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"APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 circulation system of a drilling machine", l-lo$cow, 1959. 16 pp (Min lltgher gduc IISSR, I-lo, cow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of the ?etrd~m-Chem and .~ndustry tm Acad I. M. Gt~bkin, (:hair of "Drilling Petrolatum and Gas Wells"), 150 copies (}eL, No 13, 1959, 106) I-faster Tech Scl. (dlss) -- '~/'he hydraulic com,,pt~tation of the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 MITEL'MAI-~, B.I. (Moskva); ROZENBERG, G.D. (Moskva) � qtructu~aI conditions of the flo~ of a viscou~ p/as~Ic fi,zf~ t~ough ~ cy~n~ieal pipe of circula~ cross sectioa. - Ag '61.: (;~H* ~:8) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 i~-,~ CharnY�, I. A., Vil'ker, D. $. an~ Rozenberg, G- D. Two-phase superson�c flow ~o4/s209 (Dece~se~), Hitel'm~n, B. I., TITLE ~ pER~ODICAL~ DokladY Aka~emii nauk ~SSR, v. 1~?, no. 1, 1961, 48 TEXT~ I~ ia know~l th&t ~he ~empera~ure of a wall in a supersonic flow differs only ~itt~e from the st~gna2ion ~emperat~re of the flow Of gse particles an~ particles ~ ~. 5owever, � two-Phase flow consi~in~ � li%ui~ ~th � freez- Pr frozen Ii~ui~ may Be assume~ to arise when i~ intro~ucel lng poin~ consi~er~bly higher ~h~ ~he gas temperature in~o ~he g~s ~low. The temperm%ure of the w~lI in the f~ow mus~ then be much lower ~h~ ~he a~~i�n ~emper~ture o~ She gas. In or,er to check experiment was carrie~ out m~ the The s~a~ation ~em~era~ure of ~he airs~re~ an~ the temperature of the Oar~ ~/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 s/o2o/ / 57/oo /oo6/o Two-phase superacn�c flow Bl~4/S20~ water were botB 1~�Co Tbs constunptton of air an~ water by weight in these e~periments was 0.12 an~ 0.02 kg/eec, reepect�vely- Within 8-12 sec, a steel ro~ place~ in the stream became covered by a crust of ice that was soli41� bon&e~ to the ro~. Thickness an~ &d.heaive strength of this crust rise with the spee~ of flow. This phenomenon can probably be utilize~ in industry for cooling high-pressure gas wells and mains, as well as for cooling surfaces in & gas stream. A quantitative theory of this phenomenon will be presented later. [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.] ASSOOIATIO~ MoskovskiY institut nef~ekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. I. M. Gub~ina (Moscow institute off the petrochemical and Gas Industry imeni [. M. Gubkin) pRESEBTEDs June 10, 1960, by P. T&. [ochina, Academician SUBMITTEDr June 9, 1960 Card 2/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 RDZENBERG, G.D., red.; ISAYEVA, V.V.r [I.{endk~ook on k~drauli� ealeuI&~fons tn driiling]Spravochnik po gtdm~vlicheskim raschetmm � bureni�. Moskva, Gostop%ekh- izdat, 1963. 252 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Drilling fluid~) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 B.I.; ROZEN]~,~O, G.D.; $t{UMILOV, L.P. Addi~ional pressure losses in the ~nnular space resulting from the conveyance of cutt�n~. T~:dy VN~IBT no.9~2~-31 f63. � (~u~ ].'7,9) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 YANKELE~ICH, Mikhafi Nlkolayevich; SELIYANOV, V.A.s re%senzent; SLU~gKE~, M.Z., re~.~za-va; , ' [Analysis of the administrative operation of & lumbering emte~prise] Analiz khoziaistvennoi deiatel'nosti lesoz&- gotovitel'nogo predp~ii&tii~. Moskva~. Goslesbumizd~t~ 1963. 262 p. (MIRA 17:3) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 1. U]~rNIIGIPRON~FT ' � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 ~,,rntmm~'eLu th~ral~r o--"* typhoi~ ~ever tn chiI~ren, Ped~atrit~ ao.Z: I. ~[r 8talimabad~koT' goro~ko7 infekt~ionno7 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 ClA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 -Aristovsk/~s Reactiom in Scarlet Fever Patients.'~ Sta~huabad State Medical Inst imemi AbuaLt ibn-Sina, Stalinabad, 1955. (Dissertatiom for the Regree of Candidate im Medical Sciences) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 "ACC CODE: UR/OZZg/66/O6Z[O09[O069/OO71 A~rlOR:� MLtel'man, L. Sh. ORG: Department of Preliminary Instruction in Internal Diseases, Altai Medical Institutefd�rectoc-docent Z. S. Barkagan[, Barnaul (Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennykh bolecney Altay~kogo meditsinskogo instituta) SL~ ~ODE~ SOURCE: Byullecem' eksper~mental'mo� b~olog�l I medlcs~my, v. 62, no. 9, 1966, 69-71 TOPIC TAGS~ cobra, reptile, cobra venom, toxtc/ty, anttcoagulamt effect, blood ABSTRACT:~'~e toxic a.d anticoa~ula~t effects of As�at~c cobra venom on blood coagulation were studied {m u{t~o. Dilutions of 1:800 to 1:100 completely inhib�= coagulation; dilutions of decelerate i~ and inh~bit f�brin formation. The toxin has an antithromboplastin effect but no antithrombin effect. The anti- ~coagula~t. part of the toxi~ is thermolabile an~ i6 ~m(:tivated ., 06! SUBH DATMg Z6Jan65! ORIG REF: 006! OT~ REF: APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 DTnm~.� maEnetizatio~ loops of 657~ an~ ~9~4 atlo~ ~t freq~n~ies up~ to ID �.p,s. Elskt~ieh. stvs no.9:67-69 S '63. (MIP~ 16zlO) 1. T$.ntr~I'n~y n"uchno-issledov~tel~ski� instit~t ehernoy APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 7(6), AUTHORS: TITLE: PERI ODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 S0V/~2-25-I-25/51 [itel'man, M. ~., Ze~lyanova, L. ~., ~ri~er, ~. I. ~ethods of Dissolving Intermediary Layers in the Preparation of Electron Hicroscopic Objects (~etody rastvoreniya promezh~t- ochnykh sloyev pti preparirovanii elektronno-mikroskopiches- kikh ,ob"yektov) Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr I, pp 62 - 64 (USSR) Collodiunm~ Quartz, beryllium etc. are used for the prepara- tion of object support laminas in electronic microscopes. The solvent employed may, however, act upon the lamina in a way as to impair its transparency. Three different methods were investigated in the present case, with the purpose of reducing the solvent action to a minimum. A device was elabo- rated for the method of the capillary addition of the solvent (Fig 1). The specimen holder is situated in a closed glass container (~ith outlet and overflow tube~, to which a dropping funnel conveys the solven$ (amyI acetate) that, reaches the collodion by the capillary force. The dropping method is APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 Methods of Dissolving Intermediary Layers in the SOV/~2-25-1-25/5~ Preparatian of Electron Eicroscopic Objects based on dissolution in a fresh solvent. The device (Fig 2) im basically similar to the above mentioned, with the sole difference thmt the specimen holder (nickel lamina) is in an inclined position and the solvent continuously flo~s over~ it. In the vapor method the solvent is vaporized (Fig 5), with the specimen holders being in the vapor phase. Laminas wi~h an absorption of omly 0.05 can be obtained by employing the method ~escribed (as compared to those obtained by the usual dipping method and equalling 0.~6)o ~here are ~ figlAres. Card 2/2 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 6.1 40 AUTHORS: SO06/BO6~ ~itel~man, Eo G., Yerofeyev, R. S.~ Rozenblyum, N. D. TITLE: Conversion of Energy of Short-.lived Radioactive I~otopes PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, ~960~ Vol~ 10, No. I~ pp 72-73 TEXT: ~- amd C-active isotopes produced by in:eracticn between neutrons amd matter may 5e used as emitters of charged particles~ aad a potential differemce caa be effected by gathering these particles on a collector. Rasing on this principle, it is possible to build converters consisting of am emitter and a collector which are separated by a solid dielectric or a vacuum. The current supplied by such a converter is proportional to the number of charged particles leaving the emitter. A = (N~onG/M)(1 - ezp(-O.69~t/T)), where Na is the Avogadro numbers o Zs th~ neutron~. capture cross sections n is the aeutron flu=s G is the mass of the emitter; ~ is the atomic weight of the emitter substances T is the half.-llfe of ~he forming isotopef aad t is the time of irradiation of the emitter. If t is much greater than ~, the number of ohmrged particles is '~ndependent of Card APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 ConTersion of ~Luergy of Short-lived H=d~u_..~ve~ ~-~' slos�l~n/n~el~'~'. (HIRI APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 Va1uable ~nit~t�~e which should be continue~. Den. ~ kred. 2i (B~b~o~aphy--~s ~ ba~lrg) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 BUZfREV, V.~'~ prof.[deceased]; LA~AZOV~ V.I... dots.; N[KOLOTOV, $~,: ~ccs.; ~k~�, L.I., docs.' ~:ITEL:MAIt~ Ye~.~.,~. dots.; SH!~}~SH%~G~, S.B.; dots.; BT~[~, b,~.~ ~', ROT~D~, A.Ya.~ dots,; USI~KOVA, L.N., prepod.; DU~A, [~rency cireulaLion and credit in %~ U.S.S.H,] Denezh- hoe obrashchenie t kredit ~E~ 5~os~: Vyssh~z 1965, 45~, P. 1. Vse~o~z~ zao~P~ fin~ovo-ekono~chesk~Y ~titut (for ~ except ~b~vm~. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C[A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C[A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 YEL~TSKIY, A.G., p~of. (Kiyev, ul. Kirova, d.7, kv.9'~ ;.MITEL'~/~, Yu.N- Anatomical and f~cti~al restoration of the hip join~ follo~ng ~t~op~sty. O~top. tra~. i protez. 2& no..11:3-8 N ~63. , (~ 17:10) 1. Iz ~e~ ortopedii i tr~tologii (zav. - prof. A.G. Yeletskiy) ~vskogo medits~skogo ~stitu~ ~eni Bcg.~ol'tsa l~en~gen~sk~ otdeleni~ (zav. - st~shiy ~uc~ sot~[k Yu.N. ~tel'~) U~skogo instituta ortopedii i tra~tolo~i (dir. - dotsent I.P. Alekseye~o) � APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 L~ngi~udinal hot arack~ ~ comtinuouslle cast slabs. 25 no.;~312-317 Ap '65. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 {,~talinak--lietallur~cal plants) {rnventfons, lmplclreea') APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 I. ]Ielct~otsekh l[u~netslco~a ~et~IZurgicheslco~o kom~a~n~ta. (Ku~nets~ lta~ln~l~Knetoe~Lact~lc mach�n~e) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 ClA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 (~ ~0.* 2)' APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 ClA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 A pe~sis~em~ mam. Okhr.~;ru~L ~. 8o~;$.sSrakh. no,,I~tt,8-50 1, Sekreta~' ~Grtkoma ~osuta~stvennoy elek~roteMmichasko� ~Ri~.--~elaphone) (~miua~� A! hygiene) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 Keati~gs ~." vorksb, opl. Iiov,' '7 ne,6.'~l(~-}?' Kr ~l~). (~gm--~Io~,eee ~ repreaam~&~�om tm eanegememt) APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CZA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 ClA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 Iso~t~lene '~ Catal~ic ~e~opoi~rizat!on o~' I~obut- Ste~o~ich a~d(~'. M. Miten~a~at o'~ U, ~b off Chum Physica At ~ess~es l~er th~ 2 ~ ~d at ~e~s of 8~-~8� ~ catal~lc the~opo~riz~;ion of tsobut~dfene takes p~ce at the ~ls ~de of Q~t~), which the~pol~rization ~ ~his case surpasses deeompu. An assumed me_chs~:l~a for the catalytic thermopolym~,rizat�on of isobutadlene at pressures lower than 2~mm is.given, and this meehamtamagrees satisfactorily with th~ facts APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 ClA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C'rA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 OF~g none T["J~ CmOS-section ave~ng[~ tn ~hemat ~g�on gar ~dta ~ntatflt~ ~~ ~PIc TA~ zt~n[~ ~nd, hydride ~~t ~e avenge vatues tn the ~he~[ ~gton ~e~ ca[~lated as a [uncbton off telecom and o~ abso~tion pe~ gLn~le H ~uclaus~ us[~ the msutts obtained by avera~[~ ~e spectra [or tn[thine ho~geous ~dta poisoned by the Absorber. ~ Eo~d tha~ the a~:agad abso~bton c~ss sec:to~ ~o[[~ aX't 1~ and do exceed ZO ba~ in,the [nte~[ g~ 293 to 773�K, Ortg, a=2. hast ~ S~ ~DE~ 01 / S~~t t4 Aug 6S t oRtC ~F~ 003 t iZt539.t?.02 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CTA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 AUTHOR: b~t~e~C~.._~z~... BoT~x.~, Vo S. ~ions ~C ~: rea~or transient, reactor neuron fi~, nuclear reactor c~racteriatic ~CT: ~s is ~m ~b~t~ of ~ger No. ~T/~gT, receive~ ~ the e~tor b~ not ~b~sh~ ~ ~' ~e a~hors sh~ that the ~bi~ c~racteristics reactor, c~ be ob~e~ in ~ch s~ler fashion ~ rep~cei~ h~e m~s ~e chosen ~o ~ro~te %he ~ri~ion o~ the neuron ~e~L%Y w1~n~ t~e L~e~l. ~e ~ele cont~n~ ~he eo~e~~ e~%Loas for ~he ~=~e=~ o~ the e~ie~ ~s ~ ~ eo~iaon of the ~t~ of ~he ~tabi~ re6ion~ fo~ ~f-~ ferent ~er~ of ~~ gr~s ~ for ~ffere~ ~ers. ~e ce~tions ~ere ~e for v~ s~ re~tor m~els ~th cut--tic co~rol ~ for reactors. It is sh~ t~t the beat choice of the ~r~ers of ihe e~ui~e~ ~a sh~ ~nf~ze the 6~iatiom of the c~ea~ndi~ ~ints of the ~tude. g~se c~- riatics. If tMs is done, the c~tet I~tS of the ~bi~tY regio~ ~ be ~cte' - .... ~ts ca~iet ~ith s~ ~ga of de, et n~rO~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CIA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 =tagle eq.uJ:wIez~ gz'oul)'rs u~eect. 0z'/~;. e.z-t,, be~g: ~. /*/ APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 C1'A-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6" "APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CXA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6 A~OR: ?~te~ F. M.; ~~. P. I.; D~s~, V. S. ~: I~ence of gh~ c~ .. I~ on ~he ~r~ieng ~r~e~ses occ~ in a nucl~ ~ ~wer tnst~tfon ~0~CE: Mosc~. Y~henern~fizichemk~y lnstitut. Upravlen~e yader~ ene~geti- che~ki~'Ustan~ (Control of nucte~ power p~ats), no. 1. Moscow~ Ato~t~ ~ 65-71 ~PiC ~: ~cle~ reactor ceo~nt~ reactor transie~ water cooled nucle~ reactor~ nuclear r~ctor control~u~~.~.~~ ~3~CT: ~e a~hors re~ ~ ~estigatiom oF the ~luence of co,~t fl~* om the tr~sieat processes occ~l~ ~n a t~loop nucle~ ste~ generator with a water-water non-boil~ re~tor~ for the ~ose of 'd~e~ q~tative re~tions between the co~espon~ syst~ ~r~eters ~d the ~e~t of flow of the ~q~d (other co~tio~ bei~ eq~). ~e response of th~ ~stem to the fo~owf~ nons~tion~ con~tions was d~e~ned: 1. ~e~ c~ of the r~ctor w~e ~a~ n~l circ~ tion of the coolant in the first loop. 2. Operation of the emergency protection with simultaneous variation of the circulation of the coolant to 1/3 nominal. 3. Jump in reactivit~ durfn~ the self-red, ion mode. 4. JUmlr~ise Luc~easing coolan~ circula-. tion from //3 to nominal. .Plots of the measured ~uanttti?s~. obi;a/nec[ by solving the APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/14/2000 CXA-RDP86-00513R001134710017-6"