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DRURI, Ivan Vasillyevich, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MITYQ~WA.Qve `Va 1'FAwl-h kand. biol. nRuk; MAGON,-7-3., red.;-- IWWCVA, L.G., tekhn. red. [Deer raising] Olenevodstvo. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 242 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Deer) (Antlem) SVAWV, S.I.; MITYUSHEV, S.I. -- I Additional ohannele with the V-3 equipment. Avtom.. telea. I ffyi&Z' 2 no.7:24-25 -n 158. (KIRA 11:6) 1. Zamstitel I aachal'aika 4-y distantall "7ELzi fterdlovskoy dorogi (for ftalov). 2. Starshly Inzhener 4-y dietantail gvyaxi Swerdlovskoy dorogi (for Mityushey). (Railroads-Telephone) 6(4) AUTII-L'~: '.'itylushev, TITL-; PEIR 1 Radio, ..I, IIJ tralisistor i,,- f, in ii.-ur,,, 1 !,Pc(-,iver vill -.3ve a 4 A c - ov:- I-volt .3- e !-1-:-e Card I HITYUSHIV, S.I., prepodavatel' Use -f ST-35 apparatus in remote control. Aytom., telem.1 aviaz' 4 no.4:31-33 Ap '60. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kafedra alektroavyazi UXKIIT'a. (Remote control) FEDEM ~ G.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; ROLISHCHINOV, Ye.P., inzh.; MITYUBHENj S.I., dotsent; OLIKHOVOY, A.I., inzh.; TITOVA, LA., inzh.; KUTYYEVJP G.M., inzh.; TREGUBOV, G.G., inzh.; ASHUKIN, D.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; MAKSIMDVI(,H, B.M., nauk, retsenzent; FETROVA, V.L., inzh., red.; VASILITEVA, N.N., [Mechanization and automation of information and accounting work in r&i.Lroad sections) Mekhanizatsila i avtomatizatstia informatsionno-uchot.noi raboty na otleleniiakh zheleznykh dorog. Moskva, Vocs.izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va soobahcheniia, 1962. 159 p. (Hoscow. Vseaoiuznyl nauchno- issladovatellskii institut zhelezno be-mise m ;,rl'tr-iril; s-all ~xc~ wi, I cordU it c ..C '3 ~7 F. t z r 4 t t - t e I e n C t e 13 W, tl.v 13 fl n iifir!l't ' n :.e fl-'~.. If ty~iu '11.1 :e ,re t s~r t r j t t Jl t f `1 77,cd if icvt . or. ~.n 1 1i f i c k- t i -io I e v r s seq-e7A half- ~r!r, r r. f ~ t 1 P s -, i ) : -..ese two val;;e.- S-.%e-9 Card 2/3 -f r- can ~e lrawr f-D t ~.e Ph P:;o-ena i-. 7.L _i 1 1 c C )r e s W: th S :u:-re Hy E t e.-e3 i .3 - o ~, S'.'B'j,:ITTED A7AILA-nLE 1 10 Y. o t e xt e,,' ot r t r , t t t'. ee . i tr, e! fe -~ t r) ~the si j rf t : ., rbar.ce cro:ses a -,L,,neti9&tion, which exceeds a c-rt;tin t value r B , . - --I ...n 7 1 r; derotin. t .e i r: i f i c~-. t i n Of t ne ~ ~d~,; c t i Dn of. s~ re s pon se of t!ie c ~)re T:-.ere ~ r- 1 1 f i 7ure s , aT.d 1 refs? rence 1 of w.,i i --h I - 31 ,.Lvi c Marc.. 11 , 1',L" Libr--ry ~)f Cc,_rers 1~ Electric relays-Anpiysis 2. Electrical ej,.up-ner,t-US3R C.-ird '/3 0. and ZH01ZiJTKA.')vVTT.T, 11. A. "The Arnlicntlin of ContactleRs Maenettc~ ~;lsmsnts in Remote 'ontro' Devices," pp N-ILA, ill, 2 ref Abst: The oroperties of iontactless mngnet!c elements are considered And the advnntages of their application in remote control devices Rre not"d. The results of the experimental oueration of the first nnit (TCH-TS) have shown that the ise of wich elements has signifInAntly improved the basic technt-!al and otioratlonal nharacteristi,!9 of TCH-TS devides (reliability of operation, transmission sDeed. and the elimination of maintenance eaulpment). Wide Introduction of erintactlesa elements in telemenhanl,~s nractil" Is r",)Vq~nded. SOTTRCY.: Materialy hauchno-TakhaicheakoX Xonferentsil po Obmewl 22ytom A-kerluatataii Un-troyety Telegakhaulki I S:y7azi Nanch&-Tekhn. 0-va Snerget. Prom-sti. (Vaterial From the Siientific and Tenhnical Conferenie on V-x,!hanre of Axperience in the Operation of Telemechanl-!s and Commini,-;it Ions Devices of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Power Engineering Indlistry), Rostov, 1957. Slim I BY' . ..... ........ ^ r5l MASI I BOOK UPEDITATTOX 30T, 33". XnAtit.t ta.-Wis t.lewakharika (industrial T%iemechanies) Ob.cov. 1960. P. Itrz ta &lip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. 0&.ri lo'l Ed. of Publishing 80"41 U.N. Or*F~r'y- ; PVRPOM This collection of articles to Intended for scientific workers ar,4 engineers In tn* field of . . Ih book contains studies 1, 1917 by Tho CCVXRAGI >7 ., war" of he 1"titut Set - t1ki i t io .hLr~_ iki V4 ' ;. Institute of A~tooatlon T.1 ... ha-ml... Aa.4-y of d nulp..nt, .hai c q 1-I.A. tol l t"Lless arat.- -4 *yet.- for trib...d equip--, t'. . .. ,*Sign of tolemeohanle Slgr~l syatem3, pmbl-. of bri 1-I' L elmlialzing In relay circuitry - tr~dd of anth.. - A"I - -alltiss I relay 0 ry "I g contact,. No V.. iredit n ~l.j by . p a" ".tton*d -Most of tn. arti as ~ azco TLIUM OF LarrwrT31 PAZT 1. OMMLALL, PROMIM OF TMEXICHAMIC3 GavrilOv, N.A. Development end pegont State of DiSomte .0hAn1c Tb*0rT and Equipment P"ff =- TK--ONY OF TELF-MCHANIC ST Q&Trilov, N.A. Design of Po-idge Cimultry. &I -Its C.-titg "a . ., T.A. Cootaotl*ss Counter Cl,cuit. C.mtI 4 o 92 CIncidence Ostlanu, T.K. Evaluation of the Wunter of F~lf-Corrvatlng Codes with c~binod use of ch%rwateristic Pulse Pefttrrea 109 Toatel-d, Tu.L. Combined U20 of Charaot.rlstlo ?~tlao PjaLurea in Protected Circular Signals 115 L -1 a. Stgn'" SyStIMA Using ChAr.*t.rl,tj. p,,_ Ih DeajFn of P41- LL 4. tr1but ST '. U O , pon*nts . 146 Pra lsn!~!i_ OT--%t I- n of' Pl.. C1=71~nent. us Florro- r1,1: Witt Rectangular Ky.terealm L4op - P..18- ~z tile and Induct Load C-dit1-0 a%tp-jgg~ r-F- 'U&h-C&P&4ltY VAohlne fcr Relay C1,1.,y iur l 172 PART 111. TzLE)mcHANIC RQUIpKEM~ T.1-.-hahj. SY-te- for Equipment 198 ARL'~cne, , T,,V, TelemechAnic E4ulPm#nt for the Control of M N ' UlDment systema - - 18 oh il n 7-1 New C--6-..nt. for COn&&:tleas J~el-hsnl, 236 lik x 319ral 3yst- using Pll-'r--d F~Jays 260 At,-t. S-V.i-ng 1. 't..,. W ith Distributed C-ml point, 277 AVAIL&BLE: 'Abr~y of C-ng-s- (Tr 213.A325) Card 4/-A 1067) C1 1 p, w I c r)f .)r,p c 7 Ar o r q ire i r ..;I !,,~* , : . . . . , I . -,P. magnei e n,~ e ~e we e ri a c F r u mad.- I t E. 1 f q y s, p 7~ s w c r K. c C on c 3 ~ S 7,* i 1 c ~- e s w 'e to Fi~;- cintrol windinG, lo~lul- an,.' it com2ensation .,.,indin~,7, respectively, s' or. a 20753 2 UM U" UH-UN P3 4) 1) 93 um-ux ~2W9 -U W YLM, -XI W9 wp - WP 2j ~ Card 3111 20753 S/1 03/61 /C22/-JO3/O--S/2C8 Contactless switches with ... Bli6/B209 Legend to Fig. 3: 5~ Compensating element , 6) to 'lie odd elements, 7) to the even elements, 8) from .1ul se --enerator. 751 Pme. 3 Card 4/11 20753 V i o3 /16 12 2 -,,;r,-.act less o-.-iit c-es wit h. . . B 3 2 Lec:end to Fig. 4: 5,N compensating e lement, 6) from 1~u-se &enerator- Card 5/11 umnpucod 6j Contactless Switches with ... 20753 S110316110221003100810',8 Bli6/3209 legend to Table 2: Parameters of the pulse diatributors with cores of E310-type steel. 1) Type of pulse distributor, 2) data of the windings, 3) parametere of the circuit, 4) type of current supply, 5) parameters of the pulse, 6) output Pulsest 7) double-way connection (Fig. 3), 6) single-way connection, 9) PELShO, 10) multivibrator with amplifier, 11) net with technical frequency of 50 CPS, 12) ferroresonance pulse source (Fig. 9), 13) current in the power winding after remagnetization, 14 length of the working pulse, 15) idling current, 16) uee Fig. 10, 17~ see Fig. 11 a, b, a, 16) see Fig. 12. ' - the lowest and highest resistances given. ' "- the winding WH is combined with winding W,. .. I - the output of the pulse source is connected to the terminals c, b of the pulse distributor (Fig. 4). The bridge ac is taken off. Card 6/11 Contactless switches with 0 S Card 7/11 20753 s/103/61/022/003/008/00a Bl16/B209 0 9 Cl) U 20753 S/103/61/022/003/ 008/008 Contactless switches with ... Bl16/B209 1) 1.19 NUUYJtbc& A&Hme" ftKnjnbCU IV g- gu 2,5 xcex f UC it . P 10 A 1,2 CU. 4 4 pile. it, a. 6 +1 it + T U- 100 Card 8/11 A) Ipm 3 Jaen 20753 c t 1 e S 0 nvy i t ca 'A; i ', h ecend to Fi'-. 9: Pulse source. F151.0-ItevI ('01.0, ' bu mm' d ~ 40 mm, 71 - 12-00 turns, 3H H conduction wire of a diameter of mm, C - 6 4F, R' - 0.7 O~Im- Legend to Fig. 10: Output % U_ Pnc. 9 i~ulse in the double-way connection of the pulse ,11istributor according to (load current 40 oh~rn) Pac. 10 Card 9/11 contactless switches with ... Legend to Fig. 11: Pulse oscil.lograms from single-way connection of the pulse distributor (Fig. 4). a~ Voltage across the capacitor C CB' b) voltage across the load R . 2300 ohm, c) voltage H across the load RH - 6000 ohm and across the capacitance C 2 gP which is connected in parallel. 20753 S/I 03J61/022/003/008/008 B116/B209 1 t9I JVcfjr ff 4, C Card 10/11 ~:,C t I en s ow 4- t c he Fj wit h :,e..-end to Fig. 12 :Output 'jul,7e for sir,61e-way c-)nznection of the pulse di~;L~--'butor according to 4 (voltl~ge across Cat)acitor CCB for C CD lard 11/1 1 20753 s/- 02/6 ,Ct:-.Si4KCV, no. r jj A. re Y7. A: a e. ,.'i e Fi MITYUSHKIN, K.G.1 kand. UW~Ln. nauk Principal cliaracteristic zinc networkn of rw%cj~a rcjrit,real develope; by t~ie Adl-Un'or. R,3-qf-,.,tr!h :m3L4t;t~: of - e,:*.-. -ri. I . , Systems. Tru,,,y VNIIE n~~.I'~:'-33 I r, 3. . !,',ITYIJSiiKII~4, K.,,.. karld. t;,kll:l. Tiauk GORSHKOV , 3-V' 2 inzil. p -- - . ---- *,,ntr,l -evices for S.,- ~2, " - ~'. re.--,)-e - c'. 0 r-~ - L)j3-,a,r,c-Yl,e n t. 11, 1 s t at i ons . - rl 1 .1 ',' 7:. 1 ~ , 'I - . I , : 3'~- -( !"I.: "It 1.,. , ,~ispatchar CO - - REF.,30VC M4 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/004/0038/0038 AVrHOR: Mity~W4kia.-K._ G.; Ambrosovich, V. D.; Klemin, V. A.; Gorshkov, S. V. ORG: none TITLE: A cyclic device for remote control ane signalling. Class 21, No. 178882 [an- nounced by the I'ElektMullt'l Plant (Zavod "elektropullt") and the All-Union Scienti- fic Research Institute of Power Eng!!j!riM_(Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy SOURCE: Izabreteniya, prrATshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyya znaki, no. 4, 1166, 38 TOPIC TAGS: remote control, telemetry, cyclic coding 9 electronic circuit ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A cyclic unilateral (simplex) ac- tion device for remote control and signalling with pulsed time marks. The unit con- sists of two subassemblies for remote control and signalling. On the transmission side of each of these sets is a pulse generator, distributor, coder, time code shaper, line ar unit and a unit for frequency-division channel multiplex. On the receiving side are a unit for fivquency-division multiplex, amplifier. shaper, decoder, distributor, pulse duration selectors, a unit for authorizing actuation and Individual output con- trol relay units. On the transmission side of the cyclic unilateral (simplex) action remote signalling device am a distributor, an automatic triggering ~Wvice, a coder, UDC: 621.398 Cgrd 1/3 arm n" L 23901-66 ACC NR, A 60 4 2 3 0 f "cam" rd 2/3 1--Pul" generator; 2-- UJAe distributor; 3--COn- 0 P trol panel; 4-- M and acceleration charge Unit; 6--limar unit; 5--dis unit; 7-frequency-divi- $ion Multiplex unit; 8--time code shaper; 91-9 and 101-108--distributor element n Coll. 8; 11--blocking time code 8haper, linear unit, frequency-divisi( multiplex. and on the McOlving side are a fre- queftcy-division multiplex unit, amplifier, shape distributor$ decoder, Pulse Mark duration select Ors reception accuracy dual, control unit and Indivi- output s1gnfl11n& MJL8Y unit. In order to Pr4V t Indeflnite;,dejay during tr an=ls V4MRotj!:!.0ontr*L. $ion of .9411104a -due -"a ..the necessity for at tile -A .i6 46;,.the:.hdjIjl apit 4, 41 t A 14 t d 4ung elm. con outpu dd aft for! as iikeb j& JL" Sig" 49i eliminated I ------- - --- -- i i Fffi~fflffi ACC NRi AT6022312 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0071/0075 A~:T;iC)R: Xityushkin, K. G.; Prangishvili, 1. V. ORG: none -'i - . i Decerminii% the reliability of remote conLrol systems S()~'RCF: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiva telemekhaniKi. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 71-75 TOPIC TAGS: remote control, automatic control theory, system reliability A-BSTRACT: Most remote control systems, which operate without redundant control el2-- -.ents, have a sequential reliability structure. Each element in such a system can be described by some degree of importance or rank. If a failure of any of the given elements has no effect on the normal functioning of the system, then that element is characterized by a rank equal to zero; if, however, the failure of any given element causes the entire system to fail, then that element is characterized by a rank equal to 1. intermediate values of ranks 0 < Wi < I are determined for those elements whose failures only reduce, in the corresponding manner, the quality of operation of the entire system. Formulas are derived for determining the information weight, that is, rank of individual elements, and the probability of trouble-free operation of a central system. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar66 Card 1/1 MITYUSHKIN, T.S.; TATM. S.K.. doictor ekonom.nauk. red.; SlTUOV.%.AYA, K.A., red.; ORLOVA, V.V., LAnal,vsis of the economy of wochine-trnctor ut4t,ionsJ An;jliz kliozinistvannoi deiatallriogti MTS. Pod red. S.K.Tptiira. Moskvn. ,-kisAwl-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry. 1947. 247 p. (MIRA 13:1) Otichine-tractor st~jtions) MIMS,-:I(TN, T. 20032 UW/AwkUwJftwtor Btatims 4106. Jan 194T "Umearning the Method of Analyzing Financial Accounte 1 T. Mityushkin, Dir Cent Accounts, Ministry Agr USSR, 11 T i PP "Iffs" Vol VII, No l Analyzes monthly financial account of Petrovsk MILIS, Stavropol' Kray, for Jul 1946 vith particular emphasis on ored1t accounts opened for fuel and lubricants, re- pairs, and salaries. Discusses quarterly accounts and proper utilization of credits. 2OG32 KTTYI".'~--KTN, T. ow/umbuo-Traour Stations 41o6- Oct 1947 wConcerning the Plan f or Psymmt in Nmey and Kind for Trwtor Work,"'T. Nltyushkin, 4 pp aws- Val VII, No 10 Decree of Soviet of Ministers of USM, 10 May 1947, established rates for payment in kind based an yields and time for WS to service collective farms. On 15 Nksy 1947 Ministry of Agricultu-,e of USS issued decree establishing differential rates of payment in kind to WS depending upon types of services rendered for grain cultures and sunflowers. Gives examples of deoree in operation. 20G33 LC 2W33 MITYUSIIKD,', T.S. [Accounting In machine-tractor stations] Iliuk-hgalterskii uchet v MTS. Moskva,, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1955. 36-6 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Machine-tractor stations-Accounting) MITYjUaJA,_Timofay Sergeyevich; KURIHA, Ye.A., redaktor. FURMAN, G.V.. takhnichesiriy redaktor [Analyzing the economic management of collective farms] Analiz khoziaiotvennoi deiatellnosti kolichozov. KoBkva. Izd-vo "Znania,l 1956. 39 P. (Voesoluznoe obahchestvo po rasprostranenilu politiche- skikh i nauchnykh zaanii. Ser. 8. Akonomika aellskogo khozialstva, 7yp.2, no.4) (KMA 9:9) 1. Glavnyy bukbgalter Kinister8tva sol'skogo khozyayetva SSSR (for Kityushkin) (Collective farms--Accounting) TOLYPIN, Yuriy Mitrofanovich; MITYI uchny,.v redaktor-, BRNZANOVSKAYA. L.Ta. redaktor; V.USYIIIA. N.L.. tekhnicheskriy redaktor (Business accounting and net cost at machine-tractor stations and on collective fame] Khozraschat I sebastoimost' v XTS t kolkhozakh. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo, kul'turno-proevatit. lit-rY, 1956. 74 p. (Bibliotechka v pomoshch' laktoru. no.22) (MIRA 9:12) (Kachlue-tractor stations--Accounting) (Collective farms--Accounting) P.7; MITrJS11KIN, T. Accounting in agriculture. Bukhg.uchet 14 no.11:23-31 N ';?. (MIRA 10:11) (Agriculture--Accounting) ' MITYU-SHKIW, TiE~of~y Sergeyevich; TATUR, S.K., doktor okonom.rwuk. red.; LAPIDUS, W.A.. red.; PNVZUBR, V.I.,; TRUKHINA, O.K., tAnalysis of the economic Bapects of-socialist agricultural enterprises] Ansliz khozisistvennoi doiatellnosti sotainlisti- chaskikh sellskokhoziaistvennykh predpriiatii. Pod red. S.K. Taturs. Noskva, Goo.izd-vo gallkhoz.lit-rv. 1960. 279 P. (MIRA 1):11) (Agriculture--Accountl%g) HrLMBKTN- Timofey S rpypvich; PANIN, N.S., red.; PONOMARKVA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Uniform accounting system in agricultural enterprises) Edinaia sistems. uehats V Bellskokhoziaistvannykh prodpriiatiiakh. Mo- skva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 295 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Agri Al ture--Accounti ng) :)','Cy:- T', , 'Z ."I ~ . . 1 1'. S. , kana. e4or.. '-7) -3BO' IN , ';. T . ; .-- .1 . MITYUSHM) y TUKTTAI-',r,VA, A.?*., rerl.; ""4. .. I . - [Account.1m, or, farmrd .,LLYhga,-,er,;kii ucho-t v !.Io ~kva, S!-a'UsiAka, ".". (, j . " I , : "I VARIYEV, V.I.; MITTUSHKIN, V.G.; KONC.'.,;.N0, I.V. Experience in the Gperallorl of power in a faC!,,-ry. Koks i khim. no.11:59 '63. (MIJu 16:12) 1. Yasiriovskiy koksokhimic ties k i y zavod. A, 71 01: r,,,. A: i MITrUSHKIN, Tu.; DUWVSKIT. 1. Introdi-e progressive iractices in winter operations. 5troitel' no-10:9 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Glavnyy meithanik treate, Stalinshiletroy-1 (fnr kityushkin). 2. 14arlyakiy bumashnyf kombinat (Volxhak) (for DVIoveldy). (Building--Cold weather conditions) ~'-EqR Mityu.;hkir., Y,,A . I ._4 T I T LE: The Proble.,:, ')f a Rj r i,11 1 3 t, i t i c P rs.3 11 r er, .1 the Rims "ER 1 CID1 CAL: Izve~~t-'ya vlys.-3y~ikl' 195~3, N rI pp -i' r, j 'T ~,BSTR-ACT: In p,iper the bine stage without a ralial pre.~iz-ur- -hp gap between the working r:.ns, F-r a-::-. w t desigT: a turbine stage having a cy1:n;r--:a1 f--w in theworking r4m [at(grad P,)', than a stare with a practical!y' con--trii,t dp6rroF. reactivity, achieved by profillinj, the I ~:.,i t:rq, s~irfaces with constant-profile blades. A diagr!i.7, ;,f "i cal flow turbine stage is shown ir, 1 The a-,- thor mentions in this connections ex;;~,-rlmerits in field performed at the Kharlkovsk.'y institut imen', V.1. Ler.ine - KKPI (Khrr P-,*.y'-c!~ Card 1/4 nic Institute imeni V.I. Le,.in). F,-i r he ox-~ :,inns P rob! em of t:,e Ti,e ory -, f a T ~r i., '.static .-I~essure 'gradient r-, the theory j.'r' dynamiic reacltiv~tj Witt~ a cor,.ic~,,j f a- low in. tlle "/or, is 6hown lr~ rerent ::,ethods of sta6e's W ti, CY -. "n i:-.' based or, cer~;t In ra t i'jn'i I"'w ~3 Z*1.4c f? a t' al ro-er* jbt,iir f,-' f i I t I t i card w I SIM" ~,75(,4 A /A Translation i'romj Rer'erativnyy zhurnal, M e Ki i ar iK aIoN N,, 12, p. H i A Uil-- OR bLtyushkin, T-1.1. Ti TT rot em LX- On the I c f' FrI Turbine Stage PER:ODICAL~ Tr. Leningr. Kc~rabll estrc l')58 (1959" N- 23 33-42 rEXT, The author Conelders a lir.,~ar stati-iriar-; ax-d--Nma..3tr-i whose '"ow surfaces are one-sheet h I yperbololds Df revolut,,on ~,f tne !:-.V'-' prtsslole fluid in the axial turbine stage. 11~s gu'dc- vanes are eq* 'at t., such a manner that their outlet edges colriclJe with ~hc- rad-'al dllrectl-)'~. the losses and mass forces are neglected. 7-iog~ Cunii&,ren*al Kinemat4.'I' are derived, characterizing the hyperbolic stream, anl '!- Is p,)Inter'l a stream Is Isentropic in the ab5ence of t.rie t,ta' energy gradier~- ' ~ir-l tral. tr- vec,tors of velocity and veloct,~y are -oplanar More-v'~" a j, f- Card 11'2 7 L4 AOGVAO~. On the Problem ot Flow of an Inv' P, -.7- pr- ced --)f --onstru: t'n,,~ tr.r- i a. r i ',:-:ear- nyperbolic stream. :t :F p-llr~ed Lndt i~.~ the working blades varips along t.~~e the gererally adopted "vortex !aw~." wn, -: ar-~ )tt-i,n~: n ~~14 dric =tage theory Trar.Elator' s no-,e- This - " I . - . - . y . I F, . '.. 1... . . . - 1 ; ~ -1 1 1 .I -. I , , - .. - ,. . I - . I ., . I - I - - - 1. - . . . . . I . I.~ ; . . . . I, -- , . I - I I II .y I I 8(6)9 14(6) SOV/143-59-6-12/21 AUTHOR: Mityushkin. Yu.I., Engineer TITLE: A Constant Reaction Turbine itage PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Energetika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 83-87 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the author explains the theory of a turbine stage with a constant degree of reactivity and with absence of a radial static pressure gradient. The development of a turbine stage with a constant thermodynamic degree of reactivity along the blade height in the abse:,ce of a radial static gradient is one of the methods of increasing the economy of steam and gas turbines. In this case, working medium leaks thru the radial gap are reduced and the conditions of the working blade root sections are improved and the passing capacity is increased. The calculation of a turbine stage with a constant degree of reactivity is very difficult using the method explained by the author. However, this method is more accurate than Card 112 those explained in ~ffefs 2 and 47, since it may be i~~ A Constant Reaction T'irtjine 'itage ~OV/143-59-6-12/21 recommended at ratios of L 1 However, the Dp > T o cp practical recommendation for the utilization of stages with congtant degrees of reactivity and absence of radial Static pressure gr;idients in the practice of steam ,and gas Virbine building. may be made only after testing ~'u , ch a stage in an experimental turbine. There is 1 graph and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy korablestroitelinyy institut (Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute) PRESENTED: Kafedra 8udovykh parovykh i gazovykh turbin (Chair of Marine Steam and Gas Turbines) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1959 Card 212 67128 10.3ooo 4~64 30V/143-59-11-11/19 AUTHOR; MitQi~hkin, Yu, I, , Engint--_r TITLE; Some Results of Experiment Research&nto the Turbine Stages of Ring-Shaped BlzjD~systems PERIODICA-L: Izvestiya vy.-,:3hikh uchebnykh z!vedeniy, Energetika, 1959, Nr 11 , pp 8~1-93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a report on some results '!chieved ':y the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute wbich, since 1956, in cooperation -.-ith 'he aerodynamic of the LeninCradsrkiy met~:'licheskiy za- vod (Leningrad Metal -Plant), is conaucting theore- tical and experiment,-7 ~.,ese,~rch on met,-,old.- of dimi- nishing the radial Cr;.idient of the st'Aic pressure in the inter-rinF, cle-I_--ance of a turbine 2ta,-e. Also "TsIAM" ' "KhPI", ,nd o'~her institutions are engaged in the same reseai,ch. The author describes in detail the experiment-il installation which was set up by his institute for the comparative research Card 1/4 of diff9rent kinds of noz-zl-e rings.. An experimental Ir 67128 30V/14 3-'--Q-1 1-' 1/19 Some Results of Experimental Resea-rch into the Turbine 3'.ages of Ring-Shaped Blade Systems air turbine was used. Four type7 of nozzle rings were tested: 1) nozzle rings with cylindrical boundary surfaces and radial blade system; nozzle rings with especially profiled boundary surfaces Z Ref 5-7 and radial blade system; 2) noz.~le rings with cylinirical bounda-vy surfaces and blades having their bent arts inclined toward the axis of the turbines; and 4~ nozzle rings as per 11) but with blades having their back edges inclined toward the axis of the turbine. The results of the experimf,nts --re swamed up as fol- lows: a) If nozzle rings with speciaily profiled boundary surfaces Z_Ref 5_7 and r-idial system of blades (havinr an ~inchanging cr-ss--,ection) are used, then, at certbin exactly prerequived iimens'~'ons of the nozzle rind's, there arises no .-adia' gradient L of the static pressure. b) If the bent parts of the blades are inclincd toward the axis of the turbine and the bound-iry surfaced-, have a cylindric~il form, Card 2/4 then the drop of static pre.~sure along the height of