le the quality of the s~'lver plating was not reduced. The electrolyte contained (gram/liter)- metallic silver - 30 - 40, potassium cyanide - 120 - 160, ;)otasslum carbonate - 40 - ,'-)0, caustic potash - 1.2 - 2.0. The electrolyte temperature was 40 + 50C, the current density 5 - 10 amp/dm2 and the currer,,, yle,Li 90 - 95%. 'Iring the electro- deposition process the electrolyte was ,;t.rred continuously. A deposition of '1ver ooaLing of I - 1.5 mm teiickr,ess a 3, ;,-, this electrolyte 611d riot take more 0' hours. The free cyanogen-w-meta*~J.(,, stIver ratio of this electrolyte s.nou.Ld amount to appi,oximately 1.6. In torsion tests the silver platIng did not peel off. The adhesion stren6th of tn,_~ silver layer was also proved by milling. The author gives a brief aescr' ';~~Ilon of the silver plating of a small aluminum-alloy cylinder. There is I figure. Ca.rd 2/2 KKHIURUN, K.A. 1 Variability In the rust resistance of wheat varieties. IST.Al Arm. WM.Dial.1 sellkhox-naukt. 5 no.605-45 152. (KLBA 9:8) 1. Institut fitopatologit I Soologii AN Amomuskoy sm. (Armenia-Wheat-Dissame and post resistance) (Urisdineae) KXHITARTAl. N.A. - Dtaeanes of shelterbialts In the Armnt&n S.S.R. lsv.An Aru.=M. Blol.t mallkhos.naukt. 5 no.8:55-69 152. (XLBA 9:8) (Armenta-Trese-Diseasee and posts) KKEaTAILYAN, K.A. .. - I Brooding rust resistant varieties of wheat. IZV.AN Arm.Sa.Blol.i oel'khoz.nauki 6 no.9:3-14 '53. (KLRA 9:8) 1. Sektor zashchity rastenly AN Armyunskoy SM. (Arueni&~-Wheat--Disease and post resistance) (Uredineas) y"', - -, - - - I -!.,. . , . .r.:. ! . 1~ '. , , .. I Ir, .~ Ys .,f w ~i t- " LF- 'I I - a I' :,.I !,z: ..# ~. t,;Ir ~, #,I) '. , ; , : ; - ~, ().I, 10"'l,- See U. orl fo r Pla n t. Fro tA, U 1 6!, , .- -' i, nrc - i, Yere-iai, )METARUN t M. A. - - - -, ----D~vidaplWrust-r9sis tent varleties of wheat in Armenia. Isv. AN Arm. SSR* Biol. muld 13 no.803-" Ag 160. (KUU 13;9) 1. Inatitut samlodellya Mbdaterstva sellskogo khozyayetwa Armyanskoy SSR. (ARMENIA-WHEAT RUSTS) AUTHORS: Mkhitaryan, M. S., Andreyeva, T. Tupit:~yr.. TITLE: Eiectrodeposition of Vetals on '7~,romfurr. PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonnm_'-he:~;,.-)y !nformatsli, PP. 63-6h MM: When depositing a nickel. layer of approximately 2`- -r c-rcTiur- plating a cracking of the chrome is not observed even at high for nickel and chromium. In order to obtain a strong chromium and nickel layers a special teehmology has been ~eve',' '_0 ;__e;--_e th,~ chromium-plated surface. The chromium-p'ated .-)arts are degreaf~o,! alkali bath. After being washed in hot and cold r--ruiing pickled in 50% hydrochloric acid and held unt"I a uniform g-is7_1.rv, -;,,,1 1)0- over the whole surface. Then the components are nir,,kel-plate,_! _~n -)ne electrolytes the composition of which Is shown 'In the f9 Table A) electrolyte composition; B) romponerit concentration 1r. 1) nickel -chloride, gram/11iter-, Card 1/3 8616o Electrodeposition of Metals on Chrorf,!r-- acid, milliliter/liter (specific grav''~y su 1 liter (specific gravity 1.84); 5) centrigrades; 7) electrolysis KouUCUTPaItUR XOMtrORCITTOB B wrpoi XT3 X Cocras SJteKTPOAIIT8 3-A XIIOPIICTbIA tIRKeAU, ZIA . . . . 0 25 200-240 - CePHOMICAUR IIHKCAb, Z/A 300-400 J)CO.111ti3n KI(CAOTa, MAJA (YA. atC 1.1911 250-350 180-220 1 - CCPHSH KI(C-TOT3. A(AIA (yi. Bec 1,84 1 - 5-15 nAOTHOCTb TOKa, 010,992 ) V 30-40 4-5 5-W TcmRCP3TYPa. rpaA. 1&-10 18-35 65-75 'BPCUFI 9J?eKTPOPI(3a ~ 1 20-40 IeK -3 Atux 2 After a preliminir-j n p i at ing, takes place Jn the 5-8 a/dm2 for one hour to a nickel plating can be omi-tte,11. Card 2/3 8616- A. M- aL, ,nner r,9 MY,fflTARYAN N iazh. - Cementing aorasi%re wneels with mandrels for - nQ-es. Prom.Arm. 6 no.10:/~8 0 '63. ., .."A I . . - XRISHKOV, A.P.; MOTA, L.M.; MMITARYAN, N.A. Potentiometric method of titrating acids with quaternar7 ammonium bases* Dokl.AN SSSR 132 no.5*1090-1092 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhaologicheekly institut imeni D.I. Meadeleyevs,. Predstavleno akademikom I.T.Tananayev7m. (Potentiometric analysis) (Acids) (A- nium compounds) AUT1.1ORS: Mkhitar'yan, P.K. aid Pazukhin, V.A. 136-11-6/17 TITLE: Rcesttng UnderfLeducirgC