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67128 SC)VIJLI 3- 5'- 11- 11/19 Some Result-s of Experimental iiese;rch into the Turbine Stages of Ring-Shaped Blade Systems the blades i:-.t the )utlet from the nozzle ring can be considerably lo-.,iePe(! or even eliriinated, Yet, in this case, the no.-zle blades must have -.he special profile shown in Fig 2 Another of experimen,s yielded some temporary re::ults, that under certain con- ditions it is po~-,sible to cut ,'..,vm still further the radial gradient of the rtLatic ';,resgure in the inter- ring cle,;rance as well as the losses of "the flow going through the rotating rin(~; that rings with nozzle blades having their bick edges inclined toward the axis of the turbine are unacceptt_~ble, etc. Definite recomaend~_~tiDns c-,n not be given before further ex- perimental work is completec. There are 9 diagrams, Card 3/4 7 Fraphs, and -- 6oviet r,_-Iferences. Some Results of Experimental Reoearch intc Ring-Shaped Blade Systems 67128 30V/143-',,9-11-11/19 the Turbine Stiges of ASSOCUATION: Leningradskiy korablestroitel'nyy in3titut (Lenin-- grad Shipbuilding Institute Ir SUBMITTED: June 29, Card 4/4 P,IASE I P(l)? EXPIj)ITA,fT'.)j,' 3,YJ1401 f ..tic-I rl!khrLl,~heskoy Inflrmatsii turb-In vyk:. i C;.-es ,or! r, of St am and Gras 'Purbines 14ashgIz, 1960. W",8 (Series t ~rj. 0(1 ~Opie,; 7rirIPJ. 3' ti~con -rLi--h- k!j, a, L tra- ~ty_`va. ',!prav E A. 3. Zf 1 Candl_-'at-~ cf Tuch~-Llcal Sciences; Ed3. 0 V a ~j -7 . - r -, SIMO? V3 ILI Llterat-Jrc~ ~__vtsion, Masi.jjz): F.I. Feti- A.S. Zil'beznman, Ca7-i- Englrje.~r; I ShIla1w, P SE: TI-. f 13 inten,,J,7,'~ for enwineerln~7 ar,(I S ar i r .3 tI,-.e workirig, prc, :er)3 4 of tilrbine ai!d _.ibel are test Al 3,~ de;T,: fj:~,.3~ pa:r-t of the _-ollec- 4 V. vessr ine -,r!d oomph -;r ~-V_e ,_()dynair~lc, compressor, th., work ; D.M. Re3hetko, t'-, a T.Ya. Klyanova, V I . F. -i~ % 1,L-.(-)-,atJ)r.._t N.F. 'Ittayev, and -r~ ~'Q] '~0r,813tS Of ,f wDrk of the Laboratory :he L*-sign Office for Steam and Gas Tur- bl."e'S of Meta: Pl.-j.nt) c~Dn~,erned with the study of vib:%~ lc.,r-- c)f t-,rhl:&~3 th(,Ir 'Oripone:7ts, partlcularly b' r~,ae E rnembeis of the vibration laboratory , 4 T --I In ',!it- wr,.k: &Iiglneers I.D. Novikova, G.-. LyUd1n, I 'yf- v~i, tr- ars- and viorker-.- A. N. Krasheninnikov, r. Y,~ K 2 ~ _'n .-rid P. Kudryavt ev. The ti-Lir-j part 1,-,d .9 Card '//I I SOV/4 Ol't, c jl~~tio - i2-.J v- xPerimental study -,f tre --f c;f t,,--bine components. This w: -x w -rf,~~r7"4 .7 Laboratory. Person- (-,f thls 1-itoratory M.M. Koren', !.*,'. tech-rdelans and workers Z",L~ Z. S !U- n I. t~ st part oonta-Ins arti- a r),,, ~ar '~2, test setups. At fr~:, p--c,ucing rotating parts ;;!.rr, f-resented. Person- -3 sh,,p of the laboratol-j an(~ -a-.rr'_J--.)va, the lpaciing Innovators Ye.V. V.P. '--y~1k.,,va. Refer,~nces tc sov/)I()I, W I ~E S L H! p u L;42 f A i -1~, Radial F-.-:,F;-3ure --s. Development and A 9 90 - Stage llv-r,r- f S;~Lr!oylc- -I c;,,, -.1 3c- and G.A. F.h,ar,in, Cardld--.1-- c f S,- -s. Lwesbigation of '-; .~.,!y A eiy -. 5irt'- , PY, r :;rri 141-1-lel ra-d Full-3,3ale Multi- 56- -)f a:~ F-xpevlmental ir.'i ~- 3 '~ 1a ' tIL --f Profiles 65 t~!ie s SOV/401T 'a c. Pr 'te F-ow Ab ut t, L 1 e at H 3 a Rng i,,#~ ": E,2'~ima,~Ion of the Effect tne ~~.-nrn~r9lor. If th~i T-.-IiIng E-17ge.'I :Df Blades or, TIP S'- Ga-32,idep ~:-f Profli~s 101 La- -ar-I ;.P. Erginc-e--. Te s t 1 R-L61nue-i. LOY e z~ ,.i w aIj r-, and Development of E,Y-' Iczzlcf,~ of AxIal-Flow 3riAir j V. F. r,. 71-3-.' rw, Z Exict Ii ',a r (Ti/ it c I "I S 1 - g MeLhods for M Flow Passages A149 PART !I. J? 7-HEIR COMPONENTS )f sc-,!,~lnces. ME~---,Iuremert of fy,r-iarl.-, St-:=3s7a h Components log L.S., Agh. f r L, e V.Ibratlon3 of tr~r RI-a~Lt-3 of' a Compressor 193 N. a-n 1. Kiy) t,/cvi. of Vlbratlon :'4:-L1 rIj' 20" Lg hf~lf ", t 3h,!m~:,v, A./, C andi _1c-l-,,? of Te al S,::ien:!es. Taklng into Ac--ount the Stiffness Ob'al-L&I '.,-)y La(,Ing Wires ir. the DetermIna- 't-'OT' of _P*:-Aing ~Lnd 0,vera.111 Vib.-Pation of Blades 222 Card 6/i.-, 1~--atlgatlora of the Componant.s (Cort.) 3ov/4017 N.M., Engineer. Investigation of the Frequencies of Rr~t,i".'ng BIades of Steam Tirbines and Other Machines 232 Kal'mens, 'I.Ya., Engineer. Dynamic StreBFes Arising In the Fic,t-)r Blades Dzie to the Action. of Perlodic, Short -Durati on Loads ard Contwantrated Impulseq 242 K_ti2'mena, V.Ya., Engineer, and L.O. Krevan, Engineer. Critical Sp-~c-dR of Rotors of Large Turbine.-Generator Sets 249 PART Ulo STATICIS OF ISE OPERATION OF 7TRBINE COMPONENTS Naamov, V.K., Candidate of Technical 3nler.ies, Design of the Wal'_ of a Steam-Turbine Casing 267 Naumf~v, V.K., Candidate of Te3.qnical Sciences. Diagrams for e Desig-i of Toroidal Components 286 Kaumov, V.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Experimental Investigatlon of the 3tresses In 3team-Turbine Casings 295 --anl 7/11 :...ve9t4_gat1oT-t3 of tte Components (Cort. ) Sov/4017 Na.;.mov, V.K., Cand_'4ate cf Tearmicall ScianceE. Design of Nozzle B--l-ke 306 Ya-.imolv, V.K., Canda:tate of Ta3'*%-nival Scle?',~tes. Design of Diapll~agms of Steam and aas Ti~zrblreB 310 Kul&gina, G.F., &nglvisar. Experimental Irvestigation of the Stresses and Defls,~riora of Diaphragms 333 Ks_ntcz-ov'_~t-, V.L.., Rriz-fneer. Investigation of the Stresses and S4,lfftess of Turbine Compo-:iants or Models Made of Plexiglass 347 L,eveherqco, B.L., Erginep:-. Modeling of the State of Stress In the Shrouds of Rotor Blades of Steam arJ Gas Turbines 355 Lev,_henko" B.L., Engineer. Investigation of the Self-Compen- aation of Piping on Models 362 Tret'yakov, P.G.. Candidate of Technical 3clences. Investiga- tion of Sareen Insulatior for Hiq;h-Temperature Gas Piping 373 Tretlyakoir, P.G., Candidate )f Techrical Scien,3es. Testing of an Experimental Oil Cooler 382 Card 8/11 1-1-3, '1 ons of the Components (cort. ) SOV/4017 Sr- T_r~;kLy, A.N., E-Zineer. Study of thr~ _1-,~rj3eablllity c-' '~~.e 'o-j--al of ar. A7~sterdti,~ Steel in a Babbitt Bea-Ping ~69 PART FV. INSTR-,MNTS, APFARA711S, AND INSTAIJATIONS V.A., tngineer, v.,j. byixin, tnginee_-, anG A.N. rMUMU,, F: of th,:- U4Z for th& Control F., )f STPam a-11 Oxci2 N--binc-s 9 9 :,c';.,zhsV!.y, G.Ye., Engineer. Ampllfylri~; Apparatus of the 114Z for - - Av. ~; Mr- ~,,u re:,7.t, n t s line i, V, A. Appara~iB f~r- 1'.'~A2tipoint Strairi-Ga,,re S)t _~'t 1S t -3 Y ~~ -L , E jl,*-,-,.!.-':- -'Jav, Measure:-.ent Irra.-,9ferred Fovier~ In Ro- -ha'ts S:lv,/;; P.. A! j E_' 1 Ax' a" Turbine E'F Er_,~.*_ n.~ A, D-'schargi-, Ex~- - r! F-rg I Eri,: 1: f: a r V I - Tj --t-i- Testi c~ ng Prof-'Ies Lapt~va, Z.A., Engir.~;'-r, A-0. En;,-Ineer. The 471 E-LV-1 Experlmental ALv I'S ' t:i:- Na-i-mov, V.K., Cwn-lldatr, -f Sclen.-Lz.. ar.~ T.A. is~.,_irdna, E:-~Ineer. Setup for LTInng-D_r;-i t 4 p t Jn8 &.'L' D!_,.phraFm-:3 at ~Ligh Temoeratures (bard 10/1:. 2 9 3 / 12 4 /F'j 1 5 3 A005/A 136 AUTHOR: Mityushkin, Yu. 1. iTl-E: E';wperimental. investigation ,-, ring (:as.-ades and turbine sta;,,es witl. decreased radial pressure gradient PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, MeXhanika, n~;. -Y,,, abstra,~t "BI (V sb. Issled. elementriv parovykh I gaz. turbin i sevy:~h !~ mnpre-, rov. (Tr-.1 Leningr. metall"ch. z-(Ia, v, I, Mfscjw-Len1ngrad, Masrig~z. 1()6(j, 27 - V)) T EXT The author presents the resu its of an experimental i nvestij;,at Ile n four ring cascades: 1) with f-,ylindrical guiding surfaces and radial :irrariftement ,f blades; 2) with guiding surfaces profiled as hyperboloids of revolmuti,,n an(i with radial arrangement of blades; 3) with cylindrJcal guiding surfaces anj ol,,des put in with their c,)ncave side towards the turbine axis (+450); 4) the same wi,ch blades put In with their convex side towards the turbine axis (-4~)O). The blades of all f..ur cascades had the same profile with a constant crjss sectior~ over the height of the blade, DO/I -k 9.5 (Do is the mean diameter, I ---~ 47 TWP 13 the height of the blade), the reduced velocity at the cascade outlet was /1= Card 1/2 EXperimental investigation nf ring -ISCadpS... Acj( 5/ A I - the ripyno 1 (15 number varl' ed from 3, 1( Lj t The apa,, I , y 4' was somewhat greater than that of' I ) for equa I i osses ajid enqu ror t o t,,t, Pv~ ~f static pressure over the radius. Cascade 3) has less capacity ttkar, 1), its losses are greater. Cascade 4) has still less capacity and greafer !~,sses. I the four vane ring cascades were tested in an experimental air turbine wi-!-, .he same impeller of a standard j~M3(LJC) stage (radially arraw~,ed impelm~er blades with a constant cross section over the radius); the impeller has -/Iin- drical guiding surfaces with small closed clearance and radial seal (DVI = ), M number = -D-5, R number ~ 6-jo5). 3tages 1) and 2) showed the same effi-!Pn~-y, but stage 2) ensures a greater capacity. Stages 3) and 4) had lower eff'p.~jpn(.y. but, in the author's opinion, the effir:iency -~f stage 3) may be sub5tan~!It-y in- creased by more favorable profiling of tne vane -,cascades, The author stage 4) cannot be effectively applied to turbirie design. Ya. Sirotlr-.In [~.bstracterls note: C~,mplptp translati.~nj Card ~Y2 MITTUSHKIN, Ta.l., kand.tekhn.nauk Dicrease of the radial gradient of static pressure in the nossle screen of a turbine stAge. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; Onerg. 3 no. 7:6& 74 JI 160. (MMA 13:8) 1. loningradskiy korablestroitellnyy institut. Pre6stavlans, kafecircy sudovykh parovykh i gazovykh turbin. (Turbines) MITYUS Ii, Tu. I., kand. tekhn.nauk; U MIR-IASI , inzh. CWu King-lan] W.culation of losses in the nozzle row of a turbine itage. Izv. vyu. ucheb. sav'*; energ. 3 no.8:79-84 Ag 160. (KTRA 13:9) 1. Imeningradski7 korablestrottel'Vy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy sw1ovykh parovykh i gazovykh turbin. (Gas turbines) 27541 a/ 123/6 1/000/0 14/0~/04 A004/A101 AUTHORt Mityushkin, Yu.I. TITLE: Determining the theoretical discharge through the nozzle rim PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 14, 1961, 27, abstract 141196 ("Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta", 1960, no. 31, 87-94) Writing down the equation of gas discharge through the nozzle junction box assembly of a gas turbine in the integral form, the author deter- mines the change In the mouth of the nozzle channel a along the radius. Nozzle junction box assemblies with rectilinear and curved outlet sections of the pro- file back edges are analyzed separately. For these oases the change o:' magni- tude a was found, as well as the peripheral component of' the reduced peripheral velocity along the radius for nozzle unctlon box assemblies with cylindrical meridional profile. It is pointed out that in nozzle junction box assemblies with blades of con-stant profile, the flow escape angle increases along the radius while the flow velocity increases towards the blade base. The calcula- tion of gas discharge along the radius is performed with the aid of graphical It Card IV2 27542 S1 123/6 1 /OW/0 14/,1:40/04-,~ Determining the theoretical discharge ... Auo4/AIDl integration of the equation of diacharge along the radius. The solution Is cor- reot if P1 0.8 and CY-, ,-' 200. 1. Barskiy [Reviewer's notet Deriving the gas discharge equations the author does not 4k take into account the thickness of the outlet edge of the nozzle blade which may lead to greater errors than those of ordinary equationa which the author tries to make more precise.] [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 MITYUSHKIIIP yu.-II.; SEMSNOV, TU.J., student; SHITKOV, V.N., student Compressible gas flow through an axial nozzle tip with cooled blading. Trudy LKI no.341151-158 161. k'ICRA 15:1) 1. Kafedra sudovykh parov.(kh I azovykh turbin LenIngradskogo korablestroitellnogo instituta Ifor Mity--ishkin). 2. Whinostroitell- nyy fakulltat Leningradakogo korablestroitellnogo instituta (for Semenow, Shitkov). (Marine gas turbines) ACCESSION MR: M4021745 8/0285/641000/002/0012/0013 SOURCE: RZb. Turbostiol n1yep Abe. 2-49-75 AUTHOR: Mityusbkin, Yu. L; Semenov, Yu. I.; Shitkovp V. M. TITM, Gas flow through cooled guide-vww assemblies with a variable temperature field at the intake CIAMD SOURCE: Tr. Lenina. korablestroit. in-ta, vy*p. 39, 1962, 91-97 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine engine, guide vane assembly, turbine vane, turbine I cooling, gas-flow calculation TRANSLATION: To strengthen the operating vanes it is advisable in certain gas turbine engine designs to Increase the gas temperature from the base towards the tip of the vanes. The calculations of the gas flow through a cooled guidevans assembly take into account the varlstion of the ttWerature field at Its Intake. Under study is the steady axially-symmetric flow of compressed gas passing with friction through a guide-vow assembly from the cooled vanes. The gas flow is aasumed 'w be cylindricial; the distribution of the parameters at the intake of cam 1/3 ACCMION M: M4021745' the guide-vane assembly is knovn. The presented method makes it possible to calculate the field or velocities at the outlet or a cooled guide-yane assembly equipped vith arbitrarily tvisted vanes, when the temperature field varies at the inlet, to the turbine's stage and the drop In total pressure varies along the radius. It Is noted that due to the rather small relative length of turbine blades (Z/Daverage a 1/8-1/12) in high-pressure gas-turbine engines used on ships and due to the insignificant change in the angle of torsion Q(1 and in the flow losoes taking place along the height or the vanes, it can be assumed that both dl and q1 are constant along the radius. No cooling is required for nozzle vanes made of ceramic or metallo-ceraalc materials. This fact simplifies considerably the derived equations. In this article are given the results or calculating the field of velocities at the outlet of a cooled and an uncooled guide-vane assembly for various lavs governing the change In temperature along the height of the venese On the basis of these results It Is shavu that for acceptable quantities of air used to cool the nozzle vanes (2% of the air passing through the ansine) aod for b1& sas k so ratures It Is practlcaUZ po~#Lbla to disregard the lowaring at the gas tosqWature mmItift the Gooling at the Cwd 2/3 ACCESSION MR: MhO21745 outlet or the guide-, asseablys In this case the velocity pl"s and their distribution over the Might of the vanes are practically the saime vith and vithout cooling. It Is noted that the unsteadiness of the temperature field at' the intako changes substantl&UV the field of velocities at the outlet of the guide-vans, assubly ad reqm1m an appropriate shmplag of the operating vanse. There are 2 Mustratlow am& a bibliography at t1t1m. To fempskov. DATE ACQ: Opbz& M 0=e Alv PA x3m: 00 Card 3/3 V..,a .,,effic I,a 17 t4r4i 0 . much M~eak'4 Mil-tMAK III, y I- Flf L 12W-66 SOMCZ: AUTHORSt TITLE% VIT(d w)/ENP(f)AWA(d ---FbF285/165/000/008/tOI51(4151 Eve(M), WWAM' Ref. sh. Turbost Abe, 8.49-102 S5 Llf~r~' Ki TUO 1. On the question of computing a supersonic jet korsblsstrd~tl. 19649 151-156 CITED SOURCEs Tr. Lon!M. in-tat vyp. 44v r71J' TOPIC TAGS: turbinev turbine nozzle, turbine jetv supersonic flow, supersonic gas flow TRANSLATIOVs �Mrsonio partial turbines are widely used for drivimg hipb d auxiliary vischanienso In the majority of cases drilled conical jet noMeMalre used with supertionile partial turbines ando in some cases# composite milled linear jets are employed. Losses of flow in linear supersonic jets are concentrated in the bound=7 Iver within the jet and in the system of outlet and boundary bracing ridges in the oblique se,ation song and at the outlet of the nozzle segmmt. A theoretical computa- tion asthol in proposed for the losses at the outlet braoing ridges in the sepent of planar supersonic jetst with numption that the ridges of nozzle walls are infinitely thin* This model 6f as flow In a segment of planar supersonic jets Is 4 9 rof slailar to that of a" in the central part or the segment of milled jots with a cross- cutp ev tbov* Us qualitative evaluation of --swe losses In them by a theoretical WMM dMW not seem wNsibleo Ccwd t/i IfWna &vmq ntY v)/T-2/EWP(k)/FCS(k)/E?tAt'li'iI L 11202-67 0.413 (m) 11,7WP (d) /F7dT (1) /1--4T (m) 1EIe (k) IFS (m) /FEAT (w) /EAT (f ) 1EW? (v) --JP(c) A~:L IMI jU?U'O20066 DIAV,41q, A/ SOURCE CODE; UR/0124/66/ooo/ooi/boi4~/i~04--, -- 10 R :--evi!nberr. V. D.; Mityushkin, Yu. 1. a- : On the problem of calculating supersonic nozzles SOaCZ: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 1B310 SO'URCE: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, vyp. 44, 1964, 151-156 70PIC TAGS: supersonic nozzle, guide vane, shock wave, wave mechanics RACT: Fornulas are given for calculating wave losses in paane 5upersoni vane assembilies having blades with flat walls and sharp trailing edges. A sinplified tat lona.4. scheme is used, in which it is assumed that there is only ono curvi- inear shock wave/which arises in the outlet section of the intervane c~~anr.(--I wit,, an -slty which is determined from the cond'tions that the angle of flow beyond tr,e g-,Ade vane assembly is equal to the angle of inclination of the back edge of t-,e rj.'ade In an oblique section, while the flow velocity at each point preceding the shock wave ~s constan. in magnitude and directed ong lines radiating from the point of inter- section of the flat walls of the intervane channel. Abstractor's note: The ass~[Led cozz.putationai flow scheme is incorrect and cannot be used for determining wave losses. For r. correct approach to this problem, see for example Gol'tsev, V. V., inznenerny-J, 1963, 3, No V. P. Val~homchik. [Translation z,-'-, - 3, 540-546 - Rzhmekh,.1964, 2B245. of abstractj SUB CODE: 20 Card jb IL 0 138---67-- L14TW/ (W)/EW(V) EVIP -IJP(c,)- -T ILB6028060 SOURCE CODE: UR/0285/ 000 oo/ooWooo6 AUTHOR: Mityushkin, Yu. I. ... . ....... TITLE: Calculating the flow in the guide vane assembly of an axial turbine i SOURCE: Ref. zh. Turbostroyeniye, Abs. 5.49.17 ~EF SOURCE: Tr. Leningr. korablestroit. in-ta, vyp. 47, 1965, 39-50 TOPIC TAGS: guide vane, axial flow turbine, turbine blade A.BSTRACT: A simplified method is proposed for solving the direct problem in which the ~shape of the bounding surfaces and blades in the guide vane assembly of an &xial-flow tur6ine is given and the longitudinal distribution of parameters must be found for the blade at the outlet with regard to twisting of the flow lines in the meridional cross igectionIJOIt is assumed that flow of the compressible-fluidWis axisymmetric and sta- ,tionary and that the deceleration parameters at the inlet to the guide vane assembly are constant with respect to radius; the guide vane assembly has conical or cylindrical bounding surfaces; the blades are mounted radially with respect to the trailing edges land forces of interaction between blades and flow are disregarded. (Translation of ~abstractl ~UB CODE: net uDc: 62l.165.ool.aA ACCESSION NR: AP4042863 S/0114/64/000/007/0026/0028 AUTHOR: mi ty4qj*irj,_,yu. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences); Wu. Ming-Ian (Candidate of technical sciences) TITLE: Effect of the radial temperature gradient on the blade twist in axial-flow turbines SOURCE: Fnergomashinostroyeniye, no. 7, 1964, Z6-28 TOPIC TAGS: turbine, turbine blade, turbine blade twist, turbine blade design, gas turbine. nozzle box assembly ABSTRACT: A new method for calculating the flow speed beyond the nozzle-box assembil in a gas turbine which has a variable temperature field at the inlet is offered. This formula: 11 tap 1p As, Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP404Z863 is developed for determining the variation of speed with the blade height at the nozzle-disk outlet, in the general case, the thermodynamic gas temperature, speed, and impact parameters at the turbine inlet may vary with the blade height. The angle of the stream entrance into the rotor blades varies less with the blade height in the case of a positive radial gradient of the impact temperature than in the case when this temperature is constant. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 18 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PR, NO REF SOV- 005 OTHER: 000 N_ Card Z/Z KITYUSHOV, X.I. Cortical regulation of internal secretion of the pancreas. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 3:576-592 154. (KM ~:2) 1. Laboratoriya nervnoy regulyatail ondokrinEykh funktsiy. Zavedtqu~ shchiy Ye.N.Speranskays.. (ISTANDS OF LANAMNS, physiolo47. conditioned reflex regulation) (RMLZX. CORDITIONED, regulation of Islands of Langerhans) MITTUSHOV. M.1. Conditioned reflex incretion of insulin. Zhur. v79. aer7o loist. 4 no.2:206-212 Mr-Ap 154. (KLRA 7-10) 1. Laboratortya nervnoy regulyateil endokrinnykh funktaiy Institute. fiziologil im. I.F.Favlove, Akademii nank SSSR. (INSULIN, plqsiolop7. secretion, conditioned reflex regulation) REFIAX, COUDITIONED, off. on Insulin secretion) 'fITY"USHOV, M.1.(Leningrad) Higher nervous activity in dogs in experimental diabetes Mellitus. Probl.endok. I gorm. 1 no.1:84-92 Ja-F 155 (91.RA 8:10) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii zhelez vnutreaney ajkretaii (zav. prof. Te.N.Speranakeya Instituta fiziologii imeni I.P.Pavlova (dir. akad. K.M.Bvkov) Akademli nauk SSSR. (DIABETES kt&LLITUS. experimental, higher nervous funct. In) (CESTRAL IEWOUS SYSTIM. In various diseases, exper.,diabetes mellitus, higher nervous fluxt.) MITTUSHOV. M.I. - ------- WOMMOMMOMM Iffect of collisions In higher nervous activity on the course of experimental diabetes in dogs. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 5:61-67 156. (MIaA 10:1) 1. laborstoriya nerynoy regulyateii endokrinnykh funtaiy. Zaveduyushchty - Te.M.Sperenskaya. (CMBBRAL CORTIKX) (DIABMTZS) /I I /i j I'll, -/- KITYUSHOV, 14. 1. - - - - 1. Coaference on the role of nouronumoral and endocrine faTtors in the SCttvity of the nervous svRtem under normai and 9athojcgj,:aj conditions. Probl.endok. I gorm. 3 no.2:118-122 Mr-AD '57. OMVOUS SYS7'SM) (HORMONES) (M,MA 10:10) MITTUSHOV, M.I. Change In the higher nervous activity of dogs as related to the blood sugar level in normal and pathological states. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 8:290-296 f59- (MIU 130) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologil zhelez wautrenney seicrateii (zavedu- yashchaya - Te.N. Speranskaya) Institute. flziologli Im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (13LOCD SUGAR) (CONDITIOIMD RBSMNSI) MITMHOV, M.I.; SPERANSKAYA, Ye,N. Physiological analysis of the therapeutical effect of glucose. Sbor. nauch. turd. U]kr. nauch.-issl. inst. eksper. endok. 15: 132-139 '59. (MIRA 14-11) (GLUCOSE) BRESIAVP LS.; ZHIRONKIN, A.G.; ILINITSKIY, A.M.j KONZA, E.A.; NOZDRACHEV, A.D.; SALATSI93KAU, Ye.N.; t HINHINP G.V.; SHMELEVA, A.M. Some data on the effect of a closed space on the physiological functions in animals. Probl.koem.biol. 2t291-302 162. (MIRA 16.4) (SPACE MEDICINE) L 1~270-67 EXT(l) --S'CTB DD/GD ACC NRi AT6036493 SOURCE-CODE-:--Ulz/06W/66/00()/'X.)0/0058/()O,',8 AUTHOR: Rarutkina, T. S.; Zarubaylo, T. T.; KityushovA M. I.; P~nov Rakitskaya,V. V.; Sokolova, Ye. V. ORG: none TITLE: Char-icteristics of the activity of the adrenal cortex, the thyrojo, aid higher nervous activity under conditions of prolon~,ed exposure to -n loi 5-9LIJ 11~, fo! r presented at thet Conference on Problems of Spacn MedicJne hold in Moscow frf)tn 24 to 27 MAy 1966) SOURCE: Konferuntsiya po problemam koemicheskoy w-ditsiny, 1966. Protilewy kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konferentsil, Moscow, 1966, 513 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic biologic effect, biologic secretion, endocrinology, thyroid gland, blood chemistry A13STRACT: The adaptive reaction of the human organism to spaceflight sti-lnul-i in- cludes change in the function of the pituitary -adrenal system, change in the thyroid gland, and in other endocrine glands. Study of spaceflight stress factors will enable explanation of the nature of the neuroendocrine changes which determine the organisnYs adaptation to unfavorable conditions. Ex- periments were conducted to determine the effect of constant noise (one of 'the above -mentioned stress factors) on the animal organism. White rats -Card_ 1/2- L U370-67 ACC NRi AT6036493 were exposed tu noise with a frequency of 650 cps and intensity of 70 db for periods ranging from I hr to 14 days. The sound was turned on 17 sec jn-every 30 sec. y the de- The functional activity of the adrenal cortex, determined b crease in ascorbic acid and cholesterol concentrations, increased depend- ,r 6-12 hr- ing on the time (:)f the noise effect, reaching a maximum aftL imental adrenal cortex in exper After eight days of noise the condition of the animals was the same as its initial condition. Introduction of ACTH pro voked a normal adrenal reaction, indicating adaptation of the organism to the effect of the stimulus. f the thyroid gland was estimated using the The functional condition o protein-bound iodine blood test (PB0 and histological study. Increase in thyroid activity was observed only after one day of noise. Deviations from the norm were not observed in the remaining periods. I Higher nel-vous activity was studied using the motor electric defense .method [Fedorov and Glebovskiy -- 1954). Under the influence of noise (lasting seven days) the latent period of the reaction increased and a tendency to lengthening of the time of the animal's gait was observed. On the first day after cessation of noise, the number of errors increased for some of the animals, which can be con0dered adaptation to -the noise effect.' [W.A. No. 220, ATD Report 66-116) SUB CODE: o6 / Sum DATEs 00"6 L 11369-611 ACC NR- AT603X92 tion caused an intensification of glycolysis. Injection of hydrocortisone lowered the content of ATP while the concentration of ADP, AM.P,_ and-A sitric acid was increased. &I. A. Mo. 22; ATD Report 66-1161 i SUB CODES 06 / SUBm DATES OOMRy66 Card 3/3 ~j 'AUTHO ,,BO.URG -1-OPM WT(M)/EWP(t)/EriAvA(b) IJP(q) JD/JG -AC7-p-M56015694 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/009/0093/0093 JRVENTORt Aleksakhitt, I. A.; Morzakova, A. F.; F. A.; Karbolin, V. M. f-ORG: tjone TITLE t Thermocouple for temperatures up to 2100C. Class 42, No. Lai343 (announced ,by the Institute of "Giprotavetwetobrabotka"I SOURCE: Iscibratenlya, promyshleanyye obraztsy, tovarnyye xnaki, no. 9, 1966, 93 -TOPIC TAGS: irldium, iridium alloy, ruthenium containing alloy, rhodium containing thermocouple., thermocouple alloy ABSTRACT: 1119 Author Certificate Introduces a thersocouplellfor measuWg tesperatu f:!~ U~ to 2100C9 In which the poeftiVe thersoclectrode to sade iron Iridlu!PM rhodium-,, UP alloy to ensuire high,_se.naitivityo oxidation and corrosion resistanceg-and relf~aXity andthe nesatlim thirvioelectrode to made from iridium-IOZ ruthenium alloy. (AZ ZY1 SUB COIX3 Ilt SON DATE i 22Mar6S/ ATD PRESS: UDC: 536.532.-537.324 MITTUSH(-.,Vk, H.4. Carbon dioxide requirement in bacteria oxidizing sorbitol into sorbose. Mikrobiologiia. 14oakva 21 no. 3:265-272 May-June 1952. (CLML 22:3) 1. Leningrad State University imeni A. A. RAanov. MITYMHCIVA, N.M. .. Relation of malt Iplication and oxidation of Acstobacter suboxydans to content of medium. Mikrobiologiia. Moskva 22 n0-3:240)-253 fty- June 1953. (CIXL 25:5) 1. Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov. i4 A 0.. abd T.Q o f0 iuk- A= ox Ul AD"AbsoVP 'e;~'roww"twil' opt im ts Vvi yswo i"It bola led'-that W% RAZIJP,InVSKAYA, Z.G., Drofessor, rodaktor: LOTTSYANSKATA, H.S.; CIIIZHIK, G.Ta.; KITTUSHOVA, N.M.; MELINIKOVA, G.G.. rmdaktor-, IVANOV, V.V. , tfqkTn""WffY-`r;daktor. rKanual nn laboratory work at microbial I Rlikovodetvo klaboratnraym zantattiam po mikrobIologIi.[LeaingrZzd-vo Leaingradekogo universitata, lq55. 68 p. (MLRA 8:12) (Microbiological laboratories) T T f v% he ogea, con f. "t 0 the Gap a the Pit tubercles and without tubars.--.N. M. Mityustioval- ' Uckenyt-Apilli Lefliqlad. Uesudal;. Ulfit. ON, A A ; e j f'~ 71-e~ tow N 'ontent of. the pap of the ph t U."Jus _'tr - . Ian YM IQ eelhe conditions of the Wd is greater-lof - -%Vben the p t With tubercles than for those without, pown in it plarA clamber the N content In the sap of plants -twith and withtnit tubtrcles lias a- ahirper differtuce than under the conditions of the field. 1(thetuber, v i ararernoved froma plant, the quantity,of N In the $up It 00asidembly less than in the gap of plants ooutg. tubacles, amt. of amideswid auilnes Is. slightly hiSher In plantAl Auberviesthan In those witkout., 1wx W~ L 7 E Id MW MITTUSHOVA. N.M.; GOUJBOVSKATA, E.K.1 VORQMVA. I.K. Nitrogen content of the sap of leguminous plants with and without nodules. Uch.zap.Ion.un. no.216:180-lP7 '56. (KLRA 10:3) (LEGUMES) (ROOT TUBERCLES) (NITROGFN) BARSUKOV, V.S.; MALINGVoIKIY, O.V.; MITYUSHOVA, NvM. Postradiation restoration of yeast cells irradi..-.Lted !1:-,der aerobic und anaerobic conditions. Dokl. All SSSR 153 no-5: D 163. (MEU 17: 1) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.F. Pavlova AN SSSR. Predstav- leno akademikom V.N. Chernigovskim. --------- - _~ACCESSIONWR: AP4060497 196t 120 1. Ts.~_ yj", tvuib Trmti~. ~, t t .-Postj~adfididwres ara Ion of, t'-ce '114 Ir~radlated tinder itei-oble and . no p- Yeast -dell imdcha rqn~yces~,.cerev a ste, Irradidticin , -Ox t4d se e e t ff c gene C- ce rea om on; yes 1643U Lit ago Ygett . ~ _ , ~ op sm c strd(Aue6 c. bp a ~:W~ -ra 6 aerob c e an ,--'- 'e AA+,CT-*. p0 it OUatt i'0'- e ect'un 6r th e~ rib6cl ac fl4q-oxy~pn~jffi' dead . , 'dtit~~eitudi `4- dilltu d satech ddh ltibnow eddag:guapelistori old re X ofaL day , . - . u eel e ae'totiapIoid+iitil~li~,~64]pabid.~ orie6, p6rationla, water without pro- Te'sitd6nditions. and procechiie' rem g- at* described. I er i6i~ bvin Oj 6 41th-i 660006i~ce~ A v kons, were place4 no f Lju"mit"&Vcr~y, ww4j~&.T-- I-Alwj: LaLuumawz LL&JUL-,Y*:. Lillm -V Ix I . r,=LL L7tL Lu ~WLLU. Lu ut= I - ~ . .., . L . .. L . . I . . A . I - . I . -. 1, .. . .- - , - - .-. . , 1. - -- -,,- " I - .I . -: , - " - ~ .: - -, - : . . ~ :-, , " . '. i ", . . I . - . . .I ~ 1 1. ~ w - : ~-, .- .. . r -- - -- " :1 y . . , . . I iT Tj3HCV phase of ;,r, w~.h. J I av lova 101i 3u brn.' t Led I-Ail L JK ACC MR: AT6003872 SOURCE CODEs M/2665/65/004/000/0451/0460 'AUTHOR.- lareukay. V, S. Nalinovskiya-S_.J. ,ORG: none B4-1 iTITLE- Significance of postradiation restoration of genetic structures for cell radiosensitivity. 1. Quantitative principles of postradiation restoration of yeast calls SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdolenlye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biologil, iv. 49 196S, 451-460 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation, radiobiology, yeast, radiation injury, cytoplasm, radiation protection, chromosome, mitosis IABSTRACT: It tatraploid strain of SaccharwVcee cerevisas yeast cells was irradiat-, .ed with a GUT-CogO-8400 source at a dosage of 1300 rad/mIn. The temperature of the .suspension was held at 40 to preclude mstoration during the Irradiation. Part of ithe cells were sown an agar and the remainder Immersed in water at 300 for various 1periods up to 24 hre. Taking t as the time the cells were Immersed In water and ithe Initial number of damaged cells at t e 0 as unity, the number of damaged cells ~Card 1/2_ L 16809-66 ACC KRs AT6003979 ,was found to dscr*ast according to the fomula e 'whom v(Dj t) Is the number of damaged cells irradiated with dose D (in rads) and 'Imersed In water fbr t- hour, v Is the rate of restoration of the population of Tdamaged cells or the probability for restoration of an individual cell In unit timeo' I ;It was fowd that the rate of restoration did not depend on time within a 24 hr Period. However, after 24 bra the rate of restoration dropped and unirradiated Icells to the control ample started dying. The rate of restoration as a function !of irradiation dose to graphed. Injured structures were restored throughout the enj Itire cell. It Is concluded that radiation Injuries of the dcainant lethal type are,1 largely rev ralbie to yeast cells and that virtually all cytoplasmic structures !participate In their restoration. orig. art. has: 3 figures, 0 f6mulas. coact 06/ SIAN DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH PEF- 009 2/2 ,Or I ACCESSION NR: AT4044481 S/0000/64/000/000/0041/0046 AUTI[OR: BitrBukov, V.S., Malinovskly, O.V., Mityunhova, N.M. --- I TITLE: The importance of the cytoplasm in the recovery of cells from genetic radiation damage SOURCE: Vosstanovitel'ny*ye proLsessy* pri radiatsionny*kh porazheniyi kh (Recovery from radiation injuries); sbornik statey. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964, 41-46 TOPIC TAGS: radiation damage, genetic radiation damage, mutation, cytoplasm ABSTRACT: In experiments on several diploid and tetraploid strains of Saccharomyren cerevisiae, the yeast was irradiated in aqueous suspension at 30C with gamma rays (C'060) at an intensity of 880 rads/minute. At various times after irradiation, the cells were plated on nutrient agar and the survival rate was determined by the appearance of colonies. The results showed that the recovery rate is qu~dftativcly the same for all strains of yeast, but is inversely dependent on dosage. The rate of recovery is constant for the first 20-30 hours, after which It drops markedly. Since the degree of damage to the cytoplasm also increases in direct relation to the dose, it appears that the recovery from genetic mutations of the dominant listhal type Involves the participation of cytoplasmic structures Ca,d 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4044487 and follows the all-or-none law. Most such mutations are apparently reversible. Irradiated populations of yeast cells can be described by a number of parameters characterizing the ability of the cells to recover. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 29Jan64 ENCL- 00 SUB CODE: LS NO REF SOV: 004 Car&,/2 OTHER, 003 ,,ry Ev Now I',' j' We I -' , ~ ! cade I I i 111le ,94;' (Auc fie T~O I Aitall Y'. A MITZEL, Adam, prof. dr. - _-- - . .. -1 Model research as a metbod of designing industrial construettona. Lnz i 'm,! Ag-S 163. 1. Polite c'jr,-jcri , Arc-Imw. RMUNIA NICOLAU, Cl., Conf. Dr.; MAURE5AN, V.; PHRISTAEA, Al.; KOOLAU, Elena; MIU. C.,- Lieutenant-Colonel, Pharmacist; VOICU, V., Lisutenant-gai6r. Medical d~~rps. and STROESCU. Eugenia "Correlation Between Changes in Structure and Changes in Phamacodynamic Activity of Acetylcholine and Some Derivatives of Irradiated Co"unds" Bucharest. Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special 14o., 1965; p 498 Abstrzatt X-irradiation with 105. 2405. 5405 r of acetylcholine, acetyl- ifiolfivi iodide, benzonsulfonate and paratolvene-sulibnste of acetyltholinei parmagpetio resonance spectral calculation of density of labile electrons were correlated with nicotinic offset dMages. 63 - d.-*L C, -~io 10 Gh., D~r, !.POST,=SOU, H., C., V., nd _r ven, 1,t-Col, a ~pt Laffiliat-on not 1:1~ "Observations Concerning tne Effect of RadioprotecTior. on --rradiated ar-d ---urr.,:!d Animals." _7ucharest, '101 62, :~o 2, :,.ar--*pr 66, rp 289-257. .:'.bstract: Ir". report or, a_ rad-Joprotective effectiveness uf c,jsta~_fne and cystine fDr burned and irradiated ot,_dy, ;..,.-'Ch used 180 rats, s.-Owed ti.e protec-Led aniz-.als, es:-ecially tn_~se irra- diated with 430 ce..tCen units, a ~;.Ore a,ten,,;ated evol-atfor. of the disease and a so;Lew'.,,at smaller intensity Gf ',-t,)pritholoi!ic lesions. The differer.ce in L:.ortallty LEt,,.-eer. tne prc)tected Lini- zLals and tr-e controls was not significant. Includes 7 figures, 2 tallies and 12 references, ~f wh'ch 5 Rumanian, 2 Russian and 5 't.'estern. -- -.anuscript submitt;d 19 July 1965. Ca ents wfth-t~d A A. 8 (Lq -56) 7-47-L -at h th C043 ant "Tate a...% Cra1z., liilz MIU, I. Wall girders. p. 431. REVISTa GAILCR FE;iATE. (Gaile Ferate Rominp) Ihicuresti, R=aria. Vol. 7. no. B, Aug. 1959. Monthly list of East European accessions (EFAI) LC Vol. 4. no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. MIU , I ~ M. , comf . un.i v. (Ehicuresti) About the zeros of some fanetions. Gaz mat fiz L4 S 162~ .:I - -.- I r - - - .. -.. M1 U11. M. A theorem and a generalization of the th6orem of average. Bul Inst Politeh 25 no.6:29-39 N-D '63. 1. Chair of Mathematics, Politechnic Institute, Bucharest. m.,: ,I M. - ", :- " r) !, b I -, - f-,r 4, 1 -: 1: 1 ~ it '. '. , rl I .1-7-. L, ( ri ,. r I bu ' - . in i3 t~ o-r, f~ r, a , : n a t p o 1 1, T, f, h - , ". r. ~ . C', ,A7 .1-tj - t, -~ . I . I fkj$tj r ,,mprt, of llj-IhhrFnl- :, I , :~I', , *f,. 141U, I.M. Real zeros of certain functlonB. Bul Inst Pollj*,et, /", -_, 2'9-37 Mr-Ap '64. 1. Chair of Mathematics, PolytechnIc Institute, Ruchares'.. miu, I-m A genem:Uzation o' tne mean va" p tl~eo-elrl I -. - , :- "s * ;~ c . - - e 26 ro.3,2-~,,13 ?OY-jo3 '6,. 1. Chair of Mathematics, Polytecanic Inatitute. RllCriftl"eBt MI-J, I M~ On a Sturm tnaorem "', 7- 1-- " - -, -P.7 "v - '. r _ ," . ~,F ~ 1, --hair o~ Mati.6m.-,- 4 irg'i, .-. ~re-3, 13URLUI j D. ; PRISCU, Al.; MIULESCU.- I.; MUNTFANU, R.; MIIIAI, V. ; 1. Surgical treatment of the peripheral ischaemia syndrome by Ognev's operations associated in a single stage with medulloscle-rosin of the left adrenal gland. Rumanian med. rev. no.2:76-81 162. (VASCULAR DISEAS~Z) (SYMPATHECTOMY) (ADRENALECTOMY) BECHESKU , 11. [Bacescu I ,,% , I, '. T. 1; i3C-DIANU , N. [Bode&nu, N. 1; .- , .~i- -ana; -' G. "Xiuller, G. I,'AII IA , V. [ Mamea, V. I Ecologic investigations of the Bl,:ck Sea. Rev biol 7 no. 4: 561-582 '62. PnPESCU, Ma tei P I nig. ; MIULFOX, Nie n! io, I ng. Now we Rumanians apply prev,3ntlve techmcal control. Crnstr [Pir 15 no.7250 30 N 163. 1. Trustul de constructli no.5, Brasov. BEIIETATO, Gr., acad; VASILESCU, V.; MIULESCU, Viorica; GRUI-ISPAD, M.; COVA31;.-ANU, Zenobia; STE.LESCU, N. - On the output and rate of adrenocortic&l-pituitary'secret*lon in dogs. (Experimental investigations by means of the "isolated hoad and brains" perfunion method). fbmianian I/ Pev. no.j: 85-93 Ja-Mr 161. (LDREI;AL CORTEX physiology) (PITUITARY GLAND phyoioloFy) (COATICOMPIN blood) VASILESCU , V. , assist. prof.; Ml',,L.;SCU, Viorica; GARD-V, Maria Sume data concerning the action Rumanian M Rev. no-3:3-6 161. (BAAIIN pharmacology) of tubocur&rine on the nerve (CU.'APE pharmacology) latMG Khm n Foalwt tr&nBiat.:)-r -e~;6i're'o R&II ) .2 no,ltla-L 163. 9;/070/6j/008/02/009/017 i 11039/94 ~, ~77;77., itettlatt'-.6fAlsloda on n- t a h body or othe Ai Y'a- v Th- i a aaro ~,ch son "to nicurs! C --,Para 1_ plane's of~4bdva "A e:norznon, 'b"'p-Oovides a prg US tic lpr, he p 6,: rpm 'crys f t 68 1 ' 'th' r C. study -ng - -or 0 y1hk twinn: Porun umi. .;for,,a ud UN: J.Uor pn~o in'. the __Iil~r 7_11-il- p_i 3,figur4si, 7.77 -rA S _.(_*t ut%: fii N SSSR apby~,A Cryati4ioir SSR x~ -,Z'Car 191~2 73, - MIUSKOVA, F, siri, c- 1c .1a, ~ ~- n d ~- - - I r , , -' n ,~ - - -r.,, :,L 1, : " - 3 r. tq , 1, T- I (I - r. - . C : F '~ .81 s 11 1. . . - - (P-oducl,~on st,,indp-rds) (Electronic calcul,,tirg machires. Ij Polls', To"!-'rlical Abstracts i9:13 BiLt1ding InduatrY and 6M 0 n I ~Vsta 'tt It Oreg, Sa-dani iWa itowan :Podstiiwa (a it rl, - "- V CE IMS. wo, 1953 Www7ve I g80 *Tfi" . orct4 t d dIzuens g ~_ - M I ton. ' Ong I.- atic and4tr' ji~m s MOW L shapes th Is of thii I 4 ~ Instances it jp. .0nd can be neither economical nor correct. such ari rnore:. idvantajeotiv to carri, out tests'on, small-scale. .mMuls.. Tbe ofstress, to 2 ob~gct of, modd Usting, Iti- to test the: itate -determine the check' A xiew.rneth-A worked ou static Values;: antl t6~ . , , contains. a desi:~tfatv o -testt Ujada, e&:66nstruct dn., n~ -with.,, abut form!ng- - , An In lo hcj h, an~ me-nt- ; r e -0 IL V13 Uct'Wrl 'd - , ., e-o 'Al .'at one'end,:und a the D r att Wl h* -the carrlageway- an ang (Is-4 the t;fa(fuet. -Tife dicul~H~ to jher w ' .- - , - . ` , -- the- m6det In-- was in Vils ot Qb-jec rried ati t. pf `110e tettf ca by tU d I a work of the struc- ~ck 'the itatk,va es, h -chi ~The hio(fe'l,of the vtadua--was: ~made ,of ralabaster. gypiumi to L lit Vll~,LAIE lw-arl tg aw-, J was comidCrably ~ - - ~~- wll~ r. &~. SIM MITZEL, Adam, prof. dr inz.; DZIEEDZIEL, 4&fred, mgr inz. Model studies of a roof structure shaped like a bic7cle wheel. Inz i bud 19 no.IANWWMaly por konstr 3 no.1:24-2e Ja W. KTJNIYG, Diane A simple amateur capacitor microphone. Radio i televizlia 11 no.9-.285 962. -,-- 1~' C~ , , I - I . . - -, MIUNNING, Khans Transistor megaphone. Radio i televiziia 12 no.7t206-208 163. I-T-Wily 'F'A 2~ d-n 91 ~vx~ 14.7-1 -_t-1 -:pip -I, -A .17 -17 dj-n. v ..qTftv. -If -rj Iq-j "W*4 pq_Jrvm P-TI.-m '-n-A ~11 ft liv j--j.;z -4 runic lj~l V" -rt -TrUTZ 91 T-T-Irrx ;- -Tv;~p T-Tr- *K-,f I'TI.ITV ;~ _Jj. ."L 16-t I-A J. 2u;9-v J~ J. -342 -.rr ti I-IF 'TIT-I~ r2 -V .1 1- _TJTT~ Iq ~j.~ Tv ~ft jwr aTI-tw jo wnlwdaT -Igd ql ,CItTTq-_ P- LIT-lTq---J-C 'P.T;12 - - - L~Tj~ -I,- J. ..I-2adod ft, Ac z-. .1-T. .= .1 =v -1 --d-d -.d-d In mzA T." '-d" Im -W." Ta jTV,,W., -M-rr~ ut P--V- q -T. X- P_ "-Tm- .7 T_%qj.,T~ ~~ vvnn .7 Wq n,;L J* "'PT11-3 '"1" '1*1 1- _1_11 'WI ftn, '..q --T-g j~ -v W= T 'A'C *-TP-2 :P-" T.U.IT" !AO.M *Y*A 7.-V 3113- nq%d JW 'VI -LStj -V= -P'T I *P.I.Wd,_pt- ooo'e -" C 1.& '-4bM S .1 .2.4. ,,L d~ d -T o %~112mj I It=dx- M ITU 'Tov, V. F. Modern representatlow of the structure and properties of grain boundaries. Itogi nauki: Fiz.-mt. nauki 31l59-210 l6o. (MIRA 13:7) ( Crys tal a ) (Dislocations Inerystale) KLASSEI-NIMUDOVA, M.V.; ORLOV, A.H.; AIUSKOV, V.F.; iYAPUNINA, N.A.; SIIA.SKOLISKAYA, M.P. Symposium on dislocations in and mechanical properties of solids, held in Gambridge (England). Kristallograftia 6 no.5:"-812 3-0 161. (14LU 14: 11)) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. (Dislocations in cryotals-Congresses) MIUSKOV, V.F. Growing singlp crystals of moWt,enua. h'. ~,Ivh ratpe )f apee,~!. Isal.po zharopr.splav. 8s2lC-;'- ',- (MIRA 16th)' (!, r7 9' - ). ',I!, I , L 14. n,. MIUSKOV, V.F. Ca'i;~-r,- " : X-rri'l r ;n,, f 11 ! j ic . , : ~zj , - . . ~xis-~l -10~;: lf~ ia ~-. I _ : 'P'i Mr- A p " 1. .11 , ': - 1. In., ti ',,, t, K-ri.-'.11 I I 3anifl I ,'i .'.- 'R. I MILSK, V, V.:'.-; L-14G, Toijogralildc: X-ray j--iid-,- o. .'~gG c.-ystals. Krisfa!lot:r.f-'-ia " "'0.": 652-656 Jl-Ag 163. (,:1.- 16:9) 1. Ins, itut ?~-T-i-qt,i I of-,., 1' i . .,,: i Brl3tO I' .9k--* ,' umivqrsi I, ~ ,, Angliya. Omagn~!ji, (X-ray (.i.*fraction MIUBKOTA, R. Unification of time norms for standard functions and their codbination. Sots.trud 4 no.8:89-93 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Time study) KIUSKOVA.-R. Unification of sectional work norms. Biml.nauch.inform.: trud i zar. plata no.12:28-33 159. (KIRA 13-10) (Machinery industry-Production standards) IGUSKOVA, R. Compiling time norms in calculating consolidated normi- on elec- tronic calculating machines. Bial. nauch. Inform.: trild I zar. Plata 5 no.5:8-16 162. (KIRA 15:7) (Machine-shop practice-Production standards) (Electronic calculating machines) AaUSSKIYP F.Ye. Duration of the period between soving and sprouting in sun- flowers as related to the temperature of the air and moisture resouroeB. Trudy OGRI no.22t45-47 160. 04IRA 14:10) (Sunflowers) (Meteorology, Agricultural) - T .'s- ;, -!. 1, e - -- , " "". :~ :, .. . I . - I . 11%. - '; -'. . - . - I - ,-,~ ~- ! f , ~ - E,.-. " , x ~7 - - I - I . : "- " ..- - ... , Z 1 , -. - . . . -, I'* r , , . - ,- - , ! * - ') KIUSSKIY, P.Yq. Katholology of compiling i preri~cl-jrjr, r)f tne reflerveg f p.-or,',I-tive moisture in soii under sunflr,werR ir. *he Ch,-rrozem zare. 7 r,ij y OG MI no.2~;7~-T) '61. (KIRA I- tt.) (Ukraine-3unflowers) (-;oil moisture) MIX, G. , SAHM , P. Welding as part of the prod%ction process in ce-st-steel and cast-iron foundries; principles and performance directives. Przegl odlew 13 no. 10: 264- 265 0 163. MIXAN. ladislav Heat production and conBumption in metallurgical plants. But "Asty 16 no.9:651-654 S 161. 1. Hutni projekt, Ostrava. MIXOVA, V. Tasks of agricultural economy. p. 150. (VESTNIK. Praha) (Vol. 4, No. 3, 1957) SO: Monthly List of Briat European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 7, July 1977. Uncl. IiA-W; , , . I . )r- 3(, )r. )-I -! ; fir- 0 - i ~ 1 in,-. , . , ~ , .4... I .. I i , .1 . . , .. 1. " :- - ~'Z.C' ) 3' 'V~j ' . :3'~' , , - , -I . I : -)n~, ~v _4. t )r . _ , _4r: , , : )r. - "'. . .. i., . ' " - i " I- I . - . 1. ril, . - MIXOVA, V. "Tmprov-ing the profitaoleness of the socialist large-scale agricultural production." P. 264 (Vestnik, vol. 5, no. 5, 1958, Prahav Czechc,310vakia) Monthly Index of East r;'XOPean Accessions (EF-Al) W, iol. 7, no. ,, September 1958